April 18, 2009 in This Issue Children’S Ministries Starts Coaching
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April 18, 2009 In this issue Children’s Ministries starts coaching Adventists support Earth Hour Message from Lilliput The final of “Southside Slam,” the culmination of a tournament organised by the Papatoetoe Adventist church’s youth group, was held on March 21. “Southside Slam” a success for Papatoetoe AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND he Papatoetoe Adventist church’s Kingdom, invited over for the tournament— youth group “360” organised a week- also picked an “all star” team to progress to long community outreach streetball the finals. tournament called “Southside Slam,” The purpose of the tournament was to Theld from March 16 to 21. raise awareness of “360” ministries in the Young people in the south Auckland community, and invite as many young people area organised their own teams of three to as possible to programs conducted by “360” five players and participated in “Southside and the Papatoetoe church. It is estimated 52 baptised Slam” events in Otara (March 16), Manure- that contact was made with around 4000 wa (March 17), Mangere (March 18) and young people through the streetball tourna- Papatoetoe (March 19). The winning team ments and final, as well as through the school in Vanuatu at each event progressed to the finals, held visits conducted during the week and “360 on the Saturday night at the TelstraClear Church” on the Friday night. Pacific Events Centre. The Chronicles— The idea of the streetball competition outreach one of the top streetball teams in the United (Continued on page 6) ISSN 0819-5633 editorial The building should serve the church, not the church the building. Church is a building ometimes when we repeat a true in the context of healthy church life should promising modern forms of the church are statement too many times, we begin have a sense of home. A church building is a not overly welcoming,” writes Nicole Stock, to forget the ways in which the state- sacred place primarily because sacred things “and the church has a hard and imposing ment might be untrue. One such happen there, as one of the key venues for glare. There’s more than a hint here of old Sstatement is this: “Church is not a build- the shared time and happenings of a com- style, God-fearing religion. [But], it must ing.” How many times have we heard it munity of faith and the regular worship of be said, the generosity of the congregation without pausing to think about what we God. And landmark events in the life of overrides any grimness of the building.” are saying? families and the broader church are also It sounds just a little like the description of Of course, it is true. Church is a com- often church based, including child dedi- what a church community should be about, munity of believers, a group of people who cations, baptisms, weddings and funerals. offered by the writer of Hebrews: “Let us share a common faith, and work together to This solid reality should be respected by think of ways to motivate one another to practice and share that faith in their wider members and non-members alike. acts of love and good works. And let us not community. But while we have a tradition of dedicat- neglect our meeting together, as some people But this truism is also untrue, because ing church buildings for their specific pur- do, but encourage one another, especially church is a building. If you were to ask a pose, we need to be careful when“guarding” now that the day of his return is drawing passer-by on a busy street of your town or the sacredness of these places, we do not near” (Hebrews 10:24, 25, NLT). suburb where you might be able to find the limit their sacred use by limiting their us- The writer does not urge a church build- local Seventh-day Adventist church, the ability. To host community events and use ing as part of this formula but in our time second most likely answer—sadly, after “I the church’s premises as a base in which, and and place, especially for existing and estab- don’t know”—would be to give you direc- from which, we can serve our community lished churches, we should not underesti- tions to a distant (usually) back street, where are also important, sacred uses of our church mate the role a church building can have an often-ageing building waits patiently for buildings. The building should serve the as a base for good works in the wider com- the next Sabbath morning. church, not the church the building. munity, and as a venue to meet together and A church building is a symbol of the We should be focused on using the encourage one another. To the extent that church’s presence in its community. It is a building—both its sacredness and practi- a church building contributes to these two public expression of the church’s mission cal possibilities—not on merely maintain- aspects of the church’s life and mission, we and ministry in this time and place. Of ing and preserving it, whether it be old or should value it and even celebrate it as a gift course, the people who comprise a church new. And it is in this way that the church from God and (often) from the generations do not necessarily need permanent or even that is “not a building”—the people who of faithful church members who have gone regular premises to function effectively as make up the church community—should before us. Perhaps then we can be less hesi- a church community—a faith community also define the building, rather than the tant to admit that, yes, my church is also a should not be dependent on real estate—but other way round. building—a solid, physical, practical and neither should we dismiss the opportunity Last April, an article in Architecture NZ sacred presence in our community. and resource that most established churches profiling the old building of the Mt Eden have in their church buildings. Adventist church in Auckland (NZ) pro- For church members, a church building vides a good example of this. “The uncom- Nathan Brown Official Paper of the South Editor Nathan Brown Mail: Signs Publishing Company Pacific Division Seventh-day Editorial assistant Adele Nash 3485 Warburton Highway Adventist Church Editorial assistant Jarrod Stackelroth Warburton, Vic 3799, Australia ABN 59 093 117 689 Copyeditor Talitha Simmons Phone: (03) 5965 6300 Fax: (03) 5966 9019 www.adventist Editorial secretary Kristel Rae Email Letters: [email protected] connect.org Layout Kym Jackson Email Newsfront: [email protected] Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Email Noticeboard: [email protected] Vol 114 No 14 Subscriptions: South Pacific Division mailed within Cover: Papatoetoe Australia and to New Zealand, $A43.80 $NZ73.00. Adventist Church www.record.net.au Other prices on application. Printed weekly. 2 April 18, 2009 news Children’s Ministries commences coaching MANUKAU, NEW ZEALAND training workshop for everyone once a and a sense of direction. The goal is to help year, I’ll meet with churches and work to churches grow, not just by providing generic he New Zealand Pacific Union determine what will suit them best in terms training but by getting in there with them Conference (NZPUC) has initiated of resources or further training,” she adds. and working out what they need. Once a a coaching program for individual “This way, it can be more tailor made than church has received the training, they can churches, aimed at improving their generic. The important thing is that we’re touch base with their coach throughout the Tability to connect with children in their con- making a connection with churches.” year. I may not do all the training but I can gregations through a stronger integration To date, two churches have had the point them toward people who can help of the resources provided by the Children’s sessions—Mosaic in Palmerston North them further, and get experts in to assist Ministries department. and Powerhouse in Wellington. Later in them if and when necessary.” Kylie Ward, director of Children’s Min- the year, a church in Auckland will host It is hoped the interaction between istries for NZPUC, says, “The idea is that a coaching session. Ms Ward will visit the churches and the Children’s Ministries often the way we do children’s ministry churches two to three times per year. Ms department will assist the department in is to make resources and throw them at Ward meets with the leadership teams of developing resources in the future. “It’s churches like confetti. We needed a bridge the churches to examine how children fit in, so easy to do things at the administrative to bring the resources to local churches from and how they are supported and included. level,” says Ms Ward, “But is it relevant and the conference.” “I can then make recommendations for meeting the needs of people in churches? Coaching commenced in February in the how they can make improvements, based If we spend time with them and work out North New Zealand Conference (NNZC). on a full understanding of their work,” what will help people the most, it’s benefi- “NNZC has been running a ‘building says Ms Ward. cial to both us and them.” healthy churches’ approach and working According to Ms Ward, the best way to Although the initiative is still in its early on targeting churches to help them become help children grow into adults with a posi- stages, it is hoped the coaching program what they need to be,” explains Ms Ward.