SWPS Will Withdraw Offer to Provide Site For'breeder
GENUIN ~ E JOHN DEERE PARTS Joe Thomplon Co. VOLUME 58 Impl.~.nt Aug'ust 3, 1978 Hale County - Abernathy, Texas - lubbock County NUMBER 34, Abemathy, Tnas, 298-2541 ~~c,k , _PI:lQ,", "62 -1038 Family Film To Be Mark Pope To Play In Greenbelt BaNI Shown Sunday SWPS will withdraw offer (Kat! HEARD QU!EN CANtOIDATI!) TIME TO RUN, a film that Is a mixture of pro. bleml andsolutlons,will be to provide site for'breeder shown at Gold Auditorium, SUllday the 6th,A ugust. The Berl Sprinller, preIidIDt 'tt w\ll beaftel' 1Il10 before a plant IICIDe fore~ 1I81ion1. feature,fI1med in Eastman Southwestern PublIc Serrice can be built, and It will be a 8OlJ'I'II1rDTERN JOINED color by World Wide PIct Company, said today IbI& tile NW'dI project IIIbjed to the Industry group In 1974 wilen ures, will be shown once electric company II witb- IIiIrtdown and teIUq and not It made the offer of the pleat 1Ieglnulng at 7.00 PM. drawing Ita oller to provide one III which we CII! depend for site and the $10CHnlll1111. Filmed on location in $10CHnIIlI1II and a plant lite far day-tooday operaUOII. Helium Breeder AssocIa.. the Southe rn Califomia building the naUon's fInt gIto, "One of our problelna Is the was fonned In 1978 by .... of area, TIME TO RUN stars cooled breeder reactor. lig baltle that COllUnues over the original members of tile Ed Nelson, Randall C.rver, "This has been a hard the ClIncb River' Breeder utility group. HBA wu atartecI Bamara Sigel, Joan Win decision for us to mike.
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