Vol. XXXIV, Number 17 N January 25, 2013

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Enjoy summer classes


More heart-attack victims could survive — with this device

page 19

Donate to the HOLIDAY FUND page 14 Spectrum 12 Transitions 18 Shop Talk 26 Eating Out 27 Movies 29

NNews Not dead yet: underground Palo Alto railroad tracks Page 3 NArts New York jazz musicians spotlight black composers Page 23 NSports Stanford’s goal — a familiar ring Page 31 ANTIQUE CARPET SALE

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“vision statement” for the rail cor- ness before deciding which way to in all directions.” Council members say Palo Alto soon will have ridor, which runs the length of Palo go, Planning Director Curtis Wil- The cost of placing the tracks un- to face up to ‘very contentious’ issue Alto. The statement takes no posi- liams said. derground is unknown, Klein said. by Chris Kenrick tion on grade separations other than The vision statement calls for a “We’ve seen $500 million, and that the city “supports a non-elevat- “vibrant, safe, attractive transit-rich (architect) Tony Carrasco says $1.5 ed alignment” of the tracks, leaving area with city and neighborhood billion. These are huge numbers, he “very contentious issue” of night, Jan. 22. open the question of whether cars mixed-use centers that provide but the detailed study, which some how the train tracks will cross “This is something that’s been would go under the tracks, cross walkable, pedestrian and bicycle- of us think is a good idea for HSR T at Alma, Churchill, Meadow very much on our minds, and it’s a them at road level or go over them if friendly places that serve the com- (the California High-Speed Rail and Charleston streets is some- very, very contentious issue,” coun- the tracks were placed underground. munity and beyond, and to connect Authority) to undertake remains to thing Palo Alto is going to have to cilman Larry Klein said. However, the statement says there’s the east and west portions of the city be done,” he said. confront in the coming years, City The discussion came in the con- a need to assess the rail crossings through an improved circulation Council members said Tuesday text of the council’s approval of a for safety and engineering sound- network that binds the city together (continued on page 6)

CITY HALL Few good options on pensions, council is told Members vote to explore ‘hybrid’ system of smaller pensions, Social Security by Chris Kenrick

espite pension reforms passed Between current and past em- in Sacramento last summer, ployees, the city is covering 2,940 D Palo Alto remains severely people, Shen said. restricted in its power to rein in the “That’s a lot of people, and we’re escalating costs of retiree pay be- going to be covering them for a long cause of state law and pension reg- time.” ulations, the City Council learned Even with the state reforms — as Tuesday night, Jan. 22. well as a second-tier pension for new Retired city employees this year hires adopted by Palo Alto in 2008 will cost Palo Alto a projected — all but the newest employees re- $23.37 million — a tenfold increase main under the old, more generous from the $2.4 million liability of pension formulas, and it will take 30 2003.

André Zandona years for them to work through the Council members voted to ex- plore, in conversations with staff, the system, she said. possibility of attacking the problem Under formulas in place until re- through creation of a hybrid system cently, a city worker who retires af- that would allow at least some city ter 30 years with a salary of $70,000 employees to join the federal Social would get about 80 percent of that Totally in sync Security system and combine that — or $56,700 — in pension, plus In an upside-down look at synchronized swimming by Weekly photography intern Andre Zandona, with a lower city pension. The vote health care coverage. swimmers from Stanford University appear to be launching in unison. The team members were was 6-3, with council members Liz “Pension costs really limit our practicing their routine underwater while competing individually to secure a spot on the Seniors Kniss, Gail Price and Nancy Shep- choices,” Shen told the council. National Team, which will represent the U.S. at the 2013 Fina World Championships in Barcelona, herd opposing, saying the move was “There’s pressure on the size of Spain. The first phase of the U.S. Junior and Senior National Team Trials was hosted by the Santa premature before legislative changes our workforce, benefits and salaries. Clara Aquamaids on Jan. 19. are sought. We have to prioritize our services As part of the California Public because we can’t do everything at Employees Retirement System, Palo once with those costs rising.” LAW ENFORCEMENT Alto is bound by rules of that agen- The concept of retirement has cy, and any meaningful change will changed in the 100 years since Cali- require legislation, said Kathy Shen, fornia’s public pension system was Palo Alto residents form the city’s human resources director. established, she said. The council voted unanimously to Back then, people retired at 65, anti-gun-violence group pursue legislation to close loopholes typically had paid off their home in the 2012 pension reforms and also and had no expectation of earning give cities more power over their re- their working salary in retirement, Members ask City Council to join Mayors Against Illegal Guns tiree pay programs. or even 60 percent of it, Shen said. “The situation is not going to get by Sue Dremann “That’s now turned upside down. any better until we take (legislative) action,” Shen told the council. “Now we have people retiring at group of Palo Alto residents Menlo Park, Mountain View, Palo a variety of local actions, including As a newcomer to city govern- 55 or even 50 and at the same time have started a campaign to Alto, San Carlos, San Mateo and gun-buyback programs. Former ment 18 months ago after 35 years the average life span is higher, so A support President Barack Sunnyvale attended after the meet- California Assemblywoman Sally in the private sector, Shen said her you could conceivably be retired for Obama’s push to develop new gun ing was announced on the MoveOn. Lieder, who attended the meeting, initial impulse was to have the city as long as you were working. That laws. org web page, founder Bonnie Bern- will be holding a community forum withdraw from CalPERS. But she was never the paradigm when pen- Silicon Valley Community stein said. on gun control and violence reduc- was told an exit would cost the city sions were put in place,” she said. N Against Gun Violence held its inau- The group is lobbying city offi- tion on Sunday, Jan. 27, at 1:30 p.m. $600 million to $1 billion and still Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can gural meeting on Jan. 17, and people cials to support Obama’s gun-con- leave the city with the task of find- be emailed at ckenrick@paweekly. from Atherton, Fremont, Hayward, trol push, and it hopes to encourage (continued on page 9) ing another plan of its own. com.

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Palo Alto Historical Association presents a public program Upfront Music in Palo Alto 1910-1920 450 Cambridge Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306 QUOTE OF THE WEEK (650) 326-8210 Speaker: Paul Price ‘‘ PUBLISHER of the Paul Price William S. Johnson (223-6505) Society Orchestra EDITORIAL Editor Jocelyn Dong (223-6514) Sunday, January 27, 2013, Associate Editor Carol Blitzer (223-6511) Sports Editor Keith Peters (223-6516) 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Express & Online Editor Tyler Hanley (223-6519) Arts & Entertainment Editor When we get to it, these chambers Lucie Stern Rebecca Wallace (223-6517) Assistant Sports Editor Rick Eymer (223-6521) will be packed. Community Center Spectrum Editor Tom Gibboney (223-6507) — Palo Alo City Councilman Larry Klein, Staff Writers Sue Dremann (223-6518), Chris 1305 Middlefield Road, Kenrick (223-6512), Gennady Sheyner (223-6513) referring to a potential decision to change railroad Editorial Assistant, Internship Coordinator crossings, which could involve taking out about 100 Palo Alto Eric Van Susteren (223-6515) homes. See story on page 3. Staff Photographer Veronica Weber (223-6520) ‘‘ Refreshments Contributors Colin Becht, Dale F. Bentson, Peter Canavese, Kit Davey, Iris Harrell, Sheila Himmel, No admission charge Paul Price Chad Jones, Karla Kane, Kevin Kirby, Jack McKinnon, Jeanie K. Smith, Susan Tavernetti Editorial Interns Rebecca Duran, Ranjini Raghunath ADVERTISING Vice President Sales & Advertising Around Town NEWCOMER’S COFFEE Tom Zahiralis (223-6570) Thursday, February 21, 3 – 4 p.m. Multimedia Advertising Sales YAKETY-YAK ... Palo Alto City ings and pinch myself because I Adam Carter (223-6574), Elaine Clark (223-6572), Council Chambers were deserted am pretty sure that I’m dreaming. We welcome those who are new Janice Hoogner (223-6576), Wendy Suzuki 223- 6569), Brent Triantos (223-6577), Tuesday night by the time the And, as Channel 4’s newscaster to the bay area. Please call for Real Estate Advertising Sales council got to its last agenda item once said: Don’t act like you’re more information or to RSVP. Neal Fine (223-6583), Carolyn Oliver (223-6581), Rosemary Lewkowitz (223-6585) — long-winded members. The nine not impressed.” And YVC member OPPORTUNITIES IN THE Inside Advertising Sales David Cirner (223-6579), readily agreed to spend “about wrote: “One-by-one Irene Schwartz (223-6580) an hour” at their upcoming Feb. 2 guests were ushered into the Blue FIELD OF ELDER CARE Real Estate Advertising Assistant Wednesday, February 20, 7-9 p.m. Diane Martin (223-6584) retreat discussing voluntary — or Room. To our absolute astonish- Legal Advertising perhaps mandatory — provisions ment, Barack was there with Mi- Find out how to break into the Alicia Santillan (223-6578) to limit council members’ questions chelle. I had a good 10 seconds of booming field of elder care. ADVERTISING SERVICES and comments during meetings. processing time and mind scream- Free workshop, but please RSVP. Advertising Services Manager Jennifer Lindberg (223-6595) Worried that lengthy meetings are ing before approaching the Presi- Sales & Production Coordinators “undermining public confidence” in dent and shaking his hand. ... I’m Dorothy Hassett (223-6597), Blanca Yoc (223-6596) the political process, Mayor Greg amazed that I managed to speak. february highlights DESIGN Scharff and council members Larry The entire time I was completely FOR THIS MONTH: Design Director Shannon Corey (223-6560) Klein and Gail Price have sug- in shock; ‘I’M TALKING TO THE Senior Designers Linda Atilano, Diane Haas, — Women’s Support Group Scott Peterson, Paul Llewellyn gested that mandatory time limits PRESIDENT!!!’ were the only words — Career Check-Up Workshops Designers Lili Cao, Rosanna Leung be considered if council members I could think of. ... Today has been — Assertive Woman Workshops EXPRESS, ONLINE AND VIDEO SERVICES cannot voluntarily refrain from mak- completely surreal. I can’t believe I Online Operations Coordinator ing voluminous comments. The met the Obamas, or got a chance — Professional Women’s Rachel Palmer (223-6588) to tour the West Wing. It’s been Networking Group average length of council meetings BUSINESS — held almost weekly — crept up beyond any dream of mine. Words — French Conversation & Culture Payroll & Benefits Susie Ochoa (223-6546) from about four-and-a-half hours in can’t even explain how overjoyed Business Associates Elena Dineva (223-6542), For further details, visit our Mary McDonald (223-6543), Claire McGibeny 2008 through 2011 to five hours in I am.” The students, who missed website: deborahspalm.org (223-6546), Cathy Stringari (223-6544) 2012. “We risk undermining public their flight home because of the 555 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto ADMINISTRATION confidence in our processes if we unexpected turn of events, caught Receptionist Doris Taylor 650/473-0664 Courier Ruben Espinoza can’t this problem under control,” a flight home the next day. Scharff, Klein and Price said in a EMBARCADERO MEDIA President William S. Johnson (223-6505) memo to colleagues. BUH-BYE BAGS ... The City of Vice President & CFO Michael I. Naar (223-6540) Menlo Park has just leapfrogged deborah’s palm Vice President Sales & Advertising OH-BAMA! ... As if their trip to over Palo Alto when it comes to Tom Zahiralis (223-6570) Washington D.C. wasn’t exciting banning plastic bags. This week, Director, Information Technology & Webmaster Frank A. Bravo (223-6551) enough: Five students from the the Menlo Park City Council voted Major Accounts Sales Manager Midpeninsula Community Media 5-0 to enact a new ordinance Connie Jo Cotton (223-6571) Center’s Youth Video Corps (YVC) banning the use of plastic bags David Ramadanoff Director, Circulation & Mailing Services Conducts Bob Lampkin (223-6557) traveled with former Palo Alto at check out by retailers. The ban Circulation Assistant Alicia Santillan Mayor Yiaway Yeh for the Inaugura- prohibits retailers from providing Computer System Associates tion last weekend. On what was plastic bags, except those used by Chris Planessi, Chip Poedjosoedarmo to be their last day — Tuesday, restaurants and for produce, and Master Sinfonia Jan. 22 — they all went on a tour also implements a 10-cent fee for The Palo Alto Weekly (ISSN 0199-1159) is published of the White House, only to get paper bags. On Jan. 1, 2015, the Chamber Orchestra every Friday by Embarcadero Media, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306, (650) 326-8210. Periodicals the surprise of a lifetime. “One- fee increases to 25 cents per paper postage paid at Palo Alto, CA and additional mailing and offices. Adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation by-one we stepped into the Blue bag and reusable bag provided for Santa Clara County. The Palo Alto Weekly is deliv- Room, and there they were,” YVC to customers. Retailers that fail to Anna Maria Mendieta ered free to homes in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Atherton, Portola Valley, East Palo Alto, to faculty and staff member Dakota Baker wrote on comply with the ban will be fined households on the Stanford campus and to portions a blog on Palo Alto Online’s Town $100 for a first violation and $200 Faure Excerpts from Shylock Suite of Los Altos Hills. If you are not currently receiving the paper, you may request free delivery by calling 326- Square forum. “President Barack for a second. Starting with a third Pamela Martin, conductor 8210. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Palo Alto Obama was standing next to First violation, a retailer will be fined Weekly, P. O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302. ©2013 by Lady, Michelle Obama waiting to $500 each day the store remains Tango Suite Embarcadero Media. All rights reserved. Reproduction Tickets: Piazzolla without permission is strictly prohibited. The Palo Alto shake my hand!!!!! I was completely non-compliant. The ordinance au- Anna Maria Mendieta, harp Weekly is available on the Internet via Palo Alto Online at: www.PaloAltoOnline.com awestruck; my cheeks felt hot and thorizes the San Mateo County en- Haydn Symphony No. 96 Our email addresses are: [email protected], pink; I was tingling all over. I wanted vironmental-health department to Gen Admission $20 [email protected], [email protected], to have somewhat of a conversa- enforce the ban. Menlo Park, along [email protected] tion with them, but I found it was with 24 other Peninsula cities, Missed delivery or start/stop your paper? Seniors (60+) $16 Call 650 223-6557, or email [email protected]. extremely difficult to speak intel- decided last year to support the Saturday, January 26 at 7:30 pm You may also subscribe online at ligently or intelligibly.” YVC member county’s ordinance, in part to save www.PaloAltoOnline.com. Subscriptions are $60/yr. St. Bede’s Episcopal Church Kenny Jones wrote: “Although I the city the expense of conducting Under 18 FREE have been starting my blog posts its own environmental review. The 2650 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park SUBSCRIBE! Menlo Park ban will take effect on Support your local newspaper from the start of my day, in this one Free reception follows concert by becoming a paid subscriber. I will start from the middle because, Earth Day. City staff will give free, $60 per year. $100 for two years. well, WE MET THE PRESIDENT! ... I reusable bags to residents and Sunday, January 27 at 2:30 pm Name: ______SHOOK THEIR HANDS! The expe- retailers through July 1 to help with rience was beyond amazing. ... This the transition. Palo Alto is consider- This ad sponsored by Los Altos United Methodist Church Address: ______Ginny and Joe Kavanaugh has been one of the crazier days ing expanding its plastic-bag ban, of Coldwell Banker, 655 Magdalena (at Foothill), Los Altos City/Zip: ______of my life, and I am so thankful. which applies to major grocery out- Portola Valley. Mail to: Palo Alto Weekly, Free reception at intermission ... I continuously count my bless- lets, to retailers citywide. N Visit them at 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto CA 94306 www.thekavanaughs.com

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She told the group of seniors that something,” Kang said. women can be at a disadvantage Going into college, “it’s important when it comes to the perception of to at least put a stake in the ground” them in the workplace. Some might and pick a major of interest, even if it not see them as stern enough or as will change down the road, she said. decision-makers. To respond to this, Student Sarah Shen said the in- she encouraged the girls to have formation will be useful going into presence in a room and to “own college and internships. their space.” Kang had the students try “el- She said it is important for a per- evator pitches.” A 10-second pitch son to decide how to present them- might include a brief description of selves, what messages they will what school they go to and where present to their audience, their strat- they want to go to college. egy and how they network. A 30-second pitch would allow “This is an opportunity for them for them to reveal more information, to learn the tools for branding in a such as volunteer work or other ac- changing world,” said Stacey Kerts- complishments. A 60-second pitch man, director of the Awareness, would allow even more examples Compassion and Engagement Cen- and might include hobbies. She di- ter at Castilleja. rected students to walk around the Kang talked about how she hired room in pairs while giving their her intern, whose resume caught her pitches, a simulation of trying to eye because she was an intern for present yourself to someone in a Disney and a blogger at a digital- short amount of time. media firm. She said that catching “They want to see a little of your someone’s eye is important. personality, a little of your human- Veronica Weber Kang explained her own brand- ity,” Kang said. ing strategy, which is summed up Afterward, the students said they as “bake the cake, then frost it.” felt challenged to make sure the The cake includes the “hard skills” pitches flowed and were memorable and the frosting includes the “soft and to list things they were passion- “Be Bold,” advises author Karen Kang while speaking to students at Castilleja School in Palo Alto about skills.” ate about and to provide a context. marketing and how to brand themselves while applying to universities. Hard skills include being a stra- “It was exceptionally helpful,” tegic thinker or having clear, per- student Camille Townshend said. suasive communication. Soft skills “Learning how to present your- EDUCATION include emotional intelligence and self was a great opportunity. I’m social skills. definitely going to take it with me She said it’s important to stay con- through the application process.” Brands: not just for businesses anymore sistent with one’s core values and to Students Gabriela Castro and Re- think about what brand attributes becca Pless echoed Townshend’s Consultant teaches Castilleja seniors personal branding in the digital age are being put out there. thoughts, saying they felt it was a by Rebecca Duran She gave a local example of Hil- great opportunity to advance wom- lary Freeman. Freeman, who was en and something they would never he rise of social media in pro- school welcomes speakers for a se- sonal brand is a practical pursuit. known in the community but not by be taught in class. fessional and social situations ries of lectures, Kang explained the “I want to dispel this myth that the electorate, was elected to Palo “We don’t have to be men in the T has made deciding how to importance of personal branding, personal branding is narcissistic,” Alto’s City Council in 2001. She workplace,” Kang said, stating the present one’s self more important which she described as a person’s the Palo Alto resident said. won with the most votes that year. importance of embracing all types — even for teenagers, according to reputation and image. Kang, the Kang has consulted for more than Kang helped her develop an image of skills. N branding consultant Karen Kang. founder and CEO of BrandingPays 100 organizations and has given nu- as a politician. Editorial Intern Rebecca Du- As part of Castilleja School’s and author of a new book on the merous seminars at business schools, “You can’t be known for every- ran can be emailed at rduran@ Global Week, in which the all-girls subject, stressed that building a per- including Stanford University. thing. You have to be known for paweekly.com.

LAND USE Arrillaga’s Menlo project

grows by adding housing University. Stanford of courtesy Image Joint Stanford development increases by 5,000 square feet by Sandy Brundage

s this a case of “be careful what been proposed for Menlo Park, and you wish for”? The latest revi- now they are proposing to add more I sion of a proposed development housing on top of it.” in Menlo Park by Stanford Univer- Save Menlo, a grassroots effort to sity and philanthropist John Arrilla- oppose the proposed plan, met with ga added some housing, which may Stanford University representatives mollify city officials. But there’s a Jan. 18. During the meeting, the A rendering of the mixed-use office, retail and residential housing complex next to a public plaza at Middle catch: The addition comes without group reviewed the revised plans Avenue as seen from El Camino Real in Menlo Park, according to revised plans submitted by Stanford sacrificing office and retail space the university submitted to Menlo University and John Arrillaga. — meaning that the already mas- Park last week. sive 8-acre project along El Camino The project will replace car lots The proposal remains consistent members, have not been shy about ning Commission will hold a study Real would grow by about 5,000 along 300 to 500 El Camino with a with the city’s specific plan for the expressing disappointment with the session for the project. The meet- square feet, making some residents mixed-use complex of 96,000 square area, according to city staff, and project. They said that throughout ing starts at 7 p.m. in the council even more unhappy. feet of medical offices, 133,500 won’t trigger discussions about the creation of the downtown/El Cami- chambers at the Civic Center at 701 “Stanford/Arrillaga project lead- square feet of offices, 10,000 square developer providing the city public no Real specific plan, Stanford ap- Laurel St. ers did not listen to the objections feet of retail, and housing. benefits. That leaves Menlo Park peared to support developing the The latest version is expected of Menlo Park neighborhoods — The latest changes propose adding without much control over the proj- empty car lots as senior housing. to be posted by Friday, Jan. 25, on Instead of reducing the traffic and 15 to 30 apartments for a maximum ect since it won’t require approvals Instead, the university is now forg- www.menlopark.org. N safety concerns — they have in- of 150 units. Architects also modi- for anything beyond the Planning ing ahead with a project composed Sandy Brundage is a staff writer creased it,” Perla Ni, a spokesperson fied the public plaza on Middle Av- Commission signing off on archi- primarily of office space, which is with the Almanac, the Weekly’s for the group Save Menlo, wrote in enue with what Stanford described tectural details. expected to increase traffic along sister paper. She can be reached at an email. “This is the largest medi- as “bicycle and pedestrian friendly Some city officials, including the city’s main corridor. [email protected]. cal office complex that has ever improvements.” planning commissioners and council On Monday, Jan. 28, the Plan-

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REPAIR CAFE ... Got a broken toaster or frayed electrical cord? Catching neighbors who fall Palo Alto’s second Repair Cafe will take place to help with those odd through the gap fix-its on Feb. 24 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Museum of American Neighborhood food drives help residents Heritage, 351 Homer Ave., Palo in need through hard times Alto. Damaged items such as small household appliances, lamps, PCs by Sue Dremann and computer products, luggage, jewelry, furniture and bikes are wel- Palo Alto neighborhood lar disease, he said. Factors such come. More information is available group is working to turn a as smoking and substance abuse holiday food drive for needy contributed to the problem, but at http://repaircafe-paloalto.org. A neighbors into a monthly gro- food choices and lack of availabil- Persons who want to volunteer cery giveaway. Neighbors Help- ity exacerbate health problems, he their repair expertise can contact ing Neighbors, a volunteer group said. Among immigrant populations Volunteer@RepairCafe-PaloAlto. in Midtown, plans to work with that are not used to American diets, org. schools and other groups to provide cheap fast food and refined sugar not just canned foods but to target are creating more heart disease and LUNAR NEW YEAR ... The first- specific nutritional needs not gen- diabetes, he said. ever Barron Park Lunar New Year erally taken care of in other food Osterberg and Taylor discussed Celebration will take place on programs. Volunteers hope to kick how to strategically provide a bal- Feb. 9. The event, sponsored by off the program on Feb. 2 at El Car- anced diet. the Barron Park Association, will melo Elementary School. “We’d love to see more of that,” he feature holiday foods, crafts and Caryll-Lynn Taylor, a leader of said, praising the group’s focus on a traditional lion dance perfor- Midtown Court Neighbors and high-fiber and fresh foods. mance to celebrate the New Year. Friends, said she became aware of Taylor said the idea for a food High school students are needed the the growing need as part of the drive came after seeing a notice in to help with the event, which will City of Palo Alto’s Family Resourc- the Palo Verde neighborhood news- take place from 2 to 4 p.m. at the es Ambassador Program. There letter. She contacted the food-drive Barron Park Elementary School are families who don’t qualify for leader, Jana Baxter, about how to set multipurpose room. It is the first safety-net programs. up one for her neighborhood. The in a series of the neighborhood “So many neighbors were being outreach led to serving 62 house- association’s “Celebrate Cultural turned away because their income holds. Among them, there were 12 Diversity” events to embrace resi- level was too high, but yet they were seniors and 39 children. Some resi- dents from different backgrounds. unable to pay for their basic needs,” dents have disabilities, she said. Students and persons who want she said. Taylor spoke to the food recipients to help with the event can contact A greater number of people are and learned that some had specific Lydia Kou, organizer, at Lkou@apr. finding themselves in need as rents dietary restrictions. Several seniors com. have risen in the improving econo- also said they had been diagnosed my, she said. with anemia. Taylor started think- Weber photo/Veronica file Weekly Caryll-Lynn Taylor stands in the plaza of 2727 Midtown Court last EDGEWOOD PLAZA: SLOW OR “They said, ‘What do I do now? ing about how to supplement their I’m in crisis,’” Taylor recalled of the nutrition. June. She is currently helping to organize monthly food drives for her GO? ... The Palo Alto City Council neighbors in need. will consider the process for mov- residents she’s spoken to. For the holiday food drive, the ing forward with a project review of Food is critical to helping people group received cash to purchase The mother of three asked that when helping those in need was a move out of their financial dilem- the Edgewood Plaza development, fresh fruit, vegetables and meats. her name not be published. She and given within communities. mas, Taylor said. Volunteers put together a menu and her children all have food allergies, “I remember my grandmother which has come under fire by sev- “When we feed families, we be- wish list of iron-rich foods such as and she cannot eat canned and pro- telling me about having a strong eral residents after developer Sand gin to have stable households when frozen spinach and beef liver. They cessed foods because preservatives community.” she said of the genera- Hill Properties tore down a historic these families are fortified nutri- added edamame (soybeans), frozen trigger intense migraines, she said. tions of farmers from which she is Eichler retail building after agreeing tionally.” and dried lentils, chickpeas, kidney One of her sons may be developing descended. to move and restore the structure. Dr. Lars Osterberg, co-director of beans and other foods to supplement diabetes. “When neighbors were in trouble, The meeting will take place Jan. 28 the Stanford School of Medicine’s diets. Eighteen families received The mother, who is disabled, neighbors came to their aid before at 7 p.m. at the City Hall Council Arbor Free Clinic in Menlo Park, holiday pork roasts, she said. reached a financial crisis last year anyone asked. There was no shame Chambers, 250 Hamilton Ave., agreed. The problem isn’t so much “We were extremely mindful of after a substantial rent increase, she in needing help. There was none of Palo Alto. a lack of food as it is one of a nutri- not providing packaged foods,” Tay- said. The groceries arrived at a criti- this business of coming on the sly tionally deficient diet, he said. lor said. cal time. — of ‘I don’t want my neighbors to NEIGHBORHOOD BEAUTIFICA- “We see a lot of patients who rely Local stores also chipped in, of- “I couldn’t use my credit card know,’” she said. N TION ... Barron Park Neighbor- on food services in the area. How- fering items at or below cost, and in anymore. I was using that to shop,” Neighbors Helping Neighbors hood President Lynnie Melena ever, a lot of it is cheap food that is some cases, even for free. she said. food drives are being coordinated reports that the City of Palo Alto high in carbohydrates and promotes There was enough food for a week The food donations fit her chal- through Caryll-Lynn Taylor, who has just finished planting drought- diabetes and high cholesterol,” he of breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert lenging family needs, she added. can be reached at midtowncourt. tolerant plants around the new well said. and snacks, Taylor said. “It’s well-rounded. It’s not a bunch [email protected]. Staff Writ- equipment at the Matadero Well A clinic study several years ago One 48-year-old recipient who of pasta and canned foods.” er Sue Dremann can be emailed at Site. The association is looking screened people at food-service cen- lives in Midtown said the groceries Taylor said Neighbors Helping [email protected]. for volunteers to help the plants ters. Many clients had cardiovascu- have helped greatly. Neighbors harkens back to a time grow with occasional watering. City crews are also removing a few dead acacias closer to the creek tracks, the community will need “People will say, ‘Oh, I thought But Klein said, “What you sug- bank. N Rail crossings to decide what to do about the rail it was a great idea, but now that gest assumes you think grade sepa- (continued from page 3) crossings, council members said. you’re taking houses in my neigh- ration is desirable, and the council If the trains are at grade, running borhood — or my house — people has not made that decision. Send announcements of In separate, later testimony be- along four tracks instead of the will get very excited about it. It’s “It’s a major decision for us to neighborhood events, meet- fore the council, Adina Levin of current two, “roughly 100 homes something we’ll get to, but it’s not take as to whether we want to have ings and news to Sue Dremann, Friends of Caltrain cited a “very would have to be taken to put in a an easy one for the community.” a grade separation at a particular Neighborhoods editor, at interesting proposal” in San Fran- grade separation, and we’ve been Councilwoman Liz Kniss said place. It’s not a slam dunk, so it’s [email protected]. Or cisco to fund realignment and un- cognizant of that as a very conten- other cities to the north of Palo premature to discuss funding.” N talk about your neighborhood dergrounding of tracks through tious impact,” councilman Pat Burt Alto have been able to secure fund- Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can news on Town Square at www. the sale of land that then would be said. ing to build grade separations and be emailed at ckenrick@paweek- PaloAltoOnline.com. freed up. “When we get to it, these cham- asked city staff members whether ly.com. But short of undergrounding the bers will be packed,” Klein said. that has been explored.

Page 6ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Upfront REAL ESTATE TRENDS by Samia Cullen SENIORS Title Insurance Avenidas makes plans for Palo Alto Why Is It Important? A title insurance policy is a contract identical. The cost, extent of coverage wellness center issued by a title insurance company, in- and terms can be as unique as each par- suring or indemnifying owners, holders cel of real property, since no two parcels Consortium seeks land for ‘big, audacious idea’ for senior services of liens or encumbrances, or others with are exactly alike. a title interest in real property, against Generally, a title insurance policy in- by Sue Dremann loss or damage to the property title. sures the buyer against loss or damage In a typical residential real estate arising out of: consortium of senior and we going to do to continue to be as organization would like to keep 450 transaction, a title policy is issued to the a) title to the property being vested health-services organizations relevant to everybody that knocks on Bryant and expand and upgrade the buyer at the close of escrow, insuring in someone other than the in- A are looking for land to build our door in the coming years as we facility, but it also wants to build the the buyer against loss or damage suf- sured, a wellness center that would focus have been in the first 40 years. wellness center in south Palo Alto, fered because of defects in title to the b) any defect in or recorded lien or on seniors. Boomers, she said, will have differ- Hendrickson said. property itself. In addition, if the buyer encumbrance on the title, Lisa Hendrickson, president and ent needs and expectations and will Avenidas serves 6,000 people an- obtains a loan to acquire the property, c) un-marketability of title, or CEO of the nonprofit Avenidas, live longer than previous seniors. nually. The organization offers social a title policy is issued to the lender to d) lack of right of access to and floated the idea by the Palo Alto “We’re going to have to figure out services, care-management coordi- provide assurances that the lender’s in- from the property. City Council Jan. 14, saying her or- how to be there for them — or for nation, case management, transpor- sured lien has priority over other liens Each of the covered items listed ganization is running out of room us, I should say,” she said, noting the tation, caregiver support and many and encumbrances on the property. above typically is limited by specific or and will face an onslaught of ag- number of gray heads sitting in the classes and connections with other Customarily in San Mateo County, generic exceptions, exclusions or other ing baby boomers in the next few council chairs. agencies serving seniors. the buyer is responsible for the cost of conditions specified within the title years. Avenidas is currently housed in the Thirty-two percent of Avenidas’ both policies. In Santa Clara County, it policy. The wellness center is “a big, au- city’s old fire and police building. $4.1 million budget comes from fees, is customary for the seller pay to pay for Title insurance policies are complex dacious idea” that would also offer “We are bursting at the seams 28 percent from the endowment, 18 the buyer’s title policy, with the lender’s legal documents, and readers who re- services to the larger community as at Bryant Street,” she said. “It’s percent from community support policy paid for by the buyer. quire specific advice should consult an Title policies are not required to be attorney. well as seniors, Hendrickson said. a charming building, and a lot of and 12 percent from other sources. The consortium includes Aveni- folks that come into Avenidas have The City of Palo Alto provides 10 I offer complimentary staging when I list your home. Contact me at das, the Cardiac Therapy Founda- history with the building. They percent of the budget, which Hen- (650) 384-5392, Alain Pinel Realtors. To learn more, log-on to samiacullen.com tion, Betty Wright Swim Center and remember getting parking tickets drickson called “significant.” Pacific Stroke Association, which and going in front of the judge and That figure is down from the 30 would provide services at the cen- spending time in the holding cells percent the city provided in 1978 ter. The group is looking for a fifth — and every once in a while they’ll when Avenidas first started. Hen- partner to provide land within Palo tell you that. drickson did not make an overt ap- Inspirations Alto, she said. “But that is a history that boomers peal to the council for assistance “Our over-65 population is grow- don’t have with our building,” she other than to ask that they spread ing twice as fast as the total popula- said, adding that other local organi- the word that Avenidas is looking tion growth. It’s a large population zations serving seniors have “won- for land. a guide to the spiritual community — 17 percent of the total popula- derful, brand-new facilities.” On Tuesday, she told the Weekly tion in 2010 — which makes Palo Two of those facilities, the 25,000- that she spoke to a committee delib- Alto one of the oldest cities in Santa square-foot Mountain View Senior erating on the future of Cubberley Clara County,” she said. Center and the 45,000-square-foot Community Center “to plant the FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UCC People older than 65 make up 11 Santa Clara Senior Center, opened seed with them if there is a way for £™nxʜՈÃÊ,œ>`]Ê*>œÊÌœÊUÊ­Èxä®ÊnxȇÈÈÈÓÊUÊÜÜÜ°vVV«>°œÀ}Ê percent of Santa Clara County’s in 2007. Avenidas’ newest facility land there to be utilized.” Sunday Worship and Church School at 10 a.m. population, she said. is the six-year-old Avenidas Rose She stressed that although the This Sunday: Palo Alto’s population ages 55 and Kleiner Center in Mountain View, consortium has been considering older is now about one out of three. which offers health care and senior the possible size of the facility and Too Big For His Britches “So we’ve got our work cut out for day care. its potential cost, the numbers are Rev. David Howell preaching us,” she said. Avenidas currently leases 450 speculative at this point. An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ “I spent a lot of time thinking about Bryant from the city for $1 a year, “It’s a very exciting idea, but it’s capacity and resources, and what are but its lease runs out in 2026. The far from being firm,” she said. N

CIVIC SERVICE Why no applicants for library commission? Council concludes panel is ‘viable’ but reduces membership to five by Chris Kenrick hy didn’t anybody apply for remained something of a mystery. lending perspectives on long-term a recent vacancy on Palo Councilman Larry Klein in Oc- outlook for programs, services and W Alto’s Library Advisory tober asked for a discussion of the use of space; technology, finance Commission? viability of the commission. and marketing expertise and advo- The dearth of applicants for the “I hope the length of the meet- cacy for libraries. advisory panel to the City Council ings isn’t why we’re seeing so many “We have a lot to discuss, espe- — despite recruitment efforts from vacancies,” council Klein said this cially with new facilities coming July to October — led to a council week, referring to the four-hour on line,” library commissioner Bob inquiry on the “viability” of the meetings that have been held rough- Moss told the council Tuesday. Inspirations is a resource for ongoing religious services commission. ly every month. Councilwoman Nancy Shepherd The council concluded this week “The LAC has way more vacan- said she expects a “vigorous debate” and special events. To inquire about or to reserve space in that the commission indeed serves cies than any of our other commis- over library staffing in 2014, when Inspirations, please contact Blanca Yoc a useful purpose after hearing so sions, almost by a factor of two. It’s the new Mitchell Park Library is at 223-6596 or email [email protected] from Library Director Monique le a disturbing number.” opened and people will seek longer Conge and library commissioners The board’s need for new mem- hours for the College Terrace Li- themselves. bers is about to be exacerbated, with brary, which currently operates just But council members voted to re- three more commissioners’ terms four days a week. duce the number of commissioners set to expire Jan. 31. Besides Moss, current library from seven to five — a more “man- Le Conge said she values the ad- commissioners, according to the ageable” number, le Conge said, and vice of library commissioners, who city’s website, are Toluope Akino- Support one they hope will ease recruitment also regularly stay in touch with two la, Leonardo Hochberg, Eileen Palo Alto Weekly’s troubles in the future. other library interest groups in town, Landauer, Theivanai Palaniappan With library use steady and resi- Friends of the Palo Alto Library and and Mary Beth Train. The terms print and online dents consistently rating libraries the Palo Alto Library Foundation. of Akinola, Moss and Palaniappan coverage of as one of their most-valued city In their own response, library expire Jan. 31. N services, the lack of applicants for commissioners said they perceive Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can our community. the commission following the July that they are “providing a valuable be emailed at ckenrick@paweekly. Join today: SupportLocalJournalism.org/PaloAlto 2012 resignation of Noel Bakhtian and rewarding service to the city,” com. ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 7 Upfront

Families from Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills help rid the Palo Alto Baylands of invasive species as part of Mitzvah Day activities on Jan. 21. A day of good deeds Annual ‘Mitzvah Day’ draws 900 volunteers photos by André Zandona

Some came to paint, some to garden, still others to create mixed-media collages or blankets for the under- served. In all close to 900 volunteers of all ages spent Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, Jan. 21, working on 25 different hands-on projects at the Taube Koret Campus for Jewish Life and nearby. All the “mitzvah” (good deed) projects had one thing in common: addressing poverty, hunger, housing and homelessness, aging and the environment. Schedul- ing the event for Monday was both a way to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to create a Jewish day of service, where local nonprofits were showcased and volunteers encouraged to make their participation an annual event. N

Clockwise, from left: Mitzvah materials to underserved 3- and Day volunteers create a 4-year-olds; Orly Schube takes a community-wide art project, break from her painting project. a “tree of life,” which will be hung in the Oshman Family WATCH THE VIDEO Jewish Community Center’s www.PaloAltoOnline.com fitness center; projects included A Mitzvah Day video by Weekly Staff painting bookcases for the Photographer Veronica Weber has nonprofit 10 Books A Home, been posted on www.PaloAltoOnline. which provides educational com. Page 8ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Upfront

Gun violence News Digest (continued from page 3) Two robbed at gunpoint near downtown Palo Alto at Mountain View City Hall. A man and woman walking near downtown Bernstein brought the group’s Palo Alto were robbed at gunpoint Tuesday message to the Palo Alto City Coun- night, Jan. 22, Palo Alto police said. cil Tuesday, Jan. 22, when the group The victims, a man in his 50s and a woman asked the city to take two actions to in her 20s, were walking together northbound support gun control: join the group in the 300 block of Ramona Street near Haw- Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which thorne Avenue at about 8:30 p.m. when they now has 800 members nationally; were approached by a man who stood in their and issue a proclamation in support way on the sidewalk. He produced a black of Obama’s gun-violence policies. Veronica Weber handgun and demanded their wallets and the Members of the group are ap- woman’s purse. The victims complied, police proaching mayors throughout the said. Peninsula to make similar commit- The gunman told them to walk back in the ments, she said. Although the killing of 27 peo- direction from which they had come, which they did. They heard him Bonnie Bernstein, left, and Barbara Harley, organizers of the Silicon running away northbound on Ramona, police said. ple, including 20 children, in Sandy Hook has become the flashpoint for Valley Committee Against Gun Violence, sit at Bernstein’s kitchen table There was no known vehicle associated with the crime. Neither victim in Palo Alto, where the group held its first meeting earlier this month. was injured. They walked to a restaurant in the 400 block of Emerson a call to reshape gun laws and ad- Street near Lytton Avenue and sought help from an employee, who called dress mental health intervention, police at about 8:45 p.m. Bernstein said communities such as would be legally liable if their child next meeting will include a Twitter The gunman is described as a black male in his early 20s, about 5 feet Palo Alto and its schools are vul- were to use a gun that they have in workshop for the less-technology 8 inches tall and 165 pounds. He was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt nerable to gun violence on many the home. savvy members. and dark pants. levels. “A lot of parents are not aware of “The Tea Party did this, and they Police recommend that people remain aware of their surroundings when it, although it is the law. It would be got so much power, so why not those out for walks and report suspicious behavior immediately via 911. Any- good for Palo Alto schools to have a against gun violence?” she said. one with information about this crime may contact the 24-hour dispatch ‘Each death leaves straightforward and uncomplicated “It’s the time — it’s a critical center at 650-329-2413. Anonymous tips can be emailed to paloalto@ policy,” she said. time,” she said. N Harley said the group is being Staff Writer Sue Dremann can tipnow.org or sent by text message or voice mail to 650-383-8984. N grieving loved ones — Sue Dremann sensitive to their use of language. be emailed at sdremann@paweek- in its wake.’ They want to communicate in a nu- ly.com. anced way that is not alienating to Packard Hospital pediatric medical info stolen —Bonnie Bernstein, people who own guns but who also A laptop computer containing limited medical information on pediatric TALK ABOUT IT founder, can see a need for change. www.PaloAltoOnline.com patients was stolen from a physician’s car on the night of Jan. 9, Lucile Silicon Valley Community “We want to present ourselves in Packard Children’s Hospital has reported. Against Gun Violence a way that is a catchment of both What do you think appropriate gun The hospital and the Stanford University School of Medicine are noti- sides,” Bernstein added. legislation should look like? Share your fying patients by mail of the theft, which was reported to the hospital and opinion on Town Square, the community “Not only are thousands killed The group plans to use social discussion forum on Palo Alto Online. school of medicine on Jan. 10 after the theft was discovered. each year in homicides or suicides, media to spread their message. The The laptop is password protected, and the theft took place away from but the impact affects so many oth- the hospital and school campus, hospital spokespersons said. ers. Each death leaves grieving loved Authorities said they launched “an aggressive and ongoing investiga- ones in its wake. Those disabled tion” with security and law enforcement. from gun injuries are not counted in B The medical information on the computer was mostly related to past statistics, yet their lives are forever T A care and research, according to the hospital. The patient data did not S Y changed. Domestic-violence situa- E include financial or credit-card information, nor did it contain Social tions are escalated to a threatening

Security numbers or any other marketable information. So far, there is W

level by guns. The fear of safety in

no indication that any patient information has been accessed or compro-

A parks and neighborhoods affects all mised, hospital staff said. citizens’ quality of life,” she said. O P E R Potentially affected patients are being offered free identity-protection Bernstein’s interest in the anti- services, and a toll-free phone line (855-731-6016) has been established gun-violence campaign occurred for patients’ families. An information page for patients regarding the due to “a confluence of things in incident is available at www.lpch.org. N my life,” she said. She has always — Sue Dremann been politically active, although not specifically with gun issues. She Palo Alto contractor faces felony charges contributed to the Brady Act cam- The owner and chief financial officer of a Palo Alto construction com- paign, but this is the first time she pany have been charged with several felonies in a scheme that allegedly has taken an activist role on the is- defrauded an Atherton homeowner, according to the San Mateo County sue, she said. District Attorney’s Office. As the group discussed the impact Richard James Smith, 54, who owned R.J. Smith & Associates, a Cali- of gun violence locally, many mem- fornia Avenue firm, and Tariel Gusseinov, former chief financial officer, bers said they had been personally allegedly over-billed the homeowner by thousands of dollars and diverted affected, she said. money owed to a subcontractor of the project, the DA’s office said. “A trauma surgeon spoke about Smith’s company was contracted to perform a construction job on the how she has seen horrors in her Stockbridge Avenue home, but in 2009 and 2010 they allegedly engaged work; a school teacher survived a in practices that included diversion of $28,000 owed to subcontractor sniper attack in her school where Plumbing & Things, inflated a subcontract by $39,000 to Dimmers Elec- she worked; another person had a tric and billed the victim for it, and had a fraudulent change-order that member of their family be killed in billed the victim for windows at $5,000 more than the cost of the win- L.A. This is the rippling effect of dows that were originally ordered and installed, according to the DA. gun violence,” she said. The fraud came to light when fixtures from the subcontractor arrived Bernstein and Barbara Harley, a late and the victim started communicating with the subcontractors. The neighbor, said that during discus- victim then called the police. sions of what group members want- Smith faces three counts of larceny with grand theft and a count of ed, one of the first things everyone fraud/forgery. agreed on was a gun-buyback pro- The case against Smith is set for a preliminary hearing on Feb. 28 gram. They said they could encour- in San Mateo County Superior Court. He is out of custody on $75,000 age sponsorships to get guns out of bail. homes and off the street. Gusseinov’s case is set for jury trial on March 11. He is out of custody Each member took on a task, such on his own recognizance. N as looking at gun-related safety poli- — Sue Dremann cies in the schools and talking to the police department, Bernstein said. One way to protect local students LET’S DISCUSS: Read the latest local news headlines would be for schools to send letters and talk about the issues at Town Square at PaloAltoOnline.com to parents informing them that they

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Jobs’ home burglar receives seven-year Report: Home burglaries up 52 sentence Online This Week percent from 2011 Kariem McFarlin, the man who burglarized the home of Residential burglaries in Palo Alto jumped 52 percent in Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, was sentenced to seven years These and other news stories were posted on Palo Alto 2012, from 149 to 226, according to an annual crime-statistics in state prison by a Santa Clara County Superior Court judge, Online throughout the week. For longer versions, go to report released by the Palo Alto Police Department. (Posted Jan. according to the deputy district attorney in charge of the case. www.PaloAltoOnline.com/news 21 at 11:05 a.m.) (Posted Jan. 18 at 9:38 a.m.)

Home-schooled Palo Altan among Woman dies in fiery Mountain View crash Want to get news briefs emailed to you every weekday? A woman was killed early Sunday morning, Jan. 20, when Sign up for Express, our new daily e-edition. Intel finalists Go to www.PaloAltoOnline.com to sign up. A math project has earned a Palo Alto student a spot among her car struck a tree in Mountain View, police said. (Posted Jan. 40 finalists in the 2013 Intel Science Talent Search, where the 20 at 1:03 p.m.) top prize is $100,000. (Posted Jan. 24 at 9:43 a.m.) Vallejo man injured in East Palo Alto Google pitches big plans to Mountain View shooting City Council Police in East Palo Alto are investigating a shooting that took Google wowed the Mountain View City Council on Tuesday, place early Sunday morning, Jan. 20. (Posted Jan. 20 at 1 p.m.) Jan. 22, with its most detailed presentation yet on its North Bayshore development plans, but council members were hesi- Man sentenced for theft of college tant to embrace the company’s plans for a bridge over Stevens textbooks Creek. (Posted Jan. 24 at 8:13 a.m.) An Oakland man was sentenced to three years and four months in jail Thursday, Jan. 17, for stealing science and math Menlo Park bans plastic bags at checkout textbooks from Peninsula community colleges, according to Earth Day (April 22) will see the end of single-use plastic San Mateo County prosecutors. (Posted Jan. 18 at 3:54 p.m.) bags at the checkout counter in Menlo Park. The City Coun- cil voted 5-0 to join the county in enacting a new ordinance New Palo Alto Fire Chief Eric Nickel banning the use of plastic bags by retailers, but made a few sworn in modifications to the law. (Posted Jan. 23 at 4:27 p.m.) After two and a half years without a permanent fire chief, Palo Alto held a promotional ceremony Thursday, Jan. 17, First Person video: Scott Sagan, Concours d’Elegance show shifts for Eric Nickel, the former Novato deputy fire chief hired to nuclear-disarmament expert to San Mateo lead Palo Alto’s $26.6 million department. (Posted Jan. 18 at 1:02 After a six-month search for a new venue, the Palo Alto Lions p.m.) Scott Sagan, nuclear-disarmament expert, senior fellow Club will hold its 47th annual Concours d’Elegance auto show at CISAC and Stanford University professor of political sci- at the San Mateo County Event Center instead of Stanford Local man gets 16 years in prison for ence, talks with Lisa Van Dusen about his lifelong career University’s athletic field, where it has been held for the past 38 carjacking in academic research, teaching and policy devoted to disar- years, organizers announced. (Posted Jan. 22 at 11:21 a.m.) A 51-year-old East Palo Alto man pleaded no contest to car- jacking and received a 16-year prison sentence in San Mateo mament and nuclear nonproliferation. Watch the video on SamTrans buying 25 hybrid buses County Superior Court Thursday, Jan. 17. (Posted Jan. 18 at 10:56 www.PaloAltoOnline.com by searching for “Scott Sagan.” The San Mateo County Transit District is adding 25 new a.m.) hybrid buses manufactured by a Hayward company to its fleet by the end of the year. (Posted Jan. 22 at 8:20 a.m.)

Page 10ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Upfront Public Agenda A preview of Palo Alto government meetings next week CityViewA round-up of Palo Alto government action this week CITY COUNCIL ... The city plans to discuss a colleague’s memo from Mayor Greg Scharff and Council Member Larry Klein regarding the Ad Hoc Committee on Infrastructure; request for proposal for the scope of services for the Downtown CAP study; and the City Manager’s Council Priorities Report. The special meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. City Council (Jan. 22) on Monday, Jan. 28, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). Transportation Element: The council voted to amend the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the vision statement of the Palo Alto Rail BOARD OF EDUCATION ... The board will vote on a proposed boundary change between the Addison and Walter Corridor Study. Yes: Unanimous Employee pensions: The council voted to request staff to return to the council pre- Hays school attendance areas. The board also will discuss proposed new course offerings, proposed new course pared to discuss the potential of opening participation by city employees in the So- literature, a conceptual design for renovations of the Palo Alto High School library and a resolution of support for cial Security system as part of a hybrid pension system. Yes: Berman, Burt, Holman, Senate Constitutional Amendment 3, an effort to reduce the majority required in a parcel-tax vote from two-thirds to Klein, Scharff, Schmid No: Kniss, Price, Shepherd 55 percent. In a separate special meeting, principals of Gunn and Palo Alto high schools will discuss their progress 2013 legislative priorities: The council voted to discuss its 2013 legislative priorities with the office of Assemblyman Rich Gordon. Yes: Unanimous against goals set in their accreditation reports by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The special Library Advisory Commission: The council voted to reduce the number of commis- meeting begins at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29, in the boardroom of school district headquarters (25 Churchill Ave.). The sioners from seven to five. Yes Unanimous regular meeting will convene at 6:30 p.m. in the same place.

PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ... The commission plans to hear an update on the California Parks and Recreation Commission (Jan. 22) Avenue transit hub corridor streetscape improvements project and offer input on street-lighting options; and to hold Selection of chair and vice-chair: Chair Ed Lauing was re-elected as chair of the commission and Jennifer Hetterly was elected vice-chair, replacing Daria Walsh. a public hearing on rezoning properties in the 600 block of Emerson Street. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Yes: Unanimous Wednesday, Jan. 30, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). Other business: The commission also discussed potential changes in field-use policy and its upcoming retreat. Action: None COUNCIL RAIL COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to discuss the Professional Evaluation Group, Inc.; proposed SB 1029 clean-up legislation; possible changes to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); proposed revi- Public Art Commission (Jan. 17) sions to guiding principles; and updates to the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board/California High Speed Rail Au- University Avenue tunnel: The commission approved a plan to move forward with thority Memorandum of Understanding. The meeting is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31, in the Council temporary art in the tunnel that would have little to no cost to the commission. Conference Room at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). Yes: Unanimous Maintenance of collection: The commission adopted a plan to allow staff to use up REGIONAL HOUSING MANDATE COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to discuss the City of Palo Alto appeal of the to $3,000 for art maintenance and report its use after the fact, instead of asking the commission beforehand. Yes: Unanimous Adopted Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the 2014-22 Housing Element Cycle. The meeting is sched- Juana Briones restroom art: The commission approved “The Apricot Tree of Life” to uled for 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall (250 Hamilton Ave.). adorn the side of the Juana Briones restroom for $2,000. Yes: Unanimous Other business: The commission discussed the youth art awards, the commission’s CITY COUNCIL RETREAT ... The council plans to discuss its top priorities for 2013 and optimal ways to shorten city upcoming retreat, plans for upcoming events and workshops, the status of projects at Mitchell Park Library and a staff report on the possibility of receiving the Our Town council meetings, among other topics. The retreat is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 2, in the Palo Alto Art grant. Action: None Center Auditorium (1313 Newell Road).

Announcing the Embarcadero Media Gap-Year Media Internship Thinking about taking a gap-year before starting college? The Palo Alto Weekly and Palo Alto Online invite graduating high school seniors to apply for a unique one-year paid internship between mid-June, 2013 and July, 2014.

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For more information and an application, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/gapyear Deadline: February 1, 2013

(We also offer limited unpaid summer internships for high school seniors.)

ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 11 Editorial You helped set new Holiday Fund record Twentieth annual community fundraising campaign raises $390,000 for local nonprofits Editorials, letters and opinions t is sometimes easy to forget that within our community are kids Spectrum and families that have critical needs they cannot meet on their I own. Some may need help to be successful in school. Others face health care challenges or are trying to overcome the impacts of unem- ployment, homelessness or other family tragedy. Many simply need a Prying parking points fee — a fee on every paper bag you fine them $100–500 if they are not caring adult to lend support, guidance or mentoring. Editor: get from groceries and all other recycling “enough” and/or gener- Working hard to serve these families are dozens of local nonprofit It looks as if the City Council, stores. (Interestingly, in D.C. they ating “too much” trash. Is that the organizations, and the Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund serves as a city manager and the Planning & charge 5 cents a bag, not the 25 future you want? simple and important funding source for those that serve residents of Transportation Department final- cents that Menlo Park seeks to Cherie Zaslawsky Palo Alto, East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. ly may be on the verge of giving mandate.) Such charges on every- Oak Lane Now in its twentieth year, the Holiday Fund raises money from downtown parking at least some of day items unfairly especially bur- Menlo Park hundreds of people and organizations and then disburses all of it the attention it merits. den people on low incomes. Ah, through grants to nonprofits providing programs and services to the Those of us concerned about the but let them buy reusable plastic Postpone landfill cap neediest members of the community. situation would be well advised bags, you say? Those bags are no- Editor, The Holiday Fund has become a simple way for anyone to help to keep the following points in torious for harboring burgeoning Of course the city should post- others without having to research and decide on donating to a specific mind: E. coli colonies, cross-contami- pone the final capping of the land- agency. By giving to the Holiday Fund, donors know that a committee Since 2004 the City Council nating foods and making people fill until the question of building a of Palo Alto Weekly employees, with the additional resources of the and Planning Department have sick. composting facility on the land is Silicon Valley Community Foundation, are carefully reviewing grant been aware of the fact that the But what about the garbage in settled. That’s a no-brainer. applications and the qualifications and effectiveness of nonprofits downtown business district’s two- the ocean and the poor sea turtles, Application for a waiver of state seeking assistance. hour parking zones would lead to you say? The environmental argu- rules requiring immediate capping And since the Palo Alto Weekly and the community foundation intrusive parking in the adjacent ments are scare tactics and false- can be based on trading off a mi- donate all the administrative and marketing costs, 100 percent of the residential neighborhoods. To date hoods. There is no direct connec- nor increase in methane emissions money donated ends up in the hands of the grantee nonprofits. they have done nothing to alleviate tion between the plastic bag you during the year or so the area in Donors this year ranged from $10 individual donations to $100,000 the burgeoning problem. get at Draegers and the “Pacific question remains uncapped versus given by a long-time Palo Alto family for the second year in a row. The Planning Department in a Garbage Patch,” whose size, by the major reduction in methane Critical support has for years come from donations made by the recent report to the City Council the way, has been grossly exagger- emissions brought about by the op- Packard, Hewlett, Arrillaga and Peery foundations, whose funds presented a series of parking pol- ated. However, there is a connec- eration of the composting facility enable all individual gifts to the fund to be matched. And each of icy strategies intended to address tion between allowing government over its lifetime, should that option the more than 2,000 participants in the annual Palo Alto Weekly the downtown parking deficiency. to micromanage our day-to-day be proven the best use of the land. Moonlight Run and Walk also helped, since all proceeds of that event Those proposed strategies are so lives, and the “garbage police” William Cutler go to the Holiday Fund. inadequate that they would have (aka trash supervisors) active in Park Boulevard If you let the holidays pass without making your donation, it’s not no effect whatsoever on the intru- cities like Cleveland, who literally Palo Alto too late! Simply return the coupon below and, with any luck we can sive parking problem in the adja- prowl through residents’ trash and surpass the $400,000 mark by the time our grant decisions are made cent residential neighborhoods. in March. Downtown workers will contin- On behalf of those who ultimately benefit from your donations, ue to park in the adjacent residen- WHAT DO YOU THINK? we thank you. tial neighborhoods as long as the parking there is free. The Palo Alto Weekly encourages comments on our coverage If the City Council immediately or on issues of local interest. empowered the Planning Depart- ment to implement an affordable Support our Kids Resident Permit Parking program with a gift to the Holiday Fund. in the adjacent residential neigh- How should the city of Palo Alto deal borhoods the downtown business- with growing pension obligations? es would implement suitable park- Enclosed is a donation of $______ing solutions for their employees, Name ______which is what they should have ? Business Name ______been doing all along. Submit letters to the editor of up to 250 words to [email protected]. Submit guest opinions of 1,000 words to [email protected]. Include your Address ______In short, the downtown develop- ers and businesses created the cur- name, address and daytime phone number so we can reach you. City/State/Zip ______rent intrusive parking problem in We reserve the right to edit contributions for length, objectionable content, E-Mail ______Phone ______the adjacent residential neighbor- libel and factual errors known to us. Anonymous letters will generally not be Q Credit Card (MC, VISA, or AMEX) ______hoods by failing to provide ade- accepted. Submitting a letter to the editor or guest opinion constitutes a granting of permission to the Palo Alto Weekly and Embarcadero Media to also Expires ______/______quate parking for their employees. publish it online, including in our online archives and as a post on Town Square. Signature ______They now have a civic obligation to solve it! For more information contact Editor Jocelyn Dong or Editorial Assistant I wish to designate my contribution as follows: (select one) Michael Hodos Eric Van Susteren at [email protected] or 650-326-8210. Q In my name as shown above Bryant Street – OR – Q In name of business above: Q In honor of: Palo Alto Q In memory of: Q As a gift for: Bad bag ban ______(Name of person) Editor, For information on making contributions of appreciated stock, contact Bill Johnson If the so-called Plastic Bag Ban, at (650) 326-8210. which Menlo Park’s Council votes on this month, were only a ban on The Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund is a donor advised fund of Silicon Valley these bags, it would not involve Community Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. A contribution to this suddenly charging shoppers for ev- fund allows your donation to be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. ery paper bag the store hands out. All donors and gifts amounts will be published in the Palo Alto Weekly unless the boxes Of course people will purchase below are checked. disposable plastic bags for the Q I wish to contribute anonymously. Q Please withhold the amount of my messy jobs they currently re-use contribution. grocery bags for anyway. But should city government order resi- Please Make checks payable to: dents to stop using safe, hygienic, Silicon Valley Community Foundation and send to: plastic bags, forcing them to incur Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund increasing costs in their everyday c/o Silicon Valley Community Foundation expenses? Should government 2440 W. El Camino Real, Suite 300 Mountain View, CA 94040 force retailers to charge for bags? In truth, the “ban” is actually a

Page 12ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Check out Town Square! Hundreds of local topics are being discussed by local residents on Town Square, a reader forum sponsored by the Weekly on our com- munity website at www.PaloAltoOnline.com. Post your own comments, ask questions, read the Editor’s blog or just stay up on what people are talking about around town!

On Deadline ‘Overflow parking’ emerging as a battle over cumulative impacts by Jay Thorwaldson But in this case the residents are doing their of proposed new projects downtown. oft-esoteric issues of what should be allowed n what Palo Alto resident and former com- own analysis of cumulative-impact, perhaps And that number isn’t even the full count. to be built, or not, tend to emerge in cycles. munity planner heralding a renewed trend of “do-it-yourself” It doesn’t include the huge four-building Those cycles depend on what types and IKen Alsman terms planning, as has been done for years on traffic proposal at the west end of University Av- sizes of projects are being proposed, as well “amazing,” cumulative matters. (Ted Noguchi, a long-ago city traffic enue, adjacent to the train and bus station, by as on the initiative and capabilities of lead- building plans for the engineer, once quipped that there were 60,000 developer John Arrillaga. ers who emerge from neighborhoods or the downtown Palo Alto traffic engineers in Palo Alto — the city popu- Nor does it include added employees in ex- community at large in response to impacts of commercial area will lation at the time.) isting buildings. traffic and parking. add nearly 700 more The residents have done a block-by-block “It does not include the additional 100,000 Today the issue of “overflow parking” has “overflow” parkers to count of how many overflow cars park on their square feet likely to be approved to reach the emerged forcefully as one of those battles already saturated neigh- neighborhood streets on a daily basis. ‘CAP’ of 350,000 square feet (for the down- — more than a skirmish and far more spe- borhoods both north Their conclusion — summarized in an email town area), it does not include further intensi- cific than “issues,” the usual term for such and south of University to the City Council and Planning and Trans- fication of existing space, it does not include confrontations. Avenue. portation Commission — is that between 85 future development outside of the downtown, The battles, skirmishes or debates go back Alsman found 20 new and 100 percent of curbside parking spaces in and it does not include 27 University Avenue decades. projects and based his parking-need estimates the neighborhoods is taken by folks parking impacts,” Alsman continues. Sometimes, as is happening in Palo Alto on city staff reports. Alsman, who lives in the there all day and walking the six, eight or 10 “Amazing isn’t it. But downtown develop- right now, the parking debates draw in resi- South of Forest Avenue (SOFA) neighborhood, blocks to work in downtown. ment interests love the direct and significant dents with deep credentials. went into the antiques business after serving And it will get worse, they predict. subsidy these neighborhoods provide through Alsman knows the frustrations and rewards 28 years as a professional planner in Mountain The added demand for parking “basically the loss of each neighborhood’s character, of community planning. During his career in View, working on significant projects and even fills the entire remaining capacity of the resi- livability, safety and value. And, we are sure Mountain View he played significant roles in serving as planning director there. dential neighborhoods north and south of Uni- the employees must love the daily 6-, 8- and neighborhood design, North Bayshore design He and some residents from north of Uni- versity Avenue,” Alsman said in a summary 10-block walks along our ‘tree-lined’ streets and implementation, downtown revitaliza- versity (including Neilson Buchanan, a former email to city officials. to their places of employment.” tion, bringing light rail to town, street and top administrator at El Camino Hospital) have “We assume that eventually the unmet com- The intensity of neighborhood feeling be- public-improvement design, historic preser- completed a detailed new report and map of the mercial employee parking need will begin to gins to show through in that statement. vation, even the public art program. sprawling area between Alma Street and Mid- seriously overflow across Middlefield Road The “overflow parking” issue has spread In Palo Alto, he heard the old firebell ring- dlefield Road, extending from the San Francis- into the Crescent Park and Community Cen- to other areas of town, and now even has ing. quito Creek to Embarcadero Road. ter neighborhoods.” That prediction should involved spillover parking from the Trian- “Since the City did not have the resources City staff members have the report and map awaken some of the neighborhood-alert online gle area of East Palo Alto near the Newell I have reviewed and summarized all of the but haven’t had time to prepare an analysis or listservs in neighborhoods east of Middlefield Road bridge, where parking enforcement 20-plus projects in the pipeline using city response, yet. Road. along Woodland Avenue and some fees by reports. So we think the estimates are pretty Historically, toting up cumulative impacts is The residents call their project the “Pipeline apartment developments have caused up to good, if not too damn conservative.” N not something city planners have done exten- Study 695.” Pipeline in this case refers to the 50 residents to spill onto Palo Alto streets. Former Weekly Editor Jay Thorwaldson sively, or well, in my journalistic experience projects “in the pipeline” for city approval, not (See blog, “That curbside parking space in can be emailed at jthorwaldson@paweekly. over several decades. They often are simply to the state of city or PG&E natural-gas pipe- front of my home is MINE!!!” posted on com with a copy to [email protected]. He overwhelmed by the flow, sometimes a flood, lines, which also have explosive potential. www.PaloAltoOnline.com — below Town also writes blogs posted on the Weekly’s of specific proposals with which they must by The “695” is the estimated number of ad- Square.) community website, www.PaloAltoOnline. law deal. ditional parking spaces expected from a surge In the world of community planning, the com (below Town Square). Streetwise How would you tackle the increase in the number of burglaries in Palo Alto? Asked on Homer Avenue, Palo Alto. Interviews and photographs by Ranjini Raghunath.

Peter Coughlan Chris Perry Karen Johnston Justin O’Hearn Janelle Klenzing Design consultant Leather worker Homemaker Meat clerk Hair stylist Mariposa Avenue, Palo Alto University Avenue, Palo Alto South Palo Alto Mountain View Gilman Street, Palo Alto “Strengthen the Neighborhood Watch “Take a less-than-subtle approach. “People are careless sometimes and “I didn’t hear about any increase in “People should be more aware of their programs.” Maybe cops should pay more attention they should make sure they lock up burglaries.” surroundings and there should be in- to burglaries than things like jaywalk- properly and be more vigilant.” creased patrolling.” ing.”

ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 13 CLICK AND GIVE Thank you for your generous support of the Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund

Last Year’s Grant Recipients You helped us set a new record!

10 Books A Home ...... $5,000 nce again, our readers came through with generous donations to support local nonprofits serving Able Works ...... $5,000 children and families in the Palo Alto area. Thanks to you, over $385,000 in grants will be awarded Adolescent Counseling Services ...... $10,000 Art in Action ...... $5,000 O this spring. Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula...... 7,500 Break Through the Static...... $2,500 Thanks also to our foundation partners: Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the Packard, Hewlett, Arrillaga Breast Cancer Connections ...... $5,000 and Peery foundations, and an anonymous Palo Alto family foundation that made a $100,000 gift for the Canopy ...... $3,000 CASSY ...... $15,000 second year in a row. Together, they helped us set a new record for donations raised. And thanks also to all Children’s Center of the of you who participated in the Palo Alto Weekly Moonlight Run and Walk, whose $28,000 in proceeds all went Stanford Community ...... $4,000 Cleo Eulau Center...... $5,000 to the Holiday Fund. Collective Roots ...... $7,500 Downtown Streets Team ...... $15,000 It’s not too late to donate to this year’s campaign. Use the coupon or go to www.siliconvalleycf.org/paw- DreamCatchers ...... $15,000 holiday-fund and donate online. East Palo Alto Center for Community Media ...... $3,000 See you in the fall when we launch our 2013-2014 campaign! East Palo Alto Charter School ...... $7,500 East Palo Alto Children’s Day ...... $5,000 East Palo Alto Kids Foundation ...... $5,000 495 donors through Jan. 22 gave $388,785 to the Holiday Fund East Palo Alto Youth Court ...... $3,000 Environmental Volunteers ...... $3,000 Family Connections...... $7,500 Donate online at siliconvalleycf.org/paw-holiday-fund Foothill College Book Program ...... $5,000 Foundation for a College Education ...... $7,500 47 Anonymous ...... 28,189 Amy Renalds ...... ** Roland Hsu and Julia Noblitt ....250 George and Ruth Chippendale ....** Hidden Villa ...... $5,000 Diane Doolittle ...... ** Richard Ellson ...... 100 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stites ...... ** David & Betsy Fryberger ...... ** InnVision ...... $7,500 JLS Middle School ...... $5,000 Leslie and Douglas Wynn Hausser ...... 150 Seth and Rosalind Haber ...... 200 Lawrence Yang and Murphy-Chutorian ...... 1000 Jennifer Kuan ...... 1000 Jordan Middle School ...... $5,000 Jim Lobdell and CNC Foundation ...... 350 Kara ...... $15,000 David and Diane Feldman...... 400 Colleen Anderson ...... 250 Carolyn Williams and Brian and Susan Ashworth ...... 100 Mayview Community Health Center .....$10,000 Herbert Fischgrund and John Wilkes ...... 300 Michael Keeler ...... 200 Diane Sikic ...... ** Alice Fischgrund ...... 100 Midpeninsula Community Media Center ...... $5,000 Charles Katz ...... 400 Laura and Robert Cory ...... 150 Werner Graf...... 1200 Music in the Schools Foundation ...... $5,000 Susan & Harry Dennis ...... ** Katherine Jarvis ...... 50 Claire and Ed Lauing ...... 250 Sandy and Rajiv Jain ...... 101 My New Red Shoes ...... $3,000 Jocelyn Dong ...... 100 New Creation Home Ministries ...... $5,000 Alan Wachtel ...... 250 Donald Kennedy ...... 100 Heidi Arnold ...... 500 Annette Fazzino ...... 500 Nuestra Casa ...... $5,000 Charlotte S. Epstein ...... 100 Rosalie Shepherd ...... ** Joanne Koltnow ...... 100 John and Ruth DeVries ...... ** Pacifi c Art League ...... $2,500 Eileen E. Brennan ...... 250 Rita Vrhel ...... 200 Steve and Missy Reller ...... 250 Palo Alto Art Center Foundation ...... $5,000 Bjorn and Michele Liencres ...1,000 Elgin Lee ...... 250 Nancy Moss...... ** Tversky Family ...... ** Palo Alto Community Child Care ...... $6,500 Sue Bartalo and David Fischer..100 Elisabeth Seaman ...... 50 Ellen M. King ...... ** Veronica S. Tincher ...... 50 Palo Alto Council of PTAs ...... $2,128 Al and JoAnne Russell ...... 250 Palo Alto High School Get Involved!...... $1,500 Gargi Mitra ...... 100 Bob Barrett and Linda Atkinson .....** Jane Holland ...... ** Larry Klein ...... 500 Palo Alto Housing Corporation ...... $5,000 Jill Bicknell ...... 100 Rita and John Ousterhout ...... 500 Nancy S Steege ...... 100 Palo Alto Library Foundation ...... $17,500 David and Karen Backer ...... 150 Kathleen Levitt ...... 100 Erin Redfern ...... 50 Shari Ornstein ...... 200 Palo Alto Youth Collaborative ...... $10,000 Tony and Jan DiJulio ...... ** Kim Orumchian ...... 250 Nancy Lobdell ...... 150 Patrick and Emily Radtke ...... 1000 Peninsula Bridge Program ...... $5,000 Don and Dee Price ...... ** Peninsula Youth Theatre ...... $3,000 Linda Selden ...... 125 John Muller ...... 300 Jean Doble ...... 75 Ellen and Mark Turbow ...... 200 Project Safety Net...... $20,000 Lynn and Dave Torin ...... ** Marcie and Chet Brown ...... ** Deirdre C. Dolan ...... 500 Project WeH.O.P.E...... $7,500 Anna Wu Weakland ...... 100 Guido and Madeleine Smeets ...500 Mark and Betsy Friebel ...... ** Susan Graham ...... 50 Quest Learning Center ...... $5,000 Peter and Anne Koletzke ...... 500 Madeline Wong ...... 75 Annette Glanckopf and Ravenswood Education Foundation ...... $5,000 John and Martha McLaughlin ...200 Thomas Rindfl eisch ...... ** Victor and Norma Hesterman .....** Tom Ashton ...... 100 Silicon Valley FACES ...... $7,500 Lynda and Richard Greene ...... ** Paul Heft ...... 100 South Palo Alto Food Closet ...... $1,000 Stephen Westfold ...... 500 Carol and Mahlon Hubenthal ...... ** Ruth and Dick Rosenbaum ...... ** Daniel Cox ...... 200 St. Francis of Assisi Youth Club ...... $5,000 Timothy P. Collins ...... 2,500 Merrill and Lee Newman ...... 250 Martignetti Family ...... ** Lori Nelson and Dave Thom .....300 St. Vincent de Paul ...... $6,000 Marc Igler and Jennifer Cray ...... 50 Barbara and Charles Stevens ...... ** TEDxGunnHighSchool ...... $2,000 Melanie Austin ...... 150 Kathleen & Tony Hughes ...... 100 Ralph Britton ...... ** TheatreWorks ...... $5,000 Bryan Wilson and Steve and Diane Ciesinski ...... ** Tobye and Ron Kaye ...... ** Geri Martin Wilson ...... 100 Youth Community Service ...... $10,000 Helen and Hershel Smith ...... 100 Ken Bencala and Sally O’Neil ..100 Ellie and Earl Caustin ...... ** Kenneth Schroeder and Martha Cohn ...... 300 Jonathan J. MacQuitty ...... 1,000 Frances Codispoti ...... 500 Ellie and Elliot Eisner ...... ** Stewart Family Trust ...... 100 Craig and Susie Thom ...... 100 Ralph R. Wheeler ...... 200 Gary Ellmann ...... 50 Catherine Crystal Foster and Kenyon Scott ...... 200 Susan E. Hyder ...... 10 Jon Foster ...... ** Jean M. Colby ...... ** Carolyn Razzano ...... ** Nan Prince ...... 100 Roxy Rapp ...... 2000 Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Kvenvolden ..50 Joan Norton ...... ** Gavin and Tricia Christensen ...... ** Peter and Lynn Kidder ...... 100 Robert Balint ...... 100 Marion Lewenstein ...... 2,000 Reed and Judith Content ...... 100 Irene Beardsley and Bob and Kay Schauer ...... 100 Gwen Barry ...... 100 Leannah Hunt ...... 250 Dan Bloomberg ...... 200 Judy and Warren Goodnow ...... 100

Page 14ÊUÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Ray and Carol Bacchetti ...... ** Donate online at siliconvalleycf.org/paw-holiday-fund John Smitham...... 100 Karen L. Sipprell ...... 250 Ryan ...... ** Ruchita Parat ...... 200 William Settle ...... 500 Laurence L. Spitters ...... 1000 Enclosed is a donation of $______Make checks payable to Steve Fasani ...... 100 Silicon Valley Community Ellie and Dick Mansfield ...... ** Florence Kan Ho ...... ** Name ______Foundation and send to: Hugh O. McDevitt...... 200 PAW Holiday Fund Ro Dinkey ...... 35 c/o SVCF Joan and John Barksdale ...... 200 Business Name ______2440 W. El Camino Real, Our Dad Al Pellizzari ...... ** Lawrence Naiman ...... 50 Suite 300 Marie and Don Snow ...... 100 Address ______Bonnie Packer ...... 50 Mountain View, CA 94040 Leonard W. Ely Jr...... 250 Bonnie and Bryan Street ...... ** City/State/Zip ______Leo Breidenbach ...... ** Win and Barbara Foster ...... 150 Thomas W. and Louise L. Phinney .** A. Carlisle Scott ...... ** E-Mail ______Phone ______Helene Klein ...... ** Jean and Chuck Thompson ...... ** Q Credit Card (MC or VISA) ______Expires______Carolyn Reller ...... ** Hoda Epstein ...... ** Carol Berkowitz ...... ** Lynnie and Joe Melena ...... 75 Signature ______Al and Kay Nelson ...... ** Miriam Jacob ...... 100 I wish to designate my contribution as follows: (select one) Q In my name as shown above The Kurland Family and Stuart and Carol Hansen ...... ** Samuel Benjamin Kurland ...... 300 Van Whitis and Laurie Miller ...200 – OR – Q In name of business above Q In honor of: Q In memory of: Q As a gift for: A.L. and L.K. Brown ...... 100 Ted and Jane Wassam ...... ** Dorothy Horton ...... ** ______(Name of person) Allan and Marilyn Brown ...... ** Alan Herrick ...... 50 Robert and Connie Loarie ...... ** The Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund is a donor advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) charitable Ernest J. Moore ...... ** J. and Gayle Brugler ...... 1,000 organization. A contribution to this fund allows your donation to be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Bert Page ...... 100 Isabel Mulcahy ...... ** Gil and Gail Woolley ...... 400 Q I wish to contribute anonymously. Q Please withhold the amount of my contribution. Michael Kieschnick ...... 1,000 Yen-Chen Yen ...... 250 Betty Gerard ...... 100 Mae and Al Kenrick ...... 1,000 Jay Crosson and Sharon Levine 200 Meri Gruber and James Taylor....** Beth and Peter Rosenthal ...... 300 Josephine B. Spitzer ...... 150 Al Bernal and John Warren ...... 50 Anne and Greg Avis ...... ** John and Florine Galen ...... ** Don and Jacquie Rush ...... 200 Rick and Eileen Brooks ...... ** Mary Floyd ...... ** Rae Cole ...... 100 Les Morris ...... 250 Mark and Virginia Kreutzer ...... 75 Maria Gault ...... 40 Betty Meltzer ...... ** Frances and Ted Jenkins ...... 50 Virginia E. Fehrenbacher ...... 100 Mary Houlihan ...... 100 Debbie Mytels ...... 50 William Kiely ...... 100 Tom and Pat Sanders ...... ** Bonnie Berg RN ...... ** Sally Dudley ...... 200 Marcia Katz ...... 200 Ruth & Chet Johnson ...... ** Zelda Jury ...... ** David and Nancy Kalkbrenner ....** Adrienne Dong ...... 100 Bob and Edith Kirkwood ...... ** Robert Lobdell ...... ** David F. Labaree ...... 150 Matt and Donna James ...... ** Ann M. Pine ...... 100 Jerry and Linda Elkind ...... 250 Gary Fazzino ...... ** Claude Madden ...... ** Harry and Susan Hartzell ...... ** Craig and Sally Nordlund ...... 500 Adele and Don Langendorf ...... 200 Dr. Thomas McDonald ...... 500 Daniel and Lynne Russell ...... 250 Margaret Fisher ...... 50 Drew McCalley & Susan and Doug Woodman ...... ** Bertha Kalson ...... ** Carol Kersten and Mike and Cathie Foster ...... 500 Marilyn Green ...... 100 Larry Breed ...... 100 Bob Donald ...... ** Markus Aschwanden ...... 250 Nanette Stringer ...... 250 Joseph and Diane Rolfe ...... 100 Dr. Teresa L. Roberts ...... 1,000 Gary Fazzino ...... 100 John and Lynn Wiese ...... 100 Nancy and Norman Rossen ...... 100 Richard A. Zuanich ...... 100 Lori and Hal Luft ...... 100 Arthur and Helena Kraemer ...... 100 In Memory Of In Honor Of Ruth and Ben Hammett ...... 200 Nancy Cassidy...... 150 Steve and Mary Chapel ...... 200 Ellen and Tom Wyman ...... 250 Bobbie and Jerry Wagger ...... ** Helene Macaluso ...... 100 Ludwig and Carol Tannenwald ...** Edward and Elizabeth Buurma ...** The Breakie Girls, The Janes, William E. Reller ...... 1,000 Leonard Leving ...... ** The Teatime Bouquet ...... ** The Edward Lund Family ...... 100 Emmett Lorey ...... ** John and Michele McNellis 10,000 Robyn H. Crumly ...... ** Richard Van Dusen and John and Olive Borgsteadt ...... ** Ron and Elaine Andrews...... 500 Sue Kemp ...... 250 Becky Schaefer ...... ** Kaye H. Kelley ...... 250 Gerry Gilchrist ...... 30 Susie and Matt Glickman ...... 250 Andrea B. Smith ...... 100 Philip Gottheiner ...... ** Paul Resnick, from Eric Richert 100 Dexter and Jean Dawes ...... ** Caroline Hicks and Katherine Bass ...... 100 Paul Hamilton ...... 1,000 Roy Blitzer ...... ** Don and Bonnie Miller ...... ** Bert Fingerhut ...... 100 Tatyana Berezin...... 100 Carl W. Anderson ...... 100 Sallie Tasto, from Sandy Sloan .100 George Cator ...... 250 Eric and Elaine Hahn ...... 1,000 Gwen Luce ...... ** Bob Markevitch ...... ** Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mullen .....100 John Tang and Jean Hsia ...... ** Jean-Yves Bouguet ...... 100 Roger Warnke ...... 300 Helen Rubin ...... 150 Palo Alto High School Tish Hoehl ...... 100 Scott and Kathy Schroeder ...... ** Alice Smith ...... 100 Dr. Irving & Ivy Rubin...... 150 Guidance Department ...... ** Micki and Bob Cardelli ...... ** Lucy Berman ...... 1,500 Boyce and Peggy Nute ...... ** Anna & Max Blanker ...... 150 Hamilton Avenue Friends ...... ** Art and Peggy Stauffer ...... 500 Karen and Steve Ross ...... ** Richard Morris ...... ** Nancy Payne Peter Milward...... ** Our Grandchildren ...... ** Lani Freeman and John and Mary Schaefer ...... 100 Scott Wong ...... 200 Robert Makjavich ...... 100 Rema I. Cotton ...... ** Stephen Monismith ...... 50 Caroline and Richard Brennan ....** Tom and Ellen Ehrlich ...... ** Our Son Nick ...... 500 The Barnea-Smith Family ...... ** Steve and Nancy Levy...... ** Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonini ...... 50 Barbara Berry ...... 100 Gary Fazzino ...... 25 Sandy Sloan ...... 100 Jim and Nancy Baer ...... ** Freddy and Jan Gabus ...... ** The Havern Family ...... 4,000 Julia Maser ...... ** Marilyn Sutorius ...... 150 Janice Bohman and Eric Keller ...250 Ted Wassam ...... 50 Solon Finkelstein ...... 250 C. Howard Hatcher, M.D...... ** Jack Sutorius ...... 150 Martha Shirk ...... 500 Barbara Klein and Stan Schrier ...** Walter and Kay Hays ...... 100 Fraser MacKenzie ...... ** Dr. Kenneth Weigel Stanford Animal Hospital ...... 100 Robert and Betsy Gamburd ...... ** Edward Kanazawa ...... ** Hal and Iris Korol ...... ** John Johnson ...... ** Lady Vikes Waterpolo ...... 50 Helene Pier ...... ** Eugene and Mabel Dong ...... 200 Ferrell and Page Sanders ...... 100 Winyss Acton Shepard ...... ** Susie Richardson ...... 250 Penny and Greg Gallo ...... 500 Lynn H. Drake ...... 100 Sara Doniach-Sandra Goodwin ...** Businesses & Organizations Marlene and Joe Prendergast ...... ** Eve and John Melton...... 500 Owen Vannatta ...... 2,500 Mrs. Melena Kirhin ...... ** Palo Alto Business Park ...... ** John and Thelma Smith ...... 150 Nancy and Joe Huber ...... 100 Arden King ...... 20 Tad Cody ...... ** Lasecke Weil Wealth Harry Press ...... 100 Larry Baer and Stephanie Klein ....** Bruce F. Campbell...... 1,000 John Tuomy ...... ** Advisory Group, LLC ...... 50 Morgan Family Fund ...... 5,000 Bill Johnson and Terri Lobdell ....500 George and Betsy Young...... ** Tinney Family ...... 500 Communications & Powar Family Fund ...... 500 Peter S. Stern ...... ** Doug and Barbara Spreng ...... ** Sally Probst ...... ** Power Industries LLC ...... 500 Richard A. Baumgartner and Leif and Sharon Erickson ...... 250 Andy and Liz Coe ...... 100 Dr. Thomas McDonald ...... ** Zane MacGregor ...... ** Elizabeth M. Salzer ...... ** Luca and Mary Cafiero ...... ** Dena Goldberg ...... 100 Gary Fazzino ...... 500 deLemos Properties ...... 200 Tony and Judy Kramer ...... ** Denise Savoie and Darrell Duffie ** Jim and Alma Phillips ...... 250 Jim Burch, from Bill Alta Mesa Improvement Judith and Hans Steiner ...... ** Company ...... 1,000 Faith Braff ...... 500 John and Lee Pierce ...... ** and Kathy Burch ...... ** Brigid S. Barton ...... 200 Crescent Capital Mortgage ...... ** Tom and Neva Cotter ...... 2,000 Andy and Joyce Nelsen ...... ** Derek E. Smith ...... 200 Sallie I. Brown ...... ** “No Limit” Drag Racing Team ...25 Patricia Levin ...... 100 Karen Latchfor ...... 50 John D. Black ...... 500 Rich Cabrera ...... ** Harrell Remodeling, Inc...... ** Richard Kilner ...... ** Mary Lorey ...... ** Pam Grady...... 200 Don and Ann Rothblatt ...... ** Thoits Bros. Insurance ...... 10,000 Bob and Corrine Aulgur ...... ** Michael and Nancy Hall ...... 1,000 Wanda Root and Jacques Naar ....** Dr. Richard Mazze ...... 200 Carl King, Mortgage Broker .....250 Roy and Carol Blitzer ...... ** Patti Yanklowitz and Robert Spinrad ...... 500 Neta Miller ...... 100 Attorney Susan Dondershine ....200 Linda and Steve Boxer ...... ** Mark Krasnow...... 200 Sally and Bob ...... 30 Romola and Mark Georgia ...... ** Arrillaga Foundation ...... 10,000 Ted and Ginny Chu ...... ** Phil Hanawalt & Graciela Spivak .500 Steve Fasani ...... ** Roger Lau ...... 50 Peery Foundation ...... 10,000 David and Virginia Pollard...... 300 Kathy and Steve Terry ...... ** Rich Scherer ...... ** Carol Cleary-Schultz ...... 50 Palo Alto Weekly Debbie Ford-Scriba & Jim Scriba .** Arna and Hersh Shefrin ...... ** Nate Rosenberg ...... 100 Katharine Esslinger ...... 100 Moonlight Run ...... 28,518 Diane Moore ...... ** Marc and Margaret Cohen ...... 100 August L. King ...... ** Deborah Ruskin ...... 200 Anonymous Palo Alto Harriet and Gerry Berner ...... ** Michael and Jean Couch ...... 200 Paul Wythes ...... 500 family foundation ...... 100,000 Theresa Carey ...... 250 John and Susan Thomas ...... ** Kroymann Family ...... 250 Helene F. Klein ...... ** David & Lucile Packard Russell and Alice Evarts ...... 300 Foundation ...... 50,000 Marc and Ragni Pasturel ...... 200 Mandy Lowell ...... ** David Zlotnick MD ...... ** Skyles Runser ...... 500 Julie and Jon Jerome ...... ** Jim Byrnes ...... 300 William & Flora Hewlett Margot Goodman ...... ** Foundation ...... 25,000 Michael and Lenore Roberts .....100 Jody Maxim ...... ** Audrey Bernfield ...... 200 ** Designates amount withheld at donor request

ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£Î Page 15 We’re hiring Seeking a Multimedia Editor Visit Pulse A weekly compendium of vital statistics The Palo Alto Weekly/PaloAltoOnline.com is looking for an online news and multimedia editor to join our award-winning Lasting team of journalists. Miscellaneous POLICE CALLS Coroner case ...... 1 Candidates must have a vision and excitement for where Memories Palo Alto Disturbance ...... 1 Jan. 17-23 digital news is headed as well as an unflinching commitment Disturbing/annoying phone calls...... 1 Violence related Info. case ...... 2 to the traditions of our trade: solid news judgment, integrity Battery ...... 3 Juvenile problem...... 2 and hard work. Experience in TV or video production, superb An online directory Child abuse...... 1 Other/misc...... 2 Domestic violence ...... 1 news-writing skills, social-media savvy and a fearless attitude Possession of stolen property ...... 3 of obituaries and Sexual assault...... 1 Probation violation ...... 1 are desired. Theft related Property for destruction ...... 1 remembrances. Commercial burglaries ...... 1 Psychiatric hold ...... 2 The ideal candidate will be a self-starter who thrives on Petty theft ...... 1 Vandalism ...... 2 breaking news and a collaborative environment. Must Search obituaries, Residential burglaries ...... 3 Warrant arrest...... 5 Shoplifting...... 1 be available on some evenings and weekends, as news submit a memorial, Vehicle related Atherton coverage requires. It is strongly preferred that candidates Auto recovery ...... 1 Jan. 17-23 live in or have knowledge of the Palo Alto area. share a photo. Auto theft ...... 2 Violence related Bicycle theft ...... 1 Attempted suicide...... 1 Palo Alto Online, the Weekly‘s community website, features up- Driving w/suspended license ...... 4 Vehicle related Go to: Hit and run ...... 4 Misc. traffic ...... 1 to-the-minute news and analysis, videos and photos, sports Misc. traffic ...... 4 Parking/driving violation ...... 1 and arts reporting, a popular discussion forum, bloggers and PaloAltoOnline.com/ Theft from auto ...... 6 Suspicious vehicle ...... 6 more. It attracts more than 120,000 unique visitors a month Vehicle accident/minor injury ...... 2 Vehicle accident/no injury...... 3 obituaries Vehicle accident/property damage. . . . .2 Vehicle accident/property damage. . . . .1 and complements our daily e-edition, Express, which is Vehicle tow ...... 2 Vehicle code violation ...... 11 emailed to residents and workers throughout the Peninsula. Alcohol or drug related Vehicle/traffic hazard ...... 3 Drunk in public ...... 3 Alcohol or drug related Join us as we boldly explore the digital frontier! Drunken driving...... 3 Drunken driving...... 1 Possession of drugs ...... 2 Miscellaneous Send cover letter, resumé with references and web links to Miscellaneous Citizen assist...... 1 your writing and multimedia portfolio to Editor Jocelyn Dong, Animal call...... 2 Construction complaint ...... 1 Palo Alto Weekly, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA, 94306, Casualty/fall ...... 1 Disturbance ...... 1 Other/misc...... 4 Fire call ...... 1 or email [email protected] with the subject line ”Online Outside assistance ...... 1 Medical aid ...... 5 editor.” No phone calls, please. Psychiatric subject ...... 4 Outside assistance ...... 3 Suspicious circumstances ...... 2 Property for destruction ...... 1 Vandalism ...... 1 Psychiatric hold ...... 1 Today’s news, Warrant/other agency...... 4 Suspicious circumstances ...... 2 Menlo Park Suspicious person ...... 1 sports & hot picks Jan. 17-23 Violence related VIOLENT CRIMES Sign up today at Domestic violence ...... 1 Palo Alto 450 Cambridge Avenue | Palo Alto, CA 94306 | 650.326.8210 www.PaloAltoOnline.com Theft related Unlisted block Pasteur Drive, 1/18, 8:45 Petty theft ...... 1 p.m.; sex crime. Residential burglaries ...... 1 300 block Kipling Street, 1/20, 2:41 a.m.; Vehicle related battery. Auto recovery ...... 1 Unlisted block High Street, 1/20, 7:13 Auto theft ...... 1 p.m.; domestic violence/battery. Daniel H. Hale Driving w/suspended license ...... 6 3000 block University Avenue, 1/22, 11:02 Hit and run 2...... p.m.; battery. Nov. 8, 1924-Dec. 2, 2012 Theft from auto ...... 1 Unlisted block Colorado Avenue, 1/22, 8 Vehicle accident/minor injury ...... 2 p.m.; child abuse. Daniel “Dan” Hills Hale, 88, retired cer- occasions and once recorded a double eagle Vehicle accident/property damage. . . . .4 Menlo Park Vehicle tow ...... 1 1100 block Sevier Avenue, 1/21, 1:35 tified property manager, died at home fol- at Sunriver’s Woodlands golf course. Dan Alcohol or drug related p.m.; domestic abuse. lowing a short illness in Bend, Ore., Sun- was also an experienced fly fisherman. Drug activity ...... 5 Drug registrant ...... 2 Atherton day, Dec. 2, 2012. After graduating from Dan was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in Possession of drugs ...... 5 500 block Middlefield Road, 1/18, 9:42 the University of California, Berkeley, Dan 1924, and moved to California with his Under influence of drugs ...... 1 a.m.; attempted suicide. began a successful career in commercial family as a young boy. Upon graduation real estate, first with Coldwell Banker in from Burlingame High School in February San Francisco, Calif., and then with Hare, 1943, Dan enlisted in the Army Air Corp, James M. Waychus Brewer and Kelley in Palo Alto, serving as a pilot and flight Oct. 23, 1952-Jan. 1, 2013 Calif., initiating and develop- instructor until the end of ing the commercial property World War II. Jim Waychus of Palo Alto died on January 1, 2013 at 60 from management department. Loved and appreciated melanoma. Jim was born in Indiana, and grew up in Kansas and In 1984, Dan retired and for his sense of humor, Dan New Jersey, before landing in Mountain View as a high schooler. He graduated from Stanford in 1974. After graduation he was an moved with his wife, Peggy, also had a reputation among operations manager for AT&T for many years until his retire- to Sunriver, Ore., and several close friends and family for ment in 2008. years later to Bend, Ore. He his compassionate support Jim was a huge fan of all Stanford sports as well as a supporter earned acknowledgement and and wise counsel. Family and of the SF Giants and 49ers. appreciation for his volunteer friends cherish a rich reper- He is survived by his wife of 35 years, Andrea Barnes of Palo work with the Sunriver Own- toire of memories and stories. Alto, and his daughter, Casey Barnes-Waychus of New York, and ers Association Board of Di- Survivors include his loving his sisters, Patricia Waychus Pearson and Barbara Atkinson. rectors, and for reading with wife of 42 years, Peggy Hale; Memorial donations may be made to the Cardiac Therapy Foundation of the Midpeninsula, 4000 Middlefield Rd. Suite and mentoring elementary sister, Margot Jacobs; two G-8, Palo Alto, CA 94303. school children with SMART (Start Mak- children from his first marriage, David Link: http://www.cardiactherapy.org ing a Reader Today). Hale (Penny Bayless) and Cindy Hackett PAID OBITUARY Dan, an exceptional athlete, was inducted (David); and two step-sons, Dan Burkhal- into the Burlingame High School Athletic ter (Diana) and David Burkhalter (Vicki Hall of Fame for football, basketball and Silvera); seven grandchildren; seven great- Support tennis; he lettered in tennis at University grandchildren; and a network of nieces, Palo Alto Weekly’s of California, Berkeley, as a freshman. Af- nephews and their children. ter retirement, Dan focused on tennis and Memorial donations may be made to The print and online golf. A member of Bend Country Club, Dan Humane Society of Central Oregon, 61170 coverage of enjoyed weekly golf games until a few years SE 27th St., Bend, OR 97702; or a charity our community. ago. He was able to shoot his age on several of choice. Join today: SupportLocalJournalism.org/PaloAlto PAID OBITUARY

Page 16ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ miki's Farm Fresh Market PRODUCE DEPT.

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ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 17 Later in life he married Dorothea Rubinstein, becoming stepfather to Anniversary her three children, Marion (mar- Pat and Bill Robertson of ried to Jonathan Salzedo), Teddy Atherton will celebrate their and Francis (married to Antoinette 70th wedding anniversary on Gathy). Tuesday, Jan. 29, at a private Towards the end of his life he family event. converted to Judaism, a choice that They were married in 1943, TransitionsBirths, marriages and deaths proved deeply meaningful to him. moved to the area in 1944 and He was a devoted husband to Doro- have lived in the same house Paul Hamilton his age so he could accompany his turned to the field of psychology, thea and a father to her three chil- in Atherton for 60 years. Both Paul Hamilton was born in South 18-year-old best friend into the mil- and received a master’s degree in dren and two grandchildren, Simon were raised in the East Bay and Dakota and died in early Decem- itary. They volunteered one week clinical psychology, after which and Laura. attended UC Berkeley. Bill Rob- ber in Palo Alto, where he lived for before Pearl Harbor. In addition to he and several colleagues opened ertson completed three finals on more than 50 years. the standard Marine Corps train- a low-cost counseling clinic in San Pierino “Paul” Robbiano the same day of their evening He was a ing, he volunteered and trained as Jose. Pierino “Paul” Robbiano of wedding in 1943. skilled wood- a parachute trooper. He served two A staunch Democrat, he took Menlo Park, Calif., died Jan. 6 sur- They have three children, worker and tours of duty in the Pacific theater, pride in his participation in the rounded by family. He was 91. two grandchildren, five great- demanded of one in Choiseul and the second at civil-rights movement when he Born Oct. 19, 1921, in Palo Alto, grandchildren and five great- himself as a Iwo Jima, where he was wounded was young, remembering sit-ins at Calif., he was an active ham radio great-grandchildren. craftsman. and earned a Purple Heart. lunch counters to lend solidarity to operator, “W6PKM,” since the age The part of his After the war was over, he be- blacks in their struggle for equal of 16 and recipient of an electronics childhood he came a serious student, graduat- rights. engineering degree from Stanford He was a family man, golfer, re- most fondly re- ing from Scripps University with a While still in the Marine Corps, University in 1943. A retired em- tired Navy man and businessman. membered was bachelor’s degree in experimental he married Joanie Duryee, with ployee of Varian Associates in Palo He was born in Boston, Mass., in Idaho. Born the fourth child of psychology. He then worked for whom he parented two children, Alto following 33 years of service, to Timothy F. and Antoinette Lee and Inge Hamilton, he was a 11 years at the Navy Electronics Brad and Penny, both of whom he contributed much of his free Wellings. He graduated from the brother to his older siblings Glad- Laboratory, giving him the chance he cherished. Between them they time serving in the local St. Vin- U.S. Naval Academy in June 1946. ys, Viola and Merlin, all of whom to do research as a deep-sea diver produced many grandchildren: cent de Paul group. After serving 20 years in the Navy preceded him in death, as did his specializing in acoustics. He then Minka (who died in 1995), Alpin, He is survived by his wife of 65 and living several places, he settled younger sister Leanne. His sister worked for many years in the aero- Moses, Koa, Caleb, Ian, Forest and years, Mary Ann; three children, in California and started his own Jean survives him. space field as a human-factors spe- Satchel. Several of these have had Kathleen, Paul and Angela; two CPA business. At the age of 17 he volunteered cialist and was particularly valued children of their own, and he be- grandchildren, Vincent and Joseph; He was a partner with his son, for the Marine Corps, lying about as a writer and editor. Later he re- came their proud great-grandfather. and great-grandchild, Henry. He Bruce, and a financial adviser in will be greatly missed. Menlo Park. He continued to work A vigil service was held Jan. 11 up until March. When he wasn’t at St. Raymond’s Catholic Church working, he and his wife Peggy George Oswald Mckee and a funeral mass was held Jan. loved to travel and play golf. 12 at the church followed by com- He is survived by his wife of 58 George Oswald McKee was born in Portadown, with Raymond Handley in the development of doz- mittal at Holy Cross Catholic Cem- years, Peggy Gills Wellings; son, Northern Ireland to Elsie Alexandra and Hugh ens of industrial buildings in Palo Alto, Mountain etery in Menlo Park. Bruce Wellings of Redwood City; George McKee. He died peacefully at home in Saint View and Sunnyvale. The two were instrumental in daughter, Cindy Wellings Hayes of Helena, California surrounded by his family on Jan- assisting such valley pioneers as Fairchild Semicon- Ted Wellings Sacramento; and son, Tim Wellings uary 13th, 2013. ductor, Intel, Apple Computer, Netscape and Yahoo Ted Wellings, a longtime resident of Spring Branch, Texas. He is also George is survived by his loving wife, Joan; chil- with their early stage real estate needs. of Woodside Hills, died at his home survived by nine grandchildren and dren, Katie, Geordie, Heather and Adriana; grand- Highly respected by his peers, George was uni- Jan. 5 of heart failure. He was 87. one great-grandchild. children, Ryan, Elsie, Ali, Jack and Olivia. He is also versally well liked and considered a man of integ- survived by his sisters, Yvonne Dutton and Eithne rity. Many a young broker and developer sought his Hobson, and former wife Pamela Seitz. counsel through the years, and George was never George’s early years were spent in London, Eng- too busy to take the time to mentor them or lend a land in the midst of the turmoil of World War II. helping hand. James Marvin Wrenn His 18 year old brother, Valentine, was killed while George was also an active volunteer having served November 24, 1940 – January 14, 2013 serving as a RAF Pilot when his plane was shot down as a board member and past president for the Mid Resident of Palo Alto over the English Channel. During Peninsula Tennis Patrons, an or- the London blitz, George and his ganization that provided financial Jim passed away after a battle with multiple myeloma and older sister Yvonne were evacuated aid for local junior tennis players plasma cell leukemia and is survived by his wife of 44 years, to Sheerness in Southern England to travel and compete in national Joan, as well as children Gregg, Becky, Colleen, son-in-law leaving his younger sister, Eithne, tournaments. In addition, George Jason Sampson and granddaughter Helena Joan. and parents in London. After three served on the boards of the North- A native of Texas, Jim attended SMU before moving to years, George and his sister were ern California Tennis Association, Palo Alto to attend Stanford. There he received a Master’s moved to Clabby, Northern Ireland the Portola Valley Unified School to live with relatives. District, the Palo Alto Club (where degree in Electrical Engineering and met Joan Theobald, a These childhood experiences he was a past president) and was fellow Stanford grad student. After graduating, Jim began during World War II had a profound passionate in his support of Stan- a long career in engineering, working for an assortment of and lasting impact on George, which ford University Athletics, the Car- Silicon Valley companies including Hewlett Packard, Aehr ultimately sparked a lifelong fasci- dinal Buck Club, the Daper Fund, Test Systems, Thermawave and KLA Tencor. nation with World War II. and the Hoover Institute. An avid photographer, Jim spent many hours behind the His family reunited in Northern George was known for his intel- lens snapping photos of everything from travel destinations Ireland in 1945. He later attended ligence, his continued curiosity to nature scenes to his kids’ sporting events. After an unex- Queen’s University Belfast (North- and his intellectual striving, but pected stint as a youth soccer coach blossomed into a love of ern Ireland) followed by University of Oxford (Eng- perhaps most importantly for his graciousness and the game, Jim moved from the sidelines to the field, becom- land). kind heart. He was also known for telling a great As a boy, George, affectionately known as Ossie story and regaled many with tales from his child- ing an active adult league player and a nationally certified in Great Britain, developed a love for playing both hood and the early years of development in Silicon referee and referee instructor. rugby and cricket. It was while playing rugby for Valley. When he wasn’t chasing a ball around the pitch, Jim and Oxford that he first visited the United States to play The hearty laugh of George McKee will live on in Joan co-wrote several published articles on botanical prints against UC Berkeley. After suffering a devastating our memories reminding us that, although life can and salt cellars. Community service was another keystone leg injury and facing post war devastation in Eu- be challenging, we must celebrate the joy! of Jim’s life; he was especially dedicated to supporting the rope, he decided to immigrate to America. George A memorial service for George Oswald McKee will Monterey Bay Aquarium and was named a Hero for Cancer came through Ellis Island with his cousin, Norman be held at 2pm on Tuesday, January 29th at Stanford Research by the Stanford Cancer Center. As a natural engi- Ballantyne, and only $50 in his pocket. Memorial Church. Please visit morrisonfuneralcha- neer, he never stopped building, tinkering, fixing, improv- George attended UC Berkeley on scholarship and pel.com for important parking information. worked at the Union Service gas station on Nob Hill In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in ing or rewiring, happily helping friends, family and strang- to make ends meet. After receiving his Master of George’s name to: ers alike. His proudest achievement, however, was raising Engineering degree from UC Berkeley, George held Napa Valley Hospice three wonderful children. positions at Peerless Pump and General Mills before 414 South Jefferson Street A funeral mass was held on Friday, January 18th at 1:15pm embarking on his career in commercial real estate Napa, CA 94559 at St. Thomas Aquinas in Palo Alto. Funeral arrangements in 1964. or: were entrusted to Roller & Hapgood & Tinney. In lieu of Throughout the following decades George was a Martin O’Neil Cancer Center flowers, please consider donations in Jim’s name to the Sec- prolific real estate developer, broker and prominent St Helena Hospital ond Harvest Food Bank (www.shfb.org), the Lymphoma figure in the growth of what is known today as Sili- 10 Woodland Road and Leukemia Society (www.lls.org) or the Ecumenical con Valley. While at Renault & Handley, he partnered St. Helena, CA 94574 Hunger Program (www.ehpcares.org). PAID OBITUARY PAID OBITUARY

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momPalo Alto with a mission At running races, in schools, defibrillators save lives, says Stephanie Martinson

by Chris Kenrick

hen popular Monta Vista High W School teacher and coach Ron Free- man collapsed and died of a heart attack at a school basketball game in 2011, the school community was galvanized into action. Less than two years later, the Cupertino high school — as well as each of the other four campuses in the Fremont Union High School District — has at least seven auto- mated external defibrillators (AEDs) on hand around campus, including units that are car- ried by school athletic trainers to practices and games. During a sudden cardiac arrest, defibril- lators deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore normal rhythm. After the shock is delivered, the typical AED will prompt the operator to perform CPR while the device continues to analyze the victim. As the machines have become user-friendly and portable since the 1990s they have prolif- erated in offices, campuses, police cars, air- ports, golf courses and houses of worship. Palo Alto resident Stephanie Martinson, a speech therapist and the mother of daughters at Palo Alto High and Ohlone Elementary schools, is on a mission to bring AEDs to schools and elsewhere. “We are so far behind other states and oth- er places in the adoption of these machines,” Martinson said. “Defibrillators are easy to use — they talk

(continued on page 20)

Stephanie Martinson is the founder of Racing Hearts, a nonprofit that seeks to raise money and awareness for automated electronic defibrillators.

About the front cover Illustration by Shannon Corey Veronica Weber. Veronica ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 19 Cover Story

A heart races, then stops Menlo Park businessman credits quick action, AED for saving his life

ohn Carrington’s Veronica Weber. J heart raced at more than 300 beats per minute — then stopped while he was on a confer- ence call in 2006 in his Ambulances from San Mateo and Santa Clara counties sit in front of Stanford hospital while patients are admitted. General Electric office in Pittsfield, Mass. The next thing the then- 40-year-old businessman knew, he was in a hospital in New York City under ofCourtesy John Carrington the care of specialists. “Fortunately, at the GE offices we had an AED (automatic external defi- brillator) in the building, and they rushed that to me,” Carrington, who now lives in Menlo Park, said. John Carrington Although it took 13 minutes for paramedics to arrive, Carrington’s chief technology officer, trained in resuscitation, had come to his aid immediately. “They eventually hit me three times — the heart would start and stop, start and stop,” he said. “I know these machines save lives.” Carrington credits the AED and GE’s quick response in getting him to the right hospital for saving his life. “I compliment (GE CEO) Jeff Immelt because they did put more of these devices in after my occurrence, and I know they’ve been used and saved lives.” (AEDs are among the products offered Veronica Weber. by GE Healthcare.) After he recovered, Carrington sent an email to 13,000 GE managers urging them to secure AEDs for their offices and plant sites. He’s received notes back indicating the defibrillators were installed — and successfully used. Automated electronic defibrillators use electric shocks to restore a heart in cardiac arrest to its normal rhythm. “We all hear the story of a high school cheerleader or football player who drops dead at school. A state like California that’s pretty progressive should be embracing this with some sort of Hearts, a nonprofit she founded last out of their fear of lawsuits. public support.” Heart year. Its mission is to raise money She asks participants in running Carrington, now CEO of the Santa Clara-based thin-film solar (continued from page 19) and awareness for AEDs. events to donate an extra $3 above company MiaSole, said he has the portable defibrillators at his “I think what Stephanie is doing the race fee to fund the spread of site, “and there’s no doubt we’ll continue, at any plant site we’d the responder through and deter- is really compelling,” said John Car- the defibrillators and training on open, to put them in. mine if the person needs a shock or rington, a Menlo Park executive and their use. “People get gun-shy on the liability piece, but when I’ve seen not. survivor of sudden cardiac arrest. There’s just a 5 percent survival how these machines operate it’s very, very clear and straightfor- “We do a phenomenal job with Carrington, now CEO of the thin- rate among the more than 300,000 ward how to use them. asthma — we have EpiPens ev- film solar company MiaSole, credits Americans stricken with sudden “I assure you, had I died after four or five shocks, my wife erywhere and they’re mandated in his survival after a 2006 heart attack cardiac arrest every year, Martin- would have said, ‘Well, they did what they could.’” N our schools — but we also need the to an alert colleague and an AED. son said. — Chris Kenrick same standard of care for sudden “The more people that can be- “People don’t realize this could cardiac arrest.” come aware of this, the better,” he happen to anyone. Every three days Martinson partners with organiz- said. it’s a young athlete who dies. ers of local running events to lend Martinson has secured AED en- “But we have a simple solution to the portable defibrillators in case a dorsements from Olympic athletes, improve the survival rate — AEDs ‘People get gun-shy on the liability runner collapses — and to promote doctors, politicians, opinion leaders everywhere.” awareness of their life-saving poten- and survivors like Carrington. Martinson is not a heart-attack piece, but when I’ve seen how tial. She shows up on race days with She has researched AED litigation friends and volunteers from Racing records in an effort to talk people (continued on next page) these machines operate it’s very, very clear and straightforward how to use them.’ —John Carrington, heart attack survivor

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ical to sustaining a successful AED program, said Julianne Brawner, a founding partner of Menlo Park- based Health Education Services, a health training company that sells ready-to-use AED programs. SHAPING THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW The Lodi Unified School District paid $400,000 in a 2009 legal settle- ment after an AED failed to resusci- tate a Lodi High School student who collapsed in a physical education Private Preschool through 8th Grade class. The student ultimately was re- 30 years of academic excellence in a suscitated by paramedics using their family friendly environment own defibrillator and taken to the hospital, where it was determined he

Courtesy of Monte Vista High School High Vista Monte of Courtesy suffered a brain injury, according to the Lodi News. The student’s lawyer alleged that O PEN an expired battery had caused the school’s machine to malfunction. Thursday, February 7th - 9 a.m. But if organizations observe state guidelines requiring that machines be maintained and that some staff be trained, even untrained users of HOUSE AEDs are protected under Califor- nia’s Good Samaritan law, which of- Monte Vista High School teacher Ron Freeman, pictured right, died fers legal protection to people who www.LACS.com of a heart attack at a school basketball game in 2011. His death give reasonable assistance in an RSVP: [email protected] was a catalyst for area schools to begin making automated external emergency, Brawner said. defibrillators available on campus. AEDs “are very simple and in- ÈÓxÊ >}`>i˜>ÊÛi˜Õi]ÊœÃʏ̜ÃÊUÊÈx䰙{n°ÎÇÎn (continued from previous page) said. tuitive to use,” she said. “They’ve By that summer, trustees of the done studies where sixth-graders survivor herself. But her medical Fremont Union High School Dis- score just as well as paramedics. I condition, hypertrophic cardiomyo- trict had approved a defibrillator haven’t heard about the outcome, pathy, puts her at heightened risk. policy and by fall “we rolled out a but I believe they were even testing For several years she lived with program,” said Walukiewicz, who is third-graders to see how well they an internal defibrillator implanted now the district’s maintenance and could follow the prompts.” in her chest, but it caused her “noth- operations coordinator and oversees It’s estimated that 40,000 or Fresh news delivered daily ing but trouble.” 37 defibrillators in the five high 50,000 of the 330,000 who die af- Today’s news, sports & hot picks The internal device was removed schools. ter sudden cardiac arrest each year after it malfunctioned in 2007, mis- “Fortunately we haven’t had could be saved if AEDs were near- takenly delivering 26 shocks to her to use them, but the good thing by, she said. Sign up today at www.PaloAltoOnline.com heart. is that if we ever had to, the units Brawner cited casinos in Las Ve- “People say it’s like being kicked are there,” Walukiewicz said, add- gas and Reno as “wonderful learn- by a horse but I say, ‘No, it was like ing that the district so far has spent ing labs for the science of resuscita- a 777 jet crashing in on me,’” she about $80,000 on the program. tion because they have every inch of said of the experience. “All the elec- “We have them all over the place their properties under surveillance. MENLO PARK trical circuits were just exploding. because you want to be able to get “When someone goes down, all “I had to heal myself. There were one and be back in one and a half their security forces are trained to so many paarts of my brain I had minutes. We typically have one do CPR and apply defibrillators, so to rework and study to try to heal on the pool deck, one in the gym, the typical time from the time of MONGOLIAN myself. collapse to defibrillation is one to “People who have gone through three minutes, which is ideal. cancer or sudden cardiac arrest say, ‘People don’t realize this “They report a 60 percent to 70 ‘There’s just a new me.’ percent save rate, so we know that BBQ “We all have a story, and this is could happen to anyone. this works,” Brawner said. my story, and I’m finally willing to A victim’s chances for surviving Sister of Su’s Mongolian BBQ share it.” Every three days it’s a sudden cardiac arrest are “close to 90 percent” if defibrillation occurs rik Walukiewicz, a former young athlete who dies.’ within the first minute of collapse, E teacher and coach, used to play —Stephanie Martinson, according to the Sudden Cardiac poker and golf with Freeman, a speech therapist and Arrest Association. the Monta Vista coach, who was 52 founder of Racing Hearts “For every minute that defibrilla- when he died on Jan. 21, 2011. tion is delayed, survival decreases “It was at the end of a basketball usually one in the theater, one in by 7 percent to 10 percent. If it is game and he was out there and the main office — and the athletic delayed by more than 10 minutes, he said, ‘OK guys, it’s time to go trainers have them to carry to ath- the chance of survival in adults is home.’ And then he collapsed and letic events. less than 5 percent,” the association died right there on the site. It was “Anybody could have a sudden says. really sad,” Walukiewicz said. cardiac arrest at any time, but some- Brawner said organized AED “He was a great teacher and coach times kids get struck by a ball or a programs are in place at schools in of kids.” blow to the chest, so that’s why we Menlo Park, Foothill and De Anza Though nobody can say for sure place them where there are athletic colleges, the San Mateo County MP Mongolian BBQ serves up an whether an AED would have saved events going on,” he said. Community College District, the Freeman, the shock of his death Walukiewicz said he personally University of California at Berkeley, all-you-can-eat buffet style meal. was a catalyst for Monta Vista and checks each unit monthly to make Alameda County and Los Angeles. FORLUNCHsFORDINNER its sister schools — Homestead, Fre- sure it is functional and that the bat- “They’re popping up all over,” she (Includes noodles, meats, shrimp, vegetables, and sauces.) mont, Cupertino and Lynbrook — teries and adhesive electrode pads, said. “It’s our mission to have defi- to get serious about a defibrillator which are to be placed on the vic- brillators as available as fire extin- Also Available: program that already had been on tim, are up-to-date. Wonton chips, veggie spring rolls, chicken katsu, sweet and the drawing boards, Walukiewicz Maintenance and training are crit- (continued on page 22) sour pork, fried rice, and sesame biscuits. Monday - Saturday AM PMsPM PM 700 El Camino Real, Suite 170 (next to BevMo) -ENLO0ARK #! (650) 853-1118 facebook.com/mp.mongolian

ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 21 Cover Story

Stanford leaves it up to individual member in 2012 and a baseball Heart departments to purchase and man- spectator at the Sunken Diamond in (continued from page 21) age their AEDs, but Pena tracks 2004 — succumbed, she said. She the machines and sends monthly declined to disclose any additional guishers. The deterrent is cost, and maintenance reminders to every site information about the circumstanc- in schools that is a huge issue.” coordinator, who must check their es or victims. Price of AEDs vary by make units and report on their condition. “These machines are so easy to and model, but most cost between Pena also sends reminders, 60 days use — really anyone can use them $1,500 and $2,000, according to — but they’re used under very the American Heart Association. stressful situations,” she said. Machines then must be monitored ‘For every minute that “We need to start getting com- and maintained, with regular re- fortable with seeing these units and placement of batteries and adhesive defibrillation is delayed, using them. Of course, we always electrode pads. encourage people to be trained in The American Heart Association survival decreases by 7 CPR and AEDs. I really believe in supports school-based AED pro- another decade AEDs are going to grams as long as they are supported percent to 10 percent. be as common as fire extinguishers by”effective and efficient commu- If it is delayed by more — and people should know how to nication throughout the school cam- use fire extinguishers as well.” pus; coordinated and practiced re- than 10 minutes, the sponse plan; risk reduction; training rmed with a two-for-the-price- and equipment for first aid and CPR chance of survival in A of-one coupon for AEDs, and implementation of a lay rescuer Stephanie Martinson in the AED program in schools with an adults is less than 5 fall of 2011 approached friends and established need.” the Palo Alto Council of PTAs for “While getting AEDs placed is percent.’ purchase of defibrillators for Palo important, we want to assure it is —Julianne Brawner, Alto schools. done strategically and is supported a founding partner of Health The PTA Council purchased the by appropriate training and plan- Education Services, Menlo Park machines last June, with a plan ning,” Kate Lino, the heart associa- to have three at Paly and three at tion’s communications manager for in advance, for scheduled replace- Gunn, she said. CPR & First Aid said. ments of batteries and pads. The machines currently sit in “We’ve had a couple of uses school district offices, but will be t Stanford University, As- — three to be exact,” Pena said. deployed on the campuses — prob- A sistant Fire Marshal Alison “They were all over in the athletic ably in February — after athletic Pena oversees a database that facilities.” and office staff members on both tracks nearly 160 AEDs spread all Of the three victims, just one — a campuses complete training, ac- around campus. Senior Games participant who was cording to Associate Superinten- “This landed in my lap in 2003 stricken while swimming at Avery dent Charles Young. and at that time we had just 15 units, Aquatic Center — survived after “Stephanie is quite an amazing Veronica Weber. Veronica but we knew this was going to take use of an AED, Pena said. woman,” Brawner said. An automated electronic defibrillator sits in a fire extinguisher case in off,” Pena said. The other two — an athletic staff “It’s a small community of peo- Stanford Memorial Church. ple who have this same passion and it took her some time to recover. It mission, and she’s coming up with was only last August that she ob- some very innovative ways to fund tained nonprofit status for Racing ATTENTION PENINSULA PARENTS the defibrillators. Hearts from the Internal Revenue “Her creativity is just unique. Service. She’s taken it upon herself to do out- “People can overcome their life’s reach to these organizations to get difficulties,” she said. p Connection funding, so my hat is off to her.” “I always knew I would advocate am Martinson works days as a speech for AEDs in the schools; I just didn’t C pathologist at the VA Palo Alto start it until last fall,” she said. Health Care System, seeing many “I finally felt healed enough that I patients in the critical care unit. knew I could do it.” N After her own six surgeries be- Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can SUMMER CAMPS FOR KIDS The Almanac’s, Mountain View Voice’s, 013 GUIDE TO 2 Weekly, n io Alto t tween 2002 and 2008, and ultimate be emailed at ckenrick@paweekly. Palo c by the e produced w Voice n Vie publication n Mountain A special and o Almanac com. he removal of her internal defibrillator, T C Palo Alto Weekly’s popular, annual p er 2013 m Summ Camp Connection magazine will be Ca inserted in the newspaper the week of February 18. Find.... * Summer Activities * Camps * Schools * and more t.BLFQVSDIBTFT ....in one magazine that’s delivered to your home! The online guide to t8SJUFBOESFBESFWJFXT Additional complementary copies can be found at local libraries, Palo Alto t'JOEEFBMTBOEDPVQPOT schools and recreation departments. t#VZHJGUDFSUJöDBUFT businesses t%JTDPWFSMPDBMCVTJOFTTFT Good for Business. Good for You. Good for the Community.

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Page 22ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Arts & Entertainment A weekly guide to music, theater, art, movies and more, edited by Rebecca Wallace

As sung in the 1944 musical “On the Town,” the Leonard Bernstein song “Some Other Time” Awas a wistful ballad. Three American sailors had just had momentous shore leaves with three pretty girls, and now they were headed back to war. On a recent evening, when “Some Other Time” is played on piano and bass in a Palo Alto house, it’s a jazzy lullaby with hints of Chopin. Never one to be limited by genre, the veteran pianist Valerie Capers has crafted an arrange- ment with both rich, lulling bass patterns and delicate filigree high up on the keyboard. With Capers on piano and longtime collabora- tor John Robinson on an electric bass plugged into a small amp, the song croons, pitter-pats and moves. Robinson’s head bows as his big hands skate up and down the neck of the bass. Capers’ motions are easy and smooth. Dynamic changes seem effortless, with the unspoken communi- cation that comes from playing together for 35 years. “Mesmerizing,” fellow musician Josephine Gandolfi says when the song ends. Everyone is gathered together at former Palo Alto councilwoman LaDoris Cordell’s house for an excited reunion. Conversations buzz; favorite pieces of music swish out of folders; reminis- cences and laughter pop. Capers and Robinson are in town from New York City again for an annual concert that has become a tradition: a performance that highlights the music of Afri- can-American composers, some contemporary (continued on page 23)

9ad]fY N e w Yo r k j a z z m u s i c i a n s s p o t l i g h t e d at annual concert featuring ghUhY black composers cZ a]bX LÞÊ,iLiVV>Ê7>>ViÊUÊ« œÌœ}À>« ÃÊLÞÊ6iÀœ˜ˆV>Ê7iLiÀ

Top: Valerie Capers’ hands on the piano keys are reflected in her glasses as she plays. Above: John Robinson on bass and Capers on piano are all concentration. Right: LaDoris Cordell will join the New York musicians on stage at the Jan. 27 concert, singing and playing piano. ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 23 Arts & Entertainment

sionist John Neves, violinist Susan Veteran jazz pianist C. Brown and cellist Victoria Eh- Empire state Valerie Capers (continued from page 23) rlich. has performed Then, Capers will present her own and many not widely known. in venues new settings of the Lincoln songs, This year’s show is on Jan. 27 at ranging from the with Gandolfi playing the piano and 3 p.m., held at Eastside College Pre- Knickerbocker soprano Yolanda Rhodes singing. paratory School in East Palo Alto; Bar & Grill in On this evening in Palo Alto, visi- ticket sales benefit the school. Com- Greenwich Village tors get a taste of the new settings, positions by Capers have been on to Lincoln Center. with the musicians playing them the program for three years, and this in an impromptu performance. will be the second year that she and “Rainbow” is youthful, while “Bird Robinson have flown in to perform Alone” is gentle and melancholy, as well. with Cordell singing, “Are you on Capers is one of the biggest names your way somewhere?” on the bill. A graduate of both the “With my setting of ‘Bird Alone,’ New York Institute for the Education I got inspiration from Ravel,” Capers of the Blind and the Juilliard School, says. “My ‘Rainbow’ I wanted to be she has been performing, compos- childlike, almost sing-song.” ing, recording and teaching jazz and Composing doesn’t come easily classical music for decades. She has to Capers, she says: “I get ideas, but recorded five albums and played in then I have to work.” venues ranging from the Knicker- Cheerfully, she figures she’s in bocker Bar & Grill in Greenwich good company. Composing may Village to Lincoln Center. Before have come naturally to some, such retiring, she chaired the music and as Mozart, but others like Beethoven art department at Bronx Community began researching music by African- touch with Capers to tell her so. To find new music for this year’s struggled. “Beethoven is the great- College. American composers. They were “I was just completely bowled concert, Gandolfi went on a research est composer who ever walked the Robinson studied with Capers and surprised at how little they knew be- over,” says Capers, clearly delight- trip to Columbia College in Chicago earth,” she says. “Beethoven dug later joined the Bronx faculty. He’s yond some spirituals and jazz. These ed. “We’ve worked together ever to delve into an archive of music by ditches to compose. That’s what I performed with Dizzy Gillespie, concerts have become a labor of love since.” black composers. “I went through have in common.” She beams. N Wynton Marsalis and Celia Cruz, to and a mission to educate listeners. There’s been good give-and-take dozens and dozens of scores,” she name a few, playing jazz, Latin and The pair are longtime fans of Ca- among the musicians for several says. From that treasure trove she What: “Music of African-American classical bass, as well as recorder. pers’ music. They got to meet her a years now. At the 2011 concert, chose several pieces for this year’s Composers: The Story Re-Told,” a Gandolfi and Cordell are clearly few years back after Gandolfi, a pri- Cordell sang one of Capers’ com- program, including three solo piano concert featuring vocalists and instru- thrilled to have the New York musi- vate music teacher and conservatory positions, “Billie’s Song” (a tribute pieces that will be performed by mentalists performing works by black cians in town. “Just living the dream! graduate, became taken with her to Billie Holiday), after writing her Deanne Tucker: “Azuretta” by Re- composers Who gets to do this?” Cordell ex- collection called “Portraits in Jazz.” own lyrics to it. Capers loved it, but gina Baiocchi, “Glaciers” by Dolo- Where: Eastside College Preparatory claims after singing a few songs with Capers penned the pieces as simple said the key was too low. So she re- res White” and “Flight” by Zenobia School’s Performing Arts Center, 1041 Capers and Robinson. arrangements to introduce children worked the piece and coached her Powell Perry. Myrtle St., East Palo Alto Cordell, a retired judge, has long to jazz, inspired by the works that singer, and Cordell sang the revised The concerts always begin with When: Sunday, Jan. 27, from 3 to 5 had an artistic bent as well. She’s Schumann and Bach wrote for young version at last year’s concert. performances by the Eastside Prep p.m. a longtime piano student of Gan- people. In turn, Gandolfi arranged “She brought the house down,” choir singing. This year’s selection is Cost: Suggested donations are $20 dolfi’s, and a few years ago the pair the pieces for voice, and then got in Capers says. “She tore it up.” Stevie Wonder’s “Love’s in Need of general and $5 for seniors and stu- Love Today.” Fittingly, the program dents, with proceeds benefitting East- also includes two of Capers’ “Por- side Prep. Avenidas presents its 2nd Annual Financial Conference traits in Jazz”: “Bossa Brasilia” and Info: Call 650-688-0850. Tickets are “Ella Scats the Little Lamb.” available only at the door. &ORMULATING9OUR&ISCALLY&IT2ETIREMENT In addition, the concert will fea- ture several jazz songs by the late WATCH ONLINE Abbey Lincoln, an American singer, www.PaloAltoOnline.com songwriter and actress. Lincoln’s To watch a video of Valerie Capers and songs “Bird Alone” and “Rainbow” John Robinson playing piano and bass will be sung by Cordell, accompa- at LaDoris Cordell’s house this week, go nied by Capers, Robinson, percus- to PaloAltoOnline.com.

NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING of the City of Palo Alto Architectural Review Board (ARB)

8:30 A.M., Thursday, February 7, 2013 Palo Alto Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue. Go to the Development Center at 285 Hamilton Avenue to review filed documents; contact Diana Tamale for information regard- ing business hours at 650.329.2144.

180 El Camino Real [12PLN-00424]: Request by Jacobs, on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, for Architectural Review of new exterior storefronts, signage and awnings for the American Girl store at the Stanford Shopping Center. Zone District: CC (Community Commercial). &EATURING#ONSUMER2EPORTER Michael Finney This item was continued from December 20, 2012 meeting. !"#.EWS/N9OUR3IDE 780 Welch Road [12PLN-00429]: Request by WRNS Studio on behalf of Stanford University Lands and Buildings for Archi- 3ATURDAY *ANUARYsAM PM tectural Review of the replacement of a 3 story 30,648 sq. ft. building with a new 3 story 31,353 sq. ft. building, including one "RYANT3T 0ALO!LTO level of below grade parking and associated site improvements. The project also includes a landscape reserve in lieu of 24 park- U2ETIREMENT2EADINESS U-ANAGING(OUSEHOLD%XPENSES U,ONG 4ERM#ARE)NSURANCE ing spaces for both 780 and 800 Welch Rd. Zone District MOR. U2EAL%STATE4AXES U-EDICARE3OCIAL3ECURITY U3PECIAL4RACK&OR"OOMERS Environmental Assessment: An initial study/Negative Declaration has been prepared. This item was continued from January 24, Early bird pricing available until 1/17. 2013 meeting.

2EGISTERATAVENIDASORG Amy French ORCALL   Resources and program for positive aging Chief Planning Official

Page 24ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Arts & Entertainment

actor, and youngest child Rebecca (Michelle Cabinian) is anxiously awaiting her turn in the spotlight. Just when you think the Can- delarias are delusional and their musical fantasies will get the better of them, in waltzes the real possi- bility of showbiz glory in the form of Jamie (Leo Ash Evens), a neigh- borhood boy who practically grew up with the Candelarias. Jamie is now assistant to Jerome Robbins, a Broadway legend and the direc- tor of “West Side Story” on stage; Robbins is soon to co-direct the motion picture. Of course Inez wants all her tal- ented children in the movie, but there’s just one problem. The City of New York is evicting them. Their building is about to be torn down to make way for Lincoln Center. Watching the Candelarias strive for things that seem way out of reach and help each other main- tain their dreams/delusions calls to mind other plays about fami- lies, most notably “The Glass Me- nagerie,” “Death of a Salesman” and, appropriately for this family, “Gypsy.” There’s even a potential gentleman caller in Act 2 who may or may not be coming to dinner.

Tracy Martin Tracy Director Giovanna Sardelli strives for a realistic tone and rhythm to the often rambunctious family life, and then contrasts that with lovely flights of fantasy when the char- Rebecca (Michelle Cabinian), the youngest child in the stagestruck acters dance into an altered, often Candelaria family, is instructed by family friend Jamie (Leo Ash Evens.) euphoric state. She and Lopez rely Goldschmid Joyce on those flights a bit too much, so Roy (Keith Marshall) and wife Irma (Shannon Warrick) struggle with they lose some impact, even when Roy’s gender dysphoria. they’re beautifully performed (the One home, one heart music is recorded and the choreog- Tenement family dreams of stage stardom in tender raphy is by Greg Graham). The big change TheatreWorks drama She gets strong performances from her cast, and Lopez, a mem- Sensitive treatment of a tough topic in Players’ by Chad Jones ber of the original Broadway cast ‘Looking for Normal’ of “A Chorus Line” and a Tony n a program note for his play Award winner, dominates the stage by Karla Kane “Somewhere” at TheatreWorks, THEATER REVIEW in a role inspired by her own moth- alo Alto Players tackles the Iplaywright Matthew Lopez says claim to fame that he was a kid ac- er (whose maiden name happened THEATER REVIEW the characters aren’t based on his to be Candelaria). As effective as big change that rocks a family tor in “The King and I” opposite to its core in an excellent pro- family but “based on my love for Yul Brynner. Mom is in thrall to Lopez is, she is nearly upstaged by P such as: What’s the correlation duction of Jane Anderson’s “Look- my family,” and that’s a defining musical theater, and how could she Rosen’s Alejandro, a soulful young between gender and sexual prefer- quality of this warmhearted dra- man whose sense of responsibility ing for Normal.” ence? Is Roy gay or straight? And if not be? She’s living blocks above Roy and Irma, married more or ma. Times Square at the end of what only barely outpaces his desire to she stays with Roy, what does that If you could distill American dance. And to dream. less happily for a quarter-century, make Irma? would come to be known as the have raised two kids, attend church drama down to two themes, they Golden Age of the Broadway mu- While it’s easy to set up dream- The plot follows Roy through the might be family and dreams, espe- ers and squash them with a mighty regularly and appear to be an av- process of gender reassignment, in- sical. erage family in the unspecified cially if dreams can also encom- She ushers by day and is a night- blow of reality, playwright Lopez cluding both physical and emotional pass delusions. Lopez’s play, which is more compassionate with his American heartland. Roy (Keith developments along the way, and club hostess by night. Her current Marshall) comes from a farming had its premiere last fall at San Di- stage obsession is “West Side Sto- characters. There could be more it’s a fascinating and often touching ego’s Old Globe and has been seri- grit and less gloss in this story, but family and works for John Deere. journey. Loved ones wonder how ry,” even though there are so few Irma (Shannon Warrick) takes care ously revised for its bow in Moun- actual Puerto Ricans playing the ultimately it’s not sappy. they or others might have impacted tain View, is all about a family of There’s a certain degree of real- of the home with a steady hand and Roy’s condition. Did Irma emascu- Puerto Rican gang members. The loving authority. dreamers. entire family follows mom’s lead world grimness puncturing the late him by being too competent? “We force the world to look like show-tune delirium, especially A wrench is thrown into the works Was his tough father too hard on and worships at the shrine of mu- of their otherwise “normal” lives, our dreams,” the starry-eyed moth- sical theater, playing cast albums in Act 2, but there are also small, him, or his mother and sisters too er tells her disillusioned son. “We deeply felt triumphs and acts of however, when, shortly after their soft? non-stop and dancing up a storm, silver wedding anniversary, Roy do not force our dreams to look like mostly for each other’s amuse- tenderness that keep hope alive and And Roy’s not the only family the world.” root the family’s happiness in each admits the secret he’s been keeping member struggling with issues of ment. for years: gender dysphoria. In other That’s the truth. How else to When the Candelarias connect, other rather than in pipe dreams. gender, sexuality and aging. Tom- account for just how happy the That really makes “Somewhere” words, he’s a woman trapped in a boyish pubescent daughter Patty it’s usually when they’re dancing man’s body and is no longer willing Candelarias are when the reality along to a show tune. Early in Act something. N Anne (Samantha Gorjanc) be- of their situation could make for to live as a male. moans the onset of adolescence. For 1, with the pas de deux music from Naturally, Irma is upset. At first a depressing evening of theater. “West Side Story” playing, Inez What: “Somewhere” by Matthew Lo- her, becoming a woman is a cross An immigrant family from Puerto pez, presented by TheatreWorks she assumes her marriage is over, she’d rather not bear, and she finds dances with Alejandro, and there’s but Roy (later Ruth) insists that Rico, they live in a tenement on just no denying the emotional Where: Mountain View Center for the it hard to believe her father would New York’s Upper West Side. Dad Performing Arts, 500 Castro St. while he is transgender, and intends do so willingly. She struggles with power of watching a son dancing to not only “change pronouns” but is nowhere to be seen, except oc- beautifully and tenderly with his When: Through Feb. 10, with shows her changing body and sexual iden- casionally in letters from distant at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednes- go through with a sex-change opera- tity, and delivers one of the frankest mother. tion, his love for Irma is unchanged. places, so it falls to oldest son Ale- But it’s not all show tunes in the days, 8 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays, descriptions of the menstrual cycle jandro (Michael Rosen) to be the 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdays, and 2 and 7 Irma still loves Roy, too, but is their and its side effects (complete with apartment. Alejandro, who’s in his bond strong enough to survive the man of the house. early 20s, has given up his Broad- p.m. Sundays chart) I’ve ever witnessed. His mother, the sparky Inez Cost: Tickets are $23-$73, with upheaval? Roy is happy to finally Her big brother, Wayne (Tom way dreams because he spends so stop living a lie, but the decision (Priscilla Lopez, the playwright’s much time working to put food on discounts for students, seniors and Doud), has troubles (and a chart) of aunt), works odd jobs so her talent- educators. has far-reaching ramifications, not his own, including some dysfunction the family table. Younger brother just at home but at work and in the ed kids can take acting and danc- Francisco (Eddie Gutierrez) is Info: Go to theatreworks.org or call ing lessons. Her eldest even has the 650-463-1960. community. It also raises questions obsessed with becoming a movie (continued on page 26) ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 25 Arts & Entertainment

YOGURT AND PRETZELS AT THE MALL ... The Zagat-rated Red Mango Heard a rumor about your favor- Frozen Yogurt, with nearly 200 loca- ite store or business moving out, or tions, and Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, in, down the block or across town? which recently introduced its first Daryl Savage will check it out. whole-grain pretzel, are both planning Email [email protected]. to open in the Stanford Shopping Center. Shopby Daryl Savage Talk LISA’S TEA TO STAY ... Lisa’s Tea Treasures in Menlo Park is taking a PALO ALTO GOING VEGAN? ... In meals on Monday nights for 25 years, Lyfe Kitchen at 167 Hamilton Ave. line from Mark Twain, who once wrote: ‘Looking for Normal’ many cases, yes, according to a few demand is also growing. Palo Alto has also noticed a big demand for (continued from page 26) “Reports of my death are an exag- chefs with restaurants in Palo Alto. resident and Monday-night dinner vegan food and has begun offering a geration.” Contrary to an earlier report, in the bedroom. Meanwhile Irma, “Eating vegan is a growing trend,” manager Jay Whitcraft said the six- separate menu with vegan items. And Lisa’s Tea Treasures, at 1175 Merrill at age 45, is going through meno- said Calafia restaurant owner and course meals, created by two mac- Reposado, an upscale Mexican res- St., continues to host its high teas and pause. She’s suffering through hor- chef Charlie Ayers, who has readjust- robiotic vegan chefs, have become taurant at 236 Hamilton Ave., offers private parties and to offer catering. mone imbalances, hot flashes and ed his offerings to reflect the chang- increasingly popular. “We serve about a vegetarian menu with a handful of “Lisa’s Tea Treasures in Menlo Park the loss of her fertility. So watching ing trends. “We’ve launched a whole 100 dinners now on Mondays. A year vegan options. is open for business, and we do take her teen daughter (begrudgingly) new menu and converted some of ago, it was maybe 60 to 70,” Whit- reservations. We are looking forward and husband (eagerly) blossom into our dishes into vegan entrees. I look craft said. SCHOOL OF ROCK OPENS ... A new to serving customers as always,” Thao womanhood is like rubbing salt in at my sales, I look at the trends and Several other restaurants are also music studio in the Midtown neigh- Nguyen, manager and co-owner, said. a wound. I respond to what the community re- responding to the vegan trend, in- borhood of Palo Alto has scheduled Neighboring Crepes Cafe also remains And Roy’s elderly parents (Jack quests.” The menu at Calafia, in Town cluding Loving Hut at 165 University its grand opening for Jan. 26. School open for business. A new restaurant Penkethman and Jackie O’Keefe) & Country Village, now lists at least a Ave., which has only vegan items of Rock at 2645 Middlefield Road operated by celebrity chef Bradley are dealing with the formidable dozen vegan items, including Brus- on its menu. At 460 Ramona St., teaches young musicians to perform Ogden is expected to debut later this Roy Sr.’s decline into senility. Roy sels-sprouts fricassee and a spinach Garden Fresh serves Asian vegan like rock stars, with students working summer in the space formerly occu- Sr., we learn, pushed his wife into dragon-noodle bowl. dishes including mock versions of together to create a rock show. The pied by Gambardella’s, which closed having Roy Jr. after birthing several Over at the First Baptist Church at lemon chicken, pineapple ham and event is planned from 1 to 4 p.m. and in December, a spokesman for Ogden daughters because he couldn’t imag- 305 N. California Ave., where the cashew shrimp. Curry Up Now at will include giveaways and tours of has announced. It will be called. B.F.D. ine leaving his farm to anyone but a nonprofit Peninsula Macrobiotic 321 Hamilton Ave. offers vegan food, the facility. (Bradley’s Fine Diner). son. Back even farther up the fam- Community has been serving vegan Indian-style, on a separate menu. ily tree, the puckish spirit of Roy’s long-lost grandmother Ruth (Bille Harris), appears from time to time to blithely share some revelations of her own, suggesting that gender fluidity is something of a familial tradition. “Looking for Normal” is, at least in this commendable production directed by Marilyn Langbehn, noteworthy in that every character is quite sympathetic. Irma, Roy and their children seem like a natural, loving (albeit strained) family with realistic relationships. Their pastor (Dave Iverson), while clueless and ultimately hurtful, is well-meaning and earnest. Even cantankerous old Roy Sr., who at first comes across as loathsome, is revealed to be vul- Our life here nerable and deeply wounded by his past. And Grandma Ruth is a de- light, even (or perhaps especially) when confessing to some scandal- ous actions. Warm, humorous moments com- Palo Alto Is The bine nicely with the serious scenes, and the tone never veers too far in ei- ther direction. The play is well writ- ten, paced and directed, but much of the credit is also due to the excellent BEST PLACE cast. It’s a rare show in which ev- ery player is equally skilled. In this To Retire. case, that’s a good thing. I have but one complaint: Some scenes were set so far downstage as Webster House is now a member of Episcopal Senior Communities, the not-for-profit to be rendered out of sight from my organization that owns and operates Canterbury Woods, Los Gatos Meadows, Lytton mid-theater seat. “Looking for Normal” is highly Gardens, San Francisco Towers, Spring Lake Village, and St. Paul’s Towers. Ideally located recommended for its edgy-yet-sweet story, and Palo Alto Players executes near the wonderful mix of shops, restaurants, and art galleries, our newly renovated it splendidly. Though not everyone apartments, gracious amenities, enriched services, and new programs make living here a style will go through what Roy’s fam- ily does, everyone can relate to the of life that offers you real peace-of-mind in a welcoming community with the advantages theme of challenges worth facing in the name of love. N of continuing care. To learn more, or for your personal visit, please call 650.838.4004. What: “Looking for Normal” by Jane Anderson, presented by Palo Alto Players Where: Lucie Stern Theatre, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto When: Through Feb. 3, with shows Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. Your style, your neighborhood. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Cost: Tickets are $29, with discounts websterhousepaloalto.org for students, seniors and groups. 401 Webster Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Info: Go to paplayers.org or call 650- A non-denominational, not-for-profit community owned and operated by Episcopal Senior Communities. License No. 435294364 COA #246. EPWH645-01BA 011113 329-0891.

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RESTAURANT REVIEW Neptune’s treasures revealed The Sea offers sensuous bounty in rarefied setting by Dale F. Bentson ttention to detail defines ex- ing honed his culinary skills in the petizers, cold appetizers, chilled cellence. The Sea by Alexan- Far East and refined them in Califor- seafood platters, oysters and caviar. A der’s Steakhouse is all about nia. He was recruited to be the open- It was a lot to contemplate, and the details: handsome decor, attentive ing executive chef at The Sea. waiter also recited various sea- service and everything in between. Inside, the ceiling is high and the food specials, truffle availability Unlike the Alexander’s Steakhouse wall palette composed of sea-sooth- and the stunning price for Wagyu in Cupertino, The Sea isn’t quite ing creams and aqua. Comfortable beef, priced by the ounce. It would Michelin-star quality yet — that padded chairs and linen-lined tables have been helpful had all the addi- might come with time and consis- are judiciously placed; vases of fresh tions been printed. This was just too tency — but the overall dining ex- flowers abound; and a glass wall much information to digest coupled perience is of the highest quality. separates the otherwise open kitch- with questions on the menu itself. Opened last November and located en. The full bar is separate from the Nonetheless, we settled on in the former Trader Vic’s at Dinah’s main dining room and private dining hamachi shots ($12) for the table Garden Hotel in Palo Alto, The Sea is areas, which reduces noise levels. as a pre-appetizer: six shot glasses the first non-meat-centric entity from Dining expectations are high. on a tray of rock salt. The tuna was the Alexander’s group. The menu in- On a recent evening, an amuse- sweet and delicate and sat on a base cludes beef and bird alternatives. But bouche also readied our palates for of truffled ponzu (citrus sauce), avo- the focus is superior seafood first, what was to come. Served just after cado, ginger and jalapeño. expertly prepared, artistically pre- we placed our orders, it was a wedge Then came the appetizers: toga- sented, with enough wow to engage of perch with chipotle jalapeño and rashi wild Hawaiian tuna tatake (tuna most of the senses. pickled onion. Unfortunately, the wait- with chili pepper pounded in), priced

Veronica Weber Veronica Executive Chef Yu Min Lin has er didn’t know where the perch came at $18. Again, the tuna was melt-on- Seared John Dory is prepared with peas, Meyer lemons, mushrooms, more than two decades of experience from and never bothered to find out. in Japanese and French cuisine, hav- For starters, there were hot ap- carrots, bell peppers and potatoes. (continued on page 28)


Now accepting reservations From our kitchen#HEF-ARCO3ALVI %XECUTIVE#HEF to yours.Buon appetito! catering available


ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 27 Eating Out

(continued from previous page) posed creme fraiche and dots of firm the booking. meringue. The dessert was as tasty Most restaurants call to confirm the-tongue tender, served with slivers as it was playful. and ask you to call them only if there of radish, avocado, crispy garlic and a Just when we were coming up for is a problem. I took the time to book delicate soy vinaigrette. air, a post-dessert dessert, compli- once; why did I have to call again? The five mini crab cakes ($14) ments of the kitchen, was presented: That being said, I give very high dazzled. The cakes were presented chocolate pops, espresso macaroons marks to The Sea. It’s pricey, but if on a black slate plate dotted with the and jelly patés. If those weren’t you love the fine dining experience yellows, reds and greens of lemon enough, a teeth-shivering pompon in beautiful surroundings, with an sauce, barbeque sauce and parsley of grape-flavored cotton candy accomplished chef and a waitstaff

pesto. It was as if Vermeer had set Veronica Weber crowned the table just before the that aims to please, it’s a must. N his paint board in front of me. check arrived. The bread was delicious, with a The wine list, close to 20 pages, choice of three house-made, savory would satisfy most oenophiles. I The Sea by Alexander’s Steak- to sweeter. I chose the croissant with thought the prices were reasonable house, 4269 El Camino Real, seaweed: delicious. Later, the waiter given the high-caliber restaurant. The Palo Alto; 650-213-1111; the- Togarashi tuna meets up with avocado, radish, soy vinaigrette and seausa. com asked if we wanted more bread. The crispy garlic. sommelier was knowledgeable and answer was yes, but the bread server offered apologies when she noted the Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 5:30-9 p.m.; never reappeared. mushrooms (with a slightly nutty truffle garlic aioli, they were $10. wrong wine glasses on the table, and Fri.-Sat. 5:30-9:30 p.m. For entrees, the seared mero flavor), carrots, dried bell peppers, Pastry chef Dan Huyhn’s desserts had them immediately changed.  Reservations Private (grouper) from Hawaii ($40) strad- potato and smoked salt. It was a fla- didn’t disappoint. The red velvet I grade on a curve, so I don’t mind parties: dled a wedge of sweet potato and vor-intense dish with all ingredients ($12) was red genoise (sponge cake), being a little nitpicky. For a lesser res-  Credit cards up to 200 pearl onions. Sauteed broccolini complementing each other. cream cheese and cranberry that was taurant, I would have dismissed the  Lot Parking Noise level: crowned the firm and flavorful fish, On a whim, we ordered a side of constructed to resemble a sponge. couple of little waitstaff missteps. But Low and swirls of port wine reduction truffle fries. Served in a deep cone, The cake was silky and sweet, and there is one problem — a house pol-  Alcohol Bathroom sauce encircled the dish. the earthy, aromatic fried potatoes had eye appeal atop a black plate. icy — that leaves me a tad miffed. I  Children Cleanliness: Triangle tiers of seared New Zea- were sprinkled with parmesan “Pucker Up” ($12) was a combi- made my reservations online the day Outdoor excellent land John Dory ($36) were playfully cheese. The heady essence wafted nation of yuzu (an agreeably sour before dinner. About two hours later,  dining (except arranged with just shucked peas, a across several tables, inducing more Japanese citrus), pate sucre (sweet I retrieved a voice mail informing me in winter) zest of Meyer lemon, petite shimeji orders from nearby diners. With crisp pastry), huckleberry, recom- that I had to call the restaurant to con-


Discover the best places to eat this week!


Armadillo Willy’s Chef Chu’s 941-2922 948-2696 1031 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos 1067 N. San Antonio Road www.armadillowillys.com www.chefchu.com The Old Pro Ming’s 326-1446 856-7700 541 Ramona Street, Palo Alto 1700 Embarcadero East, Palo Alto www.oldpropa.com www.mings.com STEAKHOUSE New Tung Kee Noodle House 947-8888 Sundance the Steakhouse 520 Showers Drive, Mountain View 321-6798 www.shopmountainview.com/luunoodlemv 1921 El Camino Real, Palo Alto www.sundancethesteakhouse.com INDIAN Janta Indian Restaurant 462-5903 Read and post reviews, 369 Lytton Ave. explore restaurant menus, www.jantaindianrestaurant.com get hours and directions Thaiphoon and more at ShopPaloAlto, 323-7700 ShopMenloPark and 543 Emerson Ave, Palo Alto ShopMountainView www.ThaiphoonRestaurant.com

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Page 28ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ OPENINGS Aside from a bit of cranky bick- Moviesering (caused mostly by Michael Quartet --- Gambon’s community organizer), (Aquarius) In an interview with the residents fret about the home’s The Wall Street Journal, Dustin dwindling funds and the necessity Hoffman remarked that he made the of a boffo success for the home’s an- film “Quartet” his directorial debut nual benefit performance. This con- because “I’m most attracted to stuff cern coincides with the arrival of a that’s been done to death and never new resident who throws everyone done correctly.” into a tizzy: bona fide opera diva Consider that a sideways glance Jean Horton (Maggie Smith). at the many cutesy and sometimes Depressed by the fading of her condescending old-age-pensioner limelight, Jean arrives bitter and movies that make it to the movie emotionally fragile, the wrong frame marketplace. In telling its tale of of mind to handle being treated as four retired musicians, “Quartet” the big “get” for the benefit. Jean’s doesn’t avoid all of the traps of the demands for special treatment are genre, but Hoffman does show good the least of her disruptions. taste, particularly in casting. She immediately complicates the Pauline Collins and Maggie Smith play retired musicians who just may perform together again. The film derives from a play by lives of her former colleagues — ir- Ronald Harwood, who also penned repressible horndog Wilf (Billy Con- dramatic action, which eventually spicuous symptom that guarantees dramatic weight, and Smith remains the screenplay. The setting is Bee- nolly) and friendly but addled Cissy fixates on the problem of convincing a character’s demise). reliably resonant, but Courtenay pro- cham House, a home for retired mu- (Pauline Collins) — but the shock Jean to reprise the third-act quartet One genre expectation remains vides the most touching turn as the sicians. No dreary institution, this, waves of Jean’s arrival especially from “Rigoletto” that she, Reggie, firmly in place. The senior-citizen character with the deepest thoughts but rather a rambling estate, well- blindside her ex-husband Reggie Wilf and Cissy once legendarily movie remains a showcase for elder and most tender feelings. “Quartet” appointed with amenities and lush (Tom Courtenay, star of Harwood’s performed together. talent, which Hoffman maximizes is no classic, but with the talent in- greenery, that warmly embraces its “The Dresser”), for whom she har- Clever cat that he is, Hoffman not only with stars but also with volved, it’s certainly catchy. residents — all of whom daily prac- bors hopeful feelings of reconcilia- adds to already sturdy material a supporting players who, once upon tice their vocation. Though we’re tion. “I wanted a dignified senility,” few smart touches, such as a well- a time, made theatrical, operatic and Rated PG-13 for brief strong lan- reminded of Bette Davis’ crack that Reggie complains. “Fat chance now timed classical montage for the musical history (stay tuned to the guage and suggestive humor. One aging is not for sissies, this seems she’s here.” title sequence and a subtle refusal credits for resume highlights). hour, 39 minutes. like the way to do it. Reggie’s love-hate passion for to follow through on the cliche of Connolly and Collins expertly Still, there is trouble in paradise. Jean constitutes much of the film’s the “Camille cough” (i.e., the con- balance loveable comic relief with — Peter Canavese

The following is a selection of films ing actors who both look like their real- directly from a teen-sex comedy. The tone Reacher in the airport-novel adaptation becomes something of a “Catholic Hindu,” recently reviewed in the Weekly. For a life counterparts and have the thespian is off and off-putting. Scenes do heat up of “Jack Reacher.” Oscar-winning writer who sees the gods of various religions full list of movie reviews and times, go to chops to hit all the right notes. Rated R for when King George VI (Samuel West) and Christopher McQuarrie does double as his “superheroes.” Pi’s spiritual pica- PaloAltoOnline.com/calendar. language and violent images. 2 hours. — Queen Elizabeth (Olivia Colman) arrive for duty as screenwriter and director, lend- resque shifts into a high gear once he’s T.H. (Reviewed Oct. 12, 2012) the weekend. America’s president and ing a veneer of intelligence to otherwise fighting for survival on the “life”boat. Pi’s Amour ---- the stuttering British royal of “The King’s dopey material, layering in some snappy attempts to reach detente with the tiger (Guild) Life can change in a heartbeat. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Speech” do have great chemistry. Mur- dialogue, sleek suspense sequences and create a fearful intimacy analogous to An elderly, cultured Parisian couple (Em- --- ray’s performance is drolly understated, punchy action to distract from a plot one some people’s experience of God. “I have manuelle Riva and Jean-Louis Trintignant) (Century 16, Century 20) Director Peter and Linney’s character is so dull that the character aptly describes as “grassy- to believe there was more in his eyes than have their worlds fall apart when one of Jackson (the “Lord of the Rings” tril- role offers the talented actor nothing to knoll ludicrous.” The picture begins with my own reflection staring back at me,” Pi them suffers a pair of debilitating strokes. ogy) rekindles his Middle Earth magic in do. West and his stammering provide a gripping sniper set piece running into a says, but the film’s visual motifs of mir- Seeing these French iconic actors in their adapting the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s much more than meets the ear: His act- wordless montage that ends with a fishy rored surfaces might just as well suggest 80s is shocking in itself, and director seminal novel “The Hobbit” for the big ing crafts a sweet-natured and devoted suspect in Pittsburgh P.D. custody. The that people under sufficient emotional du- Michael Haneke also creates a story and screen. Those fond of the “Rings” pictures public servant who will steal your heart, if suspect’s only communication: “Get Jack ress see what they want to see. Rated PG a world that is one of his most difficult to will feel a sense of deja vu in watching “An not the show. Rated R for brief sexuality. 1 Reacher.” Before you can say, well, Jack for emotional thematic content through- watch. The film is also one of his most Unexpected Journey,” as cinematography, hour, 35 minutes. — S.T. (Reviewed Dec. Reacher, the preternaturally confident out, and some scary action sequences masterful. As the couple’s life together costuming, score and set design are all 21, 2012) former “Army cop” makes the scene and, and peril. Two hours, seven minutes. — unspools in flashbacks, moving toward virtually identical, not to mention several on reflection, reluctantly agrees to serve P.C. (Reviewed Nov. 23, 2012) the painful present day, Haneke unblink- cast members. While “Journey” gets off The Impossible --- as the investigator for public defender ingly and compassionately presents to a ploddingly slow start, the colorful (Aquarius, Century 20) “The Impos- Helen Rodin. As played by Cruise in a not- Lincoln ---1/2 universal truths, while revealing the illusion characters, action sequences and visual sible” takes dicey material — the story of unskilled but largely generic action-hero (Century 16, Century 20) Spielberg’s of filmmaking and our role as spectators. effects quickly help pick up the pace. one privileged family’s suffering during performance, Reacher is a hard-bitten “Lincoln” — which focuses on Lincoln’s Rated PG-13 for mature thematic mate- Overall, there’s a paint-by-numbers feel the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami — and man with no patience for fools. “Jack tragically shortened second term in of- rial including a disturbing act, and brief to the film, since the groundwork was transcends its political incorrectness Reacher” is by no means a good film. It’s fice, the conclusion of the Civil War and language. In French with English subtitles. already well laid with “Lord of the Rings.” by focusing on the human condition. not even a particularly good movie. But the president’s fight to pass the 13th Two hours, seven minutes. — S.T. (Re- “Journey” introduces a host of interesting Most problematic is the focus on the the thing does have two fistfights, a car Amendment (abolishing slavery) — plays viewed Jan. 11, 2013) new characters. Martin Freeman makes pains of these tourists to the exclusion of chase and a shootout. So if you’re on a bit like a $50 million history lesson. And a wonderful Bilbo, striking a perfect bal- hundreds of thousands of South Asian the run from three-hour awards-season while that’s a boon for history buffs, the ance between humor and heart, and dramas, it may fill the bill. Rated PG-13 Argo ---1/2 locals, whose roles in the film amount pacing suffers sporadically. Still, Spielberg Ian McKellen serves up another terrific for violence, language and drug material. (Century 16, Century 20) The Ben Affleck to good-hearted rescuers of our heroes and his team (including an A-list cast that performance. Some have wondered if Two hours, 10 minutes. — P.C. (Reviewed of old has been shed like a husk, and at best, and set dressing at worst. Most features a spotlight-stealing performance three films (at nearly three hours each) Dec. 21, 2012) what remains is a sharp and thoughtful impressively, “The Impossible” provides by Tommy Lee Jones) deserve a wealth of are really necessary in adapting one 300- filmmaker who is still in the embryonic one of the most visceral experiences of credit for embracing a monumental task page novel. The easy answer is no, but for phase of an impressive career. Sure, Af- 2012 cinema. As a sheer feat of directorial Life of Pi ---1/2 and succeeding. The film follows Lincoln those who relish the fantasy genre — and fleck the actor is also along for the ride, ingenuity, “The Impossible” has no equal (Palo Alto Square, Century 20) In Ang (Day-Lewis) as he seeks to outlaw slavery Tolkien’s works specifically — three mov- but his skill behind the camera is what among the year’s films. The breathtaking Lee’s exhilarating “Life of Pi” — based and, thus, end the bloody Civil War. Lin- ies might not be enough. Rated PG-13 shines. After the assault on the U.S. tsunami sequence sweeps away the fam- upon the bestselling novel by Yann Martel coln juggles nation-changing decisions for intense fantasy action violence, and Embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4, 1979, 52 ily and splits them into two groups, Maria — a boy adrift reads a “Survival at Sea” with personal-life issues: his wife Mary’s frightening images. 2 hours, 49 minutes. Americans are taken hostage as Iranian with Lucas and Henry with the other boys. manual. “Telling stories is highly recom- (Sally Field) migraines, his older son Rob- — T.H. (Reviewed Dec. 14, 2012) revolutionaries storm the embassy, but Watts ably embodies maternal focus un- mended,” it says. “Above all, do not lose ert’s (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) military ambi- six manage to escape amidst the turmoil der extreme duress, and McGregor has a hope.” In the hands of Ang Lee, “Life of tions and his young son Tad’s (Gulliver and hide out in the home of Canadian Hyde Park on Hudson -- heartbreaking scene of emotional break- Pi” elegantly walks Martel’s philosophi- McGrath) upbringing. Day-Lewis captures Ambassador Ken Taylor (Victor Garber). (Palo Alto Square) “Awkward” doesn’t be- down that suggests unplumbed depths to cal line while also brilliantly using every Lincoln as well as any actor could. From Back in the U.S., CIA operative Jack gin to describe the first intimate moment his talent. A real-life disaster shouldn’t be modern cinematic tool to tell an epic yarn. his vocal inflections to his mannerisms, O’Donnell (Bryan Cranston) tasks “exfiltra- between Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the basis for a cinematic thrill ride, but the Most prominent among these tools is it’s clear he truly immersed himself in the tion specialist” Tony Mendez (Affleck) with his distant cousin, Margaret “Daisy” Suck- film’s tsunami puts a lump in one’s throat 3D. Lee joins the ranks of auteurs using difficult role. But it’s Jones’ performance hatching a plan to get the six Americans ley. Playing the polio-stricken president, to accompany white knuckles. Rated new 3D cameras, gainfully employing the that lends the film the spark it needed and safely out before their true identities and a poker-faced Bill Murray gazes straight PG-13 for intense disaster sequences, technology for its full ViewMaster “pop” would not have otherwise had. Rated whereabouts are discovered: Mendez ahead, his liver-spotted paw reaching for including injury images and brief nudity. effect, but also in more magical ways. PG-13 for war violence, strong language conceives of a faux movie production that Laura Linney’s hand as the couple sits One hour, 54 minutes. — P.C. (Reviewed Suraj Sharma plays the teenage Piscine and carnage. 2 hours, 29 minutes. — T.H. would make the six part of his filmmaking in his convertible. British director Roger Jan. 4, 2013) Molitor (aka “Pi”), who, having been raised (Reviewed Nov. 16, 2012) team. “Argo” is a nail-biter from beginning Michell compounds the clumsiness of the in South India, winds up in the middle to end, and one of the year’s best films. exchange by cutting to an extreme long Jack Reacher --1/2 of the Pacific Ocean, warily sharing a Affleck and his crew do a phenomenal shot that captures the car bobbing up and (Century 20) Resurgent star Tom Cruise lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan and a job capturing the time period and cast- down, as though the scene were taken plays stoical tough-guy hero Jack Bengal tiger. As a boy, Pi (Ayush Tandon) (continued on next page)

ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 29 Movies

(continued from previous page) Osama bin Laden. By following a fiercely wood treatment of such politically delicate determined CIA officer (Jessica Chastain’s history comes “too soon,” and lacks the Zero Dark Thirty --1/2 Maya), “Zero Dark Thirty” creates an iden- historical perspective that comes with (Century 16, Century 20) By most cinemat- tification with her agony of defeat and thrill time. Instead of dealing with the inherently ic measures, “Zero Dark Thirty” is one of of victory along the way, building a rooting political dimensions of their narrative, the the best-made films of 2012. It also proba- interest while otherwise eschewing charac- filmmakers have disingenuously insisted bly shouldn’t exist. An encore presentation ter development in favor of detail-oriented upon the film’s apoliticism in its embrace by the team of director Kathryn Bigelow procedural. While Boal’s screenplay is of procedural narrative. Rated R for lan- and screenwriter Mark Boal — who col- based on journalistic research, one might guage and strong violence including brutal lected Oscars for 2008’s “The Hurt Locker” well say, “Consider the sources.” And the images. Two hours, 37 minutes. — P.C. — the film recounts the CIA’s hunt for calendar. It’s fair to suggest that the Holly- (Reviewed Jan. 4, 2013) Why Home Care Assistance Is The OPENINGS Leading Provider of 24/7 Live-In Care: All showtimes are for Friday through Sunday only unless Jack Reacher (PG-13) ((1/2 ‡ We offer experienced, bonded and insured caregivers, who otherwise noted. For other times, as well as reviews and Century 20: 11:40 a.m. & 9:50 p.m. TM trailers, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies. are trained in our Balanced Care Method of promoting The Last Stand (R) (Not Reviewed) Century 16: 12:20, healthy aging. A Haunted House (R) (Not Reviewed) 3:20, 7:10 & 9:55 p.m. Century 20: 1:10 & 7:05 p.m. Century 16: 11:05 a.m.; 1:25 & 10:20 p.m. Century 20: 11:05 a.m.; 1:20, 3:30, 5:45, 8 & 10:15 p.m. Les Miserables (2012) (PG-13) ((( ‡ We provide culinary training for our caregivers at Sur La Century 16: 11 a.m.; 2:25, 6:05 & 9:30 p.m. Amour (PG-13) (((( Guild Theatre: 1:15, 4:30 & 7:45 p.m. Table to improve their skills and our clients’ meals. Century 20: 11:20 a.m.; 3, 6:35 & 10:05 p.m. Argo (R) (((1/2 Century 16: 4:05 & 7:20 p.m. Century 20: 4:45, 7:35 & 10:20 p.m. Life of Pi (PG) (((1/2 Century 20: 1:25 p.m.; In 3D at ‡ Our founders wrote the book Handbook for Live-In Care, 4:20, 7:20 & 10:20 p.m. Palo Alto Square: 1 p.m.; In 3D at 4 & Bedtime for Bonzo (1951) (Not Rated) (Not Reviewed) which is a resource for the industry as well as families. Stanford Theatre: Fri.-Mon. at 7:30 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. also at 4 7 p.m.; In 3D Fri. & Sat. also at 10 p.m. p.m. Lincoln (PG-13) (((1/2 Century 16: 11:20 a.m.; 2:40, 6:05 Call us for a FREE consultation: The Best of RiffTrax Live: Plan 9 From Outer Space & 9:20 p.m. Century 20: 12:20, 3:35, 6:55 & 10:15 p.m. 650-462-6900 (PG-13) (Not Reviewed) Century 16: Thu. at 7:30 p.m. Mama (PG-13) (Not Reviewed) Century 20: Thu. at 7:30 p.m. Century 16: 11:30 a.m.; 2, 4:50, 7:50 & 10:30 p.m. 1-866-4-LiveIn (454-8346) Broken City (R) (Not Reviewed) Century 20: 11:55 a.m.; 2:25, 5:10, 7:50 & 10:25 p.m. Century 16: 12:20, 3:30, 7:10 & 10:05 p.m. www.HomeCareAssistance.com ((( Century 20: 11:30 a.m.; 2, 4:55, 7:30 & 10:10 p.m. Monsters, Inc. (G) 1/2 Century 20: In 3D at 11 a.m. 148 Hawthorne Ave, Palo Alto, CA Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid (1969) (PG) Movie 43 (R) (Not Reviewed) (Not Reviewed) Century 16: Wed. at 2 & 7 p.m. Century 16: 11 a.m.; 1:20, 3:50, 7:40 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: Wed. at 2 & 7 p.m. Century 20: 12:45, 3:10, 5:35, 8:10 & 10:35 p.m. Django Unchained (R) ((( Century 16: 11:50 a.m.; 3:50 One Night Stand: Overnight Musicals (R) (Not Reviewed) & 8:10 p.m. Century 20: 11:10 a.m.; 2:50, 6:25 & 10 p.m. Century 16: Wed. at 7:30 p.m. Century 20: Wed. at 7:30 p.m. OSHMAN FAMILY OFJCC WINTER/SPRING Gangster Squad (R) (1/2 Parental Guidance (PG) 1/2 Century 16: 11:10 a.m.; 1:50, 4:30, 7:30 & 10:25 p.m. Century 20: 11:45 a.m. & 2:15 p.m. Century 20: 11:30 a.m.; 2:10, 5:05, 7:45 & 10:30 p.m. Parker (R) (Not Reviewed) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (PG-13) (Not Reviewed) Century 16: Century 16: 5 & 10:40 p.m.; In 3D at 11 a.m.; noon, 1:30, 2:30, 12:30, 3:35, 7:15 & 10:25 p.m. 4, 7, 8 & 9:50 p.m. Century 20: 11:25 a.m. & 9:05 p.m.; In 3D Century 20: 11:25 a.m.; 2:10, 4:50, 7:40 & 10:30 p.m. at 1, 1:50, 2:40, 3:20, 4:10, 5, 5:45, 6:40, 7:25, 8:10 & 10:35 p.m. Quartet (PG-13) ((( Harvey (1950) (Not Rated) (Not Reviewed) Aquarius Theatre: 1, 3:30, 6 & 8:30 p.m. 352.2),(9·6&/$66,&&+,/'5(1·6&21&(57 Stanford Theatre: Fri.-Mon. at 5:35 & 9:05 p.m. Silver Linings Playbook (R) (Not Reviewed) 1$55$7(',1)285/$1*8$*(6 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (PG-13) ((( Century 16: 12:10, 3:10, 6:40 & 9:40 p.m. Century 16: 3:40 p.m.; In 3D at 11:40 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:15 a.m.; 2, 4:50, 7:35 & 10:25 p.m. Century 20: 11 a.m.; In 3D at 2:35, 6:15 & 9:55 p.m. Skyfall (PG-13) (((1/2 Hyde Park on Hudson (R) (( Palo Alto Square: 1:30, Century 20: 3:50 & 9:45 p.m. 4:30 & 7:25 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. also at 9:45 p.m. 3HWHU WKH:ROI Written on the Wind (1956) (Not Rated) (Not Reviewed) Imitation of Life (1959) (Not Rated) (Not Reviewed) Stanford Theatre: Tue.-Thu. at 7:30 p.m. Stanford Theatre: Tue.-Thu. at 5:40 & 9:45 p.m. The Impossible (PG-13) ((( Zero Dark Thirty (R) ((1/2 Century 16: 11:10 a.m.; 6XQGD\)HEUXDU\ Aquarius Theatre: 1:30, 4:15, 7 & 9:45 p.m. 12:30, 2:35, 4:10, 6:20, 8:10 & 10:05 p.m. Century 20: 11:05 Century 20: 11:35 a.m.; 2:35, 5:15, 7:55 & 10:35 p.m. a.m.; 1:15, 2:30, 4:40, 6:45, 8:20 & 10:10 p.m.

( Skip it (( Some redeeming qualities ((( A good bet (((( Outstanding ʥ ʸ ʨ ʴ 彼 得 ʠ ʦ ʤ 與 狼 ʡ К P Л E T О E В R Aquarius: 430 Emerson St., Palo Alto (266-9260) CinéArts at Palo Alto Square: 3000 El Camino Real,  И A  N Я D Т Palo Alto (493-3456) Е T П H Century Cinema 16: 1500 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain  E F L W Guild: O O View (800-326-3264) 949 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (266-9260) L W





Century 20 Downtown: 825 Middlefield Road, Redwood Stanford: 221 University Ave., Palo Alto (324-3700) Т





City (800-326-3264) 









Internet address: For show times, plot synopses, trailers and more information about films playing,





go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies ʥ








П И  Е Я ACADEMY AWARD® NOMINATIONS Т 5 INCLUDING Century Theatres at Palo Alto Square BEST PICTURE 7KLVV\PSKRQLFIDLU\WDOHIRUWKHZKROHIDPLO\LVWKHSHUIHFW ZD\WRJHW\RXUFKLOGUHQH[FLWHGDERXWFODVVLFDOPXVLF Fri and Sat 1/25-1/26 Life of Pi 3D - 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 Life of Pi 2D - 1:00 WINNER &RPHHDUO\IRUJDPHVFUDIWVDQGDQLQVWUXPHQW´SHWWLQJ]RRµ ® Hyde Park on the Hudson GOLDEN GLOBE &KLOGUHQGUHVVHGDVDPeter and the WolfFKDUDFWHUZLOOUHFHLYHDVSHFLDOSUL]H 1:30, 4:30, 7:25, 9:45 AWARD BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM Sun thru Thurs 1/27-1/31 ©HFPA Life of Pi 3D - 4:00, 7:00 Life of Pi 2D - 1:00 125 OFJCC Schultz Cultural Arts Hall Hyde Park on the Hudson 1:30, 4:30, 7:25 ON OVER WINNER TOP TEN LISTS 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303 Tickets and Showtimes available at cinemark.com (QJOLVK²30‡0DQGDULQ²30 BEST PICTURE CANNES “A MASTERPIECE.” -Manohla Dargis, THE NEW YORK TIMES 5XVVLDQ²30‡+HEUHZ²30 JEAN-LOUIS EMMANUELLE TRINTIGNANT AMOUR RIVA )RUWLFNHWVSDORDOWRMFFRUJSHWHU A Film by WWW.SONYCLASSICS.COM MICHAEL HANEKE Sign up today at Oshman Family JCC www.PaloAltoOnline.com NOW PLAYING 3921 Fabian Way | Palo Alto, CA | (650) 223-8700 www.paloaltojcc.org/arts VIEW THE TRAILER AT WWW.AMOURTHEMOVIE.COM Page 30ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Sports Shorts COLLEGE BOUND . . . Palo Alto High senior wide receiver Jayshawn Gates-Mouton will be reunited with his brother, Morris, after verbally com- mitting to Montana State to continue his football career. Morris, a 5-foot-9, 185-pound freshman, was a walk- on running back for the Bobcats this past season. Jayshawn was named the Outstanding Wide Receiver in the Central Coast Section as Palo Alto fin- ished 8-3 last fall after losing to Serra in the first round of the Open Division playoffs. The 5-foot-9, 165-pounder hauled in 35 catches for 738 yards (21.1 yards per catch) and eight touch- downs. . . . Sacred Heart Prep senior Kendall Jager’s exceptional efforts both on the field and in the classroom have been rewarded with an invitation to enter Brown University to play soc- cer for the Brown Bears as a member of next year’s freshman class. Jager was a First Team All-West Bay Athletic League (Foothill Division) selection both in 2011 and 2012, the latter a season where she led the Gators in both scoring and assists.

HOT STOVE . . . The 29th annual Hot Stove Banquet returned to the San Keith Peters Jose Elks Club on Tuesday night to honor Santa Clara County baseball players from the youth level to the professional ranks, as well as other individuals from the area who have The two-time national champion Stanford women’s team will be strengthened by 2012 U.S. Olympians (L-R) , Melissa contributed to the game. Master of Seidemann and Annika Dries. ceremonies Ted Robinson, who for 13 years was the radio voice of Stan- ford football, began the evening with a quick Q-and-A with each of the Stanford’s goal has familiar ring(s) to it head coaches from San Jose State, Santa Clara and Stanford. When in- Two-time defending national champion Cardinal women going for a three-peat in water polo troducing Stanford head coach Mark by Rick Eymer the top-ranked Cardinal looks for a in the national championships. “We from sophomore Kiley Neushul, Marquess, Robinson simply said SA Olympic gold medalists three-peat this season. saw them in the stands last year and the reigning college Player of the “And next, the man who needs no Annika Dries and Melissa Stanford (26-2 last year) opens its it’s like they were always part of the Year (Dries won the award two introduction.” Marquess gave a quick Seidemann weren’t com- season Friday with a nonconference team.” years ago), returning All-Amer- preview of the upcoming season and U pletely absent through the Stanford match against visiting Michigan at Baldoni, an All-American and icans Kaley Dodson and Ashley gave note to the rising parity in the women’s water polo team’s run to 2 p.m. The Cardinal heads to the the MVP of the National Collegiate Grossman and two members of the college game. Stanford’s Mark Appel the national title last year. They UC Santa Barbara tournament for Championships last year, is just one Canadian National Team in fresh- was named College Player of the Year. would send the occasional text or four more matches Saturday and of several players with distinguished men Anna Yelizarova and Gurpreet Former Cardinals Eric Davis (Minor show up at a match while preparing Sunday. awards to display. Sohi. League Pitcher of the Year) and Eric for the 2012 London Games. “It’s so fun to have them back,” In addition to the three Olympic Neushul led the team in scoring Smith (Minor League Catcher of the Now they’re all in, along with said Stanford senior goalie Kate gold medalists, Cardinal coach John last year with 58, followed by Gross- Year) also copped hardware. Other FINA’s Women’s Player of the Year Baldoni, who stopped over 90 per- Tanner, last season’s national Coach award winners included Palo Alto and Olympian Maggie Steffens, as cent of the shots (29 of 32) she faced of the Year, can also look for help (continued on page 33) High grads Joc Pederson of the Los Angeles Dodgers, who received a mi- nor league honor, plus B.J. Boyd and PREP SOCCER John Dickerson, honored at the high school level. Division races getting interesting ON THE AIR Friday following important showdowns Prep basketball: Menlo-Atherton by Keith Peters at Woodside (girls 6:15 p.m., boys 7:45 tainly fits that description with Sa- p.m.); KCEA (89.1 FM) s the high school soccer sea- cred Heart Prep and Menlo School Women’s basketball: Utah at Stan- son approaches the halfway nearly identical in every way. Prior ford, 7 p.m.; Pac-12 Networks; KZSU point, this is what we know to Wednesday’s first of two show- (90.1 FM) A for sure: the Menlo School girls, downs this season, the Gators and Sunday Sacred Heart Prep boys and Palo Knights had the same league and Women’s basketball: Colorado at Stanford, 4 p.m.; Pac-12 Networks; KZSU Alto girls are all leading their re- overall records. (90.1 FM) spective divisions. That has changed, following Sa- Men’s basketball: Stanford at Utah, The Pinewood girls are tied for cred Heart Prep’s 1-0 victory. The 6 p.m.; Pac-12 Networks; KNBR (1050 their division lead. The Palo Alto, Gators came into this season never AM) Menlo School and Menlo-Atherton having lost to Menlo in the WBAL. Wednesday boys, meanwhile, aren’t far behind That streak remains intact as the Men’s basketball: Oregon at Stanford, — nor are the Sacred Heart Prep Gators took over sole possession of 8 p.m.; ESPNU; KNBR (1050 AM) girls. first place. Thus, the next few weeks should The Gators improved to 6-0 in READ MORE ONLINE be pretty interesting as teams jockey league (9-2-1 overall) while the www.PASportsOnline.com for league titles and Central Coast Knights fell to 5-1 (8-3-1). SHP For expanded daily coverage of college Section playoff berths. is 7-0-2 against Menlo since both Keith Peters and prep sports, please see our new Speaking of interesting, the West Sacred Heart Prep’s Andrew Segre (14) eluded a diving Menlo School site at www.PASportsOnline.com Bay Athletic League boys’ race cer- (continued on page 34) goalie Tim Costa to score the game’s only goal Wednesday. ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 31 Sports

selected with the 15th pick of the STANFORD ROUNDUP Major League Soccer Supplemental Draft by the San Jose Earthquakes Tuesday. Now taking applications Cardinal Jahn finished his Stanford tenure with a career year, posting career for the 2013- 2014 school year!! bests of 13 goals, 30 points and four needs more match-winners as the Cardinal went Friends is a non-profi t, play-based, modifi ed parent 9-8-1 overall and 5-4-1 (16 points) in conference play to place third. cooperative with a warm and nurturing environment which than Chiney Over his Cardinal career Jahn ac- promotes social skills and fosters a child’s self-esteem and Relying too much on cumulated 60 points on 24 goals and emergent developmental skills Ogwumike not necessarily 12 assists. good for the long run Softball

Please visit our website for application details: by Rick Eymer Don Feria/isiphotos.com Stanford begins the 2013 sea- www.pafns.org. son ranked No. 21 in the National orry Chiney, you’re just in- Fastpitch Coaches Association pre- Or call our office: 650.856.6152 volved in Stanford’s offense season poll, the organization an- S way too much. It’s time for nounced today. your teammates to contribute a The Cardinal finished the 2012 little more. season with a 40-19 record and ad- New Year! That’s what Cardinal women’s vanced to the postseason for the 15th basketball coach Tara VanDerveer Stanford’s Chiney Ogwumike consecutive year. The team finished suggested about All-American ranks No. 7 nationally in scoring sixth in the always-competitive Pac-   Chiney Ogwumike as No. 6 Stan- (21.4 ppg). 12 Conference and ended the year ford (5-1 in the Pac-12, 16-2 overall) with a No. 21 final ranking in the     *0 -3 5  prepares for home games against scoring. Utah is third in scoring de- NFCA poll. Utah (1-5, 10-7) Friday at 7 p.m. fense.    and No. 20 Colorado (4-2, 15-2) at Meanwhile Stanford continues to Men’s tennis 4 p.m. Sunday. get healthier. Joslyn Tinkle and Toni The winter/spring dual-match “In some ways we’re trying to not Kokenis missed practice earlier this season continues this weekend for  get her more shots,” VanDerveer week due to nagging injuries. Tinkle No. 10 Stanford, with the Cardinal  said. “We want people to look for has a sore ankle and Kokenis has slated to host a pair of matches at her when she’s open and get her the a brace to protect her right thumb. Taube Family Tennis Stadium. 2'/&,0-!& .#+$ +-)+-# & ball more, but we are so Chiney- Redshirt freshman Alex Green is Stanford is participating in ITA +0- /+-# +$* /0- ( +-% *'!$++". +! ( /0- (++". +"3! -#1'/ )'*.&)+-# centric already that we’re really getting closer after missing last year Kick-Off Weekend and serving looking for other people to help us. with a torn Achilles’ tendon. as one of 15 host sites around the We don’t want to just be all about The Cardinal has been without country. +0*/-30* /0- (++". Chiney.” its top recruit Aly Beebe all season. The ITA Kick-Off Weekend fea- ++'J:Xc`]fie`X8m\›GXcf8ckf›-,'%*)+%0(0' Ogwumike was named as a mid- Beebe, the nation’s No. 13-ranked tures four teams at each site vying $/#- ((+/&#-"'.!+0*/.&!+0,+*. **+/ #!+) '*#"2'/& *3+/&#-4-##4+-44 season candidate for the John R. recruit, suffered a torn anterior cru- to advance to the National Team +0*/-30*!+0,+**#!+0,+*,#-&+0.#&+(",#-" 3,#-,0-!& .#+$ +-)+-# Wooden Award, it was announced ciate ligament in May. Indoor Championships during Feb. Tuesday. She ranks seventh in the “I showed our team the Pac-12 sta- 15-18 in Seattle. country in scoring (21.4 ppg), re- tistics when we’re working on being No. 10 Stanford plays Texas A&M bounding (11.6 rpg) and field goal more aggressive,” VanDerveer said. at 2 p.m. Friday. That match will be NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING percentage (58.3 percent). She’s the “We’re 12th in the Pac-12 in steals, preceded by a match between San of the Palo Alto only player among the national top we’re 11th I think in o-boards. We’re Diego and Texas Tech. The winners 10 in all three categories. living a lot on what Chiney does and meet Saturday at 2 p.m. Planning & Transportation Commission Her scoring average also tops the we need some people to carry more Please be advised the Planning and Transportation Commission Pac-12 while she sits second in both of a load.” Men’s volleyball (P&TC) shall conduct a public meeting at 6:00 PM, Wednesday, rebounding and field-goal percent- Extra work on serves helped January 30, 2013 in the Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Civic age and third with an 85.7 free- Fencing Steven Irvin and the Stanford end Center, Palo Alto, California. Any interested persons may appear throw percentage. The Stanford men were ranked a modest two-game losing streak and be heard on these items. Ogwumike was a big factor in No. 10 in the first College Fencing Tuesday night. The fourth-ranked Stanford’s 75-66 victory over visit- 360 Coaches’ Poll of the season, an- Cardinal downed visiting UCLA, Staff reports for agendized items are available via the City’s main ing USC on Sunday. She scored 29 nounced Tuesday. 27-25, 19-25, 25-14, 25-12, in an website at www.cityofpaloalto.org and also at the Planning Division points, 23 in the second half, and The men’s team opened its season important MPSF match. Front Desk, 5th Floor, City Hall, after 2:00 PM on the Friday preceding grabbed 16 rebounds. The Cardi- at the Western Invitational going Stanford (2-2 in the MPSF, 5-2 the meeting date. Copies will be made available at the Development nal beat UCLA, 75-49, on Friday undefeated with four victories. The overall) hosts UC Santa Barbara at 7 Center should City Hall be closed on the 9/80 Friday. night. Cardinal defeated Air Force (17-10), p.m. Saturday as it looks to rebound “We do want to look for her more California Institute of Technology from its lost weekend in Southern NEW BUSINESS. when she’s open,” VanDerveer said. (25-2), UC San Diego (16-11) and California. “But we’re not going to run more Florida (23-4). The Cardinal avoided its first 1. California Avenue Transit Hub Corridor Streetscape Improvements things for her.” three-game losing streak since drop- Project - Update on California Avenue Street Alignment and Re- Meanwhile, it’s another big Men’s gymnastics ping the final six matches of the quest for Planning and Transportation Commission Input on Street weekend for Stanford as the Utes Stanford senior Eddie Penev was 2007 season. Stanford last lost two Lighting Options for California Avenue and Buffaloes each present unique named the Mountain Pacific Sports straight during the national cham- problems. Federation Gymnast of the Week for pionship season of 2010, so perhaps Public Hearing “They’re a lot better than their the second week in a row, announced this is an omen. Pac-12 record indicates,” VanDer- 2. Initiation of a Rezoning to apply Ground Floor (GF) Combining by the conference Tuesday. “Our passing has been phenom- District to the 600 Block of Emerson Street Fronting Properties veer said about Utah. “They’re very The five-time All-American re- enal all year,” said Irvin, who re- physical, they have big Canadian corded two second-place finishes corded 14 kills and hit at a .480 clip. Questions. For any questions regarding the above items, please kids, (Michelle) Plouffe and (Taryn) on floor exercise and parallel bars “It’s just been our serving.” contact the Planning Department at (650) 329-2441. The files relat- Wicijowski, and they have an excel- to help lead the No. 2 Cardinal to Stanford used Monday to work ing to these items are available for inspection weekdays between the lent point guard with (Iwalani) Ro- a Stanford Open quad meet victory out the kinks in its service game and hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This public meeting is televised live on drigues.” over No. 4 Oklahoma, No. 9 Nebras- it worked just the way coach John Government Access Channel 26. With co-leader No. 7 California ka and No. 10 California. Kosty had hoped. Irvin had four of (5-1, 15-2) playing the same sched- Penev is currently ranked second Stanford’s eight service aces, match- ADA. The City of Palo Alto does not discriminate against individuals ule, the Cardinal cannot afford to in the NCAA on floor and third in ing UCLA’s output as a team. The with disabilities. To request accommodations to access City facilities, slip if it has designs on a 13th con- the all-around with average scores Bruins also committed 20 service services or programs, to participate at public meetings, or to learn secutive conference title. of 15.650 and 86.200, respectively. aces to Stanford’s 10. more about the City’s compliance with the Americans with Disabili- Colorado has been one of the big Stanford is currently 4-0 with Stanford won its 11th straight at ties Act of 1990 (ADA), please contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at surprises in the conference, thanks each victory coming against a Top home and has beaten UCLA at home 650.329.2550 (voice) or by e-mailing [email protected]. in large part to freshman Arielle 10 opponent. The Cardinal heads to the past six meetings. The Cardinal Roberson, whose older brother plays Ann Arbor, Mich., on Saturday to moved into a four-way tie for fourth *** for the Buffaloes men’s team. take on No. 3 Michigan. place in the Pac-12, a game behind Curtis Williams, Colorado over took Stanford as co-second place Long Beach State Director of Planning and Community Environment the conference’s best defensive Men’s soccer and Pepperdine and two behind team and is fourth in the Pac-12 in Stanford senior Adam Jahn was leader BYU. N Page 32ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Sports COMMUNITY MEETING

Safe Routes to School for Gunn High School Review and comment on Draft Walk and Roll Maps and Route Improvements Tuesday, January 29, 7:00-8:30 PM Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Road

Richard C. Ersted/stanfordphoto.com The Palo Alto Safe Routes to School program is David Gonzales/stanfordphoto.com documenting suggested routes to school and identifying opportunities for engineering improvements and enforcement which, when combined with safety education and promotion activities, will encourage more families to choose alternatives to driving to school solo.

More info: Contact Sylvia Star-Lack at [email protected] or (650) 329-2156 Stanford sophomore Kiley Neushul is the reigning national collegiate Stanford’s John Tanner was the women’s player of the year. national coach of the year. Water polo “I don’t think we’re going to be its players. She was the starting (continued from page 31) over confident,” Neushul said. goalie for Hungary at the Olympics. “There are a lot of egos but that’s Australian National Team member just a challenge coming in. It’s about Hannah Buckling transferred in man with 50. Dodson was fourth suppressing the ego and getting ev- from Sydney University. City of Palo Alto with 34 goals. erybody to work together. These Sophomore Monica Vavic, the Steffens led all Olympians with guys make the team environment daughter of coach Jovan Vavic, is ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 21 goals, making over 70 percent fun. The team doesn’t feel any dif- also one of the top players in the of her shots. Adding to the wealth ferent than it did last year.” country. Priory grad Constance of talent will be Kaitlyn Lo, who Neushul, who has previously Hiller, who played for the Stanford NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Draft EIR environmental scored 29 goals for the Cardinal last trained with Steffens, Dries and club team, returns for her senior analysis has been prepared by the Palo Alto Department of Public year, Jillian Garton (18), Alexis Lee Seidemann, said that by staying in year. Works for the project listed below. In accordance with A.B. 886, (14) and four others, Cory Dodson, contact last year, was special. Arizona State features six foreign this document will be available for review and comment during Kelsey Suggs, Catherine Carpenter, “Because we were always going players with international experi- a minimum 20-day inspection period beginning January Lexie Ross, who combined for an- to be teammates, I felt like it helped ence, include senior national team 22, 2013 through February 21, 2013 other 21 goals. prepare us for this year,” she said. members Alicia Brightwell (Austra- during the hours of Victoria Kennedy, who netted 13 Steffens, whose older sister Jes- lia) and Ao Gao (China). 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. at 250 Hamilton Avenue, 6th Floor, Palo goals last year, is using her redshirt sica was also on the U.S. Olympic “There are so many more good Alto, California. season. team and also played at Stanford, players now,” Tanner said. “Each “We need to be our own best still feels like a rookie despite her team has 10 to 14 solid players and 1875 Embarcadero Road (Palo Alto Municipal Golf competition,” Seidemann said. “In international experience and re- three or four that require special Course): Request by the City of Palo Alto Community Services practice we get beat up by them and nown. attention. You have to game plan Department for a Community Scoping meeting regarding the we have to make a stellar play to “We’re trying to be a family,” for every opponent now. Five or 10 scope and content of the Draft EIR’s environmental analysis for score because they are playing stel- she said. “I’m new coming in and years ago, that wasn’t the case.”N the Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course Reconfiguration and Baylands lar defense. There are still a lot of there are so many things I needed Athletic Center Expansion Project. Zone District: PF(D). challenges.” to learn. Yes, I had my sister but I Did we mention that Dries scored also have older sisters on this team 2013 STANFORD 65 goals and Seidemann added 51 and I’ve learned through them. It’s WOMEN’S WATER POLO The scoping meeting will tentatively be heard at the Planning two years ago? a hard transition to come from an & Transportation Commission meeting on Wednesday, Date Opponent Time “We have a lot of people who can arena where all you do is practice February 13, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the Palo Alto City Hall score,” Tanner said. “It’s a matter of and play, almost like a pro, and now Friday Michigan 2 p.m. Council Chambers, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto. For further Saturday Cal Baptist information, please contact: Joe Teresi, Senior Engineer, Public seeing what they are doing against to be a student-athlete. I have people at UCSB 10:50 a.m. us and seeing where the openings here I look up to and who can guide Saturday UC Irvine at UCSB 3:30 p.m. Works Engineering Services, 250 Hamilton Avenue, 6th Floor, Palo are.” me through the year.” Sunday LMU at UCSB 9:10 a.m. Alto, California 94301, (650) 329-2129, Joe.Teresi@CityofPaloAlto. The Cardinal also has a local Dries said she’s enjoying the fact Sunday CS Bakersfield org presence again with sophomore she’s reunited with some of her at UCSB 12:40 p.m. goalie Emily Dorst, a Menlo-Ather- former Laguna Beach high school Feb. 2 Olympic Club 8:30 a.m. ton High grad, and freshman driver teammates Masson and Ross. Feb. 2 San Jose St. 4 p.m. Curtis Williams, Director of Planning Skylar Dorosin out of Palo Alto. “It’s like coming back in with a Feb. 3 UC Davis 8 a.m. and Community Environment Gabby Stone, Melena Masson and fresh start with a new team,” Dries Feb. 3 Stanford Invite finals Rachel Johnson complete a solid said. “It’s about playing as a group Feb. 9 at UC Davis noon In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, freshmen class that will be contrib- and working hard to play at a certain Feb. 23-24 at UCI Invitational uting to a team that outscored its op- level. It’s also about coming together listening assistive devices are available in the Council Chambers Mar. 2 CS Bakersfield 1 p.m. and Council Conference Room. Sign language interpreters will be ponents, 342-130, last year. as a team.” Mar. 9 San Jose St. 1 p.m. The offensive firepower that Stan- provided upon request with 72 hours advance notice. While Stanford will be the odds- Mar. 22 Harvard 7 p.m. ford possesses will be a nightmare on favorite to win its third straight Mar. 24 at Arizona St. noon to defend. Steffens will certainly title, Tanner warns it won’t be as Mar. 24 Colo. St. at ASU 3 p.m. draw a lot of attention but that may easy as people think. open the way for Neushul, Gross- “A lot of teams have gotten bet- Mar. 25 Hartwick at ASU 10 a.m. man, Seidemann, Dries and others. ter,” he said. “I went to London Mar. 29 UCSD at Hawaii 11 a.m. “On a daily basis these guys stay to watch the five Stanford players Mar. 29 UCSB at Hawaii 1 p.m. hungry,” Tanner said. “They are ea- (Brenda Villa was also there as team Mar. 30 SD St. at Hawaii noon ger to prove themselves. They have captain) and I saw a lot of coaches Mar. 30 at Hawaii 5 p.m. launched themselves from the po- throwing a fishing pole into the pool April 6 UCLA 1 p.m. dium to what’s next.” and getting after it. The level of play April 13 at USC 4 p.m. With at least four players capable will be exquisite.” April 14 at LMU noon Give blood for life! of scoring 50 goals, and adding Stef- USC, which met the Cardinal in April 20 at California 1 p.m. fens to the mix, sharing the scoring last year’s championship match, Apr. 26-28 MPSF tourney at Cal bloodcenter.stanford.edu load could become complicated. counts junior Flora Bolonyai among May 10-12 NCC tourney at Boston ÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 33 Sports CITY OF PALO ALTO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PREP BASKETBALL ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Palo Alto’s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Palo Alto City Council will hold a public hearing at the regular Council meeting on 16-1 start Monday, February 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. or as near thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers, 250 Hamilton Avenue, best since Lin Palo Alto, for the Review of Potential Options for Downtown by Keith Peters Visioning and 27 University Avenue Site Planning. he last time the Palo Alto boys’ This item will not be heard as a public hearing on the basketball team started the season 16-1, the Vikings fin- February 4th Council date. T ished on a 24-game winning streak, ended 32-1 and won the 2006 CIF DONNA J. GRIDER, MMC Division II state championship be- City Clerk hind Jeremy Lin and crew. The Vikings once again are 16-1, ranked No. 35 in state Division I play and No. 7 overall in the Central PALO ALTO CITY COUNCIL Coast Section according to Max- CIVIC CENTER, 250 HAMILTON AVENUE BROADCAST Preps. There is no one named Lin LIVE ON KZSU, FM 90.1 CABLECAST LIVE ON on the team and no one is talking GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 26 about state titles. At least not yet. ******************************************** Right now, the focus is on the THIS IS A SUMMARY OF COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS. THE AGENDA SCVAL De Anza Division race, Melissa Holland Max Parker WITH COMPLETE TITLES INCLUDING LEGAL DOCUMENTATION which Paly (6-0) leads at the half- Sacred Heart Prep Menlo School CAN BE VIEWED AT THE BELOW WEBPAGE: way point. The Vikings begin the The senior helped the Ga- The senior scored three http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/knowzone/agendas/council.asp second half of league play Friday tors to a pair of basketball goals and added two as- (TENTATIVE) AGENDA – REGULAR MEETING – COUNCIL CHAMBERS against visiting Mountain View at victories by scoring 52 sists in three soccer victo- JANUARY 28, 2013 - 7:00 PM 7:45 p.m. points and grabbing 23 re- ries that kept the Knights CONSENT CALENDAR Paly’s next two games could well bounds while providing the tied for first place in the 1. Utilities Advisory Commission Recommendation that the City Council Adopt a determine the league title. Moun- Resolution Approving the City of Palo Alto Utilities Legislative Policy Guidelines for winning points in each game West Bay Athletic League. tain View is in third place at 4-2 that included a 48-47 win He either scored or assisted 2013 and Saratoga (5-1) is second. The 2. Adoption of a Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Amended and over first-place Menlo. on all three winning goals. Restated Project Agreement No. 5 Between and Among the Transmission Agency Vikings will visit the Falcons on of Northern California and its Participating Members Tuesday at 7 p.m. By handing Sara- 3. Appeal of Director’s Architectural Review Approval of the Collocation by AT&T toga a second loss, Paly will have a Honorable mention Mobility LLC of Pole-Mounted Wireless Communications Equipment and two-game lead with four to play. Maddy Atwater Tim Costa Associated Equipment Boxes on 20 Existing Utility Poles Within City Rights-of- The Vikings tuned up for the Palo Alto basketball Menlo soccer Ways Near the Following Locations: 747 Loma Verde Ave; 3284 Cowper; 3412 Emma Heath Ricky Galliani Ross/ 3374 Ross Rd; 3132 David Ave; 3415 Greer Rd; 3539 Louis Rd; 2385 stretch run with an impressive 79-60 Waverley; 3094 Greer Road on Maddux; 390 El Dorado Ave; 452 Loma Verde; victory over De Anza (Richmond) Menlo-Atherton basketball Sacred Heart Prep basketball 3524 Waverly on E. Meadow; 3706 Carlson Circle; 3757 Corina Wy; 3915 Louis on Monday morning in the Martin Kendall Jager Stephen Martin Rd; 631 E. Meadow; 3901 Middlefield Rd; 412 Ferne; 3945 Nelson Ave.; 1772 Luther King Day Classic at Haas Sacred Heart Prep soccer Gunn wrestling Hamilton Ave.; 109 Lois Lane. AT&T DAS Phase 3 Project [12PLN-00127] Pavilion on the Cal campus. The Nina Kelty Hugo Sanchez 4. Appeal of Director’s Architectural Review Approval of the Collocation by AT&T win was Paly’s 14th straight. Mobility LLC of Pole-Mounted Wireless Communications Equipment and Palo Alto soccer Sacred Heart Prep soccer Associated Equipment Boxes on 20 Existing Utility Poles Within City Rights-of-Ways Senior Aubrey Dawkins led the Sunny Lyu Andrew Segre Near the Following Locations: 4131 El Camino Way, 550 Georgia Ave, 4101 Park way with 23 points, six rebounds and Palo Alto soccer Sacred Heart Prep soccer Blvd (on W. Meadow), 4255 Ruthelma Ave, 669 Maybell Ave, 110 E. Charleston four steals. The Vikings grabbed a Sienna Stritter Ryan Young Dr (on Alma), 493 W. Charleston Dr, 4298 Ponce Dr, 429 Monroe, 231 Parkside 49-27 halftime lead and had 10 play- Menlo soccer Menlo basketball Dr., opposite 106 Loma Verde, 516 Barron Ave, 4257 McKellar, 320 Lambert Ave, ers score while registering one of 3989 La Donna, 397 Ventura Ave, 3364 Emerson St, 820 Chimalus Dr, 715 Barron their more impressive victories of * previous winner Ave, 915 Matadero Ave. AT&T DAS Phase 4 Project [12PLN-00258] (PLNG) To see video interviews of the Athletes of the Week, go to www.PASportsOnline.com 5. Approval of $114,165 for the Consolidated Maintenance Contract between the the season. City of Palo Alto and Public Safety Systems, Inc. For Computer Aided Dispatch, While Palo Alto is in control of Police Records Management, Fire Records Management, Mobile Data, and its divisional race, the West Bay and character prevailed.” Geovalidation Athletic League is still very wide Prep soccer Despite coming into the game 6. Authorization for the City Manager to Enter Into an Eleven Month Contract with open with Sacred Heart Prep, Menlo (continued from page 31) tied for first, Menlo was short- Professional Evaluation Group/The Ochoa & Moore Law Firm, P.C. (PEG/OM) in a School and Harker all tied for first handed with a number of injuries. Total Amount Not to Exceed $115,000 for Rail Legislative Advocacy Services 7. Finance Committee Recommendation that Council Adopt Two Resolutions: with 5-1 marks. teams began WBAL play in 2009. Standout freshman Andrew Arnold, 1) Approving the Policy Pertaining to the Purchase of Energy from Potential That logjam won’t survive the Prior to that, the Knights competed for example, suffered a skiing in- Green Waste-to-Energy Facilities and 2) Amending Utility Rule and Regulation 2 weekend because Menlo will host in the Peninsula Athletic League jury last weekend during a school (Definitions and Abbreviations) and the Six Rate Schedules Covering Medium and Harker on Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sa- and the Gators played in the PSAL’s trip and landed in a Reno hospital. Large Commercial Customers (E-4 and E-7) to Include Standby Service Charges cred Heart Prep, meanwhile, plays fall schedule. Two other Menlo players were side- ACTION ITEMS 8. Colleagues Memo from Mayor Scharff and Council Member Klein to add a 4th Crystal Springs (Friday) and Priory Sacred Heart Prep’s Andrew lined by concussions. Bottom line, Member to the Council’s Committee on Infrastructure (Saturday). Segre provided the winning goal in the Knights were not at full strength 9. RFP Scope of Services for Downtown CAP Study (Staff requests Item be moved The Gators remained tied for first the 27th minute, taking a pass from and first-year coach Marc Kerrest to February 11, 2013) place with a 54-43 win over host Robert Hellman and dodging an on- had to bring players up from the JV 10. Council Priorities Report from the City Manager Priory on Wednesday. The Gators rushing Menlo keeper Tim Costa, squad.. moved to 9-7 overall while the Pan- before finding the back of the net “I know they were missing a key STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS thers fell to 2-4 and 5-9. in an open cage. starter (Andrew) Schmitt, but we The Regional Housing Mandate Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, January SHP grabbed a 17-8 first-quarter “I was happy with our intensity also had a starter out with mono 31, 2013 at 2:30 PM regarding; 1) City of Palo Alto Appeal of the Adopted Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the 2014-2022 Housing Element Cycle lead maintained a solid advantage and team attitude, and while we and players sick,” del Rio said. throughout. Ian Bennett led the way moved the ball and touched the “Last week the flu went through us The Rail Committee meeting will be held on January 31, 2013 at 8:30 am regarding, 1) Report from the Professional Evaluation Group, Inc., 2) Proposed SB 1029 Clean Up with 16 points with Ricky Galliani ball with more ease, I felt we were like a plague and now it’s the cold. Legislation, 3) Changes to the CEQA, 4) Guiding Principles Update, and 5) Discussion of adding 11. Andy Dolezalek paced too tense,” said SHP coach Ar- So one of our mottos is next man the Planned Updates to the Existing Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board/California Priory with 16 points. The Panthers mando del Rio. “We are capable of up because we trust our players to High Speed Rail Authority Memorandum of Understanding got to the free-throw line for only playing at a faster tempo with the make an impact when called upon, nine attempts (making six) while ball on the ground. When we com- and our ethos is win the day, live/ the Gators were 17 of 25. bined quickly and decisively on the play/enjoy/focus on the current mo- In the PAL South Division, Oliver ground, we created. ment. We can’t worry who we have Bucka scored 14 points for Menlo- “In the second half, they sent or don’t have and the same for the Atherton in a 58-43 loss to visiting more numbers forward, and they opponent because right now illness Aragon. The Bears (1-4, 5-12) got are capable of creating havoc off and injury is present for all.” to within 40-35 before the end of of loose balls and set pieces. I was The Knights came out with re- the third period, but no closer. Now, proud of our fierce defending as a newed vigor in the second half. they face not making the Central team, our goalie (Hugo Sanchez) They had a few good chances after Good for Business. Good for You. Coast Section playoffs if they fail to and our backline. I thought we three successive corner kicks, but Good for the Community. have a .500 mark in either preseason managed the lead well through un- or league. N nerving moments. Our experience (continued on next page) Page 34ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“ Sports Prep soccer Now, Menlo is working toward Priory match while the second- bin, Pinsker, Walker, McFarland, (continued from previous page) finding a way to defend it. On Tues- place Gators have 11. Jamie Corley and Lizzie Lacy was day, the Knights were successful in Sacred Heart Prep grabbed a 1-0 instrumental in the victory. taking a very big step toward doing halftime lead following a goal by Priory took on Menlo after play- Sanchez was solid in the cage. Men- just that. senior Taylor Ruegg with about ing to a 1-1 deadlock with Castilleja lo senior Ryan Karle nearly evened Getting three-second half goals, 14:25 left. on Tuesday, leaving them 1-1-3 in the match a few minutes later with a host Menlo opened a four-point The Knights came out after inter- league (2-3-5 overall). solid volley, but again Sanchez was lead over second-place Sacred mission with a determination that In the SCVAL El Camino Di- up to the task. Heart Prep with a 3-1 victory. The paid off when Walker pounced on vision, Palo Alto remained in “Menlo has a great team,” del Rio Knights improved to 5-0 in league a loose ball in the penalty box fol- first place following a 2-0 victory said. “It was a competitive game (7-2-4 overall) heading into a home lowing a corner kick by Chandler over second-place Santa Clara on and it will be again at our place. match against Priory on Thurs- Wickers and finished it for a 1-1 Wednesday on the Bruins’ field. To us, every league game is a big day while the Gators fell to 3-1-2 match. The Vikings, who played to a 1-1 game and a rivalry because every- (7-2-3). With 16:40 left in the match, deadlock with Santa Clara in their one plays us with everything. It’s “It was big,” Menlo coach Dono- Menlo junior Sienna Stritter took first meeting, improved to 6-0-1 why league play is tough.” son FitzGerald said of the first of advantage of another loose ball af- (7-4-2) for 19 points while the Bru- In the SCVAL El Camino Di- two head-to-head meetings with the ter Wickers’ corner and headed it in ins fell back to 4-1-2 and 14 points. vision, host Palo Alto opened the neighborhood rival. “It’s Prep ver- for the eventual winning goal. Palo Alto now has scored 32 goals second half of league play as it did sus Menlo. They (the Gators) played Menlo picked up an insurance in its six division wins. the first half with a 2-0 victory over well. We had our hands full.” goal with just under 2:00 to play Paly outshot Santa Clara 9-1 in Monta Vista on Wednesday. The Menlo played without senior after Walker knocked a shot off the the first half, which ended score- Vikings moved to 4-1-1 in league goalies Julia Dressel and Kelly Mc- crossbar. The ball bounced around less. After intermission, Sunny for 13 points (8-3-2 overall) and re- Connell, both sidelined by concus- and eventually got to senior Rachel Lyu took a pass from Aoi Sugihara mained in third place, one point out sion symptoms. Junior striker Jay Pinsker, who ripped a shot from 35 and found the net from 25 yards

of second. Fremont has a near-in- Keith Peters Boissiere also remains sidelined by yards out over the reaching SHP out. Nine minutes later, Nina Kelty surmountable lead with 21 points. injury and has yet to play this sea- keeper Blair Hamilton. made it a 2-0 game. Paly keeper Monta Vista controlled the ball son. Freshman Elena Gray missed Menlo 5-foot-10 1/2 freshman Erin Chang made the shutout stand early in the first half before giv- the match and sophomore Alexan- keeper Schuyler Tilney-Volk came up with some solid play. ing up a quick counter to Paly se- dra Walker is facing knee surgery at up big, making a couple difficult In the SCVAL De Anza Division, nior Chris Meredith, who picked Alexandra Walker (2) and Amber any time, Still, she plays on. saves to maintain Menlo’ 2-1 lead Gunn ended a five-match losing up a loose ball and dribbled past a Mallett (right) congratulate Sienna That’s sort of the attitude Menlo — including a long free kick by streak with a 1-1 deadlock with host Monta Vista defender before facing Stritter on her game-winning goal. has this season after reaching all of SHP scoring leader Kendall Jager Monta Vista. The Titans are now a one-on-one with the keeper and its goals last season — winning the in the second half. Tilney-Volk fin- 0-6-1 in league (1-8-3 overall). scoring. in a battle between last season’s WBAL title (its first league crown ished the game with nine saves. In the PAL Bay Division, junior Paly keeper Tony Maharaj twice co-champs. The victory gave the since 1991) and its first-ever out- Jager played despite reportedly Sabiha Viswanathan provided an deflected shots away from inside Bearcats 11 points in league and left right CCS Division III crown. The suffering dizzy spells the night unassisted goal in the second half the penalty box early in the second the Bears (3-2-1, 6-3-2) with 10. Knights will do whatever it takes to before, necessitating a visit to the to lift host Menlo-Atherton to a 1-0 half. Senior Kirby Gee made it a repeat 2012. hospital. She was held scoreless victory over San Mateo. The Bears 2-0 match in the 33rd minute on an Girls’ soccer “We still have a lot of work to as Menlo’s Amanda McFarland (4-2, 6-4-2) remained tied for third assist from Meredith. A year ago, Menlo School was do,” FitzGerald said. “But, we’re in marked her well throughout the place with Burlingame, just one In the PAL Bay Division, Menlo- trying to find a way to win its first a good spot right now.” match. SHP has a number of play- point behind second-place Carlmont Atherton lost a share of first place WBAL (Foothill Division) title. The Knights sat atop the Foothill ers injured, as well. (4-1-1) and four points behind divi- following a 2-0 loss at San Mateo The Knights were successful. Division with 15 points before the Menlo’s defense of Hannah Ru- sion leader Woodside (5-0-1). N


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MLS data based on single family home values Page 36ÊUÊÊ>˜Õ>ÀÞÊÓx]ÊÓä£ÎÊUÊ*>œÊÌœÊ7iiŽÞÊUÊÜÜÜ°*>œÌœ"˜ˆ˜i°Vœ“