1941 (With Notation of Subsequent National Defense and Other Important Activities)
SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT FEDERAL COMMUNiCATIONS COMMISSION FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1941 (With Notation of Subsequent National Defense and Other Important Activities) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON I 1941 For Hale by the Superintcndet:lt of Documents, Washington, D. C. ~ • ~ •••• Price 10 cent. COMMISSIONERS MEMBERS OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [As of December 15, 1941] CHAInMAN JAMES LAWRENCE FLY PAUL A. 'WALKER GEOROE H-ENnY PAYNE NORMAN S. CASE 'RAY C. 'VAKEFIELD T. A. M. CRAVEN **CLIFFORD J. DURR 19~ij.OOk office :March 22, 1941; succeeded Thad H. Brown, whose term expired June ::10. "Took office November 1, 1941; succeeded Frederick I. 'I'hompson, whose term expired June 30, 1941. II LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL FEDERAL C01\-Il\IUNICATIO~S COMMISSION, WasMngton, D.O., Decembe>' 15, 1941. To the 00ngre88 of the United States: The Seventh Annual Report of the Federal Communications Com mission, submitted herewith, is brought up to date in major develop ments so that the Congress may bc more cnrrently informed about the Commission's national defense work and events in radio and wire regulation which have occurred since the fiscal year ended June 30 last. The war-time emergency and new considerations in the field of dec tricaI communications impose increasing and exaeting burdens on the Commission. The showing made has, in large measure, been possible by employee devotion to duty beyond that which might rensonably be expected, even in the face of unusual conditions. Respectful!y, JAMES LAWRENCE FLY, Ohairman. TJJ [ Page IV in the original document is intentionally blank ] TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX Chapter Page I.
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