An Introduction to Corporate Insolvency Law
University of Plymouth PEARL The Plymouth Law & Criminal Justice Review The Plymouth Law & Criminal Justice Review, Volume 08 - 2016 2016 An Introduction to Corporate Insolvency Law Anderson, Hamish Anderson, H. (2016) 'An Introduction to Corporate Insolvency Law',Plymouth Law and Criminal Justice Review, 8, pp. 16-47. Available at: The Plymouth Law & Criminal Justice Review University of Plymouth All content in PEARL is protected by copyright law. Author manuscripts are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author. Plymouth Law and Criminal Justice Review (2016) 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO CORPORATE INSOLVENCY LAW Hamish Anderson1 Abstract English law provides three forms of insolvency proceeding for companies: liquidation, administration and company voluntary arrangements. This paper begins by examining the nature and purpose of insolvency law, the concepts of insolvency and insolvency proceedings, how insolvency practice is regulated and the role of the court. It then considers the sources of the law before describing the distinguishing characteristics of liquidation, administration and company voluntary arrangements. Finally, it deals with the sanctions for malpractice, transaction avoidance and cross-border insolvency. Keywords: insolvency, liquidation, administration, company voluntary arrangement, office- holder, wrongful trading, fraudulent trading, director disqualification, transaction avoidance Introduction This paper is a high level introduction to corporate insolvency law for students of company law.
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