Your ref: Government of Western Australia 08/2569, 09/5380-02 Department of Environment and Conservation Our ref: CPS 818/5 Enquiries: Chloe Sykes Phone: 9219 8744 Fax: 9219 8701 Email:
[email protected] Mr Shane Collins Environmental Officer Metropolitan Region Main Roads Western Australia PO Box 6202 EAST PERTH WA 6892 • Dear Mr Collins CPS 818/5 - OFFSET PROPOSAL - INDIAN OCEAN DRIVE OVERTAKING LANES, NORTH OF YANCHEP - AMENDEMENT I refer to your letter dated 18 January 2011, in relation to the Main Roads Western Australia's (MRWA) offset proposal "Indian Ocean Drive (M045) - Road Construction of Northbound and Southbound Overtaking Lanes between 6.3 and 9.2 SLK" (version 2, dated 19 November 2010). The offset proposal was approved by the Department of Environment and Conservation's (DEC) CEO on 30 November 2010 in accordance with conditions 5(a)(ii), 9(c) and Part V of cleahng permit CPS 818/5. The approved offset proposal sought to offset the proposed clearing of 1.023 hectares of native vegetation through the revegetation of 1.91 hectares in two disused roads (an old military road {UCL} and Clover Road {Gnangara-Moore River State Forest}) and a disused gravel pit within Gnangara-Moore River State Forest and a research plot within Yanchep National Park. MRWA is seeking an amended approval letter to change the current requirement for monitoring to occur monthly from September 2011 to August 2014 to monthly monitoring from September-November 2011, March-May 2012 and September-November 2012 only, followed by six-monthly monitoring, with annual reports submitted to DEC in August each year.