Natural Areas Inventory: Town of Fort Erie’S Settlement Areas Ecological Consulting Services I Volume 2 - FINAL DRAFT - March 2003

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Natural Areas Inventory: Town of Fort Erie’S Settlement Areas Ecological Consulting Services I Volume 2 - FINAL DRAFT - March 2003 NNAATTUURRAALL AARREEAASS IINNVVEENNTTOORRYY:: TToowwnn ooff FFoorrtt EErriiee’’ss SSeettttlleemmeenntt AArreeaass ((VVoolluummee 22 ooff 22,, AAppppeennddiicceess)) MMaarrcchh 22000033 FFIINNAALL DDRRAAFFTT Prepared for: Prepared by: Town of Fort Erie Dougan & Associates Community Planning & Development Services Ecological Consulting Services Table of Contents – Volume 2 Appendix A: Ecological Criteria for Designating Significant Natural Areas in other Ontario Municipalities ........ 1 Appendix B1: Comprehensive List of plant species on record for the Town of Fort Erie Settlement Areas.......... 4 Appendix B2: Legend for plant species on record for the Town of Fort Erie Settlement Areas .......................... 25 Appendix C: Fort Erie Significant Wildlife Species List (breeders and residents only) ....................................... 28 Appendix D: Detailed methodology for development of a significant bird species list ...................................... 36 Appendix E: List of Significant Wildlife Habitat that may be present in the Town of Fort Erie.......................... 45 Appendix F: Bird observations made in the Town of Fort Erie between March 2002 and March 2003 and reported to the ‘ONTBIRDS’ listserv or WNY Dial-a-Bird hotline...................................................................... 47 Appendix G: Niagara River Corridor Important Bird Area (IBA) Site Summary .................................................. 49 Appendix H: Wildlife species known to occur in the Town of Fort Erie study area – select sources .................. 52 Appendix I: Natural Area Site Summaries......................................................................................................... 58 Dougan & Associates Natural Areas Inventory: Town of Fort Erie’s Settlement Areas Ecological Consulting Services i Volume 2 - FINAL DRAFT - March 2003 Appendix A: Ecological Criteria for Designating Significant Natural Areas in other Ontario Municipalities Criteria Jurisdictions: (*=Key Criterion; S = Supporting or Secondary Criteria; N=Considered But Not Used ) No. H-N1 H-W2 M3 W4 C5 H6 O-C7 TRC8 TM9 NE10 1 Important Ecological Function (the biophysical characteristics of the area serve an important ecological function, including supporting wildlife concentrations, linkage or corridor * * * * functions, or refuge functions i.e. large (>100 ha), undisturbed areas) 2 Important Hydrological Function (the biophysical characteristics of the area serve and important hydrological function; maintaining hydrological balance, natural water storage, * * * * * * * discharge or recharge area. These are often listed as separate criteria). (local or regional groundwater recharge, discharge and areas that contribute to maintaining groundwater and surface water quality for Halton Region) (includes erosion control, sedimentation in O-C) 3 Significant Species (rare, threatened, endangered; provincially significant or VTE species; nationally, provincially or regionally significant; provides habitat for species * * * * * * * * * * considered significant in the Region, Province or Country) Prov. Prov. (areas that support regionally rare or significant plant species were classified as Natural Sites by City of Mississauga) signif. signif. (regionally rare species is a Secondary criterion for Halton Region) or VTE or VTE (terrestrial and aquatic species) only only 4 Significant Communities (associations of species of plants and/or animals which are rare or poorly represented on a national, provincial or regional basis). * * (forests that represent uncommon vegetation associations were designated as a Natural Sites by City of Mississauga) * * * * * * (exceptional and/or of high quality and/or diversity) (high number of native plant communities in the context of the Region) 5 Significant Landforms and Soils / Significant Earth Science Feature (unique or poorly represented as above; including landforms which have a high potential for supporting important biotic features). * * * * * * * * * (areas that include natural landscape features, watercourses, unusual landscape features were designated as “Natural Sites” by City of Mississauga) (representative earth science features and/or processes for Halton Region) 6 Absence of Disturbance (the site remains close to its original state due to lack of human disturbance; the site is not adjacent to areas which might compromise its quality) * * * * * (City of Cambridge designates as little or no stress, balanced seral stage?) 7 Diversity (a high degree of natural diversity of biotic and abiotic features is found in close proximity on the site; applied at the species or community level; * * * * * * * * * relative to the areas’ size; including physical diversity such as varied surface topography, landform or soil types, and biological diversity including spec. spec. aquatic, wetland and terrestrial systems, and areas encompassing several distinct plant community classes; high degree of diversity due to varied rich. rich. topography, microclimates, soils, and/or drainage regimes) (relatively high plant and/or animal species richness for the Region) 8 Linkage (areas are connected to other important natural areas through woodlots or river valleys which may, in turn, facilitate gene flow; wildlife movement; * * * * * * corridors; terrestrial or aquatic) (provides connection or acts as a buffer to other natural areas for City of Cambridge) 9 Representativeness (the area is locally important and contains a good representation of the expected fauna, flora, communities, soils and landforms for the region) * S * * * * Dougan & Associates Natural Areas Inventory: Town of Fort Erie’s Settlement Areas Ecological Consulting Services 1 Volume 2 - FINAL DRAFT - March 2003 Criteria Jurisdictions: (*=Key Criterion; S = Supporting or Secondary Criteria; N=Considered But Not Used ) No. H-N1 H-W2 M3 W4 C5 H6 O-C7 TRC8 TM9 NE10 10 Size (the area is large enough so that its significant biotic features can maintain themselves indefinitely and are less prone to disturbance or * * * * * extinction; affords habitat to species intolerant of human intrusion) >20 ha 11 Habitat for Seasonal Wildlife Concentrations (including fish habitat/spawing areas, winter deer yards, waterfowl nesting or staging habitat, hibernacula, denning sites etc.) * * 12 Migratory Stop-over (the area is a significant stop-over for large numbers of wildlife on migration) * * 13 Educational or Scientific Value (the area is presently or could potentially be developed for environmental educational or scientific uses) N S * S 14 Aesthetic or Historical Value (the area contains natural landscapes – landforms, plant communities, wildlife features – which are considered of aesthetic, archeaological, historical N S * S or cultural significance) 15 ANSIs, ESAs, PSWs and other areas designated for outstanding ecological features. * * * R,P ANSI 16 Areas with a floristic index of > 40 * (if FQI 25-39.99, designated as a Natural Site by City of Mississauga) 17 Areas with a mean floristic coefficient > 4.5 * (if coefficient of 3.5 to 4.49, designated as a Natural Site by City of Mississauga) 18 Woodlands > 10 ha * (if >2 ha but <10 ha, were designated as a Natural Site by City of Mississauga) 19 Woodlands with the potential to provide interior conditions * * (ie. No dimension of the woodland is <700 m; 2300 ft for City of Mississauga) 20 Woodlands that support old growth trees (>100 years old) * (forest composed of locally uncommon canopy species were designated as a Natural Site by City of Mississauga) 21 Percentage of Natural Forest Cover * (within landform unit and township, O-C) 22 Wetlands, regardless of rank * * >2 ha >10 ha >2 ha within city limits Dougan & Associates Natural Areas Inventory: Town of Fort Erie’s Settlement Areas Ecological Consulting Services 2 Volume 2 - FINAL DRAFT - March 2003 Criteria Jurisdictions: (*=Key Criterion; S = Supporting or Secondary Criteria; N=Considered But Not Used ) No. H-N1 H-W2 M3 W4 C5 H6 O-C7 TRC8 TM9 NE10 23 Identified by the Province as a Locally Significant Wetland * 24 Designated river valleys * 25 Critical, Remnant or Uncommon Habitats (uncommon or remnants of once extensive habitats such as old growth forest, forest interior habitat, Carolinian forest, prairie-savanna, bogs, fens, * * * * * * * marl meadows, cold water streams) (an area with limited representation in the region, province or country, ans/or a small remnant of a particular habitat that has virtually disappeared within the region) **essentially overlaps with Significant Communities? 26 Limited Resiliency * (such that further disturbance may compromise existing ecosystem integrity) 1 Gartshore, M.E., Sutherland, D.A., McCracken, J.D. 1987. Final Report of the Natural Areas inventory of the Regional Municipality of Halimand-Norfolk 1985-86. (Site must satisfy two or more of the selection criteria to be classified as a “Significant Natural Area”; alternatively, an area could be classified as a “Significant Site” if the Significant Species criterion was satisfied in an outstanding way, or if the site provided critical habitat for aggregations of species that are not necessarily considered rare, ex. a heron rookery). 2Heagy, A., Hattie, B. 1995. Hamilton-Wentworth Natural Areas Inventory Summary Report. (Site must fulfill three or more of the criteria to be considered a “Significant Natural Area”. Areas which fulfilled one or two criteria were called Significant Sites). 3Geomatics International Inc. 1996. City of Mississauga Natural Areas Inventory. (Area needs
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