The Galaxy’s Chosen One: A Devotional for a Jedi at Heart

Copyright © 2020 Luisa Rodriguez All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permissions contact: [email protected].

Book Design and Illustrations by Luisa Rodriguez

Fruitfully Write, LLC PO Box 417 Wasco, IL 60183-417

2 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One The Galaxy’s Chosen One

A Devotional for Budding Jedi

Star Wars has become a global phenomenon. Kids love it. Adults love it. Girls love it! I have two daughters who are die-hard fans and they are not the only ones. So why is it that it has formed such a cult following? Marketing plays a big role and we all know that Disney knows how to do that well. But all the marketing in the world wouldn’t be able to create such a following if the story or characters didn’t appeal to the human heart. When George Lucas developed Star Wars, he was influenced by world religions and mythology. That influence is clearly seen through the Star Wars saga. There is a religious construct to the Jedi, for example, and allusions to religious stories and characters. I believe that Star Wars appeals to so many for the same reason religion appeals to so many — we were made to worship God and deep down, whether we are Christian or not, we know that there is a battle raging between the forces of good and evil. In this devotional series, I want to pull the representations of truth within the Star Wars franchise to help bring kids’ hearts back to God. Let’s help them see that the excitement they feel when watching a Star Wars movie is there because it represents something that is indeed going on around them. And that this Universe does have A Chosen One and his name is Jesus.

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 3 DAY 1 The Light Side vs Dark Side of the Force

If you are a Star Wars fan, then you know that the Star Wars universe is divided into the light side and the dark side of the Force. But not every character is keenly aware of these two opposing powers. Sure, the Jedi are trained to recognize each of them, and the Sith thrive in the power of the dark side. However, your every-day smuggler shrugs his shoulders at the very thought! He could care less. He just wants to go about his day making money and paying off old debts to notorious gangsters.

The real world is not much different. There are indeed two sides, a light side, and a dark side, and power emanates from both.

…to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. Acts 26:18 ESV

This Bible verse is an excerpt from Paul’s testimony as he is delivering it to King Herod Agrippa II. He recounts Jesus’ instructions to minister to Gentiles and Jews “so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.

God wants to free His people from the power of the dark side. He wants to deliver them from the power of Satan into the power of the light side, His power.

But just like our favorite scoundrel at the beginning of the Star Wars saga, most people are unaware of this raging battle between the light and the dark side. They are happy doing what they do, ignoring these forces around them. Sure they can identify when someone does something good or when someone does something evil, but they are happy living in the reality of what they can see. They don’t have time for “hokey religions,” and from their earthly experience, they have no reason to believe “there’s one all-powerful Force controlling everything.”1

Even scoundrels, however, can change their mind in the presence of those walking by the power of the light side, by those wielding the power of this all-powerful Force. In the next lesson, we will explore that Force.

1 Lucas, George, director. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Twentieth Century Fox, 1977.

4 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One Questions to Consider:

1. In the real world, how does one move from the power of the dark side to the power of the light? (Hint: John 8:12) 2. Have you ever noticed the battle in your life or in someone else’s life? 3. What causes people to ignore the raging battle between the light side and the dark side?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 5 DAY 2 The Force

Moving objects with the wave of a hand. Controlling the mind of weak-minded individuals with a few words. Sensing danger without actually seeing it. These are all capabilities would-be Jedi would one day learn as they harness the power of The Force.

The Force is an energy field that connects everything in the Star Wars universe. A few lucky individuals born with the requisite number of midi-chlorians share a special connection with The Force. With time, these force-sensitive individuals can learn to harness its power for either good (the Jedi) or evil (the Sith).

Christians also have access to a force, God’s force, the Holy Spirit.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 ESV

The power of the Holy Spirit became evident in the lives of the apostles and disciples of the early Christian Church.

“And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.” Acts 6:8 ESV

And Stephen was not the only one. If you thought it was cool when Rey discovered her healing powers, then let me tell you about Peter and Paul. Without even having to touch the deformity, Peter healed a man with the simple words, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk,” and then grabbed his hand to get him going. Paul would do something similar in Acts 14.

But healing was not the only manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s power in the lives of Peter and Paul. Both men would also raise the dead. The raised were not blue, ghostly figures hovering in the background. They were raised from the dead back to their carnal selves.

The Spirit would also warn Paul of dangers ahead, direct the disciples and apostles on where to go and who they should talk to, and embolden them to face difficult situations. Pretty cool, huh?

But I know the question you are asking, can we harness the power of this force and will I be able to move heavy objects?

The answer is yes and probably not. Yes, you can harness the power of the Holy Spirit, but unlike in the Star Wars universe, you cannot "wield" it outside of God’s will and design! The purpose of us using the Holy Spirit is to help us be witnesses of the Gospel. If God so wills it,

6 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One the Holy Spirt can move a boulder out of your way, but that will not be an everyday occurrence. I have seen a 6-year-old girl stop thunder and lightning on several occasions with a simple prayer so nothing is out of the range of possibilities, but “wielding” the Holy Spirit in this life requires becoming one with the will of the Father.

More on this one in the next lesson!

QUESTIONS to Consider:

1. What are some ways you have seen the Holy Spirit move in people’s lives? 2. Have you ever sought to have the Holy Spirit move within your life? Why or why not? 3. When reflect on the Holy Spirit’s power, would your want to help others with it or would you want to use it only for selfish reasons?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 7 DAY 3

Becoming an Expert Through the Force

Every Jedi can use a lightsaber, but each Jedi, through the Force, becomes an expert at a particular skill set that outshines the rest. Yoda could see into the future. Anakin was the best pilot the universe had ever seen. Obi-Won Kenobi was an expert swordsman. Rey could heal the wounded. You get my point.

Through the spirit, each Christian has a particular gift that God has endowed upon them.

What are some of these gifts?

Well, I Corinthians 12:7-11 gives us the following list.

Utterance of Wisdom Utterance of Knowledge Faith Healing Working of Miracles Prophecy Ability to Distinguish between Spirits Various Kinds of Tongues (Speaking in Foreign Languages) Interpretation of Tongues (Interpreting Foreign Languages)

But the gifts are not limited to these. Ephesians 4:11 mentions apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists, and Romans 12:5-8 adds mercy, generosity, serving, exhortation, and acts of mercy. And back in the Old Testament we even learn that the spirit could empower someone to use their artistic ability to create something extraordinary. Read about Bezalel in Exodus 31:2-3 when you get a chance.

So when we use our spiritual gifts we may not be slaying Sith Lords, but I can guarantee we are slaying something more powerful. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but “against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (ESV).”

When we grow and use our spiritual gifts, we are using aggressive negotiations to overcome these cosmic powers that stand in the way of God’s will. We may not be able to see it, but the battle is real.

QUESTIONS to Consider:

1. Have you ever considered before what your spiritual gift or gifts may be? Why or why not?

8 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One 2. Would you be willing to become a Padawan (disciple) to learn to better use and discover your gifts? 3. Look at the spiritual gifts that I mentioned above. Is there one or two that describe you? Spend some time praying and meditating on what your gifts are and how you can use them in God’s service.

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 9 DAY 4

Don’t Give in to Hate

I can still hear Obi-Wan warning Luke in .

“Luke, don’t give in to hate. It leads to the dark side.”2

My fellow Christian, “Don’t give in to sin, it leads to the dark side!”

The father of sin is Satan himself. Back in the garden of Eden, Satan beguiled Eve to disobey God and things went downhill from there. His goal ever since has been to tempt people to sin and draw them closer to himself the way that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine always sought to draw people closer to himself.

Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. I John 3:8 ESV

Sin is a sneaky little thing. One little compromise can easily lead to another and then to another. That was Anakin’s problem. He consistently defied the rules and boundaries set up by the Jedi Council and allowed his strong emotions to fester. He fell right into the hands of the Sith Lord.

Unfortunately, his friends gave Anakin a pass when they should have confronted him. Padmé helped him delve deeper into the abyss by marrying him (which was forbidden) and then hiding his murder of the Tusken Raiders (of their men, women, and children). In The Clone Wars, we learn that even the rule-following Obi-Wan Kenobi turned a blind eye to Anakin’s relationship with Padmé until it was too late.

As Christians, we are saved the moment we give our lives over to Jesus Christ. However, we can still revert to old ways and allow sin to take us deeper into an abyss if we don’t heed the warnings of Romans 8:5-6. Our salvation may be guaranteed, but sin has horrible consequences in this life.

5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. 6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.

Romans 8:5-6 ESV

2 Kershner, Irvin, director. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. United States: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, 1980.

10 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One Thankfully God gave us a way to break the sin cycle and get back on track.

Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

Proverbs 28:13

How much different would Anakin’s life have been if he had confessed to the Jedi Council of the crimes he had committed against the Tusken Raiders? Or how much different would his life had been if his friends had not overlooked his transgressions?

The lesson here for us is that when we do sin, confess it immediately to God and to those we trust. And if a friend falls into the hands of sin, then we must remember to lovingly correct him or her and help bring them back to the light.

QUESTIONS to consider:

1. Consider some of your past sinful actions. Did you confess them to someone? To God? Why or why not? 2. Why is it better, in the end, to admit your mistakes openly than to continue to hide them?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 11 DAY 5


The Star Wars saga is a drawn-out redemption story. Really, why do we sit through movie after movie and episode after episode of tragedy followed by more tragedy? How many clone troopers have to die? How many rebel soldiers must sacrifice their lives for the hope of a better future? It is torturous to watch and yet we do. Why? Because we eagerly await to see redemption.

All that tragedy and death culminates when takes off his mask and sees his son with Anakin’s eyes. He is finally redeemed. The evil Darth Vader is no more. He is redeemed back into the great warrior who fought alongside Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and brave clone troopers. In the end, redemption came when he sacrificed his own life to save his son, Luke. There was good in him after all.

Kylo Ren follows the steps of his grandfather. His own confusion led him straight into the hands of Supreme Leader Snoke. But like his grandfather before him, he would sacrifice himself to save Rey.

As exciting as the Star Wars saga is, there is no greater redemption story than the one we have in Jesus. Jesus would also sacrifice himself, but unlike Darth Vader or Kylo Ren, there was only good in him. And he didn’t just sacrifice himself for the “good” people like Luke and Rey. He sacrificed himself for the Darth Vaders and the Kylo Rens. He sacrificed himself even for the Roman soldiers who drove the nails through his already tortured body.

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7 (ESV)

Because of his sacrifice, we now have redemption and we didn’t have to do anything other than pledge to become His faithful followers by believing that God raised him from the dead and repenting of our evil ways. It certainly is a lot easier than getting electrocuted for throwing an evil emperor down a bottomless pit.

Redemption stories abound in Christian circles but one of the most remarkable was Paul’s. He was a murderer like Darth Vader, killing innocents, only to have seen the light and later becoming one of Christianity’s greatest advocates.

But we are only at the beginning of our redemption story. Just like we patiently sit, wait, cringe and groan through each Star Wars episode before seeing our favorite characters redeemed, we must also patiently wait, cringe and groan through each episode of our own lives until Romans 8:23 is fulfilled.

12 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

Romans 8:23 (ESV)

Yes, one day our bodies will be redeemed. These bodies will shed their carnal limitations and be more glorious than any Jedi that ever lived as they will reflect the glory of God.

QUESTIONS to consider:

1. How does it feel to know that Jesus can redeem your past, every mistake you ever made? 2. Do you know of someone in your life or modern history who was redeemed in an incredible way? Who was it and how do you know they were redeemed?


The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 13 Day 6

A Jedi’s Weapon

A lightsaber.

“An elegant weapon for a civilized age.”3

A Jedi’s weapon is versatile. It can do things that a simple blaster just can’t do. It can cut through hardened steel. It can reflect blaster bolts. To put it simply, it is a cool weapon. The only thing cooler than a lightsaber is ’s double-sided lightsaber!

But there is a few things a lightsaber cannot do. It cannot divide soul and spirit, divide joint and marrow, nor discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 (ESV)

God’s word is called the “sword of the spirit” both in Hebrews 4 (above) and in Ephesians 6:17 when referencing the armor of God.

I know what you are thinking. I can’t really use the Bible the way I would be able to use a light- saber. That is true. We are called to engage in a spiritual battle, not in a physical one, so we can’t always see the effects of our actions. But using God’s word correctly can be incredibly impactful.

Jesus shows us how to do that in Matthew 4:1-11 when he was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness. Three times the devil tries to manipulate Jesus, even using scripture out of context to do so. And three times Jesus responds with the proper use of God’s word.

Yes, there are no dueling lightsabers or dueling swords. Jesus accomplished what he needed to accomplish in the wilderness using only the Sword of the Spirit.

But a great battle is coming that will dwarf all the great battle scenes in the Star Wars universe. Revelation 19 paints a graphic picture of what the King (Jesus) will accomplish against his enemies. Nations will pit themselves against the returning King, and he will strike them down with the help of His army (probably us in combination with his angels). It will be the battle to end all battles.

In the here and now, we pray and hope that all those we love will be on the right side when that day comes. And we wait, engaging in the spiritual battle, using the Sword of the Spirit. We

3 Lucas, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

14 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One meditate on it and we train. Just like using a lightsaber requires skill and precision, using God’s word also requires skill and precision. So learn it, study it, and practice using it.

And like a Jedi is trained to never lose his weapon, we must never lose ours. Memorize scripture so you can easily wield it when necessary and cut straight through the lies that will want to weigh you down.

QUESTIONS to consider:

1. Think of an example of how you can use God’s word out of context? Why is that dangerous? 2. Is there a negative thought in your mind that wants to bring you down? What is it? Can you think of a Bible verse to combat it? 3. Do you think using the Word of God can actually impact someone’s heart?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 15 DAY 7

The Jedi Code

Jedi are governed by a strict code. They cannot marry, form attachments, kill an unarmed opponent, or take revenge. The Jedi Code teaches to resist fear and hate. We can all hear Yoda’s words, “Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.”4

What is the underlying reason behind the Jedi Code?

To keep Jedi from falling to the dark side. To preserve the goodness of the Jedi and therefore, for the Jedi’s own protection.

Christians also live by a code, a code of love. Love God with all your heart soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself (from Mark 12:30-31). A whole slew of other commandments and instructions fall under this umbrella of love.

We are all familiar with the Ten Commandments. Have no other gods other than God. Honor your father and mother. Do not murder. Do not bear false witness. Can you think of some others?

The ten commandments lay the foundation for morality, but there are other commandments and instructions that God gives us. Pray without ceasing, rightly divide the word of truth, be hospitable, to name a few.

God tells why he has placed those restrictions on us.

12 "And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, 13 and to keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD, which I am commanding you today for your good?

Deuteronomy 10:12-13

Commandments are there for our own good. They are there for our protection just like the Jedi Code was meant to keep Jedi from falling away.

But rules can seem so restrictive. That was Anakin’s constant frustration. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. He wanted to be a Jedi, but he didn’t want to live by the code. He wanted to be free to marry. He wanted to be free to take revenge. He wanted powers that were not meant for him to have. And in the end it cost him and those he loved dearly.

4 Kershner, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

16 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One We may also find ourselves sometimes thinking that God’s rules are too restrictive. God’s morality too much to bear even after accepting Christ as our savior. The costs of immorality are high, very high. Salvation may guarantee an eternal life in Paradise, but the consequences of sin will still be borne in this life. Like Anakin we can find ourselves down a path that will be difficult to return from.

Life is not necessarily easy when you follow the God code as it was not easy for Obi-Wan to follow the Jedi Code. But Obi-Wan’s honor remained intact so make sure yours does too.

QUESTIONS to consider:

1. List some specific commandments. Can you think of how those were put in place for your own good? 2. What are parts of God’s code that you find difficult to live by? What do you think would be the best way to conquer that difficulty? 3. What do you think happens if you fall short from keeping one of Gods commandments? What can you do to remedy your shortfall?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 17 DAY 8

A Jedi Master & His Padawan

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano

Master and Padawan. Dynamic duos that we love watching on screen, but they are also relationships that create great Jedi warriors.

Think about how differently clones train for warfare in comparison to Jedi. Clones spend several years in training and are instructed in groups. Only after their training is complete are they sent into the battlefield. Not so for Jedi younglings.

A youngling may spend several years in the Jedi temple training, but their introduction to the battlefield is under the wing of a Jedi Master. They will serve alongside that Master for years before they become a Jedi Knight. During that time, the Master will give the Padawan greater and greater responsibilities, and from time to time allow the Padawan to operate on their own.

It closely resembles the training method modeled by Jesus and Paul for disciple-making.

In Matthew 28:19 we were instructed by Jesus to

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Our primary purpose on this earth is to make disciples. Disciple-making is more than bringing someone to Christ which is just the beginning. Following someone’s confession of faith, we also have the responsibility of molding Christians to bring others to Christ. How do we do that?

Think Master-Padawan relationship.

Jesus trained several Padawans at once. He traveled and ministered with them. They saw Him in action and helped him as He needed it. All the while, Jesus instructed and taught them. He gave them more and more responsibility and eventually sent them out two-by-two.

During those missions, the disciples proclaimed the gospel, cast out demons, and healed the sick (Mark 6:12-13). Just like Ahsoka failed during her first solo mission commanding clones, the disciples experienced failures as well, but those failures in combination with instructions from Jesus would help them become great leaders in the future. They were instrumental in turning a little known movement known as “The Way” into the Christian faith now followed by billions around the world.

Paul and Timothy are another great example of the Master-Padawan relationship. Paul took Timothy under his wing and he too accompanied Paul on his travels. At times, Paul had to leave

18 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One Timothy on his own, but each experience would help Timothy grow as a follower of Jesus and also as a leader.

So as you think of your own path in Christianity, do you have someone that can nurture you in God’s word the way a Master nurtures his or her Padawan? Is there someone that can help you grow in your faith, teach you how to fight the good fight, and lead others to Christ?

If not, seek to be a Padawan, and find a Christian mentor.

QUESTIONS to consider:

1. Do you currently have a Christian mentor? If not, can you think of someone that would be a great mentor for you? 2. Is there someone in your life that needs a mentor? What can you do to help them find one?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 19 DAY 9

The Jedi Archive

The Jedi Archive is the Jedi’s treasure trove of information. As a collection of ancient knowledge spanning thousands of years, it contains research, maps, and even strategic information highly valuable to the Jedi.

The Bible is our archive. Yes, it is our source of reference for our code of conduct, but it also contains history, prophecies, genealogies, words of wisdom, and even geographical references to ancient places. Unlike the Jedi archive, however, we do not have to travel back to the Jedi temple to access it. Modern-day printing methods and the advancements of the digital age have made it possible for us to have ready access to our Bibles.

But that was not always the case. There have been times in history when scripture was scarcely available. And what happens when you do not have all the information you need?

Obi-Wan Kenobi found that out during his search for the culprits behind Senator Amidala’s assassination attempt. After consulting the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archive, it was clear that the information he needed was not available. We learn in Attack of the Clones that references to the planet Kamino had been deleted from the archive. The missing information, the deleted truth obscured the path for Obi-Wan Kenobi.

There have been times in history when humanity did not have the Word of God and our path was darker because of it. During one of those dark periods in Israel’s ancient past, under the leadership of Manasseh, the kingdom had adopted pagan gods and pagan practices. God’s word fell to the wayside and was lost until a more righteous king took the throne. King Josiah ordered the temple to be restored but the people couldn’t accurately proceed without God’s law to guide them. Thankfully, Hilkiah the high priest, found the book of the law, probably collecting dust in a forgotten corner of the temple (2 Kings 22:8-20).

Truth brings clarity. When the book of the law was found it was both glorious and painful. The book exposed all the evil perpetuated by the previous kings. As King Josiah heard God’s word for the first time, he rent his clothes in despair because only then did he realized just how far his nation had been led astray.

If we think back to Obi-Wan’s mission, we know he never really discovered the whole truth. He might have linked the assassination attempt of the Senator to Jango Fett, but he never found the true conspirator, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The Jedi would continue to operate in a fog, never fully knowing the truth until it was too late.

Thankfully for us, we have our God Archive readily available to us. We need not operate in a fog. God’s word exposes evil in the world and helps us recognize the deception of our world’s Dark Lord of the Sith. We can avoid falling into his trap if we stay connected to God’s truth by studying it, meditating it, and praying through it.

20 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One Let’s remember,

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)

Our training begins in God’s Word, so be faithful in learning the truth my fellow Padawans.

QUESTIONS to consider:

1. Think of a form of entertainment (movie, video games, social media, etc) and identify how the Enemy is using it to deceive us. How are you able to identify the deception? Why is it important to recognize this kind of deception? 2. What is your favorite book in God’s archive (aka the Bible)? Why?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 21 DAY 10

The Emperor, The Great Deceiver

The Emperor. The Great Puppeteer. The Great Deceiver.

The most arduous tragedy behind the Star Wars series is knowing, from the beginning of the Saga, that the Jedi were never in control. As a result, thousands and thousands of clones, Jedi, and rebel soldiers died. Jedi unwittingly were part of a much bigger game and remained ignorant of Emperor’s Palpatine’s ends. He outplayed them. Every. Single. Time.

We have all watched and rewatched movies and episodes, hoping that somehow, this time around they would see it. But the story always ends the same. The Emperor rises to power. Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Years of death and destruction follow.

How did a lowly Senator become such a powerful force in the galaxy? We all know that he was a Sith Lord from the beginning, but his means were simple and extremely effective. He disguised himself as an agent of good. On the surface, he appeared to have everyone’s interest in mind while masking his true intentions. And he would slowly move the goal post, pushing not only people but worlds to compromise their values a little bit at a time.

Do these methods sound familiar?

14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

2 Corinthians 11:14

Satan is the father of lies and uses deception to achieve his means. He knows that if he revealed himself as he is, people would run towards God. However, by cloaking himself and his ideas as something good, he slowly draws people in until it is too late, similar to Anakin’s fate.

He has been beguiling people since Genesis, but one of his greatest deceptions will be eerily similar to Senator Palpatine’s rise to power. He will do so through a man known in the Bible as the antichrist who will derive his power from Satan himself.

7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.

Revelation 13:7-8

The “it” in this passage is the antichrist. Like Senator Palpatine, the antichrist will rise from obscurity. He will deceive nations, build a strong military in the process, and put himself on the

22 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One throne. Many will echo Senator Amidala’s words, “So this is how liberty dies…..with thunderous applause.”5 By the time the nations realize who they have been worshipping, there will be no turning back. They will have plunged themselves into a war against The Chosen One, Jesus, and it will be too late for them.

If we are alive when these events transpire, how do we avoid making the same mistake the Jedi did? We learn our Bible, humble ourselves to its truths, and look for the signs of the times spelled out for us in the greatest Saga ever told.

QUESTIONS to Consider:

1. Can you think of some ideas in our society today that the devil has tried to mask as something good? 2. Many times the devil incorporates a small lie into an element of truth to slowly deceive people. Can you think of an example of how he has tried to do that? 3. Have you ever heard an accusation in you head, telling you that you are not good enough, or that God would not forgive you for something and it fills you with shame? Do you think that is God or Satan telling you that?

5 Lucas, George, director. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. 20th Century Fox, 2013

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 23 DAY 11 The Great Saga

Why is Star Wars such a great saga?

It has all the elements of a great story. Conflict. Tension. Surprise. Controversy. Extraordinary Characters. Suspense.

Let me mention a few examples for each.

Conflict: Star Wars is all about the quintessential fight between good and evil. Conflict rages in and out of each Star Wars movie or episode.

Tension: The feeling of worry and anxiety you get right before Anakin falls to the dark side.

Surprise: “Luke, I am your father.” Mike drop.

Controversy: The ethics behind the use of Clones in an unending war.

Extraordinary Characters: Obi-Wan, Luke Skywalker, , Ahsoka Tano, Darth Mall, Anakin/Darth Vader. Should I go on?

Suspense: In A New Hope, will the rebel alliance destroy the death star in time?

But Star Wars does not hold the trophy as the greatest saga ever told. God’s story does.

Often we associate the Bible as a set of rules and the basis for our moral code. And yes, of course, it has commandments, and it sets boundaries for behavior. But the word of God is a lot more than that. It is a story that begins in the book of Genesis and ends with the book of Revelation. And sandwiched in between are mini-stories with their own amazing elements.

So Star Wars is where a young, whiny moisture farmer becomes a great Jedi. Well, the Bible is where a sheepherder becomes one of the greatest warrior-Kings. It is where an annoying little brother with illusions of grandeur becomes a ruler in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.

But these smaller stories are part of a much larger story of a King who gave his life for his people. He was the fulfillment of a prophecy that began in the very first episode where a man and a woman disobeyed their loving creator. And this king wasn’t just any king, but the son of God who lived among his people incognito.

Current portrayals of King Jesus, admittedly, are not very exciting. And his life here, although good, leaves the adventure seeker wanting. I get it. However, think about that portion of God’s story as the parts in Tatooine. They are slower moving but intrinsically important to the story as a whole. It is a story that will take a dramatic turn at the end with the most epic battle scene ever.

24 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One Yes, Jesus will return with a robe dipped in blood to war against nations that have gathered together against him. His army will consist of mighty angels and his faithful followers. It will even have a lake of fire that will make Mustafar look like child’s play.

13 He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. 14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. 15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.

Revelation 19:13-15

And in this story, we won’t be watching it on TV. We will get to live it. You just have to make sure that you will be on the right side of this saga.

QUESTIONS to Consider:

1. Have you ever thought of the Bible as an epic story? 2. Take each of the elements of a great story mentioned above and think of a Biblical example for each. 3. Do you see yourself as part of the saga? Do you see yourself contributing to the story and if you do what are you contributing?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 25 DAY 12 The Chosen One

Many believed Anakin to be the Chosen One in the Star Wars universe. Whether or not he brought balance to the force will continue to be a hotly debated topic among Star Wars fans. But the idea that he was the Chosen One is the reason Qui-Gon Jinn committed to training Anakin despite Jedi Council opposition. Obi-Wan was also a believer in the prophecy, and it is why, in part, he was so greatly disillusioned at Anakin’s turning to the dark side.

Anakin succumbed to very human frailties: selfishness, a lack of self-control, and fear. He selfishly married Padmé even though marriage was strictly forbidden by the Jedi order. Through his lack of self-control and driven by fear, he fell at the feet of the Emperor.

It was unfortunate that Jedi would rest their hopes on someone so flawed. He was powerful but intrinsically flawed. But one could hardly blame the Jedi. People always look for a hero, a savior. Someone that can either lead them to victory or singlehandedly destroy the opposition. Someone they can rest their hopes on.

It is at the core of who we are as people and part of the reason we have fallen in love with Star Wars and its heroes. I believe that it is a longing that has been there since the beginning, from the day that God uttered the following prophecy,

15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.

Genesis 3:15 (ESV)

Lest we would think all hope was lost, God gave us a prophecy of someone that would come. He would be bruised, but he would also conquer. He was and is The Chosen One. He is the hero humanity waited for and saved us from eternal doom.

But Jesus did not enter the world with a lightsaber that could slice people in two. He had legions of angels at his disposal but never called on them to destroy the oppressive government structures nor any of his enemies. All of that will come in due time and we will all probably be quivering in our boots when it does. But that was not his first mission. Why?

Because our souls needed saving first. In Star Wars and all other hero movies for that matter, a people may be saved, or even humanity, but souls remain lost, darkened, with no hope of redemption. People may embrace and pat themselves on the back after a victory, but it is a short-lived feeling. They still have to face their darkened souls each and every day. Thankfully, that is not true for us.

We will see a great victory at the end of this earth’s time, but today, we find hope and rest in Jesus. Today, we receive forgiveness for our sins. Today we have hope and an anchor in a hero who is untarnished, perfect, and pure. A hero that will not disappoint. Today we can find

26 | The Galaxy’s Chosen One redemption if we agree with our whole heart to follow the Galaxy’s, the Universe’s Chosen One, Jesus.

QUESTIONS to Consider:

1. In the Star Wars saga, was Anakin able to bring balance to the force? Why or why not? 2. Where did Jesus succeed where Anakin failed? 3. Have you ever looked upon Jesus as a hero? Why or why not? 4. Why do you think saving our souls is more important than a great military victory?

The Galaxy’s Chosen One | 27 Scripture References:

“Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Star Wars Bibliography

Abrams, J.J. director. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Lucasfilm, 2019.

Kershner, Irvin, director. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. United States: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, 1980.

Lucas, George, Dave Filoni, Cary Silver, and Kevin Kiner. Star Wars, The Clone Wars: Seasons1-5, 2013.

Lucas, George, director. Star Wars Episode I: A Phantom Menace. Twentieth Century Fox, 2001.

Lucas George, director. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Twentieth Century Fox, 2008.

Lucas, George, director. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. 20th Century Fox, 2013.

Lucas, George, director. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Twentieth Century Fox, 1977.

Marquand, Richard, director. Star Wars Episode VI: . Twentieth Century Fox, 1983.

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