• • . 10.30 a.m.-Acl0p,ted Son. 3.00 p.m.-Dollars on Parade. PRESENTS 7.30 p.m.-Bargain Hour available at with Jimmy Linegar E DAILY NEWS' DEBUSSY -15 Piano Pieces 8.15 p.m.-Hockey. Charles Hutton & Sons Vol. 63. No. 35 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1956 (Price 5 .cents) , . Worst Winter r ! ,'; .. Communists Start National Congress urope's eat the Supreme'Soviet,'Russla's "Par· ID estimated 1,600 delegau, fro. 1Iament," which meets once or all regions of the Soviet UniOJl twice a year. will provide Russia's Communlit First In But in practice, the delegates leaders with a forum at 'II'blch will a p pro v. decisioDs handed they could aI!l1ounce new develop. Dead; Opens St. John Amhillance Appeal down by the toy Communist leader· ments in pollcy or chaDge. iJI 4 Years ship. Any rea discussioD iD the leadership. western sense Is unlikely. They can USe the COD8J'!I1 II • MOSCOW (Reuters) - Delegates In the early years of the Soviet platform for any new foreign pol· ..' ... ': .. :',',::"0< ".... ".,""':' .• "',"'•.• _,..... - ... .,-.......",.... .,., ...., ........ :' ..... ,.,'" .•.:;,.,.""':;",',''' e In .' "'1"~"":~' .~" ~, representing 8,OOO,()()0 members of statc, party congresses were often icy "line" they may have evolved the Soviet Communist party meet tile occasions for violent argu· in an eIfort to regain Soviet in· ments about policy. Now, con' itiative aIter the failure of thl last I, in the Kremlin Tuesday for thcil' gresses are organized in such a Geneva eonfereDce. I' Millions 20th national. congress. way as 10 show complete unan· Every indicatiOn available 10 ex· The Valenhne's Day congress IS imity. perienced foreign observers, hOIf· l ..\I'\-\\'l'itcrn Enropc ! l {~i'Jt~ hIll (If 292 Sun­ the first since October, 19~2-1 I'ROVIDES FORUM ever, is that the Kremlin leaden . t when Sralin was still alive. It is 1 According 10 CQmmunist phrase·, will concentrate Rt the congresl l\,':'~[ \'ll;(1 wa\'c of the ,(:,:rrld :!, :!linl Ileek. being hcld eight months earlier ology, the delegatcs will appear i on the vital unresolved problems ICi:.~r:rnan rrl'ortccl s.ol~e than tile stalulory provision for a' "in monolithic unity around theil'l they face at home . • . '" ('" II;!!\', IIntam congress, every foul' years. .1 central committee," This mcans, Experienced Western obsen'en .. "'''';;! rrp.':·I; c(lntinncd As Ule supreme or~aD of thc' they will approl'e el'erything pro.! believe the Russians arc ~ti1l anx· .~ b':1l :ill Europe of party, it i~ thcoretically the oC·1 posed by the party's central com· ious to secure a reliable pe~nd IIf ..·.r I I ;::,1 ~I·'. paralyzed ficial arbiter of Communist policY'·1 millee. detente iD order t.n concentrate IlII ' ..... ,". 0 nil millions of ranking in the il11portance abol'e TIle presence In the Kremlin of domestic problems . , •. ::~ :,' m'l" "nd lil'e· i In Grand Falls • L ';';'c ;r' rr.d Ie r t deep PACE QUICKENING .' I I ~~;~;:1l: c:. TrnlUC.l t Libya, .., ;::<1, !;'''111 Ihc desert !C~::l"'~ "l';,l In Tripoli, , ,f1I'f, 2 ;:.1\ Unions 'New Members Give , \ l'. ~ 1'1.' in.:: Boxcars : I ::"111 \;",'m;ID!' today i . ; (,'I' "i,'lim, (If Italy's 'i t "1 " 1:,'11H' :-;aples and h.'}O· E Striking Senate New Life i:r L·. ~. ;'(Hlthern U· . (.'rer :lC,l(\(IUartcrs nt GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (CP) t'lI is President rrank Chafe of the New.'-!,' Of'T;\'YA (CP) - New ~Icmbersl ~10D. am e M~ on! Man tr tal [!!e:rd ;1 trainload ot foundland Federation of Labor' havc Injected. new life. mto ~e brewery ~xecu~ve, .IS. 411. Foor olb· I~t,d m~lk. sweaters, (TLC.AFL) arrIved here Sunda)' to I S~.n~tc, sometll;:es deSCribed by !t,~\ ers :r.e In ~elr .fifties. ;:':~:',;C'i' allil slecping help one of two striking unions' ClIlIcs as an old mcn s ho~e.. A.I alted With mterest are Ihl ,::,:kcn S;('lly. negotiate toda . with t\\'o local con.: I~ carll' performances arc mdl' malden Senate ~ddresses of Sen· .' 1(') nl!'I .• r's in lIaly struction fir';s. ; ca!ll'e. the 13 nc\y senators. a!}-,l ators Moison, an mdependent, John I,,· (Irill, and Icc Local 1523 of the Uniled Brotilel"! pomted last July Will hclp qUicken I' ~. Hackett of ~Iontreal, a P.rogres- , ::a,:. ':r;'111 Sib!'ria. The hOod of Carpenters and Joiners ull the Senatc'.s pace and .perhaps .sct SIVe .CoDservahve, and Calixte. F. \I,i b'WI 25 miles in· America is seeking recognition and a few pa,rll3mentary, fires .burnIlJg, N.B., ::'r .Ilir:;,tir. " !'O\mg ~avole, Munc~n, e~~cation. in the hills ncar . a contract agreement with the on quesllons of nallonal mterest.1 I~~ \\:ho has gl\'cn no political af· Ncwfoundlaml Engineering a n Ii i Already Ule chamber has fillahon. ' . .' i ~a;:\' "f ,kicr, in the ~pper I . nc:r al!;u'ked b)' wolf Construction Company and' Good.: heard .the ea~sllc to~gue of Sen~torl The othcrs of the 13 ~till to b. :::,r: :0 icrk fOOlI in the year and Sons of Grand Fall,. The i J.ean.F raneols Po.ullot, old • time: heard from are all Liberals - union is also striking against East· I co~mons . campalg~e.r from Q~e.: S.enators.D?nald Smith, a Nova Sco­ ern Woodworllcrs Limited. ' bee s Temlscouata rldmg, attacklllg 1lIa dcntlst, Har~ld Con~oIlY,. for· :;:1\ ;(h,'ol; lIere closed The other union, Laborers Local the GBC. I~er Nova ~coha premlCr; Mu ..\ ,ki TC;rllc team was 4:13. is striking against Eastcrn It. has heard the pO!lshed orat()r~'; I-lore~ce ElSie Inman, MontagUe, . ,.:~. I·a.cr.ci 10 chcck an • Woodworkers but has agreements of Senators Donald Cameron, Unt·, P.E:!., Thomas. Leonard, ToroDt~ with Newfoundland En"ineerin" \'ersity of Alberta professor, and· bUSiness executivc.; and Dr. FreD I~id~m:c in the rna· HIS HONOUR, the Lieutenant Governor, Sir Leolltll'd OLlt9rbridge, Knight of the Order oC St. John and Patron ., rOo William Wall Winnipeg education.! A. !\IcGrand, one·llme New Bruns, tJ!'e of l'cllcgrino in n, n d GoOuyea. ..'., . k h Ith .. t of the st. John Ambulance in Newfoundland, opened the 1956 appeal for funds of the St. John Ambulance by The IlDions arc seeking uniform i 1st, urging federal aid for educa- ' II'IC ea mIDIS er. i~~\";;.rc , l'/:;on; were frozen to recorded ddio address before leaving for Corner drook, His Honour is shown here' presenting a cheque agreements with al! contraelors 1hon a.t all levels. I. • . b;:mrd ,w~pl doll' II the for the splendid sum of $100.00 to Mr. D. R. Thistle Chuirman of the Campaign Committee, as Mr. Lloyd op~rating in Grand Falls. It ltstened as Sen.ator .c. .G., p I W I Of (If Y,,~u;13I'ia. The Bishop, Secretary·Superintendent of the Nfld; Council, looks on. His Honour has long been u great supporter The strike halted construction ofi ~Cubby) po:ver, war~~~ air mm'l raISeS or { San Donna ran , four buildings. ]\[ore than 100 men' Ister and Liberal poltticlan lor 50 . '. ~ :he slnrm ncat the of the S1. John Ambulance in all its work and'this contribution is tapgible evidence of his continuing interest. arc involved I years, declared he does not be· IS I t" A • lieve in the "infallibility 01 the . a va Ion rmy ill:! of Sibcnik, but lis! cabinet" and suggested senatorial ilI·cd. I ' GI"rI GUI·dc restraint. o.n "a~ otherwise omni., TORONTO (CP)-The Salvation in the English Chan· M. · NC\\ potent mlDlstr!. ,Army, whose work since iDception h\'o~ Ilit;1 coastal ship b:o~~ht m;,ny Cerry ~e\'l·.1 Issing British Diplomats Senator DaVid ~roi1, Toronto LI~'I 75 years ago has spelled hope fOJ !IIr.ti;lill. The Brazilian I era I noted for hiS ou.tsp?keness 111 I the downtrodden, was praised Sun· wide • Honduras, 5,408 Commissioncr the Commons, used Ius first Senate I dar by Governor·General Masse, speech to urge that .thcrc b~ no for its "selfless devotion, unfiai' m~und nrar Felixslowe. -':" ..... -........ I i-~Ion French trawier. federal. tax cuts unhl. a naltonal ging zeal and Christian unity." l/.I:;er.t. wcnt aground Appearance health msurance plan IS .Iaunch~d. Mr. Massey oUicially opened Ih, Sensational In· co,;I. Bllt both were In And he has served nohce he I army's new $l,5()(),OOO headquarten Thr Dutch mntor I'essel te~ds. to launch a Senate deb~te I buliding for Canada and Bermuda 'e It Do\w to land the nUI'!!eSS AmI MacLeall TlI.l'n VI' ,mure Ihe American governmcnt,' party leader, was head oJ the pomting up the need for Canadian Iat an impressive ceremony. Th. t! moron rn~incer, who v ~ was at that time sCl'icusl>' working I American department at the for· penal reform. ll.storey building is iD downtown •• ' I . n (01' 1111'S al·m." elgl! office before his. disappear· , I :" :, I Old·time senators agree these i Toronto. Il ... :r.c room exp OSlO. II. Jr' OSClJ W : 'fhey said that "as a I'esult or alice. m.en, and others of the nelV group I "There are very few IDstituUon. I ~IOSCO\\' (ReutCl'S)-Guy BU!"I' 'fl II lb' lil'ing in the U.S.i:i.R." they al'e Bur"ess a bachelor was second shl1 to be heard, hal'e brought of which It caD be said of them , d D Id I I B l .
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