Parents of New Rising 6th Graders, Welcome to Providence Day. This is an exciting time for both you and your child, and yet, we realize there is a great deal of information to sort through. This letter will explain the summer reading expectation for your child’s English class. In English, we will spend a good part of the year reading novels to help explore literary elements, practice sound reading skills, and promote clear communication. In the summer, we want your son or daughter to stay attached to reading and novels. This year, with the help of Mrs. Bynum (Head of the MS English Dept), Mrs. May (Middle School Librarian) and the MS Battle of the Books Club, we have compiled a list of what we believe to be a great variety of interesting novels from which your child will select at least one novel to read independently. When classes resume in August, each student will be asked to complete activities in English class related to the novel of their choosing. In addition, we also request that our students not read any of the novels attached to our English curriculum for the coming year. We would like to make sure you can follow along with very specific reading assignments and skills as we work our way through these pieces. It is preferred that we read along with classmates and make discoveries and predictions together. If you have any questions, please reach out to either of us. Have a wonderful summer. We look forward to seeing you in August. Enjoy the reading! Sincerely, Connie Scully
[email protected] Ryan Harper
[email protected] 20162017 Rising 6th Grade Summer Reading Choices Directions: Select one novel from this list to read this summer.