Calgary City 1991 Sept Ca to Cg

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Calgary City 1991 Sept Ca to Cg 112 BUSINESS BROKERAGE NETWORK Buster Brown Children's Shoe Shoppe Butler Chris Ibll 69GlamisDrSW 242-3572 300 840 6AvSW 262-1550 6MidnaporeMaII 254-1559 Butler Clifford G 2635 34AvNW 282-6443 B Buser—Butlin Sunridge MaD 280-1111 Butler D 289-4924 Fax Line 269-4196 Business Cards Tomorrow Butler D 44FaltonCrtNE 280-7014 Buser Edward L 3045 29aStSE 272-8657 4722 14StNE 291-4477 BUSTER'S TOWING & Butler D 140MBriseaoseSW 254-1308 Buser Jack W Lwr622McKinnonDtl« ... 276-3114 Butler D E 6913UvingstoneOrSW 240-2366 BUSINESS CONNEXIONS- see Busetto John 427 6aStNE 265-8125 RECOVERY Butler D E RR4 295-1341 Busetto Joseph 407 iiStNE 264-5220 TeSnfomatlc Inc Butler D M 204 329 19AvSW 244-7895 Busetto Joseph 407 liStNE 265-2960 Business Consulting Group SERVICE 287-1200 Butler D M 3717 40StSW 242-7608 Bustong L & C 203 4225 26Avl« 293-6972 Shop Line 243-3449 Butler Darren 5 9209 l9Stsw 238-1167 Kevin N Hall C M C Acctng Oft 3924MandiesterRdSE 243-0289 Bush A C 27LakeLucefneCteeSE 271-2874 301 lllOCentreStN 299-1717 Butler Dave G C 301 823 5StNE 277-6087 Bush A M 31 448StrattK:onaDrSW 240-3830 Business Directories International Impound Lot Only 268-5977 Butler Don 121 3219 56StNE 280-4973 Fax 243-0487 Bush Bruce 808 124AvSW 281-9386 107 5621 llStNE 295-9200 Butler Donald V loil l7StNE 277-0938 Bush C Dana 1816 16StNW 282-3975 Business Exchange The Storage 287-1201 Butler E Bsmtl431 23AvNW 289-8526 Bush C M 915 22AvNW 289-4845 405 1333 8StSW 229-2266 Bustin Gary A J S948BowCrNW 286-6225 Butler E J 23Bea(jpreCrNW 288-5596 Bush Chane 5008BrockingtonRdNW .... 282-0450 BUSINESS FLIGHTS Bustin J M 306 915 13AvSW 244-3234 Butler E Kary BoxlSite29RR4 274-9274 Bush Chane 5008BrockingtanRdNW .... 282-4286 Butler Enterprises 712WiardRdSE 271-9277 1441AviationPt(NE 275-7700 Buswell Cyril 0 212HuntingtonClaseNE . 274-3994 Bush Clive 6132BowCiNW 286-3196 Butler F Dale 712WllardRdSE 271-7870 Fax Line 275-7767 Buswell K 10 139Pine)iilRdNE 293-6596 Bush Dale eoiOTroSngeiSUC 275-4196 Buswell Stanley D 605 47StSE 272-0904 Butler F L 65 7aStNE 266-4232 Bush Don 228-1813 Busy "B" Cleaners I9l9c4stsw 228-6401 Butler Fred 701 11620ElbowDrSW 238-4392 Bush E W Gene 824AvcnieaPlaceSE ... 255-6704 BUSINESS FORMS Busy Bea's Party Catering Butler G F 107Wood9lenPtaceSW 281-1852 Bush Ernest E 808 124AveSW 281-0408 BayT1338 36AvNE 250-3099 Butler G F Lawyr Bush F G 305 612 58AvSW 252-3283 WEST LTD Busy-Beavers Cleaner Service 274-6321 6Flrl0201SouthportRdSW 255-2636 Bush Frank 5lAppletreeCrSE 273-1376 4520ManilaRdSE 243-0022 Busy Bee Food Fair & Delicacies No 2 Butler G R 4631MarcombeRdNE 272-1245 Butler Garry 283-6456 Bush G a L 1627b22AvSW 229-9653 BUSINESS IN CALGARY 705 5AvSW 262-7377 Bush J 1407 505 4AvSW 263-5091 Busy Bee Moving & Storage (1991) Butler Gary MnFlr3228 30StSW 240-9743 Bush J W 3 1003 40AvNW 289-0872 301 1501 IStSW 299-0340 Ltd 248-7595 Butler Gary Brian 216 34AvNW 276-3295 Bush Jack SSSanderiiigRisefW 275-4570 Business Information Syndicate Ltd BUSY BRIGITTE'S BURGER BUS 236-5635 Butler H M 203 28AvNW 277-5934 101 718 12AvSW 265-0439 Bush James H 246-4564 Buszko T 243-6139 Butler Harold H J 269-5397 Bush Jeffrey A 1617 39Stsw 686-0091 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT But Edward 123DeerpathCrtSE 278-2916 Butler Howard J 103 1907 llStSW .. 245-2708 BUSH LEAGUE 4X4 SERVICE LTD SERVICES 251-1532 But Joe 64WhitmlreRdNE 285-5126 Butler J 258-0320 Butler J Boxl6Sitel7SSl 239-0456 2520CentreAvNE 248-4044 BUSINESS OFFICE FACILITIES Buta Aurel 3103 45St$W 249-3540 Fax 248-4064 340 39AVSE 287-0000 Butala B 0 12024Lake£meraldCrSE .... 278-4069 BUTLER JANSSENS Bush Lome 140airisliePatlcHilBW 249-4071 Fax Line 243-0909 Butala D J 9ManorRdSW 255-5331 CONSTRUCTION LTD .242-1965 Bush M 5919f>(nepoinlOrtC 280-4724 Business 8 Professional Centre The Butala David lOSFalwoodCrNE 280-3170 Bob Butler 249-2899 Bush M 1302 ISAvNW 289-0006 5151 3StSE 259-2950 Butalia Jas 327EdenwoldDrNW 547-0083 Walter Janssens 242-1965 Bush M 2023 43StSE 248-7381 Business 8 Professional Women's Club BUTALIA JAS Chartd Acctnt Butler Jay Bsnit6l2 38StSW 240-1134 Of Calgary Box679istnD 289-9822 300 1015 4StSW 266-5608 Butler Jeffery l035RweTbendDrSE 236-7049 Bush Malcolm L 5223Bainermari)rNW . 289-6018 Butler Jim 5950SignalRidgeHgtsSW 242-0347 Bush Michael 2113 608 9Stsw 262-0261 BUSINESS PROSPECTS Butch Carpet Installation Ltd 10161120 53AvNE 275-2232 28 1845LysanderCfS£ 279-6805 Butler John 204 5204DattonDrNW 247-6745 Bush Norman 7l5SliermanAvSW 252-1280 Butler John R 419ThornhillPlaceNW 274-4279 Bush R L 2706 505 4AvSW 265-3614 Business Technical Promotions Inc Butchart A 63SunmountCrSE 256-5276 916 9AvSW 269-2343 Butchart Bob 412WhitehomPlaceNE ... 285-8068 Butler K 6220BowwoodDrNW 286-9959 Bush Robert A 27LakeluceftieaoseSE .. 271-6797 Butler K 58FondaH»ISE 273-4119 Bush Wayne 307 2033 iiAvSW 244-8463 622a 324 8 Av SW 263-1220 Butchart J 44 2815PaliserDrSW 238-0698 Butchart John F 104CanovaPlaceSW .. 281-1262 Butler K 338G€orgianVillasNE 272-6486 Bu^y M V iV24iItaHi^Drt«"..... 248-7562 Business To Business Delivery Systems Butler K 148SandstoneRdNW 274-0200 -Bushe D 1 93Grief«aceNE 295-6566 11 3140 14AvNE 273-5711 Butchart Mike 412WhltehomPlaceNE .. 293-0860 Butchart Ronald H 59WoodmontRdSW . 251-4698 Butler K M 87 6915RanctTvi€wDrNW ... 241-1917 Busfteikin David 236WoodValleyB3ySW . 238-2956 Butler Ken 2413 36AvSW 246-4161 Busheikin David W Butchart W 607 735 12AvSW 228-3153 BUSINESSLAND Butcher Brian R 7227BownessRdNW .. 247-0246 Butler Kenneth W 1416 l09AvSW ... 259-5036 236Woo<JValleyBaySW 281-8235 Butler Kevin 8SunmountGdnSE 256-1^1 BUSHEIKIN DAVID W Lawyr Blrtcher D W 168Ri*x#ewoodCtoseNE .. 285-3974 CANADA 800 333 5AvSW .266-1840 Butcher Edward Stanley Butler L 3607 15StSE 237-0032 Butler L 4212 44AvNE 285-1552 8240BbowOrSW 255-8643 Busk H 2 20 IISINE 269-2981 14124 14StSW 256-1748 BUSHEIKIN T M OR Butcher Gerry i33lLakeOntarioOrSE ... 278-7128 Butler L W 56 6StNE 266-6385 Buskard Glenn B 148BeaconsfieldWyNW 295-3882 Butler M 127HuntliarnRdNE 274-0394 Gynecologist 264-7055 Buskas Arnold 44HawkwoodPlaceNW ... 241-2414 Butcher Gordon 51MidvaneyRdSE 256-6436 Bushell Al Jr Bcx4Sitel8SS3 242-4387 Butcher J 228-6636 Butler M 205 728 67AvSW 258-0639 Buskell Dan 215DalhurstWyNW 286-0049 Butler M D 3500ouglasbankBaySE 236-1658 Bushell Fred G 7960HuntingtonR(ME ... 275-5379 Butcher Jim 14124 l4StSW 256-1791 Busko D 281-4307 Butler M J 24 7172CoachHillRdSW .... 246-6480 Bushell H N 36Wasi(atenauCrSW 246-0917 Busko L 406 501 57AvSW 259-8417 Butcher K 2215 ill l46AvSE 254-2231 Bushell J D Exploration Consultants Inc Butcher K A 601 ill l4AvSE 265-2129 Butler M t^ 305 6413TravoisPlaceNW .. 274-5362 Busko L W 475BrookmefeCrSW 281-8772 BTLakeWaptaRiscSE 278-1036 Butler M W 123SbawmeadowsCloseSW . 256-6742 Busmann N E D1107 4501 37StNW ... 288-7094 Butcher L 1 1739 25StSW 246-5618 1800 510 5 St SW 269-8375 Butcher L 307 2939 26AvSE 273-9802 Butler Mark A 6316 34AvNW 286-8482 Bushell Jese 4303 iii i46AvSE .... 256-9277 Busmann Paul E 216 4037 42Sinw ... 286-7339 Butler Mark A Lawyr 3700 400 SAvSW 267-8192 Busque Rolland 1608 912 6AvSW — 264-7575 Butcher M 458 23AvNW 276-6152 Bushell Jim 87LakeWaptaRiseS£ 271-6894 Butcher Marshall Dr Chitptr Butler May 2436ladmerPkSW 249-2907 Buss C D 56EdgedaleDrNW 239-1393 Bushell John W 240-1736 MacleodTr&94AvS£ 253-1555 Butler Morris G 5420BarronDrNW 284-3943' Buss Calvin 722aescentR(fNW 282-2614 Bushell R N 2006 31stSW 242-3696 Butcher Martin Butler P 104Castlerid9eRdNE 280-9857 Buss Glen 205 419 lAvNE 234-7978 Roy M 811SabrinaRdSW 252-3976 L205 1919UniversityDrNW 284-1094 Butler P MiHarviJe 931-3443 Buss H 2308 16aStSW 244-2570 Bushell T AOHarvardStNW 282-4933 Blrtcher N 2WoodviewTefrSW 281-9864 Butler R 247-0655 Buss L K 1102 2105 90AvSW 238-3074 Butcher Rodney D 204LakeEriePlaceSE 271-7049 Butler R A 315LakeBonavistaDrSE 225-1009 n S" 3708Lo9anCrSW 246-6285 Buss R 2308 16aSISW 244-2570 BlJ^I Wlliam F 3715Kerry<laleft(JSW . 240-0776 Butcher Ronald 635 84AveSW 255-0357 Butler R M Dr 7BayViewOrSW 281-4913 Bu^ Ray 210Woo<lparkCrtSW 281-3080 Buss Roy Boxl3Sile21RR2 288-9722 Butcher Shayne 8418BerfcleyRdNW ... 295-6530 Butler Raymond 249-9948 Busftey Mike 47RivertH00liRdSE 236-2199 Buss T 407 18aStNW 270-3856 Butcher Terry 15SuncanyonParkSE 254-2960 Butler Robert L 88GlaclerOrSW 249-6606 Bushey Richard 2219 l6St$E 265-8823 Buss Zen 75Rivert)r(K)l(WySE 279-7080 Butcher W L 702 2909 17AvSW 242-5883 Butler Robert M 39VarsityR(dgeTerrNW 286-3214 Bushfield Andy rr7 285-0220 Busse Gofd llBetWingionWyNE 274-1590 Butchereit Richard 55EdgelandCrtilW .. 547-1164 Butler Robert Roofing & Construction Bushfield Archie 8ox3929StnB 226-0407 Busse H D llSEdgebrookMewsNW 239-6021 BUTCHERS & PACKERS SUPPUES Ltd 1912 26aStSW 249-2899 Bushfield B Babac 226-0648 Busse Richard W 207TenipleviewWyNE 285-8995 Butler Ross C 2404UdeiiRdNW 289-3041 Ofc 626ManiIouRdS£ 287-3770 Butler Ross Boxl3Site3SS3 246-1891 Bushfield B G P 1102Bet1deyDrNW .... 295-1701 Busseau A 4324 49StNE 285-8476 Butchery The 252-7898 Butler Ruth 249-4438 Bushfield Eldon M B^ac 226-0420 Busser Brad 120I 73GlannisDrSW 686-0581 Butchko Cliff 411ManoraDrNE 235-0278 Butler 5 12Bfl<4 742KingsmefeCrSW 252-5779 Bushfield Fred A Babac 226-0385 Bussey U L 140 43AvNW 276-3695 Butchko D 281-8955 Butler 5 37MidridgeGdnsSE 256-5088 Bushfield J llllRosehWrtlW 289-7239 Bussi E 4516 4aStSW 243-2867 Butchko J P 3124Bre€nCrNW 282-4768 Butler 5 3112 l06AvSW 281-0328 Bushfield K 4931RuxSevlewRdNE 280-7670 Btissi Mike 39.0gntoorPtaceSE 236-4355 Butchko Jim 3SllverdalePtaceNW 286-4676 Bushfield M M 408 37AveNW 277-4375 Bussi R 253-3899 DUTCH'S DIAMOND DRIUING Butler Stuart D 116PenworthCrSE 272-8836 Bushfield M S D 4819 iStNW 277-3516 Bussi Richard E 39.09moorf>laceSE 236-0263 BUTLER SURVEY SUPPLIES LTD Bussi V 307 1224 14AVSW 244-4552 11012 7stsw 258-1588 Bushfield N R RR2Babac 226-0366 Bute Brian 436-Oakrld9eWySW 251-1582 3927 3aStNE 276-5587 Bushfield Rod 103 1633 26AvSW ...
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