Music Department Urges Alums to 'Donate a Year' Voices

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Music Department Urges Alums to 'Donate a Year' Voices the Gazette STUDENT VOICE OF LANGSTON UNIVERSITY VOL. 76, NO. 9 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 2014 Upcoming Dates & Events Physical therapy students LU Founder's Day receive their white coats 11 a.m.,Thursday, March 13, I.W. Young Auditorium Women's Softball Noon, 2 p.m., Saturday, March 15, Langston Softball Field Women's History Month Events See schedule of events on Page 4 NAACP Meeting 6 p.m., Wednesday, March 12, Allied Health Room 111 Courtesy Photo Students in the School of Physical Therapy receive their white coats at the annual ceremony Feb . 28 . Also Inside Music department urges alums to 'Donate a Year' Voices . p 2 By Lauren D. Smith by reaching out to LU alumni and For example, a person who was Staff Writer asking them to "Donate a Year." a freshman in 1995 would donate "We always show pride in our $19.95. News . p 3-6 The Langston University Depart- freshman year, why not donate back This tax deduction will help to en- ment of Music began sought to make to our university," said Larry Birden, sure that returning students have an a difference for returning and current director of bands and instructor of opportunity to complete their degree music students in November 2013. music. and continue the legacy of one of Local, National They are seeking support to raise "We are challenging Langston stu- LU’s most notable traditions. News . p 7 $10,000 before May 2014. dents, especially band and choir stu- "I think it is a very good idea, but Like many LU students, current dents, to donate funds based on their the alumni must be willing to help," choir and band members have trou- freshman year at LU," Birden said. said Brandon Stevenson, senior mu- ble paying their university financial "Donating a Year" means that if a sic education major. Sports . p 8 bills, which hinder them from return- person was a freshman in 2005, they "The best support comes from the ing to school. The Department of Mu- could pledge to donate the dollar sic has decided to put this to an end amount of that first year, $20.05. see FUNDRAISER, page 3 2 The Gazette | March 12, 2014 Voices The Gazette is produced Faculty, Staff and Students! within the Department of Communication at Langston University. It serves as a teaching tool and public relations vehicle. The newspaper is published bi- Want to express YOUR opinion? monthly and is dispersed across campus every other Wednesday, except during examinations, holidays and extended school breaks. Adviser/Manager Nicole Turner Assistant Editor Venesha Reed Submit guest columns and opinions Photographer Jonathan McGill to this publication Staff Writers Ricky Edwards at DeNeeka Hill Jerrod Mitchell Lauren Smith Nehemiah Taylor Talibb Woods Contributing Writer Charles Granger Question of the Week The Gazette Office Langston University Hwy. 33 What does Women's History Month mean to you? Sanford Hall, Room 318 Ph. 405-466-3245 Send story ideas, comments and calendar events to Opinions expressed in LU Voices are those of the writers whose name appear with the articles. Letters to the editor should be emailed to "I encourage all men "It's about the "I was raised by a "Women's history to cherish the word celebration of single mother who means pondering on Please include your name of a woman because accomplishments not only provided for past history of women and telephone number. they came from a women fought for." two men, but gave us and what they did for The newspaper retains the man. They didn't the insight of a male's us and open doors for right to edit, accept and/ come from behind Cornelius Cotes, perspective and a us, not only politi- or reject items deemed a man, but from the sophomore criminal female's perspective." cally, but nationally, to be contrary to the best side of a man." justice major beauty wise and just interest of the publication, Charles Tucker, uplifting women." Langston University Anisa Wicker, junior broadcast and/or any of its junior nursing major journalism major Ja'Nore Scott, governing bodies. sophomore criminal justice major Compiled By DeNeeka Hill News March 12, 2014 | The Gazette 3 Alum shares 'process' of success By Charles Granger can you help change some- on to endure today, think Contributing Writer body’s company or organi- about the end." zation?" He then did a class survey Excell LaFayette, corpo- LaFayette then talked to of what success meant to rate retail executive and the students about how im- the students and informed Langston University alum- portant it is to always look them of a key detail. nus, visited LU on Feb. 26, and act presentable. "Success doesn’t come to give broadcast journal- "You are always inter- overnight; it’s a process," ism majors advice on how viewing and being judged. LaFayette said. to work in the profession. Even on your worst days, Following LaFayette’s The seminar took place in you are being judged, so speech, the students were the Allied Health Building, it is important to always allowed to ask and receive where LaFayette addressed be presentable," LaFayette some one-on-one time with topics including critical said. him to discuss goals and job thinking and success. He said when you get into opportunities. LaFayette started the sem- the field, you will have to "I thought it was really inar speaking to the stu- start out somewhere, but cool to have someone from dents about the importance you don’t have to stay there. our major who accom- of self-value. "Your path is what you plished so much, to come "What value do you bring are trying to build, and it’s back and share all that wis- to the table?" he asked. "Do a process," he said. "You al- dom to us, was great," said you bring skill set, technol- ways have to think with the Ricky X. Edwards, senior ogy, education, and how end in mind, so as you go broadcast journalism major. FUNDRAISER from page 1 people who have been through what we are going through," Stevenson said. Since the Department of Music started this fundraiser, it has attracted attention of fellow LU band and choir members wanting to help young individuals continue their education. Alumni Marc Flemon, future vice president of Student Affairs, along with many oth- ers have made their pledge to "Donate a Year." The Department of Music is accepting donations until May 2014. All donations are helpful and may be sent to: The Langston University Foundation P.O. Box 725 Excell Langston, OK 73050 Please specify either choir or band with a donation. For more information about this LaFayette, fundraiser, contact Birden at 466-3418 or Bonita Franklin, acting chairwoman and as- sistant professor of music at 466-2936. Langston University alumnus LU is Tom Joyner Foundation's 'School of the Month' Letter from LU President The Tom Joyner Founda- University has the honor in Tulsa at 1050 AM. You Joyner School of the Month tion was founded in 1998 of being the School of the can also listen to the Tom Committee will be reach- Faculty, Staff, Students with a mission to keep Month for April 2014. Joyner Show online. ing out to faculty, staff, and Alumni: students enrolled in His- The Tom Joyner Founda- Our goal for this cam- students and alumni for torically Black Colleges & tion, in conjunction with paign is $50,000, which their assistance in reach- I am pleased to announce Universities (HBCUs). the nationally syndicated will be used to fund stu- ing our goal. that Langston University The Foundation part- "Tom Joyner Morning dent scholarships. One Your support of this ini- has been selected as the ners with HBCUs around Radio Show," will assist hundred percent of funds tiative is greatly appreci- Tom Joyner Foundation's the nation to raise funding Langston University in a raised through this initia- ated. We are very excited "School of the Month" for and awareness in an effort national fundraising ef- tive will be retained by for this opportunity to of- April 2014. to maintain and increase fort for our students dur- Langston University. fer greater scholarship as- This is the third occasion enrollment at historically ing the month of April and Vonnie Ware Roberts, di- sistance to our students. in which Langston Univer- black institutions. throughout the year. rector of Alumni Affairs at sity has worked with the Each month, the Tom Listeners can tune into Langston University, has Sincerely, Tom Joyner Foundation to Joyner Foundation choos- the "Tom Joyner Morning agreed to once again chair raise scholarship funds for es one HBCU as its fea- Show" in the Oklahoma this scholarship drive. Kent J. Smith Jr., Ph.D. our students. tured school. Langston City Metro at 92.1 FM, and Roberts and the Tom President 4 The Gazette | March 12, 2014 News Langston University Choir set to begin tour in Detroit By Jerrod Mitchell early childhood develop- Staff Writer ment major and LU Choir We really want to member. “ Langston University Music is known as the do our best, Choir members are pre- universal language of paring for spring break mankind and LU Choir musically, and tour. members are hoping that The tour will head to language inspires listen- display LU talent. Detroit, MI. Bonita Frank- ers. ” lin, choir director, has se- "We really want to do lected 16 choir members our best, musically, and — Dedrien to go on the road and per- display LU talent," said Blackwell, THE PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAM form.
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