Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Identification with Insect Families
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MiCorp Site ID#___________________ Identification verified by:_________________(optional) AQUATIC MACROINVERTEBRATE IDENTIFICATION WITH INSECT FAMILIES Use letter code [R (rare) = 1-10, C (common) = 11 or more] to record the approximate numbers of organisms in each taxa found in the stream reach. Only use the blank by the main taxa heading (i.e. ANNELIDA, COLEOPTERA) when there are organisms that cannot be identified to the lower taxonomic levels. Enter both the family level data as well as the order level data into the Michigan Data Exchange. ANNELIDA— Segmented Worm______ DIPTERA— continued Hirudinea Syrphidae Oligochaeta Tabanidae Tipulidae COLEOPTERA — Beetles___________ Chrysomelidae EPHEMEROPTERA — Mayflies____ Curculionidae Acanthametropodidae Dryopidae Ameletidae Dytiscidae Ametropodidae Elmidae Arthropleidae Gyrinidae Baetidae Haliplidae Baetiscidae Hydraenidae Caenidae Hydrophilidae Ephemerellidae Lampyridae Ephemeridae Lutrochidae Heptageniidae Noteridae Isonychiidae Psephenidae Leptohyphidae Ptilodactylidae Leptophlebiidae Scirtidae Metretopodidae Staphylinidae Neoephemeridae Oligoneuridae COLLEMBOLA — Springtail_________ Polymitarcyidae Potamanthidae CRUSTACEA— Crustaceans________ Pseudironidae Amphipoda Siphlonuridae Decapoda Tricorythidae Isopoda GASTROPODA — Snails, Limpets__ DIPTERA — True Flies______________ Ancylidae Athericidae Physidae Blephariceridae Planorbidae Ceratopogonidae Right-handed snail Chaoboridae Chironomidae HEMIPTERA — True Bugs_________ Culicidae Belostomatidae Dixidae Corixidae Dolichopodidae Gelastocoridae Empididae Gerridae Ephydridae Hebridae Muscidae Hydrometridae Phoridae Mesoveliidae Psychodidae Naucoridae Ptychopteridae Nepidae Sarcophagidae Notonectidae Sciomyzidae Pleidae Simuliidae Saldidae Stratiomyidae Veliidae MiCorp Site ID#___________________ AQUATIC MACROINVERTEBRATE IDENTIFICATION WITH INSECT FAMILIES (PAGE 2) HYDRACARINA — Water mites______ TRICHOPTERA — Caddisflies_______ Apataniidae LEPIDOPTERA — Moths and Butterflies_____ Brachycentridae Cosmopterigidiae Dipseudopsidae Nepticulidae Glossosomatidae Noctuidae Goeridae Pyralidae Helicopsychidae Tortricidae Hydropsychidae Hydroptilidae MEGALOPTERA — Alderflies,Dobsonflies___ Lepidostomatidae Corydalidae Leptoceridae Sialidae Limnephilidae Molannidae ODONATA — Damselflies, Dragonflies____ Odontoceridae Aeshnidae Philopotamidae Calopterygidae Phryganeidae Coenagrionidae Polycentropodidae Cordulegastridae Psychomyiidae Corduliidae Rhyacophilidae Gomphidae Sericostomatidae Lestidae Uenoidae Libellulidae Macromiidae Petaluridae PELECYPODA — Bivalves___________ Corbiculidae Dreissenidae Sphaeriidae Unionidae PLATYHELMINTHES— Flatworms____ Turbellaria PLECOPTERA— Stoneflies__________ Capniidae Chloroperlidae Leuctridae Nemouridae Perlidae Perlodidae Pteronarcyidae Taeniopterygidae Datasheet checked for completeness by:________________________ Datasheet version 6/6/08 Data entered into MiCorps database by:_________________________ Date:________________.