25 @ 25,90 400 @ 25,90
[email protected] 496 @25.80
[email protected] 477 @25.60 450 @
[email protected] 25,30 501 @25,39 428 @ 25.20 455 @25.20 463 @ 25.20 14th year no. 49 February 4, 1969 505 @25.10 540 @25,10 435 @25,10 435 @25.00 510 @ from his own feedlot each week; 24.90 497 @ legislation tcj 24.60 - Support state 540 @24,50 Farmers Union Plots providestate meat inspection 445 @23,50 in Kansas. 475 @23,10 Committee members attend- 460 @23,10 ing included: Don Woelhof, Mor- Statewide Tax Protest ganville, president, Clay county ; TOPEKA -The Farmers Un-on farms and homes. Farmers Union: Leonard Pan- 275 @ 17.60 ion legislative steering commit- He said the committee plansel., Parsons, president, Neosho 330 @ 17.55 tee in Kansas wants a statewideto bring at least 25,000 farmerscounty Farmers Union; Glen 0. 230 @ 17.10 tax -protest meeting in Topeka.and homeowners to Topeka Strnad, Cuba, president, Repub- 300 @ 16.60 The announcement was madesometime in February as taxlic county Farmers Union; Cy- 000 @ 16.30 by Philip J. Doyle, Beloit,fol- protestors. ril Habiger, Bavaria, president, 060 @ 16.30 lowing an all -day session. Doyle, a Mitchell county farm-Saline county Farmers Union; 890 @ 16.30 Donald Turnquist, Lindsborg, 050 @ 15.70 Doyle warned the Kansas leg-er and president of the county islature not to under -estimate Farmers Union, is a former Re-s ice -president, McPherson coun- 130 @ 15.10 'Only SoldOne" ty Farmers Union; Lyon and 710 @ 14.60 one," said Dwight Beeson ofClifton the depth of resentment and publican state representative.