PERMANENT MISSION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE TO THE UNITED NATIONS Consolidated Statement by H.E. DR. ALIE KABBA PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE at the Joint General Debate of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) UNGA 75th Session October 14, 2020 New York please check against delivery 336 East 45th Street, New York NY 10017 Tel: (212) 688 1656 - FAX (212) 688 4924 email:
[email protected] H.E. Mr. Collen Vixen Kelapile, Chairperson of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, At the onset, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you Mr. Chair and Members of your Bureau on assuming the responsibility of steering the affairs of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee. I would like to assure you of my delegation’s unwavering support to ensure a constructive engagement for a successful conclusion of the 4th Committee’s work during the 75th Session of the General Assembly. I would like to also take this opportunity to convey thanks and appreciation to H.E. Mr. Mohammed Hussein Bahr Aluloom Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations, and Chair of the Fourth Committee for the 74th UNGA for providing a fruitful leadership, particularly in these extra- ordinary times of the COVID-19 pandemic. My Delegation also wishes to commend the Secretary General for his invaluable support to the work of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee and welcomes his reports on the respective agenda items. Mr. Chairman, Speaking in respect of Agenda item 55 – “Comprehensive review of Special Political Missions”, like many other delegations, Sierra Leone concurs with the view that the international peace and security environment during these unusual moments of COVID-19 Pandemic has indeed accentuated the need for greater cooperation to assure the future of a United Nations that engenders collective commitment to multilateral actions.