The purpose of this report is to brief elected members and request that they as a partner organisation endorse the above document, after which all partners within Argyll & Clyde Health Board can move into the launch of the Strategy and implementation phase of the recommendations. * 2. RECOMMENDATIONS

2.1 That the Council approve the New for Old Strategy and their part therein.


3.1 There are various documents and strategic plans for older people’s services in existence within Argyll and Clyde, but no all encompassing, multi agency strategy detailing how agencies are working together to make sure the improvements identified in local plans were actually being achieved.

3.2 In recognition of this, in early 2000, Argyll & Clyde Health Board began project managing the development of an inter agencyhtegrated strategy in partnership with representatives from:

Argyll and Bute Council * e Argyll and Clyde Acute Hospitals NHS Trust Argyll and Clyde Health Board Argyll and Clyde Health Council e East Council Inverclyde Council e Lomond and Argyll Primary Care NHS Trust Renfrewshire Council Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Primary Care NHS Trust e Strathclyde Elderly Forum e Council

Comm Keporr - New for Old - 26.i I .O I 38


4.1 The purpose of the strategy group ( Appendix 1) was to review current services for Older People within Argyll and Clyde, with particular reference to the Joint Community Care Plans, and to bring forward recommendations as to how services could be developed for the future.

4.2 The group ensured that such recommendations were within the context of focusing on the needs of the individual, differing local needs (e.g. by Council area), reflected current thinking and best practice and took account of impending legislation. Developments would be within the context of joint commissioning.

4.3 Argyll and Clyde NHS Board approved the strategy “New for Old” on 25thApril 2001 - As soon as all organisations have been in touch with an anticipated sign-off date, the joint launch of the document will be identified. As part of the strategy development process and through a Public Involvement Group, a Council wide public involvement exercise was organised. Over 300 community groups and e older person’s interested groups within Argyll and Clyde were contacted, who worked in partnership with Foxtrot Theatre Company to help gain older people’s views as to how services should be improved.


5.1 The fmal draft of the strategy document has been prepared and a copy forwarded to each of the Trust and Council Chief Executives, requesting them to make arrangements for signing up to the strategy by their respective organisations.

5.2 The document is intended to be a generic working tool for the whole of Argyll and Clyde area with each Council identifying and working to their relevant issues in tandem with the core recommendations. (Appendix 2).

To assist with planning the launch and final publication of the strategy document, 5.3 all partners are requested to confirm their approval with the Health Board Director of Priority Services and Joint Planning by providing the following @ information:

Anticipated date of discussion and approval of the strategy Contact name for assistance with planning the joint launch. 6. IMPLICATIONS

Policy: Strategy forms a policy document in line with Community Care policies.

Financial: Can be delivered within existing resources

Legal: None

Personnel: None


Corn Report - New for Old - 26.1 1.01 39

Equal Opportunities: Proposes delivery of service to older people regardless of age or frailty.

Director of Housing and Social Work

For more information: Moyra Shearer Service Officer - Elderly 26'h November 2001 Tel: 01369 703751 e Attached: Appendices 1 & 2


Comm Report - New for Old - 26.1 1.01 40

a Appendix 1

David Docherty Principal Officer, West Dunbartonshire Council Sheila Drummond Directorate Manager, Campbeltown Hospital (L&A PCT) Una Duffy Professional Nursing Adviser, Argyll and Clyde Health Board Tim Eltringham Joint Commissioning Manager, Renfi-ewshire & Inverclyde PCT Dorothy Gormlie Manager - Older People’s Services, Council Margaret Hastings Head of Physiotherapy, Vale of Leven Hospital Iseabail Howat Service Manager, Inverclyde Council Dr Alan Hughes Consultant Psychogeriatrician, RAH Wendy Jack Development Officer, West Dunbartonshire Council Peter McCulloch Principal Officer, Renfrewshire Council Ne11 McFadden Strathclyde Elderly forum / Inverclyde Elderly Forum Marion McGhee Project Manager, Argyll & Clyde Acute Hospitals NHS Trust DrTinaMm Public Health Consultant, Argyll & Clyde Health Board Dick McLean Principal Officer, Renfrewshire Council Moyra Shearer Service Officer - Elderly, Argyll & Bute Council Douglas Philips Director of Priority Services, Argyll & Clyde Health Board Jim Shimmins Argyll & Clyde Health Council Dr Graeme Simpson Consultant Geriatrician, RAH Cathy Stevenson Strathclyde Elderly Forum / Dunoon Elderly Forum June Thompson Care Commissioner, Argyll & Clyde Health Board Helen Watson Research Officer, West Dunbartonshire Council Gordon Whitelaw Project Manager, Renfiewshire & Inverclyde PCT


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The level of care provision (NHS, Care Places and Community Provision) should be assessed and planned with the aim of developing innovative, small scale, local solutions.

Innovative community based models of care should be jointly developed and provided by agencies to ensure people in rural areas have access to the full range of services.

An Inter- agency action plan should be developed to address transport problems within Argyll & Bute,

The right of older people to remain in their own communities must be given a higher priority than the increased costs of providing care in isolated locations i.e. care based on needs, not resources.

Work with partners and older people in Helensburgh and Lomond to develop more choice in services.

Publicise the available services/choices more effectively.

Inter- agency support to people in their own homes must be strengthened.

Work should be undertaken to ensure people in an island or rural setting are more Eully informed of the services available to them.

Work should be undertaken by all partners to hghlight any particular gaps in services for older people in an island or rural setting, and work towards addressing these.


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