BOOK REVIEWS Cestode Zoonoses: being strengthened in western Europe, the word, presenting its contents in a given that E. multilocularis infection clear, structured manner. Instead of Echinococcosis and rates in foxes have increased in recent encylopedic coverage of every infec- Cysticercosis: An years. The book contains other valu- tious disease agent known, a set of Emergent and able updates on diagnostics, immunol- paradigmatic infections were selected ogy and vaccines, imaging and clinical on the basis of the depth of available Global Problem management, geographic information knowledge. The book is divided into systems and ecology, veterinary medi- eight sections, each of which Philip Craig and cine, and community-based control addresses a particular aspect of the Zbigniew Pawlowski, editors programs. Readers with an interest in host-infectious agent interaction, helminthology will find this book describing it in separate chapters for Vol. 341 NATO Science Series, most useful. bacteria, fungi, parasitic eukaryotes, IOS Press, Amsterdam and viruses. So instead of discussing 410 pages, hardcover Frank O. Richards, Jr. all aspects of viral diseases, the reader ISBN: 1-58603-220-8 The Carter Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA learns about the innate immune Price: US $100 response to the various pathogens, chapter by chapter, in the respective This book is a collection of short Address for correspondence: Frank O. Richards, section. Emphasis is thereby placed on articles written by the participants of a Jr., The Carter Center, 453 Freedom Parkway, the immune system’s “point of view” research workshop held in Poznan, Atlanta, GA 30307, USA; fax: 770-420-5100; e-mail:
[email protected] about an infectious process, rather Poland, in September 2000.