^ ^ 2-/ / r Minister for Education Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Qu»«nsUnd G Dvernm eit Small Business and the Commonwealth Games

Level 22 Education House 1 8 SEP im 30 Mary Street riOOO PO Box 1S033 City East Hon Peter Wellington MR 4002 Auslialia Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Telephone + 6i 7 3719 7530 Email [email protected],au Alice Street SEP 2015 BRISBANE OLD 4000

Dear Mr Speaker,

Re: M r Lawrence Sprlngborg MP; Mr Ray Stevens MP; Dr John McVeigh MP; M r Scott Emerson MP; Ms Tracy Davis MP; Mr MP; Ms Ann Leahy MP; Mr Mark McArdle MP; Mr Rob Molhoek MP; Mr Steve Minnikin MP; Mrs Deb Frecklington MP; Dr Christian Rowan MP; Mr Trevor Watts MP; Dr Mark Robinson MP; and Mr Ian W alker MP.

I \A/ish to draw M r Speaker's attention to a matter of privilege concerning Questions on Notice asked by Mr Lawrence Sprlngborg MP, Mr Ray Stevens MP, Dr John McVeigh MP, Mr Scott Emerson MP, Ms Tracy Davis MP, Mr Tim Mander MP, Ms Ann Leahy MP, M r Mark McArdle MP, Mr Glen Elmes MP, Mr Rob Molhoek MP, M r Steve Minnikin MP, Mrs Deb Frecklington MP, Dr Christian Rowan MP, Mr Trevor Watts MP, Dr Mark Robinson MP and M r Ian Walker MP.

I refer specifically to the Questions on Notice the Members of the Opposition asked on 6 May 2015,19 to 20 May 2015 (inclusive), 2 to 4 June 2015 (Inclusive) and 3 July 2015, including 142, 208, 348, 350, 371, 374, 386, 387,398, 417, 439, 445, 449, 451, 452, 463 and 497.

These Questions on Notice include a pro-forma preamble referring to commitments made by members of the former Liberal National Party (LNP) Government during the election campaign in the lead up to the 2015 election. I have enclosed copies of the questions for your reference.

For example, in Question on Notice 463, the Member for Mermaid Beach, Mr Ray Stevens asked:

'W ith reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocotion of $500,000 made to deliver new play equipment, improved playgrounds and sports field ot the New Farm State School in the Brisbane Central Electorate (funding not contingent on the Strong Choices program) -

Will this allocation proceed under the Labor Government?"

Mr Speaker, I submit that in asking these Questions on Notice to which I refer, the Members of the Opposition deliberately misled the House and are in contempt of the Parliament, in breach of Standing Order 266 of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly (Standing Orders). There are three elements to be proven In order to establish that a Member has committed the contempt of deliberately misleading the House: 1. The statement must have been misleading; 2. The Member making the statement must have known, at the time the statement was made, that it was incorrect; and 3. In making the statement, the Member intended to mislead the House.

Section 37 of the Parlioment o f Queensland Act 2001 sets out the meaning of contempt of the Assem bly as: 1. C o n te m p tof the Assembly means a breach or disobedience of the powers, rights or immunities, or a contempt, of the Assembly or its Members or committees. 2. Conduct, including words, is not a contempt of the Assembly unless it amounts, or is intended or likely to amount to an improper interference with a. The free exercise by the Assembly or a committee of its authority or functions; o r b. The free performance by a Member of the Member's duties as a Member.

Standing Order 266 of the Standing Orders sets out examples of what might constitute a contempt of the Parliament and, while not limiting the power of the House to the matters contained therein, includes a reference in sub-paragraph (2) to:

Deliberately misleading the House or a committee (by way of submission, statement, evidence or petition);

I submit that the Questions on Notice can be considered "submissions" or "statements" as they are contained in the official record of Parliament.

As outlined above, there are three elements to be proven in order to establish that a Member has committed the contempt of deliberately misleading the House. I will address each of these in turn.

1. The statement must have been misleading

The Questions on Notice referred to herein, contained a preamble stating the projects were "fully funded and costed allocations" that were "not contingent on the Strong Choices program".

M r Speaker, I refer you to the attached copies of these questions for the individual allocations referred to therein.

These statements, stated as fact in a preamble to each of the Questions on Notice, are false and misleading. I have sought advice from the Department of Education and Training for each of these Questions on Notice and my office has been advised that none of these projects were funded or costed by the former LNP Government, nor were they included in the forward estim ates. I believe that the Members of the Opposition, particularly those Members who formed part of the former Newman Government Cabinet and therefore privy to government budget decision making documents, have deliberately misled the House by stating these allocations were “fu lly funded and costed" and “not contingent on the Strong Choices program".

In addition to the advice I received from the department, it is my understanding these proposed allocations were announced during the election period and were conditional on the re-election of the local Liberal National Party candidates, contrary to the statement that these projects w ere "not contingent on the Strong Choices Program." I {enclo'^i herewith copies of articles and social media posts evidencing the election promises referred to in the Questions on Notice contained herein. For ease of reference, I have attached the articles and social media posts to the relevant Question on Notice and marked them as exhibits at the relevant section of this submission.

Mr Speaker, the statements contained in the Questions on Notice referred to herein, are contrary to the information provided by the Department of Education and Training, They are clearly false and misleading. It is my submission the first element is satisfied.

2. The Member making the statement must have known, at the time the statement was made, that It was Incorrect

Mr Speaker, having established the first element, I now turn to the question of whether the Members making the statement must have known, at the time the statement was made, that it was incorrect.

M r Speaker, the following Members were part of the Cabinet of the former LNP Government: • M r MP, Member for Southern Downs; • Mr Tim Mander MP, Member for Everton; • Dr John McVeigh MP, Member for Toowoomba South; • Mr Scott Emerson MP, Member for Indooroopilly; • Ms Tracy Davis MP, Member for Aspley; • Mr Mark McArdle MP, Member for Caloundra; and • Mr Ian Walker MP, Member for Mansfield.

The Members would have been aware that the expenditure referred to in the Questions on Notice would have required approval either of Cabinet, or of the Cabinet Budget Review Committee. Further, these Members approved a State Budget for the 2014/15 financial year that did not include any of the expenditure referred to in the Questions on Notice.

The Queensland Cabinet Handbook provides at page 2: Ministers should ensure there is no announcement of policy initiatives or expenditure commitments which have not been given Cabinet authority or, where appropriate. Governor in Council approval. These Members would have been aware the commitments referred to in the Questions on Notice were not funded or costed in the State Budget in the 2014/15 financial year and that they were contingent on their re-election of the Newman Government in January, therefore being contingent on the Strong Choices program.

Given 16 Members of the Opposition asked pro forma Questions on Notice about the fully funded and costed allocations not contingent on the Strong Choices program, I submit that it could be reasonably inferred that it was centrally coordinated by the Member for Southern Downs, the Leader of the Opposition.

The Member for Southern Downs has been a Member of Parliament for 25 years and would be aware of his paramount duty to the Parliament to ensure any representations made are factually accurate and any scheme or strategy is not designed to mislead the Parliament and the Queensland public.

Further, it is my submission that all Members of the Parliament have a responsibility to ensure statements on the official record, including Questions on Notice, are accurate.

The Parliamentary Code of Ethical Standards at - Deliberately misleading the House, states:

Members may sometimes make incorrect or misleading statements in the House without actually intending to mislead the House. Recklessness by a Member resulting in incorrect or misleading statements to the House is in itself a serious matter. Members hove a duty to correct the official record in the House os soon as it becomes apparent their statements were incorrect or could be misleading.

This implies Members have a duty to ensure the statements are accurate in the first instance. As I have stated above, my office has received information from the Department of Education and Training that none of the allocations or proposed projects referred to in the Questions on Notice were funded or costed, I am also aware these projects were contingent on the former LNP Government being elected, therefore contingent on the Strong Choices Program.

In the alternative, the Members were reckless in making the statements, resulting in incorrect or misleading statements to the House.

In a number of the following instances, Members have asked Questions on Notice after my office had responded to other Questions on Notice of the same nature. The answers my office provided from 5 June 2015 onwards, should have put the Members on notice that the information being used in their pro forma preamble was inaccurate. As stated above, the Code of Ethical Standards states;

Members have a duty to correct the official record in the House os soon os it becomes apparent their statements were incorrect or could be misleading. It is my submission the Members knew in the first instance that the statement was incorrect and misleading, however, even if those Members were to argue that they did not know the statement was incorrect prior to 5 June 2015, they were in possession of that fact after 5 June 2015,

To assist the Speaker, I will now turn to each Question of Notice placed by Members of the Opposition and the media and social media evidence available publicly, establishing the second element of the offence for each Member in that they knew at the time the statement was made, it was incorrect.

The overarching discourse of the 2015 LNP Queensland Election campaign was the Strong Choices platform, led by the former Premier . On 24 January 2015, ABC News reported in an article entitled, “Queenslond election 2015; Campbell Newman will not guarantee projects if LNP members not elected."

"Campbell Newman says he cannot guarantee the Liberal National Party's big spending promises, even those with bipartisan support, if the party wins government but not the seat a project is in."

This was the theme of the LNP campaign in the lead up to the election on 31 January 2015. The former Ministers, Members and Candidates were aware of the Strong Choices policy platform and were aware that election promises were dependent on the election of an LNP candidate as Member. I [enclosel herewith a copy of the article, marked as "Exhibit A",

Lawrence Springborg MP, Member for Southern Downs, Leader of the Opposition

QON142 (Exhibit B) On 6 May 2015, M r Springborg asked: "W ith reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $150,000 fo r upgrades to the Kuranda District State College to provide on enclosed, weatherproof outdoor facility in the Barron River Electorate (funding not contingent on the "Strong Choices" program) - Will the Minister advise if the allocation will proceed under the State Labor Government?"

On 26 January 2015, the Brisbane Times reported in an article entitled "Queensland State Election: LNP carrots target schools, sports groups": "....while Michael Trout is hoping a new m ultipurpose area fo r Kuranda District State College students will keep the seat of Barron River."

Michael Trout is the former Member for Barron River. This article evidences that five days before the election, the former Member was "hoping" that a new multipurpose area would hold his seat.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed-1 refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates Mr Springborg, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Mr Springborg has been reckless in his representations.

QON 445 (Exhibit C) On 3 July 2015, Mr Springborg asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government’s fully funded and costed allocation of $1,000,000 made towards Cairns State High School High Performance Centre in the Cairns Electorate (funding not contingent on the Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under the Labor Government?"

On 15 January 2015, the Cairns Post reported in an article entitled "Northern Pride bolsters LNP promise to build sports centre in Cairns" that the former Cairns MP Gavin King confirmed $1 million if he was re-elected on January 31 to build the facility at Cairns State High School.

This article evidences as at 15 January 2015, that the former Member for Cairns was promising to build the sporting facility, if he was re-elected, therefore contingent on the LNP platform of Strong Choices.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates Mr Springborg, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Mr Springborg has been reckless in his representations.

Further, the Member for Southern Downs would have had the opportunity to view the answers provided by my office to other Questions on Notice submitted by Members of the Opposition with this pro forma preamble, as well as tfie answer lu his own Question on Notice submitted in May. The answer to Question on Notice No. 142 he submitted on 6 May 2015 was tabled on 5 June 2015 - 2 days after his second Question on Notice.

I submit that the Member for Southern Downs was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading. As Leader of the Opposition, the Member further had an obligation to inform other Members of the Opposition that further questions of this nature would be inaccurate and misleading, in dereliction of their obligation to Parliament.

In addition, 1 submit the Member for Southern Downs was reckless, for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading. in support of the second element of the offence of contempt of Parliament, I note Mr Springborg was a Cabinet member of the former Newman Government and was privy to funding approvals of Cabinet and the State Budget. The Member for Southern Downs was aware this expenditure was not approved by the former Government and therefore, was not fully funded or costed and was contingent on the Strong Choices platform, as per the reports in the Cairns Post and the Brisbane Times.

M r Tim Mander MP, Member for Everton

QON 449 (Exhibit D) On 2 June 2015, M r Mander asked; "W ith reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $3,000,000 made to construct a new multipurpose hall at Enoggera State School in the Ashgrove electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) ~ Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 11 January 2015, the Brisbane Times reported in an article entitled, "Queensland Election: Ashgrove Election Plan gets $18 million: "A further $3 million is promised to Enoggera State School for Its school hall..."

This article evidences as at 11 January 2015, that the former Premier was promising to fund the building of a hail at Enoggera State School. As the former Premier stated in media, promises were contingent on the re-election of LNP members, therefore contingent on the Strong Choices program .

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as E xhibit T.

This demonstrates M r Mander, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Mr Mander has been reckless in his representations. QON 348 (Exhibit £} On 2 June 2015, M r Mander also asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $150,000 to put down a bitumen surface ot Gravely State School car park in the Ferny Grove Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 29 January 2015, the former Member for Ferny Grove Dale Shuttleworth posted on his facebook page:

"If re-elected on January 31^'-1 am committed to giving our schools on even bigger boost by fixing the dangerous stage area at Patricks Road State School, left by the previous Labor Government, fixing the dangerous and neglected cor park ot Grovely State School and improving the resources of our local school dental program."

This social media post evidences as at 29 January 2015, two days before the election, that the former Member for Ferny Grove promised to fix the stage at Patricks Road State School - if he was re-elected, therefore being contingent on the LNP platform of Strong Choices,

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No, 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which i have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates M r Mander, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Mr Mander has been reckless in his representations.

I submit that the Member for Everton was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Everton was reckless for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

In support of the second element of the offence of contempt of Parliament, I note Mr Mander was a Cabinet member of the former Newman Government and was privy to funding approvals of Cabinet and State the Budget. The Member for Everton was aware this expenditure was not approved by the former Government and therefore, was not fully funded or costed and was contingent on the Strong Choices platform, as per the report in the Brisbane Times and the post on the Mr Shuttleworth's facebook page. Dr John McVeigh MP, Member for Toowoomba South

QON 497 (Exhibit F) On 4 June 2015, Dr McVeigh asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $150,000 made towards providing new toilet facilities fo r the students at the Algester State School in the Algester Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 28 January 2015, the Southern Star - Springwood reported in an article entitled ‘‘Pledges focus on schools":

"Students at Algester State School could benefit from a $150,000 upgrade of their toilet facilities if Algester state LNP MP Anthony Shorten is re-elected on Saturday."

This article evidences as at 28 January 2015, three days before the election, that the former Member for Algester was promising $150,000 if he was re-elected, hence contingent on the LNP platform of Strong Choices.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed.

This demonstrates Dr McVeigh, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Dr McVeigh has been reckless in his representations.

I submit that the Member for Toowoomba South was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Toowoomba South was reckless for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

In support of the second element of the offence of contempt of Parliament, I note Dr McVeigh was a Cabinet member of the former Newman Government and was privy to funding approvals of Cabinet and the State Budget. The Member forTuowoomba South was aware this expenditure was not approved by the former Government and therefore, was not fully funded or costed and was contingent on the Strong Choices platform, as per the report in the Southern Star - Springwood. M r Ian Walker MP, Member for Mansfield______|

QON 417 (Exhibit G) On 3 June 2015, Mr Walker asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $5,000,000 mode to fund a new hall at Kelvin Grove State High School in the Brisbane Central Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this aiiocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 15 January 2015, the form er Member for Brisbane Central, Robert Cavallucci tweeted:

"Kelvin Grove SS to get new indoor sports centre as part o f my local plan, 20 new classrooms already delivered ttqldpol"

In the tweet, there is a link to a media release on Mr Cavaliucci's website, which no longer exists: http://www.robertcavalluccl.com.au/2015/01/kelvin-grove-state-college-to-get-5-5-m-sports- hall-under-lnp/

From the link it can be inferred the release was titled "Kelvin Grove State College to get 5.5m sports hall under LNP."

This social media post evidences as at 15 January 2015, the form er Member for Brisbane Central was promising to build the sports hall, as part of his local plan - Implying his plan for the electorate if he was re-elected, hence contingent on the LNP platform of Strong Choices.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates M r Walker, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading,

In addition, I submit Mr Walker has been reckless in his representations.

1 submit that the Member for Mansfield was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Mansfield was reckless for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

1 0 [n support of the second element of the offence of contempt of Parliament, I note Mr Walker was a Cabinet member of the former Newman Government and was privy to funding approvals of Cabinet and the State Budget. The Member for Mansfield was aware this expenditure was not approved by the former Government and therefore, was not fully funded or costed and was contingent on the Strong Choices platform, as per Mr Cavaliucci's social media post.

|~Mr Scott Emerson MP, Member for IndooroopiHy

QON 452 (Exhibit H} On 3 June 2015, M r Emerson asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of up to $20,000 made to refresh the much loved graffiti mural wall at Petrie Terrace State School in the Mount Coot-tha Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) ~ Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

In the Petrie Terrace State School eNewsletter dated 4 June 2015, the Principal's Message Included:

"It is with great excitement that I announce that our Dowse St mural will be commencing soon. Funding has been secured fo r this to go ahead."

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capita! Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

In fact, the funding was secured by the current Member for Mount Coot-tha, Dr Steven Miles MP.

This demonstrates M r Emerson, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific aiiocation, must have known that the statement was faise and misleading.

In addition, I submit M r Emerson has been reckless in his representations.

I submit that the Member for Indooroopilly was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, If not earlier that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Indooroopilly was reckless for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

11 In support of the second element of the offence of contempt of Parliament, I note Mr Emerson was a Cabinet member of the former Newman Government and was privy to funding approvals of Cabinet and the State Budget. The Member for Indooroopilly was aware this expenditure was not approved by the former Government and therefore, was not fully funded or costed and was contingent on the Strong Choices platform, as per the Petrie State School eNewsletter.

I Ms Tracy Davis MP, Member for Aspley ______

QON 451 {Exhibit I) On 3 July 2015, Ms Davis asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $860,000 made to upgrade Patricks Road State School hall in the Ferny Grove electorate (funding not contingent on the Strong Choices program) - Will this allocotion proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 29 January 2015, the form er Member for Ferny Grove Dale Shuttleworth posted on his facebook page:

"If re-elected on January I am committed to giving our schools an even bigger boost by fixing the dangerous stage area at Patricks Road State School, left by the previous Labor Government, fixing the dangerous and neglected car park at Grovely State School and improving the resources of our local school dental program."

This social media post evidences as at 29 January 2015, two days before the election, that the former Member for Ferny Grove promised to fix the car park at Grovely State School- if he was re-elected, therefore being contingent on the LNP platform of Strong Choices.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates Ms Davis, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Ms Davis has been reckless in her representations.

I submit that the Member for Aspley was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Aspley was reckless for if she had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil her obligation to Parliament, she would have been aware the representations she made were false and misleading.

12 In support of the second element of the offence of contempt of Parliament, I note Ms Davis \A /as a Cabinet member of the former Newman Government and was privy to funding approvals of Cabinet and the State Budget. The Member for Aspley was aware this expenditure was not approved by the former Government and therefore, was not fully funded or costed and was contingent on the Strong Choices platform, as per the social media post on Mr Shuttleworth's facebook page.

Dr Christian Rowan MP, Member for Moggill

QON 386 (Exhibit J) On 4 June 2015, Dr Rowan asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of up to $300,000 mode between the Department of Education and Training and Department of Transport and Main Roads to deliver a new drop off car pork at the Bordon State School in the M t Coot-tha Central Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 21 February 2015, Ally Bennett of the Bardon State School P&C Association posted the following on the Bardon P&C Association blog:

“ The Bardon State School P&C Association would like to thank Hon. Saxon Rice fo r her commitment, participation and support of our school in the past 3 years. She wos instrumental in securing our $300,000 to upgrade our lower carpark and oval and also installed the flashing school zone signs to promote safe driving and awareness of people walking in the areas around the school."

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

Further, it would appear the former Member for Mount Coot-tha represented to the school that she had secured the funding required-which is not accurate.

This demonstrates Dr Rowan, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Dr Rowan has been reckless in his representations.

I submit that the Member for Moggill was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

13 In addition, I submit the Member for Moggill was reckless for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

Dr Mark Robinson MP, jVlember for Cleveland ______J

QON 374 (Exhibit K) On 2 June 2015, Dr Robinson asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $400,000 mode to upgrade the sporting fields at Alexandra Hills State High School in the Capaloba Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 18 December 2014, the Redland City Bulletin reported in an article entitled "Bronco Jharal Yow Yeh kicks o ff league at Alex Hills"'.

"He visited the school Capaloba MP Steve Davies hopes to transform into the best school in the state.

M r Davies ivos with the form er Bronco, now a sport development officer, when he announced plans to allocate $400,000 to upgrade the school's league facilities if he wins ot next year's state election.

M r Davies said the money would be spent on new toilets, change rooms, upgrading the playing field and training lights fo r night sessions.

If re- elected, M r Davies also promised a further $400,000 in the following year to kick the school o ff to a good start os one o f the best league training grounds on the south side."

This article evidences as at 18 December 2014, that the former Member for Capalaba was promising $400,000 if he was re-elected, hence contingent on the LNP platform of Strong Choices.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates Dr Robinson, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Dr Robinson has been reckless In his representations.

14 I submit that the Member for Cleveland was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Cleveland was reckless for If he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

M r Rob Molhoek MP, Member for Southport

QON 398 (Exhibit L) On 2 June 2015, M r Molhoek asked: "W ith reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and cosfed allocation of $150,000 mode to install new lighting at Stretton State School (sic) in the Stretton Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 28 January 2015, the Southern Star-Springwood reported in an article entitled "Pledges focus on schools": "Meanwhile, Stretton state LNP MP Freya Ostapovitch said she would push for new lighting at Stretton State College's football field if she won a second term ."

This article evidences as at 28 January 2015, three days before the election, that the former Member for Stretton was promising to "push for new lighting" if she was re-elected - contrary to the assertion made by the Member for Southport that the allocation was fully funded and costed.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed, it is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates M r Molhoek, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit M r Molhoek has been reckless in his representations.

I submit that the Member for Southport was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier, that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading. In addition, I submit the Member for Southport was reckless for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

M r Steve Minnikin MP, Member for Chatsworth

QON 208 (Exhibit M ) On 19 May 2015, Mr Minnikin asked: "W ith reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $5m made towards a new multi-purpose hall ot Cavendish Road State High School In the Greenslopes Electorate (funding not contingent on the Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under the Labor Government?"

On 21 January 2015, the South East Advertiser reported in an article entitled "MP's pledge fo r $5m school hall":

"Liberal Greenslopes MP Ian Kaye pledged $5m fo r a new school at Cavendish Road State High School If re-elected. He made the announcement with Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek last week, saying a state of the art facility would accommodate a range of activities."

This article evidences as at 21 January 2015, ten days before the election, that the former Member for Greenslopes promised $5 million if he was re-elected - contrary to the assertion made by the Member for Chatsworth that the aiiocation was fully funded and costed.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

QON 371 (Exhibit N) On 2 June 2015, Mr Minnikin asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $40,000 made towards upgrading the playground at Coorparoo State School in the Greenslopes Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) ~ Will this allocotion proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 30 January 2015, the day before the election, the former Greenslopes Member Ian Kaye posted on his facebook page:

"My plan fo r Greenslopes should I be re-elected tomorrow is:

16 strengthen the QLD economy to ensure job creation and opportunities fo r oil Queenslanders and provide first class health and education services. You can't hove strong services without a strong economy.

Some of what I will deliver locally in the next term for Greenslopes: • A new hall fo r Cavendish Road State High School. • Upgraded lighting on the ovals at Coorparoo Juniors AFL and Coorparoo Secondary College. • Assistance to the Canossa Kindergarten fo r new playground equipment following their recent loss. • Replacement of aging playground equipment at Coorparoo Primary School."

This social media post evidences as at 30 January 2015, the day before the election, that the former Member for Greenslopes promised the replacement of playground equipment at Coorparoo Primary School during his next term - if he was re-elected. He also states that "you can't have strong services without a strong economy", implying the commitments are contingent on the Strong Choices platform.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates Mr Minnikin, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament questions regarding specific allocations, must have known that the statements were faise and misleading.

In addition, I submit M r Minnikin has been reckless in his representations.

I submit that the Member for Chatsworth was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier, that the statements regarding allocations being fully funded and costed were inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Chatsworth was reckless for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

[ Mrs Deb Frecklington^ M em ber for Nanango

QON 350 (Exhibit O) On 2 June 2015, Mrs Frecklington asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $285,000 mode to build a new school hall at Bray Pork State High School in the Pine Rivers Electorate

17 (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 15 January 2015, the Pine Rivers Press reported in an article entitled, "Schools centre of election pledges":

"Sitting LNP M P for Pine Rivers Sean Holswich was due to announce today a $2.85 million renovation o f the school hall at Bray Park State High School if he and the LNP are returned.

'If I am re-elected as part o f an LNP Government, / will deliver this new and improved hall fo r the Dray Pork High School community', M r Holswich said."

This article evidences as at 15 January 2015, mere weeks before the election, that the former Member for Pine Rivers was promising to deliver a new and improved hall for Bray Park State High School if he was re-elected - contrary to the assertion made by the Member for Nanango that the allocation was fully funded and costed.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates Mrs frecklington, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, 1 submit Mrs Frecklington has been reckless in her representations.

i submit that the Member for Nanango was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier, that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, i submit the Member for Nanango was reckless for if she had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil her obligation to Parliament, she would have been aware the representations she made were false and misleading.

Ms Ann Leahy MP^ Member for Warrego

QON 439 (Exhibit P) On 2 June 2015, Ms Leahy asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $250,000 to install air conditioning in the Northern Beaches State School's main hali in the Thuringowa Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

18 On 23 January 2015, a media release on Mr Andrew Cripps' MP website entitled, "LNP Delivers fo r Northern Beaches Community" reports:

"Member for Thuringowa Sam Cox has been delivering important school and safety upgrades with the announcement of air-conditioning o f the Northern Beaches SHS school hall and a pedestrian crossing on Veales Rood.

Air-conditioning the school hall will provide a facility that is better suited to our climate, not just fo r students hut fo r everyone in the Northern Beaches area."

This media release evidences as at 23 January 2015, a week before the election, that the former Member for Thuringowa was planning to deliver air conditioning of the Northern Beaches State High School and does not assert that the planned air conditioning was funded or costed - merely that he planned to deliver It.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit I .

This demonstrates Ms Leahy, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Ms Leahy has been reckless in her representations.

I submit that the Member for Warrego was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier, that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

in addition, I submit the Member for Warrego was reckless for if she had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil her obligation to Parliament, she would have been aware the representations she made were false and misleading.

M r Ray Stevens MP, Member for Mermaid Beach

QON 463 (Exhibit Q) On 4 June 2015, Mr Stevens asked: "W ith reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $500,000 made to deliver new ploy equipment, improved playgrounds and sports field ot the New Farm State School in the Brisbane Central Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

On 15 January 2015, the former Member for Brisbane Central Mr Robert Cavallucci tweeted:

19 "Part 2 o f my local plan (a)Windsor_SS & New Farm SS split $1M delivering stage 1 of 20 year Masterplon ffqidpo! ffqidvotes"

There is a link to a media release on Mr Cavaliucci's website, which no longer exists: http://www.robertcavallucci.com.au/2015/01/windsor-and-new-farm-state-schools-receive-l- m-in-funding-for-stage-l-of-their-master-plans

From the link it can be Inferred the release was titled "Windsor and New Farm state schools receive $ lm in funding for stage 1 of their master plans."

This social media post evidences as at 15 January 2015 that the former Member for Brisbane Central was promising to provide a share of $1 million in funds to New Farm State School - implying the funding would be received if he was re-elected, hence contingent on the LNP platform of Strong Choices.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It is also a m atter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which I have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates Mr Stevens, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit Mr Stevens has been reckless in his representations.

I submit that the Member for Mermaid Beach was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier, that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Mermaid Beach was reckless for if he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading.

Mr Trevor Watts MP, Member for Toowoomba l^rth______^

QON 387 (Exhibit R) On 2 June 2015, M r Watts asked: "With reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of $100,000 fo r flood mitigation activities at Brassoll State School in the Ipswich West Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) - Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?"

20 On 29 January 2015, the former Member for Ipswich West, M r Sean Choat posted on his facebook page:

"My 5 point action plan fo r Ipswich West will see $100,000 in funding specifically fo r flood m itigation works at Brassoll State Primary School. I’ve had Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek in the electorate and he has seen himself the impact on the school community. l^lpswichWest WoteforChoat ffstrongerqid"

This social media post evidences as at 29 January 2015, two days before the election, that the former Member for Ipswich West promised $100,000 to Brassall State School for flood mitigation works as part of his five point plan for Ipswich West, implying the funding would be available on his election.

The Department of Education and Training has advised this allocation was not funded or costed. It Is also a matter of public record that it was not in the 2014-15 State Budget and therefore, not fully funded or costed. I refer you to the State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 tabled in the Queensland Parliament on 3 June 2014 which 1 have attached and marked as Exhibit T.

This demonstrates Mr Watts, having decided to place on the official record of Parliament a question regarding this specific allocation, must have known that the statement was false and misleading.

In addition, I submit M r Watts has been reckless in his representations.

1 submit that the Member for Toowoomba North was aware, at least by 5 June 2015, if not earlier, that the statement regarding allocations being fully funded and costed was inaccurate and misleading.

In addition, I submit the Member for Toowoomba North was reckless for If he had performed the requisite due diligence to fulfil his obligation to Parliament, he would have been aware the representations he made were false and misleading. Mr Speaker, 1 submit the second element is established and the Members knew at the time the statement was made, it was Incorrect.

3. In making the statement, the Member Intended to mislead the House

Mr Speaker, by allowing the false and misleading statement in the Questions on Notice to remain on the official record, the Members have indicated they do not intend to ensure their statements to the House are accurate and have also demonstrated that they intend and continue to mislead the House.

The Member for Toowoomba North, Mr Trevor Watts MP, has issued media citing the Question on Notice in support of his claim that had the LNP won the state election, the hall at Toowoomba State High School would have been built. M r Watts is intentionally and deliberately misleading the Parliament and the public, as the media in question is subsequent to

21 the answer tabled to his Question on Notice - advising that the hall was not funded or costed. I lenciosej herewith a copy of the article for your reference, marked "Exhibit S".

The first Question on Notice with this pro forma preamble was submitted on 6 May 2015 and answered by my office on 5 June 2015. I refer you to the Question on Notice no. 142, in which my office advises Mr Lawrence Springborg MP, Member for Southern Downs and the Leader of the Opposition, that there was no commitment of funding, neither was the allocation costed.

This answer put all Members of the Opposition on notice that the preamble being used in a pro forma fashion, was incorrect and misleading, yet the subsequent Questions on Notice submitted continued to use the same preamble.

Further, Standing Order 115 of the Standing Orders sets out the rules for questions, which include:

{bj Questions shall not contain: (i) lengthy or subjective preambles; (ii) arguments; (Hi) inferences: (iv) imputations;

I submit that all the Questions on Notice referred to herein, contain lengthy or subjective preambles, infer and impute the proposed projects or allocations were fully funded, costed and not contingent on the Strong Choices program - which is false and misleading. M r Speaker, I am confident this submission provides sufficient information to establish the Members of Parliament referred to herein, have made statements to the House that are misleading, knew them to be incorrect and that, in so doing. Intended to mislead the House.

It Is my submission, M r Speaker, that you would be satisfied that the Members of Parliament are in breach of Standing Order 115 and 266 of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly, and are In contempt of Parliament. I also submit the Members are in breach of section of the Code of Ethical Standards of the Legislative Assembly and are in contempt of Parliament.

I therefore ask, Mr Speaker, that you refer this matter to the Ethics Committee for its consideration of whether the Members of Parliament are in breach of the Standing Orders and Code o f Cond>]Ct.

Yours sincere

% Hdfi Kate Jo 'n ^vlP Minister fgii^ducation M inist^i^or Tourism, M ajor Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games Member for Ashgrove

22 Table of Exhibits

Exhibit Ijte m A "Queensland election 2015: Campbell Newman wilt not guarantee projects if LNP members not elected", ABC News, 24 January 2015 Q.uestion on Notice No. 142 dated 5 May 2015 "Queensland State Election: LNP carrots target schools, sports groups", Brisbane Times, 26 January 2015 ______Question on Notice No. 445 dated 3 July 2015 "Northern Pride bolsters LNP promise to build sports centre in Cairns", Cairns Post, 15 January 2015 Question on Notice No. 449 dated 2 June 2015 "Queensland Election: Ashgrove Election Plan gets $18 million", Brisbane Times, 11 January 2015 Question on Notice No, 348 dated 2 June 2015 Facebook post from Dai^Shuttieworth's page dated 29 January_2015_ _ Question on Notice No, 497 dated 4 June 2015 "Pledges focus o^schoojs", Sojjthern_Star - Springwood, 28 January 2 0 1 5 ____ Question on Notice No, 417 dated 3 June 2015 Tweet from Robert CavallucciCs TwitterJ_eed ^tedJ^S January_2Q15_ Question on Notice No. 452 dated 3 June 2015 Petrie Terrace State School eNeVx/sletter dated 4 June 2 0 1 5 ______Question on Notice No, 451 dated 3 July 2015 Face^ok p<^t fromDale ^huttleworth^s pag^date^29 January_2015 J Question on Notice No. 385 dated 4 June 2015 Po st on B a r ^ n State School P&C Association Blog d^ted ^ February ^015 _ K Question on Notice No, 374 dated 2 June 2015 "Bronco Jhoral Yaw Yeh kicks o ff league at Alex Hills", Redland City Bulletin, 18 D e ce m b e r 2014 ______L Question on Notice No. 398 dated 2 June 2015 "Pledges focus onjchoqls", Southern_Star - Springwood, 28 January 2015 M Question on Notice No, 208 dated 19 May 2015 "MP's pledge fo r SSrn school hall", South East Advertiser, 21 January 2015 N Question on Notice No. 371 dated 2 June 2015 Facebook post from Ian Kaye’s page dated 30 January 2015 0 Question on Notice No. 350 dated 2 June 2015 "Schools centre of election pledges", Pine Rivers Press, 15 January 2_015 P Question on Notice No. 439 dated 2 June 2015 "LNP Delivers fo r Northern Beaches Community", Andrew Cripps MR Website, 23 January 2015 _ Q Question on Notice No, 463 dated 4 June 2015 | Tweet from Robert Cavallucci's Twitter feed dated 15 January 2015 _ __ _ j R Question on Notice No. 387 dated 2 June 2015 j Facebook post from Sean Choat's page dated 29 January 2015 _ _ j S "MP campaigns for hall at Wilsonton High", High_Country Herald_^ 28 July 2015 | T State Budget 2014-15 Capital Statement Budget Paper No. 3 I

23 ‘vI'"'' V -V.

Queensland tdertion 2015; Campbell Nev^/man will not guarantee prjjects if LNP members not elected

Ry F t.c I'jn.’ r-k anci sUi;:

Upd^ved Sat 24 Jan 20 >5 ? :5 3 o c ;

Campbell Newman says he eanr,ot guarantee the .ibera! National Party'i; big spending promises, even those v/itti bipartisan support, if the party wins governrnont but not the seat a project Is in.

The Oueensiand I'-^reiTiieiCi ccinment.5 carr.e as the iaiesi Nevvs[jGi; stn vay L'howad a sv.^ina of up to 13 pet ceitt against the LN}^ in uiree key seais across the staie.

S[:.ieaL'ir]y in ToovvcoiPha- Ibis ■Tiu'.niric, I'/lr .'C-o.vmrnn .said ciectcmTes iiia t (iid ;■(;! voto in an L.ciP inetnber no; pet d-.e infrastnicliii'b the pafi.y had prcinised.

! :•- said that even applied to coniurunilios w iieie [trojccts have bipartisan support, rmcL; as Tov/nsvilie's nc j > sLacHur;!,

:n December, OueonsLynd uabor pioniis.tci io commit S1C0 ritiilicjn tor the sCadium !ifo iT n sd goveinrcent in 201o, vvhdo il'-.e LNP ihis month oro'Cised to put up to S150 million ;ovva''ds a new slaomm a.c' rolail precinct. ivir Newman said aithough he couiu not pcemiviee ovety cOir':r,il’Ti;eh. cve-’y el.pctori-te m Q-joensiand vaou Ic! ge': its hut share ot supoort ir the LNP •' /as rc-cic.clod,

’VVe car;'t m ake cnm ndanonts, oi coum o '.ve caiVt. rror can v/e bind iiie fiands of yomeone fccrr! Ilte o tic r .side of dko political fence if tre y becam e l.hn 'ocn; nn?;Tir>e;' and that'?, ou, point," ;Vl. NC'.v nan s.eicl.

' You only get these things ;l you have strong ropreserVirJon from an LN!- m em ber "

Mr MevurKin said ir-.frastiuctuiS:, fui'diivg '.vas a ’‘mnttoi cl piioritios".

"b.ve:Q electoral-:- :n Oucenol'-nc;, • will sav this, shouid oet its fair siiarc ar;.f 'hoy w;i: gel their iaii shriio," he said.

"Tne priorities wo arc outlining, .lie after dadved dom thu ;0 y;.;;'i's rd listening and ccnsi .taboi i, are inings ibat v/c ooiievc arc ihc h^st proiccis cr iniiickves io iake r conimimity foiward ?nd o:' ly the LNP te-mi can ddivcr Incm."

'A’h;le in Toov.'-oomimn. .Mr N.rwrnnn pledged lo create 2.000 nev/ jt)b3 ;n •m-ailh c.nd con st!uctie r'm iiie :-;;rion over U:o

next ttv.-.ee to foLti' years.

Opposition {.eader Aenas.ecie .■L'uaszcvuk satd voiem "ca:'!;tul guarufftc-e any or idr NeWiTiauN piomlsos'',

' '-id. siill can't say whclL;-;." h

Newspo!! reveals ':3 per sent seing 3cair;s; ^..NP

Meaiwvhi:.';, thr* ioiesl l':avsS!.Hill suivu.y has shov.-r-. a swing of up to 13 i.)ei con.l ogainm ihO' Li':'-' ■.,■ ; ciectonT.e.i cc CaL'us. in the far norh. ipswich VVecl, ,0km oulside of Drisbans, ohci Kppcel. near Rockna'cpfom

: h.;; ,;cil of 308 voters. pubLsbec m today c Austraiian newspaper, was tcke i carA.r this week.

!' found ilu;l in these .hiee seais. LahoLs fruma.y vow had junipeci 10 points ic per cenf, with ii'c vofe collapsing more ihan eigs'.i pjin-.s to 4 ? 3 oe.-r c-.-.n.i.

Gfi a two-party pro'un'cci basis, ‘rj.d Jie IN!-' 56 per r'oi

iv the support refaalned unchongt u uati! oiection d'A'- ipsw;oh t/Vesr neid on a maigiii of 7.2 per ceai' ano KeppoL held on C.4 (le r cent, v-zouig r.l iio .rt cdfUdi'^y !<■:io t.abor, the Au2,lis tlan aairi. C a:i;is, on 8.9 pnr cc:v:, s.vciild bn a (igiit contesi.

F ofly six pel bOJi! of people ooid fvis Palaszczok would make Ihe belter premier, oornpared lo Mr Newrnan, 'who polled 35 per cent.

VVi’ en asked about Mr Newman's pc:1orn;arice as Profinet, GO per cont said they v/ere dissatisiiad and 32 per cenl were .satisfied.

The tnaximum nsargin of sampling error on llie Nywspoll is plus or minus 4 percenlagcr points.

Lnbor pledges $6 rnillioii for review ot teacher classjficcJtior)

Ms .■■^alaszczuk spent -Salurrlay morning carripaigniny in Brisbane, where sho announced $5 million for a review into top I'eacher classiticmions in Queensland should her party form governmenl.

She said she wanted to create two new top level classificaliojta lo keep Ino best leacfieis in (fie classi com but would first mild ,a riaiioi to decide how best to do it.

•Slu- cir'niod il was lillle more Tian a plan lOi a plan,

"i h-.;. next three years we'll bo locused on making siw--; Umt wo in places a commilloo which is made up of toachors Ojnd "ihe Dfi'prn lmont of Iw.ucalion to sol Ih.e cjmameters right," she said.

’■/-.na don’t lorget loc, it's iho GIRO, iho inciepomJeiii umpuo, ihal w:!! clevcnmnc ihe wage,"

- o | ; ; c s : -jlucr:!.-i-_iw-p;i 1 . , : U i:,-i ;.'V|i - ' .j.OZ-n, lov,i :'v l.R-rClO, ciHiirH-IS/O

; • ■ ’. - i , ■ • ■ I "

‘-''S t p ' j 7.4 .js:n 7 C"; C, ’r-'-tf)!,;

-ontac: EricTlozek Question on Notice No.142 Asked on 6 iVlay 2015

Mr Spritigborg asked mo Minlsic-r fo; Lc■ication and fviinisier !-o" louoam, Major L'-'onts, Smal) Busi')ess and Ihs Cornrnorsweaith Gaines (Idon K JowdS) -

Q lJE S T iO M ;

With rofere-nce io t'roform n!' i HP Gowc-rnmoruh',fa;;'/ i'undeci aed costefJ aliocaton c t'S i50,002 for npgi'adcs to the Kursnda D is tn c t State C o ik :g c tc provide an enciasad, s/eatho/ivt-oor O Litdnor facjlity in the Barron; River Eiecioreie (funding not corelngGiYi: on ine "Siro'iy Choicee" p ro g ra rn )-

V'Jil! the ivVinister advise ri this ailooaiion vvii! nroc;eecl under the State L a b c' Govarnmeni?


I t.iank the M e m b e r for he> qiestion.

i arn advised by ihe Otepartivifrnl [iiat deue was no ccrnmi'ment of iiM'idinij. by tiie foTiier Goveriirvieat Inrouch ihc capita! worKs prcgrain tor tnis proiect. rurt'aer. 1 vriTn advised [liat infrastructure Sai-vices have not viovved any pia.rs an.d thereioi'c:- have noi been abie to cos: the project to confiiTn ins cost ssiirnate,

Hov.ever, t'ie honourable Me.ncor vvouic be aware tnat capital runding ror Iha ,2015/10 yeai has been piacod under con,sic erabie pressure owing to me previous goverrmricnt s decision to allocaie more than a third of tiie capitai budget to pr-y down a siunibcanl cor,i 5onenl o' the Public Private Parcnersh';:) that .iiey enteieu into • i cun advised ihis :s cordrary to the aQ/ice 01 the Oepariinent of Educrtion,

This Gomrnitnient of more uuan 5 >f'0 million ''orn the capital wori'.s budget for 2015/16 h.as placed significant conctraim on other riew capitcd works in the L:pccrning financiai yoai- fcr projects like tliis oire.

i can fuilhoi advise P)3i the lecsniiy anriouncoo foderaf iu:dge{ fnciudos up to a 55 billion reduction in funding ior ail Quoorisland schcois cnoe again phtcmg, cignihoant pressure on schoo-' furrding,

! can assurs the i ioncurabio iV,oroide'' umw while h=s lerder has beon sil.t-nt o,i thvt .bbboir Governiivsnl cuts to Quec; island schoo s, ! will continue lo lobby iho Federal Minister fci tducaiion to s to o them-o cuts and I urge the l-lonourable iviembor to do the sarno,

1 can assure Me Honourable Mernboi that ,he i.ocal Mernoer Crrrg Cra'vfora. 3 suonc adr'-ocate for .state schools, is in regular oontacf with ;r.G .i'cgarding scrioois in IViS e'ectorate,

I would bs happy lo l ecciv,.. any dcGurneniaiion iron! the iviomber to eubstanuato the douhlc in his question tiial are corrtrarv lo trie advice i have received from tnc cepartrnent. 'J'T'U'IS Qs.,' j SlH\c Li'iP c;;-;'oU ln;'ae‘.achisor-.. giOMC-S

Queensland State Election; LNP carrots tai’gct schools s{)oit:s groups

,\. V/ lau'fi u h:

i ir;,'l • I ''.c 'i • i an,”

QiS-^nskina r'-.. r.r;v(,,'ar:

•; :iiOo. kids and soortmg gronps stand a? th I'lnin iK-tieiic-trier- of the t t-P's olocucn brib'.ay.

A rvviej'.v of projects Ihe Lewrnan Covernirient will oriiy auai.-nLec in an eiectnrate n'sl-re !.>cal LNP i ..p.iildi.'.e i;: electee! siiows Ihe gov’irni.e 'n l hid.re,! key voter piosscfi'- point? in. an aiiomp! to sl-.cae tip scots.

■.'J; k.Viwinar Jiss stood P)' his 'IJ'JP MP only' skau^ay, cicspiie cnticisiTi iro'.r. botii oppc-ot'on i.'iPs and voters v .m o heve labsiled ,t "pciiticoi binckrnair.

III be verv. vcay clear," Mr Nev/man said.

'if it’s in tite ciindiclalo or ihe- n ie m lx a 's sirc.ny loco! plan, '.h:n Is t lx c.'iOC’iie iio 'i pirMi.

"A na a is

It in-.-;ins that if the LNP governnr?nt is return.';';, wrvc. i [>cL; in(ii';.t'e will i. „• iiv. c..?.se, oct a loc?il LNP cant!;..::-ite is net. ,!'.ril .ek.-n:nrate wii: nol .s.- promised ptOjScls dr-iiv;vod.

Improvemoni-s ;;i schooP and sparling cluL>i- .’pp'-.ir to be the biugest e\-rn>!s cicnyied oy Iho LNP.

Tamborine i.'iounidin Slate k l'jli School's SbOO.COG a'.iJitoni.iin lias boen iir-.ked to Jon Krous-v's ro-eleciioi i Casbiie tho schoo: h'Cvino oaigruwii i-.s ■cu'renr facility.

,, './hi, .• -tccilanc! '.'nr' Sltnto S c l’ ooi K-d'S v/il! o r l/ g r l th..ii' SoS.COO shade sails, if '.Id ii fvicF achan keeps the see; fo:' th.e lM I-’ .

Ij'jS'wich srancis to b s o 1.5 I'niilion in ire to h e cl fuH'Jing >oi a cyciing irrick at rOiC'tvic.rv li i 'o Betc,’ goer. d-/'.'r, t'-'C polls anc! Scmi Choat is hinc. i;i his p o lilic a l fak* on S iO'i.OOO lo r alvncle cloin s ef N o rth IpewiCih R.:

’..e-an'-^cs C lub.

h.:(.<:/,h'’Wvv brioLJOiXtinie.s.coni a -/t;'i'3eiislai'id/C:;„-:en'.-lan;;-of.iti-'...:;;;:'ion 2Cif>/pc>'' I'Cikiiicf-slolt: : icction-l:-p.c.-.rr'j!i--iargct-SGtxnls-?,L'''Sils-giOJp,a 20'50'; . ■'"jO'2015 Ouee-t',Gia.id Siale El-GOion; Li iP Ciu rols ;aiget sc!'igo!s, sptirte g;ojpG

W ynniiin Manly SeaoL'llG stand io loo« $300,000 tor ihcrir faciliiy i.ipgiade ii N< il Synv: •• yols It'e job o";0 ii'it- Vtyniuii-i Lti.gs Rngby CiLib v.dll mic.s oi;.; on Iheir S'lCfJ 000 (or hghliriy upO'-adiG.

Bt'iidiba. o/hich came clown So jusl a bancfot o i vote;; in ihe 2012 cirrtion. has bt- rp. pro;j)isr ;1 ;ir.provoi-ne)-:s !o ils svvimititrig pool and a iadlity upgracie for Ihc- Moiningsiiie Pbnti'i-iis, if Aaron Dillsvvny keeps his job.

C'l'.iiTiimiia resifionis wdl have So do without the Rorhweli rouncir()out iipgrc.de if they decids io vcdn out RCrg Guiloy ivhiie Michael trout is hoping n no.v nu;lti-purpose area for Kuianoa District Stole Cui'.eyt; shdenis wili keep She- -.-oa'. c'- Durr on Ri-/er.

MouFii Onmuiney MP ‘i'arnyr. Smith's "siting local plen" intdud'..:; a new c;jbhouso for St Cothc-.cne's FC Mlddlo Park, for v/nicii the o.chI ng ■.•.’ill disa|')j)eai it llie LNP Is t7:k.,cl-:;ci vyitlicui lier. •-•'hjle Michael Ih.'cci has promised a footpath upgnicie and boat acces' for a ior.rP osiate for Loca” . by! only if lie ic re-elected.

Ashgrove would akso miss out on its $10 million vvorih of l.NP pi'iimisec.

■•.’lO'Sl of these- announcemc- nts h.iva inrlu'teci photo i-ps 'With r.hilcireci ano trosr. '.vho slnntJ tt^ liorv.'it re n t i.ic; rrojects.

t.lr Newiooi-i, vvi'io previ-ously descrihed the coixiilionai guarrntee as "quil.-i reasonable" said he v/ould not the plan.

If you vote t foi Itio LN‘^ candrdale in your iocal areo and k'ley gel up, th vy will deliver th ;( plan." he sa:.i,

fully costed, fully budgc-led arid ;i vnli i-ioppon. if iitoy’re not olscioci, v/e!l, then the nov.' ”n:-r,ilrpr cnay difforc-nt Mee.s and diffoteni pnonti.., ''id cannot guarantee (iiat it vvouW be delivered."


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IV!R AG?f.O ■^r;.: r::'AS;GA GOA l DACOJAOX AND M:Nia-::.F< GOA TOURISGG OAJOA E V -j'l:S , AlyOJA. DDA-^v.OiS G.VD v;.:f^: CO:Ji-OrV&-JTH CADIED (. iG G , \ - ■■


With iefer®;:;:3 ,o t,.3 ;:)inicr Li\D ^DiVv^rnrnHiitD fuiiy [:-ii',(.loh nncl cosieci allocation of $1,000,000 rcauc towc.cic Stan:, nigh Soisoni High A rTonnnncs Centra in Die Cainis Dioctcrate (luruiing noi con;:i:roru on .i'o Strn‘.c Cho’cnn ...'og'cni)-- Oviii thin rillocaA):i proceed uracr uic Lat^or CcveocoercP

A^-^SWGR: i ti^anh Iho h’eiiiho' nn' h::> ";noo..io;c

I arn advisan hy Av'^ Ocha.ncicn' ..inn De:o v/cs no ooniiniirnc:.:; oi cindirig by the For.i^ef DO-' Govonimor.t ;io‘OL;:;h [he- copha' wo. ;o pmora... :or this r.chn:!- lAirihor, ; on; c::iv;sec .not liHVasirucwro Soroicos [oo-;, not ‘‘CO'. 'co n.w pin is arid tin':,:...::!' ioo-e ool been niho coo; tilO prc:jeci :C ccniiro^ the cont osl^c;:;!:..

However, ire i ioiicc.’/rw!'. .\;.eiTibe, vv'on.L ho avnoe that capho; t..:;'ioif)g io.' ;rn; 2.0\brb yoni has boon piacc.c enPo: coiiside.i:'':;:! p'ossi,ire o'wing to ifio Oievions LMf^ coycrco.crbs decision io ai’cc: le iV'Oi C ilian i.. :'c of tho capital bui'nc. to pry :Cv.. ; ^ S'rnivicrnt coioponoiu 01 the P: oiic iAivate i'aiui nshi;) lh;\ Pwy snic.cr iwo - I am advisovi this :s coiurary to P';e arivico e: Ihc Dcpr: jnent r ' HducOvion.

This comrnitrne;',. or ir'o o l;hrn cihC rni..h:n iroiT; ti;o cap'''ii vc:hs h jc c o . for 2016/i3 iias pircec slgniiicrn. const.'cim on oth;.; capita! r/orks in l;;:3 •;.:cc.,!iny r.wnclal year for projects 'ike t' is oiie.

! err: fnrihcr advise thci the r;;cently n . >onr:cc:t loderai budget iiiclLides up to a $3 oiliic.: reduction ir: AindirQ to. nil Oeeersland s:j!iOo!s c-.c:) rc;tdn piecing signhicnnt prossn:'e o.. school .Tiirding.

I can rssu'c Do t cn'wumPio tvKWiber Pvt '‘.'Ah; no has i)OC:i! s:h:r' o ' the /Abott Gcve.m'neni cuts A C'V.rwnsiand schcoi.:, i ‘. Al cc'A f:’..ie to lobby tne .he.cr r: o.t;nise;’' ror Doucahon to stop Inese ;n.hs.

: on.) assure the : .o.'.oi-iiahk) i^ieinbo. iiiA Tie Locr: Ae:'r;bcr a o P t A iw .IP, a s'.mnn c;cvoa:te for eirte sci;ools. i.'.re ry .fin !' con!; ni vdth :no r;Aa;riir:p seher;,:- hi his etectorr.e.

I would ho r:aypy to receive any docuiOcAbtio:': from ti:: r;'et''f'>c'' to enbsinn ia'o the oolails in h's ouostioa tlwi are conPa,'' t") Hm advice i iiave ,oceived Tom i;:o ■ fc-m* te.ei'c. : '20 Ni. ", i'. :n j j ix';v.. ;: ! '-iP 'Vo":-:SO tij .Or.,:'.';.-, i C.r.i' f" I Nows Cairns Post

(hieeiislaiu! State Elecfion 2015

Northeni Pride bolsters LNP promise to build sports centre in Cairns

• by: Anika Hi.;me • Fio'ii. '.A'.if'ns .-’u-;; ■ 1: '!C15 iCFSAi/i



ALL FOR IT: Koritis-rn Pride Cl-O Brock Schaefer has fhrown dub suppon behind an LNP pieage to fa a liigh peiTormance spoils centre :n Cairns city. Source: News Limited

THE Northern Pride have packed down in support of an LNP charge to establish a high performance sports centre in Cairns.

Cairns MP Gavin King this week confirmed $1 millior. if he :s re-eieclcd on danuo; y 31 lo ouild the faciiit at C.airns State High School, with the project staning as early as July. it is planned to include an Institute of Athiete Developrnerit - a tech-heavy spoits sdencG centre :)itke(: with James Cook Uiiiversity featuring a ntress assess'rient iaboralory, oa;rie analysis theatre, tecture rooms and more.


!!r;://wmv c,'.;rr)Ar,o

DON’T MOVE THAT TREE {hUp://iy\vw.caiiAspn^>t.cofrLaibne vsA:a!rns/Q^irns4)onu:--Q'ynu-to!d-tc-finr!-'/^y- aroun(MrevA:^!ocking--hi$proy03e(rd!iyo/:rioyy'fnjpi!syiv-1227l85117102)

$100 MILLION FOR REEF HEALTH i;!tip://vv"viv',cairPS/?osi oon> c:Ane':^s/qi:oen3\.ncbstata-aie-ci:ion- 20i5/!abcrgeaderannes(3Ciai:a/aszcyjik-poursAn-1Q0m4or4}afri&}~raef~hGFJth/sto/y--fnr8\v7hb~1227185132114)

PROPERTY SLUMP BLAMED ON GFC (hitp:/Av\vh/.Cfii!h3post.co!n. i a/iid3tykAcaiins-axoed--Si':ys-prQpany- pnce'ShimrrrtOUhe-fPuift-ofanintnCrdcy.vntum/story-fnjufbgv-'f227185118872}

i\/)r King s promised rnoney, coiTibined with a contribution frorr. tiie schoo; i-CxC, v\/oulci aiso iielp func covering the school’s ana cou;ts. as well as upgrading the school pool to add seats, heating ami hydrotherapy ano exieriding and upgrading the sci'.ool gyr.nasiiint. which would feature the sports science centre.

The high pervormance sports ceiitro has garnered strong support from Ceirns’ premier loothal! side, with Northern Pride CEO Brock Schaefer saying it woiJd act as a key drawcard for both fi!lure and c-stab'ished sports stars.

■'This Will brine a now lovei of professionatisrn to the i'ar Noi them SyorJrw industry." he said. “Ot course it would be compiementeiy to ocji' trOidng facilities and for the Taipans 'c.il this is about creatine; a space that as many sporting groups as possible could use.”

Me said the key to building Cairns a reputation as £ sports city s'yy in creming a ruib of spciting fadiifies all in the Caiins North and CBD areas.

Education minister johnd--'aui L..:-.ngbra3:-\ ?nd Cair;'iE iViP gavjn Ki.ng at CrJi'ns State Migh School for ariannouncement of Slfiiillion to upcj,£de the schools sporhng iacilit.ies th'CVUj t'-i: STEWART tMCLEAN Source; News Corp Aiisb'atia

Mr Kii'ig described tho 'nigh psrforir.ance s p r/ts ccnt.e as a ‘ game- diangcr" for iocaS sport.

“Th.is centie will be of a slandcrd wt'ere we can use it to attract other s-pcriing teams from across ihe nation and, indeed, the world.” he said.

' ’:!(y,//‘.v.v'.v.Cor ru/r:.*' .•.s/iiucjerific.'".;- si..;.- -.n I l'.fs-lti!.:-p rt,;in ;;ft '■ i; iii'-; pc e n ;"r-iii.c;i.ri':!;’':>!ji-^-..: .'■.yV;'.;-; ,, yj: /• .'30/2015 MorslernPfid?.'tester LNPp/onOi-'-ioteldsjroi":.? r:r/L/eir)Ca:in:?i'0‘a)r;-i5Po3i rlis niajor rival for the city seat, A LP ’s Rob Pyoe, respoodea' siiTiply \vhen asived v>/!iether he would also comn'iff to bofildlng the ceotry during tha election canpaign,

"We can’t match them if this centre is tunded by asset sales,” he said, ilut he promised to grab hold of any Rinding commitment to Cairns and "hold on to it like rny life depends on it” if he was elected. Question on Notice

No. 449

Asked on 3 June 201S

M r M ander asked dio iViiriistcr for 1-ducacion and IVIhiis’cer for Tourism, iVlujcr Events;, Small Business and the Corn men vverith Ganios (Mori .Tjcnes] - a u c s i lOhi

W ith reference to the form er LNM Government's fuliy Wnded and costed ahocation of $B,000,000 made to cons' ruct a new rnukipurpose na[; «i; tnogge, a State Sclvooi ie the Ash,grove Eiectorate (fuiuiing not contingent on Strong Choices program) -

Wi(( this allocation proceed under a l abor Government?

A G S W C u:

I triank tnc MemlDer foi' his cjues'doi’,.

. am advised by trie Departm ent ‘ruT: hvcre '.'■•as no comniitTnent or'.''.mding by the form er I H'.'' Govenuneni through the capita! woriw program iar this projem, Surtner, I am advised that infrastructure Soivif-.es have not viewed any plans and therefore have not bean able to cost the projcc. M; confirm the cost eiJtirnaW.

However, the Honcurabie iViocnbcr wo'dd be aware that capiYai funcing for the T0'.‘.5/16 year has been placed under considerable pressure caving to tea previous LNP government's decision to allocate more Ihan a thira of the capital budget to pay oown a sitt.ificant com ponent ol the Public Private Par.'.nership that they entered into - I ain advised this is contrary to the advice of tiie D eprrtrneni of cdiiCv-Hion. iTiis comrnitmonl of more than $:'.C0 ffom the capitci cvorks budgei for 2015/16 has placeo significant conS'Tainv on otvfer n e w cnpiiai works in the unccming nnencia; year for pro]ec;.s like this one.

1 can further advise tiiat the recentn/ arnoLinced fc-dcTal budget mdudes un to a $6 biiiion reducrion in funding for ail Queensland scircois once again [ilacing signlfic; m; pressure on schoo! funding.

I can assure ihe i-.onourcule fViornbcr thai while his loader h.as been siir nt on me Aboo;: Government cuts to Queensland sdiocis, ’ will continue to •:)!.)by ihc- Federal M hiister for Educalion lo stop these' cuts and I urge- llie Honourable Mem ber m do tho same. i would bo happy to receive any docuinentotion from the motiiber to subsl-untiate the doiaiis in his question that are contrary to the advice 1 have received from the depDrtrnenL Queensland Election: Ashg:ro\ e Plan gets $18 million

A ; f iy

;i's caliea te.c ;\sh'^rove . 'ian i> '. & ; - ci' -iQiind to I. ‘ ■ ':u -How ;»•('■ t li.

•'isn'j:'.:! ("'•■anob. !l Nevviiicin ^ ntoi'-'J intu th .; coibruitb o f hi,'; ••rks'-loriS' : j r ta:, o>!n[,.';:gr! .ipps-.iianfx',1't a ,S;‘ miu.ur: c,onirr,ilr .u s.a in MitcnoH.Oii v 'y jih C lub expand.

•t? iat:^r anp.,:.'od, letit'' fitoi!:-'-; u itsidv, t i ; ' Aishgrovo VVoolwoF'b.s voheie 1-: laor td ; " k -'!" n e .ip i.- u f 11'^ rantpaian. ’!' caTe-:scl.

■..ivn- n :'- 'j'nIP r''i!:kb .:0'. '\Q.r' fiC'in ' Ih . t . •.■'iv; OV'S v 'o in : ; 'C'.iVft l f th*' r .•'ii”. V' -pti.rates 10 i )■ 'lici-- ot .’■■e-ir: aosi (••'r., -,g'C .re-:-. r-iv:lsor.po.

-p;!'.-,•••'/' iifislrek rtv.„., ’.jiK't a'S r.'. mlB : d elO'Sio;. a-.t!'.!•-rwe ■. nti p.p'- f e.sla s ''-i.innri, S^iyii Ou3ensia;'id L:lcci>on: A?lig;O vy ?;Ein gets $18 rn iilio n

But i.lr i'.ewir.an said evoiv c-iGciorate vvouki tisve its "ov/n strony plan".

ihe Ashgrove I’Ifin induc-js tho previousiy announced wic'eniny ot W atciwoiks Road l.slv/ccn I'roe; Sireei and Beih'.dcn i'erroce, a S7.h niillicn ioiniiv I'jiKlaci project with Bri:-.i)ai'e C'ty Councii.

.^.1/ '

.1--pi • I! ,'-J. v.'li... ■ ...r,!-., , i h i ’ . , '- . 's : ; - . , : . : , I'- ' . / > ' - i ' ' • ■

lor,h e r S3 aidion is prordSc-J to Q noggera S^tote S ch co i ic r iis schoc.' hc'r vvhrle S i .'li/tion K b~ij-iu •'.croin h 'd lo e ric-.v t'-ai.aiog or,.3 in S: d o-in ': -'/c o o arrJ j i-sopling ot iho A.shg^ovo ll'owls ca'p .ir'-'..

Stage ivvo of Ihe vysl.raboui Crcek ujxiioc-- ho? hi.i-n sjai’.d to ourorjl'-l:.-.! fn; S'i.5 niililori ar J MPchc-lfon Sr;.te Hiyli 5; k ■.;! ■. • lUld race.-.',- . ieO POO

I tlx its hasksrball court. The moioon CiiyGlidcr hut- scTvic^ w-ol Id be e;dcnd-jd aiiCi envirorrir'cnl.-il wor'ks at K--r!r,-in Ri'ook v/o.iid r alieac;

i'hc Sanifcrc and raylyrs Roads inierf •Alien would also get a look In, hut i: hasiv, bnen

-•. »v • •• •• • i'i-t


die new comrnitinunls corno on lop 01 Lha more, tiian SIOO miilior; Hr; siato gc/em inent has sikjhi on ii'.;- eicciorero since M/ M,.o/i;iaii r:m , 10 power.

H e hcids '-he •reed by 5.7 percent. The Laboj car-'Jidole, t-icie Jones Dss fcnrtcr men .bar ano Btigh goV'ernniunl rninistei, h-rs heon iur;nirif.| a grcssrcot camp-aign. riooi-Knockinci and ['lolitir.iang, mostly p.-.'‘r.y from the merii,-', g ia ie

M r [-jew nian is also pianning .• q uicft-r lo c 'l CE'.mp.'.igr!, as trolh ;-.'Jes s.'. m - -.o'-'-iHh ec.ey I;..' ;v'hdur-.t hittemfess frcn ?012.

He l.iunclvjci his Astigro-.e Pian to m snic.ll group cl fiariy taithtui outside Itio youm club ccniplo'e wuir jiOssv brochure vvhiUi he said ew-iy •.•io'.'tcr^lo coul.-i espect.

"I” vsry d.'Cloiate in Queensland w.il haw; a iliung pi.ai 1, jusl like eshgrcv',," Mr Mm.man cuid.

"T here is an over;.itl plan f c ' ths siafo irv i tbirro are o tlie r plans end pOiic.-.-s i'>r lh „ r.conom y anci oclucatren one ii.-aP li etc. h u i •--‘.A iy aie.e v;,;i hove its ow n •i(fO' g i.'fan.

"I :h;nk it’s ••xcilinc."

Tne ca r.paign conlinuc? this wcel;.

RecQi'iimended P)-QnTT;t(!d S tul'ics 3Vi>!i;.-.si! k ilir h as h ii t i - y jU '.riii fr o m bi!-.''-,-' iPuon'.airifP run: p,i e.s s^■^

hittp;'7vAvw.biisbniK.-,:nic;s.co!n.au'r,ijc-?rsieric;';iL!Con.s!ai .i-siate-.'.leciicn-2Cr($'rpuc:!oi?.r.:! e]ec ioivaahji't".. ,.-plaivgoiG-1S-r.n!liio>''0150T; i-IT.yir.l'iUni 2/P Question on Notice

No, 348

Asked on 2 June 201S

M r M ander asked i:hG M inister fcr Education and Minister for Tcnrlsm, M ajor Events, Small Business aivd ':ho Coj'nmonweailh Games {Hon K jones)


W ith reference lo the forir-er LMP (--ovsmment/s fuily funded and costed a!ioci-uion of Si50,G(JC3 to p u t GovvTi a o itu m o n s u rfa c e a t G ro v e iy S ta te S ch o o i c a r p a rk in th e Fprny Grovc- klGCtorate (funding net contingent on Strong Choices program} ~

W ill this allo-catior; proceed u rc'er a iu.'.bcr Govertimenl?


I thank the M em ber for hi- question.

! am ac.vised b y t.he Dopo; tn/erd that ii^ere vva.s n-o com,mii;ru.-,nt o f fundiisg by the .Mrmer

' Ni^ oovernm on: vhroi gh she cepiM: work's program for this projec... IhrrLher, ’ cm advised fhai Inf) a,struci;iM'e Serv'ces have not viewe-d any plm ’s and iher'.v,’ore nave not been abie to cost th:e project to confirm the cost eshirnaie.

Hovv'ever, the i-ionoiirablc M ernocr vvoulri he aware tha: capitai fi.c'.ciicg M r the .W15/J.6 ye a r has been piacod under consi-'era.bie pressure ovv;-v-to the prcvlou-S LNP govcrnmenCs decision to aliocotft fvior;; than a '-.hire o f ihe. capitai buogm: to pay (icwn a s;g dficant cooiponG nt of the Public PHvcie Partner.snip that they entered into - ; am advised this is contrary to the advice of the Oepardvient o-' -duccition.

This com niltm ant of -nore tha i $100 mdiior. from tha cspi'm.i worK.s budgel h r 20:i!3/16 has placed significant comsuain! on other new caphr i works in i.pc upcom ing nnancial year for pi cjecls iiks this one.

I can furthu'" advise that the r-'-cenvly aru'our.ced fode'eJ bim'ge'.: i:v:ludi.s up lO a. SG biiiior. r eduction in fiinthng for ah wueensiar-u sci'cois once aged''- piaci ig sMrnhcant ;„ressure c sclioo'i fu;Uling,

1 can assure the honcuruhiG MGrnbe. that wfuie his ieader i^as beou sdsni on li-io AobcG

G overnm ent cuts to O.uoen'lanc' schcois, i wili contin-ue to loirby N'iO Fec'eral fVlinisuar for

EducaUon to stop these cuts and ; m'ge the ^ ionourabio M em ber to no the seam. I can asfiure the honourable Member that the Local Member Mark i-urner, a strong advocate for state schools, is In regular contact w ith rne regarding schools in his electorate,

I would be happy to receive any documentation from the member to substantiate the details in his question thai are contrary to tiio ddvice i have received from the department. r> Cu.h. r,;r

‘.’ I'lr'i 201i' 1 'la v ’ .’;';rKs.‘ii n j-J !r ■Js'ivOr ‘y.- c j; '-.■ca'. sc!‘.co i lrij-1 '■'hl.l i'3;i I'A'i rvu slffl ;c. 1 1'.;'' iipfOvs litVbi'.y :i<: n>ir.'rr,i;;v u'c-'l.nc-' Jo.’ rs sT>p riyf:;! rnn*.[' - ;e3r.iier5 c=;• p r.i-tc .jn 'i irirepe.”'.'*!-.*

; \ . i ‘.l r ; -iCK-r i S, :vi^iF- auM-iOt?"./ '-C .Cl V CIDii'Ui'V” t;5., :: 'c-'c .r-vtic: -rn 2 ''s; \ jp i cCT'ir. 'le i ^i'vr.p cvi' sc!^::c S j r c pyc-il b / i:-.t diunjy'cys '••tjg'? oreu .)t f-^iiiiCKs ROcd i j ’.Jl'j -•-•I.-I, :'••■•. !!it pryvicus Labor r?a-.'i^vr^crcu;' a n d -i-lll-arbed cn' par.-, o'. Cs.'C'-'iSl) S c -’ c-c-t a-' d n ip -.:;, np ;‘r,e -s s i.c rP rs of ouf .oca; sopocrdenta! p'c:;rnm. .'ci'Cf ;-r, -.-K:pUac --'c f,ynrav'e

<* FiKing up our n local sclioofs I iiiivi'; di‘.livi!!--;din':provc-J JiCl'.oul Vd’ih'JVCt S.'.V n'.iil,;i'; iM.’vitkxS I.': :‘ iT' r.!;;i|(*. sM ;i: KchwIs'AiHiin t.'ii' «•. lo - -Irr.ii II ■-• nu'ntonciriav Mck-o-j d'Fi’ 'A.'.h o.’-.doi j'l.-.vorrin';.i!. Diofo Ic, :> naLyral'ta '.tpj-ll n ihi: tirda'i.iu r.l O'.It i>c!'.tici! cani'jii'.c^H, lu r . ii n ri' da: days di ''‘O'-.n'.i >>■■:.'f- i'-na dci.v.'ir’ipur., ;rocS;cd .-'.'id diiin'jtriix.s ii.'LVCii!iinK .-'i d onr.j, T nit piO'fid'ss oijt ''aci^vnnTlioo w i'n nr. nvifja-iori o: p'rd-' in pu’ i-h jo b ar.d -.: Ji ir.rirrimunhy. Question on Notice

No. 497

Asked on 4 June 201S

Dr M cVeigh asked .■.'ne iVlinistor fo; Ed'.icaLion and M inister for Toudsrn, iv1a;o'' kvnnrs, Siiusll

[iu.siness and the Com m onwealth Gomes h-lcn K Jones) -

Q lJ k S liO M

VVil.lt refeiei'Ce to the ronnef I..NP Governmo.n Vs fully fs^nn'cd one co.5!eiJ olloceVo'i of

$150,000 made tovv'ards providing new toilet faciliiles m rtho students 'me Algester State

School in iiie Algester hiectorate (rur^diitg not contingent on Strong Choices program) -

Win tins allocation proceed ihider a Labor Government?

AM SW 5R : i thank ihe V.ernhGr for his cuc'/dcn.

I am advised by the Departrnerit thcd; tiiere was no cornmitm-enL o ' '.'unding by ano 'orm er

LNP Governm ent .hroiign the canita! works program lor this project. I'uriher, i am advised that InfrastructLii e Services have nov viewed any piens and thercCcro have not Seen able to cost the project to corifirm the cost estimate.

Hovceve--, Cie Hoooui ab^o M om bo" would be aware that capital funding tor tim ?G1S/Ib year iias been piaced under considerable pressure o'wing wi die previous LNP government's decision to allocate m ore than a tim'd of the capita! budget to pay clown a significant com ponent of ihe P ujlic Privatv? Partnersi'up that they entered into •-; am advised tiiis is conlrary to the advice o' tiie Deparons.i. ol Lducation.

This com niitm cnt of m ore 'dm-in SiOO m iilicn ’rom 'tiie capital worics i.n.mgel for .Tblb/IG i.rs jjiacec s'gnificant ecfistreint or: other new cupitoi vvcrks in the upcom ing financml year for projects like this one.

I can fiirther advise that tim recen'ily annou.icen fedeiT! budge, inch-ees L’p to a $6 billio.i reduction in. funding lOr ali r.lueensl;'i:ci schcois once again piecing .significani; pressu'g on school fundin,_ 4.

1 can assure tiu: honourable iViember that while his leader nas imen silent on hic Abbott

CfovG.rnrneri't cuts to Queensland schcois, : vviii co’itinue to lobby i lie ''ederal L'liniste.' f c

Hducct'.cn to stop 'Jins.i cuts tUid i urge the l ionourabic? M em oer to do tiiv; sa.ne. i can assure the I 'onourabie Member that Liie Local Mem ber Leeanne Enoch, a strong advocate ibr stale schools., is in regular contact with me regarding schools in her electorate.

! would be happv to receive any docinuentation from the iriemher to .substantiate the details in his question that are contrary to the advice I have received from Ldte cle|)artmGnt. -'^yudicni Star - Springwood. Brisciane i S E H T IA ?v J:-.n 2d id

Generol Na.vy 12 70.02 S jLh''-'- n - circ. : M , .70 {■ Y-j---]


Pledges focus onschools

; ."i ; rCd'.IS •'•'i- .v:» id p r - ;'. ...•■n x.r : ill;.; '. ii- d liii; ' S S^ri' ]i"-l ').! -h'vS'O’J M,-,. < l[ 0;. .j^; ,|i; ’..t2-vr5..’i’.ui-V:. :>-oaV':- 0; -v .-ecur.d .rVVi,. ,C .i'.-i'Ods .IdsL'-ii'J.. i.)st'ip.rviu'll id. si>' SlTVid'-'ir'r, .'!f ..■•rS nuo vvnulcl u V " Ic b b v n r !\vo ■. ; 0. .!| b'it i'-'on^ •. r..-.v y 'I'fO-;',n 'tp . !;p ’_.;‘.id ' <;■! ' . . r i r j r - • 'it 'n- i.rici.Pl pjr':!. -'.i ka i ' • -..'-r :-.nv'- .vally i’;,!v Fnrkav i i'j’k.')'.■ s.fj!,;0i' .oh;);'.’ 'i! J Sbi sai-.i o !v ‘‘j)..: i .; i >,•’ r d.f;: Sort'Ti.it' .0: { 'id • i.r ■-•dtl r'T-iii 1;;,,. tor ■ ,-i; i.u-l •• -i-'rir '-r lor’l '1\ ‘ '’T.r-. -.'.i,. . bvtlidn-, ; .rui;-. b; n ■. .o Oii.

r Ju:.;. •.■.•■■r : -tn 'Viii 'Oiiil; . I'i't; -V, A'!.'' .'iO;'!;:''. Oi 11•[''■ri

. . ]■.••■ : 1, ■ 1a . I r lA'A' . • iit • ■ ...--lit ■■■■ . AI- ’to .-'i t't ■' • i:. • I • • .di • I ‘ ! !;••:- "1 I ' dv'.\ ^ E xH ibt'h'

Question on Notice

No, 417

Asked on 3 June 2015

M r W alker 3f:ked Ihe M inister for Education and M inister for Tourism, M njor Events, SrOcJi Business and the Ccrnimonweuitt; GurnGs (Hon K Jones)


W ith reference lo the forrrier i.NP GiovernmcirTs fully ujrJod and costed eiiocation of S5,000,000 nv't'e to fund a n e w hcM H: KHvin Grove State Schoo! in the B risb n e ? Centra: Electorate (funoing not conOngent on Su'or.r; Chcicas propvarn) -

W ill this allocation proceed uiuder a i.abor C-iovernment?


! t;ian!< lim M em ber fO: Ids C;uast!c:i.

1 am advised by the OGpardTient that there svus no ccnirnitm ent otaiding by rne former LNP GovernTieni througl! the criph:ai works program for this prciect. Fnrrher, i am aoviscd that invi asvructure Services hrve not viewed any plans and ihercroro havc not been abh.' to cost the prcjoct to conf/.^'ir; the c o s t e s tim a te .

Howovor, the H onoi'i'aj'e IViem.bOi would be avvarcj Lhat capital rur.uingforthe 20.;.S/'6 yeai has boen pieced under consiciGrable pressure owing to the pr avious LNP goverr;rne:i''s decision to aliocate more than a tlbro of 'he capilcl budges; co pay down ?. significanL foiviponent of the Public Privrte :b:.,'.iK;r5iiio that U'ey entered info - : an advised this is contrary to the advice oi tiie Uepartireni of Education.

1 his corninitrneni nsoi'e than $f.CO miliiosi froiri the capilH S'-orks budget M r 701^/16 has placed significant constre.irst on otficr new capital works in tiie upcoming fi-’.-mcia! year (cr projects like viiis one.

1 car; furthe. advise that the recently .m ncjnced fedei'ai br dpei inclc.iifs up fo a $S billion rnducdon in funding for ah QuGsns'and scimois Otfce again placing significant prossnro on schcoi iuru.iing. i can assure the iioiKm ranie Men'iGor thnv wlHle his lecdc-r has oeen silent on the Aboott GovernmGrT cuts to Qneensicns schools, I v^iii continue to lobbv iiw reciora’ M inister for EducaLiou to stop tltesc; cut.s and I i;rge the I iopcnrah:e iV ie n rb e r -c no tiic- .same. i can assure ihe Honourable i'v-lember that the Local M em ber Grace Grace, a strong advocate lor state schools, is in regular contact vHth me regarding schoois in her eiectorate.

1 would be happy to receive any docurnentalion from the member to substantiate the details in his question lhai are conlrciry to the advice I have received from the department. Robarl; Cavallucci " ' ■ , Kelvin Grove SS to get new indoor spoils center as part of my iocai plan, 20 new classrooms already delivered ^ x h I b '\t H ''

Question on Notice

No. 452

Asked on 3 June 2015

Mr Emerson asked the M inister for education and M inister for Tocrisni, M ajor Events, Smail Fhvisincss and the Corr:;rionvv 0 v'i!th Ganics (Hon X joncs) -

Q U i-S riO N

W idi reference io Lhe form er hMP GovGrnrnenf's fuily fursded ana cosled aliacado:! of up to $20,GGG made to refresh the much ioved graffiti mural wall at Petrie Terrace State Sciicci iri the M ount Coot-tha Electorate (funding not contingent on Stror.g Choices program) -

W ill Ihis anocation proceed under a Labor Government?


I th a n k th e M e m b e r fo r .his q u e s tio n .

I am advised by tiie Depurtirseni that there was no com m itm ent of funding by the former ! NP Governmerh: throi'gii the capital works program for this project. Furtner, i am advised ihat infrasirucLura Services have not viewed any plans and therefore have not oeen anie to cost the project to confi.Tn the cost Gstimate.

However, the i-iOnciK'sble Member would Ik aware that Copital fui-ding for the 2015/IS year has been placed under consicerab'c pressure owing to iha previou.s LNP governrnent''? decision to ailocale more than a third of the capital budget to pay down a significant component of tiie Pubiic Private [Rirtnership that they entered into - 1 am advised this is contrctry to the advice of the Department of Educatiom

This comiTiiirnent of more than S.LCO miilior, from the capiUd 'works budget for 20:5/1.5 has placed significani; constraint on other- new capital works if> the upcoming financial year for prcjecls like this one. i can fiirth e r advise tl'iat 'the- recent y anno-unced federal hmJgei includes up to a S5 billicm reduction in -funding fo:- ail Queeiisland schoois once again placing signi^'icant pressu'-e on school funding.

I can assure the Honourable M em ber that while his ieader has been silent on the AbhoL. Governm ent cuts -Lo G.ueensianr! schools, I 'wi:! continue Lo lobby the Aaderai M inister for Education to step these cuts end I urge the nonourabie Men-iber -;o do t!^e same. i can assure the honourable Member that the Local Meniber Steven Miles, a strong advocate for state schools, is in regular contact w ith rne regarding schoois in his electorate.

I would be hapi-'v to rocoive any documentation from tiie member to substantiate the details in liis (iL'estion that are contrary to the advice I have received from the department. 7/K>7015 eNewsic-ttor - 4/o;2015

* 4 Petrie Terrace State Scni^o: ResDOCt for seif, others and piece

eNewsietier - 4/6/2016


Term 2 Week 7

Upcoming Dates

5 J u n s G-'iis D?.y S jLiiib Queen's Birlhday 9-12 June (yl'.isic. cam ps to June- 6H Pullenvale excurs:on Student Absshce Line 15 Juno leas Wrilincj .■>2SQ 935G- Please call by 9,30iiin IS June No School Crossinv^ Suporviccr 23 .luno M usic As5.-emhly PrndC Meetings Isi lucsfiav o' i.he inoniii 6 JOpir 24 June Unciet Ekjhts Day 25 JunCf S e n io r A ttile tics D ay Y e a n ; 3-6 TUCKSHOP TUhSD-AYS ORDER 26 June End of Tefm 2 r - O K i;: 13 July Start of Terrn 3 '^ou can ii you's oii on your p-apo: hoti cr clov.Tiirnil a copy of thg order foim hr-tc-

Toi kaAcP I Vdwr -Q-lil

Remeviib'.-i otders iitvtsl tte in tlio liox (in Principal's Message (ho '.''licet by Fi dciy

Dear Fi lends is s e p O ur Chilc'ren S a fe l-leooc-Lise the 2 miruii' zone co.’iectly !. C oiled ohliJifiT from t.'ie top of iito lifi;= The reooiiing period liar romtrisnced and tcacho;? he-.'e pecan ihcir fina! acsessmciiits for the !=(;nie?.iei. 2 g- no lo.rl- cio a lap We use generic repod caid coinmen'LS that are alicjnecj to A-E standards and the /\u$traliaii Cuiricuiijirt. The 3. Do not cbsli’jc t ihe zebra ciossinu Report Card is (jersonaiised, particularly in trie coniiiients section however the Paient Teacher tniorviSvv in ■'jcv'a' c'ouiJc pai;< Term 3 is the opportunity to have rich dicc.ission over Ihe dudenis p'urifciio oi evideiKn:. Please ensme yon

take the opportunity to hook an interview time when tlie invii.ritior; coivies tioine with your ctiild's report card V'V.’ioie School Core Skills - VV-eek 8 in the last week of this tsitr;. \[ is imi.'ortani ic know' that a C oi Satisfactory cjraciiny is indicsiive that yoiji Phonics - Sound 'ri' a? in iiine child is meeting the Ausiraiian Cuiiiculum h'car I.cvk I Rlandards. Only if c student is cpciating iViOre than r. '/viiiing • Sonteric-e Sli .iciiirb year e-lyjve or heln'o year k-vel are they otifcreci ar> tndivichial Cvirriciiinm Pian l-iend'SKj t’irak;gy - ' hink ai iCi Ser.ich Lips ihe Fisfi Kun-cracv - Patioms ctnd AlgeLia I would like to express cui sincere thanks io Camille Noilsen for her uedi'jaiion and nstwoiYiirc lo eusditr oui ViEibie Thinisnig - Opiions r.xpiosioii Mind UP - GiahlucI,' stucents continue to havt mcaningfu! connections with cui inciicgnc-.is elders and commur.ity. Uncie Jo Kirk fxfeS|)ec: Rule • I-io ie cl GaiJeris! vvciYed W ith stuflents riorn 2/3LS, 3GS and 4/5n end 4/5F yeslerday e-'-.pirtining ideiiiiiying bushiucke.-’. it was a very' vveel receiveo workshop end I know the students would tiave learns'i so m.icti fruiu Uncte Jo. LAR If'N G VOL.UNTEEF< R 0 S T E I2 ifeim 2 yuiiuoip Starliun Euenis Fi'en'ie check yum clasd ovent Hominalions have juci been made tor iiigti achievirig Year 3 PikI 4 f.iudenis to afterid tlie City 'Cliioler Miini Dale -Schor^t Goto -Kick Off -Ciess lA,'V ite r s , Scientists and ifiiiikers Workstiops, VJe use our stai'idafJis-ad ass.-'ssnietii anrl ;heC!usK->r C iitehii ic iioniin.ate candidates. Ofiers horn the pn piiani couidii latois will he sent iroino turnonov'. c-Jun l-iifjciy 6 C5pni 7.35pm K'PL - bic.m os 4/:'iF If you aie volunteering in any way at the school ( Yui'den F'aeries, Raadirig f.J:diir;s. l.ibrary. Tuckshop etc.) It 5 Jun 5?iurdiiy C. iOpm r.-iOpni Ruqbt ■ IS a reciuiiement that you s'gn in at fhe scincol office. fl lis infonr'ation is required in th.'? instance '~y an R e d i 4/bl> 2o Jun Friday e.Dnpcc T.35piii NRi emergency situation such as evacuation or iockcovvn as well an ior us in ensure, stuoenl pioiecuon and l>i cncos OH Esfely and public liability ob!igation.s are met by tl io school. You. cooperation is cpprociotet). Noi :n..ie v.'hat to do fnci v.'ciJ J like lo v o lin le c f' C onlc.d It is v .'ith great eA'iteinent ttia' I arinoui ice that mii Df'wsfc Si VJaii inuic; wLI be corunio, icing soon, .■'uricing I'iob .Ash!,"/ 3400 o-!9 30(5 has iroen sccuied foi ihis to no cho;,d iricitl’rigirruO lf OR I he L'Gvvso St Vv'all ii<*; L te n an li ii t o i ic L>cauon io r >ti cCfi a rt ‘.tii ^;iicl i t ti-.i lo i.iw ir w o rk fo r ic.unv v'-£i s. Ic C tiiii tJcCabc- 0-128 L f i 050 lo ts The p-eset'( arcwcrk ii.^cl Jel.ttioraltsd Jii<- to n o i.itvis aiej pr-diiiy. Thrc"-i[;li J i‘." rjtincsl rr,airUciiani.o d •! 1 i ryCCbe :rci b'.|-' -i-; u rn iti-aisoifcn: projecrs riv rfiuraishm p'ir of iii*' w.^ll was idectTi; 3. An CM'iunitr to C!i.^=j.v the ’.vhoic cornnnmity With ih f futuie C'f th f !andni.-’'l: //.‘ir, then cpeoeci un. Th* ruiT-nt Je-tfr>'':3:.-;J jit worl ho^ stiiopeH, pir-oar^d ri-pc i'.terJ ;ii -i i.o'hycr in I. ••(-pin;; v/ith tl'. r.v.istir.u foci).ties wJout sr.hemr. VVi'.ii 'hr- help nf o\it l'a.ndl2 'W r' r.ar&nts v;ii.h ,t btid-riL'H iifl in Uic-o) arid c / r o'nic -.ri 'Wi.ro CvHiucc cJ fo'' Id e a s . Mifoltd Wuiicr-

I i1t|;s..'/i:iet!ielerraccss.3a.ed>i.aij.'Cak-ir!d:?.i andnervs/Kic'.'i'C/Pag.-cA'Nevvs otlei - -iijru lO .a sp x 7/3W2015 (!N(;/.Mlel)er • 4/6/2015

Simst f r o m Subvert 3e

A marine tf.ciric was idetuifiefl tc build uiwn schools stioni^ 'sustainabi!it\' focUS, In keeping vviih the '.voti; the students htive unr;en.ai

It is p'uposcd that tlie iiiurai w ill Uecoisiu a rnajor icon in Inner City vVest Brisbaric .sntl cent' il'ulc to cI k; bui.t aesthetic and ccinimunity n n r.nivv of Iho aic-a.

Petrie Terraco .Elate Scnool sludeu'c;. aiii.. A it Trjrichor, Jessi< a fvlL ve lj-ii w ill -/vork in p a :tn e rih ip over the rie>it i2 tnontiis wltfi paioiii artists and

• Australian Marine Conservation Society

• Niidgee Boarh rnvirninient.'il Educatloi'i centre

« Padrlingloii Crerhf,' and Kindi-rg?t\nn

« Ouanuanioaka People from Minjei iibah i iitradbroke Island)

it is imperative that we br-nin forward planning for 201 h at’ er the end of this finencial year. PI; ase, if yoii have a pfpiop cn Id duf- to comR tn f'rep next ye.^r, ensure their enroln-ent fonri is submitted before the er-d of this term, if you are aware of any neighbours arte! Iiiends who are also due to aifend Prep in 2015, plev.ie urge tliem lo submit iheii enrolment foims as soon as possible.

Er-|('v yon long v/eekond!


Administration Ne'vs

6H PuUenvalo OKPitrsion i;; planned foi VVeclriepday 10‘h sJuric. Please reUiii! ilte signed (.errriisdiun noie v.i’.); ;saytY:e-ii as cittickiy as i.iossiblt:

Debra, our Crossing Supervisor, \v ;!i he away on 1S/5.'2!)iS

Pel.de Terrace State School has n siij;e.’vised sd)oi>l a-ossing on Dowse Street, O jr cuneni suprjrvisor is itot going to b o ovailotile fo siiriervise this c.rossinn on 1 8/CV20 15. Pa'^ents aie asked to discuss safe ctossing bctiavioui s w iti fheir ctiildren. For furtfiei iril'oimiVJori, please contact the school ofiice on 325E' 9333 or tne Ivo b ;! Safely CUhce on 3863 9373.

Student Welfare Worker - Deanne Ware

Asking for help oulsiue of oiir 'innei circle' can be r.oim thing trtat isn'1 <;|vv,ws con ifo;table. Some cTos are more iikety lo be help seekers ihan otiiers it reiaiicnship is in p'acci. hoTp sr;eking bctKiviour is nioie liKcly, In iny early wsieks oerc- ai P IS S , my interaclions with ihe youi'ig people are focussed srtiund lelalioiiship btilriing, Otir infortnal iiiriu togcdivc: in the library a; brealt times is one of t.ne ways rciaiionship buildirig is being supporfcrJ Watch t.his sp.ace for updates over the coniing week.s to see whc'i wo get up to during these times. On anoil iei note, if you enjoy getting oui and abou! to coinmuniiy event?, tiio Luminous Lantern Parade and Concert Is on ffiis Friday frth June 5.30- 8.30pni. ’’’he light from the lanterns is .symbolic of ou.’’ stiong corninutiily suppcri for people who are newiy arrived to Ansiralia hr? ever' Ls free - nd v.'iil be held in the Ctillura! Forecourt at Soiiffibank Parkiands.

P &.C Hows

School Fundi aiser - The Gap LOCO Don't fo.rget to gel your orders in 'or your bo;: of 'resti certified orciarvc fruit and vegc- SiTuiil bo;; - 325 Laige bo;v - S50 (S5 per i>ox conatecl to RTSS) Orders due - TOMGRRfJ'A' - Friday Juno 6 Delivered - next Tlvuisday Jurre 1! to be collected after 2pm in the .scivool library F or m o re info e riia il: : - i' uai? oc;:-.vr>n"'ai:..m.':~

Money for nothin' and your cbatS for f/Gfe...

ttie weeKehci of iho 50 fviay, Tlicrnsa Dav/son and Nick Robson managed to chaiin aro.;nd S'300 out of 3unw ip PalionS \vallet3 - ail in undei one ticur between ti ieir chailinu. Now tlial ain't workin’, iliai's the way you do it. you v»0'k your smilus patforif; park tlieir cats for 20

fhank you for volnniserlng yovir time tanc; savinn us cocking and selling in excess uf l.20i; sausages on bicFd;.

L for “Learner Librarians”

I i'jst found out that Faeries at PTSS do nol just occupy ihe nerdc-rs. we uTon have some 'Lihi ary' Faorit-.:;" Lro.

ricna, Susan and Srika can often bo found catcliino up with Dewey Cecimai SyJtem i'ro-ch.vivinu ixjok?)

7«'id titc'ii love of imbibing tiial new book sii.e!! (and (.{intent) al-m iincis them leg.iiany lieipiiKi cov;.-i tifaw Liooks tvvatcii out for i-tS! .'adiesy

T iia n k y o u fo r clo.ha>lihg y c u r tim ci

T U C K S h lO P VOLUiNTEERS VV/\NTED VJe bve cui new tuckshop. and want io nisk:: sure n(;r kids CDiitiiuie to Ire frd the iK-alliK':?, and yum irfest food po.'-.-Rihloi Out chilcircr. rleservo. no less, if iitlps //p.".riftte!ro.';ess-eq.{X]ii.air/Calondaraii(’nevvs.'N(;vvs,'Pr3y(!?i/c;Nf.;';slette:'-- -462n i5.ijspx ;.y3 7/39/2015 cNew.sieltor - 4/3,'20'l5

you are abte to dona:e 2-3 hou's oi youi tim e on a W tnday or 'ruesciay niornirig. ploass :et the Tucloil'iOO Kates kfvow!

Aiso, F^TSS will be returning to online ordsriiig 'our old system ' m r Tucksiiop from Terni 3 . W ltiisi the inteniion w as for diildreti to have the opporiuniiy lo

pract.se handling ‘real' nioney. the counting and banking was taking hours of nrec'ous volunteer timo. V \!s believe xhis would l^e l^est used in ciisnring ihe sustainabilily of the service. If fainilies have unused m oney in ihei!' old accou'nt, this vnit transfer into ihe new system as i'redit. Ivioie infcrrnation w ill be provid-Hl s'iorfly,

Coniiiiunity News

C&K Padciingtori Open Day 2015

9am - 12.00pm

SalLirday 13th June Com e siong and see vvhal C &K Pciddincton is all aij-CLU.

Meet our teachers and leachinn assistants

l.earn about C tiK Building waterlalls leaching end Inariiing cjuideliiies Exploie our great play spaces Please place your nsm c on our waitina list for 2016. Kinciergailen pisses are open lo children born betv/cen 1 July 2011 and 31 July 2U12

W here: C&K Paddington

10-12 C harlotte St. Paddington


C onfident F + teens •• B ook nov/ fo r o :it S chool H oliday P rugrand

C oiiftdcnl Kids S'- + teens is an innovativo coadiing piogram for kids 5-14yrs thal aims to boost caRudence, enioiional resiiience, sccal skills and biain

pow er. Students discover their strengths, and build rosilieni thirikiiyj skills to reduce stress, anxiety, w orry, or negative thinking. L-sse.itlsI tools to

navigats th.e teen years! O ur learn of experienced Psyc.hcilonisis will ccacn, oncourage and suppoh your child to be a1 they ;an bsi t.iedicare and Pnvals health func rotintcs apply. Register and Dock oniino today at conlidcntkiiisanciteur's.coin.ai.) Or conlacl us at

'!if<.iiVi;M ;e.iivi.'fr,uHM :nein w : foi m ore details.

;~.-t'. tit. l.-i-;....; |V.r-r .; v:jr.v f

v'.i The State of Queen; Irind (Departm enc of Su.ication and Tram ii-g) 20.Lb

iTipsy/j.-elneterraccxiS eqcr!UBa'Catohdcran-:inew;-/Nc\vs,’PpgK.-/eNe'Wcie:'.cr- 4623' 5.as..px Question on Notice

No, 451

Asked on 3 July 2015

Ms Davis asksd the M inister ror Educaifon and M inister for ToLirl.sm, M ajor Events, SiTiaii Business and the Com tnonweaith Games (Hon K Jorges) •

Q U E S T iO N

W ith jeferciice tc tiie fonTier l.iMP Gcv-;.‘rnm ent's fully funded and coslcC ahoceiion of

S86O,C0O made io upgrade Patricks Road Slate SchocI hrd; in tlie Pr-rny Grove ['loclorate (fujiding not conlingent on Strong Cnok.es program) - •

VA/'lli this ailocatio?^ prccec-d under a LaDor Goven'irnent?


! thank the ivlemner for hei nuesdoiu

I am advised by th.e Department that there was no ccm rnitm e'if of funding by the iorrner

LiVF Governm ent througli the capital works program for this project. Further, i am adviSve.d that irifrastructurG Services have not. viewed any plans and therefore have not been able to cost the project tc confirm the cost estimate.

However, the hlG.tourabie M em ber would be aware that capital funding for tho 20;- .5/.IG year has been placed under conslderabie pressr;re owing to the previous Lf-M' governrnends decision to aliocate m ore Vhar] a third of the capita! budget to pay down a significanL' coinpcnenl of the Public Private Partnership thai: they entered into - i am advised this is conLrary to tiie advice of the DGparlmenl of Education.

This com m itm ent of inore t;>ar! $100 millior! from tiie capiiel works budget for 20ll>/’16 has placed significant constraint on other tiew capital works in ri'.e upcom ingfinaiitral year Gnr projects like tiiis one.

! can further advise tha-: the recently announced vedorai bur'get includes up to a $5 biillon

I'eduction in funding ''o; all Qufiensland schools once again placing significant pressure cr: schooi funding.

I can assure tlie rionourabie M em ber chat while her leader ru^s beeii sileri or ti^e Abbott

Governm ent cutsto Queensland schools,, i will continue to loboy the ;-edera! M hiister for i’ducation to stop these cuts and i urge the ! loi-ourabie k4s:'-:ber to do tiie some. ( can assure the Honourable M em ber that the Local M em ber Mark rurnor, a strong advocate for schools, is in regvjlar contact with me regarding schools in liis electorate.

I would be happy to receive any docuinentation from the m ember to substantiate the detaiis in her question that are contrary to the advice I have received from the department. & • ; Dilitf Sllljntfc'.VOl'lIl »J*1'

3i.1t* 2012 1 havti iVDrksii ha:d !d dehvftr (or c j- ’ocal schools Mof« [han SSiiHl io.i has a sc btife") io.Vfisifed i t help iinorcvii Iheraty ar.o rio'V.cfacy oi.lcoi^ies :cr sludcits Ihr&hsh ihc- Great Results gu0''.3nJec-. enrployeri r>”-as-ler teachers rsi '.wo schocis and .reats'J three tnde-penderh piibl.c cch.ootG. deii'.'frryin^ triot* autono';iy to iocai schoo: ccmmur.ives tl re-eieciec! or. Janua.-y 3 '.st i am can'ijvi tted tc rjl'/ina cat schoo's an even b;yg4f boost by fixing the dangeious stage area al PjittcV.a Road State Schcci, ieft by tne ptevious l.abo; Geverom*:i!, f!i:rg th* :tangeroi.is and negiected ca' park at Groveiy Slate School and inprcv 'ig tos reso.irces r/ oar local schoo; denial prcgram

-strorgerqid -sbongpiar. •-'einyyovv

Fixing up our local scS'ioofs

I diilivtied uripf.ovod school (ac.iitit-i., w.ifn cS'-ai Ih o in n in te n a n c e fc«ncWoo thnl \v o f-jn e f.tn ; und or the- foffTiGi C'O'.'erinvicnt. 'if'.eht. ta a i-jotico-'iblcv ujiUft in Ihs: r;M>&ijr-ti‘iticn ol •noi Echool ctKilpuat"*;, Uvrta Q cne are thie d;r>'S w ith (i. or.d dov.'npijjca. ceackcd aiio daiigetouis pawfrienta and pea'-inn paint. This p'rtividas oiir cojninunitiCF. vviih rin tijcroos;rd love! ol prkfp ifi Ota BcKoola und ouri>3rviiyiunily. '' l o ^ ' i

Question on Notice

No. 386

Asked on 4 June 2015

Dr R ow an asked iho M inister for Fducation and Minister n)r iour'sn!. M ajor rverUs, Siriaii Biisiness and tiiG Com m onwealth Ganjes (ilon i< jones) -


W ith reference to the form er INP Governinent’s fully funded and costed aliocation of up to

$300,000 made between the Department of Education and Training and Department of 1 ransport and IV'ain Roads to dalivcr a new drop off car park at the Sardof! State School in the M t Coot-fha Cei\'i:val rJec.torate (funding not contingent on Strong C'lQices programd -

Will tills allocation proceed under a Labor Government?


I liiank the M em ber fa; nis eneslion,

I am advised by me Department that there Vv-as no com m itm ent of funding by the former

LNP Government tiirough the capital works program for this project. Further, I am advised that infrastructure Services have not viev^eci any plans and therefore have ncc beGn able to cost the project to conririm ihe cost estimate.

I-Iowever, the Uonourable M em ber would be aware that capital fundnig for Liie /0;.5/.t6 yea! Ims been [jiaced under considerable p-'essure owing to the previous i.NP governmeni's decision to allocate more- than a third of the capitai budget to pay down a significant com ponent cf the Public l-'riyaLc- Parinersliip that t.liey eniared into - ! aiti advised this is contrary co the advice of the Departir.enl of Education.

This comrriiti'nent of more than $100 million horn the capital works budget for 2015/16 hru; placed significant constraint on oUter new capita! vvorks in the upcoiniirg nirancial year for projects like this one, i can furdier advise that ihe rece:if!y announced federal buJgei indudes up to r; $5 billion rGdudion in funding for ai! CTueensiond schools once again placing siBnificant pressure on sciiooi funding. i can assure the HoriOuruble Merv.ber ihar vviTile Ids leader nas been silent on the Abbott

Government cuts to Queensiand schools,! wii! co;:tinue to lobby the rc-derr- 'VTrdster tor

Education to stop ti:ese cuts and I urge the I ior'.oureoie Ivleir.ber tc do the sa.cie. i can assure the Honourabie ivlernber that the Loca! M em ber Steven Miles, a stro.'ig advocate for slate schools, is in rcgul.ar contact w ith me regars.iing schoois in his veleclorate. I would bo happy to receive any documGntalion f[om the rnember to sunslantiate th e deteil-s iti hi.s question that are contrary to the advice I have received from the department. /730''20'i5 What's happ-sniiigV — Bar

o a x v Rice

■; he Bardon

State Schooi



S axo ii. vvoLhd like lo

Imogen and th a n k A

!h o m < ^ s

•home. fo r her

G ornrnitifnont:


and suppoit of our schooi in tha

p£5Sl 3 years. She was

inshurnenlal m secunng ovttr

S300N00 to Lipgrade our iowar

carpark and ovai and also

M'lstal’ed the fia s h in c s c h o o l zo n e

s;gns to promote safe driving ai'id

awarei'iess of people vvaikinc in

il'.a areas aiound th e sc h c o i.

We hope that Saxon will leturn to

ou; school Siier a rest and some

farriily tim e at'ier such; a

relentless campaig-ii.

rkM'. Saxon Rice we wish you all

: he f.'erd vvdh y o u r future

s u c c e s s e s anci h e lio ve th e re wiii

DO m a n y more io corno.

liUp:7'.vvA.v.lx-irdO!ip'';iK:i: (:oiTi/biv>g(' ' ' ^ x W b d K

Question on Notice

No= 374

Asked on 2 June 2015

Dr Robinson asked ihe M inister for Education and M inister for Tourism, M ajor events, Snial!

Business and the Comrnonwealth Games (Hon K iones) "■


W ith reference tc the form er IMP Government's fuliy funded and costed aiiccaiion of

S^iOO.OOO m ade to upgrade the sporting fields at Alexandra Hills State High School in the Capalaba IHectorate (funding not contingent on SLfong Choices program) ■

Will this aliocaiion proceed under a Labor Govc-rr'iment?


! thank tsic M em ber for his question.

I am advised by tlie departm ent that there was no com m itm ent of Umding by the forivter

LNP Government through the capitai works prograrn forvhis proieci. Fi!r:;-‘G r,. am advised that hiPrastructure Services have r.oi viewed any plans and therem re have not been able to cost the project to conil; in the cost estimate.

However, the Honourable M em ber wouici ne eware thc.t capitel fi'ndir^g "or iise 2013/16 year has been placed under considerable pressure owing to the previous LNP govennment's decision to allocate m ore than a third of the CoPital budget to pay dovm a sigrfificar.t component of the Public Pi ivete Partnership that t’ley entered into --' am advised tnis is contrary to t he advice of the Deportnient o f L d u c a tio m

This commitmer.:: o f m ore than $100 million from the capital wo.'ks budge; for 20;i.S/16 has placed significant co;'iS>:raint on other new capiial works in tlie upcom ing financial year for projects like ihis one.

I can furthe' advise that the recently announced federal budget includes up to a .$5 biikon reduction in funokng for ail Queenslan.d schoois once agair. placing signihcant pressure on school funding, j can assure ins L-onourabie M em ber that wni'e iiis Isacier has been silent on ;.ns Abbofi;

GovernmeiU cuts tc Qi'eGiwland schoois. i will continue to iobby *i'.e kedei el M inlsisf for

Education io .stop these cuts and i urge dna Honourable ivieinbcr to do the same. I can assiirc ihe Honourable M em ber that the local M em ber Don Brown, a strong advocate for slate schools, is in regular contact vA/ith me regarding schools in his electorate.

1 would be hajDpv to receive any documentation from the m em ber to substantiate the details in his question that are contrary to the advice ! have received from the departmeni. /30/2015 Bro:;co Kicks cfi ioantio ai AIok Hil.s 1 RcKiianS City liiuilein

News Business

fiffiUftfO CITY , B u l l e t i n ■^^- Bronco Jharal Yow Yeh kicks off league at Alex Hills

By Jiidith Kerr Dec. 18,2014. 3:30 p.m.

3 w e o t

Former Bronco and State of Origin player Jharal Ycvy Yeh, sidelined after snapping the bone Y. his leg, made a vvfiisr'e-siop visit to Alexar/.ira 1 iills Slate ! iigh tc promote rugby le.agi.?e this month.

He visited the school Capalaba MR Steve Ds'-'ios hopes to transforrn into the best rugby leaguo schooi in \he state.

Mr Davies was Vvitti the former Bronco, nov’,' a sport deveiopn'iefit officer. v-Yier. lie annoLiiiced plans tc allocate $400,000 lo upgrade the school's league facilities if he wins ai next years state eleciion.

Mr Davies said the m-oney would be spenc oii new toilets, change roomis, upgradiitg the piaying field and training 'ights for night sessions.

II re-elected, Mr Davies also promised c further $400,000 in the followinc year lo kick the school off to a good start as cne cf the best league tfainlr.g groimds on the soiJtti side.

hLip;//w u\v.rcdarM jdrybu:ietir.,cc:T i ci!.v&>orv.''/ 7 7 o 8 B!;.'b:!.xico kioks-off-Iociyuo r.i-aic-x-h!llsf?c 5' = 2 ' i 3 1/ £ vlnibii" L-

Question on Notice

No. 398

Asked on 2 June 2015

M r M olhoek asked the M inister for Education and M inister for ’fouris.-a, .vlajor Events, Snt?. Business and the Conim onweoith Games (Hon K Jones) -


W ith reference Lo the fonrier LNP Government's fully funded and costea aliocation of

Sib0,000 m ade to install new ligliting ai; SlreLlcn State School in the Stratton ivGCtc-ratG

(funding noi contingent on Strong Choices program) --

Wl!! this aliocation proceed under a Laoor Government?


I th a n k ih e M e m b e r (o;- his q u e s tio n .

I am advised by the Deparlinont that tiiere was no com m itm ent of funding by t/ie form er

LNP G overnm eitt through the capital works progr?un for this prciject. f-iirihor, i am .''dvlsed that Infrastructure Services have noi viewed any plans and therefore have not been able to cos! the prcjed lo confirm the cos: estimate. i lowGver, the Horiourable M em ber would be aware that capital funding for the 2015/16 year has been placed under considerable prc\ssure owing to ihe previous LNP government's decision to allocate m ore than a third of the capital budget to pay down a significant componei'.t of the Public Privcfe Pnrtnership that they entereo into - I arn advised this is contrary to the advice of the Departmerit of Education,

This com m itm anl of m ore than $10G million from the capiVa! wo:-ks budget fur 2Q15/16 has placed significanl constraint on other new capital y.^orics i.n the upcoming nnar.cial year for projecis like this ore.

I can further adviSvO that the recentiy announced federal budget incujdes up to a S6 billion reduction in fundingfo-' a:; Q,uees:.sland sciiools once again placing signi'icain pressure on school funding.

I can assii.^e ciie Honourable M eniber that y/hiie liis leader has oecn silent on tiu; .AbbcG

Government culs to Omeensiand schools, I will continue to iobb'/ the Federal Mimstei for

Education to stop these cuts and I urge the Honourable M em ber vo do tna same. i can assure the Honourable M ember that the Local M em ber Duncan Pegg, a strong advocate for state sclioois, is in regular contact w ith ine regarding schools in his electorate.

I would be happv to receive any ciocuiTientation from the m em ber lo substantiate the details in his quesLlon that are contrary to the advice I have received from the department. Soutl'ifevr. Star - Spriaywood, Brisbane iSEM 23v-in ?0-!;5

General Ntn';s. par-e 18 - 70.00 cm' Subui'brn • circtlafion 61.1 71) (-V¥— j

Copy'i^nl /'.[ler'iry

bCU V.‘ 0:.!l Pledges focus on schoois

'ir)l'''r.liSTij£ scbocl:; said she ivoi Jd push, lo r mc.v (.I'esui> i9.;tot0) i; r.'‘> ■](:?, )i«h.l.ir:g ri. Su-Kii.n* Slaic iisi uf elBCtiuu promit-.es us '.'uil(--ge'fc fonil'j dl ['icld (>Htc-..n,=rlriiide:':> nrepin'ft lo •v=.ouaaecoud term. g c to th e i-iohs Llii;? sveOstoLCi. Ms o)aiapovitc.i’. said she Sr.ulojifs or AlwstGr Sti'.tu would alstj lobb'/ for two Si-hon] L'oaid bou.^ru from ;i no'.N Su'^cco- fields mkI an up- !?L'»u.iiOO r.pvp Tjcie uf rheif '.oi- Ltrarie oi die crir'koi pirdi at lot fa o il’Ties h'Aige.stoi yirat Vv'aliv Tate Park ai K'i-i-a!jy. J.NrM £/‘ii;iiinny Shor:enis Sill-- daiil only si;ii|-Ls Hpldi on Soiufd^y. r;i dolainvak’ wore li! ai M r Siiiirroi; said i.ht iH ulii (irtii.; lo.' tra iiu iio ruui s i'h u u ] 1, s e c v n a td u iS "Tbous.’-nds niorc ond ;oili?ibJocK h i)iuii cio.s- frinil'rs iiav inovfsi to iiie =•■'10 ITS ionior f;Ias~:'ooin-; to oivM ixni'l !hoy nr-ed S'onv'- .11 rf' yoi!;'ig;('3mn!ck-nts did 10 play ccti.lo'U' -[.'ort IK)} too far to vealx, rather t!i;.u'i playiiir, siOincas MosiAvht’9. StrotTon ■.-m.U'.- Oil vh'h*' c.jr;puU'-rs," -Ir. ?vii’ Frcva ti.siapoviioli sairi. ^ & vlo iJo i +

Question on Notice

No. 208

Asked on 19 May 7.015

Mr Mlnnikin asked the M inister for education and M inister for fourism, M ejor tvenls, Srr.al Business and ihe Com monwealth Games (Son l< Jones) -


W ith reference to tlie form ei' LNP Government's fully funded and costed aliocrTion of $5in

m ade towards a new rnulri-purpose hail at Cavendish :-^.Gad State iSign Scnoo! in the

Grecnslopes ElGctorate (funcling not contingent on the Strong Choices pr-ogram) --

Wii! this ailocation proceed under the Labor Government?


I tiiank the M em ber for his queslion.

I am advised by the Deparimcmt that there 'was no com m itm erjt or funding by the: form er

LNP Governm ent through the capita! Vv'orks program for •:ihs projeci:. Furdvoiy I am advised tiiai Infrastructure Services have iiot viewed ariy plans and therefore have not been able io

cost the project to confiMn tiua cost, estimate.

However, the Honourauie :MGnrbe:' would be aware that capital funding for the 2015/16

year has beet! placed under considerabic pressure owing to the previous LNP governme.al's

decision to al!ocai:G :-no, e than a third of the capitai budget fo pay dcwn a significrmt

com ponent of the ct tlie Public Private Partnership tnat they entered i:Go - i au! advised this is ccnirary to tha advice of the Deps!trn(?nt cf Education.

This com m itm ent of tnoi'e th.an SIOG million from the capital works budget for 2015/] 6 has

placed significant constraint O:'- otiu-r new c.apital v.'orks in the upcom ing financial year for

projects like this one.

i can further advise that ine recently unnou-nced federal budget inciuoes up to a 66 bilker,

reduction in funding for all 0.ueensla:td schoois once again placing significsnv p:'essurc on

schooi funding.

I can assure the Honourable M eniber that wliile his iet.der has been silent on the Abbott

Government cutsto Queensland schools, : wik com :ini!eto lobby the rsdera! M-p.iste- for

Education to stop tlvese cuts tutd I urge tisO Honouraolo M em ber io do inc. saruiC. 1 can assure the Honourable M em ber that rho Local M em ber Joe Kelly, a strong advocate for slate schools, is in regular coivtaci with me regarding schools in his cleclorale.

I would be happy to receive any documentation from the member to substantiate the details in his question that are contrary to the advice I have received Irom the departm ent. South Fost AriveKissf, Brisbane ! L a , 21 J;:n 2a15

C-oneni Nejvvs. pi'gs c - 32.00 crn* SiJbuiiDau •• wrculc-ilion 50,071 ^-W-

i I - . , , . '.1 Agvrcy 'c:rs?.1 cojv. I'.v ' v.r.r,p;T.i:'ii ccn.y.‘i) inUC?^330539!36 FAGF ' Of !

} lOLLAMD P/\^?!< IP^s pledge for

LiBEi^Ab blreenSjOijOa MJ* I:ii! Kuyo plodg;;d jdm for zi now ,scl;oi>! brrll ;u Cin'on- rii« h R c :h 1

fk-* nuiO i;: lti>' iitiji.u n u 'i;- ’Viunt '.v itii E clucTA ion .V liiiia- tor John-l’:.lii l,:u;f’bi' 0 '.‘k last \vi.'C>jA aayijig a aratP-oi- thp-arr IV .oiiiiy '.vculci ac- ooniii'ouray a r o u g e u f irn o o i' ac-kviuei'- "A t (he !i,on!C iil ih'. J;lu- eenr lio;ly c; uiicii' I'li in ri;!.' hob." fvir K.t>\--iaV)C'. ? x l

Question on Notice

No. 371

Asked on 2 June 2015

Mr Minnikin askod ibe M inister fnr ridtjcalion and Minister ror 1 curism, M ajcr [-.vents, Smai!

Business and the Com m onweakh Games (Hon K .Jones} -


W ith reieronee to the form er LNP Governm ent’s fully funded and tosled aiioca’aon of $40,000 made towards upgrading the playground at Coorparcc State Schooi in the

Greensiopes Electorate (funding not contingent oi'i Strong Choices program) --

Will this allocadon proceed under a Labor Covernm enff


i thank the M cm hcr for his ouestioii.

I airs advised by the Departrneisl that there \m ?s no comnhtmerit of iunding by ttie fofm er

l.N^ G overnm en’,; througi-! the capital work.s program for this project Lurtiier, I am acivised

that Infrestructure Services have net viewed any plans and therefcre have not been Hbis Ic . cost ihe project to confirm the cost estimate.

However, the Honourable M em ber wcuid be aware that capitai funding for the /.OlS/15 yem has bean placed under considerable pressure owing to the previous t.N'P goveriim antk decision ic alioCcVio m ore than a Lhlrd of the capital budget to pay down a significant componeni; of the Public Private Parti ;ers.hip ti'iat they entered into -- i am adviseo tihs is contrary to the advice of tho Depc-rtment of £c uccHor;.

This comrnitmenf o l m ore lhart $100 midion from ihe cepitaJ works buogel for 2015/.'. 6 has

placed significant consrraint on other new capital works in the upcoming financed year for

projects like this one.

I can further advise that t\\e recentiy announced federal budget indudes ;..p to a $6 briion

reduction in funding for ai; Queensland schoois ofxe again placing sign; jc^m t p'-essu^'e on school funding.

I can assme ihe Hcnourable M ernber that vvhiie his leader has been sllen;. on the Abbott

GovGrnment cuts to Queensland sch.uols, ! vviL' r.o riiin u e i'c (obby the iQo'err:: iViindter for

irducatiGu to stop Lhese cu:.s and i urge tiie Hcno'.r.able M eniber dc the :.E ;m o. i can assure the Honourable M em ber that, the Local M em ber Joe Kelly, a strong advocate for stale schools, is in regular contact with me regarding schools in his electorate. i would be happy to receive any documentation from the rnember to substantiate the details In his question that are contrary to the advice I have received from the departm ent. ^ Ian Kaye

^ Jantjiijv -0

!i')V plan for Green&lopes should I be re-elecfeci loinoiiovv is.

Slrenglher. the OLD economy to ensure job creation and opportunitses fop all Oueenslarrders and provide first class lieallh and education services. You car-j't have strong servtces wittiou! a stiong economy.

Some of '.vhat 1 v/ili deliver locally in the next term tor Greenslopes: * A new hall foe Cavendish Road State High Schooi Upgraded lighting on (he ovals at Coorparoo Juniors AFL and Coorparoo Secondary College. ■ Assistantce to the Canossa Kindergaiten for nev; pjayground equipmeni following tlieir recent loss. * Replacen'ient cf aging ptayground equipment at Coorpuiuo Piimai'y School

Recent conimtinients delivered * 3 X sets of flashino school zone lights at local sctiocls. ’ The new Coorparoo Junction dovelopment due to start in pGbruary.

Despite the uotrLiths from my opponent the health system has never been stronger. An example is the PA Hospital Emergency department is the best perfoMTiing in the nation.

1 will build on vvhal 1 have delivered for the wonderful commurulies within [lie Greenslopes electorate over the pas! 3 years. Question on Notice

No. 350

Asked on 2 June 2015

Mrs Frecklington asked ihn M inister for I'ducation and M inister for 'lourisin, iVitijor Events, Smell Business and the Cornnfonweaith Games (Hon K Jones) ~


W ith reference to the form er IMP Governmetrc's fuiiy funded and costed aliocation of

$785,000 triade to buiid a uew/ school heli at Bray Park State High School in the Pine Rivers

Electorale (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) -

Will this allocation proceed under e Labor Goveniment?


i thank the M em ber for har question.

! am advised by the Department that, thete was no comiTiivnient of funding by the former

LNP G overnm eni Ihrougit the Capita! vvorks programs for this project FurLher,; am advised

that infrasiruciure Services have not viewed any pir.ns and therefore have not been abie to

cost the project to coiifirm the cost estimate.

However, :;he Honourable M em ber would be aware that capim! .mnding for iiie 70'tS/IG

year lias been placed under consido.-eble pressure owing to the previous LMP governrnGnt's

decision to allocate nrore than a third of the capito] buriget to pay dow n a sig.nificani'

com ponent of the Public Privr\te Partnership that tliey entered into - I aoi advised ihis is

contrary tc the advice of the Departmeni of Education.

This cotm nitm ent of more tfmn $.100 million from the capital works budget for 20;.5/lE> has

placed significant constrrinf on other new capita! works in the upcoming 'inQiiciai year for

projecis like this on.e.

I can fuiTher advise Uiav tne recerriiy annoiincod federa! budget ir.ciixes up to a $5 biillon

reduction in fundingfor all Queensland schools once: again piacii'.g signincant pressure cn

schoo! funding.

i can assure the ' lonourable M em ber that wiuie lier leader nas oeen snenx on th.-= .Ahl'rfTt

Governm ent cuts to Queensland sci'.oois, I 'wili continue to looby the redorr.i iViini.stcr for

Education to stop those cuts and 1 urge i h 2 iforiourable M em ber to do the same. I can assure the Honourable M em ber that the Local M em ber Nikki Boyd, a strong advocate for state schools, is in regular contact vwith me regarding schools in her clectoratG.

1 would be happy to receive any documentation from the member to substantiate the

detaiis In her question that are contrary to the advice I have received from the department. Pine Rivets Press - Strathpiiie, Brisbane iSENTIA 'P'i Jan 2015, by Bftmie Uowl’fo, ■ INSGftW ■ INS oHT

G et'eral f'iev/s. page 1 'I - 199.00 c :V i- iSENTIA Subui'ban ' cirr.'.ilaiion {--T- -j

• , y g > : ^ C opyrighi ftgr-nf y lu«^jiscr ccipy jjja-KifW K** PAGFr (vwH- -t >5iJi

PiNE RIVERS Schoois centre of election pledges Ber;^.5e D ow O jii.' a»y;:)- .Sh.'n!!* King hi'r piedued to stop KaKaniiur SinlfScho'.i! ov?i! hoii-ig.snld. ■■'!’he ovrd if- only r.id'e untl'-'r a .[nihi'i- g£ :Mino\tnce rodtjy saiusciv.>ols I)) his e!ci;torate JG.G) minion. I'onovmkm nf 'voLijd conUnuc- to receive iho school noli at firny 2n.'-]; mon.-. y unfjf.'i-tl'iC Great l\c- Sist'.r High Sciroo.i ih Ivo nrni .suks Guaraniae for iruitici'- the LNi’ ori; rocnrnod. acy and Siraracy proiyrainr ■'11' I .'ijii ro •. 1 .Cv.';!] c'-S pei't .Sohofils ioYolvoij iticfude oi an r,Ni^ Goveinmcrii, i KaUangur Stafo Sc.bi’ol. Will dolivei' liiis nov.- o.nd im- Murruntba Stato Soeonde.Ty isruvt-cl iiali .br tiiO Rr.ay College, Penif Stale School Park Hip.h 9c'tu«?i i!0!tiniiin- and Uiidurbii Slaie Schuul. Ity,” Mr Holswiclt said. lie has also prj.nnisod ,;o'.v oodiui.' t'or liu* Jitstmniy liali ai Hiiie Piv. r.-i Slate I (igh Si’iiool !-r.liur toi J'iiio Hivers NiliKi rioyd sa'ic* hot ijarty. ingovt-rnmenl. v.'<.)uld [!ur on end in sliovi-iai’ni rfivnrai'tv ;bi' j'ti'inriiialf; r;-Hi deputies. ''At'Tc-r siJealPng to local ?(:ij(.

    jr would ap­ point 4:'-; more pnidfjm’c ofti- otfi's across Quc-cn;slr.rii.i uvor roprKaTlimgur ^hoo! has'ari irecticr p [eog e. Frsin left: (he nc>:i tl.rt-eyear.s. “ ine Rivers candfdatQS SPmthHolvwich, Nikki Boyd; Kailni-.gur habor candulat',' ior imiii- r.ancPdaios: VrfavurRiithenbevty, Sharsy King. Question on Notice

    No. 439

    Asked on 1 June 2015

    Ms ;.eahy asked the Minister for Education and M inister for Tourism, Majoi' Events, Small

    Business and the Cornrncnweaith Games (lion l< Jones) --


    W ith reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed a-'|oc3t;on ot $2SO,000 m ade to instn!! air conditioning in the Norlhvern Beace.es State School's main hall in the Qiuringowa Electorate (funding he: continger't on Strong Choices D:'ogrcn!/ -

    W i’l ‘his aliocQtion proceed under a Labor Governnient?


    ! thank the M em ber for hc-r question.

    These Is no Northern Beaches State Schooi i;a the QuGCiislpnd eriucaticn sy.stem.

    I: the m em ber is referring to the NciThern Boaciies State Nigh SchooS, thcf: I arn advised by the departmeni that there was no comm itm ent of funding by the formei IN? Goverrmsnt th^'ough the capitai works program for this pi oject.

    Furtf’.er, I arn advised that .'nfrastructure Services have not viewed any plans and therefore have not been able tc cost the nrojecl to confirm the cost estirnale.

    Ho'wevGr, ihs Honourable iviei'nber woicd be aware that capital funding ior the T.OlS/lb year has been placed under considerable pressure owing lo the previoiis LitP government's docision to allocate m ore than a third of the capital budget 1;c pay dow n a sigiVificant com ponent or the Public Private Partnership Ihal they entered into - i am: advised this is contrary to the advice of the Depr.itm ent of Tducatio;'!.

    1 his ccnim lnvienv of m o re than $100 millicr; from the ca.olta! works budget .'or 20.'' 3 /1 6 ho.s placed significant constraint on ether new canlta! works in the upcoming financial yaar for projects like this one.

    I can further advise that the recentiy announced federal budget includes up to a $6 billion reduction in fundingfor all Q.ucer!sland schools once again placing significant pressure- on school fijnding. i can assure the Honourable Memiber ffiaf while he: leader has been sllen’' on tho Abbott

    Gove; nmerm cuts tc Queensland schoois, ; win continue to lobby the f ederai Mirsistes for

    Hducadosi to ston these cuts and i urge the i ioncnrabie M em ber lo do log same. 1 can assure Ihe Honourable M em ber that the Local M em ber Aaron Harper, a strong arlvocate for state schools, Is in regular contact w ith m e regarding sc)

    i would bs happy to receive any documeniation from the m em ber to substantiate the details in her question tliat are contrary to the advice I have received from the department. LNP DELIVERS i-OR )x!ORTHi.-KN SJEACriFiS COMivlU'jll Y - /-\:rJre^/ Cripps MP

    i :arny^

    o ~‘Vf.-, ih. o

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    • '-‘tevr?, o - jO-.: i;; I •

    • . I m'r r y o rC c - bw ; j o ; o

    i Pw. u. ! o 1 * C o T it w C [A n j o s 1 rvvy cb'Yli '

    Andrew CrioDS MP

    Member for Hinchinbrook


    23 JajiuavN

    C’ulcauiics; lilccturaU’

    Member for Hti-chmbrook Andrew d’ripos and Member fo,’' Thunngowa Sarn Cox are w-oiinn}' irnrd ro delo er vilal cominuniiy inrruslruclure for tht- bJoriiiem BeL'ches.

    Andrew Cripr.s says i f he is re-e’.ecied ar.d tire L N 1'' is iCUUT.ed fo gcAci iL.rer.i. be vvdi deliver $1 I m illion towards the cAnclopntcnl A('a new coniinuniiN' cerurc at Beagy Bnmrelc Park :a lUrsidanci Beae’-i

    "In December 20 !•;. ' announced SI .5 mdlion to upgrade vilal communuy and sporUng iacibbes n? Pegn\ BaM.Ockl Park firough ilic Mcwman Govornir.eni's (}ei Plyn-ini; /aC/.v prourani u> help local sportnye clubs and comiounilx' groups'' sm'd Mr >'rinps.

    iV » . . . . . ! . . , J . . 1. >, I - , » r> . .1. f'rf;p.//ivu-iv.--;nri('avcr’pps.cor?KBi.i'?p=2633 LNf'Obl.lV'lTRS FOR F-ORT! il, I-5N BRACi IfcS COMM UNITY AncJtow GrljTre MP

    , - \ s Liii e x u a U 0 0 S 5 lo uie i n o [ i .i .i c m i r^eacnes coinnuiiiuy me i j n m i s comnimea u) uenvenag > M a g c o ; liiis piojeci, providing a fiiithcr $ i liii iinH.ling lo conslruct a coinnuiiiity ccuUc as }>arl of-lie Townsviiie City Cotmcirs plan lo creaie an inlegj'aial services 'mb for ilic local area/' lie smd.

    M r Cripps said the Nortliern Beaches was a rapidly growing area of Ihe C'ily of'rownsvil-e arui it was iin}x>itant that coinnuiniiy and social mtVasu'iictUie kept pace vviilt the ;csidcir:iai and comnicicial g ro u iii

    ‘1 understand h o w im ponanl conim unitv infrasUTicture is to lo c a ls which is w!i\' I am c o m m iiie d to dcTlivcring key projects snch as these as the M em ber for ilinchinbrcok" hesaid.

    Mem ber for Thunngowa Sain Cox has been delivering important school and safety upgrades with the annoiHiceifieiil ot'air-conciitioning o f ih c N o /th e rn Pcciche.s S ’ kS .■j'ohoo! hah o/'d u pede.shianc ro s s in g on Veales Road.

    "Air-conditioning the school iiail will provide a facility rhn: is better siiiicd to our ciimauy not just for students hut for ex'cryone in the Norihern Beaches area.

    ■'The communitN- need a place where they can come logelltei . wliere they can nieei, p!a> sport and hold events, whether it is a local theatre group or indoor markets.

    ■'1 support the policy ofopciiing up school lacduies after hours because it strengthens ties jnthe local area anti piovides comniunity groups wilfj .sonicwlnore to m ccl.." M i snid.

    '! Iiave also been working closelv with Pnncipa.' Barry iiorner. S'i A n ih o iiv 's P h. th? T o w n s v ille C u \ t. ouncil. Trui)spt>rt and Mair; Roads and !Vhn;ster Cnpps to deliver tltc pedestrian crossing on V e a le s 'Rond.

    "!i IS about the saieiv o f our kids. This pedestrian ci'ossing. combined with new hashing school zone lights. Will nuike tiie trip to and fiom schooi safer foj hundreds o f ciuldren

    " fhis is the kind of outcome t!\at can be achieved A hci; evciyopc us on the same page and works togetiier to keep our kidss a fe /' he said.

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    immm s r t ‘f ' k •••« ji' •

    El - i i t CiTf/ps llelA ei's Plci.lgc l ur K4;ssinr: I.NP M.ARK5 I UNDS I OR NI.W TRfl'PS I'l.PIXiPS Kt'NDS i-OK

    rSc.ich Pool SC!((X.)l S i'i.UTLV SilOW TiiV'iDNDS W Ul "! k.'!'!'M .iio" in t. iwiouiio' MiV.'

    !i. "t Urjor,!!'-'

    facs v.'omniumw t'enirc. Infraslruci POrrhern ITmchcs iillp;>.''v'.'Vvv';.i;n'Jr(-rvvcr!p[-)r. coai ..\/y-2i.i33 Question on Notice

    No. 463

    Asked on 4 June 2015

    M r Stevensasked the M inister for Education and Minister for Tourism, M ajor Events, Small

    Business and the Com monwealth Games (Hon K Jones) -


    W ith reference to the form er LNP Government's fully funded and costed allocation of

    $500,000 made to deliver new play equipment, improved playgrounds and sports field at the New Farm State School in the Brisbane Central Electorate (funding not contingent on Strong Choices program) -

    Will this allocation proceed under a Labor Government?


    I thank the M em ber for his question.

    1 am advised by the Department that there was no com m itm ent of funding by the form er

    LNP Government through the capital works program for this project. Further, I am advised that Infrastructure Services have not viewed any plans and therefore have not been able to cost the project to confirm the cost estimate.

    However, the Honourable M em ber would be aware that capital funding for the 2015/15 year has been placed under considerable pressure owing to the previous LNP government's decision to allocate m ore than a third of the capital budget to pay down a significant component of the Public Private Partnership that they entered into - 1 am advised this is contrary to the advice of the Department of Education.

    This com m itm ent of more than $100 million from the capital works budget for 2015/16 has

    placed significant constraint on other new capital works in the upcoming financial year for

    projects like this one.

    I can further advise that the recently announced federal budget includes up to a $6 billion

    reduction in funding for all Queensland schools once again placing significant pressure on school funding.

    I can assure the Honourable M em ber that while his leader has been silent on the Abbott

    Government cuts to Queensland schools, I will continue to lobby the Federal Minister for

    Education to stop these cuts and I urge the Honourable M ember to do the same.

    I can assure the Honourable M em ber that the Local M em ber Grace Grace, a strong advocate

    for state schools, is in regular contact w ith me regarding schools in her electorate. 1 would be happy to receive any documentation from the member to substantiate the details in his question that are contrary to the advice I have received from the departm ent. Hoben Cavallucci ^RobCBv.'-4'ic-€s ,:ar, IS ^ Part 2 of my loca! p!an @Wind$or_SS Si Mew FarmSS split S1M delivenng stage 1 of 20 year Masterpian '^''qldpol /'qldvotes F 0 berlcavaliucc;!. u is m ,au/2015/01 /v/tnd^-r^.

    6-02 PM

    'S t 2 s E x W v q ^ \ s .

    Question on Notice

    No. 387

    Asked on 2 June 2015

    M r Watts asked the Minister for {-ducaticn and Minister for Tcisrisr.i, Major ilvenis, Sival! Business and the Corvnnonweelth Games (Hun K Joiie.s}

    Q U B S riO h ;

    With referer’.ce Lo the formerlNP Govei nmenL’s fuhy funded and cosled rikicarion of $100,000 for fiood i'nitigation acdvities at BrasScH State Sr.’soo! in L'he Ipswich West Etectorate (funding not cuntiiigenl on Strong Choices prograni) • -

    WilrOiis allocatioi’. oroccved unaa; a Labor Government?

    ANSW l R:

    I thank the Member foi his quesricn.

    I am advised by -he Department tha; Lhe?e was no cominilmenL of ;unding !)y the 'Lormer IMP Goverr.ment timough tiie capital works program for rhis projeci;. Turther, I am advised that Infrastructure Services have not viewed any plans and tlierefore have not been able lo cost the project to confirm thif? cost estimate.

    However, the HonGurabio Member wculd be aware the; capital fur^ding vcr the 2015/16 year iias been placed under consiuerabk:- pressure owing to the previous i NP govm mment's decision Lo ailocale more than a third ol ::ne capital budge!, to pay down a signihcunt coiT.pcnent of the Public Private Partnership that they entered into - 1 arn advised 'ihis is contrary to tha scvice of ihe Deparhnsnt of 'rducation.

    This coiTimiitnent of riiora than $;iOO n'ikion from th.e capiLr.l works buclgst for 2C15/1G hms placed .significar.t constfmint on oti'rer i';ew capital works in tha upconring financial year for projects like this one.

    1 can further advise th a t the reconiJy ennoitnced federal budget inck.'(ie.s up m a 66 bil.'ion reduction in mncikig for ^\\ Queoiisla.-id schock> once again placing sig'dficanl pressure on school fuiidiiig.

    I can a.ssure tlm I lonoiM'able Me.mber tiKsi while iri.s leader has been si'enL on the Abbott GovernmemL cuts to Queensland schouis, I vvih continue' to Lobby ihe heoerai Miriister for Education to stop Lr.ese CL'.ts and ' u.'ge the rio n o jro D ie :V!.e!Tiber to do the same. i can assure the Honourable M em ber rhai: the Local M em ber iim Madden, a strong advocate ior slate schools, is in regular contact with me regai'ding schools in his electorate. i would be happy to receive any documentation from the m ember lo substantiate the details in his question that are contrary to the advice 1 have received from the department. ■ Se.Tfl CilOilT "x • '-h

    Mv 5-poin? Qotion plan ioi Ipsvvf.'P Wes! w ll see S100,DDC in fiinciu't^ specifically for flood mitlrioficn Vv'or;-:s at Grosoall Stole f-’nniary Sciiool. I’vo licici BducaUon h h riiste r Jol'in Pau! Langbioek in the eJeclorafe and Jie has seen himnelf the impact on the school Gomniurv.ty. . 'tptVvVic’iVVesl •-e’oloJorCf’.oaf ^.-sfrongerqw '■ E vw io d S ” 28 Jul 2015 High Country Herald, High-ilelds OLD Section; General News • Article type : News Item • Audience : 10.596 • Page: 4 Printed Size: 62.00cm’ • Market: OLD • Country • ASR: AUD 151 • Words: 114 Item ID; 441825765 Que3nsland (jovornm pnt i^iisentia.mediaportal

    Copyjig'il Acjiiriv copv i.c.op v'ifjh t '"oro am Pa;?e l of 1

    MP campaigns for hall at Wilsonton high Member for Toowoomba North Trevor Warts said die S50 students o f Wilsonton Campus deserve a hall. H e said W ilso n to n was tl)C only highschool cainpus in Oueenslattd with over 800 students and no indoor facil­ ity and no plan to fund or b uild one. "1 wani QoQcnslitnc] schools, especially those in “Please suppon Wilson- loowooniba North, to be vi­ lon Campus students by brant hubs where cliildren signing the P. and C.'s peti­ learn, icacheoiicach and co m ­ tion today." he said, munities gather. To sign the petition go to: “Currently 294 petitioners hitpi.'.'w w w .parliantcni. have niready supported a P, tfJd.gov.aiiAvDrk-of-a.ssem- .tnd C. AsscKialion to get tltc biy/pctilionsi'c-pctitioiis. new facility, however, we The petition closes on need m ore. Sunday, September 13. LO

    o CN

    c u tJ D

    ^ 3 PQ

    < L )

    a Capital Statement CO Budget Paper No3

    H i ' ' .’ • p I

    Great state. Great opportunity. -• '.^ L r Queensland C_ j ^ Government f." 2 0 1 4 -1 5 State Budget Papers 1. Budget Speech 2. Budget Strategy and Outlook 3. Capital Statement A. Budget Measures 5. Service Delivery Statements Appropriation Bills Concessions Statement

    The suite ol Budget Papers is similar to that published in 2013-14.

    The Budget Papers are available online at www.buciget.qid.gov.au

    © Crown copyright All rights reserved 2014

    Excerpts from this publication may be reproduced, witli appropriate acknowledgement, as permitted under the Copyright Act.

    Capital Statement Budget Paper No.3 ISSN 1445-4890 (Print) ISSN 1445-4904 (Online) Queensland Government

    STATE BUDGET 2014-15


    Budget Paper No. 3


    1. O verview 1

    introduction ...... 2 Capital Purchases ...... 2 Capital Grants ...... 7

    2. State Capital Program - Planning and Priorities ...... 10

    Introduction ...... 10 Capital Planning ...... 10 Capital Delivery ...... 11 2014-15 Highlights ...... 14

    3. Capital Outlays by Entity 19

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs 19 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry ...... 21 Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services ...... 24 Education, Training and Employment ...... 27 Electoral Commission of Queensland ...... 34 Energy and Water Supply ...... 35 Environment and Heritage Protection ...... 50 Fire and Emergency Services ...... 52 H e a lth ...... 54 Housing and Public Works ...... 64 Justice and Attorney-General ...... 68 Legislative Assembly of Queensland ...... 73 Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience ...... 74 National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing ...... 77 Natural Resources and M ines ...... 81 Office of the G o v e rn o r...... 82 Office of the Ombudsman ...... 83 Police Services ...... 84 Premier and Cabinet ...... 85 Public Safety Business Agency ...... 86 Queensland Audit Office ...... 89 Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts ...... 90 State Development, Infrastructure and Planning ...... 93 Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games ...... 96 Transport and Main Roads ...... 98 Treasury and Trade ...... 115

    Appendix A - Entities included in Capital Outlays 2014-15 ...... 116

    Appendix B - Key Concepts and Coverage...... 119

    Appendix C * Capital Purchases by Entity by Region...... 120 1. OVERVIEW

    FEATURES • Capital purchases in 2014-15 are estimated to be $9,401 billion. Capital grants in 2014-15 are estimated to be $2,053 billion. • The focus for the 2014-15 capital program remains the continuation of the reconstruction effort after the natural disasters of 2010, 2011 and more recently 2013, and the development of infrastructure to support economic growth, and to meet the needs of a growing population. The Government’s large scale reform of the prioritisation, funding, delivery and maintenance of infrastructure will continue. • Significant reconstruction and resilience works continue in 2014-15, with capital purchases on road reconstruction of $130 million and capital grants to local governments of $949.5 million, including $41.5 million for betterment projects to restore essential public assets damaged by ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald. • The Government is making inroads into the maintenance backlog in schools and health facilities identified by the Commission of Audit. $100 million has been allocated in 2014-15 to the Fixing our Schools Fund, bringing total additional maintenance funding to $300 million over three years. The Government will invest $81.8 million in 2014-15 to continue the $327 million Backlog Maintenance Remediation Program to address high priority and critical operational maintenance in health. • In 2014-15, there will be capital purchases of $4,590 billion for transport and main roads, including $30.4 million towards construction of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, $374 million to continue construction of the Moreton Bay Rail Link, $177.3 million towards the duplication of the Bruce Highway (Coofoy to Curra) Section A and $66 million to widen a section of the Bruce Highway from two to four lanes between Vantassel Street and Cluden. • The Government will deliver 10 new schools in rapidly developing areas to be procured from the private sector under the Queensland Schools Project. • The 2014-15 health capital purchases are $1,559 billion, including $224.5 million to continue delivery of the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, $369.8 million to continue delivery of the Sunshine Coast Public University Hospital and $173.3 million for the redevelopment of hospitals in Cairns, Mackay, Mount Isa, and Rockhampton. • Capital purchases in the Public Non-financia( Corporations sector, predominately Government-owned corporations, constitute 38% of total investments, including $2,744 billion in the energy sector.

    Capital Statement 2014-15 INTRODUCTION

    This capital staiemcnl provides an overview of the Oueensland Governm ent’s approach to capital planning and delivery and the capital program for 2014-15. Capital purchases in 2014-15 are expected to be $9.40! billion, \^'ith capital grants totalling $2,053 billion.

    'I'he 20 14 -J 5 capital program continues the rebuilding elTori IblJowiitg natural disasters of 2010, 2011 and most recently 2013. with $130 million in roads and transport reconstruction and $949.5 m illion in capital grants to local government across

    Queensland for reconstruction purposes.

    In addition to this rebuilding, the Government is making significant investments in liealth- transport infrastnictnre. education and housing, to address population growth and to improve the productivity and prosperity o f the State.

    Each year, part o f the Queensland Governm ent’s capital program is undertaken through the Public Non-tlnancial Corporations (PN FC ) sector, (that is. commercial entities of

    Government, including Govemmenl-owned coipora(ions). For 2014-15, capital purchases by the PNFC sector w ill comprise 38% of the State capital program, reflecting tnajor investtnents in port and rail infrastn.icUire and in energy, CAPITAL PURCHASES

    The Queensland Government invests in capital assets to suppon the services it provides to the coinnuinity and to improve the productivity of the Queensland economy.

    ('apital purchases by puipose in 2014-15 are shown in Chart 1.1 below. Capital purchases by Stale Government entity are listed in Table 1.1. while Table 1.2 lists capital purchases by region, with greater detail provided in Appendix C. Chart 1.2 shows the classification o f regions used tor the Regional Budget Statements (RBS).

    Capital Statement 2014-15 Chart 1.1 Capital purchases by purpose, 2014-15

    Education and Training 4%

    Energy Infrastructure 27% Transport Infrastructure 44%

    Healtli, Housing and Community Services 18%

    Other Law, Order and Infrastructure Public Safety 4% 3%

    Capital Statement 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 Entity Est. Actual Budget $’000 S’ODO

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Muiticuitura! Affairs 1 ,3 9 9 1,891

    Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2 5 ,5 1 3 2 3 ,6 1 6

    Communities, Child Safely and Disability Services 22,801 35,219

    Education. Training and Empioyrnent 5 5 6 ,2 1 3 4 1 1 ,6 7 0

    Energy and W ater Supply

    Energy and W ater Supply 296,964 122,579

    Energy Generation Sector 2 2 0 ,0 0 4 3 4 2 ,0 1 3

    Queensland Bulk W ater Supply Authority 104,392 122,444

    Energy Transmission Sector 427,134 522,923

    Energy Distribution Sector 1 ,6 5 0 ,4 0 0 I .B / 8 , 6 3 9

    Environment and Heritage Protection 12,081 2 9 ,8 8 6

    Fire and Emergency Services 7 ,0 5 6 8 .6 0 9

    H e a lth 1 ,5 0 2 ,7 8 5 1 ,5 5 9 ,3 4 1

    Housing and Public Works 2 6 6 ,4 2 9 2 6 4 ,6 9 0

    Justice and Attorney-General 78.477 163,056

    l.egislative Assemnly of Queensland 3 ,0 4 6 3 ,1 7 0

    Local Government, Community Recovery end Resilience 1 7 ,0 9 5 8 ,4 3 7

    Nat'onal Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing 4 7 ,0 1 5 4 2 ,9 0 2

    natural Resources and Mines 13,081 1 6 .3 1 0

    Police Services 9 5 ,9 4 1 2 4 ,2 1 8

    Premier and Cabinet 2 .5 8 2 1 ,1 8 4

    Public Safety Business Agency ' 54,494 140,688

    Science, Inforrnalion Tecfinoiogy, Innovation and Ihe Arts 25.654 17,195

    State Development, infrastructure and Planning 6 7 ,7 7 4 6 7 .7 8 6

    lourism . Major Events, Small Business and ttne Commonwealth Gaines 1 ,2 2 7 1 5 ,7 2 4

    Transport and Main Roads

    Transport and Main Roads 4,018,908 3 ,9 3 0 .7 2 1

    Queensland Rail 3 8 4 ,2 5 4 4 9 0 ,2 1 7

    Port Authorities 130,001 168,631

    Treasury and Trade 1 ,8 3 8 6 ,6 2 0

    Other Agencies'* 1 0 ,3 7 6 1 1 ,3 6 6

    Other Adjustments® 1 0 4 ,7 6 7 (3 0 ,6 6 5 )

    Anticipated Capital Contingency Reserve^ (400,000) (1,000,000)

    Total Capital Purchases 9 ,7 5 3 ,7 1 1 9 .4 0 1 ,0 8 0

    Notes 1. Includes all associated statutory bodies.

    Numbers may not add due to ’ounding, 3. “ he Public Safety Business Agency will purrhase any capital on behalf Of Inspector General Emergency Management.

    4. Includes the Eiecloral Comrriission ol Queensland. Office of the Governor, Office of the Ombudsman and Queensland Audit Office, together with other Gcvemment entities with non-maieria! capital programs. 5. Representing infor-agency eltmmafions. movements in capital payable and recei'/abte and other accounting adjustments to align with bnilcr ?i Presenlation Framework Statements.' 6. Contirgency recognises that or a whole-of-Government basis, there is likely to be under spending, rasultmn in a carryover of capital allocations.

    Capital Stalemenl 2014-15 SA RBS RBS Region ABS Statistical Area (SA) G rants Grants $'000 $'000

    Brisbane Brisbane East 301 154,832 Brisbane North 302 455,853 Brisbane South 303 445,865 Brisbane West 304 281,664 Inner Brisbane 305 868,136 2,206,350

    Ipswich Ipswich 310 404,536 404,536

    Wide Bay Wide Bay 319 717,556 717,556

    Darling Downs Darling Downs Maranoa 307 324,525 Toowoomba 317 560,963 885,488

    Gold Coast Gold Coast 309 762,011 Logan Beaudesert 311 210,662 972,673

    Mackay Mackay 312 454,882 454,882

    Outback Outback 315 379,532 379,532

    Cairns Cairns 306 480,228 480,228

    Fitzroy Fitzroy 308 663,864 663,864

    Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast 316 956,776 Moreton Bay North 313 144,582 Moreton Bay South 314 458,697 1,560,055

    Townsville Townsville 318 675,916 675,916

    Total Capital Purchases 9,401,080

    N o te s

    1. Numbers may not add due to rounding.

    2. The anticipated Capital Contingency Reserve and other adjustments have been spread across statistical areas proportionate to capita! spends.

    Capital Statement 2014-15 C hart 1.2 Queensland regions for Regional Budget Statement purposes



    Sunshine Coast



    OCEAN GULF OF Darling Gold Coasj CARPENTARIA Downs

    60 M ossi ,

    k i l o m e t r e s

    :alrnsf TuBy * r CORAL SEA

    'Townsville Townsville

    M o u n t Isa C to n cu rry


    W i nton

    Y eppoon Outback

    F itz ro y B la c k a ll •

    X^BfveyDay Maryborough


    * U ile s

    SOUTH Darling Downs AUSTRALIA

    300 S tanthorpi kilom etres


    Capital Statement 2014-15 CAPITAL GRANTS

    The Queensland Governm ent provides grants for capital piuposes to a range of organisations and private individuals,

    Capital grants to local governments (LG ) and non-govemment organisations (NG O s) and individuals are illustrated in (diait 1.3 below. Capital grants are expected to be

    $2,053 billion in 2014-15, driven by capital grants to local governments for the continued rebuilding effort following the extreme weather events o f 2010, 201 I and more recently,

    2 0 1 3 .

    Chart 1.3 Capital grants by purpose and recipient, 2014-15

    NGO General and other purposes 12%

    LG Transport and communications LG General and 40% other purposes 20%

    NGO Education 13% LG Health, Housing and other NGO Health, community Housing and other assistance community 5% assistance 10%

    Capital Statement 2014-15 Table 1.3 siiows capital grants by Go\ einnieiii entity.

    Table 1.3 Expenditure on Capital Grants for 2014-15

    2 013-14 2014-15 Entity Est. Actual B udget $'000 $'000

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander and M ullicullu'’al Affairs 1 b .3 9 0 5 1 ,2 2 2

    Commnnities. Child Safety and Disability Sen/ices 10,943 15,701

    Education. Training and Employm ent 1 6 2 ,6 5 8 1 0 7 ,5 7 9

    Energy and W afer Supply

    Energy and W ater Supply 3 3 0 6,000

    Tire and Em ergency Ser'vices 2 ,8 9 2 777

    H e a lth 2 ,1 7 0 1,000

    Housing and Public W orks 4 3 ,2 7 7 1 0 1 ,2 3 6

    Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience

    Local Gnvernment, Com m unity Rncovriry and Rosilionce 1 0 5 ,4 4 6 1 0 4 ,3 2 0

    Queensland Reconstruction Authority 1 ,3 6 5 .4 8 8 9 4 9 ,5 2 2

    National Parks. Recroafion. Sport and Racing 2 4 ,0 4 2 1 0 6 ,4 9 9

    Public Safety Business Agency 1 ,147

    Science, Information Tfichnology, Innovation and the Arts 2 ,5 0 8 1 3 ,2 2 5

    State Developnienl, Infrastructure and planning 2 6 ,3 9 8 1 1 8 ,0 3 4

    Tourism. Major Events. Small Business and the Commonwealth Games 2,000 4 6 .8 6 5

    Transport and Mam Roads

    Transport and Main Roads 1 7 6 ,3 8 9 2 2 3 ,4 7 4

    O ther Adjustrrients^ 158 ,511 2 0 7 ,7 7 6

    Total Capital Grants 2 ,0 9 9 ,5 8 9 2,053,230

    Notes 1 , includes associated statutory bodies.

    2, Numbers may not acid due to roiirfling.

    3, Includes Gieat Start and Queensland Building Boost Grant schemes, assets transferred and other technical accounting adjustments.

    Capital Slalement 2014-15 Tabic 1.4 shows the geographical spread o f capital gi’ants

    SA RBS RBS Region ABS Statistical Area (SA) G rants G rants $'000 $'000

    Brisbane Brisbane East 301 37,612 Brisbane North 302 31,038 Brisbane South 303 60,381 Brisbane West 304 26,682 Inner Brisbane 305 118,544 274,257

    Ipswich Ipswich 310 100,728 100,728

    Wide Bay W ide Bay 319 333.368 333,368

    Darling Downs Darling Downs Maranoa 307 148,167 Toowoomba 317 134,569 282,736

    Gold C o a st Gold Coast 309 205,128 Logan Beaudesert 311 51,851 256,979

    Mackay Mackay 312 59,394 59,394

    Outback Outback 315 263,709 263,709

    Cairns Cairns 306 108,747 108,747

    Fitzroy Fitzroy 308 161,252 161,252

    Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast 316 49,979 Moreton Bay North 313 44,495 Moreton Bay South 314 26,486 120,960

    Townsville Townsville 318 91,102 91,102

    Total Capital Grants 2,053,232

    Notes 1. Numbers may not add due to rounding,

    2. The adjustments referred to in Table 1.3 have been spread across statisdcai areas proportionate to allocation of Grants,

    Capital Statement 2014-15 2. STATE CAPITAL PROGRAM - PLANNING AND PRIORITIES______


    The Queensland Government is delivering critical infrastructure, at the same lim e as repairing the State's financial position, with a comprehensive approach to delivering an etlicient capital program, to ensure the coininimity receives the maxiinuin benefit from

    its investments. This involves comprehen.sive planning and prioritisation o f the capital program, rigorous cc-aluation o f the c'alue for money o f proposed capital investments and

    innovative and efficient flmding and deliveiy solutions. CAPITAL PLANNING Infrastructure for Economic Development

    Queensland is continuing to implement significant reforms to the way infrastmclure is

    planned, prioritised, funded and managed. Our infraslmcture frameworks and industiy

    specific strategies are being dri\’en by growth promoting objectives ~ supporting the four

    pillar economy - tourism, agriciiliiire, resources and construction.

    The Queensland Govemment released theGoverning foy GrowiJi - Economic Sti-alegy a m i A c J io n P la n , wdiich sets out clear .stralegie.s and aciion.s to deliver economic grovvih for the next decade. Better planning, prioritisation, deliveiy and operation of infrastructure to unlock economic potential w ill be delivered through key growth drivers, in c lu d in g ;

    • making smarter use of existing infrastaicture

    • better allocation o f new inx'estment in infrastructure to ensure value for money

    • increasing private sector involvement to ensure the most eftlcient deliveiy and

    operation o f infrasti'ueiure for Queenslanders.

    The next wave o f actions and reforms, include:

    • delivering the 15 yearState Jnfrastructure Plan

    • developingT o t a l A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t P la n s

    • planning for key strategic infrastructure corridors to facilitate industry development

    • reviewing infrastructure and supply chain needs

    • delivering key strategic infrastructure projects.

    The reforms we make today w ill put Queensland in a strong position to address the

    challenges o f tomorrow. The strategies and actions the Queensland Go\'eroment is

    implemeutiiig w ill position Queensland to address the key drivers o f infrastructure

    to Capital Stalement 2014-15 demand including population growth and demographic change, congestion and housing, technological change, global economic factors and industi^’ growth. CAPITAL DELIVERY - PROJECTS QUEENSLAND

    Projects Queensland is a unit within Queensland Treasury and Trade, established to enhance the Queensland Govem inent’s infrastructure evaluation and procurement capability. Over the last i 2 months. Projects Queensland has led the development of some o f the State's most significant infrastructure projects, such as Queensland Schools.

    Government Wireless NetW'ork, Toowoomba Second Range Crossing and New

    Generation Rolling Stock.

    The key role o f Projects Queensland is to engage w ith the private sector to explore oppoitiinities for better investment in public infrastructure and sei-vicc delivery. Projects

    Queensland plays an important pari in the Governm ejit's strategy to provide greater value, restore Queensland’s financial strength and regain Queensland's A A A credit rating, w hile providing infrastructure and services for future growth.

    Projects Queensland also plays an important role, in conjunction with

    Government-owned coiporalions. in the development and delivery o f tlnancc solutions for resource related infrastructure projects where the potential for piivate finance exists.

    The specific responsibilities o f Projects Queensland are to;

    • prepare preliminai'v evaluations for key projects with the greatest potential as Public

    Private Partnerships (PPPs)

    • prepare business cases and manage tender processes and contract negotiations for ail

    traditional government financed infrastructure where the expected capital cost is

    greater than $ 100 m illion (or other projects identitletl as veiy high risk)

    • assist agencies in project assessment, tendering and contract negotiations, and other

    advisoiy and re\'iew services for traditional govemm ent financed projects with an

    estimated cost below $100 m illion

    • prepare business cases lor all projects approved as potential PPPs

    • manage tender processes and contract negotiations for all projects approved to

    proceed as PPPs

    • actively engage with the private sector to develop funding models to encourage

    private investment in infrastructure

    • develop and deliver finance solutions for Go\'em iiient-owned coiporation

    infrastructure projects where the potential for private finance exists

    • review and maintain the government's key infrastnicturc policies (ciuTently the

    Project Assurance Framework and the Value for Money Framework).

    Capital Statement 2014-15 11 Road projects that are considered to be 'standard' or not suitable for private finance

    remain the responsibility o f the Dcpailm ent of Transport and Main Roads ander the

    Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (Q TR IP). with Projects

    Queensland undertaking a review role as required for these projects.

    I'he scope o f Projects Queensland’s responsibilities ensures a consistent approach to the

    assessment o f projects, resulting in more effective prioritisation, selection of the

    appropriate procurement and financing options, and better targeting of projects as

    potential PPPs. This supports the establishment o f a pipeline o f privately tlnanced

    projects and ensures consistency o f dealings v\ith the pri\'ate sector on government

    p ro je c ts . Key Projects Toowoomba Second Range Crossing

    The Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC) is a proposed bypass route to the north

    of Toowoomba, approximately 41 kilometres in length, running from the WaiTego

    Highway at Ilelidon in the east to the Gore Highway at Athol in the west via Charlion,

    The TSRC w ill provide safer and more et'ficieni passenger and freight movements on this

    impoitant part o f the National Land Transport Network.

    The State and Commonwealth Governments have publicly announced a total funding

    commitment of $1.6 billion for the TSRC. Projects Queensland w ill manage the TSRC

    procureinent through a multi-phase competitive bid process. TSRC is expected to reach

    contract award in early 2015 and to be operational from m id-2018.

    Bus and Train (BaT)

    The Bus and Train (BaT) project is a proposed new 5.4 kilometre north-south tunnel that

    combines a railway and a busway in a single, double-decked, 15 metre-wide tunnel

    beneath the Brisbane River. Beginning beside the Boggo Road Urban Village, the

    proposed tunnel w ill head north, passing beneath W oolloongabba, the Brisbane RIaxu '

    and the CBD, and w ill emerge within the rail corridor next to Victoria Park. The project

    w ill include three new underground stations at W oolloongabba, George Street and Roma

    S tre e t.

    The BaT project offers an economical, highly efficient transport solution drawing

    together the region’s two primary public transport networks, laying the foundation for an

    international standard ‘turn uj) and go’ transit system for Brisbane.

    The Enviroiim enlal Impact Statement and Reference Design are being developed in

    consultation with the public and industiy participants. Prelim inaiy expectations are that

    the BaT project w ill be operational by 2021.

    12 Capital Statement 2014-15 Queensland Schools Project

    The Queensland Schools Project consists o f eight Prep 6 prim an' schools and two 7 12 secondary schools in rapidly developing areas in South Bast Queensland (SEQ ). The

    State has announced that Plenary Schools has been chosen to deliver the package. The project commenced the construction phase in January 2014.

    Under the PPP, Plenary Schools w ill design, construct, commission. Ihiance. maintain and provide facilities management services for the schools, which w ill operate as

    Independent Public Schools, until 2043, The Department o f Education. Trainrng and

    Employment is overseeing the delivery of the new schools and the ongoing contract management. The first schools are expected to open for the commencement of the 2015 academic year, with others opening in 2016 and 2017.

    New Generation Rollingstock

    The New Generation Rollingstock (N (iR ) project in\ olves purchasing 75, six-car train sets to cater for the increase in passenger services as SEQ grows, and to I'cplace an aging train fleet. The PPP contract term is for 32 years and Includes the maintenance o f tiie ti'ains. as w'ell as construction and maintenance o f a modern, purpose-built maintenance centre at W ulkuraka.

    Following the procurement phase o f the project, which was led by Projects Queensland, the Govennnenl awarded the contract to the Bombardier N G R Consortium in December

    2013. The Department o f Transpon and M ain Roads is overseeing the deliveiy and

    management o f the contract. Testing o f the llrst completed train is expected to

    commence in approximately December 2015. and all 75 trains are to be delivered and in

    sendee by December 2 0 18.

    GovernmentWireless Network

    The Government Wireless Network (G W N ) w ill deliver enhanced digital radio voice and

    narrowband data communications for Queensland’s public sal'ety agencies, with

    improved communications security, interoperability between public safety agencies,

    added functionality and a foundation to support effective front-line public safety

    se rv ic e s .

    In September 2013, the State appointed Telstra Cor]:)oration to provide the services o f the

    G W N under a 15 year managed services agreement worth approximately $450 million.

    At tliis time, the responsibility for the G W N project transfeired from Projects

    Queensland to the Department of Science. Inform ation Technology, Innovation and the

    A rts .

    An early priority for the G W ’N Project is to deliver the communications needs for llie

    G20 Leaders’ Summit in 2014. followed by radio coverage across SEQ. Over time, other

    Capital Stalement 2014-15 13 Queensland Govem ment agencies, local governments and public safety providers will

    potentially use the G \W s services as it is progressively deployed.

    7 William Street

    The strategic objccli\’cs o f the State in the developinenl o f 1 W illiam Street in the

    Brisbane G BD are to act as a catalyst for the activation o f the Government

    Adm inistrative Precinct and to meet the accommodation demands of the Queensland

    Public Serx'ice. The project w ill be financed and delivered by the private sector through a


    Once complete, the 75,000 square metre office tower w ill rationalise the Government’s

    C B D office portfolio and save taxpayers approximately S60 m illion per annum.

    1 W illiam Street is the first stage in delivering a mixed-use precinct that w ill facilitate

    greater community use o f the Brisbane R i\e r’s norlhcm bank and w ill be integrated with

    Queen's W harf Brisbane.

    The development includes an activated ground level with retail and garden areas. It will

    enhance Brisbane's reputation as a vibrant city ^^'ilh modern, landmark architecture in a

    well-planned urban environment. The construction phase w ill create more than 1.000

    direct jobs each year and have a positive impact on indirect jobs and the overall

    e c o n o m y .

    Construction W'orks commenced on the site in early 2013 and have advanced rapidly,

    with all excavation completed and basement construction nearing completion. Building

    and tltoLit are scheduled for completion in late 2016.

    /\t the same tim e, design works for a high quality, contemporary fitout for State

    accommodation have advanced in accordance with the project program. 2014-15 HIGHLIGHTS Health

    In 2014-15. the Govemment continues its significant investment in health infrastructure

    (including Queensland Health. Hospital and Health Services and Queensland Institute of

    M edical Research), with $1,550 billion in capital purchases, The focus for 2014-15

    includes investment in new hospitals, hospital redevelopments and expansions,

    development o f community health infrastructure, pathology, research and scientific

    services, mental health services and iiwestment in inform ation and health technology to

    support the delivery o f health services.

    14 Capital Statement 2014-15 Highlights o f the 2014-15 capital program for Queensland Health include:

    • $224.5 million to continue delivery of the Lady Ciienio Children’s Hospital and

    $30.7 m illion towards its Centre for Children's Health Research, at a total estimated

    cost of$1.513 billion

    • $369.8 m illion to continue delivery of the Sunshine Coast Public University Hospital

    and its Skills. Academic and Research Centre as a public private partnership, at a

    total estimated cost o f $1.872 billion

    • $173.3 million to continue with the redevelopment of hospitals in Cairns. Mackay,

    .Mount Isa, Townsville and Rockhampton, at a total estimated cost o f Si .424 billion

    • $199.8 m illion to continue the replacement, upgrade and state wide roll out of

    information and technology equipment to support the eHealth strategy and the

    national Health Refonn agenda.

    Queensland Health w ill invest $81.8 m illion in 2014-15 to continue the $327 million four year Backlog Maintenance Remediation Program to address high prioiitv- and critical operational maintenance, life cycle replacements and upgrades. Transport and Main Roads

    In 2014-15. the total capital program for the Transport and Main Roads portfolio is

    forecast to be $4,813 billion including total capital grants. The Transport and M ain

    Roads portfolio includes the Department of Transport and M ain Roads. Roadtek.

    Queensland Rail. Gold Coast W atenvays .Authority. Far North Queensland Ports

    Corporation Lim ited, Gladstone Ports Coiporation Lim ited, North Queensland Bulk

    Ports Corporation Lim ited and the Poi1 of'I'ow nsville Limited,

    Roads and public transport infrastructure

    Highlights o f the 2014-15 roads and public transport infrastructure program include:

    • $30.4 million towards the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing projecl. a

    41 kilometre bypass to the north o f Toowoomba, at a total cost of SI .606 billion,

    which is jointly Australian and Queensland Goveimmenl funded

    • $374 million to continue the constrtiction of the Moreton Bay Rail Link, a dual-track

    passenger rail line from Petrie to K.ippa-Ring, at a total estimated cost o f

    $988 m illion, which is jointly Australian, Queensland and local govemment funded

    • $177.3 million towards the duplication of the Bruce Highway (Cooroy to Curra)

    from Cooroy Southern Interchange to Sankeys Road (Section A ), at a total cost of

    $590 million, which is jointly Australian and Queensland Govemment funded

    Capital Statement 2014-15 • $143.5 million provided by the Australian Government as part of its $929.6 million

    contribution for the S 1.162 billion Gateway Upgrade North project, between Nudgee

    and Bracken Ridge

    • $130 m illion towards the $150 m illion capital recovery and reconstruction works

    program resulting from natural disaster events throughout the State in early 2014

    • $80.4 million towards the Townsville Ring Road Stage 4, which w ill provide a

    high-speed bypass o f Townsville for heavy and commercial vehicles, at a total cost

    o f S200 ntillion. which is Jointly .Australian and (Queensland Government funded

    • $66 million to duplicate a section of the Bruce liighw ay from two to four lanes, from

    Vaniassel Street to Cluden (south o f Townsville), at a total cost of$137.5 million,

    which i.s jointly Australian and Queensland Govemmenl funded

    • $50.7 m illion for upgrading the interchange of Smith Street and Olsen Avenue on the

    Gold Coast, and improvements on Smith Street eastbound from the Pacific

    MotoiAvay, at a total cost o f SI 19.4 million

    • $47 m illion to provide a new elevated crossing of the Bruce Highway across tlie

    Yeppen Floodplain (south o f Rockhampton), at a total cost of S296 m illion, which is

    jointly Australian and Queensland Govemment funded

    • S22.7 m illion to upgrade school bus fleets across Queensland.

    Rail and Ports

    The rail and pons 2014-15 capital program totals capital purchases of $659 million.

    Highlights o f this program include:

    • Queensland Rail - as part of a $490.2 million capital program. $100.2 million will be

    allocated to deliver upgraded Citytrain rollingstock, as well as $28.7 m illion to

    continue construction o f thiixl and fourth tracks between Lawnton and Petrie

    • Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Lim ited - as part o f a $6 m illion capital

    program, S I.6 m illion to cominue the extension of the Caims boardwalk and

    foreshore promenade

    • Gladstone Foils C'orporation Lim ited •- as part of a $120.3 million capital program,

    $50.6 m illion is allocated towards continuing iipgrade.s at the RG Tanna Coal

    Term inal at the Port of Gladstone and $11 m illion towards the completion o f a new

    tug facility

    • North Queensland Bulk Ports (Anporation Limited - as part of a S24 m illion capital

    program. $5 m illion is allocated towards the Mackay Breakwater upgrade

    • Port ofTow nsville Limited - as part of an $18.4 m illion capital program,

    $12.1 m illion is allocated towards the demolition o f the existing Berth 6 and 7 to

    allow improved navigational access to the port’s existing berths.

    16 Capital S lalenient 2014-15 Energy


    The Queensland region of the National Eleciricity Market (N E M ) has for some time been oversiipplied with generation capacity. As electricity demand has remained subdued over the last couple o f years, the oversupply has remained. C’onsumption o f electricity has been impacted by consumers adopting more energy efficient practices and the iiigh uptake o f rooftop solar photovoltaic (P V ) capacity in Queensland. The current situation sees low pool and contract prices. Further, market-dominated venically integrated private competitors (w ith both generation and retail businesses) have been able to depress pool prices to protect ihcir retail positions.

    The Queensland wholesale electricity market is expected to improve over the foi'wvard estimates period. This is largely driven by the expected commencement o f operations by three liquefied natural gas projects in Queensland, which w ill have significant demand for electricity to meet their production requirements, as well as diverting gas away from electricitv- generation. This is expected to impact positively on demand over the next five years, \^'ith energy grouih moderating in the following five years.

    Another key factor in the market outlook is the Australian Govenim enl’s proposed removal o f the carbon pricing scheme. This w ill lower costs for coal fired generators such as CS Energy Limited and Lim ited and improve their competitiveness.

    C'S Energy Limited and Stanwell Coiporation Lim ited w ill spend $342 million in 2014-15 on the rnaintenance o f existing plant and suppotling operations. Their focus w ill remain on the elficient. reliable and safe operation o f their existing plant and equipment. Networks

    The netw'ork energy Goveniment-owned coiporations in Queensland ( Lim ited (Energex). Corporation Litniled (Ergon) and Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Lim ited (Powerlink)) are regulated by the Australian Energy Regulator (A ER ) under a re\'enue cap arrangement which applies for the five year determination period.

    In re.sponse to electricity market conditions and the findings o f reviews undertaken by the Queensland Govemment, Energex, Ergon and Powerlink have all reduced their capital expenditure forecasts, tlirough the deferral and/or removal o f projects. I'he entities have also had a significant focus on cost reduction and efficiency.

    W ithin this context, capital programs have been closely examined to ensure expenditure

    is prudent. Budgeted capital expenditure in 2014-15 of $2.4 billion w ill continue the

    provision of a reliable transmission and distribution network. In the face o f continued

    Capital Staleriienl 2014-15 17 softening in cicctncity demand forecasts in Queensland, capital expenditure on the

    electricity netw^ork is expected to reniaiii moderate over the coming years. Education and Training

    The Depariment of Education, Trajiiing and Employinent w ill make capital purchases of

    $410.5 m illion in 2014-15. This includes $394.9 million for schools, $10.9 million for

    early childhood education and S4.7 m illion for training. The department w ill make

    capital grant payments o f $107.6 m illion to other organisations.

    Highlights o f the department's capital program include;

    • $93.8 m illion to continue preparations to introduce Year 7 as the first year of

    secondaiw schooling from 2015 by building, refurbishing and reconfiguring stale

    school classrooms and llexible learning areas

    • S23 million to construct a new secondai 7 school at Highfieids

    • $59.3 m illion for the 2014-15 allocation to the $1.4 billion Queensland Schools PPP

    project for 10 new schools in SEQ. with the first two schools to commence at

    Burpengaiy and Pimpama in 2015

    • $24.4 m illion to continue the delivery of the Australian Govcrnmem Trade Training

    Centres in Schools Proiiram.

    t8 Capital Statement 2014-15 3. CAPITAL OUTLAYS BY ENTITY


    Total capital purchases for the Depariment o f Aboriginal and T o it c s Strait Islander and MuUicultural Affairs are S i.9 m illion in 2014-15. Total capital grants forthe depailment arc S51.2 m illion in 2014-15.

    Certain payments previously classified as Capital Grants have now been reclassified, for financial reporting piirjioses, as Outsourced Service Delivery. This reclassification is a consequence of Cjoveniment's Social Sei'vices Reform process to better identify the purpose o f the payment. I-or the puiposes o f the 2014-15 Budget

    Paper 3, these amounts w ill continue to be repoiled for projects.^programs under the

    Capital Grants section o f the document.

    Program Highlights (Property Plant and Equipment)

    * $1.3 m illion for an upgrade of the Kow anyama Retail Store,

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    • $51.2 m illion for the Remote Indigenous Land and InfrasiRicture Program to

    develop infraslmcture and’or subdivisions in remote Indigenous communities

    and provide lots for social housing.

    Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000______$'000 ^ ^ 0 _____ $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER AND MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS

    Property, Plant and Equipment Kowanyama Retail Store Upgrade 315 1,250 1,250 Plant and equipment replacement Various 641 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 1,891

    Capital Statement 2014-15 19 Auonqinal and Torres Strait Islander and MulliGujtura! Affairs Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Capital Grants Remote Indigenous Land and 315 84,900 31,121 51,222 2,557 Infrastructure Program

    Total Capital Grants 51,222



    20 Capital Statement 2014-15 AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FORESTRY

    Tolal capital purchases for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry portfolio including Statutory bodies reporting to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry are $23,6 million for 2014-15. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

    Capital purchases for the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) in 2014-15 are $18.2 million. The department's capital program is focused on developing and upgrading research facilities and sofUme systems to deliver outcomes for agriculture, biosecurity, fisheries and forestry.

    DAFF has facilities located Ihroughout rural and regional Queensland, These require a significant level of minor works, mechanical items and plant and equipment upgrades to keep them operating effectively. The department w ill also be upgrading Its software systems to support significant Improvements in biosecurity operating protocols, which w ill enhance service delivery and resuit in considerable efficiency gains.

    Program Highlights

    $4.5 m illion is allocated to continue upgrades to the department's research and operational facilities through the Research Facilities Deveiopment, Scientific Equipment and Minor Works Programs.

    $2.1 million is provided for the development of a new Biosecurity Information Management System (BIMS) to enhance the department’s service delivery capacity and result in considerable efficiency gains.

    $1,1 million Is provided to continue the replacement of vessels and marine equipment for fisheries research and regulatory functions.

    $1 mjllion Is allocated to provide new and replacement heavy plant and equipment including trucks, tractors and other machinery,

    $0.5 million for upgrades and additional infrastructure at the Ftermilage Research Facility to bring the facility to current industry standard for delivery of quality grains crop research outcomes.

    $0.5 million for the upgrade and refurbishment of existing facilities to enhance service delivery and improve operational efficiencies.

    $0.35 million Is allocated for the enhancement of existing biosecurity laboratory facilities as part of the Agriculture Strategy range of initiatives.

    Capital statement 2014-15 21 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges

    Capita! purchases for the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges are $3.4 m illion in 2014-15. The capital program is focussed on upgrading infrastructure at Longreach Pastoral College and Emerald Agricultural College to meet relevant legislative standards, QRAA

    ORAA's capital expenditure of S2 million in 2014-15 will be used primarily for computer hardware and software upgrades.

    Aqriculture. Fisheries and Forestrv Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 5'OGO $'000 $'000 ___ $’000 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FORESTRY

    Property, Plant and Equipment Hermitage Research Facility Upgrade 307 2,000 500 1,500 Upgrade and Refurbishment of 317 8.000 500 7.500 Existing Facilities Biosecurity Information Management 305 5,439 467 2,051 2,921 System Biosecurity Laboratory Integration 303 650 300 350 Computer Equipment Various 4,965 Ongoing Scientific Equipment Various 2,000 Ongoing Minor Works Various 1,500 Ongoing Vessels and Marine Equipment Various 1,100 Ongoing Heavy Plant & Equipment Various 1,000 Ongoing Research Facilities Development Various 1,000 Ongoing Software Purchases and 305 800 Ongoing Development Livestock Purchases Various 450 Ongoing Other Plant and Equipment Various 2,011 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 18,227


    Property, Plant and Equipment Longreach Pastoral College Buildings 315 1,440 1,440 and Infrastructure upgrades Emerald Agricultural College 308 1,560 1,560 Buildings and Infrastructure

    22 Capital Statement 2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Plant and Equipment {including IT 315 150 150 upgrades) Major Plant and Equipment 315 230 230 Replacements

    3,380 Total Property, Plant and Equipment -


    Property, Plant and Equipment Computer Software 305 3,618 1,955 1,663 Other Plant & Equipment 305 346 Ongoing

    2,009 Total Property, Plant and Equipment -



    The capital works program for the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services is $35.2 million in 2014-15, with capital grants being $15.7 million. These funds provide for integrated community services and strengthen and protect the well-being of Queenslanders, particularly those who are vulnerable and most In need,

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $11.5 million to continue infrastructure upgrades and construct purpose built accommodation as part of a targeted response for people with an intellectual and/or cognitive disability who exhibit severely challenging behaviours,

    $4.6 million for neighbourhood and youth centres in fV/it Isa and Chinchilla to provide access to universal community support services and an entry point to more targeted support services.

    $1,7 million to continue construction activities and establish facilities to support the Safe Havens Program, which provides culturally appropriate services to respond to the safety needs o f children,, young people and their fam ilies in the community of Morninglon Island,

    $2.2 million for remote Indigenous service delivery to establish child safe houses.

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    $4.1 m illion to continue the Elderly Parent Carer innovation Trial which is aimed at providing greater security to older parent carers who can rw longer look after their child with a disability, by investing in projects providing new community living places, mixed disability and aged care facilities and homo modifications.

    $4.6 million for community and youth centres in Upper Ross and Moranbah to provide access to universal com m unity support services and an entry point to more targeted support services.

    $3.2 million for modifications to centre based facilities providing community participation and respite, and to support other community care services for younger people with a disability.

    ♦ $1.6 million towards the construction of community-based accommodation and respite options so that people can continue to live in their communities and access services in Goodna and Eight M ile Plains.

    $1.7 million for remote indigenous communities in Coen and Bamaga to improve child safe houses and services facilities.

    24 Capital Statement 2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014*15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITIES, CHILD SAFETY AND DISABILITY SERVICES

    Property, Plant and Equipment Child Safely Services Safe Havens 315 1,960 215 1,745 Services for Indigenous Various 2,190 Ongoing Communllies Residential Care 311 45 45 Sub-total Child Safety Services 3,980

    Disability Seivices Infrastructure Program Various 11.457 Ongoing Sub-total Disability Services 11.457

    Community Services Ml Isa Neighbourhood Centre 315 2,922 701 2,221 Chinchilla Multi-Tenant Service 307 2,375 2,375 Centre General Upgrades Various 900 Ongoing Sub-total Community Services 5,496

    Other Property, Plant & Equipment Integrated Client Management Various 77,961 76,311 1,650 System - ICMS Disability Information System Various 41,761 40,761 1,000 Office Accommodation Various 3,089 Ongoing Other Acquisitions of Property, Various 5,660 Ongoing Plant and Equipment Other Information Systems Various 2,887 Ongoing Sub-total Other Property, Plant & Equipment 14,286

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 35,219

    Capital Grants Community Services Redcliffe Community Hub 313 400 400 Upper Ross Community Centre 312 1.800 160 1,640 Moranbah Youth Centre 312 3,000 3,000 Sub-total Community Services 5,040

    Child Safety Seivices Coen Safe Haven 315 550 200 350 Coen Service Hub 315 900 900

    Capital Statement 2014-15 25 BHIHIHH Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $’000 $'000 $'000 Barnaga Child Safe House 315 456 4S6 1,706 Sub-tota/ Chi/d Safety Services -

    Disability Services Elderly Parent Carer Innovation Various 16,896 369 4,131 12,396 Trial Community Care Various 4.615 1,425 3,190 Supported Accommodation Various 8,493 859_ 1,634 6,000 Sub-total Disability Services 8,955 -

    Total Capital Grants 15,701



    26 Capital Statement 2014-15 z o EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT H m Total capital purchases for the Education, Training and Employment portfolio (including the Department of Education, Training and Empioyment and related entities) are S41T7 miliion in 2014-15. Total capital grants for the portfolio are $107.6 miliion in 2014-15.

    TAPE Queensland was established as a statutory body under the TAFE Queensland Act2013on 1 July 2013, On 1 July 2014:

    TAFE Institutes and associated corporate functions w ill transfer from the Department of Education, Training and Employment to the TAFE Queensland statutory body

    • Ownership of the state's training infrastructure and equipment w ili transfer to the Queensland Assets TAFE Management Authority (QTAMA), a new specialist commercial asset manager.

    Department of Education. Training and Employment


    The 2014-15 capital works program provides capital purchases of $353 million towards the construction and refurbishment of educational facilities, kindergarten services, as well as to complete financially committed TAFE projects.

    Capital works planning targets Government priorities and needs through consideration of population growth and shifts, changes in educational needs and addressing high priority needs such as student and staff health and safety.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $59.3 million for the 2014-15 ailocation In the $1,380 billion Queensland Schools Public Private Partnerships project for 10 new schools in Soulh East Queensland.

    $117.7 million to commence construction forthe new secondary school at Highfieids, undertake new stages for four recently-opened schools, and to provide additional classrooms at existing schools in growth areas throughout the State,

    $93.8 million to continue preparations to introduce Year 7 as the first year of secondary schooling from 2015 under the Flying Start initiative.

    $24.4 million to commence delivery of Round 5 of the Australian Government Trades Skills Centres Program.

    Capital statement 2014-15 27 $20.8 m illion to replace and enhance facilities at existing schools.

    $11.1 million to complete delivery of the Building Our Future Schools initiative on school sites at Cairns SHS, Centenery SHS, Gladstone SHS, Gympie SHS, Helensvale SHS, Kingaroy SHS, Kelvin Grove State Collogc, Mansfield SHS, Woodridge SHS, Pimlico SHS, Tamborine Mountain SHS, Wavell SHS, Warv^ick SHS and Bundaborg SHS.

    $4,7 million to complete commitlod projects at Southport Campus of the Gold Coast institute of TAFE and Pimlico Campus of the Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE.

    $7.7 million to commence refurbishment of existing Early Childhood Education and Care facilities.

    $0.72 m illion to compiete the construction of kindergarten facilities at Undurba SS.

    Education, Training and Employment’'^^'’^® Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 ___$J000 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS ECDP - Early Childhood Development Program PPP - Public Private Partnerships

    Property, Plant and Equipment Education Benowa State High School - 309 7,023 4,310 2,713 Additional Accommodation Bounty Boulevard Stale School - 314 5,000 2,000 3,000 Additional Accommodation Bremer State High School - 310 3,274 2,747 527 Additional Accommodation Brisbane Bayside State College - 301 4,554 1,847 2,707 Additional Accommodation Brisbane State High Schooi - 303 49,904 4,023 35,483 10,398 Redevelopment and Additional Accornmodaiion Bulimba State School - Additional 301 4,000 500 3,500 Accommodation

    28 Capital Statement 2014-15 Education, Training and Employment' tatistical Total Expenditure Budget^ac " Area Estimated to 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 m $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Bundaberg State High School - 319 2,133 206 1,626 301 Refurbishment Works Caboolture East State School - 313 5,274 350 4,924 Rectify ECDP Caboolture Special Schoot - 313 1,137 543 594 Additional Accommodation Cairns State High School - 306 5,145 3,129 2,016 Additional Accommodation Cavendish Road State High 303 5,990 3,729 2,261 School - Additional Accommodation Centenary Heights State High 307 4,864 1,909 2,955 School - Additional Accommodation Centenary State High School - 304 2,024 1,419 605 New Accommodation Chancellor State College - 316 2,427 1,785 642 Additional Accommodation Corinda State High School - 304 6,550 3,069 3,481 Additional Accommodation Currumbin Valley State School - 309 2,890 29 500 2,361 Additional Accommodation Dalby State High School - New 307 1,556 183 1,373 Accommodation Darling Heights State School - 307 2,181 124 2,057 Additional Accommodation Gladstone State High School - 308 6,552 3.548 3,004 Additional Accommodation Gumdale Estate School - 301 4,000 1,000 3,000 Additional Accommodation Helensvale State High School - 309 7,198 4,131 3,067 Additional Accommodation Hervey Bay State High School - 319 13,891 3,863 10,028 Additional Accommodation Indooroopilly State High School - 304 4,278 2,725 1,553 Additional Accommodation Ipswich West Special School - 310 2,106 1,091 1,015 Additional Accommodation Ironside State School - Additional 304 4,000 6 497 3,497 Accommodalion

    Capital Statement 2014-15 29 Education, Traininq and Enic^oyrnent Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 S'OOD 5’ooo James Nash State High School - 319 2,735 2,345 390 Additional Accommodation Kedron State High School - 302 3,510 1,446 2,064 Additional Accommodation Kelvin Grove State College - 305 10,369 5,778 4,591 Additional Accommodation Kenmore State High School - 304 7,540 3,947 3,593 Additional Accommodation Kingaroy State High Schooi - 319 6,314 4,310 2,004 Additional Accommodation Kirwan State High School - 318 1,600 738 862 Replacement Of Air Conditioning - Stage 2 Kirwan State High School - 318 8,830 4,575 4,255 Additional Accommodation MacGregor State School - 303 6,845 429 856 5,560 Replacement Accommodation Mackay Northern Beaches State 312 11,981 3,479 8,502 High School - Stage 2 Mango Hill State School - 314 1,443 65 1,378 Additional Accommodation Mansfield State High School - 303 7,175 3,988 3,187 Additional Accommodation Meridan State College - Stage 6 316 4,157 1,893 2,264 Mirani State High School' 312 6,745 2,356 4,389 Additional Accommodation Morayfield State High School - 313 5,347 2,163 3,184 Additional Accommodation Mount Gravatt State High School - 303 2,389 1.838 551 Additional Accommodation Narangba Valley State High 313 5,725 5,725 School - Additional Accommodation Noosa District State High School - 316 4,015 650 3,365 Pomona Campus - Additional Accommodation Nursery Road State Special 303 1,396 495 901 School - Early Childhood Deveiopment Program - Rectify ECDP

    30 Capital Statement 2014-15 Education, Training aad Employment’ Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost $'000 $'000 $'000 S'OGO Paluma Environmental Education 318 1.873 488 1,385 Centre - Enhancement of Facility Peregian Springs State School - 316 4,800 700 4,100 Additional Accommodation Pimlico State High School - 318 3,921 2,531 Additional Accommodation Pimpama State Secondary College 309 14,250 2,424 11,826 - Stage 2 Proserpine State High School - 312 3,512 2,660 852 Additional Accommodation Redbank Plains State High School 310 4.690 2,834 1,856 - Additional Accommodation Redcliffe State High Schooi - 313 3.873 649 3,224 Additional Accommodation Springfield Central State High 310 1,900 1,900 School - Stage 3 Tamborine Mountain State High 309 2,033 1.153 880 School - Additional Accommodation Toowoomba State High School - 317 2,422 639 1,783 Wilsonton Campus - Additional Accommodalion Trinity Bay State High School - 306 5,191 4,381 810 Additional Accommodation Varsity College - Junior Campus - 309 6,975 1,060 5,915 Additional Accommodation Victoria Point State High School - 301 2,103 1,548 555 Additional Accommodation Warwick State High School - 307 6.690 1,905 4,785 Additional Accommodation Wavell State High School - 302 7,446 4,730 2,716 Additional Accommodation William Ross State High School - 318 2,466 394 2,072 Additional Accommodation Woodridge State High School - 311 4,433 2,271 2,162 Additional Accommodation Woodridge State Schooi - 311 563 311 252 Additional Accommodation Woombye State School - 316 2,000 2,000 Replacement Classrooms

    Capital Statement 2014-15 31 Ecliica11 on. Training and Employment''' Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 S'OOO New Secondary School - 317 26,700 3,678 23,022 Highfieids State High School Queensland Schools PPP Various 227,813 4,500 59,256 164,057 Schools Subsidy Scheme Various 5,952 Ongoing General and Minor Works Various 33,111 Ongoing Land Acquisition Various 900 Ongoing Additional Building Our Future Various 1,543 1,287 256 Schools Projects Additional Year 7 Transition Various 11,754 10,921 833 Projects Trades Skills Centres Various 24,419 Ongoing Plant and Equipment Various 57,433 Ongoing Sub-total Education 394,884

    Training Barrier Reef Institute Of TAFE, 318 2,265 1.995 270 Pimlico Campus - Redevelopment Level 1 Block D Gold Coast Institute Of TAFE, 309 5,798 1,333 4,465 Southport Campus - Redevelopment Sub-total Training 4,735

    Early Childhood Education and Care Undurba State School - 313 1,091 376 715 Kindergarten ECEC Renewal Various 7,696 Ongoing Child and Family Centres Various 1,055 77 978 General and Minor Works Various 1,481 Ongoing Sub-total Early Childhood Education and Care 10,870

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 410,489

    Capital Grants Education Capital Grants Various 103.590 Ongoing Sub-total Education 103,590

    32 Capital Statement 2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $‘000 Early Childhood Education and Care Capital Grants Various 3.989 Ongoing Sub-total Early Childhood Education and Care 3,989

    Total Capital Grants 107,579


    Property, Plant and Equipment EASeL - Enrolments and 303 1,612 737 800 75 Achievements for Senior Learners Software Other Plant & Equipment 303 381 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 1,181



    N o te s : Education capital grants are distributed by non-state entities througiioui Q ueensland's statistical areas.

    Project budgets listed in the table in som e cases are indicative and are subject to refinem ent as projects are further developed.

    Projects contained in the table have been included on the basis of projected enrolm ents. If projected enrolm ents do not eventuate, then listed projects m ay be deferred or stopped, or new projects added during the course of the financial year. 4, Tfte am ounts quoted in the above table reflect the estim ated portion of project costs that will be capitalised.

    The Australian G overnm ent m ay also contribute funding for these projects.

    Funds allocated to Trades Skills Centres projects are indicative and subject to Australian Governm ent review and approval.

    Capital Statement 2014-15 33 ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND

    An amount of $0,65 m illio n has been allocated in 201'1^15 to finalise the Commission's !CT disaster recovery faciiity and prepare core eiection IT systems in readiness for the next State general election. A further So.08 million has been allocated for the ongoing replacement of plant and equipment.

    Statistical Tolal Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 S'QOQ S'OOO $’000 ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND

    Property, Plant and Equipment iCT disaster recovery facility and 305 1,529 803 726 other initiatives

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 726


    34 Capital Statement 2014-15 ENERGY AND WATER SUPPLY

    The Energy and Water Supply portfolio includes the Department of Energy and Water Supply, statutory bodies reporting to the Minister for Energy and Water Supply, and energy and water supply Government-owned corporations. The portfolio capital program for 2014-15 is $2,989 billion for capital purchases and $6 million for capital grants. The capital works program supports the Government's commitment to deliver cosl effective, safe, secure and reliable energy and water supply.

    Department of Energy and Water Supply

    The Department of Energy and Water Supply (DEWS) is responsible for the oversight of Queensland's energy and water industries to ensure these essential services arc provided to Queensland consumers in a safe, efficient and reliable way. The capital program of $9.6 million includes $6 million to continue the state-wide dam spillway upgrade program, $1.5 million relating to upgrades on non-commercial water assets and $2 m illio n to be invested for the finalisation of work associated w ith the Water Industry Asset Management system which supports the regulation of referable dams, drinking water quality and recycled water.

    CS Energy Limited

    Capital purchases of $105.2 million are planned for 2014-15. This reflects the continued commitment to ongoing reliability and efficiency of generation plant at its Queensland power station sites.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $34,7 million for construction of the Kogan Creek Solar Boost Project.

    $29.5 million for improvements to the Callide power stations including $15.5 million for overhaul work.

    $24-2 million for improvements to the Kogan Creek power station including $16.2 million for overhaul work.

    $10.1 million for improvements to the including $5.2 million for overhaul work.

    $3.8 million for Kogan Creek miiie projects including $2 million for the Eastern pit developments.

    $2.9 million for corporate capital costs primarily foi inrormation communication and technology projects.

    Capital Statement 2014-15 35 Stanwell Corporation Limited

    Stanwell Corporation's planned capital purchases for 2014-15 are $236.8 million, which primarily relates to maintaining operations at the various Queensland power station sites.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    ■ $79.1 million for projects including $45.8 million for two major overhauls on Units 2 and 3 as a result of early return to service for Unit 2 and $15.1 m illion for the Black Creek Diversion project.

    $63 million for Meandu Mine projects including $42.2 million for the replacement of mine fleet equipment and $9.3 million for mine exploration and development-

    $38 million for projects including $23.4 million for the major overhaul of Unit 4.

    $27,8 million for other corporate capital outlays including $14 million for Information and Business Services projects and $5.8 million for Fuel Strategy projects.

    $20.9 million for projects including $6.5 million for the A6 overhaul and $12.3 million for other sustaining projects,

    $6 m illion for Tarong North Power Station other sustaining projects.

    $1,4 million for Stanwelfs Hydro Power Stations including $0.92 million for Kareeya Power Station.

    • $0.66 million for other sustaining projects.

    Energex LInnited

    Energex has a capital program of $878.4 million as part of its commitment to providing a safe, secure and highly reliable, cost effective electricity delivery to its customers. The capital program aims to improve and reinforce electricity supplies across , especially to meet peak electricity demand periods, and to support the increased use of residential solar power and lifestyle enhancing appliances, such as air conditioners and flat screen televisions.

    Included in the program is:

    Electricity upgrades to support commercial infrastructure expansion in regions including Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Redlands and the Gold and Sunshine Coasts

    36 Capital Statement 2014-15 • Important electricity upgrades in growing areas in Brisbane's northern, southern and western gateways and to improve and reinforce electricity suppiy across South East Queensland,

    The regulated electricity capital expenditure program for 2014-15 is $820.1 million. This comprises $434.2 million on the sub transmission system, and $385,9 million on the distribution network, including customer-funded capital projects. A further $58,3 m illion Is allocated for non-system and unregulated capital programs including vehicles, building, ICT software and hardware.

    The capital expenditure program is subject to ongoing review to ensure it represents a prudent and efficient program to meet customer and demand forecasts and is subject to change.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    The capital works program for 2014-15 w ill contribute to the improved level of reliability of electricity distribution and includes the following projects;

    $6 million to continue the development of a new electricity substation at Kelvin Grove to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $59.4 million

    $9,2 m illion to continue the redevelopment of the Victoria Park substation at Herston to increase network capacity. The total estimated cost of the project is $59 million

    $12,9 m illion for the establishment of a new substation at Fisherman's Island at the Port of Brisbane to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $17.1 million

    • $9,8 million to build a new zone substation at Coorparoo to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $14.6 million

    $6.9 million to redevelop the existing Archerfieid substation to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $10,7 million

    $19,7 million to establish a high voltage sub-transmission in the Logan Scenic Rim area to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $64,2 million

    $1,1 million to continue the upgrade of the existing Staplylon substation to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $8,1 m illion

    Capital statement 2014-15 37 $1.9 m illio n to continue the upgrade o f the Lockrose substation to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $10.7 m illion

    $13.7 m illion to establish a new electricity substation at Birtinya to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $23.7 million

    $11.3 m illion to continue work on the multi-stage SunCoast sub^ransmission powerline project to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $84.7 million

    $1.1 m illio n to upgrade the existing Gympie North substation to increase network capacity and improve reliability. The total estimated cost of the project is $4.5 m illion.

    Ergon Energy Corporation Limited

    Ergon Energy Corporation Limited's capital expenditure for 2014-15 of $1 billion includes prudent investments primarily related to providing a safe and reliable electricity supply. To ensure that supply remains both cost effective and dependable for customers, Ergon w ill continue to focus on efficiencies, asset management, network capability and v\/orking with domestic and commercial customers to help them better manage their electricity usage and therefore their electricity costs.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $5.9 million for the S15.4 million project for refurbishing the Woodstock substation.

    $5.8 million for the S24.5 million project for reinforcing supply at Bundaberg (Avoca).

    $4.7 million for the S11.4 million project for augmenting and reinforcing supply in South Toowoomba,

    $4 million for the $10.9 million project for augmenting and reinforcing supply in Chinchilla.

    Poweriink Queensland

    Powerlink Queensland is the high voltage electricity transmission entity for Queensland. Powerlink's budgeted capital expenditure for 2014-15 is $522.9 million.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $3.5 m illio n has been provided in 2014-15 for the replacement of assets at Mackay Sub.station, due for completion in 2017. The replacement o f aged

    38 Capital Statement 2014-15 substation assets ensures the ongoing reliable supply o f high voltage electricity in this region.

    • $4.6 m lliio n has been provided in 2014-15 to replace assets at Moura Substation (switchyard), due for completion in 2016. The replacement of aged substation assets ensures the ongoing reliable supply of high voltage electricity in this region.

    S3,2 m lliion has been provided in 2014-15 to complete works to replace the Gladstone 2?5kV and 132kV Substations on a new site near existing assets. The project w ill maintain a reliable supply of high voltage electricity to the Gladstone area and is due for completion in 2014,

    $5,9 m illion has been provided in 2014-15 to undertake secondary systems replacement works at Ross Substation in North Queensland, The project is due for com pletion In 2017.

    SunWater Limited

    SunWater's capital purchases are $78.9 m illion for 2014-15.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $28.7 million for the feasibility study into the Woleebee Creek to Glebe Weir Pipeline project, which w ill improve the reliability and availability of water to irrigators and industry in the Dawson Valley Water Supply Scheme.

    $10.2 million for the feasibility study into the Moranbah to Lake Vermont project, comprising of the augmentation to the Eungella Water Pipeline Southern Extension.

    $16.1 million for the refurbishment and enhancement of operating assets including safety enhancements, upgrades of switchboards to new standard and planned maintenance activities.

    $3.8 million for minor works including plant and equipment, software development and hardware upgrades.

    Gladstone Area Water Board

    Asset renewals are concentrated around the Board's two major assets and the replacement and renev\/al o f major electrical infrastructure at Awoonga Dam and Gladstone Water Treatment Plant. When replaced, these investments w ill lead to increased reliability and efficiency at both sites.

    Capital statement 2014-15 39 Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $2.5 million for a replacement Enterprise Resource Planning solution with implementation expected to occur in July 2015.

    $2.8 million for the replacement of life expired electrical systems at Awoonga Dam.

    $2 m illion for the replacement and enhancement of eloctrical switches and associated works at Gladstone Water Treatment Plant,

    $15.1 million for works to upgrade the spillway capacity at Awoonga Dam,

    Mount Isa Water Board

    Total capital expenditure for the Mount Isa Water Board for 2014-15 is budgeted at $7.5 million. The majority of projects are expected to be completed within the financial year.

    Program Highlights (Propeiiy, Plant and Equipment)

    $4 m illion to complete the upgrade and replacement of the Lake Moondarra Pipeline - Stage 2,

    $0.87 m illion to construct and operate a water quality laboratory to provide more timely quality water testing information at a reduced cost.

    $0,45 million to replace the stairway to the pump well at the Fred Haigh Pump station.

    $0,43 million to reline the north tank at Mount Isa Terminal Reservoir to mitigate water losses with an Impermeable membrane.

    Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority

    Total capital purchases of $122.4 million in 2014-15 include expenditure on water infrastructure and non infrastructure assets.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $2 million from a total budget of $6.6 million to undertake renewals and compliance works at Capalaba Water Treatment Plant,

    $1.9 m illion from a total budget of $3.2 million as a staged measure to upgrade Molendinar Water Treatment Plant.

    $3,1 m illion from a total budget of $5,4 million as a staged measure to meet compliance requirements at Moogerah Dam,

    40 Capital Statement 2014-15 $1 million from a tola! budget of $57.7 million to undertake investigations to ensure that Lake MacDonald Dam w ill continue to meet compliance requirements.

    Energy and Water Supply Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 S'OOO $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND WATER SUPPLY

    Property, Plant and Equipment Non-Commercial Water Assets Various 3,373 873 1,500 1,000 Water Industry Asset Management 305 2,222 200 2,022 System Plant and Equipment 305 64 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 3.586

    Capital Grants Dam Spillway Upgrades 312 40,994 34,994 6,000

    Total Capital Grants 6,000


    Property, Plant and Equipment Kogan Creek Solar Boost Project 307 127,237 74,527 34,646 18,064 Wivenhoe Power Station 310 10,122 10,122 Corporate 305 2,881 2,881 308 29,545 29,545 Kogan Creek Power Station 307 24,248 24,248 Kogan Creek Mine 307 3,771 3,771

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 105.213


    Property, Plant and Equipment Barron Gorge Power Station Barron Gorge Power Station Minor 306 505 Ongoing Wnrks Kareeya Power Station Kareeya Power Station Minor 306 915 Ongoing Works

    Capita! Statement 2014-15 41 Energy and Water Supply Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Meandu Mine Coal Handling Processing Plarit 319 1,681 Ongoing Replacements and Upgrades Mine Exploration and Development 319 9,345 Ongoing Mine Fleet Equipment 319 42,152 Ongoing Replacement Other Sustaining Projects 319 7,907 Ongoing Rehabilitation 319 1,881 Ongoing Mica Creek Power Station Other Sustaining Projects 315 12,341 Ongoing Overhauls 315 6,520 Ongoing Rehabilitation 315 2,008 Ongoing Stanwell Power Station Ash Storage Area Management 308 247 Ongoing Plan Control System Upgrade 308 2,037 Ongoing Other Sustaining Projects 308 5,766 Ongoing Overhauls 308 26,277 Ongoing Unit Cooling W ater Mid Life 308 3,640 Ongoing Conderjser Retube Swanbank Power Station Other Sustaining Projects 310 663 Ongoing Tarong Power Station Black Creek Diversion 319 26,665 11,554 15,061 50 Other Sustaining Projects 319 18,193 Ongoing Overhauls 319 45,801 Ongoing Tarong North Rower Station Other Sustaining Projects 319 6,022 Ongoing Other Capital Projects Energy Trading & Commercial Various 1,500 Ongoing Strategy Fuel Strategy Various 5,841 Ongoing Hardware and Software Upgrades Various 3,669 Ongoing Information, Communication & Various 14,000 Ongoing Technology Other Capital Projects Other Capital Projects Various 2,828 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 236,800

    42 Capital Statement 2014-15 Energy and W ater Supp! Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 S’OOO S'OOO $'000 S’OOO ENERGEX LIMITED

    Property, Plant and Equipment Unregulated Metering Dynamics 305 3,950 Ongoing Other Generations 305 250 Ongoing Non System Property Buildings Various 14,236 Ongoing Capital ICT - Software and 305 2,423 Ongoing Hardware Fleet 305 37,440 Ongoing Distribution augmentation Distribution Augmentation - Various 234,319 234,319 Brisbane Distribution Augmentation - 310 20,340 20,340 Ipswich Distribution Augmentation - Wide 319 5,265 5,265 Bay Burnett Distribution Augmentation - Gold 309 43,451 43,451 Coast Distribution Augmentation - 316 47,382 47,382 Sunshine Coast ACS Distribution Alternative Control Services Various 31,292 31,292 Distribution - Brisbane Alternative Control Services 310 836 836 Distribution - Ipswich Alternative Control Services 319 101 101 Distribution - Wide Bay Burnett Alternative Control Services 309 1,962 1,962 Distribution - Gold Coast Alternative Control Services 316 909 909 Distribution - Sunshine Coast Sub Transmission program Sub Transmission - Brisbane Various 766,754 406,740 196,796 163,218 Kelvin Grove - Establish 305 59,392 47,602 5,983 5,807 110./1 Ik V Zone Substation Victoria Park - substation 305 58,959 39,324 9,213 10,422 augmentation works - Convert to 110/11kV with2x60MVA Transformers

    Capital Statement 2014-15 43 E n e rg y and Water S t^ p ly Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post >timated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Whinstanes - Establish 33/11 kV 302 14,716 13,627 55 1,034 Substation Rocklea - Replace 11 kV Circuit 303 10.729 9,070 510 1.149 Breakers and 33kV Relays Fisherman Island - establish a 302 17,142 1.999 12,949 2,194 33/1 IkV Substation al the Fisherman Island Bulk Supply Substation site Nudgee to Hendra - Replace 33kV 303 12,624 761 5,514 6,349 Feeders Coorparoo - Replace 2 x 33/11 kV 303 14.646 3,440 9,770 1.436 Transformers and 11 kV Switchboard Replace 11kV Oil Circuit Breakers 302 13.783 3,371 9,504 908 at various locations Establishment of Multi Protocol 302 10,369 2.111 7,759 499 Label Switching Network - stage 3 Archerfieid - Replace 11 kV Circuit 303 10,741 2,797 6,866 1,078 Breakers Sub Transmission - Gold Coast 309 130,360 74.783 39,260 16,31? Establish a second llOKv Feeder 311 64,201 14,092 19,678 30,431 between Powerlink Bulk Substation at Loganlea and Energex Bulk Supply Substation al Jimboomba Stapylton - Upgrade 33/11 kV Zone 311 8,137 4,689 1,136 2.312 Substation with 2nd Module Beenleigh' Replace 2 X 33/11 kV 311 9,224 7,990 797 437 transformers & related 1 lOkV plant within substation Establish fibre optic cable link 311 2.708 332 1,925 451 between Jimboomba & Beaudesert substations Sub Transmission - West Moreton 319 49,676 21,948 21,813 5,915 Springfield Central' Establish 310 51,668 35.195 993 15,480 33/11 kV Zone Substation Lockrose-Upgrade 110/33kV Bulk 310 10,738 8,262 1,877 599 Supply Substation Sub Transmission - Wide Bay 319 21.633 2,000 4,711 14,922 Burnett

    44 Capital Staiement2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2 014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $'000 $ ’000 $'000 Gympie North - Install 2nd 33/11 kV 319 4.458 2,978 1,111 369 Module at substation Sub Transmission - Sunshine 316 73,185 21,329 50,919 937 Coast Birtinya - 132/11 kV Zone 316 23.654 3,896 13,720 6,038 Substation 132KV Dual Circuit Palmwoods - 316 84,723 3.437 11,343 69,943 West Maroochydore

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 878,358


    Property, Plant and Equipment Regulated Capital Work Regulated NedA'ork Initiated Capital W ork Refurbish Woodstock 66/1 IkV 318 15,392 9.334 5,932 126 Substation Reinforce Supply to Bundaberg 319 24,506 14,830 5,780 3,896 (Avoca) Augmentation South Toowoomba 317 11,368 4,468 4,740 2,160 Redevelop Chinchilla Bulk Supply 307 10,882 6,599 4,000 283 Point Refurbish Pioneer Substation 312 3,298 285 3,000 13 Collinsville Substation Upgrade 312 2,469 469 2,000 Reinforce Supply to Planella Zone 312 7,609 3,174 2,000 2,435 Substation Reinforce Warwick supply 307 13,014 9,394 2,000 1,620 Construct new Ballandean 33/11 307 7,040 4,956 1,694 390 kV Line Parkhurst augmentation substaion 308 11,864 10,298 1,566 project Refurbish Bundaberg Substation 319 1,697 431 1,000 266 Replace Childers to Givelda Line 319 2,062 594 969 499 Reinforce Suppiy to Owanyilla 319 2,507 1,561 900 46 (South Maryborough) Black River Substation upgrade 318 9,332 8,081 900 351 Cairns, Hartley St zone substation 306 4,097 3,162 900 35 upgrade

    Capital Statement 2014-15 45 E n e rg y an d Wa.te.r S u p p ly Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 _ _$^ogo $’000 Other Regulated Network Initiated Various 480,460 Ongoing Capital Work Sub-total Regulated Network Initiated Capital Work 517.841

    Other Regulated Customer Initiated Various 229.293 Ongoing Customer Work Regulated Non System Capex Various 148,660 Ongoing Other Capex Generation Various 31,250 Ongoing Unregulated Capex Various 10,000 Ongoing Sparq consolidation Capex Various 63,237 Ongoing Sub-total Other Capex 104,487

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 1,000,281


    Property. Plant and Equipment Mackay Substation Replacement 312 32,300 1,603 3,500 27,197 Swanbank B 275kV Substation 310 57,900 49,300 8,600 Replacement Ross Secondary System 318 27,000 6.248 5,900 14,852 Replacement Nebo 275kV/132kV No.2 312 20,500 17,300 3,200 Transformer Replacement Blackwall - Secondary' Systems 310 26,200 7,481 7,900 10,819 Replacement South West Queensland Various 190,000 189,300 700 Augmentation Bulli Greek - Secondary System 317 22,300 21,200 1,100 Replacement Moura Switchyard Replacement 308 24,500 667 4,600 19,233 Bouldercombe Secondary Systems 308 20,600 20,200 400 Replacement Gladstone Substation Replacement 308 164,000 127,353 3,200 33,447 Braemar - Secondary System 307 22,400 17,800 4,600 Replacement Collinsville 132kV Substation 312 33,700 32,300 1,400 Replacement Nebo Primary Plant Replacement 312 22,500 697 5,300 16,503

    46 Capital Statement 2014-15 Energy and Water Supply Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $’000 $’000 Total Non-Prescribed Transmission Various 292,200 Ongoing Network Connections Total Other Projects Various 180,323 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 522.923


    Property, Plant and Equipment Awoonga Callide Pipeline 312 3,284 Ongoing Bowen Broken Water Supply 312 1,952 Ongoing Scheme Blackwater Pipeline 308 1,242 Ongoing Collinsville Pipeline 312 928 Ongoing Emerald Irrigation System 308 618 Ongoing Nogoa Water Supply Scheme 308 465 Ongoing Burdekin Irrigation System 318 427 Ongoing Mareeba Irrigation System 306 396 Ongoing Three Moon Water Supply Scheme 319 384 Ongoing Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme 319 274 Ongoing Other Schemes 305 19,115 Ongoing Minor Works 305 1,934 Ongoing Burnett Water 319 3,315 Ongoing Eungella Water 312 427 Ongoing Software Development and Hardware 305 368 Ongoing Plant & Equipment 305 1,539 Ongoing North West Water 315 457 Ongoing Woleebee Post Commissioning 307 28,654 Ongoing Burdekin-Moranbah Pipeline 312 1,100 Ongoing Augmentation Kenya - Chinchilla 307 832 Ongoing Moranbah to Lake Vermont 312 10,190 Ongoing Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure 308 1,011 Ongoing Project

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 78,912


    Property, Plant and Equipment ICT Replacement Project 308 2,835 232 2,500 103

    Capital Statement 2014-15 47 Energy and Water Supply Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Awoonga Dam electrical 308 3.830 2,796 1,034 replacements Gladstone Water Treatment Plant 308 4,937 2,010 2.927 electrical replacements Awoonga Dam spillway capacity 308 15,091 15,091 Source projects 308 5,054 2,679 2,375 Delivery projects 308 28,425 4,014 24,411 Treatment projects 308 3,862 2,231 1,631 Corporate projects 308 2,447 75 1,245 1,127

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 32,566


    Property, Plant and Equipment Lake Julius Power Pole Replacement 315 3,364 1.664 200 1.500 Mount Isa Water Board water quality 315 1,127 127 800 200 laboratory + equipment Control Systems Upgrade Stage 2 315 690 170 270 250 Moondarra Pipeline Upgrade Stage 315 9,057 5,057 4,000 2B - Lake Moondarra Replace Lake Moofidarra Deep Well 315 400 400 Pump Station old distribution board Fred Haigh Pump Station 315 450 450 replacement stairway to pumpwell Lining Mount Isa Terminal Reservoir 315 1,053 628 425 north tank Automation of Chlorine dosing at 315 100 100 Mount Isa Terminal Reservoir Minor Works Capital Programs 315 870 870

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 7,515


    Property, Plant and Equipment Lake MacDonald Dam compliance 316 57,744 1,744 1,000 55.000 Maroon Dam upgrade - stage 1 311 13,410 4,710 8,700 Moogeragh Dam upgrade - stage 1 310 5.364 2.264 3,100

    Capital Statement 2014-15 Energy ajid Water Suppl Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Capalaba Water Treatment Plant 301 6,644 2,820 1,969 1,855 upgrade Image Flat Water Treatment Plant 316 8.266 4,327 3,939 upgrade Greenhill Reservoir refurbistiment 304 3,951 3.351 600 North Pine Water Treatment Plant 314 18,838 6.745 10,693 1,400 upgrade Molendinar Water Treatment Plant 309 3,176 1,243 1,933 upgrade Lowood Water Treatment Plant 310 18,514 441 874 17.199 upgrade Holts/Camerons Hills Chlorine 310 4,895 1,395 1,500 2,000 Control Building Mount Crosby Water Treatment Plant 310 90,052 5.400 5,432 79,220 upgrade New Water Treatment Plant 310 9,880 3,500 6,380 Canungra Other infrastructure capital Various 52.789 52,789 expenditure Other non-lnfrastrucLiture capital Various 1,150 1,150 expenditure Information Technology hardware Various 4,248 4,248 and software Building Various 3,100 3,100 Fleet Various 1,705 1,705 Land and Easements Various 16,212 16,212

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 122,444



    Capital Statement 2014-15 49 ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE PROTECTION

    The total capital purchases for the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection for 2014-15 are $29.9 million, Of this amount, $26.7 million is for land acquisitions. The capital purchases demonstrate (he department's commitment to delivering strong environmental management and regulation by supporting the Slate's sustainable long-term economic development; and identifying and conserving the State's built heritage places.

    The 2014-15 capital purchases contribute to the protection of the State's natural environment through continuing the department's sustainable land acquisition activities- The capital purchases also support the department’s renewal and reform agenda through significant investment in systems development to deliver efficiencies and savings.

    Program Highlights (Property. Plant and Equipment)

    $15 million in 2014-15 to increase available koala habitat through the acquisition of suitable land under the Investing to Protect Our Koalas election commitment.

    $11.8 million in 2014-15 for protected area land acquisitions under the Investing In Our Environment election commitment.

    $2.2 million in 2014-15 of a total $4.7 million over three years for the Compliance Renewal Program which w ill deliver integrated and cost-effective services across the department and improve services to Queensland Industry and the general public by offering easy to access on-line and app led customer interfaces.

    $0 6 m illion in 2014-15 for system deveiopment and enhancements to systems such as the Living Heritage Data system.

    50 Capital Statement 2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 S'OOO ___ $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE PROTECTION

    Property, Plant and Equipment Land Acquisitions investing to Protect Our Koalas Various 19,393 4,422 14,971 Environment for ifie Future Land Various 16,858 5,105 11,753 Acquisitions Minor Works Various 424 Ongoing Systems Compiiance Renewal Program Various 4,647 1.038 2,150 1,459 Systems Deveiopment - Other Various 588 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 29,886



    Most new and ongoing capital initiatives to support Queensland Fire and Emergency Services operational capability are now delivered by the Public Safety Business Agency,

    Queensland Fire and Emergency Services continues to be responsible for delivering minor works and operational equipment.

    In 2014-15, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services w ill invest $8.6 m illion in capital purchases and $0.78 million in capital grants.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $4.4 million for operational equipment, including portable mass decontamination equipment, a gas detection system, replacement breathing apparatus refilling compressors at stations and replacement of large capacity servers, monitors and plan printers to support building fire safety services.

    $3,1 m illion for m inor works.

    Fire and Emergency Services Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 QUEENSLAND FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES

    Property, Plant and Equipment Building/General Works Minor works Various 3,080 Ongoing Sub-total Building/General Works 3,080

    Otiier Plant and Equipment Operational equipment Various 4,409 Ongoing Information systems development Various 1,120 Ongoing Sub-total Other Plant and Equipment 5.529

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 8,609

    Capital Grants State Emergency Service Various 592 Ongoing

    52 Capital Statement 2014-15 Fire and Emergency Services Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 ______$'000______$'000 $'000 S‘^^00 Rural fire brigades Various 185 Ongoing

    Total Capital Grants 777



    Capital Statement 2014-15 53 HEALTH

    The Queeiisland public healthcare system collectively known as 'Queensland Health' comprises the Department of Health and 16 independent Hospital and Health Services. The total capital purchases for the Health portfolio in 2014-15 including Queensland Health and the Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research are $1.559 billion and $1 million in capital grants. Queensland Health

    The Queensland Health capital investment program is an important input into the delivery of health services with outputs that underpin the provision of better services for patients and better healthcare in the community. This year's capital statement w ill also include Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS). On 1 October 2013, QAS was structurally aligned with Queensland Health as recommended under the Police and Community Safety Review, This alignment improves the close linkages and working relationships between public hospitals and ambulance services.

    Queensland Health w ill continue capital purchases across a broad range of health Infrastructure including hospitals, ambulance stations and vehicles, health technology, pathology, research and scientific services, mental health services, staff accommodation, and information and communication technology.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    A number of major hospital and health facilities are planned for construction completion in 2014-15 including;

    S224.5 million in 2014-15 to complete the construction of the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital (LCCH), The LCCH Is due to open in late 2014 and will provide a state-wide service including 359 public beds over 12 levels with all paediatric specialties in one location. An adjacent Centre for Children's Health Research w ill be dedicated to researching child and adolescent health

    $29,4 million to complete construction of the $408.3 million Mackay Base Hospital Redevelopment. On completion, the redevelopment w ill include emergency and outpatients departments, delivery suites and special care nursery, intensive care and coronary care unit, Inpatient surgical and medical wards, renal support, dental services and a mental health facility

    $13,6 million to complete construction of the $173.1 million Queensland and Australian Government funded Rockhampton Hospital Expansion

    S2T3 million to complete construction of the $145.2 million Queensland and Australian Government funded Logan Hospital Expansion. On completion, the expansion w ill include an expanded emergency department, now rehabilitation

    54 Capital Statement 2014-15 ward, elective surgery area, new paediatric ward, outpatient facilities and a cardiac catheter laboratory

    S9.5 million to complete the Rurai and Remote Infrastructure Rectification Works Program providing improvements and upgrades to health faciiities in regional and remote areas

    $97.7 m illion w ill be invested in enhancements to mental health services in 201405.

    Queensland Health is continuing the foliowing projects:

    $369,8 million to continue delivery of the Sunshine Coast Public University Hospital and its Skills, Academic and Research Centre as a Public Private Partnership, at a total estimated cost of $1,872 billion

    $41.2 million in 2014-15 to continue the $334 million Queensland and Australian Government funded Townsville Hospital Expansion

    $7.7 million to continue the $62.6 million Mount Isa Health Campus redevelopment

    $81.4 million to continue construction of the $446.3 million Cairns Base Hospital Redevelopment.

    Queensland Health is investing $5 million in 2014-15 to commence Stage 2 of the Southern Queensland Centre of Excellence in indigenous Primary Health Care at Inala, at a cost of $10.5 million.

    In 2014-15, $41.4 million w ill be invested in the Queensland Ambulance Service including:

    $8.5 million to complete upgrades to ambulance facilities for replacement ambulance station and relief quarters at Pittsworth: the Russell Island ambulance station and residence replacement: the Injuno ambulance station and residence redevelopment and the new Spring H ill complex and station redevelopment at a total cost of $12.7 million

    $22 million to commission 155 new and replacement ambulance vehicles

    ■ $0,8 million to commence the Miriam Vale replacement ambulance station, Rainbow Beach new ambulance station, Thursday Island replacement ambulance station and Relief Accommodation and Birtinya new ambulance station at a total cost of $14.6 million.

    Capital statement 2014-15 55 In 2014-15, $199.8 million w ill fund the provision of ICT equipment and software including;

    $139,9 million w ill be invested in information and communication technology equipment to replace, upgrade and provide future capability to support the eHealth strategy, asset replacement program

    $59.9 million w ill be invested in the continued slate-wide roll out of eHealth clinical and administrative support systems Including: integrated electronic Medical Records (ieMR) and delivering systems for results reporting, order entry, medications management, clinical notes and discharge summaries,

    Queensland Health w ill invest $81.8 million in 2014-15 to continue the $327 million four year Backlog Maintenance Remediation Program to address high priority and critical operational maintenance, life cycle replacements and upgrades.

    Hospital and Health Services

    $114.2 m illion has been allocated to Hospital and Health Services across Queensland for capital purchases and health technology equipment.

    From 1 July 2014, the Torres Strait - Northern Peninsula and Cape York Hospital and Health Services w ill join to become the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service.

    Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research

    The GIMR capital program in 2014-15 w ill invest $6.4 million for the acquisition of new and/or replacement equipment including state-of-the-art scientific equipment.

    56 Capital Statement 2014-15 H e a lth Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $ ’000 $'000 QUEENSLAND HEALTH AND HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES

    Property, Plant and Equipment Hospitals and Health Services Area Health Demand Management Various 297,500 262.777 34,723 Building Access to Emergency Various 2,732 1,366 683 683 care through Improved Bed Management Practices Building Works Capital Project Various 850 Ongoing Management Cairns Base Hospital 306 446,300 349,889 81,411 15,000 Redevelopment Faster Emergency Care in our Various 147,928 140,730 6,198 1,000 Hospitals (Including expanded rehabilitation facilities) Gold Coast University Hospital^ 309 1,761,853 1,663,645 57,805 40,403 Health and Hospital Fund Regional Various 105,266 22,989 26,570 55.707 Priority Round Ipswich Hospital Additional Beds 310 122,000 115,027 6,973 Mackay Base Hospital 312 408,286 373,894 29,391 5,000 Redevelopment Master Planning Studies Various 1,166 Ongoing Mount Isa Health Campus 315 62,575 47,754 7,710 7,111 Redevelopment National Partnership Agreement - Various 192,558 161,973 25,585 5,000 improving Pubiic Hospital Services Priority Capital Program Various 84,000 Ongoing •5 Lady Cilento Children's HospitaP 305 1,433,145 1,193,625 224,520 15,000 Centre for Children's Health 305 80,000 44,308 30,692 5,000 Research Regional Cancer Centres Various 179,291 145,724 33,179 388 Rockhampton Hospital Expansion 308 173,064 156,511 13,553 3,000 Rural and Remote Infrastructure Various 51,580 42,101 9,479 Rectification Works Saibal island Primary Health Care 315 9,640 9,314 326 Centre Southern Queensland Centre of 304 10,500 500 5,000 5,000 Excellence in Indigenous Primary Health Care

    Capital Statement 2014-15 57 Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $‘000 $'000 $'000 4 Sunshine Coast Public University 316 1,872,151 240,167 369,768 1,262,216 Hospital Townsville Hospital Expansion 318 334,000 2Q7.75&_ 41,245 5,000 Sub-totai Hospitals and Health Services 1.090.827 -

    Health Technology Replacement Health Technology Equipment Various 3,519 3,519 Sub-total Health Technology Replacement 3,519 -

    Mental Health Services Community Mental Health Various 8,351 3.101 5,250 ProgratTi Queensland Plan for Mental Health Various 130,452 108,037_ 22,415 Sub-tota! Mental Health Sen'ices 27,665 -

    Pathology and Scientific Services Translational Research Institute 303 276,100 274,233 1,867 Facilities Sub-total Pathology and Scientific Services 1,867 -

    Staff Accommodation Program Housing Stock Upgrades Various 1,000 Ongoing Sub-totai Staff Accommodation Program 1,000 -

    Other Acquisitions of Property, Plant and Equipment Telehealth (Revitalisation of Various 2,000 1,000 1,000 Regional, Rural and Remote Health Services) Capital Program Land Acquisition Various 10,000 10,000 Emergent Works Program Various 45,000 Ongoing Minor Capital Projects and^ Various 16,666 Ongoing Acquisitions Sub-total Other Acquisitions of Property, Plant and Equipment 72.666 -

    Information Technology Equipment eHealth Clinical Systems Various 6,364 Ongoing IT Infrastructure Programs Various 118,869 Ongoing Other Health Systems Various 330 Ongoing Sub-total Information Technology Equipment 125,563 .

    Information and Communication TechnologyEqulpment eHealth Clinical Systems Various 42,300 Ongoing

    58 Capital Statement 2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 _____ $'000 $’000 S'OOO Other Health Systems Various 1,112 Ongoing (T Contingency and Emergent Various 14,347 Ongoing Needs Business Solution Delivery Various 16.478 Ongoing Sub-total Information and Communication TechnologyEquipment 74,237 —

    Queensland Ambulance Service Building/General Works Birtinya New Station 316 6,000 500 5,500 Bundaberg New Station 319 5,000 1,100 500 3.400 Collinsville Replacement 312 2,000 10 1,190 800 Station Gladstone Station 308 1,800 946 854 Refurbishment Injune Station and Residence 307 1,300 100 1,200 Redevelopment Miriam Vaie Replacement 319 2,000 100 1,900 Station Pittsworth Replacement Station 307 2,500 12 2,488 and Relief Quarters Rainbow Beach New Station 316 1,500 100 1,400 Russell Island Station arid 301 1,900 15 1,885 Residence Replacement Spring Hiil Complex and Station 305 7,032 4,096 2,936 Redevelopment Thursday Island Replacement 315 5,100 100 5.000 Station and Relief Accommodation Minor Works Various 3,175 Ongoing Sub-total Building/General Works 15,028 -

    Land Strategic Land Acquisitions Various 1,000 Ongoing Sub-total Land 1,000 -

    Other Plant and Equipment Ambulance Vehicle Purchases Various 22,000 Ongoing

    Capital Statement 2014-15 59 Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 S'OOO $'000 $'000 $'000 Operational Equipment Varioug 3.325 Ongoing Sub'total Other Plant and Equipment 25,325

    Sub-total Queensland Ambulance Service 41,353

    Cairns and Hinterland Minor Capital Projects and 306 3,096 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 306 2.219 Ongoing Sub-total Cairns and Hinterland 5,315

    Central Queensland Minor Capital Projects and 308 3,143 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 308 1.790 Ongoing Rockhampton Hospital Helipad 308 4,857 Ongoing Rockhampton Intensive Care Unit 308 12,490 Ongoing Sub-total Central Queensland 22.280

    Centra) West Minor Capital Projects and 315 760 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 315 279 Ongoing Sub-total Central West 1.039

    Children's Health Queensland Minor Capital Projects and 305 1,572 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 305 1,319 Ongoing Sub-total Children's Health Queensland 2.891

    Darling Downs Minor Capital Projects and 307 3,523 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 307 1.926 Ongoing Sub-total Darling Downs 5,449

    Gold Coast Minor Capital Projects and 309 3,543 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 309 2,596 Ongoing Sub-total Gold Coast 6,139

    60 Capital Statement 2014-15 H e a lth Statistical Totaf Expenditure B ud g et Post Area Estimated to 2014*15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 $•000 $'000 $'000 $'000

    Mackay Minor Capital Projects and 312 1,489 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 312 1,178 Ongoing Sub-total Mackay 2.667

    Metro Noith Minor Capital Projects and Various 14,091 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment Various 8,526 Ongoing Sub-total Metro North 22,617

    Metro South Minor Capital Projects and Various 10,998 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment Various 6,802 Ongoing Sub-total Metro South 17,800

    North W est Minor Capital Projects and 315 869 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 315 314 Ongoing Sub-total North West 1,183

    South W est Minor Capital Projects and 315 833 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 315 528 Ongoing Sub-total South West 1,361

    Sunshine Coast Minor Capital Projects and 315 7,384 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 315 1,406 Ongoing Sub-total Sunshine Coast 8,790

    Torres and Cape Minor Capital Projects and 315 1,434 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 315 470 Ongoing Sub-total Torres and Cape 1,904

    Capital Statement 2014-15 61 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 ______$^000 ______$ ^ 0 0 _ $'000

    Townsville Minor Capital Projects and 318 4,763 Ongoing Acquisitions l-lealth Technology Equipment 318 2,848 Ongoing

    Sub-total Townsville - 7.611

    West Moreton Minor Capital Projects and 310 2,533 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 310 1,030 Ongoing

    Sub-total West Moreton . 3,563

    Wide Bay Minor Capital Projects and 319 2,125 Ongoing Acquisitions Health Technology Equipment 319 1,475 Ongoing Sub-total Wide Bay 3,600 -

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment - 1,552,906

    Capital Grants Departryicnt of Health Capital Grants 301 1,000 1,000

    Total Capital Grants 1,000


    Property, Plant and Equipment Other scientific equipment 305 6,435 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 6,435

    TOTAL HEALTH (PPE) 1,559,341 .

    TOTAL HEALTH (CG) 1,000

    N otes; The Gold Coast University Hospital opened in September 2013. Remaining e>:penditure relates lo finaii.satlon of procurement for Furniture. Fittings and Equipment, completion of Information and Communication Technology and Health Precinct Fitout. Total Estimated Cost of $1,433 billion is net of $14 3 million noP'Capital component of project expenditure LOCH is forecast to open late 2014 and remaining post 2014-15 expenditure relates to project finalisation.

    62 Capital Statement 2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $’000 $80 million represents the State contribution for the construction. A further $9,9 million provided from the LCCH Program for pathology laboratory and Centre for Children's Health Resoarch future expansion enabling works, In addition capital investment of $16 miillon each has also been contributed ttirough tenancy agreements witti Queensland University of Technology. University of Queensland and Translational Research Institute, The $1,872 billion includes the total Skills, Academic and Research Centre (SARC) fit-out capital cost. Those elements of the total SARC fit-out capital cost that relate to the proposed (non-QH) SARC tenants (University of Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast TAPE and future medical school provider) will be funded directly via capital contributions from those tenants. Amount is not of S23.5 million non capital component of project expenditure.

    Capital Statement 2014-15 63 HOUSING AND PUBLIC WORKS

    Total capital purchases for the Housing and Public Worlcs portfolio, including its statutory bodies, are $264.7 million in 2014H5, with capital grants of $101.2 million. Capital purchases include the Residential Tenancies Authority of $12 m iillon and the Queensland Building and Construction Commission of $2.9 million. Department of Housing and Public Works

    Total capital purchases and capital grants expenditure in 2014-15 by the Department of Housing and Public W orks are $351 m illion.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    ■ $159.7 million for social housing to commence construction of 231 rental units, complete construction of 135 rental units, purchase 37 rental units, acquire land and upgrade existing social housing.

    $62,1 million for social housing in indigenous communities funded through the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing to complete construction of up to 152 rental units,

    $4.8 million to complete construction in Redcliffe and upgrade existing infrastructure in Townsville and Cairns to provide specialist supported accommodation facilities for rough sleepers.

    $6.9 million is allocated for the provision of Government Employee Housing during 2014-15 to provide at least 10 units o f accommodation.

    $ 3.1 million to provide equitable access and facilities to Government House for persons with disabilities.

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    $25.7 m illion to non government organisations for social housing to commence construction of 127 rental units and upgrade existing social housing,

    $74.4 million for social housing in Indigenous communities to fund the commencement of up to 30 rental units, complete the construction of up to 10 rental units, complete the upgrade of up to 186 existing social houses (including $14 million funding through the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing for workers accommodation and community land surveys).

    64 Capital Statement 2014-15 Queensland Building and Construction Commission

    In 2014-15, the Queensland Building and Construction Commission has capital purchases of $1.9 million lo continue replacing ageing information technology systems and $1 m illion for ageing property, plant and equipment to reduce adm inistration costs, improve customer access and turnaround times.

    Residential Tenancies Authority

    In 2014-15, the Residential Tenancies Authority has capital purchases of S12 million including replacing the ageing systems with integrated business solutions to meet Ihe future needs o f Queensland's residential rental sector,

    Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 _ _ S'OOO $’000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND PUBLIC WORKS

    Property, Plant and Equipment Housing Services Brisbane - North Construction 302 3,222 Ongoing Brisbane - South Construction 303 6,668 Ongoing Brisbane - West Construction 304 1,371 Ongoing Cairns Construction 306 9,831 Ongoing Fitzroy Construction 308 886 Ongoing Gold Coast Construction 309 6,944 Ongoing Logan - Beaudesert Construction 311 4,762 Ongoing Mackay Construction 312 1,320 Ongoing Moreton Bay - North Construction 313 6,854 Ongoing Queensland - Outback 315 65,634 Ongoing Construction Sunshine Coast Construction 316 6,204 Ongoing Toowoomba Construction 317 1,542 Ongoing Townsville Construction 318 6,004 Ongoing Wide Bay Construction 319 52 Ongoing Cairns Upgrades 306 6,653 Ongoing Fitzroy Upgrades 308 5,280 Ongoing Ipswich Upgrades 310 1,656 Ongoing Mackay Upgrades 312 2,648 Ongoing Queensland - Outback Upgrades 315 9,215 Ongoing Townsville Upgrades 318 9,139 Ongoing Wide Bay Upgrades 319 4,745 Ongoing Other Upgrades Various 39,434 Ongoing

    Capital Statement 2014-15 65 Housing and Public Works Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $'000 $’000 $'000 Cairns Land 306 494 Ongoing Other Land Various 7,750 Ongoing Brisbane - North Purchase of 302 3,310 Ongoing Existing Properties Townsville Purchase of Existing 318 5,000 Ongoing Properties Other Purchase of Existing Various 10,014 Ongoing Properties Other Plant and Equipment Various 1,701 Ongoing Other Intangibles Various 1,200 Ongoing Sub-total Housing Services 229.533

    Public Works Brisbane - Boggo Road Precinct 305 40,476 39,136 1,340 Redevelopment Building Works and Capital Various 5,202 Ongoing Replacements Government Employee Housing Various 6.900 Ongoing Government House Refurbishment 305 3,335 200 3,135 and Equitable Access Other Property, Plant and Various 3,673 Ongoing Equipment Sub-total Public Works 20,250

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 249,783

    Capital Grants Housing Services Other Capital Grants Various 8,844 Ongoing Wide Bay Capital Grants 319 10,806 Ongoing Townsville Capital Grants 318 10,926 Ongoing Toowoomba Capital Grants 317 3,080 Ongoing Queensland - Outback Capital 315 39,158 Ongoing Grants Fitzroy Capital Grants 308 1,278 Ongoing Cairns Capital Grants 306 16,844 Ongoing Brisbane - South Capital Grants 303 9,200 Ongoing Sub-total Housing Services 100,136

    66 Capital Statement 2014-15 Housinq and Public Works Statislical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $’000 $'000 Public Works Gracemere Industrial Area 308 5,600 4,500 1,100 Sub-total Public Works 1,100

    Total Capital Grants 101,236


    Property, Plant and Equipment Other Property, Plant & Equipment 303 985 Ongoing QBCC Software Development- 303 8,005 1,060 1,945 5.000 BUILD

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 2,930


    Property, Plant and Equipment Asset Replacement Program 305 1,383 1,383 Core Client System Replacement 305 14,055 3,381 10,594 80

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 11,977



    Capital Statement 2014-15 67 JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY-GENERAL

    The 2014-15 capital purchases for Juslice and Attorney-General (including Public Trust Office, Legal Aid Queensland and Crime and Misconduct Commission) are $163.1 m illion. Department of Justice and Attorney-General

    The Department of lustice and Attorney-General capital purchases for 2014-15 are $146.6 million. The department's capital purchases w ill primarily focus on additional prison infrastructure, correctional centre enhancements, completion of the Cleveland Youth Detention Centre expansion and the programmed renewal and minor works of couflhouses and Youth Justice facilites.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $62 million for additional prison infrastructure incorporating recommissioning Borallon Correctional Centre, refurbishing Haroid Gregg Unit at Townsville Correclionai Centre to provide extra beds for male prisoners and completion of ihe S33 million cell upgrade program modifying cells in the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre.

    $5.7 million of the $76.6 million Perimeter Security Upgrade Program - Stage 2, This program wi)] upgrade the perimeter security at various correctional centres over seven years, which is due for completion in 2019-20.

    • $11 million in correctional centre enhancements including Southern Queensland Correctional Centre, Lotus Glen Correclionai Centre, expansion of accommodation for women in Townsville Correctional Centre and the upgrade of the power supply at Woodford Correctional Centre.

    $26.7 million for the completion of the Cleveland Youth Detention Centre expansion in Townsville.

    $16.5 m illion for the ongoing programmed renewal, maintenance and minor works of courlhouses and youth justice facilities.

    $1.4 miliion of the $9.3 million project to upgrade the security management system at the Brisbane Youth Detention Centre, which is due for completion in 2016-17. Public Trust Office

    The Public Trustee continues to redevelop regional offices and review suburban Brisbane offices to improve front line services and accessibility to all clients.

    Capita! Statement 2014-15 Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    • $9.3 million for existing regional offices, head office and assess the Brisbane suburban locations.

    $2 million as part of the strategy to upgrade business systems on an ongoing basis. Legal Aid Queensland

    Legal Aid Queensland's 2014-15 capital expenditure program is $3.3 million. Legal Aid Queensland w ill invest $2.7 million on major property, plant and equipment projects including the refurbishment of the Brisbane, Woodridge, Bundaberg and Rockhampton offices. A further $0,55 million w ill be Invested to maintain Legal Aid Queensland's business systems, refurbish other offices and replace motor vehicles. Crime and Misconduct Commission

    The Crime and Misconduct Commission w ill spend $1.2 million on capital purchases in 2014Q5. The Commission w ill invest $0.56 million in computer and other equipment replacement and $0.59 million on vehicle replacement.

    Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY-GENERAL

    Property, Plant and Equipment Queensland Corrective Services Major Works - Correctionai Centres Borallon Correctional Centre - 310 56,250 50,000 6,250 Recommission Townsville Correctional Centre 318 3,225 3,225 - Refurbishment Southern Old Correctionai 317 1.000 1,000 Centre - Conversion to Womens Prison Numinbah Correctional Centre - 309 538 538 Expansion Arthur Gorrie Correctional 304 33,000 25,730 7,270 Centre cell upgrade program

    Capital Statement 2014-15 69 Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 S’OOO $'000 $'000 Perimeter Security Upgrade - Various 76,579 542 5.666 70,371 Stage 2 Sub-total Major Works - Correctional Centres 67,699

    Correctional Centre Enhancements Southern Old Correctional 307 11,080 9,265 1,815 Centre Lotus Glen Correctional Centre 306 7,000 2,389 4,611 Prison infrastructure Various 8,435 7,247 1,188 Woodford Correctional Centre - 313 2,000 50 1,950 upgrade power supply Townsville Correctional Centre 318 1,500 50 1,450 - expansion for women Sub-total Correctionai Centre Enhancements 11,014 —

    Probation and Parole office Various 1,704 Ongoing accommodation Other acqusitions of property, plant Various 9,751 Ongoing and equipment

    Sub-total Queensland Corrective Services _ 90,168

    Youth Justice Services Cleveland Youth Detention Centre 318 163,828 157,132 26,696 Brisbane Youth Detention Centre - 304 9,344 1,434 7,910 Security Management System Upgrade Youth Justice Facilities Various 7,895 Ongoing Youth Justice Facilities, Minor Various 319 Ongoing Capital Works Sub-total Youth Justice Services 36,344

    Justice Service Courthouses, Programmed Various 6,632 Ongoing Renv,/al Courthouses, Minor Capital Works Various 1,630 Ongoing Other acquisitions of property, Various 1,850 Ongoing plant and equipment Leasehold Improvements 305 100 Ongoing Minor capital works - software 305 300 Ongoing

    70 Capital Statement 2014-15 Justice and Attorney-General Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 S'OOO $'000 $’000 $'000 Queensland Wide Integrated 305 1,135 Ongoing Courts (QWIC) System - Enhancements Sub-lota! Justice Sewice 11,647

    Other Departmental Leasehold Improvements Various 3,828 Ongoing Minor Capital Works - Software 305 3,774 Ongoing Other acquisitions of property, Various 873 Ongoing plant and equipment Sub-total Other Departmental 8,475

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 146,634


    Property, Plant and Equipment Building refurbishment 305 2,991 Ongoing Building improvements Various 6,305 Ongoing Computer hardware 305 709 Ongoing Computer software 305 1,958 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 11,963


    Property, Plant and Equipment Brisbane building refurbishment 305 3.100 2,033 1,067 Leasehold improvements Woodridge office refurbishment 303 720 720 Bundaberg office refurbishment 319 649 649 Rockhampton office refurbishment 308 270 270 Other leasehold Improvements Various 249 Ongoing Sub-total Leasehold improvements 1,888

    IT business systems 305 166 Ongoing Motor vehicle replacements Various 140 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 3,261

    Capital Statement 2014-15 71 Justice and Attorney-General Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $'000 $’000 5000 CRIME AND MISCONDUCT COMMISSION

    Property, Plant and Equipment Computer and other equipment 305 557 Ongoing Vehicle replacement 303 591 Ongoing Leasehold improvements 305 50 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 1.198


    72 Capital Statement 2014-15 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF QUEENSLAND

    Total capital purchases for the Legislative Assembly of Queensland are $3.2 million in 2014-15, Capital purchases include the ongoing Parliament House stonework restoration program, Parliament House security upgrade (CCTV) and the replacement of existing precinct audio visual system infrastructure.

    Legislative Assembly of Queensland Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $‘000 $'000 $’000 $’000 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF QUEENSLAND

    Property, Plant and Equipment Parliament House (PH) Stonework 305 6,160 4.264 500 1.396 Restoration Data Cabling Upgrade 305 500 200 300 CCTV Upgrade 305 1,500 600 900 AV Equipment 305 400 Ongoing Other Property, Plant and Equipment 305 1,370 Ongoing to be prioritised by tfie CLA

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 3,170



    Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience

    For 20T1-15, the Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience's total capital purchases are $8,4 miliion and total capital grants are $104.3 million. The department Is committed to working with local governments to reduce the impact of, and increase the resilience to, natural disasters. Supporting the work of local government to contribute to Queensland's economic growth at the local and regional level is a focus of the department. The department is working with councils to achieve gains for Indigenous communities.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $8.4 million for the Indigenous State Infrastructure Program,

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    $41.8 million for the Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program delivered as $21.5 miliion supporting priority infrastructure projects to meet identified community needs and $20.3 million under the Local Government Floods Response Subsidy to support projects that w ill protect communities and infrastructure from future floods.

    • $28.4 million distributed under the Royalties for the Regions program,

    • $19.1 miliion for the Natural Disaster Resilience Program which will work to build community resilience to natural disasters. Queensland Reconstmction Authority

    The capital expenditure for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority in 2014-15 consists of capital grants of $950 million. This is funded up to 75 percent by the Australian Government (under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements) with the remainder funded by the State Government.

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    In 2014-15, $950 million is being provided to local government authorities to undertake recovery, reconstruction and betterment projects following Tropical Cyclone Oswald and other recovery and reconstruction projects relating to natural disaster events from 2011 to 2014.

    74 Capital Statement 2014-15 Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $•000 $'000 $'000 S'OOO DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT. COMMUNITY RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE

    Property, Plant and Equipment Indigenous State infrastructure Various 63,378 54,951 8,427 Projects Other Property, Plant and Equipment 305 10 Ongoing

    Total Property. Plant and Equipment 8,437

    Capital Grants Local Government Grants and Various 41,842 Ongoing Subsidies Program Royalties for the Region - Round 1 Various 20,000 8,392 11,608 Royalties for the Region - Round 2 Various 20,000 3,170 16,830 Natural Disaster Resilience Program Various 6,805 5,315 1.490 2009-12 Natural Disaster Resilience Program Various 6,904 5,324 1,580 2009-12 - Australian Government Natural Disaster Resilience Program Various 8,006 8,006 2013-15 Natural Disaster Resilience Program Various 8,006 8,006 2013-15 - Australian Government National Insurance Affordability 310 17,000 7,000 3,000 7,000 Initiative - Australian Government Torres Strait Major Infrastructure 315 13,200 3,600 6,200 3,400 Program (Stage 5) South West Queensland Flood 315 9,620 6.721 2,899 Mitigation Fund - Australian Government Indigenous Stale Infrastructure 315 8,000 6,800 1.200 Projects Regional Flood Mitigation Program - Various 1,820 905 915 Australian Government Kuranda Skyrail and Infrastructure 306 744 Ongoing Levy

    Total Capital Grants 104,320


    Capital Grants Local Government Authorities Various 4,571,432 3,513.186 826,162 232,084

    Capital Statement 2014-15 75 Local Government, Community Recovery and RGsilience Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 ______$'000______$;ooo $’000 $'000 Local Council Package Various 316,800 234,905 81,895 Betterment Fund'' Various 80,000 38.535 41,465

    Total Capital Grants 949,522



    N o te ; 1, The BeUertnent Fund program is fully committed and projects are currently being delivered by local government authorities.


    Capital purchases for She Departmenl of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing for 2014-15 are $29.5 million, with $106,5 million in capital grants.

    Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing

    The purpose of the department is to manage protected areas to ensure their sustainability, encourage active participation in recreation and sport and ensure the integrity of the racing industry across the state. The department has three service areas working towards this purpose; National Parks: Recreation and Sport: and Racing.

    The 2014-15 capital program directly supports these objectives through significant capital grant programs, a significant capital works program in National Parks and Recreation and Sport, ongoing replacement of plant and equipment and development of systems to support delivery of its frontline services.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $5.2 million to replace amenity blocks and campground upgrades including visitor facilities within National Parks.

    $5.8 million to maintain and upkeep Active Recreation Centres, Sports Reserves and Sports Houses throughout the state.

    $4,1 million towards visitor centre upgrades at David Fleay W ildlife Park, Carnarvon Gorge, D'Aguilar National Park, and tVlon Repos Visitor Centre.

    $1.8 million towards various projects within National Parks to improve visitor access.

    $1.5 million towards a major upgrade of the Iron Range Base, Gladstone Base and Dixie redevelopment.

    $10.1 million in various capital works and property plant and equipment purchases for National Parks.

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    $71,8 million in capital grants under the Racing Industry Capital Development Scheme from an approved $110 million over the life of the program w ill be used to assist the racing industry state-wide to improve racing infrastructure.

    $15.2 million under the Get in the Game program (Get Playing) to increase participation in recreation and sport through developing infrastructure.

    $10 million under a Sport Infrastructure development program through Recreation and Sport Services.

    Capital statement 2014-15 77 $2.9 m iliion under the Recreation and Sport Major Facilities Program,

    Stadiums Queensland

    Stadiums Queensland's 2014-15 capital outlays of $13.4 million represents the investment required to maintain Queensland's major sports facilities to a standard appropriate for the conduct of national and international events, and community sports activity.

    National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racin Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $‘000 $•000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL PARKS, RECREATION, SPORT AND RACING

    Property, Plant and Equipment Leisha track and Freshwater road 319 676 341 335 upgrade Inskip Point amenity upgrade 319 750 100 650 Bunyaviile toilet and water upgrade 302 767 77 690 Fruit Bat Falls day use area upgrade 315 738 390 348 Eungella Platypus walk and 312 600 350 250 information node Peach Trees camping area upgrade 313 1,023 134 746 143 Various plant and equipment - Various 400 400 Departmental Sylvia Greek mountain bike trails 306 750 500 250 Permit simplification software and Various 850 850 systems upgrade Dubuji boardwalk redevelopment 306 520 20 250 250 Curtis Island road and fireline 308 750 150 450 150 upgrade Gladstone base upgrade 308 500 50 250 200 Various plant and equipment - Various 1,500 1,500 National Parks Green Mountains campground 309 750 750 redevelopment Mon Repos visitor centre upgrades 319 450 450 Active Recreation Centres and Sport Various 5,833 5,833 Houses capital works Upper Stony Creek day use and 308 650 350 300 camping redevelopment D'Aguilar National Park visitor centre 304 2,510 12 2,498 upgrade

    78 Capital Statement 2014-15 National Parks,, Recreation. Sport and Racin Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $‘000 $'000 $'000 $’000 Fig Tree Point visitor facilities 316 377 27 350 upgrade Iron Range Base/Dixie 315 2,782 252 1,205 1,325 redevelopment Various plant and equipment- Various 334 334 Recreation and Sport Various plant and equipment - 302 251 251 Racing North Stradbroke Island capital works 301 2,403 998 1,405 and equipment Various capital works - National Various 6,322 6,322 Parks David Fleay Wildlife Park visitor 309 650 650 centre upgrade Carnarvon Gorge visitor centre 308 1,600 275 500 825 upgrade Charlie Moreland campground 316 1,539 447 1,092 redevelopment Danbulla day use area and campsite 306 1,035 400 300 335 upgrade Python Rock track upgrade 309 295 36 259

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 29,468

    Capital Grants SEQ Water Implementation Plan Various 563 563 Racing Industry Capital Development Various 110,000 38,170 71,830 Scheme Get In The Game (Get Playing) Various 29,445 14,228 15,217 Recreation and Sport Infrastructure Various 5,417 5,222 195 Program Recreation and Sport Major Facilities Various 16,475 13,602 2,873 Program Sport Infrastructure Development Various 20.000 10,000 10,000 Program Various Capita! Grants - Recreation Various 5,821 5,821 and Sport

    Total Capital Grants 106.499

    Capital Statement 2014-15 79 National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racin Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $‘000 $'000 $000 STADIUMS QUEENSLAND

    Property, Plant and Equipment Annua! capital and maintenance Various 13,434 Ongoing p ro g ra m

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 13,434



    80 Capital Statement 2014-15 NATURAL RESOURCES AND MINES

    Total capital purchases for the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for 2014-15 arc $16.3 million.

    The Department of Natural Resources and Mines is an economic development agency that enables the productive and responsive use of Queensland’s natural resources (water, land, minerals and energy resources) lo generate wealth and prosperity for current and future generations of Queenslanders. The capital purchases support this primarily through modifications and enhancements for critical business systems.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $5 million for the Zillmere Core Library Extension initiative for the construction of additional core storage, adjacent to the existing Exploration Data Centre at Zillmere Government Precinct.

    Natural Resources and Mines Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000______$'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND MINES

    Property, Plant and Equipment Zillmere Core Library Extension 302 5,000 5,000 initiative Systems development 305 5,506 Ongoing Other property, plant and equipment Various 5,804 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 16,310


    Capital Statement 2014-15 81 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR

    During 2014-15,. the Office of the Governor's capital purchases w ill be $0.04 million for the replacement of plant and equipment, Ongoing replacement of capital items enables the Office of the Governor to effectively and eff iciently support the Governor in his role.

    Office of the Governor Stalistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 S'OOO $'000 $’000 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR

    Property, Plant and Equipment Replacement of plant and equipment 305 41 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 41


    82 Capital Statement 2014-15 OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN

    The Office of the Ombudsman's capital purchases will be £0,16 million in 2014-15 for the ongoing replacement and upgrade of office and ICT equipment.

    Office of the Ombudsman Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $‘000 $’000 OFFICE OF THE OfVIBUDSMAN

    Property, Plant and Equipment Office equipment 305 30 Ongoing Computer equipment 305 130 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 160


    Capital Statement 2014-15 83 POLICE SERVICES

    Most new and ongoing capital initiatives to support the Queensland Police Service (GPS) operational capability w ill be deiivored by the Public Safety Business Agency, This includes police accommodation facilities, motor vehicles, vessels and information technology.

    QPS continues to be responsible for delivering specific operational equipmen!.

    In 2014-15, GPS w ill invest $24,2 million in capital purchases.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    • $1 million for information and communication technology for the G20 meetings in Cairns (September 2014) and in Brisbane (November 2014).

    • $1 million in additional capital funding for the Legacy Way tunnel as part of the Camera Detected Offence Program to reduce road trauma and improve road safety.

    $22,2 m illion for operational equipment replacements, communications centres and mobile police facilities.

    Police Services Stalistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated lo 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 3 0 - 0 6 - 1 4 S'OOO $ '0 0 0 $'000 _ _ $ ; o o o QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE

    Property, Plant and Equipment Other Property Plant and Equipment G20 Various 9,112 8,112 1,000 Camera Detected Offence Various 1,037 Ongoing Program Other plant and equipment Various 22,181 Ongoing Sub-tola! Other Property Plant and Equipmenl 24.218

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 24.218


    Capital Statement 2014-15 PREMIER AND CABINET

    The Department of the Premier and Cabinet (including Ministerial Offices and Office of the Leader of the Opposition) has a planned capital outlay of $1.2 million in 2014-15. This w ill be applied towards the replacement, enhancement and development of office equipment and information systems that contribute towards the efficient delivery of the department's services.

    A significant milestone for 2014-15 w ill be the delivery of QuILLS, an integrated legislative drafting and publishing system that w ill improve public access to Queensland legislation via a new website. The system w ill also streamline, and wherever practicable, automate legislative production and publishing processes.

    Premier and Cabinet Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 S'OOO $‘000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF THE PREMIER AND CABINET

    Property, Plant and Equipment Queensland Integrated Legislation 305 2,288 1. 600 Lifecycle System (QuILLS) Asset replacement program 305 344 Ongoing Information systems and database 305 240 Ongoing replacement

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 1,184


    Capital Statement 2014-15 85 PUBLIC SAFETY BUSINESS AGENCY

    The 2014-15 Public Safety Business Agency capital program provides an investment of $140.7 million in capital purchases to support the delivery of revitalised frontline services and safe and resilient communities.

    This investment w ill fund capital works, information technology and other essential equipment for the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, the Queensland Police Service and the Office of the Inspector General Emergency Management,

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    Program highlights include the delivery of the following initiatives. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

    $46,3 million is provided for fire and emergency services facilities, urban and rural fire appliances and communications equipment including:

    $6.8 m illion to deliver replacement auxiliary fire and rescue stations at Ingham, Pomona and Pittsworth and commence replacement permanent fire and rescue stations al Bundaberg and Petrie

    $0.5 m illion to commence permanent fire and rescue station upgrades at Bundamba and Burleigh

    $7.5 million for strategic land acquisitions and Rural Operations (and purchases

    $23 million for replacement and new urban and rural fire appliances.

    Queensland Police Service

    $81.9 million is provided for Queensland Police Service facilities, information and communication technology and other essential equipment including;

    $8,1 million to commence upgrades to the Forensic Service facility in Brisbane, Nanango and Kingaroy police stations; and the relocation of Coolum police station

    $4.9 million to deliver upgraded facilities at Thursday Island, Laidley and Chinchilla police stations and the Brisbane City and Redland Bay Water Police

    $2 million to provide upgraded closed circuit cameras (CCTV) at Brisbane City, Bundaberg, Rockhampton and Townsville watchhouses

    $1.5 million to provide additional police housing in Bamaga

    $15.7 million for a range of information and communication technology initiatives including mobile services, the Public Safety Network and the technology and communication equipment refi esh program

    Capital Statement 2014-15 $37.9 million for new and replacement police service vehicles

    $3.1 m illio n io deliver replacement police catamarans at Cairns, Whitsunday and Townsville. Other Departmental Capital

    $12.5 million to fund information systems development and other plant and equipment.

    Public Safety Business Agency Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 ___$'000 PUBLIC SAFETY BUSINESS AGENCY

    Property, Plant and Equipment Fire and Emergency Services Building/General Works Bundaberg replacement 319 5,050 1,000 4,050 permanent station Bundamba permanent station 310 1,100 250 850 upgrade Burleigh permanent station 309 1,000 200 800 upgrade Ingham replacement 318 3,147 650 2,497 permanent-auxiliary station Kunda Park Project 316 850 50 800 Petrie replacement permanent 313 6,695 500 6,195 station Pittsworth replacement auxiliary 307 1,301 100 1,201 station Pomona replacem ent auxiliary^ 316 1,813 250 1,563 station Minor works Various 5,265 Ongoing Land Strategic land acquisitions Various 7,400 Ongoing Rural Operations land Various 100 Ongoing purchases Plant and Equipment Rural fire appliances Various 7,250 Ongoing Urban fire appliances Various 15,750 Ongoing Communications equipment Various 2,414 Ongoing

    Capital Statement 2014-15 87 Public_Safety Business Agency Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 S'OOO $’000 S'OOO Other plant and equipment Various 80 Ongoing Sub-total Fire and Emergency Services 46,270

    Police Service Building/General Works Bamaga - residential 315 1,480 1,480 accommodation Coolum station relocation 316 2,350 150 2,200 Kingaroy station upgrade 319 8,304 100 2,934 5,270 Nanango station upgrade 319 1,000 630 370 Refurbishment Forensics 305 3,300 2,300 1,000 Facility (Police Headquarters) Watchhouses - CCTV program Various 2,000 Ongoing Minor works Various 8,000 Ongoing Plant and Equipment Information and communication Various 15,695 Ongoing technology Major plant and equipment Various 3,979 Ongoing Vehicle replacement and Various 37,947 Ongoing growth Vessel management program - Various 12,700 9,640 3,060 Class A vessels Vessel management program - Various 1,655 Ongoing other vessels Sub-total Police Service 81,880

    Other Departmental Information systems development Various 11,897 Ongoing Other property, plant and Various 641 Ongoing equipment Sub-total Other Departmental 12,538

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 140,688


    Capital Statement 2014-15 QUEENSLAND AUDIT OFFICE

    Queensland Audit Office's capital purchases of $0.7 million in 2014Q5 are to maintain and replace current office and IT equipment, and replace core IT systems for Finance, time recording and practice management.

    Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $'000 $'000 $'000 QUEENSLAND AUDIT OFFICE

    Property. Plant and Equipment Minor Works 305 100 Ongoing Systems Replacement 305 600 600

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 700



    In 2014-15, total capital purchases are $17.2 million and capital grants are $13.2 million for the Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts portfolio including its statutory bodies, commercialised business unit and shared service providers. Departnnent of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts

    The Department of Science, Information Technology, innovation and the Arts invests in and maintains the Slate's art and cultural assets, its science research facilities and equipment. The department provides reliable information systems, technologies and infrastructure to support service delivery across Government and to the community.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    S2.6 million for the procurement and replacement of essential scientific equipment used for environmental and natural resource projects undertaken by the department for a wide range of Queensland Government departments,

    $1.7 m illion to the Library Board of Queensland for the purchase of heritage and infrastructure collections, intangible assets in the form of digital collections as well as replacement of information technology and micrographic equipment,

    $1,1 million to the Government Wireless Network (GWN) for the purchase of software to deliver an integrated digital wireless network for Queensland's public safety agencies and emergency workers.

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    $12.5 million to the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine as part of a $42.1 m illio n election commitment comprising $7.8 m illion in operating and $34.3 million in capital grants over 3 years, This investment w ill support the establishment of the Institute and strengthen Queensland's readiness to combat biosecurity risks,

    90 Capital Statement 2014-15 Science, Information Technology. Innovatiori and the Arts Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $’000 $•000 $‘000 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND THE ARTS

    Property, Plant and Equipment Asset Replacement 3Q5 1,274 Ongoing Scientific Equipment Replacement 305 2,628 Ongoing Government Wireless Netv/ork Various 1100 1,100 Implementation One-Stop Shop Various 1,009 1,009 Queensland Performing Arts Centre 305 1,000 700 300 upgrade

    Total Properly, Plant and Equipment 6,311

    Capital Grants Australian institute of Tropical Health 318 34,320 2.090 12,500 19.730 and Medicine Other Various 725 725

    Total Capital Grants 13,225


    Property, Plant and Equipment Plant and Equipment Replacement 305 764 Ongoing Information Collection Additions 305 346 Ongoing Heritage Collections Additions 305 327 Ongoing Digital Collections Additions 305 236 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 1673


    Property, Plant and Equipment information Technology Various 390 390 replacements and upgrades Customer Relationship Management Various 201 201 and Point of Sale Capital building maintenance Ingham 318 202 202 Road Tovynsville Motor vehicle fleet replacement Various 280 280

    Capital Statemeiit 2014-15 91 Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $’000 £'000 Minor Works Various 68 68

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 1,141 -


    Property, Plant and Equipment Purchase of Plant and Equipment 305 370 Ongoing Acquisition of Art Works for the 305 2,000 Ongoing Gallery

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 2,370 -


    Properly, Plant and Equipment Operating equipment 305 300 300 Facilities & Services 305 700 700

    Total Property, Plantand Equipment 1,000 -


    Property, Plant and Equipment Internally development software 305 1,625 Ongoing Plant and Equipment 305 875 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 2,500 -


    Property, Plant and Equipment Asset Replacement 305 400 200 200 Shared Systems Reform 305 21,304 3,542 2,000 15762

    Total Property. Plant and Equipment 2,200




    In 2014-15, the State Development, Infrastructure and Planning portfolio, including Economic Development Queensland and South Bank Corporation, has capital purchases of $67.8 m illion and capital grants of $118 million. Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning

    In 2014-15, capital expenditure for Uie Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning includes capital purchases of $1,7 m illion and capital grants of $118 million to support the economic development of Queensland,

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $1.7 million for ongoing asset replacement, primarily the replacement of existing IT assets and office equipment.

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    $101,5 million investment in regional community, infrastructure, roads and floodplain security projects through the Royalties for the Regions program.

    $12.3 million for the Cairns Shipping Development Project.

    • $4.2 million to Brisbane City Council for Roma Street Parklands capital works. Economic Development Queensland

    In 2014-15, Economic Development Queensland has capita! purchases of $52.8 million.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $49,1 million for early works on the Commonwealth Games Village (demolition, bulk earthworks and trunk infrastructure).

    $3,3 m illion for development works in various industrial estates. South Bank Corporation

    In 2014-15, South Bank Corporation has capital works totalling $13.3 million, to be developed in consultation with the Government, to maintain and enhance the value of its assets, particularly its investment properties.

    Capital statement 2014-15 93 State Development. Infcastructure and Plannin Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Esiimafed to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 S'OOO S’OOO $’000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEVELOPMENT. INFRASTRUCTURE AND PLANNING

    Property, Plant and Equipment Other plant and equipment Various 1,716 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 1 J 1 6

    Capital Grants Royalties for the Regions Various 291,488 101,488 190.000 Cairns Shipping Development Project 306 40.000 6,200 12,300 21,500 Roma Street Parklands 305 4,246 Ongoing

    Total Capital Grants 118,034


    Property, Plant and Equipment Commonwealth Games Village 309 325,555 47,066 49,055 229,434 Willowbank Industrial Development 310 74,967 10,567 1,000 63,400 Gladstone State Development Area 308 13,313 1.513 800 11,000 Townsville Regional Industrial Estate 318 35.250 750 34,500 Clinton industrial Development 308 12,232 232 500 11,500 Abbot Point State Deveiopment Area 312 6^385 135 250 6,000 Other plant and equipment Various 429 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 52.784


    Property. Plantand Equipment Capita) purchases, enhancement and 305 900 Ongoing refurbishment Enhancements - investment 305 8,386 Ongoing properties

    94 Capital Statement 2014-15 State Deveiopment, .Infrastructure and Planning StatisticalTotal Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 ______$‘000______S'OOO _$'000 30 5Enhancements - Brisbane 305Enhancements 4,000 Ongoing Convention and Exhibition Centre

    Total Property, Plantand Equipment 13,286




    The total capital purchases for the Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games in 2014-15 are $15.7 m illion, v\/ith $46.9 million In capital grants.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $14.9 million is aliocatccl towards the Queensland State Velodrome for track cycling.

    • $0.8 million is allocated towards the Belmont Shooting Centre for shooting (clay, target, full boro, pistol and small bore).

    The capital grants for Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games in 2014Q5 are SI 1 million for construction of new facilities for the Gold Coast Show and $35.9 million for the development and construction of Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games venues,

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    $11 million is allocated for grants to the Gold Coast Turf Club for the development and construction of the relocated Gold Coast Showgrounds.

    $18.7 m illion Is allocated as grants for the Carrara Sports and Leisure Centre.

    S12.6 million is allocated as grants for the Coomera Sports and Leisure Centre.

    $3,3 m illion is allocated as grants for other venues.

    $1.2 m illion is allocated as grants for the Runaway Bay Sports Centre.

    $0,1 m illion is allocated as grants for the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre.

    96 Capital Statement 2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $*000 $’000 $ ‘000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, MAJOR EVENTS, SMALL BUSINESS AND THE COMMONWEALTH GAMES

    Property, Plant and Equipment Queensland Velodrome 301 55,234 1,172 14,928 39,134 Belmont Shooting Centre 301 13,450 55 796 12,599

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 15,724

    Capital Grants Gold Coast Show Relocation 309 13,000 2,000 11,000 Carrara Sports and Leisure Centre 309 99,378 1.373 18,650 79.355 Coomera Sports and Leisure Centre 309 38.873 795 12,580 25,498 Runaway Bay Sports Centre 309 12,293 59 1,178 11,056 Gold Coast Aquatic Centre 309 41.391 41,243 148 Other Venues - Capital Grants 309 53,631 703 3,309 49,619

    Total Capital Grants 46,865



    N o t e : In accordance with the Venue Infrastructure Governance fram ework, the Departm ent of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning has project and budget accountability responsibility for G old Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games venue delivery.

    Capital Statement 2014-15 97 TRANSPORT AND MAIN ROADS

    In 2014-15, total capital purchases for the Transport and Main Roads porlfolio are $4,590 billion, with capital grants of $223,5 million. The portfolio includes the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Rail, Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited, Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited, North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited, Port of Townsville Limited, RoadTek and the Gold Coast Waterways Authority. Department of Transport and Main Roads

    In 2014-15, capital purchases total $3,913 billion towards critical infrastructure investment across the State, with $223.5 m illion in capital grants. The Queensland Government is committed to deiivering safe and cost effective transport infraslructure that meets the current and future needs of Queensland.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $374 m illion towards construction of the Moreton Bay Raii Link, a dual-track passenger rail line from Petrie Station to Kippa-Ring Station, at a total cost of $988 million, which Is jointly Australian, Queensland and local government funded.

    $177.3 m illion towards the dupiication of the Bruce Highway {Cooroy to Curra) from Cooroy Southern Interchange to Sankeys Road (Section A), at a total cost of $590 m illion, which is jointly Australian and Queensland Government funded.

    $143.5 m illion provided by the Australian Government as part of its $929.6 m iliion contribution for the $1,162 billion Gateway Upgrade North project, between Nudgee and Bracken Ridge.

    • $130 m iilion towards the $150 m illion capital recovery and reconstruction works program resulting from natural disaster events throughout the State in early 2014.

    $80.4 m iilion towards the Townsville Ring Road Stage 4, which w ill providea high-speed bypass of Townsville for heavy and commercial vehicles, at a total cost of $200 m illion, which is jointly Australian and Queensland Government funded.

    $66 m illion to duplicate a section of the Bruce Highway from two to four lanes, from Vantassei Street to Cluden, at a total cost of $137.5 miliion, which isjointly Australian and Queensland Government funded.

    $50,7 m illion for upgrading the interchange at Smith Street and Qlsen Avenue, and improvements on Smith Street east of the Pacific Motorway, at a total cost of $119.4 million.

    Capital Statement 2014-15 • $47 million to provide a new elevated crossing of the Bruce Highway across the Yeppen Floodplain, at a total cost of $296 million, which isjointly Australian and Queensland Government funded,

    $41.1 m illion to widen a portion of the Centenary Highway to six lanes, in conjunction with the Legacy Way tunnel project and the Moggiil Road interchange upgrade, at a total cost of $41.8 m illion.

    $38 m illion to widen the Mount Gravalt - Capalaba Road, between Broadwater Road and Mount Petrie Road to six lanes, as part of the Gateway Upgrade South project, al a tola! cost of $135.8 m illion, which isjointly Australian and Queensland Government funded,

    $30.4 m illion towards the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing project, a bypass route to the north of Toowoomba, approximately 41 km in length, running from the Warrogo Highway at Helidon, to the Gore Highway at Athol, via Charlton, at a total cost of $1,606 billion, which isjointly Australian and Queensland Government funded.

    $25.4 m iilion for the New Generation Rollingstock project to construct a new maintenance facility and new rollingstock to meet the growing demand for rail services in South East Queensland.

    $24.5 m illion to commence Stage 1, upgrading of the Bruce Highway between Caloundra Road and the Sunshine Motorway, at a total cost of $1,134 billion (Stages 1 and 2), which isjointly Australian and Queensland Government funded,

    $18.4 m illion provided by the Australian Government as part of its $208.4 m illion contribution for the Cape York Region Package, which is not limited to transport infrastructure.

    $14.5 m illion to upgrade the Mackay Ring Road Stage 1, at a total cost of $560 million, which isjointly Australian and Queensland Government funded.

    Program Highlights (Capital Grants)

    $79.2 m illion of Royalties for the Regions funding to provide better, safer roads to support regions that host significant resource developments.

    • $31.8 m illion of transport infrastructure development grants for upgrades to local government controlled roads.

    $22.7 m illion to upgrade school bus fleets across Queensland.

    $14,8 m illion towards the development of cycle networks throughout Queensland.

    Capital Statement 2014-15 99 $12,2 m illion to provide improvements for sites with identified safety concerns, funded under the Australian Government Black Spot program.

    $3.9 m illion as part of the $7,5 m illion commitment over four years towards installation of flashing lights in school zones.

    $1.2 m iliion for construction of a bus stop and complementary works at Bolsovcr Street, Rockhampton, at a total cost of $2,7 million. Gold Coast Waterways Authority

    In 2014-15, the Gold Coast Waterways Authority has allocated $7.7 m illion to improve management of, and provide better access to the Gold Coast waterways, canals and rivers.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $4,3 m illion for improving access and safety by dredging navigation channels, providing deslinations on Gold Coast waterways and improving accessibility and quality of waterways information,

    $2 m illion towards provision of boating infrastructure including construction of boat ramps and pontoons at the Southport Broadwater Parklands, Tallebudgera Creek, Hollyweil and the re-developmenl of the Surfers Paradise riverfront.

    $1,4 m illion on infrastructure including the re-development of the Seaway Kiosk and Doug Jennings Park facilities and upgrades to the Gold Coast Seaway Sand Bypass System, Queensland Rail

    In 2014-15, $490,2 m illion is allocated towards capital outlays for Queensland Rail,

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $191,8 m illion was provided towards Network Assets across Queensland including:

    $64,6 m illion towards replacement and upgrade of rail track, turnouts and diamonds throughout the state

    $34,4 m illion towards civil works which includes the replacement of bridges, culverts and related structures throughout the state

    ♦ $28,7 m illion towards the construction of the third and fourth tracks between Lawnton and Petrie, at a total estimated cost of $159,2 million.

    100 Capital Statement2014-15 $254.6 m illion is provided lowards Passenger Raii Operations across Queensland including :

    $100.2 m illio n to\A/ards Citytrain Rollingstock upgrades and overtiauls

    $47.7 m illion towards connection works for the New Generation Rollingstock

    $37.8 m illion towards maintenance and upgrades of existing depot and supporting facilities as well as construction of nev^/ facilities

    $30.8 m illion towards enhanced passenger access to stations across the network

    $11.1 m illion towards the Sunlander Rollingstock program to continue delivery of a new and upgraded fleet of Cairns T ilt trains. Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited

    In 2014-15, Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited has allocated $6 m illion towards new and continuing development within its ports in Far North Queensland.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $1.6 m illion to continue the extension of the Cairns boardwalk and foreshore promenade, at a total cost of $22.1 million.

    $1 m illion to finalise the Environmental Impact Statement to expand shipping access to the Port of Cairns and dredge Trinity Inlet, at a total cost of $4.6 million. Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited

    In 2014-15, Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited has allocated $120.3 m illion towards ongoing development at the Port of Gladstone, and additional works at the Port of Bundaberg and Port of Rockhampton.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $50.6 m illion towards continuing upgrades at the RG Tanna Coal Terminal at the Port of Gladstone, at a total cost of $90.5 million.

    $13 m illion io continue the Environmental Impact Statement process for the development of outer channels, including a new marina facility at Boyne River, at a total cost of $20 million,

    $11 m illion to continue the development of a new tug facility, including service and berthing pontoons for 12 tugs, at a total cost of $34.3 million.

    Capital statement 2014-15 101 North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited

    In 2014-15, North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited has allocated $24 m illion to continue port planning and development initiatives to meet industty requirements for export coal facilities.

    Program Highlights (Property^ Plant and Equipment)

    • $5 million towards Mackay Breakwater upgrade Port of Townsville Limited

    in 2014-15, Port of Townsville Limited has aliocated $18,4 m illion lowards ongoing development at the Port of Townsville, and additional works at the Port of Lucinda.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $12.1 m illion for the demolition of the existing Berth 6 and 7 to allow improved navigational access to the port's existing berths.

    Transport and Main .Roads Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND MAIN ROADS

    Property, Plant and Equipment Metropolitan District Centenary Motorway, widen to 6 304 41,762 200 41,062 500 lanes Centenary Motorway, Toowong, 304 15,307 2,161 13,146 misceilaneous works Gateway Motorway - South, Mount 303 135,754 58,324 37,980 39,450 Gravatt - Capalaba Road widen to 6 lanes and Pacific Motorway interchange upgrade Gateway Upgrade North’ 302 1.162.000 143,460 1,018,540 New Generation Rollingstock and 310 4.146,465 18,343 25,425 4,102,697 W'ulkuraka Maintenance Centre North Brisbane Bikeway (Herston - 304 10,789 3,646 7,143 Bowen Hills), construct cycleway Pacific Motorway, Veloway 1 304 24,959 1,369 12,237 11,353 (Stages D & E), construct cycleway Warrigai Road Greenlink, Eight 304 9,166 1,459 7,707 Mile Plains, priority bus works

    102 Capital Statement 2014-15 Transport .and Main Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 _ _$T)0_0______$'000 $'000 $'000 Warrego Highway (Ipswich - 310 93,378 76,600 16,778 Toowoomba), Brisbane Valley Highway, upgrade intersection Warrego Highway (Ipswich - 310 5.779 319 5,460 Toowoomba), Claus Road / Thagoona Haigstea Road, improve intersection Warrego Highway (Ipswich - 310 11,525 9,859 1,666 Toowoomba), reconstruction works Other construction 305 204,611 204,611 Sub-total Metropolitan District 516,675

    South Coast District Advancetown - Mudgeeraba Road, 309 3,981 750 3,231 Worongary Creek Floodway Upgrade Browns Plains Bus Station 311 10,201 3,789 6,412 Upgrade Labrador - Carrara Road, Smith 309 119,356 46,634 50,712 22,010 Street / Olsen Avenue, upgrade interchange Logan Motorway - Nerang, 309 68,702 45,202 23,500 rehabilitate pavement Pacific Motorway, Worongary - 309 95.500 57,500 38,000 Mudgeeraba, widen to 6 lanes Stapylton - Jacobs Well Road, 309 4,505 1,255 3,250 Behms Creek, replace bridge W aterford - Tamborine Road, 311 3,658 3.478 reconstruction works Other construction 309 115,032 115,032 Sub-total South Coast District 243,615

    Wide Bay Burnett District Bruce Highway (Maryborough - 319 6,000 1,000 5,000 Gin Gin), construct overtaking lane Bruce Highway (Maryborough - 319 8,000 3,176 4,824 Gin Gin), Lucketts Road, improve intersection

    Capital Statement 2014-15 103 Transport and Main Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Bundaberg - Bargara Road, 319 10,322 6,828 2,800 694 Kennedy Bridge Rehabilitation Bundaberg - Gin Gin Road. 319 14,908 10,508 3,400 1,000 Burnett River Bridge Rehabilitation D'Aguilar Highway (Yarramari - 319 5,250 850 4,400 Kingaroy), construct overtaking lane Isis Highway (Bundaberg - 319 12,000 8,796 3,000 204 Childers), Childers, rehabilitate pavement Maryborough - Hervey Bay Road ! 319 3,560 490 2,000 1,070 Woongool Road, improve intersection Bruce Highway (Gympie - 319 38,000 3,000 35,000 Maryborough), Tinana Interchange Upgrade Burnett Highway (Goomeri - 319 5.000 506 4,494 Gayndah), reconstruction works Bunya Highway (Kingaroy- 319 3,177 643 2,534 Goomeri), reconstruction works Gympie - Brooloo Road, 319 3,226 1,038 2,168 reconstruction works Other construction 319 135,009 135,009 Sub-total Wide Bay Burnett District 172,649

    North Coast District Bruce Highway (Brisbane - 316 590,000 44,420 177,316 368.264 Gympie), Cooroy to Curra (Section A), construct new alignment Bruce Highv;ay (Cabooiture - Various 195,000 91,774 80,343 22,883 Caloundra) Upgrade Bruce Highway (Brisbane - 316 14,986 10.181 4,805 Gympie), Frizzo Road to Sippy Creek Road, construct interchange Brisbane Valley Highway (Ipswich 310 4,750 500 4,250 - Harlin), construct overtaking lanes

    104 Capital Statement 2014-15 Transport and Main Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B ud g et Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $’000 $'000 $'000 Caloundra Road to Sunshine 316 1,134,000 24,500 1,109.500 Motorway, widen to 6 lanes Moreton Bay Rail Link, Petrie 314 988,000 292,019 374,000 321,981 Station to Kippa-Ring Station Kenilworth - Brooloo Road, 316 4,658 2,858 1,800 reconstruction works Mount Glorious Road, 314 1,662 300 1,362 reconstruction works Other construction 316 92,740 92,740 Sub-total North Coast District 761,116

    Darling Downs District Gatton - Esk Road, north of 317 8,699 200 6,609 1,890 Gatton. widening Toowoomba Second Range 317 1,606,250 900 30,350 1,575.000 Crossing 2 Warrego Highway (Toowoomba - 317 110,000 7,431 18,569 84,000 Dalby), Nugents Pinch Road to west of Charlton, widen to 4 lanes 2 Warrego Highway Upgrade 317 525,000 300 5,950 518.750 Program Gatton - Esk Road, reconstruction 317 7,447 2,121 5,326 works Toowoomba - Cecil Plains Road, 317 15,973 1,382 14,591 reconstruction works Warrego Highway (Dalby - Miles), 307 24,437 2,365 22,072 reconstruction works Warrego Highway (Ipswich - 317 40,683 10,755 29,928 Toowoomba), reconstruction works Warrego Highway (Toowoomba - 307 42,166 12.868 29,298 Dalby), reconstruction works Othor construction 307 101,731 101,731 Sub-total Darling Downs District 264,424

    South West District Carnarvon Highway (Injune - 307 5,656 750 4,906 Rolleston), Injune. pave and seal

    Capital Statement 2014-15 105 Transport and .Main Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B u d g e t Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Carnarvon Highway {Injune - 307 1,500 1,500 Rolleston), various locations. widen and seal Noondoo - Thallon Road, Thalion, 307 2,400 527 1,408 465 pave and seal Roma - Condamine Road, Yuleba 307 5,725 1,960 3,765 Creek Bridge Replacement Bulloo Developmental Road 315 11,253 8,700 2,553 (Cunnamulla - Thargomindah), reconstrucllon works Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla - 315 10,369 8,313 2,056 Charleville), reconstruction works Mitchell Highway (Barringun - 315 8,923 7,084 1,839 Cunnamulla), reconstruction works Other construction 307 52,534 52,534 Sub-total South West District 70,561

    Fitzroy District Bruce Highway (Benaraby - 308 20,450 13,514 6,936 Rockhampton), Old Coach Road, miscellaneous works Dawson Highv/ay, Kin Kora 308 25,200 1,300 4,550 19,350 Intersection Upgrade Eidsvold to Theodore Road. 308 12,000 7,000 5,000 Theodore, pave and seal Bruce Highway, Yeppen Soutfi, 308 296,000 15,770 47,030 233,200 bridge and road upgrades Burnett Highway (Biloela - Mount 308 9,559 1,947 7,612 Morgan), reconstruction works Bruce Highway (Rockhampton - St 308 8,958 1,719 7,239 Lawrence), reconstruction works Bruce Highway (Benaraby - 308 6,635 1,030 5,605 Rockhampton), reconstruction works Other construction 308 153,730 153,730 Sub-total Fitzroy District 237,702

    Central West District Outback Way - Queensland'^ 315 24,500 7,003 17,497

    106 Capital Statement 2014-15 TransDort and Mam Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 Clermont-Alpha Road, Native 315 7,073 1,063 2,378 3,632 Companion Creek Bridge Construction Jundah - Quilpie Road, pave and 315 1,840 61 1,779 seal Landsborough Highway 315 19,224 10,000 9,224 {Augathella - Tambo), reconstruction works Other construction 315 53,855 53,855 Sub-total Central '\/Vesl District 74,239

    Mackay Whitsunday District Bowen Developmental Road 312 10,000 3.500 6,500 (Bowen - CGllinsville), rehabilitation Bruce Highway (St Lawrence - 312 13,843 4,128 7,715 2,000 Mackay), Showground and Shakespeare Street, improve intersections Bruce Highway (St Lawrence - 312 15,000 500 2,000 12,500 Mackay), Hay Point Road, construct roundabout Bruce Highway (Mackay - 312 9,693 5,615 1,078 3,000 Proserpine), Conningsby Dual Carriageway, construct additional lane Mackay Ring Road (Stage 1) 312 560,000 14.500 545,500 Peak Downs Highway (Nebo - 312 6,723 4,551 2,172 Mackay), Fiery Creek - Boundary Creek, widen and pave Peak Downs Highway (Nebo - 312 6,400 2,525 3,875 Mackay), Nebo. rehabilitate bridge Peak Downs Highway (Nebo - 312 10,267 5,927 4,340 Mackay), Sandy Creek, upgrade bridge Rockleigh - North Mackay Road, 312 24,854 21,941 2,913 Sams Road - Barnes Creek Road, construct deviation Peak Downs Highway (Nebo - 312 8,444 2,000 6,444 Mackay), reconstruction works

    Capital Statement 2014-15 107 Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $■000 $'000 Other construction 312 60,167 60.167 — Sub-total Mackay Whitsunday District 111,704

    Far North District Bruce Highway (Ingham - Innisfail), 306 6,886 4 669 2,217 Broderick Road - Feluga Road, construct overtaking lane Bruce Highway (Ingham - Innisfail), 306 2,885 100 2,785 Mourilyan Road, improve intersection Cairns Southern Access Corridor 306 58,000 8,500 49,500 (Stage 2) Cape York Region Package'^ 315 208,400 18,400 190,000 Gillies Range Road. 306 2,050 2,050 Goldsborough. widen and seal Kennedy Highway (Ravenshoe - 306 5,500 250 5,250 Mount Garnet). Tully Falls Road - Millstream Falls Road, widen and overlay Kennedy Highway (Ravenshoe - 306 5.000 3,174 1,826 Mount Garnet), Nettle Creek Bridge Replacement Kennedy Developmental Road 306 16,656 14.104 2,552 (Mount Garnet - The Lynd), widen and seal Peninsula Developmental Road, 306 10,000 1,950 8,050 various sections, construct to seal standard Gulf Developmental Road 306 11,974 3,208 8,766 (Georgetown - Mount Garnet), reconstruction works Palmerston Highway (Innisfail - 306 6,143 2,887 3,256 Ravenshoe). reconstruction works Other construction 306 163.874 163,874 Sub-total Far North District 227,526

    Northern District Bruce Highway (Townsville - 318 12,600 10,100 2,500 Ingham), Macarthur Drive/Melton Black Drive, upgrade intersection

    Capital Statement 2014-15 Transport and Main. Roads Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $’000 S'OOO Bruce Highway (Townsville - 318 200,000 27,041 80,350 92.609 Ingham), Townsville Ring Road (Stage 4). construct bypass Bruce Highway Upgrade 318 137,500 61,500 66,000 10,000 (Vantassei to Cluden), near Cluden, widen to 4 lanes Dalrymple Road /Banfield Drive, 318 18,021 3,770 14,251 Mt Louisa, realignment traffic lanes Flinders Highway (Charters 318 32,339 30.658 1,681 Towers - Hughenden), reconstruction works Gregory Developmental Road 318 31, 11,203 20,683 (Charters Towers - The Lynd), reconstruction works Ingham - Halifax - Bemerside 318 11,904 3,968 7,936 Road, reconstruction works Other construction 318 98,612 98,612 Sub-total Northern District 292,013

    North West District Burke Developmental Road 315 5,863 5,863 (Cloncurry - Normanton), reseal Flinders Highway (Julia Creek - 315 2,800 2,800 Cloncurry). various locations, reseal Kennedy Deveiopmental Road 315 10.210 8.190 2,020 (The Lynd - Hughenden), 7km section, construct to sealed standard Burke Developmental Road 315 13,945 3,381 10,564 (Cloncurry - Normanton), reconstruction works Burke Developmental Road 315 10,060 3,875 6,185 (Normanton - Dimbulah), reconstruction works Flinders Highway (Richmond - 315 19,004 2,143 16,861 Julia Creek), reconstruction works Flinders Highway (Hughenden - 315 20.369 9,898 10,471 Richmond), roconstruction works

    Capital Statement 2014-15 109 Transport and Main Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Wills Developmental Pvoad (Julia 315 3,503 3,503 Creek - Burketown). reconstruction works Other construction 315 22,040 22.040 Sub-total North West District 80,307

    State Wide Boating Infrastructure Minor Works Various 18,009 Ongoing Transport Corridor Acquisition Various 81,000 Ongoing Fund Passenger Transport Facilities Various 25,962 Ongoing Program Maritime Safety Minor Works Various 6,377 Ongoing Other construction Various 691,722 691,722 Sub-total State Wide 823,070

    Other Property, Plant and Equipment Corporate Buildings Various 1,000 Ongoing Information Technology Variotis 11,402 Ongoing Plant and Equipment Various 25,021 Ongoing Sub-total Other Property, Plant and Equipment 37,423

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 3.913,024

    Capital Grants Black Spot Various 12,178 Ongoing Boating Capital Grants Various 500 Ongoing Bolsover Street Bus Stop 308 2.700 1,200 1,500 Cycle Program Various 14,794 Ongoing Installation of Flashing Lights in Various 7,500 2,850 3,900 750 School Zones Installation of School Zone Signs Various 5,200 3,100 2,100 Passenger Transport Accessible Various 5,032 Ongoing Infrastructure Program Queensland School Bus Upgrade Various 22,735 Ongoing Transport Infrastructure Development Various 31,800 Ongoing Scheme Upgrade Key Rail Crossings Various 128,400 78,400 50,000 Royalties for the Regions Charlton Wellcamp Enterprise 307 10,000 10,000 Area Injune - Taroom Road Upgrade 307 7,000 7,000

    110 Capital Statement 2014-15 Transport and Main Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Arcadia Valley Road Upgrade 308 8,000 6,000 2,000 Fairview Road Upgrade 307 5,000 5,000 Other Royalties for the Regions Various 51.235 51,235

    Total Capital Grants 223,474


    Property, Plant and Equipment Navigation Access and Safety^ 309 16.184 7,079 4,292 4,813 5 Boating infrastructure Program 309 6.191 2,873 2,000 1,318 Plant, Equipment and Minor Works^ 309 2,852 657 1,405 790

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 7,697


    Property, Plant and Equipment Hire Plant Various 10,000 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 10,000


    Property, Plant and Equipment Network Assets Lawnton to Petrie; Third Track 302 159,150 5,770 28,675 124.705 Coomera to Heiensvaie 309 189.600 55 2,000 187,545 Duplication Signalling Works Various 14,644 Ongoing Civil Works Various 34,390 Ongoing Track Works Various 64,554 Ongoing Rail Network and Renewal Various 47,531 Ongoing Upgrades Sub-total Network Assets 191,794

    Passenger Rail Operations Sunlander 14 Rollingslock 319 204,000 190,376 11,134 2,490 Automatic Train Protection I! 305 14,633 2,921 11,712 New Generation Rollingstock; 310 76.919 18,600 47,660 10.659 Connection Works

    Capital Statement 2014-15 111 Transport and Main Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 $’000______rooo $'000 New Generation Rollingstock: Various 115.933 1,276 10,904 103,753 Stabling Facilities Citytrain Rollingstock Various 100,225 Ongoing Depot Works Various 37,782 Ongoing Station upgrades Various 30,814 Ongoing Rail Passenger Asset Renewal Various 4,326 Ongoing and Upgrades Sub-total Passenger Rail Operations 254,557

    Business Enabling Enterprise Asset Management 305 28,751 17,666 11,085 System Statewide Operating and Enabling Various 32,781 Ongoing Works Sub-total Business Eriabling 43,866

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 490,217


    Property, Plant and Equipment Foreshore Development 306 22,092 19.452 1,640 1.000 Cairns Shipping Development Project 306 4,638 3,612 1,026 & Environmental Impact Statement Site Decontamination 306 1.700 100 400 1,200 Lease Acquisitions 306 515 140 375 Cityport Commercial Allowance 306 3,870 2,470 300 1,100 Tingira St Subdivision Development 306 32,521 2.477 483 29,561 Mourilyan Land Development for Bulk 306 3,000 1,750 250 1,000 Cargo Tingira St Warehouse/Shops - 306 120 120 Release 2 Plant, Equipment and Minor Works 306 1,404 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 5,998


    Property, Plant and Equipment RG Tanna Coal Terminal Projects 308 90,545 31,610 50,560 8,375 Channel Duplication investigations 308 20,000 2.206 13,000 4,794

    112 Capital Statement 2014-15 Statistical Total Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 New Tug Facility 308 34,300 23,300 11,000 Commercial Projects 308 22,512 11,362 9,650 1,500 Eastshores Development 308 10,000 1.237 5,119 3,644 Wiggins Island Operational 308 5,000 335 4,665 Readiness Clinton Bypass Channel Dredging 308 58,425 54,721 3,704 Pori Services Projects 308 5,500 1,950 3,550 Fisherman's Landing Projects 308 6,950 1,141 3,109 2,700 Property Projects 308 1,300 1,050 250 Plant, Equipment and Minor Works 308 14,851 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 120,253 -


    Property, Plant and Equipment Mackay Breakwater Upgrade 312 5,000 5,000 Louisa Creek Land Acquisitions 312 15,300 9,258 4,200 1,842 Hay Point Strategic Land Acquisition 312 3,700 3,700 Relocation of Tugs 312 2,600 2,000 Harbour Rd East including 312 1,122 1,122 Roundabout Wharf 1 sealing 312 1,100 1,100 Abbot Point Indigenous Land Use 312 4,000 3,400 600 Agreement Mackay Port Development General 312 4,380Ongoing Abbot Point Port Development 312 620 Ongoing General Hay Point Port Development General 312 110 Ongoing Plant, Equipment and Minor Works Various 543 Ongoing

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 23,975 -


    Property, Plant and Equipment Berths 6 and 7 Demolition 318 14,222 12,132 2,090 Laydown Facility 318 1,620 1,620 Road Upgrades 318 926 926 Ross Creek Commercial 318 1,088 588 500 Infrastructure Development

    Capital Statement 2014-15 113 Transport and Main Roads Statistical Total Expenditure B udget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 P roject Cost 30-06-14 S'OOO $’000 $•000 $'000 Plant, Equipment and Minor tA^orks 318 3,222 O n g o in g

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 18,400



    N o te s

    1. TM R's fom ard estim ates reflect Australian Governrnenl funding com niitnient of only S929.6 million, for ttie $1,162 billion Gateway Upgrade North project. The balance of the funds will be provided by the Queensland Government through the Queensland Motorways Ltd sale process.

    Part of the $G35 million program to upgrade the W arrego Highway between Toowomba and Miles.

    Reflects Australian. Queensland and local government funding for sealing and upgrading sections of the Outback W ay and other links in outback Queensland.

    Reflects Australian Government funding commitment only of S208.4 million for the Cape York Region Package, which is not li.mited to transport infrastructure. .An agreed program of works and associated Queensland Government funding, is currently under negotiation with the Australian Government.

    Figures represent approved project funding to 2015-16. Future funding levels have yet to be determined.

    114 Capital Statement 2014-15 TREASURY AND TRADE

    Queensland Treasury and Trade's capital purchases for 2014-15 w ill be $6.6 million.

    Program Highlights (Property, Plant and Equipment)

    $5.5 m illion for the development and implementation of new system capability to support improved fine collection and debt recovery by the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (5PER).

    $1 1 m illion for ongoing asset replacement, primarily the replacement of existing IT assets, office equipment and leasehold improvements.

    Treasury and Trade StatisticalTotal Expenditure Budget Post Area Estimated to 2014-15 2014-15 Project Cost 30-06-14 $’000 $'000 $'000 $'000 QUEENSLAND TREASURY AND TRADE

    Property, Plant and Equipment SPER Reform Program - New 305 5,500 5,500 System Development Asset Replacement 305 1,120 1,120

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 6,620


    Capital Statement 2014-15 115 APPENDIX A - ENTITIES INCLUDED IN CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2014-15

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander and Multicnltural Affairs

    Department o f Aboriginal and Tones Strait islander and Multiciilftiral Affairs

    Agriculfiire, Fisheries and Forestry

    Department of Agriculture. Fisheries and Forestiy

    Australian Agricultural College Coiporation


    Communities, Child Safely and Disability Services

    Department o f Communities. Child Safety and Disability Services

    Education. Training and Employment

    DepaHment of Education. Training and Employment

    Gold Coast Institute of TAFE

    SoLithbank In s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y Queensland Studies Authority-

    Electoral Commission of Queensland

    Energy and W ater Supply

    Department o f Energy and Water Supply CS Energy Limited

    Stanvvel! Coiporation Lim ited

    Energex Limited

    Ergon Energy Coiporation Lim ited

    Poweiiink Queensland

    SunWater Limited

    Gladstone Area W ater Board

    Mount Isa W ater Board

    Queensland Bulk W ater Supply Authority

    Environment and Heritage J^rotection

    Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

    Fire and Emergency Sendees

    Queensland Fire and Emeruencv Services

    116 Capital Statement 2014-15 i^ e a lth

    Queensland Health and Hospital and Health Services

    Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research

    Housing and Public Works

    Depaiim ent of Housing and Public Works

    Queensland Building Services Authority

    Residential Tenancies Authority

    Justice and Attorney General

    Department of Justice and Attomey-General

    Public Tnist Office

    Legal Aid Queensland

    Crim e and Misconduct Commission

    Legislative Assembly of Queensland

    Local Govennnent, Community Recovery and Resilience

    Department of Local Governrnenl, Community Recoveiy and Resilience

    Queensland ReconstiTiction Authorit}'

    National Parks, Recreation. Spoil and Racing

    Department ofNational Parks, Recreation. Sport and Racing

    Stadiums Queensland

    Natural Resources and Mines

    Department o f Natural Resources and Mines

    Office of the Governor

    Office of the Ombudsman

    P o lic e

    Queensland Police Service

    Premier and Cabinet

    Department of the Premier and Cabinet

    Capital statement 2014-15 117 Public Safety Business Agency

    Queensland T'ire and Emci'gency Services

    Queensland Police Sein ice

    Queensland Audit Office

    Science, Inform ation Technology, Innovation and the Arts

    Department of Science. Infonnation Technology, innovation and the Arts

    Librai'y Board o f Queensland


    Queensland Shared Services

    State Development. Infrastructure and Planning

    Department o f State Development. Jnfrastructure and Planning

    Economic Development Queensland

    South Bank Corporation

    Tourism. M ajor Events, Small Business and the Commonweaith Games

    Department of TourLsm. M ajor Events, Small Business and the Conuuonwealth

    G a m e s

    Transport and IVlain Roads

    Depamncnt ofTransport and Main Roads

    Ciold Coast Waici'vvays Authority

    R o a d T e k

    Queensland Rail Limited

    Ear North Queensland Ports Coiporation Limited

    Gladstone Poits Coiporation Lim ited

    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation l.im ited

    Port of Townsville Limited

    Treasury and Trade

    Queensland Treasury and Trade

    Nominal Defendant

    118 Capital Statement 2014-15 APPENDIX B - KEY CONCEPTS AND COVERAGE


    Under accma! output budgeting, capital is the stock o f assets including property, plant and equipment and intangible assets that an agency owns and/or controls and uses in the deliveiy o f services, as well as capital grants made to other entities. The following definitions are applicable throughout this document;

    • capital purchases propeity, plant and equipment outlays as per the financial

    statements excluding asset sales, depreciation and revaluations; and

    • capital grants capital grants to other entities and individuals (excluding grants to

    other Government departments and statutory bodies).

    Capital purchases and capital grams include infonnation for all bodies defined as reporting entities for the purpose o f whole-of-Governincnt financial reporting requirements, excluding Public Financial Coiporations. Projects without a recorded total estimated cost are ongoing. The entities included in scope for the Capital Statement are listed in Appendix A. CAPITAL CONTINGENCY

    Consistent with the approach adopted in previous years, a capital contingency reserve has been included. This reserve recognises that while agencies budget to fully use their capital works allocation, circumstances such as project lead-in times, project management constraints, unexpected weatlier conditions and capacity constraints such as the supply o f labour and materials may prevent full usage. On a whole-of-Government basis, there is likely to be underspending, resulting in a can-yover o f capital allocations.

    Capital Statement2014-15 119 APPENDIX C - CAPITAL PURCHASES BY ENTITY BY REGION 2014-15

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    f 2 0 ' CapFtal Statem ant 2014-15 Total Capital Purchases within Statistical Area for 2014-IS ' O n rlin y Oov»ii!> 60I8 Coast M a cka y O u tb a c k Lo ga ri T ao w oo m b a S u b (0141 G C o a st Suit Total B 'd e s c rt 1 K ofrty^ S'ooo s'noo S'OUO fOOO S 000 S'OOD S'OOO 1 S'006 Aborigiriaf arc! Tcrrcii SJre; Isianner 3rut M jlticulk.rAl AlfA irs 1 1 1 378 A5*'cuR.Kfe, n ^ h e n e j and rocesi/y 876 1.8 '2 1.696 911 2,.9'7 523 1 2,511 C'oi'mjrliK-'s f^iW Salcty ana D»5at)«l ty Services 1 n - 0.S4S S.BRi 1 7 4 / 1,664 3,061 ; 585 1 6.41? Tfainmg and Drt>'oy"EfU \ 3C.S63 icy.eo 47.479 52.123 15,322 6 /,4 4 5 21,149 1 3 093 Energy an c VVater SuppJy K V V 'S 3 ir ; 38b 4S7.101 155 “ 09 51,761 207,001 221,55? 71.B'i8 ei'fvfrnnn’en t anrf H etW gc R nte ciio i' 1 828 1.787 3,536 2,005 5,541 1.151 5/4 Fire nnd rm ;rri,T C v S c rv h w ?7G 233 514 1.0'a 576 1,596 331 165 rftokn lO.'M 05.674 .14,838 134 569 40,059 174,628 5C.233 33 875 Hac&lnfl arrd Fltphc Works 3,307 2.090 0,482 15.27.; S 194 34.472 6 5 1 0 82.257 J u s ic e anO Atlcrney-Cenera) 1.70(1 2 497 4.287 6.14- 1,731 7 872 2 797 ' 1 136 Legiylslroe Asserrftly of Qjeen stand I ocal GoverrniM '.i, tb rm u n ity ' Rerovi»rv ortd ' ' 5 606 Mnrfonal F^irk* Kecreaiton, Si>ori ar c Raceig I 403 ij- 5 1.314 1.018 5.332 839 ! 1,845 ?4a\uT 9i CCI9 brrtl ^ ' yj!> 2b0 6WJ .'bO 20U 459 300 300 Pofice Services 7 /7 671 1.448 2.065 1,625 4.499 332 465 P e n ie r arxf Cahine' Kibtit: f V ^ y BusiJv-iS AgniMTy 3.S53 4.612 8.665 14 767 8,25? 73.029 4,741 3.844 Scifin;-«, l^forn*.9ttc) Tecnnology. h'lQvjfiu 1 atm tbo A rls 042 bb 300 249 142 391 81 49 l> vok'jjn-fcsJit, fn fraiil iicJ. 'c and Hannrttj ■•9 6C' 12 ci/xl llwr CX>nTnjriwr»3(l‘ i G -^rri^ Trnnsooft and Ktien Roads 133 994 7S4 036 408 030 400.682 99 086 499 770 186,315 204 917 Traasnry an.l TraOu Otner A genc fts ' O/.’ 3:4 506 1,148 653 1 801 373 191 Ant'cpateO Cac lal Contingency Rcss've and Other Adjoslrm iis ' funds Allocated 324,825 560.963 886,488 762,011 210,662 972,673 454.882 379,532 UnuhR. I Mjmber&mdy n a ia cd Vt.aiicri oldQ.nt&lin^ni^ ? b'clucosas&oftidtc^J 6la(i’ior^ ltac'>c& 0 T Pi( b 'ic S 9f $ I y 6(1 $>'1 L’ti Ay p >(C y t«i I pgi/: dv' a i > C <>| O') b ( tlif' ht;paciorG'l''fti^' M3''.irr:rneMl 1 It :hc jk c io .'jK.cfnrniS* fcn of Ou&<*n&janu, Officc o* !*• •' Covemor, »-v Gmbuosrsan a ^ - Ciufc-enslano Au Antcipoted C d p ta lC cr: '^ge'^cy R«s«rv« and otherac^irsima-i^havs I teari d j b '(I altsiiC ol 3

    Aboficimsl dart TorfeS 3;rnir felar.ie^ ?ia j fA ilu n ilfiirjd AffaT«> 1 fid r - 64 1 8 9 ' Ayncvitturc. F?»h.cre;.- snrt y m 2 244 !K".| 675 £31 2,170 682 2 3 61 6 i'Ajm-’u r i.o e ChikJ S afely a ^ d Di:^aDiKy Se

    fcPv konmcni ano He^ioyc Proicclior • 4R1 2,132 1,48b I.' dO 4 7 /6 1 500 29,886 Rre a»vj FT#-‘ »iency Soo/jue:; A^k> 42^ .'11 428 337 I.37C 432 8,608 Healln 117,fcS^ '*5 OHO 413,758 29,871 23,343 •1C5.75S 78,825 1,569,341 HixjfiifK] ana PubI.r vVoiks 2 i . y r 9 3SF 10.89J 10 138 7.5M 23,614 22.159 764,690 Ji.stica arfl ARo'^ey-G^eraf 8/135 t 704 2,147 ;<,t2,3 863 6.733 -39.4CH ; 165.026 Legif.lative A^^<-nt5fy ol Qj<>ftnsbnl 3.173 I ccal Oavern."va{, O rrrruK iilv R eccvaty nr>J Re^Higncc 1.047 1 j 374 B427 K jto n a l K jrkc f^ c ru a iM v Sf>o»( and 1,b9b 2,2-10 . 2 53C •,49D 502 4.62 ' •.354 42 602

    hb lua J Rc$ lmjcus airrt 3 W 250 180 150 15C 4£0 .100 iS,'/.10 FWic» S ef via*8 1,25*1 1.10«1 1./1? -,2iM 94'/ ■1.870 -.216 24 213 PreiTier nrid Cdbirw^: 1 '6 4 Kiaha Safety Business Age-icy^ e.373 6,021 •3 305 8 620 4.815 24 740 8 878 MO 663 S\*icv;y. Intyr^'aiiiV' rechnnlncv. lr»ifi.'alinn a*u) the Arts I 109 105 150 105 82 337 4 6 / 17,195 Riatft Dayelfin’-K nt, infraSl'iin^urn arirt KnriPing 111 1 40(1 162 106 M 342 S£h 67 705 Toarism Cve''TT3r»\v eaJJh t^arres 15 /24

    T'aasporl ano ^ ^ ln Rlm iJs 203.953 4?2,9S0 ,395.5-14 C . 068 427,330 888 S51 377 14n 4,569 569 Tfeasu/y and Ttade 6,b20 O b e r AficftCiuS' 50B 47'^ 530 483 3/6 1 549 480 1 '.326 A-(if t>i«©d (Coital Ci)R*inc»ricy Roserve and Oiher Adfjstrrwiits' (1,030,666) Funds Adocaind 480.228 6G3.804 95C.776 144,582 456.697 1.560,055 675.916 9.40i.0S[> N.KCS 1 Ny'Tbc'S 'T M /r.otedd Q finio t^ n a d in rs n ij toKalm i ofQdjiK-lnwnts, r . br.ciu CJ i ass oc u odeli2'*o' 111« ^ksp eu 10 f Ge'' e'S i Lrr,*, rc;e n c.y^'a^ aqcver.l •. Inckdes l''« E ^ci'/tafC drrm ssioa otO^sfe-isiand OlhcecMne Cd^'err-pr. O l'ic c e ^ r'e O ine u d sfl C r an ? Cur’S n ^bn d A u d»t Offic c |s Tho A n iiu yidlfd Cnpildi (^r)a:in*«ro ^•'1 o(hctadius*rrif*n(s hav^heon spread across staiistKal dress propdniondte 101iaiNi.nl srvn6. State Budgd 2014 15 Capita! Statement Budget Paper No.3 www.hudgel.qId.gov.au r

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    'i II iiili itfifirlfi> "i ' Glen ElmesMP MEMBER FOR NOOSA

    2 November 2015

    Hon Peter Wellington MR Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

    Dear M rSpa^fl^r

    I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you In which the Minister for Education referred me on a matter in regard to a series of Questions on Notice,

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct,

    The LNP's election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included: 1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects,

    GLEI^LMES MP Member for Noosa

    www.glenelmes.com Suite CB05, Noosa Civic, 28 Eenie Creek Road, Noosavilie Qld 4566 PO Box 1849, Noosavilie BO Qld 4566 P 5449 8988Toil Free1800 818 396 E [email protected] m \ Dr. Christian ROWAN mp Member for Moggill

    2 Novem ber 2015

    The Hon Peter Wellington MP Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

    Dear M r Speaker,

    I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Questions On Notice.

    The Minister, in her voluminous referral of this matter, has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral, the Minister has asserted that. In order for a project to be fully funded and costed, it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This Is simply not correct.

    The LNP's election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included:

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time;

    2. Projects contained In the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and

    3. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Yours sincerely.

    Dr Christian A.C. Rowan MP M em ber fo r Moggill

    Suites 16 & 17, Level 1, Kenmore Village, 9 Brookfield Road, Kenmore QLD 4069 • PO Box 808, Kenmore QLD 4069 P 07 3737 4110F 07 3737 4119 [email protected] Wdrchristianrowanmp.com.au ffacebook.com/GhristianRowanLNP Tim Manderivip MEMBER FOR EVERTON

    Hon Peter Wellington MP Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliament House George St Brisbane

    Dear Mr Speaker,

    I refer to your correspondence dated 27 October 2015 in which you advise the Minister for Education wrote to you regarding a series of Questions on Notice.

    The Minister, in her voluminous referral of this matter, has sought to deliberately mislead the House regarding the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that, in order for a project to be fully funded and costed, it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget fonward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election Included:

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Yours sincerely

    / Tim Mander MP State Member for Everton Shadow Minister for Education and Training

    3 November 2015

    1st Floor, 510-520 South Pine Road, Everton Park Qld 4053 PO Box 656 Everton Park Qld 4053 P 3855 1133 E [email protected] F 3855 1280 W www.timmander.com.au Rob M o l h o e k M P MEMBER FOR SOUTHPORT

    6 Novem ber 2015

    Hon Peter Wellington Speaker of the House Parliament House, George St BRISBANE QLD 4000

    Dear M r Speaker,

    I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Questions On Notice.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included; 1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.


    Rob Molhoek MP Member for Southport

    Shop 2, 24 Musgrave Avenue, Chirn Park Qld 4215 PO Box 903 Southport BC Qld 4215 P 07 5600 1100 E southport@parliament,qld.gov.au HH F 5532 0394 liiarkRobinson mp e Member for Cleveland

    9 November 2015

    Hon P Wellington MP Speaker Queensland Parliament Parliament House Cnr George & Alice Streets BRISBANE QLD 4000

    Dear Mr Speaker

    I am writing to you in respect to the false claim made by Minister Kate Jones contained in correspondence that I received from you.

    I reject the baseless claim of Minister Jones in her referral of this matter to you. It is purely an exercise in desperation and cheap politics designed to distract from the real issues regarding Education, that the Government has failed to deliver an improved situation for schools.

    For evidence, Minister Jones draws on a local paper story in which another MP, not me, is cited and interpreted by a local journalist. To start with, I am not mentioned in the story and secondly this Fairfax paper is notorious for its political interpretations.

    Further, Minister Jones misrepresents the various forms of funding used by the LNP to fund projects, just as she and her colleagues misrepresented the LNP asset leasing plan as asset sales. I am advised that the project in question was contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings, and would have been delivered by the LNP MP, Mr Davies if he had have been re-elected.

    I trust this helps you as Speaker to reject the claim made by Minister Jones as baseless, lacking any substance, seriously flawed in argument, political in motivation and a waste of resources - your time as Speaker, her staffs time in putting this flimsy case together, and my time in responding to this trumped up allegation.

    21 ...

    nicctoratc OlTice: Kniiner Place, iO Waleiloo Slrect, ( levehind ♦ PO Box 1.^99, Cleveland Qi U 4163 07 3286 2726 07 3286 5418 clcve!and(d'piu'liaiiient.([Id.gov.au : \v\vw.maikiobiiisoniiip.com.an ! humbly request that you rule the referral out as lacking solid substance, and take no further action in this matter against me. Further, I request that you remind Kate Jones about her responsibility to not waste Parliament's resources investigating flippant and unsustainable accusations against colleagues.

    Yours sincerely

    MARK ROBINSON MP State Member for Cleveland Tracy Davis MP M em ber for Aspley

    2 November 2015

    The Hon Peter Wellington MP Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

    Dear Mr Speaker

    I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Questions on Notice.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included:

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Yours sincerely

    Tracy Davis MP Member for Aspley

    P: 07 3554 7100 | F: 07 3554 7109 j E: [email protected] j VV: mvw.tracvdavis.com.Bu | P.A; PO Box 857. Asplev. 4034 Ann Leahy MP I Member for Warrego

    Hon Peter Wellington MP Speaker of the Legislative Assembly George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

    By Email only [email protected]

    3 November 2015

    Dear Mr Speaker

    I refer to the correspondence dated 27*‘‘ October 2015.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included; 1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Yours faithfully

    4 ^ Ann Leahy MP Member for Warrego

    Roma Electorate Office PO Box 945 ROMA Q 4455 P: 07 4570 1100 Toll Free: 1800 814 4791109 F; 07 4570 St George Electorate Office PO Box 503 ST GEORGE Q 4487 P: 07 4519 0700 Toll Free 1800 625 430 F: 07 4519 0709 E: \[email protected] The Honourable Mark McArdie ^ ®' ., , t , A H H D Caloundra Qld 4551 Member for Caloundra M ^ J g PO Box 3998 Caloundra DC Q 4551 Shadow Minister for Health Ph: (07) 5329 4100

    The Hon Peter Wellington Speaker of the House of Representatives Queensland Parliament Via email

    Dear Mr Speaker

    I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you (ref 8.1.22) in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Questions On Notice.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included: 1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.


    / / ^ARK'McARDL'pMt Member for Calodndra 5/11/2015 Deb Frecklingtonm p MEMBER FOR NANANGO Shadow Minister for AgrScuiture, Fisheries and Forestry

    3 Novem ber 2015 0 5 NOV 2015

    The Hon Peter Wellington MP Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliament House George Street Brisbane QLD 4000

    Dear Mr Speaker,

    I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Questions On Notice.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included:

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases: and 3. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Deyl^reycklington Member for Nana

    Shop 2/36Alford Street, Kingaroy Qld 4610 • PO Box 1158Kingaroy Qld 4610 P 41621381 [email protected] E W www.debfrecklington.com.au F tacebook.com/DebFrecklingtonMP * Ray Stevens MP Member for Mermai3 Beach

    3 November 2015

    Hon Peter Wellington MP Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

    Dear Mr Speaker,

    I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Question On Notice.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed It must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included:

    Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time;

    1. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 2. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases. 3. The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall In the second category of projects.

    Yours sincerely,

    .Mr Ray Stevens MP Leader of Opposition Business ly^mber for Mermaid Beach

    E l e c t o r a t e O ffic e Shop 1, 2434 Gold Cocisl Highway, Mermaid Beach, OLD 4218] PO Box 435, Mermaid Beoch, QLD 4218 Phone: (07) 5526 0473 | Fox: (07) 5527 7096 | Emoil; Mermaicl.Beach(u>par!ionienl.qld.gov.ou Scott Emerson MEMBER FOR INDOOROOPILLY

    2 November 2015

    Mr Peter Wellington Speaker Of The Queensland Parliament George St BRISBANE QLD 4000

    / p>?akerDear Mr Sp>p>?akerDear / I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you in which the Minister for Education referred me regarding a series of Question On Notice.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates, This is simply not correct.

    The LNP's election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included: • Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; • Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and • Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Yours sincerely

    S cott Emerson MP Member for Indooroopilly Shadow Minister for Transport

    Suite 1, 49 Station Road, Indooroopilly Qld 4068 P 3878 1928 E [email protected] F 3378 7072 TrevorWATTS MP MEMBER FOR TOOWOOMBA NORTH

    R ef: D B 305

    4‘^ November, 2015

    Office of the Speaker, Parliament House George Street Brisbane Qld 4000

    Dear Mr Speaker,

    I refer to the correspondence {Ref: 8.1.22) that I have recently received from you in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Questions on Notice.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included:

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Yours sincerely

    Trevor Watts MP Member for Toowoomba North

    P 4638 5755 F 4638 4056 A PO Box 285, Harlaxton Qld 4350 E [email protected] W www.trevorwatts.com.au /? e(roii0 local voice fo r oar re^byt John McVEIGH mp Member for Toowoomba South

    November 2015

    Hon Peter Wellington MP Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

    Dear M r Speaker,

    I refer to the correspondence I have recently received from you on the November 2015, in which the Minister for Education referred to myself regarding a series of Question On Notice.

    The Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that In order for a project to be fully funded and costed It must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP's election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included;

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained In the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings notcontingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Yours sincerely.

    Dr joiin McVeigh MP M em ber for Toowoomba So'uth- Shadow Minister for Science, Information Technology and Innovation

    566 Rulhven Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350 • PO Box 3005, Toowoomba Qld 4350 P 07 4602 3100 [email protected] Wjohnmcveighmp.com f/JohnMcVeighMP 3 ^/JohnMcVeighMP Office of theS g e a k ^

    From; Mansfield Electorate Office Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2015 4:31 PM To: Office of the Speaker Subject: RE: Correspondence from the Speaker

    Dear Mr Speaker,

    I refer to your correspondence dated 27 October 2015, in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Questions On Notice.

    The Minister In her voluminous referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral, the Minister has asserted that In order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP's election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included:

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has identified in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.


    Ian Walker MP | Member for Mansfield Shadow Attorney-General Shadow Minister for Justice, Industrial Relations and The Arts 12 Mt Gravatt-Capaiaba Road, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122 P: 07 3849 3488 E: [email protected] W: ianwalkermp.com.au FB: lanWalkerMP T: @lanWalker_MP


    From: Office of the Speaker Sent: Tuesday, 27 October 2015 12:04 PM To: Ian Walker Cc: Mansfield Electorate Office Subject: Correspondence from the Speaker

    Good afternoon Mr Walker

    Please find attached correspondence from the Hon. Peter Wellington MP, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. 1 Regards

    Gail Easton

    Executive Assistant Office of the Speaker

    Parliament House George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 Ph 07 3553 6700 | Fax 07 3553 6709 S nciikcr

    Mineral House Level 7, 41 (leorge Street Mr Peter Wellington MP NOV POBox 15057 Speaker of the Legislative Assembly City East QLD 4002 Parliament House George Street Brisbane QLD 4000

    [email protected]

    Dear Mr Speaker,

    I refer to the correspondence I have recentJy received from you in which the Minister for Education referred myself regarding a series of Questions On Notice.

    The Minister in her referral of this matter has sought to deliberately mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments. In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister has asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This is simply not correct.

    The LNP’s election costings contained multiple components. Election costings for the 2015 Election included:

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP’s fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases; and 3. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects the Minister has referred to in her referral clearly fall in the second category of projects.

    Furthermore Mr Speaker I note the Minister has substantiated her referral of this matter via advice she claims to have received. I ask Mr Speaker to consider the following:

    a. requesting the Minister to supply such advice to those Members she has referred; b. asking the Minister in the future to supply such advice in any future referrals she makes so Members can fully address the claims made against them.

    Yours Sincerely

    RENCE SP^piBORG MP Leader of the OiKKisition SteveMinnikinMP MEMBER FOR CHATSWORTH

    10 November 2015

    Honourable Peter Wellington MP Speaker of the House ^ 10 NOV Queensland Parliament c/o - Parliament House George Street Brisbane QLD 4000

    Dear Mister Speaker,

    I refer to the correspondence received from yourself, dated 27 October 2015, informing me that the Minister for Education and Minister for Tourism, Major Events and Small Business, Commonwealth Games had referred myself regarding a series of Questions on Notice.

    It was raised that the following three elements must be addressed where it is alleged a member has committed the contempt of deliberately misleading the house.

    1. The statement must have been misleading: 2 The member making the statement knew at the time the statement was made that it v;as incorrect; and 3. In making the statement, the member intended to mislead the House.

    When reviewing these elements, I note the Minister in her voluminous referral of this matter in turn has appeared to mislead the House as to the nature and method of costing election commitments.

    In an attempt to justify her referral the Minister asserted that in order for a project to be fully funded and costed it must have either been done by the Department, or be contained in the Budget forward Estimates. This does not appear to be correct in this circumstance.

    The LNP’s 2015 election costings contained multiple components and included:

    1. Projects contained in the Budget Papers and forward estimates at the time; 2. Projects contained in the LNP's fully costed and audited election costings not contingent on asset leases: and 3. Projects contained in the I NP's fully costed and audited election costings contingent on asset leases.

    The projects identified by the Minister in her referral appear to fall within the second category of projects.

    I appreciate your thorough consideration of this matter and look forwarded to receiving your future correspondence.

    Yours sincer

    STEVE MINNIKIN MP ■'Member for Chatsworth

    Unit 1. Millennium Business Centre, Millennium Blvd Gatindale Old 4152 PO Box 1565. Carindale Qld 4152 P 3398 4777 F 3398 4680 E [email protected]