Portland Daily Press: April 8, 1899
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ■ — ~= — ■ —— ■■ a :.v. 2 ----- I I 5—rr-■■■ —rzrra ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1882-VOL. j 37. PORTLAND. MAINE, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1899. PRICE THREE CENTS, ~ I i —————— ■ were the two servants, Jennie Barns and u«w*n prepared hetore it wm parked nn." Oil Li •Alice White. S<MIE BEEp ErlUrdnS. Major Curl las, Seventh infantry—"Many iiEW WARSHIPS twojmpkd. Before the firemen could raise ladders men became sick after eating the meat/* MED. Lieut. to t.ioch thum, the women in their frenzy Quentin, Seventh Infantry— diluted out upon the sills and stood, as “The eight of It was enough to turn the if determining on which whs tho worst stomach at time*. fat 9, to be burned to death or to jump to Capt. B. L. Howe of the Seventh In- THE deatn. Tho Burns girl climbed ou* of a fantry—“Th« canned beef was not lit for SICK. Six FOR four of the came tva* trne of States in BEST Officers to consumption, much Honored Entire Cremated story window. Family Reports of the At the Hume moment A Hoe White fresh beef.” Lieut GoL IJ. climbed out upon trio sill of an adjoining IT. Kills, Eighth infan- in New York. Gen. Miles Read. was Selection, window on the fourth floor. Tho firemen try—“It openly condemned by the men and cried to tho women net to jump, but the generally thrown away." W. L women were past heed lug warning. Capt. Pitcher, Eighth infantry .Smoke was curling above their beads and —“The canned beef was just os bad a* Nurses and Doctors are Now Paine’s the next Instant Jennie Burns leaped out. possible short of being rotten.” Prescribing Col. W. H. Ninth Hho turn-ti over and over nnd fell almost Powell, infantry— “The use of the canned Persons Lost Lives in Burn- directly upon her head. Her skull was Po Xut Help Cause of Canned beef was not at- Are Sew Twelve fractured in several places. The other They tended with any good r*- tilts. It pro- Battleships Pennsylvania. woman whim she saw the awful fate of duced disordered stomachs. Beef Until. Ninth Dwelling. her friend, hesitated for a moment, then Capt. K. H.Anderson. infantry— ! Jersey, Georgia. Celery ing as the smoke thickened The canned beef was fairly i Compound- too, she, jumped, satisfactory." rihe fell upon a rear extension of the building and was picked up unconscious COBURN’S [ALI MA 1. ami severely injured. While t he fire in the Andrews housa was raging great clouds of sparks were But lirnnlon of Students of Watery tile's Nebraska One of Ar- Another in by the wind north auu a brand Anything Compli- Fatality jourried FajMons flew inr<) an upper open window of tho Academy. House. home of Albert U. Adams at No. 3 hast mentary to Rations, mored Cruisers. Neighboring street. It in a curtain and pth caught Boston, April 7.—The fourth annual re- instantly the room was ahlnx.n. The ser- vant ut the window is thought to have union and dinner of the New England been Alary Laugh 11 n, for her dead body alumni and alumnae of the Coburn was found at the foot of the stain later Classical institute, Water ville. Me., was I leading from the fourth floor to the roof. Powell of [Preservative Fame held in the hotel * Others Are the West Virginia Two of tho Injured Arc Likely The Tvants in this house woro frantic Copley Square tonight. President Norman L. Hass*tt was in their efforts to escape and Alary Malloy Testifies toast- and California. To Die. nod Minnie Bogus juli-peil from the rear Today. mastor and too speakers included Miss of the fourth floor to the extension from Adelo Giipatrlck, preceptress; Mrs. .T. li. where they weio taken down by tho butler wife of assisted by firemen, police and some citi- Hanson, the former principal; the zens. Nellie Quinn was cut of! on the Hon. Edwin F. Lyford, Springfield •, G. fourth at a front win- floor and appeared deckled I. Heavy, Boston; Lincoln Oxven, princi- dow about tj The crowd yelled to Washington, April 7.—Having Washington, April 7.—The President New York, April 7.—Fire this morning jump. pal of the Kioo Training school ana Hol- her to wuit blit there was no time as the at ltd forenoon session today to accept as named the twelve new war the residence of Wallace C. An- man F. Bay of the editorial stalf of the today ship* destroyed dames wore her clothes. The of licking evidence the officiul reports of officers Lewiston Journal, who had written for recently provided by Congress as follows! drews the President of tho New York her hand over her deeped rate woman put a the army, tho bv*ef Inquiry court devot- the occasion witty and original poem. New Jersey ^tuam at No. 2 East eyes and as she thought to the Battleships—Pennsylvania, # Heating company jumped to the of ground, bat instead Iandtd on the roof of ed Itself to listening reading Georgia. 67th street and twelve persons, almost the Armored Cruisers—West) Ne- tho bow window one story below and lay these reports. They were read by Major Virginia, or suffo- California. entire household, were burned there stunned. tihe was down WESTIiKOOK. braska, brought Lev an the .representative of Gen. Miles, T).«s Chatta- cated to death. Tho residence of Albert J. from here in safety. Cruisers—Denver, Moines, who had read only about 80 of tho 147 of at No. 3 East O'Jth streot caught The Adams family were also rescued, nooga, Galveston, Tacoma, Cleveland, Adams, for the two of the daughters, however, being in- thorn when court adjourned day. At the Unlvtrealiflt church tomorrow Petl tlons tne hundreds have been lire from sparks from the Andrews house by It was almost six o’clock before were brief state- jured. The reports generally evening. Her. II F. of flowing Into the White House and and one woman in the flames, tho firemen fuindent u over Moulton, pastor Nfivy perished had astery ments of the of the personal experiences tho Universally church at Blddeford ever since the new were and a number of wore the lire to permit of a search of the house. Department ships persons injured. of of When were able to do it found officers or summaries the opinions will at the merits of various This is not far from the ruins of the they they preach the morning service at provided, urging bodies of tho two 06. John tho men under them. tho remaining in with the names. The President and Windsor hotol which was burned three 10.30, exchange pastor, Rev. Secretary children and the bodies of two servants. Tho bore almost on reports exclusively Thomas B. A cordial welcome to Long the natured weeks ago. All of the bodies in tho lire All were badly charred. The bodies of Payne. enjoyed good rivalry (.UU BUIIUU Itlil'iU UJUOMUUUt the wire sent to tho lltTI,UUI all. and In the linal determination of have been recovered. The dead two servants morgue, making today her reference® to teef. while the bodies of Mrs. tit. John arm refrigerated Presumpscot Valley lodge No. 4, K. of consideration was given not only to the are: three children won* taken to th** Knst fifth The officers condemned the generally hus an invitation from West- urgency of the Influence brought to bear, Wallace C. Andrews, president of the street fetal Jon. AC li i;* o oi< < x ;nt» nre- P., accepted meat as a component part of the soldiers' New York Steam Heating company, own inen found Air. Andrews’s body. It was brook lodgs No. i»7, to jay t% fraternal but also to the several sections of thd ration. The wore that It was nirU nt..I ...ni.inll*. )..I- er of the house burned. badly burned and parts of the legs were complaints country. Wallace his wife. Mrs. C. Andrews, missing. stringy and tough and in many Instances rank in Uununiunn John, wife In the long form, Tuesday evening, Pennsylvania petitioned through Gon At three o’clock the workers it was stated that It made the men sick 8. Senators and Penrose and of Mrs. Andrews’* brother, Gamaliel C. debris found a body of large stature, but April Stone, Quay and in others that hungry they St. John, an official of the Now York nadly burned. It was identified as that of though A party of twenty of the young friends the entire delegation,In the Hoaie of Steam Heating Airs. Andrews. were they threw it away rather company. generally of Alisa Minnie Raymond called on her at Representatives. Orson St. John, aged 7 years. At various other times before live than eat. it. In some cases, tho however, her homo on Aiaiu street and her a .\ew made her Vice Wallfkoe St. John, aged three years. the workers found the charred 1 gave Jersey plea through o'clock, officers reported that they had heard no Frederick SU John, aged thirt<*eu mains of lour more persons probably the pleasant surprise. The evening was very President Hobart, Attorney General as of the meat. Gov. Mo* month*. servants. Two of them were identified complaints pleasantly spent in games, whist and Griggs. Voorhees, cx-Heoretary Nellie Bolaml, servant. the bodies ol Eva Peterson and Marie Mr. A. B. Powell, proprietor of tho dancing. During the evening Alina Resale Adoo, Senator Hawaii and many oon> Mary Flanangnn, sorvunt. Both. Powell preservation process will he heard Qulnby poured chocolate and little Mil- mercial bodies.