• • . . 10.30 a.m.-Acl0p,ted Son. 3.00 p.m.-Dollars on Parade. PRESENTS 7.30 p.m.-Bargain Hour available at with Jimmy Linegar E DAILY NEWS' DEBUSSY -15 Piano Pieces 8.15 p.m.-Hockey. Charles Hutton & Sons

Vol. 63. No. 35 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1956 (Price 5 .cents)

, . Worst Winter r ! ,'; .. Communists Start National Congress urope's eat the Supreme'Soviet,'Russla's "Par· ID estimated 1,600 delegau, fro. 1Iament," which meets once or all regions of the Soviet UniOJl twice a year. will provide Russia's Communlit First In But in practice, the delegates leaders with a forum at 'II'blch will a p pro v. decisioDs handed they could aI!l1ounce new develop. Dead; Opens St. John Amhillance Appeal down by the toy Communist leader· ments in pollcy or chaDge. iJI 4 Years ship. Any rea discussioD iD the leadership. western sense Is unlikely. They can USe the COD8J'!I1 II • MOSCOW (Reuters) - Delegates In the early years of the Soviet platform for any new foreign pol· ..' ... ': .. :',',::"0< ".... ".,""':' .• "',"'•.• _,..... - ... .,-...... ",.... .,., ...., ...... :' ..... ,.,'" .•.:;,.,.""':;",',''' e In .' "'1"~"":~' .~" ~, representing 8,OOO,()()0 members of statc, party congresses were often icy "line" they may have evolved the Soviet Communist party meet tile occasions for violent argu· in an eIfort to regain Soviet in· ments about policy. Now, con' itiative aIter the failure of thl last I, in the Kremlin Tuesday for thcil' gresses are organized in such a Geneva eonfereDce. I' Millions 20th national. congress. . way as 10 show complete unan· Every indicatiOn available 10 ex· The Valenhne's Day congress IS imity. perienced foreign observers, hOIf· l ..\I'\-\\'l'itcrn Enropc ! l {~i'Jt~ hIll (If 292 Sun­ the first since October, 19~2-1 I'ROVIDES FORUM ever, is that the Kremlin leaden . t when Sralin was still alive. It is 1 According 10 CQmmunist phrase·, will concentrate Rt the congresl l\,':'~[ \'ll;(1 wa\'c of the ,(:,:rrld :!, :!linl Ileek. being hcld eight months earlier ology, the delegatcs will appear i on the vital unresolved problems ICi:.~r:rnan rrl'ortccl s.ol~e than tile stalulory provision for a' "in monolithic unity around theil'l they face at home . . • . '" ('" II;!!\', IIntam congress, every foul' years. .1 central committee," This mcans, Experienced Western obsen'en .. "'''';;! rrp.':·I; c(lntinncd As Ule supreme or~aD of thc' they will approl'e el'erything pro.! believe the Russians arc ~ti1l anx· .~ b':1l :ill Europe of party, it i~ thcoretically the oC·1 posed by the party's central com· ious to secure a reliable pe~nd IIf ..·.r I I ;::,1 ~I·'. paralyzed ficial arbiter of Communist policY'·1 millee. detente iD order t.n concentrate IlII ' ..... ,". 0 nil millions of ranking in the il11portance abol'e TIle presence In the Kremlin of domestic problems . , •. ::~ :,' m'l" "nd lil'e· i In Grand Falls • L ';';'c ;r' rr.d Ie r t deep PACE QUICKENING .' I I ~~;~;:1l: c:. TrnlUC.l t Libya, .., ;::<1, !;'''111 Ihc desert !C~::l"'~ "l';,l In Tripoli, , ,f1I'f, 2 ;:.1\ Unions 'New Members Give , \ l'. ~ 1'1.' in.:: Boxcars : I ::"111 \;",'m;ID!' today i . ; (,'I' "i,'lim, (If Italy's 'i t "1 " 1:,'11H' :-;aples and h.'}O· E Striking Senate New Life i:r L·. ~. ;'(Hlthern U· . (.'rer :lC,l(\(IUartcrs nt GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (CP) t'lI is President rrank Chafe of the New.'-!,' Of'T;\'YA (CP) - New ~Icmbersl ~10D. am e M~ on! Man tr tal [!!e:rd ;1 trainload ot foundland Federation of Labor' havc Injected. new life. mto ~e brewery ~xecu~ve, .IS. 411. Foor olb· I~t,d m~lk. sweaters, (TLC.AFL) arrIved here Sunda)' to I S~.n~tc, sometll;:es deSCribed by !t,~\ ers :r.e In ~elr .fifties. ;:':~:',;C'i' allil slecping help one of two striking unions' ClIlIcs as an old mcn s ho~e.. A.I alted With mterest are Ihl ,::,:kcn S;('lly. negotiate toda . with t\\'o local con.: I~ carll' performances arc mdl' malden Senate ~ddresses of Sen· .' 1(') nl!'I .• r's in lIaly struction fir';s. ; ca!ll'e. the 13 nc\y senators. a!}-,l ators Moison, an mdependent, John I,,· (Irill, and Icc Local 1523 of the Uniled Brotilel"! pomted last July Will hclp qUicken I' ~. Hackett of ~Iontreal, a P.rogres- , ::a,:. ':r;'111 Sib!'ria. The hOod of Carpenters and Joiners ull the Senatc'.s pace and .perhaps .sct SIVe .CoDservahve, and Calixte. F. \I,i b'WI 25 miles in· America is seeking recognition and a few pa,rll3mentary, fires .burnIlJg, N.B., ::'r .Ilir:;,tir. " !'O\mg ~avole, Munc~n, e~~cation. in the hills ncar . a contract agreement with the on quesllons of nallonal mterest.1 I~~ \\:ho has gl\'cn no political af· Ncwfoundlaml Engineering a n Ii i Already Ule chamber has fillahon. ' . .' i ~a;:\' "f ,kicr, in the ~pper I . nc:r al!;u'ked b)' wolf Construction Company and' Good.: heard .the ea~sllc to~gue of Sen~torl The othcrs of the 13 ~till to b. :::,r: :0 icrk fOOlI in the year and Sons of Grand Fall,. The i J.ean.F raneols Po.ullot, old • time: heard from are all Liberals - union is also striking against East· I co~mons . campalg~e.r from Q~e.: S.enators.D?nald Smith, a Nova Sco­ ern Woodworllcrs Limited. ' bee s Temlscouata rldmg, attacklllg 1lIa dcntlst, Har~ld Con~oIlY,. for· :;:1\ ;(h,'ol; lIere closed The other union, Laborers Local the GBC. . . I~er Nova ~coha premlCr; Mu ..\ ,ki TC;rllc team was 4:13. is striking against Eastcrn It. has heard the pO!lshed orat()r~'; I-lore~ce ElSie Inman, MontagUe, . ,.:~. I·a.cr.ci 10 chcck an • Woodworkers but has agreements of Senators Donald Cameron, Unt·, P.E:!., Thomas. Leonard, ToroDt~ with Newfoundland En"ineerin" \'ersity of Alberta professor, and· bUSiness executivc.; and Dr. FreD I~id~m:c in the rna· HIS HONOUR, the Lieutenant Governor, Sir Leolltll'd OLlt9rbridge, Knight of the Order oC St. John and Patron ., rOo William Wall Winnipeg education.! A. !\IcGrand, one·llme New Bruns, tJ!'e of l'cllcgrino in n, n d GoOuyea. ..'., . k h Ith .. t of the st. John Ambulance in Newfoundland, opened the 1956 appeal for funds of the St. John Ambulance by The IlDions arc seeking uniform i 1st, urging federal aid for educa- ' II'IC ea mIDIS er. i~~\";;.rc , l'/:;on; were frozen to recorded ddio address before leaving for Corner drook, His Honour is shown here' presenting a cheque agreements with al! contraelors 1hon a.t all levels. I. • . b;:mrd ,w~pl doll' II the for the splendid sum of $100.00 to Mr. D. R. Thistle Chuirman of the Campaign Committee, as Mr. Lloyd op~rating in Grand Falls. It ltstened as Sen.ator .c. .G., p I W I Of (If Y,,~u;13I'ia. The Bishop, Secretary·Superintendent of the Nfld; Council, looks on. His Honour has long been u great supporter The strike halted construction ofi ~Cubby) po:ver, war~~~ air mm'l raISeS or { San Donna ran , four buildings. ]\[ore than 100 men' Ister and Liberal poltticlan lor 50 . '. ~ :he slnrm ncat the of the S1. John Ambulance in all its work and'this contribution is tapgible evidence of his continuing interest. arc involved I years, declared he does not be· IS I t" A • lieve in the "infallibility 01 the . a va Ion rmy ill:! of Sibcnik, but lis! cabinet" and suggested senatorial ilI·cd. I ' GI"rI GUI·dc restraint. o.n "a~ otherwise omni., TORONTO (CP)-The Salvation in the English Chan· M. · NC\\ potent mlDlstr!. . ,Army, whose work since iDception h\'o~ Ilit;1 coastal ship b:o~~ht m;,ny Cerry ~e\'l·.1 Issing British Diplomats Senator DaVid ~roi1, Toronto LI~'I 75 years ago has spelled hope fOJ !IIr.ti;lill. The Brazilian I era I noted for hiS ou.tsp?keness 111 I the downtrodden, was praised Sun· wide • Honduras, 5,408 Commissioncr the Commons, used Ius first Senate I dar by Governor·General Masse, speech to urge that .thcrc b~ no for its "selfless devotion, unfiai' m~und nrar Felixslowe. . -':" ..... -...... I i-~Ion French trawier. federal. tax cuts unhl. a naltonal ging zeal and Christian unity." l/.I:;er.t. wcnt aground Appearance health msurance plan IS .Iaunch~d. Mr. Massey oUicially opened Ih, Sensational In· co,;I. Bllt both were In And he has served nohce he I army's new $l,5()(),OOO headquarten Thr Dutch mntor I'essel te~ds. to launch a Senate deb~te I buliding for Canada and Bermuda 'e It Do\w to land the nUI'!!eSS AmI MacLeall TlI.l'n VI' ,mure Ihe American governmcnt,' party leader, was head oJ the pomting up the need for Canadian Iat an impressive ceremony. Th. t! moron rn~incer, who v ~ was at that time sCl'icusl>' working I American department at the for· penal reform. . ll.storey building is iD downtown •• ' I . n (01' 1111'S al·m." elgl! office before his. disappear· , I :" :, I Old·time senators agree these i Toronto. Il ... :r.c room exp OSlO. II. Jr' OSClJ W : 'fhey said that "as a I'esult or alice. m.en, and others of the nelV group I "There are very few IDstituUon. I ~IOSCO\\' (ReutCl'S)-Guy BU!"I' 'fl II lb' lil'ing in the U.S.i:i.R." they al'e Bur"ess a bachelor was second shl1 to be heard, hal'e brought of which It caD be said of them , d D Id I I B l . le~' sa I they lal'e een III'" . . .\ n, ' , g:ss an ona :I ac can, r hsh, n . 'i' .' . th i "I . I conl'lnced that \l'e \l'Cl'e right In secretarv at the British embassy fresh interest and experience to the I that they have countless friendl dIplomats who I'anlshed 'five years 1 "us~ ,I Since e r .. sapl,eal ancc, doing what We did." 'n Wasliin"tan upper chamber. and no enemies. Among these, II ago, !'eappeared here Saturday for, {rom Engl~~d i~ Mar, 19j1, and I '.' "I b' ,Most o~ the new appolntecs ~re I a shining example, Is the Salva· five minutes to Issue a stalcment! now arc liVing In Moscow. Mac· 'Ihe~ denied that Ihey hud eler Both appeared in good health , ~omparahvely young. Senator" all i tion Arm~'," he said. A2recmcnt dcnying they had ever been Com· I lean salel his American·born wife, i been Communist :Igents, but ad· during the interview iD Moscow's l; IS only 44. Senator Hartland de I ~lorc than 2,300 perSORt .t­ munlst agents. I Melinda, and three children who' mllted that they ha~ been Com· National Hotel. They wcre dressed tended the ceremonies, IncludinJ Radar Net vanished from switzerland in Sept. munists Iyhile studymg at ~am. in heavy Russian coals with fur ' "Id ,External Aflairs ~!inlstcr Pearson In the meeUng with 111'0 British ember arc with him In Mos. bridge UDlversIty. Burgess saId he collars and Russian felt hats. 1M ot IIer An d Cl II ! and Provincial Treasurer Dan, (CP • , and two RusslaD reporters tn a cow. ' had always "sympathized with So· . ' Porter. ).... Canado and the I hotel roof they dodged questtons viet policy and become increns· 'Xe had been summoned by a have 51~n.c(1 agree'j on what they are doing noll'. CONviNCED WERE RIGIIT Ingly alarmed at the post ' IVaI' telephone cal! from Tass, the of· lit co.nllr~ctlon of ra· . Asked whether they are working In a three.page joint statement. trend of Anglo·Ameriean policy." ficial Russian news agency, to be Killcd In Car iM I R . at the rpom. Tass reCused to say . '., cas es aJTIDO' ~ In :ie:l'foundland. for the Russian foreign ministry they said Ihey both went' to Russia In their statement, the), said that HALIFAX (CP)-The young wife I O~· ~ , Ol'a ~colla, the 44-year.old Burgess replied: ' "to work for the aim of belier only III Russia "lhere appeared to what' the purpose of the call was. Columb,.. "l I I . f BUI:gess and Maclean chatted and two·year·old child of a Bap.1 't St PI"erre tablrd in the Com. t 5 not that re Use 10 anslyer understanding belliieen tile SovIet I be some chance of putling into frech' with us and two Russian ' tist minister were killed Saturda\'! l\ • " . gOlcrnmcnt F Id . that question. You would nat fmd Union and the West, having both 1 practice some form of the convlc· correspondents, but dodged every night in a two-ear collision atl ,r a) me outside the foreign ministry, of Us become convinced from of"ltions which they had always had." JlJrs. RahIll Colyer, who has reo . Porter's Lake, about 20 miles east: ST. PIERRE, St. Pierrl .t 1 We do not wish to say where we flclal knowledge In Jur possession Maclean, son of the late Sir Don· question put to them by us-tilc, two Btitish newspaper. men. ' cently been appointed Division of here. i 11iquelon (CP)-An edpidemic 01 in ~ewf()Undland.Lab. I are working." that nalthel' the British, nor still l!ld Maclean, a British Libcl'al Commissioner'of Girl Guhles for Eight olhers were taken to hos· i measles has seriously disrupted up the )lid.Canada! ' NEW P.E.!. SPEAKER the Clly oC St. John's. "Irs. pital but none is in serious condi·lthe business life of this tiDy FreDcb ClIARLOTTETOWN cp-Prc­ Colyer was the former 1111ss tion. I island off the NewfoundlaDd coast. ~p~e~r~~;'a~i~~: Trading Wipes' Out' 46! meir Bathcson said Friday he! Laura III. Smitb of St. John's, Mrs. Arnold Langille, 21, and her I It is not known' how many 'per, Columbia to aug· I will recommtmd that J. Augustin i amI ilas becn residing in BUell, two. year. old daughter Pamela I sons are affected but a large fish ~ain. . I ails for the past 23 )'cars nhere wcre killed when a car driven by i processiDg plant hcre is operating Gnllant L·Third Prince act as: shc was District Commissioncr. )lr. Langille, 2;, collided with a, with a skeleton crew as trawlers b{~~~cneegf~!~~\~~ Million In Ford Stock' speaker for the Prince Edward' 1I1r. and lI-lrs. Colycr returned to car driven bv George Newcombe, dock with record catchcs. Adults Island 'Iegislature, which opens make their home in St; John's i of Dartmouth: IIlr. Ncwcombe was I and children have been struck by :c>,on:llbili"lh.c U. S. would' NEW YORK (AP)-Nearly $46" . For a time after' the oIfering, • Feb. 21. about two months ago. not injured. the disease. for co.nstruct· 000,000 has been wiped from the the underwriters of Ihe issue sta· nCII: l.nstaJla. market valuatli>n of the new Ford bllized the shares at the offering. 1'I1lt,",,( ••,ctammg the Motor Co. common stock since It price. ThaI Is, they bought any • In ~he opera· was first offered to the publtc share~ offered al $64.50. When Ihe . he Wishes. ·Iess than a montll ago. group was disbLnded, however, Press reported this stabilizing ceased pnd' the IAfricans 'Angry-Blast Press' P\'!)polcd ~lid.Can. The 10,200,000 shares were sold at stock's price gradually worked link.up would $64.50 each for a total of $657,900,. . i Ihe I'icinlt of 000. At the end of last week they lower. On Thursday, it hit a 1011'1 IGuthcast lip of Jew. were quoted in the over·the·coun· of $9.87 bid, $60.12 asked. I the cast coasts of ter market at around $60 apiece The typical smail investor hasn't For, Coverage Of Royal Tour and Labrado t for a paper loss of $45,900,000. The been hard hit by the downtrend. . 35th parallel r 0 shares are due to be listed on the For one thing, if' he bought the . -. • New York stock exchange sroond shares durtng the public offering IBADAN, Nigeria (ReutcrsJ-An ernment, and Ghicf Anlhony Ena· awaiting the Queen and Duke's ar., uba language. March I. he' paid no commissions _ thos~ (NEA Telephoto) angry attack on "sensational" Brit'j horo, asked correspondents at rival for the scrvice. Every tree A special anthem for the royal For a time Immediately afler the II I,;', I,.,;' came out of tlie f~es paid the un· HEROIC DRIVER B d ish·press coverage of Queen Eliza. press headquarters to dwell less in the vicinity was laden with men I couple included the words: "AI· sale of the Issue was cleared by derwrlters by the Ford Foundation, - 1I~ river beth's NIgerian tour came from "on the monkeys, lions, elephants and boys who munched bread and . . <, the securlteis and exchange com· which sold the shares. John D. Hearon, 38, recuperates in two west Nigerian officials here! nnd snakes that seem to ha\'e oc. bananas as they wailed. mighty G~d almIghty, we thank ~ ;:. mission Jan, 17, the shares were . Presumably; most small iDvest. a hospltr.1 bed at Tueumari, N,M., Sunday as the Queen spent a quiet cupied an undue proportion in Cheerin" and the now familiar Thee, almighty God, for thy care quoted at above $70. At that figure, day with only one public appear. some of YOUI'. recent dispatches.' rhythmic "clapPing, swept up·.[rom an1:! preservati?D over our graci· ors bought the' shares not as a from the effects of a la·mlle walk ance. mli\GINATIVE REPOItTS the crowds lii:ing both sides of the ous Queen Elizabeth. the investors had a papel' profit of means of makIng a quick profit I' . .se~~nd . $56,100,000. , but as something to put aw l' n a blizzard to get· aid for his One of the officials said he had Chief Enahoro said some British route as the royal conple drove by and her dea~ husband m theIr I, ur· POOR TIMING future growth, In that eas!~ t~! s:randed passengers. Hearon push,' "heard suggestions" earlier that newspapers with large circulations in their special car with a parUy· ney to Us \II Ibadan • • • . Wall Streeters were agreed that dally fluctuations of the stock w!l1 ed through the storm to get help censo~ship might be· imposed on had done great harm to. A"nglo.Ni· opened roof. They stood acknow; the steady decllne In quotations be' of little concern. for thc 15 per~ons aboard his bus royal to u r correspondents and gerian relations by "their Imagina· Jcdging waves and shOuts of "good from that high could be attributed . ~Yhen It stalled In a deep snow drIft. claimed so m e reporters had tive I' e po r t s." Chief. Williams luck" after entering the church to unfortunate timing. The shares "played into the hands" of those echoed the complaint but said most grounds. were sold, they said, at a time favoring ·censorshlp by thc'ir re· of the reports had done "a good SPECIAL' ANTlIEI\I when auto makers were cutting Plante Case ports. .. jOb and the majority arc fair." .The Duke read ihe second les· production and when the stoc~ . The. attack followed almost non'l Enahoro was asked whether it son from a lectern set in front of market was In 11 decline. 'slop criticism in the Nigerian press were true that there was a move the altar. Bishop A. B. Akinyele of .* of some British correspondents. before the royal tour to impose a who is over 80, preached Brokers alSo reported soon after Ag~iD fostponed Ib~dan, the offering that some Investors covering the three • \veek royal I' censorship on British correspond. the sermon. - sold their shares simply because 1\11s5 Germaine Filmte who WEATHER tour, which now is In Its final lap, ents who would be covering the The congregation of more Ulan they weren't able to g(lt as many IVas In the news headlines for . ,It came ns thousands of ·Niger· lour. He said he had "heard one or 1,000 heard the bishop pray that as they wanted at the offering several weeks, Friday appeared Snow, starling about 5.30 this ians crowded around st. James' ,two suggestions of tltal." tile Queen be given "a fruitful price. . In court 'In Montreal to defend' morning and continuing unUl Pro • Cathedral here to see the "You·have played into the· hands country and healthful seasons, vic· In any cl'ent, the fact is that you herself' against n morals charge. noon, then changing 10 rain. Queen and Duke attend scrvices. in :of those who ;!Vanled it by some ofto~lous ne~ts "and armies, and a, now can buy, at a much lower Latest word from Montrcal Is Winds east 20 Increasing durin:: Ihelr only pub!lc appen~anee Sun· yout: reports, h~ added. . ,qUlCt empl~e.. . . '._ jday. .'. Sunday an esttmated 10,000 NI· The service was conductcd \II. me.:uro prIce, shares of a stock for which that the caSe has ·once again Ihere was stlr,h It demand that been postponc'd, this time unlil morning to 30 with gusts tu 50. The two officials, Chief RoUmi, geria~. sn:'''n',"'!?'1 the churcp and 'English, but the 23rd .psalm and I there wasn't enougll to 110 around. April 6. High today 35. I' ml~t5ter ol.'!inanc~ and lotal.gov· stoQd· (0 • . hours in ste~lIl)' heat tho ~ymn~ wcrnUU&.Jll the· YQI'! \ .' ) • :... .. --' ., \0., ',"-' '-,' '. I h'-' I • ,,~: • .! . ',.,!,' ii' \ :;):':1 (. 2 AMatter of Size ·1.; .,.1..,' : t ,.. :' . ... . , One of the best·know pottery . '. ; .... , \.' works in Britain is the CrOWll Derby china factory wlilch lins ',' • t., • ~ ",I I . ";' lately been working on some un· . ,~, l ;:~. usual orders. These arc for' or· : : ··FroIp· News Trinity f1cial ban!jueting services of fif, teen hundred pieces each willen PERSONAL. IN NO MOOD TO SING TIlE country." ashore at 1s1e of Bois and thus arc required, for the Governor· lIlr •.arid l\1rs •. Cyril :House 0[, ODE'S REFRAIN; . A lady (a 'l'rlnlty Indy, by ~hp saved f'~rryiand. Bllbavisu. seems lIeneral of Ceylon and the Prime ~linister of Ceylun. BBC report· o, ' I Grand Falls. who have been spend. Under sunny skies In southern' \\lay) \Vno'il cIlU\1!c or yonts r.;ro to hal'e been In 'Rood order and .' ing a few lIays here; Mr, House's climes, we could hnppily sin:: "we worked on the slaf( u[ the Jlbrl1ry had a' stoul garrIson of volun:eer er Edmund Mar~hatl werit to thl? CrUlvn Derby works to see the ancestral home, returned to Grand lo\'e thee frozen land" but not In Oslo, Norway, told us, thAt hI artillerymen, as French left ~he ~ir;;t urder which was nearly fin, (o'alis by train. last Tuesdr.y, here at !his particUlar' time and NOrlvay, every town has Its own that plnce alone. I Ished and ready for dispatch. All .Mrs. ~toses Kl!lIy who hnd been under the present condItions of \\Tllten and consolidated history. When the people or Trinity the pieces arc decorated in fun, ~n a visit to ber dnugh:er, lIIrs. frost and winds and piled up snow. So tOW.l1 histories is not a IIliw heard that the French had take.'l damentally the same way The orth DI'OI'er, at Come,lly.Challce, reo Since February 1ms come In we Idea. I~ Is an old Idea revived st. John's, r.s many as could do china is white. with simple outer turned hume last Monda),. have lleen getting a tasle of :.vln. by C.M.F.l". ' 50 got out of !hc place as quickly a,nd mner bands of gold in the • . ;\ Mrs. F. Barbour went to St. tcr, \\'hleh to some of us, at least, NoW It is. one thing to have hlel-'/l as possible so that wilen tbe centre of each piece is the badge .(, John's by,.traln I~sl Saturday: ~Irs. is not ve~~' palatable, and tl¥! and quite nnother thlnil to put ~'rench came they nnly found a of Ceylun .•t 'red disk with a lion 'j who ht" been bus) duro al!lIos: [Ially repetition of sllol'el. them Into ef(eet. • Village La\Y, few people at Trinity. had ~a!~l0~ ~Iosl I pa~sill1t carrying a sword sur· rOVI' .\ Ing ~\le .~'Intcr at her handicraft: ling snow III the lane to the housc. tons and Devlnes nllly not be ton got Into the wooc,ls, some away ilp I 'mounted by a crOWn which is "'?r~',7 . which Is be~oming morc i hns long ago lost its appa!'>l. common, IJllt as C.!II.F,F. Implie~. into Smith's Sound in his big rather liI;c a mitre. There arc " 1\'ld.~3'. ,nd ~pul",rlY. known as The sudden change or weather surely there arc men and 'vomen brig with Mr. Lester, and some I . o\'Cl' a thousand plates of differ· 'B!l.r~~uri:ralts, \\11) during her hs nbrought mobility In general to in our Oli:ports capable o[ doing wen:. to Bona"lsta. ent sizes and all are conven· Autl absence, be comblnmg busincss a stnndstlll. The roads are block· this in a modcst atld c\en1entary , REDS cllr' STAf:i= HanDily round with the exception the so·ealled \\'I!h';plc'tlsurc. cd with snow. What the plow way, "t lenst. In every outport ~IOSCOW (Ri!uters)=Tlle So· , I of the dessert plates Which are . GRACE M. SPARKES 'ymlam Wallers brought I docs oile must be rcplmted there surely be some amateur viet government n~Wspnpel' Iz· , . ..,' . I square with scalloped edges. bigger," Which is wh Drama CIL I, Mr~: dD~' ~be mu~t hom~ a.lI ther truck from SI ncxt. Nothing much mbre Is mov. Ilistol'lan with a yen for local his· vestla said in all editorial Friday : i\1"rdhail learnt some very plates can be as Y . Holdin' Ground," o . was chosen as j JubJl'~ on Thursday to replnce tile lng, than mc.n with snow Shovels torie resenrch, that Russlnn. civil servants have .' : (NEA Radio.TelephUll,) \ IntereSting things about plates i and a quarler inc~Uth 0lI~.!)e 11lY.\ destroyed on the ,train around their own backyarils. E\;ery' placc 'has Its history of be~n reduced by alinost 750,000. AGMNST l'REmER-Frclich youths express theil dUl'mg hb visit. The of tel'. lIIarshall COUI;I the best presentatio~ , I lIE~IONSTRATE i~lvojcc ~ recellt1)';: caused by a der.ailment. 'l'his general immobility or tic'. set:lemcnt, growth .and devclop· The editorIal, qUatM by tlle So· fe.ellngS after, destroying the wreath laid by France's Premier Gu> the orctc: read: seventy·flve plates for the truth of lhisn" Regional Drama Festl' viet news agency Tass, said costs I pded in Grand Falls ., , " np occasioned by weathcr condl; ment which Is' often written In Mollet."t the Algiers, Algeria. lIlonument to the Dead. Mollet's arrival at ten IIlhcs, hundred and story but thought il of state: lldministratlon have also o~e ret! f night. The Grand F TRINITY GIRL DOES WELL lions, hus even affected news' queer places and In various forms. in tbo city was marked by angry demonstrations by French colonist, nfty plates al. eight inches, one 0 perpetuate, We nute In a recent report of gathlng for this News re. We have found It not (lnly In been .cut; It added, that Ilfost of I of this honour column~ th~ "personnel of administration" who nre against the Premier's Algerian policies ~undred and fifty plates at ~lve . The Ceylnn set of of the Cah'crt Tro S: .. Bridc's Collego, Li~t1edale, thnt mains for the present a snowed 'genernl history books, publlclI· _------'------I thismchee appears and so toon. beTo quitethe outSider an or· sidereda banquet to beof big Lilly. Sullivan; lIauRhter of Mr. \ under and a frozen asset. t1ori~, r.nd oUlclal records and wh'o were Clisplaced· hnve been $100 award. Mrs, NI and Mrs. Wm, Sulllvan of this So we are in no mood at :hls documents, we havc found it hi swllch\!d tu production Jobs. . BE't Israel offering to buy the Matil· dinary statement but in the china for a full'slzed accepted the tro~hY for place, Is prominent In the award's, particular time to sing the Ol1c- the rUbbIsh pile, in wood iu\d USSle. ans xpor das,. which are more modern Ulan trade things are not always what It Is also desloned Giving her VOIc,e,. ~ RELEASE EX.NAZI A . the old Valentines and Shermans hey seem, The five inch plates smaller occasio~s II stirling, the adJudlca list. She has carried ol! six prl~cs. ious refrr.ln. stone, In olii land deeds and let· this play is a story \ "\z;, a Miss!'>l {or first place in tel's, we have found It In 1\ birch . BONN, (AP)-The: Army now pat~oJling the unca~y borders! measure abo~t siX. and a quarter clu,des tea cups l~d u.s. Of Old Tanl{s. .' of the !llIddle East. \ inches, the eIght snch plates are whIle the smaller S'I . , message. The Cor Religion; 1\ gold medal 'for flrst OUTl'ORT HISTORIES rink book and In upholstery announced Friday that a 63·year. ~he I .' t Ih'd b l! piaym.akers, won the .1 SYDNEY; Australia (CP )-An I .. I d . b . nine and a quarer ne es an can e used as a side place. .In English: a sliver medal The article hI the January 31st of nn old armchair. old Gl!rman WBr criminal, Her· Bowl for the best VI' for £Irst pla6e In Mathematic, a Issue of this paper, appearing on Hislory is found ~n folklore mann Brueckner, has been parol: Australian government ban on thel 'N I" 13 'ItOG W~lt~ ~;~ t~d/a~t, the ten inch are ten and a half banqu~t and also as for. their three export of army, tanks is. 0, ,sa:c 00 I 1I on I Inches. No one secm.s to be And came Ro.s~r~. f!)r. fir.st 1>18ce in Social the Bell Islanij page by C.M.F.F., Rnd in ballads. lIIr. Gerald S, ed because of III health. HI! was ob~olete I~m. qui~e ~Iarshall "Arms and the ~I; causing scrap dealers concern I I; Ih se I thfOl uto I sure about the way sn which thIS teresllllg sidelight Ol . Studies; n \~olume for first ·plr.?e under the caption "Who Is to be Doyle very aptly sa)'s on}he Intr!>, originally sentenced to life im· ~eek' h~ ca~~ ShaW. This was ..They are caught wlUI large ln, II' . ey arc us ng Ie: odd statl! of affairs came about al table customs, it ill: French, and a medal ~lId el11ln the next his:orlan?" we found very .duction page of his old time prlsonment for tnklng part In nu~'I·a ~s e~e b~ ~Ir. T: J. Cahill, . f, •• lint plnce in Chemistry.. I interesllng In general, and In par ,SOllgs of NbwfollOdlond" that "It the murder o[ a captured A.merl· bel'S of Waltzing :l1altllda, tYlle illatildas as tIactors. I but the story goes tha many years English people are tanks will have dlIfic:ulty sell. \' ago people who were trying to only nnes who tolerate ihc play. ~Irs, Griffin . \\'~1I. dOlle, 1.I11y. Congrutula· I t1culnr, because It made reference liS a well known fnct that .t1~ere cah airman at Weimar In 1944, an~ Thompson trophy 'IOns. . . Ito Ihls oid historic town of Trin, .Is often more Intcresting ins.ory RANGOON' (AP) _ Sinallpox ing thein within Australia-at a sell plates cheaply uscd to en· Ing placed on the direction, Joan Coug\ _ . il;'. couplinG with it the names I in the songs of a country thun In !lDS killed 68 persons In qRangoon profit. !\Iallufacturin!< 5UPI)lies about; courage their customers by say· bowls;.whcn o~ders Ire' .\ USlllUt: 0\0 f~CI.\l, ,of tll'l1 of its mitstandlnR sons, the its (ormal politicai and state lIocu· m two weeks, About l~,OOO per: One dealer, Syulley Goodwin 0[, one third of all ncmfm')" wage' illg "LImit, old mall, our ten inch countries urmsa\' While meetings. publiC or titheI" : hIt!! Cal1on~ Smith and Loel;~'er, ments .,' , they lell the stories sons wcre \.accinated at the Sydnc)" has reccind letters from: and salary jobs in the United I plate~ arc the same price as old bowls always hal'e 1i11 Ilise. otten crr I.llths iwhl1 ill thcir day ('(lIltrihuled in of JOYS, sorrows, IVeekeml. purchasing agencies in Egypt and I Stntcs. . .Jonc'~ but they·r.c half an inch [ore hccomr -ugar from.I.I~e ~f, ~hc tragedie~: ...... ~ -.- . ---- .. - ..... --. ---- . --.-- .------.---.------.---.-...... :~~ Illcasal1tnr.~5 a~clllcace: ~ ct the~ 'nn .mali mcuslI\'c to locat his, hnlllls aJlel customs of our pc~ple. -- ~I e often cnrlChcd With II'hul("1 tm"', As the "History of old Klng's ,0111C 1111 IIIUII 1', . Alld l'hUl'ch meet· I ,i'li(' II'rit('r ts cI'idcnll\'. hbtori. Corc" has bccn written 50 c~n night at Fr in~s arc nil exception to thi> rule. i I'ally.mlnded a'nd 1'0l'col:1 a pas·' the bislory of othcr settlements What's news.. , ., ..at,'. In. co ? the managen This 'tho of C.!I Annual: desirc tor a new . be . written, espec!al.ly uld set:le­ staff of the ~hl i~ ~tor~' ~ionate up,tu.dnt~ Company, l'hurch lIIee:ill~ of lIl11ny ~'~ur~ n~u ~ ;>;('wlunntlbnd hlslur\,. or for do, Ipents snch IYJ 'l'wlllmgute, Fogo. whc!! tobacco chewillg :1I1d t!IC nh~ I il1[: ~lIl11l':hIIlA lliat 1;llght hclp to. ~r~enspond, ,Bonavlsta, CAtalina, to attend ~ ban ~Ir. Waiter Chaf, ~pitllloll werc morc In C\'tdcncc ,i'ard. that em\. I T11l!t~·, limit s I1arbllur, Old Per· Ibll1 Itula~'. " 1I~ Ilal'ticlllal'ly I'cfers to ')'011'11, lican, and a!1 al'ountl to old his· of his reliremc: ~Ir. A ~tI\t1 7111'. n, II'CI:C III nt·, historic,; lind gil'cs th~ cxumple: tOl'lc Placentia, Other places tOil ~on of the lale tellduncc nt nil of Ih(' of tlld would hal'c much of Interest the author o( eh annu~i Olcetll1~, "J1i~luIY King'~ ~o Hecords, Waiter ju 1'ho:o tll'lI mell were !ler;tlnuh~. Co\'e", writtell' and plIlllishecl in add • Life 25 years ~lItt.~ollistic !:CIlClul1y, alld IlItlfI'. hllol; [orlll bl' ~lcssI's J 'f I all" CJI.F.l.'. h"s I'e\'i\'edtlle idea rspeddl;' ill th~ bl'tlth~I'ly at~1tl5 : tOil uIIII 1'. II:: ilcl'llie ill iU44,' o[ town or Olltpolt histories. Might ph ere ul n Church Illce:mg. ,\ hat 11(' CIlIII'CYS the Idea tim! If' we expand the idea and suggest one Imuitl 11I'opo,e u!lIl rCCCIIIl' othcr scltlcllll!llls hnt! Iil;e his,l that a sort of (lutPOl't historical I~rnd. Ihe uther l\IIul.1 "llPoSC alld It~ricul hamllmul;s.. ~hey would Pfl~ \ league or .:,Iub be or~anized for Piel tondemn. \'Ide r, wcallh 01 mfol'll1utiull [or morc ef(el.lvoncss, II hlch could An, .\. ;t fllllll'c hlsturian of a com meet periodically at variolls cen, .~ll', hVI~ ICI'~' ~1I110~ il1:~ HI1~' i , . .• -10 111111 \lllcum~low:.-hHI))t. ~\ hell ' j1lctchislur~', tll dr,l\\' upon. !I'CS for mutua,l help" and compal" .. he beeallle ~:;clt!!d the Imhlt be·. We lI/:rec with :1l.t.:.F.F. ill his IO!! of dllt". \\'llh a \,Iew of el'ent, Mi! . ':kIllC Ollll:e ,\Ii idel\ of '1'11\\')) lllstilries, not 11111)' 110111' consolidating the whole into · . lII.tcn~~. thl'Il\l~!1 j'llIC Illcrtlll;; In hl:< pulemlcs ~h. ~ beclllI,r tlf the l1~efulncss the' I a "History of the Outports" \'01, BANK,-Partiel' Icctl'cl .1 Mr. n., he Icscmhicd t!l.e ,might ,~,,\'c tn n fullt)'e histol'ln!~ I lime number (lne. men on the I: j:uns ;II H~~'!UC':II'~.' lie 'wouhl ~l!lt bllt 111,0 hecausc tiC theil' own in: i A bit of locHI history by !he have search U' • :(~ 1IIl' rlghl III hllll, 10,Ihe 11,lt uf I hercnt IIselulllcsS, '1'he~' woliid pate Canon 51111t1l, (1'0111 the "En since Sunday fa: .111111, a.nd In. front IIf hUll lIIuch to I cuntllin II II'cHlth IIr detail that tcrprl8c" 1900, nb[)ut hnman bones. Eugene Giradin after attending : ~ ht' dl~c()l1Ilurt of tI)()~c. "iHI~lg Ic()uld not IIO~slhly go into ;, /lell' (ollnd on FOl't Point. etc. Mass there. ,lIIlhe Immcdwtc IrOlll uf 111m. 50, eral l1\'el'ull hi5:01'Y. Three hundrcd years ago there young man is thoug ; wenl on "II through thc mcd; If those two local historians of III'OUld be less than 1,000 ~t ~ehl[lm (or a hike or (j '.1nH, , .' . " uther da~'s, the Inte Canons Smith fishermen in TrinitY during the . :(' '! :~!£ the icc and was , 'fhe. I~ectlng I!aVII.I;;. hlll.shed ~.:~. ~1I11 Lllcl;yer were Iil'ing today, wi! Iflshiug SCllson, Thc!e was sure to the blizzard whiel· lJU~inc~5 and thc ehairnlolll II~. : (cel thcy too would be In complete be mortality r,mongst these-for, area over the ' ,.about to announce its closing, )11' i agreement. not to speak or scurvy, which was ! 1:1. stood ami asked leo\'e to make: 'fhe lnte Canon Lock~·er. In the common enough amongst seamen, thought the unfort ~an import£tlt proposition, Leave \ tla"~ of our association with h' . there was also a particularly malh:· went through til ! was granted. SHld he, "~lr. Chair reminded us on inore ~han one I::. nant and fat,,1 form of typhUS o( exposure in the . ..' ~ m,an, 1 heg to propose that a ellS' I c,.;lon, of his' Intenllon of writing known as "ship fel'er," The Cook .;Jldor be p~o"I~;d fol' the ~ext II a' history or Trinity in boolt !ormRoom came with the merchant lind I .:Ilnnual rnee.ing, ..'ofter he had gathcred sufficienl settled plan:atlon. Three hundred "'lllIl~. ~". 1~le I\~ ;~rm, sP't~f ~o I[latn. Dllt he died before he could· years IIgo the fishermen for the .; I 5 ee. un IV .I I? usua I g t, bring that about. • . most part t·le nntl slept on board '; left, and (r?nl salll ar~ punctur.! In the columns of the "Enter ship, evcn when In port. Sani· '~lo.n5 said, • Mr. Chalrnmn, lob.: prise", publishcd a! Trinity In tntlon was unknown. The fore· )ect. . Mr. D. is all for putting i 1D09, the late Callon Smith writes castles and holds or the fishing ., !'joU thmgs which ollght ~o be liane, thus:-"A complete history of ships were dark, Ill·ventllated I no\\·,. All night he dec!incd from I NeWfoundland il8s not yet been, holes, redolant of bilge water, and These are pellets of iron ore from 11aklng nn~' office. IIere s a chance! writtell, 'l'he most voluminous is every other abominable odour, I for h)m now to h~eom.r. somcthlng IJudge Prowse's. but that is almost VCl'itable hotbeds for breeding (ll hiS own recommcntintion. Su. en:ilel)' a history of St. John's shlp·fever. } ~eg to propose th~t :llr. B. \\'llal, /.,d pO.r! of' the peninsula of At times the mOlll:ity amongst Inco's new plant at Copper Cliff .' r.per .it is he. cal,~s It. (or the next I AI'olun,' In the same column he the fishermen, e\'en when in port . , : nnnu ...1 meetlll~,. . ,qualifies one 'who is writing thp must Imve been considhable. A This oreco~t~ns over 65% iron and less than 2% silica. This is higher ~. )Ir. B,. n~: b~lIlg fonllli~r .wlth i hrstor~·. of his 'nath·e place as one score or more of men would be :the name cusjlldor, 1Ill\l'lttlllg~y ,who "IS writing a part of the crowtled together In a Iiltle craft . : ' .' : ,proposed that ~Ir. B. he the splt'\lI'hole history of Newfoundland and of nOI more than 25 tons burden, in grade than any iron ore now produced in quantity in N~rth America. ...i o,! :}oon for the next annllal meeting. I thereby doing good service to the Tbe first Interments would na· ·• ..t I'" . lurally take place.t the Forl , ! Point or near It.. Afterwards prol1; ., : ( , ably in the southern portion of the. old graveyard. As In those ;, I " days most 0[· the settlemellts in \ 'THOSE WHO PREFER Newfoulldiand were wooden ·down to. the wllterslde, Interment would THE BEST I therefore take place ncar the aea. In ail the older settlements some 4L~AYS ASK fOR years ago the tin ding of human · Ii . bones near the sea·shore was of common occurrence. Not many years ago here In Portugal Cove, This is the $19 million plant which, with planned .. ROYAL . , there were one or two placM nec.r ': .. : the. sea where you could not sink enlargements, will eventuaily produce about 1 million tons' a . hole for a flake post without .. BEVERAGES digging up a skull or some othtr of iron ore a yea~. :The pl'e~ent unit will treat 1000 tons of human bone. At the back of Bell , Island beach which is only three ~Yl'rhotite concentrates daily • .' mlle~ from my nome, is II large . ' ',,-.; . burial place known as the French· ': '0: '" men's graves", so·c"Ued because in \ . the olden time, here, were burled ii' the Jersey and Guernsey fisher· men-all of whom spoke French,... and who died. whlle prosecuting Inco's pr9~ess f~r the recoV'ery of iron o~e took years the fishery .t Bell ~sland in fishing .' .,', ships, of laboratory and pilot plant studies. It opens the way for

· " Therefore It follows that the I . '.: :. , discovery of large quantities 6f increased recovery Of other el~ments from the complex ·r· ," r. ilUman bones near ~l1e waterside, " .;;:".~. ' ~ .. Is not a certain indication that Sudbury ores when economically feasible. ., : '-" 'I~"" .'. they r.re the remains of persons · ~' killed in action or massacred. . ! ; !,. It Is that the French cap­ , i . ; . ~ true ; ,.', tured Fort Point in '!761 but there ... ' Is no record that they kliled any· ! <~,' ..: " 'I one on that occasion, or that there was any defence Ilf the Fort or Thi$ latest m,sjor result of Inco's process research is one of .." ,,' t' " that· there was any garrlso~ to ~' . mllke a defence. A series of pla~ned,: long~range developments by which· its ore .) .j ',", , . Tbe French' thre,\' the caMons ; . Into, the sea. On II calm day and treatment processes are being, revolutionized. It is a further step IVrite fOr your free dJPY I; In clear water,. I myself, when a of the illustrated boCHtl, ! ".' boy, saw some of them lying on toward one of Inco's primary ohject.ives-the maximum utilization . "The 1l0mriiiceof Nicke!" • :; the bottom of the sea • . f, ,'" The French m'nde ihc aUack on , of its ores. . lVALTERCHA " ! .~ .\ !'lewloundlan~ In 1761, beeBuse . ., '.. it a banq , .hey knew th!)t the balterles and on 0· . ~ , lorts at St.-Jobn's, Carbonear M IS retirE " j , · , . • .• Trinity and elsewbere. were neg: . r. C~afe si j ~. lected' III1d most delapldated> The THE INTE.RNATIONAl ,NICKEL COMPANY OF LIMITED 25 KIN G STREE T WEST ,TO R Governor (in June) on his way nut CANADA~ • to' Newfollndland got sOIl)e marines .. '


. • " • o in' roun I'ns estiva.. war orthcliffe Players Gramp 'Walcott's Kitchen '--vincial Winners , \ Author "Ted" Russell Is· Lauded bute to the gteat Interest taken by adjudication of the evening's per· '-I(l: II. ~I'"mu.:s Iwho played Raina Petkort,. the formance· and her choice' of the is w",y 1'~'~c\i(lr [1r~lIIa Cluh's leading lady in "Arms and the His Honour the Llcutenant Gov· ernor and Lad)' Outerbrldgc in the winners said that personally she n.s mUch ~,.I·I!"lctin· (;I'uund," b~' ~Ian" WOII t~c Rcgional Chairman's found the festival Interesting and · \1.1' el1l1,cn as the eup for the bcst pcrformance by Fcstival and thanked them (or Inchu In attending the Festival this year, enjoyable and the excellent dir.cc· l'ould noi · Itc br,t 1'1 c>rnlatiun at a woman, and Gladys Burton, who tlon of the four plays proved that of this -r~;'n,' Ilr~ma Festl\'al, played Olwen Peel, In the Corner Interest In the Drama Festival Is ImprovIng from year to year he directors are available in New­ Rhl it nice .;·/'in '(;1'.1110 Falls on Brook Amateur's pIa)'. foundland to guide plays well. The ·{··r..~hl. Thl' Grand Falls "Dangerous Corners," recclved said and today we have not only competing groups from. Grand stage settings were all done well :" (,f Ihi, honour nrc honourable mention. Curford AI· and showed thought and attention ~f the C;lll'ert Trnph)' len, who played Uncle Ben Wal, Falls, Corner Brook and St. John's but this year the groups from Gan· to detail. She found much Interest · CIllO a\\ani. ~Irs. Neala cott In "The Holdin' Ground," won In acting and the plays suited the , ~d Ihe 1l0phr for the the Regional Deputy Chairman's der and Buehans have sent repre· sentatlves to the Festival so that groups. It was a great challenge to · hrr I·olce. )liss cup for the best performance by a do two Priestly plays in.a Festi­ Iht' adjudicatur, mun. and Ferry was award· each night different people from 5c;;\:~" Den~'s thesc places eamc to the festival val of this kind she said and great · '>'1 n1.' j; a ,tory with cd thc Cup for the best support· credit must go to the two groups · ''''~;;'~~('' The Corner ing role for the Festival. At the lIstcned to the plays and the adjudication and took their rcports who brought these plays for mak­ :;\;:,.ak,':'. \\'(1(1 the liar· close of the last play of the back to the[r groups. He thanked [ng the attempt. .• 3,111 luI' Ihe he,t l'lsual Festival. "Dangerous Corncrs", by "They took a different task and · . (,.r t1'rir three sets amateurs and dlrccted by Mrs. thll people of Grand Falls for their I hospitality. which was beyond we must admire thcm and thank · i : ".\rm, ;,nd the )lan". Doris Janes, the Drama Festival them" she said. Little prompting • L . Sh,lI. 1 Re· I words fOI' thcy workcd back stage • 1 hi; was Committee tonk their places on was needed she noticed and added 1 .' )1:. T.. 1. Cahill. II'ho the stagc, and !llr. W. T, Howcll, as hostcsscs [n their homes and I caeh night after the plays to make that rarely had she heard less piaI' ~h'" Griffin 1I'0n director called on Mr. R. S. Fur· prompting for the actors all knew · .'. , Th,;mp,nn tr(1ph~' for I long Q.C., Regional Chairman of the fcstlval a' success. ~liss Stirling before gil'ing her SEE FESTIVAL, Page U ·~::(cti,'n ..It'nn COIl~hlin. 1 the Festival to speak. He paid trio

Revd. R.~Baggs , 1 Chafe . Retires ill Returning .To THE WALCOTT kitchen in their Pigeon Inlet home, i;; one of the scenes from Ted Russell's play, "The Holdln' ressing the qround", which was .presented by'·.thc·~orthdiffe Drama Club on Wednesday, February 8th., the openin,' ":' 1 " l1lalla~cmcnl.: he l'an up an Imprcf.,h·c rccord i wish that he would have many Nfld~ Conference day of':the Regional Drama Festival. . Left· to right. after. the Waterloo stove: Estelle' Wall as Lizzi.;' .; j ,':11: .. I the \lulual of sales being one of the high·! happy years Iii retircment. Mrs. The Reverend 'R: N. Rowsell, \ ..... ::g. " C()III]1an~'. as· lillel'S in thc Prol·lnce. He Chafc WRS presented with a President oC the Newfoundland (Gramma) Ben Walcott's wife;' Clifford 'Allen as Grampa Ben; Ron Melvin as Skipper Joe Irwin.· ," .: C" •• ::(%1 a h;IIl{Juct Iral'clled e~tcnsi\'cly and wcnt C10ral bouquet. Conference of the United Church · : \!r. II .,ltrr . ~'ha{c (Ill' (Jut of his way to sen'lcc thc Asked w'hat his future plans of Canada Informed the Dally ,.' ,.: Ii', rL·IIlCllll'nt. i hundreds of pollclcs he sold. . III CI [e id "ce t Inly New! last night that the Rev· • lOt ::1(' latr LeI'! During thc banquet, Mr. Ilcrc r. la sa, I' al erend Roland Baggs, former •:. ,,::'1"1' pr Chafe's: Stell'art the loenl lIllln. not 10 rust out In that. eha r­ ~lcj\ll1lian, Pastor of George Street United Stage-h.e~d,.· P.igeon In/el, Nf1d . : f:;' ,do. lI'aller jOiJll'd; n~er of the Company present cd ITh~re arc still a lot oC fIsh to be Church, Is returning to New· co: !..fr ~:; yrar.~ :H~n· ;llr, Chafe with a "Lazy Boy". at I caugh." foitndland in July, I Mr. Baggs, who left here last Publisb Pastoral year to take 'over the; RIverdale United Church in Toronto; will al'lrlve here In July to succeed Pierre Man... Letter~ Tuesday Reverend ·Vernon Smith :at· the Humbermouth ,United Church. The Lenten Pastoral letters ---'--- of the Archbishop of St. John's B . "A . .d lVlissing and the Bishops of the Anglican' owaters war B.\:\K.-Parties of Island affecting both children Church of Canada, wll! be pub- . . .' . . . :~!:1d men on thr Island and adults and has seriously In- IIshed In tomorrow s Dally Pulpwood' .' 1.I:re. hale search unsuc· tcrferred with the business tlfe News, .. . !i:cr Sunda)' lor 10· of the community especlal1y the C Eu;e!'.e Giradln who big fresh fishing processing Personal ontract .flr: attending Sun· plant which [, now reduced to \10;; there. a skeleton crew. Albert Martin, General Manager ,,"n;: mac is thought to Fresh fish landings at SI. of Bowaters at Corner Brook an· j::t !"r a bike or fishing Pierre In the past month have . Mr. James Churchill of 30 nounced yesterday that" arran ••• · t:e itc and was ol'cr.: becn ~ecord ones with the new Merrymeeting Road entered the menls have been completed for the t~! bbmrrl which rag. i trawler Colomb[er brlng[ng [n General Hospital a· few days cutting of 20,000' cords of pulp- ~:~ ,rr, OIW the wcek. i over 1,500,000 pounds in her Ilrst ago, under observation. wood In the Gander Bay area. month of operation. 'l'he trawler The cutting contract has been .:::u:hl :ilr unforiunatc I"Galantry" Is also iandlng big A German national, employed at awarded to the pulpwood branch of well: :;I:nugh Ihc icc. catches and last week landed a Carbonear, who was seriously in. Newfoundland Hardwoods Limited, :f t.lpo.'arr in the SIlOW. : l'ccord trill of 280,000 pounds with jurcd sCI'cral wecks ago when his who In turn have sublet contracts • •• I both ships kceplng Ole plant car ran Into a pole at Topsail, is to a number of jobbers. . /.; rpltlrll1lC of I there opcratlng at capacity pro. improving and Is up and around ]I Is understood that the pulp- Frcnch t duetlon. for'a pcriod each day, wood will be exported to the Com· pany'. Mills In the United King· dom. Conference On Labrador Opens This Morning At 10 a.m. to-day, Premier Smallwood will open a 3·day conference on Labrador. The conlerence, which wlll be presided over by Resources Min· Ister Rowe,. will be held In the Board Room of the Department of Education. lind will deal with THE OPENING SCENE Slf Ted Russell's play, "HoIdin' Ground", is the stage-head of Grampa Walcott on the matters affecting all' phases of 12th of J~ly (King Bill's day), 1952. The picture shows Clifford Allen as Grampa Ben Walcott, sitting on the life In Labrador. . stage-head, deep in thought. . B.I.S. Executive Drama Fever Is Re-Elec.ted At Grand Falls '. Following the presentation and adoption of reports showing the By GRACE 1II. SPARKES soe[ety to' be [n a flourishing GRANDFALLS, Feb. 8-'1'he condition, members of the Bene· Northcllffe Drama club rooms were very busy on Tuesday and Wed· SALE volent Irish Society. re·elected last year's executive' as follows: nesday. Dur[ng Tuesday evening President-'-C: H, Conroy, Esq. the two groups, Playmakers and Vice·President-C. I. Merner, the Amateurs Players from Corner .~rapery Materials Esq. , . Brook rcgistered, and on 'l'uesday . First Assistant V[cc··Prc·sldcnt­ mornln.g th~ SI. John's Players • J, P. Rahal, Esq. were Signed up. Each person tak· . 5c(ond A~slstant Vice·Pre~l· Ing parl in' thc festival was pre· SUITINGS 'N' COATINGS dent-W. B. Comerford, Esq. sented with a plastic brief·case con· . Honorary 'l'reasurCll'-P. J. talning a beautifully bond copy REGULAR Colford, Esq, of the Regional Drama Fcstival, Honorary Secretary-James D: tickets for the plays, and equip· 20% Off LOW PRICES Higgins, Esq., Q.C., IItH.A. ment for writing their names in' Chairman of Schools-H. W. gold leaf on the outside for the: Choose your needs from a wide range of fabrics-colors Kelly, Esq. brlcf-case. and patterns-36, 44 and 54 inch wide materials. Chairman of CI!arlty-J. W. The 'excellent arrangements i lIIahoney; Esq. made by the fcstival committee, Chairman of Revlcw and Cor· under the directorship of Mr. W.! respondence:....E. J. Power, Esq. T. Howell, have made the first REGULAR 97c. MATERiAL LESS 20% ... 78c.Yd. Sec.retary of Schools-Ro' J. day In· Grand' Falls most pleasant. REGULAR 1.45 MATERIAL LESS 20% ... .1.16 Yd, Lahey, Esq .. and we are looking forward to a I REGULAR 1.94 MATERIAL LESS 20% .... 1.55 Yd. . Before adjournment on Sun· wonderful week visiting this dc­ day, [t was Unanimously decided IIghtful town, which right now i~ to hold a motorcade on st. Pat· looking very beautiful with It rick's Day' and a grand ball at glistening white coat of snow. the N~ wfoundland Hotel In the Wednesday afternoon Mr. an~ evening. Further detall~ will Ire Mrs. T. R. Moore entcrtalned th( I r~leased later:' . . '. whole Festival crowd at a.party Ir, their home {rom 4.00 to 6.00 p.m . The Northcllffe club roonis ar Nfld~· Skies', open dally from 10.30 a.m. to noon I and from 2.30 to 6 p.m., and cac1 • WALT . .' MONDAY, February' 13 ,"ornlng coffee is scrved by th'l _ER CHAFE (seated) and Mrs. Chafe are shown with Mr. Stewart Sunrise •• •• •. •• 7:12 a.m. energetic committee of women Sunset .. .. .• .. 5:19 p.m: . .Social events are planned for eac' I on .~.a. ~a~lCJuet held at Frost's Restaurant on Saturday, to honor Mr. TIDES afternoon. so that the FestivE' ~Ir ~h IclJremcnt as an AgeJli with .the Mutual Life Assurance Com- High ..... 8:18 a.m. 8:42 p.m. visltors·to the paper town are ma~, . arc sits in a "lazy boy". presented him' by the Company, I Low •.• · ••• 2:10 a.m. 2:28 p.m. very w.elcome .. THE DAILY. NEWS, MONDAY ,

, I Bowaters 'in NewfOl~ndland owe their Drama Festival: 11, News very existence to the generosity of New­ 0'1, fouildland governments, Down. through The the years the NeWfoundland mills operated 'l'h~ DAILY NEWS Is a morning paper by them have provided the. capital for Adjudicator Prilises Mabllshcd In 1894, and publJ~hed at the' important expansion in England and else· News Bulldlnl 355·3119 DuckWorlh Strc~t. where. FFICI"~S MESS st. John's, Newfouns!land, by Robinson & .; Company. Limited, Would it be too much .therefore to ask of "'Arms and The Man" o ual mceting of th, . , them to invest the proposed outlay on their a~~css o( Avalon Battal By GRACE M, SPARKES ness, was exceedingly pretty, and J laCe on Monday, Feb Ml::lIJBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS new mill in this proVince Which has been Miss Pamela Stirling, udjudicat· had touches o( tenderness, She p 56 in the torm o( i Tho Canadian Press Is exclusively en so kind to them? , Ing the Corner )3rook Playmnkers moved most graccCully, 6, ~~e sterling Restaurant We think not and suggest to the govern­ Company's production or "Arms James Brown, as' C n pta i n al I Dave Edwards, till !Itled I., the use for replilillcn!lori of Iill and the Man" by Bernard Shaw, In B1untschll, (the man) had a good CaP' presided an, news dhlpatchcs In this paper credited t~ ment that they should do all in their power to prevail upon Bowaters that they have a P'r1day nights play o( the Regional voice, charming pers-onality, alid were ill atlcndanee it or to The Associ'tted Press or ReUten Drama Festival at Grand Falls said good easy gesture, He had many /I S, Stirling, J, A 'and also the local news published therelrl. moral duty to look Into the local sltUntioh at the beglnnlng-Hl've thoroughly changes of expression and .a ;. 11 Howitt, Rev, J, A AU Press service and feature articles' In before going elsewhere. enjoy,cd myself, and you've laugh· twinkle in his eye, but she wished j. Ford, s, J, Davie: this paper are copyrlgh~ and tileir repro cd. . he had been more maller·o(·fact In F, Reid. , , duttlOn Is pl'ohlblted, "Shaw" she said, has frequently onv part. He was very good, she II, G_ R. !\Iews, C~i( $12.00 be~n accused of making his char· saId, In act 3. pro L Strangc, ex:;\laJol Forelgll Co~ritrles per annum I Planes A,nd Busses aeters not lIIte human beings, Patricia Lees; as Louka (a ser· ii'illia-n IS, I\J.B.E., p, n " ' Shaw's Theatre Is one of Ideas nnd vant) gave a competent perCor· JI, A, o_ulerbridge, ~ Member Audit Bureau of We were intrigued with a report fl;om his characters ate Intellectual con· mance, she said, but she would S- LeWIS; ex·Captaa B.Se., W, G, Wa Circulations the United Stales showing the rapid in- cepts, have a mllre Impudent smile and crease in air t.ravel during the past 10 years, In "Arms and the Mnn" he has b~ a little more pheasant·woman. .Gooodridg, If anyone had forecast in 1945 that with. great fun with Idm, and the char· Hazel Ferguson, she said, made R.C.N.. Lt.·C( Authorized as second class niall Post acters o( Shnw must be clenrly n good attempt at Catherine R_c.A., Lieut. Allal ! Office Dcpartmenl. ottawa, in a decade air travel in America would overdrnwn, and slight overplaying Petkolf, she got the right personal. Officer Cadets, l\lr, t I • DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES: of hi president C.L.I: outpace inter-city bus travel he would have Is perhaps desirable, Cumed~', she lty . .. j Canada , ...... '., ... $ 8.00 per annulT becn branded ns II soft head, the report continued, sumellmes shows only Tony Grace, as Nicula, Ihe man . , United Klnguom and all says. But in 1055 il happened, sOllie aspecls of a character bul scnanl, did nlll louk old enough L \\', Best, Regimp, must be fOllntll'll Clll 1l'llth, nnd per· she sald_ , Major Gordl' I n 1 9 55 tIeI sc Ile d UI el I iIi!' 1ines mng fect lImirig }, esscnllnl f{lr laughs. Shaw's descl'lplion of ~lajOi' 'nml'naJ1l~eE', Battalion Cur up 1!J,90[),0[)O passenger miles while city She liked Ihe sets, which were Paul l'ell;nlf she s~id, wu~ nn in- L. C. R. Earl bw;es had 17,9\ 0,000, If the non schedtllcd chnl'mlng and colourflll espccinlly significant mnn of fifty, limy Correspondent, 1\1 airlines had been included the mal'rlin In Ihe Ihlrd act. a1111 the costumes Brenner as lhe jlajor IVaS' young f;, Hemmens, ·G. S. Bll 5 hlcnclt'd wcll, she said, un!! err· luoklng, alld far from inslgni[)cantl Valenti D Press, Lt.,Cum- ,J. - ra\'Olll'illg aviillion woultl be much greater, lallily Whlie\'l'r made them Is 10 he hut was exlrcmel\, amusing. I . capts. R.• 1. i\1. N()~ . A long limL' ago air travel sur(,nssed (he congrnhililtcd, lhe opening scene Eric Fitzgerald, as ~Injol' i Pillman, V, L. Ash; Act! I'ail Pulman trovel; It is also ahead of rail I1f Ihe 1)lny, which was a_bedroom Sarando[f, gut the exaggeraled I 11'- R. CanninG, C. F, H( coach \'olume, though not yet surpassing lighted by candlellsht she consid· comedy of his part and had mom· . Noel, G, Saunders, I United States the t\\'o combined. enid too bright for candlelight. enls of being natural. She said that Licuts. H. C. 1\Jj A l't!POI't from Washington states t.h at '1'hc aclors played with such It Is a difficult thing to sustain Gift ... ~ T, Wallers, I. Baril the United States Congress is W01'l'y1\1~ In the light of these figures, who will slncel'lty arid charm that in spitc an artificial Iinc throughout the 'Ii. Coultas, ,I. ,,:. Rabbit aboul ,"eltil1!_! the nation. enough I,lew ail" traffic may not SOon surpass all of t!lehn,lenl errors Ihey carried Ihe \ play. !IayncS, G. 5, 1 hom as, " ,_. cl~ss-I! 5a~'other forms together? . comedy, Thl! play had a nice This wag a happy production and G. L, French, rooms to accommodate Its ever 1I1Cl'eaSI~ tempo, good light and shade, and liked ii, she said, Whether Ber· 'Lieuls. C. )Iartin, . :;t:hool population, And, as is the case In 11""-...... -...... _.. ______...... ,.;...... the players useu facial expressions nard ShaW 1I'0uid have liked the.1 A. Bishop, Canada, they ha\'c also to worr,!' about II .-..' ';, and made us appreciate Shaw's pruduction or nut," she did noll Edwards extendeci especially welcome to the Chapla, neUinlt tcachers to put in those c1as~\'ooms, . , lines. , knnw. ~\'hen the" are built. 111155 Stirling complimented Mr, The audience liked the play officers and spcc . b' ' t tl I Strengtll For To-day' '1', J, Cahill, the Dll'cctor • on do· vCl'y much and laughed neany and hopes that their ni' To hirthlight tlie pro lem III JUs '~ By EARL L. J..)OUGLASS Ing a good jub, and giving the times throughou't. SO.lIIe of the a most enjoyable one, colleges aione. the National Education ~s audience a very gay and happy laughs were sci long lhat the next Canon A. B_ S_ S sociation recentiv issued a report showmg .... evening. She suggesled to him that lines o( the play werc lost. Two offer Grace bef(}re t that fort.'!! perce'ilt of them have unfilled LumT. SHINING IIOREVER the cntrance of thc fugitive inlo years following Playmilkers or The dinner was a III f Th I Id h . the bedroom might be more dra· Corner Brook havc brought c1iffi· one and was well 51' \'acandes on tleirI sta rr s, A n d th e wa\'c 0 ere 5 an 0 man w 0, at the age of 92 is at matico cult comedy plays to the festival, management of the r war-born children is just beginning to hit Ihe llJnc Ihese words are being wriltim, lyl!1g upun and through their technIque is if -it's arid CI'eryone did I the collcges, wlta', appears 10 bc his dea\Jjbed, His meniory fur Joan Coughlan, as Raina Pclkoff, not perfect and somctimes bad, the menU, 'l'he most unfortunate aspect of the rccent events has almost dJs&ppeared, bu~ he' re- had a bcallUlul smile but over· Ihey produced plays which gave dinner, the Pr s,.\. tuation is that facult.y shot'tages are cO,n- meinbers with the lit most clarity things that oc. emphasized her wordS-II pity, she enjoyable evenings. 10 their audio the Toasl to ' ld f h curred 75 or more years ago, added, for she had all the childish· ences, he then introd\H f spellker of the el' centrated ill the important Ie so, c e~1lS Among other IhJngs, he 10m to tell how as a Wnr',hi~ Mayor H_ G. trv ph"sics, mathematlCll and engmeerl11g young man he walked live miles from the oU!skirls a Probe County Says Canadians who dcli,'c' TI;~se are the fields in which the Uniterl oC Phllildelphia 10 the center o( tile city to see Ii ;"I"'r~<1Iln2 talk intel'si State:; and all other free countries need to certain Im'entor, Thomas Edison, demonstrate nn H °t I I rr S 1°f t d many alllusing incid,' keep pace with the sicentific advances of Ineande~cen.t light which he had just Invented and OSpl a n 00 op llS lca e had happened during the Communist countries. . patented, C B LONDON (CP) - Sir Michael the Nfld. Hegiment in The report. states that studies have His grandchildren ilslen to him Iii awe not Balcon, the British film producer, War, lie was plea' ape reton the honour of adrlres; alreadv shown that a surprisingly high only because o( his colorful reminiscences but be' __ says he has iust about given up , I' h h' 1 ' th U 't d h I b ( . • his dream o( making a movie in amI wished the Brig: percentage of llg Sl! 00 s III e nI e cause e seems 0 e a person rom another world, HALIFAX (CP)-Counh' Court' Canada, '1'he reason; Canadians succC~S. I1is spe Statcs do not offer anv courses at all in And In trulh he Is, for the worlu 75 YCt,rs ago and ,Judge VIncent y, Pottler said Fri· II arc too sophisticated, . Shirt with prolullged .ph~'sics ane! chemistry: This. however" is the 1I'0rid today nrc almost as different as We can day night n ropal c.ommlssinn in· Sir jlichael, in charge of Ealing following which a I' .nol entireh' lhe fault of the education Imagine the Jl(e on tll'O planets to he, \'estlgatlon of Ihe Cape Breton I Sludios since 1938, has long wanted oC thanks was propo _authorities: It has been revealed 'that only The boy who 75 years ago walked n\'e mllcl county 11'111 begin as soon to do a film of outdoor life in V. L_ ,Ash which ' ho~pltal endorsed by all Ill'C,' .' part of the trouble lies in I~c )t oC st~de~t 1~le~~e: ,8 ~ewl :I~hl W~St~h~ symbol o( hR nell' aglc. UrPdDsslble, ;1~nf~SI~:, :ol~;~_~~ns~~~ls ac:~~~r~~~ Secrelary.Treasurer L. 'e~t, \Vlll-le tI,e gl'eatel' difficult" lIcs 111 e.11 CIS ory 0 e 1IIman rr.ce nvc PClljJ e ,u gc Pottier Is chall'man or Ihe I h 1- h lI. Haynes, then rcacl , J suu~ht after IIgl~ as Ihey hal'e during the pas\ commission, members of which I 11'011 drat cr hare somelllng sO\\,· Intel 01 III the shortage of teachcrs, century, LI~ht and progress go together, were announced Fl'iany by Health! ing induslrial development. Short· the last Hllllual • I tl A - t' 11 rcpol't stlg 'II It' G If I . age of c1ollar;; i, another dlf{icnlty. were adopted_ lie I er am v_ le ssocta 10 II l' - ,Jesus called himsrl£ '.he light o( tile' Ivorld, a-II-'U n II n 5 er CIID rev-I S el'ens, The "I gurss I'll just have to forget annual resulIlc of I.' C t gests Ihal. It. indicates tha,t, co eges, f lavI,ngt he also called his followers thc IIgllt cifI tile' I,·orld. 0of leI'sIiallfax, arc formerr" "J. penalMacRilchie and ii,'• saH. I II Ie SI IUrl, car'I k mOl'ie of thc year togr.1 larnel" ex Ilauste d 0 th el' l'esourl!es 0 ram- 'fhe allOstle ,Iohn, writing of Jesus, sn t1, "In him hllmnne Instltullons Inspeclor for, Illan II'ho recently ,;cvercd his con· Ihe financial s\atclllcnl, mess accounl and ed are drawing heavily on high school \\·r.,5 Ii(e WAS the IIglit of men:' Never forget thnt the pflH'lnce, and John neeUon lI'ilhthc Arlhul' Rank .. ~len, ·Re~. H.I ,r. All report s II stnffs to rill gllps in their own teaching Light-It's Ihe mos! Important. IIfncCallum of Glacc BIt~·, N.S.. orgauizRlion. It is underslood Sir .' .rallks, -''-,-, -:-,--' , chairman of Ihe Unlled Church decbion arises from his anrt ~ vole of Ih; . . S d ~lkhael'sdetermination to retain Ihe indio the Secretary [or , A "I'CI'OUS cI'\'cle I'S' tlJUS descl'\'bed. High)' ney presbytery, vidualily 0 f Ealing, known for its then than . schools reach out for more teacher~, whom What Others Are' Say' I .,·' g Mr, Slcvens sa'itl the commission posl·war comcdy Iilm5, the colleges are supposed to train. Partly in tn 11'111 reecimmeJi,1 sleps for lilore Pat Jackson, an Ealing director, for their loyal , the effort to meet the demimd the colleges efficIent management and beller visited Canada in search of story Ihe year and m I ,... pallent care -ill the Cape Brelon lIIaterial and came up with ascript a meeting to be i t take teachers from h Ig h sc h 001 s, aggrava - . t ol menial lristltutlon In addition to aboul a British Columbia com· Februar), 20th, ' iti~ the shortage at that level. TH. a'LL GET THE POiNT hivestigitUng charges ilr mlsman. munlly which (ought to save the Auxiliary and There are now indications that the num. (London Free Press) . agellient nnd bliltnJlIY 10 patients lifc of an injured man, The script There's pride in gJ:';;;:; ~;:d there's pride in Ihe present officers_ ber of college age students in the United Those girls who carry hatplns have the right re~nUy aired lri Sydney, has been pigeonholed, to get more ladies in this work and 01 ' tes "'I'll rise 5' teadl'lv for' at Ie' a' 5t the next Ideo anil Ihose wito wallt to learn judo to ward ' wearing "Forsyth" Shirts because Forsyth Sta ". oll rtlolesters have the wrdng Idea of how tu He gave the ~ommlsslons terms a lot easier and sprl 20 years, and that a higher percentage of pro!ect themselves, Hatpln!, like gUhi, are great o( reference as fiJ!loivs: Ihe pressure coule Makes IIohby of always indicates the best of taste I All officers are a~' these than ever before will actually attend eqUBlI~ers.. Any girl who lIets Into a wresl1Jnll "To inquire Into nnd concerning due note of this date; college, Consequently, the report says, it is match with a male attaclier will be asking tor the general manaemeht and su· Collectlon(J' Cloclrs Ihemselrcs aecord!n not enough merely to meet present short- mnre troublc than she bargains for. But It takes pervlslon of the Cape Breton county l:j'~ Call in at Ayre's Men's Department to.daY an~ Stirling then took ages--if that call be done, The schools must no skill and no strength !o Jab a batpln, and a cxpendlturehospllal by thebosl'd; Cape Brelon joint VIC'1'ORIA (CP) - Gordon Pet· conduct the eleclio: I be prepared for a vastly greater d emand 011 po ke anywhere in Ihe anatomy oC the molester ler, a former drama critic in Lon· select your Valentine Gift from the hrand·nell' (or 1956, but, bel their facilities and resources, should IJling qlilck anti satisfactory resulls, Carry "anll wilhoul reslrie!lng !lIe I dnn, has made collccling clocks he took the opportu, The education association round school:, thcm nnd lise them, girls, If you hSl'e lo! ~enel'alil~' of Ihc foregoing 10 mllKe his hohhy alld his vocation, . his apprcciatiOi ·\ I --:0:-- l'ccnmmelldallnns dpsl~IINl In ill-I lIis rllll'k ,hnp herr attracls col· tollection of 3('I'lll'dcd him dll' tl'~'illg to ~ol\'e t 1leit' current (I1 emma )~ Cl'eaqe ItIP efflclnnt'.I' 1"1 til" Illn'l' lerllll's [rllm fur sliehl,' ('nnlaillio!! Yt'31' by Iht" "lfi"I'r,. hiring often ,111a< Ie'llla t e \Y 1l'a '1Ille( peop I e BlIIlISII eOI.lJMIUt\ nOUWOOD SIIPIIlL'nt IIC lhe ".said hOSI)ilal 81111 I 'Ill'h pil'c,t'~ as a Fkl'lptnn !'lnck., 01 tlw "I~rliuu W;I'S as 'I t h If tl te' 'h~l' cmplo\,l'd in (Vanrolli'~r SUll) Il,nllt'ol'/'ilIPnl in Ihe Cllrp nr p,"_1 I.rilh ils illlpriol' mnl'lrillel'y rHO"'...... mos a l,e lie\\, ,IC S, 0'11' thin" lhe IIC !.rgisla!lll'e lI'ill do tIll". .. I I SPORT AND LEISURE the past two ~'ears, came from sources olhel . h ' 11~lIls: nllll In I'CllOl'l lhrl'("111 in Illg 11111 PI' II glass dnme: allli an than ."radllate schools, the normal Slillpl_\' i se~sll," wllhout llll)l'h al'glflllent ur ,lIvi~lnn, If thle rOlll·'

. ') ' ..

-' 5. I'1EWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1956 ------Big Plans For Papers Reveal Wedding Of Love Affair, Of Grace Kelly King George IV. ; MONTE. ~An~o (APl-Paslry., LONDON (AP1-Two red·taped cooks, mlllwnmres, dressmakcrs'l bundles of state papers concernin". and. chnmpagne merchonls Ilre. the affair of King George IVana II '1/leERS /;lESS of Pulice Strange, ~x.Capt, A. runnmg arouud Moncu making \ Queen Caroline 135 years ago were ':'~'I nll'l 11lI.~ (If the Goodridge and ex·Major G, plans for the wedding of Grace rcmovcd in 1935 from the public n, 1lI. 1: ", 1,1 .\\'1\1,," U~\tlll· WiIlinms, all of whom spoke In Kelly and Prince Raiuier Since' recors o'ffice, it has just 'been dis­ , . 1 '.' , 1"1 \1"111111)', I~cb· glowing terms of the ,Work that a burde~.to.bo:der cur trip takes \ closed. for more lhan a century . T;;' \" lilt' Il'rm IIf a the Brigade is doing,. and has hardly flVe mmutes, .many hallpy tiley had becn available Lo any· 1 :l\Tonacans don't koow whelllcr lone wishing tQ brush up on !hi! , ,: :·... :~:l':IIIl~ Ill'simmlllt. been doing, for the past 64 years. I 1';:' il.1\!' r[lIl.mls, the During the yeal', Lieut. L. C, they arc coming or going. doings of the Hanoverian. housc .. ':.'(.11'::" pH',hled and ll. Earle, Regt. Curr~spondent, 'There's talk that Ihe Frcnch 'There is spcculation that King ,. ,; III'rl' III atll'lIdHnce: tool; qulle a lol of pictures o[ I battleship sJean Bart witi anchorl Gcorge V, grand[aUlcr of the \ i; ~ :'t:I'lill~. ,I. A. the Brigade nctlvltles and coupl. off the coast to fire n 2!·gun saiute Queen had the papers removed to on the wedding day, April 18. his private archives . · \ il 11,'" Itl. Hl'I· .•1. J\. ed With. a rllnnlng commentary Shipowner Aristotle Onassis is The marriage of George lV-then · J. ".:11. :' .•1. \Jal'ies. by I\lajor StlrJlng was blended reported to be dickering for a rare prince regent acting for his mad .. " r Hl'lrt intn a really !Inc lilelUre which book valned at $3,000 to give tile father George III-was a state ~"'ii (; II 'il''''s, Chief will be a good documentary film couplc. The president of the or· marriage of convenience and he L ~lr.,,'~I·. l·x·:\lajors fur the Brigade. The film Was ga.nization. which. ntns thc galll- met his hride, Princess Caroline 1 ".JI":" \111.E.. P. B. shown n(ter the regular bUsIness bhng casmo, Plcrre Rey, has' Emilia of Brunswick·Woffenhuttel 'j'l .-1. llul\'rhridSI', i\1. hm! been (inished, nnd Included oht ameli' "fllu powers'" to put a \ only a few hours before the wed.' i ' 1,'11 i,; l'x·Captallls· the swearing 11" ceremonies uf little diamond trinket for Miss ding. . :. :.e H~I·. 11'. li. War· I some 120 'new J.T.C's, com men· Kelly on the expense account. .' ; ~'[', '.11 :il,'" (;"uIHlridgr, Itary here was by Capt. Ash. All The prince's personal chef, wilh' They parted m 1796, Just one • "~IT':'. l : ';' I 11 (' \. LI.·Col. present we·re high In their praise colleagues from the casino and1 year ~[ler the marriage and_ afler , '. .' .~:~.',. 1.1,'111. Allan, for the Ilieture. swank holels, i~ pianning menus the bIrth of a daughter, Pnncess ~'::.I':' I·.,k:,. :111'. E. I PRESENTATIONS blending the wines and foods of Charlotta Augusta. ._:, l'r,."it'1I1 ('.1..11. I In addition to the regulnr bus· the re~ion into royal. pr?po~ti()n~. I' Caroline toured Europe in a f1a~~ ~':'.,,'. i illl'SS of the mess lor the evening O([lclals of lhe. prmclpallty flg- of gossip and intrigue. In 1820, ':' .. II I:,"'. B('~inll'll'l it seemed to be one of presentn· ure o~"a S2,.500 f~relVor~~ ?ispla)'. when George took the throne, ;f.' , 11"11'1' UOI'lIIJn, lions. Colonel E. W. Best, Regt. The fl"ure IS bem~ ~~lhClZed by 1 Caroline spllrned a su!:gesti th t . II I" l1,tl.llioll CUIIl' \ Comm:tIlcler, made a prcsentation many cffervescent c.lhzens, who i she stay abroad. on a '. 1. I' II Earll'. to the i\less of a very beautiful talk ns though nothm~ ~hort of· !' ':' ''-I''':Hlrnt, :\Ia· picture of her !\Iajesty Queen burning the town can do justice lo~ When she came back to London . ; I!, :!l:'lt·n-. I;. S. lIur· Elizabeth ll. The picture Js by .. ' the affair. I' Cieorgc immedialely. soughL ~ , , ,; i'''.... !., .("om. ,1. :\1. i\largaret Wilding. anti Is a love· OFFICIAL COLOnS divorcc o~. the gr~unds of her ,; (.'1':' !, .1. :\\. \I,el, Iy likeness of the Qucen !lnd . i ?dullel''y With an ~tahan nobleman. ';,,_.,.'. \ I. will .\\ll'l'', On Tuesday, .Ianuary 10, 1956, on their bac~s. fuddlers of three ~r four can AlLhollgh,the popiltation is about I records or st~te ,pape:$, but part · . n::.I'" alllll; ,".' .;,' '.':1' .... 11"111111'1'1.1 101' .~!l"!I \l'lt t lC 0 0\\ ng re.\ fill' bein!: slroked wilh lin ollr. ilnl! 'I widel)' knllll'n as his fa mons kins- · "1' •• 1;;~ '~'i\"I;~l:;i '\Ie tl;('n ,ul;,.· \1 t '1" 1 .. \, (I'n) Ilollid play Abuill indelinilrly ol'! man rrior.ous .Iari!. proh~hh' Ihe \.1 , l I es ( ell _... , IS .•. ;,nlll , . II 1 . I ~ 111 II' I' 11111\' 'ea"Oln CI·n·,tlll· \"hl'l "\'''r '1,"' ",I :'''>111111' III the, V' ..,,' '1 t_:llrs l' ~lartill ' ~ma mats ~s nil" as ~ ,I .' ~ .~ '" e 1'.1 ,. ~ ", .. [ 'hI \""1" 1,,"'('lhr' \ .ll.e le;l! ('n '.' • I • ! Irralmenl (·uniillllcci. had II spcclal acl of l'arhamenl .' . .' , . ~ I Hrcrr.tary-~lr5. C. Adams (1'1'). I UNOFfICIAL I'll 0'1' Ipassed fOl' his person:.\ prlltrclion,. 1" fJ~:~::~;"'~;::::;:1l::l1:i' I~~' . Trr~as\lre\'-Mrs. ~;. Wheeler I Next h~ apPuinll'l1 hilns~1J har-' PrlnrfJlh .llIl'k lir~1 madr his ap· . \11'0" '1, \I' .. (!e~;. ':1 'd hoI' pilnt ~nd nCl'nlllpnnied C1'1' l'YI prarallre in 1880 ill tilt' wate!'f, of ,; .' ,'I; II c~e comnllt!ee-i\lrs .. A. li~l.lBIWS boat maldll" IowaI'd Ih~ ,ca. lie I Cook strail, which :;cpal-ates the ,n, _. 1",1' " f 1a~.s, (1'1'1, i\lrs, W. Lcarlllllg •• r~. . weill RS (ar~. Ihe harbor enlrallce Illn islan(\s of i'll'\\' Zealand. , Irr '.1" 1 ,,, ".y or Wi Tillry.. S d' and then retilrncd to lhe crowds He ap'poiilted himself pilot of all Audltors-Llln. S. aun CIS, on 111e heaches. ship, I'litrring French pa~s. a' nar- r"'."l1t!.,: IIII'll'l1~n I"'.'ai tl1ankcd sup. 1\1 1'5. R• I.cn I'n hi"h' I d ti . Opo became l1nnflicial s\\'immin~ ro\\' and dangerous pilSsageway to L!eut. Marlin congratu ate Ie coach to Jill Baker, a 12·ycar·old r.hippin::. Year after ~'ear he un· : 'w I "'.r and made variOUS ladies on their election locnl gil'\. Never has anyone had iailin~1)' mel every .hip :t~ It :tp. ; ~:r'I",~ to he hrld ami thankcd them for their con· more e"pert "uidnnce in the 001· proached and acc·3mpnnieo it fOT , r, I" ""I." ~()(h, with hnue. d supJlor I o.r Ban d actl"ltle"'I"' ph in stroke.,," As ~11e swam alonJ: nbont half' an hunT., He hcrame , \\I\:!ni'Y and the and trusted that they would ong .--- . .------Among Ih~ promlnrnt nlcmbcr~ aI, pride in . t~.. : p:u'.r: oflil'cr5. The continue so· II 11· Of :.l :r, ;,. ill"re lacHes in· 01.0 COMRADES nsta atlon tending the In;tnllntion ccrcmoltl· :: I~.:_ wllrk MIl make On Wednesday, January 1B" wns the Hon. Bm Dr. ,T. Il. SmRIl· (NEA Tclephoto) Forsyth wood, Premirr of Newfoundland. i io! ,,:,.·rr and sprcad 1946 the Old Comrades held I'R T 1 0 I LndO'e 13 nURT IN TIlAIl'i Wltl:CK-Firemcn pOllr waleI' on the overturned ,':r 1':""'llrc I'nuld be annual general meeting u r- who was there to witness Ihe in· thel~ 0, a a { stilllation of hi5 son, Bro. Ramsey diesel engine of a Pcnns),lvllnia Railroad train'· which was wreck cd .. : .' .\i\ n::ilcf, arc askcd which was attended by quite a On Thursday night, February Kokomo, Ind. At least 13 persons wert injured, none seriously, when :;r r.o:e (,I 11::5 date and number of the Old BoYS, reports Oth, the inslallallon of officers for Smallwood, as Lecturer. :~l~,'l'l\'C, ,\Ccordlngly. for the past year were tabled and 1956, of Royal Oak Orange Lodge, The fo\lowing omcers were In­ the Chlcago-Le-Cincinnati train derailed as it picked up speed after sta\led with' due ceremony hy S::::iI.~ '\1<'n took the showed yet another successful No. 1285, was held at Victoria Hall leaving ~he slation. 1::.I1I1[ 1 :hl' election o[ year [or President Eric and his in SI. John's, with Bro. 0, L. p.G.M. Bro. Berkley King: dow·n ['.'f W,ti. hllt, he fore executive, The election for 195.6 Vardv, helng Installed as Worship· Worshipful Master, Bro, Oliver . I.r· ,[ .. tile IIPllOl'lunlty fl'S\llIed as .foll ows: , (ul ~Ta~ter. T.. Varlly; Deputy i\lnstN', Bro. L. ::t·, II, h,· ,ppr"l'iutioll IIf \lOll. Prcsll!t!llt-Mr. AI SnoW. f:rafller: Clmplnin, Bto. Alhert , ...[ "" ,!t.oj Ilim ull;i.li\t i'rl'>idl'lIt-.l\lr. I·~. G. pulllcroy. • 1'he Inf.tnllotion CfrellUllI)' W:IS 1I~I\\'e; l1et'onthlM Scrretl1l'r, I!rll. .'.1.-1 ,.. :I!,' "IIII'I'I'S. I h~ \"i'~E'.!'rt.,llll'nt.-.I\1r. ]\, i\I. rllllllll('ted ~)" BI'O. lll~rkll')' King, II, Collins; Finunriul !ierreIOl')', 'M cCLAR.Y , "I'" .t'll II :1' I" lui· i1~wl:im. • the lit. WorshipfUl Past (1raluj Bl'o, '1'. Npwell: Trrl\~1Il'pl', 111'0, .' ., .. .. . SC('I'l'lar)'-;\\l'. A. (1. Wight. I ~loslpl' of !hp Pr.OI·inl'illI (:1':11111 II. ~nlls: First Lecttll't'I', IJto. \\'al· r. ,,' II' I, ~ I "ltUU'.\ '1'1 t':lOlIl'L'I'-~II'. t'. I'I.'l'1dII rd . \ I.lIdlW, who 5U\);lllul<,i\ for Ilw I:ll't! l.eGrow; S~efJlId L~cllll-er, I.... ,,\. II. 11.1 t'\llIllnilll!~" .\Ir. :\. SnO\\' , l\Ir HI. WlIl'shiprul (;ruuu jlu;lel', Brll. Hi'll. Hamse.l· Smnliwullu;.1III1r,hall, AUTOMATIC \I. ]>'l'I"('I·. . ' : II, G. t:llh', ~I!'. W. 11. ISlllir Duwe u[ Cupius, who \\'bs Bro. Isane FIl'rli ('Illlllllill~~: [11'0. 1.".: ... se\'el'p 1 \. !l.,II· i ,\. Crunl'. ullllhie tn uttcml lhw til tlw lIun. Ih'. F. \\'. 111>11'10', 111'11. -\u,lilllrs-:\II·. DomIney. ;0.11'. stlll'lIl whh'h hlm'l;ell trul'fil' .r. i c. ~nllw C:rilll'';. Bw. J. Bt'st, BI'II ..1. Mlf~' i~:: ... ).. . 101"" lit fil'I'!". i J\: I h~nlwlJlIl'Y, r.11'. A. S. '1'llIJmns. orlllnlli C'!!IH'eptillu lip),. IIrll.·l\ill~ fOl"!I, Ill'n 'I' NU5U\\,Ul'thy; Scniinc\. , ~ I~ll:·'''~. \laltulillll'l 1 think thnt this is pbout the \\'a~ a5515t~11 ill thl! In~tnlllltillil TIro. S. Tizzard; Auditot·,: Bro. A. .. , \,:" "Pilorillll'li lion. Hlh IeI'm or oUlt·c os ('I'esldenl ceremony hy 111'0. Albert Stanle)', Stunley, IJru. G. War[ol'd . FURNACE ;'1;~: 1:1." )('a,. [lIr Mr. Pomeroy pnd we bespeak Past Grnm! Marsha\) of the Pro- •: ..... 1I1I'"Ii,' IlwlI tonk I fm' him nnd 'his executive our vineial Grand Lodge. At the conelu.ion or the inslal­ ":':,,,1.,,'1 the o£li· hest wishes for a success[ul Following the invesiliure of lhe Iation ceremony interestlng and in • hand­ II,a:-~I'iI spirational nndrcsscs were given hy . "ell "'o:ill in him year. With over 200 eX' members Wnrshipful Master another cCl'e· a numl!er of mcmhers, during the " r ~,:., til lile Pre~idel1· of the Brigade in St. ,Juhn's; there mony took place when the Past C{)\lrse of which congratulations d chec~s, ,,(~ Ih,,' :,11 Ilollln Jlull should be al least half of . that Grand Milstel' PJcsentr.d the Past ~ Would $400, $700, $1500 or mnrB door up alaI 5 wcre extended to the Worshipfui Q "'1.) III' Illl' "',111111011 number who should be on the Masler of noyal Oak, Bto. n. Quin. " of your oulslanding bills?- If so, como to Niagara I 1I1aster and his officers. . ha 'JI 11;'l'llIg a sue· Iloll. The yearly suhscription 1& ton, with R special Past ~Inster's Finane!! and a friendly expet1 wilt e~plain privalely 5Ct at only $1.00, so, If no collec· Collar. insteac1 of the traditional how those-or other amounts can bo yours quicklV YEARS hr'n. Ille fino!" inclll(l· tor calls on you, the Old Cum· Past Master's jewel. noyal Oak , N.B. CP-A 51 Loans 10 $1500 aro lIfo.insured at no exIra cosl RPlcf:a:il • I'I ...t· ,.,., I•• tel' O. rades would be pleascd to re· LodJ(e, which is the mother lodge SAINT JOlIN ' 3,95 r 1 t'..\ .. LIPul. A1ian wllO celve your subscription by mall. of the Loyal Orange AS50c~ation per cent hicrease in the votume 10 you ••• and on many amounts rale, arB lower al TO ! ~t Tr01inil1~ Officer for You all wlll. no doubt, remember In Newfoundland, has con!mued of ocean freight handled at Saint Niagara Finance. Thousands of p'eople in Canada , ~Ir E. G. Pomeroy the good times you had In Lhe to play Its premier role m as· John In December and Janu' ry have borrowed al NIagara Finance office, cOlIsl Old Comrades, Chief ranks, and this Is one way of soclatlon a££nlrs all down through as compared with the corresp~nd: 10 coasl. If you need monoy Niagara is Ihe 'prace the years and the large turn out Ing period' a yenr ago, was re, PAY for the Installation ceremonies on ported F'rlday here [or the Nat­ 10 come-anytime•. r.IQ~r child catches more than one cold a winter­ Thursday night in~icates that this lonal Harbors Board, Expor1.l! and "Here are lust a (ew or our many loafl planJ" Come in and see interest has conlinued unabated. importe during the past two MONTHLY PAYMENTS why McCLARY gives ITE months amounted to 610,000 tons, YOU 24 NEEDS GET 12 ." 20 25?,o to 50% great­ showing your appreciation, and Mr. Yuilg estimated that grain er heat produ~ing p shipments from Saint John this $250 $ 23.64 $ 19.46 wr. know that you will not fall" $35.00' season may exceed 24,000,000 575.25' $36.45 capacity than any FLOREAT SEMPER C.L.B, 700 65.70 54.15 42.25 88.85 75.90 -J.V.R. hushels. 1500 139.80 114.50 other unit of its size 9.95 made in Canada. '0 •••' ,"any ov ...doll.,pcov,","' pl.", • MORE NO OBLIGATION·:rO BUY! THAN WORK ON . tl.!d!. VI Ck 5 _ breaking up. Coughing elllles. that Warming reller .comes, lastl' ERNEST CLOUSTON for hours, .

.... TH~ DAILY' NEWS, MONDAY, FEB, . . Doctor Jordan Says 'CHIT~CI:IAT COLU , . LEFT TUESDAY held on Frida)' Fcb BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. JIIr. George R. Horwood, Glen· first Friday in' lc ~Ity ridge Cresent, left SI. John's by Gower ?trect It to Inject or give by mouth some Unil~J ',' cAsCEI SLOWLY YIELDING TO the express (In Tuesday [or theme IS "Inc ",'., VIGOROUS CAMPAIGNING chemical substance which would Amherst •. Nova Scotia, where he herd." In thc ob destroy the cancer cells without .' . will attend the, wedding of his \ Outerbridge )Irs sen~e IY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. harming the healthy cells of the body. . daughter Janet on Saturday, Feb· fer Ihe Pr~l'Cr '(or . Work on thIs problem has been ruary 11th; the Queen, the me ~er . The attack on cancer Is going ~ I Ro>'al Famiil' and kell flJrward with ever. Increasing \'Igor done and search for a truly elIeelr IVe means Qf accomplishing this VISITING GRAND FALLS ' c?mmonll'caith, Th a!erl and eUectiveness. Some of the .Between Us Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Da!ton. Ran· given b~' ~,Irs, A. l~ developments of recent years have objectiVe ,Will. go on. no doubt, un· til the problem Is solved. lIeH Place, left hcre on 'Iucsday to II Andrew.s Presh\'te :. I' been the result of experlmntal ob· be in Grand Falls for the Regional The soluist will be n,n untlon and as yet do not' have Women .. Drama Festival. Mr. Dalton 11'111 re· . o( Port }'cppcrrcll ' prac:tlcal application for the victim 'turn to the .city later lhis w~ek. will he ,~Ir ..fiabe;1 nnual 5pecehNi~bt a ,t By RUTU' 1IIILLETT I :\ of eancer. Many of them, however W d h W d 1 I . __ the servlcc Will bc It AcademY wis helt! II hold ereat promise for the future., ar ro e on er I .. on Tu@ . What about prevention? More ABSE~l' TREATlIIF.Nl' PUTS I CONGRATULATIONS . : r~dio s.tati~n VOWn. \ iUOTlIER IN HER REAL L1GIIT i Congratulations ,~o Staff S~t. I tlO~a~ Scmec Ol'er CB~ ;\tbililSh the we and' more attention Is being paid -- '__ ,and MrS. Glenn Wilkenson on the I ar? 11~h ilt 9 a.m. will b stl;rmy, ttl ",1 to the factors which may lead to Mrs. R. rccently was called olll birth. of son, a,I, Base! 01lS5 Evclyn .nmIC"f'llp'".'rents. ,atid fr the development of cancer. a pepperre~1 n, e of town by the serious illness of Hospital on Feb. loth. 19.6. I of the Pre~hylcr!, o than usual. It is c Why Is It that sometimes eel" her molher of the Presh)'lcrian taln' cells eroll'. wild and produce such as these tbat \'/ a elncer?' The answer to this aU· Mrs. R.. being .the mother Ilf WORLIl DAY OF PRAYER . ada. a~d )!iss four young children, quite nat.ur. The World Day of Prayer Will be !~~e_c~.s, nl)~c\ ·rC,IO,·tel:i,,'; wonder if the~e is ~ot I important question is not clear, interest 10 e Ul but laboratory Investigators have ally was concerned about leaVing are 50metimes led I . .' \ N A II I':. ,\IIIII\ESS .,e • learnt

abs~nce o~ en'ncer anywhere in the Send TIlIRTY.FIV":' CENTS (35 to handle the lour young R. child· 'I' Comglete instrlletions iricluded in body. Such a lest would make .t 1:0 ren. . Pattern 7393 for making 3 different posslhle ,to concentrate' .diagnostlc cents) In coins (stamps cannot be Whcn Mrs. R. gets home she is i sets of bedspreads and curtains - learclt on those known to have can. nccepted) for this pattern. Print The wedding of Maria Elizabeth,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jackman, 7 Hag­ going to bc one fuB~' appreciated I in any dcsired size! eer ,and, thus to still earlier dlag. ~lalnlY SIZE, NAltIE, ADDRESS. gerty Street to Sgt. John H. Millburn, son. f Mr. and Mrs. John Millburn took place young wife and mother. I nosls and 'more effective treatment. TYLE NUIUBER. The moral to this slory should: ~cnd TW~NTY.FIVE CEtIt'TS in .FONALI.l'" RESEARCH Is need· Send order to ANN E ADAMS on January 7, at St. Patri.ck's Church. The Nuptial Mass was celebrated by Rev, be clear. If 1'011 think you hilS' coms for thiS pattcrn (stamps can· ed l;) del'elop some medical or care of ST. John'S DAILY NEWS Mons. Murphy. The brIde was attended oy Miss Madeline Wakeham and Mr. Ed­ band and children take \'011 for I not be accepled) to ST. JOHN'S dru;: treatment of cancer. If this (Pattern Dept.) 60 FRONT ST. ward Short acted as bestman, After the ceremony a reception was held at the "rantcd try leaving hom~ for a i DAILY NEWS (llouseholtl Art, c~'d be done It might be posslbJe WEST, TORONTO, ONT. N.C.O .• Club P.A.B., The young couple have since left to take up residence at the ~'eek a~d come back to a come· i Dept.) 60 FROST STREET WEST! -~- groom s home 108 Wllls Avenue, New Ken sington, U,S.A. . I back. \ ~~R~~,~O, _~', __ ~~~nt. ~~Y \ , "ASTRO·GUIDEn By.Cee~i Children's .Puzzle ' For Monday, F.bruary 13 \ Preser,:·-F·or You end ., . Yours . . • The planets smile ••,~~~ '0 "'. '\1'- OD ),ou nOW, denoting happl. ~1 . Your Grocer Stocks ~ ness Ind success. Prosperity is "."4 "11 indicated in most charts. Build ~Iid business found3tlons noW. Concenlrate on money malters, pardcularly In real estate field. Jennings, Even correspondence about fi· parts werp tak, I nances is favored today-per· " Lena Rideout TI " Is~ you can collect money duo OUR OWN the costumes. enlai you by writing and asking (or it. , , did an unbelievabic Future ••• The next 2S yean Past •••. In all the 1ean prJor Our FamOl!s and effort, was th will we radical c:h:lnges (rom !o 1946, .lnvestment In researcb female membel buman to mechanical energy. In !-menca totaled about $4~ Service Gets under the supcrvi • : I " . Th. horse Ind buggy is I bllhon. But In the last elgbt I. " :Martln. Llo ,, • c o~ years alone, the investment by. pupil, kino to the ~utomoblle than electric American business was $!M AU- tlit' Dirt! , 'j to assume responslbi power IS to atomic energyl. billion. - BREAD decorating, and, ; ! The Day Under Your Sign wiII agree, , job. ARIES IIeiJ. Milt" 211a Apr!1 201 LIBRA IStpt. 21 10 Oct, 221 end of the optrl II''''' iI. II Nt... "ut.lul, h... III, .0 Do.·1 Ilau.I)·our po",,,I,n. brt.r, p-. • Perspir:lie~ dilaFf:~ • .". .... lood. ~un.,. 1.. 1"., da.,., rl. I... .forlU .." Ih,. rour ..lI. Ado", ,tau 1$ well as t. ',om lood 1L011O.ln, ,ow. an aullUd. 01 hum iiiI)'. o eGlon revived again , TAURUS IAr,1I 21 t. 1041, 20) SCORPIO lOci. 23 I. H••• 22) O. Chairinar. .. ). , :.. Encoulln 01. Ir. m.mh ... e .h. taml11 \'ou u. ,nl,,,,I. "lIh.u • .,,,,I.ppln, (NEA Telephoto) • No dcaning ader ""hool lIirs. t. foll~ tlmf crf~'h·t benl ••. ~et In. )'011' bud,tt. Ooo't try II) ;;m.lce an DE1-;I' IN TilE SNOW OF 'rEXAS-~!ounds of snow almost covel and the Rev. C. Ha , ..mrl. l.u",II. \ e. hov, ,blltl,. . Impm.l.n." Just be ~ou",111 It Minor mending fret , .i .It,IlHIIM.y21 I. Ju •• 21) SAGmARIUS (Noy. 23 to D.~ 2tl IIr-rklng meters along a strcet of blizzard·swept Amarillo, Tex. A fivc on the stage al Cr1.lcll .. of J.~r lClhlll.. Im~. I. G.I an ...I~ lIarl ,nd ..... rna., day s:orm left snow up to 29 inches deep on level ground and several • BeHer lalling pllll of the' School Rei ""lalr IOU. Crl",lIm un bt • bl ...ln, ...... pl ... fOU un p,rlle.I"I, II you tI )OU .. III l,.d.'ll .r. In Ih, .rllin, 'IItid. feet deep ill drifts. At least 30 persons died in Texas, Oklahoma and • like· new le,ture "I''tII1 1954-55 by the PI CANCER pu •• 22 I. July 22.1, CAPRICORN (Dt~ 22 10 J,n. Itl New Mexico as 3 result of the blizzard, L. NeWhook, I Do ntt hIJltatt tD &Cupl a. pl$lhon.' Som~ aood nc.. conn",td with )'out number of prizes lead",hl, slLould It bt Imd ...d '0 you. job ...m. 11 •• 17, PUI )'0.' b.. 1 1001 POPPING CORN V... u .. landl. II ••11. f ....lrd to m.k. I ",,4 Imrrtl~.n. DIAL NOW Were .di!tributed. T ~EO ,IJul, n t. Au,. 221 AQUARIUS fJln. 20 to Fib. til ' Elsie loves to pop corn o\'er the the dIrection of th open fire. She is fixing a nice dish 1------­ 'I v.... ell", ,

NEWS, MONDAY, FEB, 13, 1956' .,.' D~~------~~--~----~------~------ana teachers b~ held on' lhe flrsl school year would be not only inoil. aId Coombs. IVokey, Frink Squires. Saturday. of November for Uw btimous" but would take' up' all , GRADE VIll (Girls) IX-Rosamond 1Ilartin, Muricj purpose of cDn9ld~rlng the needs unwarranted amount of ,time. Con· 1st. Place, Margaret Pepperj 2nd. Taylor, Ruth Skanes. of educatloil hi the dlsh·lcl. We scquently I have dealt with only Place,-Evelyn Atklnsj 3rd. Pla~c, VIII-Lloyd Hunt Winston War; must get away from the Idea that the more outstanding ones. There ~Iargaret Anthony; lmprovemel)t, ford, Margaret Pepper, Mabet the parents' responslbtllty ends are many other activities, how· Jean Coombs. Best, Elsie Batten. L With sending their children lo ever, which find a place In,our time GRADE VII (Boys) VII--:-Geoi'ge Cobb, peorge ne~51 school, that the Board df Educa· taille. Suffice it to say that, as 1st. Place, Cyrll Reesj 2nd. Place, VI-Walter Batten Walter But! rom· Donald Noseworthy; 3rd. Placc, 'Ier, Kevin Clarke. ' .. ews e san tion have .fillfllled their dllty when !:ir as the means at our disposal , . Ihey have provided suitable schocl will allow, We are doing all with· Billy Clarke; Improvement, Rbber! V-Dianne Noseworthy, James biJlldlng~ and staffed them with in our power for the spiritual, Decker. . Normore, Reid Noseworthy., ~ Industry • Community • Sport , capable teachers, and that from physical and mental welfare of the GRADE VIl (Girls) IV-Benny Warford, Lloyd Nor. t1iet~ on the task of educatlng our children placed under our care. lst. Placc, Marie Sheppard; 2nd. more. . • __------....;-- ...... ;.--~- ...... Q....; ...... --- ....~ ...... --- .....-;..~- ...... ~---- youth rl!sls wholly and solely on The next item on oui' prograin. Place, Louls.a Harvey; 3rd. Place, III-Donald Tarrant, William .. . the shoulders of the teachers. me is the distribution of 'some Penny Devlin; Improvement, Ivy Clarke, Woodrow Warford, Trypo · ht Last year the local branch of the sixty or seventy prIzcs and a Gosse. hena Ash. . '., Newfoundland Teachers' ASSOCI· goodly nutnber of diplomas. The GRADE VI II-Leslie Tarrant, Grant MarH~: " Academy Speech N19 I Ation observed Education Wcek on purchase of these prizes has been 1st. Piacc, Carlson )lcst, Gar· SENIOR lrWSlC .. . . a I:rehter scale than hitherto. A made possible by the generous do· field Bickford; 3rd. Place, Ernest lsI. Place, Inez Rees; 2nd. Plaei!, s~ccrh Night of the ended with the !.In.lni of "God 43 Iieglnnerii this y~.r nine are of denominational education w~uld paper of six pages was publlshcd nations received from the friends Reid; Improvement, Florence Joyce Lamswood. . .• w ! was held In the Sal'e The Que~ii." sel'en y~ars of age; ill( eight years become a fallacy. In addition to be. alld dls\rlbuted to some 150U of the school, from the teachers Squires. JUNIOR MUSlC ., dcm GRADE V Cheryl Rees. I~dil~r!um on 'I'utsda~', or Rg~" ~ndtwo nine years of age. .glnnlng and ending each day with ~~:~. ot 1::~Qlte~~~eur~sl~~as b~r:. ~~~IJ~~o~h:scla~~fll n~~b~~I:f a~~: 1st. Place, Carl Alcock; 2nd. BEST ALL·AROUND BOY 3151. .\though the weather PRiNcIPAi.'s iEPORt In .olher words nearlY,lorty per· pra~'ers, provision was made on ~\l sented'over Radio Station C,J.O.N. nowledged In this year's "Acad. Place, Katherine' Pepper; 3rd. (1955,56) .:!II"h1l ,tornl)·. yet the . cent elf this grade w~r~ at least tlme·tables from Grade I to Grade In both Ihese ventures teachers cmlcian." For the time behig' I Plnce, Allan Bonnell; Improve. Heber Best. .. '.~' I, ~! plrents and friends Mr. Chnlrman, Parenlll one )'ear late In belllnning ;chool, VIII for a period or periods of re; at the Academy played an active \\'ould ask the donors 10 iccept menl, Clyde Higgins. BEST ALL·AROUND GIRL '. Ihan lI,ual. It is on oc, and Friends: . alld nearly twenty percent ir~ iI· IIglous Instruction each wel!k. In part with teachers of oUler dc. our sincere thanks for their con· GRADE IV (BOllS) (1955.56) ,~ch as thm" that lIe be· We had hoped to Ila\'e our An· ready classetl as retarded children, the absence of· II sct course of nomhiaUons and schools. Apart tinued Interest. 1st. Place, Peter Honeygold; 2nd. Margaert Hancock. ,'~nder if there is not after nual S~eech Nlgh~ I!\ .November, What co·operation can the schobl study, the material taught was (rom this the Academy held an In closing my thanks go to you, Place, Michael Devlin; 3rd. Place, inlirc~t in education but owing to unavoidable circum· hope for from parents wIth such a more or less left to thc discrel.llln open house during two afternoons, Sir, for acting as chairmim for Donald Hussey; Improvement, If! sometlmCs Icd to be· stanc~s we were forced to post. low degree of Interest In their 01 each elassroom teacher li'lIh and while w; did not receive as this programme, to the parents Wayne Skanes. .' \"ng with thc entcrtaln· pone It untll now. Th~re may be children's education. special emphasis 011 the Church many visitors as we should have, alld friends who have shown their GRADE IV (GirL!) Record Number ":; d;;drd for a cOll]:l!' of advantages In holding It earlier In Many people including sUllie Catechism. However, I am happy t~e number was much great7r than Interest In coming ;i~o~g this l~t. Place, Marjorie Sheppard; wsl thm wcnt some ap· the )'ear, but on the other, hand I who hold High' positlons 1:1 the to report that, since school. reo In .prcvlous years. The pme for ~I'enlng, t~ the teach;rs and pup· 2nd .. Place, Inez PeddJej 3rd. Place, · , Jnd rr3liratlon of the can think of at least one advantage field of educatlon, still jll~ue the opened this year, a course of the best observance of. Education /iis for ~he'r co·operahon and help John Squires, Phy1lls Parson!; 1m· New Dwellings ,; · I' -I'n" done b" our In holding it at a later dalc. success or failure of I h I b study approved bv the Annllcan Week went to The Anglican school I at all hmes, to Lloyd Bennett, a provement, Phyllis Parsons. wnr k b" , h I I b sc uo Y. d . ~ ~ at Whit bourne. former pupil, for accepting re- GRADE 1II (Boys) I! thl! In iurn will manl· sc 00 reopens n Septem er, par- the results of the Public E.~amlna. Syno has ben mtroduccd In all Shortly after Christmas the sponslbllity for the stage decor. ! 1st. Place, Donald Tarrant; 2nd. In 1955 ! Hin an act!I'c Intercst on ents and pupils are .filled. with en· tlOl1s. If thls .. is a .prbl!er yarnstick, grades from I to XI. , pupils stal'ted work on thc four. nling, and to all others who hilve Place, Bruce Sheppard; 3rd. Place, OTrAWA (CP) _ Housln, ecm: ~ of the indifferent lInes, ~~~~as~e a~~a: ade;~~~~~~~ltnon~ lind I have my doubtsj thel1 I ani The opcnlng of the new aUdl' tcenth edition of their annual helped in any way to bring succeS3 Ralph Alcnck; Improvement, John struction hit ruoi'd height.. ill C•• I:lonly then. ~1'i11 such As the months pass by lhls en. afraid the year 1D54-S5 wa~ n very torlum was an Imm~nse help to OUI school ma~azine the "Academic. to our efforts. Babb. ada In 1955. ; jJ:e\ion1 as a speech night thuslasm begins to wane, !o that tinsuccessful tlhe .tor NcwfiJlUld· physlcnl edUcation programme duro Ian". This a ls one' of our extra· Respectfully submitted, GRADE HI (Girls) The bureau of ltatlst$et "portH its nal purposc. Let us by January or February, It la prob. lalnl fi'bin ali IlilucAUbnal nolnt bf Ing the year. Each grade was given curricula acllvlties In which we FRED J. NEWHOOK, 1st. Place, PhyJIls Hussey; 2nd. Friday that more homes wwi . this year's Spcech Night ably at Its lowest ebb. I sincerely view, Whereas the Grade' Xl re· the use of the auditorium for ilt take a very special Interest, and Principal. Place, Una Nichols; 3rd. Place, started, .under constructiOll and !Omc mmure of IUe· feel that a Speech Night then can suits were up by I !mall percent· teast one period each wee~ In in whle~ we endeavour to mak.e Joan Martin, Norma Bursey; 1m· completed last year than In am,. • Ibis res~ecl. and usually do s affo d f age, those of Grades IX I\nd X addition several of thc boyt ami sle.ady Improvement. Last year s PRIZE LIST provement, Doreen Decker. fb510us year on reeord. -,,/r.in~·! proceedings got rel'iI'Ing inter:st fO/ a~o~:~n~l:o were far from satisfactory ..<\t the girls In the upper grades spent edlllon was somewhat thlc~er GRADE Xl GRADE II (BOllS) It aboul 8.30 with the or three months Education Week Academy the pattern was ap- many of the long Winter evcnings than. usual, and that coupled 1~llh lsI. Place, Betty George; 2nd. 1st. Place, Kcith Dicks; 2nd. A total of 127.600 dwelliDI' wert I Place, Billy Whalen; 3rd. Place, C!Ompleted In 1955 compared' with · l c! an. o.peretla. entitled and the approach of the final prox.lmately the same as fOl the pluj'lng such games as bad· I ~ndoor l~: ~~~:a~~el~v~~~lIc~dst~l~~~; ~~i~f~yLO~~l~o~~~net¥I;.rd. ~::~:: Piers Young; Improvement, James ID2,OOO In 194. HousiIii ·'btu .r IIhlSl.lc b~ the pu· examinations "m then supply the Pr.ollnce as.a ",,:ho.le. T~e I~w ~~: mlnton and volley ball under the \icallon about nine hundred dol. Thelma Hodder. Yetman. totalled 138,aOO compared with 113,- In!! synopSIS o! the oper· stimulant necessary to carr~' the suits In. Grade IX and X have direction of their teachcrs, ~Urlng lars. thanks to the numerous GRADE X GRADE 11 (Girls) 500 dwellings under construction Rt lhe character cast fol· not ol'er enthusiastic ones on to been attributed to various enuseJ. rece?t months both bo~ s . and business firms on Bell Island, in lsI. Place, Heher Best; 2nd. lsI. Place, Lorna Hutchings, Enid the end of the year totalled 19,7011 . the end at the year. Some blnme. it on the typc 01 girls haskctball hal'e been 1I'lro· st. John's and elsewhere, we wcre Placc, Vimy Warford; 3rd. Piace, Coombs; 3rd Place, Joan, Shep· with 68,600. Ilfikmg after R nap In When schtlol re.opened in Sep- I Jlapers set III certain subjects, duced, so thut each afterno?n ~o\v able 10 make ends meet with a Graham Janes; 4th. Place, Grace pard; Improvement, Barbara Bick· ,I ford, FoUo\\ing Are 1ft. lIumber e.f I ~! onf ~ummcr .fter· tember 1954 the teaching staff! others on the foundation lall In from 3:45 to 5:45 the audlt?rlUm little balance to the good. 11011'· Parsons. GRADE 1 (Il) homes completed in eal'em prav, before him a little old h.d be~n Ine'rcnsetl to nlneleen Ithe· middle and lo\~ejo ,grades. Is hUmming .wlth actil·ity. Besldea ever, with our circulation at :\ GRADE IX lIighe~t Attendance, Donald Ben. inces with 1004 completioDJ ill i She ~iI'r~ him a golden Five new teachers had been em: IAfter all In Newfoundland for the the indoor sports nlrcad)' men· maximum, and the cost of ad\'cr· 1st. Place, Margarct Hancock; nett.' brackets: .. Bclfo finds. that when ployed to take the place of those' past eight or ten ~'eni'~ over half lioned, thQ usual ~erle5 of fOOlb~1I Using about as. h!gh a5 \\'~ c~n, 2nd. Place, Emma Hammon~; 3rd. it. all t1 .. c fm~y folk of who had resigned at the end of the 1or our teachers have been uitgrarl· and ~oc~ey games w~re ?b~~,d af(or~1 tlo gd°.'rfllt IllS tbcconnnt!: In· Place, RGuRtAhDSEkavnelIsl' R(Buth ')hrren. GRADE 1 (I» LN e w r 0 un d I a n rI, 1,28~ (l:f; includmg birds. flow· 'I . Th ., M& I e~ with little or no experlenc: H wllh the bo~'s from 51. [\.eVln s creasing ~ I CU 0 mcc our OliS Hlghcst Attendance, Betty. Nor. 160); Nova Scotia, 2,611 (2,496) i I iul1erflics answer lis ~re~ o~H ~ea~ es~ 'Ier~'l Issrs'l stich a sltuatlon Is not renectcrl In school Although they did not scholarship obUgatlons. 1.t. Place, Stewart Bonnell; 2nd. more. Prince Edward Island, 199 (leg); C ThaI' pro;'e entertaining Ole a an, ancoe am Ia nCSj jthe examlnatton results tllcn II'h" bring 'home the bacon ,"et I feel A detailed account of all the I Place, WaItcr Bennett; 3rd. Piace, 100~ ATTENDANCE New Brunswick, 2,562 (1,415); Qil(~ '. M sses Warren and Tucker 111 ,. 'J ' , Bct,'I'lt'es II'h,' II g t nlak R bert C n·· I . t D XI - Eilcen Aikins, ~I~·[t!~· bc~. ~4.866 (26.182). Ind when the golden June past resignallons wer~ re.' waste money to train tellcilefS? that these competitive games were __I _ ..... _c. _. 0_ ~ ... _... ~_~I~_~ _.~~_. ra e, mprOlemen, on· . ------'----"'.. I! 10!1. !t~len bj' the ceil'ed from Messrs. Roebothan Others argue that low examlnutlon well worth the time spent. At this . Blbbit, they JDI'oke the aid and Lilly, and from Misses Hen'l passes are due to the m~ntal point I wish to thank ,the mnnage­ rlin' Queen who helps nessey, Hatton and Rowsell. As Btress and restlessness parenh alid ment for placing the arena at our find il. The Ilttle old WD- regards the teaching staff 1 am children arc suffering from liS a disposal for onc or two hours each and the F~iry Queen happy to report two Improvc-I re~~1t of movies, radio and now week. Our third annual Sports from an eVil enchant· ments. First, our turn.over Is Ilot television programmes, not to Day proved to be the unluc1cy one. I!:ch had bccn cast ol'er quite as great DS It was a few Itnentlon the numerous other forms After making all the necessary ,cllhe ~Iand! rel'caled, .: year. ago, and secondly, the aver.: of entcrtalnment now placed with. pr~paratlons ~Ild arrangemellt~, !~Jn, Rirl. age profcsslonal quallllcations and lin their reach, Allain the :fact that owmg. to tbe continuous lnclem· CH.\RACTERS teaching experlellce Is on the up- I the Compulsory School Attcndance enc), or the weather, we wem "...... D. Noseworthy I ward trend. This is no doubt duc ~ Act has brotlsht Into the school~. forced to cancellt. Let us 11011~ fryr I! old Mman .. 1. Bennett'ln part to the decision of thc:-a group of chUdren whose par.!belter wcnthr anti belter luck this Q;/!n " ... " .1.. Newhook ILocal School Board to follow to: ents assume ho actll'e responsibility year. . llbbit .. ; ...... K. Clarke, some extent the policy of other: for their education ma~' hal'e help. We were happy t? have MISS "" ...... E. Reid Industrial centres in bonu I g Icd to aggravate tbe situation. EVen Jennings, Ollr musIc teacher, Cardinal.Bird ... \\'. Batten teachers' snlarles. Howel'er, s I~e l.Qur o\l'n educational system which come back .f~r another ycnr .. !n ad· Bird ..... G. Tucker stili hnc a long II'a" to no In this regards all children as potential ditlon to giVing rcgular slngmg In· . .,,,~ -, E Atkl'ns ' " . U I' It' d t' th b struetlon In all grades UII ~o and th ~ Ro I.": "'r • respect before we can dare com. I n I e~s ~ gra ua es, ere y rorc· 'n '" Best \\ 'okey R I Ith i I f Ing man" to pursue a curricllilim including Grade VIII, so,n.· iot t~ , . . ' . pare ourse ves w sc 100 S 0 a: J U I' d i I' 'Id t' ·t· B. Clarkt. B. ~llller, L. similar size In other large commu.: to which they are not adapted, Is pup s rcce \ e nt II ua IDS I uc· R. Warren, J. Peddle, nltles lopen to criticism. In my opinion tion In plano music. 'fhe senior W, Xorm3n. TI' t II I I ' h not one but all of tbese :racter; stlHlol choir which was slarted Ie ne pup enro men !or t I! I .'.. . the pr(Jvlous year contmu~c1 tu Rm. L. Lu {f man, 11. 'year was 642 This number was are doing much to defeat the real . I F hER J . . I f Ih' h I i meet for practice one mght per . rcnc. ' ~es, . accommodated III sel'cnleen class· pUfPost °h f fl She oOblll ~ .del'el. wee. A Junior School Choir was .. rooms which Is an avera~'! of op ng ate ute a hes, aptl· also formed during the year. The Knclten, L. lIut., about 38 pUJllls per room. Unfor tudes and traits of a good chal·ue· two choirs; augmented by some R, Slunders, J. Sheppard, tunately, owing to dlfferrnt num. ter Inherent in our boys and gl~ls. music pUpils and otbers, staged a S. ~hl1tr. bers of children bel/lnrilng schonl Under our present sehoul Sys- programme, "Carols By Candle. , :oilchols. )1. Snow, B. for thc first time In different year' tem our curriculum must of ne· light" ·u t b f Ch I t D. ~OlCworthy, J. Hur· and because each "car we t'lke iOn' cesslty be almost one hundred per. 11' l s Clore Itrls mias thas J ' we as a mus e rec a n e . some thirty pupils from Weiil cent academic. The time may come S rln A recordln of some of the •. pan! lIerf exceptionally Mines school for Grade VII and eventually When, IS soon is l)lIpils Pt Ill. d g d b d t ,:! by al11he pupils taking another ten or twclve from th.: reach Grade VII or Grade' VIIi ca 0 S was ma e an roo cas I:~ bOlh teachers ami pu· B h S h I f G d IX I I they will' be divided i to t,' lover Radio Station CBN. Both be f0mplimented on the d~~fcult Ctoo~vol~r Un~aqU~1 dl~tr~b: 1groups one 10 pursue an ~cnrlen~l~ Ithese ctvcnthts bealr ubnldenlabklehte;!I. III' d I I' • mony 0 C va ua c war emg lin!. "h,c mus c se O!C· tlon and even o\,ercroii'dilig in cour!e, tho other a course of ~ dill' t . t th A d rile under tile direction "f certain grades One of these grades more or less "ocatlonal .nature. one n liS respec a e ca· ~l!"i"mitc ,Ienninss, while last "ear 1I'3'S Grade IX where: Until then we shall 'have tu CUll' emy •. . part~ wcrr taken care there \\'a8 a sross enrol~ent of: tent ourselves with impartir,~ the Durlllg the past ten. or t~\'cl\'c I llus una Rideont Tit m k I . t '. f'II" II years we havc ben wltne$~1I1g a 1 ~ t, _ ~ a: ! flfty·two. 1'hls pl'esented a formid·· same .~'pe 0 e. Uca nn' to II!I PlI' l erlod of un recedented ros erlt . .. ;1 (Oltum~" cntalltng as lable task for the teacher concern·lplls, irrespective oI their natul'al, Pb I' . Pit k P Pld I~' c: In unbclie' b' . t ' I 1 r ngmg III s wa e a rap n· d I ~ 'l am~un.1 ed. It was encouraging, 110wever"1 nclinatioll and abilities. 'I'he task: crease in popUlation. In educt: In tHOft, lIas the lIorl. in September past to find thnt the or trj'lng to get mBny pupils' tal. . . cl!:lr f~malc membership 01 I· t f t t h qu IIfy for a II el d' honal Circles we have, thercfore, under the supervision of I enlldageltmen 'bol tandl~:

.- .. ' ...... ' THE DAILY II With MAJOR HOOPLE OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE,r , WATERFRONT " , I 1 ADMIT I 00 LEAVE A RING AROUr-lD"liiE · DIRECTORY , eATHTUB SOMr.:TIME5, SECT/OJ ISteamship .Movements \ WHICH IS EAS~' CLEANED WITH A CLOTH-· BtrT WHAT FURNISS WARREN LIN. Halifax Feb. 21. due St. John's HORlVOOD LUMBER CO. VELLS I HEARl so 1'1' . Newfoundhind leaving Halifax Feb. 23,' so1lJing Feb, 25 (Corner M. V. ,Thomas ami Robert hal LIKE ID HAVE A LIT:rLE been successfully refloalcd and TALK WITH 'lOll ABOUT Feb. 14, due St. John's Feb. 16. llrook and New York). . THESE HAMMER AND Salling same day for Liverpool. fort A\'illon leaving New York will eventually have furthrr reo CHI 5E l. .3065 Jt.J /H' , Nova Scolia leaving Liverpool Mar. 8, St. John, N.B" Mar. 10, pail·s. IMKIr-l' DISHE5-- Feb. 11, due St. John's Feb. 17. Halifax Mar. 13, due St. John's CANADA PACKERS LTD. Lea\'lng for Halltax and Boston ~Ilr. 15, sailing again Mar. 19 JI1anvld Is moored up Indefln' J Feb. lB, due Halifax reb. 20 and (Corner Bruok and New York). itel),. / Boston Feb. 23. .Leavlng Boston NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS ,AT DOCK Feb. 24 and Halifax Feb. :!B, due Belle Isle II salling loci a)'. S.S. Glencoe, Dredge P.W.D. SI. John's Mar. 1. Sailing for Liver. Bedford 11 due 51. John's Feb. iOO, an~ Clat·envllle . • ' 2 15, so1lllnll feb. 10. " Northern Ranger under repairs. pool 1I1ar. • Belle Isle I1le~vlnll Halifax reb. JOB BROS. '" CO" LTD • Newfoundland leaving Llvcrpool 17. duc St. John's Feb. 19, salling . Bamerang Is o({shorc' fishin!! . •'cb. 29, due St. John's Mar. 6. Fcb. 21. Blue Haze, Scott, master, ar· '1 Leaving for Halifax and Boslon Bcdrurel 11 leaving Halifax Feb. ril'ed on Thursday, sailing on I Mar. 7, due Halifax Mar. 17, due 21, duc St. John's Jo'cb. 23, sailing Saturday. ,:. st. John's Mar. 19. Salling lor r"tch •. 24. . t NAVAL DOCK, SOUTHSJDE Liverpool Mar. 20. Belle Isle I1lcavlnr. Halifax Fcb. Whaler Olaf of Olsen Is moor Nova Scotia IC3\'lng Liverpool 25, duc' St. John's Fcb. 27, sailing cd up ,for the Vocational pupils Mar. 17. due St. John's Mar. 23. Fcl~~!'RI

pairs to machinery and is now I: moored up for the season. M.V. Carnell 2nd [rom the Lall, rador Is moored up [or the wm­ ter. T. H,\LJ,E'r I.TD. Norma Conrad, Blackmorc, mas Icr, Is walling to go on dock whcn FOR RESULTS dockage Is available. JOB BROS. & CO. LTD. (Southside) Blue Haze, Scott, master, from the Grand Banks fishery wilh a cargo of fresh fish to discharge. After dlsellal·ged will sail 011 'pa;Iro,llun ,{\1uaJuddll 'palUnO\uun 'slll!tuua ~1i1 uo llu11l1s un~q n.ltll Saturda~', Feb),. 11th, again for THAT COUNT s~n11l1S 3111 oS 'wall! 1111.11 op 01 lulI.11 h\OU~1 1,uP1P slnplJJo "llsla"lun the Grand Banks fishery. lJIq 'aUO)! :luoll lO h1!sla.l!uj} illll 01 S,)I\\U;S ".tlnuol1~eaJ" ilSall\ ;)'\B~ LIST OF SAILINGS I Trlnltv North, Geo. B~nnelt, spall alii ,;".11SSaJ~old .. pillal;fJl l!ed n IIIF.I.paacluol pun ;luo)!llUOH master, -from Burin, loaded a full t:] nU11I;) ]0 l1ucg \SIUnwwoJ 0I11l JO lUOlI t:l wOll Igor ul p~hOWilJ general and deck cargo for Buril. ~Ja.\\ ,{alll hll.11 s,lulIJ. 'nulll;) IS!UnwwoJ ul pawlol hlul~lllo OIlU suo\l and sailed for that port Saturday, ;)UOIS ilSilli1 Inll.1I sl "hJuU0!l~call,,-1I1V.L 3111110a mm dO SIVI.L:JIA Feby. 11th. M.V. Bar Haven sailed on Fri· day p.m., Feb),. 10th, for the us· ual south west coast ports. , ?I.V. Blue Peter 2nd, Dyke. . INVEST A POR TION OF YOUR master, salled for Grand Bank at 6 a,m. on Frida)', Feby. lOth. ADVERTISING BUDGET ON GOOD Greeks Accuse

I U. K. Soldiers I JOB PRINTING ,. I . °N~C~~e}~~ u s (Reuters) \ Archbishop . Makados, leader o[ I the Unlon-wlth·Greece movement , ~ LET US SHOW YOU HOW INEXPENSIVE in this British cast Mediterranean I Island colon y, accused British troops Friday of "barbaric meth· ods worthy of Nazi coneentratior camps." He demanded an Imll)c. dlatc Investigation of the death oC GOOD PRINTING CAN BE! , a Greek _ Cypriot student killed . ., . . , during anti·Brltlsh riots in Fam, agusta Tuesday. , The bishop's press statement came after a day of further riot· ! Ing in which 15 youths were ar· L rested and six injured after a . ,(NEA Telephc'ol crowd of screaming slrl teen· STATIONERY nO'IE AFTER ELOPE~lENT-WI11I"m Zeckendorf, Jr., and the former agers led a mob of 1,000 In a I • DODGERS • Gurle Lie, both 26. arc shown In Zeckendorf's mother's home In N~w dcmonstra tion a g a Ins t British York the day afler their marriage In Wlnchcster, Va. The groom I! troops In Llmassol. the Ion of the New York real estate tycoon and ~he bride Is the daught· IIlakarlos charged that the stu­ er or Trygve Lie, former Sceretary General of the United Nations. dent, Patrakls Yalllouris, 18, "was ,LETIER HEA,DS • ENVELOPES killed In cold blood while walldng • along a street by a soldier who ,: OJ,AL I alighted from his patrol car and Furness, Withy & Company Ltd. • shot him dead without any warn­ MAGAZINES In"n' " • MENUS • Liverpool st. John's Boston Halifax st. John'fi : ," tn to Hb. & to to to "In the cvenf of tile facts being . ", St. Jolln's Boston lIallCax St. John's Liverpool provcd as eyewitncsscs told us," , I. "Newfoundland" Feb .. 14 Feb. 16 tile government should punish and 'Nova Scotia" Feb. 18 Feb. 24 Feb, 28 Mar. make an example of those r e • PROGRA,MS • PRICE LISTS "! ' "Newfoundlan!j" Feb. 2A Mar. 7 lItar.13 Mar 17 IIlar. 211 sponsible, he said. 2178 , ,l: "Nova Seotla'" IIlar 17 Mar. 24 JIIar. 30 Apr. 3 Apr. II Fridays rioting In Llmassol be- "Newfoundland" •. pr. 4 Apr.11 Apr. 17 Aor.21 Apr. 24 gan when students at a private Persons eontcmplating passage to Europe, should, make bookinGi high schOol for girls raised the "ell In .dl'anee.· .. ' Greek flag and began shouting • BILL HEADS • INVITATIONS Air Passages arranged by B.O.A.C. - K.L.M. - Scandinavian Air· slog~ns In a protest demonstration ll~~::-pan Americ;.n Airways - T"y.A •. and eonnretln~ ·Alr· over the shootlnl! of Ylailourls. (3 LINES) Consult us regarding ~'our travel problems. 5clzcdA squad the of flaaBrllish despite soldiers a . thenplea FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE iI' . from the school mistress that it • CARDS etc. NE._W_F_O_U_N_D_L_A_N_D_H_O_T_E_L______~ __..:'P.::H:.:::l. .. r: 5623 lVas not against the law to hold a " flag. Tho girls clawed at the sol- I' '. diers and pelled them with stones ::.J~ . , .', . as lhey carried the flag, away • ., i . , !.' . ' IIIWFOUIDLAND! · Dis·cover Bones of EXPRESS FREIGHT SERVICE Early ,Man , HONG' KONG (Reuters)-Human bones dating back to the early 5.5. NORTH 5,5. NORTH stone agc, half a mUllon or more years ago, have been discovered by PIONEER COASTER a, palaeontologlst in a mountain .' caVe In Kwangsi province, south­ ern China, the Communist New China news agency reported Fri­ From From day. HallfalC, N.S. The agency said the bones were Saint John, N.B. discovered by Dr. Pel E Wen S.S. North Coaster ...... Feb. 14 Feb. ,17 Chung, of tlIe Chinese Ae~demy S.S. North Pioneer •••••••• Feb. 7 Feb. 10 of Sciences. Tbey Included part of S.S. North Plontler ••• ,. ,Feb. 21 F~b. 24 the upper jaw and skull of a human S.S. North Coaster ...... Feb. 28 l\Iar. 2 who lived about the same time as the famous "Peking man." .. For freight reservation. . They have been taken to Pclping fOr further study, while excavation contact Ilere . work In the cave continues, the are some SCI aj/eney said. CGillard, K. Bal The "Peklng man," half human crew, ( Special ReJ;lreSllnfclfive and half orang·utan, I~ believed to Printin~! Job 'Department L. rew, tu R • C · haVe lived at least 50,000 years Telepbone 548S !Icn's Bible ela ago-althoughl some authorities say he lived more than half a I mlllion years ago. ., ______~------~------". .... •

... .,- .. ~.-... --.--.-.-... .,------I SECTION. '11 TIle Daily News SECTION II THE DAIL~ NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 13, 1956

.. , . ,: I .I" " • I ' The Cathedral Men ·'s Bible .Class . I . " , .. \

8 S)

~r~.are lomc scenes rrom the histury r the Cathedral ~Ien's Bible Class or 51. John'S", which reccntly observed thc 60th Anniversary of its founding. 'fOP LEFT: The 1050 Executive (Front) D Hayes, E Cornick, Hc\'crend J. Briton, H. Kennedy, G. Thomas: huck ruw. E , .Ulilard, K. Darrett W. Haynes and . Mcrcer. 'fOP CFNTRE: The 180811arbour Mission boat crcw, Standing, lert to right. W. J, Dugden, II. J. Burnell, E. Maidmentj Sitting: George Hall, .1. W. Dcwling, J. H. Taylor, F. White; Front: C. Godden. TOP LEn: Tht (reII'. Captain G. Brown, J. Tulk. W. Caines nnd .E. Caines. CEN1'RE RIGHT: The 1909 Boat Crew, Standing ,L. to H.: Fred Reid. Waller Gosse and Angus Cranci sitting L to R.: Captain Harvey 'fa),lor, Revcrend James Bell and George Laite. CENTflE LEFT: 1'ho II . L. til n.: Captain J. Billard, G. Crussman, Revcrend J. 1Irinton, chairman, '1'. Crossman and F. Hynes. CENTRE INSET: The l!1.1B Boat Crew, L. to R.: R. Tipple, G, Thomas, G. ChanceY,and Captain E. Caines. nOTTO~1 PICTURE shows thc membership o! the

en 5 Bible Class or 1911. f' •

\ THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 10 '.:-~ ." ~~tO~:~~;t~~~ ~~\1~r~~!A' Retib~t From Inside Red Ch' .. Grand' Bank News gist was astonlshael to discover . , GRAND BANK, Jan. 31 - The Friday evening the members have two pairs of bee eate~s, a bird D~ooplnll linea .may be becom- .11 winter Is slipping away fast, and becn, holding weekly card" parties, which normally nests In Soutl1. lng' on a willow tree, but they ,Editor's 'nole: 'Lois IIlitchlson, apart from the cold ,snap and which are quite popular. The pro· ern Europe, nesting In a Sussex won't do for women. . a HrJIIsh iuiwsiiaper writer, lias keavy inowfill experienced around ceeds from auch social events are sand pit. Bee caters had, trleil If some mature women would been touring Conllnlllilst,China Christmas It Is another mild one. used to reduce tho debt owed on to nest In Britain once before giVe themselves a good, unrehear· on' a tempo,rary: vlil;i;~ Tlljs ,diS. Actually, the weather has been ex- the building. . ' but that was In Edinburgh I~ 1930 ,sed, searching look In a mirror patch;wrlltim for IThe"Assoclilted ceptionally mild and has been A. W, A. and Ule ilttempt was ended by ~ they's see what thh moans. . Press:w,as inaUed,til' lIong Kong. quite good for fishing operations. The ,Indies of the Anglican ent which ate one of hem. James . . . 'By. LOIS ~,rfCIIISON' The draggers Blue Wavc, Blue Women 8 ASSOCiation, or St. AI- Ferguson.Lees, associate, editor Some \V0lT!im stand and wa~k as PEiPII'iG, (AP):"'The old foreign • :\lIst II and Joyce and Doreen arc bftn's Church held a soup &upper, of "British Birds" was ,told. and though they d b~en left out In a legation quarter of ,this Communist :nt'oG~ nolV landing regularly at the Bona- sale of work and entertainment In went to the place at once, erosely hurricane. ,They carry too.large .capltoil-oncc . capital .of the '.' Chi· . '. " \'isla Cold Storage Cpo Ltd. plant. the ,basement of the ,Church on followed during the day by twen' handbags on the end of long han- 'nese' inplre";;'still, is foreign, . Since the new year good trips have Tuesday evening, JanuarY.24. The ty other'eager bird watchers, JI dIes ,an~ their. entire postures Its streetSlar~lIncd with West· been, landed by the ships and event was attended by a large was obundantly clear to him that. dL'oop down to this massive weight. ern· st)·le,.:,glnss - windows shops. Seas con~tanl emplo)'ment Is being pro- number o! people and was quite the bee caters would stand. little Their shoulders slope as lhough Fprelgn cars, wit hdiplomntie Ii­ ., \.tded far one hundred and twenty successful. challcc of. hatching their eggs 111 lhey were under the weight 01 acen~~ pla,to~ ..· and Dmbossadllr's per60ns~ During the pasl Week al. Latcr In the c\'cnlng a dance the presence' of arml,cs of spec· I perpetual load of groceries. .'fiags cO.me and· go through gates: most hall a million poullds of fish was held in the Theatre, Music tators Dnd he at once secured the I Their 10rsos collapse like wel In the hIgh walls surrounding their I were landed' which kept the plant was pro\'idcd by Charlie Walters help of the Itoyal Society for the 11Ioper sacks. '. aid houses. , ,i busy. . and the CI'owlc~' boys and a \'cry ProtecUolI of Birds. to kcep sight. , . B~t the American and British 'l'he 'coastal steamer Bar Ba"fn en,loyable e\'ening was spent by, seer~ under control. The nSPB,j In som~ cases, the effccl Is com· tourIsts and the cceenlric foreign , caused lome damage to the public those present.· The spot dance recruited a .tcam of dcvotl'd' plcle~ \\'llh a hem Ulat's tailing residents ,:with 'private Incomes ; wharf here last week. The steamer prize was \\'onh~' Miss L. Rose nnd \I'ntchers, who munned a lookout lout or' a conI tbat ban~s down ha~e" been:' replaced by Russian 1 rainmed Into the woodwork whcn MI'. WllIlnm Crowle)·, whilst the post nr.ar tbe nests through 'all further In the front Ulan In back technlchills, and tile;r wives, leaving, the harbour when the Cap. same young bdy with her pArtner the haul'S of dnyllght and llIade hecause 01 the stooped postUI·C. . TIll!' Pclplng .Club;; which admit., \ tain was obliged to alter his course won the elimination dance. ~lr. Cull ,use of the opportunity 10 On sLlspect S th I sam of these led no Chinese members ~efore the I 10 ,,'old ~trlklng R smaller craft Chal'les Grant held the luck>'. study Ihe .behavlour of those some~1 haven't ioo~ed at ea fl'lend's wat·, now Is the Internattonal Club: TilE cn'\~E IS ON-The Norwc~ia~ 1Il0tor lorpedo boat Hai is, sh~wn in hot pursuit of ,I entering the harbour. The steam- ticket on the door prize. rare and very IOl'ely birds,. whllsl face In year!, only Uldriml of her and frequented .mosL!~' by dip. \ trawler (rlght). the 15th Soviet flshmg boat to be caught poachmg m Norwa)"s :etTitorird l er's bow struck the wharf and tore Proceeds of the evening amount- nlso keeping a very strict eye on coat lomats of Commum~t govcrn·, Red caplains said tbey didn't know they were in Norwegian waters 'fh~ h' , through. section of the planking. ed to $325.00, which will be uscd \'Isltors to see that the blt·ds. . I ments' . .; Aalesund, along with a depot ship. and legal action hr.; been started IPl Ire h!ml 1 l a~ainsL th~ I' Damage! were estimated at about for Church purposes. were not unduly disturbed. With I Short or taU, 'R mature woman I . The egatlOns and embaSSIes, tou., _ m, five hundred dollars which are be- VICTORIA LODGE a,few exceptions all the thuusand who's Interes~d In living should I have ul\dm'gone sume changes. Ilive In Peiping. A conl'ent oC nuns I Vodka is obtainable in the new fume or th ! ing repaired by the Public Works INSTALLATION odd vlsltors-one hundred and pick hersaiI up and look at life NOW GUEST 1I0US!':. -British, uSwiss, Canadian. and i government - owned departmenl torn wrappe;s a employees. The Installation of the Worship- forty arrived on a fine Sunday- In the face. The old U.S. embassy IS head· French-runs a school for children store on the main shoppin~ street in USA" dnQ, . The scow which went adrlit last ful Master and his officers of Vic. behaved admirably. . quarters of ~he Pelping branch of of diplomats. the one that used to "~ caUed equiv~l~nt 0/n4 pnc~ Decembfr whilst beIng towed from tori a Masonic Lodge AF nnd AM The story of the. bee eaters' HALIFAX (CP) - S. Pearley the Commumst party. The French Social life among foreigners J\lorrison street and now Is Wang \' Most of I $ ,0 I tlit. here to St. John's by the MV Philip at Fortune took place at high noon succc~sful colonisation of Brllain GrImm, 81, SlIeclai agent and chlH embassy Is an offiCial guest house split into Communist ahd non-Com· Palace street its name in the days China an t~ ~lDck II E. Lake. has been finally sunk. Friday, January 27. A large n~m- . was first fully tQld In n BBC pro- of Canadian National Railways for such distinguished visitors as m~nfst gro~ps Is a bit ~tiff. At Iof the empir~. I made' soar. f~! IS The craft, which received some ber of members and visiting gramme by James Ferguson.Lees pollee here, died In hospital h~re Prime Minls,ter Nehru of India. offlCtal pa~ties Western dIplomats This store, opened las! Octiber,l cents a ca~e fame and prominence through the brethren were present at the Kate Barham, one of the watch, ,Friday. He had been secretary. The uIlelg13n embassy has bel.'fll wear evenlOg clothes. The Chinese also displays Swiss watches, Gel' I The luxur: Qenlrl~,,, radio and press during Its drift. ancient Masonic ceremony. ers, anel Philip Brown and Peter lreasuror ,01 t)le Maritime Chief leased!o Burma. The German elll· always arc In identical, high maJl cameras, French perfumes, \ portrait_ 01) Ings was sent to the bottom by Past Master C. E. Bennett was Conder of the R.S.P.B. As bee Constables Association for the bassy IS occupied by East Ger· necked, navy blue, woollen suits English bicycles and American Communist leadtrs Geolfrion s~nt Montre, gunfire from a naval weather ship the Installing Master with Past eaters noramlly breed in warm lIut five years. mans and the Austrian embassy .except for a fell' women such soap - all terrifically expensive I and embroi I d 1.0 first perIod lead, L se,'en hundred miles off the coast. Master Aubrey P. Lake Director of countries It wasa fluke thnt three now is that of the Hungarian as !IIrs. Kung Peng of the bureau' The cheapest Swiss watCh on dis- with desions' ~;t made a runaway o! t, We are glad that its troubles are Ceremonies. The following officers pairs decided to make their nests, people's r,epubllc. . of euilltre and. informati~n. She i play is about 10 times its price suitable slogans peace , four goals in the mldcl o\'er, as to most of us the dally were Installed: long tunnels which culminate In cadets trained with him had The Brltlsh embassy contlDues wcars the stralght·cut, slde·split I In Hong Kong, The stor has' I tllen adding two blow-b~'-blow accounts of the move- W.:lI.-Bro. Scott E. Bradley. n hollowed out chamber, In a flown plll!on-engined aeroplanes at the same old stnnd-even ~hlnesc dress nnd ~eavy stock· j . The prices make foreigners be.! the Russia~s. a ments of this craft were boring and J.W.-Bro; Jobn M. King. Sussex sand pit The first nest but all this new generation of though with depleted personnel lOgs. For most Chmese women I heve the Imported guods are more I include women"', 'oon ..... ridiculous, and receh.ed more at- J.W.-Bro. John E. Ellard. was destroyed by a sDIIII.cutting alr~en seemed to prefer jels, Charge d'AffaIres Conn O'Neill: o.ffieials "bl~ck tic" on tn invita-! Corn sholl' tha~ for sale, and, earthenware m~.1 tention tbrough the news media Secretary-Bro. Tobias llntthews machine In July, for 110 one thel! preference bolng 1I0t SO I)eads the small staff. ,They nu Ilton card e\'ldentiy means woollen : Int~nded to convmce oUlslders that I The RUI,ian ~o~~ than 1I\'e ships and men. It all Treasurer-Bro. Cccll B. Lalcc. Imew that the birds were in the much for the extra speed for the I longer ha\'e U~e old legall?~ gUa:d\1 t.ro~sers.. " C~ma IInder the Reds has cvery ~ - nel'er the Chiw' ~ues to show how ~Irallge and S.D.-Bro. B),rnn Burse~·. JlI1, hilI lhe other two pAirs handling, which they eonsldercdof British s,oldlCrs. The Brlllsh mil- VODKA AI'iD :U,\RTlNIS thmg Ihe West has. 1I buyers in Ihe fur ·1 ,'aried is the public taste for news .1.D.-Bro. Reginnhl A~'er3. hruught of[ fOllr mid three young far superior, Walking across the I Ita:y bul\d~ngs now. belong to the The W~~terncrs take ;hampa~ne: There clearly is not much cle. coat, and jackets and gossip. J.G.-Bro. Ben,lamin Luke, IreS(1Ccll\'CIY. 'rhe nestlings elld tarDlac from his aircraft mUSI/ ~hmese IOmistry of pubUc sec\l1··. or, marhms. Eastern comm~msts, mand for the Raleigh bicycles! beaver al1ll fe. and Fisherir~ officials ha\'e heen r~. Tyler-BrIt. Rubert 'l'hornhlll, tint Il'u,'c their hOllies In the I soem unbearably slow to Pilot It)'. ' , ! sitek 10 vodka and the Clunese: from England. the Zeiss cameras! all are In rx ' rrntiy on the Burin Peninsnla look. The annual Inslallalilln Banquel sallcl~' 11I1II1el lin til tlwy wcre i Offlccl' ~~ter::. __. _____ . ~ _~~I.I~be~ .. or._\V~~I~~~el:~~.~~~~~()r-'.~'arm-~::.n~clIelc:_ from Germany. the French per· I West. ' penlltl ronkie beca I! ing o,'cr Ihe possible ~It~s for was held In the Lower Room of full\l feathered nnd In Induce ---- - ... ------.... ,.-.------.-.. - .. -.- -.------Ranger to score 20 gO! nwine dncks' for onr ~hipping re·llhe Masonic I1nll at 6 p.m. when a Ihcln to malIC their Ilrst flight 0 . 'r~, I Iluircments. We understanci that I hot lI'as ser\'ed. Later ill their pal'cnls. and other hee cat. ;"in mOI'e,1 Ihe Ran:: ~UppCI' n I y u d' e b k b· ' ; ""'all (l[ tllc sec') ~Ir~n~ r.onsldrration is b~ing given Ihe el'ening an entcrlainment and, crs in he arcn, whccled about St. a e r rl,n 9 s yoU In hR,·ing the docle al Durin put dance \\'a~ t'njo~'eel. ~hl~ic for the i outside the ne.t calling contino lI'ing;; wh(} ha"c bark in operation. This if; welcome dance \\'as prol'ided hy Sam White 1 1I0usly until, with n rush, Ihe nrll'S anri local intrrcsts support it, and his nrchr>trn. l"c\\'b"[)Ylnll bird elllel·ged with a I J ~,"icki n"t lh~ Ran~' ,::-~ of Ih~ nl'~t !'cr' ~l1d Irel that 5uch facllitics are: LlOXS CLUII sudden ilash of blue'IlI'CCII, chest· I' r;-kerl "'\ Ihe Illl"" "ital to 0111' maritime ,life. lIow· , At thc Inst reglll3r meeting 01, nllt and yelluw. . rl'cr, one dOl'k at Burin Is not the Granel Bank·Fortune Lions I The IJee r.atcr~', hrilliant plul\1' t"e Del.nit ~nol " el.lOugh to look aftel' the whole Club thc guest spcal.c!r was Liun age Is ulIl!1.e Ihat of 'any lither' I"rr.tl~h lho Red W, south coast. Smaller docks. capable jlax ~Iatthe\l's. \Ie sllOkc on an British bird, their gliding, sweep 11m" JI~','~11 anti G or 'handling ships of 111'0 or three rducatlonal tuplc entitled "What's ing flight Is distincti\'e and their "ere credited lI'ith hundrcd tons, should be establish· I\Tong with , Euucation in New· me!odous whistling caU Is ulIl· tied it np in eel at either here, or Fortune, or fo,mdland." que. Despite all these ob\'lous ,rilell hn ni"kecl IIIl Barbour Breton, to pro,·lde the 1:1 his remarks the spcaker ex· differences the birds were ill necessary servIces required by presled the opinion that the ma'or- Britain for SaDIe months before 1-\\' ht In'i~c Detroit ! 'k,lcd strai~ht [or Ilnr local shipping engaged In coasting lIy o[ our present dny school teach· they were discovered In eal'!y on'lie C;umn W, and fishing operations. At present ers arc below standard and con· August: Owing to the rigol'ous ,I"on'cl tl,c shat bell", such docklng services have to be sequenlly the standard of edllco· protection they rccelved aU .. ' r. ••. H • ~""c assi,ted obtained at either St. Pierre or tlon Is hlwered. He also condemned thirteen, six adults and seven juv­ North orten at great In- the present system 9f examinations eniles, survived and were last G,\I:; J'OI:>'"T Sydne~', (CP)-Chica~o HI convenience and loss of time. and the lack of vocational subjecls seen In late September flying and the Toronlo )1;. CANADIAN LEGION In the curriculum. The speaker east In a tight flock. If they re- I' Ihe [ourth·place ba j" At Its regular meeting held last said that In communl1les such as turn next year the n.S.p.B. ai­ Hocke'· Lea!!uc I week the local hranchof the C~na-our own schools should l:e amal· ready has plans for protecting scramble by pi! dian Legion held its Installation of gamated and there is a greL: need them effectively but even If they li~htcr oWcers for the present year. Com· for Regional illgh Schools. do come back It Is .Improbable 1-1 He at the stadil ni~ht. rade Roy Spencer of the Fortune other gllcsts at the meeting thnt they will breed so successfUl· the Leafs boosted tl branch attended and conducted the were He\'. Dr. J. L. Rc)'nolds, lIr,A., Iy aagln, for bee eaters nre'birtls , ' mnrghi over B05tOlI in~tallatlon. The following officers MI". Chesley Boyce of Jersey liar- of the sun nnd It is seldom that Boston lost 7·1 , ' were In\'ested: bour. !IIr. P; J .. Gardiner, England, Brilain enjoys such an exception· Leafs sliU lead II I' President-Comrade curtis For· and Mr. Frazcr Oaklc)" Grand ~lly warm summer as that of Black Hawks' se)'. Bank. , 1955. Vice Pres.-Comrade Lawrence The telephone ell rectory for Ilie opened the scorin)! Jones. Burin Penlnsuln Is now In the final U de· minutes of the ( Secrctary Treasurer - Comrade stages oC' completion and It Is ex· p an OIDlll (1b Harr\' Wa tson too! ='iewton Blagdon. peeted that they will be ready for behind- the l.eafs' ;~ Chaplain _ Comrade Raymond dlslrlbution. In late Februar~·. At Pilot Officer Richard Fustel', Red Sul1i\'an : Stoodle)'. a meeting of representatives of the who comes from South Africa, ovcr the head I' Sergeant-at-Arms - Com r a d e Clubs of Burin, St. Lawrence and Is the first airman in the British Toronto's roc i John B. Anstey. Grand Bank-Fortune held at Garn. Commonwealth or the United . , On 51. Andrew's Nighl,' tbe Ish last ~'eek a central committee Slalcs, and Jlosslbly In the, world, lead held unlii Legion held a soup' supper and was set up to look aCter this pro:' to complete all his trainmg, in- final period II' card party in the Club Rooms jee! cludlng solo flights, entircly in Benm· Woit silt which was quite successful. Every' jet aircraft.' So up.to·dale Is Pilot Offlcer Foster that he has THE STUD.SAKE .. PRESIDINT CLAsstC­ , Earl -Ballour g; from a scramblc lIevcr piloted such a demode rna­ /ongesl 6er/clI in iI. field (J;!OH' I"M,lba6e) , mo'l PO/fer/"I. til) 116.,11 " chine as a propellor-drlven plane. tlIe Chicago cage HERE'S YOUR BEST BUY past goalie Al Rol1in~ " Talking to the BBC's .AIr Cor­ STAXDISGS respondent, Ivor Jones, as he sat In tho cockpit of his jet 'thb CASADIAN PRES . \ , .: IN FARM FENCE- WLTFA' .. ": young man, whD is In at the be' , ,I 34 12 10 162 98 ginning of a new stage In the his­ Here's how to prove it: 26 18 9 157 138 '\., th. quality you want in the style you prefer I tory of aviation, said that It. took I 22 18 14 139 lOS i him eight and a quarter hours 18 28 10 122 145 flying tim/l to learn to go Bolo, 16 27 12 111 155 " :'" plus some Instruction on the I. SI.p rllhl In ••• and see why there's so much talk i ; FOR CATILE . 6 29 11 126 172 ; "' ground, and that he had never about Studebaker's cra{tfJmanship witli II flair! yet felt nervous In an aircraft, lnaide, a decorator's dream in rich, color-keyed, BLANK RANGERS even though the jet whleh he (CP)-Toronto M ., learned to fly was capable of vinyl-fabric combinations. And when you start " STELOCK " -the magic of Studebaker's Take-olf Torq ue! on a scorin" ra . \ more than three hundred miles night to whip . per hour. Some of the other . . 5·0 before 1: ' . PERSONAl! , their grasr THE NON-SLIP KNOT shown here Mi' .. George Rose is at present . In the National Ho; 1crmJ a ~ecure joint between Slay spending a holiday with his. par· wirel and line wires, ensuring a Ir,Ying to outlast a rigid, sturdy installation with ents, Mr. and Mrs. ,James Rose. . dl IN Mr. Clayton Smith Is 111 town on 2. Try the rldel AU roads seem botb bt an el1 till. dnve by BoslonBI p~rmanenlly neat appearance and BlaCk Hawks fOI corr~t Ipaclnl. Tension curves In .a business visit. Studebaker's Miracle Ride! You have.the I~"111 ; tht line wIres keep the fence laut Commercial travellers recently safest, road-hugging center of grant)' 0 • • Cup pla)'off b, '1 in all seasons. Heavy zinc gal­ In town were Messrs. Bray, Chis· Canadian sedan •.• pl\19 precision-balanced I~ vutlzlnl prevents rust and pro--, leU, Thistle, Ridgley and Wiseman •. ing. with 300 robber cushions between you lon,s life. ~Ir. Joseph Randell of the De­ ,the ~hocks of the rond! partment of Fisheries was in tOlYn last week. 1 ." FOIt HOGS, POULTRY and Mr. Fred Goode of the Depart, ment of Pllblic Works Is In town C,•• AII •• II 4·0 •• 11 IIDAN GENERAL P,URPOSES" on business • .; 'i Mr. Leo Levine of Boston hiS . ".f." be~n In town on a busIness trip • ", .~ "iDURALOK" Congratulations to Mr. and ·Mrs. a, 1;11 • .,,, ,.ur ",I I!fld you'U tliscover the John S. Warren who celebrated ,ea., . ;. their 52nd wedding anniversary bappy l'I\ir.cle flr Studebaker's famed economy . ellcm- , which eriabled Studebaker to win THJ: II TEL C 0 "DUl'IALOK" lut week. rin hil's JOINT isaures • rilid yet flexible Mr. Chesley Boyce of Jersey l\eVellteen "firsts" in Mobilgas'Economy Runs! fence which will live under pre­ ,Harbour was In town last week. , Mr .. Thollias Buffett Is . home aure, but return to normal when I 4, T.... y"" .".1 .. , 5ineen,brimant models in five tfJe JlrllS~re Is removed. Tension from Boston on I Ihort vacation. IlQ'lIlplete _\eli .... Presidents. CO!pJJlanders; Cham­ eurvtl in the' line wire. pennlt SHIPPING' , ~tIIiII eorreet .tretchin. of the fence Drallger Bille MIlt mlvld frllm pioua, StatJQP WIIQDS and fahuJo\19 Studebaker over uneven' 11'0und er level the banks with 26f1,OOO Ibs. of fish: Hlwklf (firat fl1ll IiPe .,C family sports cars) ••• Just tell your Studebaker Dealer when you'd like. to ~,., ~l ~ a dell)onstration model to your door. No IIblilatlo~, ' • Jl'C)und, and absorb ansona! ex· MV ,Pauline C. Wlnter~ arrIved' ProdlJcUioff!:lt1Jde"'~l!r.Packard flfCanada, Limited pan_ION and, contractlon.. . from North.,Sydney with a carlO ••• WIstnl priIle 0' wor~anship "ill clnn~ first! of" ..,trf'" , . of coal. ,: Tun_ In "TV ft ••lle,'. DI.' .. Dragger Bluc'Wave arrived from STflCO. SUPPLIES. ALL YOUR." FENCING NEEDS. the banks with 220,000 lbs. of fish. IIIV Merllyn Clnlr Is loading sail- THE BIG NEW CHOICE IN THE LOW Gates, T-Rall Posts; POIit Drivers: End, 'Gate, and Cor~er built fish for Halifax.' . PRICE FIELDI IIIV Point '~Ia)' was In 'port 'last Posts: Welded Fabric: Snow Fence: Chain Link Fabric: week. Studebaker"ude_.ke.-P.cka.1I ., a .. a, t..lmlled-WHI!RII PIIID!! Of' WORKMANSHIP COMIIS FIRSTI Lawn Fence: aarbcd Wire Bnci Fence Stapl!!!. MV }'rerla M. sailed! reiI" Bay c •• !!!h!:: I.'Argent and Norlh Sydney. See your dealer or conlacl- Drugger .Joyce and Doreon lund­ cd 60,000 Ibs. rose£isit last· week. ~IV Mnronlllta was In port .last ADELAIDE MOTORS, LIMITED week ' .. J. C. Pratt' &, \Co.' Limited . (. Dl'agg'er Mercedes was In port NEW GOWER AT ADELAIDE ST. 335 DUCKWORTH ST. P,O. BOX 866 ST. JOHN'S recently.

, . 11 13, 1956 Peppers Trip City· 43·38 In March -Of Di mes Hoop: ': . , . JOHN GALWAY TOPS MARKSMEN I', : . WITH TWENTY POINTS St. Pat~ Sweep City basketball all·stars snapped Power had 4, Jim MacDonald 3, Third Strai O'ht out of their letbargy a little too Frank Fardy 2, Bob Ploughman, e. Gains Weekend Points In I latc last night IS time ran out 2 d R b· h I J nto on their come.from.behlnd effort an 0 m Sort 1 point. n un' 0 H ' to overtake the Peppers and avert LINEUPS WITH POINTS I r oop . a 43.38 defeat in the annual March PEPPERS-Hooper 9, ~eft 8, St. Pat's rolled to their third Season Dash For Playoffs of Dimes ~enefit, game at Buck. ~::r~a~ ~he~~te~le B:;to~n~de~.~, straight victory in the High Schoul master's Field Drlll Hall. k Eld . ' . ,I • Basketball League junior dlvl!lon stopped nan'gers cold. They pro· \ 3·2 Saturday nighl to remain It is expected that when final amp, sen, Smith, Redburg. yesterday by topping Holy Crn!" I'idcd a Ught defence 10 help goal. within hailing distance of aNa. ticket receipts are in the game may ST. JOHN'S-Galway 20, Butler 18·13 at the Crusader gymnasium- tender Ed· Chadwick record his tional Hoc key League pla)'oU provide $300. for the March of 6, Pfwer 4, MacDonald 3, Fardy Patricians led 8-5 after the first firsl NHL shutout. I berth. . Dimes against PoUomyelitis. ~ Ph oughman .2, Short 1, Wight. quarter, 12-9 at the half and 16-11 Chadwick, a 22·year·old native of Bruins struck for their three Despite the defeat it was the us ue, Pard), ~rown~. at the end of the third quarter. Toronto who took over for the In· goals before the 1S·minute mark of best performance an all.star team Refere~s-Charlie Riddle and Gordon Goobie and Bill O'Neil·I to jured Harry Lumley, wasn't sen· the openIng period earn their had made against the best from Mel Justice. spark· ed the PatriCians with fOllr satlonal. He didn't have to be. seventh victory in 12 games. In Rangers, who rarely look as weak that stretch they tied three and Pepperrell's league. City was de. points apiece. T, Angel added 3 finitely the belter of the two Guard P to B. Marshall 3, J. Hickey and D: as they did Saturday nIght, got lost two. squads in the last ten minutes as I S rac ICe . Phelan 2 points apiece for. the dr'iH for aNa' onh· 12 shots at him. Labine scored Bruins' first two they hacked away at a twelve Green and Gold. LrJ"lIl' playofi spot The scoring was shared by Tod goals with assl ts going to Mc· point Peppers lead. Guards senior hockey team WIll of the Holy Cross' · ; w~ sunday nighl, Sloan, George Armstrong, Rudy Kenney and Chevrefils. Chevre£lls, I ~[ost scoj.I~;i . Peppers. led .16.12 after a d~1I1 hold a practice tonight at . the was done by J. French and .1. , ,~,~~r:1 l'I'(I" d of 13,909 1 ~lIgay. Dick Duff and Brian Cullen who has scored eight goals since : ' ,t"f, rdrn BOSTON lAP) - Boston Bnllns, he rejolncd his linesmen after a ... , first half m which both te~ms fall· Stadium at 6.00. A full attendanc~ IShap~er. Fre~ch had 7 and Sho/l!r I ed to hit agamst the of players is requested 5 pomts while P. Cleary had I' ,a :lll . the Irngue's' paced by the reunited Real Chcv· stint with Detroit, accounted for consis~ent1y ,1". srl.l;:io"d and: rcfils· Don McKenney· the third goal, assistcd by ?ticKen zone defence. City managed only . pOint. •. i' curr~' ! ,;:::.~' 1l,,"IlI) Geoffrion: line, defeated Detroit Rcd Wings I ney oOnd . OPENS CURLING CLUB-Saturday, February 4th., three field goals from the outside D in the first half and rarely snared the Grand Falls new curling club was formally open- a rebound. Pepperrell was a little esp I-te Ch I-II W-. Insd ·1 . ed by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, Sir better, hitting the first long 1 ' ,: r'·'i' :;i~::~l;:; thi'b;:~:;: Bantam Hockey-League shot at the 5.00 mark and manag· M h ' . t \' Leonard C, Outerbridge. His Honour, who is a keen k,; . ~,~:!:~: f,1r thr fom th , '. I: •. curler, is throwing the first stone to open the new ing ,five in ·the first twenty anc est W·' 2 0 mi~~~~y John Galway brought city' er Ins -. ~~H\J~\:~~,'ff\\:;:\~~;ltha~; Resum' es Play Tuesday rink. off the floor, in the second half, LONDON (CP )-ChiIJ winds and becau ' ., ' \\~\~:;" ~:I:~;;. f~~~,~~sk~r. i . as he potted seventeen' of his; snow kept thousands of fans away 'I YOU~a;'~Tfrg~A~nd snow. . . 's game high of-twerity points. Gal.: from soccer games Saturda but I .' KEEPER· . ' i <'l1t ~Iontreal: Thc next games in thc Bantam Ian Clouston, Michael Donavan, Pat way', la~ups were ~vell aimed and! the bitter weather didn't boUI~r the' dS! Ih!~dllt.c~ln the Fi~st.·:Dr: f,;,1 r"ri"d iead, thc; League will take piace at the Graham ~uffelt, John Dalton, An· Bishop F'eild, st. he cushlD~ed his total by catching I you,thful ,Manchestcr Unitcd club I Cl's o~'h~ d ~ Ie ampton -,\ an~cr, -::;~c :\ runaway of the' Stadium on Tuesday, February gus English, JohnG~vor, Graham :,1;,1. io Ihe middhi 14th, at 4,30 p.m., when the Holihan, Derrick Vmcent, • C II H· h G ' f~st breaki~g passes on the rig~t whIch streng~hened its position: Dean 16 e bated Bolton ~.2 .• ~o~ i,;; Mapl~ Jame~ Side of the ·key to score two of hiS ,a:op the English Leaguc First Di·' "oalk'eep~ ,ccamci Ul~ )oun~e~1 · I~~n :\dding two in Leafs go agaInst the Eskimos. At Tucker, Alan Snelgrove, Francis niccst baskets, ,,_' VISIOn. . '''D· " ,r e\cr to p ay In the First. 5,00 p,m. the Bruins go ar"inst Stapleton, WIn 0 ege, Ig ame$ .1 b II h d '. D . h b lI'ISlOn when he mad hi d 0'" the Capitols and at 5,30 p.m. II ESKIMOS-David Bare!oot, John CI y's, a an ling and passmg eSPlle tea sence of threr. key i with Bolto esc. II, t ak e a 2·1 I cad, But the Shamrocks was not up ,to .standard though the players on army duties, Unitcd I n. . '.". " will be Rangers \'5. Stampeders. Bennctt, Bernard Bennctt, Frank St. Pat's 1I'0n a replay of a previous tie by dropping 1St. Ter, counted, a .5.1 final period advant- ol.erall performance ivas a credit· won 2·0 at Luton, tl'eating 20,000 i '.• , . '.,J :0"1 enabled Here are the lists of players (or Brocon, Ian Campbell, Jerome age til gain the undisputed vic· able one ·for ,'recently picked fans to sharp.shooting soccer on· , ' ' i' . ; ~ln:~r, I" li~hlen their thc teams: Dinn, Thomas Dunphy, Terry esa's 6-3 and Bishop Feild closed I out the regular schedule with" tory. team. The' Capitals;' lost many the frozcn ground; i Ur' . Cl' .. 1.'. 'rr"r,. ~. ,ti.';::n: \lelrait Red ·erllne, Mlchacl Dohcne)·, BaSil Lawlor, Albert Browne, Brandon Wales In High Sehool and Intet" I .. . collegiate hockey at the Stadiuni the Green and Gold found the pm repeatedly. and. ~\'oul~ have., second.plac,c Blackpool \l'hich lost: n SelllOr Hocke . " Delahuntry, AndreII' English, Da\'ld Buckingham, Sianley Caines, Der· range in the: third period after faced a.greater defiCit but· for II.~ at Cardiff on a second·half goal' . . y, . ~'Tr.""1 r""kic hecall1~ Furlong, Tolmis GUShllC, E~rl ick Johnston. on Saturday night, rapplng.a series of Imd luck shots inept.shooting by,Peppers:. . by ,~entre forward Trel'or Ford. i -- ' .....' · ,,;C:C:' 20 Left winger ·Doug Squires of I" 'c:or~ ;:oals Howcll, Michael James, Gera,l~ BHUINS - Jas. CunnlnRham, off th,e goalposts in the second. "Hoop" 'Hooper' and" pon . Hell, CLOSE TO TITLE i One o( the most eagerly antlcr: .. IKis~, Gerald LewIs, John F. Mllr· Thomas Caines, William Casey, Feild was' the star" of the night as he sparked 'rookie bolstered Green s . goals c~mc. aCter Tom were best marksmen for' Peppers, .With onl' 12 "~1I1 f· 'pated games of the' scnior. )jockey' '.~ "",,,r't Ihr nan~crs ph~', 8 Flower Hill: Gordon Nose· Samuel D)'ke, George Earl, Jas. a and'Harry -Lacey had lied Hooper worked a pretty hook with ;chcdu"lc fcason takes place tonight at: till, ., -'.,,',1 "f Ihe ~rc~n'I., 1I'0rthy, Thomas Lefcllrerc, Errol Finn, Thomas Grace, Claude Lake, Twin Blues squad with four goals Hhic~ey' ~2'.match el~1 IC'I'~llmt t1k~el t e •seore r 2".2.'. . th e Sl·d earm . shi' 0 ·ro II'mg a ff III" . snmethmg, close. to ,disaster I to keea c:!. St' ar j'IUm II 'h en thc up and, comm~''. . :~' \\n" \\h,' hat'r 8; lIolI'c. Pall I Morris, Shamus O'Regan, in the last scheduled ga'me of the I ST MtI'EDEIlS-Daviil Gourrcll, Rodgrr Pope, Edward Rice, Angus Intercolleglatc" series. Squires' out· LI,tt1e Tom Russlter" ri,e!encema~. right palm .lor .sniar~ .b~skets.Don '~Iahchester from the 'First Di/: open team Unicorns meet unbeaten :. ,\ ",,: I"." nan~~r~: Charles Sumll1er~, Fra7.er Rowe, Barrett, John Butler, William Ken· put puts him in a good spot for the forl\ard ~f SI. ,Teresa s played hIS Heft hred:'most of his eight point.; I si'on title. It has 10 puints fro ;0 51. Bon·s. . scoring award with onc'more game usual s~eat ,game for the west· fr?m outSide the center of the key I'games. . 111 :. ., . • • ' · , ,~ ,r :hn (lI"t I1crINI, Fred Parrutt. Caneron Hopkins, dull nohcrt Le~lessurier. enders, settmg' up the forward' 11'I,th two. handed set shots thal, . Inside furward Dmni' Violl t fhc U,IIICUI ns arc 2·1 on SCaSO!I' ,_ '.,,' "., Ihr Pll n ', in: Cerci! ~lcGottig~n, Francis Nixon, CAPITOLS - Douglas Cook, left. Next Saturday Feild meets st. Bon's for Individual records plays; making some scoring rushes swished rieally.· Hoopcr led 'the ' seon!d a "oal in thc first \alf f~ .IJlay \l'hlle SI. Bon's. defending, ''', I'~'."II ~MI ~nrJ; Ilruee O'Neil, Rohert POWCI', John Ilalph Critch, Gerald Cullen. Pal· andsettlilig dOlvn the defence. His Peppers with' 9 point!. while usu. :'thc lea"u~.leadcrs and althuu"~: ehal,nps,. arc 3;0 in scco)1d plac~' washed out in R previous game. ... ,.' I"" n~'1 WIl1~ i noehe. Hobcrt noberts, Bernard rick Dutton, Patrick Dobbin, Henry St: Tercsa's a' 2.1 first ally high" scoring Larry Halllidh Luton had marc of th'e gamc in: !·clld wlt,h a,4.()-rec.ord. Vk·' Clyde Green proved goa!,g~v.e bch~nd :"-,, II'''' 011 all~l Gu)' i Scm·ncll, nichal'd Trask. Thomas i Edstrom, William Follett, William after Tom Mason lanky Pepperrell centre, was held· the.second half, insidc 101 SI. Bans gll'C t~e big gun for· St. Pat's as thcy perl~d le~d ~ad ~ianchcster tllr~ l\o~ld ~hem , .rr n'I'I~'1 1I'IIh as·! Woolridge, ;\lolI'ln Worthman, I Goodland, Edward Vatchcr, James scol'cd. Vince Walsh got the hnal to seven. ri"ht Bill Whelan .,ot th only no'l' a .'IC I?r the lead 1111I1e

, ,

THE DAilY NEWS, 12 holV I had pict ured l' ~er haps emaciated 'I~ Sl!r. bul a big.b h, Il! : ..". PARAMOUNT wasn't II oncd. , .' '" CAPITOL . e Was -It :.,;. cate, clart in a Ihon II! ! ; .. \',. 'To-morrow - w~ile shirt ar'\l :eil li~ Tl '." , Shows To See Now Playing thm waxy hand d~ri ,,,:; t . " CDr,y Everett (Jeff Richards), chest bore a gQIJesll g toullh aa the IIranlte of the lur· "LITTLE FUGITIVE" WITH He looked peacctulWEtd,tl ,. rounding h\l1s, has turned his RICHIE ANDRUSCO had looked as II 011 ~ amaU' ranch house into a mlnature "ISere th ' enou"ha t~e'. 'iiiJ '. STAR CORNWALL fort. Everything he owns he has "Litle Fugm;;.-Is the war~, I D~., ~Iartingalc a~k~ili :: t : j; wrested with bare hand I from the comic story of a boy from Brook· 'd th ' Yes for II . I I ". Arizona wlldernelS and he aims to necessary. Th e hear t an P '!rapher than a doctor.',' He sound· i ' (To B Ie •prtltcl.' ; . lyn, Joey Norton, age 7i and his XXVII Today keep It, despite the mob of cut· older brother, Lennie, 12; their Mrs .• Dorn sighed and pulled lungs wiII be sufficient to deter· ~d depressed. . e Continu!i Today throat marauders hired by the widowed mother; and a youthful out the plug, "She's quarrelled ml~e If .death was caused by 5111· Van Horn laughed softly: "A -~ ~OSIS, With pe.rhaps accompany· doctor with knowledge oC short· DUKE I "BATTLE OP: ROUGE RIVER" "BLODHOUNDS OF local cattle baron to drive him out. practical Joke that had far-reaeh· Mth Dr. Dick. I try to avoid be· BROADWAY" Only Corey knows that be alone Ing consequences. ing the anxious and Interfering IDg t~berculosls! or by ~oronary hand is a rarity. And do not .r~et; . LOXDO:-;. IR~ fiEI~ The story. begins on Lennie's mother, but sometimes it's diCfi· occlUSIOn. That IS my assIgnment, you will learn plenty of mecllCIl1C Duke of Ed' bute!!) ~ The story of the blazing days Is manning the fort, that the is it not?" . with me before you save enough ;I; 1,000 [or th:\urgh that sealed the fate of the Great Everything you've ever heard guns bristling at every window bllrthday, a Saturday. His mother cult not to get involved." Gre has given him two presents; a "A lover's' spat, huh?" "Yes, sir," I said, "to the besl I money to hand out your. shingle." Fields As\ociati~n a~ICr.11 Northwest Is told in Columbia and read about Damon Runyon's have no one at the trigger. Into of my knowledge.". ' "On what the state pays," Dr. the lale Lt.,Col In .. Pictures' "Battle of Rouge Rlv, Broadway has come to life with hi. beleaguered eanyon' comes a harmonica which he prizes, and "Frankly, Mr. Bennett, I don't two dollars to spend at Coney Is. approve oC Dr. Dick." She leaned I directed Dr. Marhng~le to· Martingale said gloomily, "that ICorbett, author 'and er," new outdoor action thriller complete authenticity for the wandering rancher, with his wife, stop on the drive oPPosite the glorious day will be a long timt game hUliter. The filmed In color by Teehntcolor first time In the wonderfully en· Hannah (Jarma Lewis), and small land the nllxt day. Lennie plana forward and lowered her voice. I to make It a gala 'event with the "It's becn rather embarrassing Osborn slle. As we got out of th~ coming." dent of tile ,.M! opens Today at the Star Theatre tertalnlng new musical, "Blood· boy, unwelcome additions to car, the caretaker, Ted JOhnson.! Frank Osborn was n own, I prol'irlcs " tgom ry and hounds of BroadwaY," which Corey's defense. After Corey help of two friends, Harry and for me. Lucy has simply thrown s!i~hl ~(1ur~s\-~:~~~~~' St atrI ng Geor gc II ,on e drives off tho e first attack, the Charlie. . herselt at Dr. Dick, knowing all e~mc forward to mcet me. Be· smaller than I'd expected. Some· I isb youth, ! f~ featuring Richard Denning and opens Today at the Cornw911 ital ~ ~Iartha Hyer, "Battle of Rogue Theatre. Starring III1lzl Gaynor rancber deserts, leaving behind But a phone call sends their the while that he was' madly in hmd him I saw the gentle mound \ mother out of town for the week· love with Alice Osborn. And of damp yellow earth over Alice nil'er" also Introduces lu Amer. and Scott Brady as the shining Hannah, who believes Corey to be Osborn's grave, thinly obscured iean audiences the six II'lnners 'Ughls, wllh IIlllzl Green, Mar· an outlaw. Only the death of end, and Lennie has to forego the Alice was playing Dick and Wil· of the National Indian Beauty g\lcrlle Chapman, IIliehael O'Shea her husba~d at tbe hands of the junker to stay home to mind his bur Tweed against each other­ by layers of flowers. Beside It \ Contest and a· half dozen priceless "char. marauders selC·imposed leader, kid brother, Joey. she didn't decide upon Wilbur was a bigger mound of earlh and y~ a gaping hole. At onc side was a !llontgomery is seell as all Betcl's," the Geurge Jessel Tech· \ Avery (Dan Duryea), convinces When Harry and Charlie hear until a few weeks ago. Even then • ..'rmy major In the du~'s wheD nleolor production for Twcntieth Hannah to side with Corey, wound· the unhappy news, they blame Dick didn't give up. Then Alice muddy bronze casket resting on \ meeting o£.the Y.W.C two wooden supporls, commonly I on February 3rd, l!l tlle sal'age Indian wars prcI'cnted Century·Fox I~ olle of the hap· cd but stili on his feet. The ,Joey and plan revenge. They was ltillerl and he came running known as sawhorses. the rich territory of Oregon from pie.t e\'cnts of Ihe recent past. marauders attack again, but place a real gun In his hands, back 10 Lucy, and wanled her to Johnson said, "We didn't open \ PII81 p /II. In th'e YWCA CII achiel'lng statehood. Assigned to All the brashness of Broad· Avery's plan falls. Corey seaiters then convince him he has killed marry him and go away and help NlWfOUNDlAND'S FRJEND~ Y THiATtI Harvey Road. bring peace to the territory, way life, Crom its ra££lsh hood· most of the gang and the sur· Lennie. him forget Alice. Can you im· the casket. Want me to do It \ _ Mrs. Herb, :\Iontgomery assumcs command lums to its brassy chorlnes, is vlvors desert, leaving Avery In·ln· . . agine? Well, when Lucy told me, now'I" president Boaril oC the fort at Rogue R!1·cr. SI(let. cAptured with flavor, affection coherent frenzy. As he starts to ~oey, horrifIed by wh~t hc II gave her a piece of my mind. "Yes. Wher,e are your hclpers?" I Iv enforcing the rules he allen. and humor In the script and attack slngle·handed, Corey steps tlunks he has done, £lees m tcr· . There comes a time when a mo· "Gone home 10 supper. They'll I S. J. ales his men, and Ma~tha ByeI', songs of this alternately warm out to meet him, but no shots are ror with six dollars his mother Iher simply has to step in. I tolrl be back pretty quick." He lurned I NOW PLAYING social leader of the settlement and hilarious musical. Center· fired. Avery collapses at the teet left tor week·end food. He boards her she was making a fool oC her· and walked up the slope toward \ . Keith CiaI'I Assisting Montgome'ry Is a civil. ing aroung the exploits of "Num· of the, man who defied him. To· the BMT quite by accident and seH. that Dick didn't love heT, the casket. ian "olunlecf, Richard Denning, bers" Foster, a bookie with a gether Corey and Hannah survey ends up at Coney IsI~nd. While that he was merely using her. I I helped the two doelors un· \I'll(} secreUy Is incltln" Ihe In. rough exterior concealing a heart the ruined ranch. Some day they Lennie searches the neighborhood told her to forget him and wait load their equipment. As, we ap·1 _ l\!rs. Herb> dlans in order to gain" personal Iof gold, the picture opens on an will rebuild it wgetber. for his brother, Joey wanders for the right man, someone who proached the open grave, the wealth. . amusing takeoff of the recent about the gigantic amusement loved her alone. Well, Lucy was carelaker said, "There was a If you want ACTION ••• see crime in\'estlgating committee. PARrS (Reulers)-The wed· paork-a small boy, alone, lost quite angry at first, but today I crack in the cement "ault, and When the Indians ma.sacrc I With the heat on the mobsters, dlnl ot actress Grace Kelly to among a million pleasure.seekers. believe she came to her senses." some water and mud seeped In. Charlie Starr docs all of Wilbur'. an Army patrol, ~Ionlgomcry they take off for a cooling-off Prince Rainier III of Monaco on He encounters and solves "Had Mrs. Osborn planned to ~s ~T1J)IRS'" learns Denning I~ responsible period down south. The groul', Aprl118 may be televised on vari· many problems In his own de. marry Wilbur Tweed soon?" I vault work - I'll mention It to \ and 5el~ cut 10 brinll him to jus. led by "Numbers" (Scott Brady), .ours Europe_n networks, Michael him." IIghtCul way and· make a real was checking on the gossip. "Yes," I said. ."Open the lice. The climatic scenes of who derives hi~ nickname for his Tournle-r, Paris' representative of friend oC a 'pony.ride man who "Oh, no. I give. Alice .credit Cor "'A/I~OLOR $tanln&~"m "BaUle of Rogue R!\'er" Drc said capacity' at mental arithmetic, Is Television ]\fonte Carlo, said has a genuine affection for kids. that. She promIsed Wilbur. bul caskel." Dan DURYEA· Jeff RICHARDS 'fd to be bristling with nction and in the colorful Damon Runyon Friday. Television Monte Carlo "Screws Rre rusted. But I'll get But he runs from him, too, when she refused to marry him until it." He worked busily, and then STATEntE~T or suspense as ~Iontgolllery and Den· tradltlon-Poorb' Sammis (Wally wlll malte a "live" recording of the man tries u. learn more her husband had been gone a Keenan WYNN· Jarma LEWIS nlng come face to face with each Vernon), Da,'e the Dude (Henry el'ery picturesque detail of the about him. year. That would make it next I heard a screeching sound and olher-wlth the fact of Oregon Slate.) Ropes McGonigle (George royal wedding, and subsequent December. Wilbur bought her a the ca~ket lid tilted against the Also-Up·TO.THE·MINUTE NEWS-NOVElTY hinging on as savage a flsl·tight E. Stone), Lookout Louie (Edwin celebrations. In the meantime. when their diamond, but Alice told him she red evening sky. Beyond the cas· as has el'er been de pic led on the i\lax) and Curtalntlme Charlie ------mother calls to say she will reo couldn't accept It until December. ket the trees waved soundlessly TIMES OF SHOWS: screen. (RIchard Allan) are some oC the NICOSIA, Cyprus (Reuters)- Wilbur has the wedding ring, too. In the dying afternoon breeze. ha~d and ill bank,. O. turn at 6 p.m. the next day. 1:en· EVENING 5110\\'5: 7 O'CLOCl\-~.OO ~lontgDmery Is said to be per· typical Runyon guys. Cypriot terrorists lobbed a lren· nle is too frightened to tell her lI1r. Sternberg, the jeweler, told The Bun was almost down. from Financinl Cam: Ceet as tile soldier who finally The Run~'an gals are a varied ade into the front garden of a Joey Is missing. Joey spends the • • • ~tATINEE 2 P.ll. Travel Contrihuti me." Dr. Van Horn took off his coat brings peace to the embattled and dellghlful lot-1\1ll1z1 Gay· bungalow occupied by Scottish night alone on the beacll at Can· "Poor Dr. Dick," I said. "He in NIld. Savings nank I hnd and Denning Is properly nor as the homespun kid, com· newly·weds Lt. and Mrs. John and drew on a pair of rubber ey Island and the next morning lost Alice, and now he's lost NEXT ATTRACTiON Projec!s ...... ,' \'!lianlous as a man consumed plete with bloodhounds, Scott Alex. Joe, during the night, but goes back to the pony ride. The Lucy, too." gloves. I heard him say to Dr. RICHARD CONTE - VICTOR )IcUm.E7' - Jlcmbership Fee5 3!11 with lust for power. Lovely Brady brings out of the Georgia no damage or casualties result· pony man, more careful this time ~'Bosh! He shouldn't be so weak. Martingale, "Get your note book, Martha Hyer Is sold to be con· backwoods to the Broadway ed. The couple returned from a learns the name and address of And Lucy Is too good for him. Jerry. We can iet part of this CARLSON In "nENGAZI"-APVE:-\TrnE- Receipts ...... : vincing as the frontier gIrl. lights, not guessing she wlll be. honeymoon In Cairo a week alo. down as I proceed." his little friend. He calls Joey's Between the two of us, I never COLOR. "Bailie of Rogue River" was bringing about his regeneration, - home and Lennie, overj oyed at liked him as a person - and I "It's lucky for you that I written for the screen by Doug. Mitzi Green as the knowing New to Miss Gaynor easUy In the bat· the news that his bl'other has been don't think he's A good doctor. learned 8 b 0 r t han d In high Ins Heyes from a story by IIIr. Yorker who acts as Miss Gaynor's tie for Mr. Brady. Love, as It has to\md, tells the mnn he'll be Once he made up his mind about school," . the young doctor ~aid. Heyes. William C3stle directed big.town "blg.sister;" and Margue· a ~Oy of doing in Damon Run· "On this job I'm more o[ a sleno· for producer rite ChapmQn n~ the braze~ yon s wonderful taies, has a way right over. But when he arrives, an ailment, you couhln't budge uf t':quitl nwnt ., ... I Bl'oadwaylte who doesn't give up of r~formlng the gambling urge. Joey Is g01l1l allaln. ACi'aicl to tel! him. Why, hp'd cloctor you for Pl'llgl'illIlIlle EXpl'II~li the pulice because he doesn't pleurisy until you died of tubel'­ ====___ -....._-___ --=== Ne\,fr has a Runyon underworld n at National ('III II'lIl1t IIIH mother to learn of his culosl~ - If he decided you had hero 1I0lle straight in more enler· Gleason, Como til Natilln;;1 01 ga" tuinlnll fashion. . "joke." Leullle lJeglns a hilarious plcul'isy." Expen!'ie~ •••••••.. For this credit goes to the and clesperate senrch for his wnn· I was r~3liy getting Ihe low· skillful casl, to the GeoTlle ,Ies· dCI'lng bruthl·I·. And what a dll· ,Iown, I Ihought, and . I mur· Square Off For Camt) ··········'····1 sel flair with llroadway legends, emma It Is to try to locate a tiny lIlured,' "I've heard ~ome talk llainlenance and to the handsome 'l'eehnicolor boy hi Ihe sea of humanity that about a tumor ..." production directed by Harmon is Coney lsi and on a hot Sundayl "U's true," she said Indignant· TV Battle Jones with musical numbers iy. "I know Eslher Brand. And NEW YORK (AP)-,Taekie Glea' : .....- ----_. -.... A rain storm, which chases ----_ staged by.Robert Sidney and to tbat isn't all. He-" The switch· son and Perry Como are aU ~et I the Sy Gomberg screenplay with everyone to eover. enables Len· board buzzed and she turned now for a bill Saturday night tele· \ TO-DAY. ji'. examined Ihr allnl'C : " • Albert Mannheimer adaptation. nie to spot the drenched figure sway, to plug in a tord. Reluc· I'ision batUe. . I TO-DAY of ,Joey dragging the beach for IThe ~onls. including the 50ul£ul tantly I decided 10 leave. Gleason'. CCSS • h n w, "The i books and recorrj:. "! ,hI Wish I Knew" and bouncy depoist boltles to finance the • • • Honeymoonerl," i~ being switched I "80 "III/!5 Outside of Atianla," pony rides he loves so dearly. We drove to Sunny Atres from its 8:~O p. m. EST .pot to Lennie scoops up his brolher and r the expert. "Bye Low" and "Jack Cemetery In Dr. Van Horn'~ car. II p. m., beginning Fbe. 18. The : O'Diamonds" art also eatchy, the the 111'0 hur,ry home a whisker I will not attempt to describe the starting time Is the ~.ame as that ahead of the 6 p.m. deadline Ilatter In a malnifieent and 3pec· equipment carried in the car. but (or singer Como of NBC, Who has :iew[ollndlal;r!. , ' I taculal' finale presentaUon, and for their mother's relurn. it was adequate, ,as r learned been coming out ahead In some of an oldtime favol'ile, "I've Got a She, guilty at ha\'ing left them later, although thp. metal con· the ratings lately. l of'eell n' You're Foolin'" seems alone, and obsen'ing them quiet. !ainer! were a trlUe bulky. ,To empty the a.a:30 period, CBS , I primed for revival from its show· Iy watching television, promises "Of course," he !aid in his gut.­ is shifling the program, "Stage Ing here. All in all, "Bloedhounds tural voice, "we could move the Show," which is produced by Glea­ of Broadway" is a Twentieth thelft a wonderful outing the fol. lowing week-end at-Coney 1&· entire body, but it might Involve son, ~ "The Honeymooners" time, Cenlury.Fox iprlze package you legal complications and is not at present 8.30·9. won't want to miss. lanel.

TIMES. OF SHOWS: EVENING SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK-9,OO MATINEE-Z P.M. D.Z!l-Thls Is Your Town (Com· Also-NOVELTY '.25--Klddle! Corner. 1.40-Classified Section-Bargain munlty Salute). NEXT ATTRACTION B.30-Nfld. News. Hour. TIMES OF SHOWS: Daytime Serlall 9.35-Hoedown Time. ROBERT RYAN-IIIALA POWERS-ANTHONY QUINN In VOCM B.35-Complete Weather Round· 9.45-Dosco News. up. 1.45-Flnal Year. EVENING SHOWS: 7.15-9.15 "CITY BENE,\1H TilE SEA"-ADVENTURE-TIIRILL8- MONDAY, February 1S 2.00-Ma Perkins. RadIo Playhonse U,5-Women's News. 10.oo-Manhunt: ltIATINEES: l'rIONDAY_TUESDAY-\\'WSESDAf, TECHNICOLOR-ALSO AUDIE MURPHY In "TilE DUEL Women', World-Part One 2.30-My Other Love. 8.50--0n the Air. D.DO-General Provincial News. 2.45-Imprlsoned Heart. lO.l5-Bright Star. THURSDAY-FJUDAY 2.30 , 1 " lO.45-Barry Wood Show. AT SILVER CREEK"-ACTION-SUSPENSE-TECHNI· 7.IlO-Breakfast Club, New •• D,05-The Day's Top Song. Woman's World-Part Two 9.1!1-Thought for the Day. 3.00-Housewlves Club. News Pageant-Late Edition SATURDAY :z O'CLOCK COLOR. 8.30-Hlt of the Day. 4,OO-Gen. Provincial New •. 11.00-Loeal Provincial News. U5-New•. 9.15-Hymn of the Day. 8.4O'--Name the Newfoundlandtt. 9.20-Memory Tune, 4.05-Best from the West. 1l.05-National News. 1I.25-Today's Woman (Sulute to 4.35-Tcmpleton's Western Show. ILl5-Sports Final. 1I.IlO-A Date witb Deny •. , lIouseparty 9.15-No Lullaby for Lill. a local Woman). The Younger Set NEXT ATTRACTION' 9.3O-A O.te with Denys. D.30-What do You 'rhlnk? (Daily 5.00-General Provincial New •. IUO-Music. Woman'. Phone Interview). 5.05-Plnnet Man. 12.30-General Provincial New,. ·D.45-Burtons of Banner Sl. lOD-Queen and Sign orr. W.OO-News. 9.35-1t 'rakes a Woman. 5,20-Birthday Announcements. RANUOI.I'1l SCOTT In "JI-:Sl-'f. IO.05-A Date with Deny •. 9.40-'fhe Lighter Side. 5.25-Children's Record. ., 9.45-Murlel McKay. Tecn Time TJlRlI.LS-TECJ\SICOI.OII. )' to. SO-Adopted Son. CBN IO.~5-New!. _ 10.OO-General PrOVincial News. 5.30-Half Hour Feature for the II.OO-Club 590, Newi. IO.05-Showt!me Favourite. ,Teen • Agcrs. Interviews, 7.30-Slgn on. CBC Nt;wl . lO.IO-Helpful Harry (Household Guests. Pop Music, Social 7.35-Top of the Mornmg. . ' 12, Iii-Bank of Happiness. 8.00-CBC News and Weather. 12.30-N eli's. Hints). ' Notes and Gossip. H1.40-Joan Blanchard Show. Np.w~ Pageant-City Edition 8ol5-Musical Ciock. 12.35-Mu.lcal Meau. 9.00-!IIorning DevotioJlj. IU5-Fishexmen's Forecllt. lD.45-The World Today (Inter. i B.DO-News in a Minute and De- national News), tailed Weather. 9ol5-,-Program Preview. t2.5!1-Musical Menu. 9.30-Records at Random. t30-News. ID.50-Spotlight on a stsr (Pop 6,05-Bulletin Board. l.46,-Ramblln' With lte,lIl. SInger). 6.lO-Nationai News. l[).DO-Mu!ical Program. 2.55-Newl. ' 10.55-Wife Saver. B.15-Sports Parade. 10.15-1ri5 power. TO-MORROW 3.00-DeUlra en Parade. 1l.O!l-General Provincl~1 News. 6.25-Provincial News. lO.25-CBC News. ll.OD-Dr. Kildare. 10.3~Triple Trea~ure . • 1. 4.OG-News. Showcase Of Stars,-Part Two i1.3hYou Asked For It (Music, IO.45-BBC Variety. 4.0s-,.Slm's Coral. 11.15-5ehool Broadcasts. U5-Newa. Answ~rs Anything). B.30-Showcase of Stars. S.OO-Junlor J_l'Ibtree. l1.4O--Movle Review aill! News- 7.0!l-Courtship and Marriage. 11.45-Regina McBride. , ': h 12.DO-Announcers Choice. , 'j "DELIGHTFUL" "A LOT OF FUN 5.30-Melody Man. Abo TV •. 7.15-Famous Series. ! ·e'...... ,... 1 lU5-Your Family Ind You. 7.30-Ncws. 12.15-Farm Bradca~t. -~tr._ '.... 8.IlO-New. al'l~ W.lthtl. de 11.M-HIt ofthe Future. 7.45-Royal Stores Theatre. 12.45-Mld Day Serenade. 6.05-SUPPtt 'Sel'l1. • l.OO-Doyle Bulletin. ·WONDROUS" "MARVELOUS" &.:25-Lost and Fountl. ~1.55-Tlme out (15 Minutes for Newfoundland Almanac -l-*.C.. --.- 8.45-Newl. ' B.OO-General Provincial News. 1.15-Laura Ltmlted. Relaxation). a.05-Summary National News, 1.30-CBC Ne'ws and Weather. "RIOTOUS~ 7.00-The Woman In hl5 Life. "A CHARMER" 7.15-01'. Paul, !!howeas! Of Stars-Part One a.1O-Edllorial or Commentaoy. l.45-Aunt L1:cy. , , -e.. t, W.,II·'... • ","-w" """ 8.15-Echocs from Yesterday. 2.00-Your Good Neighbour. • • t ~ '1.30-Bariain Hour wllh Jimmy P.M. a.30-What's Your Beef (Let· 2.15-Words with Music. ,': • Linegar . l2.00-Bill Ring Show. • • 1" ters). . 2.29-Dominion Time. B.OO-Old Favourite!. 12.15-Bllly O'Connor SholV. 4.30-Summary World News. 2.30-Atlantic School. RICHIE ANDRUSCD, B.l5-Hockey. 12.30-Tops '!'cday (Hit Parade B.35-Folk Song Time (Local­ 2.45-The Happy Gang. -<·1K~NEW TIME Brooklyn's mosllovable 10.30-News. 'runes). \ Burl Ivcs Etc.). 3.15-~lan Around thc Hou~c. character! IO.45-News. News Pageant-Mid Day Eclltlon BAO-Party Line. ""YOU'Ll LAUGH-YOU'LL LOVE HER! 1.00-Local and National Hcad· 3.30-'1'rans Canada Matinee. 11.O!l-Sportse~st. B,45 .... :lloments for. Meditation 4.30-CBC NelVs. \,::·'Jjl ll.1D-Thi. Is the Slory, lines News and Weather. and JoyCul Hour. (a) l.05-Dally Interview. poems, (b) Hymn. (c) 4.35-TimcIY Tuncs. . I t· I' "'I 11.30-Club 590 ,snd News. t l.1!1-National News Summary. Prayer. Etc. 4.45-Chlldren's Siory. "SABRINA FAIR" • ""'; I :.J l.DO-News in a Minute and 1.I5-News. 9.00-General Provincial News. 5.15-)!usle of the \Vest. CIo,e·down. 1.30-Edltorlal. 5.30-Fisllcrles Broadcast. 1.3li-Sporls Review. D.D5-AllIum oC Favourites. G.45-Klndergarten of the Air. i CJON G.OO-IntermeZ2O. Also-NOVELTY-NOVELTOON' - G.30-Supper Gllest. MONDAY, , rebrunry 13 6.45-Moblle Mike. TIMES OF SHOWSI 7.00-CB'c News and Weather. New. "Ie,"t-Monilal EditloD Tonight 7.15-Curtaln Calls. EVENING SHOWS: 'I O'CLOCl-9.00 A.M. . CJON-TV 7.3D-'rops Today. MATINEE Z P.M. 7.00-Nfld. News Ind Sporla.· 7.45-Doyl. Bulletin. 7.05-Local Weather. ' ilIONDAY, February 13 Sleers' Early Show. B.I5-Hour oC SI. Francis. 7. t5-Canacllan NeWS and Sports, a.30-Rawhide. 7.30-Round the World News. 5.0~Klds' Show. 8.00-SI,1 Caesar. to h DEMONSTRA' B,45-Margarcl Mullins Sings. ther classes by the 7.35-Camplet. W.ather Round. 5.3f1-lIowdy hoody. 9.GO-Medlclne. 9,OO-National Farm Forum. 100 SEATS TO.NIGHT AT 60' up. 6.0D-Brookllfhl Ranrh Time. !i.30-Denny Vaughan Sholl'. Ihe car and De-o/I II 'LAST TIMES TO·DA Y n.30-Sky Knighls. reWen ~ 7.45-Good News. 6.3&-Bo\\'rlnll's-lIIckman', IO.OO-Westinghouse Studio One. 'PHONE 6221 TO.DA Y FOR seATS car g"s and roc B.OO-Nfld. News. Show. • Ill.OO_NIlWS-PllbIiC Service IO,OO-Hawaii Calls. IO,30-CAe Symphonr. , was &mashed 1 "CAINE MUTINY" 1l.05-Provinclal Wcalh~r. 7.60-Tnoton'~.Clol1fi:on'~ Shnw. IUO-The Late ShoW. 8.lIl--Nell'$ Coinmenhlry. 1l.30-National News. 8.20-Shlpplnll Report.' 7.30-Ay,re's-Baine, Johnslon's- . ,. _____,__ ---::-- ______.-.:.:;13_ • NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 13, 1956

./ This. Page, Is Presented ~with ·the' Compli'!lents 01 r~e Great Eastern Oil Company Limited !~ ~ 0. . 'l·':i,;':;: C!>. <::> .', !"IV Jacoby' On Bridge ..'I" r.. New Brunswick ~" '. :.; Iii' Meeting Of " II !" .1. S. I ~lrs. Mable Nixon, nanci3i and technical assistaill'e and cnntinucu with the acc. '~~ i, 1 ~':'; I (d) Bowling League, PI'esident for power dcvclopm~nt but It is Soulh ruffed lllld dre\\' three l'ln1'ke. -1\1\55 Phyllis French. assumed that he Is, rounds ur, trumps. Z~ ~"" ::>J: '1 Adoption or reports:.,...l\toved It would be only proper for de· Declarer next led a club and UlU by 1\lrs. Arthnr Johnson, second. tails of ll1e New Bnmswlck re· finessed dummy's jack. East won If)Vl

0' :.1:' lIerbert cd by !\Ilss Hilda White. ,quest to be made public first by with the queen and returned a Election of Board of D1recrors Mr. Flemming himself, officials heart, making South used his firth I ~5 ( !:ra;\lTrr .. "1';. .1ames I-i'll'S. Herbert Outerbridge. said. trllmp. ' .....W 1 !!.~:dr,j hy )1 r,. Robert Repurt of Nominating Commit. The N. B. outline of 1ls powcr South now led a club to dum· J ). tec-!\Irs, E. lIlscock, Chairman: ~eeds and rcqulremcnts for meet· my's king, and East led dummy 10 Ir.rt Cllmmunity SCI" Seconded by l\Ilss Ethel Payne. ms them Is contained In a 50·page hold the trick. East was Sam Cold l"lub-~li~. Jean I Vllte of Thanks-Illiss Ruth brief which, .rcderal authorities Katz, wel1·I;oo\\,1I Miami bridge CUrtis. said, will rcqulre thorough study. expert, and no stranger to the :" i .! D':Cc'I,,:-jln, ;ltary II National Anthem. It may bc ~ome tIme before Ule ~ciencc or the holdup play. 1 "Thc CLIP that cheers". matter Is submitted to the cab· Noll' declarer had to get out ol :, I , ~l.\TJ:\Ir.:-. T or RECEII'TS AND DlsnURSEnlENTS In~~solll'ccs Minister LesaJ:e told dUl1l1llY somehow to continue the Z; the Commons .fan. 2~ that the fccl· . I [OR TIl!: rUll E:'oiDEll SEI'l'E~lllER 30'1'11., 1955 eral ~ovcrnment Is prepared to NORTlt 6 ~~ consider a Ncw Brunswick request '" 3 2 0< for ald-finnncii11 and technlcal- ., 763 Z l: $111,909,21 in huildlng additional h)'dro.elec· • A J4 3 2 fij' : ~:' ' ~,' ,; '" I,:,,,k,, ()cl(lh~r 15i. JIlM ... > tric p"II'~" projccts In the SI. ,Tohn WEST • K J EAST ... , ::," 1,,:.1:,<1;11 Campaign •.•..... Sj.35D.61 rll'cr basin. <~ ,:~,:, l:;,\(1 t'illllrihutiuns ...... :121.01 Mr. Flemming's brief has ar· : ~5i 8 4 ~ ~ 7109 S ). ,;: :iij,j ~;,\"In~, Halik .. ,., ••• ,..... 2~3.15 rived here since that statement • Q B1 • K 10 9 5 112 F:tj(c:, , , '. ,., ....••• , •• t...... 2,043.60 was made. '" 4 3 2 '" A Q G , ,~'!f;.:~cr~hip Fe€':' iI~Hl SOT BEECHWOOD SOUTH (D' n,695.5~ Mr. Lesage made It plnln ll1at' • A K Q J 109 "~.'-i_;~: P.WlI'I' .. ,...... 1.738.17 ____ the government 11'111 stick to its ., J ' $20,604.75 orl~lnnl position that Nell' Brnns. • 6 II'lcl, cnn £lnancr alonr tile S50.. ... 109815 ",' 000,000 lle(\chwood powc"r project North·South ,"ut. , , .. , , . , , .. , ...... fi 5,~57.5n 011 tll(' St. ,10hn rivl'I', So~h West Norlh EasL ,: \:';1111'1111'111 ,...... :1011.00 BUI it W:IS likl'l),. Iw nudru, 11I:lt 1 .to Pnr.s 1 N.T. Pass ,: !'r',I.IIIIIIII" E\I'!'I\~I'~ •.••...... ,. 4:1II.:U1 fUl'thcr nel'dNI llOlI'!'r dr\·~I()p· 3" l'nss :I1j:r. .Pnss . IIwlIts in the province would UP 4'" Pass Pass l'ass " ,.!, ,,: 'i .. lil,,,al ('lIl\h'I'I'IW~ ...... 1103.61 , bto)'ond it,; finnllciul capacit)'. I OpenIng lend-" K :;"':'1 .. \"lillll;'.lllIg:lI1izlitinl\ ...• ,... 47i.on \;'0.15 t Dllring thp DominIon. prol'lncla]1 3i4.50 ('ollf!'rence here Inst Octobel', till' chihs: He cashed t he ace of din· '. '., ••• 0" .t ••••• t. '" Ilrol'inc~s were told they were at monds and ruffed 8 diamond. South 9,858.07 !iblert)' to slIbmii proposals fo~ ..dc. couldn~t make another trick. He ~,t 41.()3 I'e opment pro~rams vital to ",clr wn~ down two. -- growth and beyonrl lh('ir rinilncial 1£ Sam had taken the 5ccond $10,746.68 cApacit)•. New Brunswick l.~ ap· club. or Iwd I"efused the first, pnl'enlly thr first pro\'lncr to tnkr declarer wOllld have aet liP the ; r<; '11\ ah(tl"r ~t~tcmenl ~( reccipt~ and dishursement! adVAntage 01 this fcderal sl\g~es· long duhs and would have made tion. Ihe game contract. If South had ,,'d rrr,,:rl:. nf Ih~ lwori~tion ~:tr\ o( the opinion it ~!r. J..esn.s:e said last month he begun· on the cluhs before draw· expected New BrunswiCK to ~r.p.k ing tl"umps hc'd have landed on • , both financial and technical a!sist· his feet, but it didn't occur to him A, f'. LLOYD HUUSON", 1,ance f or power pro j eels. thnt I'liS magn If'Icen t t rump 5\11't (harte~fd AccountluL needed careful coddling.

. The Sklmoblle at North Con· way, N.H" is the only IIp·moun· Suggests More (COpy) tain device ,of Its kind In the I world. Business News 'TORON'l'O' (CP)-A panel of business editors recommended Fri. III day wideI' and more Inlerpretatlv.e C Z See WHO CAN OIS- coverage o£ business and finance W c.ovr;t:, ANOT;\E;z. by Canadian dally newspapcrs. Q1lX W Af'.I:tAN0EMENr OF MllCord Smith, business editor of u.. !/) ~e" AND7 The Hamilton Spectator and .chair· Ill!/) IN \\IHlc:.I1 A j'RAc.nOi·: USING! OF n~t' man of the panel, told uelgates -0:I: ... FI6tl~ES EGUM.S WE to the lOlb annual meeting of thc c:i RflAAINING D161r! Canadian managing editors con· 0 ..... fcrcnce that interest In business Z)- and financIal happenings has be­ <"W come unIversal. 1Ilc:i Business now Is In a posltlon ro compete for a top position on u~.i' the news pages. He said some w businessmcn are "gun - shy" of If publicity lind newspapermen mllst wOl'le 10 brl'llk dOWn t\)('ir rcllcence to cOlllment for pub\lcntlon. Ilullih Dluclullore IIf The Toronto ,':JI~Y. WH"RE: AR"- YOU Clobr IIl1cl :IIni! suid'bnsil1('ss nell';; GETTINC; should he Inlcl'petl,d In tCl'lilS of A~L THE5E whnt il. menll~ to tlw 3l'cl'age NUTS? read(!I·. j yau USED TO 8E Inter(lrctation is nt'eded on small THE ONLY ONE AROUND HERE! newspapers 35 well as on the larger metropolitan dailies, II" I ' (NEA Telephoto) GuY, Cunlifre of The Montreal .\'rl~I.IIII:-This 11",... tllP. ~r.p.nr. al Scott Hal'en, 1'a., ar:cr a landslide hit a Baltimore and Gazette said business contacts and !"~", Ir.,,, rn rnlllr from Clevrlanrl tn Washington. Three sleepl!lJol cars and nne club car SOllrces can be built up to ensure readers ~dcquate coverage or ,de· Fil' n[ thr 113 pamngers rohoard the train were taken to a hospital, but only one required velopment~ In those fields. DISCUSS RADIO, TV A panel with C. 111: Fellman of . , The Norll1 Bay Nugget as chair­ toan dlscllssen radio and television ncll's and listings. 1IIr. Fcllman said a survey of 11 mana!!ln/! editors Indicated radio and TV listings and ncwS are d6· :. Ii ,'. manded by ll1e avera~e reader and therefore are' carried os a' W ,!: I public service. "w ~ r Durln~ the mornln:: meeting, '. ,/. I! H. L. Straight, mai1agin~ edilor Dr Il..·ffi== Thn Vancouver Sun, said newspa· oc.. > pers must aim for typo~l'aphlcal cye • an~cal to meet ldel'lslon's !{l < compctition for the reader's eye. « >.. I ::l Ul LONDON (fleu!ers)-Slr Henry U Brooke. financial Reeretary at lhe !!2 Q: ,\.rea~ury. saln Thursday thai a c.. Briton camlng £5,000 in 1038 would ncer\ to earn $75.000 now to enjoy till! snme purchh~lnl! power. Answerln!! qucstiol)s In the House of CommonS, he anded ~hat n 1038 income of £2,000 would be equol to an Income of $12,200 now. '

HALIFAX (C!') - S. Peal'ley . • (NEA 'felephoto) . Grimm, 01, special agent und chief h 1)1:~\(JSSTIIATr.-Alither·lne Lucey first Negro co·ed at the University oC Alahnmu, Is of _ Canaulan National nailways I;!I tla\'e~ hy the Dean of Women, Sarah Healey, at Tuscaloosa. 1'he Negro eo·ed is at rlghl,' police here, died in hospital here I,! t.r f' I F:riday. ,He hnd heen secretary· Ihrll\' ~nd Dr,.n lIealty Is III tbe center. An unlrlMtlficd man \s ftt Ie t. ~Ioting Un versity treafliler of Ihe ~brilinin Chief 'I (II . t~:;! ann rocks at Miss Lucey as she ,attended classes. The back wlUdow of Dean Constnhlcs' Associallon for the ~as !nta~hed by • rock. . . '. . past five ycars. DAilY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB.

St.,John' Ambulanc e: I FESTIVAL Rl\ilway I ~lerl{s Continued from page 3 1\,1. 0' L d their lines and were well reo I !ualntaln ea ' hearscd, They worked well together ' , and proved the Importance o[ close In Service Hocl{ev team work. The ,costumes were I ' , " Lieutenant Govert.or, .. executed well she said and the [act that one play was by a New· Railway Clerks arc continuing foundland author made the festival to lead other teams in the Civil most Interesting. No festival could Servlcc Hockey League, boasting be a success without a good auell· a healthy seven wins for as many Opens Annual Appeal ence and she considercd the audio games playcd as the scries ncal'S ellce an cxcellent one she said and thc halfway mark. :,:iiiMiOR/I~&.' UNIVERSm Following Is the tex~ of a A worker In a factory, mine, or .Nursing,-and it Is the objectlve oj thanked them [or laughing at the Rcplete with depth, strength, . Broadcast Appeal by His Honour workshop who Is trained In Firot the St. John Ambulance Assocla· right time. youth and enthusiasm, the Clerlls the Lieutenant Governor Colonel Aid knowledge is a safer worke: tion to spread this knowledge to IIIr. Howell then prcscntcd Miss seem assurcd of a playoff spot (or the Honourable Sir Leonard Outer' and Is not liable to take the same every corner of our Province. Stirling with a gift. on behalf of the Al Vardy Trophy symbolizing bridge,' Xl., C.B.E., D.S,O., St. John careless chances as an untrained The courscs of Instruction arc ~h,e FestGival colm,m,ILtce. ~lr.(T. hR. league supremacy, and the Gerry Ambulance, . Februar)' 1958: person. absolutely free of chargc, and any. ,oore, enera 11 annger 0 t e nyrne individual awards. , Many of my listeners are, no Each year some twelve hundred one can enroll In the classes for Anglo Newfoundland Development Closest contenders arc Federal doubt, 'already aware thnt the';l. Ncwfoundlanders arc laking ~d. Flrsf Aid or Home Nursing. You Company, then thanked thc FcsLi· Fishcries who have had to puil John Ambulance Association is vantage of the training being of. will receh'e a warm, wclcome and val Commlttec for. their splendid themselvcs up by their bootlaces . f d I I hi I d work and His Hohour and Lady, I -lIbout 10,Iaunch Its campaign lor ered by the St John Ambulance soun tra n ng \I' c I may 'stan Outerbridge for attending the In tak ng crucial games recently funds to carryon Its humanitarian and receive awards according to. )'OU In good st~ad, ~ Festival. His Honour, closing the fromBuckmaster'·., thc Railway despI'te ~Iechanics p I aye and r wor';k an d,'as Pa t ron, I we 1come th e degree 0 f pro fi cI ency att ai nco. The services of the Association [estival [or 1056 said that he ' ~nce again the opportunity stro.n~ Civil Defence workers arc also can only be expanded according to felt he had come to the end o[ a sllOrtages. Fisheries, with a record I,. to support their anndal appeal. ' members/of these various classes ul the support received from an perfect week and he offered his of five wins and two losses, are l ; Durlni the 850 years of hitS exl~t· instruchtlon, and St. John Ambul· npprecir.tivc public and contrlbu· hearty thanks to the Grand Falls ~pIO~I~tll.Yng· IOa1104~;~~ rl~~orBdu. cTkh~easst~lrl'~ I ence the chief concern of t e Order ance as co-operated with the ti b' I t th S t Committee, their staf( \",~rk ,vas " _', St J h h b I I th authorities In all Civil Defenc" ons may e sen 0 e ccre ar)"" 'Iechanl'cs ore l'n [ollrtl pI III 0 n a.s een sen ce 0 e , of the Association at 102 Water superb alld the weather and the ". I ace . I, slck.'/and Injured. The hospital exercise:; conducted In 1955. III StreetSt John'S or given 'to Ihc whole town o( Grand Falls cooper- wilh U.I.C. and C.N.T. tied for established. by the Order shortly ,he event of a national emergency, collecior ~hcn h~ calls. ated. At thc closc o( the adjudica. fillh, and National Health, ~Ientlll after Its Inception for the 'care 01 or major disaster, panic and COil.. Lion~ which were made by Lady Hospital and Proi'incial Health In'jured crusaders and christian pll. fusion can be prevented and su[[er. As Patron of the SI. John Arr.· Outerbrldge as the winners werc bringing up the rearsuard. grims In Jerusalem stili, operates Ing lessened through the preparn bulance Association in New[ound· announced the whole festival per. With thirty games of the 72· to.d,)., though 'under different rh" Uon and training of as many peo- land, I heartily commend this sonnel and those who helped in game series completed. anything 'PATRI cumstances and of course in mod, pIc as possible In the principle. appeai to )'our warm hearted and any way to make it such a succcss stillbe countedcan happen out. Alland o[no theteam teams can ern' bu Ildl ngs. and prac tl ce 0 f FI rs t Aid an d Homt' pract Ica I generos it y. were the guests o[ the Anglo New· 'rhe primary aim o[ the Order \0. foundland Development Company hnve to meet all opponents at 'niversal day is to teach the principles of Present!ltI'on To F t' I Of F d at a turkey supper which was servo least once more in the two·round First Aid and Home Nursing to as i es IVa 00 ed In the Freemasons' Hall. An or. series and indications arc thai ti,NI'GH1, MONO) man); men, 'women and older boy~ M H F chestra played popular numbers there will be some upscts. arid girls as possible. There arc rs, . W. acey By ERNEsTCHISHOLM While the guests assembled and bc. The Clerks' showing is not sur· . "}oT ST. PATRICK'S noll' six branches In Newfound: THmlSON (ore supper Mr. Howell, the Direc. prising in view of their strong fin- , Informal land, 'and classes of instruction arc On January 24 at the ;ectory nestrourant cookery In Britain tor, presented the dil'ectors of ish last year, but Fisheries have being condu'cled In '1:1 communities a I'ery pleasing ceremony took uscd to be a m)'sterious rite prac. each play wilh a large parcel con. shown a rcmarkable improvcmcpt Few remainin~ tliroughout the Pro\'ince other than place whcn at a regular meeting of Used ,as orten as not, In a~al't. taining a momentu of the fc~L1vai to rank as top contender. Buck· for Reservotions 'I 'J hn' the Church of England ,vomen's I' fo I [ b tl mastcr's, a new mcmbcr of the St • 0 s. ments below "round level or ir. r eac I person a a I cast and .As a teaching organisation st. Association Mrs. H. W. Facey was thc "eilcd priVacy of back kIt. back stage. Similar momentoes loop, ices 1I strong, ~()lid aggrega· John'> Ambulance has been servin!! presented with a forty years ser· ehens. The astonishing change, in werc presented to His Honour lion, while the Mcchanics arc a ~e'wroil1idlande'rs 'continuously vice eertlflcatc. tile post ten )'ears I would put and Lady Outerbridge, jill'. T. n. favorite of many Civil Sel'vice '10 !' $Ince.. '1910'.. an d In 'tl 18 ttl'me has Durllig her many )'cnrs of Il'ork do,"n to the Influences o( World " ore, .,'I r. R. S,1' ur Iong Q.C.,,[ans to rc\'crsc some of their d~~ 'd d th ' i k d d d In In the CEWA 'Irs. Facey has beell " and 'I \\' L' G I D fcats in the second time 'Iround. 1'. ilia,os t en e esc, an 1I'0un e " War II, when the acquisition o( " ., r. . a gay eputy Re- t".o 'I'orlit ~\\'ars. In the same per. president ()f various Primary [d d It t' b glOnal Chairman, The party finish· U.I.C., alsu a strong finishcr ioirilje Orde~ has train'ed no [ewer branches, as wcil as having been 00 an s prepara IOn ecamt cd around 2 a.m. willi the National lasl year, also has dcpth and, ex· YOUNG LAD tllan fifteen. thousand Newfound- Preside lit of the Diocesan Coun. a topic of vital and universal In· Anthem. I r,~riencc. and is a hot contender landers in the, principles and prac. cll, which office she held for 25 tercst. So lillie had to go so far , I for plu),off honours. Dut the )·ears. On her retirement fll'e "ears that we all became food·con· "C' C NTis a (hrk horse coming up Duties to incdlue tI co 0 f Fi rst Aid • , ' scious as nevcr before. The shifts , C RNR ... , , The need for ordinary people ago she was made an honorary and subter(uges of those days ompany \ I' fast on the rail since merglllguir .);OU ,and me to be trained In President of that Council. ' with the Post Office thus aClJ · General C Uk~ o First Aid work In pcace Is no les~ The 'ccrllflcate was presented b)' turned culinary art tnto a 'nalion· Hold AIllll , , I in~ a ~tfllnger bench and ncl\' THE GInL GUIDE ASSOCIATION of Newfoundland, Central Di\'ision imPorlant and ,urgent than In times the branch president Mrs. A. wide cult.' Vel sarv I dm·c. ( special ceremony at Grand Falls on Tu esday . afternoon, when the n~\\' Previous experh of war. 'The,call for the sen'lccs 01 Boone. Mrs. R. W. Shepherd a Dis. BrUain is now again II land o( ; 01 I Bj~gest tils'lppoinlllll'nt so far I Guide headquarters for this Central Division was formally opened by Lad\' the Ambul~ncc Brlgadc~ Is con. trlct Vice Prcsldent then spolle )llent)', but the' cult stays, which Dlllll~I' I!:IS .hecn National J1c~ith, IM·I, erbridge. Guide companies from the Di\'ision were on hand for the . Grade XI tinuou5. and ,at public catherin;;s concratulalln~ Mrs. Facey on hav. explains why hundreds of thous, " . i l cnr s ch'lmp>. who l!:Iw h.ul to! such as thc Regalia, road race5, Ing spent forty lhrec year~ of ac. unds o( ordinary hou~ewl\'cs an'l The 41s1 annil'cl'sary dimlci of' \l'ol'l, hnrd In slay (lut IIi the eel-I and ]I!lrs. R. W. Ball, Dh-bional Commissioner, and ]\1r5. R. Arklie. District War, Memorial Scn'iccs, Torbay All' U"c work In the CEW i\ Rnd un be. thcir mcnfolk join cd the throngs the original "C" COll1pan)' ~\'as liar. The ~als have ~u([('rcd froll! missioner and president of lhe 100:al a"~ Ol:iation. took part in the cercmon\,. Show, and' Rt Hockcy Matches in half ,of the members o( the branch of "profcssionals at "llotelympia." oncc ,again held. On I~ebruary 6tlt. II plaY?I' ~hnrl"l!rF. but tltill~s arr. Honour the. Lieutenant GO\'el'nor, Sit LeonHl;c! Outerbl'idge.

----_.. _------15 . NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 13, 1956

" . " , . " :., : -I. -: : .


GOOD HUMOR Ice·cream Corp. America's favorite For Sa Ie Bv. Tender ~ORIAL UNIVERSITY OF ..NEWFOUN~LAND Wantid II!1!-cream brings you a gold Tenders in writing wlll be reo WANTED TO IUy-c""Iu mine on wheels. Make your " p~kllt ~oolut in.n's slightly dreams come true. The sky's ceived by the undersigned· on OPEN HOUSE· worn clothes and footwear. the limit on your, Income. or before noon on Monday John D. Snow, I New Gower TO·NIGHT When you own a Good Humor February '27th, 1956 for th~ htlillenJ, Faculty and Students cordially Invite the Street. . jan4,lm franchise. What do you con· purehas.c of the business premises ISLAND POND sider a good Income? Name of the lale A. A. Giovannini 10 attend an OPEN HOUSE to be held at the the fillure, you can make It . situate at St. Lawrcnce on the Milcellaneous i . on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, in the AFTER­ COUNTRY CLUB when you own your own !\lain Road. It is two storeys in protected Good Humor height and consists of a shop .'i'l fROM 2:30 to S,30 for Gra'de XI Students, and IF YOUR CHIMNEY'S DIRTY franchise, this money with storeroom. two bedrooms -I f DANCE ·· .[ take no tlmr to weep. Just maker can be yours. You I dining room. kitchen and bath: ,.:':< EVENING fROM 7:30 to 9:30 for Adults. call Edward Carberry thp operate under minimum ex· room and also the remainder of famous Chimney Sweep. Hall pense. You ltave no rent to the stock·in·trade of the late A. Conducted tours will be arranged tit visit the Stoves, rurllace~ 011 Stove, pay. No real estate taxes . A. Giovannini and any other Bnd Ranael (·Ieal,ed the, elec· ====1 t You have no credit Rccounts. chattels situate thereon. The ~1,)rIej, library, and gymnasium. Special displays ..,Ieal WilY ~I!o Clirpets and PROVINCE OF the Drycleancd. All 5ale~ aru quick and NEWFOUNDLAND property is a waterside one and exhibiled and equipment In the laborciti .. will ahe6tirflel(j~. Phone 44l1a.r. nov.~3.1m. strictly cash. Quick turn· THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Welc0'11e Wagon one of the hest business sands over'means quick profits. You Iin 5l. Lawrence. Further par· ALL WOOL MAtTR"SSSES ere Agents Wanted - Male cim work as long as you Hostess ticulars can be obtained from Dieted, re-covered: Iprlngs SILLS AT SIGHTI Our new wish. You are not tied down Notice To Will Knock'on Your Door the undersigned. The highest ils; beds rewired; Inner· to anyone location. Submit or any lender not necessarily I sprlnll mattresses recondition· Spring and Summer samples with Gifts and Greelings '1 of made·to·measure clothes. details of your past and pres­ Creditors accepted. ed, Write, Phone 3891, wire from Fdendly Business H. J. Keitt, III Noun, Royal Low prices Big profits. Free ent employment. For furth· BARRON & L'SWIS, er, Information write to the Solicitors. . Avenue. . suits. Be the first In your Neighbors and Your ,'r • .PATRICIANS' Good Humor Ice·cream Corp. In tht matter of Iht bankruptcy T,mple Building, St. John'" , district. Write at once. Full Civic and Social SKATES, SCISSORS. KNIVES, or spare time Evtn begin· 4520 Park Avenue, Montreal, of Ji Altan French or Saws, sharpened by precision ners make big pay every Que. feb13,Bwk,M,W,S Notice is hNeby given that a Welfare Leaders ERIC C. BECK, versary DANCE machln.1"/. Open evenln._. day. Goodwear Clothes, Dept. receiving order was made against Executor Eslale·A. A. Giovannini, P. J. Hagerty 63 Casey St. J. Allan French, Rctall Grocer 0 h st. Lawrence • , MONDAY, FEBRUARY J3," 910, Box 652, Montreal, P.Q FLAT IRONS,TOASTERS, of Coley's Point, Newfoundland n t e occasion of: GET THE FACTSI,Wrl .. I .. ttr· feb6,13,20,2'1. on the 2nd day of February The Birth of a Baby, feb13,lB,22 AT ST. PATRICK'S HAll AUDITORIUM •national Correspondence Schools, Canalltan Ltd~ 21» HOT PLATES 1056 Rnd tliat the first meeting Arrivals of Newcomers to Informal $3.50' Doub/. Arpl, St .. Sydney. N,S; or any Electrical Appliances of creditors will be Ileld on the i TO LET - Partly furnlshtd 22nd day 'of February 1956 at City. . · i Few remaining tickets at door. CONTACT A,- I. HICKMAN apartment . containing two Repaired like new at bedrooms, llvlng·room, kitch­ 3:30 p.m. at the office of the IPhone 3031 . for Reservations 'Phone 3926 or 2166 Co. Ltd. Insur.nce Agentl, Official Receiver at the Court 'Phonn '~32·3+H P.O.B. I en, bathroom. Private en' ., for your insuranc. r. trance. Apply Pike's Snack ANTLE'S Hl?use, in the. City of St. John's I MRS CATHERI NE FOSTER I In the Province of Newfound· ' qulrements. B~r, 260 New Gower Street 142 VVATER STREET EAST after 'I p.m. land. ======DIPINDABL& Fill. INSUR· FOUND-Bunch of key. on Right next to Crane the Dated at St. John's this 6th ANCI-Dou't rbk your valu. day of February 1956 . NOTICE ilions Available .bles to "8Ive" • few dollal'l. ring on Duckworth Street. . Jewellers. W. A. CRANE, Our falr·rate reliable polle)' Dial 4031 during business 'PHONE 2397A (any time) Trustee. lives· Iminedlal'· prot,cUon, hours. ADDRESS OF TRUSTEE, NOTICE is hereby given tlmt YOUNG LADY fOR OFFICE 'Phone 6Il21or write •• J. RONALD PIKE, of the City of Llcey. P.O. Box Bile: repl,t! P,O. Box 571, 295 Water Street, St. John's, in the Province of SPECIAL Duties to incdlue Cashi~r, Typist and st. John's, Newfoundland. Newfoundland, Painter, will ap­ Ven.tian' Blinds ply to the Parliament of Canada General Office work. STADIUM :- at th.e present. next or followi~g 11953 Hard Tr:ip 1 • ensumg session thercof (or a BIll

ONL V COMPUTI ILIND .~ I of Divorce from his wife, ETTIE: STUDEBAKER 1 Previous experience preferred and ~rv!ce. Manufacture, LaUD­ · PIKE, of the said Cily of St. t j\1i1eage 9438. Color grey dry Repair Wor~ ,uazanteed. , ,john's, .on the ground or adult·: Automatic trammission. Over One day servlce.Frep quotl. Grade XI .ducation, SENIOR VILLA· · cry. . I 5700.00 worlh o( accessories. A Uonl. Kelmey! Limited, t Di~ T~D at lhe <,:'Ity of S!.. \\!Ty historic car. Manufacturers. 454 Water St. ,101m 5. In the Pronnre of ~ew·, $1650,00 -NOYA" · foundland, this 14th clay oC ! Also January. A.D. 1956. : Barber Shop -HOCKEY STOCKYARDS DOUGLAS C. HUNT, 11954 CHEVROLET YOUNG LADY fOR STOCK ROOM, rHI CENTRAL· BARBER Soliellor for the Appliunl. i 2-Door Sedan ~ SHOll-Fast efficient· salU· MANUELS . ______. -.-.---_._-_.-. --! Heater. defroster, new motor "!II 'ary Hl\'\'lct. All modern . . installed. OFFICE PARTS RECORD CLERK. ''Ii TONIGHT - FEBRUARY 13th ! eqUipment, flv.blrben. Th. I $1425.00 le ••t ponlbl. walUn., U Ntw AT 8 O'CLOCK I, opp. necessary and Grade XI education. I Gower Street. "delald. AUCTION Motors Ltd. i1952 CHRYSLER vs i Color black, excellent appear· ST. BON'S UNICORNS I Apply Busine" Opportunity ~onday, Feh.13th~i ance and condition. An ideal TOOTH BRUSH alltrlbutol'l Reserve,., ...... •. ,7 5c B/eacher ...... 60c I heavy car. . :. -We require distributors 1,30 p.m, 1 1 $1575.00 for the only Ulotb brush ot General Admission ...... 50c i Its kind on the market to 30 Head Choice 1 11951 MONARCH YAL GARAGE Ltd. retail at ten cents each. W. Reserved ticket holders use King's B.ridg. 4-0001 Sedan have no competition In our i HAMILTON AVENUE field. Exclusive territory un entrance. Reserve Tickets series No. 138. Butchers' Cattlc! I Color mw-oon, hdater and be arranged. No experience . radio. A good buy fit nece1lSary. For particulars feb.1l,13 S85~:':0 write to Gibson's, 1643a VAN I HORNE AVE., Montreal, _.--_.. _--: 1951 STUDEBAKER Que. jan28,lmth WANTED Services \. 2·Door Insurance febll,13 Newfoundland I ~e~~~st:~pearance, heatcr and NURSE (R.N.) . 625.00 ASK FOR M! BROAD aU. purpose Insurance. Fire In­ ! in Industrial Nursing desirable but Burane'e premluma now less PASSENGER NOTICES : MECHANIC'S SPECIALS than IYer. Your propt!rty' Is essential. Salary by arrangement. Reply I worth protecllnll, W. E. Cald, CONNECTION BAY RUN '11951 PREFECT ...... 150.00 well. Insurance Agent. 'Phon' age, qualifications and experience to 2465. Addms Ttmple BuUd· PLACENTIA BAY . Inll Duckworth St .. st. John'•. 1 Regular 9 a.m. train Icavinl! St. ! 1950 VANGUARD ..... 125.00 INDUSTRIAL John's Monday, February 13th. I . RELATIONS DEPARTMENT INSURANCE-IIwrlnl Iroth­ will make connection at Argentia 1948 PACKARD . 200.00 er Limited (nillrance Depart· ment-Fire. e\utomoblle, Mar­ with M.V. Burin for the Bay Run ater's Newfoundland Pulp and Ine and all Casu Illy line .. Placentia Bay. I Ad I 8d Motors Telephone 3131. CONNECTION WEST RUN 1* e a; e . Paper Mills Limited Cantut STAN FOWLER, It. PLACENTIA BAY i nouf bulld!n" for Firt Aut. CLOTHES make the'man It CHAFE See, hllr ana play th. bllutlful Regular 0 a.m. train leaving I lIM!TED..! CORNER BROOK, NEWFOUNDLAND :;:, er moblla and Plat, Glan 1n1Ur­ makes the clothes OS st. Jnh~'s Wednesday. will. make 1 Corner Adelaide en:! New Gow: i anc., Claims promptly .etu. ORGANS and PIAN I connection at Argenha WIth 1\1. DIAL 3015 ed. 'Pbone lI531-P.0. BuJ Wt now hlY. on di,pley I. V. Burin for the Wcst Run PIa· 63. centla Bay. 'URN ISS WITHY INSUR· WM. l. CHAFE, Tailor A. L. COLLIS & SON .ANCE Department offerln, .. HOLDSWORTH ST. Plano & Organ Sel,. and ServIce NGO a·nd FAIR dependable In.unnee-Auto­ Office and Showroom: mobile. Fire. Burgllry, Plate TOPSAIL ROAD, 'PHONE 4902·A (in aid of the Parish of Bay Bulls) Glass, Tourist Bagllage, Transportation, Travel Accl· Office, Showroom and Factory: K, OF C. HALL dent. Liability. Phone 2073, HARBOUR GRACE, 'PHONE 265 1t01iRT Ot\WI & SON, FI':;­ WANTED TO·NIGHT and Automobile InS11l1'ance. OF Be safe, be sure, Insure. Tele­ YOUNG LADY required for l!Irge cammercial offic,e, GAMES BINGO. USUAL GOOD PRIZES: phone 2882, P.O. BOJ' 85 GOODS AND CHOCOLATE WHEELS Royal Bank Chamber., st. Duties: stenography and general oHi~e work. Grade XI John's. ON S,ALE TODAY 111 Admission: 5 cents Cards' SOc qualifications, experience preferred but not essential. . . Sales Agentl Wanted Apply in writing to RETRACTABLE BALL PEN distributors required to BOX 15 c/o DAILY NEWS THE 1956 handle a l1ne of two tone -DAY'S SACRIFICE slim ball pens to retail at febll,13 twenty·flve cents each. ·Ex· cluslve territory can be ar­ 1952 AUSTIN 4.DOOR. SEDAN ranged. No experience neccs· sary. For particulars wrltll to Gibson's, 1643a VAN INSURANCE "MODEL" SWEEPSTAKE and Defroster; good' tir ..; new paint HORNE AVE., Montreal, Que, jln28,lmtb AGENCIES new battery; winterized. Steers Musical. Instrumentl REGULAR VALUE 750.00.· GtBSON GUITARS - Horn.r $15,000.00 IN PRIZES •• Button Stop AccordeOIl5 and SACRIFICE SALE PIICE $415.00 Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­ phonts, Booaey Clarinets.­ Charlet Hutton" SOIll. P.O. feb3,eod.t' . Total Catch $5,000;00 erra Nova Motors Ltd. IE INDEPENDENT - RUN FOR ALL YOUJt OWN BUSINESS. Our '20 Cont.ests at $200.00 each·-:-to be' won by free powerful sample outfit Is just like a department YOUR atore, Now you can sell to en· forming the word - MO.DEL - tire ,amlly, clothing ,.hoes, Wanted Sal'alman shirl., slacks, .sportswear, work clothes, jewellery, etc. With the Letters on the Back of each Ticket lOR AUTOMOTIVE, INDUSTRIAL AND Amaalng ~oney makihg plan • , . HARDWARE L~NES No experlenc. necessary, full or »art Urn" I'rN elodMJ Tickets 50 Cents Each tor p'r.onal ".. Ixtra. . Apply 10 I bon"l. Writ, for "Ipowerful . ..mplt ouUlt and tun ltiltru~ A1 .YO.UR FA VOURITESTORE tlons absolutely tree. Dept. 'PHONE 5782 ASkA SALES LIMITED lOa" Ilaki' Walker Co., PHONE 5782 38 PRESCOTT STREET, sT. JOHN'S P.O, lox. 1&7, Montreal, P.Q. febS,13,20,2'l ' " • . " ..

THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY FEB, 9:00:'~.,~{~Dat r-______•______~.I . , ',., " . ".05 .p~m~-:-Sa~ , ,', . \' : Curtis Ac~d~my 5.30 ~.in.~Sa~ : . .' . , ,'i ' P. & T. Meeting LENTEN FOOD 'ITEMS 10.00· p.m.;...The . On Tuesday nlgJit, February 7, '. lhe regular mont~ly .meetlng of the OF' "'- Parent and School Association of ,.' : Curtis Academy was held. . THE OCE~~ P~IDE NEWFOU~DL~ND FRESH FiSH ...... 1 Ib, Tins i,' NEW ARRIVALS Following the business period, ( when It was decided that the As; NEWFOUNDLAND NORTHERN SOLID PACK soclation would deliver Turkey _OK; Teas to homes on March 17 and hold a concert at night, Mr. Les "SHA TTUCK/S". TRIMMED NAVEL BEEF SALMON •••••••• 11 •••••••• , ...... : ••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••• 1 lb. Tin, Tuck, Dllmlnlon Wildllle Officer. H.M.S. Ulysses I, \ gave an Informative lIlustrated talk Alistair MacLean ...... 2.25 on Newfoundland birds and con· SPLIT SALT HERRINGS ...... ,...... " ...... Barrell "DELICIOUS" APPLES, Boxes.-.150's servatlon. \ Wild America Mr. Tuck showed a silent film Roger T. Pelerson and depicting various species of NEWFOUNDLAND SEAL ...... " ...... 1 lb. Tin, ; ~ '. launa-bird and animal lifc. One James Fisher ...... 5.50 ' of the most impressive scenes was A Night to Remember , ~ "P,EJ" POTATOES Green Island in Witless Bay which NEWFOUNDLAND LOBSTER ...... 1 lb. Tin, I Is one of tlie bIggest bird colonies Walter Lord ...... 4.00 I othE In Eastern North America. Puf­ • fins. murrs. raxor·blll auks. and Christopher Colum.bus, MOLASSES-Tinned - 20 oz. kittiwakes nest thcre. Mariner . His shols of another bird colony ather at Cape St. lIIary's where gan· Samuel Eliot Mori!on. 4.25 nets abound. and the Funk Is· Trumpets From • \ MOLASSES-Tinried~ Gallons lands with their mass popula· j , tlons of gannets and murrs, were Montparnasse .Held ."!, very striking and eye·arresting. Robert G;bbings ...... 4.2S' ."nRI]O!{~. Que. (CP) - Equally Impressive were his other and her four. chi . ciose up and dlsumt shots at Adventuring With. Beebe I I!Ilubbed to death In the moose and caribou taken in the Wil/iam'8eebe ...... 5.00 ~ulet residential. sectio Interior 'of Newfoundland. Monday and pollee sal • As Dominion Wildlife Oflicer Bloomsbury Fair 'PHONES 5143 - 5144 AGENTS QUEEN STREET holding, the woman ..- Mr. Tuck has travelled extensive- Mrs. Robert Henrey ..... 3.25 material witness. • .... Iy throuhout Newfoundland, and a of Mrs. Romeo Dr during the past lew summers has Man's Emerging Mind satellite in 1957. It will whiz 1rode, do not warp .nd . ber children were four & B T. M. WINTER LTD. carried out extensive studies of N. J, Berrill...... 4.50 Canadian Army round the earth Ilt a speed of the stringing relax When acting on tip from Arctic fox. walrus. and polar la,OOO miles per hour in an oriod are s:ill in test but haTe nearby Waterloo,' Qu had been beaten' bears In Ungava Bay. Hudson's The Wonderful World orbit ranging from 200 to aDO 1000 miles and still General Merchants Straits, and on Bamn Island. He an axe 'and it heal has banded over ten thousand Of Mathematics Newsletter miles from the earth. 1 wondcr class condition. So the tuns and numerous fllxes In order Lance/ot Hogben ...... 3.49 Our last letter began with a how long i~ will be there before arc asking for them the slaying .took pial to determine their. migration and news item ;,bout the Royal Can ad- Sears Roebuck starts shooting cat- The Army is alho . probably arour life span. Look Of The Eagle ian Corps of Signals. So wiU this alogues at it. Its usc will be as a vehicles up there 9 a In. EST.. .'. one. scientific radio outpost to gel new conditions. Tests hal'! HALIFAX CP- S. Pearley A highly colourful and informa­ Robert L. Scott, Jr ...... 4.25 said' the oldest boy. Claud The Corps has lloW a 1200 lb. information on the earth. sun and any "chicle kepi in Grimm. 61. special agent and tive evening was spent to the en· Cousin Elva dressed for school and t chief of Canadian National Rail· joyment of membe~s. ' package which contains· a power. universe. dition, with full\' son,' Pierre. 6. was app: ways poliCtl here, died In hospital The theme of wildlife conserva­ Stuart Trueman ...... 3.50 ful receiving and transmitting Sir Thomas Sopwith indicr.!es ies will starl in ihe the process of dress,1: Sl1litlt Corona here Friday. He had been secre tion Is a fundamental one. Mr. Th A f Th T'I station long and short wave com· that work is still l/oing on to pro· cr. They hal'C been were. killed. The ow tary·treasul'er of the Martimr Tuck's very fine action photo' e ge 0 e al plete wi:h instruments. house tahle duce flying ·saucers. The U.S. c1es up :herc at .dose to were Michel, 3. a Chief Constables. Association for graphy and his expert commentary H. Allen Smith ...... 3.00 and chairs. Its mr.rvellous and its Navy is experimenting with "fly· below mark. The I'ehides a little girl still in t, TYPEWRITERS and CASHIERS the past five years. created a deeper admiration In his Thicker Than Water" true. It is capable of being drop- ing barrels". In fact France has outside and on many audience for our wildlife heritage ped on lI. sled by parachute from been working on a plane of such found half buried i~ said Drapeau went to DIAL 4052 , and gave a broadening insight into Frank Tilsley ...... 3.00 a transport aircraft. design for some time. Its per- yet they seldom fail to priest in Wate~loo ~nd II OTAWA CP-The army plans ways of nature hitherto unrevealed Bugles and a Tiger The "package" stations are be- fection will make the old song they are not speci&l bad killed hIS wife a DOMINION MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT .CO. LTD. and unknown to the audience. ing tested in the Arctic this win. caption "Roll out the barrel" a vehicles arc standard. 'Ihe priest informed 1 to train a record of 6,000 cadets John Masters ...... 4.50 ~er. The "house" is quickly as- daily routine ~r some ..irmen. not been specialh' took Drapeau into CI MORRIS BUiLDING QUEEN STREET malerial \lilne!s. at 10 camps across Canada this' Girll.eads Labour The Twelfth Physician sembled on the grounds .. nd is ARi\lY DRESS ified for Arctic Use. deaths in Quebec, made of aluminum tubing and The Royal Canadian Artillery Captain E. C. Brumllell d laid until after a c· summer. By GILLIAN PRITCHARD Willa Gibbs ...... 2.50 canvas. now has a new belt buckle for nipeg with a team of est. . • Canadian Press Staff Writer Now for a different news item "waiking out" wear. It is the same and two troopers is OF DEATHS • MONTREAL (CP)-Paticnee and and concerning the Canadian Pro- old webb belt to which a detach- turion tank under of the .Drapeau fa p~rslstence have' made 3D-year-old vost Corps. . able badge may be affixed. The ditions. He says thcj that anyth, Hugette Plamondon one of the Private Roy Donnelly was work. buckle incorpor;,fes the badge of !ank usually easy to start police: arrh" Iforemost )'oung leaders of labor ing in his garden at 976 Esquimalt the RCA on a plain brass baek- coldest days and that it in a n I in Canada. . Road. Victoria, last summer when ground. It will be worn by hoth well both In snow and deyeloI1mE:RF. in a qt; I "Quebec Is anything but the reo he laW I little girl running down Regular and Militia Uni!s. of his men is Tpr. Jim this East. In Stock Now actionary province It Is thought to THE BOOKSELLERS the street wi~h her clothes on Very soon you will sec the Can- St. John·s. Nfld. be by the rest of the country," firc. The child had been playing adian Army (lIIilitia) wearing SFLD. ARE.\ 'Rheal Truden. said Miss Plamondon in an inter· ~Phone 3191 • 4425 .I'o·.md a burning rubbish heap. wound stripes and service ehev· Cfn Bowdridgc of 19 C~: he commenlcd

vicw. "The people are progressive 1 lIe ran after the Iittl egirl, caught rons. For each wound from enemy is completing R machinists shortly after 8 a. m. t: particularly the workers who are - her and beat out the Uames with action in World War- II or in RCEME School in '\\'as going to be laic the first group of society to recog- K E ° his hands and by rolling her in Korea Militia soldiers will wear Cpl Mercer is rloing . usually took a 'bus · . Stone Steel Water Tanks nlze the ability of a woman. And aye ntertalnS the grass. He took her to his home a stripe of gold one and one half course there which win but so far had not Ix the"'. haV'e shown theirid confidencef th I r,t once and arranged for her !o be Inches I ong and one-elg. ht 0 f an f or promo t'Ion t0 that Drapeau. an .' by electing me pres ent a e Pnoncess Margaret I mov.ed to hospitnl. inch wide on the left sleeve. For Cpl. R. J. ~lacDouglU • STONE Montreal Labor Council."· Pte. Donnelle"'s Ilands ,vere se"- every two years of service up to quarters (Records) has had recently ·chaRl Miss Plamon don. a fIcld repre- had been given a $1C sentative of the United Packing. LONDON (Reulcrs)- American I'"crely burned. He has been com- ten years a french grey service Iy compl~ted a Field and was making abo hiuse Workers' Union in Quebec screen star Danny Kaye enter· mended by Lt.-General Howard D. chevron will be worn on the right Course In but said he was : '1' HOLDS· THE WATER and the Jl[arlUmes. has just beelT tained Princess Margaret threc. Graham. Chief of the General sleeve. After ten years of ser- Identity. He made 94:' iD job. i" Ire-eleclcd for a second term as times in about six hours Thursday IStaff. for what the Army calls vice. no more cbevrons will be amination. president of the labor council. She night and kept the princess laugh· "commendable conduct". added but a maple leaf will be Dr. R. I,. Bugden of • STEEL is the first woman ever 10 head the ing all the time. Tlwt reminds me of an interest. ; worn above the five chevrons. hus been app~inted 25.000-member organixation. First he appeared in his new in~ ii~t1e slory concerning Queen 11IIore than. 12 years service n.or- ee.r for the R i'lfld. R . HOLDS THE PRESSURE EAGER WORKER film ':The Court Jester," which VIC:ol'la and the Vicloria Cross. I mally quahlfes for the Canadian With the rank of. , ,! . 'While still a teen.ager she de- the p.rmcess saw at a cha~lty gala Her ministers suggesled that the IForces Decoration. . . !wo ~ore soldIer! . I cided she must learn to speak in aId of the West Indies hur· medal bear the words "ror Brav. The Canadian Scottish Regiments Jom theIr husbands In i' fluent English-until thentlshe had ,ricane. relief fund. Then. just as cry." "No" replied the Queen I it is said will no longer wear the They arc Mrs. Florence · , spoken only French. She took a the prmcess .rose to leave at !he "All my soldiers arc brave. This: sporran but a white leather pouch ~~and Bank II'ho lems . • CLEAN WATER business college courSe ann then end of the film and was puttmg shall be lor the most gallant ol i instead. Howe\·er. pipe and brass Jom her husb~nd Pte. It i studied English at McGill Univcr· on her fur, Kaye appeared on lhe 101. Therefore the writing on 1bands will wear the sporran as ter of 04 Cdn Field sity for three years. stage.. Ithe Cross shall be 'For Valour'." Iwill officers when in lIIess Kit or Mrs. Amy Bennett :. NO RUST She was doing office work at a For 35 ml~utes he had. the royal This year of 1956 marks the. serge doublet with S;,m Browne's her husb"nd L~n.ee slcel company piant when she left p~rty I~ughmg at his Jokes. and I centenary of the Institution of the I and Kilts. Bennelt of Su~nJsld!,. I to take a secretarial position with Jo~n.ing s m the choruses of hIS fa-I Victoria Cross. All surviving hOld-' FORT CHURCHILL Bennett is !aktng their v sitting in an er5 o[ that hig?est. Of. all military C.an you imagine Indians on mag- old son Gerard. I ~~~:as~klr~~~:fe/f~o~hc S~~lo~?; ;~I~ce~~gt[argaret. I · i work that she sat In on many in. orchestr seat led he party in awards arc being mVlted to Lon·: ncslUm snowshoes. The Army dustrlal disputes. finishing her of. singing the I'Moocher.". d.on to, take part in celebra-! found the shnolVshoe as · " a"Min~ie ~he tha~ usu~l '1 fice .work In the evenings. When a "Ballin' the Jack' and "The Lit· Itlon. rhere arc less than 500' we know It 1.5 unSUitable for Army I post as field representative be- tic White Duck.' winners ie[t aJiye and all o[ them! usc so It developed one !'lade of 'j came open, she took the job. There was no backstage party II'ho cr·n go. WIll par~de in. Hy~r.1 magnesium. Th~ old Indla~ type .. I In , I Now. her work takes her out of aCter the show. Kaye had no dress. Park where the first VIctoria of wood and bablche breaks the , ~ , : town several times a week. Be- ing room to hold ORe in. He went: C!,oss was prcf/lted. I wonder ifiI field, warps. r.n.d rots in storage. · ... I tween that and her unpaid position straight on stage from his seat !\ewfoundland's Tommy Ricketts The new type IS made of a mag· as president of the labor council. two roll'S behind the princess. wiII be able to go. If I remember nesium frame stringed with air· DIAL 5141·5142 P.O. BOX 336 she is usually busy each day. often ' aright he was the youngcs~ win· Icraf~ fine cable nylon cased steel. including Sundays, and every even- BIRTHS ncr. They weigh less than half that of Ing. . . I read sumewhcre a while ago \ the old type. are moisture proof, TRAINS AND READING KEATS-Born at St. Clare's In a way. she wclcomes winter l~h~at~tl~se:u:.~s~. :\I~'i1~1~Ia~u~n~ch~a§n~c§a~rl§h~ro~t:p~r§o§of~.~r~a~t ~p~ro~o~f.~d~o~n~o~t:c~o:r.:§~======:::: because then she travels by train Mercy Hospital, on February 11th, 1 instead of car. and she uses the to Edgard and Blanche Keats. (nee ' I travelling time to catch up on her Blanche Hal.l of 'Dartmouth. N.S.), \ reading. "I have a lot to leaf11- a son. . This expreul most of my reading Is on labor REARDIGAN - Congratula· I friend started .' , . and the history of labor In Amer. lions to Mr .. and Mrs: .T. J. 1 rather Ih8n In the We .J iea and Europe, tt she said. Her Reardigan. Waterford Bridge I of the U.S. where is only relaxation Is an occasional Road on the birth of a daughter I ~Ied. A "kick" in E, . .,: stage play. on February 12. The mother is a side pocket. To pi the former Doreen Christian, I the side pocket was I R.N. 10 unload. Inus giving r Ule of "sidekick" a: IN MEMORIAM friend. .:. ' DEATHS DWYER '. In loving memory IIf HBALEY-Pas9Cd peacefUlly MARGARET DWYER, away Saturday. February 11th .•. who died at North Arm, Philip Healey.' Left to mourn I ---... In Holvrood. are his wife, four sons. Edw~rd . 4'NEW SHIPMEN'T ~' '~, : Februarv 10, 1955 • at Montreal.. Leo. Gerard and ., lIIichael at home; two sisters, ,\., You are gone oh dearest I . mother, Mrs. Alice Hefferman of St. . ' ~ohn's and Mrs. Edward Trainor Six But. your memory brightly burns in Boston, Mass.; also one broth· SMITH'S In the minds of those who er. Nicholas and six grandchil­ . .Ioved you. . dren. The funeral takes place \ And whose love you did Ihis morning at 9.45· from his return. . late residence. 734 Water Street, GREEN P.EAS lIYay the Sacred 'eart of to St. Patrick's Church. Inter­ (CP)-' Jesus have' mercy on her ment at Belvedere. SPLIT PEAS soul. HALLIDAY-Passed away at the Grace Hospital at 7.30 p.m. -Instrte:l by hu, James. Sunday, February 12th. James ROUND' PEAS DDNNAcaNA~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~• Hallidaying to mourn in histhree 87th sons. year, Edward. lcav· PEA BEANS Ashton and Harold In St. John's; DoIlIlICOIII Inlul.tlnq Board ke.p' htll GIRL'S and E. Laurie in VictorIa. B.C., BARLEY· wh~r. you want If, r.luliing In' lubllanllal and two daughters. Marlon fu.1 ..,lng •• Dollnacona II I buUdlng, In· , DAVY CROCKET (Mrs. E. Roy Bugden) In St. I John's . and Olive (Mrs. A. N. LIMA BEANS IUlallnq alld decorall,. board III 011', It i Johnston) In Victoria, Fun· reducN CODIIructloll 11111. III both uw SKIRTS and BOlEROS' ~C. I ~ral by motor hearse Tuesday. lIuUdlnq and renovatloll. . , February 1041h. at ~~.30 p.m. from I IN CARTONS EACH 16 OUNCES 1111111 011 DoIJllICOU. c.u .. lor IWI All colors. Sizes 3:6x. his latc. residence, 233 Elizabeth . 1IIf00lllaUoll. Avenue. to the General Protest· REGULAR $2.95. ant Cemetery. No' flowers by request. feb13.14· A. H•. Murray & Co. MATTHEWS -Entered into LIMITED . SALE PRICE $7.49 rest at the. General liospital on BUILDING SUPPLIES DEPARTMENt .Sunday.Mrs. Harriet MatthewH. GEORGE NEAL LIMI aged 84 yc·ars.. Funeral to the ST. JOHN'S 'ReADE.. Church of'England cemetery on A . Tuesday at 10.30 a.m. from Oke's TELEPHONE 226~ - 3420· 4440 11.1IIiI...... IJIIII.d1 Funeral.Home, Prescott Street.. ( '. \ ··.f .- I • :., ;,