CAPTAIN FLASHBACK A fanzine composed for the 403rd distribution of the Sleeping the Big Sleep: Turbo-Charged Party-Animal Amateur Press Raymond Chandler’s Hollywood Association, from the joint membership of Andy Hooper and Carrie Root, residing at 11032 30th Ave. Raymond Chandler’s 1939 novel The Big Sleep NE Seattle, WA 98125. E-mail Andy at is one of the most influential works of popular
[email protected], and you may reach Carrie at crime fiction of the 20th Century, a status which
[email protected]. This is a Drag Bunt Press is significantly enhanced by Howard Hawks’ Production, completed on 1/20/2020. 1946 film noir adaptation starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Chandler infused the CAPTAIN FLASHBACK is devoted to old tough-guy narrative conventions of pulp crime fanzines, monster movies, garage bands and other fiction with a kind of moral hypoxia, leaving the fascinating phenomena of the 20th Century. All better impulses of private detective Philip written material by Andy Hooper unless indicated. Marlowe and the characters which he encounters Contents of Issue #14: suffocating under the weight of secrets, Page 1: Sleeping the Big Sleep: addictions and crime. Although Marlowe Raymond Chandler’s Hollywood shrewdly fathoms the twists of the case, he fails Page 2: Comments on Turbo-Apa #402 to save his clients from scandal, and no one is Page 5: A Key to Interlineations in Issue #13 Page 15: Fanmail from some Flounder: Letters to CF brought to justice through his efforts. He ends up Page 16: Northwest by Northwest: WESTWIND vaguely envious of the dead and sees his own Page 17: I Remember Entropy Department: role as nothing more than part of the “nastiness” Three Articles by Andi Shechter: of life.