Bulletin 65. Population of Incorporated Places in 1900
Twelfth Census of the United States. CENSUS BULLETIN .. =--"-~·=·=-=-==,======================================= No. 65. WASHINGTON, D. C. June 8, 1901. POPULATION OF INCORPORATED PLACES IN 1900. This bulletin, prepared under the direction of Mr. on population for 1890, but a table (part I, page 378) is WILLIAM C. HUNT, chief statistician for population, presented giving the population of places having 1,000 relates to incorporated cities, towns, villages, and bor inhabitants or more, including towns of like population in oughs, and gives the population, according to the returns the New England states, with the exception of Connecticut, of the ':l1welfth Census of the United States, of all such where a slightly different plan was pursued. There were places, so far as it has been returned by the census in 1890, including the New England towns, 3,715 such enumerators separate from the population of the town places, and a brief analysis of the aggregate population ships, precincts, -districts, etc., of which they form a repres~nted by these places was presented in census bulle part. tin 165, published Feb:ruary 19, 1892. In ordei· that the In accordance with the provisions of section 12 of the statements contained in said bulletin for 1890 may be census act, approved March 3, 1899, by which a separate made comparable, even approximately, with similar results enumeration of all incorporated places was required, every for 1900, it is necessary to exclude New England towns effort was made by this office to insure a complete return and, as far as possible, all unincorporated places in 1890, of the population of each incorporated city, town, village, inasmuch as the tables of population comprehended by this and borough within the United States, and it is believed bulletin fo1· 1900 relate to incorporated places only, no that the list given in table 8 of this bulletin, comprising, attempt having been made in the present census to secure in all, 1o,602 places, includes practically every incorpo a sepamte enumeration of unincorporated places.
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