WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 JAMADA ALAWWAL 18, 1435 AH Kuwait’s Another Bush Gulf Bank Chelsea public run for White names Cesar cruise past libraries House? Jeb may González-Bueno Galatasaray abandoned2 be14 up for it as21 CEO into20 last eight Saudi FM demands Qatar Max 29º Min 14º change policy to end spat High Tide 01:22 & 13:31 Low Tide Panel backs Kuwait govt policy on dispute 07:42 & 20:07 40 PAGES NO: 16109 150 FILS

By B Izzak and Agencies conspiracy theories RIYADH/KUWAIT: Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said a dispute with Qatar over Gulf security would not be What’s in a name? solved unless Doha changed its policy, Saudi media reported yesterday, the kingdom’s first public comment since pulling its ambassador from the Gulf state. In an unprecedented move within the Gulf Cooperation Council of allied hereditary monarchies, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain recalled their ambassadors from Qatar on March 5, accusing Doha of By Badrya Darwish failing to abide by an accord not to interfere in each others’ internal affairs. “If the policy of the country that has caused the crisis (Qatar) has been revised, there will be a breakthrough,” Prince Saud Al-Faisal said, according to the Saudi- [email protected] owned Al-Hayat newspaper. The minister added, in response to a question from the newspaper, that there will be “no American mediation to put an end to the cri- hat’s with names? Why are countries so sis”. US President Barack Obama is expected to visit worried about baby names? Saudi Arabia Riyadh at the end of March. Wlately published a list of names that the In Kuwait, the National Assembly’s foreign relations kingdom has prohibited people from using, around committee said yesterday it backs the government’s 50 names or more. But it’s not only Saudi that’s ban- official policy towards the dispute. The statement came ning names. Democratic and advanced nations in after Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Sabah the West are also doing it. For instance, Germany briefed the committee on the latest developments banned a Turkish couple from naming their baby regarding the issue. The minister declined to make any Osama bin Laden. With this, I fully agree because it MANILA: Students stand next to a giant mural featuring missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 dis- statement after the meeting. is so stupid to call your son after such a controver- played on the grounds of their school in Manila’s financial district of Makati yesterday. — AFP But head of the committee MP Ali Al-Rashed said in a sial figure. Because you never know in which coun- written statement that the minister explained to the panel try your son will end up in the future and may cause the consequences of the row and the latest developments. him harm and discrimination for nothing. But Area of plane search Continued on Page13 Germany also banned ordinary names like Miatt, Stompie, Woodstock and Grammophon. That’s Germany’s business. now size of Emergency But Iceland went too far. Instead of banning, they have a list of approved names for boys and another KUALA LUMPUR: An international land and sea perhaps thousands of miles off its scheduled course list for girls and you have to follow them. If you search for a missing Malaysian jetliner is covering an from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. drills today choose a name not on the list, you are out. I find area the size of Australia, authorities said yesterday, But intensive background checks of everyone that ridiculous. A girl was named Blaer, which has a but police and intelligence agencies have yet to aboard have so far failed to find anyone with a KUWAIT: According to media reports, an emergency beautiful meaning ‘light breeze’ (which we need establish a clear motive to explain its disappearance. known political or criminal motive to hijack or delib- response exercise will take place today between 8:30 badly sometimes in our long summers), but the Investigators are convinced that someone with deep erately crash the plane, Western security sources and am and 12 pm in the vicinity of Highway 40 and Road Icelanders tried to ban the breeze. knowledge of the Boeing 777-200ER and commercial Chinese authorities said. Malaysian Acting Transport 208. Various emergency response elements will be Other countries are also banning names. For navigation diverted Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Minister Hishammuddin Hussein told a news involved in the exercise. Emergency vehicles, military instance, Tom is banned in Portugal though I have carrying 12 crew and 227 mainly Chinese passengers, Continued on Page 13 aircraft and emergency siren activations should be no idea why. Bless the Japanese for denying parents expected during this period. the option of naming their child Akuma, which means devil. I also second that. And no one can for- get the child Talula Does The Hula from Hawaii, Chechen rebel leader blocked by the authorities in New Zealand. Also, enterprising parents in China wanted to name their child @ but were stopped. Doku Umarov ‘dead’ But seriously speaking, names make a lot of dif- ference on the personality of children and this is MOSCOW: Chechen rebel leader Doku tants. “Foreign media periodically publish what some parents do not realize. They choose Umarov, whose Caucasus Emirate group information about the liquidation of bizarre or funny names and they think it’s cool but claimed responsibility for a string of Doku Umarov but the Russian special they don’t know the psychology of the child himself deadly attacks in Russia over the last services at this moment do not have and what he will feel when he’s older and he’s years, has been killed, a pro-insurgency such information and will not comment teased and mocked by other kids only because of website said yesterday. “The leadership on it,” the National Anti-Terror Committee his name. of the Caucasus Emirate officially said in a statement to the state RIA I’m serious about this because the parents of a announces the martyrdom of Emir Novosti news agency. good friend of mine gave him a funny name and Dokku Abu Usman,” the Kavkaz Center But Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, that affected his life. He’s a grown up man with chil- website said, using the Arabised nom- who is backed by Moscow, wrote on his dren. When he reached adulthood, he changed his de-guerre of Umarov. Instagram microblog: “The terrorist name to something more common but in his official It gave no details of how he was said mouthpiece reports that Doku Umarov is VIENNA: Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union of Foreign Affairs documents, the old name remains. And he told me to have been killed and there was no dead!” “Umarov was killed in a security and Security Policy for the European Union, and Iranian Foreign Minister that he wishes he could change that as he doesn’t confirmation from the Russian authori- operation, which I wrote about earlier ... Mohammad Javad Zarif attend the first day of the second round of P5+1 talks want his kids to face the same embarrassment he ties who are usually keen to rapidly boast Now it is confirmed by the rats them- with Iran at the UN headquarters yesterday. — AFP faced in school. of the “liquidation” of top Caucasus mili- selves,” he wrote. In fact, our Prophet (PBUH) advised people to Kavkaz Center published a statement give their children good and nice names and also saying that the Caucasus Emirate had Iran, powers meet in allowed that if a child has a name that is harmful, to appointed a militant named as Sheikh Ali change the name. There are a lot of stories from the Abu Mukhammad as its new chief. The shadow of Ukraine Prophet’s (PBUH) time that he himself changed chil- website also posted a video said to be of the bearded militant confirming the dren’s names to avoid them being embarrassed and VIENNA: Russia, the United States and oth- old standoff and removes the threat of war. mistreated. death of Umarov and outlining his lead- ership strategy for the Caucasus Emirate, er world powers put their sharp differences So far, despite disagreements over the But some countries are not doing it for the chil- over Ukraine to one side yesterday as they Syria conflict and other issues, the six pow- dren’s sake or to save them embarrassment. You which wants to impose an Islamic state across the mainly Muslim Northern held their latest nuclear talks with Iran in ers have shown a united front over Iran, have a feeling some countries are doing it simply Vienna. The gathering is the second in a but events in Ukraine in recent weeks have for politics. Caucasus. Ali Abu Mukhammad was shown in series of meetings aiming to transform by precipitated the worst crisis in East-West After all, what’s in a name, as Juliet said in July a November interim deal into a lasting relations since the Cold War. Shakespeare’s famous play ‘Romeo and Juliet’. battle fatigues at an undisclosed location Doku Umarov Continued on Page 13 accord that resolves for good the decade- Continued on Page13 US closes Syrian embassy : The Obama administra- able for individuals appointed by that tion ordered the Syrian government regime to conduct diplomatic or con- yesterday to suspend its diplomatic and sular operations in the United States,” US consular missions in the United States, special envoy to Syria Daniel Rubenstein requiring all personnel who are not said in a statement. legal US residents to leave the country. However, Rubenstein said the US wants The order, three years after the start of to continue diplomatic relations with Syria’s bloody civil war, essentially shut- Damascus, “as an expression of our long- ters the Syrian embassy in Washington standing ties with the Syrian people, an and its honorary consulates in Troy, interest that will endure long after Bashar Michigan, and Houston, Texas. It comes Assad leaves power”. “The United States in response to a decision by President will continue to assist those seeking Bashar Al-Assad’s government to sus- change in Syria, to help end the slaughter, pend consular services for Syrians living and to resolve the crisis through negotia- in the US. tions - for the benefit of the Syrian people,” “We have determined it is unaccept- Rubenstein said.— AP LOCAL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

Salwa Pulic Library Kids section at Salwa Library List of categories of foreign books Shelves with kids’ books at Salwa Library The abandonment of Kuwait’s public libraries

By Nawara Fattahova most people, there are 27 public libraries in Kuwait. men coming to the library to read newspapers,” Rasheedi Though the majority are stocked with Arabic texts, there said. Public libraries in Kuwait KUWAIT: Tucked into staid buildings and marked with are English language books including books for children Arabic books are in most demand though most public small signs are some of the most useful yet least visited in most of the public libraries. libraries in Kuwait also have a small selection of English places in Kuwait - local public libraries. Unbeknownst to Almost all of the local libraries are located next to or titles. At the Khaldiya library, there are about 23,000 Jaber Al-Ali 23830610 Jahra 24550827 near the co-ops in residential areas. Of the 27 libraries, Arabic books and around 3,000 English books. “The most Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24318509 two are for women only (in Rumaithiya and Sabah Al- requested books are on Kuwait history and after that reli- Jabriya 25323061/2/3 Salem) and three are under renovation. Most are open gious books. Readers can also borrow books and take Hawally (under renovation) from 8 am to 1:30 pm in the morning and in the evening them home to keep for up to two weeks, and in this case Khaldiya 24813331 from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm on weekdays, but are closed on they have to pay KD 5 for each book as a deposit, which Qurtuba 25317168 Fridays and Saturdays. is refunded when they return the books. So if they bor- Daiya 22515686 Sadly, visitors at these public libraries are limited. On row four books, they will pay KD 20. We don’t keep their Rumaithiya (women) 25610399 an average day, Khaldiya library saw only five visitors - IDs, we just take their information,” Rasheedi explained. Salwa 25667093 including this reporter. In Jahra, the public library Despite their convenient location near co-ops and Shamiya 24818343 receives on average only two to three visitors per day. In large open spaces, Kuwait’s public libraries are all but (under renovation) general, the libraries have separate visiting days, so the abandoned these days. “We closed the kids section we Sabah Al-Salem (women) 25528952 Khaldiya library has three days for women and two days used to have due to the low number of visitors,” Sulaibikhat 24870953 for men. But in Jahra, due to the low number of visitors, explained Hamad Al-Shimmeri, head librarian in Jahra. Ardiya 24892466 segregated visiting days have been canceled. “Our library is the only one that was not robbed by Iraqi Abdullah Al-Salem 22548878 The Abdulaziz Al-Sarawi Public Library in Khaldiya soldiers during the invasion in 1990, so we have very old Farwaniya 24720570 next to the co-op is very well equipped. “The library is books here. These are not even good for reading but kept Kaifan 24815724 located on the second floor, and has a capacity of more as a memory that they resisted the invasion,” he pointed Adaliya 22515197 than 50 readers. On the ground floor there is a special out. Oyoun (Jahra) 24580724 section for kids with books in both Arabic and English. The most demanded books in this library are poetry Fahaheel 23913810 There is also a seminar hall with computers, which can be books, and the visitors are usually school students. “We Firdous 24892499 Faiha 22540898 booked free of charge, and is usually used by voluntary have about 18,000 Arabic books and only about 150 Qadsiya 22515298 groups for lectures or gatherings,” library rector Hamad English books. We receive books along with magazines (under renovation) Al-Rasheedi told Kuwait Times. and periodicals on a weekly basis. The number of books Adan 25420812 The library is open to any visitor regardless of age or per month is about 10 to 15 books. We are open Sunday Qurain 25432872 nationality. “Visitors are not limited to residents of to Thursday from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm, and from 4:00 pm Bayan 25390376 Khaldiya, but logically the people who live nearby will to 9:00 pm,” Shimmeri added. Hadiya 23967615 mostly visit this library. Women visitors are more than In Salwa, the public library is in block 6 next to Burger Yarmouk 25316634/7/8 men, and the majority are university students, and few King. It doesn’t have a huge selection of English language Salam (South Surrah) (new) high school students. After the great boom of technolo- books, but it does have a nice, open kids area. Working Abdullah Al-Mubarak (new) Empty desks at Salwa Library. — Photos by Jamie gy, especially smartphones, everybody is using the hours are from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, and from 4:00 pm to Andalus (new) Etheridge phone rather than reading a book. There are a few older 8:00 pm. Kuwait committed to democracy, stability

GENEVA: Kuwait is committed to democracy and the preserva- He stressed the fact that Kuwait’s hosting of the two donor tion of personal freedoms and charts a course of development countries conferences was vividly indicative of Kuwait’s care for buoyed by measured growth, peace, and stability, said Kuwait’s the well-being of the people of Syria who were at this juncture in Speaker of the Parliament Marzouq Al-Ghanim, addressing the history experiencing difficult times. —- KUNA 130th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) General Assembly meeting here yesterday. He congratulated the IPU on its 125th anniversary, noting its role in laying down the foundations for universal values Syrian embassy in of peace, democracy, and human rights. He urged the IPU to look after nascent democracies, saying they were like babies that required help and nurturing until they could stand on their own. Abu Dhabi assigned Turning to the Arab-Israeli conflict, he told his audience that it was incumbent on them as lawmakers to universally deplore the for citizens aggression perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people and the perpetual attempts of the Israelis to violate the sanctity of in Kuwait the Dome of the Rock or the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Furthermore, he underlined strongly “the need to bring peace KUWAIT: More than 142,000 Syrians in Kuwait will have to KUWAIT: Essa Al-Kandari (front row, fifth from left) with Kuwait Airways officials at the KAC building yesterday. to Syria and afterwards democracy and the rule of law,” cautioning conduct their affairs through their country’s embassy in at the same time that continuing chaos and instability in one area Abu Dhabi starting from April 1, 2014 when the Syrian of the region was liable to infect the entire region as a whole. He embassy in Kuwait will no longer accept transactions. KAC-Airbus deal ‘historic’ added “Besides spotlighting the catastrophic side effects of the This announcement came Monday on the Syrian crisis in Syria, more emphasis is needed to show the enormity of Foreign Ministry’s website, which also announced that the KUWAIT: Kuwait Airways staff are required to exert joint efforts Al-Kandari also described the recent deal to renew the KAC the conditions of the displaced within Syria and those who are affairs of Syrian citizens in Saudi Arabia will be handled at in order to help the company regain its status as one of the fleet as ‘a historical event’ and “the beginning of a new phase currently refugees languishing in countries neighboring that the Syrian embassy in Manama from the same date. best airlines in the region and the world, a top government for the national carrier of the State of Kuwait”. country.” He further said that the plight of the refugees was con- No word on the reason behind the newest measures official said yesterday. Al-Kandari met a team of senior KAC officials led by stituting a huge financial, social, and security burden on these have been released so far, or clarifications about the mech- Minister of Communications Essa Al-Kandari made those Chairperson and Managing Director Rasha Al-Roumi and CEO neighboring countries. In that regard, he urged joint efforts by anism for transactions and whether they can be carried out statements at the Kuwait Airways headquarters building yes- Sharifa Ibrahim. He reiterated the Kuwaiti government’s ‘full regional and international organizations, such as the UN and its through mail. terday, in his first official visit after the cabinet assigned him to support’ for the recent deal signed with European aircraft mak- subsidiaries, to address the problem of the refugees. take responsibility over the national carrier. er Airbus, as well as efforts ‘and teamwork’ of the KAC staff.

KUWAIT: Night-time views of the Salmiya area yesterday. LOCAL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 MP proposes one car per expat, no fuel subsidies Efforts to address traffic problem

KUWAIT: A lawmaker is preparing a bill includ- al also calls for establishing two kinds of taxi and Kuwait Fire Services Directorate. ing regulations which he says can help address companies - one that works on demand and General Al-Fahad said the supreme political the traffic problem in Kuwait, based on restrict- another that operates roaming taxis “that are leadership, of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- ing expatriates’ freedom of car ownership and not allowed to ply main roads”. Ahmad, HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al- transportation. The proposal that MP Kamel Al- Awadhi added that his proposals are based Ahmad and HH the Premier Sheikh Jaber Al- Awadhi spoke about to Al-Rai daily calls for ban- on a survey covering ‘different samples’ from the Mubarak provided all that is necessary to ensure ning expatriates from owning more than one Kuwait community that does not include mem- the summit success. car, while removing fuel subsidies for expatri- bers of the executive and legislative authorities. Assistant undersecretary for general security, ates. Meanwhile, Interior Ministry Undersecretary, general field commander Maj Gen Mahmoud Al- The lawmaker also proposes restrictions on Chairman of the Preparatory Security Dousary gave a detailed account on the work Kuwaiti drivers, including fees paid for every Committee for the 25th Arab League Summit Lt mechanism of the committee just before the extra vehicle aside from those owned by the Gen Suleiman Al-Fahad chaired a meeting of arrival of delegations until their departure to parents, children and a single driver’s use. He committee members including assistant under- ensure their safety. He said there is continued also proposes disallowing domestic workers secretaries, executive security commanders, rep- cooperation and coordination between all sec- from having a driving license or car. The propos- resentatives of the Amiri Guard, National Guard tors and allied authorities.

Fire at Mina Abdullah tire scrap yard

By Hanan Al-Sadoun from spreading further. The fire spread 300 square meters, he said, KUWAIT: A fire broke out at a scrap yard in noting that the firemen continued to com- Mina Abdullah yesterday. Firefighters put out pletely control the blaze by burying the burnt the fire that broke out at a used tires scrap tires, in cooperation with Kuwait Municipality yard in Mina Abdullah early yesterday, said a personnel. Regarding recent increase in used fire department official. tires’ fires, he said Directorate officials had Acting Deputy Director General of Kuwait met with Ahmadi Governor to discuss the Fire Service Directorate Col Jamal Al- issue, including removing and cleaning used Belaihees said the fire was extinguished by tires stored areas in Mina Abdullah. The personnel of four fire stations, adding that colonel also called on all citizens and resi- the fire zone had been isolated from a neigh- dents to follow the directions of firemen for boring used tires area to prevent the blaze their own safety.

KUWAIT: Firemen in action after fire broke out at a used tires scrapyard in Mina Abdullah yesterday. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun Court cancels withdrawing citizen’s passport for insulting Assad

KUWAIT: The interior ministry is contesting an his way to Damascus airport, a Syrian taxi driver withdrawn and he was banned from travelling,” administrative court ruling cancelling MoI’s deci- claimed that he insulted Syrian President Bashar explained the lawyer, demanding cancelling the sion to withdraw a citizen’s passport and ban- Al-Assad and the Syrian security, for which he travel ban and returning his client’s passport ning him from travelling, said legal sources. was jailed and tortured for a while. because he was not accused of harming Kuwait’s The citizen’s attorney, lawyer Mohammed Al- “On returning to Kuwait, he was summoned reputation. The lawyer also argued that his Failakawi, said that his client had travelled to by the Criminal Investigations Department client was psychologically disturbed and could Syria in 2010 to get married to a Syrian and on where he was interrogated, his passport was not be legally accountable for his actions. Imams told to avoid politics

KUWAIT: A senior government official urged local imams to avoid discussing political issues “due to the challenges and problems sweeping through the region”, either during the weekly Friday sermon or any other time inside Kuwait. Dr Nayef Al-Ajmi, Minister of Justice and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, made these statements during a gath- ering Monday with expatriate imams in Kuwait. He added that the Awqaf Ministry is work- ing on a new structural system that regulates the imam’s job, which has long been aban- doned by Kuwaiti imams - who make around 9 percent of the total number of imams work- ing in nearly 1,400 mosques around Kuwait according to the ministry’s statistics - due to the poor pay. “We are not here to sell empty promises, but we seek to elevate the imam’s job and give it top priority,” Ajmi said while addressing the imams. Ajmi also discussed fatwas (religious edicts) that imams often issue regarding personal issues. “There are issues that cannot be resolved properly through personal fatwas because it pertains with conflicts between different par- ties such as financial cases and those pertain- ing with personal statuses,” he said. “Imams should not issue fatwas related to cases of KUWAIT: Drugs Control General Department arrested an Asian with 20,000 illicit tablets and 30 divorce, but refer them instead to the fatwa grams of shabu. The arrest was made following information about the Asian selling and dropping department in the ministry which passes the drugs in places agreed upon with addicts. The confiscated drugs were found in his home and he judgment after listening to both parties,” he confessed the drugs were for sale. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun added. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 LOCAL

In my view in my view The peaceful Planet solution of Arabs

By Basma Alsaleem quietly lost soul, that’s how I can describe my very poor self as I grieve for all the time I wasted over- Athinking, overstressing and irritating myself. By Labeed Abdal Sounds a little gloomy, huh? Well, it is what it is, unless you’re strong enough to go against your destined misery and rebel against your fate. I’m a natural born fighter, I’d give my very last breath fighting for what I believe in - it’s Al-Rai a double-edged weapon, though. Being a girl in my world is a curse. And by “my world,” I [email protected] meant the vile society I live in, where you cannot even trust your very own blood. It’s simply toxic-it spreads all everal media outlets around the world are current- over your body like an incurable disease. It gets the best ly discussing the Middle East peace process, and of you without you even realizing you’re slowly losing Sthe chance of United States Secretary of State your own identity. “Who am I?” I shockingly ask myself. John Kerry’s efforts to succeed in putting together a “You’re my new victim,” slyly answers the society. framework for steps to achieve peace in accordance As known, the truth is always ugly, no matter how with US President Barack Obama’s desire to find a final much you prettify it. It slightly slaughters your neck as solution. you unwillingly receive it. The ugly truth I’m about to tell Everyone who has been following up with the over is terribly and horrifyingly destroying a lot of people. Our 75-year-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict realizes that there very big world looks like a filthy, old prison where all has never been an actual progress achieved between forms of brutality are happily performed. We - free mind- the two sides during the historical crisis, especially with ed people - are the maltreated prisoners of this culture, the lack of a clear picture regarding the future of pend- where everything and anything is automatically forbid- ing issues such as borders, security, Palestinian prisoners den. If you ever ask any Muslim what Islam is, he will and refugees, Jewish settlements and the situation of directly tell you about our traditional and cultural rules rather than religious rules. Jerusalem. kuwait digest Nevertheless, most observers agree that a solution The problem with our society is that they mix man- can never come from the continuation of conflicts, fight- made rules with God-made ones, so as a natural result, ing, and indifference towards goodwill efforts that pro- We only have 89 years to go people will blindly follow the cruel and inhuman man- made rules. They kill, steal, rape and imprison free spirits under the name of religion. An international resolu- By Mudaffar Abdullah What kind of religion that allows a man to unjustly dominate a woman and scorn her? Don’t mask your tion that recognizes the e are experiencing two kinds of corruption. The out in 89 years, which is a period during which interna- demonic rules under the name of religion. Who do you establishment of two inde- first is a soft one that lies in squandering public tional and regional stability cannot be guaranteed to last think you are? A God? An angel? A sinless, pure creature? Wfunds, turning blind eyes to the state treasury’s for long in view of the current radical changes taking Well, wake up! You’re none of those; you are a sinner, you pendent states living side overdue sums, losing hundreds of lawsuits and unwar- place, the significance of changes in US polices towards are a human-being, you are one creature of the Creator’s ranted showering of money on public servants. The sec- interfering in each and every spot worldwide, what the countless creations. You men have a pair of legs, so do by side with each other. ond kind, however, is the conventional one that lies in US, Iran and Israel can agree on concerning the nuclear women. You men have a pair of arms, so do women. You theft and forgeries where bandits are well known to the issue and the consequences of all that on the Gulf region. men have a brain, so do women. Different genital organs mote lasting peace in the region. The current situation, public but unknown to the judiciary. Local dangers to Kuwait security is not less threatening won’t ever make you any better. Wake up and stop in light of the lack of progress, call for further commit- Neither the current Cabinet nor former ones really real- than foreign ones. They are the product of our work, the throwing us in the corner of the world; stop making ment to a group of principles, including: ize the danger this imposes on state security. It even fails way we run our oil revenues and being lenient with soft them look down on us. Stop these thousands of years of An international resolution that recognizes the to realize a more imminent danger in its inability to and conventional corruption. What even multiplies and mind-slavery and blind following. establishment of two independent states living side by achieve something that would help diversify the sources intensifies those dangers is that the government does not I believe in the existence of God, but I also believe in side with each other. This objective requires actual guar- of national income in order to reduce extreme reliance on realize this and has not so far acted to protect the state. It demonic humans. What are those, you wonder, huh? Let antees and backing from the international community, oil revenue as the sole one. According to the international always opts for money-oriented solutions rather than rea- me tell you, these are devious demons in human bodies. based on equality and sovereignty for both countries in credit rating agency Moody’s, Kuwait’s financial status is sonable ones which was evident in the way it handled They prettify their very ugly cruelness and make us fol- commitment to international resolutions on that regard good. Yet, the second part of the report highlights that strikes by costing the state budget millions that later on low them unwillingly. The uptight, closed and retarded and in support of the principle of negotiations as the Kuwait’s rating was greatly supported by its huge oil rev- turned into monthly burdens to be deposited in employ- mentality of some Arabs created rules to destroy all way to find a lasting peaceful solution. enues, which is the real danger we are facing! ees’ bank accounts. Guys, Moody’s says we only have 89 meanings of humanity, to bury the life of others just so In the meantime, equality is required to be achieved Moody’s also estimated Kuwait’s oil resources to dry years to go, so may Allah protect us! —Al-Jarida they can indulge their hateful lusts. They’re scared of between the two sides on the table of negotiation women taking over the world, so they won’t have to feel throughout the entire negotiation period. Furthermore, any kind of loss of their fancy manhood. both sides are required to show seriousness and com- They buried their daughters alive in fear of shame. mitment to honor their side of the undertakings to kuwait digest They still do honor-killings of their own girls who com- achieve positive results. mitted “traditionally” unforgivable mistakes. Wait a On the other hand, more violations to international Are we really good readers? minute, you furious father... have you ever talked to you resolutions on that regard, and going further against daughter about what she’s going through? Have you peace mediators’ wishes and demands give the implica- ever listened to her during her hard times openly with- tion that there is a desire to prolong the conflict, reach By Saad Al-Dosari out having to threaten her? Have you ever hugged her no solutions and continue running in circles which is and told her you love her and happy to have her? No... here is an interesting debate that usually accompanies lectual who buys books, you belong, you are current, you did something that no one wishes to see happening. You’re just a cold man trying to keep a meaningless the Riyadh Book Fair currently taking place in the Saudi not miss the talk of the town. It is a good topic for conversa- [email protected] thing clean so that when another cruel man marries that Tcapital; are we Arabs really good readers? tion as well; I’ve been to the book fair and bought a number of meaningless thing, you won’t have to be ashamed of a Those who go for the answer “yes, we are good readers” books. And let’s admit it, books look good standing side by single mistake. mostly build their opinion based on the number of visitors at side on the shelves in one’s living room. It gives the illusion Don’t forget that your daughter needs love, affection kuwait digest the fair and sales figures. In the last fair held in 2013, there that this house is a house of readers. and attention. She needs your loving arms to hold her were more than two million visitors and recorded sales that There are many reasons why books, nowadays, are failing tightly when she feels scared or insecure. Your daughter touched the 71 million rial (around $19 million). There is also to claim their deserved position amongst the various interests is a human being - she was created to make mistakes, to No compromise the hype and ideological debates that go hand in hand with of the society. For a lot of us, they are the harsh reminders of stumble and fall, to learn and to build the world. Now each and every book fair. Banned books, publishers booths the dull schoolbooks. Dedicating a time to read is like getting why do you want to bury all those beautiful things? with security closed overnight, writers harassed during their books signing, back in history to the days of teachers and their innovative I sadly can’t change the world, but at least I am brave and calls to stop this and close that are all usual news during ways of punishments! Add to that, we lived in a culture of enough to narrate the little story behind the cruelness of the fair. “hearing” rather than “reading.” The phrase “you better listen” is the Arab society. Oh, I am a marginalized Arab... By Khalid Ahmad Al-Tarrah It is about all and everything except celebrating reading literal in a lot of occasions. We have grown up in a culture he catastrophic information that was revealed by and glorifying the value of books that should be the main pur- where truth was somehow monopolized; there are those who MP Kamel Al-Awadhi about the number of vehi- pose of any book fair. know better than you, and you better listen to them. In a cul- Tcles and nationalities of its owners stirs fear and For that, I am one of those who believe that, “We are not ture like that, the impulse to discover, the urge to read and kuwait digest horror, as 7,000 expatriates own 40,000 cars, while good readers at all.” and my argument is very simple, you can- engage in a learning journey is diminished and frowned upon. four citizens own 4,328 vehicles! not find the effects of reading on the people out there in the Even as kids, bedtime stories was never part of our rituals, Birth control I can almost confirm that this is administrative laxi- society. learning to respect books was not part of our education. Do ty, if we try to make it lighter and not say it is corrup- A nation of readers is a nation that values discussions, you remember the last days before the summer vacation out- tion. The interior ministry, and the traffic department appreciates differences, and does not limit free and critical side your school, the torn books and papers flying all over the in Kuwait and technical inspection in particular bear the entire thinking. I am afraid we do not score very high in all of the street? responsibility as well as legal and parliamentary above! And then came TV and social media to add insult to the By Abdullatif Al-Duaij accountability. Maj Gen Abdelfattah Al-Ali attempted Number of visitors and sales figures can never tell that out injury. It is not that people are not reading anymore, but they by taking the initiative to introduce some solutions there, in the homes and on the streets, there are people who are under the illusion that they are actually ... reading! The bits s the idea of birth control in Kuwait illogical and unneces- and impose the law, but he alone cannot right the love books - competing to finish one to start another. Actually, and pieces they are collecting from a tweet here, or a sary? Does it really contradict the general circumstances flipped over matters in the ministry. if it means anything, then it means that there are people who Facebook update over there, made them fall in the trap of Iof the society here? The situation needs strict decisions from Deputy buy books, and never read them. Do not be surprised, it is a feeling that they are current, they know, they can engage in The dominant argument suggests so, and indicates that Premier and Minister of Interior Sheikh Mohammad modern phenomenon, and the Japanese have a term for it: intellectual discussions in 144 characters or less! there are no financial reasons that require controlling births Al-Khalid Al-Sabah. It also calls for investigating the Tsundoku. Roughly speaking, it is a description of the tenden- Reading is not a hobby but a habit. It is where you learn, in a rich country like Kuwait. Add that to people’s culture and situation at the concerned departments and question cy to buy books, piling them around without reading them you dream, you live, love, and die. It is where you travel and dominance of religious orientations, and we can say that all those who have anything to do with this scary situ- and with time, they turn into nothing but another piece of come back in mere seconds, where you meet your own fears promoting the idea of birth control in Kuwait is a lost debate. ation, as the number of cars registered in the name of decoration, like a chair, or a table. and demons, where you embrace the light and live under the On the other hand, I believe that the current circum- expats and the number of cars in the name of four citi- The impulses to buy books could stem from different rea- sun. You do all that by actually reading and learning from stances and requirements makes the idea of birth control in zens warn about a security catastrophe, and that the sons other than the desire to read them. A deep need to vali- what you read, not by merely visiting a book fair and buying a Kuwait to be an inevitable option. And this includes the date oneself, to feel that you are not isolated, you are an intel- couple of books. financial circumstances, regardless of the state’s wealth and luxury, which are subject to the requirements, circumstances It is irresponsible and unre- and even the guidance of others. After all, we have taught ourselves to live off others’ efforts and needs. alistic for any official at the kuwait digest Even if we assume that we have contributions in scientific interior ministry to study this production and human civilization, the education require- Kuwait wealth distribution ments in this era does not only require birth control, but also information and let it pass limiting the number of children to one or two per family. without initiating an investi- By Dr Hassan Abbas On the other hand, I believe gation before sending the hat is the difference between having a rich meal find that MPsí draft laws have good and bad sides. that the current circum- statistics to Awadhi. of subaiti (black seabream) fish at Souk Al- The good aspect is the happiness that people feel when WMubarakiya, and learning how to fish for subaiti in they receive extra benefits that they do not even have to stances and requirements Kuwaiti waters? It appears that lawmakers cannot tell the work for. On the other hand, the bad aspect of these draft interior ministry apparatus is penetrated from inside difference between two obvious facts, do not want to seize laws is the fact that they create a consumer and dependant makes the idea of birth con- and outside! the opportunity and insist to watch as the opportunity generation that becomes a burden on the state and socie- It is irresponsible and unrealistic for any official at goes away. ty. They also create economic diseases such as inflation and trol in Kuwait to be an the interior ministry to study this information and let First of all, I would like to thank MP Yaqoub Al-Sane for unemployment, as well as a society filled with arrogance inevitable option. it pass without initiating an investigation before send- his proposed amendment to ëcontrolí foreignersí recruit- that does not understand the meaning of belonging and ing the statistics to Awadhi. The interior ministry ment in favor of providing more job opportunities for patriotism. seems to be a spectator, waiting for the comments of Kuwaiti labor forces, as well as a proposal that stipulates The worst part about MPsí proposals is that regardless That number is what parents can properly raise nowadays, the MP, media and columnists. monthly pay for Kuwaitis in the unemployment line six of how much they help people, they fail to eliminate the even with a lot of time to dedicate on raising their children. There is no doubt that parliamentary questions months after they file a job application. I would also like to real problem which is the limited sources of income and Preparing a generation capable of keeping up with the have a role in uncovering deviations wherever they thank MP Khalil Al-Saleh for his draft law concerning end of economic capabilities. How long can the state continue fast-paced developments of modern societies requires may be, and shed light on the laxity of some state service indemnity, MP Askar Al-Enezi, former MP Saadoun spending? Even if the number of expatriates is reduced and longer time, more effort and larger wallets. And there is a apparatuses. Yet there are some security matters that Al-Otaibi and others. oil prices increase, one day will come when the state would general agreement that Kuwait’s schools cannot bear this should not be taken lightly, as information such as this They and others are concerned only about salaries, be unable to meet the demands of MPsí generous draft responsibility due to the fact that teachers require training to must be viewed as corruption indicators and warn- allowances, gifts and increases to housing loans, wedding laws. become more aware of the challenges pointed out above, ings. loans, children allowances, treatment trips, etc. Everything I know that MPs are not very concerned about creating and the fact that more births means more pressure on over- I recall a press conference by Gov Abdallah Al-Fares is about the money, as if Kuwait is inhabited by livestock, responsible generations. But assuming I am wrong, then crowded schools. when he said that most roaming taxi companies are not human beings. parliamentarians are better focusing their efforts on diver- This is not mentioning the problems and challenges that owned by interior ministry officers! This led to unlimit- Dear MPs, the country and society have many concerns sifying sources of income, increasing pay based on employ- Kuwait faces to meet citizens’ needs. All services suffer ed disappointment from officers of various ranks, but and worries - each of which has its own method of treat- eesí competency and productivity, supporting small proj- because of the growing demand. And while we are capable for those who know him realize that the security of the ment. Let us discuss the main issue of MPsí concern, which ects, improving education and eliminating corruption and of paying as long as oil prices are going up, we have to country for him cannot be compromised, as the safety is wealth distribution. If we put personal goals aside and crime. That would have better results than draft laws that remember that reducing demand on services remains a rela- of the country and its people comes first. —Al-Qabas focus only on the harmful effects of wealth distribution, we have no output other than earning public support. —Al-Rai tively easier option now. —Al-Qabas LOCAL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 Kuwaiti photographer Zain organizes annual Umrah trip for employees KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunications company wins award in Kuwait, recently organized the annual Umrah trip for employees and their families to visit the Sacred House in DUBAI: Kuwaiti photographer Ali Al-Zaidi India, to showcase the tough life these people Makkah and the Holy Mosque in Madina. This activity has won the first place in the third session of suffer through poverty and their seek of edu- forms part of a number of religious and social initiatives the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al cation against all odds. conducted under the auspices of Zain’s employee-based Maktoum International Photography Award Veteran Kuwaiti photographer Anwar Al- social responsibility program, and reflects the company’s (HIPA) which concluded late on Monday. Hasawi said he was pleased to have been enthusiasm to support and enhance the spiritual lives of its Al-Zaidi said that he had won in the com- invited to the competition’s ending ceremo- staff. petition’s special category entitled “creating ny, with the participation of over 100 interna- Zain was keen to engage its employees and their fami- the future”, expressing his happiness that his tional media figures. lies in this spiritual trip, in which the total number of peo- work won among over 38,000 photos con- The ceremony was attended by the Crown ple who participated reached around 150. Employees and tributed by 26,000 photographers from 156 Prince of Dubai and the Award’s Patron their relatives were sent on an all-inclusive trip to Mecca to countries. Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum, and the event’s perform their Omrah rituals, as well as Madina to visit the Al-Zaidi who was the only Arab winner in speech was given by the Award’s Secretary Holy Mosque. The travelers were accompanied by hon- the competition, as well as the youngest of all General Ali Bin Thaleth, who announced the orary participation of Sheikh Badr Al Hajraf, who described participants, hoped Kuwaiti authorities would title of the upcoming fourth session of the the importance of the religious spirit of Omrah through provide photographers with more attention, competition entitled “life is colors.” seminars and lectures. noting that there are many extremely talent- Moreover, the ceremony also included an The trip was not only restricted to visits to the Holy ed photographers in the country. exhibition showcasing the photography Mosques, but also included a visit to Prophet Mohammed’s His winning photo was taken in a class- works of Sheikh Hamdan and the winning Museum in Madina, coupled with several other activities room of a poor neighborhood in Rajasthan, photographers of each category. KUWAIT: Some of the Zain employees who performed Umrah recently. that included both cultural and religious competitions in which all employees and their families participated. Arab summit of high importance: Arab League Palestinian issue tops agenda

CAIRO: Upcoming Arab summit to be held in joint Arab initiative in the field of energy, especially the Arabs in these difficult circumstances that Kuwait on March 25 and 26 is of high significance, as new and renewable energy, he added. Kuwait hosts the 25th Arab summit as the current it comes during a period of critical developments Al-Araby said the Nile water issue needs high- Arab situation is witnessing a series of internal dis- and challenges in the Arab region, Arab League profile negotiations between Nile Basin countries, putes between Arab brothers which increases weak- Secretary-General Nabil Al-Araby said. Al-Araby said pointing out that he is not aware of any contacts ness in the Arab arena. Palestinian cause will be at the top of the summit’s tacking place between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia He added that His Highness the Amir of Kuwait agenda, being the central issue for the Arabs. The related to the construction of Grand Ethiopian has always been, along his long history since he was Syrian crisis is also a top priority file, as the country Renaissance Dam. There is a number of international foreign minister, careful on the restoration of inter- will suffer a real collapse in case the current regime agreements that prohibit causing harm to any of the Arab relations and reconciliation among them as and opposition fail to reach an agreement, he Nile Basin countries, and state the need for solving well as creating an atmosphere of togetherness and added. any conflicts between them through peaceful cooperation between the Arab brothers. Al-Araby will present a report during the coming means, he affirmed. He pointed out that Kuwait is considered a ‘pro- summit tackling issue of the Arab League Charter tector haven’ at this stage, saying that Kuwait had in that was drafted in 1944, in order to cope with the Major role the past hosted numerous international and region- current circumstances, considering the major devel- Meanwhile, a number of prominent Lebanese al summits and helped Lebanon in many occasions. opments on regional and international arenas. The media figures have stressed the importance of the For his part, political analyst and columnist Ali summit will also discuss means to boost economic role played by Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Hamadeh from ‘Annahar’ said this summit is gaining relations between Arab nations through establish- Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in the rearrange- great importance especially as it comes at a critical ing small and medium projects, besides allowance ment and restoration of the Arab house. stage where the Arab region is witnessing internal of free movement of capitals between member “It is a good fortune to the Arab leaders the Arab crises and strained relations between some Arab countries, he said. summit is convened in Kuwait especially in these countries, as well as the repercussions of the Arab It will also tackle establishment of a rail network, critical situations”, they said. Spring. connecting the Arab countries, as well as supporting They hoped Kuwait, through its wisdom, states- Hamadeh said Kuwait has been playing a leading the private sector to contribute to improvement of manship of its leadership and its long experience, to and advanced role in support of the Syrian people the Arab economy, he said. be able to restore and revive friendliness in the who suffer greatly because of the crisis, which Egypt will present an initiative for activating the framework of the Arab family, considering that entered its fourth year, in addition to the conference Arab agreement of fighting terrorism, he said. makes the next summit at new crossroads that is that were held for the sake of assisting the displaced The Arab League meeting will also discuss key hoped to restore harmony and trying to mitigate Syrian refugees. He stressed the importance of con- issues like supporting “joint Arab action,” exerting the differences between Arab brothers. vening the Arab summit in Kuwait due to the ability further efforts to make the Middle East region free of Rajih Al-Khouri, a writer and journalist in of Kuwait to communicate with all parties con- mass destruction weapons, besides launching a ‘Annahar’ newspaper said it would be fortunate for cerned of the Syrian crisis.—KUNA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 LOCAL Suspect reenacts brutal murder, expresses regret Family denies maid abuse

KUWAIT: An Ethiopian housemaid who killed her and insisted that the maid received good treat- istic to around 73,000 Ethiopians living in Kuwait,” employer’s daughter on Sunday in Sulaibikhat ment from all members of the family. he added. was remanded in custody at the Criminal The family also indicated that they never Gudeta also confirmed that his country had Evidence Department where she was taken from noticed anything that would indicate that the stopped sending domestic helpers to work in the Criminal Investigations Department Monday housemaid was upset or angry prior to commit- Kuwait since November “due to the problems fac- morning to reenact the crime. Security sources ting the crime. It still unknown whether the ing labor forces currently”. The Interior Ministry in quoted by Al-Anbaa yesterday indicated that Ethiopian embassy will assign a lawyer to defend Kuwait issued a ban on recruiting Ethiopian Rabiya Mahmoud was transferred under tight- the suspect, or she will be defended by a court domestic helpers officially on Feb 16, 2014, citing ened security measures in order to avoid possible appointed attorney. ‘official statistics’ for the increase in the crime rate interaction with angry civilians. among the Ethiopian community. Meanwhile, the sources who claim knowledge ‘Painful and sad’ A senior Foreign Ministry official said that of the investigations said that the woman Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s ambassador to Kuwait Kuwait gave an explanation at the time to the ‘expressed regret’ during questioning on Monday Mohammed Gudeta expressed condolences to Ethiopian government. “The Kuwaiti government “after realizing that she had killed a young woman the victim’s family for the ‘painful and sad inci- explained to its Ethiopian counterparts when over trivial conflicts that could have been tackled dent’, and added that criminal acts are ‘individual Addis Ababa inquired about stopping the by requesting to leave the country” actions’ that should not be generalized. Gudeta issuance of visas at the Kuwaiti embassy that the The family of Seham Al-Shemmari, who was was approached by Al-Watan daily who asked decision came as a result of problems pertaining stabbed four times in her bedroom on Sunday at him about speculations spreading in Kuwait that with breaking the law, visa procedures and dawn and pronounced dead later at the hospital, the increasing crime rate among the Ethiopian increasing crime rate,” said Hamad Al-Meshaan, denied allegations that the housemaid was mis- community reflects violence in areas in their the Director of the Africa Department at the treated by the victim or any other family member. home country. Foreign Ministry. The suspect had claimed shortly after turning her- “These allegations are untrue,” Gudeta said And while reiterating the ministry’s commit- self over to Sulaibikhat police Sunday morning “The Ethiopian people are peaceful and reject vio- ment to “protect the interests of citizens and expa- that the victim used to treat her badly. However, lence by nature. Security problems and violations triates”, Al-Meshaan urged the public to avoid the family members said during questioning on can come from citizens of any country in the passing judgments on the entire Ethiopian com- Monday that those accusations were incorrect, world, and it is unfair to generalize this character- munity. Calls for govt ‘geo-info’ system KUWAIT: Sheikh Ahmad Al- group 500 officials from North such education for sake of sparing major step, he said, cautioning Abdullah Al-Sabah, the group Africa and the Middle east. effort and boosting our practical that some legislations are also head of geographic information Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah life.” necessary to attain this objective. systems’ users, has called for set- pointed out that his call for such a For his part, Director General of Meanwhile, the municipal ting up such a network in the network is necessary to guide 60 the Central Agency for Information assistant undersecretary, Walid public sector. percent of the population, using Technology (CAIT) Abdul-Latif Al- Al-Jassem, touched on the Civil associations should take the advanced electronic media Syraye’, indicated that 56 govern- aspired transformation of the part in enacting legislations “that and communication means. mental departments are linked to basic data infrastructure into a concern the society, so that such a It is very much necessary for it the network that contains geo- geographic data system, noting task would not be restricted to contributes to making sound graphical information. that the municipality posted an the two (legislative and executive) decisions and help centralize data Infrastructure of such an elec- integrated map on the internet, authorities, said Sheikh Ahmad Al- and information of the govern- tronic service is available and namely its website. “However, the Abdullah in a statement he made ment departments. some departments have begun to problem lies in citizens’ non-inter- at “the second informatics diwan,” Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah depend largely on it-namely action with this website,” he clari- held by Sheikh Salem Al-Ali also indicated that the establish- Kuwait Municipality and Ministry fied. Informatics Award, late on ment of such a system would help of Finance, Al-Suraye’ said. The Kuwait Municipality has won KUWAIT: The Kuwait Dive Team concluded a cleaning campaign at the Monday. in trimming bureaucracy, noting electronic gateway project pro- three excellence awards, one Miskan Island, which included removing 40 tons of harmful waste. The six- This call is intended to ensure “less bureaucratic measures make vides 850 governmental services, granted by His Highness Sheikh day operation was carried out successfully in cooperation with the Kuwait enactment of “realistic and appli- transparency proportion higher.” and fees are paid via the network Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah. Moreover, Municipality, Customs General Department, Kuwait Fire Services Directorate cable laws, “ he opined. “We also need to educate the reach as higher as KD 15 million. it has proven to be ahead of other The group, which had organ- officials and citizens about neces- Compelling the government governmental authorities in deal- and the state’s committee to remove violations on state property. Miskan ized seven conventions, planned sity of such networks. The media departments to use this electron- ing and making use of electronic Island, located between the Failaka Island and Ras Al-Subbiya, has a total an eighth conference, expected to can play a role in promotion of ic infrastructure constitutes a and online services. —KUNA area of 344,000 square meters and a 2.5 km coastline.

KUWAIT: A partial view of the audience. Live webcast session at Dasman Diabetes Institute

KUWAIT: The Healthcare Planning and Joslin Diabetes Center and Associate errors and challenges in insulin and oral Development Department at Dasman Professor of Medicine at Harvard medications. Diabetes Institute, which was founded by Medical School and Dr Nuha A. El Sayed, 61 physicians registered in the pro- Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement Director - International Training gram attended from the primary and sec- of Sciences, coordinated the first live Programs, Joslin Diabetes Center ondary healthcare services. Attendees webcast session for the Joslin University Associate Director - International enjoyed the session a lot and hope the International Programme on Thursday. Initiatives at Harvard Medical Faculty next will be longer. Holding such activi- The session was live from Boston Physicians Endocrinology, to further dis- ties is in accordance with the mission of with Dr Richard Beaser, executive direc- cuss diabetes treatment cases. They the Institute to promote awareness tor, Continuing Medical Education at went over difficult cases and common amongst the healthcare professionals. Motorcyclist dies in Gulf Road accident KUWAIT: A motorcyclist was killed while a woman was criti- Jahra assault cally wounded in an accident at the Gulf Road Monday Two people were hospitalized, one in a critical condition, after they morning. Paramedics and police arrived at the scene in were assaulted in Jahra by a group of men for reasons that remain response to an emergency call reporting an accident under investigations. One of the men, who sustained minor injuries, between a motorcycle and a sports utility vehicle at the traf- told police from his bed at Jahra Hospital that the suspects pulled their fic light near the Marina Mall. The motorcyclist, a 29-year-old sports utility vehicle over near him and his friend while they were walk- Kuwaiti, was in a very critical condition when medical staff ing in the area, and then beat them up before escaping. He could not arrived, but succumbed to his injuries soon after reaching provide reasons for the attack, but was able to identify one of the Mubarak Hospital. A 31-year-old Syrian woman was taken attackers. Police could not question the other victim who was admit- out of the SUV and rushed to Mubarak Hospital with serious ted in the intensive care unit. Investigations are ongoing to find the injuries. Preliminary investigations indicate that the accident suspect and arrest him for questioning. happened when either the SUV or motorcycle jumped the red traffic light, and detectives are working on determining Body found who it was. A middle-aged man was found dead in Khaitan, and preliminary investigations indicate that he likely passed away from natural causes. Murder threat Paramedics and police arrived to a building in the area Sunday after- A domestic worker was arrested in Sulaibikhat after her noon in response to an emergency call, and found the 50-year-old employer accused her of threatening his family with a knife. Egyptian man’s body inside his apartment. The criminal investigations’ The woman, an Ethiopian national, denied the accusations as report indicates that the man had died several days prior to the discov- she was reprimanded in custody while police finish hearing ery as his body was in rigor mortis. A case filed at the area’s police is testimonies of the house residents. The Kuwaiti employer had pending an autopsy report from the forensic department where the told officers who headed to his house in response to an emer- body was taken after criminal investigators finished examining the gency call that the maid became violent following a conflict scene. with another domestic helper over taking care of a senior citi- zen living in the same house. Investigations are ongoing. Afterschool fight A man arrived to pick up his son from school Monday afternoon, Amghara suicide but found the 10-year-old boy in the middle of a fight with another A man committed suicide in his residence in Amghara schoolmate of the same age. Instead of putting the situation under according to police investigations. Officers had arrived to the control, the man went on to beat his son’s foe, as well as the kid’s older scene in response to an emergency call made by the build- brother who came minutes later to investigate. The two boys told their ing janitor, who said that a tenant was found dead inside his mother when she came to pick them up after school, and the woman room. They found the Indian national’s body hanging from a headed to the police station to press charges against the man who rope tied to the ceiling fan, before criminal investigators had left with his son by the time she arrived. The incident reportedly were summoned. Preliminary investigations indicated that happened outside a Qairawan school where the three children study. the man hanged himself, and investigations are ongoing to Local police are looking to identify and summon the man who is determine his motives. accused of physically assaulting two children. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 Russia defies sanctions, Iraq bill sparks fury over child marriage moves to take Crimea Page 8 Page 10

ALEPPO: The bodies of two Syrian children lie in the rubble of a residential building reportedly hit by an explosives-filled barrel dropped by a government forces helicopter yesterday. — AFP In Syrian spillover, hostilities swell in Lebanon After Yabrud capture, Syria army advances west

BEIRUT: Gunmen from Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah Shiites from a string of surrounding towns. The move able in Arsal won’t be enough,” Abu Khaled said. In Syria, which is close to the border, the source in Damascus told group and local Shiite residents tightened their choke- came after the area’s Shiites blamed Arsal for rocket fire Prime Minister Wael Al-Halqi estimated the cost of the AFP after taking the hills between there and Yabrud. They hold on a Sunni town near the Syrian border yesterday, toward their villages in recent days and a car bombing Syrian war, now in its fourth year, had amounted to $30.1 also plan to seize the villages of Rankus, south of Yabrud, sparking concerns the standoff would cut off aid to thou- that killed three people. billion, or 4.7 trillion Syrian pounds. In an interview to the and Flita and Ras Al-Maara, to its northwest. Elsewhere, sands of Syrian refugees stranded in the area. The stran- Yesterday, Shiite gunmen opened fire at vehicles from pro-government Al-Baath newspaper, Al-Halqi gave no the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said regime glehold on the eastern Lebanese town of Arsal is the lat- Arsal that tried to drive up toward the checkpoint, said further details on how the amount was calculated, also planes bombed the northern city of Aleppo, killing at est spillover of Syria’s civil war into its smaller neighbor. the town’s deputy mayor, Ahmad Fliti. The shooting yesterday, rebels fired mortars at the capital Damascus, least four people, including two children, in the Shaar dis- The conflict, particularly the Syrian army’s seizure of the heightened despair within Arsal, a town of 40,000 killing five civilians, the Syrian state-run news agency trict. town of Yabroud that served as a strategically important Lebanese and 52,000 Syrian refugees for whom the road SANA said. The violence in Aleppo came as Marcell Shehwaro, a rebel stronghold, has inflamed sectarian tensions in is a vital lifeline. Another 200 Syrian families have arrived prominent female activist detained a day earlier by rebels Lebanon. The town is located just across the border from in Arsal over the past few days, fleeing fighting as Syrian Army advances west for refusing to wear the Islamic headscarf, was released. Lebanon. troops seized Yabroud, said Lisa Abu Khaled of the UN’s Meanwhile, the Syrian army has taken a several hills The Army of Mujahedeen, which had detained Shehwaro The violence included a Syrian laborer who was found refugee agency. “Everybody needs help. They need blan- southwest of the former rebel stronghold of Yabrud as and her friend Mohammad Khalili, issued a statement stabbed near a construction site in the central Lebanese kets and food. But we are currently facing a ticking bomb they seek to secure territory between there and the “apologising in the strongest terms” for the arrests. mountains, Lebanon’s state-run news agency reported. of contagious illnesses, a ticking bomb of hunger and a Lebanese border, a security source said yesterday. On Nearby, the Britain-based Observatory said troops bat- The man’s blood was used to write the words “Revenge ticking bomb of people,” said Fliti. Sunday, backed by fighters from Lebanon’s Shiite tled Islamist opposition forces, including the Al-Qaeda for Yabroud, and for Syria’s honor,” the NNA said. It wasn’t Lebanese aid organizations distributed a three-day Hezbollah and local militia, they seized Yabrud after a affiliated Al-Nusra Front, leaving at least seven people clear what the man’s involvement was - if any - in the emergency food supply to the neediest refugees on month of shelling and air strikes. They are now moving to dead on the two sides. In the Damascus area, five people Yabroud battle and no other details were immediately Monday, said UN official Abu Khaled, but she stressed secure the area along the nearby border with Lebanon, were killed by opposition mortar fire in several districts, available. Over the weekend, gunmen closed off Arsal’s that tens of thousands more had to rely on dwindling which has been a key supply route for the opposition, state news agency SANA reported. Four people were only road to the rest of Lebanon by erecting a sand- stocks within the town. “Assistance will definitely be hin- allowing them to transport fighters and weapons. killed in the Jaramana suburb, southeast of the capital, bagged checkpoint manned by Hezbollah gunmen and dered without the reopening of the road. What is avail- “The army is heading in the direction of Ras Al-Ain,” and another in the city itself, SANA said. — Agencies INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 Egypt policeman gets Iraq bill sparks fury 10-year jail sentence CAIRO: An Egyptian court jailed a police Alliance, which is pressing for the reinstate- over child marriage officer for 10 years yesterday over the ment of Morsi, had accused police of killing deaths of 37 Islamist prisoners, who suffo- the prisoners as they were being moved. cated from tear gas in a police van, a judi- “They were reportedly assassinated in their cial source said. The sentence was the truck with live ammunition and tear gas toughest verdict yet against police since a fired from windows,” the alliance said. State Secular activists, draft law’s backers face off deadly crackdown was launched on sup- news agency MENA had said trucks carry- porters of ousted president Mohamed ing more than 600 prisoners came under BAGHDAD: A bill before Iraq’s parliament that Morsi. The incident occurred when the tear attack by armed men, and a “number of opponents say legalizes child marriage and gas was fired into the van as Islamists were prisoners” were killed in ensuing clashes. marital rape has sparked controversy ahead of being taken to a prison near Cairo on The verdict was passed after the court elections as secular activists face off against August 18. heard testimony from seven wounded pris- Three other police officers linked to the oners. The court also heard from a justice the draft law’s backers. The bill, the Jaafari case were each handed one year suspend- ministry expert, who said the vans used had Personal Status Law, sets out rules to do with ed sentences, the source said. The four offi- a capacity of only 24 people, while they inheritance, marriage and divorce. Supporters cers were sentenced for manslaughter after were packed with 45 that day. The incident of the draft, named after a Shiite Muslim the prosecution’s investigation revealed came just four days after security forces school of jurisprudence, say it simply regulates that they were reckless and lacked pru- stormed two sit-ins of Morsi supporters in practices already existing in day-to-day life. dence in dealing with the situation, the Cairo in which hundreds were killed. Since Opponents say the bill represents a step sources added. The incident occurred dur- then, security forces have been continued a back for women’s rights in Iraq, and worry that ing the peak of the crackdown against sup- crackdown on them. Amnesty International it could further fray already fragile sectarian porters of Morsi, who was ousted by the says more than 1,400 people have been ties between the country’s various communi- army last July. killed in the crackdown, and thousands ties amid heightened violence ahead of April The interior ministry said at the time arrested. It has repeatedly blamed the secu- parliamentary polls. Critics point in particular that police fired tear gas when the inmates rity forces for using excessive force against to a clause of Article 147 in the bill which rioted as they were being transferred to Islamist protesters. Yesterday’s verdict may allows for girls to divorce at the age of nine, Abu Zaabal prison. The Islamist Anti-Coup be appealed. — AFP meaning they could conceivably marry even earlier, and another article which would require a wife to have sex with her husband Amnesty condemns ‘shameful’ whenever he demands. Other clauses have been ridiculed for their Cyprus treatment of migrants specificity, from the conditions under which NICOSIA: Amnesty International yesterday con- young children, while children’s rights commis- mothers must breastfeed their children to how demned what it termed the “shameful” treat- sioner Leda Koursoumba has campaigned many nights a polygamous man must spend BAGHDAD: An Iraqi woman walks with her fully veiled daughter in Baghdad yesterday. A bill ment of migrants and asylum-seekers in Cyprus, against separating migrant families. Koursoumba with each wife and how he may use additional before Iraq’s parliament that opponents say legalizes child marriage and marital rape has saying they were being detained in prison-like says the authorities have a legal obligation to nights. But the part of the bill that has pro- sparked controversy ahead of elections as secular activists face off against the draft law’s conditions for extended periods awaiting depor- ensure the child is properly cared for while the voked by far the most anger has been the one backers. — AFP tation. Refugees from the conflict in Syria and parent is in custody. Amnesty said at least one regarding the marriage and divorce of young faced opposition from religious leaders, with member of Fadhila, has meanwhile argued women separated from young children figure person at the island’s main immigration deten- girls in Iraq, where a quarter of women are Bashir Najafi, one of Shiite Islam’s most senior that the law contains other articles which pro- among those detained in the EU member state, tion centre, Menoyia, had been held for 22 con- married before the age of 18, according to a clerics, issuing a fatwa this month saying the vide “basic guarantees for maintaining it said in a report. “By detaining scores of people secutive months-in violation of an EU maximum 2013 study by the Washington-based bill has several “legal and doctrinal” problems women’s dignity and rights”. The fierce debate for months at a time, Cyprus is displaying a chill- of 18 months-awaiting deportation. Menogia is Population Reference Bureau. Analysts have, which “no scholar can agree with”. may, however, turn out to be moot, with ana- ing lack of compassion and a complete disre- “a prison in all but name. Behind a double metal however, dismissed the bill as politicking, and The bill’s defenders, however, say the new lysts predicting that the bill is unlikely to be gard for its international obligations,” said Sherif fence... detainees are forced to live in cramped say it is highly unlikely to make it through law would not strike down Iraq’s current passed before legislative elections next Elsayed-Ali, Amnesty’s head of refugee and conditions and only allowed outside the building Iraq’s Council of Representatives. Personal Status Law, lauded as one of the most month, if at all. Indeed, according to a senior migrants’ rights. “It is shameful to think that with- for 2.5 hours each day,” said Elsayed-Ali. progressive in the region. They also point to government official who declined to be in the EU people who have committed no crime He said: “Cypriot authorities, seemingly eager ‘Violation of children’s rights’ the country’s constitution as giving them the named, one of the main reasons it was are being held in harsh prison-like conditions for to portray themselves as taking a tough stance “The draft law is a humanitarian crime and freedom to legally regulate personal status endorsed by cabinet was because Prime prolonged periods, in some cases for up to 18 on immigration, have displayed a ruthless and a violation of children’s rights,” said Hanaa within the Shiite Muslim community. “The Minister Nuri Al-Maliki, a Shiite, did not want months or longer,” he said. arbitrary attitude to locking up migrants. “The Edwar, a well-known activist and head of the idea of the law is that each religion regulates to be criticized for failing to back a demand fact that EU laws allow people who have not Amnesty cited two cases of foreign women charity Al-Amal (‘Hope’ in Arabic). “It turns and organizes its personal status depending from within the majority community ahead of detained and forcibly separated from their committed a criminal offence to be effectively women into tools for sexual enjoyment. ... It on what it believes,” said Ammar Toma, a Shiite the polls. young children, one a toddler of 19 months and imprisoned for up to 18 months is appalling.” MP from the Fadhila party which is the bill’s Maliki could also be looking to leave open the other aged three, who were handed over to During a visit earlier this month, Amnesty said it deletes all their rights.” principal backer. Toma said the law would the possibility of a post-election alliance social services. The women, longtime residents found nine Syrian refugees were among those Edwar’s criticism has been echoed by a of Cyprus and married to EU citizens, told held at Menoyia, including at least one who had wide variety of opponents, ranging from modernize age-old practices of looking to between his State of Law coalition and Fadhila, Amnesty that the separation had had “devastat- applied for asylum. “It is incomprehensible that domestic foes to New York-based Human local leaders for rulings on marital disputes, as no single party is expected to win a majori- ing effects on their children”. “There can be no the Cypriot authorities are detaining Syrian Rights Watch (HRW) and even the UN envoy to arguing that “instead of keeping the matters of ty in parliament on its own. “There is a politi- excuse for separating a woman who has com- nationals in Menoyia when it is Cyprus’s official Iraq who said the bill “can contribute to the marriage in that old style, the law moves the cal dimension to this draft,” said Ihsan Al- mitted no crime from her children. The treat- policy not to return Syrians to Syria,” said fragmentation of the national identity.” “The issues to state institutions and brings a system Shammari, a professor of politics at Baghdad ment of migrants in Cyprus at the moment is Elsayed-Ali. “We can only conclude that the bill will reverse the gains made to protect and of modernity.” University. “Everyone is looking to win votes degrading and unnecessary,” said Elsayed-Ali. detention of Syrian nationals is intended to send advance women and girls’ rights that are pro- and wants to appeal to their base,” he said. Cyprus ombudsman Eliza Savvidou has also a message to other Syrians that they are not wel- tected by the constitution,” Nickolay Mladenov Women’s dignity, rights “Submitting this bill-at this moment-is for criticized the detention of migrant mothers of come in Cyprus.” — AFP said in a statement this month. It has also Justice Minister Hassan al-Shammari, also a political and electoral reasons.” — AFP Serbia nets alleged Balkan drug boss

BELGRADE: Alleged Balkan drug boss Darko Saric, one of the most wanted figures in the crime-riddled region, surrendered to Serbian police yester- day as a dragnet involving the CIA closed in on him in Latin America, Serbian authorities said. Serbia’s gov- ernment said the 43-year-old had set no conditions for his surrender, other than to see his wife, son and daugh- ter for 30 minutes at Podgorica air- port in neighboring Montenegro en route from an unspecified third coun- try to Belgrade. Saric, a Serbian citi- zen of Montenegrin origin, faces 13 indictments including the trafficking of 5.7 tons of cocaine from South America to Europe and laundering of 22 million euros in Serbia. After almost five years on the run, Serbia said it had located Saric mov- ing within four Latin American coun- tries and that, having realised his BELGRADE: Darko Saric is escorted from a government jet, in Belgrade, arrest may be imminent, he had Serbia, following his arrest in Montenegro. — AP offered to surrender. “On February 24, after a parliamentary election won in heading to western Europe. his lawyer contacted the Serbian gov- a landslide by Vucic’s centre-right All former Yugoslav republics have ernment and offered his uncondition- Progressive Party thanks, in large since set their sights on joining the al surrender, which we accepted,” part, to Vucic’s role as leader of a pop- European Union, alongside members Serbian Deputy Prime Minister ular campaign against crime and cor- Slovenia and Croatia, and face pres- Aleksandar Vucic told a televised cab- ruption. It follows the arrest last year sure to tackle organized crime as a inet session. He said Serbian and in Serbia’s former Kosovo province of condition of integration. Police first Montenegrin security officers had Naser Kelmendi, blacklisted by the accused Saric of being a narco-boss been in the third country, and that United States on suspicion of traffick- after more than two tons of cocaine Saric was escorted to Montenegro ing drugs to Europe. was seized in 2009 on a boat off the and then on to Belgrade. Organized crime flourished during Uruguayan coast in an international “Our huge efforts have borne fruit,” the Balkan wars in the 1990s as social- police operation codenamed Balkan Vucic said, adding that particular ist Yugoslavia fell apart, spawning Warrior. Serbian authorities have gratitude was owed to the CIA. sophisticated crime networks that since issued the 13 indictments Television pictures showed a hand- exploited poorly policed borders, a against him and seized millions of cuffed Saric emerging from a Serbian glut of cheap firearms and a political euros worth of assets, including plane in Belgrade in jeans and a white and security establishment riddled apartments, hotels and businesses. shirt and stepping into a police vehi- with corruption. The region is a well- Saric has not commented on the alle- cle. The breakthrough came two days known transit route for illicit drugs gations. — Reuters Somali Islamists attack hotel in central region

MOGADISHU: Somali Islamist militants drove a car bomb at a Kenya detained two would-be bombers this week. Hussein Nur, hotel in a town in central Somalia that was being used by African a resident in Somalia’s central Bulobarde town, said a car bomb Union and Somali military forces, a resident and the militant exploded late on Monday at the Camalow hotel, then troops group said. The Al-Qaeda-linked Al Shabaab movement said its and militants fought for several hours. His line cut before he raid on Monday claimed many lives, but poor communications could provide further details. AMISOM could not immediately be in that region made it difficult to verify numbers. The insurgent reached for comment. “First, a mujahid (holy warrior) with a car strike followed an attack on a military convoy near the capital bomb entered the hotel, followed by two well-armed fighters Mogadishu, also on Monday, which killed four Somali soldiers, who sprayed bullets,” said Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, Al an army captain said. Shabaab’s military operation spokesman said yesterday. He said Somalia’s African Union peacekeeping force AMISOM, now 32 soldiers were killed. In the past, al Shabaab has exaggerated bigger after Ethiopian troops joined this year, has launched an numbers while officials have downplayed losses. Al Shabaab, offensive to clear territory still held by Al Shabaab. The Islamists which is seeking to impose its version of Islamic law, was driven have responded with more guerrilla assaults and have threat- out of bases in the capital more than two years ago, but has con- ened attacks on contributors to the African force, such as Kenya tinued to control swathes of countryside and smaller towns, and Uganda. Both those nations have warned of threats and which it uses as launchpads to strike. —Reuters INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 Qaeda suspect nabbed near US-Canada border Muslim convert heading for Syrian Jihad

SEATTLE: A California man who prosecutors say was on his complaint. He had not gone through basic US combat training. way to Syria to join an Al-Qaeda splinter group was arrested on Teausant told the FBI informant that he had training in Monday near the US-Canada border in Washington state on a marksmanship, mapping and physical agility, and that he had a terrorism charge, federal officials said. The US Department of “very serious military side.” He also told the informant that he Justice said in a statement that 20-year-old Nicholas Teausant, doesn’t “get squirmy” at the sight of blood and at one point an American-born convert to Islam, had planned to cross into said he would kill his mother, whom he described as a non- Canada and travel on to Syria to join Islamist militants. A crimi- believer, if she interfered with his plans. When the informant nal complaint outlining the accusations against Teausant said told him that if he decided not to proceed with his plans, the he wanted to join an Al-Qaeda splinter group, the Islamic State pair could still be friends, Teausant said he had made up his of Iraq and Syria, which it said was also known as the Islamic mind, according to the complaint. “I prayed about it like you State of Iraq and the Levant. said. My resolve is pretty clean cut,” the complaint quoted “My designs have me staying there (in Syria) and being on Teausant as saying.— Reuters every news station in the world,” the criminal complaint quot- ed Teausant as telling a paid FBI informant last month. “I’m going to be a commander and I’m going to be on the front of every single newspaper in the country,” he said. “Like I want my Venezuelan unrest KHOGYANI: Afghan security personnel present a burqa-clad resident they say is a Taleban fighter to the media at face on FBI’s top 12 most wanted. Because that means I’m the Afghan National Army headquarters in Khogyani District near Jalalabad yesterday. — AFP doing something right.” The complaint said Teausant planned death toll mounts to join the group to engage in jihad, or Islamic holy struggle, and to fight the Western-backed Free Syrian Army, which is battling the government of President Bashar Al-Assad in Syria’s CARACAS: A Venezuela National Guard captain died on Suicide attack kills 16 Monday after being shot in the head during a demon- civil war. ISIL, a small but powerful force that emerged from the stration, the military said, the 29th fatality in six weeks Sunni Islamist insurgency in neighboring Iraq and has attract- of clashes between protesters and security forces. in north Afghanistan ed many foreign militants to its ranks, opposes the Assad General Padrino Lopez, head of the armed forces’ government but has also fought rival rebel factions. Teausant strategic operational command, said the captain was also spoke of wanting to target the subway system in Los shot late on Sunday at a street barricade set up by MAZAR-I-SHARIF: A suicide bomber killed at least 16 people at a Council in New York, adding he was “gravely disturbed” by the Angeles on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, according to demonstrators in the central city of Maracay, in Aragua crowded market in northern Afghanistan yesterday, officials said, Taleban threat to unleash “a campaign of terror”. Previous Afghan the US complaint, but discontinued his involvement over state. “He was another victim of terrorist violence,” despite a tightening of security for presidential elections less than elections have been badly marred by violence, with 31 civilians fears authorities had caught wind of it. Teausant was arrested Lopez said on Twitter, calling for an end to the con- three weeks away. There was no immediate claim of responsibility and 26 soldiers and police killed on polling day alone in 2009 as near the border in Blaine, Washington, on a charge of frontations. “Our armed forces don’t repress peaceful for the attack in Maimanah city, the capital of remote Faryab the Islamist militants demonstrated their opposition to the US- attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist protests, they protect them.” province which borders Turkmenistan and has a mixed popula- backed polls. Another bloodstained election would damage organization. He faces a maximum of 15 years in prison and a Since early February, students and hardline opposi- tion of Uzbek, Turkmen and Pashtun ethnic groups. A week ago claims by international donors that the hugely expensive military $250,000 fine if convicted. tion leaders have been calling supporters onto the Taleban insurgent leaders vowed to target the presidential elec- and civilian intervention since 2001 has made progress in estab- streets to protest against President Nicolas Maduro and tion, urging their fighters to attack polling staff, voters and securi- lishing a functioning state system. American convert his socialist government. The demonstrators are ty forces before the April 5 vote to choose a successor to Hamid Karzai, who is barred from serving a third term in office, has He joins a small number of American converts to Islam who demanding political change and an end to high infla- Karzai. consistently said Afghanistan will hold a safe and clean election, have been accused of taking up arms, or attempting to do so, tion, shortages of basic foods and one of the worst “It was a suicide bombing in the middle of Maimanah city dur- despite previous violence and allegations of massive fraud when in the name of religion. Among the most famous of those was rates of violent crime in the world. The protests, howev- ing the Tuesday bazaar,” provincial governor Mohammadullah he won the last poll five years ago. “We should try our best for a John Walker Lindh, who was captured in Afghanistan and has er, show no signs of toppling Maduro, a 51-year-old for- Batash said. “The blast happened on the main roundabout, which transparent, free and secure election,” he told parliament on been in a US prison since 2002 for aiding the Taleban. Still, the mer bus driver who narrowly won an election in April was very crowded. The bomber used a three-wheeler packed with Saturday. Yesterday he condemned the Faryab bombing as a “ter- phenomenon of Islamic converts turning to militancy is rela- 2013 to replace his late friend and mentor, Hugo explosives.” Abdul Ali Haleem, the provincial health director, said rorist attack” plotted by foreigners. The election front-runners are tively rare, particularly in the United States where the Muslim Chavez. Tareck El Aissami, governor of Aragua state and 16 people had died and 40 were treated for injuries, among them Abdullah Abdullah, who came second in 2009, former foreign population is more integrated than in many parts of Europe, a member of the ruling Socialist Party, said authorities a pregnant woman and two children aged six and seven. minister Zalmai Rassoul and former World Bank economist Ashraf said David Rapoport, a retired political science professor at the arrested a “Chinese mercenary” near where the Northern Afghanistan is generally more peaceful than the south Ghani. University of California, Los Angeles. “My impression is that National Guard captain was killed. and east but Islamist insurgents, rival militias and criminal gangs Unidentified men shot dead two of Abdullah’s aides in the when you have a convert who seems to suddenly decide he’s Aissami said an “arsenal” was found in the man’s are active in some districts. Six Afghan employees of the aid group western city of Herat in early February. The next president will face going to fight, he was likely hostile from the start,” said home, and showed video of hundreds of rounds of dif- ACTED working on rural development projects were shot dead in a testing new era as the Afghan army and police take on the Rapoport, also co-editor of Terrorism and Political Violence, an ferent calibers. He gave the man’s Venezuelan identity Faryab in December by suspected Taleban gunmen. Taleban without the assistance of 53,000 NATO combat troops. academic journal. card number, but did not elaborate further. The govern- Karzai yesterday nominated Yunus Qanooni to replace Vice- Teausant showed little emotion in a brief court appearance ment has often talked of alleged assassination plans, Rising poll violence President Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim, who died 10 days in Seattle on Monday as his lawyer asked that his case be trans- but rarely provides many details. In the western border The United Nations envoy to Kabul warned on Monday that ago of natural causes. Qanooni, like the late Fahim, is an ethnic ferred to California, a request granted by the judge. Teausant state of Tachira, which has been hardest hit by the vio- election-related violence was on the rise in Afghanistan, where Tajik, and he may play a key role in deal-making after the election was ordered to remain in custody pending his transfer to lence, residents rebuilt some barricades overnight on NATO combat troops are withdrawing after 13 years of fighting a results. Rassoul and Ghani are seen as competing for the Pashtun California. A student at San Joaquin Delta Community College streets that the authorities had cleared. In Puerto fierce Islamist insurgency. “Security will have a major impact on vote, which is the largest ethnic bloc, while Abdullah draws wide- in Stockton, California, Teausant was also a member of the US Ordaz, in the south of the country, Reuters witnesses these polls,” Jan Kubis said in an address to the UN Security spread Tajik support. — AFP Army National Guard, enlisting in 2012. But as of December, he said riot police clashed with hundreds of students. At was in the process of being released from the National Guard, least two government-owned vehicles were burnt by where he held the rank of private, because he “did not meet protesters.—Reuters Vietnam, Japan boost the minimum qualifications to continue,” according to the strategic partnership

KUWAIT: President Truong Tan Sang of the Socialist indeed reached a much deeper trust, and consented to Republic of Vietnam is on a state-level visit to Japan - an establish the “Strategic Partnership for peace and prosperity important strategic partner of Hanoi in the Northeastern in Asia”. Multilateral forums such as those in the UN, APEC, Asia region (from 16/3 to 19/3/2014). This historic visit is IPU, EAS, ARF, ADMM Plus... have improved the mutual made right after the 40th anniversary of the establishment understanding and trust between the two nations, as well as of diplomatic relation between the two countries, profound- consolidating their positions on regional and international ly consolidating the friendship between the two peoples stages. It is the mutual understanding and trust that cement who have many cultural, historical and social commonalities. the two strategic partners. Despite the fact that the official diplomatic relation have Vietnam, with a history of defeating many empires in the just been 40 years long, the historical connections the two world, now has become an active nation, which quickly got nations was initiated in the 8th century. During the 16th - up from the ruins of war and obtained many achievements 17th centuries and especially in the first decades of the 20th to create its own place and role among the international century, the trading, cultural and political interactions had community. Japan, similarly, is a country which has always contributed significantly to Vietnam - Japan relation. That come back strongly after each severe suffering and unyield- fact has become a crucial basis for the sound development ingly overcome any hardship to move ahead. These com- of the relation between the two countries nowadays. After monalities, along with the mutual trust and the commit- four decades, the economic and trading relations between ments from the leaders of the both sides, are making hopes Hanoi and Tokyo have appeared to be the field that most among the international community about an Asia of pros- dynamically developed. Japan remains to be the biggest perity and peace. ODA and FDI provider to Vietnam and recently became the The statement by President Truong Tan Sang in front of third biggest trading partner of Vietnam. Meanwhile, Japan Japan’s Parliament, “Being innovative and creative to get stands among the best destinations for the Vietnamese adapted to a changing world is the indispensible choice of oversea students, trainees and apprentice. all nations and peoples, and Japan and Vietnam are not of While the bilateral relation felt into a decline of friendli- exception. Vietnam welcomes and continues to trust in the ness from 1979 to 1991 due to the misunderstanding success of Japan”, expresses Vietnam’s strong commitment regarding some regional issues, the two nations have now of engaging to its strategic partner in this eventful Asia. High court weighs judge’s bias in Arizona death case

WASHINGTON: A dispute between an Arizona judge and the man neutral arbiter, but by an adversary,” the lawyers said. The state said she sentenced to death for killing a librarian has been on the agen- the appeals court should have deferred to the prior court ruling. da at each of the 15 private meetings Supreme Court justices have Hilliard has since retired from the bench. She declined to comment held since late September to consider new cases. It’s not clear why on the case. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still celebrating her the court so far has been unable to decide what to do with the 81st birthday Saturday when a prominent liberal legal scholar case of convicted killer Richard Hurles and his claim that Judge issued the newest call for her retirement. Ruth Hilliard was biased against him and should not have presided Writing on the Los Angeles Times website, Erwin Chemerinsky over his trial or sentencing. The dispute’s roots are in the judge’s looked at the potential for Republicans winning control of the denial of a second lawyer to help in Hurles’ capital defense and her Senate in the November elections and said only Ginsburg’s prompt defense of that ruling in subsequent judicial proceedings. retirement when the court finishes its business in early summer The case is again before the justices for their scheduled meet- can “ensure that a Democratic president will be able to choose a ing Friday. A jury convicted Hurles and Hilliard sentenced him to successor who shares her views and values.” Chemerinsky, dean of death for killing librarian Kay Blanton in Buckeye, Ariz, just west of the University of California at Irvine law school, said the stakes are Phoenix, in 1992. Hurles attempted to rape Blanton, stabbed her immense and voiced fears a new Republican majority might refuse 37 times and kicked her so hard it tore her liver, the jury found. to confirm any nominee if Ginsburg waits until next year. A GOP- Arizona courts and a federal trial judge upheld Hurles’ death sen- led Senate might prefer to take a chance on a Republican winning tence. But then a panel of federal appellate judges sided with the presidency in 2016, he said. Ginsburg’s retirement this year Hurles by a 2-1 vote and ordered a lower court to evaluate whether would give President Barack Obama time to name her replace- Hilliard’s actions before the trial showed she could not fairly pre- ment with Democrats running the Senate and likely to vote for side in the case. confirmation, he said. “A great deal turns on who picks Ginsburg’s The decision by the panel of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals successor,” Chemerinsky said. A new conservative justice in in San Francisco was written by Judge Dorothy Nelson and joined Ginsburg’s place would threaten abortion rights, gay marriage and by Judge Harry Pregerson, both appointees of President Jimmy the health care law, among other issues on which the court has Carter. Judge Sandra Ikuta, an appointee of President George W. been split along ideological lines, he said. For the same reasons, Bush, wrote a lengthy dissent. The 9th Circuit has a history of ques- Chemerinsky said Justice Stephen Breyer, just shy of his 76th birth- tioning death sentences, and the Supreme Court has a history of day, also should consider retirement. chastising the circuit for second-guessing state trial and appellate If you think you’ve heard this before, you’re right. In 2011, courts. But until the justices render a decision, it is impossible to Harvard Law School’s Randall Kennedy looked ahead to a possible know what has triggered their interest and caused the delay. Obama defeat in 2012 and said the only way to forestall disaster for Hilliard’s decision to deny Hurles a second court-appointed liberals was for Ginsburg and Breyer to retire with enough time for lawyer triggered legal wrangling that led to court filings in the Obama to appoint their successors. Ginsburg has spoken often on judge’s name defending her actions. Hurles’ lawyers said the docu- this topic. In her most recent comments last summer, she said she ments, along with improper communication between the judge will do the job as long as she feels up to it. She said she was in and the attorney general’s office, raised questions about her good health, and showing no effects from earlier bouts with col- impartiality. “As a result, Hurles was sentenced to death, not by a orectal and pancreatic cancer. —AP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Submit or leave: Ukrainian soldiers under siege

PEREVALNE: Russian soldiers dig trenches possibility of attacking the Russian forces. from the dockside to make an assault more and set up mortars on a hillside overlooking Reports of an agreement between Russian difficult, and three marines with bulletproof the Ukrainian military base of Perevalne in and Ukrainian commanders on the partial vests and helmets could be seen standing Crimea. Inside, soldiers loyal to Kiev are fac- lifting of the siege until Friday to allow sup- guard. Russian vessels and giant cisterns ing a painful dilemma-desert and submit to plies did not appear to be reflected on the linked by chains block access to the port. “We the new authorities or leave the peninsula. ground in Perevalne-a base 25 kilometers are prisoners of the political situation and of Crimea’s separatist parliament this week south of Crimea’s main city, Simferopol. the port,” said Pavlo, an officer. “Until the ordered the “dissolution” of these military Outside the gates, around 15 Russian soldiers politicians decide the situation between units in Crimea as part of a declared national- in camouflage could be seen near an themselves, we will be hostages here,” he ization of Ukrainian state property. armored personnel carrier, lines of barbed said, explaining that he had been ordered to The bases have been under siege since wire and cement blocks to prevent access. defend the ship without firing a shot. February from pro-Russian civilians and The siege has been getting more organized “We have an agreement with the Russians thousands of Russian soldiers without by the day-with heated tents, toilets and that everything stays calm until March 21, national insignia. Crimea’s parliament speak- transmission equipment now set up near the and after that as well I hope,” he said. “After er Volodymyr Konstantynov has ordered the base. that we don’t know, only Moscow and Kiev Ukrainian military to “serve in Crimea and know. We’re here, we’re not getting off the swear allegiance to the republic or continue Defend without shooting ship. We’re military men, we’re waiting for to serve outside the borders of Crimea in the Pro-Russian civilians in front of the gates our orders,” he said. In Sevastopol and Ukrainian army”. Thousands of Ukrainian mili- were more aggressive than ever, insulting Simferopol, special offices have been set up tary are based on the peninsula-Russian and threatening foreign journalists and try- inside the recruitment centers of the President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday estimat- ing to take a camera from an AFP reporter. Ukrainian army-now under Crimean control- ed their number at 22,000 — who have been Three Ukrainian soldiers observed the scene. for the soldiers and sailors of Kiev who want forced to watch listlessly as Russian forces At the immense base of Sevastopol, home to to defect. A day after the referendum, KHERSON: A Ukrainian border guard patrols the road on the administra- cement their siege. Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, just two ships are fly- Crimea’s prime minister Sergiy Aksyonov said tive border of Crimea and Ukraine not far the village of Strilkove in the Ukrainian authorities on Monday reiterat- ing the blue and yellow colors of Ukraine- that 500 Ukrainian military in Sevastopol had Kherson region. —AFP ed there was no question of their troops compared with around 20 Russian flags. The already joined Crimea’s forces-soon to be the leaving the peninsula but have excluded the Ukrainian ships have distanced themselves Russian army. —AFP Putin defies sanctions, moves to take Crimea Ukraine PM offers reassurance on NATO, militias MOSCOW: Russian President Russians. Russian politicians dis- Russia’s state property agency said it and Brussels said more measures Vladimir Putin, defying Ukrainian missed the sanctions as insignificant may postpone major privatization could follow in the coming days if protests and Western sanctions, told and a badge of honor. The State deals until the second half of the Russia formally annexes Crimea. parliament yesterday that Russia will Duma, or lower house, adopted a year. The EU also said its leaders move forward with procedures to statement urging Washington and US President Barack Obama would sign the political part of an annex Ukraine’s Crimean region. Brussels to extend the visa ban and imposed sanctions on 11 Russians association agreement with Putin signed an order “to approve asset freeze to all its members. and Ukrainians blamed for the mili- Ukraine on Friday, in a gesture of the draft treaty between the Russian Leonid Slutsky, one of the law- tary seizure of Crimea, including support for the fragile coalition Federation and the Republic of makers on the sanctions list, hailed Yanukovich, and Vladislav Surkov brought to power by last month’s Crimea on adopting the Republic of Crimea’s decision as historic. “Today and Sergei Glazyev, two aides to uprising. The accord does not Crimea into the Russian Federation”. we see justice and truth reborn,” he Putin. Putin himself, suspected in include any commitment to even- The order indicated the president said. Japan joined the mild Western the West of trying to resurrect as tual EU membership, on which the would sign the treaty with Crimea’s sanctions yesterday, announcing the much as possible of the former bloc’s members are divided. Russian-installed leader, who is in suspension of talks with Russia on Soviet Union under Russian leader- Highlighting rifts in the EU, mem- Moscow to request incorporation investment promotion and visa lib- ship, was not on the blacklist. Amid ber state Austria offered yesterday into Russia, but it gave no date. eralization. Putin was to address a fears that Russia might move into to mediate between Moscow and The move followed a disputed special joint session of the Russian eastern Ukraine, Obama warned the West. Chancellor Werner referendum in Crimea on Sunday, parliament on the Crimea issue yes- that “further provocations” would Faymann said Vienna’s military neu- trality made it an “honest broker”, while Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said he felt understanding for both sides in the conflict. SIMFEROPOL: The mother and wife of Reshat Ametov follow the coffin of Moscow time Putin has declared that Russia Reshat Ametov during his funeral ceremony in Simferopol yesterday. has the right to defend, by military Crimean Tatar Reshat Ametov, who had been protesting against Russian force if necessary, Russian citizens troops in the Black Sea peninsula has been found dead, days after he was and Russian speakers living in for- seen being hauled away by men in military-style jackets. —AFP mer Soviet republics, raising con- cerns that Moscow may intervene elsewhere. Putin has repeatedly Crimean Tatars fret accused the new leadership in Kiev of failing to protect Russian-speak- BELOGORSK: Among the voices drowned out by tailed freedoms. In a shop at the end of a potholed, ers from violent Ukrainian national- victory celebrations across Crimea as it voted to dirt road in Belogorsk lined with modest bunga- ists. Ukraine’s government has leave Ukraine and join Russia were those of the lows, manager Niyara, who did not want to give accused Moscow of staging provo- Tatars, a minority group for whom the prospect of her surname, said people had been stockpiling cations in Russian-speaking regions a return to Moscow rule brings only fear and food. “People are really worried,” she said. “I have a of eastern Ukraine to justify military uncertainty. The Sunni Muslims, who are of Turkic child, and I myself am scared.” Niyara fears that intervention. origin, consider Crimea their home, and their Russian Crimeans may now try to seize back prop- In a symbolic gesture, Askyonov deportation to Central Asia by Soviet forces dur- erty from Tatars that they believe is theirs. “A lot of announced on Twitter that Crimea ing World War Two and earlier suppression by our houses are unregistered, and Russian regula- would switch to Moscow time from Josef Stalin meant they were far more comfort- tions on that kind of thing are very, very strict.” March 30, putting it two hours able with Ukraine. Now they face being dragged Crimea has been under the control of Russian ahead of the rest of Ukraine. In the into modern-day Russia against their will, despite troops for weeks, since Moscow sent in thousands Crimean capital Simferopol, the their boycott of Sunday’s referendum in which 97 of soldiers ostensibly to protect Russians against local government and businesses percent of voters in the Russian-majority region what it says are “fascists” in Kiev who overthrew set about preparing for the switch were said to have rejected Kiev. the Moscow-backed President Viktor Yanukovich. MOSCOW: Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (2nd right), Crimean Prime Minister Sergei Aksyonov to Russian rule. Members of volun- Tatars account for 12 percent of the Black Sea Ukraine’s interim government and Western lead- (left), Crimean parliament speaker Vladimir Konstantinov (2nd left) and Alexei Chaly, teer security groups, who had peninsula’s population of two million people and ers dismiss that justification as nonsense. The mili- Sevastopol’s new de facto mayor (right), join hands after signing a treaty on the Ukrainian Black helped local police and Russian their protest was not enough to change the out- tary buildup, and formation of unarmed volunteer Sea peninsula becoming part of Russia in the Kremlin yesterday. —AFP forces keep order in the referen- come of a vote that has brought East-West rela- groups who have taken on low-level security dum run-up, handed in their red tions to their lowest ebb since the Cold War. “Why tasks, coincides with an increase in physical and staged under Russian military occu- terday. Russian forces took control of only increase Russia’s isolation and armbands on the central Lenin do I not want to be a part of Russia?” asked verbal threats against Tatars. Like Tatars, Russian pation, in which a Soviet-style 97 Crimea in late February following exact a greater toll on its economy. Square, where a statue of the Mustafa Asaba, a regional leader of Crimean nationalists have long memories, and recall to this percent of voters were declared to the toppling of Ukrainian president A senior US official said Obama’s founder of the Soviet Union still Tatars. “Russia’s government is unpredictable, day that the Crimean Khanate which Tatars ruled have voted to return to Russian rule, Viktor Yanukovich after deadly clash- order cleared the way to sanction stands. because at its head sits a dictator,” he said, refer- from the 15th to the 18th century was notorious after 60 years as part of Ukraine. By es between riot police and protest- people associated with the arms Banks scrambled to introduce ring to President Vladimir Putin who has master- for enslaving Christian Slavs and selling them on pressing ahead with steps to dis- ers trying to overturn his decision to industry and to target “the personal the rouble as an official currency minded the annexation of Crimea and alarmed in the Ottoman Empire. member Ukraine against its will, spurn a trade and cooperation deal wealth of cronies” of the Russian alongside the Ukrainian hryvnia, Europe and the United States in the process. The sizeable Tatar community in Belogorsk has Putin raised the stakes in the most with the EU and seek closer ties with leadership. although the switch could take Asaba, wearing a traditional black wool hat, organized unarmed patrols to check for military serious East-West crisis since the end Russia. EU foreign ministers agreed to place at the end of the month after said he feared pro-Russian agitators in Crimea hardware stationed in the area or anything of the Cold War. subject 21 Russian and Ukrainian March pensions and salaries are would resort to “provocation” to chip away at unusual that may pose a danger. Refat Chubarov, But Ukraine’s interim prime min- Sanctions officials to visa restrictions and asset cleared, banking sources said. Tatars’ identity, by curtailing their language, cul- a Crimean Tatar leader who led the campaign to ister, Arseniy Yatseniuk, sought to Despite strongly worded con- freezes. There were only three Members of the pan-European ture and religion. “We have always enjoyed free- boycott the referendum, told reporters on reassure Moscow on two key areas demnations of the Crimean referen- names in common on the US and Organization for Security and dom of expression ... and I think that if they Monday that the fate of several dozen Tatars of concern, saying in a televised dum, Western nations were cautious European lists - Crimean Prime Cooperation in Europe were meet- oppress us, we will resist,” he told Reuters at a remained unknown after they had disappeared in address delivered in Russian that in their first practical steps against Minister Sergei Aksyonov, Crimean ing again in Vienna to discuss the friend’s home in the windswept town of the last week. Disappearances in Crimea in the Kiev was not seeking to join NATO, Moscow, seeking to leave the door parliament Speaker Vladimir prospects for sending a monitoring Belogorsk, 50 km east of the Crimean capital last month have also been reported among the US-led military alliance, and open for a diplomatic solution. Konstantinov and Slutsky, chairman mission to Ukraine. An OSCE Simferopol. “There will be trials and prisons. human rights activists, individuals linked to the would act to disarm Ukrainian Russian stocks and the rouble rallied of the Duma’s committee on the spokeswoman tweeted that there Nothing good will come of it.” “Maidan” protests in Kiev that toppled Yanukovich nationalist militias. On Monday, the strongly on Monday as investors Russian-led Commonwealth of was no consensus yet, and all 57 The stocky 58-year-old was born in and journalists. The body of one Tatar in his 30s, United States and the European noted the initial sanctions did not Independent States, or CIS, group- members would have to agree on a Uzbekistan, where his family was banished in the named by Chubarov as Reshat Ametov, was found Union imposed personal sanctions target businesses or executives. But ing former Soviet republics. The US detailed mandate. Diplomats said 1944 deportation - punishment for Tatars who this week after he disappeared on March 3, and on a handful of officials from Russia shares gave up early gains yesterday list targeted higher-profile Russian Russia had been blocking this. One joined special Nazi units and fought the Soviets. Chubarov said he had died violently. His funeral and Ukraine accused of involvement and the rouble fell 0.6 percent officials close to Putin while the EU said Moscow wanted any reference Many also served in the Red Army, but when will be held on Tuesday. in Moscow’s military seizure of the against the dollar and the euro. In a went for mid-ranking officials and to the sovereignty and territorial Soviet troops retook the Black Sea peninsula, Black Sea peninsula, most of whose sign of the negative impact of the military commanders more directly integrity of Ukraine removed from Stalin punished the entire Tatar population by Authorities reach out 2 million residents are ethnic crisis on the investment climate, involved on the ground. Washington the text. —Reuters loading them into railway cattle cars to spend a Crimea’s pro-Russian authorities have said life in exile. Many died from disease or starvation, they will guarantee Tatar representation in the and Tatars were only allowed back to Crimea in local government and give the community prop- Biden in East Europe to reassure US allies the 1980s under Mikhail Gorbachev. er land ownership rights and financial aid. Both Chubarov and Asaba have also discussed estab- WARSAW: US Vice President Joe Biden landed in will be talking about further steps that the United Biden is scheduled to meet with Polish Prime Minister Hard times lishing some form of autonomy for Tatars in Warsaw yesterday on a mission to reassure allies in States can take and that NATO can take as an Donald Tusk and President Bronislaw Komorowski. Crimean Tatars, who have not been afraid to Crimea, although the talks are in their infancy. eastern Europe that Washington understands their alliance to further ensure the security of Poland He will also hold talks with Estonian President express their views during the crisis, draw on the Sergei Aksyonov, the leader of Crimea’s sepa- anxieties about Russia’s actions in Ukraine and will and the Baltics and other NATO alliances,” the offi- Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who is in Warsaw on an official hardships of the past to steel themselves for what ratist authorities whose election Kiev does not protect them if needed, officials said. The countries cial told reporters travelling with Biden. “They’ll dis- visit. they expect will be hard times ahead. recognize, said in a recent interview that money have become increasingly nervous that they could cuss energy security, and including in that, long- Today in Vilnius, Biden will meet with Lithuanian “If the worst-case scenario comes about (join- available to Tatars would be doubled this year. be next in line to face aggression from Russia after term diversification of energy supply, so that ener- President Dalia Grybauskaite and Latvian President ing Russia) - and we still hope it will not happen - I “There are no ethnic or religious conflicts and we President Vladimir Putin’s interventions to annex gy can’t be used as a political tool,” the official said, Andris Berzins. NATO’s top military commander, US think our people have been through worse times, will never allow that,” Aksyonov said. Ukraine’s Crimea region. On the two-day mission, citing shale gas and nuclear power as two areas for Air Force General Philip Breedlove, also is slated to including deportation and living under curfew in Unsurprisingly, Tatars regard Aksyonov with Biden plans to discuss ways to help the region discussion. meet with chiefs of defence in central and eastern Uzbekistan,” Asaba said. He believed only a small deep suspicion. “Aksyonov is unreliable, he’s a become less dependent on Russian oil and gas and The United States is poised to become a major Europe to discuss security issues this week, the offi- number of Tatars would leave Crimea now that it separatist,” said Lenura Asanova, an elderly Tatar limit Moscow’s ability to use its energy supplies for exporter of liquefied natural gas in coming years, cial said. Biden’s trip will serve to underscore to the looks destined to become part of Russia - a woman in Belogorsk. “Russia stands behind him.” political leverage, a senior administration official said. making inroads into a market that Russia currently leaders, as well as to countries like the Czech process that has yet to be formally completed. “I Asaba warned Putin that his aggressive move on He will also talk about new ways NATO and the dominates. Natural gas importers from around the Republic and Hungary, that “we’ve got their back,” think 95 percent of Tatars will stay here under Crimea could backfire. “In five years’ time, the United States could support their allies, building on world have urged the Obama administration to said Julianne Smith, a former deputy national securi- whatever conditions, because Crimea is our same Maidan will happen in Russia,” he said. US participation last week in war games in Poland speed up approvals of additional export facilities so ty adviser to Biden, in an interview before the trip. homeland. There is no other.” “That is why he is afraid. A year ago no-one and increased fighter jet patrols in the Baltics. “He they can become less reliant on Russia. Yesterday, The message is also aimed partly at Russia. —Reuters The brave face cannot hide genuine fear thought anyone could overthrow Viktor among Tatars that Russian rule could mean cur- Yanukovich. No-one.” —Reuters


Secretive Beijing demands transparency over missing jet

BEIJING: China’s strident calls for lysts say. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang agency reported. The call followed huge international search operation suitable to be conducted in a high- International Policy in Sydney said. Malaysia to divulge all it knows about on Monday asked Malaysian Prime more than a week’s worth of scathing can never be as fruitful as we hope profile way”. The militaries in question will have flight MH370 are in stark contrast to Minister Najib Razak to provide editorials in China’s state-run media and expect,” Xinhua wrote in one of been “closely watching each other’s its own history of secretiveness when details about the missing flight “in a demanding greater openness from several commentaries. “When faced Controlling information performance, and wary of exposing calamities have struck, such as after timely, accurate and comprehensive Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia Airlines. with catastrophe, honesty is human Chinese media have been any vulnerabilities-to each other, and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, ana- manner”, the official Xinhua news “Unless transparency is ensured, the beings’ best solution to finding a instructed to follow Xinhua’s lead in to their own domestic political audi- chance to prevent tragedies happen- reporting the incident, according to ences”, he added. But Beijing also has ing again,” Xinhua continued. But insiders-a regular occurrence. The a long record of covering up any inci- when foreign ministry spokesman International Federation of Journalists dents that could be seen as embar- Hong Lei confirmed Tuesday that said in a statement: “It is deeply rassments for the ruling Chinese Beijing had begun searching for the regrettable that Chinese authorities Communist Party, tightly restricting missing plane in Chinese territory- continue to use methods such as information and blocking any after stonewalling 24 hours earlier-he these to control the flow of much- attempts at independent verification. declined to give details. needed information, particularly for When did China begin searching those desperately awaiting updates Arrests instead of answers its own territory? Which government on the investigation.” Even when Chinese campaigners question- agencies were involved? Were any Beijing last week released satellite ing whether corruption was to blame searches being conducted in the photographs of three floating objects for thousands of children being killed restive western regions of Tibet and it said could have been related to the as their schools collapsed in the 2008 Xinjiang, where satellite data sug- missing flight, the move was met with Sichuan earthquake were met not gests the aircraft could have flown? scepticism, as authorities offered no with answers, but with beatings and Hong responded only that “in accor- explanation for the images being arrests. Three years later, after 39 peo- dance with the request of the made public three days after being ple were killed and nearly 200 injured Malaysian side, we have mobilized taken. Beijing’s reticence is not sur- in a deadly high-speed train crash satellites and radar for search in the prising, analysts say, noting that for near the eastern city of Wenzhou, northern corridor inside the territory the countries taking part in the authorities triggered a national out- of China”. Similarly, China’s ambassa- search, geopolitical sensitivities are as cry when they ordered the wreckage dor to Malaysia Huang Huikang told much at play as humanitarian consid- be buried in order to “protect the Xinhua that inquiries had found no erations. country’s technological secrets”. More AT SEA: A China coast guard vessel numbered 2506 (top) sails along the Japan coast guard evidence of terrorist intent among The initial operations in the South recently, state-controlled media were ship Katori in the continuous zone of Japan’s territorial waters off the disputed East China the 153 Chinese passengers on China Sea were “a peacetime test of ordered not to publish independent Sea islands called Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyutai in Chinese. A big problem for China board. But Huang declined to go any many of the military functions that reports on a fiery October crash in is its bad blood with virtually all of its neighbors, many of whom are key players in the further, noting that since a criminal would be critical in the event of a Tiananmen Square or this month’s search of missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777. —AP investigation was underway, “the conflict”, James Brown, a military fel- mass stabbing attack at Kunming probe into the incident’s cause is not low at the Lowy Institute for train station. —AFP

News Malaysia under scrutiny in brief

Road crashes leave Missing plane mystery drags on 55 dead in Nigeria KANO: Fifty-five people were killed and 10 were injured in two KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia vehe- Kessler, emeritus professor of soci- sabotage the plane. Anwar said he an unscheduled route — but no government, aviation and security separate road crashes in northern Nigeria, the country’s road mently denies mishandling crucial ology and anthropology at the was “disgusted” by what he saw as action was taken as it did not officials have been tainted by con- safety body said Monday. “We have recorded 55 deaths in two information on the fate of missing University of New South Wales. an attempt to smear the pilot, appear “hostile”. They also said it tradictory statements that have road crashes on Sunday and Monday due to speeding and Malaysia Airlines flight 370, but Malaysian opposition leader Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and some- had taken time to verify that the created confusion and frustration. reckless overtaking,” said Yusuf Sani, Nigerian Road Safety questions persist as to whether Anwar Ibrahim who, along with how implicate the opposition lead- radar blip being tracked was In the latest example on Monday, spokesman for Yobe state. A multiple crash involving three early missteps and secrecy con- right groups, has routinely accused ership in the March 8 disappearance indeed MH370 because its main Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad vehicles on Monday killed 35 people, including 19 church tributed to the disappearance of a the government of civil liberties of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. automated signalling systems had Jauhari Yahya revealed information members on their way back from the southern city of Lagos huge passenger plane on a clear abuses and corruption, was even been disabled. on the crucial sequence of events where they attended a religious meeting. “All the 19 members night. Foreign media reports, more scathing. Military gaffe? The military “clearly knew more in the plane’s cockpit before it of Redeem Christian Church of God who were travelling in one especially those in China’s state “The mysterious disappearance Among the most glaring ques- about what happened to MH370 veered off course that totally con- bus were burnt beyond recognition as the bus caught fire on media, have accused the of MH370 reflects not only an tions being asked is why the than any other Malaysian agency,” tradicted the version provided the collision with the other two vehicles which also burst in flames Malaysian authorities of incompe- incompetent regime ruling the Malaysian military failed to react said David Learmount, safety and previous day by Transport Minister shortly afterwards,” he said. “The victims in the other two vehi- tence, misleading the public and country but an irresponsible gov- to the aircraft re-routing across operations editor of aviation indus- Hishammuddin Hussein. cles were returning from a wedding.” The spokesman blamed exacerbating the suffering of the ernment,” Anwar told AFP. He was the Malay peninsula shortly after try magazine Flightglobal. “But the the collision, which occurred on the Potiskum-Maiduguri high- relatives of those missing. Two- speaking in response to speculation it dropped out of civilian radar authorities do not seem to have Angry relatives way, on speeding. On Sunday, 20 traders returning from a local thirds of the passengers on the that the captain of this airliner-a contact. Malaysian officials said tapped into this expertise, and the Earlier examples included dis- market were killed when the open van they were in collided Boeing-777 that effectively van- member of Anwar’s party-may have military radars had picked up the military may have been slow to vol- crepancies about the number and with an articulated truck, Sani said, attributing the accident to ished 11 days ago were Chinese been driven by political motives to plane-travelling unidentified on unteer it.” Daily press briefings by ethnicities of passengers using “reckless overtaking”. Sixteen of the 20 victims were girls who nationals. The Malaysian govern- stolen passports, and whether had been selling wares, he added. ment has pleaded for patience and some passengers booked on the understanding, arguing it has no flight had failed to board or not. At Australia police dig for choice but to hold back informa- a meeting with airline officials in ‘multiple’ baby graves tion that has not been painstak- Beijing on Monday, relatives of the BRISBANE: Police in Australia began digging up a rural proper- ingly verified. Critics say the lack of Chinese passengers accused Prime ty yesterday searching for what reports said were “multiple progress in the search for the Minister Najib Razak and his minis- babies” in secret graves. Officers swooped on a house near Gin plane is symptomatic of an ineffi- ters of “talking nonsense” and Gin, 370 kilometers northwest of Brisbane, after a tip-off that cient ruling elite unused to tough intentionally masking negative children were born in secret and their bodies hidden on the questioning. details about the search effort. property by the same family in the 1990s and early 2000s. “I “The Malaysian leadership is Premier Li Keqiang also entered can confirm we are conducting investigations into information not used to being held to account the fray, asking Najib to provide received regarding allegations a number of child births have on anything,” Michael Barr, an more details about the missing been concealed on the property,” said cold case homicide Asian politics expert at Flinders flight “in a timely, accurate and Detective Inspector Mick Dowie. “We will be interviewing a University in Australia said. “They comprehensive manner.” number of persons who may also be able to assist with our are more used to controlling the Cleary annoyed by the con- investigations over the coming days.” He would not say how press and silencing critics,” he said. stant criticism, Hishammuddin, a many children might have been born and buried there The authoritarian Barisan Nasional cousin of Najib’s, reacted angrily although the Brisbane Courier-Mail newspaper referred to government has been in power when a foreign journalist sug- “multiple babies in secret graves”. “There’s one family involved,” since independence from colonial gested Malaysia should apologise Dowie added, without saying whether they were cooperating rulers Britain in 1957.It has over- for its handling of the crisis. “I with police. “You can draw your own conclusions from the fact seen decades of growth that have think it is very irresponsible of that we’re doing an excavation.” Given the potential remains seen Malaysia emerge as you to say that,” he shot back. are more than a decade old and tiny, he said the excavation Southeast Asia’s third largest econ- Stressing the “unprecedented” process was “meticulous”. “The scientific examination and exca- omy, posting a healthy GDP nature of the mystery surround- vation is a meticulous and time consuming process,” Dowie expansion of 4.7 percent last year. ing the airliner’s disappearance, said in a later statement after a day of searching. “Some items But analysts say unchallenged Hishammuddin said the authori- have been seized, however no skeletal remains have been power has also bred apathy and ties would not be bullied into located or any items that in isolation provide evidence that inefficiency. The stumbles over behaving irresponsibly. If the could corroborate the information we are investigating.” the missing plane search show MANILA: An armed US marine patrols next to seahawk helicopters on the deck of 7th Fleet government disseminates infor- that the government “lacks the command ship, USS Blue Ridge shortly after arriving at the international port in Manila yes- mation before it has been proper- terday. US vice admiral Robert Thomas Jr (not pictured) commander of the Seventh Fleet 1 dead, 8 missing after ability to handle many technical ly verified “the people who are ships collide off Japan matters with assurance and to told reporters, the US has sent a P-8 Poseidon plane and P-3C Orion surveillance plane as going to suffer the most are these TOKYO: One Chinese crew member was killed and eight oth- communicate its purposes global- the search for the missing Malaysian airlines plane flight MH 370 has expanded into the very families that we are trying to ers were missing after two cargo ships collided at the mouth of ly with clarity and agility,” said Clive southern Indian Ocean. —AFP protect,” he said. —AFP Tokyo Bay yesterday, Japan’s coastguard said. The Panamanian- flagged Beagle III, a 12,630-ton vessel carrying steel coil, sank after colliding with the South Korean-registered Pegasus Prime Xi urges officials to in the Uraga waterway. Twelve of the 20 Chinese crew aboard Latest information on missing aircraft Beagle III were rescued but one of them was later confirmed to ‘sweat’ corruption be dead, a coastguard official said. “We are continuing to The unprecedented hunt for a missing Malaysia Airlines ritory for the missing plane after satellite data indicated search for the eight others still missing” he added. The out of system jet is continuing 10 days after it vanished. A summary of the jet’s last position could be anywhere along two sec- Japanese coastguard had sent two helicopters and one plane the latest information on the search for the plane and the tions of a vast arc stretching from Central Asia to the as well as 17 patrol ships to the site. The crew of the 7,406-ton BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping urged rural offi- investigation into what happened: southern reaches of the Indian Ocean. China also sent Pegasus Prime-six South Koreans and eight people from cials yesterday to make “spicy” efforts to “sweat” corrup- naval ships that had been in the South China Sea to the Myanmar-were mostly unhurt, but two Koreans sustained tion out of their systems, state news agency Xinhua The investigation Indian Ocean. Malaysian Defense Minister minor injuries when they tried to lower a lifeboat, the Japanese reported, as he pressed on with his campaign to crack Chinese authorities say they have checked into the Hishammuddin Hussein said that the search area in the official said. The sea was not believed to be rough at the time down on deep-rooted graft. “The weapons of criticism of the collision, according to the coastguard. Tokyo Bay is background of all Chinese nationals on board the miss- northern and southern “corridors” totals 2.24 million and self-criticism should be well-wielded, with some Japan’s busiest waterway with some 500 ships passing ing Boeing 777 jetliner but have uncovered no links to square nautical miles (nearly 3 million square miles), or spice to make every party official blush and sweat a lit- through daily. terrorism or any evidence to suggest they were involved 7.7 million square kilometers. That’s about the size of tle,” Xi said during a visit to a rural area in central China’s in hijacking, according to Huang Huikang, the Chinese Australia. Twenty-six countries are involved in the hunt. Thieves steal part Henan province called Lankao, Xinhua said. ambassador in Kuala Lumpur. The finding dampens spec- Given the shift to the much wider search area, the US of Pompeii fresco Each member of the ruling Communist Party’s elite ulation that Uighur separatists in China’s far western Navy says that it will use long-range naval aircraft to : Thieves have stolen part of an ancient fresco from inner core, the Politburo Standing Committee, has been Xinjiang province might have been involved with plane’s look for the plane, and send its destroyer, the USS Kidd, Pompeii, breaking in to a closed area of the UNESCO World allocated a county where they oversee anti-graft efforts, Heritage landmark and chipping off a portrait of a Greek deity. disappearance. Of the 239 passengers and crew aboard back to normal duties. Australia is leading the search and Xi has been given Lankao, Xinhua said. “Party offi- A custodian doing rounds last week discovered “the removal of cials are required to check and report their own prob- when the plane disappeared on March 8, 154 were efforts in the southern Indian Ocean. The northern a part of a fresco in the House of Neptune,” where a depiction lems and mistakes while summarizing the flaws of their Chinese. For now, Malaysian authorities believe someone search corridor includes countries with busy airspace of the goddess Artemis had been “chiseled off with a metallic colleagues to disciplinary supervisors,” Xinhua said. Xi on board the flight intentionally switched off two vital that likely would have noticed an unidentified aircraft in object,” the Roman site’s curator department said in a state- pieces of communication equipment and deliberately their territory. China, India and Pakistan are among the ment yesterday. Police have launched an investigation into the said rural areas were crucial to the party, as develop- theft of the 20 centimeter wide fragment, which occurred in an ment can only happen with the good quality and com- diverted the aircraft. That could only have been done by nations that say they have seen no sign of the plane. the pilots - either willingly or forced - or someone on area closed to the public, leaving a glaring white slash in the petence of officials there. pink-toned fresco, where a second Greek character now stands He also urged officials to “reduce unnecessary social board with considerable flying experience. Malaysian The questions forlornly alone. The discovery sparked outrage in , with Il activities and keep healthy work and life styles”. Xi police are investigating the two pilots and ground engi- Beyond the question of where the plane is, many Messaggero describing it as “a shame for the country”, made launched a crackdown on corruption soon after becom- neers, and analyzing a flight simulator seized from the unknowns remain. Investigators are also considering: If doubly embarrassing by the recent appointment of a new ing the party’s head in late 2012, seeking to win back pilot’s home. Investigators are also checking back- the two pilots were involved in the disappearance, were “super-superintendent” for the site. The theft comes on the public confidence in the face of a seemingly endless grounds, including those of ground crew who could have they working together or alone, or with one or more of back of a series of collapses in the long-neglected ruins near Naples, which have drawn international concern. The Temple stream of scandals. The party has sought to curtail come into contact with the plane, to see if links to terror- the passengers or crew? Did they fly the plane under ists, personal problems or psychological issues could be duress or of their own will? Did one or more of the pas- of Venus and walls of a tomb were damaged earlier this month everything from bribery and gift-giving to lavish ban- after heavy rains, prompting the European Union to urge Italy quets, aiming to assuage public anger over graft and factors. sengers manage to break into the cockpit or use the to “take care of Pompeii, because it is emblematic not only for extravagance by some officials. However, the party has threat of violence to gain entry and then seize the Europe but also for the world.” In response, Italy said it would shown no sign of wanting to set up an independent The hunt plane? And what possible motive could there be for unblock some two million euros ($2.8 million) to help oil the body to fight graft, and it has not gone after any really China says it has begun using satellites to scan its ter- diverting the jet? —AP wheels of a major EU-backed project to restore the site. senior officials. —Reuters NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

Caution tape surrounds the charred wreckage of a news helicopter and two vehicles after the chopper crashed into a city street near the Space Needle yesterday in Seattle. Two people were killed and another was critically injured, according to the Seattle Fire Department. — AP Iran, powers meet in shadow of Ukraine Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov ‘dead’ Continued from Page 1 damage the negotiation,” Hibbs told AFP. “Up to Putin to Continued from Page 1 killed, many of them children. Basayev was killed by choose.” Russian forces in July 2006. Following Sunday’s secession referendum in Crimea - Even without the spat over Ukraine, agreeing a lasting deal with a gun behind him resting on a rock. He spoke The predominantly Muslim region declared inde- slammed as a sham by the White House and the European will be tough for Iran and the United States, China, Russia, in a mixture of Arabic and heavily-accented Russian. pendence from Moscow after the Soviet collapse in Union - Brussels and Washington on Monday issued sanctions Britain, France and Germany, known as the P5+1. Under His origins and citizenship were not made clear. “I 1991 and then fought two bloody wars with the feder- against a handful of Russian officials. Yesterday, Russian November’s agreement, Iran froze key parts of its nuclear pro- want to inform you that our brother (Doku Umarov) al government before Moscow finally re-established President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty claiming Crimea as gram in return for minor sanctions relief and a promise of no has left this world,” he said. “Our condolences to his control. Umarov served as secretary of Chechnya’s Russian territory and said the Black Sea peninsula has always new sanctions for six months. Although it could be extended, family and the Muslim world.” “His soul is with the national security council from 1997 to 1998, during a been “in the hearts” of his compatriots. Despite the tensions, a the deal is currently due to expire on July 20. green birds in paradise,” he added. Ali Abu short-lived period between the two wars when spokesman for Catherine Ashton, the powers’ chief negotiator The six powers now want Iran to reduce permanently - or at Mukhammad said he did not consider himself worthy Moscow tolerated the region’s autonomy. and EU foreign policy chief, said he had seen “no negative least for a long time - the scope of its nuclear activities in order of the duty but had taken it on after being asked “by As head of the Caucasus Emirate he claimed effect” on the Iran talks, with the six “still united”. to make it extremely difficult for Tehran to develop nuclear But Mark Fitzpatrick, a former US State Department official weapons. This would likely include Iran slashing the number of the brothers”. “I will take on the responsibility myself,” responsibility for numerous atrocities inside and out- now at the -based International Institute for Strategic centrifuges enriching uranium - which can be used for peace- he said, saying the “jihad” by the Caucasus Emirate side the Caucasus. The Caucasus Emirate took respon- Studies, said the unfolding crisis made him “even more pes- ful purposes but also in a bomb, if highly purified - and allow- group would continue. sibility for an attack on a Moscow-Saint Petersburg simistic”. “The Russians will... be less likely to make sacrifices for ing tougher UN inspections. In addition, Iran might have to Umarov became head of the guerrilla movement in train in 2009 that left 27 dead. It claimed the Moscow the sake of unity over the Iran issues,” Fitzpatrick told AFP. The change the new reactor being built at Arak to a kind that Chechnya in June 2006 after its previous leader metro suicide bombings of 2010 and the 2011 suicide Iranians, he said, “now have more reason to wait out the six makes the extraction of plutonium - the alternative to uranium Abdul-Khalim Saidullayev was killed by the Russian attack on Domodedovo airport that left dozens dead. powers”. for a bomb - much more difficult. military. He was known as an ally of notorious rebel Like other rebel leaders, Umarov’s death has been Even before the Ukraine crisis erupted, Putin was reported But even though in return Iran would see sanctions lifted, it chief Shamil Basayev, who claimed responsibility for proclaimed several times by the Russian authorities. to be discussing a major deal with Tehran whereby Moscow remains far from certain whether ultra-conservative elements dozens of attacks, including the 2004 Beslan school He was first declared killed in August 2000 during a would get Iranian oil in exchange for money, goods and help in Tehran around supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei hostage crisis in which more than 330 people were special operation by Russian forces. — AFP in building new nuclear reactors. This would undermine would accept such limitations. Any deal that leaves some of Washington’s efforts to cut off Iran’s main source of revenue - a Iran’s nuclear infrastructure intact would also be a hard sell to strategy which the US credits with forcing Tehran to the nego- US conservatives and to Israel, the Middle East’s sole if unde- Area of plane search now size of Australia tiating table in the first place. Mark Hibbs from the Carnegie clared nuclear power. “The final agreement will fall short of Endowment for International Peace said this “huge barter deal” both sides’ ideals,” said Ali Vaez, Iran expert at the International Continued from Page 1 into the aircraft’s flight computer, rather than being execut- is a “carrot Moscow can dangle constructively to wrestle more Crisis Group. The talks in Vienna were due to continue late yes- ed manually, by someone knowledgeable about aircraft sys- concessions from Iran”. “Or it can move forward unilaterally and terday and were expected to last into today. -— AFP conference the “unique, unprecedented” search covered tems. Malaysia Airlines Chief Executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya a total area of 2.24 million nautical miles (7.68 million sq km), told yesterday’s daily news conference that that was “specu- from central Asia to the southern Indian Ocean. Flight lation”. Malaysian officials said on Monday that suicide by MH370 vanished from civilian air traffic control screens off the pilot or co-pilot was a line of inquiry, although they Saudi FM demands Qatar change policy... Malaysia’s east coast less than an hour after take-off early on stressed that it was only one of the possibilities under inves- March 8. Investigators piecing together patchy data from tigation. Police have searched their homes in middle-class Continued from Page 1 negotiable”. The US-aligned GCC, formed in 1981 and also military radar and satellites believe that someone turned off suburbs of Kuala Lumpur close to the airport. including Kuwait and Oman, has generally presented a unit- the aircraft’s identifying transponder and ACARS system, Among the items taken for examination was a flight sim- “The foreign relations committee backs the official gov- ed front at times of threat ranging from Iranian revolution which transmits maintenance data, and turned west, re- ulator Zaharie had built in his home. A senior police officer ernment policy in attempting to bridge the gap and medi- on the other side of the Gulf to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. crossing the Malay Peninsula and following a commercial with direct knowledge of the investigation said the pro- ate between the Gulf states,” Rashed said in the statement. aviation route towards India. grams from the pilot’s simulator included Indian Ocean run- He said the position the foreign minister is trying to forge Detained bedoons on hunger strike Malaysian officials have backtracked on the exact ways in the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Diego Garcia and southern under directions from HH the Amir fulfills the desire and In another development, the Assembly’s legal and leg- sequence of events. They are now unsure whether the India, although he added that US and European runways aspirations of the Kuwaiti people to bring the Gulf states islative committee yesterday rejected a draft law calling to ACARS system was shut down before or after the last radio also featured. “Generally these flight simulators show hun- closer and repair the damage in their relations. amend the administrative court law to allow it to look into message was heard from the cockpit - but said that did not dreds or even thousands of runways,” the officer said. “What Rashed said that the committee understands the implica- citizenship disputes. At present, the government has the make a material difference. “This does not change our belief, we are trying to see is what were the runways that were fre- tions and reasons that led the three nations to recall their sole authority in deciding nationality issues. as stated, that up until the point at which it left military pri- quently used.” ambassadors from Doha, “but in the end we hope these dis- Three bedoon activists meanwhile began an indefinite mary radar coverage, the aircraft’s movements were consis- Thailand said yesterday a re-examination of its military putes are resolved quickly” because GCC states are facing hunger strike late Monday in protest against the court’s tent with deliberate action by someone on the plane,” said radar data had picked up the plane re-tracing its route major regional challenges that they must unite to confront decision to renew their detention. Abdullah Attallah (arrest- Hishammuddin. “That remains the position of the investigat- across Peninsular Malaysia. The Thai military had previously effectively. Kuwait and Oman did not recall their ambassa- ed Feb 19) and brothers Abdulhakim and Abdulnasser Al- ing team.” said it had not detected any sign of the plane. What hap- dors from Qatar. The issue is likely to be raised at the Arab Fadhli (arrested Feb 24) had their detention renewed on China’s ambassador to Malaysia said his country had pened next is less certain. The plane may have flown for summit which Kuwait is scheduled to host on March 25-26. Monday. They are under interrogation for insulting the Amir, investigated its nationals aboard the flight and could rule another six hours or more after dropping off Malaysian mili- Commentators say the three states are angry at fellow instigating bedoons to demonstrate and violating Kuwaiti out their involvement. US and European security sources tary radar about 200 miles northwest of Penang Island. Council member Qatar’s support for the Muslim law. The three were among eight bedoons arrested during said efforts by various governments to investigate the back- But the satellite signals that provide the only clues were Brotherhood, an Islamist movement whose ideology chal- several days of protests last month to press for citizenship grounds of everyone on the flight had not, as of Monday, not intended to work as locators. The best they can do is lenges the principle of conservative dynastic rule long domi- and other basic rights. The other five were detained for more turned up links to militant groups or anything else that place the plane in one of two broad arcs - one stretching nant in the Gulf. They particularly resent the way Doha has than two weeks before they were freed on bail. could explain the jet’s disappearance. Malaysian police from Laos up to the Caspian, the other from west of sheltered prominent Brotherhood preacher Youssef Al- In a related development, Rashed sent a number of ques- investigations have also failed to turn up any red flags on 53- Indonesia down to the Indian Ocean off Australia - when the Qaradawi, a critic of Saudi and UAE authorities, and given tions to Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah year-old Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the captain, or co-pilot Fariq last signal was picked up. China, which, with Kazakhstan, is him regular air time on its pan-Arab satellite channel Al about formulating a government’s policy or plan to resolve Abdul Hamid, 27. leading the search in the northern corridor, said yesterday it Jazeera, and on Qatari state television. the issue of around 110,000 bedoons. Rashed asked if the Accounts of their lives portray them as sociable, well-bal- had deployed 21 satellites to scour its territory. Saudi Arabia at a March 5 meeting of the GCC demanded government has devised a comprehensive plan to resolve anced and happy. Neither fits the profile of a loner or Australia, which is leading the southernmost leg of the that Doha shut down Al-Jazeera, an informed source said. the issue, and if not, why. He also asked if the government extremist with a motive for suicide or hijacking. “I’ve never search, said it had shrunk its search field based on satellite Riyadh at the meeting also called for the closure of two has considered the timeframe required to resolve the prob- seen him lose his temper. It’s difficult to believe any of the tracking data and analysis of weather and currents, but that think-tanks based in Qatar, the Brookings Doha Centre and lem. He also said that the head of the bedoons committee speculation made against him,” said Peter Chong, a friend of it still covered 600,000 sq km. “A needle in a haystack the Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies. Last week, has long said that over 34,000 bedoons qualify for Kuwaiti Zaharie, describing him as highly disciplined and conscien- remains a good analogy,” John Young, general manager of Qatar dismissed demands by the three fellow Gulf states for citizenship and asked the premier why the government has tious. The New York Times cited senior US officials as saying the emergency response division of the Australian Maritime changes to its foreign policy, calling its independence “non- failed to do anything about them. that the first turn back to the west was likely programmed Safety Authority (AMSA), told reporters. — Reuters WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 ANALYSIS


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Issues ‘Yes’ camp has much ground to make up

By Denis Hiault

upporters of breaking away from the SUnited Kingdom are making up some ground but with six months to go until the independence refer- endum, it is not enough, analysts say. Armed with the slo- gan “Better Together”, the three main London-based par- ties - the Conservatives of Prime Minister David Cameron, their Liberal Democrat coalition partners, and the opposi- tion Labour party - have formed an improbable but res- olute alliance to push the “no” vote. British Prime Minister David Cameron engaged in a game of call my bluff by accepting to hold a referendum on Sept 18, convinced of being able to dash the separatist Cold War reflexes return to Europe hopes of Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond. In early March, 39.3 percent of voters were in the “yes” camp, 47.6 By Paul Taylor percent backed the “no” vote and 13.1 percent were unde- European security since the collapse of the security policy. “Now we are entering a systemic The Germans stood their ground. The cided, according to the Survation polling group who sur- Soviet Union in 1991. While no one imagines competition. That’s why I think the Cold War pipeline was built and is one reason why veyed 1,002 people. “Winning from here for Alex Salmond he Cold War is back. Russia’s military the superpowers returning to a hair-trigger analogy is accurate. If you’re in Berlin, that’s the Germany remains so hooked on Russian ener- would be an astonishing achievement,” said Michael Marra Tseizure of Crimea and preparations for a nuclear confrontation or a bloc-against-bloc way it feels. This is the big one.” gy. That dispute - just a year after a Moscow- from the University of Dundee, who helped run the poll. possible annexation of the southern military buildup - for starters, Russia no longer Despite its strong economic interests in Russia, inspired military crackdown in Poland - may John Curtice, professor of politics at the University of Ukrainian province have revived fears, calcula- has a bloc - the knock-on implications for other where 6,200 German companies do business, and have lessons for any new Cold War. A year later, Strathclyde, told AFP: “Something has happened - not tions and reflexes that had been rusting away security problems, and for the world economy, its dependency on Russian natural gas for 40 per- Bonn withstood mass protests and threats necessarily a great deal. The ‘yes’ side is quite a long way since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. are significant. Frozen conflicts in Moldova, cent of supplies, Stelzenmueller expects Germany from Moscow to deploy US medium-range behind.” For three decades, support for independence has Whether the crisis triggered by President Georgia and Azerbaijan, all “near abroad” post- to “surprise on the upside by being firm”. Moscow nuclear missiles on its soil in response to been stuck at around a third of the Scottish electorate, Vladimir Putin’s attempt to prevent Ukraine, a Soviet states, could be reactivated. is only Berlin’s 11th trade partner, below Poland. Soviet SS-20 rockets pointed at the West. That but the gap has closed slightly since the turn of the year, strategic former Soviet republic, turning to the In Berlin, policymakers worry that Russia Germany’s main trade body said last week a trade led eventually to a negotiated end to the East- Curtice noted. Taking an average of polls since mid-2013, West, becomes a turning point in international could raise the stakes by stopping cooperation conflict between the two would hurt German West arms race. the “yes” vote has clawed back two to three percentage relations like the 2001 Al Qaeda attacks on the with the West over Iran’s nuclear program, the business but it would be life-threatening for a Then as now, a perceived Russian threat points. “The Survation poll is interesting because it gives United States or the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, civil war in Syria, security in Afghanistan and stagnant Russian economy. ultimately united Europeans and the United you a trend towards a ‘yes’, but they are still losing,” said is not yet certain. There are still some steps to managing North Korea’s unpredictable leader. As former Hong Kong governor Chris Patten States, despite public misgivings reflected Peter Lynch, Curtice’s colleague at Strathclyde. Salmond play out. Any one of those could make life more uncom- observes, while almost every European house- today in opinion polls showing neither places great store on the fact that the gap is narrowing - But policymakers and strategic analysts are fortable for the United States and its European hold owns goods made in China, few if any Germans nor Americans are keen to get tough Scots, he insist, will reject “Project Fear” in favour of the thinking through the consequences of a and Asian allies by destabilising the Middle have anything produced in Russia, except gas with Russia. Then as now, both Moscow and “hope, aspiration and progress offered by a ‘yes’ vote.” potentially prolonged East-West tug-of-war. East and southern Asia or raising tension on and vodka. Central European economies could the West turned to China to try to tip the bal- And states in the middle such as Germany and the Korean peninsula. be severely disrupted if Moscow played with ance. Then as now, US strategists traded ‘Black Gold’ and Whisky Poland are starting to weigh uncomfortable the gas taps, but stocks are high, winter is over charges of appeasement and warmongering ‘This is the Big One’ The 59-year-old leader of the Scottish National Party, adjustments to their policy. The standoff is and Russia needs the revenue. as they argued over the right policy mix who won an absolute majority in the devolved Scottish already posing tricky questions about the bal- The realisation that Germany, Europe’s cen- between containing Russia and taking its Going Neutral? Parliament in 2011, has published a 670-page manifesto ance between sanctions and diplomacy, set- tral power, has no special influence with Russia interests into account. foreseeing an independent country of 5.3 million inhabi- ting loyalty tests for allies and raising the risk when the geopolitical chips are down, and that In Cold War One, hawks in the United States If Putin moves to annex Crimea, Europeans tants, rivalling Switzerland, Finland or Norway in size. of spillover to other conflicts and of possible Chancellor Angela Merkel has been unable to and western Europe fretted that then West may soon have to contemplate awkward sacri- Salmond says its economy would be based on North Sea proxy wars. sway Putin despite their common languages, Germany could turn neutral in its pursuit of fices to show their resolve. For France, this oil and gas and premium Scotch whisky and it would be a “Welcome to Cold War Two,” Russian analyst has concentrated minds. In hindsight, Russia’s detente with the Soviet Union and its east could mean suspending a contract to sell heli- member of the European Union and NATO. The nuclear Dmitri Trenin of the Carnegie Foundation for 2008 military intervention in breakaway regions European allies, including communist East copter carriers to Russia. For Britain, closing its submarines currently based in Scotland would go and it International Peace declared in an article for of Georgia was a dry run. It had less global Germany. That never happened. Bonn mansions and bank vaults to magnates close would keep the pound as the currency and Queen Foreign Policy magazine. “The recent develop- impact partly because an erratic Georgian remained firmly anchored in the Western polit- to Putin. For Germany, initiating gradual steps Elizabeth II as monarch. ments have effectively put an end to the inter- leader fired the first shots, but also because it ical and military camp. But there were some to reduce dependency on Russian gas. It will The sometimes lacklustre “no” campaign took flight in regnum of partnership and cooperation barely changed the status quo. epic transatlantic battles along the way. They take Cold War-style determination for any of February, when Britain’s finance minister George Osborne between the West and Russia that generally “Ukraine is different. It’s on the fault line and included a 1982 clash with the United States that to happen. Maintaining EU unity if the warned that Scotland would have to choose between the prevailed in the quarter-century after the Cold it’s too big,” says Constanze Stelzenmueller, sen- over a German-Soviet gas pipeline deal which going gets tough, with states in southern pound and independence. European Commission chief War,” he said. ior transatlantic fellow with the German the Reagan administration feared would make Europe such as Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Jose Manuel Barroso inflicted another blow when he said Trenin is not alone in seeing the struggle for Marshall Fund think-tank, who led a recent West Germany dangerously dependent on Bulgaria closer to Moscow, could prove a chal- it would be “difficult, if not impossible” for an independ- Ukraine as the biggest game-changer in major study on Germany’s new foreign and Moscow. lenge. —Reuters ent Scotland to join the EU. The heads of finance and energy giants including Royal Dutch Shell and BP have expressed their clear preference for the status quo, warn- ing that they might have to reduce their activities in an Another Bush run for the White House? independent Scotland, citing above all potential difficul- ties with tax. By Gabriel Debenedetti and Richard Cowan movement, such as Texas Senator Ted Cruz, libertarian Republican Even Bush’s mother, former first lady Barbara Bush, has been luke- Salmond dismissed “the most negative campaign in Rand Paul and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. A more moderate warm about the notion of another son running for president. “There’s modern political history” and retorted that he had a “plan y all appearances, former Florida governor Jeb Bush is a man potential candidate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, has been no question in my mind that Jeb is the best qualified person to run B, C, D, E and F” to keep the pound. Salmond might have a on a mission. His itinerary for the next several weeks includes caught up in a political scandal that has made some Wall Street for president, but I hope he won’t, because he’ll get all my enemies, point - “the detached super-rich elite telling you how to B stops in Tennessee, New Mexico and Nevada to appear with donors nervous about his prospects. all his brother’s,” Barbara Bush, wife of George H W Bush, told C-SPAN vote is not a great strategy” for the “no” campaign, said Republican candidates in this fall’s elections or help them raise money A campaign by Bush, a face of the party establishment, could chal- in January. She softened her stance in an interview with Fox News Peter Lynch. Lynch believes voters have more down-to- for their campaigns. And then he speaks at a dinner ahead of a lenge arguments of Tea Party activists and others on the right who this month, saying that “maybe it’s OK” if Jeb were to run. earth motivations, based on their jobs, education and Republican Jewish Coalition meeting featuring several potential see losses by John McCain and Mitt Romney in the last two presiden- For a Republican Party desperate to broaden its appeal among public services. “People want to know, will they be better Republican presidential contenders at the Venetian Hotel in Las tial elections as reasons the party should nominate a more strictly the nation’s fast-growing and Democratic-leaning Hispanic popula- off or will they be worse off?” Lynch said. Salmond has Vegas. The hotel is owned by casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who conservative candidate. For big-money Republican donors, strategist tion, a figure like Jeb Bush could be significant. He speaks Spanish picked up votes over the years by promising a “fairer” gave over $100 million to Republican candidates in 2012. Matt Mackowiak said, Bush would represent a marquee name in US and his wife, Columba, was born in Mexico. Bush - who won 61 per- country based on the Scandinavian model, in contrast to So what, exactly, is Jeb Bush up to? Could Bush, 61, the son of a US politics that could attract the support beyond the far-right Republican cent of Florida’s Hispanic vote in his 1998 governor’s race, according the “aristocrats” running the government in London. president and the brother of another, quietly be laying the ground- base that will be needed to win a general election. He could also to exit polls - has backed legal status, but not full citizenship, for work for a historic attempt to become the third member of his family bring enough star power to vie against former secretary of state undocumented immigrants. This compromise drew conservative fire ‘Devolution Plus’ to occupy the White House? When Bush is asked if he will run in 2016, Hillary Clinton, who officials in both parties expect to run and win the when Bush’ promoted his book “Immigration Wars: Forging an Cameron hit back last week, playing his trump card. “A he deflects, saying he will decide by the end of this year based on Democratic presidential nomination. Bush is the donor class’ first American Solution” in 2013. As governor, he also stressed using stan- vote for ‘no’ is not a vote for ‘no change’,” he said, promis- family considerations and whether he thinks he can run “joyfully”. dardized test scores as metrics of school and teacher performances, ing greater devolution of powers to Scotland, especially in Bush’s spokeswoman, Kristy Campbell, declined to comment. But sev- an emphasis at the center of a nationwide debate in US education. tax policy. Such a move would not be “a consolation prize” eral other people close to him say that now more than ever, there are Bush, who runs an education foundation, has also promoted the idea for Salmond if Scotland rejects independence, “but signs he might look past several potential hurdles - including polls of allowing parents and students a choice of which public school to because it is the right thing to do”. Labour and the Lib that suggest Americans are not exactly enthralled with the idea of attend. Bush headlined a Republican National Committee fundrais- Dems would take similar measures if they come to power another President Bush - and seriously consider stepping into the fray. ing lunch in southern California in February and spoke to a group of in the 2015 general election. “The more they commit At this point in previous election cycles when his name has sur- New York-area business leaders less than two weeks later. He also themselves before September 18, the more it will be diffi- faced, Bush has told friends, staffers and fellow Florida politicians that appeared in a US Chamber of Commerce advertisement for the cult for them to row back,” Curtice said. he would not run. However, he “has not given anyone the wave-off at Republican candidate in a Florida special congressional election, and Scotland’s government can currently only set policy in this point” for 2016, said a Washington-based Republican strategist campaigned with his son, George P Bush, who is running for Texas the areas of health, education, justice and planning. A familiar with Bush’s discussions about the presidency. To the contrary, Land Commissioner. host of other items would have to divided up in the event this strategist said, Bush has in place an “inner circle” of fewer than a In the coming weeks Bush will raise money for or appear with a of a ‘divorce’, ranging from oil revenues to the two pandas dozen people who are in regular contact with him weighing the pros slate of Republicans up for re-election in 2014: Senator Lamar lent to Zoo by China. —AFP and cons of running. “They are at the beginning of a very serious con- Alexander and Governor Bill Haslam in Tennessee, Governor Susana versation.” A former Bush campaign aide who remains in contact with Martinez in New Mexico and Governor Brian Sandoval in Nevada. the former governor said this year’s speculation is more warranted Some Bush allies reject the idea that his recent activity reflects a than that in previous years: “He’s really giving it true consideration. This Jan 29, 2014 file photo shows former Florida building desire to run for president. “People who know a lot aren’t All articles appearing on these Possibly if you’d asked two years ago, we’d say, ‘Oh gosh, I don’t think Gov Jeb Bush speaking in Hollywood, Florida. —AP talking, and the people who are talking don’t know. He’s made clear pages are the personal opinion of he’d do this.’ But I think he’s giving it a real, serious look now.” he’s going to be deliberate and methodical in the way he goes about the writers. Kuwait Times takes no Former Republican senator Mel Martinez of Florida, who was sec- choice in his home state, said Florida Bankers Association president this,” said former Florida congressman Tom Feeney, who ran for lieu- retary of housing and urban development during the presidency of and Romney campaign bundler Alex Sanchez. tenant governor on a ticket with Bush in 1994 and remains close responsibility for views expressed Bush’s brother, George W Bush, said that in Jeb Bush’s south Florida with him. therein. Kuwait Times invites read- there is a growing belief among political observers that he is leaning ‘Jeb is the Exception’ Several Republican strategists and Bush loyalists said it would take ers to voice their opinions. Please toward joining what promises to be a crowded field of Republican For pundits, political observers and history lovers, the prospect of a less time for Bush to organize a full-scale campaign team than it would send submissions via email to: opin- presidential contenders. Republican strategists said that Bush - whose Bush-Clinton battle for the White House would be a dream matchup: A for someone like Walker or Cruz, thanks to his family’s experience and eight years as Florida’s governor ended in January 2007 - could showdown between two branches of America’s political royalty. connections. They also dismissed concerns that Bush would have trou- [email protected] or via snail change the dynamic of the Republican nomination battle and pro- Recent early polls have suggested that if he were to run, Jeb Bush ble running a modern campaign, given that he has not run for office mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. vide a defining moment for a party struggling with a divide between would be weighed down by Americans’ lingering attitudes toward his since 2002 - before the age of Twitter and the Tea Party. “Jeb is the The editor reserves the right to edit conservative Tea Party activists and more moderate members of the brother, who left office in Jan 2009 as one of the least popular presi- exception,” said Mackowiak. “The time it takes to build a national Republican establishment. There are no declared candidates yet, but dents in US history. In a Washington Post/ABC News poll this month, finance operation for one of those other candidates? He only has to any submission as necessary. the race for the Republican nomination appears to be shaping up as a nearly half of the voters surveyed said they “definitely would not” vote spend a fraction of that to get his together. ... The clock is ticking for contest largely among staunch conservatives favored by the Tea Party for Jeb Bush in 2016 - a level of disapproval matched only by Romney. him, it’s just ticking more slowly.” —Reuters WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 SPORTS

Villas-Boas to take McCalman banned for Lawyers work to free over as Zenit coach two weeks for tip tackle jailed boxer Molina MOSCOW: Former Chelsea and Tottenham Hotspur coach Andre Villas-Boas will : Wallabies backrower Ben McCalman’s birthday celebrations LAS VEGAS: The promoter for jailed boxer Carlos Molina says take over Russian side Zenit St Petersburg this week after agreeing a two-season were soured yesterday when he received a two-week ban for a dangerous attorneys in Wisconsin, Nevada and California are working to free contract, the club said yesterday. tackle in the Super Rugby competition. the title-holding fighter following his arrest earlier this month in The Portuguese will replace Luciano Spalletti who was sacked this month. The inspirational number eight was cited for a spear, or Las Vegas. Molina remained jailed Monday. Caretaker Sergey Semak will be in charge of the team today for the Champions ‘tip’, tackle on Otago Highlanders prop Kame Hames in the 73rd minute of He was arrested March 4 on a January 2007 warrant issued in League round of 16 return leg at Borussia Dortmund. his team’s 31-29 victory in Dunedin on Saturday. Wisconsin accusing him of failing to register as a sex offender. “Zenit has agreed terms on a contract with new head coach Andre Judicial officer Nicholas Davidson accepted a guilty plea from the 29-test The 30-year-old Molina was born in Mexico, and US Villas-Boas,” the club said in a statement. “The contract will be backrower and acknowledged his clean record in downgrading his ban Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in signed and Villas-Boas will be presented in St Petersburg as from four weeks. “I considered that the potential for harm was significant as California say he was previously deported in Zenit’s new head coach on March 20.” the tackled player was lifted high off the ground and tipped forcefully with “Mr Villas-Boas’s contract begins in March, 2014 and is valid 2006. ICE says the boxer could face additional no attempt to arrest or mitigate his fall,” Davidson said in media release yes- immigration proceedings. Promoter Leon for two seasons.” The 36-year-old was sacked by Tottenham in terday. McCalman, who turned 26 yesterday, will miss only the Chiefs match December. Zenit, who managed just one win in the competi- Margules says an April 8 extradition hearing in Perth on Saturday as the Force have a bye the following weekend. is scheduled in Las Vegas on the Wisconsin tion this season, including the group stage, lost the first leg to His suspension will be viewed dimly by coach Michael Foley after the Dortmund 4-2 at home. warrant. perennially struggling team notched their second win in a row with victo- Villas-Boas will bump into a few familiar faces when he Molina missed a scheduled March 8 fight ry against the Highlanders, their first successive wins in three years having joins Zenit. Brazilian forward played under him to defend his IBF light middleweight title given them rare momentum heading into the weekend. Force are 2-2 in when he was head coach of Porto and defender Luis against Jermall Charlo in Las Vegas. — AP Neto and midfielder Danny are both Portuguese the season against the double defending champion Chiefs, who are unde- internationals. — Reuters feated. — Reuters Bruins tame Wild

BOSTON: Jarome Iginla scored two goals, Tuukka Rask stopped 33 shots as the Eastern Conference-leading Boston Bruins extended their winning streak to nine games with a 4-1 win over the Minnesota Wild on Monday. The Bruins increased their conference lead to five points over idle second-place Pittsburgh by posting their longest winning streak since a 10-game run in November 2011. Loui Eriksson and Reilly Smith also scored for Boston, which beat the Wild at home for the first time after losing the first six meetings. The Bruins are 3-10 overall against the Wild, who began play in the 2000-01 season. Jason Pominville had the only goal for Minnesota, which lost for the fifth time in six games. Darcy Kuemper made 25 saves.

BLUES 3, JETS 1 David Backes scored twice, and Ryan Miller made 16 saves in another win as St. Louis beat Winnipeg. The Blues are 7-0-1 since Miller was acquired by trade from Buffalo. St. Louis has won three straight and eight of nine. Western Conference-leading St. Louis has an NHL-best 101 points. It is the sixth time in franchise history that the Blues have reached 100 points. Backes has 23 goals this season. Brendan Morrow added a goal, and Jay Bouwmeester had two assists in the Blues’ win. Eric O’Dell had the lone goal for Winnipeg, and Al Nicol David plays a return in this file photo. Montoya made 23 saves. LIGHTNING 4, CANUCKS 3 Preview Steven Stamkos and Ondrej Palat both had a goal and an assist to lead Tampa Bay past Vancouver. Valtteri Filppula and Tom Pyatt David looks to lift also scored for the Lightning, who moved into a second-place tie with Montreal - with one game at hand - in the Atlantic Division. Ben Malaysian spirits Bishop extended his single-season team record with his 32nd win. KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s world number The Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Alexandre Burrows scored two goals, and Jarome Iginla of Boston Bruins in action in this file photo. one Nicol David warned competition was the Asian Games in South Korea and the Jannik Hansen added a short-handed tally for world team championships are also on now tougher than ever as she sets out to the Canucks. After Pyatt scored midway defend her title at the world women’s David’s 2014 schedule in what is shaping through the third period, the Canucks got NHL results/standings championships on her home island of up as a busy year. Penang. “I am 30 now and the sport is very within one on goals by Burrows at 11:44 and The peerless David, who has won a demanding,” she said. “I have to pay extra Hansen at 15:16. Boston 4, Minnesota 1; Tampa Bay 4, Vancouver 3; St. Louis 3, Winnipeg 1; Phoenix 4, Los record seven world titles and has held the attention to my preparation and recovery Angeles 3. top ranking since 2006, is the hot favourite for each match and I can’t push my body COYOTES 4, KINGS 3 Western Conference Eastern Conference to lift the trophy for the eighth time. too much compared to when I was Keith Yandle scored the tying goal midway Pacific Division Atlantic Division The 30-year-old can help boost younger. “Having said that, I still aim to through the third period and Jeff Halpern net- W L OTL GF GA PTS Boston 46 17 5 219 147 97 Tampa Bay 37 24 7 198 178 81 Malaysian spirits after the disappearance of compete at the highest level for at the least ted the winner with 3:05 left, leading Phoenix Anaheim 45 16 7 218 172 97 over Los Angeles. Montreal 37 25 7 174 174 81 flight Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 with 239 the next five years.” The top seed and San Jose 45 17 7 214 165 97 Toronto 36 25 8 203 211 80 passengers on board nine days ago caused defending champion will open her account Rob Klinkhammer and Mikkel Boedker Los Angeles 38 25 6 168 148 82 Detroit 30 24 13 175 188 73 widespread shock. against ’s Emma Beddoes in a draw scored 63 seconds apart in the first period for Phoenix 33 25 11 192 196 77 Ottawa 28 26 13 190 221 69 David has made a turbo-charged start which appears to have given her a the Coyotes, who handed the Kings their third Vancouver 31 30 10 170 194 72 Florida 25 35 8 169 221 58 to the year, winning back-to-back titles at favourable route to the final. straight loss and took over sole possession of Calgary 27 34 7 165 202 61 Buffalo 19 41 8 132 202 46 Metropolitan Division the Tournament of Champions and Should she make the title match on eighth place in the Western Conference. Mike Edmonton 24 36 9 171 224 57 Cleveland Classic in January and February. Saturday, her biggest rival Laura Massaro of Smith made 36 saves. Pittsburgh 44 19 4 209 167 92 Philadelphia 35 25 7 192 193 77 But despite being the overwhelming England, the second seed, will hope to lie Marian Gaborik, defenseman Alec Martinez favorite in Penang, she said it was becom- in wait. Central Division Columbus 35 26 6 195 184 76 and rookie Tanner Pearson scored for the NY Rangers 36 29 4 177 170 76 ing increasingly difficult to keep her chal- Massaro’s main obstacle in the bottom St. Louis 47 14 7 226 152 101 Kings, who were without captain Dustin Colorado 44 19 5 209 181 93 Washington 32 27 10 201 207 74 lengers at bay. half of the draw looks to be third seed Brown for a second straight game because of New Jersey 29 26 13 166 176 71 Raneem El Weleily of Egypt. David’s last Chicago 39 15 14 231 179 92 “There is not much separating the top a lower body injury. Jonathan Quick stopped Carolina 29 30 9 169 194 67 10 players and the gap is certainly getting world title win came at the expense of Minnesota 35 23 10 165 168 80 23 shots for Los Angeles, which fell to 21-1 NY Islanders 26 34 9 195 233 61 closer,” David said. “Anyone in the top 10 is Massaro back in 2012. The pocket-sized Dallas 32 24 11 193 192 75 Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one capable of ousting each other, so I have to champion will be joined by compatriots when leading after two periods. The Kings Winnipeg 31 30 9 194 204 71 point in the standings and are not included in be on top of my game as everyone will be Low Wee Wern and wildcard entry Vanessa outshot Phoenix 15-2 in the second period, Nashville 29 29 10 164 201 68 the loss column (L). out to get me.” Raj in the main draw. — AFP turning a 2-1 deficit into a 3-2 lead. — AP Ecclestone: Teams may Hotbed of college hoops rest in heartland: Self pay price for quieter F1 LAWRENCE: Bill Self was born in Edmond, Okla. He yards. All they have are coaches willing to grind, played basketball at Oklahoma State, and cut his fans every bit as zealous as those of Duke and teeth in the coaching profession at Kansas. He built Kentucky, and players often overlooked by those LONDON: A commotion about Formula One’s systems. Ecclestone has long been a critic of the “Let’s assume he hasn’t got a point as far as the up programs at Oral Roberts and Tulsa, and is now college basketball blue-bloods who arrive on cam- new quieter cars could hit the sport’s revenues change and has warned repeatedly that the legal side is going. Then you have to look at it leading the Jayhawks in their pursuit of another pus with a chip on their shoulders. and lead to teams getting less money if pro- sport risked losing a key ingredient for the pay- from a moral side. If you went into the super- national championship. The result? Turn on the tournament this week moters take legal action, commercial supremo ing public by turning down the volume that market today and bought some strawberry jam More than just about anybody, Self appreciates and you’ll see Oklahoma against North Dakota Bernie Ecclestone said on Monday. was such a big part of the show. “I’m disap- and you got peanut butter you’d probably be a the rise of hoops in the heartland. All three of the State in a second-round game. Wichita State and Australian Grand Prix Corporation chairman pointed that I was right when I said what was bit pissed off. Sunflower State’s programs are back in the NCAA Kansas State could meet in the third round, as Ron Walker said after Sunday’s season-opener going to happen. I’m sorry that it’s happened,” “It’s good quality peanut butter, but he’s say- tournament this year, and all are ninth seeds or could Nebraska and Creighton, a tantalizing that he was not happy with the reduced deci- he said. ing it isn’t what he bought,” added Ecclestone. better, led by No. 1 seed Wichita State. There are matchup that just might generate as much interest bels and Formula One was “clearly in breach of “Whether the contract describes what he’d three schools from Oklahoma in the dance. Two in the state as Cornhusker football does on an contract”. “It’s not what we paid for. It’s going to STRAWBERRY JAM bought, the strawberry jam with so many from Nebraska. Two more made it from Iowa. Saint autumn Saturday. change,” Walker told the Melbourne Age news- Asked whether promoters might see an strawberries, I don’t know. I doubt it. I think he Louis is in the field, too. “If we’re going to go and play and Nebraska is paper, adding that he had spoken to a ‘horrified’ opportunity to renegotiate their contracts bought the FIA Formula One world champi- Not a bad showing from America’s breadbasket, going to the NCAA tournament, why not go to the Ecclestone about it. downwards as a result, Ecclestone acknowl- onship. Which is what he’s got.” Germany’s Nico those sparsely populated “flyover states” that are same place,” asked Bluejays coach Greg “It will be an issue for promoters all around edged that might become an issue. Rosberg won Sunday’s race for a dominant supposed to be lean on talent and generate little McDermott. “I think it’s going to be a great deal of the world.” Ecclestone told Reuters in a tele- “It’s not (a concern) at the moment but it Mercedes while quadruple world champion buzz from folks on the coasts. fun.” McDermott’s son, Doug, is the odds-on phone interview that Walker was “probably could well be,” he said. “If the promoters say compatriot Sebastian Vettel, who won the last “Hopefully we’ll pull for each other,” Self said, favorite for national player of the year. Those teams going a bit over the top with what he’s saying” ‘Listen, this ain’t what I bought and I ain’t going nine races of 2013 for Red Bull, retired early on “but it is interesting.” In some ways it makes sense. from the heartland? They’re not short on talent, but added that the Australian was not alone in to pay for it or I don’t want to pay as much’ or with engine trouble. The epicenter of college basketball, many argue, even if they often have to get creative — and go to his concern. “I’ve had one or two promoters get whatever, then it is a concern. “We give the Despite dire predictions of no cars finishing resides in Lawrence at the school where James great lengths — to land some of it. in touch with me today and they said how teams a percentage of the revenue we receive. the race, so uncertain was their reliability, 13 of Naismith and Phog Allen were not only coaches Kansas star Andrew Wiggins is a freshman of unhappy they are,” said the 83-year-old billion- So if we are receiving less revenue, whatever the 22 drivers were classified in the final results. but also the game’s inventor and pioneer. The the year candidate and potential No. 1 draft pick. aire. “I spoke to (Ferrari president) Luca di the case may be, certainly the teams wouldn’t “I am surprised that as many cars finished. I did- Jayhawks play home games in Allen Fieldhouse, of So is the Jayhawks’ Joel Embiid, who will miss the Montezemolo just now and Luca said he’s never get as much. So it’s going to cost them,” he n’t think the racing was super,” said Ecclestone course, a bastion of basketball situated at the base first part of the tournament with a back injury. had as many emails on his desk complaining added. The Briton, who has seen the global of what he had seen. of a hill on Naismith Drive. Oklahoma State features a dynamic guard in and saying this isn’t Formula One.” glamour sport go through numerous engine “What was good from the public’s point of But in many ways, the success of schools such Marcus Smart. Iowa State has Canadian forward Formula One ditched the old and raucous eras from V12 to V10 and V8, questioned view I suppose was that we didn’t suddenly see as Tulsa and Saint Louis makes little sense. They Melvin Ejim, the Big 12 player of the year. Iowa’s 2.4 litre V8 engines at the end of last season and whether promoters like Walker could win their Sebastian disappear into the night. Whether we don’t have the strong tradition of Kansas. They Roy Devyn Marble and Oklahoma’s Cameron Clark replaced them with less fuel-thirsty and more argument in any court of law, however. “I don’t are going to see (Mercedes’ Lewis) Hamilton or don’t have fertile recruiting grounds such as are game-changers. Kansas State has a talented muted 1.6 litre V6 turbo power units with know whether he has (got a point),” he said of the other one (Rosberg) do that, I don’t know. Chicago or the Dallas Metroplex in their own back- freshman in its own right, Marcus Foster. —AP expensive and complicated energy recovery Walker’s comments about a breach of contract. “I’ve got to suspect that we will.” — Reuters WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 SPORTS Nadal, Federer bring box-office boost to Miami

MIAMI: After missing last year’s Sony Open, both director Adam Barrett told Reuters on Monday. tion is rain.” The women’s main draw gets underway road back to the final is a daunting one with a possi- world number one Rafa Nadal and 17-times grand “These guys are superstars, they draw crowds with first-round matches on Tuesday while the ble last-eight clash with Djokovic and a semi-final slam winner Roger Federer return to South Beach whether they are at the airport, a hotel or walking men’s main draw begins today. meeting with a re-energised fifth seed Federer, this week along with their box office punch. through a mall. “Anywhere they go they are going After a first-round bye, Nadal will open action coming off a runner-up finish in Indian Wells. There will be no shortage of tennis glitterati to bring additional crowds both tennis and non- against the winner of Dutchman Robin Haase and Williams, a six-time winner in Miami, will open around Miami for the next fortnight with 19 of the tennis folks.” With a promising weather forecast and Australian Lleyton Hewitt, who will be chasing his her title defence in the second round against either top 20 men’s and women’s players in action at lineup that includes world number one Serena 600th career win. Italian Francesca Schiavone or Kazakhstan’s Crandon Park but perhaps none more welcome Williams, Maria Sharapova, defending men’s cham- Third-seeded Australian Open champion Yaroslava Shvedova. Fourth seed Sharapova is on than Federer and Nadal as their absence last year pion Andy Murray and three-time winner Novak Stanislas Wawrinka along with big hitters Canadian the same side of the draw as Williams along with in- left a hole that could not be filled. Djokovic the Sony Open could set record ticket Milos Raonic and American John Isner lurk as dan- form Italian Flavia Pennetta, who is carrying the Nadal and Federer are box office gold for any sales this year. ger men. But it is the bottom half of the draw where momentum from her victory at Indian Wells. tournament and with the Spaniard missing due to a “A lot of it has to do with how the draw unfolds,” the real intrigue lies with world number two The other side of the draw features second-seed- knee injury and the Swiss maestro on an extended Barrett said about a possible attendance record. “A Djokovic, fresh off a win at Indian Wells, two-time ed Australian Open champion Li Na of China, third break last year’s attendance dropped 5.5 percent to lot of years when you set record attendance you get winner Federer and holder Murray all eager to add seed Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland, the 2012 308,000. “Anytime you have two stars the size of intriguing matches. “Every year you wait, you let it another Miami title to their resumes. champion and runner-up at Indian Wells, and Venus Roger and Rafa, guys who are bigger than the sport, unfold, we will be close to records every year. The For Murray, who maintains a residence in Miami, Williams, who has three Sony titles in her trophy bigger than tennis, missing it hurts,” tournament only thing that really takes records out of the equa- the Sony Open will be a bit of a home game but his case. —Reuters Defending champ Murray seeks stability in Miami

MIAMI: Andy Murray will have to solve the problem of his patchy play quickly if he hopes to defend his Miami ATP Masters title against a star-studded field. Murray departed Miami last year ranked sec- ond in the world after a razor-thin victory over David Ferrer in the final gave him his second Sony Open title. He went on to claim an emotional second Grand Slam title at Wimbledon, but the 26-year- old has yet to reach a final since having back surgery in September and is currently ranked sixth in the world. The Scot was at a loss to explain a third-set PRETORIA: South African Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has tears running down collapse against big-serving Canadian Milos his face on the twelfth day of his trial for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Raonic in the fourth round at the Indian Wells Steenkamp at the North Gauteng High Court. — AFP Masters last week and admitted his confidence was at low ebb. That will put him at a distinct disadvantage Pistorius trial: Defense against the likes of world number one Rafael Nadal, who returns to Miami after skipping last alleges police errors year’s tournament to rest his troublesome knees. World number two Novak Djokovic also Andy Murray celebrates in this file photo. PRETORIA: Police photographs of the blood- he struck the toilet door with a cricket bat to arrives in Florida brimming with confidence, spattered scene where Oscar Pistorius shot get to Steenkamp after realizing what he had having secured his first title of 2014 with a tri- “Roger is playing at a very high level,” but the 32 men’s and women’s seeds all have dead his girlfriend indicate that evidence was done. Prosecutors charge that Pistorius killed umph over a revitalized Roger Federer in the Djokovic said. “He has more depth on his shots, first-round byes. Williams, owner of 17 Grand moved around in violation of procedure dur- Steenkamp after an argument. Indian Wells final on Sunday. especially from the backhand side. He gives Slam titles and a record six Miami trophies, will ing the investigation of the killing, the ath- Pistorius’ lawyer also asked van Staden to “It was the first final I played this year,” himself an opportunity to finish with the fore- no doubt be eager to get back on track after her lete’s chief defense lawyer said yesterday. explain differences in photographs of the 9 Djokovic noted. “It was necessary for my confi- hand. He serves well. He just played better than season-opening triumph in Brisbane was fol- Warrant officer Bennie van Staden, a mm pistol that Pistorius used to shoot dence and hopefully I can carry that into Miami he did in the last 13, 14 months.” lowed by a fourth-round loss at the Australian police photographer, took hundreds of pho- Steenkamp through a closed toilet door, and and the rest of the season.” Federer, who had fallen to eighth in the Open and a semi-final loss to France’s Alize tos of the scene, including of blood stains, of a cricket bat that the Paralympian used to Djokovic was especially pleased that he world, heads into Miami back at number five. He Cornet at Dubai in February. bullet casings, a gun and a cricket bat found hit the door. came through some tough three-set matches, too is returning to Key Biscayne after skipping Sharapova will try to bounce back from a inside Pistorius’ bathroom in the hours after “It seems there was movement of the bat” including rallying from a set down against the tournament last year, and after winning the third-round loss to Italian qualifier Camila Giorgi the double-amputee Olympic runner shot in the interval between two photographs tak- Croatian Marin Cilic in the fourth round and title in Dubai and reaching the final in Indian at Indian Wells. The Russian reached her fifth girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp before dawn on en by van Staden, Roux said. “It seems like Federer in the championship contest. Getting Wells in back-to-back events the 17-time Grand Miami final last year, but has never won the title. Feb. 14 last year. that,” van Staden conceded. through the tense encounters quelled the Slam champion left himself some wiggle room China’s Australian Open champion Li Na Lawyer Barry Roux has challenged previ- The police photographer also acknowl- doubts he’d felt upon arriving Stateside for the with regard to playing another tournament so arrives in Florida after a semi-final defeat to ous police witnesses, seeking to uncover con- edged that two photographs of the gun indi- two big hardcourt tournaments without a title soon. “I will see how I feel over there,” Federer eventual champion Flavia Pennetta in Indian tradictions and reported mishaps to support cated that a mat underneath it could have for the first time in years. said shortly after the Indian Wells final. “Most Wells. his argument that officers bungled the inves- been shifted. Roux said one photo also dif- Djokovic avenged a loss to Federer in the likely, yes, I will play.” Women’s world number Li struggled with her serve in the California tigation, an allegation made by Pistorius at fered from the other because it showed a semi-finals at Dubai in February, but said the one Serena Williams returns to defend the title desert thanks to a change in her mechanics, the start of the trial when he pleaded not wooden splinter on the gun handle. Swiss great was clearly a force to be reckoned she won last year with a victory over Maria but said she hoped to have the problems guilty to murder in Steenkamp’s killing. Two other photos of objects on the bed- with now that he has put his injury-marred 2013 Sharapova in the final. ironed out. “Nothing to worry about,” Li said. In a sometimes painstaking process yes- room floor next to Pistorius’ bed showed tis- campaign behind him. Women’s first-round play begins on Tuesday, “Should be OK in next tournament.” — AFP terday, Roux minutely examined many pho- sues, what was identified as a CD or disc and tos taken by van Staden and another police a remote control were in different positions. officer and pointed out that objects at the Van Staden said he did not know who moved Ireland, England eye WCup crime scene had been moved and were in dif- them, but he remembered the disc was previ- ferent positions in photos. Roux also used ously under the bed. time of day records on the images to show “How does it happen that there’s such a that the two policemen taking photographs great disturbance of that scene?” Roux asked. after dramatic Six Nations were in the same room at points, even Roux was trying to build a picture of a clut- though van Staden testified he was working tered and confused crime scene with many alone. Roux compared photos of the bloody officers working on it and possibly contami- LONDON: Ireland deservedly won the Six Nations Grand Slam until months before they triumphed at pool rivals England denied them the chance of a but it was World Cup hosts England who had the 2003 edition. record third successive outright Six Nations title. A bathroom scene taken by van Staden with nating the evidence. arguably even greater cause for optimism looking lack of direction behind the scrum was a problem photos in the bathroom taken by another Van Staden has said he also took nine ahead to the 2015 global jamboree. ‘NEXT YEAR IS OUR YEAR’ in both their defeats, with neither Rhys Priestland policeman, identified as a Col. Motha. Both photographs of Pistorius soon after the The Irish gave retiring centre great Brian In the end a 52-11 hammering of Italy in Rome nor convincing at fly-half. Wales, who’ve were in the bathroom at that time, according shooting, with the athlete seen in some of the O’Driscoll a fairytale farewell with a dramatic 22-20 wasn’t enough for England to snatch the title on suffered 18 straight losses at the hands of the to the times shown on the images. images standing in blood-stained prosthetic win against France in Paris on Saturday that saw points difference from Ireland and captain Chris southern hemisphere “big three” are now set to “You did not see Col. Motha?” Roux asked legs and wearing blood-soaked shorts in the them take the title in the final match of the Robshaw promised it would be a spur to better tour South Africa without both injured captain Sam van Staden, who replied he did not. “How big garage of his home. Championship. things. “We made a vow to each other in Rome on Warburton and star full-back . “The is this bathroom?” Roux said. Van Staden’s testimony yesterday was But it is not results against each other that will Saturday that next year is going to be our year,” said two games we lost, both teams kicked more than Maybe missing the hint of sarcasm in delayed by over an hour to give the police- determine whether Europe’s finest can lift the the Harlequins flanker in the Daily Telegraph. we did, particularly Ireland who played a lot of one- Roux’s question, van Staden said the bath- man time to collect photo records and discs World Cup but how they perform against the “We desperately want to take the next step in pass rugby and tried to negate a lot of our room was approximately four meters by four at the defense’s request. Van Staden had said southern hemisphere giants of defending champi- 2015 and win the . “Then strengths,” said Wales coach . meters. Pistorius, 27, is charged with premedi- he would have to retrieve photo records from ons New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. our sights will be set on the World Cup.”Ireland France, so often lacklustre, gave glimpses of tated murder for killing Steenkamp, 29. He office administration, but then said Tuesday And it is here a youthful England side, who have never got beyond the quarter-finals of a World class against England and Ireland with wing Yoann denies murder and says he shot his girlfriend he had forgotten that he was actually in pos- might have enjoyed a Grand Slam but for a frantic Cup but that could change next year. Their new Huget impressive. That suggested their enduring accidentally, thinking she was an intruder in a session of the master copies of the shooting final five minutes during an opening defeat by coach, Joe Schmidt, won the Six Nations at his first issue was the somewhat erratic team selection of toilet cubicle in the bathroom, and says that scene photographs. — AP France, could have the edge. attempt and the way in which they tactically over- coach Philippe Saint-Andre. They, unlike their Home Nations rivals, know whelmed two-time defending champions Wales “Of course we can win the World Cup,” said what it is to beat the All Blacks, and they will travel 26-3 was a testament to the New Zealander’s astute Saint-Andre, whose predecessor Marc Lievremont to New Zealand for a post-season tour buoyed by planning. The spine of the Ireland side looks sound, guided France to an 8-7 defeat by hosts New US tour to stay in China the emergence of a world-class second row pairing with full-back , half-backs Jonathan Zealand in the 2011 final. “We are a young team in and . Sexton and , back-row Peter and working really hard to iron out some things SINGAPORE: America’s PGA Tour has added. “It’s a stepping-stone where play- Meanwhile half-backs Owen Farrell and Danny O’Mahony and prop all impressing dur- that aren’t right but we are getting there.” For bot- pledged to stay in China for the long haul ers can continue to hone their competi- Care were increasingly assured in a back division ing this Six Nations. tom of the table Italy, who lost all five matches this after taking the bold step of setting up a tive skills and graduate from one tour to where full-back excelled in both attack O’Driscoll will leave big boots to fill but Ireland Six Nations it was yet another gruelling tourna- domestic circuit offering players a new the next.” and defence. flanker Chris Henry said: “I think we have to capi- ment. Scotland, last-minute winners over Italy, had route to golf’s top level, including the The tour, similar to PGA development England, the lone European winners of the talise on this now in terms of the World Cup. an otherwise dire Six Nations, culminating in a Olympic Games. circuits in Canada and Latin America, is World Cup, can take heart from recalling that Clive “There’s no telling how far this team can go.” For record 51-3 defeat by Wales in Cardiff where full- In a move which could have a big already underway with its second quali- Woodward’s global champions didn’t complete the Wales, away losses to both Ireland and World Cup back was sent off. — AFP impact on Chinese golf, and even the fying event-with international as well as sport’s future, the newly established PGA Chinese players-being held this week. Tour China will roll out 12 events this Prize money of RMB 12 million year with plans to steadily expand. ($200,000) will be on offer at each tour- Professionals will be able to earn their nament, as well as world ranking points. way onto America’s Tour, the Only the top-ranked players from each “gateway” to the world-leading PGA Tour, country will qualify when golf returns to through their prize money, and pick up the Olympics in 2016. “China loves all world ranking points which are needed things Olympics, particularly all things to reach the Olympics. successful in the Olympics,” Gilligan said. The initiative could help China make “So yes, I would imagine that that was good on its promise after already pro- one element our partners at the China ducing youngsters of the calibre of Guan Golf Association... and the Chinese offi- Tianlang, who caused a sensation by cialdom considered as part of the attrac- making the cut at last year’s Masters tion.” Despite growing interest in golf and aged just 14. As for the PGA, it gains a a mushrooming number of courses, plus foothold in the world’s most populous some world-class international tourna- nation, which with its vast potential mar- ments, previous domestic tours in China ket is considered a key strategic priority have struggled. for many sports bodies. Players have also been slow to PGA Tour vice president Greg Gilligan, emerge and the current golf rankings the body’s managing director for Greater feature only six Chinese men in the top China, said the tour had plans to expand 1,000, and none among the leading 100. to Hong Kong, Taipei and Macau, and By comparison, Japan has 63 players perhaps even further afield in Asia if suc- in the top 1,000, South Korea has 67, cessful in China. “We’re making a long- Thailand has 25 and India has 12. The term commitment to this partnership PGA Tour had been considered late to and to the development of golf in China, make a move in Asia, and it wasn’t until broadly speaking,” he told AFP by phone last year that it held its first fully sanc- from Beijing. “Our money-list players can tioned event in the region, the CIMB graduate from this to the,” he Classic in Malaysia. —AFP DUBLIN: Ireland’s rugby captain Paul O’Connell (left) poses for pictures with fans as he holds the Six Nations trophy upon arrival at Dublin International airport in this file photo. — AFP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 SPORTS

Afghanistan send Hong Kong Photo of the day packing from World Twenty-20

CHITTAGONG: Mohammad Shahzad well-timed boundary to complete his to get through to the next round. and Shafiqullah Shafiq hit aggressive maiden fifty and seal the win. Shahzad Shahzad said he was happy to con- half-centuries to help Afghanistan beat had his full share of luck. Sloppy Hong tribute after his recent loss of form. “I Hong Kong by seven wickets in the Kong fielding gave him two lives, on 25 didn’t play well in the last few matches World Twenty20 tournament in and 64. so the coach told me to take my time,” Chittagong yesterday. Shahzad notched And when he was finally dismissed he said. “Everybody supported me. It up a fiery 53-ball 68 while Shafiq in the 16th over with 38 still needed, the was a good fifty for me and it was a smashed a career-best 50 not out off Afghans were far from home. But Shafiq good win for us. In T20, everything is possible. We need to see the result of the next match and hopefully we can make it to the next round.” Hong Kong, who chose to bat, got off to a disastrous start when they lost opener Irfan Ahmed to the first ball of the match, bowled by left-arm paceman Shapoor Zadran who finished with 2-27. It was left to Mark Chapman (38), Waqas Barkat (32) and Jamie Atkinson (31) to put the innings back on track with some sensible batting. Barkat and Chapman added 60 for the third wicket and at 102-3 in the 14th over, Hong Kong should have put together a higher total then their 153-8. But spinners Mohammad Nabi (2-27) Filip Polc performs in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on January 13, 2014. and Hamza Hotak (2-32) put the brakes — on Hong Kong’s progress. The top team from each of the two preliminary groups will join the eight seeded teams in the Super-10 stage, starting March 21. Ireland and the Netherlands won Pacers overcome 76ers CHITTAGONG: Afghanistan batsman Mohammad Shahzad acknowledges their opening matches in Group B on the crowd after scoring fifty runs during their ICC Twenty20 Cricket World Monday. INDIANAPOLIS: Lance Stephenson points and 12 rebounds as the MAVERICKS 94, CELTICS 89 Cup match against Hong Kong. — AP scored 25 points as the Indiana Pacers Oklahoma City Thunder beat the Dirk Nowitzki led another balanced Brief scores: came back from an early deficit to Chicago Bulls. Russell Westbrook scoring effort with 19 points as the just 24 balls to help Afghanistan reach hit three sixes off paceman Aizaz Hong Kong 153-8 in 20 overs (M. beat Philadelphia 99-90 on Monday, added 17 points after sitting out the Dallas Mavericks opened a club- their 154-run target with 12 balls to Ahmed’s 17th over to reduce the target Chapman 38, Waqas Barkat 32, Jamie handing the 76ers their franchise- previous day to rest his surgically record eight-game homestand by spare in the Group A match. Shahzad, to 11 runs. Atkinson 31; Shapoor Zadran 2-27, record 21st straight loss. Paul George repaired knee, and the Thunder holding on for a victory over the who was in miserable form in the pre- Hong Kong had lost their first match Mohammad Nabi 2-27; Hamza Hotak had 24 points for the Pacers, who rebounded from their most lopsided Boston Celtics. ceding Asia Cup and was out for nought to Nepal and a second defeat means 2-32) staked the Sixers to a 15-6 lead before loss of the season. They went on a 13- The Celtics trailed by double digits in the first game against Bangladesh, hit they are out of the tournament. Afghanistan 154-3 in 18 overs taking the lead and pulling away. point run after the Bulls scored eight twice in the second half before get- three sixes and six boundaries in a Afghanistan, who went down to hosts (Mohammad Shahzad 68, Shafiqullah George Hill scored 11 points, Ian straight early in the fourth to cut the ting within one in the final minute but chancy knock. Bangladesh in their first game, earned a Shafiq 51 not out). Afghanistan won by Mahinmi had 10 and David West lead to one and pulled this one out couldn’t avoid an 0-15 finish on the Shafiq completed the task with a lifeline with yesterday’s win as they try seven wickets. —AFP grabbed 12 rebounds. Thaddeus after falling by 23 at home to Dallas road against the Western Conference. Young had 23 points to lead the on Sunday. Durant ran his streak of The Mavericks followed their first Sixers, who tied the Detroit Pistons for games with 25 or more points to 32, win in more than two years over pos- Kuwait welcomes Indian the sixth-longest losing streak in NBA the longest in the NBA since Michael sible first-round playoff foe Oklahoma history. The Pistons lost 21 straight bridging the 1979-80 and 1980-81 Master Blaster Sehwag seasons. The Cleveland Cavaliers set NBA results/standings the NBA record for consecutive losses Atlanta 97, Charlotte 83; Indiana 99, Philadelphia 90; Brooklyn 108, Phoenix with 26, in the 2010-11 season. KUWAIT: Kuwait extends its open 95; Oklahoma City 97, Chicago 85; Houston 124, Utah 86; Dallas 94, Boston The Sixers haven’t won since Jan. arms in welcoming the legendry 89; Denver 110, LA Clippers 100. Virendra Sehwag, the charismatic 29 at Boston. Evan Turner, now with cricketer from India who is on a pri- the Pacers, hit the winning shot in Eastern Conference Western Conference vate visit to Kuwait. that 95-94 win by Philadelphia. Turner, Atlantic Division Northwest Division This mega event sponsored by City traded to Indiana with Lavoy Allen on W L PCT GB Oklahoma City49 18 .731 - Clinic, a pioneer medical Institution Feb. 20 for Danny Granger and a draft Toronto 37 28 .569 - Portland 43 24 .642 6 has the full-fledged support and pick, had four points and seven Brooklyn 34 31 .523 3 Minnesota 33 32 .508 15 patronage of Kuwait Cricket, the offi- rebounds against his former team NY Knicks 27 40 .403 11 Denver 30 37 .448 19 cial governing body of cricket in Monday. Boston 22 46 .324 16.5 Utah 22 46 .324 27.5 Kuwait. Philadelphia 15 52 .224 23 Pacific Division Anything said about Sehwag HAWKS 97, BOBCATS 83 Central Division LA Clippers 48 21 .696 - Indiana 50 17 .746 - would be less as there is an air of Paul Millsap scored 28 points as Golden State 42 26 .618 5.5 Chicago 37 30 .552 13 expectancy when Virender Sehwag the Atlanta Hawks ended the Phoenix 38 29 .567 9 takes guard. For the millions of his Charlotte Bobcats’ eight-game home Cleveland 26 41 .388 24 Detroit 25 41 .379 24.5 Sacramento 23 44 .343 24 fans across the globe and even per- winning streak. It was Atlanta’s 11th LA Lakers 22 44 .333 24.5 straight win over Charlotte. The Hawks Milwaukee 13 54 .194 37 haps for the opposition the thrill is Southwest Division have won four straight, pulling within Southeast Division continuous as the excitement of the San Antonio 50 16 .758 - 1 1/2 games of the Bobcats for the Miami 45 19 .703 - previous delivery fuses with that of Houston 45 22 .672 5.5 the next as his fearless and flamboy- seventh spot in the Eastern Washington 35 31 .530 11 Dallas 41 27 .603 10 ant stroke play amplifies the glorious Conference playoff race. Charlotte 33 35 .485 14 uncertainties of cricket. Just about Kemba Walker led the Bobcats with Atlanta 30 35 .462 15.5 Memphis 39 27 .591 11 anything can happen! As Cricinfo 20 points. Al Jefferson, who was Orlando 19 48 .284 27.5 New Orleans 27 39 .409 23 states on his page, the bowlers must selected the Eastern Conference fancy their chances against someone Player of the Week on Monday, had 16 like Sehwag. It is just that he fancies points and 12 rebounds for his 30th Jordan did it in 40 in a row during the City by taking their third straight to the bowlers more! double-double of the season but was 1986-87 season. He also chipped in get a season-high 14 games over .500. His phenomenal international just 6 of 15 from the field. with five assists. Jerryd Bayless had 19 points and record is simply mind boggling for Chicago’s Joakim Noah, who’s been Kris Humphries matched a season one who makes a mockery of tradi- NETS 108, SUNS 95 hearing “MVP!” chants lately, shot 2 of high with 14 rebounds for the Celtics, tional batting technique. Two triple Deron Williams scored 28 points 8 but finished with nine points, 12 who lost their fifth straight game and centuries in Tests and a double in an and even dunked for the first time this rebounds and nine assists. 12th in the past 15. ODI means this is no ordinary talent. season, leading the Brooklyn Nets Add to that his Test match 319 against past the Phoenix Suns and extending ROCKETS 124, JAZZ 86 NUGGETS 110, CLIPPERS 100 South Africa in Chennai in 2008, was their home winning streak to nine. Terrence Jones scored 30 points as Reserve JJ Hickson had 21 points made at a better than a run a ball. Indian master blaster Virender Sehwag Williams shot 11 of 13 from the the Houston Rockets ended a three- and Ty Lawson scored eight of his 19 He would have climbed another players to embrace his brand of care- immensely successful, respected and field and looks all the way back after game skid with their most lopsided in a late fourth-quarter run, helping unprecedented peak if he had made a free batsmanship which is often the entertaining opener. Kuwait began as ankle problems wrecked his first half victory of the season. the Denver Nuggets end the Los third triple which he missed by 7 runs preferred style of play here. There is a sporadic performer on the interna- of the season. He was two points off Dwight Howard was out with an Angeles Clippers’ 11-game winning against Sri Lanka. The 219 he made also an element of uncomplicated- tional stage and has gradually been his season high and rose above the ankle strain, leaving the Rockets with- streak. The Clippers’ streak was tied for against West Indies at Indore in a 2011 ness to Virender Sehwag’s game that recognized as a cricketing nation. rim to throw down a dunk that fin- out him for the first time this season. second-longest in franchise history. ODI series was smacked at an incredi- often draws accolades which also can Now, the tiny oil rich nation stands on ished off a fourth-quarter fast break But they still had no problem han- Their longest, 17 in a row last season, ble whack rate of almost 150! It stands be an inspiration. How often have we the threshold of creating a credible started by Andrei Kirilenko’s steal. dling the Utah Jazz, who have lost five also was snapped by Denver at Pepsi as the highest individual score to date. heard the experts say ‘Keep it simple’ cricketing reputation. Joe Johnson added 19 points for in a row and have one of the worst Center. It is for his genius for striking the crick- and who else can be an embodiment Welcome to Kuwait, Virender the Nets, on their longest home win- records in the Western Conference. Kenneth Faried added 18 points et ball so hard and so consistently that of that very phrase? Sehwag. We cricket lovers admire your ning streak since winning nine Houston led 92-69 entering the and 16 rebounds in a duel in the paint he will be considered an all-time Kuwait Cricket can draw inspiration sporting character and we look for- straight from March 15-April 6, 2006. fourth, and the big advantage allowed against Blake Griffin, who finished great. from and chalk a career path similar to ward to emulating your free spirited Markieff Morris scored 18 points an overworked James Harden, who with 26 points and 12 boards. Therefore Kuwait will be proud to Mr. Sehwag’s. He started off as an willow wielding in our endeavor to and Gerald Green 17 for the Suns, who had played more than 43 minutes in Down 98-96 with 4:21 remaining, host this Great Indian sportsman. His irregular middle order hard-hitter and place ourselves favorably in this exhil- were seeking a perfect three-game three of the previous four games, to Lawson hit a 3-point to give the presence will encourage the local gradually cemented his place as an arating world of cricket. trip against Atlantic Division teams rest a bit as he watched the fourth Nuggets a lead they wouldn’t relin- after winning at Boston and Toronto. quarter from the bench. Harden fin- quish. It was part of a 14-2 run to close ished with 15 points. Derrick Favors out the game. The Clippers didn’t THUNDER 97, BULLS 85 had 15 points for the Jazz a night after score again after DeAndre Jordan’s Bangladesh thump Nepal Kevin Durant finished with 35 scoring a career-high 28. dunk at 3:31. — AP

CHITTAGONG: Bangladesh put in a 33-ball 42 with five boundaries and stand for the fourth wicket. clinical performance to defeat new- two sixes and shared an opening But the experienced pair failed to comers Nepal by eight wickets in the stand of 63 with Tamim Iqbal (30). speed up things in the final overs World Twenty20 in Chittagong yester- Shakib Al Hasan hit four sixes in his against some tight Bangladeshi bowl- day. 37 not out and Sabbir Rahman made ing. Paceman Al-Amin Hossain was The hosts, who fielded after win- 21 not out complete the chase. the pick of the home bowlers with 2- ning the toss, kept Nepal down to Nepal’s modest score was built 17 in four overs. 126-5 in their 20 overs before reach- around a polished 35-ball 41 by skip- The second straight win puts ing the modest target in 15.3 overs. per Paras Khadka and a 43-ball 40 by Bangladesh in a strong position to Opener Anamul Haque scored a Sharad Vesawkar who shared a 85-run qualify for the Super-10 stage from Group A. They now play Hong Kong in their last match while Nepal meet Afghanistan. Afghanistan and Nepal have one win in two games while Hong Kong crashed out of the event with two defeats in as many games. Afghanistan beat Hong Kong by sev- en wickets earlier yesterday. Ireland and the Netherlands won their first matches in Group B on Monday. Two teams from each group will qualify for the Super-10 stage, starting from March 21. The final will be played on April 6 in Dhaka.

Brief Scores: Nepal 126-5 in 20 overs (P. Khadka 41, S. Vesawkar 40; Al-Amin Hossain 2-17) Bangladesh 132-2 in 15.3 overs (Anamul Haque 42, Shakib Al Hasan CHITTAGONG: Nepal’s Shakti Gauchan misses a catch during their ICC 37 not out). Bangladesh won by eight INDIANAPOLIS: Philadelphia 76ers guard Michael Carter-Williams (center) pulls down a rebound in front of Twenty20 Cricket World Cup match against Bangladesh. — AP wickets. — AFP Indiana Pacers center Ian Mahinmi (second from left) during the second half of an NBA basketball game. — AP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 SPORTS Ronaldo and Romario go at it again in Brazil

SAO PAULO: In the latest chapter of a spat between things that are out of my hands,” Ronaldo said in a headquarters three years ago. He wrote: “This photo and improve conditions for Brazilians with disabili- past Brazil football greats, Ronaldo is publicly criti- statement published on his social media accounts. was taken in 2011, when Ronaldo publicly promised ties. He has been attacking World Cup organizers cizing former teammate Romario for making anoth- “Opportunism or ignorance, I don’t know. What I do the tickets for people with disabilities. So far, noth- and Brazilian authorities since he took office in er attack on him, this time over an alleged broken know is that instead of wasting time and energy try- ing!!!” Ronaldo said he was there to support the 2010, criticizing FIFA’s influence in Brazil and the promise to provide free tickets for people with dis- ing to disparage me, the congressman should dedi- cause, just like Romario. He said he also hopes that costs of hosting the tournament. He always made it abilities during the World Cup. cate himself to challenging the right people/institu- the federation comes through with its promise, and clear that he was not fond of Ronaldo’s decision to Romario, now an outspoken lawmaker, is blam- tions. We would all benefit from that.” told Romario to go talk to federation officials to find join the local organizing committee. ing Ronaldo for making the promise and not com- Ronaldo said the promise to donate 32,000 out what happened. Ronaldo reiterated on Monday that he is a volun- ing through with it. Ronaldo, a member of the local World Cup tickets to people with disabilities was “I’m anxiously waiting for answers, like every- teer on the organizing committee and is not being World Cup organizing committee, says it was the made by the Brazilian football federation, not by body else,” Ronaldo said. “If you need my support, paid. Former Brazil striker Bebeto is also a member Brazilian football federation that failed to fulfill their him. “I’m not a politician, I don’t represent (the fed- please at least be more polite next time.” of the local committee. Romario, who has also been pledge. eration), I don’t promise what I can’t fulfill,” Ronaldo Ronaldo added: “It doesn’t make sense to insist at odds with Brazil great Pele in the past, led Brazil Ronaldo on Monday lamented another attack by said, adding that he is sure that Romario knows the publicly in this ‘rivalry,’ which doesn’t exist from my to the World Cup title in 1994, when Ronaldo was a his former teammate, saying it’s not clear why promise was made by the entity and not by him. side.” The Brazilian football federation could not be young reserve in the squad. Ronaldo played in three Romario continues to take shots at him. On Friday, Romario posted a photo where he is immediately contacted for comment. other World Cups after that, winning the title in “It’s lamentable to see Romario once again com- standing by Ronaldo after a press conference held Romario has a daughter with a disability, and 2002 and becoming the tournament’s leading scor- ing out to publicly say that I’m responsible for to announce the free tickets at the federation’s one of his main causes in Congress has been to try er with 15 goals. — AP Drogba will rejoin Chelsea Qatar WCup organizers: family one day - Mourinho LONDON: Didier Drogba will be a part of Mourinho was sent to the stands in We adhered to ethics rules the Chelsea family again one day, man- stoppage time and also had Ramires, for ager Jose Mourinho predicted on the eve a horrible two-footed lunge, and fellow LONDON: Organizers of the 2022 World Cup dis- of yesterday’s Champions League last-16 Brazil midfielder Willian, for two book- tanced themselves yesterday from allegations of cor- second leg against Galatasaray. able offences, sent off. ruption involving two former high-ranking FIFA offi- Mourinho told reporters the 36-year- The Portuguese refused to talk too cials that raised new questions about Qatar’s winning old Galatasaray striker was such an much about the Villa match for fear of bid for the tournament. important part of Chelsea’s history that it bringing the game into disrepute and British newspaper The Daily Telegraph alleged yes- was inevitable that he would be a said he had no interest in accepting terday it has evidence that former FIFA vice president Stamford Bridge employee again at counterpart Roberto Mancini’s offer to Jack Warner of Trinidad & Tobago and his family were treat him to dinner in the event paid almost $2 million from a company controlled by some point in the future. Mohamed Bin Hammam, a Qatari who used to be an Drogba’s contract expires at the end Galatasaray knock Chelsea out. executive committee member of world football’s gov- of the season and media reports have “I don’t do things because I win or I erning body. linked him with a role as player-coach at lose,” said Mourinho. “After matches According to documents seen by the newspaper, a the London club. what I have in my mind to do, I do, it note from one of Warner’s companies, Jamad, to Bin At a separate news conference earlier, doesn’t matter if I win or lose. Hammam’s firm, Kemco, requested $1.2 million for the Ivorian also said he would like to “Some coaches say if we win tomor- work carried out between 2005 and 2010. The note return to Chelsea one day. “He is one of row it’s a free day for the players, with me was dated Dec. 15, 2010, two weeks after Qatar was the most important players in the history it’s not. With me it’s a free day when I awarded the World Cup. The payment was made in of this club. All we Chelsea supporters think it’s a free day. 2011. Payments totaling $750,000 were paid to Warner’s sons and a further $400,000 to one of his agree with that,” said Mourinho who “After the game tomorrow I don’t employees, the Telegraph alleged. goes into the home second leg with an have in my plans a meal with somebody The transactions were processed via a bank in New advantage after drawing the opening who has the same job as I have and the York and have come to the attention of the FBI, which match in Istanbul 1-1. “We don’t say he is only thing we have in common is we are the newspaper alleged is investigating Warner and his the most important because it’s not fair both football managers, nothing else.” links to the Qatar bid. for other people who were at the same Mourinho was not happy to be ques- Qatari organizers said yesterday the bid “strictly level and were of the same generation. tioned about Ramires’s sending-off at adhered to FIFA’s bidding regulations in compliance “His return has to happen one day, Villa Park. “Don’t you have other things to with their code of ethics.” “The Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy when I don’t know. As a player, as a ask about that game other than PORT-OF-SPAIN: In this Thursday, June 2, 2011 file photo, suspended FIFA executive Jack coach, as an ambassador, next year, in Ramires’s tackle in minute 92?,” the and the individuals involved in the 2022 Bid Committee are unaware of any allegations surround- Warner gestures during a news conference held shortly after his arrival at the airport in Port- four or five years, 10 years, I don’t know,” Chelsea manager replied. ing business dealings between private individuals,” of-Spain, in his native Trinidad and Tobago. — AP added Mourinho. “But when a person “Do you think in that game the most the statement said. FIFA said it had no comment on tiny Gulf nation, where temperatures can hit 120 official launched his challenge against FIFA President gives so much to a club and a club repre- important thing to happen was Ramires’s the allegations. degrees F (49 C). FIFA is expected to move the tourna- Sepp Blatter three months after helping his country sents so much to a person, as in this case, tackle? In that case I don’t want to “In principle, any evidence of potential wrongdo- ment from its traditional June-July period to the win- secure the World Cup. I think he has to be back one day.” answer. “We cannot have a reaction to ing can be submitted to the investigatory chamber of ter months, with the exact dates yet to be finalized. Bin Hammam withdrew his presidential candidacy The Portuguese said it was not the what happened at Villa Park because if the independent Ethics Committee of FIFA for further Concerns have also been raised about the working just days before the vote after being suspended by right time to discuss a possible Drogba we have a reaction it will bring the game investigation,” it said in a statement. conditions, poor living standards and non-payment of FIFA’s ethics committee. He was implicated in offering return. “We know he is a free agent at the into disrepute. We just close our mouths The latest allegations will bring fresh scrutiny on wages for people helping to build the stadiums for Caribbean football federations $40,000 each in cash at end of the season but this is not the right and keep going.” the 2010 vote, which currently is under investigation the World Cup. As then-president of the CONCACAF a May 2011 campaign meeting organized by Warner by FIFA’s independent ethics prosecutor, and has put moment to speak about this,” said Mourinho suggested the challenge regional body, which includes the US Soccer in Trinidad. The World Cup bid contests for the 2018 Warner and Bin Hammam - two of the most controver- Federation, Warner would have been expected to lead and 2022 tournaments are being investigated by Mourinho. “Is he the same player at 36 from Ramires was built on frustration. “I sial figures in FIFA’s recent history - back in the spot- efforts within FIFA’s ruling board to help the American Michael Garcia, a former U.S. Attorney who was that he was at 26? I think nobody is but feel that what happened in minute 92 light. Warner and Bin Hammam are no longer FIFA bid win the 2022 contest. appointed as FIFA’s independent ethics prosecutor in he’s one of the best strikers in the world, was a consequence of the other 91 min- members. They were caught up in a corruption scan- Qatar defeated the American bid 14-8 in the final July 2012. Garcia and his investigation team have that’s for sure.” utes we played before that,” he said. dal surrounding Bin Hammam’s failed campaign for round of secret balloting by 22 FIFA board members. been conducting interviews worldwide with officials “I’m sorry if I’m wrong or you don’t the FIFA presidency in 2011. Two of the then 24-man board were suspended after from the 2018-2022 bid nations and FIFA executive WASPISH MOOD agree with me but if you want to ask you Qatar defeated bids from the United States, Japan, being implicated in a cash-for-votes sting by British committee members. Russia is to host the 2018 World The Chelsea manager was in generally should ask what led to that tackle, not South Korea and Australia to host the World Cup, newspaper The Sunday Times. Cup. Garcia is expected to submit a report later this waspish mood on Monday, perhaps as a about the tackle. “Ask about what makes allowing FIFA to take the 2022 tournament to a new Warner resigned from football duties, including his year to FIFA’s independent ethics judge, Joachim reaction to his team’s controversial 1-0 that tackle happen. That is my opinion,” country. The decision has been marred by persistent 28-year membership of FIFA’s board, in June 2011 to Eckert, who can recommend possible sanctions. allegations that the voting process was flawed as well avoid investigation in a bribery scandal linked to Bin defeat at Aston Villa on Saturday. said Mourinho. — Reuters Blatter has said the World Cup cannot be taken away as concerns over the sweltering summer heat in the Hammam’s campaign for FIFA president. The Qatari from Qatar or Russia. — AP

AVC - Kuwait Santos United AVC - Kuwait and Santos United in final

KUWAIT: In perfect climatic conditions AVC - Fernandes, President of IFRA. The match pro- rhythm. Any hopes of a comeback were extin- and President of Kerala Challengers. The Kuwait and Santos United sailed into the finals ceedings were conducted by Sarto with Julio Santos consolidated the lead when Tiago’s guished when James of Santos scored a clas- match was officiated by Nicholas with Alvaro of the inaugural edition of the ‘’KIFF Presidents’ and Christopher on the lines. perfect free kick was headed in by Alfred. The sic goal striking a powerful shot from the top and Sarto on the lines. Cup 2014’’ winning their semifinals matches The second semifinal match was between second half saw Rising Stars piling pressure of the box which flew in the top corner to The final is scheduled on March 28 with with ease on match day 5 played at the Al YRC Rising Stars and Santos United. The on Santos but their defense held firm. Santos make 4-1 for Santos and helped his team to kick off at 8.30 am sharp. At 6.45 am prior to Sabah Hospital grounds in Kuwait on March 14. inform Santos United started the match with further consolidated their lead when Anthony march in the finals of the Presidents’ Cup 2014 the finals KIFF will conduct an open tie-break- The first semifinal saw tournament pace and took the lead when Rising Stars Rego scored to put it beyond Rising Stars. The to meet AVC - Kuwait in a mouth watering er tournament and entries will be accepted favorites AVC - Kuwait taking on inform Indian defender scored an own goal upon pressure third goal woke Rising Stars who put clash. Alfred of Santos United was declared on the spot. On March 21, Santos United will Strikers. AVC started the match with pace and from the opposition. This early goal put Rising immense pressure again on Santos defense the Man of the Match and the award was giv- conduct the 7-a-side football tournament scored the first goal through Agnel Martin in Stars on the defensive and could not strike a and reduced the margin through Kenny. en away by Shyam Kumar, Hon. KIFF Treasurer starting at 6.45am. the 8 minute of the first half. Goaded by the lead they upped the tempo further and con- solidated the lead when Agnelo Martin once again found the net to make it 2-0. Stung by the reverse Indian Strikers came back strongly in the game and reduced the margin beating AVC goalkeeper Blesson with a perfect finish. Searching for the equalizer Indian Strikers further piled more pressure on AVC’s defense and missed easy opportunities. The second half started with AVC once again dominating the proceedings and fur- ther consolidated their lead when Agnelo Martin found the net from a corner and com- pleted his hat trick. Anthony who had earlier missed scoring chances found the fourth for AVC with a superb finish. Indian Strikers never gave up and scored the second in the dying minutes of the game. The game finished 4-2 in favor of AVC which became the first team to enter the finals of the inaugural KIFF Presidents’ Cup 2014. Agnelo Martin was rightly adjudged the Man of the Match for his hat trick which was given away by Francis Man of the Match Agnelo Martin Of Avc Man of the Match Alfred Of Santos United SPORTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 United try to salvage season

MANCHESTER: If history was the only deciding factor then Manchester United would be highly fancied to overturn their 2-0 first leg defeat against Olympiakos and reach the quarter-finals of the Champions League today. But the reality for manager David Moyes and his stuttering team is that present form, rather than past successes, will have a far bigger influ- ence at Old Trafford. United’s unimpressive season reached a new low on Sunday when they were crushed 3-0 at home by bitter rivals Liverpool, a result that left GERMANY: Dortmund head coach Juergen Klopp talks to the media at a press confer- last season’s champions seventh in the Premier ence prior to today’s UEFA Champions League second leg knock out soccer match League with just a remote possibility of a top- against Zenit. — AP four finish. Their only realistic hope of competing along- side Europe’s elite next season would now appear to be by somehow winning the competi- Klopp keeping cool tion for a fourth time in May, starting by knock- ing Olympiakos out on Wednesday. ahead of Zenit clash “The players are well aware of what it means on Wednesday and what we have got to do,” GERMANY: Moyes said. “We’ve got something to go for so Borussia Dortmund’s notori- Wednesday’s game will continue the trend hopefully we can do that.” ously hot-tempered coach Juergen Klopp as several key players miss out, including Misfiring United, who last failed to qualify for has barred fans from watching the team Sven Bender, Jakub Blaszczykowski and the Champions League 18 years ago, have no train this week as he seeks a calm lead-up Ilkay Guendogan. guarantees at all of achieving their aim against to the side’s Champions League Round of There is some good news, however, LONDON: Manchester United’s manager David Moyes (centre left) trains with his team includ- the Greeks who have just won their domestic ing striker Wayne Rooney (centre) at Carrington training ground. Manchester United will play 16 second leg tie against Zenit St after Robert Lewandowski returned to title for the fourth successive season, the 16th Petersburg today. action on Saturday and has been ruled fit Olympiakos in a Champions League last 16 second leg soccer match today. — AP time in 18 campaigns they have ended as cham- Klopp was banished to the stands for to face the Russians. pions and the 41st in all. DOMESTIC SUPERIORITY attacking role in place of Nigerian striker dissent in a 2-1 loss to Borussia Playmaker Henrikh Mkhitaryan is also Their head-to-head record, and the Greek While United have been in the unfamiliar Michael Olaitan. Moenchengladbach on Saturday as expected to return despite missing side’s woeful record on the road against English position of looking up at the leading pack in the Olaitan was kept in hospital for a week fol- Dortmund lost their fourth league game of Saturday’s game but Marco Reus remains a clubs, does offer hope. Until Olympiakos tri- Premier League, the Piraeus club have been lowing his dramatic collapse during the Athens the season on the weekend prior to a doubt. umphed in Athens on Feb. 25, United had won head and shoulders above their domestic rivals derby against Panathinaikos on March 2 due to Champions League match. “We have reached a point where we can all four of the previous matches between the this season. viral myocarditis, but although he has no serious He should cut a more passive figure this compensate for any absences and still play clubs. They have also won all five matches they Spanish coach Michel is not getting carried condition he is not yet ready for action. week, however, as Dortmund go into the good football,” Klopp said. have played against Greek clubs at home while away with their chances of reaching the last Defensive midfielder Ivan Marcano is also return leg with Zenit as overwhelming Zenit have bigger concerns, going into eight for the first time since 1999. expected to be fit after being rested over the favorites to advance to the quarter-finals the match under the guidance of new Olympiakos have lost all 11 of the matches they have played in England. “We aim to do what we always do and that is weekend. “Michael will be missed because following their convincing 4-2 victory in coach Sergey Semak, who replaced concentrate on our own game,” he said. “We against United he was amazing,” said Michel. Russia last month. Luciano Spalletti earlier this month. That sorry sequence began with a 4-0 loss at know our opponents very well and we know Among those United will be keeping a close Klopp was quick to play down his latest The 38-year-old has been handed a West Ham United in the old European Cup that 2-0 is not a serious advantage. We need to eye on is 21-year-old Joel Campbell, the Costa indiscretion on Saturday, saying he had caretaker role at the club, though he lost Winners’ Cup in 1965 and has continued since score to make sure we make it difficult for them Rican international who is on loan from Arsenal. done nothing wrong when he questioned his first game in charge, a 1-0 defeat to with subsequent defeats at Tottenham Hotspur, as we know that United have a strong desire to He scored an excellent goal to seal the 2-0 the referee over a decision. CSKA Moscow last week. Liverpool (twice), Newcastle United, Chelsea, turn the tie around.” win in Athens and caused the creaky United “When you have 80,000 fans in an emo- Defender Cristian Ansaldi and forward Manchester United (twice) and Arsenal (three Michel has to choose between former defence problems with his pace and movement. tional state and only one person does not Andrei Arshavin missed the loss against the times). Argentina forward Javier Saviola, who missed Moyes could shake up his team following understand it then you are out,” said the reigning Russian Premier League champi- But they arrive at Old Trafford buoyed by a the first leg due to injury and who would make Sunday’s defeat with Nani, Javier Hernandez coach, who was also sent off in a ons through injury and the side go into this comprehensive title victory, even if Sunday’s 2-0 his 100th appearance in European club competi- and Jonny Evans all training again after Champions League group stage match at week’s match on a dreadful run of form in win over Panthrakikos was achieved behind the start of the season. Europe’s elite club tournament. closed doors. tion, and Paraguayan Nelson Valdez for the lone injuries. — Reuters “I only shouted ‘why are you not calling Zenit have failed to win any of their last it?’ although I did it with my by now world four games in the Champions League, qual- famous facial expression,” he told reporters. ifying for the Round of 16 with a solitary Bilbao held at Villarreal Klopp’s dismissal could be seen as an win in the group stage. unwanted distraction but his players “Ahead of the Dortmund game, we need appear determined to maintain their focus to stay united. This is a time when we have MADRID: Athletic Bilbao missed a chance to Sevilla. “The penalty was a bit of a blow but we at Real on Sunday in the “Clasico”, are a point on the main target of the season with the to demonstrate that we are united,” keeper tighten their grip on Spain’s fourth Champions managed to regroup after their goal and get further back in third after they thrashed Bundesliga title destined to remain in Yuri Lodygin told reporters. “This concerns League qualification place when they had to the draw,” Aduriz said in an interview with Osasuna 7-0 on Sunday. — Reuters Munich. “Today, we have the next big the game and everything surrounding it. come from behind to rescue a 1-1 draw at 10- Spanish television broadcaster Cuatro. game and we do not believe we are We need to make sure that we support one man Villarreal in La Liga on Monday. “We started to dominate towards the end through yet,” defender Marcel Schmelzer another. Villarreal goalkeeper Sergio Asenjo saved and we are more or less satisfied. “There is still Today’s said. “St Petersburg will demand every- “It is never easy when a head coach Aritz Aduriz’s 40th-minute penalty at the a long way to go and we have to take things matches on TV thing from us.” leaves, but we have already had time to Madrigal before teenager Oliver Torres slipped step by step.” Villarreal midfielder Torres, on reflect on this. We need to make sure that the ball across goal for Tomas Pina to fire the loan from Atletico Madrid, told Cuatro: “The INJURY CONCERNS we answer questions about our mental home side ahead two minutes into the second penalty save gave us a bit of a boost and we UEFA Champions League Klopp has had to contend with a host of state going into the game. Everything else half. The match turned when Villarreal defend- came out strongly in the second half. injuries since the start of the season and is fine.”— Reuters er Gabriel earned a second yellow card and “We managed to get ahead on the score- Dortmund v Zenit 22:45 was sent off in the 66th minute and Aduriz board but the sending off changed things and beIN SPORTS 2 HD atoned for his penalty miss with a fine headed you really notice when you have a man less beIN SPORTS 4 HD Yoga by Numbers works to equaliser seven minutes from time. With 10 against such a good team,” added the 19-year- beIN SPORTS 14 HD games left, Bilbao have 52 points in fourth, six old. “We got a point but we are disappointed bring poses to the people ahead of Basque rivals Real Sociedad, who are because we wanted the win.” Man United v Olympiakos 22:45 fifth on 46 points thanks to Sunday’s 1-0 win Real Madrid are three clear at the top on 70 beIN SPORTS 1 HD BOW: Combine Twister, paint-by-numbers and at her parent’s house in Bow, NH, about an hour at home to Valencia. points after they won 1-0 at Malaga on beIN SPORTS 3 HD the ancient Hindu practice of breath control, north of Boston. The latest “Yoga in America” Promoted Villarreal, who have impressed Saturday. Atletico Madrid are second on 67 beIN SPORTS 13 HD meditation and poses, and you get Yoga by study, released by Yoga Journal, reported 20.4 on their return to the top flight, have 45 thanks to their 1-0 success at home to beIN SPORTS 11 HD Numbers. The approach - complete with a num- million Americans practiced yoga in 2012, com- points in sixth, one ahead of seventh-placed Espanyol and champions Barcelona, who play bered mat - was designed by a Boston woman pared to 15.8 million in 2008. They spent $10.3 whose own health scare inspired her to put yoga billion on classes and products, up from $5.7 bil- in reach for people with physical limitations, lion the earlier survey. tight schedules or other roadblocks to traditional Janet Lark teaches yoga in Ogden, Iowa, and Conference to focus practice. had a bad experience with a poorly cut, astrin- The oversized yoga mat is dotted with big, gent-smelling mat, so she started doing some numbered circles that look like the target in a research. She came upon Morrow’s mat and was rifle scope. The accompanying DVD gives true struck by how simple it was for novices. on violence in soccer yoga beginners - those who wouldn’t know an “It truly was a ‘Duh! Why didn’t anyone think up-dog from a Chihuahua - a step-by-step of that sooner?’ moment,” she said. “It is fantastic roadmap to learn the poses at their own pace. to notice how quickly the clients start to focus on By Abdellatif Sharaa have a sporting spirit. There are several between members of the same team Elizabeth Morrow was an athlete, a skier and elements that may cause violence and matches become an opportunity soccer player who, two years ago, found herself KUWAIT: International referee Saad inside sports arenas, starting with fans to take revenge. Coaches are also not hospitalized with a right lung full of blood clots, Kameel said that President of Kuwait when they resort to ill-mannered exempt from being a cause of violence the lower lobe completely collapsed. When she and international police unions Lt Col chants and shouting insults at players, because of their continued objections was strong enough to start exercising again, she Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nawaf plays a major while trying to instigate violence to referee decisions, and they get found even the easiest of yoga classes too tax- role in serving sports. He said the latest between fans, thinking that their club is thrown out of matches. ing. She didn’t have the stamina for an hour, example is the organization of the the best in the world. Recent examples of such violence is couldn’t hold the poses the way the instructor international sports and security con- Players themselves may be a con- what happened in Turkey on Feb 25, wanted. So, the 32-year-old started thinking of ference in Kuwait under the patronage tributing reason due to their behaviour 2014 when at least two Chelsea sup- ways to make it easier, more convenient and of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad while playing, and this could be a main porters were stabbed in clashes around even more fundamental than the myriad DVDs Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Kameel said Kuwait factor leading to violence by zealous Istanbul’s Taksim Square on the eve of already on the market. did not previously host such confer- fans as they make signs against referees the first leg of the club’s Champions “I was thinking about a paint-by-number kit ences and this shows the efforts Sheikh and refuse to receive prizes or some- League knockout tie against where you don’t need to be Picasso or van Gogh, Ahmad Al-Nawaf exerts at the interna- times attack the referee in front of the Galatasaray. Trouble reportedly flared you just follow what they tell you and you’ll tional level, especially as the number of fans. Referees themselves may become after a bar frequented by English fans come out with something,” she said. “I just want- member countries in the USIP reached the spark that starts the explosion of was targeted in a city that has been on ed something that felt really accessible and more than 50. high alert over political and social doable for people. The image of the mat just He said for the conference to be unrest in recent weeks. There had been popped into my head: ‘Wow, I can do yoga by patronized by the Amir shows the clashes between fans of Galatasaray numbers as well.’” extent of interest in sports and reject- and Besiktas before their derby. Chelsea The DVD tells users exactly which circle to put ing violence and chaos in stadiums. He had issued warnings to their fans prior their hands and feet in and allows for advance- said the influence of the USIP became to travelling to Turkey. ment to more challenging poses. BOW: In this March 7, 2014 photo, apparent since Abdelhamid Hajji Meanwhile on Feb 3, 2014, angry Yoga by Numbers has been compared to Elizabeth Morrow poses on her specially became president, adding that the uni- Brazilian fans broke into a World Cup Twister, the popular game with giant colored cir- designed Yoga by Numbers mat in Bow, formed services are the most important training centre and assaulted players cles, spinning wheel and crazy, cross-limbed pos- NH. The mat gives true yoga beginners a around the world. and staff in an attack that highlighted es. But Morrow’s cool with that, even when it step-by-step roadmap to learn poses at the security concerns facing teams in comes from critics. “I think it’s awesome when their own pace. — AP Karam: Administrations to blame this year’s tournament. About 100 they have that reaction because to me, that Kuwaiti coach Mohammad Karam Corinthians supporters used wire cut- means they get it and they know how to use it,” making sure they are properly aligned.” said sports should be distanced from ters to breach the perimeter mesh said Morrow, a certified yoga instructor. Morrow, who worked in the nonprofit sector Morrow has sold to people who live far from for several years, also hears from purists who wrongdoings at Kuwaiti stadiums lately, around a coaching area in Sao Paulo - a yoga studio, those with tight schedules who pooh-pooh the mats as a gimmick. “My response while stressing the role of the local which will be used by the Iranian media to guide players to practice vio- national side in June - so they could need to squeeze in practice whenever they can, is that this is not a mandate,” she said. “I think Kuwait coach Mohammad Karam and people with health conditions. The National that if you’re already practicing yoga and it works lence-free sports. Karam blamed berate their team’s players for recent Institutes of Health’s National Center for for you, that’s great and I’m really excited for you. administrators for violence in the first poor form. Complementary and Alternative Medicine I’m interested in hearing from people for whom place, and accused them of not playing violence, besides being the most No one was seriously injured, but reports that recent studies of people with chron- the system doesn’t work.” A spokeswoman for their role in educating players. He attacked by players or fans, and are the invading fans grabbed and throt- ic low-back pain suggest yoga can help reduce the nonprofit Yoga Alliance, which represents claimed administrators are playing neg- considered scapegoats by losing teams. tled striker Paolo Guerrero, who scored pain and improve function. Other research teachers, schools and studios, said the ideal situ- ative roles by encouraging wrongdo- Sometimes it is the administrators the winner against Chelsea in the 2012 ings. who cause violence, because they have Club World Cup final. shows regular practice might reduce heart rate, ation is to learn from a master teacher in private Kuwaiti referee Saad Kameel blood pressure and stress and may help relieve classes, but time and cost can be barriers. “Any Karam said the administrative ele- become one of the factors of fanati- “They tried to strangle the player anxiety and depression. tool that helps people practice yoga is a good ment in the sports unions and clubs is cism, creating violence and chaos in who scored the most important goal in and also manhandled the coach Mano “People who are older are using it because thing,” said Katie Desmond. “And so we applaud the negative aspect Kuwait sport is suf- arenas by withdrawing from some our club’s history. We didn’t deserve Menezes, striker Emerson Sheik and the DVD really focuses you on not contorting Elizabeth’s ingenuity in spreading the power of fering from, as the management of matches or making instigating state- this,” club president Mario Gobbi said , a former AC Milan for- yourself into Cirque du Soleil-style acrobatics,” yoga by helping to make the process of learning teams is given to persons that are far ments to the press towards other on Sunday. According to local media, ward and the club’s most expensive Morrow said. She demonstrated the mat recently yoga as a beginner more accessible.” —AP from sports action, and athletes do not teams. Sometimes differences exist the fans refused to leave for two hours signing last year. Defending champ United try to Murray seeks salvage season stability in Miami

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 201416 19 Qatar WCup organizers: We adhered to ethics rules Page 18

MADRID: Real Madrid players celebrate after scoring their third goal during the UEFA Champions League round of 16 second leg football match against Schalke. — AFP Real cruise into last eight

MADRID: Cristiano Ronaldo scored twice as Real side’s third moments later when he squared for tage six minutes later after a wonderful run and Ronaldo did finally put the hosts back in front as thought “but if everything goes well, I’ll be out from Madrid cruised into the quarter-finals of the Alvaro Morata to fire home after Ronaldo had cross by Bale, but he skewed horribly wide with just he drove at the Schalke defence before firing low six-to-eight weeks.” The 31-year-old has been a reg- Champions League with a 9-2 aggregate victory struck the bar. Ralf Fahrmann to beat. past the helpless Fahrmann. ular for Spain since it won the 2008 European over Schalke thanks to a 3-1 win at the Santiago Madrid boss Carlo Ancelotti had named a weak- Against the run of play, Schalke were back on And Morata got the confidence boast he need- Championship, but was left out of coach Vicente Bernabeu yesterday. ened side with one eye on Sunday’s crucial La Liga level terms just after the half hour mark when ed two minutes later when Bale unselfishly squared del Bosque’s last roster. However, victory came at a cost for Los Blancos as clash against Barcelona. Hoogland wandered forward from right-back and after Ronaldo had struck the bar. “Hopefully I make it back in time to play in the promising forward Jese Rodriguez suffered a sus- However, the Italian was forced to introduce saw his shot deflect off Sergio Ramos and past the Ronaldo came within inches of his hat-trick and Champions League final if Madrid make it and the pected cruciate ligament injury early on in the game. Bale inside the first 10 minutes when Jese had to be flat-footed Iker Casillas. Fahrmann then made a hat- equalling Lionel Messi’s record of 14 Champions World Cup if I’m picked,” Arbeloa said. Ronaldo put Real ahead on the night when he stretchered off after appearing to suffer a serious trick of saves to keep his side from going in behind League goals in a season again seven minutes from Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti said Friday that swept home Gareth Bale’s low cross on 21 minutes, knee injury as he challenged for the ball with Sead at the break as he denied Isco, Morata and Nacho. time, but he had to settle for just a double on the Dani Carvajal will take over for Arbeloa, who has but Tim Hoogland’s deflected effort brought the Kolasinac on the right. And the Bundesliga side could even have been night as his low left-footed effort came back off the one goal from 28 appearances for the Spanish lead- visitors level before half-time. Bale replaced the Spanish under-21 international in front at the break as former Real striker Klaas-Jan post and rebounded to safety. ers. It took until 16 minutes from time for Ronaldo and injected plenty of pace into Madrid’s play for the Huntelaar slotted the ball inches past the far post Meanwhile, Real Madrid defender Alvaro “Arbeloa’s absence is a big loss for us,” Ancelotti to put Madrid back in front as he collected a loose rest of the half. The Welshman teed up Ronaldo for from Max Meyer’s through ball. Arbeloa will be sidelined for nearly two months by said. “We’ve worked with Nacho (Fernandez) at the ball from Bale and stormed forward to drill low into the opener as he received Morata’s pass and squared Fahrmann was a busy man in the second period a knee injury that could cost the right back a spot position in case Carvajal gets injured. Nacho is a the net for his 13th Champions League goal of the for the Portuguese to tap into an empty net. too as he made a fantastic save to turn a Ronaldo on Spain’s World Cup roster. quality player who can play that role, as can Sergio season. And Bale was the creator once more for his Morata should have doubled his side’s advan- header over before denying Isco from close range. Arbeloa said his right knee is worse than he Ramos as a last option.” — Agencies

Chelsea ruins Moyes dismisses Drogba’s return job speculation MANCHESTER: Manchester United manager David Moyes LONDON: Chelsea ruined Didier Drogba’s But that was the end of Drogba’s headline on Tuesday brushed off suggestions that his position is return to Stamford Bridge as the Blues act as another veteran striker seized the under threat ahead of a crunch Champions League game against Olympiakos today. “My future has not changed one swept into the Champions League quar- spotlight. Eto’o could have been forgiven bit,” he told reporters at Old Trafford who pressed him about ter-finals with a 2-0 victory over for being a little miffed when Mourinho United’s struggles this season. Galatasaray yesterday. made a jibe about his age in public “We know we have put ourselves in a poor position, but Jose Mourinho’s side refused to be dis- recently, but if the Cameroon star’s feel- we have belief,” added Moyes. Trailing 2-0 to the Greek side in tracted by Galatasaray striker Drogba’s ings were hurt he hasn’t let it linger. the last 16, United must become only the sixth team to over- emotional first appearance at Stamford The 33-year-old has been Chelsea’s turn a deficit of two goals or more in the competition’s Bridge since his exit in 2012 and goals only reliable striker this season and once knockout phase to go through. from Samuel Eto’o and Gary Cahill killed again proved he is still a serious force in Since Moyes took over this season, United have also the last 16, second leg clash before half- the twilight of his career by opening the struggled to get a qualifying place for next season’s time. scoring in the fourth minute. Champions League. They are now 12 points below the top The 3-1 aggregate victory booked Eden Hazard was the catalyst as the four in the Premier League after Sunday’s 3-0 loss at home to Chelsea’s spot in Friday’s quarter-final Belgian showed superb technique to con- Liverpool. They are out of both domestic cup competitions. draw and eased the sense of angst trol the ball and spin away from his mark- The team’s travails prompted reports in British newspa- around the club following Saturday’s acri- er before slipping a pass to Oscar on the pers on Tuesday that Moyes could be at risk if United are monious 1-0 defeat at Aston Villa, which right edge of the Galatasaray penalty eliminated by Olympiakos. Some newspapers said he has saw Mourinho and Blues midfielders area. LONDON: Chelsea’s English defender John Terry (top) heads the ball over three games to turn around United’s fortunes. Willian and Ramires all sent off. Oscar quickly picked out Eto’o’s run Galatasaray’s Ivorian forward Didier Drogba during the UEFA Champions League But Moyes insisted that his position is secure. “I have a While Drogba will cherish the out- and the forward exploited the opportuni- round of 16 second leg football match. — AFP great job, and I know the direction I want to go in. We know pouring of affection which greeted him ty in ruthless fashion, taking one touch we have put ourselves in a poor position, but we have belief.” captain to volley over from close-range. Mancini tried to bury the hatchet with Asked if he had been given assurances by the United before kick-off, the Ivorian won’t look before driving a low shot into the far cor- Galatasaray had lost just one of their long-time rival Mourinho on Monday by hierarchy that there is no threat, Moyes replied: “The biggest back so fondly on the match itself as ner past Fernando Muslera’s weak previous 23 games in all competitions, claiming he would go for dinner with the assurance is that they let me get on with the job. Galatasaray, who had battled to a 1-1 attempted save. but Drogba was unable to make any Portuguese if Galatasaray won. “They never discuss it (his future). We talk about the draw in the first leg in Istanbul last Eto’o 10th goal of the season prompt- impact and his woeful free-kick, which But Mourinho had declined the invita- future, we make big plans going forward. That is why they month, bowed out with a barely a whim- ed an immediate response from Drogba, crashed into a banner reading ‘Drogba tion and there was never any chance of gave me a six-year contract. This is not a club that works on a per. who tried an ambitious overhead kick Legend’ high behind Petr Cech’s goal, Mancini making him pay for that snub as short-term vision; it is a long-term one.” United’s supporters Blues legend Drogba, who scored from the edge of the area that looped perfectly summed up a dismal display Chelsea cruised through the second half. continued to provide vocal backing to the team during the Chelsea’s winning penalty in the 2012 well over the crossbar. Frank Lampard from Roberto Mancini’s side. Willian tested Muslera with a stinging chastening loss to Liverpool and Moyes remains confident Champions League final against Bayern should have doubled the lead midway And it got even worse for the Turks drive and the Galatasaray goalkeeper that he is capable of restoring their team to former glories. “I Munich, was presented with a silver boot through the half, but the Chelsea mid- three minutes before half-time when kept the scoreline respectable with good actually think they have seen some defeats they wouldn’t during the warm-ups and received a fielder couldn’t beat Muslera after more Chelsea effectively ended the tie. Terry stops to deny Hazard and Fernando have expected and they have stuck with the team through- tremendous reception from his former bewitching approach play from Hazard showed more desire than his markers as Torres in the closing stages. out,” said the former Everton manager. fans. and Oscar. he rose highest to meet a corner and Drogba’s frustration boiled over when “They have seen great success here in the past and will The 36-year-old made a point of seek- Lampard almost made amends when powered in a header that Muslera could he was booked for fouling Cesar see great success again in the future. This club is the biggest ing out Mourinho just before kick-off and he picked out John Terry with a fine in- only parry to Cahill, who gleefully Azpilicueta, but Chelsea’s fans kept club in the world. It might not feel it today, but it will rise planted a kiss on his old manager’s cheek. swinging free-kick, only for the Chelsea thumped into the net from close-range. singing his name until the end. — AFP again.” — AFP Oil bullish in February on supply side worries

Page 22 Troika reaches debt Business accord with Greece WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 Page 23 Ferrari Land to Britain awaits fresh austerity budget be developed in Spain Page 25 Page 26

SEVASTOPOL: People queue to withdraw their deposits from automated teller machines outside a Ukrainian PrivatBank office in Sevastopol yesterday. (Inset) A Crimean resident holds Ukrainian Hryvnia money next to a money exchange office. —AFP US inflation muted, housing starts fall Drop in gasoline prices offsets rise in food costs WASHINGTON: US consumer inflation was mut- ber of Fed officials have indicated they are has lost momentum after a run-up in mort- ed in February and housing starts fell for a third comfortable with market expectations for the gage rate last summer. High house prices and straight month in February, but the weak data first increase in interest rates occurring some- a lack of properties on the market are also Gulf Bank appoints César probably will not dissuade the Federal Reserve time around the middle of next year. With job holding back the sector. Economists polled by from dialing back its monetary stimulus. growth accelerating and industrial production Reuters had expected starts to rise to a González-Bueno as CEO The Labor Department said its Consumer and consumer spending strengthening, econ- 910,000-unit rate last month. Groundbreaking omists expect the Fed to announce another plunged 37.5 percent in the Northeast last Price Index nudged up 0.1 percent as a decline in KUWAIT: Gulf Bank announced yesterday gasoline prices offset an increase in the cost of $10 billion reduction to its monthly bond pur- month, indicating unusually cold tempera- the appointment of César González- food. It had ticked up 0.1 percent in January and chases when policymakers end a two-day tures continued to dampen housing activity. Bueno as its new Chief Executive Officer, last month’s gain was in line with economists’ meeting today. That was the biggest drop in more than effective from 16th March 2014, follow- expectations. Last month, food prices rose 0.4 percent, the two years and pushed starts in the Northeast ing the approval by the Central Bank of In the 12 months through February, con- largest increase since September 2011. That to their lowest level since November 2012. Kuwait. sumer prices increased 1.1 percent, slowing accounted for more than half of the increase in Starts also fell 5.5 percent in the West, which Omar Kutayba Alghanim, Chairman of from a 1.6 percent rise in January. The the CPI last month. There were big increases in was unaffected by bad weather. The weather Gulf Bank said: “We are very pleased to February increase was the smallest rise since the prices of meat, fish, poultry, eggs, vegeta- explanation for the weak housing data was welcome César González-Bueno as Gulf October last year. bles and fruits. Gasoline prices declined for a challenged by a 7.3 percent rise in starts in the Bank’s new Chief Executive Officer. I Stripping out the volatile energy and food second month, helping to offset sharp gains in South and a 34.5 percent jump in the Midwest. believe he will help us to take Gulf Bank components, the so-called core CPI also rose the price of heating oil and natural gas. A report on Monday showed home- to the next level of development. His 0.1 percent for a third straight month. In the 12 Within the core CPI, a 0.2 percent rise in the builders were a bit optimistic in March but experience as CEO with Novagalicia months through February, core CPI rose 1.6 cost of shelter was the major contributor to downbeat about sales over the next six Banco and before that as Regional Head of ING, and as a member of ING’s global percent after advancing by the same margin in the jump in the index. There were also increas- months. Builders were also worried about management team as well as his prior January. “The underlying trend shows there is es in medical care, recreation and new vehicle shortages of lots and skilled labor, and rising broader financial expertise with institu- not a lot of inflation. The Fed has to acknowl- prices. Prices for tobacco, used cars and trucks, prices for materials. Groundbreaking for sin- tions such as McKinsey, amongst others, González-Bueno edge that the transitory factors are more apparel and household furnishings and opera- gle-family homes, the largest segment of the will add new energy and dynamism to the Novagalicia since 2011 and spent 13 entrenched since inflation has run below their tions fell. market, rose 0.3 percent to a 583,000-unit Bank’s growth. I, the Board and the whole years at ING Bank. Prior to that he held target for about two years,” said Michael In a separate report, the Commerce pace last month. Starts for the volatile multi- management team at Gulf Bank are very positions at Citibank, Morgan Stanley and Hanson, a senior economist at Bank of Department said yesterday housing starts family homes segment fell 1.2 percent to a much looking forward to César joining us Argentaria as well as the Boston America Merrill Lynch in New York. slipped 0.2 percent to a seasonally adjusted 324,000-unit rate. Permits to build homes and working with him to drive Gulf Bank Consulting Group and Mckinsey & Co. Consumer inflation is running below the annual rate of 907,000 units. Groundbreaking increased 7.7 percent in February to a 1.02 forward.” He holds a double degree in law and Fed’s 2 percent target. The low level of infla- fell 11.2 percent in January. million-unit pace. Permits for single-family González-Bueno is a Spanish citizen business administration from Madrid tion gives the US central bank scope to keep While severe winter weather likely con- homes fell 1.8 percent. Multifamily sector and has lived, studied and worked in University and an MBA from The Yale interest rates near zero for some time. A num- strained building activity last month, housing permits surged 24.3 percent. — Reuters Europe and the USA. He worked for School of Management in the USA. Dubai jumps on Emaar, oil weighs on Saudi Arabtec triples MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS net profit DUBAI: Dubai’s Emaar Properties broke major chart regional favorites, and that the retail unit’s listing Qatar, Commercial Bank of Qatar jumped 16.4 percent resistance to lift the emirate’s stock market index yes- would effectively lift the firm’s net asset value by after announcing a 20 percent cash dividend and a DUBAI: Net profits at Dubai builder Arabtec more than tripled in the terday for a third straight session, while most Gulf mar- around 30 percent to 12 dirhams per share. bonus share issue late on Monday. Qatar’s index added final three months of last year, underpinned by an increasing backlog kets rose as global jitters over the Ukraine crisis partial- Dubai’s index gained 2.7 percent to 4,234 points. It 0.2 percent, aided also by Gulf International Services, of work and growth in its key markets in the United Arab Emirates and ly eased. Emaar jumped 5.4 percent to 9.75 dirhams in faces technical resistance at 4,242-4,255 points, the which rose sharply for a second straight day. The stock Saudi Arabia, the company said yesterday. its heaviest trading volume since April 2012, confirm- March and February peaks. Other property-related gained 7.1 percent, although the company has not The contractor, in which Abu Dhabi state fund Aabar is a key stake- ing a break above 9.16-9.20 dirhams, the February and stocks in Dubai also gained, including construction recently made major announcements of fresh news, holder, said it made a net profit of 122 million dirhams ($33 million) in March highs. firm Arabtec which rose 2.5 percent as investors bet on and traders said the motive for the buying was not the quarter, compared with 32 million dirhams in the corresponding Shares in Emaar have been gaining since the com- strong financial results and a generous profit distribu- clear. period of 2012, on revenue up 39 percent at 2.3 billion dirhams. The pany at the weekend announced a higher 2013 divi- tion before its yesterday’s board meeting. Kuwait’s Noor Financial Investment Co, which contractor, which went through a major management shake-up last dend and a plan to list its shopping mall unit. They The firm said later yesterday that its fourth-quarter dropped 4.8 percent on Monday after Pakistan’s central year backed by Aabar, has won a series of contracts in the region were boosted further on Tuesday when Emaar chair- income had more than tripled to 122 million dirhams bank blocked the sale of its stake in Karachi-based recently including high-profile projects such as the development of man Mohamed Alabbar was quoted as saying in a ($33.2 million), and proposed a 10 percent cash divi- Meezan Bank , shed another 1.7 percent. But the over- Abu Dhabi’s main airport and building of a Louvre museum and a con- magazine interview that the unit would list in both dend for 2013 along with a 30 percent bonus share all Kuwaiti index gained 0.7 percent. Saudi Arabia’s tract to build 1 million homes in Egypt. Dubai and London, and aimed to do so before end- issue. It paid no dividend for 2012. Analysts had on bourse was the lone loser in the Gulf, down 0.4 percent “Since the start of 2014, our company’s subsidiaries have been June. average expected a fourth-quarter profit of 79.50 mil- on above-average volume. “I think it could be related selected to execute a series of new projects, with a total value of 180 The stock faces another barrier at 9.75 dirhams and lion dirhams. to oil prices,” said Sebastien Henin, portfolio manager billion dirhams, which gives us visibility on our earnings growth for then at 10.50, according to NBAD Securities. “Any break at The National Investor. Brent crude lost more than $2 many years to come,” Hasan Ismaik, the chief executive of Arabtec said over 10.60 dirhams shall ignite further buying towards Adu Dhabi, Qatar a barrel on Monday as investors bet the Ukraine crisis, in a statement. The company said its backlog of work in 2013 increased 12/15 dirhams in the long term,” the brokerage said in In Abu Dhabi, the index gained 0.5 percent largely which has so far prompted only minor Western sanc- by 22 percent over the previous year to 24.1 billion dirhams. a note. Many analysts have fair-value estimates for on the back of the banking sector. Abu Dhabi tions against Russia, would not interrupt Russian oil Arabtec also proposed a cash dividend of 0.1 dirhams per share plus Emaar above 10.00 dirhams. MubasherTrade Research Commercial Bank , which said last week that it would supplies. Saudi Arabia’s petrochemical sector index lost bonus shares worth 30 percent of its share capital. The company gave said yesterday it had added the stock back to its list of continue a share buy-back, climbed 1.5 percent. In 0.6 percent.— Reuters no dividend for 2012. Full-year net profit rose to 377 million dirhams from 139 million dirhams in 2012.— Reuters WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 BUSINESS Turkey leaves rates on Oil bullish in February hold, eyes inflation ISTANBUL: Turkey’s central bank kept been hit by a corruption scandal engulf- on supply side worries interest rates on hold yesterday after a ing the government since mid-December huge emergency hike in January helped and by concerns about cuts to the US stabilize the lira, shying away from fur- stimulus program which has flooded ther tightening for fear of hitting growth Turkey and other emerging markets with NBK ECONOMIC REPORT as an election cycle begins. The bank cheap cash. Tensions over Ukraine have kept its overnight lending rate at 12 per- also added to pressure. KUWAIT: cent, its one-week repo rate at 10 per- The central bank stunned investors by Oil prices edged higher in February on cent, and its overnight borrowing rate at hiking rates by some 500 basis points at the back of supply disruptions, particularly within 8 percent, as predicted by all 14 econo- an emergency meeting on Jan. 28 after OPEC, in addition to geopolitical tensions. Oil mar- mists in a Reuters poll. the lira hit a record low of 2.39 to the dol- ket fundamentals are expected to ease in 2014 - It said it would maintain its tight poli- lar the previous day. Prime Minister despite an improved global outlook. The large pro- cy stance until there is a significant Tayyip Erdogan has been a vocal oppo- jected increase in non-OPEC supplies should pro- improvement in the outlook for inflation, nent of higher borrowing costs, seeing vide downward pressure on prices. Global oil to which it said upward risks remained them as a threat to growth ahead of elec- demand growth is forecast to grow by 1.3 mbpd significant. The central bank’s monthly tions beginning with municipal polls on this year, similar to that seen in 2013. survey of business leaders and econo- March 30, and the central bank’s move Crude oil prices edged higher in February, mists showed on March 15 that they stunned investors concerned about the regaining some lost ground from the previous expect inflation to stand at 7.98 percent extent of its independence. month. After dropping to a 7-month low of $100 on average, well above the bank’s 6.6 The bank had for months been strug- pb early in the month, the price of Kuwait Export percent forecast and its 5 percent medi- gling to defend the lira by burning Crude (KEC) climbed back up to $106 pb by um-term target. through its currency reserves and trying February 19th. Brent crude prices also trended The lira was trading at 2.22 against the to squeeze up borrowing costs on the higher, rising by $4 to $111pb. Both crudes, howev- dollar by 1210 GMT, little changed from margins without resorting to outright er, averaged only $1 higher than in January. The just before the rate decision. The lira has rate hikes. — Reuters price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) - the main US crude benchmark - saw steeper gains, rising from $96 pb at the start of the month to a 4-month Emaar plans Dubai, London high of $104 pb. Its average price for the month was $6 higher than its January average. In effect, WTI’s discount to Brent narrowed significantly, listing for retail unit from $16 in mid-January to just $6 by the end of February. DUBAI: Dubai’s Emaar Properties plans to list its ty developer said it would list 25 percent of its Supply disruptions and geopolitical tensions shopping malls and retail unit in both Dubai and shopping malls and retail unit in a public offer have kept oil markets relatively tight - against London, the company’s chairman Mohamed expected to raise between 8 and 9 billion expectations. Most notable have been output out- Alabbar was quoted as saying yesterday. “This will dirhams ($2.18-$2.45 billion). Alabbar has also ages within OPEC; continued insurgency in Libya be a dual listing. We are a Dubai company so we said Emaar is preparing for a public offer by its has seen production collapse by more than 1 mil- have to be in Dubai, but we will list in London. I wholly-owned Egyptian unit, Emaar Misr, and will lion barrels per day (mbpd) from its post-war high would like to do this quickly and am shooting for consider listing other units such as its hotels busi- before Ramadan,” Arabian Business magazine ness. “Today I can’t see other segments, but then of 1.5 mbpd, while logistical constraints and politi- quoted Alabbar as saying in an interview. someday we might say should Downtown be a cal issues in Iraq have seen output fall back to The Muslim holy month of Ramadan will start separate listed company?” he was quoted as say- below 3.0 mbpd - after peaking at 3.2 mbpd last near the end of June this year. In Dubai, the listing ing by Arabian Business, referring to one of year. On the geopolitical front, the recent crisis in will occur on Nasdaq Dubai, the smaller of the Emaar’s flagship developments in Dubai. “It all the Ukraine and the consequent Russian military emirate’s two stock exchanges, Alabbar con- depends on the financials and the value it will intervention have caused oil prices to spike in early firmed. On Saturday, Dubai’s largest listed proper- bring for our shareholders. March amid fears of disruptions to energy supplies. Moreover, global oil demand - especially from developed economies - has been robust. US demand, Iran oil exports show steady in particular, has been supported by unusually cold weather and declining oil stocks - new pipeline increase as Asia buys more capacity has allowed more oil to flow from the oil stocks at Cushing. These factors have supported the TOKYO: Iran exported more crude than With January and February loadings - for stronger gains seen in WTI prices in recent weeks. allowed under Western sanctions for at least a February and March arrivals - also holding Nevertheless, upcoming seasonal maintenance at oil fourth straight month in February, as ship above 1 million bpd, according to the docu- refineries, typically running through March and April, loading data obtained by Reuters showed top ment seen by Reuters this week, exports look should see reduced crude demand from refiners. clients again bought more than 1 million bar- set to breach the cap for the first quarter of Going forward, oil markets are expected to ease rels per day (bpd) of Tehran’s oil. The rise in the year, allowing up to three weeks for ship- slightly on expectations of large increases in non- projected to finally overtake demand from OECD Sharara field in the west. Meanwhile, Kuwait’s pro- sales to Iran’s main clients, mostly in Asia and ments to China, Japan and South Korea. OPEC supplies. Coupled with a possible recovery in economies during the first half of 2014. duction remained relatively stable at around 2.9 OPEC production, prices could begin to come under mbpd. Total OPEC production (including Iraq) also including Turkey, comes after an agreement China lifted 502,500 bpd in February, Supply outlook that eased some of the sanctions aimed at again taking its purchases back to pre-sanc- increasing downward pressure through 2014. increased in January, to almost 31 mbpd. (Chart 4.) the OPEC member’s nuclear program. The tions levels, and rivalling the 564,536 bpd Crude output of the OPEC-11 (excluding Iraq) This comes despite major disruptions to Iraqi out- World demand outlook November deal also freed up $4.2 billion in oil that the nation’s refiners received in January. increased for the second consecutive month, rising put, which, after rising to a 4-month high in payments to Tehran, but it does not allow for In comparison, China imported 428,840 bpd With the improving global economy - the IMF is by 0.417 mbpd to a 4-month high of 28.1 mbpd, December, dropped by some 154 kbpd to 2.8 shipments to increase. of Iranian oil for all of 2013, according to cus- now estimating growth of 3.7 percent in 2014 - according to data provided by ‘direct communica- mbpd. Weather delays and maintenance work at To ensure sanctions are not breached, toms data. China’s February import numbers analysts are similarly projecting global oil demand tion’ between OPEC and national sources. This was southern export terminals have forced output shut- Washington could put more pressure on are not due out until later this week. to expand this year, albeit at a slower rate. The led primarily by a recovery in output from both downs due to a lack of sufficient storage capacity. Iranian crude buyers to slash purchases in China’s total oil imports from Iran may rise International Energy Agency (IEA) sees demand ris- Libya and Nigeria, of 280 kbpd and 215 kbpd, Saudi Arabia reduced output only slightly during coming months to keep the average volume in 2014 as state-run trader Zhuhai Zhenrong ing by 1.3 mbpd this year to approximately 92.6 respectively. the month, although a recovery in Libyan or Iraqi capped at the 1-million-bpd mark, less than Corp is negotiating a new condensate con- mbpd, an increase of 1.4 percent over last year. This Production in Libya more than doubled to production could force the kingdom to make more half pre-2012 levels. In total, February crude tract, Reuters has reported. India lifted rate is similar to last year’s. (Chart 3.) All demand around 0.5 mbpd in the month, after protesters significant cuts in output over the next few months. loadings by Iran’s top four buyers China, India, 304,286 bpd of crude in February, according growth is projected to come from non-OECD agreed to lift a blockade that had shut-in produc- Non-OPEC oil supplies are projected to increase by Japan and South Korea - rose to 1.16 million to the loading data. Iran’s second-biggest economies, however, while OECD demand is tion at the country’s key western fields for several around 1.9 mbpd in 2014, of which 200 kbpd is bpd versus 994,669 bpd lifted in January, client imported 412,000 bpd in January and expected to fall by some 0.1 mbpd mainly due to months. However, output is expected to have expected to come from OPEC natural gas liquids according to a loading plan seen by Reuters. averaged 195,600 bpd in arrivals in 2013. lingering economic weakness in OECD Europe. slumped once again in February following a resur- (not subject to quotas). This should come mainly Adding in oil lifted by Turkey - which came Government sources in India have said Indeed, oil demand from non-OECD economies is gence of unrest that is causing a shut-in of the from large increases in North American production. in at 105,824 bpd in January and 117,857 bpd refiners must cut their Iranian oil imports by in February - Tehran’s exports have busted the nearly two-thirds from the first quarter after sanctions limits at least since November. The the United States asked it to hold the ship- loading volumes exclude condensate, a light ments at end-2013 levels. Mumtalakat plans no bonds in 2014 oil, that Iran exports to China and other con- South Korea loaded 214,286 bpd in sumers. February, mostly for March arrival dates. MANAMA: Bahraini sovereign fund Mumtalakat million of that deal will mature in August. It will was Mumtalakat’s debut bond offering. Since Ever since the 2012 sanctions were February arrivals from Iran, meanwhile, dou- has no current plans to tap the debt capital mar- be paid off and not renewed, CEO Mahmood Al- then, it has printed two small sukuk issues imposed, five buyers - China, India, South bled from a year earlier as refiners hiked pur- kets in 2014 and will pay off a small loan facility Kooheji said in an email in response to questions denominated in Malaysian ringgit. Korea, Japan and Turkey - have bought nearly chases ahead of maintenance shutdowns due later in the year, its chief executive said yes- from Reuters. Mumtalakat, set up in 2006, has a budget of all of Iranian crude exports. starting from March. terday. Mumtalakat’s next significant debt maturity is 150 million dinars ($397.9 million) to spend in Japan loaded 140,000 bpd in February, One of the smaller sovereign wealth funds in not until June 2015, when a $750 million bond 2014 on investments as the fund pursues a more Breaching ceiling according to the program seen by Reuters. It the Gulf region, Mumtalakat had $7.1 billion of comes due, Kooheji said. “We remain actively aggressive stance after being hamstrung by loss- The intake of Iranian oil by Asian buyers purchased 210,517 bpd from Iran in January assets under management at the end of engaged with developments in the global capi- es at Gulf Air in previous years, Kooheji told alone has topped 960,000 bpd since and reduced imports by 6.4 percent to September. It holds stakes in 40 firms in the tal markets and bank markets. While we do not Reuters in January. Traditionally focused on November, government and industry data 177,414 bpd in 2013, marking its lowest daily kingdom’s non-oil sector, including Bahrain currently have specific plans for material financ- Bahrain, Mumtalakat is eyeing investments has shown, and adding in an average 100,000 crude imports from Iran in more than 30 Telecommunications Co (Batelco) and ing activity this year, we will remain opportunis- worldwide and hopes to complete some acquisi- bpd of crude for Turkey, the exports have years. Japan’s February import numbers are Aluminium Bahrain (Alba). It signed a $250 mil- tic in our approach.” tions in the ICT (information and communica- breached 1 million bpd at least since then. due later this month. — Reuters lion revolving credit facility last year and $75 The $750 million bond, issued in June 2010, tions technology) space. — Reuters


Malaysian Ringgit 86.715 Singapore Dollar 0.219253 0.225253 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. UAE Exchange Centre WLL Chinese Yuan Renminbi 46.210 Thai Bhat 9.715 South African Rand 0.020310 0.028810 COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Turkish Lira 127.465 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001863 0.002443 ASIAN COUNTRIES Taiwan 0.009172 0.009352 Australian Dollar 259.05 256.05 Japanese Yen 2.767 Thai Baht 0.008386 0.008936 Canadian Dollar 257.62 258.62 Indian Rupees 4.627 Bahrain Exchange Company Pakistani Rupees 2.845 Swiss Franc 326.02 324.02 Arab Srilankan Rupees 2.156 Euro 394.72 395.72 Nepali Rupees 2.898 US Dollar 281.40 284.40 COUNTRY SELL CASH SELLDRAFT Bahraini Dinar 0.741157 0.749157 Singapore Dollar 223.510 Sterling Pound 473.05 476.05 Europe Egyptian Pound 0.036730 0.039830 Hongkong Dollar 36.295 Japanese Yen 2.78 2.80 Iranian Riyal 0.000078 0.000079 Belgian Franc 0.007324 0.008324 Iraqi Dinar 0.000181 0.000241 Bangladesh Taka 3.620 Bangladesh Taka 3.622 3.892 British Pound 0.461665 0.470665 Philippine Peso 6.319 Jordanian Dinar 0.393305 0.400805 Indian Rupee 4.607 4.907 Czech Korune 0.006287 0.018287 Thai Baht 8.788 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.157 2.592 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 Danish Krone 0.048370 0.053370 Irani Riyal transfer 0.271 Nepali Rupee 2.894 3.429 Lebanese Pound 0.000138 0.000238 Euro 0.385855 0.393855 Irani Riyal cash 0.273 Pakistani Rupee 2.788 2.790 Moroccan Dirhams 0.024277 0.048277 UAE Dirhams 76.68 77.15 Norwegian Krone 0.043043 0.048243 Nigerian Naira 0.001190 0.001825 GCC COUNTRIES Bahraini Dinar 748.97 751.04 Romanian Leu 0.086558 0.86558 Omani Riyal 0.726044 0.731724 Saudi Riyal 75.190 Egyptian Pound 40.42 41.02 Slovakia 0.008052 0.018052 Qatar Riyal 0.076707 0.077920 Qatari Riyal 77.474 Jordanian Dinar 400.50 406.15 Swedish Krona 0.039987 0.044987 Saudi Riyal 0.074523 0.075223 Omani Riyal 732.460 Omani Riyal 731.82 739.12 Swiss Franc 0.315866 0.326066 Bahraini Dinar 748.900 Syrian Pound 0.002159 0.002379 Qatari Riyal 77.71 78.26 Turkish Lira 0.124144 0.131144 Tunisian Dinar 0.175514 0.183514 UAE Dirham 76.788 Saudi Riyal 75.17 75.57 Australasia Turkish Lira 0.124144 0.131144 ARAB COUNTRIES UAE Dirhams 0.075755 0.0769904 Australian Dollar 0.246609 0.258109 Egyptian Pound - Cash 39.700 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Yemeni Riyal 0.001280 0.001360 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 40.054 New Zealand Dollar 0.234186 0.243686 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.316 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Tunisian Dinar 180.380 America Al Mulla Exchange US Dollar 281.600 Jordanian Dinar 398.180 Canadian Dollar 0.248471 0.256971 Canadian Dollar 256.780 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.892 US Dollars 0.277750 0.282100 Sterling Pound 469.735 CurrencyTransfer Rate (Per 1000) Syrian Lira 2.010 US Dollars Mint 0.278250 0.282100 Euro 392.935 Morocco Dirham 35.904 US Dollar 281.300 Swiss Frank 322.445 Asia Euro 392.700 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Bahrain Dinar 743.555 Pound Sterling 469.200 UAE Dirhams 76.645 Bangladesh Taka 0.003289 0.003889 US Dollar Transfer 281.850 Canadian Dollar 256.050 Qatari Riyals 78.195 Chinese Yuan 0.044742 0.048242 Euro 394.030 Saudi Riyals 75.960 Hong Kong Dollar 0.034203 0.036953 Indian Rupee 4.602 Sterling Pound 470.270 Jordanian Dinar 396.855 Indian Rupee 0.004367 0.004768 Egyptian Pound 40.050 Canadian dollar 255.990 Egyptian Pound 40.400 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.153 Turkish lira 127.520 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000020 0.000026 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.154 Bangladesh Taka 3.618 Swiss Franc 323.970 Japanese Yen 0.002691 0.002871 Indian Rupees 4.606 Australian Dollar 256.770 Kenyan Shilling 0.003254 0.003254 Philippines Peso 6.295 Pakistani Rupees 2.843 US Dollar Buying 280.650 Korean Won 0.000253 0.000268 Pakistan Rupee 2.850 Bangladesh Taka 3.617 Malaysian Ringgit 0.081979 0.087979 Bahraini Dinar 749.000 Philippines Pesso 6.298 GOLD UAE Dirham 76.600 Cyprus pound 691.665 Nepalese Rupee 0.002934 0.003104 20 Gram 240.000 Japanese Yen 3.775 Pakistan Rupee 0.002652 0.002832 Saudi Riyal 75.150 10 Gram 121.000 Syrian Pound 2.955 Philippine Peso 0.006351 0.006631 5 Gram 62.500 Nepalese Rupees 3.845 Sierra Leone 0.000069 0.000075 *Rates are subject to change WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 BUSINESS Ukraine’s instability could benefit Kuwait

By Francisco Quintana, Even at the global level, Ukraine’s relevance is they need to start buying natural gas in the spot Europe is the largest destination of Russian oil and Senior Economist at Asiya Investments limited. The country only accounts for 0.2 percent market, rising energy costs are likely to translate would have the most trouble finding an alternative of global GDP. A collapse of its financial system or into rising manufacturing costs and headline infla- provider. Global growth would decelerate as not ow important is Ukraine for Kuwait? In a nut- a default in its debt repayments would not pose a tion. Elsewhere, the current instability will also put even Saudi Arabia would be able to compensate a shell, not really. The Ukraine-Russia crisis has systemic threat to the world’s economy, given pressure on energy prices. Up until now the rise strong decline in Russian exports, but the GCC Hbeen in the media spotlight in the last few that the country only accounts for 3 percent of has been moderate, with a 10 percent rise in natu- would be one of the few regions to benefit. weeks, and potential implications of an increase in emerging markets’ debt, and 0.1 percent of inter- ral gas prices since December, which is benefiting Our base case scenario does not involve a fully- tension in the Black Sea have been the focus of national bank claims. Ukraine’s external public other natural gas exporters like Canada, Algeria or fledged conflict or embargo. The incentives to numerous analyses. However, its impact on the Gulf debt accounts for around $10 billion, and the Qatar along with Russia itself. avoid an escalation of conflict are very high. Russia region is unclear. Ukraine plays a marginal role for European Union has already pledged financial depends on oil and gas for 45-50 percent of its the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC): support for $15 billion, reducing the likelihood of Impact of sanctions budget. The EU represents 50 percent of its trade, trade exchanges are minimal and investment flows a default. On the other hand, Ukraine matters as If the conflict escalates and Russia receives while Russia represents less than 10 percent of EU’s are almost non-existent. In 2012, Ukrainian exports an agricultural exporter, being the world’s 3rd trade sanctions, Gulf countries would probably trade. Even if China takes a neutral stance, the to Kuwait amounted to only $10 million. Even com- largest exporter of corn, with 16 percent of total, benefit, at least in its first phase, given that Russia impact in Russia would still be significant, as China pared to its peers in the Gulf, commercial ties and the 6th global exporter of wheat. A collapse and the GCC compete in the same market as ener- represents only 10 percent of Russian exchanges. between the two countries are insignificant, repre- of its economy could impact food prices and that gy exporters. Russia is one of the largest oil pro- Similarly, the international community would pre- senting around 1 percent of Ukraine’s exports to the is why futures of both products have risen sharply ducers in the world (around 11 million barrels per fer to avoid troubling Russia. Global corporate GCC. Kuwait’s exports to Ukraine were even smaller, in the last few days. day-bpd-) and the second largest exporter after interests in the country are very large and it would worth only around $200,000. The rest of the region The real relevance of the country lies in its role Saudi Arabia, with more than 7 million bpd. Any require a long time for the sanctions to have an also has weak links with the former Soviet republic. as an energy distribution hub. 20 percent of disruption in Russian energy exports due to mili- impact, as the country produces a large share of its Exchanges between Ukraine and the GCC have Russian gas is exported as LNG to Japan and South tary conflict or sanctions would translate into own fuel and food. But the solution to the current been historically small. On average, only 2 percent Korea. The rest, around 80 percent, is exported as higher oil prices and, consequently, larger fiscal conflict seems to be complex. Even though only of Ukrainian exports went to the GCC over the last dry gas to Europe and half of those exports go surpluses for Kuwait and the rest of energy the province of Crimea has a Russian majority, decade, while Ukraine was the destination of 0.02 through Ukraine. A third of European natural gas exporters in the GCC. Furthermore, Gulf countries, Russians still account for 30 percent of the total percent of the Gulf’s exports. GCC countries run a consumption comes from Russia. Europe is there- and in particular Saudi Arabia, would probably population of Ukraine. Instability will probably last structural deficit with Ukraine because the key fore where the blow of a Ukrainian breakdown have to expand production to minimize the impact for months and the likelihood of an accident export commodity of the region, oil, is largely irrele- would be felt first. Germany in particular uses up a of a hypothetical Russian disruption. The increase sparking a military conflict remains high. However, vant to Ukraine, which relies on Russia to cover its quarter of all Russian gas, but Turkey (19 percent) in revenues for Saudi would come not only from as long as it does not spiral out of control, that is energy needs. and Italy (9 percent) are also heavily exposed. If rising prices but also from higher volumes. Again, not such bad news for this region. Troika reaches debt accord with Greece Decks cleared for next tranche of aid

BRUSSELS: Greece’s international creditors have Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said last When that failed to stabilize the economy, they reached agreement with Athens on efforts to week. The Troika first bailed out Greece in 2010 agreed a much tougher second rescue in 2012 stabilize the crisis-hit country’s public finances, with a programme worth 110 billion euros worth 130 billion euros, plus a private sector debt clearing the way for its next debt aid payment, ($153 billion). write-off of more than 100 billion euros. —AFP EU sources said yesterday. Separately, a European Commission spokesman said “we have now agreed on all of the most important policy areas” of the program and a statement was expected later in the day. “The talks have been long because the sub- jects are difficult but we are now very close to a staff-level accord,” EU economic affairs spokesman Simon O’Connor said. The latest talks on Greece’s bailout program began in September but the government has baulked at BRUSSELS: Daniele Nouy, member of the Supervisory Board of the European demands for fresh austerity measures just as Central Bank (ECB) talks during her hearing by the Economic Affairs the economy is edging out of a deep six-year Committee, at the EU Headquarters in Brussels yesterday. —AFP recession. The so-called Troika of creditors-the Europe must prepare to shut European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund-wanted Athens ‘zombie’ banks: Watchdog to open up the economy further and to cut even more civil servants. The quarterly Troika audits BRUSSELS: Euro-zone countries must pre- a new fund to pay for the closure of zombie determine whether Greece can get rescue fund- pare to shut their failing “zombie” banks and banks, in order for the wider scheme of con- ing, with the next tranche worth some 8.5 billion quickly pool the money to do it, the bloc’s trolling banks to work. euros in all. There was also disagreement on how top regulator said yesterday, ahead of a Negotiators from the European Greece should spend its first primary budget warts-and-all investigation of its still-fragile Parliament and EU countries are trying to surplus in years-that is, a budget in surplus financial system. Daniele Nouy’s comments, finalise a new regime along those lines this before counting debt servicing costs. Greece including her plea for countries to form a week. Nouy is now leading a 1,000-strong wants to divert most of the surplus, estimated at united front in solving the problem, give an team sifting through tens of thousands of over 1.5 billion euros this year, to low-income early indication of how the bloc’s chief bank- banks loan, health checks that economists pensioners, police and army officers. ATHENS: Greek Prime minister Antonis Samaras (left) and Finance minister Yiannis ing supervisor intends to tackle issues that see as the last chance to draw a line under As the talks have dragged on, Troika officials Stournaras address the press at the Greek Finance ministry in Athens yesterday after show up in health checks this year. the crisis. have become more frustrated with Athens. Greece’s international creditors have reached agreement with Athens on efforts to sta- They may also influence talks between She said countries need to prepare to “We will not force someone to accept finan- bilize the crisis-hit country’s public finances, clearing the way for its next debt aid pay- European lawmakers to finalize the second shut laggard banks and should club together cial aid, if they do not want to do so,” German ment. —AFP pillar of banking union - the launch of an in supporting a fund to pay for closures. “We agency to close bad banks and a fund to need solid ... public backstops,” Nouy said. help cover the costs. This would go hand-in- “Just like a fire brigade needs access to hand with European Central Bank supervi- water... the SRM (Single Resolution China’s Jan-Feb FDI rises 10.4% sion of the sector. “The banks that have to Mechanism to cope with failed banks) needs disappear are ... the zombie banks,” the ECB access to a resolution fund.” This fund is due watchdog chief told lawmakers in the to be built up to roughly 55 billion euros ($76 BEIJING: Foreign direct investment European Parliament, referring to banks that billion) over a decade, using levies from (FDI) into China increased 10.4 percent are so laden with bad loans that they are banks. year on year in the first two months of unable to give fresh credit. But it has shortcomings as it stands. It is 2014, the government said yesterday, “I hope that action needed will be taken small and will initially be made up of a while the country’s outbound invest- and we will not have any more zombie patchwork of country funds without the ment slumped. FDI, which excludes banks,” she said. Almost seven years since government backing that would allow it top investment in financial sectors, totalled German small-business lender IKB became up borrowings more easily and cheaply. $19.31 billion cumulatively in January Europe’s first victim of the global financial cri- Nouy said barriers between national funds and February, the commerce ministry sis, the region is still struggling to lift its econ- in the scheme should be broken down with- said in a statement. Foreign investors omy out of the doldrums and banks are tak- in five years rather than ten as planned, “remained confident in investment in ing much of the blame for not lending. Nouy, allowing countries to help each other if they China”, ministry spokesman Shen formerly a French regulator, warned that faced a problem bank too big to cope with Danyang told reporters, but acknowl- countries needed to do more to jointly back alone. —Reuters edged that “international investment remained low and there were various development problems within the country”. Saudi switch to efficient He did not give specifics, but a string of data has indicated a slowdown in the power plants to save world’s number two economy. Separately, Chinese overseas investment 550,000 b/d crude in the two months fell 37.2 percent year- on-year to $11.54 billion, the ministry RIYADH: Saudi Arabia will save 200 million available for export. However, last year it said, with investment to Hong Kong and barrels a year of liquid fuel by switching its reduced its summer fuel burn, when elec- the European Union leading the decline. power stations to more efficient combined tricity demand is highest because of But Shen said that a high comparison cycle turbines, the head of Saudi Electricity increased use of air conditioning, by 10 per- base in the same period last year was Co (SEC) said yesterday in a speech reported cent to 689,750 bpd, according to govern- behind the fall, mainly due to the close by state media. ment data. of China National Offshore Oil Corp.’s The report of Ziyad Alshiha’s speech did That figure, achieved through increased $15-billion takeover of Canada’s Nexen. Workers moving steel cables in a steel market in Qingdao, in eastern China’s Shandong province. not give details on when the move towards gas supplies, better efficiency and cooler “Therefore, overseas investment in Foreign direct investment (FDI) into China increased 10.4 percent in the first two months of 2014 more efficient turbines would be complet- weather, was down from a record high of the first two months last year spiked, from last year, the government said yesterday. —AFP ed, or whether that fuel saving was com- 763,250 million bpd during summer 2012. which... made this year’s year-on-year pared with now or 2009, when SEC started Saudi Arabia is by far the largest user of comparison base very high,” he said. Investment from the European converting its power stations. “Continuous crude oil for power generation, with most The January-February figure would Union declined 13.8 percent to $1.05 bil- Lukoil hopeful of gas deal collaboration ... has supported SEC efforts to other countries having abandoned oil-fired have marked a 33.6 percent increase if lion. Of China’s outbound investment, transform most of its existing simple cycle generation long ago in favor of gas, nuclear the Nexen deal was excluded from the 65.4 percent of the total, or $7.55 billion, in Saudi ‘Empty Quarter’ units to combined cycle technology and and renewable sources. comparative data, he added. went to Hong Kong, the Association of also to use super critical boilers in steam However, state-owned Saudi Arabian Oil By far the greatest proportion of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the KHOBAR: Russia’s Lukoil is negotiating a deal with the world’s top oil power plants,” he said in the report carried Co (Saudi Aramco) has brought more gas investment in China comes from a group EU, Australia, the US, Russia and Japan. exporter Saudi Arabia to tap unconventional gas deposits in the king- by Saudi Press Agency. fields on stream in recent years for use in of 10 Asian countries and regions includ- But the amount being invested in Hong dom’s “Empty Quarter” desert region, the company’s overseas unit said. “SEC expects that these current and power plants and the government has dis- ing Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand Kong, the EU and ASEAN declined 62.9 Saudi Arabia has kept its vast oil reserves off-limits to foreigners, but future plans, once completed, will save cussed introducing atomic and solar electric- and Singapore. percent, 11.6 percent and 2.2 percent, needs natural gas to help cover domestic power demand and conserve approximately 200 million barrels of fuel ity. Alshiha added that SEC planned to spend FDI from those economies rose 11.6 respectively. oil for export. It invited investors a decade ago to find and produce gas annually,” he added. The figure of 200 million 622 billion riyals ($166 billion) between now percent to $16.94 billion, the ministry The Hong Kong decline was also in the Empty Quarter region in Saudi Arabia’s southeast, also known as barrels a year is equivalent to almost and 2023, adding 40,000 megawatts of said. US investors piled $711 million into related to the Nexen deal as part of the Rub Al Khali. 550,000 barrels per day (bpd). A spokesman installed generating capacity and expanding the country during the period, up 43.3 takeover funds went through the finan- But foreign companies which formed joint ventures with state oil for SEC said he could not give any further transmission and distribution networks. percent. “Investment from the 10 Asian cial hub, Shen said. Investment in the US firm Saudi Aramco to look for conventional gas, including Lukoil, Royal details on the figures. Saudi electricity use has risen by about 6 countries and the US maintained rela- jumped 45.6 percent, while that to Dutch Shell and Sinopec, have failed to find commercially viable The world’s top oil exporter annually percent a year over the last decade, with tively fast growth,” the ministry said. Australia gained 31 percent. Investment deposits beneath the sea of sand dunes. So Saudi authorities are now burns a significant amount of its crude oil in summer peak demand more than doubling Investment from South Korea soared to Russia and Japan “at least doubled”, seeking to focus the search on unconventional deposits - very deep, electricity stations and its rising domestic to over 48,000 megawatts in 2011 from 2002, 224 percent to $834 million, the ministry the ministry said, without providing high-temperature reservoirs that would require more complex and power consumption has caused some ana- according to the national electricity regula- said, but did not give an explanation for amounts or specific percentage expensive technologies to exploit. —Reuters lysts to warn this will eat into the amount tor. —Reuters the leap. changes. —AFP BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 Asian shares rise as Crimea fears recede

TOKYO: Asian shares rose yesterday and the For the time being, risk appetite improved yen remained well off recent highs as the threat as the likelihood of immediate military conflict of immediate military conflict in Ukraine reced- faded, and market participants turned their ed, though caution ahead of this week’s US attention back to the US economic outlook and Federal Reserve policy meeting kept gains in the conclusion of the Fed’s two-day meeting check. today. The Fed is expected to continue to stick European shares were poised for a steady to reducing its monthly asset purchases by an start, with financial spreadbetter IG expecting additional $10 billion, and could also alter its Britain’s FTSE 100 to open 5 points higher, or up forward guidance in its statement. 0.1 percent; Germany’s DAX to open up 15 Fed policymakers could adopt less specific points, or 0.2 percent higher; and France’s CAC language to describe conditions under which it 40 to open flat. The United States and the might tighten policy, instead of the bank’s cur- European Union imposed sanctions, including rent threshold of a 6.5 percent unemployment asset freezes and travel bans, on a small group rate for considering a rate rise. The rate now of officials from Russia and Ukraine after the stands at 6.7 percent, though Fed officials are weekend referendum overwhelmingly favored still signalling that rates need to stay low for Crimea joining Russia. some time to support the economy. “In immediate focus is Russian president The dollar’s gains against the yen unraveled Putin’s speech later today. If he plays down an in late Asian trading, and it edged down 0.1 immediate annexation of Crimea by Russia, the percent to 101.63 yen, while the euro also dollar could gain further ground on unwinding slightly declined to 141.59 yen. But both cur- of risk aversion,” said Masafumi Yamamoto, rencies remained above their respective lows chief strategist at Praevidentia Strategy in against the yen at 101.20 yen and 140.46 yen Tokyo. touched on Friday as tensions rose ahead of the weekend referendum. Fed could tweak guidance The euro edged up to $1.3931, within sight “But an expression of desire for a swift of a 2-1/2-year high around $1.3967 touched on annexation and retaliation against sanctions Thursday. The single currency’s resilience was NEW YORK: Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City. Stocks soared over 180 points a day after rimea,C a placed by the European Union and the United despite data on Monday showing a dip in euro- region in Ukraine, voted to secede and join Russia. — AFP States will rekindle economic fears, driving US zone inflation, the latest indicator to back the government bond yields lower and weighing view that the European Central Bank needs to on the dollar,” he said. take further monetary steps to support growth. MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares The improvement in risk sentiment took a outside Japan added about 0.4 percent. Japan’s toll on gold , which hit a six-month high on Nikkei stock average ended up 0.9 percent, Monday before plunging more than 1 percent. recovering from a six-week closing low hit yes- It was last down about 0.4 percent at $1,360.80 terday. Short-covering was likely behind some per ounce, well shy of the previous session’s of Tokyo’s gains, as the ratio of short-selling to peak of $1,391.76. US crude edged down overall sales in the Tokyo Stock Exchange hit a slightly to $98.04 a barrel, after falling on record high of 36.17 percent the previous day. Monday, as expectations of growing petroleum On Wall Street on Monday, US stocks turned stockpiles in the world’s biggest oil user in a solid performance, with the S&P 500 duelled with fears that Ukraine tensions could adding about 1 percent. worsen again. — Reuters Oil steady above $106 as Russia worries ease

LONDON: Brent crude steadied close to and Crimea individuals, not broad trade. $106 a barrel yesterday, consolidating So oil market attention has turned after losing more than $2 in the previous instead to ample global supplies and session as investors bet the Ukraine crisis worries about a weakening demand out- would not interrupt Russian oil supplies. look. Oil prices have also been damp- The North Sea crude oil benchmark was ened by estimates that US commercial up 20 cents at $106.44 per barrel by 1030 crude inventories rose last week by more GMT, after dropping $2.33 on Monday. than two million barrels. US crude inven- The May Brent contract hit $106.16 a bar- tories are expected to have risen by 2.8 rel that day, the lowest level for a front million barrels on average, according to a month since Feb 6. preliminary Reuters poll taken ahead of US crude climbed 15 cents to $98.23, weekly data reports set to be released after dropping 81 cents in the previous yesterday and today. session. “The market no longer believes With one eye on the Ukraine crisis, the the Crimean situation is an issue,” said European Union has begun discussing Carsten Fritsch, Commerzbank senior oil the need to reduce its reliance on and commodities analyst in Frankfurt. Russian energy, British Foreign Secretary “The crisis should ease.” William Hague said on Monday. Hague Russian President Vladimir Putin, defy- also said more names could be added to ing protests by Ukraine and Western the sanctions list of 21 Russians and sanctions, told parliament yesterday that Ukrainians imposed by the EU, depend- Russia would move forward with proce- ing in part on how Russia reacted to dures to annex Ukraine’s Crimean region. Crimea’s application to join Russia follow- By pressing ahead with steps to dismem- ing a weekend referendum. Oil prices ber Ukraine against its will, Putin raised found some support from worries about the stakes in the most serious East-West oil supply from the Middle East and crisis since the end of the Cold War, a North Africa. confrontation that markets worry could Oil production in Libya is below affect Russian energy exports to Europe. 250,000 bpd following a new protest, Europe bought 4.33 million barrels according to the state-owned National per day (bpd) of Russian oil last year, or Oil Corp. “Supply issues should continue 44 percent of OECD Europe’s net oil to support prices,” Fritsch at imports, according to the International Commerzbank said. “If geopolitical risks Energy Agency. But the United States were to disappear, prices could go lower, and Europe have shown no signs yet of perhaps to around $100 per barrel. But as wanting to raise the stakes in their con- long as there are still outages and supply frontation with Russia, and sanctions disruptions, (this) looks a good level for imposed on Monday targeted Russian Brent for the moment.” —- Reuters Gold edges down on firmer dollar

LONDON: Gold prices edged lower yes- for the metal as an insurance against risk. terday, hovering below a six-month high European shares slipped and the dollar hit in the previous session as the dollar rose 0.1 percent against a basket of cur- inched up after anxiety over the Ukraine rencies yesterday. crisis ebbed for now and ahead of a US Federal Reserve policy meeting. Spot Fed ahead gold fell 0.3 percent an ounce to Traders were now awaiting the two- $1,362.80 by 1120 GMT, having rallied on day US Federal Reserve’s policy meeting Monday to a six-month high at $1,391.76 starting later yesterday. Since the US cen- before investors started to cash in profits. tral bank is already expected to stick to US gold futures for April delivery fell reducing its monthly asset purchases by as much as one percent to a session low an additional $10 billion, the impact of of $1,358 an ounce, before trading at the decision on gold could be limited. $1,362.70, down $10.20. It rallied to its A series of US economic data showing strongest since September at $1,392.60 that growth has been hurt by severe cold on Monday. “The market had positioned weather in the first two months of the itself for a worst case scenario in Ukraine year had hit the dollar, in turn bolstering but that has not really materialized, we gold. A weaker US currency makes dollar- had sanctions introduced by Europe and denominated assets like gold cheaper for the US and those are not going to really foreign investors. But better-than-expect- scare Mr Putin,” Saxo Bank senior manag- ed US jobs and industrial output reports er Ole Hansen said. over the past week indicated the US “As long as that is the kind of response economy was improving after a winter that we are seeing, I think that the risk of slowdown. an escalation in tensions in the area is “The US data has picked up a bit more probably reduced.” Ukraine’s mainly recently, we have seen a better jobs Russian-speaking region of Crimea voted report, so the case for tapering is rein- overwhelmingly in a weekend referen- forced and the big unknown tomorrow is dum, condemned by Western states, in the kind of wording that (Federal Reserve favour of joining Russia. Chair) Janet Yellen will use,” Hansen said. The United States and European The physical market saw some selling, Union imposed personal sanctions on with demand from top consumer China Monday on Russian and Crimean officials likely to be muted in coming weeks as involved in the seizure of Crimea from domestic prices stayed at discounts to Ukraine as Russian President Vladimir cash gold. Putin signed a decree recognizing the Premiums for gold bars in Hong Kong region as a sovereign state. were unchanged at $1 an ounce versus Gold has risen 13 percent this year the spot London prices. In other precious and was headed for its biggest quarterly metals, silver fell 0.6 percent to $21.01 an gain for at least seven years as mounting ounce. Platinum was down 0.7 percent to geopolitical tensions and fears over slow- $1,449.00 an ounce and palladium lost 0.7 ing economic growth spurred demand percent at $764.30 an ounce. — Reuters BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

Britain awaits fresh austerity budget before vote

LONDON: Britain’s finance minister George previous Labor government. Today’s budget is seen home builders on Monday, has been criticised by Osborne has meanwhile warned that Scotland Osborne has hinted at more austerity in the coun- as firing the starting gun on a fierce election cam- some experts amid fears that the Help to Buy would have to leave the pound if it voted to try’s annual budget due today that could also deliv- paign that will pit the Conservatives against the scheme risks creating a fresh property bubble in become independent. Today meanwhile, the chan- er sweeteners before a 2015 general election. Liberal Democrats and main opposition party London, where house prices are rising strongly. cellor is expected to upgrade the government’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne is expect- Labor. projections for Britain’s economic growth after it ed to keep the coalition government’s deficit-slash- “With little more than a year until the general Last budget before Scottish vote enjoyed 1.8-percent expansion last year-the fastest ing policies firmly in place despite Britain’s econom- election, the chancellor will be looking to hammer Today’s budget is also the last before Scotland annual pace since before the 2008 financial crisis. ic recovery picking up speed also before this year’s his message home to voters that the recovery is votes in a referendum on whether to become inde- The unemployment rate has meanwhile held referendum on Scottish independence. “We must taking place, but that only a Conservative-led gov- pendent from the rest of Britain-a poll that has mas- close to the lowest level for almost five years. not waver from our plan to reduce the budget ernment can be trusted with the economy,” said sive financial implications. All three of Britain’s main “Although the upgrade to growth could give the deficit and deal with Britain’s debts,” Osborne wrote analyst Philip Shaw at financial services firm political parties have joined forces to campaign for pound a boost, we expect it to be short-lived as the in British tabloid The Sun on Sunday. Investec. a “no” vote at the September referendum. But First market already knows that the 2014 economic per- “The recovery is under way, but the single “There are hopes in a number of quarters that Minister Alex Salmond’s governing Scottish formance is likely to be stronger than initial fore- biggest risk would be to abandon the long-term Mr Osborne will signal tax cuts. This is not impossi- National Party is in the “yes” camp and has urged casts,” said analyst Kathleen Brooks at trading site economic plan that is working,” added Osborne, a ble, and of course it is politically inevitable that Scotland’s 5.3 million people to join him. Scotland As Britain’s recovery gathers speed, mar- member of Prime Minister David Cameron’s there will be some giveaways, but we expect a neu- has enjoyed increased autonomy since a 1997 refer- kets increasingly expect the independent Bank of Conservatives which heads a coalition government tral budget overall.” Osborne on Sunday announced endum on devolution but the SNP now demands England to next year begin raising its key interest compromising also the Liberal Democrats. that the budget would include plans to extend until full independence. rate from a record-low level of 0.50 percent where it The coalition has embarked upon a vast austeri- 2020 a scheme that helps people to join and move The fate of North Sea oil revenues is one of the has stood for five years. Such a move could trans- ty drive since coming to power in 2010, two years up the property ladder by offering government- biggest issues ahead of a referendum on late into rising loan and home loan repayments for after the start of the global financial crisis, in a bid backed loans for house purchases. September 18 that will decide whether Scotland borrowers just before the general election that is to bring down a record deficit inherited from the The move, which boosted share prices of British will end its 300-year-old union with England. due in May next year. — AFP Iceland’s euro dreams vanish with EU entry

REYKJAVIK: Iceland’s currency, the krona, was ue would plummet, but the economy is paying a Households hit declared “dead” five years ago but it survived and high price for propping up its tiny currency. For the average Icelander, the lack of international with European Union membership ruled out for the confidence in the nation’s currency has meant more foreseeable future it is likely to limp on. Hampering growth costly imports. Since 2008 the country has been hit “The krona is dead. We need a new currency. The The Iceland Chamber of Commerce estimates by a whopping 7.2 percent average inflation rate, only serious option is the euro,” an Icelandic official that capital controls cost an estimated 80 billion with salaries falling behind, increasing only 6.2 per- told the British newspaper The Guardian in January krona ($695 million, 500 million euros) in lost cent per year. And households have been doubly hit, 2009. Five years later, Iceland’s economy is still exports in 2013 — 4.4 percent of the country’s GDP. with 80 percent of them struggling with heavy debt recovering from a crisis caused by its financial sec- “Companies spend a lot of time thinking about from inflation-linked mortgages. tor imploding when global financial markets seized the currency,” said Jonsson. The chief economist at During the boom years Icelanders travelled up, and euro dreams are still a long way off. “I don’t the national chamber of commerce, Bjoern abroad in droves —- 469,000 trips in 2007 — but think it will happen any time soon,” said economist Brynjulfur Bjoernsson, said the currency issue was today exchange rates make foreign spending appear TAIPEI: Participants line the pavement under placards during a protest against a trade Asgeir Jonsson at Reykjavik University. hampering growth. “An Icelandic company com- incredibly extravagant and few have much affection agreement with former rival China, outside the Legislative Council in Taipei yesterday. Two eurosceptic parties took power in the island peting internationally can’t invest in projects for the national currency.Even the country’s most fer- Opposition has arisen against a deal between China and Taiwan signed in June, 2014 nation of 320,000 people in 2013, forming a centre- abroad or take over foreign companies. If it is in a vent EU opponents-the Federation of Icelandic aimed at further opening trade in services between the two rivals. — AFP right coalition that has since decided to drop the consolidating industry, it will often get left behind,” Fishing Vessel Owners-are unhappy, although they bid for EU membership. The Icelandic krona was he said. believe the krona is overvalued. badly damaged by the financial crisis which swept Any firm that raises funds abroad must lodge “There is no other nation in the world with fewer the country in autumn 2008, causing it to lose them with the central bank, which gives permis- than a million people which has its independent BoE picks senior IMF almost a half its value-as well as its status as an sion to use them or not according to the compa- monetary zone,” said Jonsson. “The currency market internationally tradeable currency. ny’s business plan. “In fact we have a central bank is not liquid and the krona is very volatile. It only And that damage has had long-lasting effects. that is overseeing the international growth strate- takes four or five hedge funds to move the exchange official in shake-up The government brought in tough currency gy for all Icelandic businesses. That is not a healthy rate.” A currency with a mere $14.6 billion (10.5 billion exchange restrictions to prevent a haemorrhage of situation,” said Bjoernsson. euros) money supply will remain a drop in the ocean LONDON: The Bank of England yesterday said it England responsible for Markets and Banking”, cash out of the country, as recommended by the The country found itself in crisis for the oppo- of global finance but Iceland would appear to be had appointed Nemat Shafik, a deputy to IMF beginning in August. Shafik said she was “excit- International Monetary Fund. Although the IMF is site reason-without effective oversight Iceland’s stuck with the krona for some time to come.Even if chief Christine Lagarde, to a new role providing ed to be joining the Bank at such a critical time long gone, the capital controls are still there, with banks had taken out massive cheap loans abroad, the country were to take a rapid pro-EU turn, adopt- oversight of financial markets and banking. of institutional change”. no plans to remove them. scooping up assets worth several times the island’s ing the euro may still be a pipedream. “It is clear that The appointment came as Governor Mark She added that she looked forward to taking Iceland has little choice, according to local bank annual output. When international markets seized the krona will be Iceland’s currency for at least the Carney looks to strengthen the BoE’s structure on what she called a “challenging new role” as Arion, as foreign investors hold krona worth the up, Iceland’s banks collapsed, and the country was next five or ten years,” said Bjoernsson. “But if even if amid a review of its processes triggered by a the Bank seeks to “reform financial markets for equivalent of 70 percent of GDP, which they would forced to take a loan from the International Iceland wanted to adopt the euro earlier than that, it probe into suspected rigging of foreign the post-crisis world.” In a separate statement, most likely take out of the country at the first Monetary Fund-the first by a western European wouldn’t be easy as we don’t fulfill the criteria, with a exchange markets, which caused the central Lagarde said: “The fact that she is leaving us to opportunity. If that were to happen the krona’s val- country in more than two decades. public debt at 90 percent of GDP.” — AFP bank to suspend a worker. The BoE previously take up such an important post is testimony to stressed however that it had found no evidence her broad command of policy issues, her superb that staff colluded in the alleged manipulation leadership and communications skills, and her Cairn Energy of the trades, 40 percent of which are conduct- global reputation.” ed in London. Shafik, a national of Egypt, Britain and the A Bank of England statement said that United States, has overseen the Fund’s work on puts share Carney and British Finance Minister George countries in Europe and the Middle East, includ- Osborne had “agreed to appoint Dr Nemat ing on financially bailed-out euro-zone mem- buy-back on hold Shafik as Deputy Governor of the Bank of bers Greece and Portugal. — AFP LONDON: London-listed oil and gas explorer Cairn Energy has called a halt to a $300 million share buy- back program until a review of its Indian income tax- es is resolved, knocking its shares sharply lower yes- terday. India’s tax authorities had contacted Cairn Energy in January to discuss income tax assessments dating back about seven years, making it the latest foreign firm to be embroiled in the country’s tax crackdown to try to cut its budget deficit. Other foreign multinational companies have also been targeted, including Anglo-Dutch oil major Shell, South Korea’s LG Electronics and France’s Capgemini. Cairn Energy said it would suspend its buy-back as of March 21 in the light of the tax review, the outcome of which it said would shape the company’s way for- KABUL: An Afghan construction worker makes concrete tubes on the outskirts of Kabul ward beyond 2014. Cairn has completed about one yesterday. Afghanistan’s economy has improved significantly since the fall of the third of the buy-back. Taleban in 2001. — AFP “Throughout its history of operating in India, Cairn has been fully compliant with the tax legislation in force,” Cairn Energy Chief Executive Simon Thomson Currency market inches MUNICH: Autobodies of German carmaker BMW are seen at the company’s plant in said on a conference call. “We intend to take whatev- Munich yesterday. German top-of-the-range carmaker BMW said on March 13 it er steps are necessary to protect our interests.” In achieved record sales and earnings and plans to pay an increased dividend to share- January, India’s tax authority had requested further towards electronic fix holders. — AFP information on Cairn Energy’s 2006 income tax that LONDON: Work is moving forward on a new until next year, and a G20 working group due to pre-dated the flotation of its Cairn India business in way for the foreign exchange market to set its make proposals for reform in November. The 2007. The company was ordered not to sell its shares “fixing” benchmarks, senior bankers say, after manipulation row, which has seen more than 20 Crimea uncertainty sours in Cairn India during the investigation, limiting the another week of revelations in the row over senior traders suspended or placed on leave, firm’s ability to raise cash from selling its 10 percent alleged market manipulation which has rocked centers around charges that dealers from a German investor mood holding in Cairn India, valued at around $1 billion. the industry. While there are substantial barriers handful of the biggest banks colluded to move “Whilst this shouldn’t be an issue in the near term, to altering the fixing system - which is used to currency rates. FRANKFURT: Uncertainty about the economic decline does hint that the combination of it may limit flexibility further down the line,” equity price trillions of dollars’ worth of investments In a market worth $5.2 trillion a day, the “fix- fallout from the crisis in Crimea pushed investor emerging market turbulences earlier this year analysts at Liberum said. Cairn Energy’s Chief and deals - the bankers say it is increasingly clear es” have long offered set times of the day when sentiment in Germany to its lowest level in seven and the stand-off between Russia and the West Financial Officer Jann Brown said the company was in that an electronic-based solution is feasible. asset managers do a lot of business to give them months in March, a survey found yesterday. The may have a mildly dampening impact on the process of compiling the information requested This could seek to match off and then resolve an identical daily reference point for both the widely watched investor confidence index calcu- Germany’s investment climate,” Schulz said. and would send it to the tax authority in April. automatically the huge volumes of orders put in value of funds and foreign exchange conducted lated by the ZEW economic institute fell by 9.1 “Beyond the probably minor impact of Cairn Energy shares were the biggest faller among around the fixing with minimal human interven- that day. That focused large volumes of transac- points to 46.6 points in March, its lowest level Western sanctions and potential Russian retalia- London’s FTSE 250 companies, down 11 percent at tion, making foul play more difficult. Many also tions around a particular time of the day. That since August 2013, it said in a statement. It was tion, this could hurt German growth a bit at least 1023 GMT. The oil and gas explorer also announced expect the scandal to hasten the demise of has been a headache for the banks, but also may voice-based trading, whose model of dealers have been an opportunity for a relatively small the third straight monthly drop in a row and temporarily. However, it would take a much annual results yesterday, where it reported a higher- much steeper than analysts had been expecting. more serious crisis in Ukraine to derail the recov- and brokers talking on several phones to multi- number of players executing the biggest fund than-expected loss after tax of $556 million due to ple clients and banks at once has been a defin- orders to work together and share information “In this month’s survey, the Crimea crisis is ery in Germany and the euro-zone as a whole,” soaring costs for unsuccessful exploration in Morocco weighing on experts’ economic expectations for Schulz said, pointing to the rise in the current sit- ing image of the industry for decades. to establish which way the market would swing and the North Sea. The company’s costs for unsuc- Germany,” said ZEW president Clemens Fuest. uation sub-index. Capital Economics economist Participants in the world’s largest and least ahead of time. “Nevertheless, the indicator’s level suggests that Jonathan Loynes also felt that the drop in the cessful exploration rose 34 percent year on year to regulated financial market are scrambling to The question now is how to change that sys- the economic upswing is currently not at risk,” March data “could prove to be just a blip.” $213 million, which included $107 million spent on make trading more transparent and resistant to tem to eliminate that exposure to “human” cor- Fuest said. “Although the index is by no means a perfect drilling offshore Morocco and $81 million in the wrongdoing. In response to the perceived role ruption, no easy task in a market that is conduct- For the survey, ZEW questions analysts and predictor of actual activity, at these levels it is cer- Norwegian and UK parts of the North Sea. of complicated derivatives in fuelling the finan- ed in multiple locations, jurisdictions and plat- institutional investors about their current assess- tainly consistent with a further acceleration in Cairn Energy said on Monday that it had plugged cial crisis, regulators have sought to push as forms. Several senior industry figures, either in ment of the economic situation in Germany, as (economic) growth,” Loynes said. “With other sur- and abandoned a well in Morocco, a country whose much of that market’s trading as possible onto charge of or with a past running banks’ electronic well as their expectations for the coming months. veys ... also giving upbeat signals, the risks to our offshore resources are tipped as one of this year’s exchanges. operations, told Reuters it was impracticable for The sub-index measuring financial market forecast of average German gross domestic promising exploration areas. Banks and others involved in the more currency spot trading to be put on an exchange. players’ view of the current economic situation in product growth of 1.5 percent in 2014 may still The firm’s 2014 exploration program, which straight-forward cash foreign exchange want to But they say a solution to the fixing itself was less Germany rose by 1.3 points to 51.3 points in lie to the upside.” ING DiBa economist Carsten includes nine wells in places such as Senegal and head off any such aggressive push by regulators problematic. “There may be a service provider in their industry, which they say would bury that would provide the means of doing fixing on March, its highest level since August 2011. Brzeski similarly pointed out that the ZEW index Ireland, and the outcome of the Indian tax assess- A frequent criticism of the ZEW index is that it “does not have the best track record when it them in red tape and push up costs. By coming a third party venue where people could put in ment will shape the company’s trajectory beyond this up with a solution for the fixing, the industry orders to be matched on an electronic system can be volatile and is therefore not particularly comes to predicting German economic activity. year. “Key risk is negative sentiment surrounding pos- reliable. “The market jitters caused by the “However, in the absence of other guidance for hopes it can keep its bespoke, self-regulatory and whatever is left over could be executed by sible disappointing exploration results and an unre- model which it says is a major factor in a steady an algorithm,” said the head of e-commerce with Crimean crisis have predictably dampened the future path of the economy, today’s ZEW solved Indian Tax issue,” Mark Wilson, equity analyst German investor confidence,” said Berenberg index sends two important messages: the pres- fall in costs of currency trading for business. one of the banks being looked at in the probe. at Jefferies, said. — Reuters Bank economist Christian Schulz. “Such big ence of the German economy looks bright but However, it also has a worried eye on investi- “There are platforms coming to us and offering moves are not unusual, but the third successive the outlook is darkening,” Brzeski said. —AFP gations by regulators, not expected to conclude us that kind of service. I—Reuters BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

Ferrari Land to be developed in Spain New Prancing Horse theme park for PortAventura resort

ortAventura Entertainment SAU, a sub- the purchase. Andrea C Bonomi, Senior Partner a nation where we have many supporters and sidiary of Investindustrial, has signed a Investindustrial, explained the motivation enthusiasts, and to which large numbers of Plicensing agreement with Ferrari to build behind the partnership with Ferrari thus: tourists flock each year, in part thanks to Ferrari Land, a new Prancing Horse theme park, “PortAventura is one of the leaders in Europe’s PortAventura. This new license further under- inside the PortAventura resort and theme park tourism sector, while Ferrari is an iconic compa- scores our brand’s presence in this area. Ferrari outside Barcelona in Spain. ny that represents the very best of Made in Land will delight the whole family and not just Ferrari Land will cover 75,000 square meters Italy. The synergy between the two groups cre- Formula 1 fans. We will continue to evaluate and include a variety of new and exciting ates a powerful combination that means we other proposals for theme parks outside Europe attractions for Prancing Horse enthusiasts of all can offer clients of both brands a unique expe- at our leisure: the brand is our most important ages, including Europe’s highest and fastest rience. We are proud to be able to make this asset and we have to enhance its value without vertical accelerator. An opportunity for the contribution to fostering the growth of the diluting it.” whole family to experience and discover the Ferrari brand and Made in Italy across the Sergio Feder, Executive President of world of Ferrari. world. This partnership has been made possible PortAventura, also declared: “After our success- More good news is that the first Ferrari- by Investindustrial’s ongoing investment plan ful experience with Gardaland (Italy’s leading themed hotel is also to be built inside and the talents of the Italian management amusement park with almost 3.5 million visitors PortAventura and will be a luxury five-star team brought in from Gardaland who have a year), we developed a long-term business establishment with 250 rooms, restaurants and turned PortAventura into Europe’s best destina- development plan with Investindustrial to a driving simulator. The project will involve an tion resort. Our recent collaboration with make PortAventura one of the best family desti- overall investment of 100 million euro and the Cirque du Soleil, this new agreement with nations in Europe. Right from the start we have Ferrari theme park itself officially opens in 2016. Ferrari and our partnership with KKR will help always been clear about our desire to develop PortAventura already welcomes 4,000,000 visi- us expand PortAventura even further in the the resort with high-profile international tors a year, of whom 50% come from outside longer term. The agreement with Ferrari is brands to ensure we achieve our target of Spain. Acquired in 2009 by Investindustrial, another essential stage in our strategy of posi- around 5 million visitors a year. Ferrari was an PortAventura has been going from strength to tioning PortAventura as one of the best family obvious choice for this, not merely because of strength and is now the Mediterranean’s top destination resorts in the world.” what the brand itself represents but also amusement park as well as the second-ranked Andrea Perrone, CEO of Ferrari Brand, the because of its experience with the Ferrari World in Europe, thanks in large part to an investment Ferrari subsidiary company that manages the Abu Dhabi, we received many, many requests ed to accept Investindustrial’s because it is a Park at Abu Dhabi. It is also a source of great of over 125 million euros spread over a four-year Prancing Horse’s brand-related activities, to develop new amusement parks. We carefully very solid plan developed by competent peo- pride to us to be able to support such a world- period in addition to the initial sum invested in added: “After the success of Ferrari World in sifted through the various proposals and decid- ple that will bring the magic of Ferrari to Spain, famous and internationally-respected brand.” First Dubai achieves positive results, plans new projects

DUBAI: First Dubai Real Estate Development (Treasury Shares) and how to use and dispose Company yesterday morning held its Ordinary them. and Extraordinary General Assembly for the The members of the Board were discharged financial year ending on December 31, 2013, related to their legal actions for the fiscal year with the rate of attendance up to 90.81 percent, ending on December 31, 2013. The Assembly in the meeting room at the Ministry of Trade and also appointed or re-appointed auditors of the Industry. The meeting was held in the presence company for the fiscal year ended on December of a number of the company’s shareholders and 31, 2014, and authorized the Board of Directors representatives of the local press and media. to determine their remuneration. Abdul Aziz Bassem Al-Loughani, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, opened the Extraordinary assembly All-new 2014 Silverado General Assembly Meeting by reading the report For their part, the Extraordinary General of the Board, through which he stressed that the Assembly approved the amendment of article benefits from 12.5m company had exerted strenuous efforts 13 and article 15 of the Statute, in such a manner throughout the last year to achieve the interest that a five-member board of directors assumes of the company, its shareholders and customers. the company management. A member of the miles of durability testing Al-Loughani pointed out the company’s posi- board shall be required to personally be an own- tive financial results over the past year, after the er or the person who represents him shall own a KUWAIT: Each of those shiny new Silverados the trucks have enough sealing to protect completion, delivery and sale of a large number Abdul Aziz Bassem Al-Loughani number of the company’s shares. The concerned in Chevrolet dealerships benefits from 12.5 bearings and key suspension points, while of real estate units in the Emirate of Dubai, person shall be responsible for similar acts million miles of durability testing before the a trip along the dust road helps determine including residential villas in “The Villa” Project in Development saw operating revenues amount- towards the company, its creditors and share- first customer ever receives the keys. all seals are functioning properly and that Dubai Land. The company succeeded in selling ing to KD5.3m in 2013, compared to KD2.76m in holders. From the scorching desert of Yuma, Ariz. dust does not contaminate the bearings or office spaces within “The Business Avenue” 2012, representing a 92 percent rise. The rev- The articles (16) and (17) of the Statute which to the sub-zero cold of Kapuskasing, other moving parts. Project in Jumeirah Lakes. Additionally, an occu- enues of the sold projects surged 135 percent- are concerned with the conditions of the Board Ontario, and the outdoor torture tests of Some of the key durability improve- pancy rate surpassing 95 percent was achieved to KD 3.8m in 2013, compared to KD 1.6m in membership were amended. The Assembly also General Motors’ Milford Proving Ground in ments from the previous generation in the “Sky Gardens” Project in Dubai 2012. approved the amendment of the article (19) of Milford, Michigan, the all-new Silverado Silverado include: International Financial Centre. the Regulations to read as follows: ‘The Board of completed more than 4 million miles of * A frame formed from high-strength He stressed that First Dubai Company is mov- Ordinary General Assembly agenda Directors shall appoint a Chief Executive Officer combined vehicle durability testing. In steel to ensure it will not crack, even when ing ahead towards the preparation of a strategic The Ordinary General Assembly of First Dubai who shall be entrusted to manage the company, addition, a fleet of test vehicles racked up loaded to full capacity plan through which it intends to develop new Real Estate Development Company listened to and the Board shall determine his allocations 8.2 million miles of real-world mileage. * New four-wheel-disc brake system projects and engage in feasible investments, in and approved the report of the Board of and powers to sign for the company . It may be Validation and durability testing pushed with Duralife(tm) brake rotors offer up to light of the financial stability and real estate Directors for the financial year ending on illegal to combine between the post of the trucks to their limits before they went double the service life, along with brake- recovery, and due to the solid financial base of December 31, 2013. They also listened to and Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive into production in Silao, Mexico, Flint, tuning revisions that improve pedal feel for the company: it owns strong assets amounting approved the Auditor’s Report along with the Officer. The Board of Directors shall also have a Michigan, and Fort Wayne, Indiana. In many more confident braking performance on to KD72.6m in 2013, compared to KD66.4m in financial statements for the fiscal year ending in secretary to be appointed from among the of the tests, the trucks are loaded to gross any driving surface the previous year. The total liabilities were that same period. members of the Board, the Executive vehicle weight. While most customers do * Anti-chip coating on the lower body KD13.8m in 2013 compared to KD15.2m in 2012. First Dubai Assembly approved the Board of Management or from abroad, based on a deci- not drive fully loaded on a regular basis, side for extra protection from stones or He said that the company holds tremendous Directors to complete the transactions with the sion of the Board to take reports of the meetings these tests ensure the Silverado can with- gravel assets which are intended to be developed in relevant parties. They also approved the recom- which shall be signed by the Secretary and all stand even the most demanding condi- The 2014 Silverado Light Duty pickups the near future, including residential and com- mendations of the Board to not distribute divi- the present members’. tions. are available in seven distinct trim levels, mercial land draft in “Shams Abu Dhabi”, located dends for the fiscal year ending on December The Assembly has amended the following “It takes refinement and testing to build from a Work Truck (WT) to the new premi- in Al Reem Island, which the company is study- 31, 2013, and further approved remuneration of articles: article (20) concerned with the power to the strength that our customers expect and um level, High Country. ing the possibility of redeveloping with other the members of the Board amounting to KD 40 sign, article (21) pertaining to the meetings of rely on from their trucks,” said Phillip investors. The company is also currently working thousand for the completed fiscal year. the Board of Directors, which are held at least six Hubler, vehicle system engineer. “Our phi- Chevrolet care on the development of middle-housing residen- The Assembly also approved the Chairman or times during one year in response to the invita- losophy with the 2014 trucks was to All customers who purchase the All New tial vouchers in the “Q-point” project, within a member of the Board of Directors, to commer- tion of its chairman, and article (22) of the improve what needed to be improved and 2014 Chevrolet Silverado will receive the Liwan Residential System in the Emirate of cialize for the company or any activity practiced Statute. leave alone what was already considered benefits of the Chevrolet Care program. Dubai. by the company, in accordance with article 228 Likewise, articles (24) and (25) pertaining to world class.” Chevrolet Care is a high level customer of the Companies Act 2012 No. 25 and article 16 the powers and reward of the members of the The trucks proved their mettle by tra- service experience based on four pillars: To Financial results of the statute. They also authorized the Board to Board of Directors have also been amended. In versing the Belgian blocks, splashing provide customers with the best in service Al-Loughani reviewed the company’s finan- purchase or sell shares of the company, but not addition, the amendments related to the statute though the off-road-simulating grit trough, pricing and cost transparency; booking cial results, saying that First Dubai has succeed- to exceed 10 percent of the number of its shares, and included within the Extraordinary Assembly climbing and descending a 30 percent service with same day delivery; quality ed in achieving a net profit that stood at KD in accordance with article 175 of the law 25 for Agenda have all been ratified. After the ratifica- grade and driving at high speeds. service by certified technicians as well as a 6.7m at the end of last year, with earnings per the year 2012 and the instructions of the Capital tion of the Agenda, the Chairman closed the Grit intrusion is a challenge for any off regional 3 year/100,000 km warranty and share up to 6.73fils, compared to 0.79fils in the Markets Authority which organize the share- Extraordinary General Assembly upon the road vehicle. The grit trough test ensures 24x7 regional roadside assistance. same period last year. First Dubai Real Estate holding corporate purchasing to its shares acceptance of the attendees. Obama hubs face uphill struggle to create jobs

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio: Along the banks of the Mahoning profits and universities to pursue technological break- ed, researchers say a big reason will be that they use less labor of California, Berkeley, has found that each factory job on River in the struggling Ohio steel town of Youngstown sits a throughs. But after more than a year of operation, the than traditional manufacturing. “A lot of the equipment can average supports 1.6 additional jobs outside manufacturing. A once-abandoned furniture warehouse that has been convert- Youngstown hub underscores the challenges facing Obama’s be run automatically, so it is less labor demanding,” said Don job in a high-tech industry can support even more outside ed into a sleek new laboratory. Inside is a Silicon Valley-style goal of ensuring “a steady stream of good jobs into the 21st Li, senior manager of process modeling at RTI International employment because high wages for engineers and program- workspace complete with open meeting areas and colorful century,” as he put it in remarks at a White House event last Metals, a Pittsburgh-based titanium manufacturer working on mers can spur more spending at restaurants, stores and other stools. Several 3-D printers hum in the background, while month. an America Makes project. businesses. engineers type computer codes that tell the machines how to One of the biggest challenges is the nature of factory inno- When Obama first proposed the manufacturing initiative, create objects by layering materials. vation itself, which often reduces, rather than bolsters, the Multiplier he asked Congress for $1 billion for 15 centers but the request The lab, called America Makes, is the first in a series of so- need for workers who aren’t very skilled. That means the man- Former White House economic adviser Gene Sperling, who has gone nowhere amid Washington’s political gridlock so he called “manufacturing innovation hubs” that President Barack ufacturing initiative could help create jobs for people with conceived the administration’s manufacturing initiative, said is funding the projects through existing budgets. Ultimately, Obama has launched with the promise that they could revital- highly specialized skills, such as engineers, but it may do far the White House was focused on the “spillover impact” from he would like to set up 45 centers around the country. ize America’s industrial sector and spur jobs growth in down- less to help people struggling to find work after the shuttering new manufacturing projects, which also create jobs at suppli- The Department of Defense, which is contributing the fed- trodden communities like Youngstown. Seven more hubs are of local steel mills. Three-D printers, the focus of the ers. “When you look at manufacturing and the jobs it provides eral funding to the Youngstown initiative, believes its demand planned by the end of the year, including projects in Chicago, Youngstown project, are an example of this. Once they are in the supply chain and in communities, these are middle for high-tech goods will help the broader economy, said Elana Detroit and Raleigh, North Carolina, that will follow the programmed and loaded with raw materials, they work their class, high-skill jobs,” he said. Broitman, acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for Youngstown model of bringing together businesses, non- magic with nary a human hand. If they are ever widely adopt- Research by Enrico Moretti, an economist at the University manufacturing and industrial base policy. —Reuters WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 technology

Trash to treasure: Bicycle brings 3D printing to Taiwan streets

TAIPEI: Cycling through the streets of Taiwan’s capi- People who bring plastic items to the roving lab Motivational slogans including “Keep Calm and printer, such as a laser cutter to perform similar on- tal, staff from a design company turn discarded plas- wait a couple of hours for the trash to be turned into Make Things” and “Make What You Love, Love What the-spot design tasks. But it is Mobile Fab’s concept tic cups and bottles into pieces of art on the spot art. The medallion is meant to attach to the spokes You Make” adorn the walls of their garage-style of combining environmental awareness with cut- with Mobile Fab - an ordinary bike kitted out with a of a bike wheel but can be worn in any way the per- workshop. ting-edge technology that has raised Fabraft’s pro- computer and 3D printer. son pleases. It’s given free as long as the person pro- “We built everything from scratch using designs file in the ultra-competitive Taiwan tech scene. “We wanted to do something to bring both recy- vides the plastic. Almost any design can be printed and instructions freely available online,” said co- The contraption was partly funded by the gov- cling and 3D printing closer to average people,” said but the medallion is the team’s standard output. founder Matteo Chen. The software to manipulate ernment in line with efforts to foster homegrown Kamm Kai-yu, a co-founder of the Taipei-based com- One of the few limitations is that the printer can only the printer is also open-source and free to down- talent as Taipei gets set to become the World Design pany Fabraft. use polypropylene, or No.5 plastic, due to the differ- load, as are a number of designs. Capital for 2016, an annual designation by the Festooned with pumps, wires, tubes and display ent melting points of various plastics. Taking Mobile Fab to the bustling streets of Montreal-based International Council of Societies of panels, the Mobile Fab cuts the plastic into strips Kamm and three colleagues at Fabraft, all 20- Taipei, Kamm and his colleagues said they have Industrial Design. before grinding it into fine powder. The operators something graduates of design or art schools, are been bombarded with interest from curious Taiwan’s obsession with pearl-milk tea, a bever- feed the powder into the 3D printer on the front of adherents of the “Maker” movement that brings a bystanders - so much so that they plan to build a age sold in No.5 plastic cups all over the island, the bike, using it as the “ink” to create a small medal- do-it-yourself spirit back to hardware after so much bigger version with more printing power. means there is a steady stream of “ink” for the Mobile lion they attach to a coloured light. start-up attention was focused on software. Other machines could be swapped with the 3D Fab as it does its rounds. Alibaba, Weibo Game makers to explore see advantages social issues at conference SAN FRANCISCO: The video game industry is taking itself more seriously. Besides the usual in US listing talk of polygons, virtual worlds and artificial intelligence at this week’s Game Developers NEW YORK: In picking the US to launch initial of our business is in China,” said Jack Gold, Conference in San Francisco, there will also be public offerings rather than their home mar- president of the research firm J. Gold planned discussions led by game makers about ket, Chinese technology companies Alibaba Associates. Gold said a US listing could also such socially conscious topics as designing for and Weibo are opting for maximum visibility enable the companies to grow more easily. gamers with disabilities, battling depression at and access to capital. “The Internet these days is about growing by game studios and tackling hate speech in online Alibaba, an e-commerce giant that blends acquiring other companies,” Gold said. “It’s game communities. elements of Google, eBay and , con- easier to pick up other companies while The organizers of GDC, which kicks off firmed its plans Sunday to launch a US listing. being US-listed than Chinese-listed.” Monday at the Moscone Center and continues US press reports have said the offering could through Friday, have expanded the conference’s be as big as $15 billion, which would make it Chinese IPOs’ poor record advocacy-themed sessions with panels featuring the largest Chinese IPO ever and the biggest Scores of Chinese companies have gained such titles as “Beyond Graphics: Reaching the since Facebook’s in 2012. US market listings in the past decade, the Visually Impaired Gamer,” “How to Subversively Weibo, considered the Chinese version of number of Chinese IPOs peaking in 2010 with Queer Your Work” and “Women Don’t Want to microblogging site Twitter, said Friday it 39 offerings, according to data from Dealogic. Work in Games (and Other Myths).” planned a US offering to raise $500 million. But they sank to just two in 2012, amid “It’s something that in some way or another A third Chinese technology company, investor distrust after numerous accusations has always been part of the conference, but it’s, an online retailer and a smaller com- of fraud and other ills, which led to plunging something that we’ve found interest in genuine- petitor of Alibaba, in January filed to launch share prices and forced delistings. ly continue to grow as the industry has become its own IPO in the US for up to $1.5 billion. Such problems were particularly acute in more diverse and inclusive,” said Simon Carless, The listings have sent a charge through cases of “reverse mergers” in which Chinese executive vice president of UBM Tech Game Wall Street, where new offerings through companies bought publicly-traded but Network, which organizes GDC and several oth- January and February are at their highest lev- essentially defunct US companies, taking a er technology conventions. el since 2000, just before the Internet bubble backdoor route to a public listing. This year’s conference is expected to attract WASHINGTON: In this Wednesday, Dec 4, 2013, file photo, Tracey Anderson, 26, re-stocks X-Box burst, according to Renaissance Capital. Blicksilver said investors are skeptical about 23,000 game developers and executives sets on opening day of a new Wal-Mart on Georgia Avenue Northwest in Washington. Wal-Mart Investors are “salivating” over Alibaba, the about small names, but that a big blue chip from across the globe. Carless and other GDC plans to expand its video game trade-in program to its stores, offering store credit for thou- best known of three companies, said Mace company like Alibaba will get the benefit of organizers, which includes an advocacy advisory sands of video games. — AP Blicksilver, director of Marblehead Asset the doubt. committee made up of game designers, hope exchanges about “always-on” technology; Oculus Rift, which captured attendees’ attention Management. “Certainly that’s been a problem in the that examinations of racism, misogyny and For Alibaba, a New York listing allows it to past,” Gold said of the Chinese listings. “But Manveer Heir, a game maker who works on the at last year’s conference. The exhibit homophobia in games aid the industry’s contin- “Mass Effect” sci-fi series, which features gay and “ALT.CTRL.GDC” will highlight 14 games that uti- avoid an offering on the Hong Kong Stock there have been other Chinese companies- ued fight for wider cultural legitimacy. Exchange, which balked at efforts by Lenovo comes to mind-that have done OK in lesbian characters; and Toshifumi Nakabayashi, lize such alternative control schemes, like a Rosalind Wiseman, author of the book who organizes an annual game workshop to piano-powered version of the sidescroller founders and senior management to retain this regard. We’ll have to see.” “Queen Bees and Wannabes,” which inspired the control over the board by issuing dual classes “It certainly could be a problem, especially support Fukushima disaster victims. “Canabalt” and a holographic display called Lindsay Lohan film “Mean Girls,” will be part of a of stock. But the US listing also means the if you assume, as most assume, that the Despite the refreshed focus on real-world Voxiebox. Tuesday discussion about gaming and social company “will have access to the most liquid Chinese government has their hands in pret- issues at the convention, how to view and inter- This year’s conference, the largest annual hierarchies among boys. The panel will examine market in the world, where investors surely ty much all the big companies over there.” act with ever-changing virtual worlds will ulti- gathering of game creators outside the how the games that young men choose to play prefer to buy stock minted on Wall Street Another flashpoint could be concerns mately take center stage at GDC. PlayStation 4 Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles in effect their popularity, as well as their social rather than in Hong Kong,” said Gregori about allowing Chinese Internet companies creator Sony Corp. is expected to tease its rendi- June, is the first since Sony and Microsoft respec- competence in moments of conflict. Volokhine, president of Meeschaert Capital to benefit from open US markets at the same tion of virtual reality technology during a tively released its PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Markets. time that Beijing blocks Facebook, Twitter Tuesday presentation called “Driving the Future consoles last year. Several sessions scheduled Annual workshop A US listing sends a message to investors and other US giants to the massive Chinese of Innovation at Sony Computer Entertainment.” this year are dedicated to creating games for Other speakers will include Adam Orth, who that “we are international, even though most market. — AFP Meanwhile, a handful of developers will be those systems, as well as more popular mobile left Microsoft Corp. last year after fiery Twitter showing off software using the VR goggles platforms. — AP Web domain name revolution could hit trademark defence

GENEVA: The mass expansion of Internet domain names could cause havoc for the defence of trademarks in cyberspace, the UN’s intellectual property body warned on Monday. “We have this extraordinary expansion that is going on,” said Francis Gurry, head of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which oversees global rules against cybersquatting. “That is going to have an impact, which is likely to be signifi- cant, on trademark protection. The exact nature of the impact, we aren’t sure of at this stage, but it is likely to be significant and disruptive,” Gurry told reporters. “Trademark owners are very concerned about the impact that this expansion will have on branding systems,” he added. Opening the Internet to domain names that go far beyond clas- sics such as .com, .org, .net, .gov, and .edu has been heralded by US-based Web overlords the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) as the biggest change to the Web since it was created. There have long been just 22 generic top-level domains (gTLDs), of which .com and .net comprise the lion’s share. But California-based ICANN has said that the snowballing of TOKYO: Government officers use their computers during a cyber security drill in Tokyo the Internet-with some two billion users around the world, half of yesterday. Japan held a government-wide cyber security drill in a bid to improve coordi- them in Asia-makes new names essential. nation among public agencies and major businesses. — AFP Around 1,400 new gTLDs are gradually being put up for grabs, with the first 160 already delegated to various Web registration firms. “The opportunity for misuse of trademarks expands expo- nentially,” said Gurry, noting that registering a domain name is a cheap, automatic procedure that takes a matter of seconds and New online platform does not have a filter to examine whether there is a trademark conflict. “That brings with it the attendant inconvenience of a TOKYO: The headquarters of Japan’s electronic commerce and Internet company to take on YouTube much greater burden of surveillance on the part of trademark Rakuten is seen in Tokyo yesterday. Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten is the owners,” he said. In the initial mix, opened in January, are address- world’s largest online marketplace for elephant ivory and whale meat products, an es ending in guru, bike, singles, as well as clothing, holdings, environmental campaign group said, saying that running the advertisements was NEW YORK: Wonder PL, a new video While more people are uploading and plumbing and ventures. Other generic terms on the horizon akin to arming poachers. —AFP platform for lifestyle content that consuming video, it is a crowded market. include .football, .flights, .cards and .bid. launched on March 13, is taking direct Google’s YouTube, which is ad-support- The first-ever non-Latin letter domains have also been aim at YouTube and Vimeo while hoping ed, has more than 1 billion unique users approved, including the Chinese for “game”, the Arabic for “web” Cybercriminals use fake to capitalize on the soaring popularity of per month who watch more than 6 bil- or “network,” or the Cyrillic for “online”. online video. lion hours of video. MH370 websites, steal data Backed by Universal Music Group, IAC/Interactive Corp’s Vimeo provides Concern over ‘side effect’ SINGAPORE: Cybercriminals are exploiting cybercriminals used it to their advantage,” Qualcomm Ventures, former Apple exec- a platform for professional users too. Gurry acknowledged that the expansion was meant to ease the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines TrendLabs expert Paul Oliveria said in a utive Pascal Cagni and a personal invest- Anyone can post video to the Vimeo use of the fast-growing Internet. plane by luring users to websites purport- statement. ment by Vice Media President Andrew platform for free but it charges up to “So presumably, their reasons for expanding relate to ing to offer the latest news in order to steal Another scam enticed Facebook users to Creighton, Wonder features topics from $199 for more comprehensive features improvement of navigational capacity on the Internet. What their personal information, an Internet click a link that leads to a page with the wellness to food to entertainment tar- like additional storage, support and the we’re concerned is the side effect of the impact that that has on security firm warned yesterday. heading: “(BREAKING NEWS) Malaysia Plane geting women. ability to sell video on demand. (Vimeo branding systems that are used by consumers for their interac- Trend Micro urged Internet users to Crash into Vietnam sea MH370 Malaysia Wonder if differentiating itself from takes a 10 percent cut.) Vimeo has over tion with commerce,” he added. exercise caution when clicking on links Airlines is found!” YouTube by targeting professional con- 22 million registered members and Trademark owners aggrieved by cybersquatting-the abusive shared on social media for news of flight When the link is clicked, users are taken tent makers to use its platform for an reaches a global monthly audience of registration of domain names, sometimes in order to sell them MH370, which mysteriously vanished from to a fake page with a “ready to play” video. annual fee. YouTube is free to anyone about 150 million. back to rights holders or draw consumers to rival products-have the radar in the early hours of March 8 Further clicks will prompt the user to share who wants to upload a video. Fenichell said Wonder will depend on the option of turning to WIPO’s arbitration procedure. while on its way from Kuala Lumpur to the link before the video can be viewed. In 2013, 2,585 such cases were filed with WIPO, concerning a “We want to be the Whole Foods of subscription revenue for now but could Beijing. “Sharing the video, of course, helps cyber- record 6,191 individual domain names. Under international rules, video,” said Sofia Fenichell, Wonder eventually start providing opportunities There is no trace of the aircraft or the criminals spread their malicious link to oth- Web registration firms must void the registration of losers in 239 people on board, despite a massive er users,” Trend Micro said in a statement. founder and CEO. “YouTube is Wal-Mart.” for sponsored content. People view WIPO cybersquatting cases. Wonder is going after brands and con- videos on Wonder in an ad-free environ- international search. After sharing, the user will be asked to The UN body is already hearing its first case concerning a new Trend Micro said its global network of verify his age by completing a ‘test’. The test tent creators such as the National Film ment. “The industry currently trades a gTLD, filed in February and pitting a German company against Board of China and chef Tom Aikens. free or nominal membership fee in research, service and support centres was “nothing but another survey scam,” it the Dutch registree of the still-inactive website TrendLabs had spotted an executable file said. Trend Micro added that cybercriminals Wonder charges an annual fee of $300 exchange for taking very high platform Erik Wilbers, director or WIPO’s arbitration arm, said that the for its members to use the platform to commissions,” she said. “We believe this disguised as a video that, when clicked, have previously used tragedies such as last vast increase of gTLDs will mean that trademark holders would allowed scammers to collect a user’s data, year’s Super Typhoon Haiyan in the upload video. “We know everyone is is an unsustainable model for creators have to be “much more focused” in what they challenge. “You such as his or her IP address. Philippines and the deadly bomb attack on who need to generate value from their going to produce more video,” Fenichell cannot keep shooting at everything that moves in an expanding “Given the heightened interest in the the Boston Marathon to lure unsuspecting said. work.” — Reuters domain name system,” he said. — AFP missing flight, it was only time (before) users to malicious websites. — AFP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Unease grows among US doctors over Indian drug quality

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK: Some US doctors are not meet quality standards, they should report it to Representatives of Ranbaxy, Sun and Wockhardt Shortly afterwards, India’s drug controller gener- becoming concerned about the quality of generic regulators, he said. “Doctors are not in a position to were not immediately available to comment. Dr Joel al, G.N. Singh, said in an interview that the country drugs supplied by Indian manufacturers following a judge whether manufacturing processes are correct Zonszein, director of the Clinical Diabetes Center at will follow its own quality standards. flurry of recalls and import bans by the Food and or not. That is the US FDA’s job.” Montefiore Medical Center in New York, said he is “The FDA may regulate its country, but it can’t Drug Administration. Generic drugs account for nearly 85 percent of concerned about the quality of generic drugs in regulate India on how India has to behave or how to India supplies about 40 percent of generic and medicines prescribed in the United States and the general, not just those from India. He cited, as an deliver,” he said. Some companies seem to be over-the-counter drugs used in the United States, government is relying on them to help rein in example, his experience with the diabetes drug met- responding to the FDA’s actions. making it the second-biggest supplier after Canada. healthcare costs. formin. Piyush Nahar, an analyst with Jefferies India In recent months, the FDA, citing quality control “We are losing control over what people are “When patients open the bottle of medication it Private Ltd who recently met with a number of problems ranging from data manipulation to sanita- swallowing,” said Dr. Harry Lever, a cardiologist at smells like dead fish,” he said. Zonszein did not know Indian drugmakers, said in a recent report that most tion, has banned the importation of products from the Cleveland Clinic who is trying raise awareness of which company made the foul-smelling drug. companies “have increased their investment” in Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Wockhardt Ltd and, most the matter among U.S. lawmakers. “Now, when a Physicians do not have a say in which generic drug a compliance and some are considering investing in recently, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. patient comes in who is not doing well, the first patient receives, as that depends on which products US or European facilities “to overcome challenges “I’m just beginning to realize the gravity of the thing I do is look at their drugs and find out who are stocked by individual pharmacies. If a patient relating to both regulations and perceptions.” problem,” said Dr. Steven Nissen, head of cardiology makes it.” wants to avoid a certain manufacturer, he or she The array of recalls and warning letters can be at the Cleveland Clinic. “It’s terrible and it is starting Increasingly, Lever said, he is recommending may have to change pharmacies. dizzying. Ranbaxy recently recalled more than to get a lot of traction among physicians.” patients seek out generic drugs from specific manu- Doctors may specify that the branded version of 64,000 bottles of a generic cholesterol-lowering Indian drugmakers are by no means the only facturers outside India. “I’m tending to stay away a drug be dispensed, but insurance companies fre- drug after doses were mixed up in a bottle, and Sun companies to recall products or be warned by the from India,” he said. “There’s something wrong. Too quently refuse to pay for them. Dr Richard Kovacs, began recalling 2,528 bottles of a diabetes drug after FDA about manufacturing problems. For instance, many things are happening.” who heads a number of American College of a bottle was found to contain an epilepsy treatment. quality control failures at Johnson & Johnson forced Cardiology committees and sits on its board of Those mix-ups follow a recall in January by Dr. the company to recall dozens of products over the India doctors hit back trustees, said doctors may need to play a greater role Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd of more than 58,000 bottles past five years, ranging from artificial hips to chil- Indian physicians do not share the concerns. monitoring the medications prescribed by their of its heartburn drug lansoprazole due to a microbial dren’s Tylenol. “Our drugs are being sold in many countries and practices. contamination. And last year, Germany’s Boehringer Ingelheim being accepted, so we have no issues,” said “The average US cardiologist has been able to “It’s hard to be sure on a day-to-day basis with said it would shut down its U.S. contract manufac- Narendra Saini, Secretary General of the Indian assume that the drugs were safe and effective. It the array of medications that you have to be poten- turing unit, Ben Venue Laboratories, after it was cit- Medical Association, a voluntary body of 215,000 now appears we need to be more vigilant as a pro- tially aware of that there’s a specific problem with a ed for repeated manufacturing violations that led to doctors. “How do I know that Western drugs are bet- fession, and assist the FDA by reporting cases where specific medication from a specific generic manufac- shortages of the cancer drug Doxil. ter than our drugs?” we are concerned about irregularities in the drugs turer,” said Dr. Elliott Antman, a cardiologist at India’s drugmakers, a $14 billion industry, reject A 2012 report by India’s parliament alleged collu- supplied to our patients,” he said. Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. any criticism that their products are inferior to drugs sion between pharmaceutical firms and officials at The medical community is dependent on agen- made in other countries. “We have heard doctors the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization Hard to keep up cies such as the FDA, he added. “The bottom line for making generalized statements, without being spe- (CDSCO), the country’s drugs regulator, and FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, who me is we have to make sure they have sufficient cific on any product or company,” said D.G. Shah, described an agency that was both understaffed recently returned from her first official visit to India, resources to do their job correctly.” Secretary General of the Indian Pharmaceutical and underqualified. is urging greater collaboration between the two To Dr. Jason Gaglia, a diabetes expert at the Joslin Alliance, a trade group representing large Indian Saini said physicians trust that the CDSCO is tak- countries. During her visit, the FDA and India’s Diabetes Center in Boston, the warning letters and drugmakers. “This is a deliberate and serious cam- ing care of the quality and the standard of the drugs Ministry of Health and Family Welfare signed a state- import bans indicate the FDA is doing its job. “Is it paign to malign the Indian generic industry.” made in India. “We very much trust those medi- ment of intent to cooperate to prevent the distribu- scary? Yes. But to me it means the system is working,” If US doctors come across a medicine that does cines,” he added. tion of unsafe drugs. he said. —Reuters Europeans failing to tackle drug-resistant tuberculosis China halves TB rate in 20 years: Lancet

LONDON: Cases of tuberculosis are falling in the world’s most alarming public health threats ple. The ECDC/WHO data showed an average Europe but a failure to properly diagnose and with the emergence of drug-resistant or “super- annual 5.0 percent decline in TB incidence across treat dangerous drug-resistant strains of the con- bug” strains that can’t be treated even with the region over the last decade. tagious disease means it is far from under control, numerous drugs. health experts said yesterday. Of all infectious diseases worldwide, only HIV - New infections fall Every day, almost 1,000 people across the 53 the human immunodeficiency virus that causes China has more than halved its tuberculosis countries of the World Health Organisation’s AIDS - kills more people. Once known as the rate in 20 years by scaling up steps to ensure (WHO) European region fall sick with TB, and mul- “white plague” for its ability to render its victims patients take their antibiotics, The Lancet reported tidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resis- skinny, pale and feverish, TB causes night sweats, yesterday. Milupa Aptamil Junior wins tant (XDR) TB pose a serious risk to the goal of persistent coughing, weight loss and blood in the The tally of new infections fell from 170 people eliminating it by 2050, the experts said. phlegm or spit. It is spread through close contact. per 100,000 of the population in 1990 to 59 per Data from the European Centre for Disease Drug-resistant TB is a manmade problem and 100,000 in 2010 — a target reached five years GCC mothers vote of trust Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the WHO’s has developed because regular TB patients were ahead of schedule. DUBAI: In a recognition that reinforces its to boost the child’s natural defenses and regional office showed that drug-resistant TB either being given the wrong medicines or the A study attributes the success to China broad- commitment to standing by mothers to support their brain and visual development. strains affect at least 76,000 people in the region. wrong doses, or because they were not complet- ening access to a treatment called DOTS (for help them provide the best early nutrition Hani AlAita, Regional Marketing But more than half are not properly diagnosed ing their treatment. directly observed therapy, short-course) which for their toddlers., Milupa Aptamil Junior - a Manager at Danone Nutricia Middle East and only one in every three patients is successfully The WHO, which declared TB a global emer- entails healthworkers meticulously supervising growing up milk for toddlers from Danone and Africa, the manufacturer of Milupa treated. gency in 1993, says up to 2 million people world- patients until they complete a course of antibi- Nutricia a global leader in infant/toddler said: “It’s an honor to be continuously At 25 percent, the treatment success rate for wide may be infected with drug-resistant strains otics to kill the TB germ. nutrition, was voted Product of the Year entrusted by mothers as number one for XDR TB patients is even lower. Treating even regu- by 2015. The microbe can thrive if a patient stops taking 2014 across the GCC in the ‘Child Nutrition’ their most precious, their kids, as we con- lar TB is a long process. Patients need to take a Marc Sprenger, director of the Stockholm the drug too early, leaving behind a small colony category. tinuously strive within Danone Nutricia to cocktail of antibiotics for six months and many fail based ECDC which monitors disease in the of germs that can become antibiotic resistant and This is the second consecutive year that use the most advanced scientific research to complete the treatment - fuelling growing drug European Union, said treating regular and MDR TB be transmitted to other people. Milupa Aptamil Junior has been voted to to bring the best early nutrition for resistance. successfully was the only way to stop more dan- “Huge improvements in TB treatment, driven win this prestigious recognition, which infants/toddlers, given the importance of “We must reach all patients, not only half of gerous and more highly resistant strains from by a major shift in treatment from hospitals to reflects the brand’s growing eminence and nutrition during the first three years of life” them and ‘half the way’”, said Zsuzsanna Jakab, the developing. local public health centres implementing the the mothers’ endorsement of its world- Tested with more than 700 toddlers in WHO’s regional director for Europe. She said there “If we are not able to diagnose and treat DOTS strategy, were largely responsible for this class formula. over 500 daycare settings around the was now an urgent need for new anti-TB medi- patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis ear- success,” said study leader Yu Wang from the Milupa Aptamil Junior was among the world, results have shown how the toddlers cines with shorter and more effective treatment ly and successfully, this not only puts patients’ lives Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention leading brands across various categories who used Milupa Aptamil Junior demon- courses that patients would be more able and at risk but also paves the way for XDR TB,” he said (CDC) in Beijing. which took the limelight at the Product of strated a better immune response with sig- more likely to stick to. in a statement as the new data were published. During the 1990s, the DOTS programme the Year - Gulf 2014 awards ceremony, held nificant reduction in risk of infections, even Often mistakenly seen as a disease of the past, The WHO European Region comprises 53 coun- expanded rapidly in China, from covering half of at the Meydan Beach Hotel, JBR in Dubai. in daycare settings which are optimal envi- TB has over the last decade developed into one of tries, with a population of nearly 900 million peo- its population to all of it by 2000. —Agencies The Product of the Year Awards, renowned ronments for transmission of infections. worldwide across 42 countries, is an inde- Milupa Aptamil Junior has access to pendent and prestigious award that recog- around 300 scientists worldwide who are nizes excellence in quality and innovation dedicated to research in science of breast Space rock craze and is the only one-of-its-kind voted 100% milk and infant/ toddler nutrition, as well as by consumers. a team of expert nutritionists, midwives hits South Korea To address toddler’s optimal growth and other healthcare professionals requirements, Milupa Aptamil Junior throughout the Middle East who are com- after meteor shower Growing Up Milk - with Pronutra, is the only mitted to providing the best support for clinically proven growing up milk formula infants/ toddler development. SEOUL: A corner of South Korea is in the grip of a frenzied hunt for valuable space souvenirs, follow- ing a rare meteor shower there last week. Hundreds of people have been scouring hills and rice paddies for meteorites near the southeast- ern city of Jinju after the shower on March 9, some of them armed with GPS devices and metal detec- tors, according to media reports. “Media hype claiming that chrondites (a type of meteorite) could bring you a bonanza sparked the LONDON: Britain’s Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales (2-L) and Camilla, The fever for space rocks,” an official from the Cultural Duchess of Cornwall (L) are shown medical aparatus after officially opening Heritage Administration of Korea (CHAK) told AFP. the Chelsea Children’s hospital at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in Local greenhouse owners have put up signs London yesterday. —AFP warning off trespassers after the first large chunk of rock, weighing around nine kilograms (20 pounds), British govt boosts childcare was found in a greenhouse near Jinju. A second piece weighing four kilograms was allowance to woo family voters found by another local resident. Scientists con- LONDON: Britain’s coalition government ment. The first 10,000 pounds ($16,600) of firmed that both rocks, found in the two days after the meteor shower, had come from space. A US unveiled a larger-than-expected scheme to childcare per year will be eligible for the TOKYO: Japan’s electronics giant Toshiba unveils the prototype model of a meteorite-hunter has been handing out business help cut the cost of childcare for working scheme, meaning voters will receive an breath analyzer which can detect gases in exhaled breath to monitor health parents yesterday in an appeal to voters annual break of up to 2,000 pounds for each cards in the local area, asking people to sell him any squeezed by several years of stagnant child. It had been expected that only 6,000 and diagnosis of disease at the company’s headquarters in Tokyo yesterday. shards they find, the Korea JoongAng Daily said. The device using a gas analysis technology with a quantum cascade laser to wages and rising prices. pounds of costs would be eligible for the Prime Minister Chung Hong-Won suggested the The joint announcement by Prime scheme which is expected to benefit 1.9 trace gasses detected across the absorption spectrum is expecting to com- Minister David Cameron, a Conservative, million families. government should secure them for research or as mercialize in 2015. —AFP and his Liberal Democrat Deputy Prime The opposition Labour party welcomed a natural monument. The CHAK official said the Minister Nick Clegg, comes on eve of steps to help parents, but said the govern- agency would designate any meteorites found as Britain’s annual budget statement which ment action was “too little, too late”. cultural assets to stop them from being taken out Toshiba unveils disease will set the tone for a 2015 election cam- Consultancy KPMG said the scheme could of South Korea. paign. free up more workers and ultimately benefit Ownership of the meteorites remains a legally detecting breathalyser Fiscal policy is expected to be key battle- the economy. ground in the run-up to the election that The budget, to be delivered by grey area because of the lack of relevant provisions TOKYO: Japan’s Toshiba yesterday unveiled a irradiated with an infrared laser, and then looks set to be a tight battle with Labour Conservative finance minister George in South Korean civil law, the official added. A space breathalyser which it says can detect a wide trace gases are detected” the company said currently slightly ahead in opinion polls. Osborne on Wednesday, is expected to give rock was last found on its soil in 1943, when the range of diseases just 30 seconds after users in a statement. The gases include acetalde- “Tax free childcare is an important part a sober analysis of the challenge that Britain Korean peninsula was under Japan’s colonial rule. blow into the machine. The device, about the hyde, methane and acetone, all of which of our long-term economic plan,” said still faces to get its finances and debt levels Meteor showers occur when hundreds of mete- size of a small dishwasher, has a nozzle in can point to the presence of various health Cameron. “It will help millions of hard- under control. ors-fragments of dust and rock that burn up as they which users blow several times. problems. Toshiba said it would expand the pressed families with their childcare costs The latest YouGov survey has Labour It then analyses the puffs for traces of number of gases-and diseases-that its and provide financial security for the with 40 percent support, the Conservatives pass through the Earth’s atmosphere-light up the several gases which can signal the pres- machine can detect, with an eye to starting future.” with 32 percent, the anti-European Union sky in a spectacular display. Meteorites are meteors ence of several health problems including commercial production next year. The By mid-to-late 2015 working parents UK Independence Party (UKIP) with 11 per- that do not burn up completely, surviving the fall diabetes, stomach ailments and even the healthcare segment is a key unit for with children under 12 will have 20 percent cent, and the Liberal Democrats with 9 per- to Earth. —AFP ordinary hangover. Toshiba, which is best known for its con- of their childcare costs paid for the govern- cent. —Reuters “A breath exhaled into the machine is sumer electronics. —AFP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 HEALTH & SCIENCE Astronomers discover echoes from expansion after Big Bang

NEW YORK: Astronomers announced on theory explains gravity as the deformation gists to hold off endorsing it. degrees above absolute zero, having cooled measurements to infer fully what this Monday that they had discovered what of space by massive bodies. Einstein posited That may change after the announce- to near non-existence from the immeasur- telegram is telling us.” many consider the holy grail of their field: that space is like a flimsy blanket, with ment on Monday. “These results are not only ably hot plasma that was the universe in the ripples in the fabric of space-time that are embedded stars and planets causing it to a smoking gun for inflation, they also tell us first fractions of a second of its existence. Quantum hints echoes of the massive expansion of the uni- curve rather than remain flat. when inflation took place and how powerful The background radiation is not precisely The detection of gravitational waves may verse that took place just after the Big Bang. Those curvatures of space are not station- the process was,” Harvard University physi- uniform. And like light, the relic radiation is help physicists realize a dream of Einstein’s Predicted by Albert Einstein nearly a cen- ary, Einstein said. Instead, they propagate cist Avi Loeb said in a statement. The polarized as the result of interacting with that he died before achieving: unifying all tury ago, the discovery of the ripples, called like water in a lake or seismic waves in strength of the gravitational waves’ signal is electrons and atoms in space. the forces of nature. gravitational waves, would be a crowning Earth’s crust and so are “gravitational waves” tied to how powerfully the universe expand- Computer models predicted a particular Three of the four forces have been uni- achievement in one of the greatest triumphs that “alternately squeeze space in one direc- ed during the brief era of inflation. curl pattern in the background radiation fied, which means that physicists have of the human intellect: an understanding of tion and stretch it in the other direction,” The measurements announced by the that would match what would be expected shown that they are facets of the same basic how the universe began and evolved into Jamie Bock, a physicist at the California astronomers on Monday are nearly twice as with the universe’s inflation after the Big force. But the fourth, Einstein’s beloved the cornucopia of galaxies and stars, nebu- Institute of Technology in Pasadena and one large as cosmologists predicted for gravita- Bang. “It’s mind-boggling to go looking for gravity, remains the odd man out: it seems lae and vast stretches of nearly empty space of the lead scientists on the collaboration, tional waves, suggesting a great deal more something like this and actually find it,” to be a property of space rather than a con- that constitute the known universe. told Reuters. could be learned about how inflation Clem Pryke, a physicist at the University of sequence of subatomic, or quantum, parti- “This detection is cosmology’s missing The other, much more recent theory that worked. Minnesota and another lead scientist on the cles as the other forces are. link,” Marc Kamionkowski, a physicist of predicted gravitational waves is called cos- collaboration, told reporters. “Theorists are The three quantum-based forces are Johns Hopkins University and one of the mic inflation. Developed in the 1980s, it South Pole telescope forever sending the experimentalists on electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force researchers on the collaboration that made starts with the well-accepted idea that the The gravitational waves were detected by a wild goose-chase missions. When we first (responsible for radioactivity) and the the finding, told reporters on Monday at a universe began in a Big Bang, an explosion radio telescope called BICEP2 (Background saw hints of a signal we totally didn’t strong nuclear force (which glues together press conference at the Harvard- of space-time, 13.8 billion years ago. Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization). believe it.” the protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei). Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in An instant later, according to the theory, The instrument, which scans the sky from the It will be up to other teams of scientists, Because cosmic inflation was powered Cambridge, Massachusetts. the infant cosmos expanded exponentially, South Pole, examines what is called the cos- working with an array of Earth-based, bal- by quantum effects, with the universe Gravitational waves are feeble, primordial inflating in size by 100 trillion trillion times. mic microwave background, the extremely loon-launched and space telescopes, to ver- springing from a volume smaller than a undulations that propagate across the cos- That made the cosmos remarkably uniform weak radiation that pervades the universe. Its ify the findings. “This is the smoking gun for subatomic particle, primordial gravitation- mos at the speed of light. Astronomers have across vast expanses of space and also discovery in 1964 by astronomers at Bell Labs inflation,” Kamionkowski said. But even if al waves were also created by quantum sought them for decades because they are super-sized tiny fluctuations in gravity, pro- in New Jersey was hailed as the best evidence the results hold up, “we’ve learned only that processes, cosmologists believe. If so, then the missing evidence for two theories. ducing gravitational waves. to date that the universe began in an inflation has sent us a telegram, encoded on by scrutinizing the gravitational waves that One is Einstein’s general theory of relativi- Although the theory of cosmic inflation immensely hot explosion. gravitational waves and transcribed on the pervade today’s cosmos, scientists might ty, first published in 1915, which launched received a great deal of experimental sup- The microwave background radiation, cosmic microwave background sky.” finally show that all four forces of nature the modern era of research into the origins port, the failure to find the gravitational which has been bathing the universe since It will be essential, he added, “to follow arise from a single uber-force, achieving and evolution of the cosmos. The general waves it predicted caused many cosmolo- 380,000 years after the Big Bang, is a mere 3 through with more detailed and precise Einstein’s dream. —Reuters WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

Tulu Koota Kuwait Family Picnic 2014

ulu Koota Kuwait Family Picnic 2014 was held on 14th Ladies enjoyed breaking the pot, tonka and shot put, TMarch 2014 at the Mishref garden, with great vigor while men relished pillow fighting, breaking the pot and and pomp and participation of a huge enthusiastic shot put. The couples had real fun in exciting games of audience. blind walk and couple relay, while the game of musical The event was inaugurated with a unique concept of chair for the seniors was a feast to the eye. Competitive lighting the torch. The torch was lit by the first President of team games played for coveted trophies of throw ball, vol- the Koota, Sudhakar Shetty and then carried forward to leyball, kabbadi were keenly contested. other ex-presidents finally reaching the present President Men and women came to register in large numbers for Tharendra Shettigar who then lit the big torch declaring the teams and the games kept the audience fascinated and the event open. Children with balloons and pom-poms ran engrossed for an extensive length of time. Govinda and a along with the torch bearers around the ground making game of housie were played while the audience settled the inauguration vibrant and colorful which was beautiful- after the games. ly structured by Suresh Salian. The grand raffle draw that was held at the conclusion of The picnic, full of traditional games of Tulunadu, was the event continued to interest one and all with the excit- very well coordinated by the Sports Secretary, Ronald ing prizes after which the General Secretary, Satish Acharya D’Souza. It started off with popular rural game of marbles gave out vote of thanks. (goti) and then continued in rapid rotation all through the The event was beautifully compered by Manoj Shetty, day. Tiny tots upto 2 years of age played passing the ball Ashwitha Shetty, Purander Manchi, Sushma Bangera, and picking the ball and giving the mother with ease, Harish Bhandary, Ramesh Bhandary and Suresh Salian. while 4-6 year old children competed in the clip race and Banana Leaf organized a tasty breakfast and a scrumptious zigzag race. Little bigger boys and girls played in kicking lunch was served by Avanti Palace. Lighting and sound was ball with balancing the cardboard, sack race and skipping arranged by Anand Illuminations. The success of the event race, while children above 10 played kutti donne, lagori, is owed to the whole hearted support of all the committee needle race and ring in the wicket. members, who toiled day and night to achieve their target. McDonald’s Kuwait gears up for FIFA ACK participates in ‘MOETC 2014’ World Cup with football-themed tastes conference cDonald’s Kuwait announced the launch of its always been known for.” never compromises on food quality. All products served he Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) participated Mthird annual Tastes of the World campaign. On the sweeter side of the menu, McDonald’s also at all McDonald’s restaurants in the Middle East are Halal, in the Marine and Offshore Engineering Following overwhelming success in 2012 and announced the launch of the limited time “Apple inspected and approved by local authorities and Halal T Technology Conference (MOETC 2014), the first 2013, McDonald’s will once again offer a limited time Cinnamon Sundae”, featuring real apple chunks and cin- officers at the countries of export, and customs officials scientific conference organized by the Automotive and range of exotic sandwiches, this year inspired by favorite namon, for those who want to end off their meal with a at the port of entry. All meat used in McDonald’s restau- Marine Engineering Technology Department (AMET) of football destinations around the world beginning on cool treat. rants can be traced back to a trusted supplier that shares the College of Technological Studies at the Public March 15th 2014. McDonald’s is committed to serving the very best, and its dedication to the highest quality standards. Authority of Applied Education and Training (PAAET). With its unique and unexpected range of sandwiches, ACK’s School of Engineering took part in the confer- McDonald’s invites customers to experience all the deli- ence highlighting its Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree cious flavors they have come to expect from the brand, but this year with the added fanfare and flavor of the programs which combine a vocational and theoretical 2014 FIFA World Cup. approach, a quality which distinguishes ACK from the The campaign kicks off in exotic South America with rest. The Brazilian. Customers can look forward to a crispy MOETC 2014 aimed at fostering ties between Halal chicken patty, punched up with a smoky kick of fire research entities, colleges and universities to strengthen roasted pepper sauce, shredded fresh lettuce and a slice the connection between them. Among its objectives, of Emmental cheese. The first of the sandwich line-up the conference covered several research topics related will be available until 4th April, 2014. Customers wonder- to the oil and marine sector and provided direct sup- ing about the other sandwiches will have to wait patient- port to scientific research by bringing together knowl- ly until they are launched; McDonald’s is keeping their edgeable researchers from all over the world. identities a closely-guarded secret. Adel Fahmy, Marketing Manager, McDonalds’ Kuwait commented: “Customers throughout the Middle East are not only known for their sophisticated palates, but also for being devoted football fans, which is why - for the first time ever in the Middle East - we’re excited to announce a football-themed Tastes of the World cam- paign in preparation for the highly anticipated 2014 FIFA World Cup Min June. We think it’s a winning combination SEND US YOUR of exciting new flavors, a love for the game of football, INSTAGRAM PICS and the high quality products that McDonald’s has hat’s more fun than clicking a beauti- IDAK, KKMA holds dental camp Wful picture? Sharing it with others! Let other people see the way you see DAK (Indian Dentists Alliance Kuwait- seminar on the 14th of March, at the Indian many patients. The patients were educated ment from their respective area clinics/hos- Kuwait - through your lens. Friday Times will IAffiliated to Kuwait Dental Association) central school Jleeb Shyouk. on, how to maintain and improve their oral pitals. A large number of children were also feature snapshots of Kuwait through Instagram supported the dental camp organized Dr Natesh Kumar - Chairman communi- health. Those with dental problems were screened during the camp. The dental by Kuwait Kerala Muslim Association ty welfare IDAK, along with a team of spe- given oral health care products. They were camp was supported by GSK - oral care feeds. If you want to share your Instagram pho- (KKMA), as a part of the Kidney Awareness cialist doctors conducted oral screening of further advised to seek necessary treat- division. tos, email us at [email protected]

Write to us Send to What’s On upcoming events, birthdays or celebrations by email: [email protected] Fax: 24835619 / 20 WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

Hotel Missoni Kuwait kicks off BBQ Nights

s part of its new season for dining experiences Hotel Missoni Kuwait Alaunched its first barbeque with a gathering of specially invited guests from media. Surrounded by the management team at the pool terrace, guests enjoyed a unique night, experiencing the delights of the culinary team and the refreshing weather of Kuwait at this time of the year. Located on the second floor of the property, the Hotel Missoni Kuwait’s pool terrace has an added dimension of spectacular views of the Arabian Gulf and the city lights of Kuwait, as well as comfortable seating representa- tive of the hotel’s signature lifestyle experience. Hotel Missoni’s BBQ Nights run every Tuesday, from 7pm until 11pm and offer a wide selection of live cooking stations, different mezzah and assort- ment of international and Asian cuisines. Mirco Nocchetti, executive chef and his team worked on preparing special blends which goes well with the beef, chicken, and the freshest seafood while on the grill. A selection of sal- ads, and pasta, and true authentic Italian desserts such as the world famous Tiramisu, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Fruit Tartlet, Mini baked cheesecakes, cream brulee, coconut cream brulee, fresh fruit cuts, Mahalbia with cherry on to and assortments of Arabic sweet and much more are also available for guests to enjoy. Citibank Kuwait celebrates International Women’s Day

iti celebrated 2014 International Women’s Day with clients, Ccommunities and employees in 89 countries at over 230 events focused on connecting women in ways that inspire change to foster progress, both personally and professionally. Citi’s global celebration of International Women’s Day included activities ranging from art exhibitions to lectures with top scholars on the role of women in politics and business to a reception honoring women entrepreneurs in technology. In Kuwait, Citibank combined the Connecting Women. Inspiring Change. Making Progress theme with the Cardiovascular Diseases Global Campaign as these diseases are the number 1 killer in women around the world. To kick off the day, doctors from the Ministry of Health, and in coordination with the Kuwait Heart Foundation, gave a seminar on cardiovascular diseases and how to prevent them. After that, more than 47 employees did a general health checkup that included measuring their blood glucose level, Group picture of the employees with the nutritionist Mira Khattar (seated second from left) and Reem Al Jallad (seated third from left) after the healthy cholesterol level, blood pressure and BMI index. eating seminar during International Women’s Day celebrations. Later in the day, two dietitians visited the branch and gave guidance to our female employees on how to prevent heart dis- eases problems by eating healthy and delicious food. The two nutritionists gave the ladies tips on how to make quick foods that are healthy and protect the heart and they brought samples of these foods. “Combining the IWD theme with the Cardiovascular Diseases awareness global campaign plays an important part in that it tack- les the number one killer in women. Having said that, women can- not be efficient and productive if their health is not in good condi- tion which is why we held our events today around raising aware- ness to these diseases and ways of avoiding them”, said Ozgur Kutay, General Manager, Citibank Kuwait. Citi has been in the Arab world for nearly 50 years and contin- ues to view the region as critical to its global franchise. It is current- One of Citibank Kuwaitís employees is checking One of Citibank Kuwaitís employees is checking One of the Citibank Kuwaitís employees is check- ly present in ten Arab countries including Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, her glucose level. his glucose level. ing her blood pressure level. Bahrain, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria. Soorya India Festival on April 10

oorya Kuwait Chapter will present Warrier and an Odissi performance by lead- S‘Soorya India Festival 2014’ at 7 pm on ing Odissi dancers Arupa Gayatri Panda and April 10 at the Indian Community Pravat Kumar Swain. In addition, a solo School Auditorium, Senior, Salmiya. This fusion by Mridangam maestro time, Soorya is coming up with a mix of three Kuzhalmannam Ramakrishnan will also be oldest dance forms of India - a presented. Indian Ambassador Sunil Jain will Bharatanatyam recital by well-known inaugurate the festival that aims to promote danseuse Dakshina Vaidyanathan, a international integration through culture. Mohiniyattam recital by exponent Aiswarya Entry is free. Embassy of Cuba Tourist Visa to Cuba

he visa to the Republic of Cuba is only for purpos- Tes of tourism (Tourist visa) issued for Kuwaiti citi- zens and foreign residents in Kuwait. It is valid for one single entrance into national territory for a 30-days trip and can be extend it for an additional 30 days at the office in the hotel where you have accommodations or at Observance of International the immigration authority. Children must have their own Tourist Visa even if they are travelling under their parents’ passport(s). To obtain this visa in person at the Consulate, these documents are needed: Mother Language Day by BMC Valid passport, return air ticket, accommodation in Cuba, payment required, trav- el insurance, one photo. Fill application form. The Embassy is located in Rawda, angladesh Military Contingent (BMC) Special prayer was offered for the salva- Later wreath of flowers were laid ceremo- Block 3, Abu Hayan Al-Tawhedy St., House No. 74, opening hours from 8:30 am to BCommand Headquarters observed tion of the departed souls of the shaheeds, nially on the ‘Shaheed Minar’ of BMC 2 pm from Sunday till Thursday. International Mother Language Day who sacrificed their lives for the right of Command Headquarters. The programme with due respect and solemnity at Subhan mother language in 1952 at Dhaka, was attended by all available members of Camp on 21 February 2014. Bangladesh. BMC and few invited guests. Embassy of India CRYcket 2014 tournament Korea scholarship t has come to our notice that a fake website announcement I( was in circulation for applying riends of CRY Club (FOCC) will hold the semifinals. The 7-over matches will be the Indian Visa for online visa seekers. Following F17th CRY (Child Rights & You) crick- played simultaneously on two play- he National Institute for International Education points may be noted down: et tournament for children at the grounds. T(NIIED) under the Ministry of Education of the 1. It is compulsory to fill the visa application online. The GC grounds at Fahaheel Sports Club on Apart from the winners’ trophies, Republic of Korea offers “2014 Global Korea proper website address is Once the online appli- Friday, 27th Mar 2014 from 6:30 am to 6 medals and certificates from CRY-India Scholarship: Korean Government Scholarship Program for cation is filled, the printout is taken for submitting to the outsource visa centre pm. will be given to each player. Experienced International Students for Graduate Courses (2014 at BLS International Sharq and Fahaheel. In case of Special and diplomatic The one day “CRYcket” tournament par- umpires will control the games assisted Graduate GKS) to be conducted in Korea. ticipated by children under 14 (born on or by official scorers. The teams will play in This scholarship is for Master’s degree or PhD degree. As passports, the application has to be submitted to Embassy of India, Kuwait. part of the 2014 Graduate GKS, the participants are provid- 2. There is no provision of online payment of visa fee. So any website asking for after 01.01.2000), is a very popular annual recognition of a much felt need among family event. The children are grouped less fortunate children in the Indian sub- ed with round-trip airfare, monthly stipend, tuition, medical visa fee by credit/debit card is fake website. The visa fee is actually deposited insurance, settlement and repatriation allowances, etc. into teams in two age categories and play continent and will carry the message of as cash in the outsourcing centre at BLS International Sharq and Fahaheel with Applicants have until March 28, 2014 to submit their softball cricket while spectators, parents compassion towards them. They will the copy of online filled application. application. Please feel free to contact Chung (Consul of and well-wishers enjoy a carnival atmos- spread awareness of the work done by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the State of 3. Any such instances of fake website should be brought to the immediate notice phere. 12 teams each are set to participate CRY, an international organization, that of the Embassy of India by email ([email protected]) or mobile to A.K. Kuwait) at 2537-8621/2/3/4/5 or send an email to in the Under-12 and Under-14 divisions believes that every child is entitled to [email protected] for more information about the schol- Srivastava (mob number 97229914). initially in four groups in round robin fash- basic rights of survival, protection, devel- arships. ion leading to 4 winners who will clash in opment, education and participation. TV PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

07:50 North America 10:15 A.N.T. Farm 08:40 Fast N’ Loud 10:40 Dog With A Blog 09:30 Border Security 11:05 Suite Life On Deck 09:55 Auction Kings 11:25 Jessie Stooges drummer 00:10 Doctors 10:20 Container Wars 11:50 That’s So Raven 00:40 Last Of The Summer Wine 10:45 How Do They Do It? 12:15 Hannah Montana 01:10 The Vicar Of Dibley 11:10 How It’s Made 13:00 Good Luck Charlie Scott Asheton dies at 64 01:40 Mistresses 11:35 Dual Survival 13:25 Austin & Ally 02:30 The Omid Djalili Show 12:25 Survive That! 13:45 A.N.T. Farm 13:15 Yukon Men cott Asheton, drummer for the influential punk 03:00 Stella 14:10 Jessie rock band the Stooges, has died. He was 64. His 03:45 Last Of The Summer Wine 14:05 Border Security 14:35 Dog With A Blog S 04:15 The Weakest Link 14:30 Auction Kings daughter, Leanna Asheton, confirmed Monday 15:00 Good Luck Charlie that her father died Saturday of a heart attack. She said 05:00 Tweenies 14:55 Container Wars 15:25 Gravity Falls 05:20 Balamory 15:20 Finding Bigfoot 15:50 Austin & Ally her father “was as cool as they came. His wisdom 05:40 Nina And The Neurons 16:10 Fast N’ Loud 16:10 Violetta guides us on.” Bandleader Iggy Pop posted on his 05:50 Me Too! 17:00 Ultimate Survival 17:00 Liv And Maddie Facebook page Sunday that he’s “never heard anyone 06:10 Tweenies 17:50 Wheeler Dealers 17:20 Mako Mermaids play the drums with more meaning than Scott 06:30 Balamory 18:40 You Have Been Warned 17:40 Austin & Ally 19:30 Sons Of Guns Asheton.” Asheton was part of the Stooges when they 06:50 Nina And The Neurons 18:10 Jessie formed in 1967 in Ann Arbor, Mich. His older brother, 07:05 Me Too! 20:20 How Do They Do It? 18:30 Dog With A Blog Ron Asheton, who was the group’s guitarist, died in 07:25 The Weakest Link 20:45 How Stuff’s Made 18:55 A.N.T. Farm 08:10 Last Of The Summer Wine 21:10 Auction Kings 19:20 Violetta 2009. The Stooges released their self-titled debut in 08:40 The Vicar Of Dibley 21:35 Container Wars 20:05 Jessie 1969. 09:10 Eastenders 22:00 Dynamo: Magician 20:30 Good Luck Charlie “He was like my brother,” Pop’s statement read of 09:40 Doctors Impossible 20:50 Dog With A Blog Scott. “He and Ron have left a huge legacy to the 10:10 Being Erica 22:50 The Big Brain Theory 21:15 Gravity Falls 23:40 Mythbusters world. The Ashetons 10:50 Upstairs Downstairs 21:40 Shake It Up have always been and 11:45 Stella 22:00 Austin & Ally continue to be a second 12:30 The Weakest Link 22:25 A.N.T. Farm 13:15 The Vicar Of Dibley 22:50 Good Luck Charlie family to me. My 13:45 Eastenders 23:10 Wizards Of Waverly Place thoughts are with his 14:15 Doctors sister Kathy, his wife Liz 14:45 Being Erica and his daughter 15:30 Upstairs Downstairs 00:40 The Colony Leanna, who was the 16:25 The Weakest Link 01:30 Bang Goes The Theory 02:00 Food Factory light of his life.” Asheton 17:10 Eastenders suffered from undis- 17:40 Doctors 02:25 How Tech Works 00:00 18:10 Being Erica 02:50 Stuck With Hackett 00:30 closed illnesses in 2011 18:55 One Foot In The Grave 03:15 Stuck With Hackett 00:55 The Dance Scene and was unable to per- 19:30 The Omid Djalili Show 03:45 Large Dangerous Rocket 01:25 Style Star form at summer music 20:00 Five Daughters Ships 2011 01:50 Style Star festivals in Europe with 20:50 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 04:35 Thunder Races 02:20 E!ES the Stooges. 21:40 Extras 05:25 How The Universe Works 03:15 Extreme Close-Up “He was on a flight to 06:15 Food Factory 03:40 Extreme Close-Up 22:10 Silk England when all sorts 23:00 The Weakest Link 06:40 How Tech Works 04:10 THS 07:05 X-Machines 05:05 E!ES of hell broke loose,” Pop told Rolling Stone in 2011. 08:00 Kings Of Construction 06:00 THS “Without proper medical attention right there he 08:50 Mega Builders 07:50 Style Star would have bought it. He got very, very good care 09:40 Food Factory 08:20 from the British and all sorts of tests.”While the 10:05 How Tech Works 09:15 Scouted Stooges weren’t a commercial success, they went on to 00:00 Homes Under The Hammer 10:30 James May’s Man Lab 10:15 become one of the significant bands in punk music. 00:55 Extreme Makeover: Home 11:25 X-Machines 10:40 Chasing The Saturdays Edition 12:20 Thunder Races 11:10 The Drama Queen Their raw sound helped inspire the first generation of 01:40 Come Dine With Me 13:10 How The Universe Works 12:05 Fashion Police punk musicians. The band influenced acts from Patti 02:30 MasterChef 14:00 Large Dangerous Rocket 13:05 Extreme Close-Up Smith to the Ramones to Sid Vicious. The group landed 03:25 Chef At Home Ships 2011 13:35 THS in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2010. 04:10 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 14:50 Bang Goes The Theory 14:30 Style Star After recording three albums in the late 1960s and 04:55 Extreme Makeover: Home 15:20 Food Factory 15:00 Keeping Up With The early 1970s, the Stooges split and Pop went on to a Edition 15:45 How Tech Works Kardashians successful solo career. The band reunited for 2007’s 05:40 Bargain Hunt RISE OF THE GUARDIANS ON OSN MOVIES HD 16:10 Junkyard Wars 17:00 Life “The Weirdness” and “Ready to Die,” released last year. 06:25 Come Dine With Me 17:00 How The Universe Works 17:30 07:15 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 17:55 Thunder Races 18:00 E! News 16:00 Brave-PG “It warms my heart to read how much he has inspired 08:00 Extreme Makeover: Home 18:45 X-Machines 19:00 Fashion Police 17:45 Life Of Pi-PG and the love and respect so many have for him and his Edition 19:35 James May’s Man Lab 20:00 Giuliana & Bill 20:00 House At The End Of The music,” Leanna Asheton said in an email to The 08:45 Homes Under The Hammer 20:30 Space Voyages 21:00 The Drama Queen 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 00:00 Grassroots-PG15 Street-PG15 Associated Press late Monday. She remembered her 22:00 Ruby Sparks-18 09:40 Bargain Hunt 21:20 Scanning The Skies 22:00 Eric And Jessie: Game On Stewart 02:00 Detention-18 father not only for his love of playing and listening to 10:25 Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill 22:10 Food Factory 22:30 E! News 01:00 The Colbert Report 04:00 Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final music, but for his humor and charm. She said they 10:50 Food & Drink 22:35 How Tech Works 23:30 Chelsea Lately 01:30 The Big C Insult-PG15 enjoyed going to gigs together in recent years, includ- 11:15 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen 23:00 Space Voyages 02:00 South Park 06:00 10 Things I Hate About You ing Black Rebel Motorcycle Club in Detroit, which she Notebook: London 23:50 Scanning The Skies 03:30 Raising Hope 08:00 My Dog’s Christmas Miracle 11:40 Come Dine With Me said was his favorite and last show. 04:00 All Of Us 10:00 4 Wedding Planners-PG15 03:00 Champions Tour Highlights 12:30 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow Always rooting for the underdog, he also was a fan 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 12:00 Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final 04:00 NRL Full Time 13:20 Fantasy Homes By The Sea Jimmy Fallon Insult-PG15 04:30 Futbol Mundial of poet and writer Charles Bukowski. His daughter said 14:05 Antiques Roadshow 14:00 Asterix And Obelix-PG15 05:00 Super Rugby her father’s favorite Bukowski quote was, “What mat- 15:05 Extreme Makeover: Home 05:30 Better Off Ted 06:00 The War At Home 16:00 4 Wedding Planners-PG15 07:00 HSBC Sevens World Series ters most is how well you walk through the fire.” Edition 18:00 Spy Hard-PG15 10:00 Golfing World Asheton was born on Aug. 16, 1949, in Washington, 15:50 MasterChef 00:00 The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody 06:30 Arrested Development 00:20 The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody 11:00 Champions Tour Highlights D.C. He played drums for other bands, including 16:45 Bargain Hunt 00:35 House Gift 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 12:00 Super Rugby 00:45 Sonny With A Chance 17:30 Chef At Home 01:30 Emmerdale 08:00 All Of Us 14:00 Snooker The Welsh Open Sonic’s Rendezvous Band, the group led by former 18:20 Antiques Roadshow 01:05 Sonny With A Chance 02:25 Coronation Street 08:30 Better Off Ted 17:00 HSBC Sevens World Series MC5 guitarist Fred “Sonic” Smith. Along with his wife 19:15 Homes Under The Hammer 01:30 Suite Life On Deck 02:55 Holiday: Heaven On Earth 09:30 The Crazy Ones 20:00 PGA European Tour Weekly and daughter, Ashton is survived by his stepsons 20:10 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen 01:50 Suite Life On Deck 03:25 Agatha Christie’s Marple 10:00 Trophy Wife 20:30 Inside The PGA Tour Simon and Aaron, whom “he loved as his own,” his 02:15 Wizards Of Waverly Place Notebook: London 05:15 House Guest In The Sun 10:30 Arrested Development 01:30 Good Day For It-PG15 21:00 Trans World Sport daughter said. — AP 20:35 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen 02:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 06:10 House Gift 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 03:15 The Presence-PG15 22:00 Super Rugby Notebook: London 03:00 The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody 07:05 Holiday: Heaven On Earth Jimmy Fallon 05:00 Lying To Be Perfect-PG15 03:20 The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody 21:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook 07:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 12:00 The War At Home 07:00 The First Grader-PG15 03:45 Sonny With A Chance 09:20 House Guest In The Sun 12:30 All Of Us 09:00 Good Day For It-PG15 The origins of SXSW’s favorite movie: 04:05 Sonny With A Chance 10:45 Anna Karenina-PG15 10:15 May The Best House Win 13:00 Better Off Ted 00:00 Golfing World 04:30 Suite Life On Deck 11:10 Emmerdale 13:00 Snow Flower And The Secret 04:50 Suite Life On Deck 13:30 Arrested Development 01:00 Super Rugby 12:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Raising Hope Fan-PG15 03:00 Dubai World Cup Carnival 05:15 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:00 The Wild Hunt-PG15 12:30 House Gift 14:30 The Crazy Ones 06:30 Futbol Mundial An Oscar, The Killers 05:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 13:25 House Guest In The Sun 17:00 Arbitrage-PG15 15:00 Trophy Wife 07:00 Snooker 00:30 Dual Survival 06:00 Austin & Ally 14:20 May The Best House Win 19:00 Now You See Me-PG15 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 10:00 NRL Premiership 01:20 Survive That! 06:25 Dog With A Blog 15:10 Holiday: Heaven On Earth 21:00 Barney’s Version-18 12:00 AFL Premiership Stewart and Ron Perlman 02:10 Yukon Men 06:45 Suite Life On Deck 15:35 Agatha’s Christie’s Garden 23:00 Lawless-18 14:30 AFL Premiership Preview 03:00 You Have Been Warned 07:10 A.N.T. Farm 16:30 Endeavour 16:00 The Colbert Report 15:30 PGA European Tour 03:50 Border Security 07:35 Wolfblood 18:20 May The Best House Win 16:30 The War At Home Highlights on Perlman saw a glimpse of his future in Shawn 04:15 Auction Kings 07:55 Gravity Falls 19:10 Coronation Street 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 16:30 Futbol Mundial Christensen’s “Curfew,” an award-winning short 04:40 Container Wars 08:20 That’s So Raven 19:35 Agatha’s Christie’s Garden 18:00 The Simpsons 17:00 Super Rugby R the former musician wrote, starred in and direct- 05:05 How Do They Do It? 08:45 Jessie 19:00 The Mindy Project 19:00 NHL 20:30 Endeavour ed. “The short had me from the first frame all the way 05:30 How It’s Made 09:05 Good Luck Charlie 22:20 Coronation Street 19:30 Modern Family 21:00 NRL Premiership 06:00 Sons Of Guns 09:30 Shake It Up 22:50 Emmerdale 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 01:00 Cleanskin-18 23:00 PGA European Tour Weekly to the last,” Perlman told TheWrap last weekend at 07:00 You Have Been Warned 09:55 Austin & Ally 23:45 May The Best House Win Jimmy Fallon 03:00 Beasts Of The Southern Wild 23:30 Inside The PGA Tour South by Southwest, where “Before I Disappear,” 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 05:00 Left To Die-PG15 Christensen’s feature based on the short, premiered. “It Stewart 07:00 Stealing Bess-PG15 was as perfect a film as I’d ever seen, and I’ve seen a 21:30 The Colbert Report 09:00 Dreamgirls-PG15 few dozen films. It went from being ‘will you do this?’ 22:00 Veep 11:15 Beasts Of The Southern Wild 13:00 Night Falls On Manhattan 00:00 ICC T20I World Cup to ‘What do I gotta do to work with this guy?” 22:30 South Park Perlman’s praise didn’t stop there, as the former star 23:00 Legit 15:00 Dirty Teacher-PG15 03:30 ICC Cricket 360 17:00 Dreamgirls-PG15 04:00 ICC T20I World Cup of “Sons of Anarchy” launched into a soliloquy about 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 19:15 Extremities-18 07:30 ICC Cricket 360 his new favorite director. He told TheWrap he “needed 21:00 Perfect Stranger-18 08:00 ICC World T20 Highlights to be around the guy who made that film” because 23:00 Schindler’s List-18 09:00 ICC World T20 Highlights 10:00 ICC World T20 Highlights Christensen exhibited such vulnerability as an actor 11:00 ICC World T20 Highlights while also being ruthless enough to produce a movie. 12:00 ICC Cricket 360 00:00 The Mob Doctor “I’m a junkie for being around filmmakers who are at 12:30 Live ICC T20I World Cup the beginning before Hollywood has a chance to turn 01:00 Mistresses 16:00 Champions League T20 02:00 The Killing 01:00 Machine Gun Preacher-18 Highlights them into monsters and cynics,” Perlman said. 03:00 The Newsroom 03:15 Prosecuting Casey Anthony- 16:30 ICC Cricket 360 Audiences shared Perlman’s enthusiasm, voting 04:00 Grey’s Anatomy PG15 17:00 Live ICC T20I World Cup “Before I Disappear” the best narrative feature of the 05:00 Once Upon A Time In 05:00 Frankenweenie-PG 20:30 ICC Cricket 360 festival. Christensen smiled after listening to Perlman’s Wonderland 07:00 You Got Served: Beat The 21:00 ICC Under 19 World Cup 06:00 The Mob Doctor 2014 Highlights praise, admitting he is not good at taking compli- World-PG15 ments. Moments before, he let his co-star Fatima 07:00 Last Resort 09:00 The Words-PG15 22:00 ICC T20I World Cup 08:00 Switched At Birth 10:45 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Ptacek, an energetic 14-year-old, answer questions on 09:00 The Killing Journey-PG his behalf. She teased him, which seemed to put him 10:00 Once Upon A Time In 13:30 Carnage-PG15 at ease. Before pursuing a career in the film business, Wonderland 15:00 Rise Of The Guardians-PG Christensen the frontman of a band called Stellastar, a 11:00 Grey’s Anatomy 17:00 The Words-PG15 12:00 Emmerdale New York-based rock group formed just as “The 18:45 Jack Reacher-PG15 00:00 Duck Dynasty Strokes” were ushering in a new wave of quasi-punk. 12:30 Coronation Street 21:00 21 & Over-18 00:30 Duck Dynasty 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 01:00 Storage Wars: New York While on tour with The Killers - the now famous 14:00 Switched At Birth 01:30 Storage Wars: New York group was Stellastar’s at the time - 15:00 The Mob Doctor 02:00 Storage Wars Christensen came to a realization. “I could see this 16:00 Emmerdale 02:30 Storage Wars band was going to be huge, and I could see that we 16:30 Coronation Street 01:15 Rainbow Valley Heroes 03:00 Storage Wars Texas 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 03:00 Snowflake , The White Gorilla 03:30 Storage Wars Texas weren’t,” Christensen told TheWrap. A film buff who 18:00 Switched At Birth 04:30 Luke And Lucy: The Texas 04:00 Duck Dynasty previously took acting classes with his “Before I 19:00 Twisted Rangers 04:30 Duck Dynasty Disappear” castmates and , 20:00 Scandal 06:00 Rainbow Valley Heroes 05:00 Storage Wars: New York Christensen started writing scripts. That led to a series 05:30 Storage Wars: New York 21:00 House Of Cards 08:00 Easter Egg Escapade of shorts, and Christensen decided to turn “Curfew” 22:00 American Horror Story: 10:00 Jelly T 06:00 Pawn Stars 06:30 Storage Wars into a feature after it received acclaim on the festival Coven 11:30 Big Top Scooby-Doo! 07:00 Storage Wars Texas 23:00 The Newsroom 13:00 Snowflake , The White Gorilla circuit and earned an Oscar for Best Live Action Short. 14:30 Angel’s Friends 07:30 Counting Cars Both the short and feature are about a guy who is 08:00 Storage Wars Texas 16:00 American Girl: McKenna about to kill himself when he gets a call from his sister, Shoots For The Stars 08:30 Storage Wars Texas 18:00 Jelly T 09:00 Ancient Aliens played by Rossum in the movie. The sister asks her 19:30 Oz The Great And Powerful 10:00 Storage Wars Texas brother (Christensen) to take care of her 11-year-old 21:45 Angel’s Friends 10:30 Counting Cars daughter. “He cancels his plans to end his life to 00:15 Starship Troopers: Invasion- 23:15 American Girl: McKenna 11:00 Pawn Stars babysit this precocious young niece of his,” 18 Shoots For The Stars 11:30 Pawn Stars 02:00 15 Minutes-PG15 12:00 Storage Wars Christensen told TheWrap, “It’s about them growing 04:00 Metal Tornado-PG15 12:30 Storage Wars over the course of the night.” 06:00 Jesse Stone: Benefit Of The 13:00 Storage Wars Texas That summation belies the movie’s tone, which Doubt-PG15 13:30 Storage Wars Texas 00:00 Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds 14:00 Ancient Aliens Christensen described as darkly comedic. Maintaining 08:00 Arctic Blast-PG15 levity was very important to him. Perlman, verbose 10:00 Romancing The Stone-PG15 Away-PG 15:00 Storage Wars 15:30 Storage Wars 12:00 Shadow Conspiracy-PG15 02:00 Shark Night-PG15 moments before, was less interested in explaining the 04:00 3 Holiday Tails-PG 16:00 Storage Wars Texas 14:00 Arctic Blast-PG15 premise. “It’s not a high-concept film,” Perlman said. 06:00 A View From Here-PG15 16:30 Storage Wars Texas “There is no plot to it. “It’s like trying to describe 16:00 Dangerous Attraction-PG15 08:00 Brave-PG 17:00 Storage Wars Texas 18:00 Shadow Conspiracy-PG15 10:00 The Runway-PG15 17:30 Storage Wars Texas chocolate mousse to someone; you just gotta pick up 20:00 Breaking Point-18 12:00 Shark Night-PG15 18:00 Pawn Stars the spoon and eat it.” — Reuters SHADOW CONSPIRACY ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 22:00 Arena-18 14:00 I Think I Do-PG15 18:30 Pawn Stars Classifieds


Kuwait KNCC PROGRAMME FROM THURSDAY TO WEDNESDAY NOTICE (13/03/2014 TO 19/03/2014) February 17, 2014 SHARQIA-1 FANAR-4 RED SKY (DIG) 1:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 12:30 PM LAMO AKHZA (DIG) (Arabic) 3:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 2:30 PM RED SKY (DIG) 5:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 4:30 PM Mr. Aju Alex son of Mr. Alex Thayil Mammen, resident LAMO AKHZA (DIG) (Arabic) 7:45 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 6:30 PM of Madathil House, Amalloor, Manjadi PO., Thiruvalla, LAMO AKHZA (DIG) (Arabic) 9:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 8:30 PM Kerala and Miss Jinimol Sunny daughter of Mr. Sunny RED SKY (DIG) 11:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 10:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 12:30 AM Thazhon Mathai, resident of Thazhon House, PO NO SUN+TUE+WED Iringattiri, Karuvarakundu, Malappuram District, SHARQIA-2 Kerala, both Indian nationals, presently residing in 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 12:45 PM FANAR-5 Kuwait, have given notice of intended marriage MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 2:45 PM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 1:45 PM between them under the Foreign Marriage Act, 1969. MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 4:45 PM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 3:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 6:45 PM LAST LOVE (DIG) 6:00 PM If anyone has any objection to the proposed marriage, 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 8:45 PM LAST LOVE (DIG) 8:15 PM he/she may file the same with the undersigned 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 10:45 PM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 10:45 PM according to the procedure laid down under the 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 12:45 AM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 12:45 AM Act/Rule within thirty days from the date of publication NO SUN+TUE+WED NO SUN+TUE+WED of this notice. SHARQIA-3 MARINA-1 ( NON-STOP (DIG) 1:45 PM RED SKY (DIG) 1:45 PM S.K. Dudeja) Embassy of India, Kuwait. FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 4:00 PM RED SKY (DIG) 4:00 PM Second Secretary (Consular) P.O.Box 1450-Safat-13015 NON-STOP (DIG) 6:00 PM RED SKY (DIG) 6:15 PM and Marriage Officer Kuwait. NON-STOP (DIG) 8:15 PM LAMO AKHZA (DIG) (Arabic) 8:30 PM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 10:30 PM LAMO AKHZA (DIG) (Arabic) 10:30 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 12:30 AM RED SKY (DIG) 12:30 AM NO SUN+TUE+WED NO SUN+TUE+WED Joharbhai, holder of MUHALAB-1 MARINA-2 FOR SALE Passport No: K-3652329, SITUATION WANTED SITATUATION VACANT 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 1:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 1:30 PM hereby change my surname Bhabawala Husain 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 3:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 3:45 PM Chevrolet jeep - Trail Blazer I am looking for a job in Housemaid required full- RED SKY (DIG) 5:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 6:00 PM Joharbhai. (C 4668) - LS 2008, black color, 17-3-2014 accounts & finance, my time or part-time 6 - 3:30 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 7:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 8:00 PM Alghanim. Excellent condi- 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 9:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 10:00 PM expectation is between KD pm in Farwaniya for 1 tion. KM 127,000, KD 2,650. 650 to KD 1000 depending 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 12:15 AM I, Taza, holder of Indian month who can take care of MUHALAB-2 Mob: 50994848. (C 4669) NO SUN+TUE+WED Passport No. K9682992 upon the position offered. I 2.5-year-old child and RED SKY (DIG) 1:30 PM 18-3-2014 have transferable residency knows cooking, English RED SKY (DIG) 3:45 PM MARINA-3 have changed my name to Murtaza Shabbir Husain article no. 18 & also valid speaking is a must, salary LAMO AKHZA (DIG) (Arabic) 6:00 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 1:00 PM 2011 Toyota Camry, white LAMO AKHZA (DIG) (Arabic) 8:00 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 3:15 PM Raswala, residing at driving license. Kindly con- KD 120. Call: 97220933. RED SKY (DIG) 10:00 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 5:30 PM exterior, mileage 76,000, Partapur, Rajasthan. tact me by SMS with your (C 4670) NON-STOP (DIG) 7:30 PM price KD 3,450. Tel: (C 4663) email ID on this no. 19-3-2014 MUHALAB-3 NON-STOP (DIG) 9:45 PM 99883645. (C 4666) 66825635 to forward you MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 1:00 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 12:05 AM my CV. (C 4667) NON-STOP (DIG) 3:00 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED 2013 Volvo SUV, brown MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 5:15 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 7:15 PM AVENUES-1 exterior, mileage: 14,000, NON-STOP (DIG) 9:30 PM LAST LOVE (DIG) 2:15 PM under warranty + 2 years, No: 16109 LAST LOVE (DIG) 4:45 PM full insurance, price KD FANAR-1 LAST LOVE (DIG) 7:15 PM 10,300. Tel: 97227376. NON-STOP (DIG) 12:45 PM LAST LOVE (DIG) 9:45 PM (C 4665) NON-STOP (DIG) 3:00 PM LAST LOVE (DIG) 12:15 AM NON-STOP (DIG) 5:15 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED NON-STOP (DIG) 7:45 PM SITUATION WANTED NON-STOP (DIG) 10:00 PM AVENUES-2 NON-STOP (DIG) 12:15 AM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 2:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 4:30 PM I am looking for a job in FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 6:30 PM accounts & finance, my FANAR-2 FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 8:30 PM expectation is between KD MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 1:30 PM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 10:30 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 3:30 PM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 12:30 AM 650 to KD 1000 depending LAMO AKHZA (DIG)(Arabic) 5:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED upon the position offered. I LAMO AKHZA (DIG)(Arabic) 7:30 PM have transferable residency LAMO AKHZA (DIG)(Arabic) 9:30 PM AVENUES-3 article no. 18 & also valid LAMO AKHZA (DIG)(Arabic) 11:45 PM RED SKY (DIG) 2:00 PM driving license. Kindly con- NO SUN+TUE+WED RED SKY (DIG) 4:15 PM tact me by SMS with your RED SKY (DIG) 6:45 PM FANAR-3 RED SKY (DIG) 9:00 PM email ID on this no. RED SKY (DIG) 12:30 PM RED SKY (DIG) 11:30 PM 66825635 to forward you RED SKY (DIG) 2:45 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED my CV. (C 4667) RED SKY (DIG) 5:00 PM 16-3-2014 BEWAKOOFIYAAN (DIG) (Hindi) 7:15 PM AVENUES-4 RED SKY (DIG) 9:45 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 1:45 PM RED SKY (DIG) 12:05 AM NON-STOP (DIG) 4:00 PM CHANGE OF NAME NO SUN+TUE+WED NON-STOP (DIG) 6:15 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 8:30 PM I, Dahodwala Husain

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on Wednesday 19/3/2014 KAC 672 Dubai 14:00 Departure Flights on Wednesday 19/3/2014 IYE 827 Mukalla/Sanaa 14:30 Airlines Flt Route Time MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:15 Airlines Flt Route Time FDB 058 Dubai 14:30 JAI 574 Mumbai 00:10 KAC 790 Madinah 14:25 UAL 981 IAD 00:05 CLX 792 Hanoi 14:45 JZR 539 Cairo 00:40 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 AIC 982 Ahmedabad/Hyderabad/Chennai 00:05 QTR 1079 Doha 14:55 THY 772 Istanbul 00:45 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:35 JAI 573 Mumbai 01:10 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 15:00 QTR 1084 Doha 00:55 GFA 221 Bahrain 15:00 DLH 637 Frankfurt 02:10 KAC 673 Dubai 15:05 DLH 637 Dammam 01:10 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:10 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:45 KNE 473 Jeddah 15:30 THY 773 Istanbul 02:55 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:30 KNE 462 Madinah 15:45 KAC 617 Doha 15:30 PGT 859 Istanbul 03:20 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:45 KNE 460 Riyadh 15:55 SVA 503 Madinah/Jeddah 15:45 ETH 3718 Addis Ababa 03:30 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:10 KAC 538 Sharm el-Sheikh/Sohag 16:05 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:45 UAE 854 Dubai 03:50 KAC 773 Riyadh 16:05 THY 764 Istanbul 02:15 UAE 857 Dubai 16:40 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:00 KNE 463 Madinah 16:35 UAE 853 Dubai 02:35 QTR 1072 Doha 16:40 OMA 644 Muscat 04:05 KNE 481 Taif 16:40 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 02:45 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:50 MSR 613 Cairo 04:10 JZR 238 Amman 16:55 JAI 576 Kochi/Abu Dhabi 02:50 RJA 640 Amman 16:55 QTR 1085 Doha 04:15 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:35 OMA 643 Muscat 03:05 JZR 787 Riyadh 17:00 FDB 068 Dubai 04:40 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 QTR 1073 Doha 17:40 MSR 612 Cairo 03:10 QTR 1077 Doha 05:15 UAE 858 Dubai 17:50 QTR 1076 Doha 03:45 ABY 127 Sharjah 17:25 JZR 560 Sohag 06:20 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 JZR 538 Cairo 17:50 FDB 067 Dubai 04:00 FDB 070 Dubai 06:30 RJA 641 Amman 17:55 THY 770 Istanbul 05:35 JZR 357 Mashhad 17:55 JAI 575 Abu Dhabi/Kochi 06:45 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:55 ABY 128 Sharjah 18:05 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:40 JZR 164 Dubai 06:55 KAC 542 Cairo 18:05 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 FDB 069 Dubai 05:50 THY 765 Istanbul 07:05 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 RBG 553 Alexandria 18:15 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:15 BAW 157 London 06:40 JZR 184 Dubai 18:40 JZR 177 Dubai 18:20 THY 771 Istanbul 07:30 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:45 JZR 266 Beirut 18:50 QTR 1080 Doha 18:40 KAC 537 Sharm el-Sheikh/Sohag 08:10 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:40 RBG 554 Alexandria 18:55 FDB 063 Dubai 18:45 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 JZR 134 Bahrain 19:10 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:45 BAW 156 London 08:45 FDB 064 Dubai 19:25 QTR 1086 Doha 07:50 KAC 618 Doha 19:00 QTR 1087 Doha 08:50 QTR 1081 Doha 19:40 KAC 382 Delhi 07:55 KAC 166 Paris/Rome 19:10 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:25 GFA 218 Bahrain 20:15 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 KAC 671 Dubai 09:30 KAC 283 Dhaka 20:30 KAC 352 Kochi 08:10 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:30 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 FDB 062 Dubai 20:45 KAC 344 Chennai 08:35 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:30 KAC 789 Madinah 09:45 OMA 648 Muscat 20:55 UAE 855 Dubai 08:40 KAC 102 New York/London 19:35 UAE 856 Dubai 09:55 KAC 331 Trivandrum 20:55 KAC 362 Colombo 08:45 OMA 647 Muscat 19:55 KAC 117 New York 10:00 ABY 120 Sharjah 21:00 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:50 MSC 405 Sohag 20:05 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:05 KAC 361 Colombo 21:00 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 FDB 061 Dubai 20:05 KAC 521 Al Najaf 10:05 MSC 404 Asyut 21:05 IRM 1186 Tehran 09:15 JAI 572 Mumbai 20:10 FDB 056 Dubai 10:20 JAI 571 Mumbai 21:10 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:20 ABY 129 Sharjah 20:20 IRM 1187 Tehran 10:30 KAC 351 Kochi 21:10 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 ETD 919 Abu Dhabi 20:25 KAC 175 Frankfurt/Geneva 10:45 MSR 619 Alexandria 21:45 QTR 1070 Doha 09:55 AXB 489 Kochi/Mangalore 20:35 QTR 1071 Doha 10:55 TMA 223 Dubai/Beirut 11:00 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 TMA 213 Beirut 10:00 MSR 606 Luxor 20:45 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:25 ALK 230 Colombo 22:10 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:55 KAC 541 Cairo 11:30 JZR 554 Alexandria 22:20 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 IRA 603 Shiraz 10:45 IRA 602 Shiraz 11:45 MEA 403 Beirut 22:20 MEA 402 Beirut 21:20 IAW 157 Al Najaf/Baghdad 11:00 JZR 356 Mashhad 11:55 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:20 JZR 165 Dubai 11:30 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:35 IAW 158 Baghdad/Al Najaf 12:00 ETD 920 Abu Dhabi 22:25 MEA 404 Beirut 11:55 UAE 859 Dubai 21:40 KAC 103 London 12:20 KNE 461 Riyadh 22:30 MSC 403 Asyut 12:20 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:25 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:30 UAE 871 Dubai 12:50 KNE 480 Taif 21:45 MEA 405 Beirut 12:55 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:35 JZR 561 Sohag 12:55 FDB 059 Dubai 22:00 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 FDB 060 Dubai 22:40 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 QTR 1074 Doha 22:00 MSC 406 Sohag 13:20 UAE 860 Dubai 22:50 CLX 792 Luxembourg 13:15 JZR 135 Bahrain 22:05 JZR 786 Riyadh 13:35 KAC 381 Delhi 22:50 IYE 826 Sanaa/Mukalla 13:30 JZR 481 Istanbul 22:15 JZR 176 Dubai 13:45 KAC 205 Islamabad 22:55 KAC 522 Al Najaf 13:45 JZR 239 Amman 22:20 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 QTR 1075 Doha 23:10 FDB 057 Dubai 13:50 AIC 975 Chennai/Goa 22:30 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 502 Luxor 23:30 QTR 1078 Doha 13:55 JZR 185 Dubai 23:20 JZR 480 Istanbul 14:20 KAC 415 Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta 23:55 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION 34 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 stars


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

Have confidence and carry an attitude of the accomplished individual you There may be a lot of tension this morning. If this is not from any physical are! Look at all the odds you have overcome-be proud of yourself! Soon, you complaint, it could be that your time schedule has been thrown off a bit- will get into the habit of walking tall. You may not appreciate tradition or someone older progress seems slow or hard to achieve just now. Soon enough, schedules and projects or in authority today, but you respect them. This attitude, in turn, will gain you respect. and energies will regain their momentum, and move along at a more proper speed. You could find that you are appreciated or valued for your feelings or your ability to act Meanwhile, look to discover the benefits of any delays. Some things happen for the best, and get things done, regardless of how you feel. This is a time when you can expect a little although they may not seem to be the best at the moment of unfolding. Your current situ- boost as well as some extra support. A creative project connected with your career works ation may demand some reevaluation-things are never as simple or as difficult as they out to your advantage. A colleague wants to know you better, as a friend. A game of seem. Learning to go with the flow and inserting some flexibility into the day from time to time will create endurance for the long haul-or end results. You gain in positive thinking. chance is a good connection and will build the relationship.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You are reserved today and may try to discourage communication with oth- A period of intellectual creativity has dawned in your life; expressing your- ers so that you can concentrate. If deep concentration is important in your work, mark a self with flair comes to mean a lot to you. If you are in advertising, creative time when you can stop for a break. This way, you are more likely to give forth your best writing, management, etc., you will find inventive ways to gain the attention and interest effort all day long. You will find that co-workers respect your work and often comment on of the public. An increase in sales can be expected because of your inventiveness. Fun con- versations during break time with co-worker friends may bring a little wager your way. the results. Siblings and young people want to control your afternoon. Considering this Beating the odds through cleverness is appealing and may lead to an interest in all kinds could be a nice change of pace from your own work-you may want to welcome the prom- of financial speculation. This afternoon you will have the opportunity to share some time ised laughter that is sure to come. If it is possible, a trip to the park, a movie or a shopping with a young person. You may be called upon to encourage or instruct regarding educa- trip can be included. On the way home you may decide to pick up some favorite food to tional problems. You are an incentive to others. enjoy in a relaxed atmosphere. Life is good.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

There is a heightened artistic inspiration that may manifest itself in some A new sense of self, a more assertive personal style and a more dynamic approach to life are the hallmarks of the energies that begin for you now. creative work. This may mean you will be helping others rephrase or reor- Doubts fade into the background and reserve is more and more a thing of the past. Co- ganize their project. A fun break during the noontime today may find you with your shoes ACROSS 3. American educator (born in Canada) who workers are helpful and you are intuitive-able to ask the right questions in order to make 1. Small rounded bread either plain or sweet. invented the game of basketball (1861-1939). off, enjoying a bubbling spring or experiencing the beauty of nature in some way. A sense advancements in the workplace. This afternoon you seem ultrasensitive. You listen intently of good cheer is contagious and all the people around you are better for having seen your to someone else’s problems. If your intuitive side is channeled properly-and your sensitive 4. A cut of pork ribs with much of the meat 4. Spoken as if with a thick tongue. smile. All of your relationships seem to be on solid ground. Expressing affection comes trimmed off. 5. Beyond or deviating from the usual or side can merge with your intuitive side-you will quickly find answers for many of life’s easily at this time and can do much for your disposition. This evening is a good time for quandaries. You will be rewarded for any community service you involve yourself with 12. A state-chartered savings bank owned by expected. writing on anything about which you feel deeply. You are more creative than usual and now. You might shop this evening for a special present. its depositors and managed by a board of 6. A legal document codifying the result of you may be inclined to write a little poetry. trustees. deliberations of a committee or society or 15. Leaf or strip from a leaf of the talipot palm legislative body. used in India for writing paper. 7. An intensely radioactive metallic element 16. Any lichen of the genus Lecanora. that occurs in minute amounts in uranium Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 17. A Turkish unit of weight equal to about ores. 2.75 pounds. 8. Either extremity of something that has New sense of self, a more assertive personal style and a more dynamic A new sense of self, a more confident and dynamic approach to life are the approach to life are the hallmarks of the cycle that begins for you now. You hallmarks of the cycle that begins for you now. Doubts fade into the back- 18. Either of a pair of tubes conducting the length. ground and reserve is more and more a thing of the past. It’s time for action; your destiny 9. An artificial language for international use lead the way on a project, for your originality is better than most. You are self-assertive egg from the ovary to the uterus. and independent and many things that have been confusing to you will become clear. is in your hands rather than set apart. Full speed ahead is your motto now, for better or for 20. (of complexion) Blemished by imperfec- that rejects rejects all existing words and is Travel and higher education are possible soon. Action, achievement and rapid progress worse! Be open to new ways of investing through insurance, stocks, coins, stamps, etc. tions of the skin. based instead on an abstract analysis of toward your goals occur this whole week. General good feeling and a sense of support Ideas and interaction with authority figures or older people may be in the forecast now. 22. The capital of Lesotho. ideas. make this a happy time. You draw emotional sustenance and a sense of security from Working with-rather than against-the flow should be easy to do. You may enjoy a quiet ideals, friends and art. To avoid discontent, initiate exciting new activities. A yearning for evening with a book or some good music this evening. A trip to the library would be a 26. Common black European thrush. 10. A heavy brittle metallic element of the good side trip before you settle down for the evening. 27. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. platinum group. the stimulation of new ideas and ideals is emphasized now. 29. The capital of Nationalist China. 11. Any of numerous local fertility and nature 31. Produced by a manufacturing process. deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peo- 32. Deeply moved. ples. Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 36. Angular distance above the horizon 12. An island northwest of Wales. (especially of a celestial object). 13. A brace that extends from the rear of the This morning you may have to take a little time away from work in order to You may be busy juggling your time now but you could decrease the stress have your eyes tested or some other physical checkup. This afternoon you 37. The specified day of the month. keel to support the rudderpost. that comes with your business day by looking at your time as though it was will be attentive to the business at hand. You could be most persuasive with others and 39. Common black-and-gray Eurasian bird 14. A Chadic language spoken in northern money. There is a need for change, a desire to break away from old schedules and pat- persuasive in your communications. Clear decisions affecting others in the workplace noted for thievery. Nigeria. terns and set new ones. You will succeed at what you set out to accomplish and you will could be made now. In your personal business, be wise in obligating long-term financial find there is much about attitude. A new sense of self, a more assertive personal style and agreements-perhaps a new car. Stand by your ideas on how much you want to spend. 41. A member of the Siouan people formerly 19. Relatively deep or strong. a more dynamic approach to life are the hallmarks of this time and it all begins now. living in the Missouri river valley in NE 21. An employee who performs clerical work With respect to investments-it may be time to firm up an offer of sales. You may want to Doubts fade into the background and reserve is more a thing of the past. It is time for wait until later this month before making another offer, especially if confusion or problems Nebraska. (e.g., keeps records or accounts). action; your destiny is in your hands, rather than set apart. There is a chance to under- exist. There is a chance to have some special time with a loved one. 43. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation. 23. A canvas or leather bag for carrying game stand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love this evening. 45. The use of nuclear magnetic resonance of (especially birds) killed by a hunter. protons to produce proton density images. 24. A landlocked mountainous republic in 46. The square of a body of any size of type. southeast central Asia north of Afghanistan. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) 47. A small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB 25. The content of cognition. gun. 28. An official prosecutor for a judicial district. The mountain looked magnificent with the fireball of a sun outlining the 48. The 10th and last incarnation of Vishnu. Luck is on your side today in almost everything you set out to accomplish. 30. The mission in San Antonio where in 1836 This is one of your best overall days and a good day for love. You are self-assertive and slopes and glistening on the snow. You know that extreme fun is either 51. The capital and chief port of Qatar. Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged independent and many things that have been confusing to you will become clear and waiting to happen or dug into your memory so strongly that you have decided to return to 53. Title for a civil or military leader (especial- and massacred American rebels who were focused. Events in the workplace make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs the scene or to write about the event. If you are not near the mountain, you are planning or remembering an adventure that is just as thrilling. The topic of discussion from you and ly in Turkey). fighting to make Texas independent of and find solutions. Travel and higher education are possible and a great deal of time may be spent with a loved one in discussing the next vacation or adventure. Action, achieve- others around you is to talk about the most exciting adventure. If you are naturally a 54. (prefix) In front of or before in space. Mexico. writer, you may decide a series of articles are appropriate. If you are an artist, the expres- 55. (Old Testament) In Judeo-Christian ment and rapid progress toward your goals are possible this whole week. General good 33. Someone whose business is advertising. feeling and a sense of support and harmony make this a happy time. You draw emotional sion of your memories can be enjoyed through photography. Today is a good day and mythology. 34. (obstetrics) The number of live-born chil- sustenance from friends and social involvement now. after the normal goals are completed, celebrations are enjoyed. Happy birthday! 58. An imaginary elephant that appears in a dren a woman has delivered. series of French books for children. 35. Someone who intertwines (e.g. threads) 61. A period of time containing 365 (or 366) or forms something by twisting or interlac- days. ing. 62. Free and relaxed in manner. 38. The basic unit of money in Bangladesh. 65. United States screenwriter and filmmaker 40. Being ten more than one hundred ninety. (born in 1944). 42. A port city in southwestern Iran. 67. Before noon. 44. Divulge information or secrets. 68. A silvery soft waxy metallic element of the 49. Spread or diffuse through. alkali metal group. 50. A flourish added after or under your sig- 69. A member of an Iroquoian people former- nature (originally to protect against forgery). ly living on the south shore of Lake Erie in northern Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania 52. An ugly evil-looking old woman. and western New York. 56. (of reproduction) Not involving the fusion 71. An anxiety disorder associated with seri- of male and female gametes reproduction". ous traumatic events and characterized by 57. A state in New England. such symptoms as guilt about surviving or 59. Surveying instrument consisting of the reliving the trauma in dreams or numbness upper movable part of a theodolite including and lack of involvement with reality or recur- the telescope and its attachments. rent thoughts and images. 60. A radioactive element of the actinide 74. Counting the number of white and red series. blood cells and the number of platelets in 1 63. To fix or set securely or deeply. cubic millimeter of blood. 64. (archaic) The emperor of Japan. 76. Having a crew. 66. An ancient upright stone slab bearing 80. The corporate executive responsible for markings. the operations of the firm. 70. Make anew. 81. Fill beyond capacity. 72. Someone who works (or provides work- 83. A workplace for the conduct of scientific ers) during a strike. research. 73. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake 84. A condition (mostly in boys) characterized Chad. by behavioral and learning disorders. 75. Payment due by the recipient on delivery. 85. Any collection in its entirety. 77. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. 86. A loose sleeveless outer garment made 78. A small lump or protuberance. from aba cloth. 79. The starting place for each hole on a golf course. DOWN 82. A soft gray malleable metallic element 1. A deep prolonged loud noise. that resembles tin but discolors on exposure 2. Type genus of the family Ulvaceae. to air.

Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 Al-Madeena 22418714 Al-Shuhada 22545171 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Sabhan 24742838 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Al-Helaly 22434853 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Al-Faiha 22545051 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Ahmadi 23980088 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144 Al-Jahra 25610011 Khaldiya 24848075 Al-Salmiya 25616368 Kaifan 24849807 Shamiya 24848913 INTERNATIONAL Shuwaikh 24814507 CALLS Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804 Afghanistan 0093 Iran 0098 Albania 00355 Iraq 00964 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Algeria 00213 Ireland 00353 Qadsiya 22515088 Andorra 00376 Italy 0039 Angola 00244 Ivory Coast 00225 Dasmah 22532265 Anguilla 001264 Jamaica 001876 Antiga 001268 Japan 0081 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 Argentina 0054 Jordan 00962 Shaab 22518752 Armenia 00374 Kazakhstan 007 Australia 0061 Kenya 00254 Qibla 22459381 Austria 0043 Kiribati 00686 Bahamas 001242 Kuwait 00965 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Bahrain 00973 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Mirqab 22456536 Bangladesh 00880 Laos 00856 Barbados 001246 Latvia 00371 Sharq 22465401 Belarus 00375 Lebanon 00961 Belgium 0032 Liberia 00231 Salmiya 25746401 Belize 00501 Libya 00218 Jabriya 25316254 Benin 00229 Lithuania 00370 Bermuda 001441 Luxembourg 00352 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Bhutan 00975 Macau 00853 Bolivia 00591 Macedonia 00389 Bayan 25388462 Bosnia 00387 Madagascar 00261 Mishref 25381200 Botswana 00267 Majorca 0034 Brazil 0055 Malawi 00265 W Hawally 22630786 Brunei 00673 Malaysia 0060 Bulgaria 00359 Maldives 00960 Sabah 24810221 Burkina 00226 Mali 00223 Jahra 24770319 Burundi 00257 Malta 00356 Cambodia 00855 Marshall Islands 00692 New Jahra 24575755 Cameroon 00237 Martinique 00596 Canada 001 Mauritania 00222 West Jahra 24772608 Cape Verde 00238 Mauritius 00230 South Jahra 24775066 Cayman Islands 001345 Mayotte 00269 Central African 00236 Mexico 0052 North Jahra 24775992 Chad 00235 Micronesia 00691 Chile 0056 Moldova 00373 North Jleeb 24311795 China 0086 Monaco 00377 Ardhiya 24884079 Colombia 0057 Mongolia 00976 Comoros 00269 Montserrat 001664 Firdous 24892674 Congo 00242 Morocco 00212 Cook Islands 00682 Mozambique 00258 Omariya 24719048 Costa Rica 00506 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 N Khaitan 24710044 Croatia 00385 Namibia 00264 Cuba 0053 Nepal 00977 Fintas 23900322 Cyprus 00357 Netherlands (Holland) Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 0031 Czech Republic 00420 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Denmark 0045 New Caledonia 00687 Diego Garcia 00246 New Zealand 0064 PRIVATE CLINICS Djibouti 00253 Nicaragua 00505 Dominica 001767 Nigar 00227 Dominican Republic 001809 Nigeria 00234 Ecuador 00593 Niue 00683 Egypt 0020 Norfolk Island 00672 El Salvador 00503 Northern Ireland (UK) Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist England (UK) 0044 0044 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Equatorial Guinea 00240 North Korea 00850 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Eritrea 00291 Norway 0047 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Estonia 00372 Oman 00968 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Ethiopia 00251 Pakistan 0092 Family Doctor Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Falkland Islands 00500 Palau 00680 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Faroe Islands 00298 Panama 00507 Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Fiji 00679 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Finland 00358 Paraguay 00595 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 (1) Ear, Nose and Throat (2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 France 0033 Peru 0051 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, French Guiana 00594 Philippines 0063 Rheumatologists: French Polynesia 00689 Poland 0048 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 FRCS (Canada) 25655535 Gabon 00241 Portugal 00351 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Gambia 00220 Puerto Rico 001787 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Georgia 00995 Qatar 00974 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Germany 0049 Romania 0040 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart Ghana 00233 Russian Federation 007 General Practitioners Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Gibraltar 00350 Rwanda 00250 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 Greece 0030 Saint Helena 00290 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Greenland 00299 Saint Kitts 001869 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Grenada 001473 Saint Lucia 001758 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Guadeloupe 00590 Saint Pierre 00508 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Guam 001671 Saint Vincent 001784 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Guatemala 00502 Samoa US 00684 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Guinea 00224 Samoa West 00685 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Guyana 00592 San Marino 00378 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Haiti 00509 Sao Tone 00239 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Saudi Arabia 00966 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Honduras 00504 Scotland (UK) 0044 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Hong Kong 00852 Senegal 00221 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Hungary 0036 Seychelles 00284 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sierra Leone 00232 Soor Center Psychologists [email protected] Kaizen center Iceland 00354 Singapore 0065 Tel: 2290-1677 William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 India 0091 Slovakia 00421 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 Indian Ocean 00873 Slovenia 00386 Indonesia 0062 Solomon Islands 00677 lifestyle WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014


receives Walk Winslet of Fame star

ate Winslet received a star on the Hollywood the hope of embarking on a film career from this Walk of Fame yesterday. The 38-year-old very spot we all stand in today. “I feel very honored Kactress was honored with the accolade hours 20 years into my own career to be standing in such a after an earthquake shook the Los Angeles area, and poignant place and being celebrated in such a spec- admitted it had “frightened her quite a lot”. She tacular fashion. “It’s really, really wonderful to be added: “I had no idea that this was going to be such here and to be given this award, this accolade, this a well attended event.” Kate - whose husband Ned wonderful moment in my life that I know I will never Rocknroll or three children Bear, three months, Mia, forget.” Meanwhile, Kathy, 65, made a joke about the 13, and Joe, 10, were not in attendance for the cere- ‘Reader’ actress’ star getting “dirty with poo”. She mony - said being given a star was a “wonderful” said:”You deserve to have stars strewn at your feet. moment she would always remember. She told the “Even though stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame assembled crowd - which included her ‘Divergent’ sometimes get a little dirty with a little poo or what- co-star Shailene Woodley and fellow ‘Titanic’ actress ever, what will last is your wonderful beautiful films, Kathy Bates - at the Hollywood Boulevard: “Here I characters that you’ve played that have stolen our am this morning at the infamous corner of hearts. “Nobody can ever poo on those.” Hollywood and vine. “I believe that so many great young aspiring actors first stepped off the bus with

Williams to collaborate with his dad Aaron Paul obbie Williams is planning to collaborate with his dad. The 40-year-old singer, who invited his father Pete ‘doesn’t deserve’ wife RConway to perform with him at London’s Palladium in aron Paul doesn’t “deserve’ his wife. The ‘Breaking Bad’ November, is set to work with him again. According to The actor insists he is a “good guy” who would never do Sun newspaper, Pete said: “I loved doing the Palladium with anything to hurt spouse Lauren Parsekian - who he him. It was great. I really enjoyed it. We’re going to do some- A married last May - and is completely devoted to her. Speaking thing together soon. It will be announced shortly - I just don’t at the Cinema Society’s ‘Need for Speed’ screening in New York know all the details yet.” Stars including Liam Payne from One last week, asked if he is “breaking bad” in real life, he told the Direction, singer Adele and comedian Alan Carr watched the New York Post newspaper: “You mean, cheating and living a pair duet at the show, which also saw the former Take That loose life? No. I’m a good guy. I wish more people knew me. star perform songs from his album ‘Swings Both Ways’ and “I’m in love. Happily married. My wonderful lady’s Lauren sing with Lily Allen. Parsekian. I don’t deserve her. We were friends before. We’ve Robbie and his dad sung ‘Do Nothing Til You Hear It From been together five years. I’ll be faithful. I’m happy to be here Me’, and Pete hugged his son before he left the stage to rap- and with her.” The 34-year-old actor loved working on ‘Need turous applause. Meanwhile, Robbie “doesn’t want to upset” For Speed’ and was happy to get stuck into all the action bandmate Gary Barlow by saying no to a Take That reunion. scenes, as he found doing his own stunts exciting, rather than The ‘Let Me Entertain You’ hitmaker has reportedly suggested scary. He said: “This film’s big with car racing. I did 3?π/? that they take things slow by working on material together - months training. Sunrise to sunset. In racetracks north of LA. I along with fellow bandmates Mark Owen, Jason Orange and tore up tires. Drank car oil. I wasn’t scared. I was excited. Did it Howard Donald - for now, and then discussing a world tour at all myself. No doubles. Nothing added post-filming. No fake a later date. The source said: “He’s suggested recording stuff or green screen filled in with computer graphics. Me in together, seeing how that goes then embarking on a world the car with nerves jangling at triple-digit speeds. “Just for one tour in 2015.” big upturn action jumping over traffic, they put in a stunt- man.”

Beckham named world’s best underwear model avid Beckham has been named end of the day. He is like the underwear the world’s best underwear model. model of the century.” David first stripped DThe retired soccer star, 38, has down to his underwear in 2007 when he Kim been crowned the champion by designer appeared alongside his fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger as he believes the hunky wife Victoria in the Emporio Armani cam- wants to star can pull off the sexy look in minimal paign. In 2012, the star bared his toned clothing. He told “I have seen physique once again when he launched launch a all kinds of underwear models, but we all his own bodywear line for the high-street wish we looked like David Beckham at the retailer H&M and he has continued to provide the chain with collections ever boy’s line since. However, David previously admitted im Kardashian is hoping to his sons Brooklyn, 15, Romeo, 11, and launch a boy’s line in the Cruz, nine, get embarrassed when they future. The 33-year-old see their father posing in his undergar- K reality TV star and her sisters ments. He said last year: “They say ‘Oh my Kourtney and Khloe have God daddy - not again’. They were like, just released a collec- ‘That’s really good, but everyone’s gonna tion, KardashianKids, see you in your pants.’ “ for baby girls, but they admit their fashion ambitions don’t stop there as they’d eventually like to branch out and create stunning pieces for men. When asked by one of her fans if she has any plans to bring out a Simon Cowell boys line, Kim replied: “We are buys rare car hoping to in the future! Starting with a baby boy’s line (sic)”. imon Cowell has splashed out $1 million touch after seeing it on ‘Top Gear’.”It is one of Kim has been keen to create a on “the most beautiful car in the world. three, is hand built and we’re delighted line specifically for children after The music mogul ordered the super- Simon has the car. “He was over the moon S welcoming her daughter North rare Eagle Speedster Jaguar after seeing it on when he saw it and we’re looking forward to into the world last June with her UK TV show ‘Top Gear’ and is looking forward delivering it to him in the US where he can Kian Egan: fiancÈ Kanye West, who is also a to having it shipped to the US so he can get enjoy it in the sunshine.” Simon - who became designer. Kim’s friend Lloyd Klein behind the wheel. Tweeting a picture of his a father for the first time last month when told New York Daily News previous- new black vehicle, Simon wrote: “I think this girlfriend Lauren Silverman gave birth to their One Direction could split ly: “I am sure she is going to come up may be the most beautiful car in the world. son Eric - is an avid car enthusiast, and recent- ian Egan thinks One Direction - helped them to continue as a four- with a line for babies.” Meanwhile, It’s made by Eagle. Thank you Henry, Paul and ly splashed out on a Caterham sportscar. could split up because they piece and enjoy their final years Kim, Kourtney and Khloe have been the team.” The car - which is one of just three However, to make way for the vehicle, he told don’t appear to have a close together. He added: “As we always busy with their new Spring 2014 in the world - was a 1965 Jaguar E-Type but his Bugatti Veyron, which he admitted to driv- K bond anymore. The former Westlife said in Westlife, ‘There’s not one per- Kardashian Kollection for Lipsy, but restoration company Eagle brought in expert ing just a handful of times in the three years star thinks the band would be stu- son in a band that’s bigger than the would investigate the possibility of cre- engineers to improve the brakes, suspension he owned it. pid to break up after band member band’.”Respect each other and ating clothing for mothers-to-be in the and interior, as well as rebuilding the engine Liam Payne admitted the group understand that it’s a unit, it’s not a future. Kim said previously: “We’re focus- and giving it an aluminum body. Paul Brace, hadn’t seen each other for three bunch of individuals wanting to do ing on our current lines, including our technical director at Eagle, said: “Simon got in months before the BRIT Awards in what they want to do.” He said new children’s range which hits stores February. Kian told The Sun Liam, along with bandmates Harry this spring - but who knows, never say Newspaper: “One Direction would Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik never!” be fools to throw it away, absolute and Niall Horan, should “try to pull fools - and I get the feeling they will. together and look out for each oth- I watch them and they don’t seem er and protect each other and stand to have this bond as tight as we had by each other’s side.” The ‘Midnight in Westlife - especially as they’ve Memories’ hitmakers went on a only been together three or four break in December but headed to years.” Westlife - who formed in work again this week as they pre- 1998 - had their fair share of boy pare for their ‘Where We Are’ stadi- band troubles over the years, fol- um tour, which will kick off on April lowing the departure of singer Brian 25 in Bogota, Colombia. McFadden in 2004, and a short hia- tus four years later. Despite their split in 2012, Kian, 33, insists the mutual respect between him and remaining band members - Nicky Byrne, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan lifestyle WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

Features ‘Divergent’ : Is it as good as ‘Hunger Games’?

ivergent” hits theaters Friday with play, he seemed to gripe. “Considering there the pre-release buzz positioning it are only three books in the series, spending “Das the successor to “The Hunger nearly a full film on what amounts to an origin Games.” Those are heavy expectations, and story is a little frustrating. In that sense, it’s less based on initial reviews, the adaptation of ‘Batman Begins’ and more Ridley Scott’s ‘Robin Veronica Roth’s bestselling young adult novel Hood,’” Mendelson wrote. labors under the weight. Many critics have yet to chime in on the film, so the consensus Dull imagination could shift, but initial reviews for the picture It’s all a bit dull, lamented Screen are unkind, with many arguing that the film International’s Tim Grierson in a tepid assess- suffers in comparison to other futuristic fables. ment of the picture’s demerits. “It’s not that Currently, the film holds a 17 percent “rotten” ‘Divergent’ doesn’t have any provocative rating on . ideas,” he wrote. “Though somewhat generi- “Divergent” features rising star Shailene cally executed, the film bemoans society’s Woodley as Tris, a young woman who finds encouragement of conformity and even works out that she will not fit into her dystopian in a commentary about the evils of genocide. society. It’s a view of the future in which peo- But because its thematic content mostly feels ple are cordoned-off based on their virtues second-hand, ‘Divergent’ doesn’t stir the imag- and personality traits. The picture, directed by ination.” Neil Burger (“Limitless”), co-stars Kate Winslet Though many critics bemoaned the film’s and Theo James. The film may be review- similarity to “The Hunger Games” and “Ender’s proof; box office tracking is strong for the pic- Game,” others praised its performances and ture and the film is widely expected to domi- adherence to its source material. The nate theaters when it opens Friday. Huffington Post’s Lisa Parkin said fans of the In TheWrap, Alonso Duralde groused that novel will love what Burger and company he suffered from a profound feeling of deja vu. pulled off, while praising the casting of The film’s premise and vision of an unforgiving Woodley and James. future is cribbed from too many better movies “I think book fans and dystopia lovers alike and books, he argued. “When Shakespeare will be thrilled with this adaptation,” she rejiggered ‘Pyramus and Thisbe,’ it was 80 or so wrote. “The ‘Divergent’ movie truly captures Japanese college student Keiko Tsuji, 20, smiles after winning Miss Japan for the 2014 Miss Universe Beauty Pageant in Tokyo years after its first translation into English,” the spirit, adventure and excitement of the yesterday. Forty-three Japanese women took part in the beauty pageant. — AFP Duralde wrote. “It’s a classier move than steal- book, and I cannot wait to see again once it’s ing from characters whose ink is barely dry on out.” Todd Gilchrist was less caffeinated in his the page.” IndieWire review of the film, knocking it for It’s all preamble, Variety’s Andrew Barker being overly long. But he did credit it with carped. The film exists as a launching pad for being the second-best adaptation of a young Review: Minogue’s album future sequels, instead of as a standalone adult favorite after “The Hunger Games.” movie. “...Divergent’s’ uncertain sense of set- “Using Veronica Roth’s dystopian future ting, bloated plot, drab visual style and solid as the foundation for a story of self-actual- goes way past 1st base yet underwhelming lead turns from Shailene ization, Burger succeeds in aping the cool Woodley and Theo James don’t necessarily proficiency of its obvious cinematic prede- he latest offering from pop goddess ing “Feels So Good” and the beguilingly ‘80s make the best case for series newcomers,” cessor, ‘The Hunger Games,’ unfortunately Kylie Minogue is like a narcotic disco throwback title track bring back a rash of Barker wrote. “Fans of the books will turn out without elevating Roth’s concept to more Tdream, slightly confused about the time- dance memories from Minogue’s golden days for what should be a very profitable opening than an effective if slightly overwrought aca- space continuum, yet very delightful. With her circa 2001 with the addictive hits “Can’t Get weekend, but with future installments already demic exercise,” Gilchrist wrote. Of course, 12th studio album - her first after You Out of My Head” and “Love at First Sight.” on the release calendar, the film’s B.O. tea critics hated the “Twilight” films too, and signing with Jay Z’s Roc Nation manage- Sia’s writing contribution to the fun is the leaves will surely be read with care.” audiences didn’t seem to care. Box office ment - Minogue attempts to keep her crown aggressively erotic “Sexercize,” a bass-heavy Forbes’ Scott Mendelson was more charita- success can be the best revenge. — Reuters in the dance kingdom - and succeeds - when baller of a song that slithers all over your ears ble, praising Woodley’s “terrific” lead perform- she’s not trying too hard to upgrade to today’s and proves that Minogue can deftly rap. ance and the film’s creation of a genuinely trends. Australian wunderkind Sia, who has Another laidback come-on is the enjoyable compelling heroine. Yet, he too faulted the written for Rihanna, Beyonce and Britney “Les Sex.” The bug in this sextra intoxicating picture for being exposition-laden. It’s all fore- Spears, co-executive produced this tiny gem party cocktail is the misguided attempt at a of dance floor anthems and sex-crazed tunes. ballad: an irritating duet with Enrique Iglesias’ When three out of 11 tracks have the word computer-flavored vocals on “Beautiful.” Just “sex” in their titles, you know what the album stick to what you do best, kids, separately. You is going for - the antechamber to the bed- can’t force love on a player of an album.-AP room of music. Minogue excels on songs that are pure This CD cover image released by Warner bubblegum fun. The Pharrell-penned spring- Bros Records shows ‘Kiss Me Once,’ by in-one’s step “I Was Gonna Cancel,” the vaguely Kylie Minogue. — AP familiar “Sexy Love,” the casually dance-induc- ‘Blood Ties’ long and anemic

uillaume Canet’s attempt to do a Sidney Lumet flatlines pellingly onscreen requires actors who can externalize their in “Blood Ties”, an anemic drama about a family split, internal pressure cooker personalities without necessarily ver- Gdefined by one brother being a cop, the other a crimi- balizing what ails them. At least in this instance, Crudup can’t nal. A remake of the 2008 French release “Les Liens du Sang” convey what’s going on inside of him; Frank seems pained and (“Rivals”), which co-starred Canet as the policeman, this ver- annoyed by his father and brother but in a boringly victimized sion’s bloat only spotlights the more crucial problem of a lack way. of energy and internal turmoil in the main characters. The When Chris finally gives up the feeble pretense to going impressive cast makes this French-financed New York 1974-set straight, his return to crime is heartlessly brutal. His second production watchable but it’s too inert to catch on commer- job, a successful heist, unintentionally puts Frank in an unten- cially. able position that severely tests his moral fiber and guts. Then This photo released by Summit Entertainment, LLC shows Zoe Kravitz, left, as Christina and Shailene It takes Canet, who scored an international hit as a director it’s Chris who gets the chance to show what he’s really made Woodley as Beatrice ‘Tris’ Prior, in the film, ‘Divergent.’ The movie releases Friday, March 21, 2014. — AP in 2006 with “Tell No One,” 40 minutes longer to tell the same of in the climactic sequence at crowded Grand Central Station story than it did Jacques Maillot in the original, and there’s no that lacks the desired impact both because it seems so dra- reason for it, other than perhaps the ambition to make a qua- matically unlikely and because audience conviction in the si-epic fabric film thick with period atmosphere and character relationships is lacking. Judge orders singer Chris depth. The ‘70s recreation is reasonable but the characters never register beyond the surfaces of the scenes despite Stunning women being equipped with long-festering resentments and The unexpected casting of Owen as a Brooklyn gangster Brown grudges. proves acceptable enough; the actor has the physical bearing to stay in jail When big, tough Chris (Clive Owen) is released after serv- to lord it over everyone else here and he makes the man’s cal- ing 12 years in prison for a revenge killing, he’s welcomed lousness credible. Caan has some good moments as the dying Los Angeles judge on Monday ordered Brandlin said before ordering Brown held with- warmly by sister Marie (Lili Taylor), as a favorite son by his ail- dad who appreciates toughness over sensitivity, while R&B singer Chris Brown to remain in jail at out bail, departing from a pattern of giving ing dad (James Caan) and warily by younger brother Frank Schoenaerts perhaps comes closest of the nationally diverse Aleast until a probation violation hearing Brown the benefit of the doubt as long as he (Billy Crudup), an upstanding policeman who’s been prevailed cast members to delivering as a hot-headed New York trouble- next month after the judge expressed concern remained in rehab. upon to put him up. Chris toes the line for a while with a maker. about his ability to stay out of trouble. Brown, 24, Brown, dressed in a bright orange jumpsuit menial job at an auto shop, where he takes up with the come- Having women as stunning and talented as Kunis, Saldana was arrested last Friday when he was dismissed after spending the weekend at Los Angeles ly accountant Natalie (Mila Kunis), adding insult to injury to his and Cotillard in the cast is an asset for obvious reasons and a from a Malibu, California, rehabilitation facility, County’s aging Men’s Central Jail, was led out of ex-wife Monica (Marion Cotillard), who’s now a hooker on liability in that it’s hard to believe the marginal guys in this triggering a violation of the singer’s court- the courtroom in handcuffs as his mother Joyce drugs. working class world could manage such luck. “Blood Ties,” a ordered treatment related to his 2009 assault of Hawkins sobbed. “None of these things rises to For Frank’s part, he broke up with Vanessa (Zoe Saldana) Roadside Attractions release, is rated R by the Motion Picture his then-girlfriend, the singer Rihanna. the level, in my humble opinion, to be remand- some years back but seems irked by her relationship with Association of America for “violence, pervasive language, The singer’s probation violation hearing is ed into custody,” argued Brown’s attorney, Mark brutish lowlife Scarfo (Matthias Schoenaerts). When the latter some sexual content and brief drug use.” Running time: 128 scheduled for April 23 and is complicated by a Geragos, whose request to have the singer is thrown back in the slammer, Frank and Vanessa unpersua- minutes. MPAA rating definition for R: Restricted. Under 17 misdemeanor assault case he faces in change into a gray suit he had brought for him sively reunite, which promises trouble once Scarfo gets out. requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. — AP Washington, DC on April 17. Brown was dis- was denied. “He has the current prospect of sit- Nothing very dramatic happens in “Blood Ties” for nearly an missed from the rehab center for violating four ting on ice for six weeks, which is longer than the hour, too long for what’s clearly announced at the outset as a standard probation violation,” Geragos added. criminal saga that will explode into action and violence at some point. For such pent-up emotions to register com- Duet delayed The attorney had argued that extraditing Brown to Washington for his trial would been a long and costly process. He warned that the Washington case could be delayed if Brown was not able to attend. Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Mary Murray opposed Brown’s release. Her department has repeatedly asked the court to jail Brown for alleged violations of probation, including cutting corners on community service. Brown’s jailing is another mark on a growing rap sheet for the singer, who has so far been able to maintain wide popularity for his music despite a poor image that has included his beat- ing of Rihanna on the eve of the 2009 Grammys and several altercations. The release of the R&B singer Chris Brown, left, appears in Los Angeles singer’s upcoming duet, “Don’t Be Gone Too Superior Court with his attorney Mark Geragos, on Long,” with 20-year-old Nickelodeon star Ariana Monday, March 17, 2014. — AP Grande has also been delayed in the wake of Brown’s jailing, Grande said on Twitter on in-house rules, including inappropriately touch- Monday. Brandlin had initially sentenced Brown ing a female client on the elbow, initially refusing to 90 days in the treatment program in a drug test and making a provocative statement, November following his assault arrest in Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge James Washington where he allegedly punched and Brandlin said. broke the nose of a man who was trying to get a Brown told a group session at the rehab cen- picture with him.—Reuters ter that “I am good at using guns and knives,” the judge said, reading from a report filed by the center, saying this was troubling. “I have con- cerns about his inability to stay out of trouble,” This image released by Roadside Attractions shows Matthias Schoenaerts, left, and Zoe Saldana in a scene from ‘Blood Ties.’—AP lifestyle WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014


takes off with its new business class

Airline adds another milestone with its first business class flight

DUBAI: Flydubai recorded another milestone yesterday entertainment system comes with a high definition frequent flyers, and their feedback has been instrumen- focused on every detail of the passenger’s journey, mak- with its first business class flight taking off. The airline touch screen of 12.1 inches with a choice of 1,300 hours tal in making the business class experience the best that ing it convenient, comfortable and enjoyable, while announced the launch of the new service earlier in June of non-stop entertainment. Business class passengers it can be. Passengers who got to be the first to sample keeping in mind our goal of connecting underserved this year based on customer demand. Passengers of can enjoy a more personalized service from flydubai’s the new service where very pleased with the spacious markets,” added Al-Ghaith. We believe that the numer- flight FZ729 to Kiev’s Boryspil Airport, Ukraine were the highly trained cabin crew members and an internation- new cabin configuration, the variety of the menu and ous offerings of business class create a complete pack- first to experience the carrier’s new product offering. ally inspired menu on flights. the high quality in-flight entertainment. We look for- age for our customers, which we hope they can enjoy While flydubai offers its business class passengers a Flydubai received its first business class fitted aircraft ward to adding this product across more routes on our time and time again.” variety of customized services, including a dedicated in August. The airline has used this aircraft to train its network as we receive more aircraft fitted with business Flydubai will gradually expand its business class serv- Business Team, priority check-in and a fast track through dedicated business class cabin crew members as well as class seats.” ices across its network. The airline will receive three new immigration, it is in the air where the experience can be conduct focus groups with frequent flyers to get feed- Flydubai’s network covers more than 65 destinations aircraft fitted with business class by the end of the year, fully realized. back and enhance the offering. in 34 countries, many of which may have not had the along with retrofitting nine aircraft from its existing The new business class cabin comprises 12 spacious Commenting on the airline’s launch of the service, option of business class before on any airline, making fleet of 31 aircraft. and comfortable reclining seats, made of Italian leather Ghaith Al-Ghaith, flydubai’s Chief Executive Officer, said: the service a pioneering feature in these markets. and a seat pitch of 42 inches. A revolutionary in-flight “We have conducted extensive focus groups with our “When we began to develop business class, we flydubai means business By Taleb Kanjo ollowing the recent launch of its business class service, Dubai-based flydubai introduces its dedicated business t was my first chance to experience flydubai’s busi- Fteam responsible for delivering what promises to be a ness class on a commercial flight to Dubai. more personal flying experience. ISignificantly, flydubai has access to the Sheikh The carrier will welcome its first business class passengers in Saad General Aviation Terminal, which is only a short October, marking the beginning of a new phase in the evolu- drive from the main international terminal, an accom- tion of flydubai’s passenger offering. plishment for the airline by standards. At the terminal, Commenting on the new premium service, Ghaith Al- two business class check-in desks are clearly branded Ghaith, flydubai’s CEO, said, “Since day one, flydubai has been to the left of the entrance, which are joined by a cou- committed to delivering a unique passenger experience; we ple of ‘Pearl Lounge’ counters to meet and assist. have already differentiated ourselves through our existing product offering and therefore it’s the next logical step in the The lounge evolution of our business model.” Immediately beyond the check-in counter, the doors part to reveal the spacious and modern ‘Pearl Lounge’. Seating is arranged in an L-shape around a central palm tree, with a TV beyond. Although I Airline introduces a business arrived a bit early for a short-haul flight, I made use of the time to catch up on mails in the cozy business team for the business traveler centre which had two terminals and a splash of con- temporary art. Free wi-fi is also available. The food - consisting of coffee, croissants and yogurts provided by the Regency Hotel - was quite “The journey leading to the moment you take off is just as invigorating and complemented by a choice of juices. important as the onboard experience itself. As a result, we have Large billboard-style photos of Dubai lined the walls. invested in a dedicated business team who will ensure that our In addition to Dubai, premium passengers will have business class passengers are well taken care of around the access to 22 lounges across its network by the turn of clock, enjoying an easier and faster journey on the ground.” the year.

Always ready Boarding To help passengers make the most out of their business As I was told we would be invited to board, I class travel with flydubai, the dedicated business team will be wasn’t unduly worried that no one was moving five available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the telephone, at the minutes before our scheduled departure. Then we airport or by SMS, which supports Arabic, English and Russian were called and after passing a security check, we enquiries (+97156 644 8866). walked straight out onto the aircraft. It was hard to The team can assist in making or amending a booking as recall an easier boarding. well as selecting seats, choosing meals, handling enquiries about the latest films onboard or checking in for a flight. The seat Flydubai is also introducing an ‘On Demand’ service where After taking my seat by the window, the stew- business class passengers can SMS the business team to check ardess presented a choice of fruit juices. The in-flight in for a flight and ask for a ‘Call Back’ service. entertainment is excellent and crystal clear HD screen makes movie viewing a real pleasure. At the airport Business class passengers will be able to take advantage of Which seat to choose? flydubai’s priority check-in, conveniently located just 120 paces The Italian leather seat was very comfortable. I from the car park, as well as the new facilities at the recently didn’t use the recline option, but you might appreci- upgraded and expanded Terminal 2 at Dubai International ate it on longer flights. Eight of the 12 seats were Airport. occupied. Assigned business team representatives will always be pres- ent at the terminal to assist with enquiries, priority luggage The flight drop off, check-in and provide a fast-track through immigration, Breakfast comprised of a generous bowl of gra- security and boarding. business class a by itself nola with yogurt and cherry preserve and the crew Business class passengers will have access to the ‘Marhaba came around with a croissant basket and freshly lounge’ and later this year they will be able to relax in flydubai’s brewed espresso coffee. On flights over 90 minutes, a dedicated business class lounge before their flight. hot meal is also served. On arrival in Dubai, business class passengers will be shut- tled in a dedicated bus to the arrivals and transfer area, where Arrival they can benefit from the fast-track service through immigra- Business class passengers board a separate bus on tion and priority baggage collection. arrival and are fast-tracked at Terminal 2 immigration. “Our business class, which came as a result of our customer I was out of the airport in less than 10 minutes, even feedback, will offer leisure and especially business travelers a with a quick stop in duty free. more personalized flying experience to a number of destina- tions across our network, including some that have never dubai Verdict offered business class air travel before,” added Al-Ghaith. Undoubtedly, flydubai’s business class is a class by The airline took delivery of the first aircraft with a business itself. The product and the services are impressive class cabin in August 2013. All new aircraft due for delivery lat- with very convenient lounge and terminal facilities. er this year will include business and economy classes. Its pro- The airline has configured 14 aircraft with business gram to retrofit the existing fleet started in September. fly class operating on 38 routes. From January, four of Flydubai aims to make travel more convenient for its passen- the eight daily flights on the Kuwait-Dubai route have gers through services such as visa facilitation for select destina- a business class. tions, a user friendly mobile website, car hire and insurance services. Most recently, the airline has made holiday packages available to its passengers. lifestyle WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014

Fashion Rolling Stones cancel Australian concert after L’Wren Scott death

he Rolling Stones cancelled a concert in Australia, leaving their ‘Down Under’ tour in limbo yesterday, Tafter lead singer Mick Jagger’s girlfriend L’Wren Scott was found dead in her Manhattan apartment. Scott, a fash- ion designer and former model, was found hanging from a scarf on Monday, police said, adding they were treating her death as suicide. Jagger, 70, said through a spokesperson he was “completely shocked and devastated”. The news of Scott’s death stunned friends, clients and fellow designers. Hollywood star Nicole Kidman, a friend of 25 years, was “heartbroken and in shock right now and unable to say anything,” her spokeswoman said. The Rolling Stones had been due to kick off a six-con- cert Australia and New Zealand leg of their world tour today in Perth in Western Australia. But the group’s Australian publicist yesterday said the concert would not be going ahead. Frontier Touring declined to comment on In this photo taken on May 19, 2010 British whether Jagger and other band members were planning to singer of ‘The Rolling Stones’, Mick Jagger and return to the United States or whether other Australian con- US stylist L’Wren Scott arrive for the screening certs would be affected. “No further information is available of ‘Stones in Exil’ presented as a special screen- at this time, ticket holders are asked to hold on to their tick- ing at the Quinzaine des Realisateurs during ets until a further update is available,” Frontier Touring said the 63rd Cannes Film Festival in Cannes. in a statement yesterday. Jagger and bandmates Ronnie Wood, Keith Richards and Charlie Watts landed in Perth on Monday in their pri- vate jet, emblazoned with the famous tongue and lips logo. The aircraft remained on the tarmac. Jagger’s daughter, Georgia May Jagger, also cancelled aplanned appearance at This Feb 16, 2012 file photo shows designer L’Wren Scott, center, Australia’s Melbourne Fashion Festival this week, according after her Fall 2012 collection was modeled during Fashion Week, in to local design house Camilla, for whom she was scheduled New York. to model. A single bouquet of yellow daffodils was placed in front of the glass-fronted, high-rise building where Scott lived. Police cordoned off its entrance as swarms of media gath- ered across the street. Julie Bolder, of the city’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, said the office had not received the body nor begun work to determine the manner of death. “Given the timing, that individual will probably be exam- ined tomorrow and if everything is straightforward, the cause and manner of death would be available by tomor- row,” she said.

Fashion, music worlds stunned Scott was the second major fashion designer to die unexpectedly in recent years. British designer Alexander McQueen, who had suffered from depression, committed suicide in London in February 2010 at the age of 40. British fashion editor Isabella Blow also took her own life in 2007 at the age of 48. Scott’s death brought an outpouring of grief from celebrities who wore her designs or met Scott at social events. A spokeswoman for Kidman said she had been close friends with Scott for 25 years. “Nicole is heartbroken and in shock right now and

File photo shows actor Javier Bardem, left, and Penelope File photo show US musician Keith Urban, left, and his wife In this photo taken on May 2, 2011 designer L’Wren Scott and Cruz in a L’Wren Scott gown at the 83rd Academy Awards in actress Nicole Kidman wearing a L’Wren Scott gown at the musician Mick Jagger attend the ‘Alexander McQueen: the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. Oscars at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Savage Beauty’ Costume Institute Gala at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. — AP/AFP photos

unable to say anything,” the spokeswoman said in an email. friends and family,” it said in a statement. as a model in Paris before becoming a stylist and designer. “Devastated to have lost my friend,” tweeted rocker Bryan Scott was known for her lean sexy designs, especially Her love of fashion began when she made her own clothes Adams. “Rest in peace my dear I’m gonna miss you. the tight-fitting dresses favored by actresses. She canceled as a teenager, according to her website. As a model in Paris, Condolences to all that were close to her.” Jagger’s first wife, a planned show for her fashion label at London Fashion Scott became more interested in making clothes than mod- Bianca, also expressed her grief on Twitter. “Heartbroken to Week last month and decided to give private, intimate pre- eling them. learn of the loss of the lovely and talented L’Wren Scott. My sentations instead. Her last collection was inspired by After moving to Los Angeles, she worked as a stylist thoughts and prayers are with her family,” she posted. Japanese culture and featured embroidery and sleek lines: and designed privately before creating her own collection. American fashion designer Marc Jacobs said: “You’ll for- white below-the-knee dresses belted at the waist; red, Scott collaborated with many in the fashion and beauty File photo shows US actress File photo shows actress ever be missed.” The British Fashion Council described Scott black and white skirts, shorts and jackets; a bold yellow industry, including Lancome for her first makeup collec- Sarah Jessica Parker wearing Sarah Jessica Parker in a as a woman who inspired many. “She will leave behind an dress and pants. tion, and designed Italian-made shoes, handbags, eye- a L’Wren Scott dress at the L’Wren Scott dress at the gala premiere of ‘Did you 29th Annual ‘Night Of Stars’ exceptional legacy however we are so proud to have had Scott, born Luann Bambrough, was raised in Utah by wear and a small holiday collection for Banana Republic hear about the Morgan’s’ in in New York. her in our midst. At this sad time our thoughts are with her adoptive parents. The dark-haired beauty started her career last year. — Reuters London.

File photo shows actress File photo shows actress File photo shows model File photo shows Jennifer File photo shows actress File photo shows Tina Fey File photo shows actress File photo shows director Nicole Kidman wearing a and jury member Nicole Naomi Campbell wearing a Lawrence wearing a L’Wren Nicole Kidman in a L’Wren wearing a L’Wren Scott Amy Adams wearing a Madonna wearing a L’Wren L’Wren Scott dress at the Kidman wears an embroi- gown by designer LíWren Scott dress at the 16th Scott gown at the 2008 dress at the 70th Annual L’Wren Scott gown at the Scott dress at the BFI 47th Annual Academy of dered L’Wren Scott dress for Scott the amfAR Cinema Annual Critics’ Choice Movie Glamour Women of the Year Golden Globe Awards at the 83rd Academy Awards in London Film Festival gala Country Music Awards in the screening of the film Against AIDS benefit at the Awards in Los Angeles. Awards at Carnegie Hall in Beverly Hilton Hotel in the Hollywood section of screening of her film, ‘’WE.’ Las Vegas. ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’ at the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc, dur- New York. Beverly Hills, Calif. Los Angeles. in London. 66th international film festi- ing the 63rd Cannes interna- val, in Cannes. tional film festival, in Cap d’Antibes, southern France. Rolling Stones cancel Australian concert after L’Wren Scott death

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 39

Indian Hindu devotees drenched in water and smeared with colors take part in ‘Huranga’ during Holi celebrations, the Hindu festival of colors at the Baldev Temple in Dauji, 180 kilometers (113 miles) south of New Delhi, India, yester- day. The Baldev Temple is known for a ritual where the women playfully hit men with whips made of cloth as men throw buckets of water mixed with orange dye. — AP ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ lands in the Emirates he American soap opera “The Bold and take part in last weekend’s Abu Dhabi the Beautiful” is taking the show on the International Triathlon. “I said ‘we’re going to Troad again, this time all the way to the load up the station wagon, get all the guys money-soaked shores of the Arabian Peninsula. together and we’re going to shoot there.’ Cast members including Katherine Kelly Lang Because it’s something I’ve always wanted to and Don Diamont began filming scenes do,” Bell said. Cast members are shooting parts Monday overlooking Dubai’s skyscraper-stud- of nine episodes during just three days of film- ded skyline. Among the sights they’re taking in ing in the Emirates, he said. are the city’s main man-made palm-shaped island and the world’s tallest building, the Burj International following A woman takes care of a girl’s hair as others watch, on February 8, 2014, in Abidjan, during a gathering of the Khalifa. In the show, Spencer takes Lang’s character, ‘Nappy de Babi’ group which promotes natural frizzy hair. — AFP photos The crew of the show, which celebrates its Brooke Logan, to the Emirates to get married. 27th anniversary on air next week, will contin- While the crew is reluctant to divulge too many ue filming down the coast in the United Arab details, things could go awry because her on- Emirates capital of Abu Dhabi. Some scenes and-off-again lover Ridge Forrester, played by Return to African (hair) there are being shot at the Emirates Palace Thorsten Kaye, is also in town for filming. Lang’s hotel, an opulent beachfront complex that is character has been married so many times on arguably the city’s swankiest place to sleep. It’s the show that even she can’t remember. “I don’t roots in Ivory Coast a popular stopover spot for visiting royalty and count anymore,” she said. heads of state as well as deep-pocketed “The Bold and the Beautiful” has a wide emember the afro, the natural hairstyle forever syn- “People are uncomfortable about it. When they see you tourists stopping by to pick up a pricey sou- international following, and says it is seen by onymous with the “black is beautiful” movement wearing natural hair, they look at you like you are a pariah, venir from its gold bar vending machine. millions of viewers in more than 100 countries. Rchampioned by African-Americans in the 1960s? A like there is a problem, when actually, it should be normal,” It has been popular for years across the Arab group in Ivory Coast is trying to persuade black women to said Liliana Lambert. Lambert, a 27-year-old half European, world, though competition has grown as view- turn the page on their expensive hair-straighteners, exten- who adorns her naturally frizzy hair with flowers, said peo- ers tune in to increasingly popular Turkish soap sions and wigs and go natural instead. Blending “natural” ple “want to touch such hair all the time” because they operas and round-the-clock news and movie with “happy” to produce “Nappy”, the group calls itself don’t know what it is like. “It’s just ignorance,” she said. The channels. Episodes of the soap opera air three Nappys de Babi-Babi being a nickname for Abidjan, Ivory only Nappy-boy at the session, Ange-Dady Akre-Loba, a 28- times a day on the Dubai One satellite network. Coast’s bustling economic capital. Founded more than two year-old stylist with mid-length locks, said men, too, get “Many people here come up, say how much years ago, the support group now boasts some 2,400 mem- odd looks if they do not stick with the usual close-cropped they love the show,” Lang said. “I didn’t know bers, meeting every two months in Abidjan’s trendy style worn by Ivory Coast men. how popular it was here.” Cocody district to share advice, tips, and practical help “From five centimeters (two inches), it is considered too For the Emirates, the three-day shoot is an about keeping their hair natural. long here... Many people would say I have a bit too much opportunity to help develop the local enter- Nappys de Babi bucks a deeply ingrained belief all hair,” he said. Less conformist men are expected to “remain tainment industry. Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the across Africa that straight hair conforms best to an ideal of discreet”, said Akre-Loba, who let his own hair grow out country’s two biggest cities, have each been beauty. In Ivory Coast, most women were teenagers when during the post-electoral violence that rocked the country working to entice filmmakers to the country. A they began renouncing their naturally kinky, frizzy hair. As a during 2010-2011. Leaving your home at the time was large part of 2011’s “Mission: Impossible - Ghost result, most do not know how to care for it and “make it potentially dangerous and most of the barbers were closed Protocol” was shot in Dubai. Scenes for the beautiful”, says Miriam Diaby, one of Nappys de Babi’s anyway so the insecurity offered Akre-Loba the excuse to forthcoming “Fast & Furious 7” will be shot in founders. “Society frowns on ‘afro’ hair overflowing all over finally go natural, he said. He has since learnt to ignore Abu Dhabi in April. An Abu Dhabi government- the place,” she said, lamenting that women have to opt for what others think and “try to carry on regardless and to be backed media hub known as twofour54 is act- “conventional” styles involving straightening or using false myself”. — AFP ing as the local producer and is helping with hair in the form of extensions or wigs. The little knowledge logistics for “The Bold and the Beautiful” shoot, on haircare is evident in some questions posed at the ‘The Bold and the according to its head of sales, Jamal al-Awadhi. group’s meeting, with one participant asking: “How do I Beautiful’ cast members “Daytime shows don’t typically get out on The Abu Dhabi Film Commission is offering a know if my hair is hydrated?” “Well, when they are stiff and Don Diamont, left, and location, certainly not the way we have,” 30 percent rebate on crew spending. Bell dry, that means they aren’t hydrated at all,” replies Bibi Katherine Kelly Lang, Diamont, who plays businessman Bill Spencer hopes the show’s Mideast foray changes view- Gagno, who created a motivational website, omgilovey- right, film a scene on a on the show, told The Associated Press during a ers’ perceptions of the region. “I was just struck balcony of the Atlantis, break from filming. “I think for the fans it’s very by how wonderfully open and welcoming The Palm Hotel, in Dubai, entertaining to show these exotic locales.” “The everyone was. Just the beauty and extent of all ‘Like a pariah’ United Arab Emirates. Bold and the Beautiful” has filmed overseas there is to see here in Dubai, it’s something that The African sisters of the 1960s American “Black Is before, including in Italy, Mexico and Australia. the world needs to see,” he said. Episodes shot Beautiful” advocates need to emancipate themselves from But executive producer and head writer Brad in the Emirates are expected to air in the US in the dominant white model, the Nappys say. “When I arrived Bell says the UAE is the farthest the show has late May. — AP in Abidjan (after growing up in the United States and traveled from its Los Angeles base. Europe), I noticed, and it struck me, that all the advertising Bell said he has long wanted to film in the showed light-skinned women with long, smooth hair,” said Emirates because he is fascinated by the coun- Gagno. The fair skin-achieved in the Ivory Coast mainly try’s rapid growth and over-the-top attractions through constant application of carcinogenic whitening like the Palm Jumeirah Island. They chose to go products-is “synonymous to success”, the businesswoman for it now because lead actress Lang wanted to said. Going against the grain is deemed provocative. A young woman looks at her natural frizzy hair.