Got blood? Inside this edition: Roll up sleeves, beat WKU Student making new tradition, page 2 and help neighbors Nov. 15-18 Dance Theatre leaps, bounds, page 3 See for details Giving peace felt a chance, page 8 Breaking new ground, page 7 a publication for the Middle Tennessee State University community • Nov. 15, 2010 • Vol. 19/No. 10 Chasing the sun across Tennessee His successful journey ended Ricketts and his about 2 a.m. Nov. 2, when he returned to the ag education shop road crew make that houses the alternative fuel vehi- cles he and his students use for research. history with trip “My whole passion is sun and water,” says Ricketts, who has had a career of alternative-fuel high-water by Randy Weiler marks. “I believe accomplishing this
[email protected] feat will have the following implica- tions—a cleaner environment hen it comes to alternative because of clean tailpipe emissions fuels, Dr. Cliff Ricketts con- from the vehicle, energy self- W siders himself a modern- sufficiency and renewability, less day Davy Crockett—“a frontiersman dependency on foreign oil and less with energy” who says he’s “blazed a of a trade imbalance because of the trail with ethanol, blazed a trail with purchase of foreign oil.” hydrogen and Ricketts says he firmly believes blazed a trail with he could make the one-day drive sun and water.” from near Blacksburg, Va., to Little On Nov. 1, Rock, Ark., about one-fourth the dis- ROAD CREW—Hydrogen and computer timing expert Jo Borck, left, joins MTSU stu- Ricketts, a 34-year tance across the United States, with dents Robert Keeble, Derek Pack and Nick Booher and alumnus Terry Young of agriscience profes- only one refueling stopover at Woodbury with the 1994 Toyota Tercel that made an historic Bristol-to-West Memphis, sor at MTSU, blazed MTSU.