When travelling in towards Tauranga City from Rotorua it is the first glimpse that travelers get of the iconic landmark Mauao and the Tauranga Harbour, providing an unmistakable sense of arrival into the District. Although this view is still largely open, it has already been compromised in places by trees growing on the adjacent property. Further land use activities on the property will need to be strategically located to avoid further disruption to the view. View Nine: View towards the Waihi Beach township, ocean and Mayor Island from Waihi Beach Road travelling east (Maps A03 and U03). This view is experienced while driving down Waihi Beach Road towards the township and offers views over the township, ocean and out toward Mayor Island. It begins shortly after the intersection at Fergus Road where the road is elevated above the surrounding landscape and lasts approximately 200m before the road lowers and views become limited. It acts as a memorable entry point into Waihi Beach. While the view is uninterrupted at present, there is a risk that the planting of vegetation on the road boundary in particular could partially or fully obstruct the view in the future. 11 August 2012 Appendix 2 – Schedule of Identified Outstanding Landscape Features 7 BR IDGM AN L ANE ) H T R O N I T Legend A K I T A High Restriction K ( 2 H Medium Restriction S Contour - 2m interval Aerial Photography - December 2005 to March 2006 Produced using ArcMap by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council GIS Team. Email:
[email protected] Scale A4 - 1:3,000 Crown copyright reserved.