191 • 1917 % &*%- SPRAY OF ABELIA GRANDIFLORA'" Co, m /* < •». FRUITLAND^ ' **< NURSERIES, • ESTABLISHED 1856 AUGUSTA" GEORGIA .( BUSH OFABELIA GRANDIFLORA INDEX Fae« Page Page Page Abelia 36, 51 Crataegus 40 Ligustrum 42, 43, 52 Punica 21, 27 Acacia 81 Cryptomeria 54 Lilac 29, 30 Pyramidal Boxwood ....39 Acer 31 Cunninghamia 55 Linden 35 Pyrus 24 Actenidia 47 Cupressus 55, 56, 59 Liquidambar 33 Adam's Needle 47 Cydonia 24 I^iriodendron 33 Quercus ... .34, 35, 45, 46 Akebia 47 Cypress 55, 56, 59 Locust 28 Quince, Japan 24 Aleurites 31 Lonicera 26, 27, 49 Quinces 16 Almonds 16 Deutzia 24 Loquat 20, 41 Almonds, Flowering ....27 Dewberry 18 Raphiolepsis Indica . .. .46 Althaea 21, 22 Diervilla 30 Magnolia . .33, 34, 43, 44 Ampelopsis 48 Raspberry 18 Diospyros 14, 15 Mahonia 38, 44 Red Bud 33 Antigonon 48 Diseases, Fungus ..4, 5, 6 Maidenhair Tree 85 Aphananthe 82 ltetinosi>ora .... 58, 59, 60 Dogwood 32 Malus 84 Reed, Giant 52 Apple, Flowering Crab..34 Maple 31 Apples 8, 9 Rhododendron 46 Elaeagnus, 19, 20, 24, 25 Medlar, Japan 41 Rhodotypus 28 Apple, Crab 9 Melia 34 Apricots 9 40. 41, 48 Rhus 28 Elm 85 Metrosideros 44 Rhynchospermum 50 Arbor-vitae 53, 59 Mimosa 31 Arbutus 87 English Laurel 42 Robinia 28 Eriobotrya 20, 41 Mock Orange 27 Rosemary 28 Ardisia 37 Morus 34 Arundo 52 Escallonia 41 Rose, Mexican 48 Eulalia 52 Mulberries 20, 34 Rose of Sharon ....21. 22 Ashberry, Holly-leaved . .44 Mulberry, French 22 Aucuba 87 Euonymus 25, 49 Roses . 50, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 Exochorda 25 Mulberry, Weeping .... 34 Rosemarinus 28 Azalea 22, 37, 38 Myrtle 44 Myrtle, Crape 26 Bamboosa aurea 52 Ficus 49 Salisburia 35 Myrtle, Trailing 50 Salix 85 Barberry .
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