Action Plans for the Control of Air Pollution in 15 Non-Attainment Cities
AACCTTIIOONN PPLLAANNSS FFOORR TTHHEE CCOONNTTRROOLL OOFF AAIIRR PPOOLLLLUUTTIIOONN IINN 1155 NNOONN--AATTTTAAIINNMMEENNTT CCIITTIIEESS OOFF UUTTTTAARR PPRRAADDEESSHH (LUCKNOW, KANPUR, AGRA, PRAYAGRAJ, VARANASI, GHAZIABAD, NOIDA, KHURZA, FIROZABAD, ANPARA, GAJRAULA, JHANSI, MORADABAD, RAEBARELI AND BAREILLY )) UUTTTTAARR PPRRAADDEESSHH PPOOLLLLUUTTIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL BBOOAARRDD TTVV--1122VV,, VVIIBBHHUUTTII KKHHAANNDD,, GGOOMMTTII NNAAGGAARR,, LLUUCCKKNNOOWW--222266002211 INDEX S.No. DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 Preface 1 2 Salient Features of the Hon'ble NGT Order 1 for preparation & Implementation of Action Plan: 3 Action Plans Implantation and approval 02 4 Salient Features of the action Plans 03 5 Responsibilities of Departments/Agencies 05 6 Monitoring and Evaluation of Action Plans 06 7 Levels Of Air Pollution and effect on human 06 health 8 National Ambient Air Quality Standards 07 9 Pollution levels/AQI can be obtained from 09 10 Ambient Air Quality of 15 Non-Attainment 10 Cities of U.P 11 Hon'ble NGT Order OA No-681 of 2018 Annex-1 12 Constitution of Air Quality Monitoring Annex-2 Committee. 13 Action Plans for 15 Non Attainment Cities Annex -3 14 Approval of Action Plan by CPCB, Delhi Annex -4 15 National Ambient Air Quality Standards Annex-5 1. Preface: Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi, on the basis of values of Particulate Matter (PM10-Particle Matter Size less than 10 micron) in ambient air has identified 15 cities of Uttar Pradesh as Non-attainment cities: 1. Lucknow 2. Kanpur 3. Agra, 4. Prayagraj 5. Varanasi, 6. Ghaziabad, 7. Noida, 8. Khurza, 9. Firozabad 10. Anpara 11. Gajraula 12. Jhansi 13. Moradabad 14. Raebareli and 15. Bareilly 2. Salient Features of the Hon'ble NGT Order for preparation & Implementation of Action Plans: Hon'ble National Green Tribunal (NGT) in O.A.No.681/2018 in News item published in "The Times of India" authored by Shri Vishwa Mohan Titled "NCAP with multiple timelines to clear air in 102 cities to be released around August 15 has given certain directions.
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