PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ■ — ~= — ■ —— ■■ a :.v. 2 ----- I I 5—rr-■■■ —rzrra ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1882-VOL. j 37. PORTLAND. MAINE, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1899. PRICE THREE CENTS, ~ I i —————— ■ were the two servants, Jennie Barns and u«w*n prepared hetore it wm parked nn." Oil Li •Alice White. S Mary Flanangnn, sorvunt. Both. Powell preservation process will he heard Qulnby poured chocolate and little Mil- mercial bodies. Kvu Peterson, servant. Mr. St. John, who la the vice president tomorrow. dred Raymond and A lire Qulnby served Georgia did not petition tho navy de- Kate Downing, servant. of the New York Steam Heating company Brigadier General Viols pronounced the cake, fruit and confectionery. partment and it is believed that the of a due to a Marie Both, servant. was in Wilmington, Delaware., at the canned beef “a miserable apology for The Westbrook Dramatic club are to choice Southern state was the President to Annie Neary, servant. time of the lire. Immediately upon hear- food." present the drumu “Won Back” at the desire by compliment In the Adams' lire: ing of the disaster, two ol his friends, A large number of report.® were made Westbrook Opera house next Wednesday those with whom he visited on his recent Mr*. Mury Daughlin, aged 50 years Mr. Kennedy and Air. Throckmorton from officers ot the First Cavalry among evening under the direction of Cloudman trip. housekeeper, burned to death. undertook to find him and break the these the following: Relief Copers. All seats will Le reserved The battleships Pennsylvania. New Jer- is the total are described in the act At the present hour thi* news. They talegruphed from place to Major James M.Bell—“It Is better than at a uniform price. sey and Georgia number of victims of the lire, although place and finally learned that ho was in no beef, but L cannot recommend it as a Cumberland Star lodge, No. 3CG, 1m O. authorizing them as follows: two servants are in a serious condition in Newark. They went over there and broke oompouent^of a field ration." L.; will work the royal and purple degree Three sea-going coast line battleship#, one and most the Presbyterian hospital, and mik.v toe ..aw* to him. lie ca» »e back with Lieut. C. Overton—“It is an undesira- at their next regular meeting Monday carrying the heaviest armament die. ihe.se two. Alice White, cook, an! S to the city. Ho went at o uoe to the ble portion of tho travel ration." evening, April 0. powerful ordnance for vessels of their h of about Jennie Burns, laundress, were the on)) where h' loir. td been, ►topping Lieut. J. I). J. Hartman thought tho The members of Rcbekuh Circle are to class upon a trial displacement Ucu.^e wi..‘ to bo sheathed and inmates of tho AoUrjws* _w*. fora few miniuc.-i atrl’u bL k.-re J corned beef preferable to rhe canned beef. be entertained Monday nftnndon and 78,000 tons, coppered escaped alive. v.iaBH he want to the homo of a relative. Lieut. K, C. Williams—“The beef when evening at tho borne of Mr*. Al. A. and to have the highest practicable spied The list of injured at the Adams’ iir. Coroner Zucca said the inquest will not rooked was unpalatable, but as an Bettes, Cross street. and great radius of action, and to cost, not ex- is probably be held next Friday. ocasionul substitute lor bacon It wa® The Current Events club held its lust exclusive ot armor and armament each. Air*. Isabelle Adams, wife of Albert J. PEOPLE LOST. ncoeptable." meeting at the home of the vice ceeding $3,600,000 CLEVELAND president. de- Adams, spine injured, burns, suffering Lieut Walter M. Whitman—“The pro- Airs. H. N. Adaius, Aiaiu street. The The armored cruisers are similarly Cleveland, Ohio. April 7.—Wallace C. that are to cost from shock. Taken to Presbyterian longed issue of the beef on the transport subject of the afternoon wus “Woman’s scribed, except they $4,- of u Andrew* and his family were well known each and are to have a hospital and ufterwurd to homo was Injurious to the men." Work.’’ Papers on “Woman as an Inven- 000,000 displace- In this city, having lived in Willoughby, ment tons. friend. Lieut- M. F. Davis considered the beef tive Genius,” and “The Work of the W. of 13,000 a suburb, where they had a beautiful and Nellie servant, jumped from as of and said he bad found C. were read und oil. The cruisers Denver, Cleveland, Quinn,* was a poor quality T. U., enjoyed by severe summer residence. Airs. Andrews others are described ns crnlscrs fourth floor to an extension, four maggots with the beef in the cans The subject of the next meeting to be protected daughter of the late Dr. Orson St. John about 3500 tons trial and bruises, tukon to PresbyterixkO hospital. while in tho lield^at Guajslmu*. held April 3, at the home of Airs. Allen, of displacement of Willoughby. to cost not each. Evelyn Adams, burns, thock, Presby- Lieut. II. D. Berkeley—"No more un- la to bo “Current Art.” exceeding $1,141,800 Mrs. St. John, Airs. Andrews’ sister- terian hospital. palatable article of food oould bo issued." Air. A. H. Benoit Is in the He in-law, was tin musician ; city. Minnie Hogue, servant, sprained ankle accomplished Lieut. W. C. Klvers—“It was an un- will remove his to on and She was a young and family Bangor ami bruises, Presb.vteriun hospital. composer. suitable article of food." Aloud TO REINSTATE GOMEZ. handsome woman. ay. Jerry Blazlnu, lireman engine 44, con- | Li®ut E. £>. Wright—“It was a distinct The 1 adles circle of the Universallst Air. Andrews was formerly in the tusions of tack, Presbyterian huspltal failure." church have lor a series of Will Be at Head of wholesale coal business here. Subsequent- arranged Veteran Chief Again and home. Lieut. Col. W. A. Kafferty stated that economic or ten cent to be held ly be went to Nevr York and became suppers, Cubau Army, Malloy, leg fractured, shock, he with tbe report ot hi® commis- evvrv tw>> commencing April 3. Mary identified with various enterprises agreed weeks, Presbyterian hospital. sary officer who pronounced tho beef non- Tho little Bolinsen boys who were and con- William Stephenson, bruises nutrltlve and wild the men soon tired of burned as a result of tho explosion of the Havana, April 7. — The Cuban gen- tusions, it. are Presbyterian hospital. engine Preaumpscok doing nicely. erals met at Marinuo and from an ex- 'today ollicially Whether tho fliv stxirted •fCapt. F. S. Foulkes thought.it Inferior The young Paltler boy was burned much has not been to reinstate Gen. Mali mo Go me a plosion of xk lamp or of gas to corned Lcef. more severely. llis condition is not as decided; nurses. No determined but when it was first di> Jackson tho of as also de* woman is said to make a good a graduate of |the Northwestern Hospital reputable physicians and other Major pronounced quality favorable as it might be. commander-in-ohlef. They Every «t o’clock this the School for Nurses at She has so wonderful a record for covered two morning, tho beef ueed in canning poor. It tnui The funeral of the fourteen months old an bourd nurse. Minneapolis. remedy cided to appoint executive of and those dis- Haines seemed to burst from all parts ol nerved well in but us a of Air. and writes: effectively lastingly miring very hush, sopa- daughter Mrs Joseph Dugas, In his is heard an three generals to assist him dis- The opportunity to try certainly “During the past live years I have eases that result from deranged nerves the houso xkt,onoe. A policeman urte article of food it was nauseating. North street, was held Friday morning saw of Ham* * in of the in the detail! forced on every woman at some time In found thn’ where the system was run and Impure blood. It has displaced all explosion und the glare Lieut. Col. Carroll said that most of ut nine o'clock from rd. Jiyacinthe's j tribution $3,000,000, found was so as Paine’s other in the of t>7tli street. He ran to the spot and the meat issued to his oil the church. and in tho her life, and when the time comes and down, nothing good spring remedies, opinions troop® of disarming organization best aud of tire from the upper thrown as celery compound. The doctors have often the class of druggists phvsicluns tongues leaping transport hud becu overboard xue puury neiu ny Lin1 iuu? air. ikuuei rural for tho siokneaa enters her home, she should know Ljuso xmd hall of tho police provinces. prescribed it to patients under my charge, and the great muss rtf intelligent jieople windows of tin* Andrews It made some of the men sick. Davis a m-mber of Presumpscot com- follow no He trill bo officially notified of their act* exactly avhat to do. She can and I have noted the very satisfactory re who judge of a remedy by its results wxiy across the street. nohi— ue iucii uiu uul Bab ma mlery, No *409, for $JOOO bus been paid. in the door and arous better advice than the expert counsel of suits. 1 am glad to recommend it to my more thun by what it claims for itself. lie tried to break much of the canned beef, complaining The many friends of Rev. George B. ion and a proclamation will probably be of the house, but was driven physicians and trained nurses who every friends." Thousands of letters have been received the Inmates of naasea afterwards. He| himself had ‘Leighton, who was formerly settled over issued to the Cubans. toe Haines. Not to day see before their eyes the wonderful Miss Georgiana Dean, who 19 a gradu- by the proprietors of Paine’s celery com- back by waiting preferred going without meat to eating the Uni verbalist church in this city, will arouse the of the Rothschild*, In results of Pains's eelary compound among ated nurse from the Frances Vvlllard pound and. by newspapers and medical famiiy it.” be lntoreuted to learn that he has resigned DESTROYING ROTTEN BEEF. No. be *jnt in an their sick, debilitated, and nervously National Temperance Hospital cf journal* from men and women in every the udjolniug house, 4. Lieut. U. 1). Paddock—“Mon would go his pastorate of the Skowhegnn church 7—P.&O a. R exhausted patients. says: walk of life, all telling one experience— alarm. hungry rather than eat it.” if where he has been located since leaving "|Havan», April ru.—The gla Paine’s celery compound Is the only “In my ejperienloe as a trained nurse, the immediate relief and perfect cure Cupt. G. S. Grimes, Second Artillery here, and has accepted a call to the Uni- warehouse beef, destroyed by Major J. C. medicine that has the confidence I have often observed that where a effected by Paine's celery compound. was impossible to gain an entrance to the —“The meat was soft,watery and insipid church at Portsmouth, N. U. Mulliken of ihe subsistence department, spring front and versally of, and Is used and ptessribed by nurses patient has been very weak, Paine’s cel- The best physicians ojenly endorse it, Andrews house by the door, and unsatisfactory to the men.1’ His resignation will take effect July. 1 and the beef which will have to be de- use it and authorize the then made au the is the form a of the old Porto and ery compound has quickly returned him it, recommend they attempt through is it not due to nervous “*Ci»pt. Ellis of the Fourth Artillery— Rev. Mr. Leighton present com- stroyed, part physicians. house. And For years they have seen patients under to*his wonted vi-jor, whenever the physi- public use of their statements that Paine’s Rothschild “It was stringy and tongh and 1 and oth- mander of the Maine Division, S. of V., Rico consignment. Chief Commissary in case after cures Three firemen managed to in the exhaustion? Things always u lrom the their care rapidly recover health and cian has prescribed it." celery compound, case, got ers found H unpalatable. and will complete successful term of Smith’s instructions acting rheumatism and rooms on the third lloor and found much when him to de- from the use of this wonderful Paine's celery compound Is now the kindrod diseases, puri- rear look so brighter we Capt. Walter L. Finley of the Ninth office next June. He was a member of commissary general permit vigor ties the the Airs. St. John her three old son of beef restorative. only spring remedy demanded by thought- blood, regulates stomach, and year are in health. How can Cavalry—“The beef was tough and de- Wude camp while in this city. stroy small quantities spoiled clothes good whos? is ful men and women. It has aside liver, bowels and kidneys, and rejuve- Wallace on the tlooi, their night void of flavor.” her vices at the Methodist church, Rev. without action on the part of the boards Miss Oora Smith, portrait pushed you have courage when suffer- given here, tells of her experience with the countless unscientific, catch-penny nates the fagged-out or diseased nervous almost burned off. They were quickly Capt. M. C. Hughes, .Ninth Cavalry— C. U. Phelan, pastor, are to be held on of survey, but large quantities of spoiled taken into the Rothschild home. Airs. with headache, nervous to the usual course. The this great spring remedy. Miss Smith is preparations that have no standing among system ing “'lhe meat became distasteful after a Sunday as follows: Prayer meeting In beef are take Su John died within a fminutes. Tier prostration and great physical few days.” the parlors of the church at y o. m.; C. £>. transport Logan sailed today for child diea In the Art man’s arms. weakness? Capt. Philip B. Powell, Ninth Caval- preaching by th** pastor at 10.30; subject, the Dry Tortugasiwitu the Ninth Illinois The Aranieti made repeated efforts to ry—4 Almost wholly devoid of the flavor “Time a requisite element.” Sunday regiment on board. After landing the THE WEATHEK. Would you not like to be rid j get to the other rooms, but they might of beef. school at 1*J m.; Young People’s meeting regiment, she will return.hero for the heat of ns well have attacked a furnace. The of this depression spirits? Capt. Hutchinson, Ninth Cavalry—‘‘It at <5 p. m. ; followed with preaching at Third Nebraska regiment and take It to seemed was terrible. lhe building How? By removing the should he alternated with other meat.” seven o’clock the Dry Tortugas. lu the meantime the thoroughly dried anti if saturated with Lieut. M. W. Ninth Cloudman Relief attended the re- Jth Illinois will have passed tfco quaran- cause. By taking McName, cavalry, Corps Footwear oil it could hardly have burned more bad found it tasteless and the men would ception at Boaworth Post hall, tendered tine period ami will then be taken to York Spring ilercely. Hike most large New not cut it. them ty the corps of Uosworth Post of Tampu, Fla. lOW READY. dwellings it was high anu narrow and is Capt. McLains had found the meat Portland on Friday afternoon. encased on two sides by solid brick wails tasteless, insipid aud much of it spoiled. Rev. H. F. Moulton, pastor of the A CALL FROM DEWEY. and tho effect was like a chimney. chnrch of Blddeford is to oc- great Limits.Hardwick. Barbour,McCormick, Universalize 7.—Admiral The Aames roared and crackled and shot of the church Washington. April Dewey White, Cttvanagh, Lyman and Everett, cupy the pulpit Universalist * feet has cabled the navy asking into the air a distance of a hundred also made reports very similar to those this city, Sunday morning at 10.30 o’clock department over that six months’ engineer!rig supplies the or more throwing a great Aery spray Lieut. Barbour thought it good in exchange with the pastor, Rev. T. D. All Leading Styles houses. p'eroding. be gent to him at Manila. The depart- the roofs of the surrounding as a change. Payne. ment will use the Buffalo now Several times thus * caught on lito, bu Lieut. Hamilton it Prof. Decring of Biddeford formerly probably pronounced good on her way to New York for the carriage and Makes. the Aremen and servants were on the food. teacher of penmanship in the Westbrook chemicals. j of these stores, ihe admiral’s request is roofs with water and cupt. Best of the First Artillery—“The schools with h*s wife and child are visit- the iu tituo an indication;of his belief that it will not) lioston, 7.—Local forecast for All efforts to arouse inmates soon tired of the canned beef.” in this REASONABLE PRICES. April men ing city. be to diminish the to save themselves were fruitless and of the Second possible materially Boston and vicinity for Saturday: Bain Capt. Albert Cummings American tleet in the in the aside from Airs. St John, the only other of the Philippine.} the Artillery thought that some meat A verdict of $150 for the plaintiff was in morning, followed by fair after- oui of tin* hon-i1 alive near future. nersous who got contained ptomaines and caused a great rendered in the suit of William 1. Wig- noon and brisk to night; colder, high dual of sickness. As a ration it was u of Lowell,Mats vs. Charles 11. Flske gin is to the fate of asterly winds shifting to north and Now failure. of Old Orchard. The action alleges The jury which decide Mrs Anna George, accused of the mur- northwest. Capt. T. A. Adams of the Fifth artil- slander and false arrest at Old Orchard der of George 1). Saxton of Canton, 'J., lery —“It wus not a success as u lit ld ra- in August, 1897, when it was claimed the Sunday fair and warmer; to fresh to all has been secured and Pouierihe light House Cleaning It gives activity parts tion in a hot climate.” diamonds of u Boston woman had been Attorney outlined what the state westerly winds. that carry away useless and Capt H. J. Keilly of the Filth artil- stolen. The defense denied slandering yesterday expect- ed to Washington, 7.—Forecast for Sat- materials from lery—-“It was palatable with vagctables, the plnntiff and claimed to lie exercising provo. April Time Has Come poisonous your The State metal wotks and the for New and Ver- but not otherwise desirable.” cure in the rights of Bay urday Maine, Hampshire It removes the cause of proper protecting sides body. of the Seventh The is now 20 Riverside Roller works on opposite mont: Bain with southeasterly, shifting us and wo will Cob Sinclair artillery— guests. plaintiff years Telephone send because it re- of Harvard street, Mass., to northwesterly gales; Sunday fair. your suffering, “The meat used was of poor grade. If old uud a student in a Montreal univer- Cambridge, were burned last moves all impurities from your a bettei grade was seoured it might sity. totally night. blood. Send for oitr book on prove a proper food.” Local Wratliri Lieut. E. S. Benton of the Seventh Report. Nervousness. artillery—“It was more wholesome than ANDERSON, ADAMS & CO., 7.—The local weather Portland, April OUR GEORGE it To keep in good health you the fresh beef.” SCALES. as as bureau records to the weather are must have action of the Lieut. Bruwue, Second infantry—“It Fire Insurance and perfect Agency For sale, 4, (5 10-ton Wagon -Scales, was unlit for use. of the men follows: to get your CARPETS TO DUST and bowels. Pills cure con- Many 31 Street. cheap. Wagon Scales repaired and re- Ayer's said it had bceen meaning that Exchange 3 a. m. —Barometer, 30 219; thermome- doped,’ built at short notice and low price. stipation end biliousness. chemicals had been used in its Mnt Clu* American and Foreign Companies tar, 36.0, dew point. 22; humidity, 52; RACE CURTAINS to do up. prepara- f II. ! Bakino Write for information. P. RITG- I tion.” HMAtia AMDgnaOB. C«AS. C. ADAMS. wind. W; state of weather, velocity, 2; tlVWt to our Doctors. J. Second 4mm Tuob. J. Ltttua ipeodtt GLES, 15 Marshall St., Boston. cloudy. Cupt. Waring, infantry—“It Perhaps you would like to consult was not fit to to issued. 8-lw-lstp 3 p in.—Barometer, 30.110; thermome- ailin' eminent pUv^lcl&us about your Baker, Fourth I hew mills us Major infantry—“The Powder Work op the Qqegan woolen ter, 40, dew point, 30; humidity, 72; Forest House and Steam condition. Then write freely all the CnQTFR’Q Cty Dye re- canmd beef was of an Inferior at Old Town U progreasing very rapidly. H. Young,1 representing the Shaw direction, S; velocity, 11; state of ruoitno particulars In yonr caso. You will quality, ^BSQUIfElYPlIRE Works, ceive a prompt reply, without cost. but | The asso- leotrio Crane company of Muskegon, weather, clear. Carpet Cleansing anything palatable.” First Maine Hanryjprtlliery IL. i* Addrtws. DR. J. C. AYER. Lieut- Col. Mim r of the Sixth infan- ciation will hold Its anauar reunion and Is at the Bath Iron Works, where Maximum temperature, 47; minimum > ; Mich., Lowell. Mast. canned beef utterly unfit ?i Wakes the food more delicious and wholesome at Hotel he has set two electric traveling temperature. 30; mean 13 Preble St., Preble House. try—“The was; binnuet Hoaelton at Skowbegan just np temperature- opp. of Much of as an article diet. it appeared 4 I on Id. About 70 members are ex- cranes, one is of i0 tons lifting capacity, 39; maximum wind velocity, 12 S; ■ RO'Al a/KlNO POWDER CO., RCWVORK. April like meat from which extract of beef has pealed to-attend. and tbe other of 6 tons. precipitation ,0, TULEFIIONE

I ■ aaaaaBamtaefsaaBs^^iL I stork In Show’* store Insured for (at«* beoeatb these gritting* with their faces breathe SHAH’S STORK BURNED. St.), In the following ootnoantes: llmtl, oloje up under them In ord* r to S*WO; Franklin, ♦lft'JO; Imperlu), $j500; and began tr shout for help. It was some Palltlne, »#W>; Orient, SBfio; H. Uermau, time before the erlas of the men were ttOUO; Pacino, $>b0 r.qiiUatile, g fid; noticed, but when they were at last Un- Middle »10«0: E. U ft it »I40H: No. covered Ihero eeem'ii to be no way to get St., Niagara, were. British, S.I1I0; Globe, SUM); German, (hem out of the ©ago in wbloh they British American, lluffalo Suffocating black simke poured ont tltOO; fpwu; »nu Cor. Cross. Disastrous Blazeon Con- German, Slum, through these gratings Into the street On the Clark building Insert! for |W!XI drove I auk the would be rosouef*. ulr«c*» To stand Girl ol Harmon ft Co a due**n boxes The with Herbert K. uf oranges day gress Street. Portland clob Insured for flgpo with over a trap deoi leading down Dow & Pinkham basement and this tset was soon Dr. Talbot Insured for |800 with Dow known to the crowd above by *“® ‘JV will be the woman of to-morrow. men In the basement. ft Plnkahm. prisoned ^oand William C. Uftlcar Henderson OF THE FIRE. Kofcoo, Iln She does not know DISCOVERY Mr. Charles Foster, who were it, perhaps P”J*?P1 1 It was before noon and fbe of the store at tho time, quickly J~ shortly big so® her mother does not Affjrrorrate hiss Estimated at Fifty the oranges out of tho way ®P®. fully grooery store of Georg* C. Shaw & Com- thH trap do >r. 1 hrongh thl‘ th**J? was filled with customers, as has al- i >» •*** “““ but between One Hundred Thonsand. pany out on» man after oootli.r understand it, been the cars at this hour. About t» coiiio «■■ ways tlirough ,h' *W. A. mon a. ho rondel tb*- when she is half of the large corps ol otefk« had gone Springer. baMro the walk he cll.ooTered that one of the "‘to-day’' those in the store were Iwsck a*1” New to dinner and busy had not been rescued and went the "to-morrow” Span the bailment a dir! and watting upon the customers. 1 his store oc- him. It was a brave act for fire was whs thick with smoko and the Men’s Coats, tailored s the street floor of two buildings. will be a Young Top capi In the bakery this when she woman, Started in Base- The main store Is In building owned by blazing fiercely by out ;Fire found the other by the best the Jonas Clark estate while a fire proof time Captain Hpringar and workmen^ who had remained to find a boy her life's floor separates this part of the store from bakrr happiness of ment of the anu in the top notch fashion, Store. which is the who bad become lost in the smoke, the shipping department In back are in whom this man h«d bravely turned health the balance. on onr eonnters owned by George C. Shaw. In are to-day. building herol baker with the boy In the basement of the main store next to to find. The was through the trap to be a we want the-greater the street wu» the bakery department. Ms arms pulled np she is full-breasted, To-day w»8 If The rest of the basement w»» ued for the door and theu Captain Springer of theae Coats out. Springer was nearly over- woman she proportion storage of goods. Other store rooms were pulled was taken into a healthy to Have Bern Caused located In the rear of the main store in a come by smoke and strong, on some one’s back. Supposed ha re- wooden addition. The candy department nelgboring drug store but quickly now. She donned his brejnen’e outfit ond must develop rightly There’s a little way of doing By a Live Wire. was on the second floor of this wooden covered, was ifameswlth thoretft addition and at the rear. Behind the bapk fighting the is at a crisis. She needs more these things, Bbnw store un the Congress Square hotel of bis men. from Green funs a narrow alley way THE CHIEF KNtiINKEK AKRIVK8. more blood to tide slrerL Un the other side of this alley way strength, is the livery stable of Edward Chief Engineer Eldrldge was on his for in tance. largo Williams’ Pink Pills PRICE the portlou on the street being to dinner when the alarm came ln it over. Or. |j Just bcifore noon a fire which Hasty, way yesterday built of brick while the part In tlm rear and was on the spot before nny of the ap- one turned out to be one of the most la ol wood. Adjoining this stable and Pale are the You'll know after you’ve compared At that time the whole for People disastrous! of the yenr broke oat In the the building oooupleu by the Portland paratus arrived. are wooden build- second to be a her other prices with building occupied by Georgs G. Hhaw & club next above many Interior of the store medicine that will dive ings the most of them with cither tin or furnnoe. At one of appara- on street. It with blazing plt*09 Co., Congress spread gravel roofe and sheathed with galvanlxed or anobter reached the spot tho make the great rapidity throughout the basement iron. tus af the and to do strength the flremsn what and lower ‘loot of the uiain building, Mr. Charles Foster 18 the olnrk In chief told just Soon new blood. HULL’S. completely destroying the large sfeook of charge of the olgar department He was and they obeyed his orders quickly. of wat£r were le.ng vary busy yeeteyday noon Out noticed five or six streums badly dasaaglng the building i»e th* goods, that smoke Issued from a drawer which turned into the blazing store and which is owned the Jonas Clark estate 1 to te In tho front Imminent by vrae opened on the side of be etpre de- flro seemed Our new book, PLAIN devoid th«lr atten- Wnd a loss from smoke and voted to the takery department. This fOjno of the tlrem*n causing large th him a* he at first tion to this. Ail mptf to enter watwr to of stores struck peculiar though TALKS TO WOMEN, occupants neighboring sj smoke was so thought that it might have come from building failed lee: tho explains and For a time this firs in a few buildings. some burning bread or something of that thick and the host to Intetise are to saw that the these benefit threatened to get beyond control of the kind lutho bakery below. Thu smoke ininuti** the ohief engineer why pills of special grow- : n v>UMKTrc*i « mu mi re headway and ordered a vnpr fireman and spread to adjoining build- increased and Mr. Foster started to In- lire was gaining A will be sent to address, vestigate It He mn down sculrs and second alarm tgraod In from l ox 5H. He copy any brimful of the latest deslsro* ings Had it none so the loss to adjoining to ing p. right at the foot of the narrow stair* also ordered ho** eight Into the city would hove been enormous as 5*s house and re enci on reauest. f

Men’s ~ | i cf the even" had all course the crowning feature T reusers. lar to tho attic and did munh damage to Dlack ami the floor timber* nearly in- ing was the cake wall: which was been burned through. In the cellar wum the furniture and fittings. Many of the in sis with Hack 1000 to choose front. tire feet of water ami this had to be dulged by young couple* pairs and curtains will have to be taken facet! and trayly colored ooatuniea. Abopt carpets pumped out by a fire engine after the (Ire All the new :uk1 thinw?. B out and cleaned and some of them on the 0 o’clock Bain’s orchofctru struck up a nobby wae under control, before the chief engi- side nearest tho lire may have to be re old coon march and under the direc- ■ neer could send hi* men into tne base- good Our prices we guarantee A skylight In the roof of the tion of the drum major. William Smart, plaoed. ment to put out the burning timbers of was broken und some who on all the necessary flourish s to save Congress Square the floor. The atore rooms in the rear of put yon money, quality water came through this, causing consid- the cake walkers made their appearance the btore were a wreck It was ten erable with Mr. Sea ford and Mis* Ge rgie 1 r- taken into consideration. damage. minutee to seven o’clock before the all HAD FALLEN IN. in the lead. Following then! an * Mr. INTERIOR OF STORE AFTER FLOOR HASTY’S STABLE. out was eoujxied- and Caro Elliott, Mr. Brown and The street electrics were Bray" stable ex- Congress Mr llamion and Leo Elli- The people In Hasty’s livery blockaded for hours and bunines* along Hattie Davis, Mr. and Mr. alarm be burned out. They sent all of waa at a ott, Flavin Virginia Dyer, I room oreu It'1 found that the flro With tho response to the second pected to what Is called the “Row” also SI.50, SI.98, tin 1 r boxes had tbu lire onoe reached •tore Goss and Lou Goold. $2,43, hie and ohief had six at stable and standstill. tad already obtained great headwuy ilia engineer engines their horses to Henry Tuylor’s a walk! Professionals who i.bt'iii. 1 ffu alarms wore rent In for this use. And such | vas the beanie overhead ablaze iUr-o.-iJ anu all the hose he could setting removed all of their harnesses and some were and had s«*-n durkydoin In eix engines and the alarm and that the fire might get- SHAW’S ANNOUNCEMENT. present i .Ire quick succession, dr. Foster at onre gavo He was afraid u ail $3,43. i of their The firemen fought stalk around on many stage agreed $3.80, was buokets of water en- from his men and rommunloate carriages. over a mile end a half ot hose used he clerks grabbing sway Mr. Shaw announced last night that be that In ultra fashionable touche* j on the the roof of grace, isavored to extinguish the flames. Mr with the Congress Sqnare hotel the fire In Shaw’s store from the South Port- in she lire while enough water would be to All all orders from and fantastic movements Every pair fully guaranteed. subduing saw that this was ■ hie nr the In the rear. prepared Foster soon Impossible building this stable and from the roofs of adjoin- land cake walkers were second to none. n of sir,owns poured his street store lie will flt to All pond respectable clerks to and ran us fast as his Middle today. a Do yon need any Pants ? I or the do THE CROWD WAS LARGE ing structures. In brief, the affair was decidedly sue* tutu the burning structure. The tire could him to tlio engine house his street store as soon as the legs carry CLUB. Congress cess and all deserve favorable mention, three u the corner of Ouk and Congress streets. With the second nlarm oarne a big THE PORTLAND hinged fiercely from noon until Insurance Is adjusted and the work can but, of course, only one couple could get in an alarm from box 63. ■' Sere ho pulled A the time they of the Portland olub were frosted cake, made by tha o’clock when It os under control but the crowd of spectator Iiy The doors be the handsomely done. it went with IN THE STOKE. the street had been uIcb- the firemen und moaDS of way by Mrs Drown, anti Hr omen were at work all tb« after- EXCITEMENT reached the plaoe opened to by I kept much enthusl"sin to Hurry Goss and MBS a off the under In this the firemen norm and far into the nigh* catting away Mr. Foster's cry of Cre caused panic ly roped by policemen the (fairways building Lou G uld. The latter wore an old rote and the marshal was In the roofs of the russe for partitions and floors whore the lire had In the store. The clerks ran this way anu Deputy Frith city succeeded reaohing WHAT ENTERPRISE HOES. dress with heavy trimming. The Shaw store from to the elbow to match the worked its way and extinguishing tires that, the customers made a rush for the also on hand to superintend matters. wooden sheds of the Mgb glove* V. Mm A Co. Will Be Heady tiboss cf the same color. The urdersturi at Intervals the stacks of canned firemen were all the space they re- which they the fire to good ad- George wliiob broke out throughout street tnmbliug over given fought black with heavy spots with For Hailnni Ae l.nal Till. Morning was yellow to work In. The smoko from the The furniture and of a white the building. goods and boxes In their rush. While quirtd vantage. carpets rasse of old ros* nud she carried wus so tblok In the Portland olub were badly damaged by fan. The other Indie* The total loss is not far from 180,000, Mr. Foster was rurmlng to the engine burning stodt of the store It lukes more than a lire to stop Georg.* ostrich young the street that the firemen had to gratis 4iuoke. were nicely gowned in caintrirs cf ^ari• while the total Insurance It about the house only a blook away the llamas burst 0. Shaw & Co. from doing business their why around ns at night. As the ous hues ana presented a picturesque C. Shaw & Com- the BEN SAWYER'S BRAVE ACT. customers orders in same amount. George out of the store room and jumped up fire progressed this smoke grew blacker They are ready for their sight. 1 he gentlemen were arrayed the leather shea pany loses the most by *hle Are not only stairway into the main store. There was and aenser and settled down upon Daring the height of the fire a line of as usual tht« morning and on Monday lung frock coats, patent wore conventional tall hats. It stock but In cashier s de- streets for blocks around chocking people behind store at the and the from the amount of destroyed a plucky young lady the bose was wunted In the alleyway will have u brand new open and and driving the orowds Lack more effec- is but fair to say that Hnrrv Harmon from the loss In business which will Her name Is Miss Barker. store. Other drivers of hose old stand. For the convenience of cus- etna* partment. tively than an army of policemen could the Shaw Leo El iott were a dangerously and on fled at the first cry of fire, hat nar- at the at times amount to a very large figure Everyone have done. wagons had tried to go through this tomers there will be clerks stationed ond in*tbe walk lor cake and she a to and well did no Insurance. bait duty perform driver which it seemed as if the applause was about which there Is, of oouree, books WAS row place and failed. Ben Sawyer, the store at Sill Congress street, she do it. The many valuable and HOW THE EIRE FOUGHT. evenly distributed. The Are Is supposed to bavo oaught which were out on the Hose five’s wagon was to the was the of the big will papers spread from front and of equal shipping department On evening Miss Gould to be The fire wus fought the the lire, to Tuesday from a live wire In what Is called the desks in this department had saved. and drove through this narrow store and Is not damaged by cut the cake at her home and all the and means ol emergency this There wus also a large amount of money back of the building by take the customers orders morning be “broken In the basement where the smoke was as thlok as It walkers have Lean invited to present. package room,’’ place orders call be sent to the .-tore on In the money drawers. This plucky hose sent to the roofs of adjoining build- or these In the meantime the face rocesi store. W hen first discovered oould be and where a man did not otue to will cleaning oi Che main woman not of her own Middle street from which point they vaseline young thought from the as well. The a time. Is on and the demand for overhead In ings top alleyway remain very loug at and despatch. going it had set Are to the bourns safety bnt of the necessity of saving the be filled with promptness at South Portland drug slure* yesterday the doors of the which runs behind the building from last an army of men and mim and books. She threw open BY SMOKE. All night active. this store rapidly spread DAMAGE CAUSED work in tho was notably large safe and began to store them away Green street was the ohief point of attack dozens of teams were at ship the building. store tbrougbout us fust as she could. Meanwhllo the hours the most The smoke caused considerable damage plnzpartof the carrying away and for some (tangerou the lire The “Original California Forty-niners 'J be losses are figured up as follows: »moke In the store became dense and of Luenard and Cor- boxes and barrels of slock which This narrow alleyway was like a In tho tailor shops of New Ln land" dined at the the Kevara 4c on interior (it the place. had not touobed and thoroughly clearing George C. Shaw Company stock, mffocutlng and the place near the Sbaw store. In on The MILITARY ENTERTAINMENT A'J thick was the smoke Id nish which are street. A House in Boston Thursday. about Insured for $31,360. become as black as night. Miss Barker chimney and so out the store at BV1 Congress KNKiHTVTLLE CHUKOil. $30,OHO; smoke was so thlok at work tear- 60th anniversary will Lo observed Jcno- lnsureo for $4,950. suite>outed and blinded by the smoke this that the firemen could not re- Dr. Talbot’s office the of were also On fixtures, $0,000; half place gang oarpenters 1900 a while at a time with- a the between this ship- ary 24, The military entertainment wliioh w on building owned by George o. Sbaw, remained at ner iiost. She safely put main there great that no one could remain there moment ing down partition the fire was she oould out overcome by It. Many of them and Leonard s tailor given In the Knl^htville ohurob, prove adjoining the one In wbioh sway nil of the hooks that find, being without Dr. Talbot's furni- ping department taken one of thiB half oon- respirator. both stores will be thrown into to be a decided success coufined, eirused mostly by smoke threw iuto the sate the money In the cash were place shop and Corporal shling largely ture was by the smoke and the steel sclouB but were soon able to return to badly damged oue. mm IMPORTATION . . loff, who had just rpturned from .New and v. inr, insured lor $7000. box drawers, slammed to big a ol Crush air. The In a In this office this store at obi took of the of fom io ti.n building owned by tho Jonas ioors of th© vault and then for the first duty after braath two canary birds cage On Monday morning York, charge squad new FREE! in the rear of this euOooated. with a brand stook of FREE! men from Fort Preble, made up of Prl Clark stute completely wrecked Inside, Elmo thought of her own safety. Below plartM they occupied were will be open IN a one. In of the Y. W. C. A* also to till all orders. The votes ttertman, Hanson, Goldberg und loss ucavy; insured for $3500. which will her on the floor of the store the black building was very dangerous The rooms goods and prepared teneeth their fnet was stored from smoke. will be fitted for business as Fiiifher, and they went through the man about coves* the loss. smoke grew thicker every moment. Miss tho ground suffered considerably old store up 2000 Bottles of kerosene oil lu two French and Eii|flhli ual cf arms and the corporal tnen ex- io Cornish Druthers, tailors, on street Barker a lur mnfl and burying a large amount soon as possible. grasped frum these WHAT A KIRK PROOF DOOR DID. plained the new U8 model rifle. Air floor of Congress Square hotel, damage to Her face Hi tils rushed to the street door. large tanks. Pipes running to several or do of the tanks communicated with the store and FKD FIREMEN. linnnu and Mr. Mills then gave au ex- stook from smoke amounting r*he did not faint away any Wheo the fire was discovered In the PORTLAND CLUB at one time that these hibition of the old manual of Arno i: ml red dollars; insured with Dow &, loolish things that a woman is expected It was feared might The firemen main store some of the employes in the club with its usual I which was u*od by the veterans of the Hinkham. iodo under suob circumstances out quiet- Dutch fire and explode. got The Portland HYOIVI from the is In another v hotel from u store and a cellar into the building which its doors to war of the bus There was a large and 1 he ongress Square damage ly walked into neighboring pipe shipping department hospitality threw open the The new euro (or PAPER a steam of water on the WALL a from water was a act that Miss rear and between the highly entertained 'todlench smoke and small flamage at down. This brave kept with a fireproof door the men with hot Bronctil.lv Catarrh, tunks so building firemen and provided e the drill one of the Barker and an experience pipes and about the oil that they Cousin. Colo and A,ilium, to 200 Sew During bayonen caused by a broken skylight through performed two shut this fire proof door. This lunch. Mr. Fre '. Designs. and it few would care to would not become heated and explode. securely oofiee and a substantial struck a lump knocked from the which some water found its way. This unich people go not have time to for a time to be the flames from getting Into chairman of the house commit bracket and tiro was averted by the cannot fce estimated trot Mr, J through. She did store Hut long they expected prevented H. King, damage hut to Vacate tbls in a Mr. tehaw and The very latest in Tapestries for the action of the corporal in charge. Hines said that it would doubtless twny all of the books, however, she obliged spot burry the buildlDg owned by this lunch and suw that AWAY prompt Henry the roof tae superintended GIVEN of cake and wen rut that she oould paid 1 the Ladders wsre placed upon of the fire from be- Parlor, Library, Dioing Kootn or Bou- Plenty good things 1,0 quite large. It Is fully covered by tn~ away all undoubtedly prevented fireman had to eat. This Absolutely without charge and darkness. The books which the low shed where much of the reserve so that it would have been every something served the “boys bhie” and they en- surnnee. imoke and coming large At the doir. The for the family and were soaked with stock of the store was and by firemen’s control. action of the Portland olub was much ap- patterns joyed the evening quite as much as die l.oss to Dr. C. M. Talbot, dentist, -emslned outside badly placed beyond the the fire did nut reach them. means of holes cut In the roof the fire- tire laddies. bed rooms aro especially attractive, cfao spectators largely troin s oho Insured for $800’ ivater, bus preciated by the Kaiser has returned from a If men succeeded in getting at the seuthing AFTER THE FIRE. the is as near Private with Dow amt Pinkbam. OF TH-U FAkKKs. while coloring perfection and has ESCAPE Hemes in the furnace below. A line of days’ furlough re-enlisted foi l.oss to V. Vi. 0 A.. largely from When the blaze was to was also sent stair- finally extlngished in harmony as it is possible achieve. live Inswed tor lront basement of this store there bose up through the Monument be the years._ smoke, will not heavy. lu C. rihaw & was Square way leading to the Y. W. 0. A rooms tho store of George Co., SOUTH PORTLAND. If you are looking for something five bakers at work. them $5U0. ivsre Among and the water thrown u Ihe floor onthe side where E. & lsmvbard & tailors, damage through skylight a total wreck. attractive, or daintily modest, WOODFORDS. Co., was Edward who Ib also captain into the store. On the street strikingly smoke. Insurance will oovhr~tibe Hpringcr directly the la located has from the firemen forced their Inch bakery department To Ihr Fore at the Jolly SI* we would be pleased to show you this >6engi uoigompany No. 1. The bakery Is- front way Darkydoui The Woodford* UniversalUst soeietj loss, Into the stare fallen Into the cellar, carrying with it the Pharmacy, by Inch driving tho'tiumes Dance. line of a .Yuxill Tt» Portland club damugs to carpets ihut aff from the rest of the basement paper, bag organized Youug People's before them, and about three o’clock charred remains of the counters aud fixt- tbo of which will In and tuxaUure from smoke and water. In- of'lt the Are started 17 MONUMENT ary society purpose and that part where had the fire’ well ill hand. canned Portland failed to sqUAliE. for sured with Dow and Pfnkhani for ures, together with the pies, cakes, Whoever in South to assist* iu rafting money parish pur $10,0, door. When the bakens final- than covsr the loss by a sliding of the Jolly Six ng po3C8. The following officers have beet which will more "IN'CQNGRESS SQUARE HOTEL. uml otherjgooda stored In this part the attend tho danoe given by liegimi that a fierce fire was chosen: P-r Miss Flora Townsend 1. ly discovered hlaAny On the fluor cf the (tore oovered house Jhur?day APRIL Ifllli, rident, The Insurance in detail given below: The lire created much excitement In the stove. at the Union Opera MONDAY, retd dent, Miss Lillian lower; s« ar« In the basement behind them escape from with a foot or so of water wera big their vlo««p Shaw’s Insured for made the mistake ot .il (or cue week Mi building $7000, hotel. of the of fruits und all night l eoutlnulDiz & CD. | tary, Alias Mabel Files; treasurer. S. cellar stuirs was out off. The Congress Square Many cheese, baskets crackers, OF THE SWETT of J. H. and C. the narrow the FREETREATMENT B. H. the agency ap- through to a lives. from Lari Stevens; entertain went oomBiUtee 4b started tu pack up their goods ox of these things which go makeup Judging REMEDY YVlLl- also BE GIVEN Webster as follows: Holyoke, Traders of this door allowed the guests uot AHss Mauti Mr. Kihvard Thrrs opening sliding >tore suoh as this the floor and galleries is not a newsfavee ms near Tamils St Whitney, Mechsmos and euch. to be oblige 1 to leave f-ha build well equipped grocery pearance o( mis 422 $t„ Quincy, $3sH0 into the bakery and the peeling s BY THE Congress ton and SJi38 £im»h Woodbury. At tin smoke to pour one ol Shuw's was Hoi bail been cut absented theiuselveea TlilBUTloN CONTROLLED store fsr Stearns In o any society people bi HONEST cue Fixtures in Insured $19*0, ing, but Manager succeeded tho firemen this means MANUFACTURER. t an Smu wm wilh H- J* nickel Focial held afternoon durim men made a rush for the trout of the In tho floor aud by and All', foriuRdy several as lollnwo; 51er- for the attendance was very large XESI CONDUCTED BY A REFUTABLE aprB&n the past week the young people netted I through agencies their fears. The smoke from ths had been able to get at the fire in the Hatley*^*. Orient bnsatnairi to the Bkicwalk gratings iu quieting liveliest kind. Of DRUGGIST. apr8,10,11, U.U handsome mud of wbiuh will b chants, f.’luO, $750, PaoittctOOd, The and walls wore tte in tercet of the money front store. Tffey ctowtled together fire pnnetrated this big hoteLfrom-lts oel basement. celling Aided to their funds. Equitable $800, Firemen's Fnlfd, $1*00. ofjthe

a. —zlzsl- _sssssssasLi,

aacnijuncon. msc^u.ANFora. BR1DGT0X ACADEMY. programme the remainder of the evening MUSIC AND DRAMA. hoar wae In ■ lo a late Indulged whlet, --TT--*-- dnnolng and to the exchange of friendly at a SPEAK. The left the k WOMEN greetings.« party par FAIR Rvnnlon of Alnmnl and Former Htn- DKLLA FOX. late hour by special oar, warm In their drnli of Old School. praise of the effort, of the oominlttao of Balia Fox with nn excellent oompany arrangements who made the occasion a was seen at the Joflerson loot evening In success. her new inimical enmrdy "The Lltlle The ftoond reunion of the Brldgton Host." was written t The story by £dgar Smith nnd the first in Academy Association held Friday after- omtuaryT and Louis k‘s: Mr. and Mrs O, Htone, attire in the Inst net she wore a gclf lion. years ago. lie was a son cf Benjamin Mrs. Ellas Bank•*. ’32, G*orgeF. suit which was a work of art and finally Mrs. E. M. S. who for many years previous to Emery, li. S Of^ood, Norton, going back to skirt, she appeared In a Miss Annie O. Mitchell. 8. C. Strout, the breaking out of tho War of tho Kabel- stunning costume. With the malarial Strout. Maria Fulton *6S; Whit- Sawyer. *Ion carried on the painting business on that the putt a Horded she worked hard man Sawyer, Mis. Edward Tompson, to ‘‘ttinbe Dime street. Ills son was an apprentice to good.’’ C oiiyrlulilfd 1*88 !>y Orris W. Nelson. Standlsh; E. Tdmpson, Standish; Charles Her company 1k of oven Maine supporting A. Robinson, Mabuilc W. Robinson, ’89; his father. \*ben the Fifth Begl- strength. 11. K. Graham mucin a lot of Lillian M. Wn'dron M*ry Rankin, *89; n cut was raised they both enlisted in fun «> u sporty deacon, unci Kngens Mrs. Portland, Cynthia W. Chaplin, O’Rourke bud h character ekotch company F, and were mustered into the capital Mury W. Merrill, Miss Grace E. Merrill, hk “iioneot Hill,’' a typical New York y 4j. * service June 1861. Portland; Mrs. K. Augusta Twombly, 68, 34, sport. llD((h Chilv»*T* acted hla part well Dora A. Liu.inle In the Brldgton; Mrs. Fcgg, Captain Norton was wounded and sang satisfactorily arc! one of the Clarence U. Proctor, was the A. Goff, Portland; shoulder at the battle of Gaines’s Mills. funniest things In the show ’W. N. Windham; Frank B. Usher, ’91, notion * f John C. Mavin. lhere was un After his wound well he the HAMII MISS ANNIE WYANDOTTE. | MISS CLARA STOBCKEJL Sebaco; James Carroll Mead, *fh?, North got rejoined indescribable drollery about his imper- | MBS. COLONEL T of TON-_I WEDDING Brldgton; Alvin C.Dresser, ’84, Portland; regiment and lost his arm at tho battle sonation of tho German composer with Mrs. Elizabeth a Miss Annie Wyandotte, of the Miss Clara Htoecker says: “I had cbronio Ssott Wilson, Wocdfords; Rappahannock station. His father was the peculiar dialoct and his piano play- That Fr-ru-na has become household quean C. B was | am! dramatic 1ms catarrh a I Wilson. ’87, Woodfords; Sylvester, killed in the ►nine battle. ing pant ami no in tho lirfit act viry in the home of Mrs. Colonel operatic stage soprano, for over y»*ftr. triad many Grace Newman remedy '84, Harrison; Barton, After Norton’s return he en- clover. Dr. Hartman n number of no SILVER WARE SALE. Captain is well attested by a letter from written very remedies, but found relief until I saw Portland; Llewellyn Barton, ’80, Asa with Mr. Holmes, A is one of tho most at- Hamilton '84, tered into Furtn«rshlp Deo Johnson her cure. o«n testi- enthusiastic letters concerning an advertisement in the paper of yonp F. Abbott. ’87, Portland; Isaiah 8. Webb, on business for tractive women on the and capti- which tays: “I give injr have over of I shall and carried the painting etago her, I Two Thousand Silverware that Ur. uscar A. a Catarrh had her treatment for chronic catarrh. I tried pieces ’53, Briilgton; uore, no, a nmnl er of years under the linn nuino of vated everybody by her sweet voice,while ns to the merits of your remedy, completely destroyed it, C. mony Portland; Fusio Hooper, Annie Mabel Bouton's arebners Ik to bo noted ho that she was unable to and I think I am now well. I ■ell at lower prices than ever offered for the very best goods in Holmes it Norton. Pe-ru-na. 1 hare been taking the some voice, speak recommend Holmes, Westbrook; Elizabeth Chandler, on the business for and sho made a prptty ingenue. Ji» has carried very better aloud. Pe-ru-na nstored her voice com- Pe-ru-nu to all my friends who aro afflict- T. 1 wom- fur fnmo time, and am enjoying this line. We buy direct from the manufacturer in large quan- New Gloucester; Harrietts Smith, ’84, several years under his own nam*—a; tho Emily Kraiicas, th* irai^hf-laml Mu. Caroline Holden for some enabling her to return to her ed with catarrh.” Miss Stoecker lifts aft North Gorham; corner or Market ami Niowoury street#. an, made tho epirode of drinking from health now than I have years pletely, tities and the benefit of our close U. Habh. in- Ihe is a give you buying. Babb. 'hi, Woodfords; George Cuptitn Norton has always taken a an intoxicating wheel very funny I attrlbuts the change to Pc-ru-r.a, and public profession. following Pittsburg, Pennslyvanla. '87, Woodfords; G. U. Holmes, '08, interest In the military and lire de- deed. Ado 11a Barker was good as “tho of the letters which her great •’ Pe-ru-na to every woman, Humph' gratitude Tea set, 1*2 dozen, $ .89 11. M. llruwer, Mrs. .vtwls.nl I-.>.1 *»nr4 v mim nn I hii recommend Mrs. Margareth Spoons per Brunswick; '34, or this city. He was captain of Dr. W. C. partment bo btncflclol to prompts her to write to Hartman, Desert 1*2 1.59 Edward C. Jones. Portland; the Portland Light infantry lor several whoM* performance it was an evening of believing it to especially Spoons per set, dozen, Mrs. W. C. fun. the discoverer of Pe-ru-na. tho world Sawyer, '50, Woodfords; years, anil was a familiar figure In local nonsense put together to make them.” Mrs. Hamilton’s residence is Table 1*2 1.79 Woodfords; James L Kackleff, where his ereet I oar- -hroui a bibulous it might be famous catarrh Spoons per set, dozen, Sawyer, military pageants, standpoint 2ut) Coodalo street, Columbus, Ohio. remedy: C. North Brldgton ; at- s even • Portland; C. Sprint, ing and empty sleeve always attracted observed that the play surpass Fifteenth Sft. and Jaokson Avo. Desert Knives per set, 1-2 dozen, 1.39 Edwin V. North Briilgton'; When Maine sent a “The From New York.” if Mrs. Margar- Spooner, tention. picked pro- stranger Kansas Mo. N. Portland; Abble H. to like xnuiio City, Medium Knives per set, 1*2 dozen, 1.49 Amy E’ellows, visional regiment to par- you fun, catchy and'pretty ctba Dauben, Sawyer, ’DC.. Gray; Augusta E.Harrlrnan, in the review in com nume- girls, don’t miss it. The play will be re- “Dr. llarttnan: ticipate grand No. 1211 North 50c to 73c each ■87, Auburn; C r» E. Briggs, ’S7, Harri- ration of the Centennial of the Constitu- peated at today's matinee und in the eve- “Deni those who have been Cravy Ladles, T. Sir—Only son; Mery A. Babb, Sehsgo; Minnie tion, Norton at the head of the ning. Superior Street, and $1.50 to $2.50 J. Captain nfilleted can ever know the intense satis- Soup Oyster Ladles, Andersen, '88, South Chatham, N. II.; Portland Light infantry wan a conspicu- E. L. THE STOWAWAY. Kacino City, faction and gratitude that comes with a 99c to $1.69 H. Toluian, '71, Westbrook; ous figure, and the Maine veteran with Berry spoons, Mrs. E". L. ”1 Haskell. W. Cumberland; the empty sleeve was cheered along the The strong and well written melodrama Wis., says: complete cure. Po ru-na has been my CEurles H. Pie Knives, 99c to $1.50 Haskell, '83, W. Cumberland; whole line. “The Stowaway.” was repeated yester- feel so well and salvation. It has given me back a beau- Ur. L. S. Gould, '03, North Brldgton; He was also an active fireman, anti was day at the Portland tbealiv to gcou sized And hundreds of other that will make nice wed- Mrs. L. good and health- tlul voice, a gift of Cod; it has brought fancy pieces very Lombard, Soutb 1‘ortlaud; a member of Engine Co. No 5o. Ho was audiences and the present engagement South Portland; Milan A. ful now that u e once more to mv old profession. 1 These are of the best and made S. Lombard, elected chief engineer of the lire depart- of the company will olace today with pen ding presents. goods quality by Miss Kuinru il. Cummings, ’s3. Portland; ment and sorted in thut capacity in 1898 matinee and evening performances. The cannot describe can talk now, and sing, where before, 1 & & Star Cot on Hiram; W. H. Kimball, ’80, well and Wm Hall, Miller Co., Rogers Uro., and lb'.*3. characters are impersonated seal Can worn e Rogers, Simpson. K. Port- it. Pe-ru-na is could o?ly whisper. you blood for four and the doctors Oakdale; Miss Grace Curtis, "J5, It was under his management that the there are many thrilling bonnes, notably months, Towle and Barbour We have a lot North Bridg and at I wish every person who Brand Pairpoint, companies. laud; Byron Kimball, ’61, Chemical engine was bought for this city. so in the act when the burglars blow everything to me. I feel healthy my delight? could me but little. They operated East help ton; Grace Head, Jonathan mull, ’60; Norton was Past Chmoollor of a in view of the audience. is as I suffered might know as Tea and Coffee Cream Captain open safe full well, but if I should bo sick I would suffering on mo three times. It was very of broken Tea Sets such Pots, Pitchers, G. Portland; W. E. painful Miss Kutb Eastman, Pine Tree lodge, K. of P. He has been Lovers of melodrama will lind much Pe-ru-na. I was too ambitious,* and just Wlnnlfred Stone Bus- know what to take. I have taken seven and I only obtained little relief. I was Holders and Butter Dishes. These Hassell, Gorham; a vies* president of the Fifth Maine Regi- to delight them in this line old play and Sugar Bowls, Spoon goods llnl- I am In at tho time when my voice was at its best sell, Gorham; Helen M. Staples, ment association, also of the Portland crowded houses should witness the final bottles for femalo complaint. so weak I could not turn in bed. Then close them out. M. Evening was a mem- l broke down in from will be sold at cost to lowell; Frederick Thompson, Army and Navy Union. He productions. the change of lifo and It docs me good.” I applied to l)r. Hartmun. I did not Courier; Elizabeth H. B. Cotton.Cumber- ber of Hoswortb Post., G. A. R. and the overwork, hard study and oatarra. I was B. Westbrook; SUPERBA. know whether ho coula help "me or not, land, Mills; Addle llorr, Portland Veteran Fire Association. MEMBRANES. and for L. THE MUCOUS sent ho me* in an Invalid’s chair, .1. L. Horr, Westbrook; Helen Cotton, Capt-tin Norton leavrs a widow to In the Hanlon’s this season’s production but I followed bis advice, and used only SILVER. L. was bedridden. A terrible STERLINC \. N. Witbuni. Mra. May What are tfce mneous membranes)1 They ten months Westbrook; mourn his loss fc$he will have the hean- of their world famous “Superba.’* which tnree bottles of Po-ru-na and Mun-a-lin. Cumberlaad Mills; 11. A. Hall friends of what, little Wlthum felt sympathy of a large circle of are the lining membranes of all the attack rbumatism depleted We have over Two Thousand pieces of Sterling Silver Miss will be the attraction at the Jefferson Now I am well and as strong as 1 ever Mrs. H. A. Hall. North Lrldgton; who will miss a noble comrade and 1 uud it seemed us H. cavities, organs and passages of the strength had, though thanks to remedies.” make a reduction on article and Helen G. Nlcbols, '70, Casco; Georg.- brother. vJeatre commencing Monday evening, was, your 925-1000 fine. We straight every A. If the raucous mombrnno I was never to walk or talk any more. Briggs, Portland; Henry Elliott, JOSEPH L. HARRIS. one with two mati- human body. April 10th for week, A DOCTOR’** VISIT. we have a stock to select from. Silver Tea Portland; Charles Hutchinson, Port- kid- voice was completely gone. April lf> splendid Sterling this have inserted a deal of of the head, lungs, stomach, liver, My Mrs F S. Soon; Mrs. Joseph L. Harris of city, died nees, they great restoration land; Moody, or other of the I felt so dated ovar the of my Would like to have Dr. Hartman 1-2 a article is W. C. bth at his late residence, I4u Graut and hut the skeleton of its form- neys, bladder, any organ yon Spoons S3.79 per doz., great bargain. Every Alexander Findloy, '7U, Portland; April novelty, In after a and illness. becomes Inflamed, or volco that I inserted2an advertisement call on you? .Jeffords. Argus; A. M. Soule, PHESS. street, long painful er self remains. Characters have been body, congested, to be or your money. We have increased The advertise- guaranteed satisfactory oyer toe to Uh bore his sufferings without complaint the health of the is Im- The Star fer vocal pupils. How can that be? you ask. Uow can Dinner company adjourned and new ocim substitut- ulcerated, organ business and was to the laat. cutout entirely our slock this week the addition of some very tasty pieces in the Assembly hall whore toe hopeful and promplly dis- ment, which coat me f>5 cents, brought, Dr. Hartman visit every family in the by were He was fur fourti'eu connected whilst others have been so rewritten mediately Impaired meeting ami after dinner exerois:*s years ed, that was the Son N: A Inflammation me five pupils, and begin- United States? This Is the way: This and Plate that will make very nice wedding presents. held. I ho nominating committee re- with the firm of Hooper Leighton. that tney would hardly be recognizable. turbed. congestion, Sterling Ada O. class. Your3 Into one list of otUcors which He married for his lirst wife, or ulceration cf the membrane, ning of my pr««ent large article goes evei7 house. Every a ported the following For Instance tfio of Mora, formerly muepus not save at this sale. It's good oppor- C. About three years ago ho part Annie Whv money by buying were declared elected: President, B. Thompson. whether of the bead, stomach, kidneys, gratefully, Wyandotte.” has the privilege of reuding it. Through Col, 11. married Georgie E. daughter a straight roubrette role, is now a char- Stone, Port land ; vioe president. Kimball, these words Dr. Hartman to Kimball. Reside# or other organ, Is known to the medical Mrs. Nancy Dougherty, speaks every tunity. S. Osgood, Portland; sveertary and of the late Lyman N. acter comedy | art in German dialect. his wife he leaves one ana a ns catarrh. 'The people gener- Kirsimee Fla.- family. He asks if any in this house is treasurer, George hi. Jbnbh, Woodfords; daughter Among the new scenes is a remarkable profession City, Asa son. would not like to'con- exocutivo committee, A. C. Dresser. however, suppose that a disease of was a sick. If so, you one of the Arctic a new interi- ally, writes: ‘T suf- Airs. NVhitman ami Airs. C. He was a member of Machigonne bribe regions, F. Abbott, the stomach Is entirely different In its sult me as to the nature of your disease? oil of Portland. of Red Men and leaves many lriends who or Smythe of a ladias’ boudoir and ferer from dropsy, af- A. itoblnson by would like mo to do I will The with the nature from a disease of the liver, kid- If yon so, McKenney, Jeweler, the report of the secretary who read sympathize family. bath room, which is followed by a change .fecting my stomach, case careful attention. I have the records of the reunion was JOSEPH HARRIS. or bladder. But this is not the give your MONUMENT SQUAH.B. previous into a marine view, a turbulent ocean neys, legs and feet. I ,. If institution accepted. case if the drnngement Is due to conges- a large and. many assistants* After a and illness, Joseph with a light house and many ocean had After the business had been transacted long painful jl ; employed to detect the nature this died i> at his tion of the lining mucous membrane. i and am in a position President Ftone took occasion to thank the L. Harris of city April monsters in view, and ajjwater spout in Id late 140 Grant street. Ho was is wherever [; iji!'/ physicians of disease, where they could not possibly association tor the honor conferred and residence, Pierrot 'd. The trouble simply catarrh, 14 connect d with the firm of which .is engulf had the contldenoe reposed m him by a ra- for years it happens to he located. It is known by They be detected by the ordinary physician. bon & Leighton. He married BROTHER. jjvain. eleotion to the oftice of president. The Hooper, BROTHER FOR "given mo up. At Have catarrh of the wife Ada I. A different names, snob a3 dyspepsia, you ^head, thceafc* in e was then carried for his first Thompson. following program success at the Stir last son-in- less than three years ago he mar- The big theatre, female complaint, my lungs, stomachfor any other organ of the out in a manner: Violin little Bright's disease, CENSUS DISTRICTS. FIELD OF SPORTS. highly pleasing of the New York uitr this season, “Brother for Dr. Willis H. Kimball; reiding of ritcl Georgie E. Kimball, daughter diarrhoea, bronchitis, consumption and law got some Pe- body? If so. write to him at once. He solo, bis Brother,” tho latest melodrama by Frank Grace Newman lute Lyman N. Kliuball. Besides and for journal, Airs. Barton, noted dramatist.will a host of other names. Whenever there na and Man-a-lln, I immediately will sendjyou directions treatment wife he leaves one daughter and a son. Harvey, the English editress; Dr. Charles B. Fylvester, editor. brst Will lluvc Two Ac- be at Portland theatre the is a mucous membrane theca is an to improve. In a short time I was without charge. Address Dr. Hartman, Uulur Supervisor* BROCKTON A CERTAINTY. Aland L. dis- He was a member of Machigonne Tribe presented congested Voc»l solo. Miss Legrow; three next week with matinees Order*. methods of in- of Red Men and leaves many friends nights catarrh. irely cured. Columbus, O. cording lo Recent and Haverhill wen* cussion, resolved, that the a Although Brockton who with the afflicted fami- Tuesday und Wednesday, by capable at struetiou in the schools a genera sympathize admitted to the New England league public company of players under the manage- tiou are to those of the ly. 7.—The foliowinc the recent meeting there was at the time ago, superior ment. of the well-known and successful Washington, April time. Ailirmntlve, Air. Byron considerable doubt as to whether arrange- present NOTES. t entrloal firm of Davis und Keough. ijtnT0iii.nl by lio*. K. II. linker, scheme for the division of the oountry in Alins Helen M. nega- sively ments could be made for playing in Kimball, Ftaples; A car load of scenery and me- | PRESENT F VI.ns, TWO MIT.T.IOV3 A WEEKi Alii. Lillian a native of Yarmouth, special altar which refreshments were served. to districts for the ol in fact the chances were con- tive, AJr. Alvin G. Dresser; Chatles Young, are usi d in this supervisors purpose Brockton, of chanical effects pridue- have taken Wilson. and younger brother Capt. Joseph The high esteem in whloh the couple the twelfth census was submitted by siderably against ir. Matters Budge % n mill the rnst that will nivgsnt the ronelusion of the after dinner of that town, died at Eureka, the turn however, and it now may At the Young hero in tho stunt* us appear**! in it are he'd was manifested by the many Henry Gannett, geographer of the census j right March 7, of heart failure. Ihe d* pl:»y be announced with practical certainty Cal., the run in Now York, in and valuable which they re- ceased wits a son of the late John and during long useful gilts and adopted by Director Merrlr.m. that Brockton will be represented in the among others, Mlsa Elizabeth Sonhronia Young of Yarmouth Mr. eluding ceived. The next morning Mr. und Mrs. whole who has » No'lh The census uct that the league and Manager Burnham, V *_ _»«. ^..^1 .. in Huthburn, Katheryn Angus, provides where wii 1 twice the city a champion team, ilubkoll. Mab»*l Elliott and MossrJ. Wil- Porter left for Skowhegau they number of supervisor's districts shall not given Co. of tho *^5th Maine Volunteer in- FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS will have charge cf affairs. G. bur Hudson. John H. Smiley, Joseph B. reside. have the affection of many again He was with his com- They exoeed 300 and that wherever practicable fantry. dlscbuiged Win. 11 ilarv.y, Tom Ripley purh as wind and Pain in the Stomach, Zuhrn-r, who wish them a life of ■> pany at the expiration of nine months* friends lcng Giddiness, i'ullm after rueaW, Headache, |be boundaries of these districts shall ocn- NOTES. un i 11. C. O’Brien. Reserved beats foi and re-tn listed In Co. D, 13th Dizziness, Drowsiness Flushings of Hear, service, on happiness and prosperity. of dis- this are now sale. oil NEW forin to those the. Congressional Tho University of Maine boys aro pre- Maine infantry Ho was promoted and engagement Loss of Appetite, Cn*iivene«s, Blotches EVERYTHING The number of Congressional dis- with the Skin, Cold Chills, Disturbed tricts. paring for the summer athletics nerval to the end of the war. UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. UKKMAN OCCUPATION OF CHINA. Sleep, he Frightful Dreams ami nil nervous and AND UP TO DATE tricts is 387 to which must added eighi The team is as follows: a well known oiti i vigor. Rufus Hamilton. Sensations. THE FIRST ONE FOU ..... territorial districts, Including one lor Stoteou’s Double Monster Undo Toin’i Kino Chan. Province of Shan Tung, Trembling ‘Sprlutas, Horner, Vote, Gray, Hatch, zen of Chobeagu* Island, died suddenly WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. and two for Alaska. Cabin will tlioir populai China. 7.—The German expedition- Hawaii ]Jullir> Bogart, Batcher, Goodwin, Wednesday nig t. Mr. Hamilton has not company present April Every sutlerer will acknowledge them to bo of districts to be saved and unrivaled version of the ever wel forci' which went to l Chau-Fu, after The number by Grover, Thompson, Wheeler; weights, been well for a long time, but his death ary consolidation is there ore come Uncle Tom’s Cabin at the Portland the recent attack by natives upon a Ger- FANCY SHIRTS sixty-life. .Sabine, Grover, Mosher, Eldridge, Ba*k- was entirely unexpected. HEW of the enumeration, it on and Faturday April man's has returned atoard the WONDERFUL In the interests liffe, Watson. Judge, btowell; jumps, Charles 1<. Haven, said to bo tho oldest theatre Friday pntiol deemed advisable to effect such and 15. That their entertainment b German cruiser Gefjon after burning two has been high, Davis. B. M., Mosher, Board man, operator iu active service, died To Measure. where the is telegraph unlimitoil satisfaction is fully evi near the place where the attack consolidation p-rpuliitlon bhaw, HaHum, Thompson, iolford. lhuraday at his home at Naveeink High- giving villages MEDICINE rather thun in tho number of was made. The Germans still occupy Vi denser than the average A. K.. Hatch; distance, bewail, N. *J. Hp was the oldest ami most deuced from laudator} Davis, lands, their exoelleni cure Sick Hemdocfm o£ the finest im- sparsely settled regions. Goodwin, liarrows, Chamberlain, Lyon, marine observer on the coast, notices complimenting Cliao. Thoy promptly Nearly 1COO styles in which most of it will be experienced Look out for the big streel The places French, Libby, Shuw, Strange, Casweli; and perhaps in the world. Ho was nearly performance. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Diges- ported Madras, Silk Striped Madras, Per- effected are, accordingly, the densely observer at that will bo given at noon oq Fri- tion. Disordered Liver iu Men, Women or broad jump, Swaiu, Thompson, Hatch, K7 years old. He was marine parade and the cities, name. the of the uerformance AT WEST CON- Children Tabulea are without a cales, Oxfords, Cheviots and French nettled states 'urger It oil ins; bicycle race, Watts, Killy, 1 efore the days of telegraph- day. day opening ENTERTAINMENT Blpaip thellighlands on sale rival and now have the largest tale of New York. Chicago, Philadelphia, Kallum. Alexander; vault and before the Mors.} Reserved seats go next Wednesday they Flannel from which to select. Lynn, Clark, ic communication, GREGATIONAL CHURCH. any patent medicine in the world. Shirtings Cincinnati, Cleveland, St to the at reduced prices. fcjtimoro. Wheeler, Williams, Boardman, m stem was introduced usal signal morning especially of Shirts to measure Sun Mil Hersey, Lovers Fancy Louis, New OrleauB, Francisco, Davis, A B,, Davis. of and later on, of steam- A choice little entertainment was rend- Thompson; hurdles, arrival packets, NOTES. materials weukee, Boston and Buffalo. to those who in the West from the finest procurable G. li., Davis, T. AL, Harrows, Hatch, er", by means of a semaphore. ered gathered It is believed wil form- that J. McClellni 1 This arrangement. Wheeler. Bobbins, McCarthy. The death < f Miss i.mma Lynn, It is rumored Harry Congregational church, Thursday bijht. should inspect this line. individual score for a new comic t insure greater res]>on*ibllity College base ball begins today, when of the Gardiner liazaar, is writing the open T he following was the programme. erly proprietor umn Wltito Shirts to measure for Dress 01 enumeration, and the increase! be by Portland c.^r for the Harvard will meet Tufts and Boston is reported, from Okluhonaa. which will produced selections, overseen by A of fcrri health that RTPA'N'S iHTI -lothon*’- to the supervisor will on of Harrison vil- tours. Graphophone C>. it J*lfcA-S*8, 10 for h rent*, or ;v ... ..«.»•• for 'S Business a compensation College the Brown team. Mrs Kllza A. Trafton vocal duet, Mrs. who Are specialty. secure the service Hath Mr. Edgar Rennet; Cents, may be luni of all drugguCM willing the oensus office to at the ho ne of Mi -4 Krhol of is at Hote n* able Trainer Kilgore 1ms remained at Hlg- lage died Monday night *3 Hyde Alice Soule, Mlsi Rattle Shaw ; piano to pell low nrleed medicine moderate profit. of expenenoe un-. of the Heston fioatou of giani They banish rain and prolong life. of a gentleman larger by all the r^easm, having under his her am, Henry O. irafton Melros^ Touraine fer Miss Ethel barlune were divide! park solo, Blanchard; < me 'rlvisa relief. Accept no ■•’.Iwtitnte. I*ei»t.) than If the work The da*cased was in which her cousin, Mine. Karnes s (ruruisliiity: capacity care a string of six or SJVen horses. Mass., aged b5 years. opera, Mr. K S. Thornes, piano solo, Miss Note the word H I P a '-’ on tho packet. at a lower rate a brilliant solo, Send & cents to Kimn Che mb -I N 10 Spruce among several supervisors Jerry Dennison and Mat Johns of Bath the widow of the lata Otis F. Trafton, Story is such figure, J. a farce entitled, “No further that th Helen Foster; 0t., New York, (or iu camples oral 1.000 tc*Umoniau». The census act provides aro an aluminum tender built who wns one of the best-known cattle ca>t: tit having Cnre No Par." The shall be appointed by will be so section of the state. Of & supervisors for their yacht, the Ain a. It dealers in this Mrs. Languish, Miss Nellie Clark ALLEN COMPANY, and with the advice am [ survive: President, by light that it cun he easily carried any- their live children three Henry WEDDINGS. Aunt Midget, Miss Ida Roust in mi-31 201 Middle Sf. tf of the Senate. of Harri- Notice. consent where. This is the UrJt aluminum O. of Melrose, Mass.; Frank W. Alloa Mis* Daisy Dodge Administratrix's is the number of district Languish, The following tender in tho Kennebec fleet. son ami James A. of Westbrook, Aiken, Miss Elizabeth True rrllE subscriber hereby gives n tic tint she state and territory: Lucy allotted to each Jennie Miss Hattie G. Shaw JL has been duly; appointed Administratrix Al»*ka, Arizona, 1 PORTER LOCKE. Carter, Alabama, »: 2; kkckphon. Susie Miss Bertha Knight of the estate ot Colorado, 2 ; SAMPSON’S FLEET AT VENEZUELA alumni Dean, Arkansas. 6; California, 6; tbe homo of Mr Miss Eva Demlok GEORGE D. FRESCO!T, <; Wednesday evening at Bridget, Connecticut, 1; Delaware, i; District “TnTitaiione have been issued to tho de- f Caracas, Venezuela, April 7.—The Buxton, occur nx I with selections late of Berlin. State of Sew Hampshire, Georgia, 11 school to at- and Mrs. .1. U. Locke, The programme closed m the Columbia. 1; Florida. 2; American commanded by Bear graduates of Deering High ceased. leaving estate to be administered Indian,' warships Alumni asseti tho ; from the graphophoao lee cream and bonus as Hawaii, 1; Idaho, 1: Illinois, Id; Admiral have been rjcelved tend a reception of tho a very pretty wedding, contractini County of Cumberland, and given Kansas Sampson cake anil homemade candies were served. and l have O. H. Indian Territory, 1; Iowa, 11; La atiuu to to held at Crusty hall, new High their Martha O the law directs, appointed 13; ! with enthusiasm at Gunyru, and parties being daughter, or within Louisiana, tt; Maine, 2 school evening, April Mersey, of Bucklleld. Me.. Agt. Atty. 7; Kentucky, 11; President Andrade yesterday gave a din- building, Monday and E. Porter of Skowhegan. demands againsr is thy Mr. Willis BANDITS SURRENDER. the Stale. All persons having Maryland, 4; Massachusetts, 11; Mioblgan a ball to the his officers 10, and it urgently requested by are desired to ner und Admiral, 8 o’clock to iho must t-lio estate of said decease pre- 7; Missouri trouble for o that should at- At u little past morn- 12; Minnesota. 7; Mississippi, ! and the United States minister. Mr. F. “I (had been afflicted with lung coinmilt every graduate Santiago do Cuba, April 7.—This sent the same for settlement, and nil indebted Nevada, 1 of Fivemtle. an invi- 13; Montana, 1; Nebraska, 11; B. Loomis The President bus asked to two years," says Charles A. Moore, tend whether they have received of Lohengrin’s wedding inarch, playct ten bandits voluntarily snrrendered m thereto are requested to make payment iunue- -Ne\ tried all the surrounding been ing New 1; New Jersey, 11; the Admiral and seven cf hie Mason Co., W. Va. tation or not, as a mini her have bridesmaid Luis and offered to assist the United Hampshire, decorsta After a the Irlde's sister,the little San North Caro but they did me no good. on ot by J. S. PRESCOTT. Berlin, N. II.. or to Mexico, 1; New York, 19; with the Order of Bolivar. physicians, mailed to wrong addresses account States troops ill their operations against OLUI officers 1 bought a bottle of great Marian carrying a bouque Bucktield, Me.. \et. or Ally. North Dakota, 1; Ohio, 19; Okie Mr. W. D. long period yonr removals. Wentworth, outlaws. O. M. HEIiMIY. llna, 9; The British minister here, < .olden Medical and after taking the remaining Thirty-two Mar. IK ». mar35dlaw3\vS» 19 Discovery.’ of and bride's rose*, graceful! here Fortlanu, lit, horoa, 1; Oregon, 2; Pennsylvania, H. Haggard gave the American officers a four bottles I am entirely cured, and I stand pinks bandits aro now in tho military jail Carolina, ti; Bout to the Gen. Rhode Isluua, 1; South fetJ. firm to recommend your great Discovery- HIVKKION PARTY TODAY. ushered the bridal party into parlo and eight thus tar huve been killed. have a largo assortment of Diamond 13 ! splendid trouble. I now Dakota, 2; Tennessee, 19; Texas, Andrade went to Guayra all people afflicted with lung with ever Leonard Wood, the military governor “watches dn installments.- w Kings, Mns. l ar IUngs and Scarf Man, President is to en- which was tastily decorated l'> Wash ImI stronger than I ever did." Miss Mabel FI well of Portland tor their success- and perfect. This Is a venr Utah, 1; Vermont, 1; Virginia, today in order to visit the American praises the rural police Waltham nml Elgin Watcher. A largo stock all good quality Wlsconlsn tertain a of friends Saturday after- cut llow rs and potted plants. is ta a Diamond as we make toe 3; West Virginia, 4; party (.’r.’ens, ful and no further trouble of new model Watches w ill be sold on easy pay- easy way l»uy ingtoo, fleet. eve- operations so tuat will not iu!slh taa noon at Riverton casino, and in the was attired in a costume o a well reasonable All All payments by you 9; Wyoming, 1. The bride anticipated although organized ments at prices. Styles. the Mono- be Issue of the Union Mutual Monument money. McKl'NN LY, Jeweler, A census bulletin will shortly ning Mr. Lothr »p white satin and pear I band of origands Is suid to be threaten- Prices. McKE.NNKY. the Jhweler, wWti Mon have commenced bending frames pearl-gray with mwlSdtf meat square. the counties Included in each o [ Life Insurance coiupauy will enteriain the district. Square. naming the monitor which will bo built by Tha ceremony was liripres Ing Holguin the districts fur the informatloi for friends at the casino. trimmings. foregoing Bath Iron Work* of the public. the

| row row AnwiTiwmm on taxing 01 rfpeopls tor guns and ships, ADT»Bn«Mt«MTf THE PRESS. and soldiers and perildon\ to carry clvll- roRTLAN n, April g, |«JA, THE 1 ration and good government to the SATURDAY, APRIL 8. Tagalo* arn( Vtakysns and Movos of the from Philippines tMibosMug them blessing* RIMES BROS. COMPANY. Groker 110 dlnnei a sombre It look* am though the upon them,. In e»w they do not accept STRAIGHT stone were likely to prove a ilszle.3 them gladly. linen Mill in When Congress held a atop watch on rumor has sup Oen, Luna, who say* the and Insisted on Verde President settling old Ireland comes United green as the head of the plant'd Agutanaldo by wsir what he believed, If given a free Is F*ld to be a far man to os an iron case* A CORSET! Philippine array. band, he could settle by diplomacy. It I hooped CHOSINC Indomitable than Aguinaldo. A» pleader opened a Pisndora’s box of obligations ful of Women’s Hand- th© is coin pared with him flutter pro- and entanglements which will stay with the a kerchiefs. Nc t the < nounced weakling.” us for many yoars and cost ns a great regu- Every Lady Recognizes Importance deal of blood and ireaeure. lar sort folded in Gov. Plngree is meeting fora* opposl neatly of a Perfect Corset. tlon to hi* scheme to purchase the Do clean Mining Company. —The work of consolidating the entire pretty boxes, and trolt street car lines and pot their opera- Near Arizona. Ice business In the American loe compa- but in Properties Located Jerome, tion in th© hands of the municipality. A all alike, big bun* seems to be on An loe Cleanses and to the ny polng apaos. in the World. good many citizen© are opposed or Klehru known Copper District of the Kennebec says that every dies a hundred more The Ideal Corset Is the Corset to contest thi consti- operator The properties cou*i*t of lit claim* covering about I‘40 acres. plan, ana ]*ropos© has Heals all share of tho al l Knickerbocker a In Hie first There Is over IOOO fi. or shaft* and tunnel* In this pi operty, tutionality of the law under whioh the in each, some bit dam- Him I* made right been merged lego tbe Knickerbocker of and nenrly every oprui»g show* high grade ore. is made in th© courts. \ purchase bring and never alters Its shape ftamc hclt n* ihc celehroied L’.MTLR Maine. Tho par value of the shares of Inflamed Sur- others just a trifle place Located, In the ore aged, VERDE and mine*, nnd iibout midway between them. The salaries of the judges of the Su- tbe oid company, he says, was $.15, sell- until completely worn out. EQUATOR soiled, the bundles tied This vuluiible property I* owned free nnd dear, and ihc are a of debate in for and for every fonr shares, faces, Cures preme Gourt subject ing 150, company control* ItO.SOO shore* of *toch. of th© llasMchueettf legislature. The asso stockholders were given two shares with a stout string and elate now ge’. $7000 and tb© chief the stooX of the new Knicker- Sore Throat, a Conet OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. justioe© proferrofl each Handkerchief in the When a womnn Mads $7500. It is proposed to increase at a pa»;sral»re of $100 each,and one jostler bocker ol this bind her conel troubles President. WEN BEN4. P. PEACH, 4H.. Lynn, Muss. these figure? by $1000. In Maine, where $100 share of tho common stock. He be* Coughs, Colds, lot quite different from to will con- We adviee Vice-President. HOY HENItY N. KISH). It. ex-Mnyor of Waltham th© salaries are $3500, a proposition in- 1 loves tba: eventually the trust are over. your trying defeated. the entire loe business east all the others. treasurer, A. W. MANSUR. Bo-ton, Mass. rrsiise the compensation was trol practically Bronchitis, an “H * O.” It now FbEDERiC TABHlt, Vice-President New Bedford Safe A Trust Co., Of course th« emoluments of the legal of tho Mississippi and thinks that Deposit Samples. New Bedford, Mass. profession in Massachusetts are much omi“, or Is In a way to do so,tho business Asthma, the count WM. OAKUM lt> El), at Boston, Mass. than in Maine, and hence larger In Boston, New York,Jersey City, Brook- When packers Attorney Law, greater We display In oar Congress Ml. to the Catarrh and HON. 4. W. HEINE, Oarer, Colorado. Inducements are needed bring lyn, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing- oat a dozen to fill a box bench. Richmond and window several of the latest and WAI-I Boston. Mass. proper men from the bar to the ton, Norfolk, Chicago. EDWIN ACE, Very recently the Independent Ice com- with it often happens that best shapes of ibe “It A O'1 Cor- of Harvard, says a Transfer and President Kllot, good which has houses on the honuobac Agent Depository, pany, an one or al word for athletics in colleges, believing there’s odd two set, but If you etill the depart- and a rctdl plunt la Washington, was furnish for discussion, AMERICAN LOAN A TRUST CO., that they subjects absorbeJ by the trust. With the trnst left over. Sometimes the ment we can show you many deeds rather than laadiug youth to respect controlling the retail outlets, Independent others and explain their merits. 53 Stats St., Boston, Mass. and to submit to discipline, of the promises operators will lind difficulty in doing sharp eye inspector tone ot morals by furnishing advance the business. a bad a little SHARES. PAR S10.00 and detects one, CAPITAL STOCK, 200,000 VALUE, an outlet for superfluous energies, and furnish interesting topics for written —The Adjutant General computes the hole in the border, a torn Folly Paid Nion-Asseesnhle. Dr. Sargent-, the instruc- actual expense of the Ptate of Mai o In compositions. or an uneven bit of We carry Msven of the best Subscription books will be opened »t the offices of the Company, No. 00 State the nation? war with at twolve thou- tor at Harvard, claims that the Spain only edge Street, Boston, April 8th, at 10 A. M., and closed on or before April lOtb, at 3 I*. Mlyles made to sell at $1.00 per that give most attention to the physical sand dollars. This Includes the bounties. which some M.. for the purpose of receiving subscriptions for 40,000 shares of the Capital Stock embroidery to training of their youth rank highest ir The gross expense was about $loa,(XWi pair, and every lady wearing at $6 per share; full payment accompany application. to allotments would seem to bt United .-states careless needle-worker has The right Is reserved reduoe proportionately. mental attainments. It but the government pays has been more than thriii H'mittancee should he made payable to the order of the Company, and re- shoult If the Indirect — a natural result that sound minds $88,(100 of this. expenses all in, these wlHi the results at- will be mailed pending the issuance of stock certiticates. thi were no the would brought pleased ceipts result from sound bodies, although of the war larger State DEVELOPMENT**. The development* consist of several Bliafts and tun- nation? In fortune. waifs are cast into a tained. Comfort and mental attainments of the greater be great good FINANCIAL. big Style, nels, aggregating over 1000 ft. The principal development being two tunnels, 133 are bard to measure and compare. shows ore. In the to — Health arc all and 210 ft. In fact, Her I Jr .V T. Whittaker, fomnarlv receptacle while the sort- improved. length. Every opening property appears he a network of veins. The tipner tunnel is in 183 ft., and shows the vein to be 100 .. now » tinuon' of Portland and of Chelsea, Mags., UOlupvrUU on, arxl ft. wide, most of it being mineiaiized and carrying numerous stringers of oro. In la to oxamlne has ft flail for tho backs of the ing progress goes Department, whose duty It still this tunnel a winze was sunk 43 ft., samples from the bottom of which assayed An'klltr nro oil nrofftArarl our No* 107 K A $50,000 We consider as of before the Chelsea this vein in and npon the legality exisendituivs wicked. He appeared -J 14.32 per cent, copper. At no great depth large will increase value, pass O • ot set to l>e Hie height ol style a decision to the demonstrated in the 43 ft. winze. under the laws, has rendered aldermen this week protest against First Per Cent. Bonds low In the bust Mortgage 5 Gold made into as In ahori Corsets, is driven to of common up, bundles, The 210 or main tunnel, being daily tap. which leaves It to the discre- uncommon number victual- mill short over It Is tin ex- ft., practically — OF THE — hips. th( It enabled tion of an appointing officer to Ignqre lers licensed, and declared that we have said, and once a tremely supple inul graceful THE GREAT 10» FOOT LEDGE. mat niuite of eoutll, sateen regulations tnude under the law in many stores to keep open Sundays. Council Bluffs Gas & Electric Co.. Corset, $1,00 Per Pair. ! sent out here to us, null no side steels. IVe A 60 ft. tunnel a 20 ft. vein whioh shows ore that assayed 13 per cent, lng appointments, and to put in office any year •tripes exposes —Bangor has two candidates fo.- the OF COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa have nil sizes In While, Drub $2 in and $3 in silver. he pleases without running the and so find their to copper, gold person collectorship of the port. Messrs. Jcal* way unit Blnek. risk of having the salury account dlsal made Mr S P SHARPLES, 13 Broad Street, Boston. Show as follows: Palmer and Albert R. Mr. Palmer Assays by ot th< Day. our Handkerchiefs coun- 307 Is for llie most lowed by the accounting officers These bond* are secured by tv first mortgage Our No. by funnel 14.32 is said to have the endorsement line. Ore from the 50-ft. percent, copper Congre>s- upon both the On* and Electric Light proper- popular corset of tile entire government. This decision Is accepted ter as Ore from the Long funnel, Ilf HO percent, copper man which ought to make hla ties. Under the terms of the mortgage a si lik- a short corset, long enough olvll Boutelle, “Bargains.” It Is at a of 10 ft. 27. 10 cent, by some as u praotlcal repeal of the ing fund of not less thau fS.OUO, shall be set Ore from the shaft depth per copper election sure. Ic the fashioniblc length aside each year for the purchase of said bonds, are all give from lamest Tnnnel 43.10 cent, copper service law. However, os the laws put They Bargains, to liust and still Ore per .• ;»r tin ir redemption at IQS, from shoulders the regulations ef the olvll service within —Governor Powers and Adjutant Gen- I lie statement of the Company shows net give all needed support;made of Per Pair. Looated as this property is on the groat “Verde” ore belt, the showing and v $1.00 .truing* sullieieut to a dividend of 4 1-2 right, genuine bargains. side steels, as that a and rich of ore exists ihe oontrol of the president, govermueni eral Richards are soon to consult about pity per A inerlctiii eoutll with indications are such to convince anyone large body cent, on Its atook. besides capital providing In Drab, W hite mm and alone is necessary to make a heavy-producing mine. With alHoers are not likely to moke any serious the formation of the naval brigade au- $5,ooo for tbe slaking fund. $50,ooo of these Good Handkerchiefs for all sizes, below, development bonds have been taken in England for Invest- Black, al the oetebrated “United Verde” one mile north, with it* untold millions in sight, trsaohes of the system wir-hont ths Presi- thorized by the lust legislature. ment, aud a like amount In tins country hjr a of their real worth. and, about two miles to the south, the “Equator” mine, with a showing of $11),- Council Bluffs Is a well part our No. 054 at lint's approval. various institutions. Our No. 104 at $1.40 per pair, and $3.00 per above the '180 ft. level, can it bo doubted for a moment that —With else the State of 000,000 everything prison known, substantially built city about 25,000 This we’ve mortis fur above the average eorsel sold at this out at the hear- and is one of the year got possesses More evidenoe c ropped seem* to be booming In its way. The population, Important railway pair centre* west of the court of Thursday Chicago. we are price. THE UNITED VERDE JUNIOR CROUP ing before inquiry number of prisoners— 287 in all—surpasses Price and further particulars on application. two lots. One to that sonic ef the refriger tending to show all previous records. with the showing already made, and whioh is being added to daily, Powel .FOE SALE BY. sell at splendid ator beef was preserved by the to-day, Saturday, ASK TO SEE THE siumtsd nearly midway between two such properties, can fail to prove of immense reliance is —A furce entitled “A Hot lime in process, in which the upor two for 25c., and the oth- value? -rise Skowi is eliciting great teut to F. D- C. REYNOLDS A CO.. oertain chemicals. The evidence egan” applause H. got himself chosen oommonder-in-ohiei PORTLAND, ME. order to u favor in the win- of the Cubun army in get fet>30 See them from which to tide vantage ground urge ELIXIR OF OPIUM dow, APRIL the people to insist on n brief ocoupatlox TO THE HOLDERS OF Bank the which Its Gasco of National Is a prepar itlon Drug oy retirement on the of tin and an early part injurious effects are removed, while the val- Fond dj Lac (Wis.) Water Company Frst -OK- United States forces, it looks ns if tin imble luedtu'-iiuU properties are retained. It possesses all the sedative, anodyne and ar.ti- 8 cent. Binds: was certain that he ii Mortgage per MOORE & CO. PORTLAND, MAINE. INVESTMENTS. Ueneral quite spasmodic powers ol' Opium, but produces no OWEN. capable of establishing a stable govern sickness of the stomach, no vomiting, no cos Notice Is hereby tilven that the Fond r, if disarming, New VorK BROTHER FOR BROTHER, Provideice & Taunton Railway, 1918,5’s may be able to arm again more rapidly United States Interest Paid on Coupon 3s, Direct from a surpassing success at the Star Theatre, N. Y. Seats on sale Frl. Regular prices. 5’s btates will be the one nation West Chicago Railway. 1909, The United due need not be affected by this be 1908-18 & Tirvil*: ! DEPOSITS. 5’s that fear, E, C. STANWQQD GO. I Joliet Railway, 1918, cuuse wj have no neighbors near us that County, Me., 4s, ex- Quincy Ra,Iw.y. 1918, 5's or Washington on National Provincial we have reason to distrust, to fear, i BANKERS CHARACTER SKETCHES, Draft* drawn Bank of England. London. In largo or & 5’s do distrust. Except for the from taxation, due 1923-28 Erie Telegraph Telephone-1926, we intaug empt •mall amoant*. for *alo at current rate*. lament of our new colonies we could pul First Parish Ho use. Current Account* received ou lavoraMe Camden & Rockland Water, 1917, West St 5s, term*. out of commission every une of our ship: Chicago Railway ST. 121 DEVONSHIRE APRIL •elicited from Individ- 4 1-2’s and master out all oar soldiers wltbcu due 1909 15th, Correspondence ual*. Corporation*. Hauks and other* nuil other choice securities. much danger from un outside attack A.T BOO O’OIiOCE, de*lrmg to open account*, a* well a* from Gas Co. due 1918 those wiehlag to transact Banking bul- we cannot assent to thi Michigan Ciiy 5s, BOSTON, MASS. If, therefore, Ticket*, 50 cruti. aprSdlw* nes* ot any description through this Czar's proposals, it will not he because c Oakland Water Go,, Me., 5s, BICYCLES Bank. COMPANY. distrust of our neighbors or fear of at in the best regulated famllios, especially PORTLAND TRUST dll we vrouli due 1918 INVESTMENT BONDS a STEPHEN R. SMALL. President maril outside foe,. Two years ago when you are learning to ride wheel. Fitted with the 0- & J. Detach- MARSHALL R. been to lead off in setting a GOOING. Cashier. have ready & Aroostook R. R. 5s, If you have HIGH GRADE EN- able Tires, febTdtr Bat It b Bangor SALE disarmament example. today LISTS SENT ON APPLICATION VOY wheel you will not injure it AUCTION octI5 by we ha ve started on k due 1943 lawsAttf different, Slnee the roughest usage. They are well 940.00. Saturday. April S. nt 1« o'clock a, m. of univcral benevolence disarms- sell at auction, at, No. 219 career due and aa it CITY OF PORTLAND. Wo shall public Water Oo, 5s, 1915 made, light put together they St all the Furniture and Household ment is out of the question. To carry ou Newport Hi"h were only one piece. We are selling the IDEAL BICYCLES, itood9 belonging to the late Charles F. Wood- we need nod mui our benevolent designs And other selected Secu- 46 St. for To Owners of Do^s- bury. carefully Exchange handsome ENVOYS $35.00 and #25.00, $30.00, $35.00. have more troops and more ships. Bis / than and KhV owner or keeper ot a dog wore GOSS A W1I.S03, Auctioneers our would th , rities suitable for Banks i?IAC’IHil'E WORK. $50.00 uaitse It to be regis- armament on port plunge Savings SnbJiM'l to tliseomil lor spin easli EV four mouth, old, shall aprOdSt* tered. numbered, described and licensed for one back into barbarism and pest t Filipinos Trust Funds. Having established a first class machine shop the office ot the Clerk In the hy _ year. In City Indefinitely the process of doin. ] am now prepared to do Fine Repairing on where the doit Is kept, on or uefoie the first da> THAT? pone all kinds of machinery. 1 make a Specialty owners of doits are MUrderTwhat’s are new WEDDINC RINCS. of April of ouch year All r»5i‘ them In which we engaged lile and Model Work and ;all kinds hiw to One oi McKeaney'* Alarm Clocks. to good of them to trom. ■ lo Willi the relating Ou« hundred ot select All •quested comply S3.on. Warranted to wake the death Mtuv commissioners will undoubtedly sa; of Ult'VCLK KKPA1R1XCJ. H.W. the of inf tins. Dogs not progerly Our TRUST all In 14 and 19 licensing MERCAfilTLE CO., McCausland, & styles, nil weight*, pflees 10, .•lock Hian all tlui other dealers combined. Perkins are to hlllrd. Co., heat stock of rlnm licensed liable Me to follov N.M. nouti like jK. m Kt. Gold. Largest and the Jeweler. Monnmeut ire, to the Czar that they oobb 410 and 4I« fongiess M. W. S»YL\ESTKlw, MchwINNKY, squ Cros<*. Hardware Healers, 8 Fe»e M. in the A ihcuisaud ol them. MoKENNEY, UEO. bat that our obli 470 Fore Street, Corner city. City MarahaL ftepgdatJ h'.e recommendations, 57 Exchange St. connections. (•tejitu tli* Jeweler, MomftMet Uifaur* 1 uneMtl luartldiw lebZ24U mar:# Jones & Hitohings.) dim* Open evenings. Telephone gaWtnflfJMtoojBaalty will compel ua to ft > (Over 1 wounded Hrrt call, qalekly followed by COMPANY C. HIGH SCHOOL CADETS. sembly and the yoong soldier* quickly Capa' In—F. A. Guptlll. took their places In the ranks at one aide Klrst Lieuienant —P. 1C. Hlrkley. Lien tenant—W. M. Powers of the hall. The Hrrt rergeanr* brought JSeoond S-nreants— Hall, V. W., Turner, Mou« orms RUN to a and ALL their shoulder FEEL DOWN. anmpnol** ton rapidly called the roll. Tps rsspon « of Corporal*—Thomas, White Is M., Har- Annual Drill and Ball the cadets to names as the roll was Smart, liatighlln, Driscoll, f. T., $3.00 mon. $2.00 Last Night. The Greatest Tonic, Restorative and In- vignrator in the World is HATS HATS City Hall Crowded to Poors Wi ll

~ vr ~ Dr. Nervura. — AT Happy Party. Greene’^ You Will Find Dr. Greene’s Nervura Blood and Nerve of Military Evolutions Remedy the Best of All Spring Medicines. Young Soldiers. — • A WORD TO TIIK WISH. $2.00. " mean and tired to to work or do $1.25. I feel just good for nothing—too go anything This describes jtfst how you feel when you get fatigued, you lie awake nights Hall Following a Delightful and get up mornings more tired than when you went to bed. Social Occasion. You perhaps are bilious, have A Smart Boy • ADJUTANT C. W. SMITH. spring debility, headaeftes, dys- Private*—Andrews, Ballard, Berry, pepsia, neuraigia and the blues. Bishop, Howard Hunt, «i. 1., Hunt, K. If you have all or any of these much than a dull one. Its a W., Libby, Merrill, Murphy, C. S.. Pow- nerves and Will wear out his clothes quicker CAPTAIN P'KKD A liCPTlIA. symptoms your t«. H. W., Quinn, Seavrr Skillm, blood are out of order. Dr. in whioh Portland people have often in the past called an 1 the soldierly manner Staples. 1 rue. Waldron, Whitt*, WorccH'.nr. Greene’s Nervura blood and Interest in and the turned their comraniea over The reception committee Inst flight in expremed their appreci- sergeants nerve remedy is the medicine shows there’s movement him. w,»s made up as follows: Mayor Fra k good sign: ation of the School Cadets’ battal- to their commanding officer), brought suits case and bllyrh W. Hotiin^on. Hen. Charles P. Mattock*. thatexactly your the It without de- ion, hnt never more fiibstantlally than forth much applause from appreci- Major Charh*'* Collins, Chairman of High you should take ative spectators. Then the battalion was School Committee Albert B. Hall, Kufus lay. Dr. Greene Is the Board of Alder- in diseases of the All Wool all sizes, made of floe formed anil turned over to Major Unlen Lamson. chairman of specialist Boys’ Keefers, W. Smith men; Walter H. Brown, president Com nerves and blood, and Dr. for Our while Iasi M. Harris by Adjutant Carl All wool Vcllee Huiis o ueriul and have sold (4.00. price they inon Council; Orlando Ai. Lord, superin- Nervura is the evo- Boys' after the most fashion. The Greene’s ^ approved tendent of schools; Leroy L lilght, Kd- to 8 to the stirring music of one of lution of many years of study (like cut) sizes 11 years, every suit; bmtalion, Ward A.Shnw, ex-Major Charles L). Boyd, $1,98 was then marched In a and Modern life Fousa’a mnrches Principal Alhro K. Chase. experience. In the lot is excellently mado and of fours to the center of the has its as well as its column i he committee of arrangement* for this penalties hall and iben formed In a oolumn trimmed and cannot bo bnII was as follows: Major Haleb M. Har- pleasures, and Dr. Greene's equal quality facing the reviewing stand of companies chairman; Fred A Uti| till and Nervura is the natural restorer Frank W. Kobineon, snr- ris, Cnpt outside tbo store for l"ss than where Mayor Lieut K. Hinkle*, in e; New purchased citizens Philip program of impaired vitality. life, roundfd ‘l v many prominent M. dance orders; and Our was (.'apt. Foyc Murphy, new hope and new activity #i!.50. price, All Wool and well-known military men, Clirton L. Baris, music; Lieut. Boys’ T«p* bo'talion then Cnpt. usefulness have been achieved seated The presented Carl W. Smith, clerk and tickets; Lieut. 4 to 10 an about thousands ot suf- cools, sizes years, Cov- arms and Major Harris making decorations. by despairing who Harold M. Stevens, face, gracefully saluted the Mayor, ferers through the magic influ- ert Cloth, fine weave, nlosly Kobldp in, .Sl.7s> each retnrne 1 the saluta. Mayor (UVKN to earth. ence of this matchless remedy. Accompanined by Major Harris thed cir- Mr. F.I\ Dearth, Woodsville, trimmed throughout, eannot the battalion In review, and a'tsr- cled N. 11., says: bo elsewhere for less wnrJs returned to the reviewing stand. I; dec purchased PnnrraU of Two Tlcl Ini. of Wrillirook Boys* Nnilor sintl Hulls, thau and Our About a and a halt I was (4.00 (5.00. price, Dluutrr. year ago sizes 8 to 10 from All Wool taken sirk and wa» ailing for a long yea:made I had a stomach trouble and was time. nnd in blue, bron n and not able to work much for about a I goods fancy The funeral of John F. Eldrtdge, who year. employed a doctor for a year, who"did not mixtures, equal qualities cannot bo ob- ioet hie l.fe on the engine Freetiinpecot, seem to hit mv eas*. I was weak and the exertion wearied me. I heard of look from hi, late residence, 4! slightest tained elsewhere for less than #1.50. $2.79 place Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nem Anderson street, Friday afternoon at !!.>} edyandofthe wonderful results on Our price, and I resolved to try it, and from o oleok The house was crowded by people, the results I can say nothing but good for neighbors, friands, a delegation from the it. 1 have not been as well in year6 as I am since Dr. Greene's Nervura. I have heard and known of K. of F. *a and the Red Men, and oy as taking wonderful cures by Nervura, and I cheerfully recommend it to all.” 99c i as could leave their duties many friends think the advice of the Boy s’ TWO I’leee Mills, all wool, a regular $3.00 If you feel that your case is out of the ordinary, or if you on the 1'ortland and Rochester railroad. do write s Our HP leading specialist in curing nervous and chronic diseases would you good, uit. price. The services were conducted by Rev. Boston, Mass. Con- 1^1 W MAJOli (ULEK M. HABBfS. to Dr. Greene or call upon him at his office, 34 Temple Place. Sizes 4 to 15 year*. A. II. Wright, pastor of St. Lawrence and are and the Doctor will be to counsel did sultation advice absolutely free, pleated Paul Mill*, sizes 14 to the? last night- when City hall was In his br'ef Odd Hliorl I'niit.s, 1 to 15 years, Boys’ All Wool I.oiik Congregational church, who. you in regard to your case without charge. Boys' crowded to the doors on the occn* rii of well worth (5.05. Our price, »c!dr >'s. spoke of the generosity of the 19, uiccly trimmed, the eighth annual utill and bull of tl; i demised, his many good deeds, his Udell- At an hour ever? seat in it ilnrv uml ih* HXiiiinlurv manner each corps. early I 19c a pair $3.69 the hall was occupied nn i hundreds were la which he had conducted himself in the walks of life, He dwelt upon the care standing in the all rbs and on the floor. which ho hnd bestowed on his household und on his father uud mother ami men- timed the kindly matment which he icoorded everyone who ha 1 been brought in contact with him, Lheru were many beautiful floral re- membrances, “Gate* Ajar,” and 31 pinks GOODS. Iroin the Portland & Rochester rullroud, MEN’S FURNISHING ft t wo bunches white pinks from lends, Store Evening. V wreath front the Red Meu, from Open Saturday CAPTAIN ©. I-. DAVIS. bouquit the K. of 1*.'s, and a rnagmllocnt pillow 12 l-2ceacta llie Lattallno now passed the Mayor in from the trainmen who were with the Can you afford to purchase any kind of mer- 100 dozen Silk Band Bows at review, keeping perfect alignment and il*ceased at the time of the fatal acci- salute r.s ad- tendering hi n a marching they dent. i chandise elsewhere before knowing what 100 dozen Men’s Soft Percale Shirts, regular 50c quality. tossed the rev lowing stand. 'Jheto pretty A delegation from the K. cf P ’s acted to on our ceremonies were liberally npplunded by ii, pall bearers und the body was buried vantages are be gained by purchasing in auy department to 29c. See window the spectators who were quick recog- in Forest City cemetery. Our price, nize the able manner in which the bat- four floors. talion wos handled by its young com- Sc FUNKHAL OF JAMKS A.BICKFORD. 100 dozen Men’s 15c pair mander and the soldierly bearing and CLOVES. Hosiery and Underwear. pairs Suspenders, staking appearance of the young soldiers. Services over the reiunius of dames A. was a I)o need a of new Gloves to ii for 25c A(tar the review there battalion Bickford, tho engineer on the Presump* you pair If you miss these bargains vou will re- 200 doz. Black and Tan Hose. Hermsdorf Dye, lOc pr., drili well executed by Companies A and late 4,'>t pairs icot, were held at his residence. take the place of those you have worn giet it. C, under the command ot Major Harris. Cumberland street at J o’clock Friday af- all winter? If so, we feel sure we can at 19c Ibis was followed by a very pretty fancy ternoon. Thera was a Jargo attendance Hathaway Fancy Shirts, $100 quality of dtill bv B company under command jf friends, Includin: representatives suit you. 29c. Ladies’ fancy stripe and boot pat- nnd Capt. F. M. Murphy. The difficult from the K. of P.s and the Odd Fellows, lisle also of this pattern fancy hose, plain intricate movements company together with many employes of the Port a to Order in our Custom De- a fine lamb black and stitch We can make Suit brought forth storms of applause which laud & Rochester rnBroad. Rev. Air. $1.00. Chaumont, glove. drop lisle, actually you were well deserved. Malvern,pastor of the t ree Rapt 1st church the best wo have ever sold for worth 38c and 50c. Sale price 20c After the drill came a delightful ball jomiurted the services and pal 1 a hand- $1.00. bv satisfaction. which was participated in many older some tribute to the of the de- at SIB and memory l*i C hildren’s and partment guarantee perfect t eople as well as by the Cadets and their 3anted, particularly addressing the ruil- plaid fancy taken f ir admirers. Jr was, altogether, roud men present wnoso liberality and $1.25. Bertbold, a real kid. very soft stripod Hose, regular 50c CAPTAIX F. M. Nl'RPHY. affairs in one of the mest enjoyable given levotion to duty at all times were warm- and elastic. Two goods. The the United hall this winter clasp. importer paid and City ly commended. The decorations were artistic appro- bat- States goverumeut 17c iu duties. '1 he niake-u if the High School 'lhere was singing by the church choir per pair to the occasion and when the ball two an extra priate talion is as follow*: —“Come Unto Ale,” and “Abide With $1.50. Fontaine, clasp, All sizes, 5 to 8 1*2. These goods actu oommenced at 9 o clock the scene was a Major—lialen M. Harris Me.” being among their numbers. line real kid. Narrow embroid- W. inlth ally worth 50c. sale price 12 l-2c per pair most brilliant anil attractive one. .Adjutant—Carl Many were the lloral tokens of remem- Stevens. ery. Quartermaster— Harold M. ranee: Pillow, “Husband,” und 48 day At 8 o’clock, after an excellent concert, Sorgaant-Mnjor—James S. Thompson. break pinks; wreath, Mr. and Airs. A. 9c or Ladle** low neck, sleeve- the American Cadet band marched K. upon Quartermaster Sergeant—h'd ward Hnwkes, bouquet pinks. Air. nml Airs $1.59. Dorothy, a Trefousse, threo •i for 25c, less Deane jerseys, unbleached, the floor end was stationed W. Ij. Daggett ; calla lilies, Mr.ami Airs. colors, red, tan, Airs. Geo. clasp glove, ribbon tapo iu neck and at one side of th3 hall. Fred Burnham; bouquet roses. Waterman uni Miss Waterman; pillow browD, modes, pearls, butter, black, shoulder. worth 12 l-2c. The cadet buglnr, Carroll J. Chaplin then Actually ’roin friends; oouquet, Ladles’ Circle of white. Sale price Uc Portland lodge. No. Id N. K O. P.; bou- juo from Trinity ledge, K. of P.; pil• LED INTO IT. ow, “Our Engineer,“ from conductors ind train hands; cut ilowera and ami- J. R. LIBBY GO. J. R. LIBBY co. ax, from friends; 4a while pinks, from By Follow ing the Habit of Friends* J. F. Harmon, chief engineer and elec- trician of electric light station, bftco; Mrs Frank B. Milliken. FURNISHERS AND from TAILORS, As I took coffee in moderate >)luks CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, my very The interment wis at Kvergreeu eerae- flfifiKHMHfiSHHHHHHttflHflBMBHKHiSSBEflHHBnflMBOHViiBRIBHHQSdSHBS quantities, I really did not believe what eery. my friends frequently told me, that coffee Monument SQL., Clias, II. Rodion, Prop. was the cause of the gas on my stomach A OQBRBCTION. F. EOSS wbioh has troubled me oh for. perhaps To the Editor of the Press: forty years. My attention has been called to an 1 nm now a little over sixty years old, & SONS. MARRIAGES. item under the “Personal*” lu your pu- and I know that this gas trouble came of March that “Rev. tS. rer blbt, stating ^ on about the time I was twenty, and bus Pearson, who has a lx>mitlful summer In this city. April «. bv Her. Kollin T. Hack. at has contracted witn Llberi Putin ami Miss Tilhe M. Peters, both 01 been with me ever since. I have denied home Harpswell. ^ Mr. \V. H. Uetobell to build him a pleas- ‘orilaud. nlmncf aBiker L* ml r\P PaaiI nluacuhl In Peer Isle, March 2*'. Capt.. .las. Morey ol c his use the sum- RANGES ure for 5 in v Year and yacht coming leer Isle an<1 Miss Nellie Trtimly ol StontUg- to my taste, but without uny mer.” You will ullow me to correct ^ appreciable on. J ben eli t. 11is error, for 1 am not the owner of “a lu industry, (ieo, I*. Greenhaf and Jom< A beautiful summer home at Harpswell.” lllver. ^ All of my friends have known of my Welch ami Nell-e h. Kuowl*s 5 Year out, Neither have I ever contracted with Mr. JjOW I3 rices. Which arc you In Tempi*. Will » jf as it has been of such dura Welu. Mare it Lelrml I. lamb anil Miss trouble, long Uetobell or any other person to build me looltliig for! In 20, Sr Jr.zie E. l'ratt. *■ all our are de- tion. Sometime ago 1 was called to nurse bent 1 do not know Mr. Uetch- *= energies pleasure ltiM)um>utii, March 26, Ldwirrl liicliarfs «jp a boat builder.and 1 would not accept ol heeds. a §lck friend who had Postum Food ell, Hid Miss I]:ittle M -y Wing, both voted to making ranges even us a gift the best boat that ever in Liverui ire Falls, March 2*>. h liner F. tiiP Coffe.' In tte pantry and used it in place RANGES. ol and be obliged to sail in it. GLENWOOD »t and Miss Fluvilla M. Hlchmond floated, Fayette *j and heaters that shall of coffee, praising It very highly. For (ilAHTKH.MASTEli HAROLD M. S. Jp’. Pearson. .ivermoic Falls. 3j^ 30.00-32.00 »o #50.00 sustain our about a week I used it ns they did, as my STKVES8. $19.00-22.00- up to reputation 3j! w.e -s » S. and the second I no- ^ only beverage, day Are the best Rauges on this or any other earth, to for making on y the Musician—Carroll J. Chap- ticed a change in my condition, and from Principal ® lin. lu this city, March 7. Boij. A Not ton. aged best. IO PER CENT DISCOUNT 1 OK CASH. * 3u that time on. I never had one attack of >3 vein a 7 months. ^ A. at the of The friends ex- COMPANY Grain-0! [Funeral on Sunday afternoon 2.30o’clk, We can furnish re- belching gas. jj lute residence. No 736 S’. | Ids r«»m Congress ^ claimed, “Why, where has your trouble Captain—C. L. Davis. In mis city, Apjil 7. harah J wife of Daniel ^ *■ pairs for any stove or £ h irst Lleuteuant—U. M. Watson. 2 month*. gone?” and everyone In the house knew Grain-0! ill H*. Bartlett, aged 76 years *° .55 Second Lieutenaut—B. L. Donahue. | wifk books. [Funeral on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. to range we have ever cured man and cent. So othsr year of the twenty-four s that 1 had been entirely by leaving Sergeants—Baker. Jordan, Carle. Ask you Grocer to-day to show you rom her late residence. No. 11 Munjoy ree>. | j J covered Dun’s has John Cronin, aged HI yrs off coffee uni Cereal in- A. Geo. M. by quarterly reports In this city. April 7. » made. No house la complete without an ‘‘ATLANTIC.” and taking Post Privates—Adams Blake, W., Blake, > a of the new food < IT.On Friday afternoon, Hough- ^ 5 package GRAIN-O, 11 shown us small failures its llrst Monday morning at 3.30 o’clock w \V. B l alder wood Karr. passenger and ticket ageot during [Funeral stead. You can upon it that Coyne, Fogg, ton. general his residence. No. 223 Federal street, fca depend drink that takes the of coffee. & Aroostook railroad, quarter excepting 188<> and 1881, und no rom late ^ llaines. Hinds, Height. Jordan, B, place of the Bangor high mass at the Cathedral ol the JC never since that time has coffee passed my other 1880 and 1880 us small liabili- Requiem Lang. Pol lister, Koaoh, The children drink it without issued instructions to the various aeenta except immaculate at U o’clock. Moseley, Kundall, | may J j ties failure Conception ^ Ups, find never will w. iJo 1 oau get tha Waddell. of the road in regunt to selling mil ease per Montreal and Boston papers please copy.] Stove Simonds, Wilson, > as < > is of the Portland Co., as well the adult. All who man and While nothing definite known Fred Foundry food drink Pontum. AJy stomach has Corporal—liriggs, Hall, Leigblon.Per* Injury j books for 1000 roiles, good for a Z In Peering Center. April 7, li. Ihsuop. | |l trusts the railroads report more satis- 10 year* 11 months. at St Ringhabl, Williams. ! it, like it. GRAIN-O has that ! > bis wife, this action is in accordance iged ~ Retail salesroom the Factory, foot of Chestnut 3J grown to strong tince that time that 1 can ry, try for *».5 cent al 1 »j with au act passed at the last session of factory earnings March, per [Burial MachlasporL] rich seal brown of Mocha or cent In Livermore Kails. Man’ll 30. Mrs II. Bell *. eat 1 like and now take great COMPANY B. | Java, j [ which into effect on larger than Just year and 14.^ per ^ anything the legislature goes of 8. F. aged 62 years. but it is made from and < 1 larger than HWtf. vile Perktuf. p ensure in my meal a and in life alto- pure gr&ius, April l?th. la Pier isle. Ma'cli 31. Samuel li. Bui bi n 1 J/ V Vi V y V V V u V 1) V V M V » H V V V V y V V V it V v v v v u v ini v v v v ni v v n v k 'inn M. Murphy. The Maine Central has also issued in The famine in iron caused by urgent 89 1 Fetid a list of friends whom Captain—F. , the most delicate stomach receives it < tged years. gether. you First Lieutenant—F. h>. Allen. and demand, fur exceeding present supply, In .March Mrs. Dldu Clark, 70 struotions concerning the tlokete Surry, 29. aged M A 1N h PRNS103& 1 To IKK iiA NUUK I know bate teen leav- without distress. the of coffee. not continues but has caused haste US ASYLUM. greatly helped by Second Lieutenant—H. C. Saunders. ^ price ] J today a “man and wife" mileage book only ears 7 mouths. to sturt 48 furnaces with an In Bluehil). March 29, Lemuel P. C. 7.—The off the use of coffee and Sergeants—Chapman. Worcester, Bunk > 15 cents 1 > be had all over the state. additional Ulnokiev, Washington, April following of ing ordinary and 25 cents per package. may 69 -a months. Lan-ior, 7 —Thomaa White output estimated at 3J.W72 tons weekly ,aed years ,, in si on changes resulting from t!>e issue Aj.ril Pcfltum Food Coffee In Its t*r. March UIrani SI *: will L*_ the additional member f using place. II. Sold all grocers. Failures for the week have boen 141 in in Phillips, 29, Pratt, aged March 27 are announced for Maine: iangor Curj»jrai>—Baker, Lane, Jones, D. ; by DUN’S R&VIBW OF l'RADU. for ho>- .Some of these made Pos- last ears. h* "hoard of trustees the state very Hat, poor. Gulliver. Stone. the United (States against 232 year _ OKICil? AL. Locke, | \ Tastes like Coffee < ! Dun & ir-ili n«p the inaano. On Friday Gov. tals on the sturt as they only boiled It a Privates—Chapman, P. F., Clapp, Cul- New York, April 7.—K. G. and 17 in Canada against 32 last year. ~ seed Air. White’** name <>u the Looks like Co.’s review of trade tomorrow Notice to Stockholders Thomas K. Jones PortJti.il, *owum jd few minutes, blit It is known lman. Davis, Driscoll, F. K., Gallagher, Coffee | j weekly for that he will generally J | lirst axe. iouiination list office.and Grover, Holden, Jones, W. T., Lawlor, I will Kay: Failure* in the quarter There will l*e a meeting of the stockholders C ’luujml, widows, now about here tnat tun to In.istthatyoargrocergtresyonGBAIN«0 3687 >»• confirmed in the appointment on Aptil >* only|w»v get O’Dono- of 1899 were in number 2772 against The Kagle Foundry Co.’s plant in >f the Portland baseball association at bweit’s Loveitt, McCriuk, McCrurn, 1 Accept no imilflUon. Ruth K. Dorr, taloaie i •)t when the ex«*cutiTo council the flavor is to boil it long enough. L. last year and the liabilities $27,152,081, ijowell was practically destroyed by tire jote! luesday, April II. at 7.30p m. Wimerport, $12; | ghue, Patrick, Plummer, Voac, Walker, i la next a deorease of 17.6 per before midnight last e-3 M. J. WALSH, Clerk. I Stubbs, J*evnston $8. nieertag. M. Graham. 7*9 bth St., Oakland, Cal. Wallace. >•#> MMMMMMWWMi against $89,948,565, just night. % FOB A A LB FOR SAME. Leigu* KpwortU League song service and I Miscm.LAfrE«t!*-__ *inb«4 iharacter of tne Work of Jenin." free. raa vaak for 35 aanta. Seats advertised as All are welcome- Of the many preparations | | TNO Ji"BA LB—A t "Be the I, a large"2 1-2 skJry Death of James Wyllie, Cham- UtuK STREET CHURCH—Kev. W. II. Fenn. X dwelling with ell and stable and about NLP.8S WHEELS using ordinary D. 1).. pas tor. Mornlngeervtee at lO.so a. m., two acres of land, situated In the centre of the rllAIbevel gears have not given good satlsfa©- Sunday school at 12 m. Evening service 7.30. village and facing on the common. The house ■Ion; but with the advent of the Sager Roller pion at Checkers. Is in first-class fres- lear. with the Wolff American construction, New Jerusalem Church. New nigh st. contains 14 rooms. repair has cemented cellar under whole house, ihelr success Is assured. The Wolff-Amerlcac Rev. Samuel Worcester, pastor. Morning ser- coed, •• and !» with lead* them light, and vice 10.30. of sermon, 1 |m is heated by coal furnace supplied all; strong easy running. at Subject Risen It Is the l». L. 8-1 Lord made known to Ills running water from the mountain. BAILEY. 263 Middle 8t. Ilrm ti»t«rrn, the best is True’s \% Centennial Block. 8-1 'Hunted on Portland Ht. near the st. Deering Green's. 16 Merrill Muiday afh-rm»on and in so C»aks In a coming location. Apply to A. C. the at Mr. Laidlaw’s,82 Parris that render it evening at. wonderful properties fj HACK—For Investment, new modern 3- LIBBY & CO.. 42 1-2 Exchange SL 8-1 The death of James at Glasgow, In hall on Wyllie, Oakdale Sunday School. Pitt street, in worms FOBflat house, each flat has 7 rooms and Oath, are welcome. C efficacious expelling KALE—a Scotland, Id bis 8SU year clcs?« the career at 2.46 p. m. All tf highly £| hot and cold water, electric bells and wired for small larm In Hearboro, 1 1-2 tenants In; total fjtOKstory house, 9 rooms, barn anx40, 5 acres checker Peak* Inland Methodist Church. Itev. make it a electric lights; prompt paying of the most remarkable player from the as land, hen house, lee 5 minutes to R. K. Wm. S. Jones, pastor. Preaching at 10,30 a. system rentals $472 per annum ; will inet 10 per cent house, ; g| > miles to .good water and all In re that tho world has ever known. m. and 7.30 ni. Sunday school 12 m. V. P. carelui examination will prove. \V. H. WAL- city good p. Apply to A. c. LIBBY u advance. located. Steam heat, hot and cold 10.30 a ni. scliool at 12 in. Weekly I'ORtrally Then he would excuse himself to Sundaf etc., etc. MARKS A EAKLH game. service Wednesday at 4 p. ni. Sewing school water, 'luted roof. that he would No. li Monument 1 answer come pressing call 8*»"pdav at 2.30 p. in. U ELIXIR ffK) LET—2 1-2 bouse with 1-2 CO.. 8q.__7 TRUE S story stable. have arrange ! and then call the "lad” held at No. 6 acre of land with fruit trees, at Wood- Bail Loft meetings are Cen- 1?3 ail extraneous matter, Try a 35 cent X a locatton for your new home where bis '1 his the laa expels leaving hot mid cold to ilnish game. generally tral Wharf every Sunday morning, commencing lords; steam heat, water, lighted (iHOOSEneighbors are established, and all your already did to the detent and mortiiloutlon of his at 10.30 a. rn. All are welcome. tf the blood rich pure! with electricity, bath, modern iinproveimMi's, wliero future movements and Improvements Ej eonven ent to electrics. to J. TEN- opponent, who like most. «f the men of 8t. Luke’s Cathedral—State street. Cler- ; True's Elixir restores tost App-y P, will tend to enhance rattier than Uepreoiats appetite. Store* In NEY, 179 Court St. 1 tnat class and time would rather have gy- Ri. Rev. H. A. Neely, D. D. Bishop; Rev. your property ; where contiguous surroundings True's Elixir expels impurities. look w hero lost half their drove than a game of C. Morton Sills. D. D.. Dean. Services.—Holy R use SO years. | will always be a pleasure to upon; cleanses the LET—Large sunny rooms, one flight nature of the Communion at 7.30 a. m. Morning Prayer and |J True's Elixir system. up. all convenience' of a public and private checkers, to the "herd laddie” central location, very pleasant ami home- Holy Communion at 10.30 a. m. Sunday school True's Elixir enriches the blood. 'r-m TO are modern and kepi up to dale and where you drove. AUBURN ME like ; $2.50 to $ i.00 per week. Address (this of- We will locate at 3 p. m. Evening (choral) with sermon at 7.30 will always want to live. yov Tho lad soon the masters | BUM NESS. 8-1 If wll. engaged great p. iu. tf fice; in accordance with these conditions you of the the chief of whom was An- at the office of A( ST1N & game, St. Paul’s Church. (Protestant call SHERMAN, for the of Episcopal*, LET—Pleasant front room, with or with- 24n tevens Plains Ave.. Deering Centre. tM derson, many years champion cor. ( ongress and Locust streets. The Rev. out table board. MRS. SKILLINGS, 5 real estate in and one ol the world, and the author of many works Jus. Battell Shepherd, rector, llouri 01 service TO only agency Deerlng Congress Park. 8-1 the roost reliable In on tho game. Though Anderson generally —10.30 a. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday school at MJ18CBLLAI KOUI* Portland._7-2 his hootch close of morning service. All are welcome, tf hou*« defeated the boy, yet prudence CITY OF PORTLAND. with small set of SALE. —New first class 2 farnliy A KM of sixty acres build- bath to him the of * M. K. f w jriii InMrtrS nnO*- till* hn0 Del world. tt.lop. in. General evening ALL AND SEE the most wonderful life LLS I ".. Portia id, .1 5,000 champion of the Kpwortli League o WALDRON All are Invited. tf Maine._ annum, good nants In. \V. H. % made two tours of this meeting at 7 p. m. reader on earth. A call will convince you Wyllie country, mil 1 KT_I># ‘ark 3C1 St., Portland, Me. $11 and $13 per moutU. by J. WOODMAN, F'OR id | pastor. Services at 10.30 a. p. notice to all persons liable to «axa- House, Congress Wustiingfou streets. Splcn location Eaneasttr hall and afterwards all pluyers hereby give 7-1 93 Exchange for reasonable Sunday school 12 m. tlou In said city, that will be In session Ht._7-1 grocery or geir r.al business, who came. He defeated Broughton they rent and lease il desired FREDERICK S. st. Lawrence Congregational 'Church, secular from the first to the fifteenth real of six rooms m Mff cne his (•very hay. of mo LBT> Lower and lost game during ii. room hi f HO liOCSKK KEPEK9—This Is the time the VAILL. Real Estate Office, First Nat’* Paul •‘Usily only Cor. Congress and Munjoy streets—acv. a. day of April. Inclusive, at their City ■ house rear No. fetODfOO PiMSt gil and here. o'clock in tlie fore- I whou you can use Gasoline in your Building. 7-1 ; week's stay Wright, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 a. m. Hall, from nine to twelve year room; good cellar; good re after- I usiuess. 11 haven’t heard of the uses that Sebago; good yard GO. Wyllie was a typical rcctchraan, and school at 12 uk Evening Choral ser- noon aud from two to four o'clock In the you $13. to E. GL0THIN6 good Sunday pair; neignborhuod; Apply STANDARD lists ot ibe can be to to you in your work, drop L'OK SALK—Fine driving horse, names*, of put help hH stay us-d to create great vice and address att 7.30. noon, tor the purpose receiving II A STY. 13 Green during le a or telephone 905 4 and I will give St.___7-1 sleigh, buggy. r<*l»p*. etc. Horse absolute- I the as Chime* will ring at lo n. m. and 7.00 p. nn and estates taxable lu said efty. postal amusement among country people polls on the Information. NEAL D. W1NS- his Ac required LET—A first class grocery store situated ! he shuttled along the streets in clogs State Street ConqreoationalChurch— Administrators, Karcntors,Trustees, \ t*o Preble St.. Oil roader. Owner must dispose of this outfit ki Morning ,OW, Dealer._VI TO on the corner of Franklin and oxford Sts., with a J?oot2h scarf of Rev. J L. Jenkins. 1». D. minister. once and wi I -ell .it a sacrifice. and great length notified to make now occupied by Fred W. McConky. Tills cor- great Euquirtf his service at io.3». Sabbath school at 12 in. Eve- And all persons are hereby ORTG AGES KKGOTIA 1 ED.---We have at AVON STABLE. Avon Place. City. u-1 wound many times about throat and iff ner has been as a grocery store for *ervic* 7.30. and bring to said Assessors truo perfect funds of clients to Invest iu first mortgages occupied visit to Port- ning a At the time of Wyllie'* all their aud estates, real or per- over .'to years and commands largo trade. Trinity Church, Woodford*. (Episcopal.) lists of polls n real estate security at 5 per cent interest. SAI.E-A favorable opportunity for t land he was up ou all the snaps and or held them as executor. Possession will be given April 16. Applv to service at 10.30. Evening nrayer and sonal. by guardian, Vo make a specialty of placing Loans on City F'Oltcompetent and ambitious woman 9, prepared mice, First National Dank building. EKED- tablished situated on the best street iu Port- rojl. the same. fro LET—A second storv rent now known ns “Dawar’a cath to the truth of SK1CK S. V A 1 very pleasant land BENJAMIN SHAW & CO., 61 1-2 Ex- ing stroke, The FirstI Spiritual Society. Mystte ILL._4 ■ of rooms at 153 Cumberland Ht. with in the our Estate•• Distributed. eight change street. 6*1 stroke Dyke/' surprised play- Hall. Mrs. A. W. Smith will lecture at 7.30 p. LVANTKD-AH persons In want of trunks all modern conveniences; also a furnished col- GREAT VALUES and Is one of the finest the estates or deceased SPECIAL ers here the most in. Seats tree.|Ail Invited. And when persons and bags to call on K. D. KEYNOLD8, lage of six rooms on the hill near Forest < ity house lo of the in the have been divided during tno past year, or (3 Congress street, one door above Shaw's to VOR SALE—A 2 1-2 story centrally things kind, game. Every Vestry Pleasantdale. Preaching at Landing. Peaks Island. Apply TRUE ■ -IN- Hall, hands from any cause, the ex- as we manufacture our ented on Franklin St., between Oxford aud ot any note, and most every novice W. 1. of the Church of have changed ^ roccry store, goods BROS., 394 Fore St. aprtitf player S p. in. by or other Interest- Trunks Cumberland, arranged f<>r two families, inco.ot hut It took All are welcome. ecutor, administrator persons t nd can therefore give bottom now know it well nearly Christ. Bible study 4 p. m. warned to give notice of such prices. |25 per month, good property for investment, ed are hereby t epalred. Open evening*. We frame pictures. mo tenement No. 52? Cumbor- away the breath of the .Lancaster hall VADGNS Church. Rev. W. H. If. cAllis- and lu of such notice wl l be 3-1 LET—Upper always routed. Apply to A. <\ LIBBY & CO* change, default I land St., seven rooms and bath, all modem lookers on when it on ter. Preaching at 8 p. in. and 7.30 p. m. the law to the tax assessed al- 42 1.2 Exchange M. 6-1 Wyllie sprung held under pay — for pastor. Pt'UK ST A its TE I.L Send 10c and sell a. W. I.e Lachcur. All arc welcome. though such estate has been wholly distributed Clothing Boys brjughton. i. dressed ami stamped envelope, with sex. DLE ST. 5-1 white. church— over. SALE—Near Gorham village, one ami 8 Dyke—broughton, black; Wyllie, Woodfords Congregational aud paid ( ate ami hour of birth; If latter not known seud service at Doomed. I^ORhaif story bouse with stable, both new. it 9.14 17 14 18.16 Rev. F. P. Wilson, pastor. Morning Persons orui ami features; ask a question; prompt LET—Two tenement house, In good re- II. I.*. 2117 er- acres of live in five In tillage, in 10.30. Sunday school at close of morning Pit. DKKOLH. p. (). Box 1874. 3 4 I'O pair, location, no objection to land, wood, 22.17 5.9 83.27 10.17 13.9 win to comply with eply. splendid minutes walk trom nnd schools. Mce. Evening service at 7 p. m. A cordial And any person neglects | children, six rooms, owner has children of Ills depot Inquire 8.11 21.14 3.12 will be Doomed to a tax according to ol M. K. Me. 6-1 9.14 17.13 welcome to all. tf this notice own and believes that others should have a HARMON, Gorham, stock and vari- 1.5 31.27 the l aws of the Mate und be barred of the A THOUSAND RINGS Wc have manufactured an exceedingly large 26.28 2.6 26.22 West Congregational Church-Rov. Le- chance. N. S. GARDNER, 53 Exchange St. to make application to lhe Assessors or SALE—Fine residential oi this season, Suits. Top-toat*. 15.19 27.24 14.18 28 24 5.14 S. Preaching at 10.30 a. in. right To select from. Diamonds. Opals. Peal, 5 1 property ety of Boys' Mothlng comprising roy Bean, pastor. Commissioners for any abatement of r'OR of tl firs' m County and all other precious stones, E'ngage- Vaughan Ft., hew house room*, In sixes for 3 to 19 years. It has 24.15 8.13 27.23 33.28 30.26 and 7.30 p. in. Sunday school at 12 that he was unable fubys Keefers, Odd Trousers, etc,, Boys his taxes, unless he shows ; tent and a Largest S. VAILL has the class in every way. price $10,000. Another os ma- 10.19 29.85 18.27 14.9 22.81 Thomas and Wedding Kings specialty. been our effort to secure the best and most reliable weuring Williston Church, corner to oiler such lists within the time hereby ap- j unck in the city. McKENNEY, the Jeweler HOUSES—FREDERICKlargest list of houses lor sale and to let of Pin*- St.. 14 rooms wiih large stable, about 20,- 23.16 4.8 22.i8 28 19 6.9 Carroll streets. Take spring street car. Rev. call and to them made up in the very best mnuner possible, * ilonuuieut square. marchl9dtf any real estate office In Portland. His specialty <*10leet of land, price $14 ooa, get par terials, have 9.2 31.24 Smith Baker. !>. L).. Morning schedules will be furnished at the und we offer in 12.19 25.21 15.23 pastor. subject. °Hlank is negotiating mortgages, collecting rents, and ticulais. I.LLWELLYN M. LEIGHTON. 61 the very latest styles, bargaius today the Doctor’s.” Evening lecture on ONEY TO LOAN—On first and second representing 17.10 7.10 24.8 19.15 9.27 •Christ among Assessors’ office application. the general care of property. Office, First Na- Exchange St. 6-1 —i.... 1*11 iinot be duolicaied for the nrice. Waters.” the Assessors have on real estate, personal proper- 23.17 37.S3 2 6 cert 7.30. Subject, "still rv-’luno case where mortgages tional Bank Building. 4-1 6.15 Wyllie the necessity of mak- y, stoeks, bonds or a >y good security, lu- wins West End Methodist Episcopal Church been put to disagreeable SALE A desirable brick bouse contain will the of government erest as low as can be had in the city. Apply —Rev. H. E. Dunnack. pastor. Res I deuce 3o tng a doom possession LET—At a house of ;» f'OK 11 rooms besides bath, all In 1 o A. C. LID BY Si 42 1-2 street. Woodfords. rooms, iug perfec1 10.30 a. m. sermon. At bonds or deposits In the savings hanks be al- CO., Exchange within thre« Frederic street. At marts-lm TO bath room, steam heat and electricity aim order. Tins property is situated SUNDAY SERVICES. as a in of such doom. MIDDY SUITS BOYS’ TOP-COATS. 11.30 Sunday reboot. At 7.3u p nr Cospcl lowed plea mitigation stable, fruit and vegetable garden, half an acre minutes w:\lK <*f pustoflko and will be sold Praise service. Second sermon in the course on WALTElU.. LEe AVOK, ) ON h V TO l.oA N on first and second mort- of land, cars pass the street, all In nice repair, w ith or without furniture as the sale is to closs whole- Now is the time to buy them. A notices are free Think- al ts For Boys 3 to 8 years; actually Notice—Church published the Prodigal Son; subject." The Prodigal AB1AI. >r SMITH. I Assessors. gages on real estate, life insurance poll- for $25 per month. Address OLIVER, Box an -state. Immediate possession. Apply or KEEFER is Seats free. notes or Keal es- Block. 4-1 sale $1.35, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, rOP-COAT indispens- as an accommodation to the churches. The ing.” All are welcome. HORACE A. UAlXETT, ) ies ami any good security. 1557. 4-1 JOHN F. P1JOCTOK. Centennial prices, 1 ate sold and exchanged. 48 1-2 kx- 3.00 and 3.50. »ble to a boy’s health and comfort. Ask shers that they be sent to the mar29dtl5apr bought, 2.73, publ request haiige street. I. P. BUTLKK. niar2SM SALE OR TO LET—Pool tables. the lo see tho lot of lino $j.00, 0.50 office by tJ.OO p. in. on the day before publica- WIT AND WISDUM- fi O LET'-Good chance for summer outing. Ap- A variety of styles for little largo ■ FtOB to K. corner Market and Milk large tion. written and as briefly as possible; oNEY LOANED on lirst and necond uiott- pleasantly situated two story house of 10 ply PONCE, ind *.00 grades of Top-Coats and legibly \\ 4-1 fellows. notices are not received or corrected '1 real estate, life Insurance policies, rooms with shed ar.d stable well streets. for 3 to 15 that such by The Mystified Father. gages, connected, Better if want them, $3.50 Iter ter* Hoys years lotos, bonds and good collateral security, and cistern water in pantry, 12 acre of land grades you telephone. SALE—A modern 1-2 story house, ive are selling at only “Your son,” said the school teacher, notes discounted rate of luterest 6 per cent a with fruit and shade trees, near postoffice and to 8.00 each. All Souls Church (Fnlversailst). Stevens J'ORmom*, bath, hot watei, newly painted and bask ward in his studies.** TENNEY ear amt upwards, according to security. W. store. 12 miles from postoffice, city, good chance Plains Ave. Rev. S. and or re- I.ET—Rent St.. street. Rev. Tbeo. A. pastor. Preach- Ophthalmic Optician, fixtlives of any will Smyihe, description, for TO also rent of seveu rooms and bath at 12 For 3 By all odds the finest Today. Today. Today. ing at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school North American. :eive the same at our auction rooms HALE—One of the best farms n> Gorham. Boys tol2ys. Soldiers’ Monument. GOSS North St. Inquire at 14 NORTH ST. 4 1 pOK collection to be found anywhere. Ex- after morning service. C. E. prayer meeting at 45314 Congress St., opp. ale cn commission. WILSON, * Near the village, first class tul utogs. .-m tf luciloneers, 18 Free street. febi-t* orchard 12i>0 clusive not found else. t>.30 p. in. All are invited. tons hay; superior grafted fruit, styles anywhere last Will sell at bargain A. M. E. Zion Mission. Rve. S. W. Hutch office Days: Saturdays only. board. 301 CUMBERLAND ST. 4-1 bushels year. Ja great Prices 25 per cent under regular retail with a complete outllt|of farm tools. Must he lugs, pastor. Premium; at 10.45 a. in. Sunday Drying simply develop dry ALL desirable preparations LOST AND FOUND. .soul W. II. WALDRON ^ 180 Middle prices. NEW, pretty, school at 12 in. Address to Thatcher Post. U. 'I'O LKT—Large front room on second floor, CO., catarrh; they dry up the secretions which ad- street. 3-1 and warranted as represented. Boys’ Double Breasted Jacket A. It., at 7.46 n. in. All are incited. * furnished or partly furnished as deMred, here to the membrane and decompose, causing Falmouth Foreslde, last Monday $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, and Knee Bant Suits, for Boys 8 to Bethany Cong. Church. South Portland. REPAIRING. steam heat, gas, bath room privilege, private trouble than the ordinary CLOCK [OST—AtJ night, a Gordou setter dog. name1 Wenoxv 437 CUMBERLAND and 10 Rev. K. H. Newcomb, pastor. Preaching 2.30 a far more serious fauill>. ST.__ 5.00 up. years. 117 E have made a of clock repairing : collar, uot marker!. Finder will be re- 4-l_ All arc welcome. tf Avoid all inhalants specialty (trap amt 7 p. in. form of catarrh. drying — l-'OO Suits for selertion. ?v for years amt are perfectly familiar with warded by returning same to K. W. TITCOMB. LKT Beautiful seashore residence. 8 JEWELRY REPAIRING. Bethel Church, 285 Fore street—Rev. ami use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. its branches. Our are reason- almouth Foresnie. TO rooms and bath ; not The Suits that we are offering at It In all ot prices _7-1 completely furnished; good Francis Southworth. pastor. Residence 108 us a and we will call lor your water hot and cold w ater. Located on a are familiar with all kinds of Cream Balm is such a remedy nml will able. Drop postal neat, "" Jewelry 4.50 and 5.00 a suit Ely’s con- WE (2.60, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, New bury street. Services at 10.30 a. in.. 3 and clock aud return it when done without extra Middle street, pocketbook high promodtnry with extensive sea views; on repairing and have made it a specialty RUGBY SCHOOL cure catat rh or cold In the head e.’isily and can ire simply marvelous bargains in 7.xo p. m. Preaching service in the afternoon. clurgc. MeKl.NNKY, the Jeweler, Monument E^OUND—Ontaining sum of money. Owner have route ot pleasure steamers. Price $100 the for years. We are now ready to mak* to order good or «). by All are welcome. tf pleasantly. All druggists sell it at 50 cents Square, Portland. Jaul-‘dtf irovtng property and paying for add. W. season. W. H. WALDRON & CO.. 180 Middle aiiythlug in rings or pjas of any special design ivearing goods. )U 413 N- SUITS, Brown's Block. 537 Congress st. (Divine Sci- it will be mailed Ely Brothers, 5G Warren NN. Congress street.3-1 you may wish at very short notice. Me KF by St._7-1 Portland. ence sc rvicc 7.3 »; between M. C’. K. H. croas- NEY, tne Jeweler, Monument Square. Sunday evening Thursday St.. N. OST—Saturday, KENT—About May 1st. house No. 63 to the wear resister of Miss L. 1J. Y.__ a Janl2dtl Ages 6 16 years, evening service 7.30, Uliddeu,speak- MARRY ME, NELLIE, I lug, Deering and Allen’s Corner, pocket- 1JORGray street. Nine rooms beside halls, canvas trousers er. All are welcome. tf THANSEEKS. look a sum of money. Was seen to set s^stbe age, with seated HEAL ESTATE And I will buy you su h a pretty King at containing bath and store rooms: hot and cold water, two for several Church of the Mf.ssiau, (Universallst)— A thousand solid >e picked ui> by a gentleman in top buggy*. Will tubs, furnace heat; with good yard room. All 'e which egual pair wear; transfers McKenney's. gold Kings. 4-1 LEASE OH SALE-A farm of 70 acres SHIRT Rev. NY. M. Kimmell. service io.3o a. The following r*‘»l estate hava Rubies, Emeralds and he tinder please return to this office. In first class order. at 44 DKEKlNG -■shades to seleot from, ITAR WAISTS. pastor, Diamonds, Opai-Pearls, Enquire I30Rnear center of city of Port- u. a. i«i oiiM iitic. uumui STREET. or ;;tf geographical 111. ttov. rnurhii') rciuniri! ni into ail other stones. and morning, poon night. LWU precious Engagement the that rode In land. 2 1-4 miles lroui City Hall; especially p. P. C. t’. 5 in. Y. P. v. U. 0 p. in. a stock in DOUM)-If lady my sleigh a Suit p. Wedding Rings specialty. Largest r mo LET—Lower tenement 232 St., hot to a dairy farm house $5.00 Marla K. liltson of ilrldgton to Geo. E. Tho Monument itom Forost Avenue, Woodfords, one day High adapted business; 11. and W. Waists. Congress Church (First lTnlversa- city. McKLNNEY. Jeweler. I water all modern barn on electric railroad Square of lnml In ast week, and left at corner of Preble and Con- lieat; Improvements; and large premises; Kev. Dr. of Tarbox Harrison, Hridgton. nuirtidtl rent. center will Extra tis t.) Blanchard, pastor. Subject Square. gress streets will call at 19 street, shades, screens and awnings go with the toWestbrook through of farm, lease Trousers, $1.50. “The Ilouk of Job—tlie World’s Great- John B. Tibbetts to Geo. K. Tarbox Spring sermon. Aoodfords, she can have the she Address F. E. DOCK LKT Y, Box 1619, City. or sell h part or the whole. Inquire of E. C. Ideal Waists. school 12 m. Junior Y. P. both of for *136, land in Harri- pocketbook est Poem.” Sunday Harrison, riiREASURY Department. Office of the Super- Iropped in the sleigh. feb23Ulf JORDAN, i1 Exchange St. tuarfltf C. U. 5 p. in. Y. I*. C. U. 7.30 p. ui. son. 1 vising Architect. Washington, D. C March Woodford# Forest OR SALK Nicely furnished lodging house "Wo offer our the best values iu Congress St. M. K. Church—Kev. W. F. Haskell to G.orge D. Tarbox, 31, 1890.—Sealed Proposals will be received at LET—At Corner, patrons Byron Suapcuders, etc. Henry I DOLE HELP WANTED. to of 14 rooms cheap for cash. Address MRS. Suudav school at lo.3(> a. ni. In this oltice until 2 o’clock p. m., on the 2tith TO Avenue, three 6-room tenements, $8 $15 pastor. both of for *10, land Harrl- day 1 St.. Mass. om» h\tl: TROUSERS Perry, Harrison, nor month. of E. C. JORDAN.. H II., 42 East Springfield Boston, At.3 in the of April, 189*.', and then opened for new roof cov- Inquire p. preaching by pastor. Subject, son. run mara-4 •• and for the 1 S. Court It'ANTED—Girls to power machines Exchange street. raar6dtf n America for the $1.00. Shirt Waists and Blouse i’he civic League. Junior meeting (1.30 p. to lv ering. repairs painting II prioes, 50c, 75c, Boys’ Josiah T. Smith George Tarbox, at Apply to MR. KELLER at Millikeu, ui At 7.30 p. in. Communion. All are invited. House aud Post Office building Portland, SALE OR TO LET—House, stable and of land in Harrison. 1 & Short’s 61 both Harrison, Maine, in accordance with the specification. Jousens manufactory. store at West two tenement Church of Christ—Corner of Congress and FsOK Gorham; Marls' A. Newman to Nathaniel Dyer, copies of w hich may be had at this office or the WANT ED-3 A LK HELP. house—store is a stand for streets. Lord’s Supper at 10.30 a. good ke-piug Weymouth bet is of for tltt), land nith otfice of the Custodian at Portland, Maine. Il'ANTKD A first class pantaloon maker at groceries, Ac. Chance for clothing manufac- m. Bible studv at 13.46 a. ni. Preaching at Dieting, JAMES KNOX Archi- II once. W. L. CARD, 46 Free St. 4-1 on second for All buildings on the northerly side of Me- TAYLOR, Supervising "ITALI A BLK commission offered. Free small tory floor. Will exchange city BUY CLOTHING HERE 7.30 p. m. b> W I. Hi.atom Seats free. are BOYS’ tect. apHeodot ▼ Protected Several property if desired. Apply to JOHN F. PROC- Invited. chanic street, Ueerlng. N OR LA DY to travel and appoint agents. samples. ground. salesmen earn Season approach- TOR. 93 Exchange Street, or to EDWARD Elizabeth Libby to Chas. 1). and Alloy Established firm. #60 month and all $25 weekly. save a retailer"* Chestnut Strut Church, (Methodist MA per orders credited. RUBBER HASTY. 12 Green street. Portland. marl-tf and profit. Luther Freeman, K. Burnham, all of Scarboro, land at sxpenscs to start. Mfr., Box 398. Phlla.. Fa. ing. Following Episcopal)—Kev. pastor, CO 243 Pearl St., New York. 8-1 Residence 4h8 Cumberland st. Preacbinu at Hcarboro. mar.i»W&S4w SALE—18o yards best quality Brussels t'OK little 1 mirror, 10.30 a. m. and 3.00 p. iu.Morning Topic/Sight A. and John S. REMOVED. carpet, used; triplicate James Conley Conley, young woman of good educa- man to qualify us office dozen ladies’ dress ami Vision.” Sunday school 12 m. Epwurih of Ira Berry has removed to NO. 11 EX- WANTED—Christian large size; Vu forms; Vfc trustees to Mary L. Mtilloney Port WrANTED—Ation to assist in care of two children »f $900. Enclose re- forms. at 0.30 p. m. Gospel service 7.30 p m. CHANGE ST., BOOM 7, where he hopes (ages correspondent. Salary dozen children’s clothing HASKELL League land on the north side of Cumber- (even and ten) and other duties. Will re- ference and self addressed stamped envelope All are welcome. land, all his old customers and hosts of new ones light & JONES, Lancaster building, Monument vive a and be one of Bon. 1567. This Office. 3-1 imd street, Portland. remember him w hen have watches or good salary family. Apply to SECRETARY. square.24 tt will they and reierences CLARK Memorial M. K. CHURCH, Wood- Frances tsuuthwortb of Portland to vith age. experience to MRS. clacks to repair. man that thorough under- FOR SALE—Read this. New two 7 fords—Kev. John K. Clifford, pastor. Kesi- N. 30 it.. Post Office Box 1636, Portland, Me. 3-1 WANTED—A story Frank li. Chase of Concoul, H., I v corn to take charge oi a and dence «i Plea'ant street. At 10.3" a. m. sermon Work Guuraoirril. stands packing room house stable, on Rackllff St.. Deering acr s of land with on Great Thorough flr ANTED—Christian women to quality as must come well the Kev. W. school 12 ni. buildings corn factory the coming fall; Highlands, for $2,800, lot is 50x1 and house CLOTHING by Perry. Sunday aprTd l w II office correspondent. Salary #900. Eu- to STANDARD in Liberal will be tne has modern 3 lines of cars CO., LowurtU o.oo p. m. At 7 p. in. Easter Island, Harpswell. recommended. pay given every convenience. League and self :lo*e reference addressed staonja-d A. &. 1*. B. All are welcome. Melville C. Burnell to Martha M. Bur- right man. Address YOLNC, almost at door, only $500 down, balance to suit. concert. ■nvelope to SECRETARY, Box 1557, This mar28dti »pr7d4t both of Gorbum, one half interest Hiram. Bring this •,ad” with you. C. B. DALTON, 53 Kev. John nell, mice. M _ 255 Middle Street. East Dekuino (M. F.J Church, Exchange St. 1*2 K. Clifford, pastor. Sunday school at 1.45 p. in. In land and bullaings In Gorham. THE CELEBRATED qilNN At 3 m. sermon bv the pastor. At 7p.ui. John Powsr to John F. Pinkham, loth p. AGENTS W ANTED. WANTED. FOR SALE—Elegant suburban heme on have stood the tr*;t of and r service. All are Invited. of in consideration of WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They years, praise prayi Harpswell, $|S, Deering Highlands. 9 rooms, open plumbing, ai-'i have cured thcrarunus of at fl'TnOUA First Church of Christ, Scientist. 484>£ interest In land Harpswell. rent a store in or near Fort- hard woou floors, open fireplace, heated I cases of Nervous Diseases, such Preble House. Servi- REFRIGERATOR. ESTABLISHED house extending It’s WANTED—'to \ till nil Congress street, opposite 11 land. It must be In a good location for a throughout, large bay windows, broad piazzas, O 6 11U IIU as Dizziness, Sleepless- and in. Children’s Sun- OLDagency force wants capable men and Debility, ces at 10.30 a. m. 7.45 p. NEW COALING STATIONS. or general store. Address R. lot ot land, direct on three "ar lines, fac- ^ ness and Varicocele,Atrophy,&c. service. voiueu to travel and appoint agents. Srtlary variety S.^Port- Aftilll I da school at close of morning Expe- land Press. 7-1 f;oodng the west, sun ail day, price $2,800, only $500 A la A IN | clear the brain, ui in. tf The ONLY ORIGINAL, mouth and Some for local work, ^ They strengthen rience meeting Wednesday 7.45 p. The navy department have adopted a perfect, 175. expense*. down, balance to suit purchaser. L. B. DAL- • •Uftlll I O the circulation, make digestion iood for ambitious workers. Ap- First Uni vers a list Parish of South Port- neourdiug to which on the opportunity TON, 53 Exchauge 8t. 1*2 B and a comprehensive plan dry-uir Refrigerator with reference. BUTLKR & ALGER, New TEX>- t perfect, impart healthy at Union House. Sabbath at »ly TTCT^iNJ Unless land. Services Opera coaling stations will be placed strategic to the whole All drains npdioise* are cheeltad permauently. patients at market. W'c make a specially daven. Conn. Apri-8 vigor being. School at 1.30 p. m. Preaching 2.30 by Kev. In the West Indies so as to give the Man aud wife to take charge of Town Farm. FOR SALE—Elegant piano#, violins, mando- are cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. points properly W. M. KimmelL tf of for Man must be good horse teamster. Address lins, guitars, banjos, music boxes, roaluas, har- Mailed sealed. Price $i per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad lrg.il guarantee to cure or refund tho United fcitates control of the Virgin, Mona biiildiug Refrigerators Church of Christ. Scientist, 4S4V* WANTED-SITUATIONS. at once. SELECTMEN. monicas, superior violin and banlo strings, 55.co. Scad lor free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. First and Windward passages and the ap- stores anti restaurants. money, street,opposite Preble House. Servi- hotels, Cumberland. Maine. popular sheet music. instruction books «fc Portland. Me. Congress to the Gulf of Mexico Come to C. 11. tiuppr Co.. Agents. ces 10.30 a. in. Children’s Sunday school at proaches BUSINESS—Position wanted by a Cumberland, April 3, 1899. apr4dlw and everything in the the music line. is to establish 414 close of services. Experience meeting Wed- It proposed coaling LUMBERmau who understands the lumber business the store where prices are low. HAWES, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. EXECUTORS NOTICE. nesday at 7.45 p. m if stations at Culebra Islands, lying between n all departments. Retail yard, saw mill and con, made in a minute with- L’ougress St. aprl-4 Porto Blco and the islands; at he woods. 1 have hkd practical experience in out sugar, ioo cases to arrive next New mHE subscriber notice that ho Friends’ Church. Oak street. Klllscn K. Virgin REFRIGERATOR WANTED—Jelly SALE—Modern out-ot-Mwu residenee. subscriber hereby elves notice that he heroby gives on the western QUINN CO., ill Address Box 167 Me. York steamer. For sale bv grocers. In stock 1 Executor of the Morning service 10.30. Sunday Mayaguez, which lies departments. Phillips. situated nine miles from Portland, beauti- THEhas been duly aupointed.eiecutor of the has been duly appointed Purdy, pastor. Office, No. RO Couimrrdnl St. at H. 8. Melcher Co., Conant. Patrick & Co.. 130R la*t will a.id testament of school 12 m. Junior c. K. prayer meeting at shore of Porto Rico and controls the located, sloping to tin «oulh. In the pretty last will and testament of 33 Commercial St. & Hull and jobbers generally. fully d.3u p. m. Evening Social service 7.30. tf Mona and at Guantanamo, on Factory, No, Thompson Try town of Windham; ten large rooms and bath in late of DAVID N. JORDAN, late of New Gloucester, passage, SITUATION WANTED—In a plain family of it. 6-1 CHAltLES F. ALLEN, Portland, or ME ecdlm finished in Jut water First Free Baptist Church, opposite the the southern side of Cuba, at Nlpe bay- mar30 PORTLAND, | ^ adults by a middle aged woman, capable main house, cypres#. the of Cumberland, deceased, rind in the comity of Cumberland, deceased. two attractive In County Public Library. Kev. Lewis Malvern, pastor. on the northern either of which md reliable. Please stale number of heat, large fireplaces; large, A. of All demands the estate coast, family once. 500 barrels of 1 have appointed Joseph Ixicke, Portland. persons having against service at 10.80. Sunday school. t 12 Address M. ti. Press WANTED—At pigeon veranda, with magnificent lawns; large, spac- are desired to the Morning controls the Windward passage. Coal md requirements. office, manure. Address KIRWIN'S Me., am nt or attorney within the State. All per- of said deceased present service. tf klXDEKGlHT FA. Poultry ious stable accommodations; also cottage in. At 7.30 Evening are in course of Mass. sons having demands against the estate of same for settlement, and all indebted thereto sheds and piers already Ry.7-1 Farm, Stony Brook, 5-3 house *>f seven rooms for gardener; elegant the to make First JParu-u Church—(Umtarian) Con- which will said deceased are desired to present same are requested payment immediately. construction at l)ry Tortugas, a florist, employ- well, with U. 8. wiudmill; can be lighted by are re- gress street. Kev. John C. Perkins, pastor. IVANTKD—By practical am now to; settlement, rind all Indebted thereto LEWIS E. JORDAN. enable a Beet operating through the The term of the ** a or at ready to all kinds electricity ; fortv acres of tortile land in good Morning service at 10.30 a. m. Sunday school Soring Kindergarten, ment either with >private party \1ANTED—I buy to make payment immediately. New or channel to coal. fifteen of Ad- Of flint Off ladles’, gems’ and flbildren'S state of cultlvalUm. neatly surrounded by wire quested Gloucester, Mar, 21,1899. at in. Kev. E. J. Prescott of Yucatan Bahama | ;t2 Spring Street, will l ues- rreenhouses; years experience. * M Al.l.KN, Y.. or to Salem, Mass., begin more than in This is to every MAliLLS Brooklyn. N. inar25dlaw3wS» 1 Iress E. s. V., Press Office. 6-1 clothing. 1 pay any purchaser fences. property way new, or w ill preach. April 4lli, and continue ten or l)n- and can JOS ill’ll A. LOCKE, Portland. Me*., Agt. OF SHUN AN BOA day, the city. Send letters to MR. MuS. modernly equipped and arranged, only Baptist corner of AN INCIDENT II. to Middle St. 4-1 It in tbe new A tty. EX EC CTO KV NOTICE. First Church, Wilmot weeks. Apply ltr ANTED—Position in an office as book- GROOT. 76 be appreciated by seeing person; mar25d 1 awawS4 Sts.— Kev. W. s. who was railroad irom w estbruok to Harrison Portland, Mar. 21, 18th). and Congress Ayres, pastor. One of tLe olty ofliclals with ABB1 N. !NOKTO\, II or assistant; first class references. WANTED—Casr of Pad health that K-l i* A-N-ti electric The subscribers hereby give notice that they lO.so a. m. school keeper within rods of this Preaching at Sunday at 12 Sheridan all through the Sbensndoah mar25eod2w 133 Spring St., Port In ml Vddress R. Room 5, ’190 Congress St. feb27-4 will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Rtpaus Chemical will run twenty property. have been duly appointed Executors of the last in. at 7.30 m. All are further to GEORGE C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Preaching p. welcome. was Induced to go und sle the Oa.NflW York.for 10 samples and 1.000 testlmoniatfe. For particulars apply Will am Testament oi campaign (ANNELL. First National Bank building, Free Street Baptist Church—Kev. Jo- of Thursday at ANTED—A for the summer; about K subsbriber herd v gives notice tnat be EDWARD late oi plnv Shenaudoah, night, successful W’ cottage Portland, Me. 21-ti rpll* MOORE, Deeiiug. Kentmrd Wilson. D. 1>., Preaching yean practice in Maine. the nbeeu Executor of the seph pastor. the Jeffsreon. He says the scenes depict- Eighteen $76 or $100; must be close to water; duly appointed of Cumberland, deceased. 10.30 u. iu. and 7.3o p.re. the pastor. VII R Treated without ur of in the County by Sunday so that he was taken ■■■4% | pain TESTED would purchase if desirable. Send photograph SALE—To close out an e#Uit*. algh* last \> ill and testament ed were realistic detention EYES FREE the estate school 12 in Y. P. S. C. E. at 0.30 in. I I business. All persons having demands auainst p. |L \* III gl frotv* this a branch &e.. to G. 11. A., Box 45, Woodfords P. O. Me. 13URpieces of property located as follows: Oil A. late of out of himself and was brought back to &B no We have made special THOMAS LADR1GAN, Portlaud, of said deceased are desired to present the Free CHURCH. Leering, Kev. T. M. Davies, I* | A | III Easy; safe; Kfiife. Cuio 30-2 street uear State, street near a friend to Guaranteed! of our business ami can give you glasses Spring Congress of Cumberland, deceased. same for settlement, ami all indebted pastor— Preaching at lO.so. Sunday .school at bis surroundings by saving I IV I Vlafl or No Pay. Ya Brackett two houses ab#ve and in the County of any description. ghn. street, demands the thereto are to make Uu- 12 iu. Young people’s meeting at o.iap. m. are you crying about!"- when Salem All persons having against requested payment him,“What All warranted or money re- two below Spring, street, Laural street deceased are to mediatclv. service 7.. 0. All are welcome. the tears down his glasses e late of said desired pre- Evening he found streaming kJZd^L,. Dr.C.T.FISK ’.e J. and Newbury street. Will be sold either separ- Pine street Uhuri it. (Methodist fun COLD. sent the same for settlement, and all indebted CLAltA A. MOORE, Portland, Episco- cheeks. He says that while there were Main Street, LawtsroK, Me. fill SPOT CASH—OI.D ately or together. Now occupied with good E. J At 10.80 33i I" £1 thereto are requested to make payment im- formerly Deerlng, pal). Kev. 8. McAllister, pastor. of criticism about answered. Consultation W0 I I k fer Old OoU »s paying tenants and in good repair. For further bv “The minor details worthy All letters ^ the We give you the highest price WILLIAM K. NEAL. Portland. a. in. preaching the pastor. Send for free McKENNEY Jeweler, MoKlsfc* NhY the particulars inquire of A. C. LIBBY & LO., 42Va med'auly. Subject, 12 the play yet, to old soldiers who were FREE! pamphlet. | we use n for tusking rings. JOHN T. FAGAN, Portland, tormerly Peering, March 7. 1899. Great Commission.” Sunday school at m. I^^U ocutTUu Exchange street. $l It Is strong. At l. S. Hotel, Portland; Saturday* Monument Square. JaulSdU Jeweler, Monument Sonaro. rorlland, Mar. 21, 1899. mar28(lliiw3wS* mar 11 dlaw3wS* At U.oo v. m. meeting of ihe Junior F.pwortb there, remarkably only. —i—— ■■■ «i BHCc-iJitwHW. aT»ni.mi»w» flhe immediate result of this art was Manhattan n«TiM.117% 119% WF.AT SULLIVAN, AdI 1-Sltf. m* MaryC1 that the rebel* turned back and Mexican Central. 14% |1844 Stuart, Bowden. Philadelphia ROSE TO BLUE. prepared FIN ANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL W for : ClffilL for war.BTh'' next* was snr- M(Chinan Central.114 Ui April 8-814. KbO Collins, Johnson, day Apia *i Boston. roundsd Matonfa’s warriors. Forces Mnn.ftat.Le2. 69% oy Minn, ft at. Loula i»fd...... 99 98 imm the under j v-| Philadelphia and PorpolM Missouri Padike. 4444 48*4 ! CXOHAHOK nisntofsi. nontenant* Brown wore land- New and Cato, ((notations of Staple Product* in the Jersey OeattraT.117% tl« Passed Isle of Wignt 7th. steamer Devona. 'ad to protest the loyal native*. New York CentraT.139% 139H from Portland for London. Oa Id •* tan failed to New Chi. 18% 18% from BUYING fa York. ft ftft. Lools.. 8k) bn MovtJl* steamer “ECONOMICAL •: Tuesday having ?tb, Mongolian, , Leading Market*. New 06 *) Caused j appear, Hag Lieutenant Miller was sent York. C. ft Bt Louis pf. 93 Liverpool for Portland. Proclamation Northern Pacino MVfc to deliver on ultimatam. He was not a!- com. 61H Northern Pactflo pfd. 78% 78% Ucianrsnit » ! lowed to see the chief, but delivered hi* .Ye*t York Stork anal .Honey Market. North flic Keystone to Samoan j western... .T..167% 168% A Blais Uprising. OXMffiigs* and retired. Jlrtti h an l Ame- Northwestern 198 New Bedford. April • Beh Barah Ujr i>.a %•» pfd..199 dell, of which was dismasted last rican blue were landed In Apia 76H 2.44 Ellsworth, jacket* Oat.*:West...?.. November a hurricane, was towed In to the consulates NEW YORK, April 7. Heading 23 23% during protect here to day from Hyannls. Hhe will ho refitted Ho*tllltl»s cn af- on call wMflrm at 5o;16i last loan commenced Tuesday Money Rock Island.11944 117 with new spars aud bull will be repaired. SELLING” ternoon when half a doron MuIIhIca mrn at 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper at 8t.;paul.190% 127 SUCCESSFUL m, Pam 170 were taken ty the Matmlns. Tier were rrV cent. Sterling Kxchangelwcak, with ; pfd .100 isomeetle Porte. per st IPam ft Omaha. 94% 04% taken to an4 bound. On at 4 8C NEW YORK—Ar 8th, ship Columbus. Stover. Admiral Kant/ Considers Himseli headquarter* venial business In bankers bills | »t. Paul ft Omaha nfd.100 10* to unto ourselves oil the merlto. Wedn. notice was served Alice, Auckland; scbs Seta W W> do not wiitli nrrognM sday mornmi six- M. Minn, ft London, barque 4 86*4 for demand, and 4 H4J(4 84 VI for Mann. Boston; Austin I> Knight, rious 10 Hie Cadies* Hnriueut bnsl- that If no rnawer was received from Mu- Texas Pacific. 22 22 Smith, Amboy for i|iialiilcntious pertaining rates at 4 85 p„4 87^%. Commer- Carrie A Bookman : Wideawake. Rocklnnd; Insnlted. taafa 1 o dock the Philadelphia would ty days; posted Union Pacific 799ft 79% ness, hut eerioin fuels insist ii|Km tMihlleliy. To illustratei Grossly ty pfd. Abbie Plot Ida. Rock 1st d vid fire oih of her followed cial bills 4 88Vk&l 84. Bowker, Boston; HE MARKET AE llll.V EVERY WEEK IV THE YEAH. | large guns, by Kali K II Wearer. Hurricane Island; Wabash 28** 24 lttver; three one minute gun Afataafa tent silver certificates 6o®60^ pfd. Calvin P Harris. Stonlngton; Carrie A Buoknam Tlmt In fact Vii. I. I li.ll Is goiul for the trade. Boston ft 176% no answer. Par SUvnr 60r*s Maine.176% Hush Kelley. Haskell, Bruns- we in dlreel front the manufactur- New York and New Eng. Tapley. Azuft; Attain, buy quantities <1 acre fired and the pf. W it Thomastou; Leo- Hgn gone foreign Mexican dollars 47 V*. Old 202 wick; Davenport. Stacy, er., what we don’t make ourselves, Impnitlug In many in- and Americans Colony..20.3 nora. Bellattv, Jamestown population of Britl«h Adams ..11*» 110 stances where tlir dealer from the ehind j certain value, or to secure fund* to buy the Southern Ry pfd. Passed Hell Gate 'Jill schs Sardinian. Ilo'io- eullliig doubly for recognition. the shares which h d soon as the land forces were stationed been mosbtiepressed. In hope keu for Rockland Abner Taylor, do f ir 8a!ain A lew sample priced garments are herein quoted. Tanu letoa Has Been Crowned of on the rebound. Rdml Market. Mai Philadelphia opened fire hy throwing a profit prices naturally Print Cloth Hatt'e K Km lib. New York f«n Bangor; Arthtn showed a ’ shall into the outskirts of The enough yielding tendency today with FALL 7.—The cloth mark V 8 Woodruff, Elizabeth port fur Boston; Coin- Apia. transactions at »3.o o.OOO Lulled states 1 RIVER.Apr. print but cl is e. merer, fm New York for Rockland: Hannah F of Samoa. Royalist followed with six-inch shell?, Is advanced *<* unchanged at 24s 's King and old 4s coup. Vs in the bid for Bi Jonn, NB; 8eth 8mtth, and the bombarded (he village while the 5s reacted Carlton, Amboy Porpoise price, Vt. do for Boston : A A F do for Bath. of where cf rebels Boston I'rortuo* Harks*. Hooper, Valusu, large parties BOSTON —Ar »tli. schs Rare Horse. White, to BOSTON 7. 101.9—Tbs following trs SUITS. were supposed be. Hide*. April WeymouUi. N8; Electric Flash. Neville. Malu* church was a shell and to-any 3. uotkium j( ProTiaioet. ate.: lha smashed ty The following quotations represent tne pay- port; Jr K Bod well Rockland. ths house of tho manager of the German ing prices In this market* ri.otra. Ar 7th. steamer Norseman, Liverpool via Mar t ow bleaead. where she was ashore; tug Piedmont, Apia, March 24.—via San Francisco, plantation was damaged. and steers.. 7o IMh during patents 4 00*4 75 Hulls and stage.... Portland, villi two barges lor Baltimore, »cli ONE LOT OF ALL WOOL CHEVIOT SUITS ooires- The whole of the outskirts of Apia Winter patents. 3 30 4 30 7.—The Associated Press hKius— No 1 Hannah Grant. Calais- April hart r About 70 quality .....lOo Clear wnu suraigiu. 3 4u 4 oO. Mentora, Orland; were shelled from tho sch for Red Beach and pendent had an Interview with Admiral No J ... o Cld 7lb, Morancy, shells were fired before dark, when the No 3 M will! satin. .n &7o li i.istock Uirn* Philadelphia. Jacket lined throughout neatly braided, I Kuutz lie spoke quite freely ceased. A shell from tho Philadel- <-ag«» E Palmer. Haskell. Philadel- yesterday, firing Culls .25*50 Shl.Tth. Mary new skirl. Sold elsewhere at from to I.V.OO. fpv Te’ejrrapn.' Native Americas*, for Calais style $10.00 on the situation and considers he has phia which was sighted for 2,500 yard*, phia and Bangui | Rhodes" \ Alice < 8 II uufortunatelv after it hail gone Retail Hrorrr*' Market. rH 1C AGO, Arril 7. 1809—Cattle—receipts Slollle Inalhaven; Fox, been Insulted by the German con- exploded Supsr and cast. _ grossly tho S.Ooo. cattle 5 85; choice steers at Sawver. A T llaynes. Chanty, S8.5Q. * only J,UK) yards It damaged slightly I’ortland mantel—cut fancy 70,4;5 OUR PRICE counter loaf 7c; confectioners 6 30" steer* at 4 96; beef BRUNSWICK- Ar «th, sens Charlotte T Sib- f ruI his proclama- Go; medium 76>fe4 geueral issuing American consulate. One of the specta- Johns I Wood- that 8c; powdered 7c: granulated 6c; coffee crushed steers 4 OO 4?70; “torkers and (orders 3 Hiv.i ley. Coombs. New York; leering. tion. The admiral takes the stand tors was wounded. About dark the rebels 4 Western land. Baltimore. •o Vic; yallow ;»7Va ; cows and heifers 3 40 4 25; made un attack on the Britishers at tho BALTIMORE—CM sch Samuel Dllla way, I the Berlin treaty which he. is instructed 5c._ fed steers 4 26 * 5 60| Texans at 4 OOttto 36. Oth. Tivoli hotel. Their llrj was returned, 29,000; ia>r to Choice 3 80" Boston. COVERT his to does not Imports. Hogs—receipts ONE LOT OFALL WOOL SUITS by government uphold, but it 1* not known how many were 3 92 % ; lots 3 f>5 « 3 77% ;bu»eh- Ar 7th. sch Celina. Murray, Bath. Steamer Cacouna—1057 to coa heavy packing a Louiaburg. < ( APE HENRY—Passed out tiin, sch John B make any whatever for pro- killed. About. 3.SU a. in., the native* ers a 06 u 86; light at 3 «0n 3 82%. provision too ,'i Stamvood. from Baltimore |or Portland. at the 'llvoll. 8heet>—receipts 8,000; sheep qtioted at 8 003 Manilla/, III nil desirable shades, matte, trimmed vritli buttons, visional His instructions made a rush on the guard 7th. sch Win T Nor- neatly government. 4fiO: iinl.q A 7 A h lid DARIEN—yld DohU'Tl, tmt Three British tailors were killed and one Portland Wholesale Market. ton. Bath. it is cnlleii in New f ork a leader Hit 50. ire to carry ont the treaty in accordance wounded. The native’s los* Is unknown. 7 DUTCH ISLAND H ARBOR Ar Gtb. schs of the con- PORTLAND. April Uomcitlo Haricot*. with the views of a majority At tue request of the British a Maxim Kmeline G Kawjrer, St John. NH. for Provi- The Hour market was steady and unchanged (By Telegraph.) for River. OUR PRICE $9.50. sular The admiral is gun was sent from the Philadelphia to dence; Ernest T Lee. (’slats Fall representatives. to-day, while Wheat was weak in the APRIL 7 1839 FFRN ANDIN A—Ar schs Laura M and the British consulate and with ft some option 6th, Lunt, very wroth with the Gtrman consul NEW YORK—The Flour market—receipt* Boston Kredk Koesner, Bustou. men to work it A body of 300 klall^toan* grain markets, May c osmic with a loss of %o, 28.879 sales f»o 0 for the atti- 11,297 bbls; exports bbls; Ar 5lli. sch Jos W Hawthorn. Uoffses, from FROM tdames him entirely present tho aud and Oats s SILK LINED SUITS *13.9$ to 47.50 rHnri*‘w»d trond service iu clearing Corn declined 14 a each fork package*; moderately active and steady with- New York. were tude of the robels as the natives obey- brush. improved l Is a 5c. Sugar active, strong and Vs out change. GLOUCESTER—Ar 6th, sch Fannie F Hall. Winter at 8 straights LADIES’ AND MISSES’ 3.9$ to 27.50 his command to retire to ttae*r homes The rebel village of Yaloala was burned. with the still patents 76avtd upwards. ivhiqh and outjK)rts; soot steady; No 2 at 42 «43c fob Davis. Davis. Boston. and circumstuncss for of no one was killed. Winter. Wheat patents.4 25,0.4 35 Overcoats made by this house, know, leculiar trying tody Mntuafans.buC afloat. NEW BKDFoRD-Ar 61b. ach Sarah A Blais- rushed t orn and 98c to 10.00 he of life and property was Early Friday morning 200 rebels Feed. < 168,200 bush: exports 4,86o and others should learn that for perfec- protection ais—receipts delf. from Hvanni*. ust as as th*i government it- ut) to within 80 yards of the consulate. Corn, car lota,old. 005, oo bush. sales 26.000 bu*; spot dull ;No 2 at 331 a ; OKT TAMPA—Ar 6th, sch Stephen ti Lot.d, provisional 3 white 1.25 to 5.00 tion of fit and high standard of genoral self. lie Lad t J stand by the supreme 'In© natives were repulsed. One Ameri- Corn, car iota, new. 4*^ 45 No 3 at 32c; No 2 white .'JOe ;No 34‘ic; Piersan, lu.Mmore. track ;ourt, aud ho hoped that a plan of action can sailor was killed and one British Corn. l»ag lots. oou. 47 white 35u38C.| PHILADELPHIA -Ar 6th, sch M iry I Pen- excellence these garments stand with- lots. 44a, 45 4.98 to 12.50 would be decided for peace sailor was wounded There is Intense Meal, bag ■Beef steady. nell, Mitchell Providence. CHILDREN’S OUTING SUITS, upon restoring Lard Western steam 6 33. out a in tho world. here. One Oaks, car lots. 87.ni 38 dull; C’ld 6th, sch Alt.in It Crosbjr, Bunker, Port- peer Keady-to-wear 0 the island without the intervention feeling the Germans a against Outs, bag lota. 4i Pork nulet ; mess 9 o< o b \ land. a who had been drill- octy) LADIES’WRAPPERS, 47c to 1.50 i ;f an armed force. Mnrquart, German, Cotton Seed, car lots..00 00 a 23 00 Butter steady; Western creamey ]7<£21YsC; Ar 7111. slim Arthur Sewall, Hath, to Satur- Murphy. The British aud American consul* and ing the natives, has been arrested. Cotton Seed, bag lots.00 0O.«.24 00 factory 12Vx ", 16. Klgtns 21 \ j ; State dairy at 14 load for San Fra’ cisco; sch Frank 1 btuisou, a me S3 mval otl cera with the admiral. day and bunday were quiet. The Tivoli Sacked bran, car lots. ..1H 6(>a 17 oo ft20c; do erm 16 211 jC. itodguon. Portland. The prices above named at least per cent lower agreed at 1 he Ge-raan consul having accepted the hotel has been mined in ouao il becomes sacked Bran, bag lot*.17 OOy» is oo Cheese steady-large white l?jr,12Mi ( Id 7tli. sell S *ra!i A Ellen. York. Portland anything quoted lor llic same, or similar goods, by any car lots.00 00 « 18 oo do 12 " 12* ”C. for ALLEN & COMPANY, irovisio al government coula not recode ne-essary to blow it up. Middling, tug Gladiator, with barge Franklin, Fort- other concern lit Poi-tlmid. Middling, bag, lots.00 OOa.18 00 Egg^ firm; State and Penn at 13c; Western land. ro'ii that under any clrcum- a of native foragers came S.limi position bunday bony Mixed teed.17 50fi.l8 00 fresh 12*4 a 13c. Inland— Passed up 6th. Arthur WE NEtH JUST H'llVf WE kAf "nd ourselves had instruc- a crowd and Ready ship pledge A’ents in PortlanJ t^nces whatever until he upon Mntonfa killing eight PetroleumldulL from Bath for Philadelphia. if this Sole when the rebels Sacar. Coffee, Tee. 81o!n«*es. KaUin*. Sewall. to refund money on ull purchases il not so. lons from Lerlin. Gatjr on, after the wounding 20 of them, Rosin Arm. Passed down Oth, baroue Beni P Hunt, front Sugar—Standard granulated. 6 34 nesting,Ho e put his views in writing to fled. Turpentine firm, Philadelphia for Boston; sch Alicia B Crosby, BLOCH — 5 34 FOR STEIN CLOTHES, ho admiral and stuted that German wt»r- March 23— Tanumafili Malietoa Sugar—Kxtralllucgrauulated. bice firm. do for Port.and. King Sugar— Kxtra C. 4 UG German of bamoa at Mullnuu. Molasses Arm. Arat Delaware Breakwater 7th. sch Wesley could only act if properry was crowned King misted. 11 a 15 hips Coffee—Kio, Freights dull. M Oler, Portland »r life were to be against danger Coffee—Java and Mocha. 26 a 28 304 Ylidtllc Street. protected 8ug*r—raw strong, tending upward; fair refin- PROVIDENCE-Sid 6th. sch Annie F Kim- r in the case of tne court issu- HAPPENINGS AT MANILA. Teas— Amoys marsi Ulf j .Supreme 22^30 ing at 4c; Centrifugal 96 to*t at 4», 3c; molasses ball. Lane, for New York ; Northern Light, Bob- a warrant for arrest agftinst iudlvid- Leas—Congous. 26&50 sugar at 8vie; refined strong, active. bins. do. Manila, 7—4.60 p in.—Gen. Mac- 1 eas—J a n. could German April pa 30tg35 — I Is. On no other ground HIC Of >—t as h«: notations S.\ v' ANNAH Below 6th, sobs Willie L Max- LEW3EN C A R. M. & Arthur’s temporarily, Teas—Formosa. 35 a 65 interfore in Samoa and accord- operatlons.conslet, well, tiolt, Baltimore; Nellie T Morse. Kennts- GO., r .rships hi daily reconnaissances In various di- Molasses—Porto Jttco. 28,0.35 Kiour dull, unchanged. to instructions under which he acred, Wneat—No 2 at 7038 Street. purpose ./ n Cld sch 8 P Perth hen would be no military interference London I 7' «•. No 2 Red at 73 76e. Corn—No 2 at fltb, Hitchcock. Sorenson, Congress wrM3t tou the rebels and ascertaining Raisins, Layers. 75«.2'oo h with >•* -... 34 2 •> Oats Amboy. Bo ulso protected against Raisins. Loose Muscatel. 6u 7% -c; N" yellow 34-*4 6V*c. y Germany. their movements Tbe Fourth Cavalry No 2 at 27*4 No 2 white at OOO.p Cld 7th. sch Kdv.a. Mtllbridge. —————.. he i*sue »;f the by Admiral Pork. Buff. Lard and Poultry. <$27Mjo; proclamation and two guns were our all the morning i>U» No 3 w hile at 29! *i&30c No 2 Rye at 63c SALEM—Sailed 7th. sehs Eliza Levenseller. vkut/ instructions from the for Llber- pending in the direction of Bairascau, a little I'ork—Heavy.13 00513 50 No 2 Barley at 39 « 4 He; No 1 Flaxs-ed 1 nm EPzabethport Portland; Druid, port also the return to Mess Pork at 9 • tv for do; Fraucis Collin. Boston for do; Clara reaty powers; aguiust north of Malolos. Pork—Medium.11 75figl2 00 prime 1 Imothy seed at 2 30; 2 of the Malletoans which (><>,« io 60 II9 26 Lard 5 221 26; short rib sides 4 60 L Rogers, for do; Chase. Snow, do lor Rock- Vpia deported In the meant line tbe dredgers are busy Beef—light.10 ; of riamoa and Beef-heavy.11 60 n 4 salted meats—shoulders a at 4’s W land; Silver Spray, iiobokcu for Rock and; was a menace to the peace of the Rio Grande ooa.ll On; Dry clearing tbe chancel half bbls. 6 76 a 5 oo 4 clear sides 6 uo« 6 lo. G M Bralnard, Amboy Mr Portland; Annie M u> reminded the admiral that the“Falke” Boneless, V% ; short at to The United States double 14 Allen, New York for St Andrews. NB; llatn ACCIDENT Lard—tea and half Butter at 1113 A 6V% «,20c;dairies CLAIM no to Pampanga bbl,pure— t»V&(§ flrtu—creamery $10,000 i;i | made according promise help turretted monitor Monad nook is patroll- Card -t«s and half bill,com— 6*4 (&5Va U.18C burg, do for Rucksport; Sallic E Sudlum. port 0 the admiral’s Be was a proclamation. the in the vicinity of Bakoor, Lard—Pails, pure. 7 (a7% -fresh 11n4 c. Liberty for Blddeford; Georgo Lawrv. Vlual- would do ing bay Eggs steady W ; kfraid that the Admiral harm and Lard—Palls, compound. 6% a 1 tieese creameries at ic. lmven for New York: Geo Glover. and Chase ___ the rebels in motion drop- steady; lln4@121 that were keeping Lard—Pure leaf. l) 'a Soulh Amboy, for do. Jj it* issue and already them in re- OVfa Flour—receipts 13.000 bbls; wheat 46.000 Paid The Travelers. people occasional shells among PORTSMOUTH — \r 6th sell Sarah Law Promptly by around ping Hams. » uw* corn 233.000 oats bush; fluid cf the rebels Apia. The tire. Push; bush; 163,000 sponse to their musketry Chickens. 154 16 2 bush. fence. Sanford. Newport News; Lewis K French PORTO RICO. Jiuiral that he must be govern 'd rye 7,00o|bush; barley .000 March 1899. IN replied tJ have been bombarded Fowl. 13 wheat Keudrtck. R •cklaml for York. 6, a of his bual, reported 11J Shipments—Flour 20.000 bbls; 6.000 Insurance Co.. Maine n his actions by continuation a of Sl(l Oth. sch Emma E Chase. Kennebec. G. M. I.ARNEV, State Agjnt. Travelers’ Portland, by the Baltimore. Is merely suburb Turkeys I4i 15 Push; corn 44,0001 bush; oats 118,000 bush; for draft and not his fuirs; that In his VINEYARD HaV EN Ar sch F.ed 1). ir Sir —I hand >ou herewith receipt dulv signed in favor of my mother foi tlmt Are luty by as cabled exclusively by 8000 bush ;barley 2.00O bush. 7th. Q.nernl Stour Report* People he Dagupail which, rye >. full amount due under i*ti thomaud dollar accideot policy Issued by you last September to mj reclamation he meant exactly what morn- <>raln Jackson. Portlai d f New \ ork, and atd. J the Associated Press on Thursday Quotations. I MINNEAPOLIS—Wheat—Apr at 69s*c;May father Hvron D. Verrill. acc -pt on my henalt and ou that ot my mother my since*e of Starvation. 1 w as not and Also ar 7lli. sells l.-iurtvco Hanes *ud Lv- Dying aid and speaking liippantly; was bombarded the United «.71e; No l hard at 70sset expression of mv lor the manner In which this calm was met ing last, by ICBICAQO BOARD OF TBADK. BiRfec; July 707s goniit, Portland t<>r N.* .• York E Goodiiow, tm Hunks and also this appreciation _ irhat he had he would do. proclaimed Mates cruiser Charleston last Saturday Not Northern at t»93ae; No 2 Northern 07T*r. Pooles Land!uc Mr.Wi ami My lather received a fall In October last while on a vacation trip lu the woods, his I Quotation*. inington; MaryC Stuart, liquidated. The fact that with all eorrespon- Wednesday’s Flour—first at 3 85'.second pat- nii,l .. !us return to the to the Company lu an informal way a claim lor Indemnity General Hoy Stone, just because one of her boats was tired upon patents 76ijj,3 sulllvati lor Pnil.rudpi:..,. v Me Nichols, trum city presented Brigadier enc? to the the Wheat. 3 66; first clear s on- six detention In he woods due to the fall. This claim your and protests admiral, officer was wounded "while in- 56m3 2k6O} the matter, and he signed a 1 irniAD ouiisul soundings. fuly DETROIT—Wheat quoted ut 73c for cash p requiring shore making ...... n c out of the accident. Ills death In December last was the famine In ialnud. He “Per- to forward a copy of his counter pro- 72% 721 White, cash Red at73Vxc; May at 74Vic; July koreurn fort*. iv ;pt hi mil tor all ami- arising that says: ary the meantime been able to transact some Closing. 73 72;! a ;rvi!tc’ tins-am** fall, although he had in busluess < lainutlou to the Admiral, has not in- it 73c. Sid ftn Rotterdam 6th Inst, 9,earner sons are dying from starvation ail AN INSURGENT GENERAL DEAD. Maasdam, and hud not realized that ue was seriously itijured. All’of these facts combined to make the r.aacd the let ween the ad- TOLEDO—Wheat at 74c; May at New York. good feeling Corn. quiet-cash im.s,* a wrv unusual one. and l led it is only due your Company to say that Its attitude through- through the interior In the districts at 72^ic. At Buenos Ayres March '. baroue Ant loch. □ iial and consul. Never before by any Now York, April 7.—The Journal’s oor- Julv. MV*c; July out ha- oeen most honorable and liberal. May. for Boston or New York. of Banas there were many deaths. ( Hi coal had the admiral teen treated in at Manila cables toduv that <> «*' nit. 36Vs Hemingway, M rather Ids satisfaction at the treatment which he had received at the hands Aguas respondent 34% 01/4 «... 1 ..a loi.u M/>■> •>*. ...It n It I/.p/1-.i, expressed j Cotton Mailer *. Iv his claim for some .six * uncouruous and man* within the .5 35s 4 ,,f ompany in so prompt and fairly settling days’ detention, and The In the district of Cnrnerlo uch an Insulting paciflcos who hove returned Closing.... Sauta Cm/. yo judge liempel. when Inter he was c.infilled !<• his house under the care of his physician to present tfl 1 icr. lines tbe death of Gen. ft ATM. (By Telegraph.) declined me a took iu which he had re- American report Ar at Panama A pi 17, steamer City ol Puna- detention because of its on the of im showed APRIL Hi« t ompany any further claim for liberality presentation Montenegro, who was regarded as next to May. July. 7, 1809, me. Acapulco; 23d, City of Para, rm ban Fran- the names of who had died 26’ 1 t corded many the most of the (>[>entn<. 4 NEW YORK—The Cotton market to-day was cisco. of honorable settlement of the Agulnuldo, aggressive do °i iii best express my own appreciation your above mattei rHUbLAJHAIlUil. Closing.. 20*4 lull; middling uplands 0 3-10C gull 0 7-10 ; Ar at Port Aid 0, I!onnio from lack of food. Gen. Grant reported JSUMvrS Filipino leaders. Spain barque Doom, and the .influence m your Uompauv thereby aroused by taking out some insurance for Israeli rORJL. tales 39o bales. Burgess. New York 1G uays. for a ten thousand dollar life and ten thousand dollar accident deaths iroro mjii vuuod in one district. and 1 ; t make application German ('ailed Rebellious Sa- Mav. CHARLESTON—The Cotton market to-day Ar ai Nassau, NT, Gtlj. steamer Saratoga. Ini H. M. VERRILL. low SATURDAY KVK- policy. Very truly yours. 1 saw hundreds of natives emaciated T. F FOSS & SON’S Opening. 9 >2 dosed quiet; middlings ftVfcc. New York, ami sailed lor St Jago and < leulru- moans Rack. >• li e other company in which Mr. Verrill had an accident policy refuse to recognize th» OPENING. vJJoaiu*. 9 22 Cotton market closed gos, and weak When 1 lo^t i'orto Rico there M_MKN^INQ | GALV KSTON—The is the safe to insure in. Thursday’s claim. This proves that the Travelers only company via San Fran- quotations, >a&y; middlings ft 15-I6c. were lOi.OOO persons there who had hud Apia. Samoa, March U4, beginning Saturday, A]ril 8th, T. F. fepoken. M ra!: INSURE IN THE TRAVELERS. WH KA M KMIUI1S—The Cotton market to-day closed — have bean & Sons wilt their store Jau lat 32 lou 33 W. snip K D neither bread n<>r meat for two weeks, g lsoo, April 7. 1 here lively I Fobs keep open Jan. Mav. Julv lulet: .">7/8C. 27, IS, l’lce, until further no- middlings Carter, from San Francisco for London. every Saturday evening Closin'. •. •Cotton market closed “This 6tate of affairs Is largely due to iinert in Samoa during the past few cays, 72H 72*4 NKW ORLEANS—The lat 3 Ion 27 Edmund tice for the benefit Of Saturday evening ft"ic. Marob Jtt, N. W. barque the short toffee crop and the ruinous » and Britl-h l'JK> inlet: middlings f-oin Portland for Buenos Avres. he United States warships MOBILE—(otton market is aulet; middlings Phlntiey. of liraztl. Porto Kioau shoppers. Mav. July, apsil lat 37 18, Ion ttO, barque Annie Lewis competition forces it ft”*HC. 3, C. M. State ave shelied Ma’aafa’s repeatedly Closing..... 347a 36o«» lroiu Boslou lot Buenos BARNEY, coffee is selling at from seven to Ayres. Agent, eight SAV’AN N AH—The'Cotton market closed have been landed in to OATS cent* at the seapo ts aud the nd sailors Apia transporta- AUGUST FLOWER. Mav* juiet; middlings 54fec. l'ir«l .Vitiomtl Hunk ItiiUdiUK. 'I'eleplioiM* IOJ-4. marSOoodtf tion takes nearly all <*f this sum, There rotect Numerous casualties July. property. Closing. 20 v* 20 to uwner of the "It is a fact” says Prof- Market? Is protit for|the planta- ave lesulted on both sides. Admiral Burpiisiug f'lKH European tion. Uet ernl Henry is Issuing iioutnn, “that in my travels in all parts i>* klajer [uutz and the commanders of the British May. tations and is d .ing everything in Ids of the world, for the last ten years, I Close*...... 9 25 7. 7899.—'the Cotton advices LIVERPOOL, April Wat’sh in a power to alleviate the distre-g. hips are anxiously awaiting have met more people having used Friday’s Quotations. narket closed steady ; American,middling 33V; “Another element to the in the moan- bales, ot whuliooo contributing torn their governments and Align*! Flower than any WBK4T tales estimated 10,000 Green's lor and diatre-t of the Forto Ricans is the (act When for May. Liales were speculation export ime the shelling proceeds daily. other remedy, dyspepsia* deranged July 7. 1899—Consol* closed at that the United ttit.Hs continues to levy Closmg.1 71*4 72’a "LONDON. April Kautz arrived in the Bhiladel liver and stomach, aud for constipation. Uosh for money amt 1 iO 9-1G for duties upon them. They hud free trade vdiniml 4. OitN account._ 1 find for tourists aud salesmen, or for with Spain. Their commercial relations hia he spent two days in making in- Mav. July PORTLAND TINWARE CO. office where Closing.. 34^8 35”* MINIATURE ALMANAC APRIL 8. with are now cut off by the duties a persons filling positions, Sputa and then calling meeting of oath ** NAME?” quiries had from ft 1£* which has levied since the wur. headaches and general feelings Sunrises.... iiiffh wc.vr I Spain ~ Cross near Middle. See Ked from Middle St. 11 the consuls and the senior otlicers of J0ii. 0 „4B St-, Sign Forto Rico formerly sent- large quanti- irregular habits exist, that Greeu’s Mav. July SUU il the in the harbor. Asa re- 20*2 26*" * Moou rises.4 OOiHeight.on— <0 ties of tobacco to Cuba Now there in a warships August I'luwer is a grand remedy. It Cosing. ult. of the meeting a proclamation was PORK. duty of 10 per cent. There was no duty does not injure the system by frequent -sued by the American admiral duclar- Dec. Mav under the Spanish rule use, aud is excellent for sour stomachs M AP.XN E N i ;Wr- iu«l for example*, Irt it* cull ug that the so-called provisional govern Closing. 9 30 ‘‘Yet. with all their sufferings, the and Sample lioUle* nent under Mutaafa can have no legal indigestion.” your attention lo SALT, You 1’ortJ Ricans are patient and loyal. They E. 1*011 r OK t'OKTL A NO 1200 PIECES tat us under the Berlin treaty and order- free at F. E. Fickett’s, 212 Danforth, RoAton Mod atm*. are making no complaint against the FRIDAY. 7. are eating something fresh, you fa and his to W. 107 Port McDonough & The following worn the ciosiu: uou- April states. 1 am ug Mata supporters quietly Stevens’, and, United informed, though, wer of the naval b ta tea. returned, p ten Mans. .. 72 steamer Cumberland. Thompson. St John, NB __ wus would be usod SALT pure and simple, some- oree, il stated, do common...... 20 k ia Eastport for Boston. 5 AND 10 CENT GLASSWARE gaingt all who disregarded the rights do.in steamer Enterprise. Race, Boothbay via thing that it mo Mining of SALT COURT. < SUPERIOR disposed people. The au- '»Aln* .. Bristol. peaceably that It will a Just Opened From the chief was 0 iion!Faclflc. 46 Tug SwarUra, (new) Philadelphia, leave sweet clean Factory. _ hority of justice upheld y nlon I’aclncDfd. 79 bi n Sarah C Kroger. Newport News. I he 'lhe proclamation was Ropes, taste in the inoiuh. In fart you proclamation, Anericat; n«u .. 352 5oal to A it Co. BOXXEY. Admiral Kautz. Wright BARGAINS. BEFOUR JUDGE ignod by Lu^0NANODVNe i^noan nasrar. common-...... 156Mi, Hch Aitele McKean, Baltimore— want llic great Tnaokery. wuh to l'his taken Ma „... .117 Vfe •oal to V & R R It. Jj prcolamation 3u old., the case of Dinsmore vs iP1' Liniment tar, ^Friday—In aafu ano rml to him by Flag Lieutenant Form of Inflammation; Sch AH ed W Fisk, Kelley, Philadelphia— Tieeman the return*d a verdict for Cures Every jury illller. It was received In silence ana no New York oni of Stocks anti Honda. joal lo Mo Cent UR. as as EXTERNAL. Qaoliit WORCESTER BRAND to the for $S5 and h.s INTERNAL much .sell Elien, Littlejohn, Kllzauethport— Sale Monday plaintiff ,newer was made. FJataafu Maggie Friday. The real danger from every known ailment of U»y Telegraph.! Fred A. Kehoe vs. Otto H. Josfc. and went to the west- joal io M«* Cent KK. hiefs quietly left mankind Is caused by inflammation. Cure the In. are the of This a to recover tne sum of The following closing quotations Sch Nelhe F sawyer, Wlllarh, New York— | is Hgit rn of the 'lhe Gei- fliimmation ami you conquer the disease. Inflam- -OF- portion municipality, joal to G T Co. toff.5^, as a balance due lor ser mation is manifested outwardly by redness.swelling Bonds: Ry personal | nan consul however, issued a counter 6. Sch Clara Jaue. New York—fertili- vices rendered the defendant in the fall and heat. Inwardly by congestion of the blood Aprfl 7. April Maloney, reclamation in the teamoan fever and 12 9* s ser to W 1 language vessels, growth of unhealthy tissue, pain, N e w 4 s.Srcg.1-9" 4 F Sargent of 18'Jb. The defeudant is a household bruises, bron- vhicb was distributed among the Flataafa. disease; as asihin i, abscesses, burns, e\v 4s, coup.129% 129* k Sch Nat Mender. New York for Bath. and the is a hardwood chitis, colds, croup, catarrh, vban*,all iorms Bostou lor Horse SALT. decorator, plaintiff Lhe rourl at follows: coughs. N *w 4s, leg.lli’j 112’,4 Sch Jeinie Lockwood, from proclamation of sore throat, la mumps, muscular soreness. finisher. The plaintiff claims that the grippe, ew 49, coup.113l4 113 [slaud. A SUDDEN RISE IN REAL ES- defendant hired him at la 60 a day to do NOTICK TO ALL SAMOANS. Denver & It. G. 1st.lOB’/a 108’.* Sen Zainpa. Brettn, Machias for Pawtucket. for Boston. work on James U. Hamlin’s house on rt'ii. 4 s 72 72 Sch Jo»ie, Clark, Maclilns Salt under Ihut name, the Cook, the of the admiral of 68 Machias for Boston. TATE Uarleton street. The defendant admits By proclamation Mo.IKan. & Tex. ;2ds. 6712 Sch Neptune, Berry, he United States dated March it wus & Pacific consols. Sch Vima Grenlaw, Machias lor Boston, the Epicure, llic Hairy, and that the worked the of 11, ,.m,sas May. it) the choice in anil around plaintiff length Sa^Sooth^Satisf^g 111 Sch A 1 ward. Calais lor Boston. property imue known that the three consuls of the in 1810. Nav.lst.Ill Hooper. Ay time stated in his and not Originated by an old Family Physician •‘regou Creamery Magnates acknowl- account, does the over Sch Normandy. Bath for Fernaudlua. Portland that wo ate selling would l a powers cf Berlin treaty, as Coulu a remedy have existed for eighty year* Closing quotations of stocks: the character of the but ignatory a here is not Seh LyUva- M WebSUM. Kockport to be question work, as the three commanders of unless it lias cured many family ilia T 7. (5. Hooper, edge absolutely pure. to veil the.men con fide me or April April liable multiply the dollars that you claims that the rale of wus to be u in uso today which has the Seh Emma F Chase. Boston. wages 1 had been unanimous to remedy Mvhlson. 2o •* 21*4 Cor sate all war recog- the to so great an extent us this Anodyne. bob Tor**e .*>131013, Machine for Boston. by grocers. invested our only to a day. The defendant admits that public A vhlsuii'pfd. 618 s tSO's have wisely through advice iize the provisional govern men r Sch iia D Sturgis, heriigau. St Jaim, NB, for We are the authorized STATE he owes the plaintiff a balance of at out Our Book on INFLAMMATION Mailed iree. eutral F.n tlic..517d 61^a and Our choice lots of Matuvfi and the thirteen « e bott le. Sew York. experience. building The case will be to the on)posed The Doctor* signature uud direct! jus a * ry ‘•lies. & Ohio. 26*-* 26Tk H*. given jury Si cents, six bottles, •■J-Ou, Sch Charlie & Willie, -. AGENTS. Fiefs. Hold bv all Pr Uirir!>-ts. Price, A; lAlU'li.165 165 in Portlaud and suburbs me certain to Saturday morning. CUW VJ Custom House St *ton. Mas*. C-ltcagu Sch Helen G Calais tor New York. 1 therefore, made known to you that | JOHXBOX .JJ. Alton ufd King, John B. Kehoe for alvagOA in au in- plaiutiff. Is false. the 142U Cleared. advauce value very scon, for K. E. Heokbert for defendant. his proclamation quite 1, Liver Pill Made,” Clu aco. Bur. & Quiucy.142U ierman consul general, coutinu** tj rec- t* i. & 11 ud. Canal Co..116 116’a Soh Clara L Randall, CbarUou. PhlUpelphla— vestment that is safe and profitable or as visional of Sa Del. Lack, .x West.tiOxd 178% I 8 Winslow & Co. ibe pro government a are seem gnizo Denver A 21% speculation they worth lug. Canada Is muoh stirred up over soaudals uott until l have received contrary In li.JG. 2*5* SAILED—Sen Nettie Champion, In tow. for ine. new./. 1*:U Kendall & the land office service In the tractions from my government. *i7% tooth bay. Whitney, affecting P“Ba8tarsons’ Pills Frie 1st ufd. 37% (Signed) Positively cure biliousness and sick headache, Yukon In the offices when alii m rttles Illinois Central.114% reigon. Hose, liver and bowel cotnplal »ts». They expel |>u 19 19 HtTOM OUK COKUKaPON l)ENTH. LLEWELLYN M. blood. Delicate women find relief from Lake Erie A West. LEIGHTON, mining .claims are recorded tho clerks from the 200 SACO, April 7—At the Pool, ach Sal He K Lud Federal and Streets. German Consul General nalug them. Price 2ftcts.: five «1.W>. Pamphlet free. Lakebhore.200 Templer Exolsance Street, 60 from New York, for aprVUlt OO are In collusion with speculators. Apia, Marches, 1899. Lfc. JOHNSON & CO., H Custom House St., Bob WO# Louis & Nash... 64^1 um, waiting tug. i_ THE PRESS. HAEBOB NEWS. TEN DEER.

Flwe Herd Seen Wear Leeds Item* of Interest Picked Up Along the Yesterday NEW ADVERTISEMENT! TODAY. Jssdlon. Water Front. Oren Hooper's Sons, SALE. inven, Moorf*& Co* MEN*S SUIT Conductor Walker of the Farmington J. K. l.ibby Co. Jones will be Bines Bros. Oo. The Steamer Frank sup- freight train, saw a remarkable sight Ik H Swett & Co. plied with a new 6earoh light which ar- yesterday a short distance from Leeds Frank M. l.ow A Co. a T. F. Foss A Sons. rived yesterday. Jot., on the Maine Central. Itfwas herd H. It. liny A Son. A cablegram received at Poston an* of ten deer, eo mnoh at home that the Jih F. dirk A Co. nouro?s the arrival at not Tor land Stove Foundry Co. Southampton.hng., appearance of o locomotive did Hull's Cioti mg Store. of the British steamer fcjtrathtay, Capt. frighten them grrafly. Leeds junction Is H. F. buggies. for Boston with Notice Stockholders, McKenzie from Hamburg in the midst of an old-rottied country ro-ter. Avery & Co. general cargo. The btrathtay left the and is only 12 miles from the of Lew- & city A. F. All'. German j»ort last Sat 'rdny and proceeded isten. Foster, Geo. C. Shaw. Co., but a short distance when her AveryBARGAIN AMUSEMENTS. propeller BESSE SYNDICATE DISTRIBUTORS. Character Sketches—First Parish House. became loosene 1, compelling her to put THOSE MILEAGE BOOKS. into Southampton. It 1* possible that her Excellent Combination. New Wants. To Let. For sale. Lost. Found An w ill have to bo In order The Maine Central Orders Theirs Put and similar advertisements will be found under cargo discharged The method and beneficial heads on ik a pleasant th*ir appropriate page to make repairs The steamer has pari on Hale. effects of the well known remedy, she was cargo for Portland, to which port .Stri p or Flos, manufactured by the to proceed from Boston. The Maine Central yesterday, issued California Fia Bthup Co., illustrate BRIEF JOTTINGS. value of the laxa- Mr. lVleg Barker began work Thursday the order to out on sale the ono thousand the obtaining liquid tive of known to be afternoon on the now freight shed that he mils books good for husband and principles plants The annual meeting of the First Bap- laxative and presenting NOTICE THE PRICE REMEMBER THE PRICE is to bn lid on Custom House wharf. The wife. medicinally tist patish will be held Monday, April them in t^e form most refreshing to the shed will be about 200 feet long and 40 and to the It 10th. THE HIGHLANDS COMPANY. taste acceptable system. feet wide and will be about the same Is the one laxa- if * now built the Portland perfect strengthening The bridge by The been as the one recently com- Highlands Company has orga- tive, cleansing the system effectually, $6.89. will be con- style building & Cape Elizabeth railroad nis'd for the headaches and fevers desirable Suits for onr of 27 pleted for the Manhattan Steamship com- improvement of real estate, dispelling colds, Thousands and thousands of these pure wool, purchased Syndicate nected to the old work soon and cars will and one pany, onlv If will have a pitch'd roof construction of water works, etc., and gentlv yet promptly enabling The woolen mills tight for our orders on the cloth. The manufact- over it9 entire will allow for offices in the upper to overcome habitnal stores AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. begin running length. Athlojj for the additional and incidental purpose constipation per- of the New Sherman, the local man- Its freedom from for their make as we wish Mr. W. Fessenden Miller, story! Captain of and a tele- manently. perfect urers from all over the submit bids in up, exactly them the Manhattan com- corsructitig maintaining and country competition been at ager of Steamship every quality sub- England Telephone Company, has Yarmouth to objectionable pany, 1« confined to his room at tbo phone line from \il!npe stance. and its on the kidneys, made. In Rockland from a acting his homo recovering Preble House with a severe attack of Freeport village by the way of booth liver and bowels, without weakening of his arm received while at work sprain erysipelas. Freeport and Porter’s landing. The or irritating them, make it the ideal The schooner C, A. SpronI from Hoofcb- SERGE In the Baxter building. amount of stock is of laxative. MEN’S BLUE SUITS, $6.89. bay Harbor with stone was in collision capital $10,000 The annual of the Civic club In the of meeting with the steamship Michigan In Poston which nothing is yet paid in. The par process manufacturing figs arc to the will ba held at Fraternity Hoqsj today at harbor Friday. Planking on the schooner are used, as they pleasant famous Mass.) of soft and oven texture. Will not shine. Colors value of the shares is 9100. of the 18 ounce production of the Washington Mills, (Lawrence, was crushed in and it will require about taste, but the medicinal qualities 8 p. m. The directors are W. Sonle of with full shoulder double stitched and fitting. HALE PRICE $6.89 I I her in aguln. George arc obtained from senna and warranted never to fade, pure wool facing, perfect A. has moved his put shape remedy Mr. George Houghton Captain John glmpson formerly In Freeport and Elmer E. Wengren and other aromatic plants, by a method family from Fort Fairfield to this city. command of th« steamer Rose (Stnndish, Levi Turner of Portland. The president known to the California Fio Stbitp intoxication made the bus a as pilot with the its beneficial Four cases of up accepted position Is George W. Soule and the treasurer is Co. only. In order to get International line on the steamer (State of business before the municipal court yes- effects and to avoid imitations, please Men’s Steel $6.89. Maine. Captain had served in Elmer L. Wtngren. Gray Serge Suits, Hlmpson remember the full name of the Company terday. the same capacity on this line previous to on the front of every package. Mills Steel Cray Worsted, colors, made with full shoulder facing, satin piped, hard twisted, On Wednesday,April 12th at J0.30 ».m., his taking command of the river steamer. LECTURE ON RAPHAEL. printed Washington Serge guaranteed Grlllitns of the Allan line and in lit and SALE PRICE $6.89 the Woman's Council will hold their reg- Captain Members of the committee on school CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. wear resisting perfect tailoring. steamer 'Turanian has been appointed as- SAN FRANCISCO. CAL our values in Men’s Suits at 5.89, 15.00, 16.00 ular meeting at the residence of Mrs. a. hous*r decorat ion. students in the various These are only samples from immense $4.89, 6.89, 7.89, 8.89, 9.89, 12.0(), sistant wharf superintendent at Montreal LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N. Y. street. and all who are for would be and small dealers to our with inferior goods. stuffcan be had B. Kelsey, 22 Bearing for the Allan company. art classes of this city, For sale by all Druggists.—Price 50c. per bottle, and 18.00. It is easy competitors copy prices Cheap any* Thoimonthiy meeting or tne ±*rinting .Steamer Cumberland arrived at 7 and interested in the history of painting, where. Oars are all high grade, perfect, reliable, guaranteed goods of this season's make and style, at prices unapproachable. sailed at 8 a. in. Pressmen's union, No. 22, will be held at should not fail to hear the two lectures The arrivals were quite numerous they at 5.16 m. /7>\ r^n McDonald’s printing office, p. Included schooners Neptune, lumber; on Rapbasl to he given this vtc;k at the tcday. Alfred W. Fisk, tug Adelin, schooners tiecoml Advent church. The Mutual Improvement club will Normandy. Nellie F. Hawyer, Lydia M. _ ...... M..Vll.n Cm.tn... HAI) GOOD SUBJECT. SHOE DEPARTMENT. meet with Mrs. Walker 6 Grant street, schooners A. Hooper, lumber: /.anipa, artist-4 Monday. Roll call from 16th and 17th Seventy paintings by American Ladies' Fine Footwear a Specialty. Nat Mender, Charlie and Willie.Kjuina F. were sold at the fifth Avenue Art Gal- chapter of the manual. Chase, Viola Muy, Three Sisters and leries. New York, Thursday evening for “There will be an anniversary high mass Horace* Albert. $4,722. '1 hey formed a part of an aggre A della departed towing the schoon- ion of 215 all of requiem at the Church of the Sacred 'lug gut pictures, by Americans, er Nettie Champion. the balance or which were to be sold this For Ladies Is a Shoe that for combined with fit, aud flexibility is second to none. Heart this morning at 9 o’clock in memo- style perfect quality Captain J. W. Cook of the three masted anti last evening. The prices ranged from who died ry of Mark Joseph Fhnnerty, schooner Rebecca J. Mo ulton, now at $2’J to $200, averaging about $fi7.60 for Boston from on n year ago. Philadelphia, reports each picture. A. T. Brlcher’s “Sunrise, March 2D. at 11 a. m., when the vessel Portland liar sold at g I he annual meeting of.the Civic club tor,” $200. was off lioniba Hook, in the Delaware We desire to call attention to the flexibility and comfort of the SHOE from tho mo- this your particular consequent QUAKER will be held at fraternity house, a slate colored carrier llew river, pigeon GRANITE MATE PROVIDENT’S ment when it is the foot. We are confident that a trial of the SHOE will make you our customer in 3 o’clock. on board In a very much exhausted con- placed upon single QUAKER afternoon at AFFAIRS. In the dition. Attached to one of its legs was a Look yourself right square the future. COMPLETE SHOE OUTFITTERS FOR MEN, WOMKN AND CHILDREN. An active building season is expected silver band hearing the following Inscrip- David A. the assignee of the about Greater Portland. Taggart, face and think it, In tion: “N. A. —35572,” Captain Cook Granite State Provident Aid Association that Store Monday and Saturday Evenings. The board of health has decide! cared for the pigeon until April 3, when In New Hampshire, ill speaking of the Cheap tailors ruin one’s vanity and Always Open first the New Jerusalem vestry is not avail- he released it off Minot's light, account of the Maine receiver for that a note looks and having attached to the band giving organization ns placed before the supreme cheap ready-made wonderfully able as a schoolroom, being too.dark, of bird’s aboard the particulars the light court a* Pnrtluud, Tuesday by ex-Gov- » Park street scholars are not yet released. cheap, We guarantee satisfaction, so the the schooner and where it was ernor Henry B. Cleaves, stated that as a a letter provided for. Yesterday Captain Cook received dividend of 21) per cent was ueciaied by and satisfaction means service as from a resident of Boxford slating that Work has begun on the'newjbriok house the Maine receiver last fall, the balance the same pigeon had been captured at his will be withheld until the New Hamp- well as locks—two reasonable require- to be erected on street by Mr. for In- Vaughan place In that town, and asking shire assignee has declared his final per one dam- The ments. A. I. Randall to replace the structions relative to its disposition. cent. This, said Mr. Taggart, was the J. H. (Jonaot the ents for aged by lire last fall. Mr. N. E. Kedlon Company, ag understanding the home receiver had It's not an expensive luxury to be the vessel, will furnish information to with the Maine For illustration is the builder. Mr. Kedlon also starts people. & any one desiring to know further particu- if Mr. 'laggart should pay 30 per cent the woll dressed—at least not here. next week on Mr. iloratio|Htaples's new lars. Maiue receiver would the other 10 Foster, Co., pnv per a was on at the Besides we have tailor with us, Avery house ou Thomas street. There very little cent. If the New Hampshire receiver • do but Mr. Arthur Huakins of Biddeford is British stekinship t-rday, paid but 25 per cent the Muine sharehold- and if here 516 OPERATORS OF 27 in a few you buy your clothing CONGRESS, will le lively days. ers receive but 0 cent STORES._«« things would per more, _____ to close his connection with the Pepperell are: The The ste oners due u, r.-ive und the balance would be turned over to we’ll keep it pressed free of charge. mills this week and will come to this city Buenos Ayrean, from Glasgow. March 35; the New Hampshire receiver. Mr. Tag- March 31; So'e for hats. to enter a clothing store. Carthaginian, Liverpool, gart said that it was the understanding agents Young’s 1; Hibernian. lo- S truth ay, Hamburg, April that the Maine shareholders would receive The 6Cow Ajux has carried a small and Glasgow; April 1, and the K ildona no mora and no less than the sharehold- island for work on sailed comotive to Diamond the .Sheikh. The steamer Ashanti ers in other sections of the country. the fortifications. from Barcelona u few days ago with sul- for Portland. FRANKM.I0W&C0., ALBANS COMMANDERY TO 'the regular meeting of the Elizabeth phur ST. BE ENTERTAINED. Men’s Outfitters, Wadsworth chapter, D. A. R., will be G. A. Li. LADIES ENTERTAIN. held on afternoon at 3 o’clook "Lewiston commandery of Knights Temp- MONUMENT SQUARE. Monday About ninety* wero at Bos- Y. M. present lar have voted to entertain the Precep- in the wmuen’8 auxiliary parlors, worth Post hall yesterday at the enter- tory of Montreal, Do Molay Commandery C mefuber is tainment by Bosworth Relief corps. A. building. Every request- given of fckowhejnu and St. Albans Conunan- ed to tea saucer and No. U. A. K., to Thatcher Belief cor. s OUR bring cup, spoon. 1, deryioiji’ortland, in Lewiston next June. to the tire at thaw’s store, the of this city and Cloudman Belief corp* Owing j A committee was appointed to lix the Bible class will meet at of Westbrook, at Bosworth Post ball. WINDOWS .Saturday night date end make the other necessary ar- 661 Cumberland street, until the rooms After the meeting a musical regular rangements. It will he a and in- •-♦ associ- was largo of the Young Women's Christian and literary entertainment given, j LrO.rSf._- 'I ation are put in order. followed by a sapper in the banquet are an Index to the The tables were ar- Rev. E. H. Newcomb, the pastor of the hall. very prettily Season. They contain tiro follow- and decorated church ai Hoi ih Portland, ranged this neck: Congregational officials of the ing will addreis the men's meeting at the Y. Among ibe prominent The importance of order were Past State President* M. C. A. Sunday afternoon at 4.30. present a good 1. Spring Toulcs and Bitters. May hew of Westbrook. Mrs. A. M. law- taking Spring und Mrs. O. K. /■ Medicine is well known 2. Choice Mckel Cigars. yer, Whitman Sawyer f Fire Notice! PERSONAL. Legrow of this city. —in f®0*, '** necessity IFor Spring Smoking.) The committee of arrangements consbt- I fig is admit- 3. (linger Ale, 50c dozen. odor Mrs. A. l. S5nwyer, cuairmau, ; 14 /A universally I v Brooms. Rev. and Mr3. John C. Perkins are N. Airs. 13. A. Mrs C. 4. Whisk l\ Lang, Norton, j I I ted. To this ■ | argue 3 for 25c. of onr Stroet Store will ila s. C. Mr* Jcre Mrs. lOe, If the Congress kindly visiting In Cambridge, Douglass, Douglass, I nt is useless — takes patrons U. p. and Airs. O. 11. Mitchell ! fy poi our Street Mr. Newell W. ut Varney 5. Moth Killers. send or telephone their orders to Middle Store, Edson: bookkeeper of Bosworth Relief me and wastes our the president corps. up your ti/ room the First National is his 8. Furniture Polish, 25c. or leave them with clerks stationed in the shipping of Bank, passing The what space. /-cal question is, will see vacation in Washington. B1DDKFOKD TO HAVE MORNING Also Paints. Varnishes and our Congress street store which is iutact, we to it | to take? you want the Mr. Joan II. Davis of the Casco Bank, PAPER. O^course, at So. 282 Middle St that they are tilled and delivered from the Middle best. blood want a Supplies promptly has returned from Florida much bene- you Blddefcrd is to hsve a new Foj^^our street store. morning which cures blood iitted in health. paper with Sunday edition. medij^/^ine Mr. F. 1). W inslow, of this city, a mem- Portland parties are back of the enter- disy'eases. • /"■ Foryourap- H. H. HAY & Middle St. and it will bo issued from the old SON, ber of the legislature of 1895-7, is a candi- prise I petite, stom- limes and will be called The Tim* s (g/fll WE WILL RE-OPEN for the nomination for plan date Republican It is understood that a new press and ach-weak- of the /Vlfll I IJL/w^ (with all the delicacies season) State .Senator in this county. ly notype machine and new engine will be ness, and I/I I II Is a full size No. S and On will ocour the put in. V^Yll Tills is our greatest range bargain. --•A.T- Tuesday, April llth, symp- With tho exception of W. A. Roberts, dvspf epsia 11 8'cth birthday of Miss Jane Townsend— IiIbI./* lias a 20 lucli oven, which oven is self basting ventilated oven, who is one of the director®, the company ar toms you m want a medi- IUJ has nickel iriuiuied the old talloress—at Congress Place. is made of Portland men Novel.u mid ll facing*. SOI St., up I cine cont Gaining appetite- Congress Ex-Shorilf Webb was in town yester- Crafts of the Lakeside Press, Portland, is It has either llie iiluln or Skin and at half patt e REMEMBER if are 2 Disfiguring Scalp enediction every evening to aCf<;') everywhere. 1’rloe, Sarsaparilla. MO.\nn;.\T oT)ffT AOc. •oat. 2.'>c Ointmkjit. SOo.1 Resolvent (half ■!*«). and Massachusetts will be present aud It PinkhamJ hr DruO and Ciibm. Hole livitou. I I. Hood A Mass. Pott Corp., Prop#., pared byC. Co., Lowell, —--— •• occasion is ■ Uow to Cure Ecocide,”Id-page book, tree. a very pleasant predicted.