BREVITIES. BU8INE88 LOCALS. ^ VARIOU8 TOPIC8. IB. BROMLEY RESIGNS Insure with D. L. H unt . The Peoples* Mutual. For some months Rev. G. C. Longman Mias Anna Dooling was In Detroit FARMERS INSTITUTE As Directors of the People ’s Mutaal After SS Yean Service as Station Agent In has been suffering from bronchial trouble Monday. Fire Insurance Company, representing St. Johns. Clinton county, we desire to express our and lately sought medical advice regard ­ Willard G. Lyqp was in Cadillac over ing the same. Just what the outcome Thomas Bromley, Sr., sent in hie resig­ confidence in the management of the nation as agent of the D. G. H. A M. at Sunday. Company. Its plan is to solicit only lid the St. Johns Table Factory will be is at present uncertain, but he Miaa A. G. Dean, of Detroit, is visiting Mach Interest Taken in the Sugar prompt paying members and safe risk% was advised to give up public speaking St. Johns Friday night, and turned the friends here. insuring no dwellings unless they stui | las Been Organized. for a year, and may find it necessary to office over to Mr. Marvin, of Owoaso, Beet Question. on stone foundations and have brick as do so. The matter will be determined Saturday night Mr. Bromley had F. Murdock spent Sunday in Dexter stone chimneys. Livestock is also fis­ occupied the position 31 or 32 years, and with his mother. sured against lightning anywhere withim the Company ’s territory. The ---- tt had been connected with the road for Mrs- M. Roehon visited friends in GKO. E. CLIFFORD, W. H LEONARD HOME WILL RAISK BRETS IF THEY ment levied by the Board of Directory Invitations are out for the marriage of 40 years He was at one time train dis­ Fowler over Sunday. Dec. 14,1898, payable during March an isf AMD D. 8. FRENCH INCORPORATORS. CAN BE SOLD. Dr. R. D. Sleight and Miss Am bra Patter­ patcher iD Detroit, and station agent at E. P. Waldron was in Mt. Pleasant on April, 1899, will pay off the entire liab­ Gaines at another time. He was a very ilities of the Company up to the close of son, February 15. The doctor is a business Monday. 1898. The policy of adjusting and pay­ efficient man. The cause of the resigns deservedly popular young physician : Ire. Charles Patterson has returned ing all losses promptly, making the recently located at Maple Rapids, ami tion was the taking away of experienced The sale of the St. Johns Manufactur ­ to ler home in Jackson. The Farmers Institute was opened annual assessment sufficient to pay off ing Company plant to George E. Clifford, his bride is one of the many fair daugh ­ help in the freight office. It is not Thursday morning, February 2nd, at all liabilities incurred during the year and cancelling delinquent members will of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, was con ­ ters of St. Johns, and will be in every known who will be the permanent agent ] farney Haley, of Buffalo, was the guest 10:30 o ’ by some well chosen re­ of V.T. Church Saturday. marks by President Geo. N. Ferry and be rigidly adhered to Wo take pleasure firmed by Judge Daboll Tuesday morn­ way a worthy companion to the doctor. followed by a short talk from Conductor in recommending the People ’s Mutual ing. The St. Johhs Table Company, V I. E. PASTOR APPOINTED. ] Irs. E. H. Hasfords, of Lansing, was C. B. Charles, of Bangor, Michigan. J. to the citizens of Clinton county, who he: e on business .Saturday. F. Woodward, of LocKport, New York, desire to insure in a conserative, stable successor to the old company, tiled Probably owiu t to the fact that Chau. and prosperous company. articles of incorporation the same day. 1 falter Merrill, of Grand Ledge, was was then introduced, his suoject “What P. Baker has charge of the Loud drug Rev. W, L. Holine*, of North Lansing, to ails the orchards? the remedy. ” Mark Pennell , DeWitt, The capital stock is $100,000, with Geo. stock, a report got into circulation that Come here. in own the first of the week. Would like to have seen more young Newell Parker , Victor Ellis S. Doty , Eagle, E. Clifford, W. H. Leonard and D. S. the Travis A Baker drug stock was for Presiding elder Puffer has appointed 1 iditor Corbit, of the Independent, has people present; has attended several French incorporators. Farmers Institutes in Canada and the A. W. Durkke , Bingham, sale, aud the firm has received several Rev. W. L. Holmes, of North Lansing, beOn quite ill the past week. J. L. H olbrook , Greenbush, Messrs. Clifford and Leonard were audience is largely young people propositions from would-be buyers. The to fill the vacancy caused by Rev Love- J rchie Mcllhinney will be here Feb- The U. S. Government is paying more Phillip Cook , Westphalia. hereyesterday, going over the business stock is not for sale, however, except in joy ’s resignation. Mr. Holmes is a grad ­ run ry 15th to do piano tuning. attention to agriculture, issuing more Directors People ’s Mutual Fire Ins. Co. with Mr. French. the usual retail way, with Travis A bulletins aloDg all lines and farmers can Greenbush Flour Mills, D. S. French is president of the com ­ uate of Albion College, Rod also of the Rrof. Lymi, who has a music class in profit by them if they only will; knows Baker behind the counters. Boston Theological seminary, is a very Fowler, goes there each week. there is a great antipithy against scien - I am prepared to furnish first claai pany, Geo. E. Clifford, vice-president, *** stone made flour, having secured the ser­ bright man and a deep thinker, and Fred Denoie and Miss Jet Sturtevant title farming, but if you find a good vices of a first class miller. I solicit the and Geo. M. Petrie secretary and » farmer in the neighborhood he is a It took $80 in revenue stamps for the comes highly recommended. of Owosso, visited friends here Saturday. custom of all my old patrons, also other* treasurer. deed conveying the St. Johns Manufact­ scientific farmer. Fruit is conducive requiring first class grade of stone made Mr. French states that the business Assistant Secretary Spaulding. Increase of pension to Dexter B. to health therefore the apple orchard uring Company plant to Mr. Clifford. should be well looked after. A good flour. Thanking my old patrons for past will be pushed for all it is worth. They This will buy a few liflee to do mission ­ Assistant Secretary Spaulding will be Proper, Ovid, from $8 to $10 per month. many orchards are planted on soil not favors. W. J. Kockwood . have plenty of business in sight now. ary work in the Philippines. assigned to the charge of the customs Mrs. Frank Den Houten, of Ovid, was adapted for them; in a majority of cases Auction Sale. V division of the treasury department, to the gu eat of Mrs H. E. Walbridge Sun ­ the land should be underdrained; we Chas. Laughlin will hold an auction take effect March 1. Assistant Secre- plant trees too cloee; the sunshine must of live stock and farm implements, on MAKING EITENSIYE REPAIRS. The supreme court has decided that day. get to the ground. We have cropped the t ary Howell, at present at the head of his farm two miles south and three west attorney Kirby, republican, was legally Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Steel came from land too much, have been soil robbers. of St. Johns, on February 15. w-l-p elected prosecuting attorney of Gratiot the customs division, has been chosen as Lansing Saturday and spent Sunday The leaves are good fertilizers and the Geo. H. Chapman U Thoroughly Overhaul­ a member of the board of general ap- here. carbon of which the bulk of the tree ia Finest selection of black crepons at ing the Kendrick Store. county last fall. His populist opponent, formed is taken through the leaves. Noble Burnett ’s. Archie McCall, tried to oust him by hav­ pr aisers, which is about to be re-organ­ Henry Pouch, of Grand Rapids, spent We sometimes put on too much stable Geo. H. Chapman, who purchased the ing the vote of one township thrown out, ized. t he latter part of last week with' his manure inducipg too much wood growth Buy your shoes of Woodruff k Thome . Kendrick dry goods stock last week, has parents here. which will notripen, thereby damaging It Fays to Trade at John Hicks’. but it did not work. the tree. Plow any time from the time completed inventory, and while the VAS A GREAT SUCCESS. J. T. Danielle isin Vernon and Port- store is open, he is devoting his atten­ V the leaves fall until the buds open in Notice. 1 and on business pretaining to farmers’ the spring. Under no circumstances Having recently Bold my stock o < tion to a thorough overhauling of the Fred McKeever, of Mason, forged spar­ 1 ho Glee Clnb Concert Tuesday Night. institute work. would have his orchard plowed more boots and shoes to Clark A. Putt, I take store. The front will be changed and row bounty orders, and haa been sen­ than three inches deep then work with a tenced to state prison for three years. The largest crowd that baa been in the this medium to thank the people of St. the entrance placed on one side, giving high school room in a long time gathered Mrs. J. S. McPherson, of Detroit, smoothing harrow until June or July Johns and Clinton county for their There was never any excuse for the spar­ v isited at the home of Mrs. M. E. Bui. and sow clover or rape, something that liberal patronage in the last 25 years; a better chance for window displays. last Tuesday night to hear the first pro ­ will hold the leaves when they fall. As Large plate glass windows .vill be put in. row bounty law; it costs the people lard Tuesday. also those thatare indebted to me please thousands of dollars, and indiscrimi­ duction of the high school Glee Club. soon as possible turn sheep in the or ­ call in and settle the same. I shall still The partition in the rear of the store Under the competent direction of Mias D. T. Huston, of LudingtoD, spent chard 15 or 20 to the acre. Overstock be at the old stand and shall be happy will be taken out, and a ladies ’ waiting nately slaughters every kind of young Emmons, the club has made advance­ Tuesday in 8t. Johns, guest of his sister with sheep so that every wormy apple to receive your repairing. room and toilet room put in where the bird. It ought to be repealed. ment that is simply phenominal. The Mrs. M. A. Kniffio. that falls will be eaten and then foed Yours very respectfully, boys have worked hard, as their efforts wheat bran; droppings will be worth Wm. N. Waldron . carpet stock was formerly kept. He has CIRCUIT COURT. Tuesday night show, and the high school St. Valentine ’s festival February J13th much more for fertilizing. Give sheep sold out the entire carpet stock on hand may well be proud of the musical talent at the ladies ’ library, given by All Saints plenty of water and they will not gnaw New dress goods of all kinds at to an Owosso dealer. Cloaks and capes Ashael B. Danforth vs. Arthur C. within its walls. Sunday school class. the trees. A sheep will do better fed Noble Burnett 's. will be kept in the rear of the dry goods Chapman, Nicholas O. Smith and Wil­ TheGlee Club was assisted by some six poundB of wheat bran a week running liam Savill, constables of Ovid township, local talent. Warner Vredenburg always The mercury got down 8 below zero in an orchard, than the beet pasture. Lightning Poultry Food keeps your stock. The shelving is being widened, ClintoD county, Michigan. Trespass on enthusiastically received, did unusually Tuefday night. It has been fooling Have an ideal tree in your mind and hens healthy; 10c at Travis k Baker’s and the whole store modernised. Mr. the case. No cause of action. well in an Irish monologue and covered around zero for a week. trim when young then you will never corner drug store. Chapman states thatit will take three John C. Hicks vs. Geo. A. Steel. On himself with glory. need anything but a pruning knife. weeks to complete repairs, then he will trial. Miss Alice Malthouse, whose sweet Mrs. Wm. Brown and child, of Selby t Prune a tree when in full growth just Buy the Celebrated Pocahontas soprano voice never fails to have a great before it blossoms. John have an opening. In the meantime he Iowa, came Tuesday, and will visit her Smokeless coal, sold by Hicks. Clark A. Putt has purchased Wm. N. charm for her audience, sang a most sister-in-law, Mrs. Neil DuBois. afternoon session . gives his trade the best attention possi ­ Waldron ’s shoe stock, and will continue pleasing song, and was received with a Question box: Why would you prefer Use Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry; it ble under the circumstances. hearty encore, as indeed were nearly all Misses Edith aDd Louisa Smith, of sheep to hogs in an orchard? Answer: will cure that cough; 25c, guaranteed at the busiuess. Mr. Waldron retiree after the members. an honorable business career of 25 yearsi Grand Rapids, visited Will Smith, the sheep are livelier than hogs and will Travis k Baker ’s. Charles Bishop will certainly be an pick up the wormy apples faster, if hogs Owosso Times: “George H. Chapman, in St. Johns. orator, if the masterly manner in which brother of the latter, the first of the Wsuted who has been on the road all of the fall week. are turned in they should be. rung. Second hand heating stoves, also pay People ’* Star Connie. he delivered a chapter from Quo Vadis Secretary Keys showed limbs of apple and dur :i The Cecilia Musical Club, of Boston, oer, Faxon k Richmond block. line of cloaks, resigned the position he has been visitiDg at the home of J catapillar and blight and asked an ex­ will be at the Congregational church Republican Caucuses. planation of blight? Answer: Does not Wm. Crich. had held for several years past, to go into Tuesday evening, February 14th. Re­ Coffman since Friday, went to Ionia business at St. Johns for himself. He Know a remedy, it is always done in win­ Farm For Hale. served seats at Hunt ’s Saturuay morning, BINGHAM. Monday. ter and thinks it is caused from the f February 11th. Chairs will be placed to Notice is hereby given that a caucus of the Two farms 2 miles north-east of SL has purchased the dry goods stock of H. A five-year-old son of J. F. Smith,who wood not fully ripening. If a board is L. Kendrick, o* that city, and went accommodate fifty more people. The republicans of the township of Bingham, will be Johns on main road. hold at the engine house, in the Village of St. recently moved from Portland to St. fastened to the south-west side of the there Tuesday to look after the business. Cecilia Club is composed of the soloists Johhs, on Saturday, February 18th, 1899, to tree in the fall it will prevent a great 2-w A ndrew Webster. of the Famous Ladies ’ Symphony Orches elect 13 delegates to the county convention, to JohDs. died Sunday and the remains deal. Secretary Keya showed wood frouf Mr. Chapman has made an enviable re. tra, of Boston. Nothing further need be bo held at St. Johns, on February 24th, 1809, and Handsome new designs in table to transact such other business as may properly were taken to Portland Tuesday. thrifty trees in Niagara county, New cord as a travelling salesman, as a widow said to guarantee an extraordinary come before said caucus. York, and also from this locality and damask with napkins to match at special decorator of unusual artistic ability and musical treat. Four more for sixty FRANK SWAIN, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bement returned asked what was the best paying variety pricee at Noble Burnett ’s. cents. Cecilia Musical Club, Ariel La GEORGE M. PETRIE, as a good all around man in the dry HORACE P. GAGE. from Little Rock Thursday. The of apples to grow? Answer: Maiden Are you feeding your poultry Light­ dies Quartet, H. S. McCowan, and J. De Committee. weather was bad, four snow storm 8 Blush on heavy land and Duchess of goods business. He has made many Witt Miller. ning Poultry food? It iskgreat producer; occurring while they were there, Oldenberg on light land with heavy 10c at Travis k Baker ’s. friends in Owosso who wish him suc­ GREENBITSH. manuring for the Duchess. Will tar put cess.” ______Half-Rale* to Detroit. At Grange Hall, on Saturday, February 18th. The Hicks, Dooling, Allison party will 1899, at 2 p. m. sharp, to elect 5 delegates to the on trees to stop insects from crawling up Go to H. W. Morris ’ for Furniture, The Grand Trunk Railway System county convention. not start south until next Monday. Mr. injure the tree? Answer: Heavy paper Picture Frames etc. Opposite Postofflca. Peuuell Ilarn Sold. will issue excursion tickets from all its D. L. EAEGLE, Hicks has been laid up with the grippe should first be tacked on. stations in Michigan to Detroit and Chairman. Galusha Pennell has sold the old rink the past few days, but is much better. Considerable discussion was had con ­ , Buy yourBhoesof Woodruff k Tromf barn, which has been run by Gib Lyon, return at a single fare for the round trip cerning spraying but the information on account of the Michigan Club Annual DEWITT. Eugene Shutters announces that he was the same as could be gained from A fine selection of carpets, rugs, mat- to Frad^ L. Hoard, of Edge wood, Gratiot Meeting and Banquet at Detroit, Feb •The republican electors, of Dewitt, will meet ti ngs, oil cloth aod linoleum all new and in caucus at tiie town hall Saturday, February will be a candidate for the nomination the bulletin ’s from M. A. C. Oppor ­ county, who will take possession about ruary 22d. Tickets will-be sold for all nth. at 1 o'clock, to elect three delegates to the tunity by H. N. Webb, of DeWitt. Mr. at the right prices Noble Burnett . February 20th. Mr. Hoard comes well trains on February 21st, and for the county convention to be held at St. Johns for highway commissioner, on the repub­ Webb’s paper was well written and well morning trains of February 22d, and valid! February 24th, and to transact such other busi­ lican ticket, in Bingham township, in Thegreat anti grippe remedy is Synn> recommended. ness as may come before the caucus. rendered calling attention to the many to return on all trains up to and includ­ the spring. . neglected opportunties, which if grasped of Tar and Wild Cherry; 25c at Travwi Change In Time. ing February 23d, 1899. This gives a ESSEX. would result to our benefit, scored poli ­ A Baker’s corner drug store. good opportunity to visit Detroit at a Prof. Lynn has organized a new club, tical parties for corruption and believes A slight change in time went into ef­ At Perry's call on Saturday, February 18,1899, cheap rate this season of the year, and 1 o ’clock, p. m., to elect delegates to county which consists of six members and will it the duty of every true citizen to ex­ Buy your shoes of Woodrufk A Tromf fect on the D. A M. Monday. The after­ the public should avail themselves of convention. be called the Tuxedo Mandolin Club. pose fraud and corruption. Dr. Ay re’s Positive Care. noon train west now leaves at 3:12, 20 this opportunity. ______RILEY. They a ill be able to furnish some very Winter lamb raising by J. S. Wood ­ minutes earlier than heretofore; the The republicans of Riley will meet in caucus, ward. The American people made a A home treatment for ladies, call Tues­ Michigan Club Banquet at the town hall Saturday, February 11th, at 1 good music. reat mistake when they reduced their days and Saturdays, from 2 p. m. to 8, noon train east leaves at 12:09, five min­ p. m., to elect three delegates to the county con ­ on Mrs. Mariah McNaughton , Arrangements for the 14th Annual vention, to be held February 24th. The Degree of Honor surprised Past Socks of sheep. Knows sheep to be the utes later, and the next train east leaves Banquet of the Michigan Club, to be H. N. CARPENTER. Chief Mrs. H. H. Harris Tuesday, a beet paying animals on the farm, has 41 3p. St Johns. at 5:22, also five minutes later than here­ cleared fields of Canada thistles in one held in Detroit on Washington's birth­ OLIVE. large number turning out considering Buy your shoes of Woodruff A Tromp . tofore. day, are fast being completed. The year by overstocking and feeding wheat annual event, which has grown to be one There will be a eaucus at the town hall, on the cold weather. A very pleasant social bran. Early lamb raising requires first Monday, February 20th, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m„ visit was had. a good market, men with lots of money Fi nest selection of laces, embroderies Hull Make* a Purchase. of National importance, is the great to elect three delegates to the county convention. and white goods at Noble Burnett ’s. Republican rallying day for Michigan By order of committee. Joseph Lavine was sentenced to the who think more of, their stomach than E. L Hull, the furniture dealer, has Two receptions, a luncheon at the Club, their money. A man must be a close ob­ purchased of the Teachout estate the and the annual convention of the State WATERTOWN. Detroit House of Correction for 65 days server, patient always in good humor, All Cloaks and Capes League of Republican Cluos, together The republicans of Watertown will meet in by Justice Lyon, last week, on a charge always on time and feed regular. Next At bargain prices, at John H icks ’. property occupied by Hoerner and bod ’8 convention at the township hall, on Saturday, have the right kinds of folds, warm market. The lot is 25x132 feet. Mr with the election of officers for the Mich February 18, 1899, at 2 o ’clock p. mfor the pur­ of vagrancy. Sheriff Dunn took him Leave Your Coal Order igan Club, fill the day with interest for pose of selecting four delegates to attend the away Friday. quarters never below 40 degrees and not Hull will build a two story brick for a the party workers of the State, and give citoiity convention held at St-Johns, on Feb­ above 65 degrees, keep dry with pure air At John Hicks’ store for Pocahontas ruary 24,1899. HOLMES T. CLARK, Dr. Frank Duncan, of Union ville, On­ and plenty of pure water, not much sun ­ Smokeless coal, and Lehigh Valley hard furniture store as soon as Hoerner ’s lease them an appetite for the sumptuous Chairman town committee coal. expires, some time in 1900. He would banquet in the evening. tario, is visiting Dr. H. M. Gohn. light it will make them uneasy. Pen More than special interest will center VICTOR. 16 feet square will hold 20 ewes with build the coming spring if the property The republicans of Victor, will meet at the The first of the week they attended the another pen for lambs to run in, and has Have your Furniture repaired at H. around this gathering, for it takes phwe town hall Saturday, February 18th, at one W. Morris ’, opposite Poetonlce. 34-34 was not leased. just a week before the State Convention o ’clock, to elect three delegates to the county State Veterinary Medical Association. bad nearly all breeds but wants Ameri­ for the nomination for a Supreme Judge, convention to be held at St. Johns February 24. Dr. Duncan expects to locate in Ithaca. can Merino Ewes; the lambs are not as Good selection of cloaks and capes, and this great assemblage of the repre J. D. SLEIGHT, large, but a lamb hog dressed weighing blankets, shawls, hosery, underwear, Having recently purchased the boot Benjamin Seldon, a well known resi­ 25 pounds has brought $16 in New York and shoe stock of William N. Waldron. sentativee of the party will afford an BENGAL. outings, flannel shirts, shirting, flannel opportunity for canvassing and wire­ Republican caucus at town hall. Friday, Feb­ dent bf Eagle, fell from the loft of his market. Has used nearly all breeds of and flannel suiting at prices that will Clark Putt would be pleaded to have the ruary 17,1809, at 2 p. m . to elect three delegates barn a week or so ago and before he had males but now uses dorset, has the beet pulling that will undoubtedly be largely to oounty convention. sell them at patronage of any old and new customers, taken advantage of. WM. E. ELDRIDGE, recovered from the fall the grip set in results from feeding corn silage with Noble Burnett’s. General Henry M. Duffield, who is Chairman. wheat, bran and turnips and straw, gets He intends to carry in stock up to date and on Friday, night he died. Mr. one lamb to eating and soon all will eat. footwear, which will merit your approval. resident of the Club, hasjust returned Seldon Was 74 years old and one of the The New Idea Patterns are sold by ?rom Washington, where he has been to LEBANON. feeds oil meal, Dew process, cracked Noble Burnett, prices 10c for any style. secure speakers. Secretary Bingley R. At the Bradiah house in Matherton. February early settlers of hia section, • corn and mangles, often kills and ships 18th, at two o'clock, Pr m. to elect three dele ­ to market when six weeks old. To th« Public. Fales says that by next week full plans gates to the oounty convention to be held in St. Buy your shoes of Woodruff A Tromp To my friends and patrons, who have for the day and evening will be announced. Johns, February 24th. Having sold out my business to Mr. Question box; You say not over one All railroads in the lower peninsula of B. J. MoVEIGH, Gso. H. Chapman, who will continue the in twenty-five stay in the business, why? so liberally patronized me during the Chairman. Answer: Because the sheep and lambs Geo. J. Foerch is doing business yet oast fourteen years: Please accept my Michigan will sell tickets at one fare for business at the old staod, it ia my desire at the old stand, wishing to let it b* thanks for the many favors shown. It the round trip, good from starting point ' BATH. • • to ’close all book accounts outstanding, must have care and attention and must known everywhere that tne old firm of on the afternoons of February 21st and The republicans of th« township pf Bath will an soon as possible, and trust those that be fed regularly; men lose their patience |ow becomes my pleasant duty to intro hold a caucus at the Town Hall on BatutUay. and go out of the business, flow do you Foerch A Danley has long been dissolv ­ ice to you Mr. Geo. H. Chapman, who 22d, good to return on the 23d. February 18th, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of are now owing on book account, that ed, and that I am stifl buying Ups kcceeds me in business. Mr. Chapman, electing threedelegates to the county conven ­ they will call in and settle without de ­ keep folds warm? Answer: Walla are poultry, also hides sod pelts, and seeds Anetloa Sale. tion to be held at St. John* on February 24th. lay. For the present the books can be about 2 feet thick plastured outside and ire you, is a gentleman, and comes By order of Coesonittee. inside with shutes running to top of of all kinds, also am selling the same as oong us to make it his future home, B. E. Teeter will sell a herd of thorough found with Mr. Chapman, who is author­ low as the loweet Before you buy or Bingham Township Republican Caucus. ized to receipt for me. Trusting you will barn with valve at bottom. How do you id conduct an up to date store, and I bred Jersey cattle, a number of horses, grow turnips? Answer: Mows a field •ell, come and see me. bespeak for him a liberal share of your farm implements. buggies, furniture, etc., At engine house, St. Johns, Saturday evening, be as prompt to fayor me, as I have been oerch March 4th, 1800, at 1 p. in. sharp standard time, early, plows and fits it and shows 4 or 5 Gaoaos J. F . patronage. Respectfully, on the Hillside Farm, Duplain, Tuesday, to nominate candidate* tor township ofBeere. to you, I remain, yours truly, .—i "M H. L. Kbndbiok . , February 21, at lOo ’alook. Bt O sdm or Coaarrm. H. L. Kendrick . Continued on Third Paws, Buy your tboee of WcocnuryA Tucmf OEWITJ1. B. I Hull—Furniture and Undertaking. The Republican. Miss Mable Green, of Grand Ledge, ia ISEASES ft Cured visiting Miss Etta Webb here. Thursday, February 9, 1899. No assessment for February is the Hor Boy. record of the Modern Woodmen. THAT KILL ~THE COUNTY. Mrs. George Holmes, who has been Consumption is ca­ very sick with the grippe, is better at tarrh of the lungs. WE8T RILEY. this writing. Certain complica­ “FURNITURE” Mias Minnie Moots, Miss Lu cy tions make consump­ Harry Shuarts family are again able Loreoze, of Lansing, spent Sunday with tion incurable. to get around after two or three weekB Mr and Mrs. M. T. Woodruff here. Moat cases of Three Floors crowded full* of the most illness. Married at the M. E. parsonage Feb­ death from con ­ Those on the sick list at present, are ruary 1st. Mr. Albert Rouse and Mrs. artistic designs in Furniture. Jennie Averill. Rev. Buell officiated. sumption are Helen Kincaid, Mrs. A. B. Kincaid and the direct reault little Genevieve Kincaid, who has been Chas. Baldwin and wife, of Olive, and Faron Furgason and wife, of Bt. Johns, of neglected ca­ Side Boards, Iron Beds, Couches A Chairs, seriously ill but is now improving rapidly. tarrh. « Fancy Rocker Mrs. Jane Dillingham has returned spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. Book Cases, Easels A Screens, and Mrs. James Furgason, here. Pe-ru-na works harmoniously with High Chairs, from a weeks visit to Ovid making the nature to eject the tubercles from the Hall Trees, Children’s trip with a horse and buggy along. Clate Plowman left Lansing Monday Ladies’ Desks, Rockers, Jardinere Stands, night for Menominee to attend as delegate lungs, and works so successfully that Music Cabinets, We recently bad the pleasure of read if there ia a cure for consumption Extension Tables, ing a letter from Richard E. Baylis to' to the State Head Camp Modern Wood ­ Parlor Suits, Picture Frames, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kincaid, “he ia a men, of America, which meets in that Pe-ru-na ia the remedy. Center Tables, Bedroom Suits, cousin of Mrs. Kincaid. ” Eddy writes city this week. Read this letter from Mrs. H. A. Etc. . . . a very pleasing diacription of army life, Tyner, of Four Oaks, N. C., about her and intends making tne recipients of bis DISf RICT NO. 7 daughter, Mrs. L. Keene. 8he says: Come and make your Selection now before letter a visit when he zees a furlough. Sunday school was well attended last Pe-ru-na Medicine CoH Columbus, O. the stock is picked over. ------•When my son Georye Ed. Baylis was formely a St. Johns boy Sunday. and graduated from the high school at Dear Bibs:—"My daughter had every 14, he was stricken with a ter­ that place. He inlisted at the breaking Wood cutting is ttfe common thing of Symptom of consumption —suppression rible nervous affliction. Phy­ out of hostilities, and is now acting as the day. of menses, night sweats and great ema­ sicians nor medicines helped commissary sergeant in the 6th heavy C. Howe is cutting wood on 8tewart ciation. She was so low that none of h?m. He lost his speech, use of Art’y at Montauk, L. I. Shout’s. our neighbors thought Bhe could live. The grippe has lost its grip in this In May Mr. C. R. Adams, of this place, E. I. HULL, limbs and could hardly swal­ neighborhood. low food. Before he had ­ RILEY. who had taken Pe-ru-na, told me if Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer. Burt Potts, of Lake Odeesa, is spend ­ anything would help her Pe-ru-na r-»— ------No. 16 CLINTON AVE_____n ished a bottle of Dr. Miles' E. McEntizre and wife spent Saturday ing a few days here with friends. would. I got a bottle of It and some Nervine he could talk and eat evening at Lewis Carpenter's. Franklin Fairbanks, Jr., has returned rock candy and began giving it to her. well, a«d 5 bottles cured him. Frank Parks has bought theold home­ home from Gaylord, where he has been During the first few days she was so |j*jpmwmwmmwmfwmm Mrs. Julia O’Oonnoc, Fulton, Ky, 99 stead of his wife’s father, Mr. Bray. at work. weak ahe could only take a half tea- It would take less time to say who Members of district No. 7 are well apoonful at a time, but I gave it to DR. MILES' bad not had the grippe than who had. pleased in the way Jacob Keck has the her as often aa ahe could bear it. In H. N. Carpenter, of Riley, has been school conducted. less than a week ahe could walk two C c nsultation and examination Free and Strlotly Confidential. Restorative at his son ’s nearly every day for the Mrs. L. Kyse and Daniel Howe will hundred yards and back without rest­ past week. Lewis, wife and two children spend a few days with their sister at were all sick at one time. All bettei Oakland county, Michigan. ing; ahe kept getting stronger, and in now. ______^____ twelve months Bhe seemed to be as well DRS. B. S. & GO., Nervine D. P. Tower, of Youngston, New York, as she ever was in her life. Ifeql,andao SOUTH-WEST BINQHAN has been visiting his sister. Mrs. Wm. A. is sold by all druggists on guarantee, Moon, of Fort Madison, Iowa, formerly does every one that knew about her first bottle benefits or money back. * Mrs. Bliss is very sick with grippe and of Youngston, New York, is now making sickness, that Pe-ru-na saved her life. Book on heart and nerves sent free. a short visit at the home of Mrs. Melvin. My daughter ’s name ia Mrs. L. Keene.” Br. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. heart trouble. The Celebrated Specialists Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jones, of Bengal, BATH-DISTRICT NO- 8. visited their sister, Mrs. W. Jolly, OLIVE. Of..the American Medical and Surgical Institute, of Muskegon, Mioh VICTOR. Sunday. Little Alice Deeg is very ill. Mr. C. M. Rice has been for the past Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, of Bing* Mies Alice Rodgers, of Owoseo, is week sick from grippe and is no better Jerome Shaw is on the sick list ham,visited at C. T. Rockwell ’s lastSun- Will be at the Steel Hotel, St. Johns, Mich., visiting Miss Jessie Holden. at this writing. Mrs. Wm. Sweeney is improving slowly. day. Miss Helen Gibbard, of 8t. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Jolly are the The engineer in the employ of Mr. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Sipley, of came to Victor last Saturday to visit happy parents of an 8% pound daughter, Springstein owner of the saw mill in P. Ingham county, a son last week. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24. her people for a few days. born February 3rd. Cushman’s woods, met with a severe ac­ Luther Sipley attended the Dairyman ’s Mrs. Brown, of Ludington, who has Mrs. Benton and Mrs. Murray, of Riley, cident by being wound up in the belting. Association at Grand Rapids last week. keen visiting her people, Mr. and Mrs. visited at the home pf Mrs. Benton ’s Help soon arrived and he was taken to Mrs. J. T. Norris and daughter, Rispah, OFFICE HOURS FROM 0 A. M. TO 7:30 P. M. ONF DAY OF EACH MONTH . Chas. Beardslee, returned home last daughter, Mrs. Russell, Tuesday. the office of Dr. Wilson. of the capital city, visited Mrs. Jerome Saturday. Dills recently. English Spavin Liniment removes ail hard After La Grippe Dr. Miles’ Nervine renews Rev. M. Codington preached an •oft or calloused lumps and blemishes from the wasted tissues and restores health. Mrs. Theodore Steinharett is in Ing ­ excellent sermon last Sunday on the horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney ham county caring for her daughter, Mrs. “Now and the then” taken from the 12th ring-bone, stifles, spraius, all Swollen throats WACOUSTA Will Sipley. verse of the 13th chapter of 1st Corinth­ coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure The social at Mrs. Wm. Lankton ’s last ians. ever known. Sold by A. O. HUNT, Druggist, N. I. Danielle had quite a sick day ______St. Johns. Mien. last week, but is better now. week was a success both socially and Rev. F. M. Codington will hold a series financially. of meetings next weea. commencing next WESTPHALIA. Floyd Wilder is sick with typhoid fever Sunday evening, February 12, assisted in Binghamton, New York, and his Mrs. C. L. Pearce was appointed by the Gospel songs and talkB by E. L. Mrs. L. C. Haz -n is on the sick list. mother was to leave for there last even­ correspondent to the Grange department ing. in the Michigan Farmer last Saturday Chamberlin, of Jackson. Bernice and Zana Hazen are sick with night. A letter received from Mrs. F. E. the grippe at this writing. A. J. Burnes was sick the greater part Green, Poncbatoula, Louisana, says that of last week, but is out a little again Over one-hundred Grangers partook Commissioner R. M. Winston visited He has just purchased a fine new single of a bountiful feast, oysters included, at ahe and son, Cleon, are enjoying good several of the schools in this vicinity last DeWitt Grange last Saturday night. health. Quite a number there are hav­ week. top buggy for his own use. ing the grippe but in a milder form than Charlie Dyke, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs The 3rd and 4th degrees were confeied here. She is teaching a select school, There was a party at William Stephen* Sarah Danielle are added to the sick list upon Mrs. F. H. Ellis, Professor H E has fifteen scholars and boards with son ’s last Friday night. All enjoyed a from grippe, and many others are just on Gibbs, Richard Smith, Frank Webb and George Holister, a former South Ovid pleasant evening. the ragged edge. C. Baneiley last Saturday night. hoy. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Simmon, of A series of meetings will be held at Novi, visited at L. C Hazen ’s and also Last week was particularly calculated Masonic Hall in DeWitt commencing called on Arch Benoet ’s people. to strike terror to all hearts at the threat Monday evening February 13th, 1890 Por Constipation take Karl’s Clover of possible fires, of which we had three, Rev. Bard, of Lansing, will preach Mon ­ Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier Miss Dora Koster and William Martin one chimney burning out, Mr. Sherman’s were united in marriage last Tuesday. water-tank at his large barn caught fire day night, T. W. I liman Tuesday night. Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions The wedding was held at the bride ’s Other ministers will occupy the rest on the , and make the head clear as from the small engine for keeping the of the week. i a bell. Sold bv all druggists. home. water from freeziug.and Mr. Finkbiner's The “Niles Cemetery Society ” held at home caught fire, burning a ceiling con­ Mrs. Cash Clark's last Thursday was siderably. GREENBUSH. EUREKA well attended. They meet the next time I supposed my information to be au­ Arthur Brown visited at Dr. Hart’s with Miss Carrie Foster. thoritative when I {stated that Miss Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs Sunday. Laura Stalker was to be married last A. Whitney visited their parents, Mr. filOO. Dr, it. Deletion'* Anti Diuretic week Wednesday, but learned too late to and Mrs. E. A. Sitts Sunday last. Miss Pearl Hart visited her parents May be worth to you more than $100 if you over Sunday. have a child who soils bedding from inconten- to correct it that it was to take place Mr. and Mrs Crooks, of Ithaca, visited ence of water during sleep. Cures old and this week Wednesday instead. The pro ­ at L Silvernail ’s over Sunday. There was a dance in Eureka last Fri young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. spective groom is Mr. Valentine, an day night. Sold by A. O. HUNT, Druggist. Miss Eda Silvernail is very sick * with St. Johns. Mich. undertaker of Traverse City. The mar­ brain fever from the effect of the grippe. Miss Kate Page has been under the riage will be celebrated at the home of No better at this writing. doctor's care. the bride ’s mother, Mrs. Mary Stalker. ChauDcey Stevens, an old soldier, had Albert Jeffers visited at Dan Perkins Sixty guests are bidden to be present at the misfortune to have his ribs broken the last of the week. the ceremony. while loading logs. Charles Riddle has moved into James Davies tenant house. That Cough LEBANON. U. G. Cartes has gone to Isabella Mrs. Ella Thuma,of Pewamo, is spend ­ Ladies, Take the Best, If you are county to sell road-scrapers. ing a few days among f riendB in Lebanon. troubled with Constipation, Shallow 8kin, and a Tired Feeling, take Karl's HE CURES AFTER OTHERS FAIL Walter Burk has been adding some Central Farmers’ Club meets at Mr. Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold rhe Most Successful and Scientific Treatment of All Diseases and Weak­ improvements to his hardware store. Hangs on and Mrs. L. S. Scott ’s, Wednesday of by all druggists. nesses of Mankind Possible to Obtain. Commissioner Winston will hold a this week. tally at Elsie next Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rice returned last The most widely and favfrably known Specialist In the United Htates. His long experl, You have used ail race, remarkable skill and universal success lu lus Isn.wi in tb® world suable* evenings. week from a few days visit with Mt. STATE AID FICIKITY. tklm to treat all CHHON 1U, NKKVOUH. HK1N and BLo. .> 1». eases upon the latsst scion The drama entitled the “Blue and the Pleasant friends lflo principles, and entitles blm to the full confidence of Ui j atttlcted everywhere. DR. OTTMAN has no superior in diagnosing uuU treating disease s and de ­ Gray” will be repeated at Eureka next sorts of cough reme­ A number of friends met at the home 'Mrs. J. A. McVeigh has been called to formities. Medical and eurgicul Diseases, Acuta and Chronic Saturday evening.. of George Hiner last Friday evening to St. Johns to take care of her mother, who Catarrh. Diseases of tbe Eye, Kar, Nose, Throat an 1 Lui .ck . Dyspepsia, Bright’s Disease Diabetes, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Chronic Female and Sexual Diseases speedily cared by The local talent here of M. W. A- dies but it does not congratulate him on the occasion of hie is suffering with pneumonia. Mrs .realment that has never failed In thousands of cases that had been pronounced beyono give-their drama, entitled the “Blue and sixteenth birthday. They had a pleasant McVeigh’s father and brother and a nope. Many people meet death every year who might have been restored to perfect ficsltf the Gray” at Ashley Tuesday. yield; it is too deep time. sister’s family have the grippe. She ex lad they placed theircases in the hands of experts. Rev. Feather, of the E. V. church, will The sick list grows constantly, many pecte to remain in St. Johns until spring, ” —Gratiot Journal. e gr< anes peculiar to the sex. Female diseases positively ci d begin a series of protracted meetings at seated. It may wear suffering a relapse of the miseries of the by the■E new remedy,ir OLIVE,m BLOSi mmSOIC. umThe core Is effected pby home treatment. Emin v the Evangelical church next Monday grippe. The only dangerously ill in “Harry D. Waldron, for some time the harmlessrmiens and easily applied. ConsultationCons Free and SStrictlytrictly Confidential. this vicinity at this writing is Mrs Wm. HR. OTTMAN operates successfully and DEAFNESS. I cure 70 per cent, of a.l •vening. itself out in time, but obliging clerk in Dutcher and ConoV painlessly for squint eyes, pterygium, iridec ­ cases. Masv cases cured in one treatment. Charles Turner has gone to Menoiniree Berkhousen, who has inflammation of shoe store, accepted & position with thi tomy, turning in or out of eye lashes or lids, DISCHARGING SAKS cared is every the lungs. Ann Arbor railroad, as car checker, closure of Mar duct and all other eye opera ­ case. as a delegate to the state camp of M. W. it is more liable* to Tuesday. ”—Durand Express tions. CATARRH OP THE NOSR, bronchitis A. He was alternate for Mr. Bullard of The funeral of Mrs. Harder, mother of CHROMIC SORB BYES and granu ­ and long troubles, caused from catarrh, posi ­ St. Johns, who was sick. John and Chris Harder and of; Mrs. "Rev. W. H. B. Urch, M. E. Pastor at lated lids quickly cured. tively cured. produce la grippe, John 8ilman, was held at Benjamin ’s Ionia, announced to his congregation ▲ CURTAIN AND POSITIVE CORE Several from this vicinity attended the for the awful effects of early vice and the TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE- termers institute at St. Johns last Fri­ church Wednesday, February 1st. De Sunday his purpose to go to Italy for aumerons evils that follow in its train. pneumonia or a seri­ ceased was Seventy-seven years of age. the benefit of his health. He has been PRIVATE BLOOD AND SKIN AGED MEN. day and Saturday. The meeting was a The interment was in East Plains cem­ DISEASES speedily, completely and per­ •access. The Friday p. m. session being granted three months leave. manently cured. A CIIDC PH DC The awful effects of early of especial importance, because of the ous throat affection. etery. Twenty-five Lansing attorneys have NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEX- A OUflC bunc. vice, which brings or ­ TheyouDg ladies ’ class in Benjamin UAL DISORDERS yield rapidly to his ganic weakness, destroying both mind and irited and encouraging discussion of ublished their intention to support skillful treatment. body, withall its dreadful ills, permanently e sugar beet You need something Sunday school will give a Valentine Judge Grant for supreme justice. PILES, FISTULA AND RECTAL cured. Z social on the evening of Tuesday, Feb­ ULCERS guaranteed cured without pain or ruary 14th, at the home of Mr. and JUr*. The Kpani-h War Series in The Century is detention from business. DR. OTTMAN Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh’s Vitalizer that will give you M. M. Messer. The public ia cordially proving a great success, and haH very consider ­ SYPHILIS, GONORRHEA, GLEET, paired themselves by improper Indulgence immediately relieves Sour Stomach Com ­ ably increased the circulation of the magazine. Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Lost and solitary habits, wh ten ruin both n it d invited. Ladies are requested to bring In the February number General Shatter will Manhood, Night Emissions, Decayed Facul­ and body, unfitting them for business, study, ing up of Food Distress, and is the great strength and build their valentines and refreshments. tell the story of the Santiago campaign, an Quickly and Permanently Cured by the latest Diseases. section 27, Lebanon. _...... $2,300 scon ’s approved treatment as pnrsned by leading XVCases and correspondence confidential, veil carried out. Excellent iuu«v was specialists of America and Europe. but personal consnltation preferred. Harriet R. Wilcox to Bertha A. Wixom. rendered by Minse* Brooke, Hoaard and FREE EXAMINATION OP THE URINE.-Each person ape.pplyingfor medical treat, iwH of nw'i of nw!4 and 3.2 rods of meat shonld send or bring from 2 to 4 ounces of urine (that pas«gd firstn__ _in______the morning _ rpro-._ nwli of nwld of nwdf. section 32, Ol­ Pinkney, and recitations given bv Mrs ferred), which will receive a careful chemical and microscopical examination, and if requested ive ...... 500 EMULSION Gaddy, Miss Ly< ia Messer and Mrs. a’wrlttsn analysis will be given. Persons rained la health br unlearned pretenders, who Joseph Kisaam and wife to George Fin- Bancroft. The Association qun-ti >ii, I* keeptrifling with them month after month, giving poisonous sad injurious compounds, should ia, wH of s®4, section *2, Westphalia 3,200 will do this when everything apply immediately. Delays are dangerous. Willis Sawtella to Peter H. Smith, lot it desirable to have a <>ount.y orgm zi ymimCDCIII PIIDCC Perfected in old cases which have been neglected or unskillfally 1 and e.k of lot 2, blk. 18, Village of else fails. There is no doubt tion of Farmers’ Clubs? . Was dis»-in*s - fluff UCIilUL OUITCO treated. No experiments or failures. Parties treated by mal Ovid ...... 500 by Jay Sessions President F M P gg.- t or express, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred. ■ arable cases guaranteed, ■nnice Cushman et al. to Wm. P. about it It nourishes, £P~Cases and correspondence confidential. Treatment . u. It. to any part of U.R and Messrs Martin and Bancroft als . list of 1 vj question® fire®. Address, with postage, Farnsworth, wH lot 4, blk. 8, Village strengthens, builds up and •poke briefly, all the speakers op .sw­ of Bail) (q. c.)...... __ \ Muskesron, Michigan. Charles F. Clements to (da D. Clements, ' makes the body strong and ing such a measure and a mot ion to t h*n wk of w‘4 of ne>4 and e*4 of eU of n effect prevailed The question b<>> DRS. B. S. & CO., Private Box 60. »H and wit of eH of nwfc, section 23, healthy, not only to throw brought out ideasoo a variety of subjects Dtvitt...... 1 one in particuUtr “Should the United Headache for Forty Yoars. Olivet Toan to Robert Toan, ns fr. of * Off this hard cough, but to ne fr. W of section 3, and nt$ of oot< States annex the Philippine Islands? ” For forty year* I nofitoeod from tick head­ of section 2. Olive...... 2,000 fortify the system against being hotly argued in the negative. Th • ache. A year ago I Wgin'twinf Celery King. Anna M. Petech et al. to John P. Gross, secretary was instructed to write a letter 7 he result waa gratifying and surprising, my •u ne'-i of neg of section 21, and seV of further attacks. If you are to Lewis Bently, an honored member of headache* leaving at once. The headaches REPUBLICAN soli, section 16, Westphalia (q. c,) . .. 75 used to return every seventh day, hut thanks run down or emaciated you our club, tendering the sympathy of the to Celery King, I have bad but one headache -AND---- •ren L. Vreeland and wife to Sarah C. club for (lito fo'hia severe affliction. Mr. in the laAt eleven months. 1 know that what Shaver, lota $ and t, hik ISO, 84. Johns 500 sliould certainly take this cared me will helpetbera.—Mra John D. Van Reiser Turner to D. L. Punt, lot 16, and Mira, Darwin Bancroft invited the KeOTchi, PHtigcrtlcs, N. Y. bllrt 14, Bt. Johns...... ____ ...... 85 nourishing food medicine. chib to hold the nest- meeting at their “rie ery King for the Nerve®, Htomacb, Liver Myron B. Holley to Ralph W, Holley yx. and, all druggists. home. Tlie meeting then adjourned all and Kidneys Is sold In 60c. and 26c. packages et al., twk of seM of section 15, and SCOITT* BOWXE, Chemists, New York. having enjoyed a pleasant and thoroughly by druggists and dealers. 2 nrk of n«H of section 8, Olive...... 100 improving aub day. >.-■ ' fioM by C. E. VsnSickle.

K '

SnS5555 mmmmmmmmm isolated and no one allowed near them four>ur rows at a time but thinkatbinka at Bm but neoeeeary attendants. Tue State £*,ity they cultivated but two apd board of health iasz z . nd bulla SSL>tter . results! Beets weighing aq&sft tins giving full i aticn in r tree pounds are the most profitable...... 1 , all diseases In contracting have stated times fce thesame. pounds to the acre broad east and goes deliver beete and save confusion, haws over with smoothing harrow or weeder MORNING SESSION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd never visited a factory but what tha to thin them and kill weeds, harvests by Owing to the non attendance of some farmers are satisfied; the factory at Graoi hand and only the large ones. who were on tbe program, C. B. Charles Island, Nebraska, has raised the price df was called for a talk on “ Underdraining. land from $25.00 to $60.00 per acre. New Departure. When do you shearand do you waah There are over 17,000,000 rods of under- Mr. N. B. Bradley one of the promotoee your sheep? Answer: Shear when the sheep go into their fold for winter and draining in Michigan, 8,000,000 rods of of the Bay City beet sugar factory wan never waah. which are tile. The main object of undei then introduced. , Experience with the Silo, Mr. E. E. draining Is to carry off surplus water an Have been interested in beet sugar for Lee, of Elsie. The Silo should have a by so doing we warm the land and in­ ths past two years and am pleased to talk crease plant growth. 1-6 inch fall to the to the farmersof Clinton couDty. Believe place on every farm where live stock of rod will carry water. Do not have beets can be grown in Clinton county aa aoy kind is kept, any farmer who keeps square corners to your drain and to well as at Bay City; thinks farmers need cows for business should be interested in acertain the size of tile extract the square a new industry. Beets are a cash crop curing food. It is claimed by siloists root of the number of #acree to drained. and have given satisfactory results whom­ the state over that.the silo doubles the Mr. Cbarlee gave his method of la; ever tried and results in this Htate have stock carrying capacity of any farm over tile the old method of pasture and dry feed, and leveling, which was fully illus­ been very satisfactory. In December ensilage is much more palatable and the trated in “The Michigan‘Farmer^ in the 1807 the factory at Bay-City wasoonract- past year. It was a very practical and ed for with 3600acres of beets contracted. returns much greater in milk and beef. instructive talk. The business meeting Thisyear have 3800 acres contracted and Corn cut for silage from 8 to 15 tons per wae then called aDd President Ferry ap­ two more factories under construction acre can be produced and 2% tons of pointed tbe following aommittee on and their acerage all contracted. 14-15 off silage will equal 1 too of the beet tim­ Dominations and placd of holding next in all the farmers raising beets are thorougly othy hay. The all important fact of stitute. Wm Woodbury, J. T. Danielle. satisfied. The average yield at Bay City farming is soil fertility and all acknowl ­ W. Dupuy, H. N. Webb. J. C. Brunson, was fourteen tons per acre aDd the edge barn yard manure to be the beet The report of tbe treasurer showed 1818 average cost per acre to raise them is fertilizer, to secure this, we must keep in treasury. The committee reported $25.00 to $30 (M) and nearly all tbe land more stock the more the better. Used tbe next institute to held in DeWitt and was spring plowed. Fall plowing gives to practice mixed farming but low prices the following officers which were unan bjtter results The average price paid as came aDd decided to go into dairying, imously elected: President, Jerome reported by treasurer, $4.50 per ton. It now keep 20 cows and 13 young cattle on Dills, DeWitt; secretary and treasurer, is possible to raise beets with a content eighty acres, feed one bushel of ensilage H. N. Webb, DeWitt; vice presidents, of sugar that will bring $6.00 per Urn. night aod morning to cows and % bushel Jay Sessions, Lebanon; W. T. Baif, The average content of sugar is 3 per to youDg cattle together with straw and Greenbush; j. C Jewett,Essex; Charlea cent, less than last year. He thinks so hay, expect to put up another silo for Crell, Duplain; Wm. Sage, Dallas; Fred much cloudy weather the cause. Beets summer use. Stowell, Bengal; Wm. K. Sage, Bingham; need sunshine. In harvesting b. ets on EVENING SESSION. M. L. Taft, Ovid; Theo Benge], Weet- my own farm would have heen cheaper Concerted action of persons or indus halia; H. N. Carpenter, Riley; .J. C. to have pitted them. Have seven acres in tries, HI. P. Keys. The organization of &humaker, Olive; C. E. Hollister, Victor; the ground yet, but thiDk they will come Have added a Full Line individual industries into what is called W. Dupuy, Eagle; Fred Cowin, Water- out all right Last week with thermo­ a combine or trust when the purpose of town; James Courtright, DeWitt; Jaa meter below zero, beets were coming into the organization are legitimate and F. Clemons, Bath. the factory. A friend at Council Bluffs, honest plays an important part today in Hon. C. E. Jackson read a paper, The Iowa, raised fourty acre oflbects, shipped OF th- affairs of a nation. Pur example our Battle of the Sweets, or Sugar Beete them over 100 miles to Grand Island. government, it is but a huge combii.e, Against Sugar CaDe The introduction Nebraska, and realized over $1400.00 under whatother form could we have of sugar to the world is of comparatively net,(other instances were given where acquired the position we now bold recent date The sugar cane is a Dotive from $3000 to $40.00 per acre net profit among the nations of tbe world, the of the far east and sugaf was first dis ­ was secured.) The sugar company pay massing of many minds to act on a sin­ covered in Beugal, Indiana, about the for beets on authority of the State in­ DETROIT WHITE gle purpose, and 1 believe it is likewise year 700. 800 years later the followers spector who weighs tares and fixes sugar true that tbe more people we can com­ of Columbus introduced sugar in the content. bine together in management of an West Indies. 25 years after the landing QUE8TION8. industry, the greater the safe guard of Columbus 28 sugar factories were in What soil will grow the highest grade agaiDSt dishonesty. I believe today that operation in that country. In 1747 at of beets? Answer: A dv loamy soil irganization as it exists or might exist Berlin, Germany, in a chemist’s shop an with clay subsoil well worked. LEAD WORKS is not only practical but necessary that infant was born that weighed only a Do beets impoverish the soil and can *e may cope with other civilized nations. pouod or two and because it wae so they be raised year after year? Answer: Who has uot noted in our late war with sweet they named it Beet Sugar. 50 It is better to change every year although Spain thedifference in action between years later Nipoleon Bonapart stimul they can be raised two years, the tops our army and Davy and theirs; it can be ated its growth by a subsidy of 1200,000 and leaves if left on the land contain READY MIXED attributed to organization and lack of but the defeat of Waterloo ruined the nearly all the fertiiizeing taken from ths organization. How long would our factories and nearly killed the infant. land. religious societies continue in existence In 1829 tbe industry got a start in Ger­ Would we have to contract with factory without organization, our present well many when 3,480 tons were manufactured, for beets raised in vicinity of St. Johns organized system of schools, how dif ­ in 1835 the output in Europe was in order to sell them? Answer: Yes, all ferent from 40 years ago? The Board 27,688 tone, in 1860 380,000, in 1887 the factories have their average already m of Trade whose acts are condemned so 631,733 tone. Improved machinery ex­ contracted, but think contracts could be much by agriculturists that tbe business tracted 8 pounds of sugar from 100 made with some of the factories now in **■9-99 performed by them is gambling of the pounds of beets, where iD 1835 only 5^ process of construction. Jis owest type, I do not think so; believe pounds are extracted. In 1882 cane was If beets were fitted could they be PAINTS, the producer and consumer are both no longer king for 2/156,000 tons were dowb worked in the spring? Answer: K benetitted from dealing in futures, iD out done by 2,147,000 tons of beets. nothing to hinder theirbeing worked up their manner of massing commodities; One year ago the out put of the world to March or untill they begin to sprout. by buying futures, the factory is kept was 4,935,CuO tons as against 2,460,000 What was the cost of Bay City fac­ constantly running; transporation is tons cane sugar, the entire out put in tory? Answer: $300,000.00. cheapened by moving in large quantities. 1897 wae 7,385,000 tons. The increase Is it not the nature of beet seed to Forty years ago a boy was kept out of in tbe consumption of sugar is wonder­ come in bunches? Answer: Yes but school two weeks waitiug his turn at the ful. In 1700 Great Britain consumed experiments are being conducted by shoemaker; wearing apparrel.impleroents 10,000 toDS, in 1885 1,100,000 tons, in which the cost of thinning will be reduc ­ V arnishes, and machinery were made per indivi­ 1875 the consumed 44 ed. dual order. There is no doubt faults iD pounds per capita, in 1891 it had. Prof. Smith’s experiments are being the management of corporate bodies but increased t) 59*2 pounds. The bounty conducted in Germany aDd have received 1 believe the benefits are far in excess of system has assumed immense propor ­ the commendation of the Emperor, by the injuries. The masssing of genius tions in Europe, she paying in one year which they are doing away with expen­ and capital in the manufacture of plows $25,000,000. Several conditions, more or sive machinery by using electricity. We means manufacturing at less cost aod less threatening, confront Michigan pro ­ are also experimenting on raising our Oils and the several special plows made into one ducers of sugar beets and may be termed own seed and have faith to believe it general purpose plow. What would danger signals. 1st: Interference with will be done. have been accomplished by inventors farm routine on account of short seasons Do the factories require farmers to sow without the protection of the patent aDd unreasonable weather. Beet grow­ 12 or 15 pounds per acre? Answer: Out office, on the other hand what is the ing must interfere with harvesting other effect on a person or people when you farm crops. 2nd: Continuous and heavy company require 15 pounds per acre from relieve them in whole or in part as lo cropping of beets must propagate blight the fact that we want a continuous row Brushes. responsibility for support? Are we not in in order to get a full crop, if soil is rich and insect pests. 3rd: Withdrawal of leave beets closer, if poor further apart, ooo case placing a tax on well directed the Htate bounty of one cent per pound. use a hoe to thin and finish by hand. energy,in the other instance paying a With the present outlook there will soon Do you think there is time now to bounty that will encourage thoughtless­ be a demand on the state treasurer of build a factory for next season's output? ness and idleness. In the advance of over half a million of doll ire to settle Answer: ThiDk it too late to build and Everything strictly First Class and civilization there must constantly exist bounty exactions. State taxes may be get ready for business next fall. Mr. E. amoDg the people a degree of want ap­ increased 50 percent, and not over % the R Waldron had talked with people at proaching suffering. There are times state be directly benetitted by beet cul­ Alma and thought a contract might be wheD organizations will take advantage ture. 4th: The withdrawal of the made for what beets could be raised the Best Manufactured. of employees aDd consumers, but com ­ tariff, which is the least meuancing. Our here and had also talked witlj some pare the workings of corporate bodies people are not ready to throw down pro ­ capitalists and believed a factory might with individuals. Where is unfair deal ­ tection and let cane sugar crush the be located *in St. JohnB, another year ing the most prevalent? Do we not fol ­ prospects, which envrion our new in­ The following farmers here gave their low too close to the horsetrader ’s rule? dustry. 5th: Competion of cane sugar. names to Secretary Kyes and number Of Do unto the other lellow as he is going There is a long wail borne to us by acres they would raise, Mr. Waldron to do to you, ” only do it first. Inequal ­ southern winds and it says, “take off agreeing to see some factory people and ity as regards human beings always has your tariff and save us from ruin, ” YOU Can Always Find and always will exist and no government ano ’her from Europe says “take off your contract the output. E. P. Waldron 2 acres, J. C. Jewett, 1, J. L. Holbrook, 1, will ever arrive to that state of perfec bounties or we perish.” Our new pos­ Wm. Woodbury, 1, H. C. Burlingame, I, tion where men unequal in ability \vill sessions will expect a free entry of sugar F. B. Jones, 2, C. H. Cline, 1, Wm. Bird, be made equal by law. About the only but I believe will look after F. J. Williams, 2, C. E. Smith, 2, The Must Complete industry now lacking organization is the the old homestead first. Archie Blakesly, 2, E. E. McKee, 2, Enos pursuit of agriculture. I believe that a Then agaiD there are conditions that Blizzard, 1, J. S. Bristol, 1, Fred Baker, system of concerted action is now on are full of promise to growers of beets. , Judd Carpenter, 1, W. N. Reddout, 1, foot having for its foundation the First cheap and productive lands, the agricultural department at Washington, Geo. N. Ferry, 1. Anyooeelsq wishing greatest expense to the beet growers of to join tbe procession can do bo by hand­ Stock of STOVES and having as its outgrowth the experimen­ Europe is fertilizers, with us the land ing or sending their name to E. P. Wald­ tal stations and the growing institute will remain in good condition with pro ­ ron, St. Johns. How can county schools work. In making markets for the pro ­ per rotation for many years; second, be improved? was a very able paoer ducts of our temperate climate we are diversity of product and deviation from read by Jay Sessions, of Lebanon; he RANGES, GENERAL far behind the people of the south. Let the production of the main staples lifts showed where many improvements m ike a thorough study of the a pressure from them and proves a might be made-in county schools.a* d methods practiced by o her industries benefit; third, increase in consumption. was strongly endorsed by Professor and not organize for the purpose of Raising our own sugar will keep prices Monroe. knocking out other industries. within a reasonable limit and stimulate County Clerk Wm. M. Smith gave a HARDWARE, GLASS, Farm accounts by C. B. Charles. consumption; fourth, our market; in short talk “Profession of law as relates Every farmer should keep exact accounts 1894 we imported 4,335,193,881 pounds of to the farmer.” Thought as a rule and know what every crop costs and sugar, Lousiana produced ’ 600,000,000 lawyers were as honest as any class of what is received for it. Make a map of pounds; from beets 45,000,000 pounds; >eople, not as necessary possibly as ETC. in Our Store. your farm number, your fields and keep from Maple, 7,000,000 pounds; by sub­ armers, but there are times when they an account with each field. Do we as a tracting we have a gap to fill of are necessary. People should pay law rule exercise good business ability work ­ 3,683,193,881 pounds. Germany with yers to keep them out of trouble instead ing hard year after year and not know ­ 405 factories produces about that; of paying them to get them out. Tbe ing whether our crops pay or not. Be­ fifth, American invention and economy; talk was strongly endorsed by Prof- PRICES I RIGHT lieves farmers are habitual grumblers; in no other country do we find brains so Smith and others. he toils early and late and envies the well mixed with muscle. It is safe to pre­ The average attendance was 107 at man who works for a salary, while in dict we can compete with the labor of each session. fact the salaried man has to figure close Europe, by facilities of invention. to make ends meet. It is a custom with I have faith that beet pro ­ Women ’s Section on Fourth Page. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELF. some to buy on credit and when the duction will be cheapened. Two beets crop is raised it takes nearly the whole to grow where one grew before is the F.F. Murdock —Marble \bout twelve to fifteen pounds of r.peult of minute organism's introduced seed per acre. At the experiment Sta- P. P. Murdock in the body through cute, by the breath, 'Kon it took seventy five hours to thin in'drinking water. Patients efc*k with one acre of beets^ Special tools for Si Johns, Michigan. Opposite the Pos any communicable disease should be Cultivating aria being made to cultivate Office. lung, serious; Private Debault. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ADDITIONAL COUNTY The Republican. Wound, slight.. First Montana —Private Reynolds, Rev. I. P. Weldon will preach in tbe M. X. FARMERS INSTITUTE NED WAR AT MANILA Church next Sunday morning and evening. company H. slight wound; Private DUPLAIN Thursday, February 9, 1899 Charles Rummels, flesh wound, slight; A service commemorating the birth of Woman Nt Section. Corporal Hayes, company H, missing, Lincoln will be held et the Ml K. church, Maple Bapids on Sunday morning. Republican County Convention. Death of an Aggressive Filipino probably killed; Private John Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carpenter, of Manceloua, The women ’s section held in the Con ­ are visiting Duplain friends. A republican county convention will be held company L, head wounded, probably gregational church Friday afternoon 8tarts th® Long Expactad The Woman ’* Association of the Congrega ­ Edd Loomis is in Bt, Johns attending court •Uh« Court house, St. Johns, on Friday. Feb- was called to order by the chairman, dead; Private Mayersick, lungs, seri­ tional Church, will meet In the church rooms r.mry 84th, 1880, at 1 o'clock p. m„ to select it Hostilitiaa. next Tueaday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. this week. delegates to state convention at Jackson March Mrs. Wui. Woodbury. She explained ous; Corporal Skinner, company I, slight Mrs. A. F. Currier returned from a six weeks IR UW. 12 delegatee to the29th district Judicial the object of the women ’s section as be­ wound. Dance at Olive grange hall, Tuesday evening, vialt at herson ’s in Mauceloua. convention yet to be called, and to nominate a February 21st. Oyster eupper, horses to hay, County ComnslMiiouer of schools. The various ing that they could better discuss the First Colorado —Private Orton Twever, Majrne McDowell, of Ovid, visited at B. B. bill $1.00, music by Foe roll's orchestra, St. Tucker’s over Buuday. usbi ps will be entitled to representation as subjects by themselves. The meeting FERRIBLE SLAUGHTER OF IATIVE& company B, wounded; Private Charles Johns. »w*: Bath S, Bengal 8, Bingham It, Dallas was the second ever held in St Johns B. Morrison, company B, wounded; Pri­ Fred Hosley is home for a few days. switt S, Duplain 6, Eagle S, Essex 4, Greeu- The service at the M. E. church in Essex on and the third in the county, and was at­ vate Maurice Parkhurst, wounded; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Currier, Mr. and Mrs. Earl 5, Lebanon 8, Olive 3. Ovid 6, Biley 8, Sunday afternoon will be for the reception of Smith and H. B. Smith, attended a birthday »r 8, Watertown 4, Westphalia i. tended by about sixty ladies. Thirty-Six Americans Gave Up Their Private C. D. White, company D, miss­ members. Special service* ou Tuesday and party at Owueeo Monday. C. C. VAUGHAN. Chairman, Mrs. L. Caruss Faubel, of Eaeex, spoke Thursday nights following. WILL H. BRUNSON, Secretary, Lives for Old Glory. ing, supposed to be drowned; Private The W. C. T. U. meet) Tueaday afternoon at D. 8. FRENCH, Treasurer. very enthusiastically upon the euoject Elmer F. Doran, company I, killed; "The ladiee of the Baptist church will be pre- Mrs. Susan Birmingham’s. Republican County Committee. “Right conditions %he guarantee to equal Corporal William H. Erie, company I, ared to sell articles or domestic cookery every Mrs. X. W. ttweliing is spending a few days rights, or home the natural sphere of all wounded; Private Charles B. Boyce, aturday afternoon, until notice to the con ­ withher mother, Mrs. Andrew Halner. 8trary is given, at Parr Brothers' grocery store. Republican Judicial Convention for the reforms. ’’ Mrs. Faubel is a splendid forty-Oas Mam Wars Wounded, Many of company L, flesh wound; Private Mr. Scott is dangerously ill with the grippe. 89th Judicial District. speaker and gave some very good Uaa Wound* Doing Deported Slight Charles Carlson, company L, killed; The next quarterly meeting of the St. Johns thoughts.- She said that orgauizatioo Moulin Tolegrom Soya the Filipino* Lott First Lientenant Charles Haughwount, and South Ovid circuit will be held by Rev. H, A Republican Judicial Convection to nominate Montgomery, district elder, in tbe South Ovid FOWLER. xudate for Circuit Judge for the 29th Jud- mean effort and that in union there is 10,500 to AU-Native Junto Call* It flesh wound. Free Methodist church, February 17 to 19. Ser­ ECircult of Michigan will be held in the strength. As the twentieth century ap­ oa Outpost Druah “Due to American First South Dakota —Private Horace vice* Friday and Saturday evening, Sunday Gust Schrader, of Riley, called on his sister, t Room, in the Court House, in the Village morning and evening. Minnie, Saturday who has been very sick but is at Bt. Johns, Michigan, on Wednesday, March proaches she urge* all to read ana ad ­ Aggression** —Further Battle Detail*. J. McCracken, company H, killed; Pri­ better. Ml, 1899, at oue o clock p. m. The Counties vance more than ever before. Only a vate Fred E. ,Gren, company I, killed; Henry Paraghar, wife and daughter, Loa, of •amprising said District will be entitled to dele ­ short time ago was slavery a part of the Manila, Feb. 7.— Careful estimates Private William J. Lewis, company I, DIED. Shepardavilie, spent Sunday with Clias. Dane gates as followsClinton 12, Gratiot 12. and family. By order of committee natural law and women of profession .Mace ths Filipino losses up to date at killed; Private Benjamin Phepps, com ­ WILL H. BRUNSON, ridiculed. Woman has ability to do pany K, wounded In right thigh; Cor ­ Mrs. Angelina Houk, aged 80 years, in Essex Grandma Henry has a son visiting her. 2.000 dead, 8,800 wounded and 2,000 taken Tuesday. Funeral at the house today. Rev. Chairman, whatshe proposes but there is need of poral Eugene E. Stevens, company K, Mrs. John Haynes spent a part of last week In ■a. Johns , Michigan , Fkbkuaky 2,1899. prisoners. Longman officiating. , Corunna. economy of vital force. What is needed wounded in right thigh; Private Frank most of all is the inseparable efforts of Child of F. T. Smith, in Bengal Monday. The little one and oue-half year old girl of The peace treaty was ratified Monday Hong Kong. Feb. 7. —Ths latest ad ­ G. McLain, wounded in right hip; Hiram Remains were taken to Portland for burial Ernest.Shenline died last Thursday. Funeral both mao aqd woman. She spoke at Fay, wounded in right knee; Corporal Wednesday. held Saturday at the M. E. church. Burial ia by one more than the necessary two- vices from Manila say that the rebel the East Plains cemetery. length about the homes saying that all Carl H. Osgood, company F, sprained At herhome in St. Johns, Thursday. February thirds majority of the senate. But for joy centers in the home, homes are the forces have been driven bock ten miles, knee; Private A. Haskell, company L 2. Nancy T. Huutly, of pneumonia. Funeral at Ciias. Dane wus in Riley Monday. moral of the people, therefore better the slight wound In neck. the house Sunday, Rev. Longman officiating. C. VnnAmburgh and A. Martin were in Ithaca the obstruction tactics of a few back and their losses are estimated at 1,900 on Monday to the will of O. Parke. homes and theuniverse will beimproved. Third artillery — Sergeant Bernard Infant of Wm. Vroman, February 3rd. Fu somber senators, the Philipinoe would killed and wounded. neral was held February 4th. “thtm . W. A. give a dance Monday eveuing at Mothers were urged to teach their chil­ Sharp, flesh wound leg, slight; Private Firemen ’s Hall. Bill 50 cents. never have attacked our soldiers. The dren in the right way, meaning of words, The Filipino Junta here has Issued a Orian Ryan, company L, shot in head, Eliza Harder died Januarv 29, 1899, aged 77 barbarians thought they had allies in habits of industry. Develops the mental statement declaring that the lighting serious; Private Edward Lundstrom, years, 7 months and 20 days. She, with her hus­ band, moved into Dallas towsliip in 1881, from the senate. and physical powers, neglect one and you was only an outpost brush, due to company I* shot through hand, slight; Germany. In 1882 her husband died, and she BATH. I ------dwarf the other. The time is well used American aggression. It adds: "Gen ­ Private James Gleason, company L, was left with four children to care for. Two of when given to the children. Mike the flesh wound, slight. her children are yet in Germany. Her children Alton Phelps and wife, of Wacousta, spent A ll this talk about the state being eral Aguinaldo had given special orders here, witli their children and grand- children child’s education practical, be their friend Fourteenth infantry — Killed, Cor ­ attended the funeral. Funeral services bv Rev. Saturday ana Sunday with relatives in Batn. bankrupted by the sugar beet bounty is and adviser. What is right to leach to the commanders to prevent hostilities poral Guy B. Soden, company E; Cor ­ D. H. Shelley. Burdette Stoughton, wlto ha- been visiting unless the Americans violated their in Oakiuud county for a few weeks, returned nonsense. There will not be over six the girl is right to teach the boy, endure poral Henry F. Thompson, company M; home Saturday. agreement by forcing the Filipino lines. ’ factories running next fall. It is too and suffer for them. Strong womanhood Private Jesse A. Hale, company A; Howard Balcom, who bought out F. E. Smith’s will help to improve the nation as they Only One H ory of the Origin, Maurice Seaman, company A; Louis V. barber shop, has taken possession and will try lnte now to put one in shape for next lead and respect is due them. Mrs. Manila. Feb. 7. —There is but one story Dietz, company D; James Harvey to please old customers aud gain new ones., fall, as the machinery will have to be Faubel thinks the time will come when here of the origin of the fight of Satur­ Knight, company M; Charles W. Doug ­ Walter M. Goodhue, who has been out west for tlie past two years, returned to Bath last made. But if there were 20 factories, it all is improved and cloaed with the day night and Sunday. It originated las. company M; Frank H. Issing- GEN. MILES' CHARGES week and is now visiting his mother and brother, would still be the best kind of an in * words “Peace on earth) good will toward with the firing of a Nebraska sentry hausen, company ty; Charles A. Seitz, Ed. Goodhue. men. ’’ A discussion of the subject was at Santa Mesa upon Filipinos who wsre company M; Alphone Bonner, company Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Chapman have both beon vestment for the state to pay the bounty then taken up and many helpful ques­ M; Peter M. Storment, company L seriously ill with the grippe but are somewhat for the next five years. deliberately cropsing the line, after re­ Will Be Made the Subject of In* improved now, Hiram Tooker also has a severe tions asked and answered. Sixth artillery—Killed, Private W. A. attack of the same disease. Mrs. F. A. Travis gave a recitation that peated warnings, with the evident pur­ Goodman, cpmpany D. vestigation by an Army pose of drawing our fire. The first shot ’fhe finest party of the season was given by The Philipinos were guilty of the was much enjoyed by all.' First Idaho —Killed, Major Ed Me- Tribunal. the Maiden Ladies of Bath, at Progressiva Mias Maud R. Keller, of the Agricul ­ from the American sentry was evident ­ ConvlUe; Corporal Frank R. Calwerl, hall, Thursday evening, February 2ud. The meanest kind of treachery Saturday tural college, spoke upon “The value of ly accepted as a pre-arranged signal, for company B; Private James Frazer, hail was beautifully decorate)] in ' red and night by attacking the American lines white, tbe word “welcomo” in large green letters training. ’’ Thegirl should be trained to it was followed almost Immediately by sompany C. ATTEMPT TO GET AT THE TRUTH. - hung over the stago, every character seemingly about Manila. They had been well be the home maker and domestic science a terrific fusillade along the entire Fili­ First California —Killed, Private J. J. bidding tne pleasure seekers to make the best of the occasion. Receiving committees were in treated by the Americans, but following should be taught. She urges the college pino line on the north side of the Pasig Dewar, company K; Tom Bryan, com ­ their places and indeed the young ladies in the lead of foolish demagogues, as people life very much even if one does not in­ river. The American outposts returned pany H; Joseph Maher, company M. their dainty attire, by their gracious manner tend to make nse of the education in a the fire with such vigor that the Fili­ First Washington — Killed, Corporal Inquiry Will Not Begin Until After the conducted largely to the entertainment of sometimes do in America, imagined they War Coin in Ihm> hi Reports, and Is Ex ­ the evening. The supper committee did not profession, but she thinks it is needed in pino fire was checked until the arrival George W. McGowan, company A; Pri­ fail to perform their most important part* could fire out the Americans, and Indian the home. She thinks dormitory life of re-enforcements. The American fir­ vate Ralph W. Simonds, company A; pected to End in Heavy Condemnation which apparently was fully appreciated, prepares one for the future life, as com ­ ing line consisted of the Third artillery, George B. Relchart, Frank Smith, Mat­ of the Beef Rue. era or Coart-Alartlal for Every one tripped the light fantestic to the like, made a night attack. The Ameri­ charming music of the Sipley orchestra until ing in contact with the different dis ­ the Kansas and Montana regiments, the thias H. Cherry, Sherman Harding, Ed ­ Gen. Mile*. the small hours of the morning bade all disperse, cans lost between 40 and 50 killed, positions teaefies one much. Character ward H. Perry, company I; Walter N. Minnesota regiment, the Pennsylvan ­ Washington, Feb. 4.—The purpose of not without declaring a most delightful eveuig aod 150 wounded. The latest estimates is virtue. No one grows wise alone or ians, the Nebraskans, the Utah battery, Hanson, company L; Arno H. Meickel, passed. company H. the president to terminate the unsatis ­ place the Philipino loss at 2,000 killed, virtuous alone. Patriotism is the power the Idahos, the Washingtons, the Cali­ Sunday School Union. 3)500 wounded and 500 taken prisioners. of the country and may it be used well. fornians, the Fourth cavalry. North Da­ First Washington — Wounded, Ser­ factory state of affairs that has existed geant Samuel E. Boakler, company I; for some time as the result of the nu ­ A Sunday school primary union has They had nevet been up against any­ Little Bernice Bush recited and people kota volunteers. Sixth artillery, and are always glad to hear her. Fourteenth Infantry. Corporal James Neary, company M; merous charges and countercharges and been organized in this city by the state thing like Uncle Sam’s soldiers before. It was decided that the women ’s sec Filipino Artillery Not Eff ctive. Musician Joseph W. Osberger, company interviews respecting the character of superintendent, Mrs. M. H Reynolds, of They have shown their utter unfitness tion should be continued and Mrs. Win. The Filipinos brought artillery into M; Private Dixon A. Everett, company the army beef, by instituting a formal Owosso, with the following officers: for any sort of self-government and it is Ennest, of Olive, township, chosen chair­ action at Gailngatan at 10:80, but it A; Michael Kennedy, Augustin Berry, inquiry into these matters and en ­ President, , Helen Wheelock; secre­ company F: Benjamin A. Harbour, tary and treasurer, Miss Minnie Barring ­ man of the next meeting which will be was not effective. During the night the deavoring to place the responsibility to be hoped thatGeneral Otis will have held at DeWitt. Hugh P. McClellan, Herman Steln- ton; librarian, Mrs. Teachout. United States warship poured a hot fire where it belongs, was made known yes­ afree hand to teach them proper respect Into the Filipino trenches at Caloacan, hagen; O. B. Wright, company I; Wm. The next meeting will be held at the for their superiors. and by 1 a .m. the Americans had ap­ Sloat, company K; Arthur L. Osleurn, terday. This Inquiry will not be un ­ Congregational rooms Friday evening, at $40,000 GIVEN A VAT! parently completely routed the enemy company M; Richard Hughes, company dertaken before the commission to In ­ 7:30o ’cl ck. All primary and interme­ and had taken the villages of Palaw- M; Albert E. Barth, company M. vestigate the conduct of the war has diate teachers and mothers from all the Now that the legislature has had its pong, Santa Mesa, Paco, Sananta, San Lieutenant James Mitchell. Four ­ made Its report to the president. The churches are cordially invited to attend regular junket inspecting state institu ­ Franklin Miles, M. D , L. L. D., the Emi­ Pedro, Macorte, Pandoncan and Pasai, teenth Infantry, died of wounds at 2:0') scope of this new inquiry has not been this meeting. tions, it ought to settle down to the busi­ nent Chicago Physlcan and Scientist, had destroyed hundreds of native huts p. m., Feb. 6; Private G. W. Hall, com ­ defined, but it certainly will embrace will Bend any Sufferer Two Dollars pany G, First Idaho, died of wounds; and had secured position of the water the allegations made by General Miles Doe* Coffee Agree With You ? ness for which it was elected. It is and a Half Worth of HU Wonder ­ Colonel William C. Smith, First Ten ­ main and reservoirs, a distance of over as to the character of the army sup­ If not, drink Grain-O—made from pure pledged to tax reform, and could well ful New Treatment, for Heart six miles. The Tennessees joined the nessee. died of apoplexy at the head of plies, and will involve that officer to grains, A lady writes: “The first time emulate the example of Massachuet s by and NVrvous Discuses. firing line at 10 o ’clock on Sunday his command on the firing line, Feb. S. I made Grain-0 I did not like it but the extent that he must make these appointing a special commission of the Never before has such a generous offer morning and assisted in capturing San ­ AGONCILLO AT MONTREAL. after using it for one week (nothing the ablest men to be found in the state, been made. It will enable 16,000 people ta Mesa. charges good, and to that degree will would induce rue to go back to- coffee. ” suffering from lingering or chronic dis Notable Event of the Fight. He Hears of the Ratification, bat Does Not be on trial himself in a preliminary It nourishes and feeds the system. The to take up the whole question of taxa­ eases of , nerves, heart, liver or One of the most notable events of Yet Lose Hope. manner. children can drink it freely with great Somebody M>ty Have to Softer. tion and report either at a special session stomach, to test the curative qualities of Sunday s work was driving the Fil­ Montreal, Feb. 7. —Ag ncillo had an benefit. It is the strengthening sub­ next year, or at the regular session in Dr. Miles’ Special Home Treatment ipinos out of their stronghold at Paco Should the charges be found well es­ stance of pure grains. Get a package to ­ positively free of charge. extremely busy day of it yesterday. tablished a heavy responsibility would two years. The railroad taxation bills by the reserve of a few companies of Newspaper men and people drawn by day from your grocer, follow the di ­ Hundreds of “Incurable Cases” cured. Mr. F. Californians commanded by Colonel be placed upon the packers and persons rections in making it and you will have curiosity thronged his room all day before the legislature cover only a very .1. Hold, of Grand Rapids, after being Riven up Duboce. The main road to -the village concerned in the meat inspection, and a delicious and healthful table beverage by eleven physicians. Mrs. Frank Smith, of and the Filipino envoy was kept busy perhaps others; should they fall un ­ ■mall part of the^reat.question of equal 1214 Wabash Ave.. cured of dropsy after five of was lined by native huts full of Ftl- for old and young. 16 and 25c. 2. taxation. Whether one of them becomes Chicago's leading physicians had said there inino sharpshooters. After they had answering quest on after he had fin ­ supported General Miles may be oi llg d was no help for her. Truman DeWeese, Editor been firing upon General King and his ished his breakfast. The Interviews in to answer to a court-mart al for re­ a law or not, still there is great need of Chicago Times Herald states: “Dr. Miles cured flection upon the character of other offi ­ me of years of inherited hoadache and dizzi ­ staff, killing a driver, and firing on an the evening papers amused h.m greatly. I AROHA’I EOKDER.-STATEOFMICHIGAN, a reform much broader. The great ness." Hon. C. M. Buck, hanker, Fairbault, ambulance of the Red Cross society. "They have come here and asked me al> cers. There are two methods by which 1 County of Clinton —ss. At a seaeioti of the Minn., writes: “I had broken completely down. Probate Court for the County of Clinton, holden copper mines should pay a fair share, Colonel Duboce ordered the huts to be sorts of questions, ” he sa d, "and then such an investigation may b - con lucted at the Probate Office, in tbe Village of St. My head, heart, stomach and nerves had according to established mill ary usage and individuals should pay in proportion troubled me gieatly for years. Feared I would cleared and burned. The Filipinos con ­ they have gone away and printed what Johns, on Wednesday, tbe 8th day of February never recover, hut l)r. Milos ’ Special Treat­ centrated in Paco church and convent, they liked or what they thought l The first is by the appointment of a in the year one thousand eight hundred ana to what they are worth. They do not ment cured me after six well-known physicians court of inquiry, and the second by thj ninety-nine. where they made a determined stand in should have sa.d. ” Ago ci o was shown Present,Charles M.Merrill, Judge of Probate. do so now. And another thins th e of Chicago and elsewhere had completely fail­ appointment of what Is known as an ed." Mrs. P. Countryman, of Pontiac, Ill., the upper stories. A platoon of Cali­ the Associated Press dispatches con ­ In the matter of tho Estate of JACOB legislature should keep in mind -we do cerning the ratification of the peace officers ’ or inspection board. In the SCHOTT, deceased. says: “Several years ago when I sent to Dr. fornians stationed on a neighboring On reading and filing the petition duly veri­ not want more tax money raised to be Miles for Special Treatment, three physicians bridge maintained a hot fire on the Fil­ treaty. He read them with Interest. former case it would be necessary to fied of Robert;\V JDavid, executor of the laid will said I could not live two weeks. I could not name some officer who 13 to be the sub­ squandered by useless politic il haogers walk six feet then: now i can do all my work." ipinos, but was unable to dislodge them. The final vote interested him in par­ and testament of said deceased, praying that Net the Ht.tughuld on Fire.* ticular. ject of the Investigation. In the latter lie may be licensed to sell the real estate be­ on at Lansing, so much as we want, Dr. Miles has had twenty four years’ the board is charged simply to inq ’i e longing to said deceased for the purpose of pay­ In the face of a terrific fusillade Col ­ When pressed to express an opinion ing tlie debts of deceased and legacies, and for experience, aud is .well and favorably into a state of facts, or alleged fa ts, economy and lower taxej. • Equ il taxes known throughout the jountry. He has onel Duboce and a few volunteers on the senate ’s action he declined, "l I lie purpose of carrying out and completing cannot say anything Just now. I am without reference to any particular per­ the tei me and provisions of the will of deceased. as near as possible, and lower t ixee. As an able and extensive corps of assistants dashed into the church, scattered coal '•hereupon it is ordered, that THURSDAY, the not yet aware of the circumstanc. s. 1 son, and to place the responsibility, if the state increases in population, more and investigators in his laboratories. oil inside of it, set fire to the oil and 2nd DAY OF MARCH. A. D. 1899, at one retired. In the meantime CaptainDyer ’s really cannot say anything about the possible, for anything of which com ­ o'clock in *be afternoon, be assigned for the money will be needed, but if the very He has patients in every State, Terri- hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at battery of the Sixth artillery bombarded matter until I have had an opportunity plaint is made. tort, Canada and . He cordially Been Discussed la the Cabinet. law ofsaid deceased and all other person-, inter­ wealthy paid on their property as the invites the afflicted to write to him. the church, dropping a dozen shells Into to fully consider the situation. Ne.ther ested in suid estnte. are required to appear man wittf one house and lot pays, and the tower and roof. Company L, and can I say anything about my future- It is not possible at present to learn at a session of said court then to be holden at Few regular physicians in the world tlie Probate Office in the Village of Bt. Johns part of company G, of the Californians, movements. They are entirely de ­ in which direction the president property that escapes altogether is put have such unlimited confidence in their pendent upon clrcuir.stanc a." The leans, but he has been in conference and show cause, if any there be, why tbe npon the roll, taxes will still be lower, skill, and the curative properties of their charged into the church, but were un ­ prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. able to ascend the single flight of steps pino envoy apparently does not recog ­ on the subject with the secretary of And it is further ordered that a copy of this remedies Hr. to |••-•rfnit every patient to order be published in tlie Clinton Rkpubli - and more money raised in t he aggregate. leading to the story above. After the nize the action of the senate yesterday war and the attorney general, and the thoroughly test them free of charge matter has beend'seussed in thecablne- can , n newspaper printed and circulating in The R epublican has no sympathy Such liberality speaks louder than words. Incendiaries had retired a company of as a negative reply to his m ssion. He said county of Clinton for three successive the Idahos and the Washington guards, has not yet the news he professed tc to some extent. As before stated, how­ weeks previous to said day of hearing. withthe feeling, if such exists that the You may never have another such an have come to Canada to get, but he ever. no action is to be taken on either (A True Copy.) CHARLES M. MERRILL, railroads are the only offenders. Any opjmrt unity Do not fail to write for ex stationed on either side of the building 48-8 Judge of Probate. picked off the Filipinos as they were hopes to soon. plan until the report of , the war in ­ animation blank and 92 50 worth of free Washington, Feb. 7. — The Filipino vestigating commission is submitted. man who gives the subject a little treatment. Franklin smoked ont. Many of the rebels, how Address Da. Junta here is in a s.ste of bewilderment Up to the clone of yesterday General thought knows that if taxes on railroads Miles, 13th Floor, Masonic Temple, ever, escaped into the brush in the rear ROBATE ORDER.—STATE OF MICHIGAN. of the church. The Americans captured Senor Agoncilio, its head, fled so hur­ Miles positively declined to discuss in County of Clinton,-as. At a session of •re unduly high, freight rates will be Chicago. any manner the events of the day sc theP Probate Court for the County of Clinton, fifty-three of the rebels, and during the riedly that he failed to leave instruc ­ far as they relate to himself, or to dis ­ holden at the Probate Office, in the Village of raised a notch, must be if the road does fighting about the church twenty of the tions for the balance of the junta, and St. Johns, on Tuesday, the 7th day of February Obstinate Case* Yield Under Dr. Walker's cuss any statements contained in any business, and the people are no better off. rebels were killed. they accordingly are dependent upon in the year one thousand eight hundred Treatment. word from him as well as hampered by of the interviews attributed to him. It and ninety-nine. The relation of the railroad to the pub­ Read the following testimonial volun) may be said of these interviews that Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. OFFICIAL LIST OF CASUALTIES. the serious illness of one of them. Their In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM L. lic is different from that of an ordinary tarily given by Mr. Edwin Sperry, a wel- counsel, Ralston & Slddons, withdrew while It is conceivable that they might ALDRICH, deceased. business. A business man can close out known citizen of St. Johns. He says: Thirty-Nix of Oar Mm Killed end Forty- from any relations with them, because figure they would not do so of neces­ On reading and filing the petition duly veri­ “1 wish to publicly express my thanks to One Wunnde.i—Few Cooes serious. sity, for the matters to be first looked fied, of Frank D. Groom, administrator of said bis stock if be sees fit without hurting the counsel cors der d their duty to the estate, praying that he inav be licensed to sell Dr. W. C. Walker for the great good 1 Into are those connected with the char­ the public. It isn ’t feasible to discon- Washington, Feb. 7. —Prompted by government parameunt to their duty to real estate belonging to said deceased for the have received through his treatment 1 General Otis’ promise of Sunday night their cl er.ts now that war ha* begun acter of the army beef. purpose of paying debts of deceased and jex- tine running a railroad, especially the had been afflicted with catarrh of the Lopez was asked: “How long will penve of administration. to send along the list of casualties at Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh’s Vitalizer Thereupon it is ordered that THURSDAY, principal ones, and the public does not head, throat, and stomach for years. the earliest possible moment, the friends jrou rrma n in this country?" THE 2nd DAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1899, at Having tried a number of other doctors immediately relieves Sour Stomach Com­ one o'clock in the afternoon be assigned for want it. There is a happy mean that of the soldiers at Manila besieged the "So long aa the Amerhan people, the without any permanent relief, 1 decioeo American re a e, hove justice for us.” ing up of Food Distress, and is the great the hearing of said petition and that the heirs should be sought, justice to therailroad > to consult Dr. Walker, who helped me war department yesterday by telegram kidney and liver remedy. Sold by all at law of said deceased, and all other Fatally Cold In Colorado. persons interested in said estate, are re­ and the same fair treatment accords d right along, and I am now pleased to and word of mouth for information from druggists quired to appear at a session of said court then •very other kiud of business. But rail­ say I am enjoying good health I cheer­ the scene of the battle in the Philiptnes. Colorado Springs. Colo., Feb. 7. — to be holden at the Probate office in the James N. Holmes, a prospector, bar Village of St. Johns and show cause, if any road taxation is only an: incident to the fully recommend the doctor to all sim­ The list was long in coming, a tact ex­ there be. why the prayer of the petitioner ilarly afflicted. Sigped, plained by the cutting of the telegraph been found frozen to death on Pike’s 8T. JOHNS MARKETS. should not be granted. groat subject. Massachusetts spent Edwin R plrry , wires along the American front, which Peak. He got caught in the blizzard And it is fuither ordered that a copy of thia Friday night and a searching party order be published in the Ci.iwton R e­ throe years going over thewhole subject St. Johns, Mich., January 14, 18)9 prevented early reports from the di ­ Grain quotation* are furnished by tbe St. publican . n newspaper printed and circulat­ Michigan will do well to put her wisest Remember, Dr. Walker’s next visit csmm&nders. When General Otis’ has just found his body. lolms wheal houses every- Thursday, , and are for ing in said county of Clinton for three St. Johns, at Hotel St Johns, is S ttu?- casualty lists began to come over the Denver, Feb. 7. —Yesterday morninp lie prices paid that day only. successive weeks previous to said day of ■ten at wotk upon the question. was the coldest of the winter In Denver. The e'evatora will open promptly at 7 a. m. hearing. day, February 11. All wishing to c m- cables they were somewhat confusing, and cloae at 6 p. m. 484 CHARLES M. MERRILL, suit him should call early as possible, as probably due to the fast that there are The weather bureau thermometer at 3 Wheat, whits...... —L~A 67 (A True Copy.) Judge of Probato. again on last visit some were unable to nineteen different lines between Manila o ’clock registered 21 below aero. Chey­ Wheat, red ______—------67 Joat lee Comes High. 29 see him, Office hours 9 a. m. to ft. p. m. and Washington. The immediate effect enne, Wyo , reported 28 below zero. | Ciiifirtl' _____ 07 From Lansing Journal. Bv Tbcstsk Danlv : was to cause some errors to be made Nicaragua Canal Bi:L Dressmf Turkey *J_ ...... 10 An otdinance to amend ordinance Number “Last year the Attorney General ’s in the reported list of killed. After Dressed Ducks...... -...... ' 9> Sixteen (16) entitled “ an ordinance relative to Dreadfully Nervous. • Washington, Feb. 4.—Tlie house com ­ Dressed Geese.______06 the slaughtering or flaying of animals.” great difficulty the officials of the war •Ace of the State of Michigan ooet the Gents : merce committee has agreed to report Dressed Beef______...------, 06- 07 The village of St. Johns hereby ordains that -I was dreadfully nervous, aod .tressed Hogs. ______.— 8.50- 4.00 taxpayers 920,000. Five years ago the department arranged the previous cas­ Hepburn ’s Nicaraguan canal bill with ordinance Number Sixteen (16). entitled “as for relief took your Karl’s Clover Root ualty lists into the following single list, l.itr Hog* ______8.25-8.50 ordinance relative to the ilanghtering or flay* total yearly expenses of the office were Tea. It quieted my uervea and strength some amendments, instead of the bill Live Cattle------2.50— 4.00 ing of aniaala, ’’ shall be and is hereby amend ­ which is believed tS be substantially ac» passed by the senate. The sum of 1115.- Dreeaed Matton. ______06 ed by the addition of the following words at Isas than 92,000.” eoed my whole Nervous System. I w as 'totter ______——— 11-12 curate and was made up as an official 000,600 ia appropriated, to be drawn up­ the end of seid ordinance, “Provided, that troubled with Constipation, Kidney sod substitute list for tbe prior lists: . Kggs, per dozen...... —----- 18-14 nothing herein contained shall be constru ­ Bowel trouble Your tea soon cleansed on from time to time as it shall be ’ nrd per pound ...... 06 ed to prevent the business of killing or We Want at Once. First brigade,* First division: Tenth my system so thoroughly that I r tpidly needed. Potatoes ------» dressincof poultry or chickens within said vil­ A reliable man to sell our Blue Pen rained health and strength. Mrs. 8 Pennsylvania —Major E. Brlerer, flesh Onions, per ----....—------20 lage, where the same shall be carried on upon wound on arm, slight; Lieutenant Al­ Kagan’* Sentence To Re Ml I gated. Oliver cced. Mammoth ...__ _ _ toe i x u *.i -i u: ot 0.4 at littu which Lrerotitn kill ,r ■ant brands of Lubricating Oils and A.Hweot, Hertford, Connecticut Sold “ “ June ----.—...... — 4.00 and the premises are kept a- clean «u possible." Greases, and high grade Thresher and by all druggists. bert J. Buttermore, flesh wound, slight; Washington. Feb. 4.—There is almost Bcant...^..——------60-85 j Carried as follow* : Mill Supplies. Will make liberal ar 8«rgeant Joseph Sheldon, company H, a positive belief among army cffi-Uals ANyke Clover Seed------,—~—_ 2.75-3.75 I Yeas Danly, Hunt, Richardson, Spaulding, slight flesh Private Hiram Rye------52 Tmmp. rangementsand givesteady employment wound; that there will be a mitigation of the Barley, per ewt...... —...... —t 901 Nays—4) Conger, company D, serious; Id the right man. The Eudlid Oil Com abdomen, sentence imposed by the court-martial U. No. I Timothy. 5.00 Dated, St. Johns. February 6, 1899. After La Grippe Dr. Miles' Nervine renew! Private Edward Caldwell, company C, which tried Commissary General Eagan 400 m. McDonald , gany, Cleveland, Ohio. 4f-lp the wasted tissues sad restores health. Village Clerk.

I 7\ **• • • • > ■ - NEW! the county board to board all county flllFTN PITY DP PIIRA promenades Id the oity and Its suburb* The Republican. Tha Only High Grade Bakins 8 OF THE STATE. prisoners for one year for $8,600. Ths I I Ul uUDH. thief among wbioh may be mentioned board expects that there will not be so Powdar Offarad at a Mod* ------’ the Paseo de Isabel, with its wide pave* many county charges under the con ­ .. _ - _ ... mant and its grand oentral avenue at C. C. VAUGHAN, Pvauiau arata Prion. TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS OP THI tract s’em. EVENTS OF INTEREST. Havana., the Great Metropolis oi flowering trees. Here stands an impoe- TKKMBi-tl.OO Per Y mt. t....ghi 4 hum ion from Cattle. the West Indies. ing monument, the Fontana de India, Detroit, F'eo. 3.—A. O. Crosier, of surmounted by a well executed status JOB PRINTING. Matter* Selected with aa Bjr* te tha Grand Rapids, states that his brother. of the Antilles, represented by an In­ Want* of Oor Own Keodvrv —Prlnelpal Professor Arthur Croeier, who died of ITS VERY PICTURESQUE HARBOR. dian maiden. Forming a background to Oar materiel U new and of the lateet style* Happening* in the Slate Darlag the Pant consumption Monday, acquired the dis ­ and we ana ran tee satisfaction, both in ease while attending the State Agricul ­ this remarkable work of art are tha prices and quality of work. CALUMETS Few Day* Called from tho Reports, tural college. His window faced the public gardens of La Glorietta, with Oar Advertising rates are ttOQ per column per Detroit, Feb. 3.—The Clough 4k War­ epot where a herd of consumptive cat­ their oleander groves and towering annum. Business notices live cents per line Tbs Odd Architect ora and Queer Owtoau for each insertion. Editorel notices, ten cents. NONE 90 GOOD. ren company's piano and organ lac* tle was killed, and. It Is claimed, germs of the Place—Old Obarehee and Forte, palms. In the great pond tbe Victoria Business cards, $1.00 per line per year. tory at Congress West and Sixth street found thslr way Into his system, killing regia floats its ooloasuJ silver caps. Marriage, birth and death notices inserted free. The Havana Shop* and Public Prome ­ was partly destroyed by tire. The prin ­ him. Near by is the Oampo de Marte, where Obituary eommente, resolutions, cards of thank., nade*-Havoc Wrought by tho War. ate., will be charted for at the rate of lire cipal loss is in the center portion of the Bones of a Maa Nine Feet TalL tbe soldiers drilled who will drill there Mots per line. Correspondence containing local news. Is solic ­ plant, which is lour stories and base­ Niles, Mich., Feb. 6.—During the In ­ VII. uo more, and beyond this is tbe palace, ited from ail parts of the county. ment In height, and laces upon both vestigation of the mounds in Pokagon The oity of Havana is situated on tbe of tbe Aidants family, in tbe midst of Annony moua communications not Inserted under any circumstances. t BREVITIES. Congress and Sixth streets. Ths offices township, Cass County, the bones of west side of a beautiful bay of tbe gull a splendid tropical garden. perhaps 10C persons were found In the One announcement of society entertainments and warerooms, which occupy the east­ at Mexico and is on the noi th west ooast Tbe Oalzada de la Reina is another will be published as uewa. Any farther men­ ern end of the Congress street aide, and center of one mound and under these, wide street, running from the Campo tion, where admission fee is charged, will be Fred Smith was in 8beriden last week. and separated from his companions, of tbe island of Cuba. It stands on a charted for at five cents per line. are protected by a fire wall, were unin ­ de Marte to tbe Calzacla Belancion and A. Keys and Will Barnes were in Ionia jured except by smoke and a little were the bones of a man who in ljfe sort of peninsula, formed on one side by tbe Paseo de Tacou. This in the fash­ Monday. water. The part of the factory which must have been fully nine feet tall, oc ­ the bay and on tbe other by tbe gulf, BUSINESS CARDS. cupying a sitting position with his feet ionable shopping street. In anteliellnm faces 81xth street was also practically and is divided into two portions —tbe M. T. Streeter was in Ovid on business Intact, except that the machinery and under him. times it was crowded with carriages MU8IC. intramural, or old town, between tbe in the morning, when the Cuban ladies Wednesday. some contents are damaged by water. Burned aud H*r Corpse Fro sen Stiff. The foreman of the factory says that bay and tbe ancient walls, and the ex­ made their purchases. The Paseo de arion e. dodge , vocal and in Mendon, Mich., Feb. 6.—The burned strumental Music. Over Spaulding A Co. Holland Hart, of Ionia, visited friends the fire originated mysteriously In a tramural, or new town, beyond tbe Tacou is, however, the finest promenade M remains of Mrs. Mary A. Crabb were hereover Sunday. box in the basement containing saw­ walla In the city and worthy of any capital found Saturday In her home, the body ATTORNEYS. dust and shavings from the wood turn ­ J. H. Smith, of Ovid, was here the frozen stiff. Her death was evidently The harbor of Havana is wonderfully city in tbe world. This street dates ing machines. There was no fire, how­ 8. K. SMITH. due to an explosion of kerosene used In picturesque, and tbe first impression of back to 1802 and is adorned by several latter part of last week. ever, near It and no oils to aid spon ­ TTORNEYATLAW. office over hel- attempting to light a fire. The woman tbe traveler on seeing tbe city is dis ­ handsome statues, and memorial col­ A lor ’s Basaar. Mrs. E. Whetstone was in Fowler taneous combustion. There was some ­ lived alone. tinctly agreeable, a feeling that a oioser umns. At tbe extreme end of the Tacon WILL H. BRUNSON. visiting relatives Tuesday. thing of a panic among the workmen ire the botanical gardens, where one of but all escaped without serious Injury view of it does not destroy Opposite ILL H. BRUNSON.—ATTORNEY AT Bonrke Cock ran at Ann Arbor. tbe entrance to the harbor stands Morro the finest collections of tropical plants W Law, over Putt’r Grocery, St. Johns. Miss Winfield Daboll ie home from except Robert Ferguson, a finisher, who Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 6.—Bourke Ann Arbor for a few days. fell from the fourth floor and suffered Castle, of which we have heard so mnoh and flowers in the world is to be seen. W!W. N. STOCKER. Cockran spoke on "Militarism and some badly broken bones. Charles H. "Wages ” in University hall Saturday of late. It is a very old struotore, hav- In times of peace Havana is without oldiers and comrades , i being G. W. Hyde was in Hastings on busi­ Thorne, a shipping clerk and Emil Mar­ sxception tbe pleasantest city in ths one of your number, therefore know your night before an audience of over 3.000, wantsS and also your rights by law, therefore ness the first of the week. tin, a laborer, suffered slight injuries. and his flights of oratory in opposition southern hemisphere. It has capital respectfully solicit your patronage in the prose ­ Mrs. C. D. Gregory, of Owosso, was The building is owned by the Fort to so-called imperialism evoked loud ap­ public libraries, museums, clubs and cutions of claims for pensions, back .pay, bounty Street Union Station company, whose or rations. Also Notary Public. Enquire at here the first of the week. plause. theaters In the evening it is delightful, Heller’s Bazaar. WM. N. STOCKER. viaduct it adjoins and who acquired and the streets are thronged with peo ­ It at the time the plant Increane in Miner*' Wage*. FKDEW A A WALHRIDGE. IT Kate Wickes went to Mason Tuesday, ple until the early morning. The bands was established. Its estimated value Is Ishpeming, Mich., Feb. 6.—Managers TTORNEYS AT LAW, ST. JOHNS. MICH. where she will visit for two weeks. play selections from tbe latest operas, l- Over Travis A Baker's. $100,000, Insured for about $40,000. The of the Ishpeming mines have decided Mrs. T. H. Hart, of Ionia, haa been the Insurance on the stock and machinery that their workmen shall have an in ­ and the senoras and seuoritas paradt PERKINS A BALDWIN. is about $75,000, which it is believed crease in wages March 1. It Is stated back and forth with their attendant ttorneys at law , money loanees guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Hicks, and Real Estate Agents. Office over the past week. will about cover the loss, although the that the raise will amount to at least Caballeros aud mostly in evening dress, DuA teller's, Clinton Ave., St. Johns. owners will state no estimate. 10 per cent. with only a lace veil over their beads. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Travis are spend ­ Ferguson was taken to Harper hos­ Although an eminently Catholic oity, EDWIN H. LYON. pital and operated upon. He could not MAY OPPOSE POST-MORTEM. TTORNEY AT LAW. ST. JOHNS, MICH ing this week in Findlay and Wauseon, Havana cannot claim to be ricbly en­ l. Office over Kendrick ’s store. Ohio. survive the breaking of bones and in ­ Barnet’s llrother Says He Died from Nat­ dowed with chnrches. Quite a number ternal injuries suffered and died at 2:30 ural Causes. CATHKDUAL IS HAVANA. WHKRK COLUMBUS’ were, however, destroyed daring tbs SPAULDING, NORTON A DOOLING. Mr. and Mrs. L. Severance are in In the afternoon. A6HKS AUK BURIKI). * A TTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE OVER ST New York. Feb. 7. —H. C. Barnet's , various rebellions, especially those there Johns National Bank. Detroit and Pontiac on business and THREE PERSONS KILLED. brother and Dr. Beaman Douglas, who ing been built by Philip II of Spain in previous to 1885, when the religious or- pleasure this week. attended Barnet when he was ill, de ­ 1678, but it bas been considerably al-. ders were suppressed. The largest K. J. WOODBUFF. Terrific Crash of Passenger Trains at J. C. Conley, of Phenix, R. I., is here. clare that Barnet died from natural tered of late years to suit it to tbe exi church is tbe Merced, a flue structure 'JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, OFFICE OVER Imlay City, Mich. gencies of modern warfare. After Morro l) Allison ’s Jewelry Store. Collections He is the horseman who purchased Imlay City, Mich., Feb. 7. —Chicago causes and not from poisoning, and it is iu tbe Rooco style, with handsome mar­ speciality. intimated that Barnet ’s brother may the other historical fortress, La Punta, Neilie K., last year. and Grand Trunk passenger train No. ble altars and some good paintings. Tbe LEWIS SEVERANCE. object to the district attorney ’s appli­ also erected by tbe same king, oomes cathedral is the principal architectural Mrs. L. E. Kimball was called to Ionia L west-bound, plunged full speed Into cation to exhume the body. If this is into view. To the left of the harbor are KWIS SEVERANCE.-ATTORNEY, COUN passenger train No. t, east-bound, monument of public interest in Havana. IJ selor and solicitor. Representative of the Tuesday on account of the illness of a done and the court refuses to grant two pointed promontories crested by It was erected for the Jesuits iu 1704 ou Attorney ’s National Clearing House, Minneaposister-in-law.­ wbile the latter was standing at the permission owing to lack of evidence of several fine cbnrcbes, one, Los Angeles, lis; tlie Attorney ’s and Agency ’s Association, station here. The results of the crash a crime having been committed, the tbe site of a church built in 1519. It is New York; Sharp A Alleman ’s list of lawyers several centuries old. constructed in tbe usual Hispano-Amer­ and bankers, Philadelphia: The J. B. Sanborn Attorneys Ray Latting and Cassius were fatal and otherwise disastrous. best part of the contention made by the Beyond these, upon a number of low list of commercial lawyers, Chicago A some Alexander, of Grand Ledge, were here The following were killed: Engineer district attorney in his published state­ ican style, with a large dome and two gondent ip every county seat ip the United ’ ^ ' Fairbanks of the west-bound train; lying bills, rises the city, an irregular low towers on either side of tbe oenter, ites and the principal cities of Europe, All the first of the week. ment that he knew who poisoned both kinds of legal business promptlyi attended to Edward Re d of L^nox, Mioh.,mail clerk Barnet and Mrs. Adams will fall mass of one story buildings, interspersed and is suggestive of the Moorish style Address, St. Johns, Michigan. Miss Helen Gibbard left for Grand of west-bound train; Thomas Stuart of through. with church domes and towers, with of architecture. Tbe oboir would be Rapitts yesterday and will be there and Lansing, mail clerk, east-bound train. The police declare that these allega ­ here aud there cocoa palms or a fringe considered handsome even in Rome, bnt HHYSICIANS. in Holland about one week. The Injured: Engineer Mahan of the tions of the district attorney were made of banana leaves waving over some gar ­ beantifnl as it is its obief interest to east-bound train, several ribs broken, on clews which they Investigated and H. D. SOU AIK, M. D. den wall. Previons to tbe war vessels Americans is owing to tbe fact that in Miss Myrtle Moore and friend, Miss ----- Burns of Lapeer, passenger on then discarded, and say that he has no from all parts of the world filled np tbe pyHY-HCIAN AND SURGEON,. OFFICE east-bound train, leg broken; Ripley it is tbe tomb of Columbns. After hav­ over Hunt's Drug Store, St. Johns. Voeper, of M. A. C , visited friends here new facts In the case, with the ex­ foreground of tbe picture, wbile canoe­ ing been interred and reinterred in the latter part of last week. White, passenger east-bound train, ception of the theories furnished by like market boats, landed with tropical H. PODGE, M. D., SURGEON AND ankle bruised; ----- English, Strathroy, Harry Cornish, who is now a frequent Spain tbe remains of tbe great disoover- . Homoeopathic Physician. Office and resi­ Byron McCabe went to Greenville fruits, fish, vegetables and flowers, row ­ er were removed to the island of Santo Jdence over Spaulding A Co ’s Hardware Store. Ont., slightly bruised. visitor at the district attorney ’s office. Both trains were fast mail trains. The ed by negroes naked to tbe waist, sond- Tuesday, where he has a position as A 13-Year-Old Suicide. Domingo and deposited in tbe principal • »K. ERNEST SCHEMER. clerk in a dry goods store. east-bound was standing near the sta­ ded in ull directions over tbe water. church of the capital. Thence tbe ashes HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE tion, waiting for the coming train tc Washington, Ind., Feb. 7. — Ella What should be called the city proper, of Columbus were carried to Havana P over Oruler’s Store, Fowler, Mich. S. S. Day, who has been visiting old pass It, according to custom. The lat­ Le Grande, IS years old, an or ­ tbe commercial center of tbe Cuban and solemnly interred in 1796. ter, instead of slackening and stopping phan wio made her home with DR. S. E. OILLAM, M. D. friends and doing business here for four capital, consists of a labyrinth of nar­ There is something pathetic in the crashed Into No. 6. The employes of R. J. Stone and wife at Vel- T>HYSICIAN AND SURGEON,_OFFICE_AND weeks, returned to Olivet Tuesday. pen, a village north of here, committed row lanes traversed by several broad fact that Spain, having lost tbe last of residence west of Court House. Office the west-bound train and the passen ­ streets, tbe two principal of which are hour- l to 4 p. i [., from 7 to 9 p.m. The Michigan Prees Association will gers of the east-bound suffered the siuclde by swallowing a quantity of her possessions in America, intends to morphine. She quarreled with a play­ known all over southern America and negotiate for tbe removal of tbe ashes DR. HENRY PALMER, M. D. hold its annual meeting for the election most. The locomotives were both badl) wrecked and the mall cars are Jammed mate, and when her former friend and the West Indies as Calle O’Reilly and of Columbus from tbeir present resting HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. H. PAL- of officers in Lansing February 14th and companion passed her on the way to Callie O’Bisbo and run from the gov­ mnr, Ph. C., M. D., opthamologist and gen ­ across the tracks. All the passenger place to Spain. It wonld be unworthy Peral practitioner. oflee ovei Hunt ’s Drug15th. coaches remain on the tracks. Wh> school and failed to speak Ella burst ernor ’s palace oat to tbe walls of tbe of a nation to forget tbe glories of its Store Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Miss Vesta Wcodbury, of M. A. C. the west-bound trr!n failed to stop is into a fit of crying and refused to be city. Few of tbe bouses which line comforted. Unnoticed she to.ok a quan ­ past history, bnt it seems that Spain ’s has been spending this week at borne yet unknown. these lanes and alleys are more than misfortunes have been at least partly DENTISTS tity of morphine from a bottle on the one story high, but that one story is so She has been ill for a couple .of weeks mantel and half an hour later .was owing to ber living upon her past rec­ WILL INVESTIGATE PINGREE. lofty that it would make two or three G. K.-COKHIN. M. I>7, I>. D. 8. but is much better now. found unconscious in her bed room. She ord and neglecting tbe present. GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF The Opponent* of the Governor Will died soon after being discovered. of an average New York building. The Tbe Casa de Bcueficencia, founded by CV Michigan. Thirty years’experience in St. Mrs.J. R. Wixom, who has been here Probe Mi* Official Conduct. lower half of every house is painted Joh-iH. Trust entirely to his taste, ability, con Call* It Judgment of God. tbe famous Laia Casas, is a charitable ■cieiii a. and you will got the nearest approach to attend the funeral of her sister-in law Detroit, Feb. 4.—The anti-Pingree either a dark blue, a deep red or a vivid institution where extreme age and ex­ pos-ihU to perfection of results in dentistry. Mrs. A. E. Jackway, returned to l people have returned to the investigat ­ Madrid, Feb. 7.— The Imparcial rryr yellow, the npper part being almost treme youth find a friendly shelter. It ing proposition again. It is a tact that "The attack on Manila was the jucfo ­ invariably of a dazzling white. Tbe ARTHUR COKIIIN, •». I>. S. home in Farmington Saturday. ment of God upon the Americans., wht is managed by those devoted women, ROWNS, “HRIDGE WORK” (TEETH the "antis ” have Anally decided to after despoiling Spain, are beglnn r. effect of this singular and inartistic the Little Sisters of the Poor. Tbe Lazar C thout plates) ng r l f in). progress, he declares Its dissolution. result was largely owing to tbe Cuban In former yean. Johns schools tnis week. Ing the organlzntlr n. G. PENNELL, Vice-President. The high school glee club made its - ■ Masqnllo Bar* for Sold Ian. insurrection and the oousequent ruin it With peace seeto red and under the P. E. WAL8WORTH, Treasurer Tueoday evening. Michigan L* 1*1 tit—Amu it. Reading. Pa., Feb. 7.— A Philadelphia entailed upon the planters and wealthy protecting aegis of the United States Could we speak of all the parts rend ­ Houghton. Mich.. Fe.>. 3 — f e i cr»- company has placed a large order with people generally. Havana will again beoome commercial­ ered and give them their due praise, the igan legislative parly v c. .. , J Reading iron plant for tbe manu ­ The finest street in Havana is the ly great and prosperous, as she was be­ dM satisfaction of the audience would then here took a special tr in n t ie Han ­ facture of mosquito bars. The Phila­ Oerro, a long thoroughfare running up fore insarreotion and Spanish misrule IMPROVED not be overreached. The boys are very cock and Calumet ra r a '. Vs teJ tbe delphia concern has a contract with • bill at the rear part of the town. It cast n blight upon her fair prospects. teful to Miss Emmons for the splen- Tamarack stamp mills and the Calu­ the government to provide the bars, is bordered on either side fay grand old Situated most favorably for commercial drillingand management given them. met and Hecla smelting works before which Will be used to support nettings dinner, spent the time f:om 1 o ’clock for the eoldlers doing garrison duty In villas, surrounded by magnifloent gar- Intercourse with Europe and the twe to 6 visiting the t a umet and Heels Ui* new island possession. The orders Tbe handsomest of these math Americas as she is, and the ospital oity and Tamarack mines, ard returned to for the bars ars placed In 17,000 lots «t stone belongs to the old and noted Her- ■Bd trade center of one ef tbe most pro- Th* Modern Way. Houghton to banquet at tha Onlgara- g time. nan dec family and is built of whits dvotive Islands In the world, there Is Commends itself to ths well-informed; lag club house. All members are in Government Bill Bejoetod. marble in the usual elaseioal style. The nothing te prevent Havana from assum­ FOR SALE, to do pleasantly and effectually what was good spirits: adjacent villa, Santovsoeo, has a love­ ing, before many decades have passed formerly done in the crudest manner and Paris, Feb. 7. —The parliamentary disagreeably as well. To cleanse the County Bays PdfSte Abatrnete. committee by a vete *f 9 to 8 rejected ly garden and used to he famous for Its by, a position of commercial eminence Improvedip Farm in the Michigan Fruit system and break up colds, headaches, Bessemer, Mich., Feb. $.—The county th* government's bill providing that orchids, collected by the late Countses teoond to no oity In tropioal America. Belt for sale at a bargain, For parti and fevers without unpleasant after, board has purchased ths private ab­ all cases of trial revision be brought de Bantoveneo. Then follow many other But such a desideratum is contingent eulara address quickly effects, use the delightful liquid laxative stracts of ths county from Conrad before the whole oourt of cassation in ­ magnificent dwellings, the abodes at Upon a continuance ef peso* favorable A lbert Baxter , remedy. Syrup of Figs. Mads by Cali Carlson, ex-county clerk, for $8,000. The stead of before th* criminal section of the aristocracy of Havana. trade regulations and seourity to Ufa •» — Muskegon, Mich. fornix Fig Syrup Co. newly sleeted sheriff contrasted with that oourt. There are several delightful public and pro party. Hm Maodonaua Jfe of smuggled anus. But be fell tbe night "You ’re• atarvel/’Carnforth admit* to be full of eyes, and for a Havana that cargo tbrongb now that yoa ’re pat on yonr mettle, but I guess there’ll be ted. "I’m a hit of a speuker myself, bat 'THE SECRETS bound ship to leave tbe nsnal steam I never beu i ■ mau with a gift at lane which leads to tbe English channel trouble for Bomebody before it’s dealt ont to the patriot troops. Gad, I’d like tongae like yoa have got. ’’ ai easy and at* was equivalent to a confession of her "I’m poisouoos when I spread my­ purpose from tbe outset. So he took tbe to be somewhere on hand to watob yon moat painless Fic^ns dc it!" self, ” said Kettle. childbirth ar« parallel rulers aud penciled off on his "I wish I was clear of yon," said all told in • ohsrt tbe stereotyped coarse which just * l don ’t object to an audienoe," saM Ktrr.e. Carnforth, with an awkward langb. handsomely il­ clet* i Whitby and Flamboroogb Head "Whatever possessed me to leave the lustrated book and tbe Snltkn of Borneo was held "By Jove! I’ve half a mind to come with yon." yacht and oome on this croise I oan ’t entitled "Bo- along this, steaming at her steady nine think." fore Baby it knots, aud it was not till she was oot of "Yon ’d better not," said tbe little Born, ” a copy CZrfc////e sailor, with glib contempt. "You're "Borne people never do know when of which will bo sight of land off Ham her mouth aDd they’re well off," said Kettle. "Well, tbe sea ohauced to be desolate that he not the sort that cares to risk his skin, sent free on ro- and I can’t be bothered with deadhead sir, yon ’re in for it now, and yon hnay quest to every starboarded bis helm aud stood off for see things which will be of servioe to CcpyrtcJH, /sgs. By durcurre. xy* the ooean rendezvous. passengers. ” expectant mo­ "That settles it," said Carnfortb. you afterward. Yon ought to make ther. The book A hand on tbe fore topsail yard pick­ yonr mark in parliament if yon do get also tells about ed np the yacht out of the gray mists of "I’m coming with yon to rao that blockade, and if the chance comes, my back from this trip. You ’ll have some ­ ■ that truly great liniment known as of freight according to the risk, and he dawn, aud by eight bells they were ly­ thing to talk about that men will like “TLe shore part most He entirely with ing hove to in tbe trough, with 100 cantankerous friend, I’ll show yon I can MOTHER'S FRIEND yon, sir," said Captain Kettle. "It'i was employed as carrier by those wbc be useful—always supposing, that is, to listen to, instead of merely chatter­ paid the higher prioe. If there was any yards of cold gray water tumbling be­ ing wind, which is what most of them which modifier all the distress, pain and Baized up with the foreign enlistment tween them. The transshipment was we don ’t murder one another before we danger of the period of pregnancy and right or wrong about the question, it get there." are pnt to, so far as I can see from tbe insures rapid recovery. act and the Alabama case and a doses was a purely private matter between made in two lifeboats, and Kettle went papers. And now, sir, here’s the stew­ Other things which may mean anything aoross and enjoyed an extravagant • •••••• Prswlets n M Me«fcsr*e frl—• ter > e littti. Mr. Gedge and his God. He, Owen Ket­ A white mist shut tbe channel sea in­ ard come to tell ns tea’s ready. Yoa go THE BKAJOTKLD UGPLATOB CO., AtUata.«a. between jail and confiscation, and mj tle, was as impersonal in the businest breakfast in tbe yaoht’s cabin. Tbe talk below and tnok in. I’ll take mine on was all upon tbe Onban revolution. to a ring, and the air was noisy with fcead isn't big enough to bold it. It { as the ancient Sultan of Borneo herself. tbe grants and screams of steamers’ the bridge here. It won ’t do for me to you'll be advised by me, sir, yon ’U see 'He was a mere oog in some complex Caruforth, the yacht’s owner, brimmed tnrn my back yet awhile, or else those her and the ring of water on wbioh sba with it. • sirens. Captain Kettle was standing on swam like a ohip in a lantern picture. a real first class solicitor and stand him | machinery, and if he was earning beav- tbe Saltan of Borneo ’s upper bridge, beasts forrard will jump on ns from be­ • drink and pay him down what be askt! an it was by piety inside the chapel "If yon can ran the blockade, oap- hind and mnrder the whole lot while Carnforth swore aloud, and Captain tain,” said he, "and land these rifles with his hand on the engine room tele­ Kettle lit a fresh oigar. Those of the right there on the bar oonnter and get , ashore and not by professional exertions graph, which was pointed at "Fall we aren ’t looking." to know exactly bow the law of tbit' (in the interests of an eurtbly employer) and tbe Maxims and tbe cartridges, Tbe voyage from that time onward mongrel crew who were on deck went they’ll be grateful enough to pnt np a speed asternCarnfortb and the old below to paok tbeir bags. business stands before yon stir foot in ! elsewhere. second mate stood with their chins over was. for Captain Kettle a period of con ­ it Tne law here in "England, " said the He took ferry-across the filthy Tyne statue to you. The revolution will end stant watchfulness. It wonld not be trae “Well, sir," said Kettle cheerfully, in a snap. The Spanish troops are half the top qf tbe starboard dodger, aud all "here we are. That’s a Spanish gun ­ little man, with a reminiscent sigh, "it and walked down alleys and squalid three of them peered into tbe opalesoent to say that he never took off bis clothes a beastly thing to fall fool of. It's nev- streets, where ooal dust formed the mod of them fever ridden and all of them or never slept, bnt whether he was in boat, with .searchlight, all complete. ” discouraged. With these gnus yon are banks of tbe fog. He screwed np bis eyes and gazed astern •r done kicking you, onoe it’s got a fail and the air was sour with foreign va­ They bad reason for tbeir anxiety. pyjamas in the chartbonse or whether pors. And as he walked he champed still carrying tbe patriots can shoot tbeir be was sitting on an upturned ginger meditatively. "She’s got the heels on ■tart, and you never know where it will enemies over tbe edgee of the island in­ Not five miuntes before a long, lean ns, too, by about five knots, I should ■hove out its ugly hoof from next. No, at the nulit cigar and brooded over the torpedo catcher had raced np out of tbe beer case under the shelter of one of tbe angularity of bis fate. But when he to the Caribbean sea. Aud there is no npper bridge canvas dodgers, with his say. Just look at tbe flames coming ont Mr. Gedge, give me the States for nice, reason why yon should get stopped. thickness and slowed down alongside, of ber funnels. Aren ’t they jnst giving •omfortable law, where a man can buy passed between the gates of the dock with tbe channel spindrift blowing tired eyes shat and the red peaked beard company ’s premises and exchanged There are filibustering expeditions fitted ber ginger down in the stokehole. It by the yard for paper money down, out every week from Key West and over her low superstructure in white Shooting will begin directly, and tbe and straight pistol shooting is alwayt! ^ofds with the policeman on guard a hailstorms An officer on tbe npper change came over him. He threw away Tampa and tbe other Florida ports, and other blaokgnards asboro have apparent­ remembered in his favor." one or two have even started from New bridge in glisteniug oilskins had sent ly forgotten all about ns. There isn ’t a The young man who owned tbt tbe cigar stump, tightened his lips and across a sharp, authoritative bail, aud left all tboogbt8 of personal matters York itself. ” light anywhere." •teamsbip Sultan of Borneo tapped bif "Bnt they haven’t got throogb," sug ­ bad been answered, "Saltan of Borneo; "What are yon going to do?" asked blotting paper impatiently. "Stick tc outside the doorsill. He was Mr. Kettle master; from Sontb Shields to Gec'ge ’s hired servant His brain was gested Captain Kettle. Carnfortb. the point, Kettle. We’re in England "Not all of them," Mr. Carnfortb the Havana. " ."Follow out Mr. Gedge ’s instruc ­ Dow and have nothing whatever to dc devoted to farthering Gedge ’s interests, "What cargo?" came the nextqne*- and all tbe acid of bis tongue was ready admitted. "Bnt, tben, yon see, they tions, sir, and pnt this oargo oq tbe With legal matters in Amerioa. As for sailed in schooners, and yon have got tion. beach. Whether tbe old Saltan goes our advice, I am not a fool. You can to spur on those who did the manual "Coal. ’* work on Gedge ’s ship. steam. Besides, they started from tbe there, too, remains to be seen." Ety your ticket on it I know to an inch States, where the newspapers knew all "Wbat?" "That gunboat will ont yon off in a bow I Btand. And I may tell you this, Within a minute of his arrival on "Coal." 4ier decks the Bo I tan of Borneo was be­ aboat them, and so their arrival was quarter of an hoar if yoa keep on this the shipment is arranged for." oabled on to Cuba ahead, and yon have "Then, Mr. Tyne Coal For the Ha coarse." "I'd like to see os cleared, ” said Gap- ing unmoored from the bollardB on tbe vana, jnst heave to while I send away a quay; within ten, her winches were tbe advantage of sailing from an Eng ­ " With that extra five knots she can tain Kettle doubtfully. lish port. ” boat to look at yon. I fancy yon will be do as she likes with ns, so I shan’t shift "No one will interfere with the clear­ clattering and bncking as they warped the steamboat I’m sent to find and fetch her across to tbe black straddling coal "I don ’t see where the pnll comes my helm. It wonld only look suspi­ ance. The Sultan of Borneo will leave in," said Kettle gloomily. "There isn ’t back." cions. ” here in coal, consigned to Havana. A shoots at tbe other side of tbe dock, and Tbe decks of tbe uncomfortable war­ within half an hour tbe cargo was! a blessed conntry on tbe faoe of tbe "Good Lord!" said Carnfortb. "As private yacht will meet her at sea and globe more interfering with her own ship had bummed with men, a pair of if our being here at all isn ’t suspicion transship the arms out of sight of land." roaring down her batobes as fast as the boat davits had swung outboard, and railway wagons on tbe grimy trestle people than England. A Yankee oan do itself 1" "Tyne coal for Cuba? They’d get as he darn well pleases in the filibuster­ the boat bad been armed and manned Bnt Kettle did not answer. He bad, their coal there from Norfolk or Welsh overhead conld disgorge. The halo of ing Hue, bnt if a Britisher makes a with naval noise and quickness. But to use his own expression, "got bis wits •team coal from Cardiff or Newport." coal dust made day into dusk; the grit move that way tbd blessed law here jnst tben a billow of tbe fog bad driven working under forced draft," and he "It .seems not. This contract was of it filled every cranny and settled aB down upon them, blanketlike in its They had reason for their anxiety. an amorphous scum on the water of the stretches ont 20 hands and plockB him upon his chest, it was always tbe same. conld not afford time for idle specula­ placed long before a ship was asked for back by tbe tail before he’s half started. tbickness, which closed all bnman vi­ tion and chatter. It was the want of to smuggle out the arms. ” dock, and laborers hired by tbe boor sion beyond tbe range of a dozen yards, He was a! ways ready instantly to spring No, Mr. Carnfortb, I’m not sweet on upon tbe alert. One dark night an iron the answering signal ashore that upset "Well, it looks fishy, anyway." toiled at piece work pace through sheer tbe chances. I’m a poor man, and this and Captain Kettle jdmped like a ter­ him. Had that showed against tbe black "I oan ’t help that," said Gedge irri­ terror at tbeir employer. If bis other rier on his opportunity. He sent bis belaying pin flew ont of the blackness means a lot to me. That’s why I’m anx­ of the forecastle and whizzed within an background of bills he wonld have tably. "I’m telling yon the naked truth, failiugs could have been eliminated, tbe ious. Yon ’re rich. Yon only stand to steamer bard astern, with a slightly known wbat to do. and if truth, as usual, looks unlikely it’s little skipper with tbe red peaked beard ported helm, a^d while the torpedo inch of his sleeping head, bnt ho ronsed lose the cost of the consignment, and if so quickly that he was able to shoot the Meanwhile the Spanish warship was not my fault. Now, have you got any would certainly have been, from an that gets confiscated it won ’t mean oatober ’s boat was searching for him to ­ closing npwitb bim hand over fist, and more objections to make?" owner ’s point of yiew, the best com­ ward tbe Frenoh shore uud sending vain thrower tbrongb tbe shoulder before be mnoh to you." oonld dive back again through the fore- a decision was necessary. Anyway the "No, sir,” said Captain Kettle. mander sailing ont of any English port. Caruforth grinned. "Yon pay my bails into tbe white banks of the mist ohoice was a poor one. If be surrender ­ "None that I can see at present.” No man ever wrenched such a magnifi ­ he was circling slowly and silently oastle door. And another time when a business qualities a poor compliment, powdering gale bad kept him on tbe ed, be would be searched, aud with that "Very well, then,” said Gedge. "Dc cent amonut of work from bis bands. oaptain. Yon can bet yonr life I bad round toward the English coast. damning cargo of rifles and machine you care to sign on as master for this Bnt it was those other failings which So long as the mist held tbe Saltan bridge for 48 cousecntive hours and a money down in hard cash before I stir­ deputation of tbe deck bands raided him gnus and ammunition under bis hatch­ •raise or are you going to cry off? ” kept him wbat be was, tbe pitifnl red foot in tbe matter. Tbe weapons of Borneo was as hard to find as a nee­ es it was not at all improbable that his "They'll hang me if I’m caught," knockabout shipmaster, living from dle in a cargo of hay. Did tbe air clear in the chartbonse on tbe supposition and tbe ammunition were paid for at that exhaustion would have laid him Captors might string him np ont of ■aid Kettle. hand to month, never certain of his 60 per cent above list prices, so as to for so much as a single instant she baud. They would have right on tbeir berth from one month’s end to another. wonld be noticed and stand self confess ­ ont in a dead sleep, be woke before tbeir "Not they. They’ll only talk big, and cover tbe trouble of secrecy, aud I got a side for doing bo. Tbe insurrectionists the British consul will get you clear. That afternoon Captain Kettle signed ed by ber attempt to escape, and as a fingers tonohed him, broke tbe jaw of charter for tbe yacht to bring the staff one with a camp stool and so maltreat­ were not "recognized belligerents. ” He You bet they daren ’t hang an English­ on his crew, got them on board and oat here which would astonish yon if result tbe suspense was vivid enough to wonld stand as a filibuster confessed, man for mere smuggling in Cuba. And with tbe help of bis two mateB kicked make Carnforth feel physical nausea. ed the others with tbe same weapon that yon saw the figures. No, I’m clear of they were glad enough to ran away and as snch wonld be due to suffer un ­ besides, ain ’t I offering to raise your the majority of them into sobriety. He tbe matter from this moment, captain, He bad not reckoned on this complica­ der that rough and ready martial law ■crew from £12 a month to £14 so as to received a visit and final instructions tion. He was quite prepared to risk even with tbe exasperating knowledge bnt I’ll net deny that I shall take an that they left their taskmaster nndam wbioh cannot spare time to feed and jail •over the risk? However, you won ’t get iron) Gedge at 6 o ’clock, and by night­ interest in yonr future adventures with capture in Caban waters, where tbe prisoners. On the other hand, if be re­ caught. You ’ll find everything ready fall he had filed in bis papers, warped glamour of distance and tbe dazzle of aged behind them. So, althongb this tbe cargo. -Help yonrself to a cigarette. ’’ all nation crew of tbe Saltan of Borneo fused to heave to the result wonld be for you. You ’ll slip the rifles ashore ont of dock and stood anxiously ou tbe "Then it seems to me," said Kettle helping insurrectionists would cast eqnally simple. Tbe warship would and then you ’ll steam on to Havana and bridge watching tbe pilot as he took tbe a glow of romanoe over whatever oc ­ dreaded t^be Spaniards much, they fear­ acidly, "that yon ’ll look at me jnst as ed Captain Kettle far more, and by tbe sink him with her gnns inside a dozen discharge your coal in the ordinary steamboat down through the crowded a hare set on to ran for yonr amuse curred. Bnt to be caught in the English miuntes and, reckless daredevil though humdrum way of business. And there’s shipping of tbe river. His wife stood channel as a vulgar smuggler for tbe time the steamer closed np with tbe is­ ment. ” land of Cnba they had oonclnded to fol ­ he might be, Kettle knew qnite well a £10 bonus if you pull the thing off under the glowing arc lamp on the The yacht owner laughed. "You pnt sake of commercial profit and to be there was no chance of avoiding this. successfully. Now, tben, captain, quick. dock bead and waved him goodby hauled back for bard labor in an Eng ­ low ont their skipper’s orders as being it brutally," he said, "but that’s about tbe least of the two evils which lay be­ With another crew he might have been You go or you don ’t?” through tbe gloom. tbe size of it. And, if you want farther lish jail was a different matter. He was tempted to lay his old steamer along ­ "I go," said Kettle gloomily. "I’m Captain Kettle reoeived bis first a member of parliament, and be under ­ fore them. truths, here’s one : I shouldn't particu­ Carnforth’s way of looking at tbe side tbe other and try to carry her by a poor man, with a wife and family, fright as he dropped his pilot just out ­ larly mind if yon were caught." stood these details in all tbeir niceties. boarding and sheer lymd to baud fight- Mr. Gedge, and I can't afford to lose a side tbe Tyne pier heads. A man-of- Bnt Captain Kettle took tbe situation matter was peculiar. He had all a "How ’s that?" hearty man ’s appetite for adventure ins, bnt excepting for those on watch in berth. But it’s that coal I can ’t swal­ war’s launch steamed np ont of tbe "Because, my dear skipper, if tbe differently. Tbe sight of tbe torpedo tbe stock bold bis present set of men low. I quite believe wbat you 6ay about night, and the boarding offloer examined catcher stiffened all tbedonbtand limp­ and all a prosperous man ’s distaste for Spanish captnred this consignment, the being wrecked. He had taken a strong were all below packing tbeir belongings the contract. Only it doesn ’t look nat­ bis papers and asked questions. Tbe patriots would want another, and I ness out of bis composition. HiB eye into portable 6bape, and he knew quite ural. And it’s my belief the coal will little captain, conscious of having no brightened aud his lips grew stiff. personal liking for tbe trucnlent little should get tbe order, whereas, if yoa skipper, and, other things being equal, well that nothing wonld please them trip us up somewhere before we’re done contraband of war on board jnst tben, land tbe stuff safely, it will see them The scheming to escape aoted on bim better than to see him discomfited. and bring about trouble. ” was brutally rude, but tbe naval officer like a tonic, and when an hour later wonld have cheerfully helped him; bnt, through to the end of the war, and my on tbe other band, be could not avoid Carnforth was neutral. He had only bis "Which, of course, you are quite a remained stolid and refused to see the chance of making further profit will be tbeSnltauof Borneo was steaming mer­ two mates and tbe engiueer officers to stranger to,” said Gedge slyly. insults which were pitched atbim. He rily down channel at top speed (tbrongb seeing that it was to his own interests at an end. " that the orew should get tbeir way and depend upon in all the available world, "Don ’t taunt me with it, sir," said had an unpalatable doty to perform; he "Yon have a very olear way of pat­ tbe same impenetrable fog) tbe little and he recognized between deep drafts Captain Kettle. "I quite well know skipper whistled dance nfasio on tbe np­ keep the steamer ont of dangerous wa­ ting it," said Captuin Kettle. ters. And so when finally he decided to of his cigar that be was in a very tight the kind of brute I am. Trouble with a "Haven ’t I? Which will yon take— per bridge and cangbt the notion for a place. crew or any other set of living men at mod pleasing sonnet. That evening tbe stand by uoninterferent be prided him­ green ebartrense or yellow?" self a good deal on bis forlearance and Still tbe dark shore ahead remained sea is just meat and drink to me, uud "Aud, Mr. Gedge, can you tell me, crew came aft in a state of mild muti­ unbeaconed, and tbe Spaniard was rao- I'm bitterly ashamed of the taste. Ev­ ny, aud Kettle attended to their needs said so to Kettle in as many words. sir, how he stands over this business? ” That worthy mariner quite agreed with ing np astern, lit for battle, with her ery time 1 Bit underneath our minister "Ob, yon bet, Gedge knows when to with gnsto. orew at quarters and the gnns run ont in tbe chapel here in South Shields I He prefaced his remarks by a slight bim. "It’s tbe very best tbiug yon come in ont of tbe wet I He’s got the oonld do, sir," be answered. "It wonld and loaded. She leaped nearer by fath­ grow more ashamed, and if you beard old Sol tan underwritten by tbe insur ­ exhibition of marksmanship. He cat oms to tbe second, till Kettle could hear tbe beautiful poetical way that man away tbe vane which showed dimly on have annoyed me terribly to have bad ance aud by tbe Coban agents up to to sboot yon ont of mischief’s way, be­ tbe panting of her engines as she talks of peace and green fields and gold ­ double her value, and nothing would the fore topmast track with a single chased him down. His teeth chewed on en harps yon ’d understand. ” ballet, and tben, after dexterously re canse yon ’ve been kind enough to say suit his books better than for a Spanish you like my poetry and because I’ve tbe cigar butt and dark rings grew un ­ “Yes, yes,’’said Gedge, "but I don ’t orniser to drop upon yon.” loading his revolver, lonuged over tbe der his eyes. He oonld have raged want any of your excellent minister's white rail of tbe npper bridge with the oome to see, sir, you ’re a gentleman." Captain Kettle got np, reached for They came to this arrangement on alond at his impotence. sermons at secondhand just now, cap­ bis cap and swung it aggressively on to weapon in his hands. Tbe war steamer ranged np along ­ tain, or any of your own poetry, thanks. He told the malcontents he was glad the morning of tbe day they opened ont one side of his head. the 8eolnded bay in the southern Cuban side, slowed to some 60 revolutions so I’m very busy. Good morning. Help "Very well,’’ he said. “That’s yonr of tbe opportunity to give them his ■s to keep her place, and an officer on yourself to a cigar. You haul alongside views on matters generally. He inform ­ shore where tbe contraband of war was side of tbe question Now bear mine. to be ran. Kettle oalonlated bis where­ the top of her chartbonse hailed in the coal shoots to get your oargo at 2 That cargo ’s going tbrongb, and those ed them genially that for tbeir personal Spanish: o ’clock, and I’ll be on board to see you wishes be cared not one decimal of a abouts with niceness, and after tbe mid ­ rebels or patriots or whatever they are day observation lay tbe Bteamer to for "Gunboat ahoy.” Kettle bawled at 0. Good morning. ” And Mr. shall have their gnns if half tbe Span­ jot. He stated plainly that he had got baok, "You most speak English or I Gedge rang for the clerk and was busily them on board and intended by their help a conple of bonrs and himself supervis­ ish navy was there to try and stop me. ed his engineers, while they gave a good oan ’t be oivil to yon." dictating letters before Kettle was clear Yon and Mr. Gedge have started about to carry ont his owner ’s instructions, "What ship is that?" of tbe offloe. whether they hated them or not. And overhaul to the machinery. Tben he this business the wrong way. Treat me gave her steam again and made biB "Sultan of Borneo; Kettle, master; Tbe little sailor went down the grimy on tbe square, and I’m a mau a child finally he gave them bis candid assur­ ont of Shields.” stairs and into tbe street and made to ­ ance that if any car among them pre­ landfall four bonrs after tbe sun set. might handle, bnt I’d not be driven by They Baw tbe coast first aB a black "Where for? ” ward the smelling Tyne. Tbe black ci­ tbe qneen of England —no, not with the sumed to disobey tbe least of his orders "The Havana." gar rested unlit in an angle of bis he would shoot that mau neatly tbrongb line running aoross the dim gray of the emperor of Germany to help her.” night. It rose as they neared it aud Promptly the query came baok, "Then mouth, and he gnawed savagely at tbe "Oh, look here, oaptain! ” said Cara- the hfead without farther preamble. what are yon doing in here?” butt with bis eyeteeth. He cursed tbe This elegant harangue did not go showed a crest fringed with trees and a forth. "Don ’t get yonr back np." foot steeped in white mist, from ont of Carnfortb whispered a suggestion, fates as he walked. Why did they use "I’ll not trade with yon, ” replied home to all bauds at once, becanse, be­ "Fresh water ran ont; condenser water him so evilly that be was forced into ing a British ship, the Sultan of Bor­ wbioh came tbe faint bellow of snrf. Kettle. Captain Kettle, after a oast or two, given all hands dysentery; pat in here berths like these? As a bachelor, be "Yon ’re a fool to yonr own Interests." neo ’s crew naturally spoke in five dif ­ to fill np tanks.” "I thank yon, sir,” told himself with a sneer, be would ferent langnages and few of them bad picked up bis mar)» and steamed in "I know it," said tbe sailor grimly. confidently, with bis sidelights dowsed said Kettle in tbe same undertone; "I’m have jumped at the excitement of it. "I’ve known it all my life. If I’d not even a working knowledge of English. no hand at lying myself, or I might As the partner of Mrs. Kettle and tbe With the morality of the affair he trou­ But the look of Kettle’s savage little and three red lanterns in a triangle at bled not one jot. ’ been that, I’d not have found myself in bis foremast bead. He was feeling have thought of that before. ” And he father of her children he could have such shady company as there is here face as be talked and tbe red torpedo shouted an excase across to the spokes ­ shuddered when be threw his eye over quite sympathized with Kettle’s feel­ beard which wagged beneath it convey ­ pleasantly snrprised with tbe easiness ings over the matter, and be got back now/ ’ of it all. man on tbe oharthonse roof. tbe future. For a week or so she could "Look hero, yon rnfflan I If yon insult ed to them the tone of his speech, and To his surprise they seemed to give draw bin half pay and live sumptuously to his lannoh thanking many stars that for tbe time they did not require a more Bnt when the steamer bad got well tbe affair bad ended so easily. me I’ll kick yon ont of this cabin and into the bight of the bay and all tbe weight to it. There was a short consul­ at tbe rate of £7 a month. But after­ over tbe side into your own boat." aoonrate translation. They had oome off tation aud tbe steamers slipped along ward, if he got caught by some angry But Kettle rang on bis engines again big with. the intention of forcing him glasses on the bridge were peering at with very unpleasant feelings. It was "All right," said Kettle. "Start in." tbe shore in search of answering lights over tbe smooth black waters of the bay Spanish war steamer with the smuggled Carnforth half rose from bis seat and (if necessary with violence) to run the on parallel courses. rifles under his batobes and shot or olear to him that tbe secret was oozing steamer there and then into an English a blaze of radianoe suddenly dickered out somewhere; that tbe Bultan of measured Captain Kettle, With bis eye. on to ber from astern and was as sud ­ "Have you • got dysentery bad banged or imprisoned or otherwise de ­ Apparently tbe scfdtih^ impressed him.. port. They went forward again like a aboard? ” oame the next question. barred from earning income at bis craft, Borneo was suspected ; that his course pack at sheep, merely becanse one man denly eclipsed, leaving them for a mo to Cuba would be beset with many for be sank back to fife seat again with m«nt blinded by its dazzle. It was a Onoe more Carnforth prompted and where would Mts'.'. Ketile be then; an embarrassed langb. "You ’re an pg- bad let them bear the Virulence of bis Well armed obstaolea, and be forthwith tWrlrand bad shown them with wbit long truncheon of light wbioh sponted Kettle repeated his words. "Look at my Would Gedge do anything for her? Hi ly little devil, ” be said. decks, ” said he. “All my crew are be­ drew tbe cigar from his Iii>a and spat made his first rase out of tie long sno- accuracy he could bite if necessary. from a glowing center away between cession which was to follow. He bad, . "I’m all'^hfit,'** uid Kettle. the heads of the bay, and th6y watohed low. I’ve hardly a man to stand by eoutemptonuKly at tbe bare idea. "And I’m not going to play at roqgli "And that’s the beauty of a mongrel been instruoted by Gedge to steam off crew, ” saidKettle complacently. "If it sweep away from them over the sur­ me." With tbe morality bf the affair he and tumble with yon here. We’ve nei- There wgs more oonsnltation among troubled not one jot. The'Spanish go?'- straight.from tbe Tyne to a point deep ibby’*Been English, I’d 'have had to face of tbe water and then «weep In the North sea, where a yacht would tbef of ds anything to gain by il, and again. Finally, after a little moredal- the gnnboat’s officers, and then came srutuent and the G’Oqidh rebels wtert'T^o I’ve a lot to lose. I believe yon ’ll ran •hoot at least twe bf the beasts to'keep meet him to hand over tbe consignment my Mid up like that.”’' liauoe, K settled on tbe steamer and Hk th* fatal inqniry, "What’s your cargo, rival firms who nfteVed different rates oaptain?" —

MOb, ooala, " Mid Kettle resignedly. A perfect woman ■ perfect in form and RATIONAL LEGISLATOR! The Saltaa of Sulu. “Whet, you're bringiug Tyne ooal to in feature is a great rarity. Every wom ­ IP THK By no means, the least important of the Be vena?” an realizes this as she stands before some Proceedings of the Lawmakers la our new poss essions is the Sulu Arch­ Scrofula, a Vile beautiful piece of Greek sculpture. So ­ DAMP and House. ipelago, a group lying south of tbe Phil­ “Juet ooeis." eeid Captain Kettle, AND Wasl.lngton, Feb. 3.—The senate put with a bitter laugh. cial customs, tight lacing, improper food, ippines, and comprising about ISO islands ~ inadequate clothing, ana In yesterda y In debate on the Paris treaty Like the Philippines, many of the islands The tone of the Spaniard changed. a score of other things CHILL both In open and secret sessions, the are barren and uninhabited, but the Inheritance. “Heave to at once, ”he ordered, “while have stolen the shape and PCMCTOAVC, LOOK OUT feature In open session being Spooner's larger are fertile and under the careful I vend a boat to eeerob you. Refuse, suppleness of woman ’s SON AN ATTAOK ON speech advocating ratification, but hop­ tillage of a most industrious people, who Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood and I'll blow you out of water." form and robbed her ing that we could withdraw from the hare the honor of being the first troubles, and is often the result of aa On the 8 oltan of Borneo'e upper cheeks of their roses and conquered territory after establishing Mohammedan subjects of the United • i.herited taint in the blood. 8. 8. 8. bridge Carnfortb ewore. “Eh, bo, skip- their round ness. For SCIATICA. governments there. Hoar and others States. Our illustration, taken from the is the only remedy which goes deep NUT DCSP AS VMS continued the debate In executive ses­ per," he mid, “the game ’s up, end these things Nature eolATIO NSRVS IS current issue of Harper’s Weekly, repre­ nough to reach 8 crofula ; it forces out sion. A resolution was adopted asking sents the present Sultan of Sulu, who there’s no way out of it You won ’t be avenges hcruclf. ■very trace of the disease, and cures • fool, will you, and morifioe the ship Weakening St. Jacobs O il Information as to franchises granted owned allegiance to Spain up to the drains establish by Cuban or Porto Rican municipali ­ present time, and receive from Spain the ihe worst cases. and the whole lot of os? Come, I my. WILL NSNSTNATS AND QUIST themselves, ITS NAOKIMO PAIN. ties. annual sum of $2400, his salary aa ruler My zon, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy man, ring off yonr engines or that fel­ ing down the The house completed and passed the of possessions which by hereditary right with Scrofula, and he suffered so that it was low will shoot, and we shall all be n d destroy ­ river and harbor appropriation —160 to were his own. The ruler of Sulu is a impossible to dress him murdered uselessly. I tell you the ing the graceful lines 7 —and set Feb. 11 for eulogies on the devoted Mussulman, and acknowledges for three years. His game's up." and curves of the figure. AS KYOUR late Representative Dlngley. the supreme authority of the Turkish Lead a id body were a “By James," mid Kettle, “is it? Pains and aches help DRUGGIST . CATAKttl Washington, ffFeb. 4.—Money of Mis­ Sultan, and the customs of our Moham- mass of sores, aud his Look there,"and he pointed with out ­ the wrinkles to come sissippi and Daniel occupied nearly all eyesight also became stretched arm to the bills on the shore early. Displacements for a generous the senate session yesterday with two affected. No treatment and bearing - down .Jjj^wuSk speeches against the ratification of the was spared that we ahead. “Three flrest" he cried. “Two sensations weaken the entire system. 10 CENT thought would relieve above one in .a triangle, burning like Paris treaty. In executive session an him, liut he grew worte\ Nervousness makes life almost unendur­ TRIAL SIZE attempt to fix a day for votes on the until his CondiUon wa>;', Blswick furnaces among the trees able. Mothers suffering in this manner declaratory resolutions was defeated t 'ueed pitiable. I hatlj, impart their weaknesses to their chil­ a.most despaired of his They'reready for us over yonder, Mr. by the opponents of the treaty. The con ­ ever being cured, when dren, and thus is kept up the endless ference report on the diplomatic appro ­ by the ail vice of a friend Oarnfarth, and that's their welcome. chain of imperfect reproduction. A new we gave him 8. 8. 8. Do you think I'm going to let my oargo order of things is being established, how­ priation was agreed to. A resolution (8wl ft’s Spedfle). A de ­ contains no cocaii providing for a monument in the Ha­ cided Improvement was the result, and after be stopped after getting it thus far?" ever. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, mercury nor any ot[ vana cemetery In memory of the dead ho had taken a oozen bottles, no one who knew Be turned to the Danish quartermaster the great non-alcoholic cure for women ’s injurious drug. It isi of h!s former dread'ul condition would have diseases and weaknesses, is making hun­ quickly ab«orbe

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