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CONTENTS • Nondestructive Assay Measurements Can Be Traceable—Carleton D. Bingham, H. Thomas Yolken, William P. Reed, 32-35. NUCLEAR • On the Variance of a Product with Application to Uranium Estimation—V.W. Lowe, M.S. Water- MATERIALS man, 36-41. MANAGEMENT • Safeguards Perspectives an Expression of In- dustry's Responsibilities and Views —R L. Vol. V, No. II Dickeman, 42-46. Summer 1976 • Proposed Real-Time Data Processing System to Control Source and Special Nuclear Material (SS) at Mound Laboratory—M. Baston, E.A. DeVer.T.C. Bishop, 47-53. • Rounding Errors in Weighing—J.L. Jaech, 54-57. • Transmission Measurement Correction for Self- Attenuation in Gamma-Ray Assays of Special Nuclear Materials—J.L. Parker, T.D, Reilly, 58- 67. JOURNAL OF THE 18th Annual Meeting, Institute of Nuclear Materials INSTITUTE OF Management, Inc. Washington, D.C., June 28-30, NUCLEAR 1977. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT EDITORIAL INMM Officers RoyG.Cardwell Chairman C. Robert Keepin Vice Chairman What Really Counts! Vincent J. DeVito Dr. Higinbotham Secreatary Robert U. Curl Teasurer Executive Committee John L. Jaech By W.A. Higinbotham Ralph J. Jones The annual meeting, in Seattle, was outstanding in every way, as John Ladesich others will explain on neighboring pages. The INMM meeting has become Gary F. Molen THE meeting for formal and informal exchange of information on safe- Armand R. Soucy guards for professionals in the USA and, to some extent, for international exchanges. Staff of the Journal There has been some improvement in the Journal, too, though not to Tom Gerdis the extent that it could and should have been improved.
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