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• • . 10.30 a.m.-Acl0p,ted Son. 3.00 p.m.-Dollars on Parade. PRESENTS 7.30 p.m.-Bargain Hour available at with Jimmy Linegar E DAILY NEWS' DEBUSSY -15 Piano Pieces 8.15 p.m.-Hockey. Charles Hutton & Sons Vol. 63. No. 35 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1956 (Price 5 .cents) , . Worst Winter r ! ,'; .. Communists Start National Congress urope's eat the Supreme'Soviet,'Russla's "Par· ID estimated 1,600 delegau, fro. 1Iament," which meets once or all regions of the Soviet UniOJl twice a year. will provide Russia's Communlit First In But in practice, the delegates leaders with a forum at 'II'blch will a p pro v. decisioDs handed they could aI!l1ounce new develop. Dead; Opens St. John Amhillance Appeal down by the toy Communist leader· ments in pollcy or chaDge. iJI 4 Years ship. Any rea discussioD iD the leadership. western sense Is unlikely. They can USe the COD8J'!I1 II • MOSCOW (Reuters) - Delegates In the early years of the Soviet platform for any new foreign pol· ..' ... ': .. :',',::"0< ".... ".,""':' .• "',"'•.• _,..... - ... .,-.......",.... .,., ...., ........ :' ..... ,.,'" .•.:;,.,.""':;",',''' e In .' "'1"~"":~' .~" ~, representing 8,OOO,()()0 members of statc, party congresses were often icy "line" they may have evolved the Soviet Communist party meet tile occasions for violent argu· in an eIfort to regain Soviet in· ments about policy. Now, con' itiative aIter the failure of thl last I, in the Kremlin Tuesday for thcil' gresses are organized in such a Geneva eonfereDce. I' Millions 20th national. congress. way as 10 show complete unan· Every indicatiOn available 10 ex· The Valenhne's Day congress IS imity.
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