Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication Roadmap J.D. Meier, Alex Mackman, Michael Dunner, and Srinath Vasireddy Microsoft Corporation November 2002 Applies to: Microsoft® .NET Framework version 1.0 ASP.NET Enterprise Services Web services .NET Remoting ADO.NET Visual Studio® .NET SQL™ Server Windows® 2000 Summary: This guide presents a practical, scenario driven approach to designing and building secure ASP.NET applications for Windows 2000 and version 1.0 of the .NET Framework. It focuses on the key elements of authentication, authorization, and secure communication within and across the tiers of distributed .NET Web applications. (This roadmap: 6 printed pages; the entire guide: 608 printed pages) Download Download Building Secure ASP.NET Applications in .pdf format. (1.67 MB, 608 printed pages) Contents What This Guide Is About Part I, Security Models Part II, Application Scenarios Part III, Securing the Tiers Part IV, Reference Who Should Read This Guide? What You Must Know Feedback and Support Collaborators Recommendations and sample code in the guide were built and tested using Visual Studio .NET Version 1.0 and validated on servers running Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 3, .NET Framework SP 2, and SQL Server 2000 SP 2. What This Guide Is About This guide focuses on: • Authentication (to identify the clients of your application) • Authorization (to provide access controls for those clients) • Secure communication (to ensure that messages remain private and are not altered by unauthorized parties) Why authentication, authorization, and secure communication? Security is a broad topic.
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