Ordination Booklet.Pdf
Sincere Thanks to all who have contributed to today’s ordination programme. To the Aide de Camp to the President, Mrs Mary McAleese, Colonel Mick McMahon, an Taoiseach, Mr. Brian Cowen and Mrs Cowen, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Michael Martin and Mrs. Martin. Bishop Trevor and Mrs. Williams, Bishop of Limerick and Killaloe; Rev Brian Griffin, Methodist District Superintendant of the Midlands and Southern Region of the Methodist Church and representatives of other Christian Churches who by their presence honour me and the people of the Diocese of Killaloe. To public representatives at Local, National and European level; Public Officials, Officials of Voluntary bodies who have attended here this afternoon. To the representative of the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Leanza, Rev. Juan Antonio Cruz Serrano, His Eminence Cardinal Sean Brady, Archbishop of Armagh, Archbishop Clifford, Archbishop of Cashel, Archbishop Martin, Archbishop of Dublin and Archbishop Neary, Archbishop of Tuam, and all Bishops here today. A Céad míle fáilte and thanks to Archbishop Felix Alaba Job, Archbishop of Ibadan and President of the Nigerian Episcopal Conference; Archbishop Lewis Ziegler, Coadjutor Archbishop of Monrovia, Liberia and also Bishops Alfred and Gabriel from Nigeria. To the members of the Society of African Missions, in particular to the Superior General, Fr. Jean-Marie Guillaume, to all who have travelled here from Europe, Africa, India, the Philippines and United States. To Fr. Fachtna O’Driscoll, Provincial Leader and members of the Irish Province; Sr. Mary Crowley, Provincial Leader of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostle and to the members of other Missionary Institutes both male and female, a sincere thank you.
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