cokescript.docx 8/1/2017

INT. MOVIE THEATER The theater is empty, except for the countless Regal cups left in cupholders. As the camera tracks inward, our attention is drawn to one Regal cup, with two straws poking out


The cup remains in the same position as it was in the previous shot, but its surrounding evnironment has changed. A Regal employee is filling up the cup with Coke for an awkwardly lovable young man. Michael Cera.

REGAL EMPLOYEE Will that be all for you today sir?

YOUNG MAN Um, you guys wouldn’t happen to have any partially popped , maybe?

The regal employee, with a look on his face,laughs and walks off screen, clearly puzzled by this unique order. Next to the young man we see a cute, young woman of similar age, also placing an order. Think Zoey Deschanel

YOUNG WOMAN This might sound weird, but do you guys sell like half popped popcorn?

The young man turns to the girl, clearly astounded by her identical order. The regal employee returns to the young man

REGAL EMPLOYEE Took me a second but here’s your partially popped popcorn man.

The young woman perks her head up towards the young man, also astounded by this chance encounter. They lock eyes. The young man takes a bite of his popocrn, holds up his Regal cup, and extends bag her way.

YOUNG MAN Well would you look at that!

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The two begin laughing. The boy holds up two straws, as we see the girl give a cute, quirky smile. The two enter the theater together, as we get a final shot from behind of the two enjoying their partially popped popcorn and coke as the movie plays in front of them.

TITLE UP: Regal Cinemas. More than just a movie.

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