CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3 CHEK Exercise Coach

Jo offers a multidimensional approach to health, fitness and wellbeing, combining her skills as a CHEK Exercise Coach and Holistic Lifestyle Coach with her own wisdom and truth that has evolved over a decade of searching for health, empowerment and inner peace. Visit her website at

A Bit about !

Who said Chocolate wasn’t good for you?! Well most chocolate isn’t because of the heating process used in all commercial destroyed any of its nutritional benefits. There is also the misconception that chocolate is made primarily from dairy!

Only Organic brands such as Loving Earth offer a totally raw unprocessed and unheated , that is dairy and additive free until NOW that is! This recipe will take you to chocolate heaven! But first I’ll tell you about a few raw facts and the benefits of organic raw cocoa beans:

• Raw cocoa has the highest antioxidant value of all the natural foods in the world! • Cornell University food scientists discovered that cocoa powder has nearly twice the antioxidants of red wine, and up to three times the antioxidants found in green tea. • Cocoa beans contain phenylethylamine (PEA), an antidepressant that stimulates the body's adrenaline and dopamine levels for a dose of happy feelings. It also has anti-aging and anti- inflammatory properties. • Cocoa beans also contain Flavanoids which help make blood platelets less likely to stick together and cause blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. • Cocoa is a good source of the minerals magnesium, sulphur, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, and manganese; plus some of the B Vitamins.

Recipe for Organic Raw Chocolate

Makes at least 24 pieces

Ingredients 1 cups of 1 tbsp of black strap molasses (optional) 1 cups of coconut oil 1 1/2 cups cocoa powder ¼ -1/2 cup of honey Crushed organic nuts (optional) (note: have a little taste of the honey and see Pinch of Himalayan salt crystals how bitter or sweet you like it, adjusting the amount accordingly)

Method • Combine butter, oil, honey and molasses in blender until smooth. • Gradually add cocoa powder until you have a smooth thick coating consistency. • If adding nuts fold them in • Transfer to glass dish and set in fridge minimum of an hr.

Variations • Add coconut flour or almond or hazelnut meal for a thicker consistency that can then be rolled into chocolate balls. • Roll balls in desiccated coconut. • Grown-ups can add a dash (or 2) of their favorite liqueur (did someone say rum & raisin?) • Dried organic goji berries, blueberries or dates mixed in add little bursts of sweetness. • For a mocha twist add some crushed coffee beans or slowly drizzle in a shot of espresso while blending. • Substitute all or part of the raw cocoa with carob powder for a free treat. • PS. For best results I recommend you store your chocolate in the fridge.