1. Tribe MUTISIEAE 帚菊木族 Zhou Ju Mu Zu Gao Tiangang (高天刚), Chen Yousheng (陈又生); D
Published online on 25 October 2011. Gao, T. G., Chen, Y. S., Hind, D. J. N. & Freire, S. E. 2011. Mutisieae. Pp. 9–32 in: Wu, Z. Y., Raven, P. H. & Hong, D. Y., eds., Flora of China Volume 20–21 (Asteraceae). Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). 1. Tribe MUTISIEAE 帚菊木族 zhou ju mu zu Gao Tiangang (高天刚), Chen Yousheng (陈又生); D. J. Nicholas Hind, Susana Edith Freire Herbs, subshrubs, shrubs, trees, rarely climbers or ramblers, glabrous or with simple, glandular, malpighiaceous or stellate hairs, often glabrescent. Leaves usually evenly spaced, sometimes rosulate or densely spiraled, usually alternate, rarely opposite, lamina simple, variously shaped, usually herbaceous, venation trinervate, pinnate, sometimes parallel, or very rarely palmate, margin entire or lobed, serrate or denticulate, rarely spiny or pinnatisect, lamina rarely compound and paripinnate. Inflorescences scapose or scapi- form, or synflorescences cymose or of corymbose or paniculate, axillary or terminal clusters, sometimes of glomerules, very rarely of pseudocephalia. Capitula small to very large, usually chasmogamous, very rarely cleistogamous, usually monoecious, homogamous or heterogamous, radiate, very rarely ligulate, rarely disciform or discoid, 1- to many flowered; involucres cylindric to globose or urceolate; phyllaries imbricate, few to many seriate, sometimes uniseriate, rarely calyculate, rarely distant, usually gradate, often papery or herbaceous, usually homomorphic; receptacles flat, convex or rarely conical, scrobiculate,
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