Sbu . Pennsyl Vania Minutes
THE BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCA TION OF THE SCHOOL DIflRTC7- OF P'SBU.PENNSYL VANIA MINUTES Meeting of: February 21, 2001 Call of the Meeting: Regular Meeting Members Present: Mr. Brentley, Mrs. Fink, Mrs. Harris, Mr. Isler, Mrs. Neiser (via telephone), Mrs. Schmidt, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Wood, Mr. Matthews. Present 9. Members Absent: Absent 0. The following matters were received and acted upon. Actions taken are recorded following the reports. Note: Mrs. Neiser's telephone connection was lost at the time of the Human Resources Committee Report and for the remainder of the meeting. THE BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCATION PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 Administration Building 341 South Bellefield Avenue February 21,2001 AGENDA Presentation of Books Bruce Campbell, Esq. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of January 24,2001 Roll Call Announcement of Executive Sessions COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Committee on Student Services Roll Call 2. Committee on Operations Roll Call HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT 3. Human Resources Repoxt of the Superintendent of Schools Roll Call LEVYING OF TAX 4. Affirmation and Restatement of Real Property Tax Levy for 2001 Roll Call FINANCIAL MATTERS 5. Transfer of Funds - 2000 General Fund Budget NEW BUSINESS Roll Cd(s) 431 We are an equal rights and opportunity school district. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS Legislative Meeting of February 21, 2001 In addition to executive sessions announced at the legislative meeting of January 24, 2001, the Board met in executive session on February 13, February 20 and immediately before this legislative meeting to discuss various matters, specifically, reorganization, transfers, promotions, reclassifications, disciplinary matters, residency waivers, and positions opened and closed.
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