A Woman Discovers Africa-10 1 Indians Gain Future Hope in Fiji-12
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February 18, 1995 REC A Woman Discovers Africa-10 1 Indians Gain Future Hope in Fiji-12 200 Ministers Attend Bible Conference 11 Editor to the Leiters tives, we can only expect more status became the only one able to discern His Yo u ' r e quo. soon-coming death. aware by Third lesson: less than half of your So why do we inhibit the roles of now of the church (the males) probably don't women in our church? Is it Genesis avalanche of let- understand what the real issues are with 2:23? Despite precedence, Adam and ters that recently women or how important they (whatev- Eve were given equal dominion in Eden. hit Record berat- er they are) are to them. What about Genesis 3:16? Can this be ing the male- I don't. We men, we males, really extrapolated to include women's initia- dominated don't understand women. As Tim Allen, tive, creativity and energy? authorships of of TV's "Home Improvement" puts it in And what about 1 Timothy 2:11-14? the special Year of the Adventist Woman his top-selling book, "Women are not Thankfully, Adventist women in my issue (January 14). There's more today. the opposite sex, they're a whole other early life ignored a too-literal applica- This, and some of the other letters, sug- species." tion of these verses. As teachers, they gest our church is in for a bit of a bunfight The reason is better explained in nurtured me through the first 15 years of over issues relating to Adventist women other books. John Gray in Men Are my life. As an uncommitted youth in the during 1995. From Mars, Women Are from Venus, church, committed female teachers That's not entirely a bad thing. A few catalogues the differing needs of the taught me a lot about Christian attitude, well-aimed buns lobbed like week-old, sexes, their differing roads to fulfilment, if not a knowledge of the Bible. Deutche-brot mortar shells behind the their different "languages" and commu- I remember sitting in a psychology lines of Adventist tradition, culture and nication systems and the things that class where the topic under discussion practice might do our church a great deal empower them, among others. was Kohlberg's stages of moral develop- of good. The letters teach some lessons. After reading his book, I'm convinced ment. At the time, I recall, the sugges- The first is that making assumptions that it's not the redressing of numerical tion was made that, in general, women about the acceptability of something will inequalities that will really count. were unable to attain the upper levels get you into trouble. Why didn't we create Rather, it's the addressing of the dispari- (stages five and six) of moral develop- a more neutral and reader-acceptable ties between the sexes that will validate ment. This, went the argument, would 50/50 split? the concept of the Year of the Adventist render them incapable of operating in The second lesson is to avoid being Woman. situations where an acute and well- patronising—unintentionally or other- Christ set us an example in this. He developed sense of morality is required, wise. Men will always be men, for exam- took the initiative in bridging the gender for instance, a church hierarchy or min- ple, but in the vocabulary of some, gap despite the obvious gender istry. (Interestingly, research suggests women will only ever be "the girls." And inequities within His entourage. He was that only about one-quarter of the popu- whether you believe it or not, that's not well-balanced. He represented what lation, males included, ever reach the fair. some would call a "feminine" side with upper rungs of the hierarchy.) Some will argue that the dedication of His compassionate attitude toward the But true Christianity demands that we the year to Adventist women, the needy, women and children. operate beyond the hierarchy, some- appointment of a women's ministries The disciples (males, remember) were where outside it, where "agape [love] coordinator and establishing a women's generally insensitive. They seemed to acts of grace, without regard for merit" department is in itself patronising. That prefer politics, theology and finance. are evident, says Dr John Testerman. was the argument thrown at the Christ valued His relationships with The real challenge to our church— Australian Labor Party's decision to women and, unafraid of the criticisms corporate and individual, male and introduce quotas in its preselection pro- that He might encounter for doing so, female—is to be more accepting of each cesses. drew this disenfranchised group to Him. other, "in love preferring one another" They didn't wear the argument and It was through the depth of His relation- regardless of gender, culture, age or pre- neither should we. Without these initia- ship with Mary, for example, that she disposition. Lee Dunstan Manuscripts All copy for the Record should be sent to: The Editor, Record Signs Official Paper Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria Next Week: Seventh-day Adventist Church 3799. Manuscripts or computer disks will South Pacific Division be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Phone Editor Bruce Manners (059) 66 9111. Fax (059) 66 9019. The world-edition Assistant Editors Lee Dunstan, Subscriptions South Pacific Division, Karen Miller $A39.00 $NZ48.75. Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall All other regions, $A77.00 $NZ96.25. Adventist Review. Copy Editor Graeme Brown Air mail postage rates on application. Senior Consulting Editor Laurie F \ ass Order from Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Printed Cover Photo: A Walshe weekly by Signs Publishing Company. A.C.N. 000 003 930 Vol 11)0 No 6 2 RECORD February 18, 1995 TTERS Between 30 and 40 per cent of ple find it easy to memorise. It influ- Berto Makes a Point Avondale's graduates in accounting are ences our conduct, establishes confi- I felt sad when I read in Record about female, so that removes the lack-of-sup- dence in divine inspiration and God's baptisms in countries where people are ply argument. And it hasn't been many leading. persecuted and killed for their beliefs, years since female teachers in church Surely the time has come when our then see "Just a Coincidence" (January employ received equal pay, something church will return to the use of the KJV. 14). Why is it that we have so few bap- that occurred well after the state legis- The church was raised to herald the tisms here? May God open our eyes to lated equal pay. pure gospel to a world fragmented by our Laodicean condition. When I see that a sizeable proportion false theology and godless abandon- E Kutzschbach, Qld of church administrators is female, then ment. The KJV, better than any other, I'll know that its men really care for enables this. R K Timms, NNZ Mothers' High Calling equality and do not need a special office Since this year is to be something spe- to support women. Cut the politics. Internet Connect cial for Adventist women, I feel that it is Peter Rosenhain, NSW Readers with Internet access may be most appropriate that we re-examine interested in the addresses of the SDA God's Word in a most prayerful and It's worth noting that the conference educational institutions. The Andrews humble manner to see how we, as constituency votes into position confer- University gopher has a list of e-mail Adventist women, might glorify His ence secretary-treasurers, at session time. addresses and instructions for contact- name. Doing this has proved to be my The Trans-Australia Union Conference ing Adventist schools and organisations greatest joy. has a female secretary-treasurer. on Internet. The Adventist Network Let us mothers realise our high and Center at Andrews University also has holy work and let the equality that we Return to KJV three general-purpose subscription lists. seek be an equality in diversity. There was a time when we were Should anyone want help or informa- Abigail O'Neill encouraged to memorise doctrinal texts. tion regarding this, please contact me. They were from the King James My Internet address is Amazed Woman Version (KJV) Bible. By this means we [email protected]. While I appreciated the dedication of stored up Bible knowledge on the vari- Mark Davey, Qld a recent Record (January 14) to ous doctrines of the church. Adventist women, I was amazed and Unfortunately, with the proliferation of More information, supplied by Mark disappointed to find all four features Bible versions used in our churches, Davey, is available by writing to the written by senior males. If women were there has developed a lack of enthusi- Record. asked to write for it, did they refuse, or asm for the exercise. did males feel more capable? And Many feel there is something special Views expressed in Letters do not necessarily repre- thank you, Carol Ferch-Johnson, for and sacred about the KJV that merits sent those of the editors or the denomination. Letters should not exceed 250 words and should be mailed to your editorial. But how do we say yes to our reverence and respect. Its beauty of Record Editor, Signs Publishing Company, Warburton these "new possibilities"? expression and choice of utterance sets Victoria 3799. Writers must include their name, address I only hope we hear more from the it apart from other versions. Most peo- and telephone number. Letters received more than three weeks after the date of the issue carrying the article to women in our churches who are playing which they respond will normally not be printed.