Conference Paper TRANSMUTATION OF AMERICIUM AND CURIUM IN A LANTHANIDE MATRIX COMPANY WIDE CW-123700-CONF-018 Revision 0 Prepared by Rédigé par Hyland Bronwyn Reviewed by Vérifié par Edwards Geoffrey W R Approved by Approuvé par Hyland Bronwyn 2012/07/04 2012/07/04 UNRESTRICTED ILLIMITÉ Atomic Energy of Énergie Atomique du Canada Limited Canada Limitée Chalk River, Ontario Chalk River (Ontario) Canada K0J 1J0 Canada K0J 1J0 Proceedings of Global 2011 Nagoya, Japan, December 11-15, 2011 UNRESTRICTED CW-123700-CONF-018 Transmutation of Americium and Curium in a Lanthanide Matrix B. HYLAND1, E.D COLLINS2, R. J. ELLIS2, G. DEL CUL2 and M. MAGILL1 1Chalk River Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Canada, K0J 1J0 Tel: +1(613)584-9243 ex. 44707 , Fax: +1(613)584-8198 , Email:
[email protected] 2Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. Abstract – With world stockpiles of used nuclear fuel increasing, the long-term remediation of used fuel is a growing concern. Many of the transuranic (TRU) actinides in nuclear spent fuel produce decay heat for long durations, resulting in significant nuclear waste management challenges. Partitioning and transmutation of the spent fuel is one possibility to deal with the long-lived transuranic actinides. It is desirable to develop a partitioning and transmutation scheme that is as straightforward as possible for both the reprocessing step and the transmutation in reactor. This study looks at a reprocessing scheme that is simplified to keep the americium, curium and lanthanides together in one recycle stream. These actinides can be transmuted to fissionable isotopes and then to shorter-lived fission products in a CANDU reactor.