Please return completed letters/forms in this pack to the Form Tutor on your first day in school To be returned For information Safer Cycling Letter Year 7 Tutor Staff Language Survey BYOD Induction Information Sheet Professional Skills Audit BYOD Sandringham discount code Transport to School E-learning rules and responsibilities Music Tuition Letter Pupil Premium Letter Home School Partnership Behaviour Policy St Marys Lunch Club Fo$S Year 7 Sausage Sizzle Student Services Newsletter Headteacher: Alan Gray, M.Sc., F.R.S.A. Deputy Headteacher: Caroline Creaby, BA, M.Ed., Ed.D., F.R.S.A. Deputy Headteacher: Fergal Moane, B.Sc. (Hons), M.A. Deputy Headteacher: Mark Nicholls, BA (Hons) The Ridgeway St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 9NX t: 01727 799560 June 2020
[email protected] Dear Parent/Carer, Safer Cycling to School At Sandringham we are keen to promote our School Travel Plan and part of this plan is to help as many students as possible to either walk or cycle to and from school. We currently have 2 cycle shelters where bikes can be left in a safe and secure environment. If you would like your son/daughter to cycle to school, there are certain conditions we would like you to be aware of: • Students should be competent cyclists and obey the Highway Code. • Cycles should be in good, roadworthy condition. • Cyclists must dismount at school gates and walk whilst on the premises. • Cycle shelters are locked during the school day – a key can be obtained from student services should a student arrive late or need to leave early.