Published Bi-1-Peekly by THE NATIONAL AMFRICANISM COMMISSION The American Legion 700 North Pennsylvania Stred Indianapolis, Indiana

VOL. NO . II I, NO. 10 Subscription rate $3.00 per year SPECIAL EDITION - May 10, 1954 "SALT OF THE EARTH''

Legionnaires must be on guard against one of the most vicious propaganda films ever distributed in the . The film "Salt of the Earth" has been banned by the Detriot Police Department because it was held that it would ''incite to riot." It has been reported that the film has been booked in the following cities: Chicago, Illinois, ' May 11, 1954; Denver, Colorado, May 11, 1954; Los Angeles, California, :May 11, 1954; Silver City, Nevada, May 11, 1954.

The screen play of "Salt of the Earth" was written by whose re­ cord is as follows:

Wilson appeared before the HUAC on September 20, 1951 and refused to affirm or deny Communist Party membership. (See Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Ac­ tivities for the year 1952, IIDAC, 1952, paf,e 56.)

Identified as a Communist by three witnesses appearing before the HUAC in 1953. ( See Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for 1953, IBJAC, 1954, page 53.)


Herbert J.Biberman, who directed the production of "Salt of the Earth," was identified as a Communist by six witnesses before the House Un-American Activities Com­ mittee in 1953; by four witnesses in 1952 and by seven witnesses in 1951. (See Annual Report of the Connnittee on Un-American Activities for the year 1953, HUAC, 1954, page 30.)

Paul Jarrico, the producer of "Salt of the Barth," appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee on .April 13, 1951, and refused to affirm or deny Communist Party membership. Jarrico has been identified as a Communist in sworn testimony before the HUAC by seven witnesses in 1951, three witnesses in 1952 and one witness in 1953. (See Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the year 1953, IIDAC, 1954, page 39.)

The film was produced by the Independent Productions Corporation in cooperation with the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers.

Simon M. Lazarus, who has been identified as the owner of Independent Productiohs Corporation, appeared before the House Committee on Un-American Activities on March 26, 1953, and refused to affirm or deny Commun ist Party membership. (See Investigation of Communist Activities In the Los Angeles Area, Pa.rt 2 , IIDAC, 1953, page 482.)