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'l^lie STAR until December 1st, for 2S cent##


JOHN A. 8TANLEY, PROPRIETOR. Devoted Particlaiiy to the Upbuilding of Hot Springs and Fall River County. BLACK HILL8 COUNTRY.


Mrs. W. P. Phillips visited with Col. Thornby was in tbe city Monday The Catholicon Title O. K. Mrs. H. Willoughby is recovering TRAVELLERS' GUIDE Mrs. W. E. Benedict at Herinosa, over and Tuesday. At last the title to tbe Catbolicon from quite a sick spell. F. E. ft M. V. R. R. CITY HEWS. Sunday. Thieves are becoming too numerous property has been cleared by the U. S. Oil and Gasoline at Pargo's. BLACK IIIM.8 PASSENGER. court, and Orlando Ferguson's deed to Leaves Hot Springs 8:4B a. nf Items Gleaned From , the Reporter's James Rogers is down from Her- (or comfort. Arrives " " 9:15 p. m mosa taking Mr. Adams' compound it is valid and worth lots of money. Geo. William Curtis died in NeW CHICAGO EXPRESS. Note Book. Bous--To Mr. and Mrs. 11. Vaughn, York on the 30th, Leaves Hot Springs ... 7:3Ap. m. oxygen treatment for lung trophic. There has been a cloud to the title for Arrives " " 5:hr ' . m. on August .iO, 18W2, a daughter. some time, but it. did not take Judge a Hon. Sol Star was one of Dead wood's Go to W. I. Colvert for window Freight leaves at 10:00a.m. Henry Pike, of the STAR fon.-p, is (}uy Hradley now sports a brand Edgerton long to come to the conclu­ " arrives at 1:80 p. n, prominent men who passed a rainy spending the week with his parents ;it glass. new wheel, which arrived yesterday. sion that somebody had been trying to * ^ A. D. WOOD, Local Agent. , Sabbath here. Grand Island, taking in (he (i. A. R. bamboozle Mr. Ferguson out of'his Landlord Martin intends having a Mrs. W. B. Dudley and sister visited encampment. J. E. Kellev. the independent nomi- valuable property, and be hurriedly fine hotel down on Catholicon addition.' . nee for congress, is announced to speak B. & M. is. R. with their parents out north of town Otto Strom purchased a lot on Lin­ settled all disputes, roasted the de­ Try Diamond S. Baking Powder. East, departs 5:40p. ni i in this city on September iltli. West. ;• 7'flOa.m. on Wednesday. coln avenue of W. L. Jndkins tl.c fm-e fendant's attorney, and decided it in hMt, arrives favor of the rightful owner, Mr. Hot, Springs is now truly "in the Judge Edgerton, U. S. Attorney W. art of the week, and will at ow-e A. W. M ago wan. brother of W. J., west " V:00p. m. Ferguson. The congratulates swim." B. Sterling, Deputy Attorney Howard, Cuild a residence. arrived last Monday from Iowa, and STAR H. T. CATLIX, Local Agent.. will remain in the employ of bis him. and Clerk C. E. Mellette, were in the Miss Mary Moore, of Tecumseh, Nice fre.sli canned goods at Caughey brother in the Hour and feed business. & Clark's. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. city over Sunday. Neb., after a pleasant visit, of a few- Not so Troublesome for Awhile. Mrs. (i. A. Lancaster departed Tues­ CITY. Editor Harris, of the Hatchet, de­ weeks with her brothers, E. J. and Last Monday a colored man giving Xancy Hanks trotted a mile at Inde­ Mayor—J. B. Dickover. puted last Monday evening to attend Homer, departed for borne Tuesday day evening for David City, Neb., for bis name as Lewis lioss, better known pendence in 2:05^. Cimncilnion—Kirel ward, Henry Martv, Ceorrt evening. a visit, with an uncle and family. She by the fitting cognomen of "Trouble­ A. Turner: Second ward, A. S. Stewart, ii. K. the democratic state convention at HOMK-MADE BIIKAD and gilt-edge Connor; Third ward, 11. D. Jennings, Joseph Chamberlain the 1st. will probably bo absent two or three some," made frequent calls at Chase's Vincent. Little Stewart Stanley, son of Will, months. "where they sell cheap." Finally Dan butter at C. D. Bailey's. tf Attorney—Chambers Kcllar. got something in his thi-jat while play­ Auditor—J. (\ Dickover. Walt Knowlton has gone to Chicago Tillotson missed a shirt from the dis­ A sidewalk is being built from the Treasurer—Kdmnnd Petty. to bay his winter stock of goods. ing in the yard Wednesday, and came Monlton Honk, of Toledo, Ohio, Marshal—Charles Itoo. nephew of H. Z. Eaton, was in the city play shelf in front of the store and Catholicon hotel to the little depot. Police Judge—M. L. Kanable. it- From there he will go toStukely,Can., very near choking in death. There upon searching for "Troublesome" for a brief visit with his parents. was much anxiety about, the house­ for a few days the fore part of the J. A. Clark, headquarters for finest . . COUNTY. week, looking after his interests here. found that he had the shirt and a bat Auditor—J. N. Moore. hold for a while, but the little fellow which he had taken from inside the sausage of all kinds. Treasurer—James Krndlev. The president of the Ladies Colum­ Mr. Monk makes frequent visits to the Sheriff—Selli Uifford. finally swallowed whatever the sub­ .-tore. He was "cnged" for the niglit, See that new stock of Clothing, Boots bian association desires that, all stance was and is all right ugiiiti. Springs, and is always welcomed by Clerk of Court—W. L. •ludkins. members of the society meet at the many friends that l.e has here. and next day when brought before and Shoes at Fargo's. Register of Deeds-C. K. banxer. .ludge Kanable ho plead guilty to petty Stnte-H Attornev—8. E. Wilsoii. opera house neit Monday afternoon at Miss Delia Spaulding departed for In Franco "One of tbe Forty" refers Superintendent, of Schools—L. 1). Brooke. 3 o'clock. her home, at Ionia. Mich., oil Tuesday A young man named Harrison larceny, and was fined §10 and fifteen Surveyor—W. I). Jones. , Kane, who has been sick at the days in jail. He has no money, and to the members of the academy, while Asreseor—A. Montgomery. evening, after a month's v sit wilh lier here at Ibe Springs it refers to one of County Judge—1,. S. Cull' Another ring was found in the friend, Mrs. J. A. Stanley. Shi; was Avenue house for several weeks, died will therefore linger in jail for twenty Coroner—K. Callahan. Sunday by Win. Hueber. It he candidates for sheriff. CoinniiBsioners-A. A. Powell, chairman, J. II.- greatly pleased with Hot Springs, and last. Satnula v- morniug, of consumption. days. Whlto. •?. S. MootUe. its all bow many rings are lost there, the —never having Hi: came here from the west hoping to Dickover's Railway Time Kegintei'. Fon SAI.F..—A good riding pony; kind and it is surprising too that so many witnessed such gorgeous scenery as she receive Mime benefit, but, was too far and well broken for either riding or Secret Societies. are found. This tine piece of inventive skill and A. F. & A. M.—Harmony Lodpe No. 110, meets found in the Hills. Sim will come gone. His father arrived the day be­ ingenuity, of which much has hereto- driving. Inquire at, the STAU office. cm Friday oveninjr 01; or before full moon each fore he died. A, D. Steward, the Black Hills again. l'or elieen said, is now on exhibition at Mrs. A. D. Hoot, and daughter Clara, month. Vtaiting brethren from abroad are most manager of the lumber yards for Hulst. cordially invited to attend. James M. Butler has now linen in The Modern Woodmen of American Fargo-Dickover bbek. in regular size mother and sister of W. W., came up _ __ _ „ W.E. ADAMS, W.M. & Price, spent several days in the city, «T. Il.KooMEt?, Secretary. Hot Springs long enough to IVei that will complete their organization at and style. In will be placed on trial from Crete, Neb., last, Saturday for a returning to Deadwood Monday, which he cannot leave, and lias therefore de­ F.irgo IMckover hall on Saturday at the i-'lkhorn depot in this city some brief visit. They wiil return" home K. of I..—Minnokabta No. S85t, meets even- place he now makes his home. Monday niubt at Karyo-Dk-kover hall. All visit- cided to engage in the real estate anil evening. Sept. 10th, when a11 who lime during the coming week, when Sunday. inti brothers invited. A. L. PIUCE, its merits will be fully tested. That it M. FLAXKOAS, M. \\\ Recording Sec* The little two years old daughter of loan business. He iviil have tins oiiice expect, to become charter members Cookies and crackers are fresh and '.s a success has already been proven, M. T. Holmes, the tailor, fell upon the formerly occupied L-y Connor IMN:-., on .-•hould he present. Deputy Head line at Caughey &• Clark's. A.O, r. W.—Minnehahta Lodge No, 5TI mentis floor while playing about the house River avenue. \\ e are pleasi-d to hut, Mr. Dickover says he desires t.o oa«'b alternate Thursday night at Fargo-Dickover Co.i-ul llenniiitr wi:l be present to con­ hall. All visiting brothers invited. last Saturday and broke its leg at tlie know that Mr. Butler lias decided to duct the initiatory exercises. per>on.iMy give it a. tliirroiigh trial, Cleveland and his supporters are in JAS. COOFSR. M \V. knee. It was a very strange accident, emain with us. and as there are numerous prominent a "peck" of trouble, since the report, of t\ E. KOK, Recorder. and a painful one for the child. Dr. 15. A. Wade, L. S. Ellsworth and railroad men frequently coming to Labor Commissioner Peck, of New- I. O. O. F.—Hot Spring* lodge No. llsi meets' Mrs. 0. J. Noble and daughter, who W. A. Wheeler, went up to Kapid City ihis place, they may also witness its York. every Wednesday night, at Fargo-Dickover ball. It rained all day Sunday, making it have been sojourning in the city for Tuesday to meet, with the Chapter of Visiting brothers cordially invited. workings. Descriptions of this excel­ Order a tailor made suit from those J. G. litcucu, N. G. unpleasant for people to get out of the past few months, departed for that, city Tuesday evening and procure A. I). MCKAY, Sccrctarv. lent. piece of mechanism have appeared new spring samples at Fargo's. They doors, and as a consequence the dedi­ their home in Minneapolis, on Tues­ its con.-ent for a dispensation for the in the STAU. but it, will repay anyone will save von $10.00 sure. REHECKAII.—Naomi Lodso No 14, meets itrst catory services of the Baptist church day evening. During their stay here, organization of a Chapter at. this to go and see it. and third Saturday nights of each month at Fargo which was for Mrs. Noble's lieaitlt, Dickover hall. All visiting brothers and sisters were slimly attended, much to the dis­ place. The new organization will All persons interested in Chauf.au- they nave made many friends who Cnttiolicon I mpiMVense ii t s. invited. MKS. F. D. HUMMEL, N, appointment of all concerned. Rev. start, out. here with a membership of jiia work and the organization of a Mits. \\\ L. «TUI>KINS, Sec. hope for their return another year. Tbe new proprietors of the Catholi- Shanafelt preached an able discourse. thirty-live. circle are requested to meet, at the col­ Mrs. Noble has been much benefitted con Springs have had sevenii meetings K. of P.—Minnokahtn bulge No 3*1. ineots every lege chapel next Wednesday evening Tuesday night at FHrgo-Dickovor hall. Visiting The ground has been broken and by the baths. The goods of tin* Panic store, lately recently. At their mce:ii.tr Monday brothers cordially invited. the lot graded for the new Congrega­ conducted bv Jerry Horrigan. were evening the following oiiicers wore at. 8 o'clock. »T. R. DcKorisit. C. C. White Brothers had a hot so stolen >\. 11. JSTANT.KY, C. of Ii. and S. church, on the corner of Jen­ sold at auction on Monday and Tues­ cho-en, to hold until Hi" regular an­ tional the latter part of last week, and the Remember J. A. Clark handles the nings avenue and Eighth street, and day to satisfy three chattel mortgages nual meeting for election of ofli.-ors in thief fitted the animal out with a sad­ very best steak in the market. intention to push work upon held by the First Xa'ional Hr.nk of January: C. A. larvis, president: 0. ftT fRflCTIO HSOF HOT SPRIliGS it is the dle from Chris Jensen's stable. Not building as rapidly as possible. this city, the Black Hills Mercantile Ferguson, vice-president: M. A. East­ The STAU got. "full" before we real­ the wishing to ride a free horse to death, PJ.UNOK HATH—One of the finest natutoriinus Judging from the plans the edifice Co.. of IJapiJ Oily and .loachin Abies. man. secretary: band and six children to mourn her Senator Schofield was in the cit.y on since he Judge S. P. Davidson, (irand there will be much activity about the OHKYB.NNE FALLS- Nine miles south. These evening for Chicago, enjoying many death. Mrs. Mo.ire was a sister of Saturday last, looking after his fences are the most powerful and handsome falls in the Worshipful master of A. F. & A. M. of place from now until it is adorned that, have been so seriously shattered west, to which it is a most delightful drive and pleasant memories of his western Mrs. Orlando Feivuson. of this city. whore picnicers will Hud handsome proves and Neb., departed for home, Tecumseh, She was buried at Edgemont Sundav. with such buildings as have long been by the candidacy of Col. Thornby. sojourn. desired. good tlsliing. last Monday evening. Himself and WIND CAVE—This most woliderfnl cave Is lo­ H. A. Wertz was engaged at work family have been in the habit of It's getting along toward autumn Black Hills Conference. Jeweler Blakeslee has the finest cated nine miles north of the city. Tallv-ho line of Hot Springs souvenir spoons i coaches make regular tripx. No one should* fail oat at Klin Creek stone quarry spending their summers out at Manitou weather, and the STAI: people begin to The following appointments w>re to visit the cave, as it surpasses anything of the last week and was accidentally knocked and other IJockv Mountain resorts, but. realize that some wood will be needed made for the ensuing year at the M. you ever saw—the falls and plunge kind ever discovered. off theembankment and fell a distance since his visit here has cnm-liulrd to to keep things properly warmed up. E. conference which was held at Custer bath. BATTLE MOUNTAIN—Just east of the city; 4640 of about twelve feet, striking upon bis hereafter brinir his family to this place Therefore we desire fo inform sub­ feet above the sea level. Good road leads to its last, week: Central and Terraville. Cul. Clough is down from Deadwood summit, from which with a good glass oue mav hands. His left arm was nearly to spend the summer, lie thinks Hot scribers that they have the privilege of Win;*' Sliambaugh; Preston. W. R obtain an excellent view of the entire Black llilfs broken, and he is taking a lay off, Springs is far ahead of any other paying up their subscription, and as for a few days' rest and recuperation. and the Bad Lands—a Hue morning's walk and a Peters; Custer City. C. W. Tracy; He is a great, believer in the virtues of good appetizer. going down into Sioux county. Neb., western resort, and as the opinion of many years in advance as thev choose. Deadwood. E. E. Clongh: Herinosa. J. Soi.DiKtts HOME—A state institution, located In to look after some land which he owns, our hot waters. the western portion of the city. Capt. C. V. such distinguished men of trav 1 has a Hut remember we need lots of wood. F. Tutty; Hill Citv, A. 15. Wintmore; Lucas, commander. great deal of influence we highly prize Hot Springs..!. W. D. Anderson: Hot OST—On the road between Hot Rev. Campbell, of Wlutewood, Rev. The gang of touglis that lias lately L MINNKKAHTA OPERA IlotTSE— Announcements his exalted opinion of our pretty resort. Springs Circuit,. II. L. Robinson: Lead Springs and Cascade, the fore-end of for this place will be found regularly in another Cheeseman of Spearfish, and Rev been disgracing the city wi'li their column when there isanything on the boards. City. II. A. James: Mmnesela, W. P>. an Ithaca gun. Finder will please Lewtas, of Oelrichs, spent Tuesday in drunken brawls, should be given to BLACK HILLS COLLEGE—HIS five courses of The stone work upon the Phillips- Atwater: Nashvillp, J. M ({ardner: the city, on their return from the con­ Boomer block is entirely completed, understand very distinctly that unless leave same at First National Bank of study—classical, scientific, philosophical, literary Oelrichs and Cascade, J. Lutas: Pied­ Hot Springs and receive reward. and music. A thorough preparation for the col­ ference. The latter gentleman, bow- and tbe roof is being rapidly put on. they can become ijtiiet, peaceable citi­ lege is also provided for by an academic coarse mont, W. O. Glasmer: Rapid City, 0. ever, was here against bis desires, for zens they must, quit the town, or else of two years aud by a preparatory courseof one It will not be long before the store M. <• oswell: Spearfish. A. J. Ciieseman: Mrs. T. McLeFresh returned to her year. In connection with the college there iff be .had intended going on east with bis rooms will be ready for occupancy. be placed where they can not con­ also a business department in which instruction t-turgis, (ieorge 0. Ulmer; Sundance. home at Sturgis last Tuesday, greatly 11 wife Monday evening, but missed the Mr. Phillips has superintended the stantly disturb the peace and quiet, of is given in bookkeeping and in stenography and M. Nichols: Sundance Circuit,, to be benefitted of her rheumatism after a typewriting. Tuition is moderate ana all depart* Elbhorn train. He left Tuesday night construction of this block in a manner our fair young resort. Respectable ments are open to both sexes. J, W. Hancher. supplied: Whiiewood. 0. E. Campbell; series of baths. and will soon be crossing the Atlantic that would lead one to think that, he people can not afford to allow profes­ president. J. B.Carnes. Supt. Black Hills Mission: for a visit with relatives in old Eng­ had made that a business for years, sional toughs full sway. Photographer McBride, of Dead- THROUGH THE HILLS—Besides other attractions 5 J. W. Hancher, president: A. 1\. Mav- not here alluded to, one of the rarest treats for land. and he now has a magnificent nionu- wood, was in the city Tuesday secur­ nard and E. E. Lymer, professors in visitors is a trip through the Hills. You can ment in this block which fittingly dis- . Harrv M. Hanson,, who was at. one ing some views of some of the charms make it in a day and view the most beautiful Charles E. Mays, secretary of the scenery to be fouud anywhere. Take the B. & M. plays his energy and public spirited- , no. '.r the Lead (aty Herald, Black Hills college, and members of about, the city. He has an elegant as­ Rushville Agricultural and Trotting Hut Springs quarterly conference. line at ? a. m. to Deadwood; from there via. ness. All that the STAU observes has been in the city for several days sortment of Black Hills views. motor line to Lead Ciiy and visit the great Home- Association, and J. K. Woblfo-d, procuring data for bis forthcoming stake mills, thence via. the narrow guage line to cashier of the Citizens' bank, of that lacking now about the block, is the In Police Court. Piedmont, where close connections are made name "Phillips-Roomer." which should illustrated book, entitled." The Black With chief of Police Hoe and his able KIN DERG A RTEN SCHOOL. with tbe south-bound Klkborn line, by which one place, were in the city last Saturday Hills, their history and resources." can arrive at Hot Springs at 0:20 in the evening. patting up some attractive posters for be prominently engraved upon the assistants True Parsons and Wslph I will open a school for instruction If any one makes this trip on a nice day the STAR front. It. will contain about. (500 pages, and will guarantee an interesting time and one not their association, which holds its first Skinner, looking after the good order in kindergarten on September 12, at soon forgotten. will be the only complete history the of the city the drunks and disorderlies annual meeting on October 4, 5, 6 G. A. Springer, who owns a vain Black Hills has ever bad written. Mr. Pierce's residence, on Jenning's There may also be named the Giant Welle, Ob­ and 7. The railroad will sell tickets may expcct to be nabbed, On Monday avenue. ROSA HUDSPETH. servatory Point, Highland Park, stone quarries, able tract of land up hot brook, known |Judging from a prospectus of the work night True Parsons picked up a fellow, stucco works ana the delightful drives. at reduced rates, and these gentlemen as tbe Buchanan place, arrived in the ; we believe it will be excellent,. Hot, who gave his name as John Willey, FOR SALE. say they feel assured of a large at­ city the fore part, of the week from j Springs will receive a fair share of Jast received another carload of tendance from the Hills. for being dunk and disorderly. He Confectionery and Frait Store. Chicago. His health hasn't been the i attention. plead guilty next day before Judge that elegant brand of flour thtt we The honorable gentlemen who came best during the past year, lmt he is | S.,L.h lms M canifi fmn) Ivanable, who committed him to seven The undersigned, wishing to engage are having such a big run upon. ' in other business, offers for sale his down from Deadwood to pass the now looking quite bale and hearty, I „ ce|.tain ,|nt.st iona!,le place in the city days in the lock-up. Charley Roe has Give us your orders. Sabbath at our delightful resort were and he says he feels ever so n.uch bet-1 WcdnesdaV night, are becoming alti­ tbe fellow out working upon the streets stock and fixtures. . , CAUGHEY & CLARK. doubtless much disappointed at not ter whenever he w here. Mr. Springer | thB|. too freqiM,nt< ani, t,he place during the day, so that he will probably J. A. RYMEB. has in contemplation tbe cons ruction . , ' ,. 1 „ BLHKK. WILLIAMS & Co. Brokers and being able to stroll about the city, on shon d be looked aftp It w t earn bis keeping. He recently came general insurance agents. Dealers in of a lake upon burplace above the city. Il)e man who ins ,,P(,n maki One Fare account of the constant rainfall during here from the Gap. and is suspected of Real Estate and Securities. Full charger m the day. But they had a good op­ and he would doubtless begin upon ,t; at fllH pla,„ in qiMsstioil. r,0£nded being rather a tough character. On To Washington, D.C.and Baltimore, now but for the fact that h.s attention .. » ^ ase in a lieastlv taken of property, rents collected, loans portunity for viewing the interior of itbe latlv the ho the same evening a couple of gamblers, Md. and return. For the annual en­ negotiated, and prompt attention is pretty well occupied in Chicago.; ,a„ner and then took up his bed (to- campment. Grand Army of tbe Re­ tbe finest hotel west of Chicago, and n Win Laslibaugh and Harrv Bridge, given to all business entrusted tor us. in this there was pleasure enough for where he is preparing for aiding m g0tber w.th her monev. she says) and got into a dispute, the latter shooting public, at Washington, D. C., Sept. 20, one day. They will come again, reaping the World s P air harvest. \ et. walkpcL The town "110(lds a general at the former, but the gun was thrown and for tbe annual reunion, Dupont Delicious biscuit are made with the however, and as our "wet spells" are be will have a nice lake there after an(1 ,|10l.01)!;ll „)n0vating-sort of a out of range by Laslibaugh. and his Naval Veteran Association, at Balti­ Diamond S. Baking Bowder. S. C. few and far between the.v may be as- awhile, and as the surroundings are fa]1 house-cleaning time. life thereby saved. Then a scuffle for more, Md., Sept. 15th to 19th, the Fargo & Son. pleasant, it. will bo it delightful place i sured of a good day for sight seeing. life ensued, both men making a des­ Elkhorn will sell round trip tickets If you would like to see an elegant to visit. He was showing a party of! On Wednesday afternoon last Pres- perate struggle to secure the revolver. Sept.. 11th to 18th, at one fare for display of fresh fish and vegetables M. H. Christie and wife, who have gentlemen over his place yesterday.: ident Hancher right royalv enter- Ralph Skinner was promptly on band round trip good returning until Oct. you should drop in at the Pioneer meat been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. pointing out the many attractions tained his visiting brother Bishop II. c and joined in the meiee to procure the 12th, and good for everybody. market. Bob has them neatly arrang­ Moore for a few weeks, departed for thereabouts, and while he was just be-; W. Warren, of Denver, together with revolver and separate the men. With A. D. WOOD, Agt. their home, Tecumseh, Neb., on Tues- ed in the windows and can eupply all , coming eloquent over the excellence of the following ministers, at The Evans: assistance tbe men were finally demands. | day evening. Mr. Christie and his tbe many springs upon his place, he Professors Lviner, and Maynard, with separated, the gun taken awav, and Excursion Rates wife were perfectly delighted with suddenly dropped into more of a their wives; ' Rev. Sbanafe'lt and wife, Bridge arrested. The next day the two To Custer City, S. D. until Oct. 2nd Try the celebrated Diamond 8. Bak­ tbe Springs, and enjoyed their "spring-er" than he intended—taking of Huron: Rev. Anderson, and wife; men met and smoothed over their dif­ 1692. The Bnrlington Route will sell ing Powder. Satisfaction guaranteed visit here hugely. They promise an- a genuine plunge into about three feet Rev. Robinson, of Hot Springs circuit ferences and Lashbaugh did not enter round trip tickets to Custer at one or money refunded. S. C. Fargo& Son< other visit here next season. Mr. of water and mud. His companions and wife; Rev. Cooper: Rev. Sbepard. complaint of assault wit.b intent to fare, $2 05. Tickets on sale Saturdavs Chopped Peed. Christie is a member of tbe republican f aided him in ringing outut his clothing of Superior, Neb , and Rev. Warren of kill, as was expected he would. There­ and Sundays limited for return to tbe Or chopped prices on feed at Hukt state central committee of Nebraska, j and drying it in the bright sunshine, Hot Springs. These gentlemen pro- fore the only punishment possible was Tuesday following date of sale. This mad is a bright young gentleman, mak-. after which he walked to the city nounca the repast, a most delicious one. & Price's: oats, $1.20; c6rn, 90 cents? * a fine for being drunk and disorderly, is a good opportunity for every one to bran, 80 cent&; chop, $1.00; wheat i>g many friends during his brief greatly refreshed and feeling richer by and proclaim President Hancher a and Judge Kanable imposed a fine of see the finest scenery in tbe Black sojoarn here. [one spring—into which he sprung. *| king as an entertainer. screenings, 80 ceqtfi; bay per bale, 50 $10 and costs which was promptly paid. Hills. ii. T. CATLI.V, Agt. cents. ,,tr HuLST^Pncv.