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[email protected] • QUOTE: NO2016 Nigel Haworth introduces Obsession 2016 Friday 22nd January – Sunday 7th February passion and desire to share with all around us, All offer such a rich level of diversity customers and colleagues alike. How Northcote that inspires me and the brigade as well as in the heart of Lancashire has managed this fellow guest chefs experiencing their time is simply remarkable but it could never have at Obsession. The list is never complete happened without the unrelenting support without young and inspiring British talent, of you, our cherished customers, and the with Mark Jordan, Tom Sellers, Andre Garrett brilliant team of staff we have executing the and my good friend Aktar Islam – and finally event each night, bringing the Obsession stage the pairing of Lisa Allen with Chantelle alive every January. Nicholson from Marcus Wareing’s restaurants This year I am proud to present a list of that will be an Obsession highlight. The London 16 chefs, as well as Lisa and I. I have to say it’s restaurants are represented by Arnaud an honour in particular to welcome Annie Bignon and Robert Ortiz again bringing more Feolde, a legend of Italian gastronomy and the international flavours to Obsession. t’s that time of year when the anticipation first female chef in Italy to be awarded three So bring it on. Craig and I are looking forward and the fervour of Obsession is now Michelin stars, along with Hideaki Matsuo from to welcoming you to Obsession 2016 – 16 nights Icoursing through our veins.