HBSC Ireland Publications and Media Coverage 2020

Report to the Department of Health from the HBSC Ireland Research Team, NUI Galway February 2021

This report presents the dissemination of HBSC Ireland data during 2020. It includes:

Type of dissemination Number of items Page

National Reports 7 2

International Reports 4 2

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 30 2

Other Journal Articles 2 5

Requested Short Reports 3 6

Completed MA and PhD theses 3 6

Presentations 9 6

Print Newspaper Articles 22 7

Newswires 16 8

Television News 4 9

Radio Broadcasts (36) 36 9

Websites (99) 99 11

National Reports

DCEDIY. (2020). State of the Nation's Children (SONC) 2020. : Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. download

DCYA. (2020). Statistical Spotlight #4: Young Travellers in Ireland. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. April 2020. download

Költő, A., Gavin, A., Molcho, M., Kelly, C., Walker, L., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study 2018. Dublin: Department of Health. download

McAvoy, H., Rodriguez, L., Költő, A., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Children’s Exposures to Ultraviolet Radiation - A risk profile for future skin cancers in Ireland. Dublin and Belfast: Institute of Public Health in Ireland. doi.10.14655/11971-1084881. download

O'Brien, D., Long, J., Lee, C., McCarthy, A., & Quigley, J. (2020). Electronic Cigarette use and Tobacco Cigarette Smoking Initiation in Adolescents: An evidence review. Dublin: Health Research Board. download

Sunday, S., Keoghan, S., Hanafin, J., & Clancy, L. (2020). ESPAD 2019 Ireland: Results from the European Schools Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs in Ireland. Dublin: Tobacco Free Institute of Ireland, Dublin City University. download

Family Carers Ireland. (2020). Young Carers in Ireland: Insight into the Prevalence and Experiences of Young Carers in Ireland using data from the HBSC 2018 study. Dublin: Family Carers Ireland. download

International Reports

Gromada, A., Rees, G., & Chzhen, Y. (2020). Worlds of Influence: Understanding what shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries. Innocenti Report Card 16, Florence: UNICEF Office of Research. download

Hansen, K.F. & Stutzer, A. (2020). Parental Unemployment, Social Insurance and Child Well-being across countries. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics Discussion Paper Series IZA DP No. 13752. download

WHO. (2020). Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Summary. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. download

WHO. (2020). Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Europe and Canada. International report. Volume 1. Key findings. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. download

WHO. (2020). Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Europe and Canada. International report. Volume 2. Key data. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. download

2 Journal Articles including HBSC Ireland data

Boer, M., Eijnden, R.J., Boniel-Nissim, M., Wong, S., Inchley, J C., Badura, P., Craig, W.M., Gobina, I., Kleszczewska, D., Klanscek, H.J., & Stevens, G.W. (2020). Adolescents' intense and problematic social media use and their well-being in 29 Countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S89-S99. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.014. download

Budisavljevic, S., Arnarsson, A., Hamrik, Z., Roberts, C., Godeau, E., Molcho, M., & Weber, M.W. (2020). Improving adolescent health: Translating Health Behaviour in School-aged Children evidence into policy. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S9-S11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.010. download

Cosma, A., Stevens, G., Martin, G., Duinhof, E L., Walsh, S.D., Garcia-Moya, I., Kolto, A., Govina, I., Canale, N., Catunda, C., Inchely, J., & de Looze, M D. (2020). Cross-national time trends in adolescent mental well-being from 2002 to 2018 and the explanatory role of schoolwork pressure. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S50-S58. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.010 download

Cosma, A., Walsh, S. D., Chester, K. L., Callaghan, M., Molcho, M., Craig, W., & Pickett, W. (2020). Bullying victimization: time trends and the overlap between traditional and cyberbullying across countries in Europe and North America. International Journal of Public Health, 65(1), 75- 85. download

Craig, W., Boniel-Nissim, M., King, N., Walsh, S.D., Boer, M., Donnelly, P.D., Harel-Fisch, Y., Malinowska-Cieslik, M., Gaspar de Matos, M., Cosma, A., Van den Eijnden, R., Vieno, A., Flgar, F.J., Molcho, M., Bjereld, Y., & Pickett, W. (2020). Social media use and cyber-bullying: A cross-national analysis of young people in 42 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S100-S108. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.006 download

Currie, C. & Morgan, A. (2020). A bio-ecological framing of evidence on the determinants of adolescent mental health – A scoping review of the international Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study 1983-2020. SSM – Population Health, 12. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2020.100697

Dierckens, M., Weinberg, D., Huang, Y., Elgar, F., Moor, I., Augustine, L., Lyyra, N., Deforche, B., De Clercq, B., Stevens, G.W., & Currie, C. (2020). National-level wealth inequality and socioeconomic inequality in adolescent mental well-being: A time series analysis of 17 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6),S21-S28. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.009 download

Fumarco, L., Baert, S., & Sarracino, F. (2020). Younger, dissatisfied, and unhealthy - relative age in adolescence. Economics & Human Biology. Published online January 30. DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100858

Heinz, A., Catunda, C., Duin, C.V., Torsheim, T., & Willems, H. (2020). Patterns of health-related gender inequalities—a cluster analysis of 45 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S29-S39. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.011 download

Fumarco. L. & Schultze. G. (2020). Does relative age make Jack a dull student? Evidence from students’ schoolwork and playtime. Education Economics, 28(6), 647-670. DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2020.1832200

Inchley, J.C., Stevens, G.W., Samdal, O., & Currie, D.B. (2020). Enhancing understanding of adolescent health and well-being: The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S3-S5. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.014 download


Kelly, C., Branquinho, C., Dzielska, A., Matos, M.G., Melkumova, M., Pavlova, D., Pickett, W., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Youth participation in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S6-S8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.015 download

Kern, M.R., Duinhof, E.L., Walsh, S.D., Cosma, A., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Molcho, M., Currie, C., & Stevens, G.W. (2020). Intersectionality and adolescent mental well-being: A cross-nationally comparative analysis of the interplay between immigration background, socioeconomic status and gender. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S12-S20. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.013 download

Kern, M.R., Heinz, A., Stevens, G.W.J.M., Walsh. S.D., & Willems, H. (2020). “What's a normal weight?” – Origin and receiving country influences on weight-status assessment among 1.5 and 2nd generation immigrant adolescents in Europe. Social Science & Medicine, 264, 113306. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113306

Kleszczewska, D., Mazur, J., Buksch, J., Dzielska, A., Brindley, C., & Michalska, A. (2020). Active transport to school may reduce psychosomatic symptoms in school-aged children: Data from nine countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 8709. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17238709

Leal-Lopez, E., Moreno-Maldonaldo, C., Inchley, J., Deforche, B., Van Havere, T., Van Damme, J., Buijs, T., Sánchez-Queija, I., Currie, D., Vieno, A., & De Clercq, B. (2020). Association of alcohol control policies with adolescent alcohol consumption and with social inequality in adolescent alcohol consumption: A multilevel study in 33 countries and regions. International Journal of Drug Policy, 84, 102854. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102854

Li, Q., Lou, Y., Hao, Z., Smith, B., Gou, Y., & Tyrone, C. (2020). Risk Factors of cyberbullying perpetration among school-aged children across 41 countries: A perspective of Routine Activity Theory. International Journal of Bullying Prevention. Published online 27 June 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42380-020-00071-6

Löfstedt, P., García-Moya, I., Corell, M., Paniagua, C., Samdal, O., Välimaa, R., Lyyra, N., Currie, D., & Rasmussen, M. (2020). School satisfaction and school pressure in the WHO European region and North America: An analysis of time trends (2002–2018) and patterns of co-occurrence in 32 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S59-S69. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.007 download

Marques, A., Bordado, J., Tesler, R., Demetriou, Y., Sturm, D.J., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2020). A composite measure of healthy lifestyle: A study from 38 countries and regions from Europe and North America, from the Health Behavior in School‐aged Children survey. American Journal of Human Biology, 32(6), e23419. DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.23419

Marques, A., Henriques-Neto, D., Peralta, M., Martins, J., Demetriou, Y., Schonbach, D., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2020). Prevalence of physical activity among adolescents from 105 low, middle, and high income countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Published online 30 April 2020. download

Meyer, S., Weidmann, R., & Grob, A. (2020). The mirror's curse: Weight perceptions mediate the link between physical activity and life satisfaction among 727,865 teens in 44 countries. Journal of Sport and Health Science. Published online 22 January 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jshs.2020.01.002

4 Ng, K.W., Sudeck, G., Marques, A., Borraccino, A., Boberova, Z., Vasickova, J., Tesler, R., Kokko, S., & Samdal, O. (2020). Associations between physical activity and perceived school performance of young adolescents in Health Behavior in School-aged Children countries. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 17(7), 698-708. DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2019-0522

Steinbach, A., Augustijn, L., & Corkadi, G. (2020). Joint physical custody and adolescents’ life satisfaction in 37 North American and European countries. Family Process. Published online 15 April 2020. DOI: 10.1111/famp.12536

Stevens, G.W.J.M., Boera M., Titzmann, P.F., Cosma, A., & Walsh, S.D. (2020). Immigration status and bullying victimization: Associations across national and school contexts. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 66, 101075. DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2019.101075

Vashishtha, R., Pennay, A., Dietze, P., Barrientos Marzan, M., Room, R., & Livingston, M. (2020). Trends in adolescent drinking across 39 high-income countries: Exploring the timing and magnitude of decline. European Journal of Public Health. Published online 14 November 2020. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa193

Walsh, S.D., Sela, T., Looze, M.D., Craig, W., Cosma, A., Harel-Fisch, Y., Boniel-Nissim, M., Malinowska-Cieslik, M., Vieno, A., Molcho, M., Ng, K., & Pickett, W. (2020). Clusters of contemporary risk and their relationship to mental well-being among 15-year-old adolescents across 37 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S40-S49. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.012 download

Weinberg, D., Stevens, G.W.J.N., Currie, C., Delaruelle, K., Dierkens, M., Lenzi, M., Main, G., & Finkenauer, C. (2020). Country-level meritocratic beliefs moderate the social gradient in adolescent mental health: A multilevel study in 30 European countries. Journal of Adolescent Health. Published online 24 July 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.06.031

Zaborskis, A., Grincaite, M., Kavaliauskiene, A., & Tesler, R. (2020). Family structure and affluence in adolescent eating behaviour: A cross-national study in forty-one countries. Public Health Nutrition. Published online 27 October 2020. DOI: 10.1017/S1368980020003584

Journal Articles by team members but does not include Irish data

Költő, A., Cosma, A., Moreau, N., Young, H., Thoresteinsson, E., Gobina, I., Godeau, E., Saewyc, E., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Self-reported health and patterns of romantic love in adolescents from eight European countries and regions. LGBT Health, 7(2), 90-100. DOI: 10.1089/lgbt.2019.0107

Other Journal Articles

Finnegan, K., Kavanagh, A., Gavin, A., Költo, A., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Should the Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children data collection move online? National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 8(3), 29. download

Watters, C., Gavin, A., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Mental health among Traveller school children in Ireland: a comparative analysis. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 8(3), 30. download


6 Short Reports

Gavin, A., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). HBSC Ireland: Health and wellbeing among young carers in 2014 and 2018. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway. DOI: 10.13025/2BCB-3V58 download

Költő, A., Gavin, A., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Sun and ultraviolet light-related behaviours in schoolchildren of Ireland: data from the 2018 Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway. download

Költő, A,, Ravikumar, D,, & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). HBSC Ireland 2018: Health and well-being of young people in Donegal. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway. DOI: 10.13025/4a98-6e66 download


Burke, L. (2020). The context and circumstances of early sexual initiation among adolescents in Ireland: A mixed methods investigation. Unpublished PhD thesis. Discipline of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland Galway.

Carr, R. (2020). Health inequalities in Irish Traveller adolescents: secondary analysis of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study (HBSC) 2018 data. Unpublished MA thesis, Discipline of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland Galway.

Coyle, J. (2020). The moderating effect of family support in the association between problematic social media use and life satisfaction among Irish adolescents. Unpublished MA thesis. Discipline of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland Galway.


Coyle, J., Nic Gabhainn, S., & Kelly, C. (2020). The moderating effect of family support on the relationship between adolescent wellbeing and problematic social media use. Presentation to the Excellence in Pediatrics 12th Conference (online), December 2020. download

Heinz, A., Költő, A., Godeau, E., Ehlinger, V., van Duin, C., Catunda, C., & Willems, H. (2020). What is problematic about binary questions on gender in health surveys—a missing answer analysis. Presentation to the Excellence in Pediatrics 12th Conference, online, December 2020. Abstract: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2331205X.2020.1848781

Kolto, A., & the HBSC Ireland Team. (2020). Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Ireland National Report Launch January 2020. Presentation to the Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study 2018 report launch. Dublin, January 2020. Download

Költő, A., Gavin, A., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Modes of transport to or from school and mental wellbeing of schoolchildren in Ireland. Presented to the 24th Annual Health Promotion Conference: Promoting health and wellbeing: creating a more equitable and sustainable environment, Galway, June 2020. download

7 Költő, A. (2020). Ethical aspects of researching sexual abuse and other sensitive issues in adolescents. Invited talk to the HBSC Luxembourg Methods Workshop: How to survey Child Abuse. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, January 2020.

Költő, A., Heinz, A., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Cosma, A., Piper, A., Saewyc, E. M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Measuring sex and gender identity in a cross-national adolescent population survey: Perspectives of adolescent health experts from 44 countries. Presentation to the Excellence in Pediatrics 12th Conference (online), December 2020. download

Nic Gabhainn, S., Kelly, C., Gavin, A., Molcho, M. & Költő, A. (2020). HBSC Ireland and the Public Health community: partnerships and processes. Presentation to the World Congress on Public Health: Public health for the future of humanity: analysis, advocacy and action (online), Rome, October 2020. download See also European Journal of Public Health, 30(s5), 248. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.1161

Nic Gabhainn, S. & Költő, A. (2020). Children’s exposure to ultraviolent radiation – contribution from HBSC Ireland. Invited presentation to the Children’s exposure to ultraviolent radiation – A risk profile for future skin cancers in Ireland Webinar via Institute of Public Health in Ireland, June 2020. download (video link to webinar)

Ravikumar, D., Ryan, T., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Child and adolescent measures relevant to Planetary Health. Presented to the 24th Annual Health Promotion Conference: Promoting health and wellbeing: creating a more equitable and sustainable environment (online), Galway, June 2020. download (video link)


Cullen, P. (2020, June 17). Report highlights high frequency of sunburn among Irish youths. The Irish Times, pg.4.

Ellis, F. (2020, June 18). High rate in kids of sunburn ‘concern’. The Irish Sun, pg.20.

Farsaci, L. (2020, January 24). E-cigs warning for teens & mums-to-be; WHO report tells of ‘significant’ dangers. Daily Mirror (Ireland), pg.12

Feehan, C. (2020, July 20). Teens ‘are using social media to order alcohol’ as girl (13) falls ill after drinking party in park. , pg.2.

Higgins, A. (2020, January 10). Young making sober choices: Irish kids boozing and smoking less. The Irish Sun, pg.17.

Kelleher, L. (2020, June 7). Number of children addicted to alcohol falls. Sunday Independent. Pg.3.

Leslie, N. (2020, May 19). No butts about it, Irish youths are healthiest… Smoking and drinking down among adolescent. They are getting more exercise than most others. Irish Daily Mirror, pg.10.

Mangan, I. (2020, January 10). Industry body hails drop in teen boozers. Irish Daily Mirror, pg.17.

McMahon, A. (2020, January 9). Kids make a clean start … fewer are smoking or drinking. Irish Daily Star, pg.14.

8 McMahon, A. (2020, January 10). More children say they don’t drink or smoke. Positive news in child health report – but vaping a concern. The Echo, p.13.

Michael, N. (2020, January 9). Children’s health survey results worrying, says Harris. Irish Examiner, pg.4.

Michael, N. (2020, January 23). Survey failed to ask children about class A drugs. Irish Examiner, pg. 5.

Nolan, P. (2020, January 10). When the politicians call, ask what they’ll do about the children. Irish Daily Mail, pg.18.

O’Brien. C. (2020, January 9). Fewer children drinking, smoking or having sex; NUIG study shows increase in bullying and drop in life satisfaction. The Irish Times, pg.1.

O’Callaghan, H. (2020, July 3). Child sun risk high. Some 90% of kids have been burned at least once. Irish Examiner, pg.15.

O’Regan, E. (2020, May 19). Irish teens report drop in satisfaction with life with social media a concern. Irish Independent, pg.3.

O’Regan, E. (2020, June 18). Nine out of 10 children have suffered sunburn, risk of having cancer. The Herald, pg.21.

O’Regan, E. (2020, January 9). One teenager in five has tried vaping as cigarette use declines. Irish Independent, pg.19 (article does not mention HBSC or NUIG).

O’Regan, E. (2020, May 19). Rise in teenagers unhappy with life ‘is a concern for all’. Evening Herald, pg.15.

Power, J. (2020, May 19). Teenager’s satisfaction with life ranked among lowest in Europe. The Irish Times, pg.3.

Teenage smoking rates see decline: NUIG survey shows hike in levels of bullying. (2020, January 17). Galway City Tribune, pg..18.

Warning over dangers of sunburn to children. (2020, June 25). Anglo-Celt, pg.45.


Crew, J. (2020, May 18). Less than four in 10 schoolchildren eating with family once a day – study. Press Association Newswire.

Galway Bay FM: NUIG research finds fewer children in Ireland drinking or smoking. (2020, January 9). News Bites.

Galway Bay FM: NUIG study finds nine out of 10 school children have experienced sunburn. (2020, June 17). News Bites.

McMahon, A. (2020, January 9). Fewer Irish children are smoking and drinking, new study suggests. Press Association Newswire: Ireland.

9 Mental health of Europe’s teens on the decline: study. (2020, May 18). Agence France Presse.

Mental health problems a growing issue for European teen: WHO. (2020, May 19). Newstex.

Minister Zappone publishes Statistical Spotlight #4 Young Travellers in Ireland. (2020, April 18). Impact News Service.

Minister for Health and Minister of State launch new study on schoolchildren’s behaviour. (2020, January 11). Impact News Service.

More European adolescents reporting mental health issues: WHO. (2020, May 19). EuroNews.

New report shows that adolescent mental well-being declined in many countries between 2014 and 2018. (2020, May 19). Newstex.

Report: 90% of 10-17 year olds have experienced sunburn. (2020, June 17). RTE News.

Study reflects profile of today’s young European. (2020, May 20). CE Noticias Financieras.

The mental health of European adolescents, in decline (study). (2020, May 18). CE Noticias Financieras.

WHO: Mental problems increasing among European adolescents. (2020, May 19). Deutsche Presse- Agentur.

WHO report reveals UK adolescents experience mental health concerns. (2020, May 20). Impact News Service.

World: More European adolescents reporting mental health issues: WHO (2020, May 20). Thai News Service.

Television RTE one o’clock news (1), six o’clock news (2) and nine o’clock news (3) (2020, January 9).

Virgin media news. (2020, January 9). https://twitter.com/virginmedianews/status/1215279559635079168?s=12


4FM Damian Farrelly (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Clare FM Afternoon Show (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Connemara Radio (2020, May 21) – Interview with Dr Colette Kelly

Cork 96FM Drivetime (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Cork 98FM KC and Ross Show (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

East Coast FM (2020, January 9) – Interview with Professor Saoirse Nic Gabhainn

10 East Coast FM (2020, May 19) – Interview with Dr Colette Kelly

FM104 Strawberry Alarm Clock (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Galway Bay FM – Keith Finnegan Show (2020, May 19) – interview with Dr Colette Kelly

Highland Radio (2020, May 21) – interview with Dr Colette Kelly

Limerick 95FM Drive (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Newstalk Breakfast (2020, May 19) – Interview with Professor Saoirse Nic Gabhainn

Newstalk Breakfast. (2020, January 9) – Interview with Professor Saoirse Nic Gabhainn

Newstalk Hard Shoulder with (2020, June 17) – Interview with Dr Rupert Barry

Newstalk Hard Shoulder with Ivan Yates (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Newstalk Lunchtime Live (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Newstalk News (2020, June 17) - Soundbyte from Kevin O’Hagan

Newstalk Newstalk Breakfast (2020, June 17) – Interview with Dr Helen McAvoy

Newstalk Newstalk Breakfast (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Newstalk news headlines (2020, May 19) - (also circulated to local radio stations and used as the ’national’ element of their (usual hourly) news bulletins)

Nova Radio News Bulletin (2020, February) – Item re LGBT Health Journal Publication

Q102 Andy Preston (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Radio Kerry Into the night (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Radio na Gaeltachta news bulletins (2020, May 19)

RTE Morning Ireland. (2020, January 9) – Interview with Aoife Gavin

RTE1 Morning Ireland (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

RTE1 Morning Ireland. (2020, June 17) – Interview with Dr Helen McAvoy

RTE1 Ray Darcy show. (2020, June 2) – HBSC smoking data quoted re HSE lead for Tobacco Free Ireland

RTE1 Show (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

RTE2FM Doireann and Eoghan (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

RTE2FM Jennifer Zamparelli (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children


Spin FM Spin Hits (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Sunshine FM Non-stop Show (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Today FM Fergal D’Arcy (2020, June 17) – News report re UV exposure in children

Today FM The Last Word with Matt Cooper (2020, June 17) – Interview with Dr Doireann O’Leary

Youghal FM Mid-morning – Interview with Lauren Rodriguez


Adam, B. (2020, no date). Double sunburn alert and breast cancer. https://webeenow.com/double- sunburn-alert-and-breast-cancer/

Ahern, D. (2020, January 29). Ireland’s drink industry supports online safeguards to prevent underage drinking. https://www.checkout.ie/retail/irelands-drinks-industry-supports-online- safeguards-prevent-underage-drinking-88129 (HPRC mentioned but not HBSC).

Alcohol Action Ireland. (2020, January). Health Behaviour in School Aged Children Study 2018 highlights the appalling reach of alcohol into our children’s lives. https://alcoholireland.ie/health- behaviour-school-aged-children-study-2018-highlights-appalling-reach-alcohol-childrens-lives/

Buckley, K. (2020, January 9). Drop in number of children drinking, smoking and having sex. https://www.todayfm.com/news/drop-number-children-drinking-smoking-sex-947289

Condon, D. (2020, January 9). Fewer school-aged children smoking. http://www.irishhealth.com/article.html?id=26957

Condon, D. (2020, June 17). Vast majority of children have experienced sunburn. http://www.irishhealth.com/article.html?id=27294

Cullen, P. (2020, June 17). Some 17% of schoolchildren never use sunscreen. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/some-17-of-schoolchildren-never-use- sunscreen- 1.4280722?localLinksEnabled=false&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Ir ish+Times+poll%3A+Half+of+voters+believe+schools+should+reopen++as+normal++in+September& utm_campaign=morning_briefing_digest

Cyber Safe Ireland urges next Government to take cyberbullying seriously. (2020, May 19). https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-31000537.html

Deutsche Welle. (2020, May 20). Mental health problems a growing issue for European teens: WHO. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3937124

Digital Desk Staff. (2020, April 14). Govt publishes report on young Travellers in Ireland. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30993971.html

Ellis, F. (2020, June 17). Burn concern: experts concerned over frequency of children getting sunburned as research shows almost 75% burned this year

12 alone. https://www.thesun.ie/fabulous/5552496/expert-concern-frequency-children-sunburned- research-shows-75-burned-this-year/

Euronews. (2020, May 19). More European adolescents reporting mental health issues: WHO. https://www.euronews.com/2020/05/19/more-european-adolescents-reporting-mental- health-issues-who

European industry rolls out online safeguards for minors. (2020, February 3). https://www.drinksindustryireland.ie/european-industry-rolls-out-online-safeguards-for-minors/

Fall in alcohol consumption among young people. (2020, January 10). https://www.leitrimobserver.ie/news/news/507771/fall-in-alcohol-consumption-among-young- people.html

Farsaci, L. (2020, January 23). E-cigarettes can damage teens’ brains and harm foetuses, World Health Organisation warns; vaping has been touted by producers as a better alternative to cigarette smoking, with the promise they can help people kick the habit. https://www.irishmirror.ie/lifestyle/health/e-cigarettes-vaping-dangers-smoking-21346279

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