Application for GRANT AID (part 1)

Sport has limited funds to assist those with outstanding ability to develop their full sporting potential. The scheme is open to residents of Godalming, including Bramley, , , , Hambledon, , Milford, , and or members of sports clubs in the area. We want to be flexible in our approach to help those who will obtain the most benefit and are held back for financial reasons as well as those who have already achieved some recognised status in their sport. Clubs will be expected to support the application of any individual members. We expect that most requests will come for specialised training (courses and travel costs), for sporting equipment, or other such individual needs. Please complete the following details, adding any additional sheets or information as necessary. PERSONAL DETAILS Title (select one) Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Age

First Names Surname

Address Post Code

Phone No. Day Evening Please confirm that this is your main address.

EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT DETAILS a) If you are currently in full time education, please provide the name and address of school, college, etc and the course you are studying.

Contact Name Phone Number

b) If you are currently in full time employment, please provide details of your job.

*********************************************************************************************** DETAILS OF PURPOSE FOR WHICH YOU ARE SEEKING A GRANT What is your sport or activity?

What have you achieved so far, and what are your ambitions?

Continued overleaf . . . Application for GRANT AID (part 2)


What do you want the grant for?

How much does your sport cost you each year? Please supply brief details.

If you receive sponsorship or other assistance or are applying for any, please provide details.

Please give a contact name and address of any national organisation or governing body for your activity. This organisation may be contacted and requested to provide information regarding your application.

Please give your reasons why you consider that Sport Godalming should offer you Grant Aid:

APPLICATION AND DECLARATION Funds available through the scheme are limited and assistance cannot be guaranteed. Sport Godalming reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions of the scheme at any time without notice. The Grant may depend upon satisfactory references from your club or the national governing body organisation for your activity. Please note that the information provided by yourself and any other party regarding your application will be made available to the Executive committee and Selection panel of Sport Godalming, whose decision will be final. Sport Godalming may wish to publicise the grant unless you notify them to the contrary. I declare that the information given above is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and I understand that any misleading statements made during the application process may render the application invalid and any Grant paid will be returned to Sport Godalming.

Signed (typed name will qualify as signature) Date

Once completed save this form with your name in the file title and return the completed form to Hugh Morgan by email: [email protected] Queries on form completion to Hugh by email please.