1935 1935 LJUBLJANA– ST R O P H E : A L I E N PERSPECTIVES 1936 1937 ŠUM Journal for Contemporary Art Criticism and Theory Special issue No. 14 ISSUE TITLE Ljubljanastrophe: Alien Perspectives Made in Ljubljana, UNESCO City of Literature. Published in conjunction with Šum #13: Shanghai Frequencies. PUBLISHED BY Društvo Galerija Boks Marije Hvaličeve 14, 1000 Ljubljana CO-PUBLISHER Beletrina Academic Press ISSUE EDITORS Marko Bauer, Andrej Tomažin ISSUE CONCEPT AND INTRO Marko Bauer AUTHORS Edmund Berger, Kazimir Kolar, Primož Krašovec, Vincent Le, Thomas Moynihan, Simon Sellars, Šiša ISSUE EDITORIAL BOARD Marko Bauer, Tjaša Pogačar, Andrej Škufca, Andrej Tomažin ŠUM EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE OUTSIDE Edmund Berger, Amy Ireland, Reza Negarestani, Luciana Parisi, Peter Watts ART DIRECTION AND ISSUE DESIGN Jaka Neon ARTWORK BY Blaž Miklavčič (2 0 4 9) TRANSLATION Michael C. Jumic (2 0 4 9) PROOFREADING Miha Šuštar, Michael C. Jumic (A singular case) PRINTED BY Demat, d.o.o. CIRCULATION: 600 COPIES MARCH 2020 ISSN OF THE PRINTED ISSUE: 2335-4232 ISSN OF THE ONLINE ISSUE: 2536-2194
[email protected] · http://sumrevija.si 1938 1939 Catastrophe is the past coming apart. Anastrophe is the future coming together. Sadie Plant & Nick Land Ljubljana is the most beautiful city in the world. Zoran Janković, mayor of Ljubljana 1940 1941 ŠUM #14 MARKO BAUER IN– TRO What do we talk about when we talk about Ljubljana being the most prophecy, a mighty hyperstition, to which one could add subattributes beautiful city in the world? Surely something like it being a museum like “city-state”, “state enterprise” etc.