New medicine & cashier windows / નવી દવા અને કશ બાર Out Reach Eye Camp / આઉટ રચ ખ નો કપ

Out Reach Eye Camp / આઉટ રચ ખ નો કપ Tree Plantation / ૃ ારોપણ કાયમ


વાિષક અહવ ાલ ૨૦૧૬-૨૦૧૭ Annual Report 2016-2017 SABARKANTHA - ARVALLI

T o

Ambaji To Shamlaji-Shrinathji

To - V

ijapur Medistar Hospital

State Highway 145


o Bayad / Kapadvanj /

T Dakor / Ndiyad


Dehgam Circle Tapovan Circle

S. G. Highway

Reaching Ranasan From Ahmedabad – Vadodara – Gandhinagar From Sardar Patel Ring Road 1) From Dehgam circle on Sardar Patel Ring road to Dehgam – Rakhiyal- Harsol – Ranasan . 2) From National High way – 8 (NH-8) (a) Chiloda- Majara- Talod- Harsol- Ranasan (b) Chiloda- Prantij- Himatnagar (Motipura Bus Stand) -Medistar Hospital Char Rasta – Ranasan 3) From Gandhinagar – Chiloda- Majara- Talod- route OR Chiloda- Prantij- Himatnagar (Motipura Bus Stand) -Medistar Hospital Char Rasta – Ranasan Contact : 9428513437 for any difficulty regarding route. Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

ANJALI Society for Rural Health & Development

Annual Report 2016 - 2017

જલ: પો: રણાસણ, તાકુ ો: તલોદ-૩૮૩૩૦૫ : સાબરકાઠં ા જુ રાત. ANJALI : Po: Ranasan, Ta. Talod-383305, Dist: Sabarkantha, Phone : (02770) 282034, 282135 Mobile: 9426413192, 9925747740 e-mail : [email protected], web: Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI


1) Health a. Primary Health Care b. Generic & subsidised medicines c. Subsidised laboratory, X-Ray, USG investigation facilities d. Mother & Child care ( including child birth) e. Emergency services f. Eye care & Free cataract operation g. Chronic Disease Centre for chronic medical condition requiring prolonged medical care, subsidised investigations, medicines and admission facilities for diseases like Bronchial Asthma, Diabetes, high BP, Epilepsy, Heart diseases and tuberculosis h. 24 x 7 Concessional / Free Ambulance services i. Surgical, Eye, Gynec & Obstetric Operation facilities 2) Community Based Development Action Programme (CBDA Programme) a. Women's educations & awareness programme b. Adolescent Girls Programme c. Saving Groups d. Community based outreach free eye camps and surgical operation camps 3) Environment Enrichment Programme a. Tree Plantation b. Rain water conservation

Annual Report 2016-2017 2 Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

It is my pleasure presenting financial & activity report of Anjali for the year 2016- 2017. The year was full of ongoing infrastructure additions, modifications and patient related activities. Patients & their relatives faced inconvenience because of ongoing construction, but it was essential to bear, as the changes being made will make the work more orderly and comfortable. The hospital work continued routinely. Eye camps were discontinued since many years in the surrounding villages. The camps we restarted this year. From the number of people who attended the camps, it was seen that people sit at home waiting for the camps. The camps both in distant adivasi areas and in surrounding villages were successful. For next year camps in these villages are being planned. Maternal care and new born care activities along with other medical work are smoothly functioning. The needs are many but lack of skilled manpower is a constraint. Now a days it is essential to be aware and conscious about Non communicable diseases .Anjali Hospital has a chronic disease centre ( CDC) for such conditions. But we still have not been able to control T.B and Malaria, and viral infections like dengue, chicken gunea and swine flu are on rise. At one time it was felt that infectious diseases are on decline but it seems difficult to control increasing infectious diseases. With changing times, type of diseases and the treatments are changing . Health work is never ending !! Along with increase in health facilities, the cost of treatment has become very costly hence it seems that the demand for health centres like Anjali Hospital is constantly increasing. Medical instruments & equipment need replacement and upgradation according to the needs of the day, which we keep on doing. Considerable financial support is required for this. Women's program activities are going on uninterrupted and in eight villages adolescent girls activity is underway. The changing psychological trends in adolescent girls and boys are cause of concern, real efforts are being made towards enriching environment. All this has been possible through support, assistance and cooperation of all the friends, well wishers, workers and donors. You are welcome to visit us here at Ranasan, see the activities and go around the greenery being created.

Anita Shah Managing Trustee

3 About Anjali Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

Anjali was established in the year 1988. The activities of the organisation were initiated on 29th January 1989. The founders after completing higher education, formed Anjali in order to use their skills & capabilities for the poor and the needy. Anjali is a voluntary organisation based in village Ranasan. Ranasan with population of 5000 is a village in Talod taluka of Sabarkantha district in north Gujarat in . Beginning was made with health activities, the poor and the needy being the target population. The health activities developed progressively and other activities were included as the needs were perceived At present the activities of Anjali are, a 75 bed Anjali Hospital, women's programm in 48 interior villages (on the platform of saving groups) and environment enrichment programm. Organisation is inclined towards development programmes for children, youth, and villages. The soil in Ranasan & in its vicinity is rocky & sandy and the climate is dry, windy, hot during 7-8 months of the year and cold during the winter months. The rainfall is less and unpredictable. There are two rivers which run if there is ample of rainfall. There are few lakes & other sources of water. The principal vocation of the people is agriculture. There are no industries in the vicinity. The level of education is low. Most of the population is economically & socially weak. The majority of the population of this area comes from the communities of Thakors, Dalits, Ravals, Vagharis, Banjaras, Vadi, Pagi, Rabarisamaj and migrant adivasi labourers. Most of them earn their livelihood as agriculture or miscellaneous labour. They have not made much progress either economically or socially. This group of people along with other economically weak & distressed section of the population are the main beneficiaries of Anjali's activities.

Vision and Mission Statement Vision Promotion of health & all round development of rural population without any distinction of caste, creed or colour. Mission 1. Activities promoting community health & primary health care. 2. Rational, ethical & subsidised rural hospital services. 3. Empowering education to women, children, youth and over all development of rural population & rural areas. 4. Environment enrichment by tree plantation, rain water harvesting & use of renewable energy. 5. Activities conducive to & fostering moral and ethical values.

Annual Report 2016-2017 4 Activities Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

(1) Anjali Hospital The activitiy in numbers is as follows: Description of particular activity 2016-17 OPD patients 75935 New patients in OPD 27888 Old patients in OPD 48047 Average Daily OPD patients 251 Beneficiaries of economically weaker sections in OPD 85.09% Indoor patients ( admissions ) 4459 Beneficiaries of economically weaker sections in indoor 91.41% T.B. detections / Referred to DOT at PHC’s 471/471 Delivaries (child birth) 605 Vaccinations 1864 Laboratory tests 72123 X-Rays 3952 Operations Total 2235 EYE operation (Cataract) 1480 Other operation 755 Ante Natal Care visits 4747 Ambulance visits 754 Food to patients (dishes) 14101 Breakfast & Milk (Morning & Evening ) 9794

Eye & Surgical Camps OPD Operation Eye Camp Arvalli District Dhansura, Modasa, Meghraj Taluka 616 134 Eye Camp Sabarkantha District Himatnagar, Poshina, Talod and Vijaynagar Taluka 1919 356 Surgical Camp (Poshina / Kasana) 236 71 Surgical Camp (Ranasan) 208 107 Total camp activities 2979 668 Renovation and addition of infrastructure going on in the campus since last one & half year is nearing completion. The new facilities and renovated infrastructure was inaugurated on 2nd April,2017 by Pujya Gnanmaya Prana Mataji of Sharda Math. As the ques around medicine dispensing windows & cashier windows have shifted to the new place, the congestion in the entrance because of ques, patient's relations and patients has eased. In addition changes were made in area around canteen, facility to wash in the morning, place to wash clothes, new watchman cabin and parking areas. Cold drinking water facility with water purifier was created our side the hospital which is utilized by general public. 5 Activities Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

Eye related work started with an eye camp in 1995. Since then the eye work is going on very well. As full time eye department started functioning, the eye camps were discontinued. Since last 4-5 years, eye camps were started in interior tribal areas of Sabarkantha & Arvalli district. Patients were brought to Anjali Hosital, operated, transported back home and weekly & 45 days follow up was done at the place of camp, spectacles were provided to those who requird and the camp was concluded. This year along with tribal areas, camps were conducted in surrounding small centres like Dhansura, Gambhoi, Nikoda & Dhamania, the camps were well attended and many cataract surgeries were done. It was seen that still many needy & old people wait for camps and donot go for eye check up. Now it has been planned to conduct regular eye camps in surrounding centres. A group of well wishers of Ahmedabad are providing financial support to Anjali for its hospital activities. This group of well wishers was desirous of providing financial support for purchasing instrument for eye department. 2-4 years back purchase of Phaco machine was being considered but after taking opinion of some ophthalmologists it was felt that there was not much benefit from the type of surgeries being done at Anjali (SICS) and Phaco surgeries and surgeries will be costly and will take more time. But now after 5 years eye surgeon feels that some patients will benefit if phaco surgery is used. So the well wisher group of Ahmedabad donated Phaco machine worth Rs 14 lacs. We are heartily thankful to them for their support. After conducting eye camps the patients were brought for surgeries in a tempo vehicle ( an open transport vehicle) and after surgeries they were taken home in the same vehicle. Well wisher and donor of Anjali Smt Vimlaben Jayantilal Shah (daughter of late Shri Somchand Punamchand Shah of Ranasan) family provided financial assistance of Rs 28.38 lacs for eye work. On behalf of Anjali and its beneficiaries we are thankful to them. Out of this amount a bus will be purchased to comfortably bring cataract patients for eye operations. Both Phaco machine and Bus will be delivered in 2017-2018. Non Communicable Diseases in which long term or life long treatment is necessary, a chronic disease center is functioning since last 8-10 years in Anjali Hospital. Diseases like Diabetes, Bronchial asthma, chronic respiratory diseases, high B.P, Thyroid disorders, epilepsy are some of the chronic diseases, for these conditions, laboratory investigations, indoor treatment, and medicines are provided to the patients at subsidized rates which has made asignificant change in regularity of these patients. TB Centre is going on since beginning of Anjali. Multiple drug resistance cases are increasing now, in which no medicines work,

Annual Report 2016-2017 6 Activities Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI and those medicines that are used are very dangerous and costly. Government is actively working in this matter. Internationally also there is lot of emphasis in this matter. In association with Government of Gujarat, work is going on as a diagnostic centre for TB. In the same way also working with Government of Gujarat and Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai in maternal and new born care. Along with eye camps, with the help of 3-4 humanitarian surgeons and anesthetists general surgical operation camps are also conducted. (2) Women's Activities: Women activities on the platform of saving groups are smoothly continuing since last 13 years. Every month a worker from Anjali visits monthly meetings of groups and since last eight years women members of each saving group come to Anjali once in a year. In a year eleven meetings in their village and one meeting in Anjali. Members of all the saving groups comes in turn to Anjali. A subject is chosen so that they get useful information and through mediums like role play, short videos, PPT presentation, question &answers, sharing experiences and group discussions this information is given. At the age between 40 to 50 years menstruation stops in women. During this phase due to hormonal changes women experience physical, psychological & emotional disturbances. Saving groups have members between the age of 25 to 64 years, so daughter in law as well as mother in law are members. The meetings were inclusive so that daughter in law understands uneasiness, difficulties and problems of mother in law. At the age after 40 years many persons have problems with near vision which is natural. Through discussions & questions their understanding about this was known, their misunderstanding was cleared. If there is difficulty in near vision, the remedy is glasses was known to all members. But when asked why you are not using, you have not taken one for yourself, the replies were, feel shy, carelessness , it is alright, people will tease in village etc. Eye checkup of the members was done in the eye department of Anjali Hospital. Those having simple near vision errors were provided spectacles at concessional rates and were told to take care of themselves. Women are using spectacles. Those having complex numbers and cataract were given appropriate understanding and advise. They were also given seeds of different vegetables. Women members of the groups celebrated 8th March by a short procession in the village. Teachers and students of the village schools also participated. Anganwadi and Asha workers also participated with enthusiasm. Through groups of adolescent girls, various activities are done in eight villages. Once a month in their villages various activities of their liking are performed along with health awareness information.

7 Activities Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

A camp of these adolescent girls was organized in Anjali and they made rangoli- played games and enjoyed. This year one adolescent girl from village committed suicide. This adolescent girl was associated with us. It was love affair. During the meeting in Anjali through group discussion, stories, the importance of our life, problems of body, psychological problems, safe speech and behavior, mental behavior and its effects were discussed minutely. Emphasis was laid that instead of getting embarrassed due to a problems, talk with trustworthy relative, friend but never take such extreme steps. The activities in figures: No Details August -2003 April -2016 to Total to March 2016 March-2017 1 Number of villages 48 - 48 2 Total saving groups 132 133 New groups formed 3 No of saving groups closed 2 3 No of women members 1668 1684 New women joined as member (+) 1758 (-93) (+19) Women members resigned (-) 4 No of members took loan 4706 330 5036 5 No of members repaid loan 3333 271 3604 6 No of member’s repayment in process 1373 - 1432

No Purpose of / August-2003 April-2016 No. of % Utilisation of loan to to members March-2016 March-2017 took loan 1 Economic 1956 132 2088 42% 2 Asset building 699 67 766 15% 3 Beneficial 1064 39 1103 22% 4 Social 987 92 1079 21% Total 4706 330 5036 100%

Environment Activity: 1500 new trees were planted this year around Rayna Talao. 250 trees which were not thriving or had dried up were changed. Care and attention is continuing. Total 4500 trees are planted till now.

Annual Report 2016-2017 8 Activities Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

Staff Activity: Religious and national festivals were celebrated along with the staff members. Attended various workshops, meetings and seminars and increased understanding and capabilities. Since many years a saving group of employees of Anjali is going on. Many staff members are members. Through this there are regular monthly savings and take loans in time of need.

Every years an eye camp and a surgical operation camp is performed 125 Kms away in Poshina area. As, for operations, patients are brought to Anjali Hospital, some people of that area come for treatment during the year own their own. Kumariben , a 14 years old girl from Ajavas village of Poshina area was brought for treatment. Two relatives brought her to Anjali Hospital holding her two hands. Present medical officer examined her . She was suffering from juvenile diabetes. Her blood and urine were examined (blood sugar, acetone). The blood sugar was very high and she was having keto-acidosis. Besides as she had mature cataract in both the eyes she had lost her vision. The seriousness of her condition was explained to the relatives and she was admitted in the hospital. Next day eye specialist doctor examined her and advised that after controlling her diabetes cataract operation can be performed. Now diet plan as well as blood sugar & acetone monitoring plan of Kumariben was worked out. With carefulness Anjali Hospital staff monitored diet ( ate what, ate when) and blood sugar & urine every two hours. Based on this nursing monitoring, medical officer could fix dose of insulin and treatment continued. When Kumariben's blood sugar was under control, cataract operation was performed in one eys. When bandage was removed she was happy as well as surprised. Seeing her, all of us were delighted ( sheer joy) When Kumariben was discharged from the hospital she met staff members and conveyed her thanks and she took date for other eye operation after one and a half month and went home.

9 Accounts Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

A Snap shot of Income & Expenditure (as per audited income-expenditure account) 2016-2017 Expenditure Income Anjali Hospital 22451293.85 11313648.61 Women’s Programme 977905.00 Environment Enrichment Programme 1241208.00 Establishment 1740546.11 Interest 3234317.57 Other Income 363046.45 Programme Grants 150000.00 Reimbursement Of Programme Expenditure 4533888.00 Total (1) 26410952.96 19594900.63 Deficit (Excess of expenditure over income) 6816052.33 Amount Of deficit 6816052.33 Depreciation (2) 3802990.65 Donation received from individual & institutional donors (general & 35AC donations) during year (3) 10320621.00 Net Deficit (Transferred To Balance Sheet) (4) 298421.98 10619042.98 10619042.98

Expenditure : Rs 30213943.61 (1 + 2) Depreciation Establishment 12.58% 5.76%

Environment Enrichment Programme 4.11% Women’s Programme 3.24% Anjali Hospital 74.31%

Income : Rs. 30213943.61 (1 + 3+4) Reimbursement of Programme Expenditure Net Deficit 15% 0.99% Anjali Hospital 39.45% Other Income 1.2%

Interest 10.7%

Donation Programme Grants As per Audited Income Expense (See page 13) 34.16% 0.50%

Annual Report 2016-2017 10 Accounts Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

FORM NO. 10B [ See rule 17B ]

Audit report under section 12A(b) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, in the case of charitable or religious trusts or institutions

I/We have examined the balance sheet of ANJALI SOCIETY FOR RURAL HEALTH & DEVELOPMENT, as at 31 March, 2017 and the Income & Expenditure account for the year ended on that date which are in agreement with the books of account maintained by the said trust or institution.

I/We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of my/our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of the audit. In my/our opinion, proper books of accounts have been kept at the head office and the branches of the above named trust/institution visited by me/us so far as appears from my/our examination of the books, and proper returns adequate for the purposes of audit have been received from branches not visited by me/us, subject to the comments given below:

In my/our opinion and to the best of my/our information, and according to the information given to me/us, the said accounts give a true and fair view- (I) In the case of the balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the above named trust/institution as at 31 March, 2017 and (II) In the case of the profit and loss account, loss of its accounting year ending on 31 March, 2017

The prescribed particulars are annexed here to.

Place : AHMEDABAD DILIP R. SHAH & CO. Date : 06/07/2017 Chartered Accountants

[DILIP R. SHAH PROP] M. No. 30610 FR No. 102572W

11 Accounts Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

Audited Balance Sheet (Abridged)* 2016-17

Liabilities &Trust Fund Amount Amount Trust Fund Corpus: Balance as per last b/s 33560996.82 Add: Received during the year 3978098.00 37539094.82 Hospital Sustenance/Development Fund: Balance as per last year 5538354.69 Add: Received during the year 955745.00 6494099.69 Other earmarked funds & N. R. Grants: Balance as per last year 58086958.65 Ad: Received during the year 7491400.00 65578358.65

Other liabilities / Sundry creditors 811165.00 Depreciation fund F.C. Assets Depreciation Fund 592802.60 Movable Assets 8397932.91 Immovable Assets 18174512.11 27165247.62 Total 137587965.78

Assets Amount Amount Immovable Assets (Gross Block) 39242640.01 Movable Assets (Gross Block) 20369535.37 FC Assets 2366924.00 Investments (FDR Dena Bank, HDFC Trust Deposit) 37700000.00 Deposits Telephone, Gas & Land 198828.00 Cash & Bank Balances 10340313.50 Sundry Debtors 3241.66 Income outstanding Interest receivable 486283.00 Closing Stock of Medicine 968414.95 Income & Expenditure A/C: Opening Balance 25613363.31 Add: Deficit during the year 298421.98 25911785.29 Total 137587965.78

* Detailed audited Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure is available on request

Annual Report 2016-2017 12 Accounts Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

Audited Income & Expenditure (Abridged)* 2016-17

Income Amount Gross Hospital receipt from patients 20301190.60 LESS: Value of free OPD & IPD - 6939091.00 Value of free Medicine - 2048450.99 Net hospital receipt 11313648.61 General donation & 35 AC donation 10320621.00 Interest 3234317.57 Other Income 363046.45 Reimbursement of programme expenditure 4533888.00 Programme grant 150000.00 Excess of expenditure over income 298421.98 Total 30213943.61

Expenditure Amounts Anjali Hospital 22451293.85 Women’s programme expenses 977905.00 Environment, enrichment programme 1241208.00 Establishment expenditure 1740546.11 Depreciation 3802990.65 Total 30213943.61

* Detailed audited Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure is available on request

13 Accounts Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

ACCOUNTING POLICIES: The Accounts are maintained as per generally accepted accounting principle and are in line with the relevant guideline statements, standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. METHOD OF ACCOUNTING: Books of accounts are maintained on historical cost convention on accrual basis. FIXED ASSETS: Fixed assets are stated At Cost less depredation. DEPRECIATION: Depredation is provided on assets on WDV method as under: Immovable Assets 10% Movable Assets 10% (Equipments, Furniture-Fixtures, Vehicles etc) In the Current year the assets are shown their respective Cost value and Correspondingly the depreciation fund is created to make the value of asseets at its cost. INVESTMENTS: Investments are stated At Cost INVENTORY Of STOCK OF MEDICINE: The Closing stock for medicines as on 31/03/2017 are taken physically & certified by trust, are valued "At Cost". Medicine and other Supplies are used exclusively only for regular Hospital indoor & outdoor Patients. The inventories are regularly & periodically taken by management. RECOGNITION OF INCOME & EXPENDITURE: Items of Income & expenditure are generally recorded on accrual basis. During the year donation received are as under a. Rs. 783970.00 Towards General Donation. and Rs 131720.00 towards Foreign Donation. b. Rs 9404931.00 towards 35AC General Donation OTHER NOTES: 1. Donation Towards Corpus Trust Fund . RS.3978098=00 Trust fund amount includes Foreign Donation of Rs.135000=00 2. Donation Towards Hospital Sustenance/Corpus Fund. RS.955745/- 3. The Trust has paid gross remunerations of Rs.356940=00 P.A. to Managing Trustee Smt. Anitaben Shah as a full time administrator cum Director of community based Development Action (CBDA) Programme 4. The Trust has provided Free Residential accommodation in a campus to Smt Anitaben Shah as a full time administrator cum Director of Community Based Development Action (CBDA) Programme. 5. Rs.180000=00 P. A. is paid to Trustee Dr. Lalitbhai Shah as a Medical Director of Anjali Hospital. According to our professional judgement the said remuneration (as per note 3 & 5) & the said perquisites (as per note 4) are most reasonable looking to their qualification and long experience as compared to any other person having such qualification and experience in other similar organisations. Members of the Board of Trustees other than Smt. Anita Shah and Dr. Lalitbhai Shah strongly opined that the services rendered by them to the Trust are very crucial and indispensable to the Trust.


Date:06-07-2017 [FOR, DILIP R.SHAH & CO] M.NO.30610 F.R.No.102572W

Annual Report 2016-2017 14 Donations and Bank Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

· Expenditure of Anjali Hospital during the year 2016-2017 was Rs. 1.22 Crore more than the income. This Rs. 1.22 Crore of deficit was met from donation income and corpus fund. · For Bronchial Asthma Centre and Chronic Disease Centre we appeal for yearly contributions. · Large endowment fund (corpus) is essential to meet the huge yearly deficit. We seek assistance of donors in this. · DENA BANK Name of Account “ANJALI ” Account No 072910001537 NEFT / RTGS Code No : BKDN0130729 Ranasan Branch:- Po: Ranasan Taluka: Talod, 383305, Sabarkantha, Gujarat. · PAN : AAATA2113L · Address ANJALI, PO: Ranasan, Taluka: Talod, Dist: Sabarkantha - 383305, Gujarat, INDIA. Phone : (02770) 282034, 282135 Mobile : 9426413192, 9925747740 Whats App on : 9925747740 E-mail: [email protected], · Auditors Dilip R. Shah & Co. A/21/2, Ajanta Commercial Centre, 2nd Floor, Opp. C. U. Shah College, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380 009. · Courier To be sent to TALOD at above address by Tirupati Courier

15 Institutional Donors Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

1 Lilavati R. Shah Medical Relief Trust Mumbai 1000000 2 Estate of Late Smt. Bhadraben Ranjitlal Sukhadwala c/o. Deepak Golwala Mumbai 250000 3 Ur-Asha Javeri Foundation Trust Mumbai 200000 4 Jash Kanta Charitable Trust Mumbai 172245 5 Shri Jalaram Sewashram Trust Vadodara 100000 6 Soham Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 70000 7 Asha Foundation Mumbai 50001 8 Shakriben Mangaldas Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 50000 9 Patel Ranchhodbhai Shambhubhai Kashiram Sewa Trust Ladol 31000 10 Adarsh Charitable Trust Mumbai 30000 11 Manav Jyot Public Charitable Trust Mumbai 25000 12 Premchand Jiavachand Shah Charitable Trust Mumbai 25000 13 Sanjeevani Trust Mumbai 20000 14 Shardaben Kantilal Vakharia Charitable Trust Mumbai 20000 15 AMCO TRUST c/o. Dinesh Enterprise Ahmedabad 20000 16 Vadilal Bhogilal Shah Charitable Trust Mumbai 15000 17 Amber Ashraye Mahila Benefit Association Rajkot 15000 18 Navneet Foundation Ahmedabad 15000 19 Young Men’s Gandhian Association Rajkot 11000 20 Smt. Radhikaben Himatlal Patel Charitable Trust Vadodara 10000 21 Smt. Jayalaxmi Vasantrai Doshi Charitable Trust Mumbai 10000 22 Jayaba Somani Parivar Trust c/o Shri Natvarlal Somani Ahmedabad 10000 23 Sheth Ratanji & Jivandas Charitable Trust No. II Mumbai 10000 24 Shri Yuvak Sammelan Diamond Jubilee Charity Trust Mumbai 10000 25 Sheth Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 5000

Annual Report 2016-2017 16 Individual Donors Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

1 Meena Prints Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai 3000000 2 Smt. Vimalaben Jayantilal Shah d/o Late Shri Somchand Poonamchand Shah, Ranasan Ahmedabad 2838150 3 Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai 2100000 4 Pooja Prints Rajkot 2000000 5 Shri Paresh Trikamlal Shah Mumbai 1000000 6 Patel Bhanubhai Manibhai - USA Bavsar 650000 7 Shri Chandravadan Shantilal Shah Mumbai 500000 8 Polythene Printing & Sealing Works Mumbai 500000 9 Aatish Industries Mumbai 500000 10 Nilakshi Louzado Pune 500000 11 Nihon Kohden India Pvt. Ltd. Surat 400000 12 Aastral Industries Changodar 245000 13 Pankaj Jwellers Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad 142000 14 Smt. Ramilaben Manharbhai Patel - USA Bavsar 101111 15 Lions Club of (Bombay) Panchratna Mumbai 101000 16 Shri Keshavsinh D. Kapadia Mumbai 100000 17 Dr. Hasmukh C. Shah Vadodara 100000 18 Shri Subhash R. Shah Mumbai 100000 19 Dr. Manoramaben Harakhchand Mehta Rajkot 100000 20 Dr. Kalpesh G Shah Vadodara 96000 21 Shri Govindbhai Mangaldas Shah Vadodara 92500 22 Smt. Indiraben Govindlal Shah Vadodara 85000 23 Shri Gunvant H. Shah Vadodara 75000 24 Shri Madhusudanbhai M Mehta Surat 70000 25 Creative Printers Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad 61000 26 Smt. Taraben Jayantilal Vadhani and Shri Jayantilal Maganlal Vadhani (Matunga) na Smarnarthe Mumbai 51000 27 Shri Vipul Nathalal Pandya Mumbai 51000 28 Shri Sunil S. Shah Mumbai 50000 29 Simurg Appliances Pvt Ltd. Ahmedabad 50000 30 Shri Kamleshbhai Shashikantbhai Mehta Mumbai 50000 31 Kailashben Jasubhai Patel Moyad 50000 32 Dr. Apexa K. Shah Vadodara 50000 33 Smt. Lalitaben H. Shah Vadodara 50000

17 Individual Donors Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

34 Dr. Bhavnaben Soni Surat 50000 35 Shri Mukesh K. Adenwala Ahmedabad 50000 36 Smt. Jayagauri Balashankar Purohit Anand 50000 37 Shri Vasantkumar Laxmishankar Joshi Punsari 49111 38 Shri Vipul Vasantkumar Joshi Punsari 45000 39 Shri Nrupesh Vasantkumar Joshi Punsari 45000 40 Shri Krunalkumar Vasantkumar Joshi Punsari 45000 41 Disha Kalpesh Shah Vadodara 45000 42 Nilaben Hemant Vyas Vadodara 45000 43 Nipa Krunalkumar Joshi Punsari 43500 44 Smt. Padmavati Vasantkumar Joshi Punsari 41500 45 Smt. Chanchalben Laxmishankar Joshi Punsari 41000 46 Nisha Nrupeshkumar Joshi Punsari 40000 47 Rutul Kalpesh Shah Vadodara 40000 48 Shri Baldev Chandanmal Vatnani Godhra 40000 49 Bharatiben Bhanuprasad Gor (Shinol) Punsari 39500 50 Dharmishtha Ashokkumar Purohit (Dabha) Punsari 39000 51 Aarav Krunalkumar Joshi Punsari 37500 52 Kanishk Krunalkumar Joshi Punsari 35000 53 RAMIN Vadodara 35000 54 Shri Kamleshbhai Shashikantbhai Mehta (HUF) Mumbai 35000 55 Shri Sanjaybhai Unmeshbhai Mashruwala Mumbai 35000 56 Late Kantaben Chhaganlal Shah na Smarnarthe Ranasan 33000 57 Smt.Sumitraben C. Amin Vadodara 30000 58 Shri Avdheshkumar Natvarlal Patel Modasa 30000 59 Shri Dhiren R. Shah Vadodara 25001 60 Late.Shri Kumud Chhaganlal Shah na Smarnarthe Ahmedabad 25000 61 Shri Ankit Kumudchandra Shah and Jinal Ankit Shah USA 25000 62 Shri Abhay Bhaskar Kavishvar Surat 25000 63 Shri R. R. Shah Vadodara 25000 64 Shri Bhailalbhai Dharmabhai Patel Shika 25000 65 Shri Ketan C. Parikh Mumbai 25000 66 Dr. Daxaben Ashwinbhai Patel Ahmedabad 25000 67 Shri Jitendrabhai Ishwarlal Shah Ahmedabad 25000 68 Dr. Ritu J. Shah Vadodara 25000 69 Smt. Nirooben R. Amin Vadodara 25000

Annual Report 2016-2017 18 Individual Donors Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

70 Shri Prutha Panthesh Jinwala Vadodara 25000 71 M/s.Ramendra J. Parikh Ahmedabad 25000 72 Dr. Hansaben Adenwala Ahmedabad 25000 73 Shri Umang R. Shah Mumbai 25000 74 Volga Gas Company Vadodara 25000 75 Smt.Vina Jagdishbhai Shah Ahmedabad 25000 76 Shri Rajesh Ochhavlal Talati Mumbai 25000 77 Kaushik Gokaldas HUF Mumbai 25000 78 Smt. Gitaben C Shah Ahmedabad 25000 79 Shri Dilip R. Shah Ahmedabad 25000 80 Sneha Dilip Shah Ahmedabad 25000 81 Dr. Nishith V. Shah Ahmedabad 25000 82 Shee Multitech Pvt. Ltd. Vadodara 25000 83 Shree Marketing Vadodara 25000 84 Dr. Preyas Shah Vadodara 25000 85 Vallabhacharya Jayanti Ranasan Nimitte Ranasan Khadayata Vaishnav Samaj Ranasan 25000 86 Gujarat Industrial Product Vadodara 20000 87 Shri Haribhai Dharmabhai Patel Shika 16000 88 Smt. Sharmisthaben Bharatbhai Shah Mumbai 16000 89 Sugnesh Mehta And Co. Vadodara 15000 90 Smt. Babuben Bhikhabhai Patel Navi Shinol 15000 91 Smt. Jayaben Shah Vadodara 15000 92 Smt. Jayaben Shyambabu Sharma Hatharol 15000 93 Smt. Charuben Upendrabhai Parikh Mumbai 15000 94 Shri Abhishek Yogeshchandra Shah Ahmedabad 15000 95 Late Patel Kodiben Devkaranbhai Ramos 11111 h. Shri Vinodbhai and Shri Jayantibhai 96 Shri Kiritkumar Natvarlal Saraiya Ahmedabad 11111 97 Shri Jayantilal Chhotalal Shah Dhansura 11111 98 Baroda Chemicals & Fertilizers Vadodara 11111 99 Patel Kodriben Jayantibhai Popatlal ni punyatithi nimite h. Shri Jayantibhai Popatlal Patel Ramos 11001 100 Shri Pankajkumar Hirachand Shah Mumbai 11000

19 Individual Donors Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

101 Late Shri Vastabhai Dhanjibhai Patel h. Shri Ramanbhai Kantibhai Patel Naranpura Kampa 11000 102 Shri Pareshkumar Popatlal Patel Ramos 11000 103 Shri Radheshyam Manilal Shah Gandhinagar 11000 104 Dr. Sumant Shah Ahmedabad 11000 105 Pooja Furniture h. Family of Matrushri Maniba Modasa 11000 106 Rahevar Gitaba Ranvirsinh Ranasan 10111 107 Smt. Hansaben Vinodbhai Bhagat Mumbai 10000 108 Shah Gangaben Dahyalal Ni Punyatithi Nimite h. Dr. Ashwin D. Shah Himatnagar 10000 109 Patel Manjurhusain Ismailbhai Kanai 10000 110 Shri Premjibhai Karsanbhai Patel Laheripura Kampa 10000 111 Late Kokilaben Sheth Ahmedabad 10000 112 Minal Anjan Dalal Ahmedabad 10000 113 Shri Krishnakant Maganlal Parikh Vadodara 10000 114 Shri Maulik Purohit-USA Vadodara 10000 115 Asgari Traders Vadodara 10000 116 Shri Shrut P. Shah Vadodara 10000 117 K. P. Arcade Ahmedabad 10000 118 Dr. Dhiren G. Ganjwala Ahmedabad 10000 119 Dr. Falguniben Rajendrabhai Shah Mumbai 10000 120 Shri Vinaybhai Rajendrabhai Shah Mumbai 10000 121 Leenaben Chandulal Vakil Mumbai 10000 122 Dhishat Batuk Mehta Mumbai 10000 123 Shri Chandrakant Kantilal Vora Jhaghadia 10000 124 Target Sales Vadodara 10000 125 Shreeji Engineering Enterprise Vadodara 10000 126 Shri Occhhavlal C. Shah Vadodara 8600 127 Smt. Bharatiben Girishkumar Raval Disa 8501 128 Shri Surendra Girdharlal Sheth Mumbai 7500 129 Late Ramanlal Atmaram Raval h. Shri Navinkumar Ramanlal Raval Bahucharaji 7500 130 Shri Tejash Mukeshbhai Shah Vallabh Vidhyanagar 7134 131 Shri Hasmukh C Dalal Ahmedabad 7020 132 Shri Vivekbhai I. Soni Vadodara 7000 133 Shri Dinesh O. Shah Vadodara 7000

Annual Report 2016-2017 20 Individual Donors Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

134 Thakkar Stock Brokers Pvt. Ltd. Vadodara 7000 135 Shri Hasmukhlal Gordhandas Shah Anand 6000 136 Mrs. Shobhanaben M. Shah Vallabh Vidhyanagar 5959 137 Goodluck Oil & Paints Co. Vadodara 5600 138 Shri Narendrabhai Kodarbhai Patel Dhansura 5500 139 Shri Nayankumar Jayantilal Shah Dhansura 5500 140 Smt. Bhagvatiben Naranbhai Patel Madhava Kampa 5100 141 Shri Dilip Govindji Shah Mumbai 5001 142 Shri Nikhil J. Shah HUF Ahmedabad 5001 143 Shri Mukesh Rasiklal Patva Vadodara 5001 144 Dr. Ritesh J. Shah Vadodara 5001 145 Smt Jayshreeben S. Mehta Vadodara 5000 146 Shri Vrajmohanbhai P. Shah Surat 5000 147 Smt. Mita Hemendra Shah Vadodara 5000 148 Shri Prerak Dilipbhai Shah Himatnagar 5000 149 Smt. Kailashben Ratibhai Patel Kashipura Kampa 5000 150 Shri Dineshbhai Shivram Prajapati Mehsana 5000 151 Shri Anantkumar Natvarlal Mehta Vadodara 5000 152 Shri Gauravkumar Saxena Gandhinagar 5000 153 Patel Pihuben Jaiminbhai Laxmipura Kampa 5000 h. Shri Jaiminbhai Sureshbhai Patel 154 Akshay Enterprises Bhivandi-Thane 5000 155 Dr. Jitendrakumar Nemchand Gandhi Ranasan 5000 156 Smt. Chandanben Jayantilal Shah Mumbai 5000 h. Shri Jayantilal Shankarlal Shah 157 Shri Jagmohan Shankarlal Shah Mumbai 5000 158 Shri Ayan Komilkumar Gandhi Sonasan 5000 159 Late Shantaben Amratlal Gandhi Sonasan 5000 160 From Mumuksha 5000 161 Shreem Steel & Tubes Ahmedabad 5000 162 Shri Kiranbhai Kantibhai Patel Nava 5000 163 Shri Vijaykumar Ramanlal Desai Mumbai 5000 164 Shri Prafull Purohit -USA Vadodara 5000 165 Smt. Zankhna Bimalkumar Sheth Vadodara 5000 166 Smt. Varshaben Kishorbhai Mistry Vadodara 5000 167 Shri Ramanbhai Jethabhai Patel Gadhoda 5000

21 Individual Donors Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

168 Dr. Bharat M. Shah Ahmedabad 5000 169 Shri Sanjaybhai Kantibhai Desai Ahmedabad 5000 170 Shri Vinodbhai Ghelabhai Shah Ahmedabad 5000 171 Shri Maheshbhai B. Raval Ranasan 5000 172 Dr. Sejal H. Shah Vadodara 5000 173 Shri Kushan D. Shah Vadodara 5000 174 Kothari Impero Mumbai 5000 175 Pinalben N. Shah Modasa 5000 176 Shri Laxmichandbhai Vershi Nishar Mumbai 5000 177 Shri Vasantlal Chandulal Shah Modasa 5000 178 Parulben Rajnikant Trivedi Himatnagar 5000 179 Dr. Julie Sanjay Desai Ahmedabad 5000 180 Dr. Heena Bankim Shah Vadodara 5000 181 Shri Malaybhai Vinodchandra Mehta Mumbai 5000 182 Shri Natvarlal H. Shah Vadodara 4000 183 Shri Rakesh Shah Rajkot 3000 184 Vikram na Janmadivas Nimitte Smt. Sharmisthaben Bharatbhai Shah Mumbai 3000 185 Shri Pankajbhai M. Shah Vadodara 3000 186 Shri Harivadanbhai C. Shah Vadodara 3000 187 Smt. Alkaben Kirtibhai Thakar Ranasan 2602 188 Patel Bhikhabhai Fakirbhai Jalampura 2500 189 Shri Jayantibhai Jethabhai Patel Madhva Kampa 2500 190 Mahalaxmi Handloom Modasa 2500 191 Shri Vinit Nayanbhai Shah Dhansura 2500 192 Dr. Narendrabhai Suthar Mehsana 2500 193 P. Pu. Motiben na Smarnarthe Pandya Pariwar tarafthi Smt. Pratibhaben Devarshibhai Pandya Ahmedabad 2500 194 M/s. Shreemad Enterprise Rajkot 2500 195 Shri K. M. Patel UK 2500 196 Smt.Vimlaben Harakhchand Shah Shri Harakhchand Ramchand Shah Barsi 2100 197 Smt. Tanviben Hirankumar Raval Ahmedabad 2002 198 Shri Jasvantlal Chandulal Shah (Mithawala ) Modasa 2002 199 Shri Arun A. Modi Vadodara 2002 200 Shri Dinesh Jayantilal Vora Ahmedabad 2000

Annual Report 2016-2017 22 Individual Donors Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

201 Shri Rasiklal Muljidas Shah Navi Mumbai 2000 202 Ketul Rakeshbhai Shah Vadodara 2000 203 Smt. Dimpleben Rakeshbhai Shah Vadodara 2000 204 Smt. Ranjanben Nanalal Soni Ranasan 2000 205 Shri Anil N Shah Ahmedabad 2000 206 Aaratiben Prahladbhai Patel Ranasan Kampa 1501 207 Shri Rajendra Chandulal Shah Vadodara 1500 208 Smt. Hansaben Dhirajbhai Patel Dehgam 1100 209 Late Parshottambhai Savjibhai Patel h. Shri Paragbhai Parshottambhai Patel Madhava Kampa 1100 210 Late Savjibhai Meghjibhai Patel h. Shri Paragbhai Parshottambhai Patel Madhva Kampa 1100 211 Late Nehaben Mehulkumar Patel h. Smt. Manjulaben Vitthalbhai Patel Krushnapura Kampa 1100 212 Late Nehaben Mehulkumar Patel h. Shri Mehulkumar Parshottamdas Patel Madhava Kampa 1100 213 Shri Jesingbhai Mavjibhai Patel Ramos 1100 214 Shri Kirtikumar Kumudchandra Thakar Ranasan 1001 215 Late Jayaben Sureshchandra Soni h. Shri Sureshchandra Shankarlal Soni Himatnagar 1000 216 Falak Bimal Sheth Vadodara 1000 217 Shri Sanjaykumar Bhikhabhai Patel Radodra 1000 218 Shri Rahulbhai Yashvantbhai Shah Vadodara 1000 219 Shri Ashokbhai Nagindas Shah Vadodara 1000 220 Shri Thakorlal Nanalal Shah Kapadvanj 1000 221 Shri Kumudchandra D. Thakar Vavol 1000 222 Smt. Chhayaben Mayankkumar Pandya Jhaghadia 1000 223 Shri Arvindbhai R. Desai Valsad 1000 224 Shri Rajnikant Rameshchandra Desai Valsad 1000 225 Shri Vishnubhai Ranchhodbhai Patel Gadhvad 1000 226 Late Mangaldas Muljidas Shah Na Smarnarthe h. Shri Prakashbhai Mangaldas Shah Ranasan 1000 227 Shri Lalitkumar Jivabhai Patel Hatharol 1000 228 Shri Dharmendrakumar Amrutlal Raval Ranasan 1000 229 Late Vora Amrutlal Motichand h. Shri Prakashbhai Vora Ranasan 1000

23 Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

230 Late Vora Kamlaben Amrutlal h. Shri Prakashbhai Vora Ranasan 1000 231 Late Vora Manharlal Amrutlal h. Shri Prakashbhai Vora Ranasan 1000 232 Late Shah Premilaben Ratilal h. Shri Prakashbhai Vora Ranasan 1000 233 Kushal Kirtikumar Thakar Ranasan 501 234 Shri Vipulbhai Chunilal Raval Palanpur 501 235 Smt. Jyotsana H. Patel Jitpura 500 236 Shri Kalubhai Rana Vadodara 500 237 Smt. Manjulaben Punambhai Patel Oad 500 238 Diptiben Gopalbhai Nimavat Dhansura 200

Foreign Donation

1 American Service To India by Prashant & Mausami Ravani USA 131720

Annual Report 2016-2017 24 Tithidan Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

In order to meet the deficit of Anjali Hospital, Tithi Scheme is in place, called “TITHIDAN” in which donation of Rs. 25000 can be given to commemorate birth anniversary, marriage anniversary, death anniversary (swjan smruti) etc. On the date of anniversary every year the donation is acknowledged in the main hall of Anjali Hospital with name & photograph on 40” LCD TV throughout that particular day as follows:

Tithidan received during 2016-2017 1 Smt. Sulochana C. Parikha Mumbai Tithi 18-Jul 2 Vallbhacharya Jaynti Ranasan Khadayata Vaishnav Samaj Ranasan Tithi Chaitra Vad-11 3 Smt. Priti Shah Mumbai Birthday 07-Jul 4 Prachi Pavan Bhalavat Vadodara Birthday 03-Dec 5 Binduben Ronakkumar Shah Ahmedabad Birthday 10-Aug 6 Dr. Ritu Jayesh Shah Vadodara Marriage Anniversary 24-Dec 7 Prutha Panthesh Jinvala Vadodara Marriage Anniversary 26-Nov 8 Nesha & Scoot Vadodara Marriage Anniversary 03-Sep 9 Nikhil & Dina Vadodara Marriage Anniversary 05-Nov 10 Nisha & Josh Vadodara Marriage Anniversary 19-Nov 11 Late Bhaskar Kavishvar Surat Swajan Smruti 03-Jul 12 Late Manibhai Khimjibhai Patel Modasa Punyatithi Asho Sud-8 13 Late Shri Jagdishkumar Ramanlal Shah Ahmedabad Punyatithi 22-Dec 14 Late Nilaben Mahendrabhai Shah Chicago Punyatithi 13-Jul 15 Late Patel Kodariben Jyantilal Popatlal Ranasan Punyatithi 17-Dec 16 Late Prafulbhai Chandulal Pandya & Late Ilaben Prafulbhai Pandya Vadodara Punyatithi 19-Aug

25 Donation in kind Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

Kitchen material : 2016-2017 1 Shri Amrutbhai Pashabhai Chamar  Nava  Vegetables 2 Shri Sanjaybhai Lakhabhai Patel  Nava  Food Grains 3 Shri Mahendrasinh Gambhirsinh Rahevar  Ranasan  Food Grains 4 Shri Dahyabhai Dhulabhai Patel  Navalpur  Food Grains 5 Shri Vitthalbhai Devshibhai Patel  Laheripura Kampa  Food Grains 6 Shri Keshabhai Dhulabhai Patel  Navalpur  Food Grains 7 Shri Navinbhai B. Patel  Navi Shinol  Food Grains 8 Smt. Kamalaben Revabhai Patel  Antisara Food Grains 9 Shri Riteshkumar Muljibhai Patel  Ramos Food Grains & Vegetables 10 Shri Khemabhai Ramabhai Prajapati  Navalpur  Food Grains 11 Smt. Madhuben Popatbhai Patel  Laxmipura Kampa  Food Grains 12 Shri Jyantibhai Popatbhai Patel  Ramos Food Grains 13 Shri Bhikhabhai Devkarnbhai Patel  Ramos Food Grains 14 Shri Balvantrai Madhavrai Gor  Navi Shinol  Food Grains 15 Shri Naranbhai Somajibhai Patel Jasvantpura Kampa Food Grains 16 Shri Prakashbhai Govindbhai Patel  Navalpur  Food Grains 17 Shri Tulsibhai Ramanbhai Patel  Ranasan Kampa  Milk 18 Navi Shinol Mahila Mandal  Navi Shinol  Food Grains 19 Shri Keshubhai Savjibhai Patel  Jasvantpura Kampa Food Grains 20 Shri Maganbhai Premjibhai Patel  Jasvantpura Kampa Food Grains 21 Shri Ambalal Premjibhai Patel  Jasvantpura Kampa Food Grains 22 Shri Sardarsinh Mathursinh Parmar  Nava Khadoda  Food Grains 23 Smt. Manguben Chimanbhai Patel (Kothari) Viravada  Food Grains 24 Shri Jagdishbhai Kantibhai Patel  Ranasan Kampa  Vegetables 25 Shri Rajubhai Shah (Vasanvala)  Ranasan  Biscuit 26 Ram Bharoshe (Well Wisher )  Madhvakampa  Food Grains 27 Shri Bharatbhai Babubhai Patel  Madhvakampa  Food Grains 28 Shri Arvindbhai Savjibhai Patel Ranasan Kampa  Food Grains 29 Shri Ashokbhai Naranbhai Patel  Jasvantpura Kampa Vegetables 30 Shri Mohanbhai Arjanbhai Patel  Vajipura Kampa Food Grains 31 Shri Raineshkumar Kalshibhai Parmar  Gandhinagar  Food Grains 32 Shri Sarfrajbhai Ahmadbhai Mansuri  Ranasan  Vegetables 33 Shri Yogeshkumar Manilal Joshi  Navi Shinol  Vegetables 34 Shri Jyantibhai Arjanbhai Patel  Madhvakampa  Vegetables

Annual Report 2016-2017 26 Donation in kind Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

Donation in kind 1 Shri Bhupendrabai Shah - Hipolin Ahmedabad  Washing Power 2 Daril Lighting Pvt. Ltd.  Vadodara  LED lights & equipment 3 Smt. Manjariben Pareshkumar Shah Mumbai  Bed , Cushion 4 Late Somabhai Maganbhai Patel na smrnarthe h. Shri Jasubhai Somabhai Patel Shri Harshadbhai Somabhai Patel Bayal & Shri Harshadbhai Patel  Dhankharol  Wheel Chair 5 Manav Jyot Public Charitable Trust  Mumbai  Medicines 6 Shri Naresh N. Mehta  Vadodara  Medicines 7 Dr. Rajeshbhai Patel  Ahmedabad  Medicines 8 Shri Prakashbhai Amrutlal Vora  Mumbai  Glass & Bowle 9 Shri Kamleshbhai Shah  Bahucharaji  Kitchenware 10 Dr. Apexaben Kalpeshbhai Shah  Vadodara  Kitchenware

We thankfully acknowledge daily supply of vegetables provided for kitchen & Staff of Anjali Hospital by Shri Jaswantbhai Shah (Mithawala) from Modasa

27 Voluntary Services Society for Rural Health & Development ANJALI

We take pride in acknowledging voluntary services provided by following distinguished individuals.

1. Dr. Kalpesh Shah - General Surgeon Vadodara 2. Dr. Hansaben Adenwala - ENT Surgeon Ahmedabad 3. Dr. Kiran Patel - General Surgeon Himatnagar 4. Dr. Kandarp Prajapati - Gynecologist Modasa 5. Dr. Jignesh Patel - Anesthetist Himatnagar 6. Dr. Dinesh Prajapati - Gynecologist Himatnagar 7. Shri Rameshbhai N. Shah - Industrialist Mumbai

Staff Staff Members: (As on April-17) Female Male Total Full Time 26 35 61 Part Time  00 01 01 Trainee 01 05 06 Total 27 41 68

Distribution of member of staff according to salary level is as follows: (Other than Trainees) (As on April-17) Rs. 50000 and above --- 06 Rs. 20001 to 50000 --- 07 Rs. 15001 to 20000 --- 03 Rs. 10001 to 15000 --- 18 Rs. 8500 to 10000 --- 28

Gross remuneration of three highest paid staff members and the lowest paid staff Members. (As on April-17) Highest Paid Lower Paid 80000 8500 70000 8730 50000 8770

Annual Report 2016-2017 28 Trust Information Name of the organization: ANJALI: Society for Rural Health & Development Registered office & Mailing address: PO: RANASAN, Taluka: Talod – 383 305, Dist: Sabarkantha, Gujarat, India.

• Trust Registration No : F/296/Sabarkantha dated 17.05.1988 • Society Registration No : Gujarat/ 309/Sabarkantha dated 17.05.1988. • Income Tax Registration No : HQ B / 41 /88 under section 12A(a) • 80 G (5) Exemption No : DIT (E) / 80 G (5)/1432 • FCRA Registration No : 042090092 Renewal Date : 05-08-2016 • Accreditation by Credibility Alliance : CA/36/2014 valid up dated 03-07-2019

Trustees 1. Smt. Anita Shah 2. Dr. Lalit Shah 3. Dr. D. M. Dave 4. Dr. Apexa Shah 5. Mr. Bharat N. Shah 6. Mr. Pankaj V. Modi 7. Dr. Hasmukh C. Shah 8 Mr. Bankim Sheth 9 Dr. Pankaj Shah 10 Shri Bharat S. Shah

Trustee Meetings: Dates of Meeting No of Trustee Attendance 17-04-2016 10 10 17-07-2016 (AGM) 10 10 04-02-2017 10 07

No of Trustees received remuneration - 2 (As on April-17) 1) Dr. Lalit Shah, Trustee, for his full time work as Director of Anjali Hospital Rs.15000/-pm.

2) Smt. Anita Shah, Managing Trustee, Full time work as Director of CBDA & Director of Anjali Rs. 31530/-pm

Travel: Total cost of national & international air travel - Nil (Including volunteers) િવકાસ એ જ વન અને સકં ોચ એ જ ૃ ુ ેમ એટલે િવકાસ અને વાથ એટલે સકં ોચ

- વામી િવવેકાનદં

th Kitchen Gardening/બચત મડં ળની બેનોને અપાયેલ બીયારણ ું શાક 8 March Rally / ૮મી માચ કાયમ ઉજવણીની રલી

House by Loan from Saving Group/િધરાણ થક ઘર બધં ાું Adolescent Girls Enjoying/ કશોર વારા રંગોળ કામ

જલ સોસાયટ ફોર રલ હ થ એડ ડવલપમેટ

રણાસણ, તાકુ ો : તલોદ-૩૮૩૩૦૫, લો : સાબરકાઠં ા, જુ રાત ફોન : (૦૨૭૭૦)૨૮૨૦૩૪, ૨૮૨૧૩૫ e-mail : [email protected], web: