The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network, was established in 2013 to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown Jewish community. For more information: י"ט אלול, תשע"ו September 22, 2016 We are thrilled to announce the hiring of Ilana Gadish as a Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoatzot Halacha are women who serve as a resource regarding Taharat Hamishpacha (the area of Jewish Law that relates to marriage, sexuality, ritual immersion, and women's health). Yoatzot Halacha are trained and certified by Nishmat and a panel of Orthodox rabbis. This position was initiated for women who might be more comfortable discussing sensitive issues with female religious advisors. Yoetzet Ilana is available to answer questions related to Taharat Hamishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email at
[email protected]. Ilana Gadish serves as the Yoetzet Halacha for a number of synagogues in Manhattan, and is a graduate of Nishmat's U.S. Yoatzot Halacha Fellows program. She also teaches Talmud and Tanakh at the Ramaz Upper School. Ilana previously served as an intern at Lincoln Square Synagogue, and before that as an intern at United Orthodox Synagogues in Houston, Texas. Ilana received her M.A. in Biblical and Talmudic Interpretation at the Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS) at Stern College for Women, where she also received her B.A. with a major in Judaic Studies and a minor in Biology. She spent a year studying at Midreshet Lindenbaum in Jerusalem, as well as two summers at the Drisha Institute.