Alabama Attorney General: Speeches and Articles
1/6/2017 Alabama Attorney General: Speeches and Articles Commencement Speech by Attorney General Bill Pryor to the 1997 McGillToolen Graduating Class Archbishop Lipscomb, Father Shields, Members of the Faculty, Distinguished Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends in Christ. Seventeen years ago, when I sat as a graduating senior in this very auditorium, I had one prayer Lord please guide this speaker to give a short commencement address. Tonight, I have a different perspective, but the same prayer as I am humbled to have the privilege of participating in this commencement ceremony. I will keep in mind my prayer. It's not often one gets the chance to answer his own prayer. A century ago, Felix McGill founded a free school for boys known as McGill Institute. All of us here tonight owe a great debt of gratitude to Felix McGill. As a second generation McGillian, an alumnus of McGillToolen, the son of a longtime member of this faculty, and the brother of an alumnus who is a former member of this faculty, I can say unequivocally to the graduates tonight that you are fortunate to have been educated at this distinguished school. And you are to be congratulated for mastering its coursework. Tonight, I challenge you, the Class of 1997, to face the future of our Church, our Nation, our State, and our community by building upon the Catholic tradition that you have learned and inherited here. Pope Paul VI said, If you want peace, work for justice. Those words have been interpreted in more ways than perhaps any words of a pontiff in this century.
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