Internship Summer '20 MEOR Men June 1 – Aug 2 Program begins June 1 (Fly home Aug 2)

Hosted by: MEOR Organized by: jInternship

1 Table of Contents

1. Introduction...... 3 2. Your Professional Internship...... 3 3. College Credits...... 3 4. Travel Information...... 4 4. What To Do When You Land...... 4 6. Who’s Who at MEOR...... 5 7. A message from the Program Directors...... 6 8. The Learning Calendar...... 6 10. Room, Board and Tuition...... 7 11. The Campus...... 7 13. Trips (Tiyulim)...... 8 15. Shabbat...... 9 16. Cell Phones...... 9 17. Packing List...... 9 18. Passport...... 10 19. Important Contact Information MEOR/jInternship Staff...... 10 20. Changing Money...... 11 20. Emergency Numbers...... 11 23. Health Insurance, Doctors & Medical Service...... 12 1. Main points of the cover...... 13 2. Up to a sum of...... 13

2 1. Introduction

Congratulations on being selected to take part in the Onward Israel Jerusalem Summer Internship Summer’20 Session in Jerusalem! The program is hosted by MEOR and organized by jInternship. This unique and innovative program is a hybrid of Jewish learning and professional development. It mimics the Jewish ideal of placing importance on both Jewish learning and using Jewish values to succeed in the marketplace. In the program’s format, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about Judaism from some of the world’s top Jewish educators at Machon Yaakov - a MEOR-affiliated institution in Jerusalem - as well as to work alongside successful professionals in your industry of interest.

We hope you will keep in mind that your internship has been secured through much effort, networking and administrative work. The opportunity is a privilege. You were selected because of the high recommendations you received from your campus rabbi/other references as well as the talents and potential that was apparent from your resume and your interviews. Based on this, we have great confidence that you will live up to the high expectations we and your host-company have for you.

This Guidebook will introduce you to this carefully designed and powerful program; we are confident that the experience will help you reach new heights personally and professionally.

2. Your Professional Internship

Since most students will work for different host companies, it is not in the scope of this Guidebook to discuss specific requirements for time spent at your professional internship. In general, you should discuss the requirements for the internship with your supervisor and your Internship Coordinator: Bashi Rosen, Ariella Abbo, Devorah Sher, Mordy Twersky, Aviva Cohen, Yael Perlmutter, Shana Segal, etc.

Upon arrival in Israel your internship coordinator will supply you with a packet that includes information such as the contact information of your supervisor, directions to your internship, bus routes, proper attire, an overview of the work culture in Israel, etc. Make sure you understand clearly what their expectations are for you. It is equally important that you make clear to them what you hope to accomplish during the internship.

If you have any problems with your internship, you should immediately be in touch with Bashi Rosen, Program Coordinator of jInternship. It is her job and interest, with 7 years of experience, to make sure that things go smoothly. You can also contact Jeff Surowitz, CEO & Director of jInternship, Rabbi Shlomo Gershenfeld from MEOR team, or the madrichim (student guides) for assistance. The entire team is committed to making the entire experience a success.

Upon arrival in Israel, your Program will help you secure a Rav Kav card for public transportation to travel to/from work.

3 3. College Credits

The jInternship program is not currently accredited for college credits. However, many universities will offer credits for summer internships done through non-accredited programs so long as the internship is supervised. Many participants have done this in the past. The jInternship team is happy to work together with your host-company’s supervisor to assist you in receiving college credits for your experience. Please tell Bashi or Jeff Surowitz before the program starts if you are interested in this arrangement. More importantly, make sure you contact the appropriate department at your university and that you understand all the requirements you will need to fulfil to receive college credits.

4. Travel Information

Students are advised to arrive for international flights three hours prior to departure. Airlines overbook and late arrivals cannot always depend on prior reservations.

Please check, ASAP, that your travel documents are accessible and have not expired. New regulations require that all passports are valid for at least six months after your travel dates. Please make sure that your passport is acceptable. In addition, please be advised that students will be responsible for any costs associated with late arrival at the airport departure terminal, or failure to arrive with proper travel documents, resulting in a missed flight. Similarly, if one arrives late to the program, or leaves before the end dates, he may be liable to a penalty fee set out by our sponsors, due to the program being highly subsidized ($60/day – each case should please be discussed with Rabbi Shlomo Gershenfeld).

4. What To Do When You Land When arriving on a MEOR ISRAEL trip you will exit with the group.

After taking your baggage you will exit this area through the green exit since you are not bringing any items for business purposes. In the reception area you will continue out to the side walk and then turn right. There will be vans called a "Sheyrut” or “Nesher” to specified addresses in Jerusalem. Each sheyrut travels to a different city in Israel. It’s a shared van with around 12 passengers – find the one going to Jerusalem. This is the most economical way to travel to Machon Yaakov. The cost should be around $17. Our address is: 10 Ibn Denan, Jerusalem.

A private cab will cost about $90. This is the most expensive option. Address above.

Alternatively you can catch the train to Jerusalem, and hail an inner-city cab (see Section 21 below for cab details) once in Jerusalem to address above. The Tel Aviv-Jerusalem railway line goes from the Ben Gurion Airport station to the new Yitzhak Navon Station on Shazar Street in Jerusalem (across the street from the Central Bus station) within around 25 minutes. Customer Service: *5770

4 5. The MEOR Men’s jInternship Program

University is a time to prepare for life. Students want to experience different opportunities in the job market and build up a resume, they want to see the world and they want to deepen their understanding of life and Judaism. MEOR is offering an innovative and unique approach to Jewish learning, Jewish living and career preparation:

Why not do them all at once?

Enjoy all three in the jInternship Program

Students in the MEOR jInternship program spend 8 weeks in Jerusalem dividing their time between experiencing Jerusalem, personalized internships and learning Jewish self develop and leadership values based on the values of the Torah. Most days are spent learning for 45-60 minutes in the mornings and then head to work in varied internships at top Israeli companies. 3-4 evenings students get to relax and enjoy Jerusalem while the other evenings they will get to participate in night activities.

High-Level Torah Study Curriculum

The Torah study in the mornings is facilitated by MEOR Rabbis and premier educators in Har Nof, Jerusalem. Classes include textual study of Talmud and philosophy. Special classes are also given in Torah perspectives on personal growth, mystical insights into the Hebrew alphabet, and leadership workshops. Every student also chooses a topic for personal in depth exploration with a mentor. They explore the Jewish texts together with their mentor and they make a presentation before the entire student body. Finally, the program seeks to help the student explore Israel with three organized tours throughout the country.

Competitive Internships at Top Companies

After the morning class, students head off to their various internships in a broad variety of fields: medicine, politics, journalism, finance, social activism, and hi-tech.

6. Who’s Who at MEOR

 Rabbi Beryl Gershenfeld (Founder of MEOR and Dean of Machon Yaakov and Machon Shlomo)  Rabbi Shlomo Gershenfeld – Co-Director of MEOR Men’s jInternship  Rabbi Aharon Grossman – Co-Director of MEOR Men’s jInternship  Rabbi Yehoshua Styne – MEOR Israel Education Director  Chagit Klien – Israel Trip Director

5 7. A message from the Program Directors

Dear Student,

We hope that you will have a productive, enjoyable and fun summer. MEOR is dedicated faculty is here to help, teach and inspire you. One of the unique aspects of MEOR is its sense of achdut (togetherness). Aside from MEOR’s reputation as an educational institution of excellence, the warm, personal attention given to each student is outstanding. We want you to grow at your own pace in technical learning skills, personal character development and knowledge.

You will be given an opportunity to experience a summer of learning and of connecting to the Land of Israel, its history and its geography with trips that are both educational and fun. Most of all you will experience personal and professional growth that you will find immensely rewarding.


Rabbi Aharon Grossman & Rabbi Shlomo Gershenfeld

8. The Learning Calendar

Date Description

June 1 Students arrive in Israel (unless already in Israel on a program. Meet us by 3pm)

June 1 – jInternship program begins with learning/touring. June 9

June 10 – Full time Internship schedule: July 23 Sun – Thurs: Full time Internship (11am – 5pm) with up to 1 hour of learning each morning/light6 programming on select evenings

Friday: Off

Shabbat: some on, some off – schedule TBD

Aug 2 Travel home from Israel

6 9. General Daily Schedule during Learning Program

Each student will receive a copy of his schedule during the orientation. The schedules reflect the particular level of study relevant to each student.

10. Room, Board and Tuition Due to generous subsidies from Onward Israel, Olami and MEOR, students accepted into the program receive air conditioned rooms, most meals (excludes lunch), health insurance and exciting classes daily. Students are only required to pay for their air transportation, cell phone, lunch, and free time expenses. And an additional $399 for this exciting full eight week program. Students from over ten different universities have enjoyed and have grown from the jInternship program. Rabbi Shlomo Gershenfeld and Rabbi Aharon Grossman are the directors of jInternship’s. Reb Shlomo says that his greatest pleasure is the former students who call back from their campuses and comment how the program was “awesome” and increased their love for Israel, their love for Torah and enabled them to get a head start in work experience.

11. The Campus The MEOR Men’s jInternship program is housed at Machon Yaakov. It is located in a fully refurbished, stand-alone villa overlooking the vast Jerusalem Forest at 10 Ibn Denan, Har Nof, Jerusalem. If you have ever visited the Yad Vashem museum, you can see our building from there. The 5-story villa is located in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighbourhood, an established and growing Israeli/American neighbourhood. The building holds expansive and unobstructed views of the forest, valley, and outlying hills toward the North of Israel. It contains classrooms, offices, 3 floors of dormitory rooms, gym, a large and well-lighted beit midrash (study hall), dining room & kitchen facilities, and a laundry room.

12. Machon Yaakov Dormitory Rules

1. To be sensitive to the level of noise coming from the apartment, especially between 10:30 pm and the early morning hours, in the stairways (and outside), and between 2-4 pm in the afternoon (when applicable).

2. To respect fellow participants and their belongings.

3. To refrain from walking alone.

4. To bring food into the dormitory ONLY with a kashrut label. It should be clearly marked with participant’s name (unmarked foods will be considered communal property). Food should not be left out, as it could spoil or attract insects. There is no cooking in the dormitory.

5. Since electricity is very expensive in Israel, the hot water boiler should not be left on for extended periods of time (when applicable).

6. To allow only men in the dormitories.

7 7. Guests/friends/relatives not registered at Machon Yaakov cannot sleep overnight in the dormitories.

8. There will be no smoking or use of illegal drugs in the dormitory. Smoking must be done outside. There is zero tolerance of illegal drugs and students caught in possession/use will be dismissed from the Program and from your internship.

NOTE: If you have any reasonable suggestions for the improvement of the living quarters please let us know. Where possible we try to implement things that will allow your stay to be as comfortable as possible.

Let us reiterate, most students are mature and want a good learning environment and almost all of these rules are self-evident. However, due to the fact that in our experience not everyone is mature enough to understand these things we must spell them out clearly. If you are among the majority of serious mature students please don’t be offended by these rules. You will appreciate them.

13. Trips (Tiyulim)

Tiyulim are arranged for your enjoyment, for your learning and for the bonding experience. jintenship official tiyulim are required. Tiyulim will be scheduled. It is important to us that you learn about the Land of Israel and have fun.

14. Security

The neighborhood in which Machon Yaakov is located, Har Nof, is quite safe. Caution should be taken when walking alone at night in the Downtown or areas. We recommend that you do NOT walk alone. Our Security Policy is found below.

As mentioned previously security is a high priority for us. You are in Israel. And although you can be as safe here as in most places in the world where Jews live, that is true for those who do not take unnecessary risks. MEOR may notify you of security alerts. These alerts will be in response to information from the Israeli security forces that they have information that terrorist organizations are preparing an infiltration and attack. At these times please remain on campus. Still, if you are off campus during an alert please call in to notify us that you are alright. The vast majority of these attempts have been thwarted by the security forces, thank G-d, but still, EVERYONE must follow this rule.

Thank G-d, things have been quiet the past several years in Jerusalem, nevertheless if, G-d forbid, there is an incident, everyone is required to call in immediately upon hearing about it and also you might want to put a call in to your family to let them know you are OK.

If you wish to visit relatives who live in places which are considered, “the territories,” or any place that the MEOR administration deems as not secure, we are serving written notice that we accept no responsibility for your safety. Please inform us several days beforehand so we can arrange a waiver from Onward Israel.

8 15. Shabbat

MEOR "Shabbatonim" are featured several times in the schedule. All students' participation is required. There are free Shabbats. MEOR staff can arrange Shabbat hospitality within the local community for you for your free Shabbat. You are also permitted to stay in the dorms during your free Shabbat. 16. Cell Phones In order for us to be compliant with security regulations, and so that our staff and your employer can contact you in a reasonable manner, we need to be able to be in contact with you throughout your time here. Israel is 7 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time during the summer months. Therefore, you are required to have active phone service (not only via WiFi) throughout your trip. Your options are as follows:

1. Bring an UNLOCKED GSM phone, and purchase a sim card (cheapest opiton) 2. Rent a basic phone with call and texting only, no apps 3. Rent a smart phone with the unlimited local/int'l calling and large data plan 4. GolanUSA: If you are in the US and would like to have your phone/sim card delivered to you BEFORE you leave for Israel, please check out this site well in advance: 5. Cellular Israel: Israel & USA Delivery/Pick-Up Options: 6. G-Cellular: Plan valid for 30 days (WOULD NEED 2 PLANS BACK TO BACK OR EXTEND WITH THEM) . With iKonnect-Israel rewards program you could get a $15 credit for signing up. For more info on G-Cellular:

17. Packing List Below is a suggested list of what to bring. The weather in Jerusalem can vary from warm to hot, but very dry, in the summer. In the evening it’s a little cooler. There are laundry facilities on campus, so plan your quantities of supplies accordingly.

1) One set of linens will be provided, should you want more please bring them 2) sweaters (even if the summer days are hot, the nights are cool) 3) two to three sets of conservative attire for sight-seeing in religious neighborhoods (this is out of respect for the lifestyle of the local residents) 4) nice suit (shirt and slacks) for more formal occasions 5) nightwear 6) comfortable clothing for hiking 7) sturdy sneakers or hiking boots 8) shower slippers (beach thongs) 9) adapter/transformer for electrical appliances (Israel runs on 220 voltage) 10) sunscreen with high SPF, hat with brim, sunglasses 11) insect repellent, basic medication (for headache, stomach upset), toiletries (wrap all liquids in plastic to avoid spillage)

9 12) flash light 13) camera 14) notebooks and pens 15) alarm clock with batteries 16) money for meals not provided by MEOR (during your free time) 17) credit card for emergency use

Clothing needs in Israel are less than at home and room for storage is limited. An oversupply of items can be inconvenient for both you and others. Please bear in mind that most things one might need are readily available in Israel. We strongly advise NOT to over-pack.

Laundry: There is a washing machine located at the main Machon Yaakov building. Dry-cleaning facilities are located in a shopping center near Machon Yaakov on Rechov Shaulzon.

18. Passport

Prior to your arrival in Israel, you will be required to ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months from the date you intend to leave Israel.

19. Important Contact Information MEOR/jInternship Staff

Name Positions Phone Email

Rabbi Shlomo Co-Director +972 (50)550- [email protected] Gershonfeld 2822 or +17862091546

Rabbi Aharon Co-Director 917-515-2052 [email protected] Grossman

TBA Madrich (Student TBA TBA Guide)

Jeff Surowitz jInternship Director 248-914-1138 [email protected]

Bashi Rosen Internship +972 (0)50- [email protected] Coordinator 550-3551

Yehudis Patino Administrative +972 (0)54- [email protected] Assistant 849-6920

10 20. Changing Money

Israeli currency is NIS (the New Israeli Shekel). The value of foreign currencies vis-a-vis the NIS varies according to the international money markets. Ask MEOR staff for money changers in Har Nof or go to town to change your money. Money changers offer better rates than banks and are legal.

21. Taxis


Ramat Eshkol: 02-581-4111 Ezrat Torah: 02-581-4444 Bayit VeGan: 02-642-1111 Ramot Alon: 02-502-2222 Bar Ilan: 02-586-6666 : 02-538-5555 Har Nof: 02-651-2111 Kikar Shabbat: 02 586 6667

Egged Buses: In Jerusalem: 02-530-4704; Outside Jerusalem: 03-694-8888 Train Information: 03-577-4000, Light Rail Information: 073-210-0601.

20. Emergency Numbers

 Police: 100  Hatzola (first response, ambulance): 1221  Magen David Adom (ambulance): 10  Fire: 102  National Poison Control (04) 652-9205  Hospitals: Terem (Emergencies/Casualty): 02-509-3333, Shaarei Zedek: 02-655-5111,  Bikur Cholim: 02-646-4111, Hadassah Ein Kerem: 02-677-7111, Hadassah Mt. Scopus: 02- 584-4111  Electric Company: 103  Jerusalem Municipal Hotline: 106  Milev Crisis Counseling: (1-800) 654-1111  Harel Insurance: 02-625-4488  Flight Arrival: 03-972-3344  Embassies:  U.S.: 03-519-7575 (Tel Aviv)  British 03-725-1222  Canadian: 03-636-3300  South African 03-525-2566  Consulates: U.S. Consulate, Jerusalem 622-7230, British Consulate, Tel Aviv 03-510- 1066

11 23. Health Insurance, Doctors & Medical Service All participants will be provided with MEOR jInternship’s medical insurance coverage while on the program. Students who have applied late for the program should not expect to be covered for medical expenses upon their arrival. MEOR and jInternship will not be held responsible for medical expenses incurred under these circumstances. Insurance coverage will be ensured approximately 2 weeks after passport numbers have been received. THIS INSURANCE IS MANDATORY REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MEDICAL OR TRAVEL INSURANCE. PLEASE NOTE: Our medical insurance does NOT cover pre- existing medical conditions. The cost for insurance is included in the $399 program fee.

HAREL INSURANCE: Everyone in MEOR procured Harel Insurance. You will each receive a n email with your policy number. Every madrich will have a list of all the policy numbers as well. You must bring your card (or your policy number) with you to any appointment. The regular doctor we use is Dr. Wolf, listed on the Important Phone Numbers document. Other doctors can be found using Harel’s website (instructions below)

Please read the insurance policy, attached, so that you are familiar with the coverage this policy provides.

For emergencies, please go to Terem Emergency Center (See below). Be sure to bring your insurance card with you.

To find any other doctors that are covered by this plan, please go to

Select the tab on the right that says “Bituach”. On the line below, select the tab all the way to the right that says “Ovdim zarim v’tayarim”. Go to the third list on the left and select the first option, “Itur Rofim Avur Tayarim"

If you are having a hard time with the Hebrew, have a madrich help you.

PLEASE NOTE that MEOR/jInternship cannot pay for taxis OR ambulances for any medical reasons.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL NUMBERS: Emergency treatment: Terem Clinic, Yirmiyahu Street 80, 1599-520520

PHARMACIES: Tachanat Merkazit (Central Bus Station), 02-538-1690 Pharmex in Center One, 02-537-7667 Pharma-C in Wolfson Towers, 02-561-2361

12 Below is the cover summary:

1. Main points of the cover 2. Up to a sum of

1. Medical expenses during hospitalization in Israel Full cover in a general – government hospital: up to 90 days

2. Medical expenses as a result of the deterioration Included in the limits of liability of an existing illness (subject to the insurer’s authorization)

3. Expenses in Israel not during hospitalization Included in the limits of liability

Doctor’s visit Included in the limits of liability

Laboratory tests, imaging services, ECG, plaster Included in the limits of liability casts, bandaging.

Medications Included in the limits of liability

Emergency dental treatment Included in the limits of liability

4. Transfer of a body to the country of origin $5000 / $10,000

5. Medical expenses as a result of a psychiatric $2000 emergency occurrence

6. Continued medical expenses abroad in the event $10,000 of an accidental occurrence which took place in Israel

13 7. Expenses for transferring the insured to the $10,000 country of origin (including a companion)

8. Transfer expenses in a psychiatric event – for the $1500 insured and a companion

9. Evacuation by air and rescue expenses from the $50,000 site of the occurrence to the nearest hospital

10 Cadets corps Included in the limits of liability

11 Extreme sports Included in the limits of liability

The insurer’s limit of liability shall not exceed a sum of $100,000

Summary of the exclusions:

The policy shall not cover: AIDS, periodic examinations, pregnancy, childbirth, infant clinics, use of drugs and/or alcohol, work accidents and/or road accidents. In any event, only the full insurance conditions detailed in the policy shall bind the insurer. Private Medical Array Deployed Nationwide

Harel places a nationwide medical array at the disposal of its insured – as well as support and assistance when required, as detailed hereunder:

Support and assistance services

The Harel Center is operative 24 hours a day and is manned by highly skilled and professional service representatives.

The Harel center services include:

 Summoning a house call 24 hours a day – the doctor’s house call services shall be provided by the Natali company.

 Assistance in locating medical service providers.

 Issuing monetary undertaking for performance of special tests and payments to hospitals.

 Upon the occurrence of an insured event, provision of general information regarding entitlement.

14 The advantages of Harel’s medical array

 A medical array deployed nationwide including doctors, specialist doctors, laboratories, imaging services, institutes and a chain of pharmacies.

 Contractual arrangements vis-a-vis all in hospitals in Israel.

 Private medical service without a need to contend with bureaucratic structural mechanisms.

 Private services without administrative and other committees.

 A medical array infra-structure provided also by private clinics enabling exceptionally high availability.

 Reinforcement and adaptation of the medical array in accordance with the insureds’ demand and location.

 An extensive, multiyear business relationship vis-a-vis Israel’s leading medical service providers, enabling the provision of appropriate, immediate solutions with high availability in accordance with the insureds’ needs and without any bureaucracy.

And above all this, a senior and experienced team of workers providing personal attention who will assist you at all times.