122 Absentee Dis- (8) Amherst, 8 P.M., Yar-- Blllls

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122 Absentee Dis- (8) Amherst, 8 P.M., Yar-- Blllls 3m ("yt f ' t r ' M V f ' VH t i ' h O I V, J.. tmab (tamttj Tmbex 14 PAGES 1 Serving Agricultural 1 vi Texas' Second Largest Prpducing County f VOLUME 31 LAMB UTTLEFIELD, COUNTY, TEXAS, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1964 NUMBER 51 v Voters Eye Primaries Elections are the of posed by Gordon . business McLendon of Economy Step this week in Lamb County whose Dallas. .. voters will climax a quiet spring This race has generated some campaign with party primaries, mud chunking Outlined Democratic and Republican, this with McLendon accusing Yar- By Saturday, borough of receiving $50,000 from promoter Billle Sol Estes One new feature will mark several years back, while Yar- A full-sc- T BE GROUCH Friday is Straw Hat Day in Uttlefield, Post Office Saturday's voting, the first ale borough charges McLendon, a n'l be a erotlCh like Chester nut-- auav fhfir !. Republican " " - . r- " ut uu aiiu,.j uuuj party primary Dallas radio executive, with be- il summer straw. Local merchants will have a wide HHm i , , rPPjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBW HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb1 in Lamb county in recent his- ing a "bankrupt variety Some limited adjustments In huckster." stra-- hats to select from many of them featured in BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlMli iTS'M? fi 'JHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBL 'VbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI tory, in almost all of the McLendon was the organizer postal as re- "?'V' i's paper. Chester, registered English services, ordered '"f Lr4flSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKim county's 17 voting precincts both and head of the old bulldog, BBBBBBBBBBbKF- - nBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBraBW'f' JRIBBBBBBBBBBbI Uberty radio and cently by Postmaster General i t have igs to Mr. Mrs. John Ussery. BBBBBBBBBBBBBlll H - V'rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB k&KsVBJBBBBBBBBBBBl parties will polllngplaces, networks that went into bank- John A. Gronouski, will begin BBBBBBBBBBBBBalv l.' SBBBBBBKa3SJBBBBBl the Democrats in and the all ruptcy in 1952. to take effect in Llttlefield and 'jijHKm Republicans with some conso- The governor s race is a; iu IN LHS AUDITORIUM other cities Monday, Post- lidations of smaller boxes. ouletest for years with Gov. master T. A. Henson said BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTKll'' rSBilBBliM?lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEEBBBB)iflBlS Connallyopposedforasec-on- d BBBbI iBFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWLisBBBBlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBnBB John Wednesday. "f HBBBAFBBBBBW As traditionally, in Texas, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB VIbbbbbL. sffm MFPyS by Don Yarborough of most of the voting be term will at Houston, runner-u- p to Connally Henson emphasized that no BmXmB9UL the Democratic party polls essential major services are In 1962, and by M. T. Banks oi outh Pacific' where a complete ballot will County and Johnnie affected under the orders. Pri- be voted. Republicans will have Jefferson marily, the changes involve Mae Hackworthe of Harris primary candidates for most County. window service on Saturday Pfc lSBBBBBBBBmBBBBF7yiBmTT'laaTSBB-alP"JPBBnBS-sbbBESBSIEhkIB state offices and for U.S. Senate The only other statewide De- morning and parcel post de- and Congress, but none below the Tonight one day a week mocratic race with much action pens livery only. regional of level. Few the GOP is for railroad commissioner offices, however, have contests Langdon, buth Pacific," the famed when the Uttlefield High School The money order window will where Jim C. El Paso In the primary. County, Incumbent, is opposed pay musical, comes to Choir, under direction of be closed on Saturday, Henson two-nig- and be no by Owens of Wilbarger peld for a ht stand Don Thorp, present their ver- stated, there will This is true in perhaps half Jesse sion of the big time production meter settings, no box col- of the offices on the Democratic County. In of civil appeals on the stage of the LHS Audit- lections and no Inquiries or bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWBIISSIbIB: ballot. On the county level only the court claims will be handled. Rural "' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBtf-rrngLMg'-''gg- ": race, seventh district, lormer orium tonight and Friday night. J BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOBR'SiaRBpSlVpT three offices have contests, a will money an Llttlefield attorney Herbert C. When the curtain opens on carriers not accept F'i four-m- race for sheriff and asse- Martin, now of Amarillo, is run the musical play at 8 o'clock order applications on Saturday, yy two-m- an contests for tax either. ssor-collector ning against Ernesto. Nonhcutt tonight, the ambitious and tal- DON'T -- and county iontact Parcel post delivery will go FORGET TO VOTEI- Saturday is el- tee ballot Tuesday afternoon at the county of Randall County, the ented school group will bring to ection day in Llttlefield and Lamb County with A 122 Democratic chairman. on a ay week, with Thurs- clerk's office. total of absentee votes life the now familiar charact- party both About half of the state and being primaries slated for the Democra- were cast by 5 p.m. Tuesday, indicating good Among incumbent Democrats ers of the show along with such day deliveries eliminated. tic and Republican regional offices on the Demo- will be no change parties. Mrs. C.O. Stone interest in the elections. Lamb County re- who are running unopposed for by Speedy Nieman song hits as "Some Enchanted There in made of cratic ballot have more than one de- certain her vote by casting an absen corded 5,936 paid poll tax receipts this year. new terms are Cong. George Evening," and "Gonna Wash home delivery or special candidate. i man fools you to get and Mahon, District Attorney Jack That Man Right Our of My livery, regular business Most active of the county money, it's called fraud ... mall deliveries will continue races is for sheriff where the Young, State Representative Bill tools you Hair." County Cur- to get your vote, as usual. Letters and other 4-- field includes Dick Dyer Clayton, Attorney For the unlniatated, the ac- com- lied politics. first-cla- ss will be hand- tis Wilkinson, county tion takes place on two mall the incumbent, W. D. "Dick" oOo islands Parties Slate Precinct missioners A. Spain of Olton led with the same priority as Ratliff and Loy Dalton of Uttle- J. piny primaries Satur-- of the South Pacific and the and J. L. "Roy'' Yeager q time is a lull during the fight- ever. field and V. L. Smith, Jr., of rJl be the end of the trail The economy step is expec- ' Littfc'iMd for places one and ing of the war with Japan. The Earti. B. any candidates, but for ted to save $12.7 million in a Dunn, county tax as- three; Peace Justice A. characters are chiefly marines, Herbert and i It'll be the first round of year's time. Conventions For Saturday sessor and collector Is opposed Jinklns of Sudan Constable seabees, nurses, sailors and Jest which is climaxed by L. Drake of Uttlefield. islanders. by BUI Jeffries, Uttlefield, 'a J. eral elections lnNovem- - county The 'Republican ballot lists The plot revolves around two Precinct conventions for both mary Saturday. The election Sudan; (6) Pleasant Valley com- former commissioner. both County only two contests, fairly romantic themes. Most im- Public the Democratic and Republican Judge will stamp "Democrat" munity center; (7) Curtis Sav- Democratic Chairman iere the political lightning Invited Glenn Batson of is active. Four candidates for the portant is the affair be- parties of Lamb County have or "Republican'' on the poll age residence, Sudan; (8) Am- Uttlefield Republican U. itrlke Is unknown, but none loe opposed by Guy Walden of Su- nomination for S. tween Engish Nellie Forbush, been scheduled Saturday, ac- receipt. This qualifes the per- herst Legion Hut; (9) Fieldton Da- candidates seem to be dan, Senator are Dr. Milton V. the charming nurse from Lit- To cording to announcements from son to attend the precinct con- Draw 61n Office; (10) Jim Mel- of of ut hope. This is as it Library Tea the vis Dallas.JackCox Harris tle Rock, Ark., played by the executive committees of vention. ton residence; (11) Rock Ford For Democrats the most County, George Bush of Id be, of course, for there active statewide race is Harris Sue Hevel and the gallent A silver tea in observance each party. In the precinct conventions, Church; (12) District court- for County and Robert of need of getting into a cam- - U. S. where S. Sen- Morris middle - aged French planter, of the recent launching of the Glenn Bats on, Demo execu- a delegate for each 25 votes room, Uttlefield; (13) Beck Gin; Senator U. Dallas. bittle if you don't think an- ator Ralph Yarborough is op-- de Becque, played by Multi-Coun- ty Bookmobile pro- tive committee chairman, cast in the precinct for the (14) Han Camp Gin office; (15) In tt-iM- Emlle the first Texas vote for Tim Chambers. gram will be held Sunday after- nounced that all precinct con- party's 1962 candidate for gov- Springlake Co-- Op Gin office; iouch most may not Presidential nominee prefer- voters The secondary romantic noon at the library headquarters ventions will be held at 2 p.m. ernor will be elected to the (16) Llttlefield High School; (17) ence four candidates urging, we'd still like to are on the theme is that of the likeable In Muleshoe. Saturday. Conventions are sch- May 9 county convention. Springlake Community Center. Texas ballot, U. S. J potential to hare Little League Senators voters marine, Lt. Ca- The events, sponsored by eduled in all 17 precincts. Sites of the Demo precinct The Republican precinct con- Barry Goldwater of y Saturday by American Joe Arizona and casting lovely Tonklnese of the Library, will be W.H. Carter, Republican conventions, all set for 2 p.m. ventions: (I) Thomas Real Es- Margaret In ble, and the Friends Chase Smith of Maine, either the Democra- - 01-to- n; 8 Olton; girl, Liat, played by Jacwe held from 2 to 5 p.m.
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